HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-06-03, Page 7Times-Advocate, June 3, 1976
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A number of students from
McGillivray Central School took
part in the Middlesex County
Board of Education spring
concert which was held in the
Alumni Hall at Western
Honor bride-elect
A community shower was held
at St. Mary's Anglican church
Wednesday in honor of Bonnie
Morgan bride-elect of June. A
large number of ladies of the
community were present.
Mrs. Leslie Gibbard of
Ancaster and Mrs. Harold
Hamilton of Mississauga at-
tended the funeral of their aunt
Mrs. Elsie Morley Saturday and
later visited with Mr. & Mrs. Earl
Lewis on the weekend.
The UCW met at the home of
Mrs. George Prest Wednesday
for their June meeting.
Sympathy is extended to Mr.
Mrs. Leslie Morley and family in
the recent passing of a mother
and grandmother, Mrs. Elsie
Morley, buried from Stephen-
son's Funeral Home, Ailsa Craig
Mrs. George Lee & Mrs. Jack
Trevithick attended the
Geranium Tea held at Carlisle
church last Thursday.
Field days were held at
McGillivray Central School last
Gayle Fenton attended the
wedding of her cousin in London
last Saturday.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hamilton &
family of London, Mrs. Dorothy
McDonald and Kathleen Morley
were Sunday afternoon visitors
with Mrs. Violet Allison.
Dale and Jim Fenton were
weekend visitors with Mr. & Mrs.
George rest and Cindy.
Mr. & Mrs. William Fenton of
Belgrave visited with friends
here on Sunday.
Students attend concert
To: The Members of Council, Inhabitants
and Ratepayers of the Township of Stephen
We have examined the financial statements of the
Township of Stephen and its local boards for the year ended
December 31, 1975, Our examination included a general review
of the accounting procedures and such tests of accounting
records and other supporting evidence as we considered
necessary in the circumstances.
Our examination of the books and records of the local
boards was limited to an examination of the receipts and dis-
bursements as recorded in the books of the local boards. The
accumulated net revenue of local boards at the beginning of
1975 has been adjusted as disclosed in note 3 to the financial
In our opinion, subject to the above comments, these finan-
cial statements present fairly the financial position of the
Township of Stephen and its local boards as at December 31,
1975 and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in
accordance with accounting principles generally accepted for
Ontario municipalities, after giving retroactive effect to the
changes referred to in note 2 to the financial statements, on a
basis consistent with that of the preceding year.
The comparative figures as at December 31, 1974 and for
the year then ended are based upon financial statements which
were reported on by another auditor.
Listowel, Ontario MacGillivray & Co.
April 23, 1976. Chartered Accountants
License No. 350.
Statement of Revenue and Expenditure
for the year ended December 31, 1975
Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at
the beginning of the year 41,408 72,709
General municipal purposes
General government 60,618 39,047
Protection to persons and property 39,128 27,837
Transportation services 257,646 286,565
Environmental services 13,792 12,142
Recreation and cultural services 16,733 8,034
Planning and development 115,064 101,695
502,981 475,320
Region or county purposes 188,588 159,216
School board purposes 304,591 263,471
Total expenditure 996,160 898,007
General municipal purposes
Taxation 199,312 91,422
Payments in lieu of taxes 46,097 9,134
Ontario grants 174,480 219,661
Other grants 1,000 3,805
Other 152,817 122,515
573>706 446,537
Region or county purposes
Taxation 137,705 126,045
Payments in lieu of taxes 7,337 9,572
Ontario grants 30,417 21,199
175,459 156,816
School board purposes
Taxation 306,642 262,091
Payments in lieu of taxes 178
Other 1,191 1,262
308,011 263,353
Total revenue 1,057 176 866,706
Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at
the end of the year 102,424 41,408
Analysed as follows
General revenue 65,651 (2,492)
Police villages 14,368 19,189
Region or county 9,637 22,766
School boards 3,321 (99)
Local boards 9,447 2,044
102,424 41,408
Statement of Capital Fund Operations
for the year ended December 31, 1975
Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended
capital financing) at the beginning
of the year
General government 836
Protection to persons and property 1,550
Transportation services 36,412
Environmental services 259,239
Recreation and cultural services 2,187
Planning and development 400,800 149 038
Total expenditure 441,785 408,277
Contributions from the revenue fund 40,985
Long term liabilities incurred 320,700 283,519
Ontario grants 122,620
Other 2,138
Total capital financing 361,685 408,277
Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended
capital financing) at the end of the year.,, 80,100 Nil
Balance Sheet
as at December 31, 1975
Current assets 1975 1974
Cash 31,786 25,007
Accounts. receivable 154,377 172,448
Taxes receivable 92,546 86,871
Other current assets 3,118 3,505
281,827 287,831
Capital outlay to be recovered in
future years 1,084,18/ 697,012
Other long term assets 73,989
1,866,014 1,058 832
Current liabilities
Temporary loans 138,400 73,400
Accounts payable and accrued
liabilities 51,103 99,518
Other current liabilities 3,505
189,503 176,423
Net long term liabilities 1,004,087 771,001
Reserves and reserve funds 70,000 70,000
Accumulated net revenue (deficit) and
unapplied capital receipts 102,424 41,408
1,366 014 1,058,832
Trust Funds
Statement of Continuity
for the year ended December 31, 1975
Balance at the beginning
of the year
Capital receipts
Province of Ontario 10,000 10,000
10,000 10.000
Balance at the end of the year 10,000 10,000
Balance Sheet
as at December 31, 1975
Accounts receivable
- revenue fund
Balance-capital 10,000 10,000
10,000 10,000
Notes to Financial Statements
For The Year Ended December 31, 1975
1. Accounting Policies
(a) Balance Sheet
The Balance Sheet reflects the combined assets and
liabilities of the revenue fund, capital fund, reserve
funds and the following local boards:
Stephen Township Community Centre Board
Centralia Centennial Community Centre
Crediton Community Park Board
Dashwood Community Centre Board
(b) Fixed Assets
No value is attached to fixed assets for municipal repor-
ting purposes. Expenditures on fixed assets are charged
against current revenues unless the expenditures are
financed out of long term debt. Debt retirement costs
are charged against current revenues in the periods in
which they are paid.
(c) Provincial road subsidy revenue and expenditure on roads
Provincial subsidy programmes are on a "receipt and
disbursement" basis which does not recognize accruals.
The municipality has expended amounts for which the
road subsidy will not be eligible for claim until the
succeeding year. Such future subsidy revenues have
been accrued in the current year.
(d) Charges for net long term liabilities
Charges for net long term liabilities include principal
and interest. Interest charges are not accrued for the
period from the date of the latest interest payment to
the end of the fiscal year.
2. Comparative Figures
The 1974 comparative figures have been restated to reflect
the following:
(a) consolidation of local boards, other than joint boards
and municipal enterprises.
(b) over levies, previously disclosed as current liabilities
are now included with accumulated net revenue.
(c) reclassifications of expenditures as required by changes
in disclosure requirements.
3. Local Boards
The accumulated net revenue at the beginning of 1975 has
been adjusted to include the surplus (deficit) of the follow-
ing local boards which were not reported in previous years.
(a) Centralia Centennial Community Centre $ 806
(b) Crediton Community Park Board 586
(c) Dashwood Community Centre Board (1,950)
$ (558)
The above figures represent cash balances only of the local
boards as at December 31, 1974.
Comparative figures for these local boards have not been
4. Charges For Net Long Term Liabilities
Total charges for the year for net long term liabilities were
as follows:
Principal payments including contributions to
year amount to $1,289,194
Of the long term liabilities shown above, the
responsibility for payment of principal and in-
terest charges has been assumed by others for a
principal amount of (281,736)
The total value of sinking funds and the balance
in the Ontario Water Resources Debt Retire-
ment Fund which have been accumulated to the
end of the year to retire the outstanding long
term liabilities included above amount to (3,371)
Net long term liabilities at the end of the year $1,004,087
6, Capital Outlay to be Recovered in Future Years
Some capital outlay does not represent a burden on general
municipal revenues as it is to be recovered in future years
from other sources:
Special charges on benefitting landowners $1,022,349
Municipal enterprises 01,838
Total Renewal
10,000 10,000
10,000 10,000
10,000 10,000
sinking funds and to the Ontario Water
Resources Debt Retirement Fund $ 91,747
Interest 31,638
Of the total charges shown above, $115,064 was paid from the
revenue of the municipality and is included in expenditure,
classifed under the appropriate functional headings, and $8,-
321 was recovered from the municipal enterprises for which
the related net long term liabilities were incurred.
5. Net Long Term Liabilities
Total long term liabilities incurred by the
municipality and outstanding at the end of the
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FORMING LEO CLUB - The Exeter Lion's Club is trying to get a Leo
Club started for young people between the ages of 13 and 18. An
organizational meeting was held last week at the Exeter Scout Hall.
From the left: Const, Frank Giffi n, Lions' president, Dougall Campbell,
Church gives attendance awards
Leo organizer, and Glen Kells, past Lions president. The next meeting
has been set for Wednesday, June 9 at 8 p.m. at South Huron High
At the United Church Rev,
Mary McInally was in charge of
the service, when the sermon was
taken from various passages of
Scripture, read at appropriate
times through the message which
was entitled "People called
Christians". Being a Christian
involves three important things
said the minister, belief, com-
mitment and action.
The Banns of Marriage were
published between Leslie John
Youngson and Beverly Maria
Sunday School attendance
awards were awarded. First Pin:
Bill Jacklin, Debbie Wissell and
Becky Bryan, Second pin; Carol
Hutchison, Jeff Marshall and Ann
Harrett, Third pin: Cindy
Hofrichter, Dana Hofrichter,
Kenny McGuffin, Diane Garrett
and David Knapman. Members
who were to receive their wreath
and first bar, will be presented
with them next Sunday, owing to
a delay in their arrival in time for
the Service.
Sunday School pupils
plant flowers
The flowers planted by Sunday
School pupils in beds in front of
the United Church have taken a
good hold and look very pretty.
This was a project started by
Mrs. Gordon McRoberts class,
but the whole school took part in a
small ceremony outside at the
planting, singing hymns, Each
boy planted a flower. The girls
disdained this chore, as they did
not want to soil their Sunday
Just a reminder that the
minister still has sponsor sheets
available for the Bible Society
Walkathon, which starts at Lucan
United Church June 5,
Friendly neighbors
Drop in at the Centre on
Thursday afternoon, join in the
various .pastimes, work at your
favorite crafts and enjoy a cup of
tea or coffee and cookies mingled
with good fellowship, The
directors would like to get a few
items of business settled such as
the final plans for the bus trip to
Niagara Falls.
Scout news
The scouts and their leaders
had good weather on the holiday
weekend, where they attended
the Perth County Camporee at
Wildwood Park, Their a clivites
included fishing, hiking and
The Granton Scout Troop and
Cub Pack and their leaders are to
be congratulated for turning in
$40 ( part of the proceeds from
their variety show) to the Bunny
Bundle Crippled Children's Fund.
Teen dance
A teen dance was held at the
Forester's Hall ,on Friday night.
Mrs. Wm. Pennington, Mrs.
Steven Rooney and Mrs. Bonnie
Heist were chaperones.
Winners of the spot dance
prizes were, Donna Lyn Thomp-
son and Kerry Westman.
The date for the dance being
held at Kirk ton-Woodham
Community Centre should have
read Saturday, June 19 not July
19 as it appeared May 20.