HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-01-06, Page 20OPEN DAILY Sat., Jan. 8 Silver Dollars Ribs & Sauerkraut Between 9:00 p.m. & 1:30 a.m. Saturday only Green Forest Motor Hotel YOUR HOSTS "PETE" and "CAROLE" DEITZ HIGHWAY 21 — GRAND BEND TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the sale of the following articles; 1. 1960 Mercury truck chassis. 2. 1951 International truck with tank. The above units may be viewed at the Township shed, Crediton and will not be safety checked. Replies plainly marked as to contents will be received until Monday, January 10 at 12 Noon. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. D. Wein, Clerk Treasurer, Box 100, Crediton, Ontario NORNI WHITING auctioneer AUCTION SALE of Household furnishings, Dishes, Some Antiques & Collectibles SAT., Jan. 15, 1:00 p.m. At Grand Bend Ont., 1 mile south of lights on Hwy. 21. For the Estate of the late Stewart Sweitzer HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: Kitchen table & 4 swivel chairs, like new; couch, hostess chair, odd chairs, cof- fee & end tables, pole lamp, table & floor lamps, telephone table, beds, chest of drawers, old crib, Inglis washing Machine, stacking stools, smoke stand, lawn hammock, electric irons, electric tea kettle,. toaster, electric floor polisher, electric heater, electric roof-eve de-icer; 100' extension card, dog house, gas wall heater, extension ladder, dog house, games, books, knick knacks. ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES: Trunk, fireplace set, pieces of toilet set, cheese dish, cream & sugar, pressed glass, decanter Set and several other items. Terms Cash Not responsible for accidents, day of sale Norm Whiting, Auctioneer 235.1964 DASHWOOD VIM HOTEL 0: ezilier(gyaiN., .0',00,4601,. vw "A 11111110 ..4. kr i h . g Or I 1 1 PhallOVIL:0* 6,k Alkilt f Aiik f ITT.4 1) I I I F v r t% • IS 016"- e 4 100 P4r Ob..40., war gar tr w 4,4b.. i Picture Lounge This Week and Next Friday and Saturday Evenings Pius Sat. Matinee From 4 to 7 THE COUNTRY GIRLS Tiffany Lounge Open Daily Mon. thru Fri. 12- 1:30 p.m, Open Sat. 5 9 At all other times we are pleased to opeh for social gatherings, .-11111111111111111i i I 1111111t151111111141111:: nughty good feelini cames voth. Pd"e' L SPORTS & RECREATION LIMITED 'III 111111111111111 ,,,.nu ti pail it 111111111111111111111111 .‘A.0 L L y 6* PHONn35-0464 Exeter Chargex Main St. Full Course Meals THE GABLES HOTEL GRAND BEND Try Our Delicious Food You'll he glad you did Specializing in. Chinese' and Canadian Food 1. Ci‘ 1/4 , yF 11111111111111•111111111111111111116. W RESTAURANT CLOSED FOR REPAIRS Thank you to our customers and friends 'for their patronage. Announcement to be made when we will open again. Ph Qgre 227-4951 Take•Out • or eat In tigitiffeld (on Hwy. 7) Wally's CHINESE GARDEN /, For The Finest CANADIAN and CHINESE FOOD Mon., Wed. and Thurs. 10 to midnight Friday & Sat. 10 - 2 a.m. Sun. 12 to 8 Tues. 10 - 4 "The Home of Grand Bend's First Annual Oktoberfest" Sunday is Super Bowl . Day on 7' Screen Thurs.night STEAK NIGHT $5. per Couiple Includes Soup, Salad and Steak Dinner OPEN SUNDAY NOON TO 8 P.M. N Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Sonny and Friend Exeter L 4 W RE5TAORA\T Clinic features large animal surgery facility whichis standing on its side and a motor turns the table to a flat position for administering of anesthetic and the following surgery, Dr. Balsdon explains, "It is stration for the T-A Monday morning, After partial recovery the horse is left standing in the chute for up to an hour before it is released. A very modern x-ray machine is also part of the equipment at the Exeter Animal Clinic for use on horsesand small animals. Dr. Balsdon said he would be con- fining his practice to horses and small animals. Dr. Balsdon operated his own practice in the Welland area for two years before coming to the Veterinary College at Centralia seven years ago. By DR. GARY BALSDON Often people ask why it costs so much to look after their pet, There are two reasons for the costs and both are interrelated. Veterinarians today are providing a quality service to their patients that can be com- pared to anything found in human .1 y Dorothy Balsdon assists her husband plate or an intramedullary pin. Ten years ago no one would have thought that a horse's throat could be examined with a fiberoptics scope. These things are being done regularly in today's veterinary practice. • Despite all of these im- provements our patients still can't talk to us. in preparing for an operation THE ' 11111EAN1:E SHILLELAGH. All Next Week The Put McCrossan Show Coming the Following Week Julie Lynn Recording Artist, LUCAN (Richmond St. N. Hwy. 4) 227-4411 Dr. Balsdon and a new veterinary surgery table for horses One of the features of the newly opened Exeter Animal Clinic at the south end of Exeter is an operating table to accommodate horses and other large animals. Owner Dr. Gary Balsdon said the restraining chute and veterinary surgery table is the only one of its kind in the im- mediate area. He said there are three others throughout Ontario. The operating table will be available for use by area veterinarians and is aimed at treating race horses. The chute and table was originally designed for use in Montana for trimming feet of mules used on the mule trains. It was revised to meet current needs by Howard Fly of Ovando, Montana who supervised in- stallation of the facility at the Exeter clinic. Horses are walked into the chute at one end and after recovery from anesthetic are able to walk out the opposite end. The animal after walking into the chute is strapped to the table very safe for both the animals having surgery and the persons working with them. The horses don't make very much fuss." Dr. Balsdon used his five year- old mare Dolly for a demon- medicine. All facets of practice are being affected this way. Surgery cases are anesthetized with the same products as human medical anesthetists use. Aseptic surgical procedures are followed strictly, therefore a typical veterinary hospital operating room might contain a gas anesthetic machine, heart monitor and fluids running in- travenously along with a table and light. All instruments are autoclaved before they are used. The same procedures are now being employed for equine and bovine surgery. Many clinics now have well equipped X-ray facilities. Laboratory aids such as total blood counts and urinalysis and blood chemistry are being used more than ever before. All of these help the clinician to make a more accurate diagnosis early in the course of the disease. Many practices in the province are trying more herd health programs rather than an in- dividual patient medicine. This requires a total management approach rather than the fire engine approach to veterinary medicine. The drug industry today is a very rapidly changing part of practice. The new, more effective drugs being produced today make treatment much more effective. Some of our drugs are those used in human medicine, but many are designed for specific problems in our animal population. We have advanced a long way from sulphur drugs, carbon disulphide and ether., Twenty years ago no-one would have thought that the dog's leg would be repaired with a bone Board ignores PA system Members of the Huron County Board of Education were offered an opportunity to try out a public address system at their December meeting Monday. The system featured a cordless microphone, similar to the one now in use by Huron County Council, but was portable and capable of operating from AC or DC current sources. On the whole Board members seemed to ignore the unit, finding it cumbersome to pass the microphone around the U-shaped meeting table each time someone wanted to speak. After about 30 minutes the PA was totally abandoned when it began broadcasting taxi calls in place of debate on educational issues. Bottle drive in Support Of Exeter Cubs & Scouts And Exeter Midget Hockey Team Sat. Jan. 18th beginning 10 0.07. Please put your donation on your front steps. Pogo 2Q Times-Advocate, January 6, 1977 Designed in Montana Open Reception 50th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Oud and 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Blom Fri., Jan. 7 Pineridge Chalet Hensall 9 - 1 Music by "The Continentals" Everyone Welcome Lunch Provided Best Wishes Only FLORIDA TOURS 14 Day Florida Sun-Spots Visiting Silver Springs, St. Petes, Miami Beach, Orlan- do, Disney World, St. Augustine, Spartanberg arid Cincinnati. Choice of departures from Jan. 15, Feb 12, Feb. 19 and Feb. 26. 14 Day Florida-Nassau Cruise Journey through the States of Michigan, Ohio and Georgia into the 'Sun-Shine State' at Silver Springs. Visit Treasure Island and Busch Gardens and of course board the most elegant ship S.S. Emerald Seas for a memorable cruise to Nassau. Meals on Board. Depar- ts January 29. 9 Day Mid-Term Florida A relaxing family vacation through Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Chattanooga-Tennessee to St, Pete's. Lots of beach activities on Treasure Island. Also Disney World, Silver Springs etc. Departs for school break, March 18. And A Special To Padre Island & Mexico An 18 day tour filled with a lot of sightseeing and fun. High-lighted by a city tour of New Orleans, Huston, shopping in Corpus Christie, sidetrlp to Rockport and Port Aransas, King Ranch and Mexico. Our modern coaches are ctl'rconditioned and washroom equipped and our tours are fully escorted throughout. Contact 'YOUR ONE STOP TRAVEL CENTRE' Fettes Tours & Travel Ltd, Mitchell 148.8492 Mount Forost123-1545 Vets provide quality service for animals Annual Awards Night Banquet And Dance Fri. Jan 14 Kirkton Community Centre Dinner 6:30 p.m. Music by Heywood Bros. 9 p.m. - 1 Advance Tickets $5.00 per person Available at: Scott's Leather Shop, Exeter 235-0694 Bank of Montreal, Exeter 235-2860 O.D.C. n aff=liff222122:6252___..,