HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-01-06, Page 196 Services 13 Musical Instruments 16 For Sale 20 Property For Rent 6 Services 21 For Rent Times-Advocate, January 6, 1977 Page 19 26 Legal Notices 26 Legal Notices Alford Electric 7 PIECE SET of Slingerlond drums, • no symbols, verygood condition, best • offer. Phone 228-6419 between 5 and 6' p.m, It THREE BEDROOM house, freshly /Sainted, available in mid February. Phone 228-68.19. 53:Ic • Don's Electric SCHATZ STORE :.RENTALS,: •.: . • :NOTICE TO. cifairrons In the Estate of William Warren Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of William Warren, late of the Town of Exeter, County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 17th day of November .1976 are required to file ,particttlars of same 'with Bell (k. Laughton,. Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, • by the • 8th day of January 1977 after which date the es- tate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executor Exeter, Ontario NOTICE TO .CREDITORS In the Estateet Jacob Van Belle With' a city stock at country prices. Hudson's Bay Coats and Blankets. See our large stock of Hudson's Bay coats for men and women. We stock almost every style they make, in all the colors and sizes, Over 150 coats in stock. You must see them to ap- preciate them, FLOOR SANDERS FLOOR EDGERS POWER HAND SAWS BELT SANDERS '/"and 1/4" DRILLS PORTABLE TELEVISIONS FLOOR POLISHERS BEAVERS HARDWARE Your Westinghouse • " • FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL NEEDS Industrial, Commercial and Residential PHONE DON BENDER Dashwood 237.35;75 ELIZABETH COURT HENSALL NOW RENTING 14 Appliances, Television Lic, No, Ace - 49072 SIMPLICITY washer, spin dryer, new. Phone after 5 p.m., 235-0432. lc Carl Schweers London Phone 432-7491 Peter Nippa Lucan Phone 227-4831 Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Jacob Van Belle, late of the Township of McGillivray, County of Middlesex, Labourer, who died bn or about the 9th day of October 1976 are required to file particulars of same with Bell 8r Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 22nd day of January 1977 after which date the es- tate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. 15 Personal ANYONE wishing assistance with membership in Ontario Motor League Or World Wide Travel Services call Jim Miller, 235-1608. 49tfncx IF YOU WANT to drink that's your business, If you want to quit that's our business, Phone AA 1-348-8363 or evenings 235-2742, 45t MOHAIRS! MOHAIRSI Residential, Commercial Pole Line and Central Metering • • Stand-by Generators Reasonable Rates One, two and three bedroom apartments. Shag carpeting, Kelvinator appliances, all utilities paid. For inquiries phone 681-7122, London. Blankets, Stoles, Scarves and Knee huggers, made in Scotland. Just arriv- ed in limb for Christmas shopping. Over 350 mohair throws in stock in all the beautiful shades made. Mostly 100% mohair, A huge supply of stoles and scarves. These all make wonderful gifts for Christmas at prices that invite comparison. 40t Dealer 7 Livestock Exeter 235-1033 I 9t I 8t JERSEY family cow, phone 229- 6585. 1* PUREBRED serviceable Yorkshire boars for sale, Phone 227-4968, lc Sp Stephen Printing E xeter, Ontario • Letterheads §,' Envelopes • Business Cards • Draw Tickets Complete Line of Offset Printing 50t 16 For Sale ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT for Senior Citizens only, 6 units to choose from, For more information call Maplewoods Apts., Zurich 236- 4373. 50t TWO BEDROOM apartment in Crediton. Call London collect 433- 8092 after 6 p.m. 39t CiWed Rent a Car or Truck ALUMINUM windows, doors, awn- ings, Free estimates. Expert in- stallations, Thos. H. Walker, 17 Nelson St. Phone 235-0722. 25t ADDING MACHINES, ,typewriters, sales, service, rentals, supplies. Jerry Mathers. Typewriters, 92 Main St. 235-1840, 211 8 Farm Machinery KENWOOD BLANKETS! Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Administratrix Exeter, Ontario 52:53:lc A huge stock of Kenwood blankets. All colors and sizes right up to Queen and King sizes. FOR SALE NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Amy Bedard also known as Mary Aimee Bedard Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Mary Amy Bedard, late of the Village of Zurich, County of Huron, Housewife, who died on or about the 18th day of November 1976 are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 8th day of January 1977 after which date the es- tate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received, Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrix Exeter, Ontario BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK 1:2:3c Produce your own electric power with a PTO driven Alternator-Generator all sizes available now Call collect 1-519-634-8424 PIGAMINT SYSTEMS Petersburg, Ont, ONE BEDROOM modern apart- ment, centrally located, available now. Phone 235-2420. 48t MEN'S SUITS Phone 235-2442 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Wesley Lewis Made-to-measure or ready-to-wear. Just received an extra 125 new samples from Warren K. Cook to choose from. Folks come miles and miles to be measured here for Warren K. Cook suits, many from U.S.A. For Your Moying Needs 241 FURNISHED APARTMENT, one bedroom, utilities paid. Apply Patio Motel, Grand Bend, 238-2431, 53;1;2c NEWLY DECORATED HOUSE for rent in Dashwood with large garage included. For appointment phone 455-7564, London collect. 52:53; lc THREE BEDROOM house, newly renovated, 85 Huron Street, Exeter. Phone Gus Gregus, 235-1647. It TWO — 2 bedroom apartments in Hensall. Phone 262-2736. I :2c NEW 2 bedroom house, Mount Carmel-Centralia area. Phone 234- 6253, 1:2' MODERNIZED HOME in rural area, very responsible couple with ex- cellent references. Write Times- Advocate, Box LCM or phone 416- 689-4024. Ic CLANDEBOYE, 10 miles south of Exeter — spacious one and two bedroom apartments, $145-$150 plus hydro, laundry, shopping and schools, no pets. Available Feb. 1. Phone 227- 4406. 1:2:3:4c 12' Delivery Van STUDENTS DAVE MORRISSEY PAINTS LTD., Barn and commercial painting, spray painting, the experienced and Modern way (airless). Industrial paint, sandblasting, high pressure water cleaning. Free estimates, Phone Dave Morrissey 234-6202, RR 3, Ailsa Craig or Bill Elliott, Thorndale, 461- 1244, Floyd Baechler, Shakespeare, 655-2794, 27t • DAVE MORRISSEY PAINTS LTD. Sandblasting - protect your farm im- plements, trucks e"c. by sandblasting and spraying anticorrosive paint in ocr modern paint shop. Also sandblasting brick homes and water- proofing with silicone, Dave Morrissey, RR 3, Ailsa Craig, 234- 6202 or Bill Elliott, Thorndale, q61- 1244, Floyd Baechler, Shakespeare, 655-2794. 27t Available For Rent RENT OR BUY YOUR LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Wesley Lewis, late of the Township of McGillivray, County of Middlesex, who died on or about the 29th day of July 1976 are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, On- tario, by the 22nd day of January 1977 after which date the estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been receiv- ed. APPLES! APPLES! TYPEWRITER 9 Sports E uipment,Vehicles Exeter 235-1640 Spys, Macs, Courtlands and Delicious. Beautiful apples. Two big truck loads stored for the winter in almost freezing temperature. 3It AT T-A Try our attractive \ rental-ownership plan. PHONE 235-1331 HAPPINESS IS — a new Yamaha snowmobile from Elder Enterprises, RR 2 Hensall. Phone 262-5598. 4-BAY SNOWMOBILE trailer. Graham Arthur Motors, Exeter, 235- 1373. 51:52:53:1c SPECIAL 25 Notices 1971. SKIROULE, $350.00; 1971 Mer- cury snowmobile, $400.00. Both- in brand new condition; one baby sleigh with racks and pad, $7.00. Phone 235- 1394 anytime. 1:2c 1973 YAMAHA 433 twin, tack, speedo, low-mileage, excellent condi- tion. Phone 293-3088, Ic 1976 YAMAHA GP 440, $1000,00 or best offer. Call 234-6440. 1:2c 1975' TNT 440 electric, tech and speedo, 600 miles, cover; 1970 Olym- pic 12.3, and cover; double trailer, ex- cellent running order. All for $1995. Thompson-Warner Marine, Grand Bend, phone 238-2391. 1:2:3c Grapefruit, pink or white 48's 10/89, 38t INDEPENDENT SHIPPER to UNITED CO-OPERATIVE OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT TORONTO Ship Your Livestock with DRILL PRESSES, vises, anvils, power hand grinders, wrench sets, used steel. Phone Hamilton's Machine Shop, 235-1655, 41t HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers. Cardinal watches sold by jewellers only, $13.95 and up. Family rings and charms, watch and clock repairing guaranteed. lc FOUR SNOW TIRES 5.50/12 tubeless, two excellent and two fair, fit Mini Minor, $20 for the works. Phone 235-0555 after 5:30. lx Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Administratrix Exeter, Ontario VERNON SCHATZ 52;53: lc GENERAL MERCHANT Dashwood, Ont. "Where Quality Counts" Phone 237-3531 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Emma Luella Walper Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Emma Luella Walper, late of the Town of Exeter, County of Huron, Housewife, who died on or about the 22nd day of December 1976 are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 22nd day of January 1977 after which date the es- tate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received, Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executor Exeter, Ontario I:2:3c 27 Tenders Wanted ELECTRIC MOTORS 49t TENDER END OF ROLL carpeting from $6.95. Whiting Warehouse, 235- 1964. lc ROY SCOTCHMER TWO BEDROOM apartment, living room, diningroom, stove and fridge, etc. Centrally located. Available Feb, I, Riverview Estates, 235-0890. It TWO BEDROOM home in Grand Bend, large rec room, available Feb. 1. Phone 238-2396 after 6 p.m. lc THREE BEDROOM House in Lucan, $250 a month plus utilities. Phone 433-9920. 1:2c TOWN HOUSE, carpeted, private patio, available now, $225.00 a month, Phone 235-1303, It REMODELLED two bedroom farm house, 1 1/2 miles from Exeter, available now. Phone 235-1934. 11 Cars, .Trucks: The Huron County Board of Educa- tion will receive plainly marked sealed tenders on Caretaking Supplies re- quired for our Elementary and Secon- dary Schools up to 12 o'clock noon Monday, January 17, 1977. Specifications and Tender forms may be obtained from the Board Offices, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. Turkheim D. J. Cochrane Chairman Director of Education 17 Wanted To Buy Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL BAYFIELD 565-2636 By 7:30 a.m. Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pick-up * Rewinding * Repairs * Sales & Service * Farm Ventilation • NESBIT ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR KIRKTON • 229-8222 511 1976 GMC Sierra, power steering, power brakes, AM/FM tape deck, low mileage. Phone 238-2996. 1:2c 6' FAN and auger snowblowers, Hamilton's Machine Shop, 235- 1655. 501- POTATO,ES and onions. Call 234- 6488. 52t MIXED FIREWOOD, $25.00 a cord, Will deliver, phone 235-0569. 53:1c PURINA chows, health products, pet foods, bulk and bag deliveries. Bev Morgan & Sons, RR 1 Hensall. Phone 235-1487. lc 23 CHANNEL Midland GB, in- cludes antennae, call 23570192, ask for Dick. . ' 1:2c FORD snow blower; eicellent lion, Phone 234-6283. I :2c HARD MAPLE, split, $50 truckload. Call day time, 482-3162; night time, 482-9921. 1:3:5:7:9:11:13c TWO BABY CRIBS, one twin buggy with stroller attachment, Phone 229- 6529. lc 1976 ALLIS CHALMERS, 8 H.P. snow blower, cab and tire chains in- cluded, brand new condition, $675. Call 262-2023, 9-6 p.m. It WALNUT dining room furniture, ex- tension table, china cabinet, six newly upholstered chairs, all nice condition, $475. Many other articles of restored furniture, 235-1853. 1* DISPLAY CASE 7'x8'x2', door wood and glass, $300, Phone 235-1964. is NINE PIECE dining room suite, oak and walnut, partially stripped, $299.00. Call Whiting Warehouse, 235-1964. lc UNFINISHED FURNITURE — dressers, chest of drawers, buffet and hutch, Deacon's Bench. Phone 235- 1964, Whiting Warehouse. lc 30-40' TV tower with aerial and rotor. Phone 234-6440, 1:2c FURNITURE, appliances, single items or household lots, Phone 234- 6309 or 234-6786. 47t FURNITURE, antiques, appliances or miscellaneous items, By the house full or singly. We buy estates or will arrange to sell them by auction. Con- signments welcome, Knapp's Auction Centre, Seaforth. Phone 527-1336. 4t 1972 METEOR 2-door hardtop, vinyl roof, radio, good condition. Interested persons call 235-1621 or 235-1772. 47/4t 1969 ROVER, in good condition with Michelin tires. Phone 235-0537, 1* 1967 DODGE truck, Transline pick- up, Call 262-2818 or 262-2237, ask for Stan. 53:Ic 1975 CA MER 0, 34,000 actual miles, 350 automatic, power steering and brakes. Best offer, Phone 237-3532 and ask for Jim. Ic 1, LARRY GIBSON, 121 Empress Ave., Huron Park will not be respon- sible for any debts other than those contracted by me personally on or after January 4, 1977. Ic CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and processing. Phone 262-2017 Scholl's FOod Market, Hensall, 36t . • • • • :INTERIOR. 'exterior' painting S; Painting. Phone' .Ronald Heywood, 235-2087. 30t SEWING MACHINE sales and ser- vice, any make. Sales on new stretch stitch machines. Phone Gerald Courtney, 227-4884 bucan. 8t SMALL ENGINE and bicycle sales and service, Milt Robbins & Son Ltd., # Exeter,.235,2949,.203 Main St. north, of caution light. 40t Ic 1:2:3c 18 Wanted TWO BEDROOM house, full base- ment, oil heat, in good condition. Call Mae Morenz, 238-2822. Hugh. Evans Realtor. 1:2c MARKET SHARE quota 50,000 lbs. Dotig Lightfoot, Crediton, phone 234- 6287. 1:2c USED PIANO in good condition. Phone 238-2301 any time. lc EXETER LIONS CLUB needs 100 Christmas trees. Please leave at Exeter Town Shed or for further information phone Glenn Kells. 235-2581. le STUDENTS 12 Peti' Reasonable Rates LARGE one or two bedroom fur- nished apartment, heated, above Canadian Tire. Phone 235-1497 or 235-0451. It STORE on Crediton's Main street of 1,400 sq. ft. on two floors and warehouse of 1,000 sq. ft. on two floors. Apply Crediton, 234-6342, 1:2c Advertise Your Sale In The Times-Advocate IRISH SETTER, female, 11/2 years old, registered from show dog stock, gentle but good watch dog. Phone 237-3661. Ic CLASSIFIED DEADLINE TUESDAY 4:00 P.M. Affsrstimara ir' ••••••••••• ••••••••••• 235-1331 Typewriters. for Sale or Rent 19 Property For Sale ezeferZtnes-Ahvocafe FULLY SERVICED 85' x 125' lot, south side of Churchill Drive, Dow Subdivision. Phone 471-1542. "Don's Repair Shop" Residential Building Sites bordering on woodlot REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE ON LIGHT AIRCRAFT VOLKSWAGEN ENGINE SPECIALIST SMALL ENGINE REPAIRS WELDING AND MINOR REPAIRS MZFAR LAN E REAL ESTATE LIMITED BROKER EXETER 235-0541 - 53 MAIN STREET 'Address RR #1 Exeter Phone 237-3223 Prop. Don Bell Phone Gib Dow 235-0707 START YOUR NEW YEAR BY CALLING HERE! 39t 489 MAIN STREET, EXETER OFFICE 235-2533 IF WE HAVEN'T ALREADY GOT THE HOME YOU WANT, WE'LL' FIND IT! EXETER QNE ACRE — of property with older three bedroom cottage, large double living room, separate dining room, storage room, 3 piece bath, car port. REASONABLY PRICED BIG & BEAUTIFUL — would describe this newer four bedroom home, large living room with fireplace, spacious cheery kitchen, dining room, two baths, recreation room, gar- age, on large Ibt in prestige area, RESIDENTIAL buildingPrSr'00orime location, nearly one acre of land, partly servic;._. ....la be four lots. PROPERTY IN AREA GRANTON — brick tri-plex in good condition, electric heat, newer wiring, new roof, one three bedroom unit, two one bedroom units, good income potential, NX,ng room, large kitchen, 4 VANASTRA — single family dwelling, priced right, two bedrooms, large livingroom with carpeting, separate dining room, cosy kitchen and four piece bath, SEAFORTH — a must to see are two brand new homes available in newer part of town, electric heat, large livingroom, separate dining room, sharp spacious kitchen, 4 piece bath, large lot. WALTON — approximately Miles from SEAFORTH, two bedroom bungalow, 'oil tvO piece bath, attached garch AILSA CRAIG OFFICE 232-4310 Bayfield Dashwood Dungannon CARL WALKER GLENN THURMAN BOB JANKE 565-5393 237-3757 529-7735 OUR SELECTION IS UP YOUR MORTGAGE RATES ARE DOWN!! EXETER AREA PROPERTIES LUCAN PRICED TO SELL — is this three bedroom 1 1/2 storey brick home on ONE ACRE in the country, living room, dining room, 3 piece bath. TWO STOREY — brick home with six large bedrooms, spacious living room, separate dining room, kitchen and pan- try, bath, new gas furnace, new roof, down town area • CEMENT BLOCK — building, two storey, two apartments in good condition, warehouse 22x38, laundry area 15x41, COMMERCIAL PROPERTY, good sized lot. ACREAGES AND LOTS 49 ACRES — BARE LAND,..PeApt township, 45 workable, good farm land, 100 ACRES — rolling clay loam in BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP, good water supply, cosy three bedroom brick cottage nestled among the pines. 100 ACRES — bare land, clay loam in BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP, large barn, river running through property, 96 ACRES — perth clay loam in CENTRALIA AREA, barn with concrete foundation, shed, 75 ACRES — with 72 workable, good crop land in CENTRALIA AREA, 80 ACRES — bare land in AILSA CRAIG area. 100 ACRES — with 95 workable, extra large barn, 2 silos, two houses, drilled well, paved road, located in AILSA CRAIG area, 120 ACRES of scenic land with river through farm, 1 1/2 storey home, drive shed, silo, in NAIRN area. DASHWOOD — 70 acres, „”‘V workable land, five bedroom two storey hous5„A'e barn with metal roof, workshop, drive shed, ZURICH — several building lots in new subdivision, BUY NOW FOR THE FUTURE. ELGINFIELD — an ideal building lot approximately 135 x 170. ZURICH — older two bedroom home at AN AFFORDABLE PRICE, one storey close to town, electric heat,. large living room, kitchen, three piece bath, recreation room, good lot. ZURICH — new semi-detached three bedroom homes now under construction, electric heat, separate dining room, 4 piece bath, priced at $37,500. CENTRALIA — in real sharp condition and THREE ACRES of land, three bedroom brick home, large living room, separate dining morn, kitchen, 3 piece bath, L-shaped recreation room, barn, pine trees and wheel fences. AILSA CRAIG — four bedroom home priced to please, large living room, separate dining room, 3 piece bath, enclosed porch, new wiring, pine floors in good condition. PORT FRANKS —two bedroom cottage with Franklin heater in living room, kitchen, 4 piece modern bath, broadloom, fur- niture included in price, ONE HALF ACRE OF LAND. LONDON TOWNSHIP — on spacious lot, L-storey three bedroom home, living room, separate dining room, kitchen, 3 piece bath, reasonably priced, location north of LONDON, AILSA CRAIG — Large older home is in excellent condition and is PRICED TO SELL. Large living room has new broadloom and fireplace, family size kitchen, new bath up- stairs plus 3 bedrooms. AILSA CRAIG — New brick ranch is almost ready for oc- cupancy, Has 3 bedrooms, full basement. On quiet street in new part of town. BAYFIELD — 1'Y2 storey home in new area. Natural stone fireplace in living room, full bath up, half down, lots of closet space, separate utility room, cedar deck:Nicely treed lot. ZURICH — This frame home is in excellent condition. Has 3 bedrooms, very large living room, rec room with bar, very nicely decorated, Your 'rent payments could easily pay for this home. LOW TAXES, ZURICH — older 1 1/2 storey home on quiet street. Has 3 bedrooms all with closets, all new plumbing and electrical ser- vice, full basement. Hurry before the SOLD sign appears! CLINTON — this immaculate bungalow has a separate din- ing room, full bath, good tile and hardwood floors, HIGH, DRY BASEMENT, excellent location. DASHWOOD — this 1 1/2 storey home has been completely renovated, carpeting in living room and master bedroom. Nice lot on quiet street, HENSALL — COMMERCIAL-RESIDENTIAL property, large lot with plenty of parking, two rental units showing good in- come, NEW LISTING — START YOUR YEAR by living here in this new 2 storey home with 3 LARGE bedrooms, lots of closet space, separate dining room, attached garage. NEW LISTING — Older 2 storey brick in quiet location. Well kept and very clean. Four bedrooms, large NEW KITCHEN with 'dining area and lots of cupboards, two baths, garage, treed lot. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. NEW LISTING — 3-4 bedroom split level home is designed for the whole family. Lower level has rec room plus child's play room or 4th bedroom, large laundry. You must inspect this home to realize the amount of room. NEW LISTING — Brick ranch has 3 bedrooms, family kitchen has lots of storage space plus large dining area, full base- ment. CUSTOM BUILT EXECUTIVE ranch has a lovely large living room, separate dining room with sliding doors to cedar deck, 1 1/2 baths, LARGE finished rec room, quality carpeting. 3 BEDROOM mobile home has all conveniences, separate dining room - economy and comfort at its best. OLDER 4 BEDROOM brick home is in perfect condition. Has excellent hardwood floors, 2 pce. and 4 pce, baths, large separate dining room. Double drive, fenced patio, garden area. 2 LARGE BUILDING lots, one with trees, all services in. Buy NOW before prices go up again. EXETER OFFICE 235-0541 DEAL WITH EXPERIENCE AND INTEGRITY CALL US .TODAY LONDON OFFICE 434.8824 • LUCAN OFFICE 227-4071 MERT ROBERT N. CULBERT McKINLEY 227-4766 2364830 227-4071 235.0541 BOB THOMAS 482-3096 235-0541 MIKE KONYK ILDERTON 666.0302 .sekeeft, Vaaieteds ea dui PeCatia$C PROPERTY IN AREA CLINTON -- two storey four bedroom brick in excellent con- dition, all spacious rooms, broadloom, throughout, two • fireplaces, on ONE ACRE of WELL TREED scenic property. AND ENDS HERE!