HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-01-06, Page 3POPSICLE PAINTERS — Making candle decorations featured a recent elective at Usborne Central School.
Painting popsicles are Dwayne Selves, Everett Vandeworp and Darrell Selves. T-A photo
Property includes parks
Choose new committees
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Will rehire two in spring Times-Advocate, January 6, 1977 Page 3
RAP employees' layoff permanent
they would in fact be needed in
the future.
"It's stupid to get rid of them"
he said, noting that Guenther
was knowledgeable in the
workings of the arena and
recreation program.
Reeve Si Simmons followed
that line of reasoning, saying
that the men would be needed
when the rec, centre was com-
pleted and they may not be
available if they found other
However, a motion to hire
Guenther for the works depart-
ment was defeated with
Ottewell, Bell, Fuller and Wright
opposing Simmons, Pfaff and
Patterson on the matter.
Exeter council decided this
week to permanently lay off two
former RAP employees and a
third will follow when current
work is completed this month.
John Roelofs and Jim
Ghenther will be permanently
laid off, while secretary Liz
Varley will be hired on a full-
time basis during January to
complete the accounts and
necessary RAP business re-
quired by the auditors, She will
then be laid off as well.
The motion to drop Guenther
and Roelofs carried a clause that
the two would be rehired when
work in the parks or at the new
rec centre became available.
Alvin Willert will continue to
divide his time between recrea-
tion work and duties with the
public works department. The
other RAP employee, recreation
director Jim McKinlay is on a
temporary layoff, although it has
been indicated that his services
may be terminated when his 13-
week temporary layoff period
Mayor Bruce Shaw had
suggested originally, that
Guenther be immediately 'added
Dissolve RAP
Continued from front page
While council had the names of
four people to appoint as their
representatives to the new
board, they stopped short of tak-
ing this action.
Reeve Si Simmons suggested
they were getting the cart in
front of the horse and
recommended that council name
a special committee from within
their own ranks to meet with
representatives from Usborne,
Stephen and Hay to work out
further details of the program.
"It's an extremely com-
plicated matter, but we have to
start somewhere," Mayor Shaw
It was finally agreed that coun-
cil would appoint five members
from their own ranks to meet
with the neighboring
municipalities and , prospective
board members .to iron out
details of the new arrangement.
' Mayor Shaw • was.. given the
task of appOinting 'the five
Members • and. , named himself
along with Councillors Steve
Pfaff, Harold Patterson, Lossy
Fuller and Ted Wright.
It is expected the deliberations
will be held this month so some
action can be taken at council's
next meeting in February.
Sorority debate
energy situation
Alpha Pi members of Beta
Sigma Phi Sorority met at the
home of Lois Godbolt on January
Roll Call was "What do you
think your role is in the con-
servation of energy." Business
The program for the evening
was Science Natural and
Physical by Penny Dinney and
Mary De Boer. A film was shown
on Energy dilemma andMary De
Boer gave a short introduction to
Solar Energy, Lunch was served.
Agnes McLean of Hensall
passed away in Victoria Hospital,
London, on Monday, January 3,
1977. Beloved wife of the• late
Lloyd McLean in her 65th year.
Survived by several nieces and
nephews. The funeral was held
Wednesday from the Hopper-
Hockey Funeral Home with Rev.
Donald Beck officiating. Tem-
porary interment in Hensall
Union Cemetery.
Mrs. Agnes Drummond passed
away in South Huron Hospital,
Exeter, on Friday, December 31,
1976. Beloved wife of the late
Thomas Drummond, in her 92nd
year, Dear mother of Mrs. John
Miners (Margaret), of Exeter,
Mrs. William McKay (Helen) of
Alexander, Manitoba, and
William Miller, of Lloydminster,
Alberta, One son predeceased in
1939. Also survived by one
'brother, Percy Fenwick, of
Brandon, Manitoba, and 12
grandchildren, and 17 great-
grandchildren. The funeral was
held Monday from the Hopper-
Hockey Funeral Home, Exeter
with Rev. Harold Snell of-
ficiating. Burial in Alexander
Cemetery, Manitoba,
Marjorie Varley passed away
at her late residence in Crediton
on Saturday, January 1, 1977.
Marjorie (Wein), beloved wife of
Joseph Varley. Dear mother of
Mrs. Margaret Wright and Mrs.
William Armstrong, both of
Crediton, and Raymond, of RR 3,
Lucan. Only daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Christean Wein Of Creditors,
In her 55th year, Also surviving
are three grandchildren. The
funeral was held Tuesday from
the T, H. Hoffman Funeral
Home, DaShwood with Rev,
Bruce Pierce officiating.
Interment in Crediton Cemetery.
to the public works department
crew, but this was opposed by
Councillor Ted Wright.
He said adding staff created a
situation where extra work had
to be found to use them, and this
ate into the budget and could
reduce the amount of street work
that could be undertaken,
"We would be eating into the
subsidized part of the budget,"
he explained and warned council
against turning the works
department into a "payroll
Mayor Bruce Shaw said the
money could come from that nor-
mally spent on recreation.
Works superintendent Glenn
Kells said work could be found,
Councillor Barb Bell was nam-
ed Tuesday night as chairman of
Exeter council's property com-
mittee.. That committee will now
have the added responsibility of
looking after the local parks,
However, those respon-
sibilities have not been clearly
Councillor Lossy Fuller asked
if looking after the parks includ-
ed such jobs,as preparing the ball
diamonds and Mayor Bruce
Shaw replied that areas of
responsibility would have to be
arbitrarily decided.
In a question from Councillor
Harold Patterson about who
would be working in the parks,
Mayor Shaw indicated it would
be added to the public works
department responsibilities.
Reeve Si Simmons will head up
R, Gordon Bennett, deputy
minister of the Ministry of
Agriculture and Food, has an-
nounced the retirement of two
senior agricultural represen-
tatives and their replacements.
Mel Chamberlain, ag rep in the
District of Thunder Bay, has been
appointed ag rep in Wellington
County to succeed Arthur
Grubbe, who has served in the
ministry for more than 35 years.
Mr. Chamberlain graduated
from the Kemptville College of
Agricultural Technology in 1959
and the Ontario Agricultural
College in 1964. He has been a
summer assistant in the
ministry's Huron Couhty office,
an assistant and associate ag rep
in Wellington County, and for the
last seven years ag rep in
Thunder Bay.
August Beauchesne, associate
ag rep in Glengarry and Stormont
Counties, has been appointed ag
rep in Russell County to succeed
Felix Millette, whose service
totals nearly 28 years.
RC board
Continued from front page
year's vice-Chairman) was
nominated by David Teahen of
Stratford and John O'Drowsky of
St. Marys.
The first vote ended in a tie
with 13 ballots cast, with one
unmarked, Vincent Young of
Goderich was the only trustee
Following the second vote Mr.
Vere was declared the chairman
for 1977.
Mr. Crowley of Gadshill was
acclaimed vice-chairman. He
was nominated by William
Kinahan, Lucknow, and Michael
Connolly, Kippen.
To pick the standing com-
mittees Mr. Vere as board
chairman John Vintar, Director
of Education and Mr. Geoffrey
were named to pick the slate.
A borrowing by-law for
$1,750,000 was passed.
The next regular meeting to be
held January 10.
but heexplained that the other
staff members had to be
employed throughout the year
and money spent in the spring on
extra staff depleted the budget
for fall work.
He also said that if extra ser-
vice was provided by additional
staff, then 'residents would ex-
pect the extra service to con-
tinue in the future.
"People demand a service
once they've had it," he noted.
"If it's a make-work scheme,
I'm not in favor of it," Councillor
Barb Bell remarked,
Newcomer Steve Pfaff said
that he couldn't see the wisdom
in laying off experienced recrea-
tion and arena personnel whey
the busiest committee of council
— public works. Other chairmen
named were: police — Ken
Ottewell, social services —
Lossy Fuller, sanitation — Ted
Wright, executive and finance —
Bruce Shaw.
The complete makeup of the
committees is as follows:
Executive and finance —
Shaw, Simmons and MacGregor.
Police — Ottewell, Pfaff,
Patterson and Shaw.
Public works — Simmons,
MacGregor, Wright, Ottewell
and Fuller.
Social services — Fuller, Bell
and Patterson.
Sanitation — Wright, Patter-
son and Pfaff.
Property and parks — Bell,
Fuller and Pfaff.
Dropped from the list of stan-
Mr. Beauchesne graduated
from Oka College Quebec, in 1950
and has worked in the ministry
since 1955. He has been an
assistant ag rep in Russell
County, an associate ag rep in
Stormont and Glengarry, and for
the last 14 years ag rep in
Cochrane South.
Both appointments are ef-
fective January 3, 1977.
Exeter council basically
became responsible for
recreation in the community
when they dissolved the RAP
committee this week and it didn't
take long for them to get involved
in some of the problems RAP had
experienced in the past.
Gaylan Josephson attended
Tuesday's inaugural meeting to
request an $800 grant on behalf of
the Exeter Figure Skating club.
He noted that most com-
munities subsidize minor sports
and suggested that Exeter should
do the same,
The club president said his
group was experiencing financial
problems due to increased ice
costs at Hensel' and Huron Park
arenas as well as reduced
It was explained that the
problem was magnified because
the club had to pay for their ice
time in advance, while in the past
they could usually count on this
March carnival to provide some
money to reduce their debts.
On questioning from council,
Josephson .aid the club would
probably be out of money by
early February.
In reply to a question from
Councillor Ken. Ottewell,
Josephson said that even with the
planned carnival in March, the
club would still be in the red by
$500 or $600.
Reeve Si Simmons said he
realized the minor sports groups
had problems, but said he didn't
think council should bail out
Former Huron rep
moves to Wellington
ding committees was the sub-
division'and land use committee.
Councillors and private
citizens were also named to a
number of other boards and the
makeup of these is now as
Planning board — Harvey
Pfaff, Bev Read, Wally Burton,
Dennis Hockey, Mayor Shaw and
Councillor Ken Ottewell.
Committee of adjustment —
Bob Russell, Jack Delbridge and
Dr. Gary Balsdon.
Board of management for
downtown development — Earl
Campbell, Ron Cottrell, Jon
Dinney, Jerry Gray, Bob Swart-
man, Harold Gunn and Reeve
Fire board — Mayor Shaw,
' Reeve Simmons and Deputy-
Reeve MacGregor.
Municipal liaison committee
— Reeve Simmons and Deputy-
Reeve MacGregor.
Cemetery board — Bill
Musser, Norm Stanlake, Ben
Hoogenboom, Councillors Wright
and Fuller.
Bylaws — Barb Bell.
Ausable-Bayfield Conservation
Authority — Jack Delbridge.
Building inspector liaison —,
Harold Patterson.
Parking authority — Bill
Batten and Bob Fletcher. The
third member was not named as
Mayor Shaw said he had been un-
able to contact sitting member
Jim Hennessey regarding a re-
everyone every time they were in
He said the matter should be
reviewed by the recreation
committee, but he was reminded
that body had been dissolved
earlier in the meeting by council.
It was finally decided to table
the request until the February
meeting in the hope that the new
South Huron Recreation Centre
board would be formed by that
time and some idea would be
evident as to how recreation
would be administered in Exeter.
Later at Tuesday's meeting,
Councillor Ken Ottewell asked
council to consider building some
type of outdoor ice pad for local
youngsters this winter.
He said in Goderich the tennis
courts were flooded for this
purpose and he opined the same
could be done here.
Ottewell said some local kids
were using the ice at Riverview
Park, but noting that ice con-
ditions were uncertain, suggested
this could lead to a tragedy,
Reeve Si Simmons, who said he
has been the official ice checker
for years, replied that there was
six inches of ice on the river last
time he checked.
Councillor Lossy Fuller and
Simmons both indicated that the
ponds available in the coma
munity were used only for a few
times and then abandoned by
The matter of an outdoor rink
was then dropped,
Interim ',sec group'
faces first problem