HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-06-10, Page 2314 Appliances, elevision HOOVER spin washer, good condi- tion. Call 228-6489. 24t USED APARTMENT SIZE Fridge and range, in excellent working condi- tion. Attractive turquoise finish. Can be purchased separately for $125 per unit or $200 for the pair. For further information telephone 235-1990, Hopper-Hockey Furniture Ltd. 24e 15 Personal YOUNG . LADY requires ride to. Grand Bend each day between 2 and 3 p.m. Please phone 235-2473. 24c FOR AN ATTRACTIVE SMILE use Tartaroff to remove stains from teeth. New formula, powder form, leaves them shining white, Also removes stains from dentures. New 3 oz, shaker'-pack $1,98 at Exeter Pharmacy. 24c WE INVITE engaged couples to visit the Arbor Gift Shop in Clinton, Receive a free gift and tell your friends about our Shower and Bridal Registry Service, No charge, no obligation. 4-52t 1E YOU want to drink that's your business, If you want to quit that's our business. Phone 1-348-8363. 4t 16 For Sale GARAGE SALE - Friday and Saturday, June 11 and 12, Gibson's, 193 Main St. electric motors, switches, stove wiring, oil lantern, gas lantern, lawn tables, lawn chairs, cedar chests, trellis, cabinets, many more items. 24* REFRIGERATION DOMESTIC - COMMERCIAL Central Airconditioning MAX'S TV & APPLIANCES ' SALES & SERVICE 238-2493 GRAND BEND LUCAN $3000 Down Vendor Take Back Second Mortgage at 12% IMMACULATE split entry home on quiet cul-de-sac with at- tached garage, large eat-in kitchen, formal dining room, 3 bedrooms, spacious family room, landscaped lot. One year oldlarge existing 1st mortgage. Priced reduced to $49,900. Please call listing agent MARJE BONDARCHUK 672-9080 681-0717 Res. 673-1345 Message to pager 291 DISTRICT TRUST COMPANY Realtor 370 Queens Street, London RIVERVIEW ESTATES MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY - EXETER Open for inspection Mon. thru Fri.P.M., Sat. & Sun. 1 to 5 P.M. DISPLAY HOMES-GEORGE ST, EAST (Turn east at Les Pines Motel) The Ultimate in Mobile 'Home Living Dealers for NORTHLANDER-8ENDlX-GLENDALE 2 to 4 bedrooms-up to 1,400 sq. ft. of living area * Family Sections * Curling Rink Adjacent to Park * Adult Sections * Three golf courses In Area * Country Living with Town facilities * Located in the Corporate limits of Exeter * Completely landscaped,'two car parking per home, all underground utilities * Cable TV * Shopping District Only Minutes away The monthly payment from $73.00 to the Park Management for homesites Includes many things. So that you will better appreciate the economy 01 living In a quality park, FOR FURTHER INP0FlMATION CALL EXETER 519-235-0890 * Thirty miles from London, Ten Miles to Lake Huron Beaches 'r Easy access to Two Mein highwayS * Club room with kitchen facilities * Garnet Rodin 21 For Rent Rent a Car or Truck BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK For Your Moving Needs 12' Delivery Van Available For Rent LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. Exeter 235-1640 31t 23 Wanted To Rent TWO OR THREE bedroom house in Exeter area by young married couple (no children), required by Sept. or will rent now, Phone collect 439-5322, London. 241 THREE BEDROOM house in the H ensall-Exeter area, required by fami- ly with 3 children. Phone 228-6910. 25 Notices WE WOULD appreciate anyone knowing how to contact Mr. A. Russell whose furnishings and effects were moved from RR Kippen to Wedge the Mover's storage warehouse in Hensall, Ontario on April 24, 1970, as we have not had any contact since his furniture was stored. Please con- tact Wedge the Mover, Hensall, Ontario. 24:25:26:27c THE FURNISHINGS and effects of Mr. Ross Hunter moved from RR 3, Exeter, Ontario on March 24, 1972, stored by Mr, Herbert Hunter are to be sold or disposed of for charges un- paid, unless notified by the lath of Ju- ly, 1976, Wedge the Mover, Hensall, Ontario, 24:25:26:27c BUYING? SELLING? Take Advantage of Our Personal Service CALL ANY OF US NAMED BELOW 445 Main St. South, Exeter 235-1232 BROKER: FRED EYRE Home 229-8936 SALES: DIRK COOLMAN (235-1950) FRAN RITCHIE ( 235-0588) NORM STANLAKE (235.0524) Member of the Huron Real Estate Board Times-Advocate, Juno 10, 1976 Page 23' 25 Notices More Classified Ads On Page TOWN OF EXETER - According To By-Law 23.1975, where Sanitary Sewers are available, property owners must be connected by November 1, 1976, unless exempted in writing by the Engineer, or the Superintendent. or the Municipality. - Eric H. Carscadden. 23:24c TOWN OF EXETER - Second pay- ment of 1976 Interim Taxes is due June 15. - Eric I9, Carscadden. 23:24e ISII4101110611 WANT ADS WORK Beautiful Private Executive Home 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, large living room and family room, recreation room with wet bar, kitchen with built-in dis- hwasher, master bedroom and family room opens onto a completely landscaped yard with huge concrete inground pool, bath house, enclosed with 6 ft. cedar fence, gas pptio heaters, yard torches & barbecue. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 235-0890 RIVERVIEW ESTATES MiltFAR LAN E REAL ESTATE LIMITED BROKER EXETER 235-0541 53 MAIN STREET Very Interesting Places for Sale BLUEWATER BEACH Year round living. Redwood chalet 1500 sq. ft. living area, built on a large lot in a lovely wooded area. Built in 1975, has a drilled well and many other ex- tras. ZURICH 1 11/ storey 4 bedroom home, frame construction. Large lot 65' x 164'. This property is situated on Goshen Street. FARM FOR SALE Zurich area: 70 acre farm, 5 bedroom home, 40' x 66' bank barn with stable cleaner adap- table to hogs, beef, or dairy, 13 x 45 silo. Well maintained property with plenty of water. HAROLD ERB, Bayfield 565-2828 Office 524-8100 7.4 411111111101M111111fill01111WpIfillfflinnfiliOIMOHHOIWHIMMOIIHOHIMUHHHa 11 Cars, Trucks 1975 DODGE Coronet with 318 V-8 engine, vinyl roof, rally wheels, oversize tires, radio And tinted glass. This car has been rust- proofed. Only 7,300 miles. Asking $4,000. Telephone 235-0514 for further information. 1970 CHEV Biscayne, 8 cylinder, HD transmission, needs body Job, Will be sold with mechanical fitness cer- tificate, $725. Phone 262-2121 after 6 p.m. 24e 1967 ELECTRA 225 Buick, power windows, steering and brakes, vinyl roof,-as is, $300 or best offer. Phone 235-1542. 24c 1969 VOLKSWAGEN !Deluxe, radio, snag wheels, good running condition, $500. Call 234-6425 after 6 p.m. 24c 1967 CHEVY Van, 1968 V-W; 1964 Olds mobile. All in good con- dition, will safety check, best offer. Phone 237-3250. 24,25c 12 Pets IRISH SETTER puppies, registered from Champion stock, beautiful com- panions, ideal for children, Clinton, 482-7896, 24c REGISTERED SCOTCH COLLIES (rough) male and females, Call 1-229- 6551. 23:24c TO GIVE AWAY 3 puppies, one male, two females, 6 kittens, Phone 235-2116 after 6 pan. 24c 16 For Sale 18' STEEL BOAT, 25 HP with Johnston electric start and trailer, 5500.00, 228-6328 afternoon and evenings, 24c FOUR CHROME wheels and tires to fit Chrysler products. Phone 294- 6197. 24:25* 3-PIECE blonde bedroom suite, in ex- cellent condition, $225; GE 24" stove, in good condition, $35, Phone 235- 0582 between 5 and 7 p.m. 24* HAY - Bill Watson, 237-3306.24;25c 14' FALCON CAMPER, flushable toilet, excellent condition, $1200.00. Phone 262-5504 after 6 p.m. 24:25c 40 ACRES MIXED HAY; 20 acres first cut; 10 acres excellent horse hay. Phone 229-6514, 24c 50' TV TOWER, color antenna, booster and rotor, Call 235-0382. 24* 15 Hp Evinrude motor with gas tank phone 262-5912, 24 pd ALUMINUM windows, doors, awn- ings. Free estimates. Expert in- stallations. Thos, H. Walker, 17 Nelson St. Phone 235-0722. 25t ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rentals, supplies, Jerry Withers Typewriters, 92 Main St. 235-1840. 2 1 t STUDENTS RENT OR BUY YOUR TYPEWRITER AT T-A Try our attractive rental-ownership plan. PHONE 235-1331 38t HESS JEWELLERY Zurich, has a fine selection of Diamond Wedding rings, watches, charms, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers, Cardinal watches, sold by jewellers only, are $11.95 and up. Family rings, watch & clock repairing, work guaranteed. 30t SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE - Leading Manufacturer and distributor has above ground aluminum pools left over from 1975 season, /2 price, guaranteed installation and terms. Call Credit Manager collect, Mississauga 416-625-8819, days or evenings. 6t LEADING POOL MANUFAC- TURER has 1975 above ground redwood type pools available. Willing to sacrifice at half price, Call collect anytime, 416-667-1302, 9t CONVERTIBLE SWIMMING POOLS in ground and above ground, pool service and chemicals. Ted Parkinson Pools, 85 Harcroft Cres. in London, 681-3765. lit SWIMMING POOL - Deluxe, Redwood, above ground pool, 16 x 24, one year old. Repossessed by bank, sacrifice /2 price. Call Mr. Harvey, collect, days or evenings, (416) 625-8819. 12-35c SWIMMING POOL - moving, will sell you 16 x 32 above ground Modular Redwood Pool at sacrifice price of $3000.00, Savings of $2100.00. 1975 model, call 416-625-2719, days or evenings, collect. 13t SWIMMING POOL - less than I year old, Fanta-Sea above ; ground Redwood 16 x 24, cost $4500.00, Must sell immediately, will sacrifice, savings of $2000,00. Call 416-625-8817, days or evenings, collect. 13t LEADING SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER must dispose of • brand new 1975 above ground aluminum pools made to sell for $1890.00. Willing to close-out for $1188.00. Full warranties in effect. Call collect anytime 1-4 I 6-667- 1302. • 131 THREE BEDROOM frame house to be removed from the present location, reasonable price, Phone Frank Kints, 229-8851, l3t TREES, shrubs, evergreens, Cash and carry prices, open Sundays. Lakeside Farms, Lakeside, phone 349-2647, lot SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE, leading manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left over from the 1975 season. Half price, guarantee, in- stallation and terms. Call collect, days or evenings (519) 433-1083. 18t SWIMMING POOL Wholesaler must dispose of 1975 aluminum pools in stock. Sacrifice price for desperately needed factory space. Brand new swimming pools include walk-around deck, fence, filter and warranty, size I 5x27`, $1,088 cash or terms. Call Gord collect, (519) 433-261 I 181 ZENITH 22" colour television; Round Glass top Coffee Table; Baby Crib. All in good condition. Phone 235.0955. 24x MODERN LOVE SEAT and 3 cushion sofa, best offer, 234- 6775. 23:24c OAK BUFFET 53" with cross top mirror, in real good condition. Price $43.00, telephone 235-1853, 24* 16 For Sale GARAGE SALE - June I I, 12 and 13. Small piano, good rangette, old chairs, assorted tools, dishes, kitchen ware, sealers, bottles, fire screen and basket, 14 yards new vinyl floor cover- ing. R. E:Balkwilt, 47 John St. E. 24* NEW CANADIAN MOBH.E Home. 14' x 66', Can be moved to your lot. Phone 235-2575. 24* I 11,P. power grinder with 8" stone and wire brush; set of parts bins; drill press for 1/2" portable drill; steel welding bench; 1 .11.P portable air compressor with 6.2 CFA. com- pressor and tank and a 14," Black & Decker drill. Phone 262-5988, 24c MODERN HUTCH China Cabinet combination, good condition, Apply to Orval Hayter, 39 Orchard Street, Grand Bend, phone 238-2785. 24* BEDROOM SUITE - dresser, 4 drawer chest, 54" bookcase bed; 2- piece Chesterfield suite, brown nylon, 4 cushion; 2-39" beds with nearly new mattresses, Phone 235-2635 after 5 p.m. 24c CHINA CABINET' and six matching chairs; dressers, vanity and stool; assorted beds; coffee and end tables and muct more, phone 234-6236, 24c RHUBARB -$1,00 a bushel or 250 bunch. Wesley Hackney, north end of Exeter, Hay Post Office. 24:25* 31/2 Horse Scott outboard motor with gear shift, Phone 345-2490 after 6 p.n. 24e PICK-UP CAMPER, electric or gas Fridge, gas stove and furnace, new aeroplane type toilet, sleeps 4, very good condition, Call 238-8203 or 238- 2301. 24c CORNER CHINA CABINET Colonial, call 235-2733 mornings. 24* DARK BROWN bunk beds, custom built, 54" width, springs and mattress, Call 236-4778. 24* MICHELIN 2x165x14" radials, with radial tubes, new condition, $70.00. Call 236-4778. 24* PURINA chows, health products, pet foods, bulk and bag deliveries, Bev Morgan & Sons, RR I Hensall, Phone 235-1487, 24c Sides of Beef 85l LB. Cut, wrapped and Frozen Processed by Merner's Government Inspected Grain Fed Beef Avoid disappointment Please order well in advance Call BERT VISSCHER 237-3442 24c VIKING dryer, $135.00; Freezer 29x- 29x33", $65.00; Crib and new mat- tress, $40.00; Rifle 303, $20.00; Rifle 22 Cooey, $12.00; Kitchen table and 5 chairs, $40,00; Fish Aquarium 5 gal (includes all accessories), $12.00; Carpet sweeper, $3.00; Rug sham- pooer, $5.00; 2-10" wheels & tires (Mini-minor), $6.00; 14" wheel and 2 tires (Mavericky, $6.00. Phone 235- 0923. 24:25:26c 17 Wanted To Buy MAN'S 3 or 5 speed bike, must be in good condition. Phone 235-2376. 24* BOTTOM for pine flat to the wall cupboard 54" wide, Call 235- 0718. 23:24c ANTIQUES, Furniture, Glass etc. Please phone after 6 p.m., 234-6266. 23:24:25:26c PIANOS - Write or call Gingrich, Box 34 Komoka. Phone 472-1994. 18:19:20:21:22:23:24:25c FURNITURE, antiques, appliances or miscellaneous items, By the house full or singly. We buy estates or will arrange to sell them by auction. Con- signments welcome. Knapp's Auction Centre, Seaforth. Phone 527-1336. 4t 19 Property For Sate NEW CANADIAN MOBILE Home 14'x66'. Can be moved to your lot. Phone 235-2575. 24* TWO STOREY red brick with garage and large lot, close to hospital and downtown, 3 bedrooms, newly decorated and rewired, can be seen anytime at 22 Anne Street. 24:25* NEWER raised ranch 3 or 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, carpeted throughout, attached garage, nice area, close to schools, open to offers; also private first mortgage available. Phone 235-0114. 241 CR ED1TON - 5 acres, all fenced at edge of village, walking distance to store and church, 1 1/2 storey home with new aluminum siding being put on, 5 bedrooms, large living room and kitchen, barn 38'x70' with 3 floors, drive shed, new steel granary, drilled well. Barn can be rented out, For more information on this excellent property please call W. W. Evans & Sons Ltd., 525 Richmond St., Lon- don, Ont. ask for l-lenry Finkheiner, 434-3287, Res. 672-9294, 24:25e Residential Building . Sites bordering on woodlot Options are being accepted on building lots located on Eastern Ave., Dow Subdivision in Exeter This property is being serviced in the spring with building permits ex- pected in July. PHONE GIB DOW 235.0707 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW Rugs and drapes included, 60 foot frontage. Connected to sewer. Also large selection of single and double wide homes. Riverview Estates OF EXETER LTD. 235-0890 19 Property For Sale N1W SINGLE or double wide, 2 or 3 bedroom, modular homes, complete with fridge and stove. Starting at $17,- 50000, Riverview Estates of Exeter 1 td , 235-0890. 6t - HOESE IN HENSALE. - 6 rooms and bath, oil furnace, garage, good Condition, early possession possible. Phone 262-2339. 23:24c . _ MAKE AN OFFER - three acres in Stephen Township. Four bedroom house with attached garage. Completely remodeled, all carpeted. Large double barn in A-1 shape. One acre fenced in pasture. Call Eileen Frayne 472- 2436 or 672-6770 Royal Trust Real Estate 24c 20 Property For Rent TWO BEDROOM apartment, newly decorated, vacant in Crediton. Phone 235-1161. 24* CHOICE COMMERCIAL SPACE, 32x20, available soon, down town location, suitable for offices or store. Phone 235-1741, 24c MODERN 4,5 bedroom house with fireplace, separate dining room and patio, summer only, monthly rates. Phone 238-8983, 23:24e NEW 1.Y DECORATED furnished and heated apartment above Cana- dian Tire, 235-1497. 23T COT TACT E - sleeps four, for summer or by week, (519) 461- 0719. 23:24:24* 21 For Rent RENTALS FLOOR SANDERS FLOOR EDGERS POWER I IAN D SAWS BELT SANDERS '4 " and DRILLS PORTABLE TELEVISIONS FLOUR POLISHERS BEAVERS HARDWARE Your Westinghouse Dealer Exeter 235-1033 18t CONSTRUCTION scaffolding, ex- tension ladder; skill saw: adding machine; sump pump; 12 & 20 ton hydraulic jack: utility trailer; cartop carrier; 16' van. Whiting Rental, 63 Main St. S., just south of river bridge. CONSTRUCTION equipment - plywood forms, wedges,, power trowel, wheelbarrows, small mixer, etc, Phone 236-4954 Monday to Friday after 4 p.m. Weekends anytime. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich. 161' Advertise Your Sale In The Times-Advocate `641.11111MMONW INDEPENDENT SHIPPER to UNITED CO-OPERATIVE OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT TORONTO Ship Your Livestock with ROY SCOTCHMER Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL BA MELD 565-2636 By 7:30 a,m. Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pick-up 47/4t FARMS AND ACREAGES KI R KTON 11th concession of BLANSHARD TOWNSHIP, 160 acres, 140 workable, large barn in good condition, newer metal drive shed, older frame house, attached garage. AI LSA CRAIG - 100 acres, 95 workable, extra large barn, 2 silos, two houses, drilled well, paved road. AI LSA CRAIG - 80 acres BARE LAND. LU CAN BIG BEAUTY - two storey 5 bedroom brick home in excellent condition, large livingroom, with floor to ceiling fireplace, spacious dining room, country kitchen with built in brick bar- becue, large lot. REAL SHARP. TWO ACRES- close to town, 11/2 storey, 4 bedroom `trick frame home, finisher; ,....V floors up broadloom .C...)...irdwood down, modern kitclni and bath, large barn with horse stalls, HORSE LOVERS DELIGHT, NEW HOMES - with quality plus, can be yours, 'in these three and four bedroom homes in the new subdivision. Styled with you in mind and just waiting to be seen, CALL TODAY AND MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT TO MOVE. PROPERTY IN AREA CLINTON - lots of room to wander in this two storey four bedroom home with livingroom, dining room, kitchen, 3 piece bath, recreation room, sewing room, den, three large enclosed porches, double garage, com- plete with wooded setting. bENNELD - four acres to ROAM AROUND - large two storey five bedroom home with double livingroom, separate dining room, new cupboards in kitchen, barn, hen house, WHYNOTHAVEALOOK I KI P P EN - on extra large lot- three bedroom 11/2 storey home with all new aluminum siding, inside needs some decorating, large livingroom, kitchen, 3 piece bath, den, laundry room, large entrance hall. GO COUNTRY. ZURICH don't hesitate having a look at this three bedroom two storey in real good condition, large livingroom, separate dining room, modern kitchen, 4 piece bath, den with bar-l-shaped cedar deck at back, small barn. HENSALL - BIG AND BEAUTIFUL, can describe this six bedroom home in excellent condition, full basement, spacious livingroom, modern kitchen, 4 piece bath recreation room down, upstairs you can derive good income from this four bedroom apartment, with livingroom, diningroom bath, kitchen, fireplace. DASHWOOD - only a stone throw away from town is this COUNTRY HOME, two storey 5 bedroom brick with pine floors, large livingroom, dining room, cosy country kitchen, two baths, all on ONE ACRE. CR EDITON what a way to pay your mortgage. You live in one rent the other, two unit apart- ment at a good price, each unit has two bedrooms, livingroom, kitchen and bath, PRICED TO BE SOLD NOW, CENTRALIA - a ONE YEAR OLD ON ONE ACRE . single storey two bedroom home with spacious livingroom, large dining room, kitchen and bath. In need of some finishing. BRUCEFIELD -a real nice two storey three bedroom home on 10 ACRES OF COUNTRY. Large livingroom with electric fireplace, spacious modern kitchen, den, 4 piece bath, good sized barn, drive shed, small pool and deck, good water supply. MOMMIIIMMintinntlintnnntinnOMMOMMIMOIMMMOOMMOMMOMIIIMMIM W. J. HUGHES REALTY LIMITED 38 EAST STREET GODERICH, ONT. BAYFIELD AREA Snowden Acres: 3 bedroom home with carport, full basement, log burning fireplace, This home is situated on a large lakefront lot. BAYFIELD Single storey 2 bedroom home with full basement, drilled well, 130' x 130' lot plus extra lot 120' x 120' with small barn. COTTAGES BAYFIELD 2 bedroom summer cottage in- cludes all furnishings. 2 bedroom winterized cottage. Electric heating, stone fireplace. Both cottages are close to the lake. BISMARK ST., ZURICH Building lot 91' x 132' with a 24' x 30' double garage. Serviced lot. COTTAGES GRAND BEND real nice three bedroom cottage with lovely lake view, large spacious lot, stone fireplace, PRICED RIGHT. Approximately two miles north of Grand Bend. ST./JOSE PH- on No. 21 Highway, three bedroom cottage, electric heat, large including, spacious livingroom, modern kitchen, 4 piece bath, den, work shop, pool. ONE ACRE OF PROPERTY. BAYFIELD AREA- all electric heated three bedroom cottage With large livingroom, angelstone fireplace, modern kitchen, 4 piece bath, LARGE WOODED LOT, only four miles from town. GRAND BEND - two bedroom trailer only THREE YEARS OLD, excellent condition, on large rented lot, seen by ap- pointment only. I P P ER WASH - a real beauty in A-ONE SHAPE, three bedroom brick ranch, large livingroom with fireplace, broadloom, separate dining room, american styled kitchen, family room, modern bath. Ideal location, PORT FRANKS - sharp con- dition, two storey ranch, five bedrooms, livingroom with fireplace, modern kitchen, two baths, built-in oven and dish- washer, HAVE A LOOK AT THIS BEAUTY TODAY. PORT FRANKS - smaller three bedroom cottage with new wiring, livingroom, kitchen, 4 piece bath, needs some finishing, furniture included - PRICED REALISTICALLY, PORT FRANKS all year round in this real nice three bedroom 1 1/2 storey home, large livingroom, dining room t 4 piece Modern bath, brick fireplace, panelled walls, enclosed porch. A GOOD BUY, NO. 21 HIGHWAY - SERVICE STATION, 3 bays, busy location, wrecker, use&car sales, house available. OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS! EXETER OFFICE 235-0541 DEAL WITH EXPERIENCE AND INTEORITY CALL US TODAY LONDON OFFICE 434.8824 LUCAN OFFICE 2/7-4071 A...1.••••Minnymmomp. 4.110.11•111n 1, MOT ROBERT N. CULBERT MCKINLEY 127.4766 /36.4830 227.4071 /35.0541