HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-05-20, Page 26FASHIONS — Kari Ann Yallup of Lucan is a model, at the age of 2 1/2
years. Here Jacki Yallup, right, dresses her daughter Kari Ann in
preparation for the UCW's annual fashion show at the Biddulph
School last Wednesday evening. T-A photo by Sharon Specht
Fashio of show held
at d I h school
Ten door prizes were drawn
with gifts being donated by local
business women.
The "Harmony Hi-Hopes" a
barber shop quartette of teen
girls sang several numbers and
those present really enjoyed the
youthful voices. Cheryl Hardy,
Jane Hardy, Sheryl Noyes and
Karen Henderson comprised the
quartette. Lori Noyes sang a solo
during the intermission.
Pledges are
needed now
Many "sponsor sheets' are still
out for the Great Family Ride
held April 25. Returns should
have been in last week, in order
that the chairman for the event
Gordon Barker, can make his
report to the Unit. Please won't
you get your pledges in today and
turn in your forms, with the
money, to Gordon, t o Len Maslen
to Elsie Gibson, or take them to
Clark's Variety. The success of
this project still depends on you.
Interest Payment
Interest Payment
on 5 year term
382 Oundas St,
Woodstock, Ontario
Telephone 539-5601
out of town calf collect.
Wednesday evening, May 12, a
number of interested parents met
at the Town Hall to discuss and
plan the coming year for minor
Ty Barnes was elected
President of the Association with
Donna Walsh as Vice President.
Beth MacGregor will act as
Secretary and John Bender as
Treasurer for the coming year.
Coaches for the various teams
include: Ruth Slater for T. Ball
for the youngsters up to six years
of age; Richard Austin and
Martin Verbeeli will coach the
Novices — boys and girls from 7
to 9 years of age; Donna Walsh,
Squirts, boys 10 and 11 years;
Carman Pickering, Pee Wees,
boys from 12 to 13 years; and Bob
Hooper, Bantams, boys 14 to 16;
and Bret Gillies, coach for the
plans support
At a meeting of the Ailsa Craig
Business Association last week, it
was decided to give support to
minor softball again this year.
The Association has , un-
dertaken the task of buying and
setting up a baseball back stop
for the players which will be
located in the field beside the
former Ailsa Craig Public School.
must be counted, and that all
questions in your Census Ques-
tionnaire must be answered.
We all have a stake in Canada's
future, so please help us make
the Census of Canada a com-
plete success.
The Census of Agriculnue.
It's extra special.
'1 If you're a farmer, you're
asked to complete both a gen-
eral and a Census of Agricul-
ture questionnaire.
Please fill in both question-
naires, but don't mail them
back.They will be picked up
by your census representative
shortly after Census Day.
I wouldn't
be right
Please remember that every-
one living in your household
Plan softball season
abundant at the Lucan show Fri-
day. Here Nicole Hardy models a
pinafore provided by Young's
Department Store, as were all the
fashions. 1-A photo by Sharon
A very successful Fashion
Show, sponsored by the Lucan
UCW was staged Wednesday
evening, at Biddulph Central
School, with Majorie Park acting
as General Convener and M.C.
Pat Stutt was the very capable
and charming commentator and
Marilyn Dykeman provided
"mooch,," music on the piano.
Dorothy Young acted as refresh-
ments convener and Sadie
McPhee and Iva Hodgins were
in charge of tickets.
Muriel Cobleigh and AnnHolden
assisted in calling models, prior
to the show and Edythe Mugford
and Judith Weber assisted the
models at the show. Fashions
were from Young's Clothing
Store and local models of all
ages, men, women and children
took part.
Proceeds for
Bible van
Sponsor sheets are available
for all ages for the "Get in the
Van" Guard Walk-a-thon for the
Lucan branch of theBibleSociety,
from Jim Robertson at the Lucan
Post Office, your minister, or
from the Sunday School
superintendents. The proceeds
this year will go to help provide a
new Bible Van for Taiwan, with
an objective of $4,222.
CASUAL WEAR — Stuart Park
provided a nice change of pace
when he walked out on thee
runway Friday at the 'xon
UCW's fashion show.
Delegates to
District Annual
Mrs. James Lockyer, Mrs.
Lillian Ashton and Mrs. Ewart
Madden were delegates Thur-
sday to the North Middlesex
District Annual of the Federated
Women's Institutes of Ontario.
Mrs, Madden also led in the
Mrs. Cecil Robb, District
Representative to the Federation
of Agriculture and Mrs, R.R.
Crozier District Representative
to family and children services
also attended giving their report
for the year.
Sunshine Group
enjoys euchre
The Sunshine Group of the
Lucan Senior Citizens Club en-
joyed euchre at their meeting on
Thursday afternoon, while the
Busy Buddies continued their
macrame with some members
working on group quilt blocks.
A guest, Mr. Charles
Donaldson, of Tantallon,
Saskatchewan, was welcomed.
Mr. & Mrs. Donaldson were
spending the week with Mr. &
Mrs. Harold Cobleigh, but owing
to the illness of Mrs. Cobleigh,
she and Mrs. Donaldson were not
able to attend the meeting.
Harriet Holmes, vice-president
chaired the very brief business
meeting when birthday greetings
were extended to Vina Emery,
Iva Hodgins and Earl Atkinson,
Jim Robertson attended the
meeting briefly to announce the
Seniors section of the Walk-a-
thon for the Bible Society, and
left sponsor sheets for those
wishing to take part.
Euchre winners were: lady's
high, Jean Miller; Lone,
Kathleen Neil; Low, Gayle
Cronyn; man's high, Harold
Cobleigh; lone, ,Rose, Atkinson,
playing a man's card, and low,
Gordon Atkinson, Lunch was
provided by Mary Hodgson,
Maude Hodgins and Gordon
Alcohol Theme
"Alcohol& Drug Concerns' was
the theme for the service in the
Lucan United Church on Sunday,
when Mr. Larry Gillians, a
layman from Scarborough, who
has a great concern for the abuse
of alcohol and drug use today,
spoke on this subject,
Mr. Gillians said we live in "a
chemical age" with additives in
practically everything we eat and
use, and we need the chemicals,
but as we move into our daily
lives we experience tensions. and
this is where the test comes.
Some of us are unable to cope
with the chemical age and take
combinations of drugs to over-
come this inability to cope. The
individual who has sound
Christian values is needed more
than ever in the secular society,
He indicated that ads should be
changed to point out the
derelects, rather than the "good"
times. He concluded with the
statement that Alcohol & Drug
Concerns needs our prayers and
our financial support. Some of the
latter was forthcoming in a
special collection for this pur-
pose. Anniversaries were an-
nounced for the charge - Clan-
deboye May 30 at 11 a.m. with Dr.
Alan Meredith of Ilderton as
guest speaker, when the Lucan
service will be withdrawn, and
Lucan June 6 at 11:15 a.m. with
Mr. Jim Stanley, as speaker,
Paul Madden, who attended a
recent youth conference spon-
sored by A&DC read one of the
Explorer news
The Lucan-Clandeboye
Explorers have invited members
of the Busy Buddies Craft Group
of the Lucan Senior Citizens Club,
to demonstrate macrame, along
with their instructor, Mrs. Ken
Carter, at the annual Bunny Tea,
May 29.
years of age, chose this song for the Lion's Club talent show
preliminaries last Friday in Lucan. T-A photo by Sharon Specht.
Cultural Activities — Mrs. I. Cameron, RR 1, Ilderton.
McAlpine of RR 3, Ailsa Craig; Entertainment was provided
Agriculture and Canadian by the Clandeboye Institute. Mrs.
Industrie, Mrs. J. Dunnell of RR Carol Crerar, home economist,
6, St. Marys; Citizenship and spoke on the 4H programs and
World Affairs, Mrs. J. W. then gave an excellent demon-
Bycraft of RR 3, Denfield; stration of the fashion of scarves
Family & Consumer Affairs, and the many ways they can be
Mrs. Norman Riddell, RR 2, worn and tied.
Granton; Resolutions, Mrs. D. Next year's annual district
Kestle of RR 2, Lucan and Public meeting was scheduled to be held
Relations Officer, Mrs. A. B. at the Parkhill United Church.
The Census of Canada will
be taken on lbesday, June 1,
and Canada is counting on you
to count yourself in.The
questions are easy to answer,
and it doesn't take long to fill
in the questionnaire.,
VdterWr Itake dr Census.
The facts only you can pro-
vide on Census Day are
needed to update a statistical
picture of your community, •
and your country. Census
information will be used in the
coming years for the plan-
ning of social services for all
Canadian communities.
ti ow we take the Census.
Within the next few days, a
census representative will
deliver a Census Questionnaire
to your home.You can choose
to have yours in either English
or French
All you have to do is use a
pencil to answer all the ques-
tions. If a pre-paid envelope
was included in your census
package, mail back the com-
pleted questionnaire. If you
don't get an envelope, simply
keep the completed question-
naire, and a census repre-
sentative will pick it up after
Census Day.
Our lips are sealed.
Only Statistics Canada per-
sonnel who are sworn to
secrecy see your completed
questionnaire, and they are
subject to severe legal penalties
if they disclose your answers
to anyone else.
Page 26 Times-Advocate, May 20, 1976
It certainly was and it was sung
by Lorri Noyes at the Lucan UCW
fashion show Wednesday. It was
not only a day for Lorri to display
her talent but it was also her
birthday; she has just turned 13.
T-A photo by Sharon Specht
Beechwood was the scene of
much activity and com-
munication Thursday, May 13 as
over one hundred ladies gathered
for the North Middlesex District
annual Institute meeting.
District President, Mrs. Martin
Watson of Parkhill, presided at
the meeting. The morning session
included a meditation by the Rev.
Charles Falconer on the well
known scripture passage dealing
with love, I Cor. 15. He urged the
members not to forget to be kind.
"lt is the most rewarding gift we
hae", he stated, and cited
Christ's death and resurrection
as the supreme example of love.
A Provincial Board report was
given by Mrs. Emerson. Stanley. -
Mrs. R. Lewis and. Mrs. D.
Fletcher conducted i;rhemorialV
service for all members within
the district who have passed on
during the past year. A beautiful
basket of flowers was placed on
the communion table in memory
of the members. Two poems were
shared with the group.
Following lunch, which was
provided by the Beechwood
ladies, Mrs. Gloria Bannister
welcomed the delegates. Mrs.
June Henry of Cla,ndeboye
'Institute replied. Area Convener,'
Mrs. W. Laidlaw -broughte"
greetings from London. Mrs.:
Margaret Carrmichael,
Provincial Board member then.
presented her with a gift bearing
the Institute motto: "For Home
And Country".
Mrs. Chester Brown, District
Secretary was presented with a"'_
corsage by the ladies of the'
Coldstream Institute in
recognition of her many years of
faithful service in the Institute. In
the morning President Mrs.
Martin Watson was also
presented with a corsage by her
Cloverdale Institute.
Reports were received from
the six standing committees.
Mrs. Emerson Stanley
presided over the election of
officers. The election results are
as follows: Honorary President,
Mrs, Otto Zimmerman;
President, Mrs, Martin Watson;
Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs.
Chester Brown. The Conveners
elected include: Education and
Over 100 at District Annual
Come In and VISIT
Glassware, Pots & Crocks, Furniture
for Collectors or Gifts
May 20, 21, 22 - 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Fri. till 9 p.m.
Brian & Irene Elliot
165 Main St., Ailsa Craig NOM 1 AO
Phone 293-3531
Juveniles. Dennis Hooper will
coach the girls from 10 to 14
Games will be played against
the Nairn and Beechwood teams
for those ten and under, while
thossi over 10 years will compete
against McGillivray. Practices
and home games will be played at
the Ailsa Craig Ball Park.
Good attendance
In spite of the fact that it was
still in the midst of the Stanley
Cup hockey playoffs, a good
attendance was present at the
Ailsa Craig United Church last
Sunday evening to enjoy the
Peace of Mind Singers.
The fifty voice choir sang with
great enthusiasm and zest,
uplifting the spirits of all in at-
tendance. Throughout the
program they displayed a spirit
of happiness and exuberance
both in music and movement.
The young people's choir,
under the direction of Dr. Roy
Whitehead and Mrs. Betty
Cornish, organized about five
years ago. The majority of the
members belong to the Mount
Zion United Church in the city of
Along with the choir, ten in-
strumentalists, including two
flutes, a trumpet and even a
harmonica added greatly to the
musical, "Light Shine" which is
based on the beatitudes.
Canada's coundng opyou
to count yourself in. I+ Statistics Canada Statistique Canada