HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-01-27, Page 10ADVANCED AWARD — An advanced award on completion of 18 4- H clubs was presented Saturday to Janice Davey, RR 1, Exeter. Making the presentation at the left is Huron Home Economist Jane Pengilley. T-A photo Annual congregation event at Greenway ORDER NOW —YOUR — SEED CORN Fair Sueply of 277 S-300 S-265 Limited supply of other brands - be sure to place your order today. coon GRAIN MARKETING ... ALWAYS LOOKING AFTER YOUR INTERESTS HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OP PHONE 262-3002 1- February 3,1977 Extra one million dollars for 100 bonus prizes of $10,000 each. ... .„.„,,....,„,,. _______ ..,,1 ,-- L 0 rt0 a AN Eight-digit Bonus A tlii.P51z pS.',1 . c-4 Draw number. si `"*. uo .4a.oN .00- ' ..,. lithe eight digit bonus ' • — toR, - ,• •• , nt .p. number on your ticket corresponds exactly with Regular five-digit : r, int) c'' , 6 . e PcP ,-- Wintario ticket e....'.. e $7t0, '100 LI s one of the 100 bonus and series numbers. ra, .. ,.,..1\ ACP M ,0 numbers drawn, you win t— 'z For five chances at WO f"t $10,000 tax free. $100,000 and more than 4 45,000 other tax-free u- 4445 .:t':••,. • cash prizes. . co A buckand you're in for both. For the February 3 Wintario draw, your Wintario ticket hag two sets of numbers—one for the regular wintario draw, for between $3 and $4 million in prizes. And the other for the special millIon.dollar Bonus Draw—with one hundred extra prizes of $10.000 each:, In accordance with the Lottery regulations, all unclaimed prize Morley is retained in the prize fund, until the expiry of the one-year claiming period. It is then transferred into a special prize fund to be available for additional or bonus prizes in subse. quent draws. February 3 is our third Bonus Draw. On this occasion, to accommodate the advance bonus drawing. ticket sales will cease at 6:00 p.m., Thursday, February 3, 1977. So get your ticket now, because they're going fast., And watch the special one-hour Whiten() show live on TV from the Bowmanville High School in Bowmanville, February 3 at 9:00 p.m. 'one year claiming period. Get your tkket now. we all win ONTANCi LOTTER,' CORPOPATION Best Interest We represent many Trust Companies. We are often able to arrange for the highest interest being offered on Guaranteed Investment Certificates. * Subject to change ^ %.7 aiser-Kneale Insurance Agency Inc. Exeter Office 235-2420 Grand Bend Office 238-8484 Choose From Many Carpet Remnants And Bale Ends. Good Selection of Vinyl Flooring Like Armstrong, Solarian, Domco, Congoleum, Gaf. DON'T MISS OUT ON THE SUPER SAVINGS ON ALL 1976 STOCK IN WAREHOUSE BECAUSE IT'S GOING FAST. We Also Offer The Most Effective CARPET CLEANING PROCESS Ever Developed OPEN Mom.Thurs. 8:30.5:30 Friday 8:30.9,00 Saturday 9:00.5,00 We Take Pride In Our INSTALLATION AND SERVICE Work Hurry! Get Into HURON CARPET THE CARPET SPECIALISTS HIGHWAY 83 WEST - EXETER - BEHIND ACME NEON SIGNS Phone 235-1451 AT MERNER MEAT MARKET DASHWOOD 237-3314 GREAT BEEF GREAT PRICES SIDES OF BEEF LB. 4 FRONTS OF BEEF LB. 684 HINDS OF BEEF LB. 98t CHUCKS OF BEEF LB. SIDES OF PORK FULLY PROCESSED LB. 71' DASHWOOD,SAUSAGE LB. 99' PEAMEAL BACON Assorted Colors pkg. of 200 By The Piece 5 1.45 KLEENEX TISSUES 2/$1.17 Gree iiiranETS CORN 12 oz 42' Carnation EVAPORATED MILK 160 z 36' Kraft Singles CHEESE SLICES 8 oz. 79' Treesweet Unsweetened GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 48 oz. 59' pkg. of 10 394 MUSHROOMS 55' Supreme GARBAGE BAGS Dixie Pieces 8, Stems BURNS SALAMI MINCED HAM POLISH SAUSAGE LB. 99c Custom Killing — Butcher Day Wednesday For pick up service call 237-3314 Choice of Clear See-Through Film or Brown Freezer Paper Fully Processed - Satisfaction Guaranteed McCains Krinkle Cut, Straight Cut or Shoe String FRENCH FRIES 21b. bag 65' Tropic retreat at Mt. Carmel? 41 By MRS. HAMILTON HODGIN$ Mr. & Mrs. MacLeod Mills, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Morley and Air. & Mrs. Gordon Johnson had dinner at, the Barn Restaurent Friday night to celebrate the Mill's wedding anniversary. Jeremy Brock is spending the Week with his grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Bill Morley. Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Charles IVIcRohert were Mr. & Mrs. Roy McRobert, Mr, & Mrs. Bob McRobert and John, Mr. & Mrs. Claire McRobert and Jeff, Ruth Anne McRobert and Miss Anne Peckham. Mr. & Mrs. MacLeod Mills attended the Keith Barrie show Saturday evening in Centennial Hall, London. David Betteridge St. Marys is spending a few days with his grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Johnson. Mr. & Mrs. John Scott and family spent a few days last week visiting with Mr. & Mrs. Everett Hicks, Barrie, Mr, & Mrs. Brent Hicks and family, Penetang, and Mr. & Mrs. Randy Hicks, Hillsdale, Mrs. Ray Mills and Brent, Centralia were Sunday supper guests with. Mr. & Mrs, MacLeod Mills, Mr. & Mrs. David Scott and family, Nobleton, were weekend guests with Mr. & Mrs, John Scott. By MANUEL CURTS The annual meeting of Greenway United Church held Tuesday evening could have ended up this way — but it didn't, True, there was only about 13 percent of the membership in attendance. But the other 87 percent missed something. It's hard to put into words, Perhaps it would be best not to try to, and just hope that the other 87 percent will develop a curious interest. But suffice to say, its too bad so many are not aware, in my opinion, of the fellowship which exists because of the warmth and devotion which is evident in the leadership which our church is now enjoying. Stuart Bullock and Lisle Woodburn were re-elected to the Session for a four year term. Ken Eagleson and Ken Smithers were elected and Graham Eagleson and Ron Turner, re-elected to the Committee of Stewards for a three year term. Stuart Bullock was chosen as delegate to Conference and ' Presbytery meetings with Dawson Woodburn as alternate, Favorable financial reports were presented by all organizations January in Ontario is usually thought of as the month of snow and cold. It is also the month when those annual meetings, for most organizations, come up. And sometimes they can leave one cold. I suppose the prime cause for that is a feeling of "let George do -it," and as a result about 90 percent absenteeism' of the membership occurs. And, in my opinion, the church can almost always be depended upon to fall into this category. As one ponders the reason for this, various answers come to mind such as, I forgot about it; I didn't know about it; if I'm not there chances are I won't get a job; it's the same old thing; they won't listen to me anyway; I haven't been in the habit of at- tending so I would sort of feel embarrassed; I have another engagement that night; they'll likely be asking for more money, etc., etc. Personals Many relatives from here attended the marriage in Parkhill Friday evening of Norma Bullock, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Bob Bullock and Richard Mitchell, son of Mr, & Mrs. Wes Mitchell. Evelyn Curts was organist for the ceremony. Later in the evening friends joined in the festivities held at the Com- munity Centre. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hutchinson and Kathyrn were among those who attended the service held in the Strathroy United Church, Sunday, when their grand- daughter Jacqui Leanne Wier- sma was baptized. Tom Horner made a business trip to Florida last week and evidently took a little of our snow with him. Mr. & Mrs. Wm Curts and Viola Curts, Londmi, were Sunday visitors with Evelyn and Manuel Curts. By the way : The nervous young minister was conducting his first baptismal service. "And how old is — er — he, she, or it, as the case may be?" "Just five weeks, sir," replied the proud mother. "Well, well!" said the minister, helpfully, "your youngest, I suppose?" Name officers at Clandeboye The United Church annual congregational meeting was held Sunday following the morning service. Wes Stanley representing Prebytery chaired the meeting and Mrs. Gerald Lynn acted as secretary. Officers for the comming year are: Elders, Clarence Millson, Wilmer Scott, Rea Neil, David Kestle, Gerald Lynn, George Simpson and Jim Scott; Stewards, Andy Thompson, Keith Simpson, Ralph Lynn, Harry Hardy, Clarence Millson and Jim Scott; Treasurer, Jim Scott. Ushers, Chairman, Gerald Lynn, assistants, Ralph Lynn, Rick ,Rollings, Ken Simpson, Harry Hardy, Paul Hodgins, Gary Donaldson and Jim Scott; Trustee Board, Harry' Hardy, Ralph Lynn, David Kestle and George Simpson; Missionary and Service Committee, David Kestle, Mrs. Rupert Williams, Ralph Lynn and Jim Scott; Manse Committee, Mrs. Ethel Donaldson, Mrs. Chas. Coughlin, David Kestle; Custodian, Mrs. Ethel Donaldson; Pianist, Miss Debbie Lynn; Secretarial duties, Mrs. Wm. Feke. The vestry meeting of St. James Anglican church was held on Thursday night with sixteen members present. Rev. John Holland was in charge of the meeting and the Vestry Clerk Ken Carter was returned for another year. The following are the officers for this year: People's Warden, Robert Hodgins; Rector's Warden, Joe Cunningham; Cemetery Committee, Tom Tomes as Secretary Treasurer; assistants, Joe, Roy and Jim Cunningham, Robert Hodgins, Allan Hill, Alton O'Neil and Ken Carter. Board of Management, The congregation in general; Rectory Committee, Mrs. Joe Cun-• ningham, Mrs. Roy Cunningham, Mrs. Robt. Hodgins, Mrs. Allan Hill; Organist, Mrs. Allan Hill; Sunday School Superintendent, Mrs. Robt. Hodgins; A.C.W. President, Mrs. Clarence Carter; Auditors, Joe Cunningham, Allan Hill. Personals Mrs. George Lee is back on the job at Carter's General store after vacationing the past month in Florida. Mr. & Mrs. Dick Parker of Harriston were weekend visitors with the latter's sister, Viola Ken Carter. Jane and Brian Belore and Heather Hodgson visited on Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Art Hodgins. Jane and Brian have just returned from Western Canada where they have been racing their horses since July, They are moving to Windsor Raceway this week, By PAUL SALMON The recent reports of snow in the Bahamas, which are even surprising the weathermen who report them seem to confirm my theory that the climates of various areas in the world are reversing. If my predictions are correct, Mt. Carmel and the surrounding area will be in a tropical banana-belt within the next several years. I feel it is only fair to warn any would-be competitors that if these strange climatic trends do continue, I intend to erect Mt, Carmel's first all-purpose holiday resort and I also hope to gain control of orange and grapefruit growing in this area. Returning to news of the present, I am very glad to an- nounce that Father Mooney has left the hospital and is now in the good care of his brother, Father Tom Mooney, of London. Father Mooney extends his sincere thanks to Dave McCann, who was with Father Mooney when he took sick, to the Hoffman Ambulance drivers and to everyone who has expressed their desire for his speedy recovery. Father Charrette who most of the members of the Mt. Carmel Parish have now met, will con- tinue to fulfill Father Mooney's duties while he is recovering. Here's hoping that recovery will be very swift, Until such time as my previously mentioned predictions come true, we are left with weather which is far less than pleasant, weather that has curtailed the travels of many people. Nevertheless, Mt. Carmel nas not been completely forsaken and visitors to our village on this past Sunday, January 23 is proof of this. it, Mr, & Mrs. Wilfrid Hogan welcomed their daughter Rita and her husband Jerry lia...tman, from London, and Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dietrich welcomed their daughter, Theresa, and her husband Wayne Karkowski, from Woodstock, Page 10 Times-Advocate, January 27, 1977 Whalen couple celebrates