HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-01-13, Page 17Detergent Aylmer Sliced or Halves . Peaches . • Stokely Fancy Cream Style Corn 'Stokely Fancy Honey Pod Peas NATIONAL EDUCATION WEEK ON SMOKING JANUARY 9 - 15, 1977 JOIN THE MAJORITY — Be a NON-SMOKER This is a Huron-Perth Interagency Project sponsored by: Huron-Perth Lung Association Stratford Branch Cancer Society Canadian Red Cross, Stratford Registered Nurses of Ontario, Huron-Perth Branches Huron & Perth County Health Units BREAD Lewis 3/$1.09 BREAD Toastmaster 3P 1 • 1 9 ' .14 5 lbs. Detergent Tuna FROZEN FOOD Wallace Turkey or Beef PIES Old JUICE 12 oz. Sun k ist WAIVES TURNIPS 794 094 lb. 94 113's, doz. 10 lbs. Main St., Exeter Phone 235-0400 EXETER WEEKEND SPECIAL ALL WEEK SPECIAL WATCH FOR MANY MORE IN STORE SPECIALS FAMILY MARKET 111111111111111111111.1111111111•11111111111111111111•11111•111111111111 HURON COUNTY BEEF We Specialize in Custom Processing, Curing and Smoking • ::161111140i SIDES FRONTS PORI( Fully. Processed, LB. $1 .05. Fully•Processed, LB. 854 Fully Processed, i.. 65' Sides Fully Processed, LB. 754 'Kello6gs Corn Flakes Kellogg's Rice Krispies Lux Liquid Sunlight Paramount Flaked Light PRODUCE 24 oz. 99' 17oz. 99' 2.40z. 89' oz 2/85' ,.e. 3/!1 .a. 3/s1 1.09 so.. 59' 3/79' 2/89" January 13, 1977 ecrecthon for iverview tenants . . A variety of facilities DARLING'S LUCAN Will Be Closed Monday, Jan. 17th For Concrete work in new addition Sony Ica the 111./IVOIOCALO DARLING 5 IN LUCAN BUILDING TO SERVE YOU BETTER F.aubert, Ruth Forbes' and.Sue Seltzer say they enjoy living in Riverview Estates. One girl commented, "It's great to escape the hustle and bustle of city living." There are 34 sites in the first phase of delielopment at Riverview Estates with 45 more planned for the second phase and 40 in a third. Terry A• large recreatitin centre' i5 'available for use, • •' • Veri,Said fivepercent'of his 80 etirrently being borimieted'• at ;The building.iS completely air'. acre subdivision .is used for Riverview' Estates at. the 'north: conditioned and stereo music is recreation purposes. He added; • end of.Exeter for` use of tenVIts,of. 'piped throughout, All residents of ,41,his•is the same as,any housing . the mobile home park.. . • RiNview.EstateS are entitled to, developmtnt." •,:. Owner, Len yen told The' T-A.' 'flee use offal' of the Ncreaticm Tenants.of one•of the housing • • this week .that ,10 hbmes. the .facilities. • , , . ,,units are the. Country girls, a first phage are.0* occupied and' Laundry facilitiess ace provided singing gfoup which is currently „ 'residents have hill use of the with five WasherS and • five • recreation centre, ' • • • dryers: Lockers will, also be appearing at' the Dashwood Hotel. The entertainers The • .centre contains • 5,800 added. 'sqUare feet of floor 'space and ' provides an excellent variety of health and recreation facilities. A large general recreation room is available for dancing, cards or just sitting around the fireplace, A favourite spot for boys and girls is a playroom with a number of games including checkers, rumtnolli, etc. imprinted in the carpet for easy use. A regulation billiard table has already been installed and dart boards and ping pang tables will be added in the near future. Use of several exercise machines is available to tenants along with a sauna and whirlpool. Veri expects to add an outdoor swimming pool later to go along with a children's play area, shuffleboard courts and other outdoor recreation facilities. A well equipped kitchen is also CARD PLAYERS — Randy and Linda Scott and Gary and Diane Hartman are engaged in a game of euchre in the spacious rec room. T-A photo RIVERVIEW OFFICE — Sales manager Bill Belling and owner Len Veri go over future plans in Riverview Estates office. T-A photo The coming year will be one of opportunity for families wishing to become home owners and one in which home sellers will have to price them more realistically, James M. Robb, president of the 44,000-member Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA), predicted in a year-end statement. With properties being placed on the market far exceeding demand, coupled with a. large unsold inventory, of new homes, Predict good year for home-owners ' .RELAXING — .'Estates. tenants alike must bear. The home owner pays them directly and knows what the actual in- creases are, The tenant pays them indirectly through his landlord and doesn't necessarily know what they are. A new round of oil price in- creases has already been established and, based on the previous performance of municipal councils, no relief can be expected from .this quarter in 1977, Robb said. At the same time at least the first half of 1977 will . he .recommended councils. and 'be. •hilyer's.. triarket,,Rebb 'said. Other,. levels, '6f', government.... ••, •The.ntiMber;pf prOperties:en.the practise the same. :degree of. '• market ThcreaSed increased' .per :cent . druttiTeisnt, iii-aitdei individuals. a.ich.ed.ci • l,:r4t,-) at Riverview. • in 1978, ceinpared:w.ith • . •l•-•A While 'prides a 'resale bellies' ,praCtise in.,the fight .against in- flatinn in•the 'ceiping ,year, ' • '. • • . elitnbed, tiring the fiist .Part of : . ••, : •The': Canadian ..Real: EState • 'the ','Year,•, they allowed: signs,. Of • AsoCotriS n . , • stabiliking'during the.latter 'part • s.real ia.ti it organiza and of estate 'bpardg •of the.Wintiipeg real estate ' ..• 'associations ,across', However, • ' ,• the, aatiou and others.; who hpSie'a• '..Homzever.,.. he "observed',.- the , direct' interest' and:involvement' reSulting 'increase' 'in •MOrithlY • • , payments will br~ partially offset'. cl%,nt_atietr.:eh.lii,rta4e.;.evsoeCtragopii3ih.: •by. 41.0 reductions 'in • the.' baii.k .• 'proximately j37 :per .cent' of' the • rate.. by the' •Bank. of ".Cahada. rea,1;epti!ebroliers and qalsfrieb•:'. ,.iVithiri Month'. 'The bunk •rale in the country. and* the Va.flouil. . cetiuetion :will'.'64 voice to' the esta.tz. vocation • ..Y.c.11YO'EXtReiSE18.— Mik e Yeti Paul boU;ghe•rt; try, ut exert .: lower ..,rrior!.gagp''iriterest: 'rates', •• • i ,• • .• eise' eqUiprapnt in Riverview Estates.rec.centre; • • ' T-A photo „ • • vidlich in turn,, will ,Yria,ke the CV • "•• . I • • •• of: hotne ciw.ner-ship;loNqr. in the ' .• new >ear,., . ..A.ve6ge,',In-fartgagW ,inegOsS • q'a tesPhave ileoppetf frau' the; 11 '3/4 , ' ' , her cent range at 164 begihninO.e , th ythf cent' and' less.. '••Wrbb:Predieted a; further, ,decline: • . ". of 1/2-to 3/4 of .1..;per:ce. rit.in the:firSt 'quarter,. follOwed by stabilizatign and theiran.upwardinevemeht the half '.Of the 'year • demand 'W . :Mortgage' loans • : escalates:. ' . • , •"Despite .a sizeable reduction;' in therate'.of inflation, it •is...itill • with ,us: Yet. the laverage •Wage. ' 'earner in the past year has Made. • • gains•of 6' to 7130. cent internis 'of• real. d011ars, ,which has given a • big boost. to '.individual. savings.. • and .investment programs.,". the president :Commented: " • • .• ."Taken'itf faCterS• •.- incliCatethe•Scale§ at, present , :tipped in faVor rot ihe•denstirner'of : "hotiiing..anerthls...shodid ..dentinue : *RV: some months into the future:"" home."The family.'acyu~ring:'a: • in '1977:'Will'::haVe •a.' pOrMarient tredge,*againet'.inflation' for the biggest single item raps,tfarnilies. acquire during their lifetimes, '.Moreover,',ifinflation.prodnees a further:erosion of •the.siolliter•and', .• Thera. is. every:. indication they.'.*ilt'"be ' hothes •in 'cheaper'.dollars ''wi'th' • •'• • ! • relaxes in. the whirlpool. EXERCISING OPPORTUNITY Terry fciubert and Ruth FOrbeS make use of some of the 'exercise equipment available at RivervieW, " •,:Estates, T-A 'Dilator , cacti 'pa'ssing year . . • However, . Rebh pointed :.eut,:. ',GionqS:O.N THE FLOOR.-- Children tan be amused by the Many .garnes imprinted in the car home ownership does not protect battles room: Frani the left are Paul Dougherty, Christine Scott, Mike Veri and Michele Veri. a home owner from increases in property taxes, interest rates or oil or utility costs. But these are burdens which home owners and A Grand celebration ON CUE — Randy Scott takes aim on the regulation billiard 'table while Bill Belling waits his turn. T-A photo A dazzling company for a 75th Anniversary have arrived at the Grand Theatre to begin rehearsing for Eugene O'Neill's "hauntingly...brilliant" LONG DAY'S JOURNEY INTO NIGHT. For this very special production, director Robin Phillips, Artistic Director of the Stratford Festival, has cast in- ternational artists JESSICA TANDY, in the role of Mary Tyrone, and WILLIAM HUTT, Theatre London's Artistic Director, in the role of James Tyrone, with GRAEME CAMP- BELL portraying James Tyrone Jr., the eldest son, PETER HUTT as EDMUND TYRONE, their youngest son and BARBARA BUDD as Cathleen, Tickets go on sale January 24 but requests for tickets have been coming in to the Box Office steadily indicating a "seats at a premium" situation. The play runs from February 3 to 19, Travelling? Protect yourself against personal accident and baggage loss Ask us about the low rates for World Wide Travel Insurance 0-1 geolie °Ore AllieCINCe edf en" • George T. Moore @ Fred A. Simmons EXETER Phone 235.2211 MAIN AT WELLINGTON at Riverview E states enjoy the tornfort of the large general recreation T-A photo HOMEY ATMOSPHERE — Tenants room,