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Mother, daughter banquet
held in Lucan United Church
. h I
A LARGE CROWD TURNED OUT to the rummage sale held at Holy Trinity Church in Lucan Saturday. Pic-
tured above are Mrs. Kay Egan, Mrs. Janette Barker, Mrs Eileen Haskett, Mrs. Joyce Sovereign and
daughter Leanne, Mrs. Marlene Degraw, trying out a pair of pants and Mrs. Marg Gilmour. T-A photo.
MMMMM GOOD! - Enjoying some of the baking at the rummage
sale held at Holy Trinity Church in Lucan are, Christine Sutherland, left,
and Lisa Ryerson, right. T-A photo.
Free service
Years of experience have given us a vast
knowledge of building materials and their
applications. Whether you are a tradesman or a
person who likes to "do-it-yourself", you can rely
on us, because at Homecare Building Centres
we'll help you make it.
Huron-Perth County
Roman Catholic
Separate School and
Financial Report 1975
Auditor's Report
To the Huron-Perth County
Roman Catholic Separate School Board
We have examined the Balance Sheet of the Huron-Perth R.C.S.S.
Board as at December 31, 1975, the Revenue Fund Statement of
Operations and the Capital Fund Statement of Operations for the
year then ended. Our examination included a general review of the
accounting procedures and such tests of accounting records and
other supporting evidence as we considered necessary in the cir-
In our opinion these Financial Statements present fairly the finan-
cial position of the board as at December 31, 1975 and the results of
its operations for the year then ended, in accordance with accoun-
ting principles generally accepted for Ontario school boards
applied on a basis consistent with that of the, preceding year ex-
cept for the change in accounting for fixed assets as described in
note No. 1.
Monteith, Monteith & Co,
Stratford, Ontario Licence No. 284
April 20, 1976
Balance Sheet
as at December 31, 1975
1975 1974
Current Assets $ $
Cash 645 645
Under-requisitions - (elementary) 4,451 4,448
Other 195,277 115,793
Prepaid expense 14,136 1,649
Other current assets 683
215,192 122,535
Capital outlay to be recovered
in future years 2,245,386 2,356,674
2,460,578 2.479.209
Current Liabilities
Bank and other short-term borrowing 145,804 35,619
Over-requisition - (elementary) 53,609 26,211
Other 11,149 46,377
Debt charges due and unpaid 4,630 14,328
215,192 122,535
Net long-term liabilities 2,244,697 2,353,658
Unapplied capital revenue 689 3,016
2,460,578 2,479,209
Revenue Fund Statement of Operations
For Elementary School Purposes
For the year Ended December 31, 1975
Business administration
Computer services
Educational services
Plant operation and maintenance
Tuition fees
Capital expenditure (non-allocable)
Other operating expenditure
Debt charges and capital loan interest
Non-operating expenditure excluding
transfers to reserves
Other school boards
tuition fees and miscellaneous . . ....... .., 106,685
Government of Ontario,
tuition fees and miscellaneous 341
Individuals - tuition fees ... ..
Other Revenue, excluding transfers
fromreserves ......... .......... 1,472
Total Recovery of Expenditure ....... 108,498
NET EXPENDITURE . „ ............. 3,337,753
Government of Ontario
General Legislative Grants 2,912,137 2,436,359
Local Taxation
Previous year's over (under) requisition 23,507 8,269
Local taxation raised in the current year 451,267 394,843
Total 3,386,911 2,841,215
To be applied to following year's taxation:
Net under (over) requisition (49,158) (21,763)
TOTAL 3,337,753 2,817,708
Capital Fund Statement of Operations
For the Year Ended December 31, 1975
Fixed Assets and Work in Progress
1975 1974
Buildings, Furniture and Equipment 69,380 42,440
School Sites and improvements to sites 52,696 29,652
Less Federal Sales Tax Refund (12,816)
Total Capital Expenditure 122,076 59,276
Unexpended Funds at Beginning of Year, or
(Balance at Beginning of year
not permanently financed)
- Elementary 2,813 32,437
Long-Term Liabilities issued and sold 50,000
Capital Expenditure from the
Revenue Fund 68,580 29,652
Balance at end of Year not
Permanently Financed or
(Unexpended Funds at End of Year)
- Elementary 683 (2,813)
Total 122,076 ___59,276
Notes to Financial Statements
1. Accounting Policies
(a) Accrual Accounting
The accrual method for reporting revenue and expenditure
has been used with the exception of reporting of charges for
net long-term liabilities. Principal and interest charges are
not accrued from the due date of payment to 'the end of the
fiscal year.
(b) Fixed Assets
Fixed assets are charged to current expenditure unless
financed by long-term debt. Principal and interest charges
on net long-term liabilities are included in expenditure in
the period due.
Fixed assets are included in the Balance Sheet only to the
extent of the balances of the related net long-term
liabilities outstanding and of the related temporary finan-
cing at the end of the fiscal year. (Statement ME 325-1)
For 1974 and prior years, fixed assets were reported at
(c) Net Long-Term Liabilities
Debentures are recorded as unmatured debenture debt in
the year of sale.
2. Debt Charges and Capital Loan Interest
The expenditure for debt charges and capital loan interest
reported in the Revenue Fund Statement of Operations includes
principal and interest payments as follows
Principal payments on long-term liabilities
Interest payments on long-term liabilities
Interest payments on temporary financing of
capital projects
(Statement ME 325-2)
3. Contractual Obligations
As at December 31st, 1975, the board has contracted for a gym-
nasium addition to St. Patrick's school, Kinkora at a cost of
$225,504. Final approval was obtained for this project on
November 19th, 1975. There has been no expenditure included in
the attached Financial Statements on this project.
Signature of Chief Executive Officer
Signature of Chairman of the Board
81,049 Signed on Behalf of the Board
Classes are filled
Annual Bunny Tea •
CGIT mother and daughter
banquet was held Monday in the
United Church general assembly
President Kim Weber
welcomed the guests and grace
was given by Brenda Thompson.
Lucan U.C.W.
Members of the Evening Unit
of the Lucan United Church
Women held their May meeting
Tuesday in the C.E. wing with
Dorothy Murray giving an
opening poem on "Sharing".
The roll call was answered with
a Bible verse containing the word
"mother", or woman".
The new Unit Leader, Bernice
Lockyer, chaired the business
meeting and this unit will be
responsible for refreshments the
evening of June 8 when Mr. &
Mrs. Allen Slater of St. Marys,
former agricultural missionaries
in Zambia will speak.
Members of the Regional
United Church Women have been
invited to meet the Slaters and
all women of the community are
The June meeting will be in the
form of a "meeting out", place to
be confirmed at a later date.
Worship and Bible 'study "In
His Image" were based on
Genesis. It was taken by Freeda
Melanson, assisted by Sadie
McPhee and Iva Hodgins.
Following the dinner served by
the evening unit of the UCW the
toast to the church was given by
Brenda Dykeman with the reply
by Rev. Ewart Madden. The toast
to the mothers was given by
Tracey Cannom, response by
Mrs. Madden.
The girls and their mothers
were introduced by Mary
Madden. The sing-song was
enjoyed with Mrs. Marilyn
Dykeman at the piano.
Linda Weber thanked the
members of the evening Unit of
the UCW for providing the
delicious dinner.
The Explorer granduation was
conducted by Mrs. Wm, Froats.
Graduating were Loyes
Melanson, Jacqui Green, Carolyn
Lankin, Anna Bates, Tami
McRoberts and Jackie Richards.
The girls provided en-
tertainment for their mothers,
with several skits and musical
Janice Burt introduced the
speaker, Mr. Ab Furtney director
of Christian education and music
at Dundas St. United Church
London, Mr. Furtney compared
pictures of a stone fresco of
Leonardo DaVinci's "Last
Supper", with one in life size wax
and one in wood.
Mr. Furtney was thanked by
Sherry Froats.
Table arrangments in blue and
white CGIT colours were draw
prizes and were won by Mrs. Wm.
Hodgins, Mrs. Madden, Mrs.
George Young, Mrs. Charles
Corbett and Mrs. Robert Taylor.
In closing the members,
leaders and guests joined hands
in a circle to sing taps.
All ex-service personnel and or
their dependents are reminded
Comrade Harvey Percy will be at
Branch 540, Lucan at 12:00 noon,
Tuesday, June 8.
It is not necessary to be a
member of the Legion to receive
this free service. If you`have any
questions relating to entitlement
or wish to make application for
any pension under Veterans
will speak
The service of worship was
withdrawn in Lucan United
Church on Sunday and members
attended the Anniversary Service
in the Clandeboye Church.
Sunday, June 6 the Lucan
congregation will celebrate its
Anniversary at 11:15 and 7:30. At
the morning service, Mr. Jim
Stanley, formerly a missionary in
Africa, will preach. Mr. Stanley
leaves the next day for Haiti, to
resume his missionary work. In
the evening, Ab Furtney, Music
Director at Dundas Centre UC,
London, will bring his "Dundas
Songsters" (Young People 12-18)
to present their musical "Natural
High". Everyone is invited to
either or both of these special
Tuesday, June 8, at 8 p.m. Mr.
& Mrs. Allen Slater of St. Marys,
formerly agricultural
missionaries in Zambia, will
show pictures and speak of their
work on the mission fields.
Regional United Church Women
have been invited and all women
will receive a warm welcome.
The Couples' Fellowship en-
joyed an evening of bowling at
the Lucan Lanes on Thursday,
returning to the Church for a
business meeting and a social
hour.Also on Thursday evening,
the Friendship Unit catered for
the annual Mother and Daughter
Brownie Banquet.
Lucan personals
Mr. & Mrs. M.H. Hodgins are
happy to announce the arrival of
their third granddaughter, Neila
Ainsley, the first child of
Rosemary and Wayne Hodgins,
RR 3, Ilderton, on Tuesday, May
May 25, at St. Joseph's Hospital.
Legislation and receive
assistance from any of the
various numerous funds - this
lad has the answers, I would
remind you however Comrade
Percy is punctual - so please be
on time for he has many other
Branches to visit.
Don't forget the next general
meeting of Branch 540 will be
held on Wednesday, June 9, 8:30
p.m. sharp. Please make it a
point to be in attendance
comrades and support your
elected President and Executive.
There will be a lot of important
business to discuss prior to the
summer recess of July and
The winner of the May Cheque
Draw was Evan Butchart, Main
Street, Lucan, to whom we offer
our congratulations.
The Pot 0' Gold continues to
grow. I wonder what happened to
Vern Finlayson whose name was
drawn last Saturday - un-
fortunately he was not registered
thus permitting the pot to
sweeten for at least another
And that's 30 for this week -
Remember -- Blessed are they
who can give without remem-
bering and take without
Kirkton W.I.
holds supper
The Kirkton WI had their
Secret Pal Supper at the Old City
Hall, London on May 27. 42
members enjoyed a delicious
smorgasbord. Each one received
a gift from their pal for the year.
Reports were given by Mrs.
Budden & Mrs. Spence on the
District Annual in Staffa and
Mrs. M. Shute of the Officers
Conference at Waterloo.
Donations to the Mentally
Retarded and the St. Marys Fair
were passed.
Mrs. G. Burgin, Mrs. Ron
Shamblaw, Mrs. Florence Heard
and Mrs. Fred Parkinson
received their Institute pin for
perfect attendance.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Davis at-
tended Glencoe Anglican Church
on Sunday and visited with Mr. &
Mrs. D. Simpson.
On May 29 guests were
welcomed to the 23rd annual
"Bunny Tea" of the Lucan-
Clandeboye UC Explorers, by
Chief Counsellor, Mrs. Wm.
Counsellor Mrs. Don O'Neil
convened the tea room which was
decorated with Macrame plant
hangers and small floral table
arrangements. Explorers, in
uniform, served their guests.
Mrs. David Park, UCW
president, and Mrs. Ewart
Madden, poured tea at a lace
covered table decorated with a
beautiful French Lilac
Several mothers assisted
former counsellor, Mrs. Lorne
Mohr, in the kitchen, arranging
Canadian symbol coffee spoons
were presented to Carolyn
Lankin and Linda Patterson as
top ticket sellers.
The C.E. Wing was decorated
with Macrame wall hangings and
plant hangers, displayed by Mrs.
Ken Carter and members of the
"Busy Buddies" craft group, by
Mrs. Frank Hardy, Jr., and Mrs.
Len Maslen.
Members of the craft group
demonstrating at the tealincluded
Rachel Tuke, Elinora Raycraft,
Marie Park, Ethel Crouch, and
Iva Hodgins. Joanne Carter,
granddaughter of Mrs. Carter,
assisted her grandmother in the
display area.
Oil paintings by Mrs. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Hern,
Zion and Mr, & Mrs, John Tookey
and Cheryl, London, spent a few
days last week visiting with Mr.
& Mrs. Laverne Niksch of
Hobart, Indiana.
were also shown in the CE
Guests enjoyed looking at four
ingenious pictures of engines by
Al Green, one of which was
The Counsellors had set up an
interesting arrangement of the
Mission Study materials used this
year, on Hong Kong, Korea and
Japan. They and the members
are to be congratulated on a very
well planned and interesting tea,
Brian Nakamuro was a guest at
the home of Mr. & Mrs. Ross
Haugh last week.
Linda Haugh has secured a
position as teacher of French in
the Holmesville and .Colborne
schools, At present she is
engaged as census represen-
tative in Crediton.
Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Sepa,
Caseville, Michigan, spent the
weekend with relatives in
Crediton, and enjoyed the
anniversary service in Zion
United Church.
Mr. & Mrs. Will Oestricher
spent several days last week with
Mrs, S. L. Honey, Fenwickt, and
Mrs. R. W. McBain, Grimsby.
Mrs. Honey, and Mrs. McBain are
sisters of Mrs. Oestricher.
The Parks Board held a suc-
cessful chicken barbecue
Saturday evening. About 530
people attended the event.
Sunday the seventh an-
niversary of the Zion United
Church congregation was ob-
served, with Rev. Bruce Pierce
speaking at the morning and
evening services. His subjects
were "I believe in tomorrow"
and "God with us - we can face
the future with courage." Special
music was provided by the
Watchmen Quartet, Burlington.
The Flower Arrangements
Classes for the "Busy Buddies"
craft group on Thursday is filled.
In fact it is more than filled! We
are sorry if you are disappointed.
President Muriel Cobleigh was
welcomed back after her illness
and chaired a brief business
meeting. She announced that
plans were finalized for attending
the Huron Country Playhouse
production of "Charlie's Aunt"
on August 18 and member con-
tributions will be accepted at
each meeting for the next three
weeks, All monies must be in
before June 24.
Lillian Kelly, was wished a
happy birthday, in absentia.
J.Alex Young thanked those
who convened the coffee booth at
his auction sale and announced
that $40 had been cleared.
Members of the Sunshine
Group enjoyed euchre with prizes
going as follows: Lady's high;
Pearl Shoebottom; lady's lone:
Kathleen Neil, Lady's low:
Amelia Armitage; Man's High;
Frank Mcllhargey, Man's Lone:
Harriet Holmes, playing a man's
card and man's low Lewis
Lunch was served by Irene
Egan, Isobel Haskett and Alex
Mr. Young also read an article
from "The Senior Citizen" en-
titled "Old Age is Not Con-
The Busy Buddies completed
their Macrame classes and Mrs.
Carter was presented with a gift,
in appreciation of her assistance.