HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-06-03, Page 16* Shingles * Flat Decks A Good Job From A Good Company OUR WORK IS (UARANTEED Member of Canadian & Ontario. Roofing Associations FREE ESTIMATES 265 Thames Road E. 235-1557 Exeter Semi-annual Interest Payment on 5 year term GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES CO STANDARD TRUST COMPANY 382 Dundas St. Woodstock, Ontario Telephone 539-5601 out of town call collect. MEMBER CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Annual Interest Payment • II " BUS SCHEDULE Route 1 Starts at Grand Bend to N., '32 to Theillorel south to Arkt•ha then west to Forest north west cal No 16 to Ni.. 12. then south to Errol Sthool t., Ni, 26 smith to Lakeshore west in. Lakeshore to St Michael's to Maass ell Iliad to Alexander Mackenzie to Northern to St1T5 Route 2 Starts at Bright's Grose at Gallic Subdisistom awl old Lakeshore Road west to Waterworks south to I„ikeshare west oti Lakeshore to holdall& south on Mode. land to 13lackwell Road to Alexander Mac•kentie to Northern to SCITS. Route 3 Starts at Watford [Itch 8.•13.,..1 north to No 7 west on N., 7 through Warwick to Ntodeland. north on Mode)and to Michigan. 'west oil Nlichigan to Alexander Maekentie to Northern to SCITS Route 4 Starts at 10th Line to east and soeth to Als•inston south to No 'CO west on No. A0 to Inwood Road, north to Counts Road Ni,. 4 • 1001 Line). west to No. 21, north on No 21 to Confederation Street_ sve,t on Confederation to No. 40. north on No 40 to Michigan to Alexander Alackentie to Northern to SC1TS. Route 5 Starts at Dawn Central north to No So on No. 21. west on No. SO to Kimball to County Road No 4 ( Moore). west to Corinna to No 40 north on No, 40 to SCITS to Northern to Alexander Mackenzie. LAMBTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 1976 SUMMER EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR ADULTS, SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS ELEMENTARY STUDENTS and PRESCHOOLERS Summer School Telephone 542-7784 ALEXANDER MACKENZIE SECONDARY SCHOOL 1257 Michigan Mrs. F. A. McLEAN Principal Mr. D. G. MePHAIL Vice-Principal SESSIONS Kr Secondary Schools Alexander Mackenzie Secondary, School Bright's Grove (Bright's Grove) Sarnia Northern Collegiate. Institute & yocatirntal School Colborne Street Sarnia Collegiate Institute & Technical School . East Soudan (Corunnal (Sombra Township) Hillcrest (l'etrolia) Watford (Watford) i AD : • Elementary Schools Woodside Confederation Street High Park Lansdowne Bosedale (Forest) (Sarnia) ( Sarnia ) (Sarnia) (Sarnia) Route 6 Starts at Wilksport ( Kimball Road), south to Beecher. west from Beecher on County Road No. 1 to Port Lambton. north From Port Lambton on No. 40 to SCITS to Northern to Alexander Mackenzie. Route 7 Starts at No. 21 and 10th Line to Petrone High School, west on 10th Line to Plank Rood to No. 40 north to Michigan to Alexander Mackenzie to Northern to SCITS. Route 8 Starts at SCITS to Point Edward by way. of Christina and Lite Street. Pick up at Lite and Christina, then to St. Clair and Michigan, east on Michigan to Northern to Alexander Mackenzie to SC1TS. Route 9 Starts at Central ( front of school I to Northern and Alexander Mackenzie at 7.45 a.m. and 8,10 a.m. Route 10 Starts at St. Clair to Northern and Alexander Mackenzie at 7:45 a.m. and 8.10 am, COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Pre-Schoolers: This programme is intended for children whir are four or five years old and who will attend Kindergarten in September. 1976 or 1977. The child will be exposed to a variety of activities to des (lop positise attitudes towards education and towards life itself, Children's Activities: Unstructured activities for Primary aged children (5 yrs.-8 yrs). The activities would include: art, music, crafts. reading, puppets, games and plays. Learning as individuals, the students would be able to participate in actisittes of their choico within an open concept of moms. Activities in Children's Theatre: An experience for students in Grade 4-8 in the area of movement, mime, dance vocal techniques, production of small scenes, and stagecraft; at Rosedale Public School. Grades 4, 5, 6 (ages 9 — 12) Students should select two of three areas of interest: 1. Remedial Reading 2. Art 3. Physical Ed, Grades 7, 8 (ages 12 — 14) The students should select two of four areas of interest: 1. Remedial Reading 2. Remedial Mathematics :3. Physical Ed. 4. The Arts In the Mathematics and Reading Classes, emphasis will be placed on review and helping the student to concentrate on areas of weakness. Grade 8: Type 13 upgrading courses will be offered in English and :Mathematics for students who have not been successful in these areas. The courses will be given at Alexander Mackenzie School, July 5-30, two hours per day, if enrolment is sufficient. Learn To Swim (SCITS) This three week Course is Open to all elementary students at the Sarnia Collegiate Institute and Technical School (S.C.I&T.S.) indoor pool. Baste swim instruction, water safety and drownproofing are included. The course will be repeated If there is sufficient registration, beginning July 26. Learn To Swim (Watford) : This three week course is open to all elementary students in the eastern area of Lambton County at residential pools. Basic swim instill( bon. water safety and drownproofing are included. NOTE. It should be noted that students are not intended to receive Red Cross Badges as a result of these programmes Type A Courses (Intensive Study for Credit) Students: Any secondary school student or adult Dates & Times . July 5-August 11, 8.10 am -1130 p.tn daily Registration: See Registration Procedures Page. The TYPE A courses should be of interest to students with timetable limitations, or as an enrichment to their regular programme Seseral courses will he offered which are not available at each school A class will be offered in any subject in which them is sufficient demand. Suggested Subjects to be Offered: Year 5 (Grade 13) Biology (Silt 551) Frentli r LP'S 551) Chemistry (SCII 5511 Canadian Literature (ECI, 5511 Mathematics (MCA 551) (Calculus)Ph"1"1 Education (PED 551 , Mathematics (NIFIt 551) 1Irunchons atidEnglish (ENG 5511 Relations) Year 4 (Grade 12) Year 3 (Grade 11) Environmental Geography (PEN 401) World Religion (MR 451) English (ENC. 451) Mathematics (MAT 451) Urban Geography (GUS 451) Ninthematicts t MAT 351) History (HIS 451) English (ENG risi) contamunictions Media (EMM 341) Biology ($IM 051) (open to both phase 4 and phase 5 students) Chemistry (SCH 451) Law (m, 441) Year 1 (Grade 9) Year 2 (Grade 10) Mathematics (MAT 151) Typing (LITY 1411 Mathematics (MAT 251) Instnimental Music (AM1 151) Geography (GEO 251) 'typing (B'TY 241) Instrumental Music (AMI 2.51) 2. Textbooks: CLASSES, DATES, LOCATIONS TYPE A COURSES - July 5 - August 11 inclusive TYPE 11 COURSES -- July 5 Aligned 11 inclusive TYPE C COURSES .- July 5 August 11 inclusis e U W.O. COURSES - July 5 August 12 inclusive ELEMENTARY July 5 Jul, 30 inclusive PRE-SCHOOLERS - July it Julv 311 whist. Type B Courses (Upgrading or makeup courses for credit) Students. Secondary School Students who are taking either general advanced level subjects and grade eight students who wish upgrading in any sublects they have taken in the regular school year A maximum of two subieets can be taken. Dates and Ti,,,,,, 2 hours per clay. per course July 5-August 11 inclusive. Subjects: A class will be offered in any subject In which there is sufficient de. inane Crades 8 through 13. Type C Courses Students. Open to any Crade 8 to Grade 11 student and any adults who wish to attend, Length: Generally two hours per day for two, three or four weeks (length of course Is Included in the description). Courses of two or three week duration may be offered more than once during the summer depending on demand, All Type C courses commence July 5. *Course Descriptions 'NOTE: Descriptions are given only for those courses which are not offered Co each secondary school. Canadian Literature (ECL 551) The oblectIves of this course are to expand the student's awareness of Canadian Literature and to relate to the student the historical development of Canadian Literature. Poetry„essays and short stories will be studied. Communications Media (EMM 391) This course is designed to develop an ability to critically analyse newspapers, films and television. During this exciting course you will participate in a tele- vision production and die production of a Super 8 film Environmental Geography (GEN 401) The earth's ecosystems are dealt with in this course. The question of water, air, and land resources is studied and an emphasis is placed on the use of, misuse of, and legislative activities pertaining to our environment. General Law (BPL 441) Thls course is designed to he of personal interest to the student. It ampinints him with his legal rights nod obligations both at a teenager and as On adult Areas to he investigated include legal solutions to social problems, contracts, family law and thventle delinquency. Grade 13 Physical Education (PET) 551) The level five course In physical education has been acrepted by die Ontario Atintory of Education and, as such, will he accepted by all Ontario Universities. The topics include Kinesiology and Motor Learning, Physical Fitness Appraisal, Recreation and Leisure. sociology of Activity. Leadership and Organisation. Urban Geography (CUR 451) Since 1945 the world's people have become. and are still becoming more and more urbanized The purpose of this course Is'to discover why this phenomenon has omitted, where it has occurred. and how It relates to people and the quality of their lives Open to all matute students but ft is rreommomird that they be a( least in ? World Religions (HWR 451) ThetourTe'0 . covers five main religions. They are Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam Each religion would he considered for one week via scriptures, films, speakers and dcleirstiOn The memo Gapes to foster toleration, appreciation and understanding of the religious viewpoint of our fellow Man. Type C Nurses in Pettolia: Golf Instruction — Beginners A golf instMetional programme for adults and students of the Arleen', Pcoolii, Wyoming, Forest and Watford areas (4 weeks) Pottery: Duration 2 hours per day fora or 5 weeks Reading Skills (Remedial); 15 "elk') (.PICat"t) Reading Skills (Advanced): (3 we-eke) Sewing (Intermediate): Elementary Bays .d RSoceccreeratiSokni'lls:315:1:)(2'PeS:doilary Boys and Girls Typing Trosve l Trades:_ • Begi n 14 Weight Tramingne&"7e1tbu()ann'ing'); ea weeks) (repeated) Woodwork: It week.) Registration Procedures Tsay.dp‘.ente Aare ICooretigrisSetersot their oven Secondary School before June CO. Adults may register at any Secondary School The student is advised to seek guidance at his own school prior to registration 1 air registrations could he accepted nt Alexander Mackenzie Fridley, June 25, hilt snot• classes may be filled. Students will receive a cles1 cud by mail Ind' eating the plane and meeting time of the first class Type B Courses Students are to register al Alexander Mackenzie Secondary School on Thursday, July I or Friday, July 2 between the hours of 9.00 om and 2.00 pm. A late Type regi C c rarloo fce0ouf 5500 may he charged for registration after July 2 Students are to register at any Secondary School in Lambton County before June 19 or by mail to Mrs T. McLean. Alexander Mackenzie Secondary School, 1257 Michigan Avenue. Sarnia, Ontario. (Please make cheques payable to the Lainbton Connly Board or Education DO NOT MAIL CASH I Students will receive a class card by marl indicating one place and meeting lime of the float class. • Elementary and Pre-Schooler Courses Students may he registered at any Elementary School in Lambton County Wm* Juni 18 or by mail to Mr. D. C McPhail, Watford Public School, P.O. Box 130, Watford. Oitherto (Newsy make cheques payable to the Larnblon County Board of Education DO NOT MAIL. CA5111 University of Western Ontario flegtsier through the Extension Department University of Western Ontario. All day classes will be held at Sarnia Northern Collegiate Institute and Vocational School. 1, Fees: Lorne Smith Chairman of the Board INDIAN STUDENT THIRD CHOICE Would you like IWO or one 111.1* dwam. Secondary Students Students from the Secondary Schools may take any Type A or Type C Courses. In addition, lip-grading Type B Courses will be provided in any subject in which there is sufficient registration. Consult your Student Services Department to mice certain TYPE A or TYPE 13 Courses will be acceptable in your progrnmme. Elementary Students Courses will be offered if registration warrants at the following elementary schools. Bright's Grove Colborne Street East Sombra Hillcrest Watford Woodside Confederation Street High Park Lansdowne Rosedale The following Elementary Programmes will be offered from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 am. July 5.-July 30 inclusive. :CU Activities in Children's Theatre AArrtt 121: D(I'irawti"onk'2 (horeeirPs'y'r.t.'rdd)ny for 3 woks Do revealed) BAasu tkoetSbeatl.vhicfoi,n,,gw:ork iaigewgeroek::Ings wilt be from 12- 11.14-16 and seniors Bicycle — Ten Speed: 12 ) Cake Decorating and Sugar craft; (3 weeks) (repeated) CC oo pmppeur t eEr n aPrnmegni in n'agn:mo,gea: ) responsible for own supplies Dr Drolvv,emrpalroouiciantgionantd$00Le00aperrnodon to Swim: I wiimio.:.,: I y a I ho urrrpaeurgedmoenflo: English as a Second Language: (4 weekst dull, weeks) Fitness Fox Young Men: t4 weeks) GGooul fr mFue tn dcaomo ke inntgal_s A d v4awn'cae'd) Gourmet Cooking Beginners: 12 weeks) (repeated/ Hairstyling: (2 ...rat) (repeated) Macrame: to wed,,) Depeateds Metrication: (2 weeks) Music: 14 weeks) Golf Instruction -.- Advanced As with the beginners programme this course offers trislniclinn to people in the some area who have developed some proficiency at the game. (4 weeks) Track and Field (Introduction) Students will have an opportunity to participate in various WT,, alt the sport. Boys and girls will be able to test their strength, skill. and speed in events such as shot pot, discus, javelin, king lamp, triple Imp, pole vault, and high imp. Other events such as sprinting, hurdling, relay racing, and middle dist..• nen• ring will also he offered. Speakers, films, and demonstratrons will be included In the programme. hours per day for 5 weeks/ IfePent) Weight Training and Football (Introduction) All stud/tits will participate, in the fallowing areas of fundamental football: passing, catching, 'running, placekteking blocking and tackling Total offence and defence will also he included (1 hour per clay - 3 weeks) An introduction to the basic principal of weight training will he offered. All students will be involved in art individual program that will be set up by the instructor to meet the special needs of each student (1 hour per day for 3 weeks) In Sarnia: Students will receive a class mud by mail indicating the place and meeting time of the first class. N. L. Cheeseman Director of Education I — Somme Titles: 111.01.1 11.,•011 0111••••• (2 weeks) (repeated) (4 weeks) Given Names null ::: I. .... Textbooks will be supplied by the summer school, except for the Grade 13 courses. Adult Education (a) Adults may take any Type A or Type C courses, Registration for these courses may take place at any Secondary School, prior to June 18 or by mail to Mrs. F, McLean, Alexander Mackenzie Secondary School. (b) University of Western Ontario course's for University Credit to be held at Sarnia Northern Collegiate. (July 5 - August 12) Examinations: August 14-17 8:00 a.m. - 10:30 am, English 135 (The Literature of the Bible) Music 101 (Music in Popular Culture) 10:30 a.m. - 1,00 pm 'Physical Education 245A'24613 (A Survey of Physical Prowth and Motor Development/Mo- tor Development) 'Afternoon Hours, Physical Education 245A-2488 Labs. 1,30-3:30 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Parents are responsible for the transportntion of their children. A fee of $10.00 will he charged. (to hells defray costs) ([bight's Grove) (Commie) (Sombrn Township) (Petrolia) (Watford) (Forest) (Sarnia) (Sarnia) (Sarnia) (Sarnia) There will hen materials fee of COM to help offset mists (subject In approval by the Lambton County Board of Education) for the summer school regardless of the type or Worse or the number of CourSeS raker, The exception Is Driver Education at $7000 Make all cheques payable to the Lambton County Board of Ed. mitten. PErS0111 on Disability Pensions and Old Age Pensions will have all fees waived. Descriptions of the above courses are available in the Summer School Brochure. II ADDRESS COUNTY STUDENTS . CONCESSION NUMBER LAMBTON COUNTY OTHER STUDENT COUNTY (Specify) 1 SCHOOL ATTENDED 1074/75 - TYPE "A" COURSE TYPE "B" COURSE I Course Toles Course Titles I FIRST CHOICE SECOND CHOICE (ant only can be taken) • Please Print NAME AGE If possible would you 'prefer evening sessions? I Will you be using a bus? Yes No Bus Number .••••1 LAMBION COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION APPLICATION FOR SUMMER EDUCATION PROGRAMME II LOT NUMBER I{ SEX: M F TELEPHONE TYPE "C" COURSE Course Titles FIRST CHOICE SECOND CHOICE Ill It of the above. ▪ .1••• 4.4.6 ..... •.* :: ... ..C:.:: • 11,10111 Thames Road personals The Exeter Senior Citizens held their final meeting of the spring months, With nearly 90 members present an enjoyable evening was spent playing euchre and crokinole until 9:00 p.m. Mr. Joe White, acting as chairman, welcomed everyone and then turned the meeting over to Bob Heywood, who so often and willingly has provided a splendid program. After several numbers with him on the accordion and Glen Ilodgins on guitar, and Jeff Rooth on drums then Bob in- troduced the different acts. The first was Doug Stephens and David on harmonica and ukelele; next the two Finlayson sisters, Shelly and Sandra, of Kippen step-dancing. Doris Stephens played and sang songs with the guitar followed by the winning vocalist from last year's Exeter fair Lori Noyes of Lucan. She was followed by the Harmony Hi Hopes; Karen Henderson, Sheryl Noyes, Cheryl Hardy and Jane Hardy singing barbershop melodies from Lucan. Mr. White then gave his report as a delegate to the Huron County Senior Citizens Meeting held in Clinton. Huron County Zone 8 is com- prised of Golden Age Club, Goderich; Exeter Senior Citizens Club, Friendship Club, Brussels; and the Ever Young Club, Bayfield Golden Radar Club, Clinton; The Golden Age club of Grand Bend and Swinging Seniors Club, Blyth. One member from each club was elected as an executive hoard comprised of president, Mr. M Greg of Clinton, vice-- president Harry Baker, Bayfield, vice-president Wm. Snider, Goderich; secretary, Miss Rosa Harris, Hensall; assistant secretary Wm. Wright, Blyth, treasurer, C, H. Martene Dash- wood and assistant Ross Love., Dashwood, The meeting closed with words of welcome and an invitation to come in the fall and help boost senior citiznes with new ideas and a helping hand was given by president Mrs. A. Rundle, Thanks to those who have helped at meetings and especially Bob Heywood who has helped many times with programs. A lovely lunch was served by the ladies of Hurondale Elimville women help at sale By KATHY COOPER Several ladies from the com- munity helped with the Hospital Rummage Sale held at Huron Park last week. Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Penhale celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at the Red Gables, Grand Bend, Thursday evening. Attending the surprise event arranged by the Batten family were Mr. & Mrs. Ross Skinner, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Cooper, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Fulton, Mrs. Dorothy Webber, Mr. & Mrs. John Batten and Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Cooper. The Elimville United Church Women catered to the Brock- Schroeder wedding meal at Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre Friday evening. Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Cooper visited Saturday with Mr. & Mrs. Doug Johnston and family, Lucan. Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Cooper visited with Mr. & Mrs. Russell Morley at Pinehurst Trailer Park Sunday afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Cooper visited with Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kyle and boys in London on Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Pehlke, Monkton,visiting a few days with their daughter and son-in-law Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Fulton. Women's Institute and the meeting closed with an en- thusiastic note for our fall meetings. Also at this meeting one of the original members who opened the club 23 years ago in the person of Mr. Ed Lindenfield, By MRS, HUGH MORENZ About 30 friends and neighbors met -t Shipka Community (Wire Wednesday evening to honor .dr. & Mrs. Tom Arnold who were recently married. During the social time they played progressive euchre. Winners were ladies high: Mrs. Sheila Massie, men's high: Jack Pickering. ladies low; Mrs, Toni Arnold, men's low: Tom Arnold, most lone hands: Kathy Russell. Hostesses for this event were Mrs. Cliff Russell and Mrs. Lorne Dietrich. The young couple were presented with a chair and foot stool from the commonity group. Persona ls Mrs. Henry Becker and her granddaughter, Marilyn Pfaff, attended the Mennonite Relief sale of quilts at New Hamburg, Saturday. Mr. & Mrs. Ferman Snyder, accompanied by Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Morenz, visited Sunday in Bothwell with Chris Baumgarten and enjoyed a picnic supper with him. Mr. Baumgarten is a former resident of this area. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Vincent, Lori, Michael and Michelle, spent the weekend in Barryton, Michigan, with Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Navarre and family and attended the graduation service of Mr. Vincent's nephew, Brian Navarre, from Chippewa Hills High school. Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs, Lorne Devine were, Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Latta, Diane, Lori- Anne and her friend Lisa, all of Waterloo. Mr. & Mrs. Gerrit Zondag, of St. Thomas, visited Sunday with his brother, Mr, & Mrs. Rudy Zondag. Alf Burt, who has spent the past two months visiting with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Turnbull, returned Wednesday to his home at Manitoulin Island. Mrs. Willis Desjardine was hostess to a party of friends, at her home, Tuesday for Gateway demonstration, Mrs. Ed Turnbull and Mrs. Hugh Morenz, from this area, were on the charter bus trip, Tuesday, to Niagara Falls and Marineland,which was sponsored by Grand Bend Women's Institute. Cindy Desjardine of Ripley visited last weekend with her parents Mr. & Mrs. Willis Desjardine and brother Ray and grandmother Mrs. Mabel Desjardine. Drugs topic at Parkhill church Mr, Harold McKillopp, Com- munity Relations representative for Western Ontario, spoke on Drugs and Alcohol Sunday at the United Church. The Baptists held their 105th anniversary services with Rev. Reg Babbey of Wallaceburg as guest speaker. Special choir music and the Gospel Custodians of Exeter were enjoyed. Lori McClinchey returned home from St. Joseph's Hospital recently. Mrs. Katharine Johnson received a 50 year pin for her services to Bornish CWL. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sheppard, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Fraser and Mrs. Allen Hayter attended the funeral at Ailsa Craig of their aunt Mrs. Earl Morley, formerly of Brinsley. THE ANNUAL EXETER KINSMAN bicycle rodeo attracted a large group of young cyclists to the parking lot behind the high school this past Saturday. Before his run Mike Clarke, center, received some last minute instructions from Kinsman president Dennis Hockey, left, and Constable George Robertson of the local police force. By MRS, WILLIAM ROHDE Mr. & Mrs. Reg Hodgert were guests for supper Thursday evening at the Highland Golf and Country Club, London. The oc- casion being the eightieth birthday of Mrs. Edna Hodgert. After supper they returned to the apartment of Lillian Hodgert. Mrs. Howatt of Londesboro is spending some time with her daughter and son-in-law Mr. & Mrs, Mac Hodgert, On Saturday, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Cann and Cheryl, Mr. & Mrs. William Cann, Mr. & Mrs. Reg Rodger' and Brenda, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jeffery called at the home of Mr, & Mrs, Gordon Johnston, Whalen where they celebrated the eightieth birthday of Mr. Earl Johnston of London. Mr. & Mrs. Ross Hodgert, Diane and Alan attended a family dinner in honor of Mr. & Mrs, Iledley May's fiftieth wedding anniversary on Saturday evening at the Pineridge Chalet, Hensall. Their anniversary is on the 2nd of June, Mr. & Mrs. Reg. Hodgert and Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Passmore attended the twenty-fifth wed- ding anniversary reception and dance for Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Aikens of Mitchell at the Crystal Palace in Mitchell on Saturday evening. Later they returned to the Aikens home. Mrs. William Thomson of Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. William Roh- de and Calvin attended Woodham Sunday School Anniversary on Sunday and were guests later with Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Thomson. Mr. & Mrs, Rick Mellenger and Alicia moved to their home on Oxford Street, Hensall on Saturday. We are sorry to have them leave our community. Mr. & Mrs. William Snow have moved to Exeter recently. We are sorry to have them leave our community. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Snow of London moved into the former home of Mr, & Mrs. William Snow, We welcome Mr. & Mrs. Jim Snow to our com- munity. Page 16 Times-Advocate, June 3,1976 Exeter senior citizens hold final meeting