HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-06-24, Page 29VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE BINGO FRI., JUNE 25 8:00 P.M. JACKPOT $300 At: Special $10. door prize awarded each week on previous week's admis- sion ticket. Must be present to win. If not claimed, prize will in- crease by $10a for follow- ing week. 15 regular games, 3 share-the- wealth. 6 cards for $1. Admittange to 16 Yr. and over. 40th Wedding Anniversary Dance for John and Angela Morrissey Fri., July 2 DASHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE 9-1 Music by DESJARDINES 25th Wedding Anniversary for Albert & Lois (Swartz) RYALL Sat., June 26 ILDERTON ARENA Dancing 9 - 1 Music by "DALE HENDERSON" Everyone Welcome Lunch Provided Bet Wishes Only Reception and Dance for GRACE WEBBER and ROBERT (Bob) CLARKE (Bridal Couple) Sat., June 26 9 - 1 HENSALL ARENA Music by THE HEYWOODS Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome PARTY for BOB SNELL Fri., June 25 CENTRALIA COMMUNITY CENTRE Admission $2.00 Lunch Provided 44.....161•111•01.0011•••, Community Picnic to Honor Dr. M. C. Fletcher SUNDAY, JUNE 27 Exeter Riverview Park 3:00 to 4:30 - Program 4:30 to 6:00 - Pot Luck Picnic Please bring your lawn chair for the program and your own lunch and utensils for the picnic, Hot drinks will be provided for adults and cold drinks for children. Come and have a fun time with your family and friends to honor a man who has served our town and community long and faithfully. EVERY ONE IS WELCOME In case of wet weather the auditorium of the South Huron District High School will be used. BINGO) Th u Ton igh trs June 24 Starts at 8:30 p.m. Stephen Township Community Centre CREDITON Admission $1.00 15 Games Extra Cards 25e or 5 for $1.00 in 53 calls , JAC KPOT'S2 75 1 share the wealth Due to license regulations no one under 16 years of age will be admitted. Sponsored By Crediton Hall Board FRONTIER DAYS 50-50 CASH BINGO Sponsored by PARKHILL BRANCH 341 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION North Middlesex. Community Hall FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1976 8:00 to MOO p.m. SINGLE CARDS 25c 3 CARDS FOR 50e PIIII SRON COUNTRY PLAYHOUSE Reception and Dance for KAY DAVIS and ROBERT RATHWELL (Bridal Couple) Sat., June 26 9 - 1 ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome PARTY Joe Ryans Shed Sat. June 26 Music by ROGER QUICK Everyone Welcome Reception and Dance for MR. and MRS. TERRY MORGAN (nee Judy Thompson) (Bridal Couple) Sat., July 3 9 - 1 a.m. LUCAN COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by THE HEYWOODS Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome Beef BBC and Dance Sat., July 3 Dinner 5:30-7:30 p.m. Dashwood Community Centre Entertainment by Country Unlimited $6.00 person Refreshments available Proceeds Help 4H Clubs in Stephen Township Sponsored by Stephen Twsp. Federation of Agriculture Tickets sold by directors ROLLER SKATING ZURICH ARENA EVERY WED. - 8 P.M. TO 11 P.M. FRIDAY - 8 P.M. TO 11 P.M. SAT. AFT. - 2 P.M. TO 4 P.M. (ONLY 500) SUNDAY 8 P.M. TO 11 P.M. at-the-door $4.25 at-the-door $2.25 Adults - advance $3.75 Children - advance $2.00 ANNUAL BEEF BARBECUE Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre Saturday, June 26 Serving from 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. Advance tickets available until June 23 Tickets available at Hopper-Hockey Furniture or any board member DANCE TO FOLLOW Dance - June 26 Music by the Rancheros I TOWN OF PARKHILL "FRONTIER DAYS" JUNE 24 - 27 WITH THE CARLTON SHOW BAND Of The Pig 'n Whistle Show, Channel 13, Friday, June 25, 1976 NORTH MIDDLESEX ARENA, PARKHILL Dancing 9-1 $5.50 Per Person Sponsored By: Parkhill Agricultural Society TICKETS - PHONE 294-0177 or 293-3069 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT Lucan - Shamrock Sports Shop Ailsa Croig - Bender's Superior McNair's Groceries Parkhill - Paton's Esso Tickets Available at the Door Garage Sale Saturday June 26 10:00 a.m. 264 Sherwood Cres. Exeter Vlfillert Reunion RIVERVIEW PARK Exeter Sun., July 4 Sports - 2:30 p.m. Buffet Supper 5 p.m. Please loin us STARLITE •te- Box office opens at 8:00 p.m. ANA First show at dusk 1414 Children Under 12 in Cars Free GRAND BEND WED., THURS., & FRI. - JUNE 23, 24 & 25 Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore Ellen Burstyn Adult Entertainment Color Prisoner of 2nd Avenue Jack Lemmon Adult Entertainment Color * * SATURDAY — MONDAY JUNE 26-27-28 Adult Entertainment Whyls everyone after C1M9ge_SCga bird? ' Because he's Sam spacie..fc— and his falcon's worth a fortunet ftwwmunimmi A LAWRENCE GORDON Prodwico HARD 1114ES Adult Entertainment * * * TUESDAY — THURSDAY JUNE 29.30—JULY 1 JAMES CAAN. A NORMAN JEVASON rom"ROLLERBALC JOHN HOUSEtt MAUDZAMS JOHN BECK MOSES (CNN K .41.00450 tPLAJTFIAAA RALPH RICHAADSON mww HARRISON rd.okw, ANDRE PAVAN ko,<eq PALMtrk t•emg eel Or WOMAN AWSON I zg,==z -,4'‘;t;,,K6iiagl Adult Ehtertalnment Untied Artist§ REPORTTOTHECOMMISSIONER Adult Entertainment BIRTHS— DENYS — Walter and Nancy, Kippen, are pleased to announce the arrival of their son, Jeffery Walter, born June 14, at se. Joseph's Hospital, London, Proud grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs, Eli Denys, Kippen and Mr, and. Mrs, Elliott Lapp, Auburn. 26c JEAN — Tim and Beth are pleased to announce the arrival of Ian David on Jane 16, 1976, at St. Joseph's Hospital. 26c McCANN — Jeff is happy to an- nounce the arrival of his brother Denis Lawrence, on June 8, 1976. Proud parents are Pat and Lynne, grandparents are Mrs. Cornelius Faber and Mrs, Lawrence McCann. 26c TURNER — David and Sandra are pleased to announce the birth of a son, Matthew David, at South Huron Hospital, Exeter on June 9, 1976. A brother for Mavis, Michelle and Melody. 26c ANNOUNCEMENTS — The family of Sam and Isabelle King wish to invite relatives, friends and neighbours to an Open House in honour of their parents' 50th Wedding Anniversary to be held on Saturday, July 3, 1976 at the Crediton Com- munity Hall, Crediton from 7-9 p.m. Best Wishes Only 26p ENGAGEMENTS — Ross and Irene Haugh, Crediton, are happy to announce the engage- ment and forthcoming marriage of their daughter Linda Marie to Mr. Brian Satoru Nakamura, son of Yu- jiro and Tomiye Nakamura, Toronto. The wedding will take place Satur- day, July 17, 1976 at 5:30 p.m. in Zion United Church, Crediton. 26x CARDS OF THANKS— We would like to express our sincere thanks to family, friends and neighbours that attended our recep- tion and made June 12, 1976 such a special day for both of us. — Larry and Joanne Glavin. 26:27p The Exeter and District Heritage Foundation wishes to thank the hun- dreds of people who came out and supported their breakfast last Thurs- day. Special acknowledgment to A&H Grocery, Exeter Frozen Foods, Darling IGA for their donations of food; to Seldon Fuels for propane gas and to all those who contributed financially; to CFPL's Bill Brady for furthering their cause of restoring the town hall by bringing his Breakfast with Brady Show to Ex- eter, grateful appreciation. 26c I wish to thank friends, relatives and co-workers for remembering me while a recent patient in South Huron Hospital and University Hospital, London. Special thanks to Dr. 0 Con- nor and Hoffman's Ambulance. — Erwin F. Holt 26p The family of the late Bert Hunter of Strathroy would like to thank their many friends for kindness and sym- pathy shown during the loss of a beloved husband, father and grand- father. Thanks to everyone for the • lovely flowers, sympathy cards, donations to Heart Fund and Woodeden, your visits to the funeral home and help at our home. — Jean Hunter, Steve, John, Ray and Willa Wuerth. 26 Mr. and Mrs. Hedley May w sincerely thank those people who in any way made their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary a most happy and memorable occasion. Special thanks to Pineridge Chalet for their wonder- ful anniversary dinner; thanks also to the UCW Unit 2 for the lovely luncheon at the Open House; those who honoured us with their cards of good wishes; many beautiful gifts and flowers; best wishes that were received from J. K. Riddell, R. E. McKinley, Premier Davis and Prime Minister Trudeau. Special thanks to the members of our own family who made it all possible. 26p CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S CLUB Luncheon, Friday, June 25, 11:30 a.m. in the Village Inn, Grand Bend. Speaker Mrs. Douglas Warren, Lon- don. Tickets available. Call Mrs. Glenn 235-2724 or Mrs. McAuley 235- 2497. • 26c CASH BINGO — Seaforth Legion Hall, Friday, June 25, at 8:15 p.m. sharp. 15 regular games for $10 each and a $75 Jackpot to go each week. Admissiin $1.00. (Children under 16 not permitted). Proceeds for Welfare Work. Sponsored by Br. 156, Seaforth Royal Canadian Legion. ' 25tfnc CROMARTY ANNIVERSARY, Sun- day, June 27th at 11;00 a.m. Guest speaker, Rev. G. L. Royal of Goderich. No services at Caven or Carmel. 26c GARAGE SALE of Antiques, Collec- tables, Children's toys, Books and Sports stuff, Wednesday, June 30, 1 p.m. - 9 p.m. at 192 Andrew St., Ex- eter, corner of Andrew and Victoria. All proceeds to South Huron Recrea- tion Centre, 26c GLANVILLE REUNION — Sunday, July 4, Seaforth Lions Park. Games, 3:00 p.m, with Doreen McRoberts. Everyone wear name tags. Bring own picnic lunch. 26;27c MEMORIAL SERVICE, June 27th at 2:30 at the Cromarty Cemetery with the Mitchell Legion in charge. Under the auspices of the Cemetery Board. . 26c PICNIC — The Slovack Communities in the London, Centralia and Exeter area invite you to their picnic June 27, at 2;00 p.m. on the farm of Mr. Paul Pavkeje, Highway 4, in Cen- tralia. Refreshment. Everyone Welcome. Come help celebrate Dominion Week, 26c PINERIDGE CHALET — Pk miles west of Hermit; SAT. JUNE 26 — CLOSED ; SAT. JULY 3, Joe Overholt and The Standbys; SAT., JULY 10, Mozart's Melody Makers, For reservations phone George Beer 262-2277; Chalet 236-4213, or Don Mousseau 236-4610. Admission $2 per person, Reservations held until 0:30 p.m. only, 26c HURON COUNTY Health Unit in- vites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, J.A,D, McCurdy School, Huron Park on Monday, June 28, 1976 from 9;30 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance; 2. Anaemia Screening; 3. Immunization; 4, Hearing Screen- in g; 5. Fluoride brushing of children's teeth to prevent cavities for ages 3 to 5 years; 6. Vision Screening. 26e CARDS OF THANKS — We would like to express our ap- preciation for the lovely wedding and shower presents we received. We will cherish them forever. — Terry and Judy Morgan 26c Our sincere thank you and deep ap- preciation to all who remembered Earl with sustaining prayers, flowers, cards, visits and treats while a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to the doctors, sisters and nurses in IC and 6th floor, and Bob and Jim Hoffman of Hoffman's Ambulance. — Earl and Olive Ratz 26p Once again I would like to express my deep appreciation to relatives and good friends who were so thoughtful and kind during my last bout in the hospital, For flowers, TV time, the many cards of good wishes and calls of concern. — David Rath 26p The Senior Citizens of the Helen Jermyn apartment would like to thank the Lions Club for their en- joyable bus trip, also the lovely cook out, which was enjoyed by all. 26p We would like to thank everyone for the lovely cards, visits and kind thoughts during our stay in the hospital. Also special thanks to Dr. Goddard, Dr, Read, Dr. Lambert and nursing staff on 0.13, — Sandra Turner and Baby Matthew 26c I would like to thank everyone for coming to my moving away party and for the beautiful gift. Also thanks to those that couldn't come. It's a nice remembrance of my friends from the north of my home. Thank you all again. — Clare O'Rourke 26p I would like to thank my neighbours, relatives and friends for their many kindnesses while a recent patient in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to the nurses and Dr. Gans. — Roy Finkbeiner 26c We wish to thank our friends, neighbours and relatives for their cards, flowers, visits and gifts while in the hospital and since returning home. — Lynne and Baby Denis McCann 26c IN MEMORIAM— BROCK — In loving memory of Mary E. Brock who passed away June 26, 1975. She is gone, but not forgotten, And, as dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of her are always near. Always remembered by son Norman and Myrtle Brock and family. 26p CAMPBELL — In loving memory of a dear father who passed away June 25, 1973. We are sad within our memory, Lonely are our hearts today, For the one we loved as dearly Has forever been called away We think of him in silence, No eye may see us weep; But many silent tears are shed When others are asleep. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by son Jim and daughter-in-law Sandra. 26p COLE — In loving memory of a very dear sister Oliva Cole, "011ie", who passed away June 24, 1961. Sadly missed along life's way, Quietly remembered every day No longer in our life to share But in our hearts you are always there. Loved and remembered always by your brothers and sisters. 26p DICK — In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Rex who passed away, June, 1964. Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf Always remembered and sadly missed by his wife and family. 26c CHICKEN BARBECUE, Greenway United Church, Saturday, July 24. Adults, $3.50; Children $1.50. Ad- vance tickets only. Phone 294-0149 or 238-2696. 26c FETTES TOURS and Travel Ltd., 184 Main St. S., Mount Forest, On- tario, (519) 323-1545. Mitchell 348- 8492. WEST COAST — Just a few seats remaining on 21 day tour departing June 26, 28 (Stampede) and Aug. 16 (Heritage Park). Includes Regina, Calgary, Edmonton, Jasper, Banff, Lake Louise, Kamloops, Vancouver, Victoria, the majestic Rockies, Okanagan Valley, Fraser Canyon, Butchart Gardens and much more! All side trips and admissions includ- ed. EAST COAST — Limited space available on 12 day tour departing July 28, Aug. 4, Aug. 15 (full day ocean cruise on luxury liner) and 15 day tour departing July 18 (travels through the Prov. of Quebec). Visits Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Sydney to name a few and stops will be made at all points of interest Cabot Trail, Magnetic Hill, Rever- sing Falls, Anne of Green Gables and much more. ROMANTIC EUROPE — 23 day fully escorted tour of 8 European Coun- tries departilng Sept. 2. Travel via regular scheduled KLM flight and deluxe motor coach, All sightseeing, admissions, first class accommoda- tion and two meals daily included. Early reservations are essential. , POLAR BEAR EXPRESS — a 5-day tour including a cruise to Manitoulin Island on the M. S. Chi-Cheemaun, a ride to Moosonee on the famous Polar Bear Express, a guided tour of Timmins, visit to Santa's Village, and a cruise on the Lady Muskoka. Departs July 20. CIRCLE LAKES — 6-day tour around the northern lakes departing Aug. 9. Features Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Ontario. Visit Thunder Bay with complete harbour cruise and a visit to the recently restored Fort William. A relaxing trip with plenty of northern seenery, PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH TOUR -- 5 dayS departing Sept. 14, visits the home of tile Amish folk, famous Lan- caster County with a guided tour in- cluded, Gettysburg, Hershey, Cor- ning Glass Works and much more, A relaxing tour with plenty of sightsee, ing, Fetes Tours — Mt. Forest 323- 1545 or Mitchell 348.8492, 26c IriMitAbitimALL DOWsON — In loving memory of our dear son, Garry George who suddenly passed away, eight years ago, June 29, 1968. This month comes back, with deep regret Of a wonderful son, we'll never forget He fell asleep, without a goodbye But our memories of him, will never die, Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by mom and dad. 26c GALLOWAY — In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, John who passed away 5 years ago, June 24, 1971, Time goes on, but memories stay As near and dear as yesterday It's not the words, for they are few . It's the loving memory we have of you, Lovingly remembered by wife and family, 26c HAMILTON — In loving memory of a dear sister, Jessie (Brooks) who passed away. June 21, 1975. God knows how much we miss her Never shall her memory fade Loving thoughts shall ever wander To the spot where she is laid. Always remembered by brother, Gordon and family, 26c Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Prosper Vanbruaene, Grand Bend are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Wendy Nancy to Mark Heywood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eric K. Heywood. The wedding will take place at 2 p.m. Sat., June 26 in Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Grand Bend. Reception and dance following in Dashwood Community Centre at 9 p.m. IN MEMORIAM — MacDONALD — In loving memory of our dear father and grandfather Gordon (Bud) MacDonald who passed away 7 years ago, June 30, 196. We miss you Dad and always will; You left a place no one can fill. There are other Dads in the world, we know But you were ours and we loved you so. Lovingly remembered and greatly missed by Sharon, Wayne and family; Dennis, Louise and family; Dave, Anne and family; and Donna, 26p ORR — In loving memory of a dear son, brother, husband and father, James Richard Orr who passed away four years ago, June 24, 1972. Years go by but memories stay As near and dear as yesterday, Deep in our hearts, memory is kept Of one we loved and will never forget. Always remembered by the Orr Family. 26p SHUTE — In loving memory of Heber who passed away 1 year ago, June 28, 1975. Softly the leaves of memory fall Gently we gather and treasure them all Unseen, unheard he's always near Still loved, still missed and ever dear. Always remembered by his wife, Elsie, family and grandchildren. 26c %,000,AseisommAii,immeilwaapriawrisasw Huron County Trotting Pony Club RACES Sun., June 27 2:30 p.m. $1.00 Admission Everyone Welcome Strawberry and Ham Supper Holy Trinity Anglican Church Lucan Wed., June 30 5- 8 p.m. Adults $4.00 12 and Under $1.50 Times-Advocate, June 24, 1197a Pogo 29