HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1874-4-8, Page 40/••••A - —AM% ''''•••••neeelel _Wwitallewiesfv•reoe mote. 111% There's nothing aggravated &man So much ubetng tottl El• has nu common seandotan No potty' ariffitt4d6W1 Yon shun hist opt* Jun this way, Whale's: he may commence- "Peob! pooh! you don't know what you say! It is not cannmon sense: ' All Asir genes people will Allow they don't pewees. To &VS thug common sense they still Decidedly profess! Buil very often those who think - With net much diffidence - They haw it -quit• the truth will blink TWA they've no common sense! For so it is we always find, Ourselves we cannot know! However modestly inclined, fare are we wrong to go. Aid thou who may absurdly boast With understanding donne - That they bay, oartunly the most -- Save 4eut-of common sense! -Fun. Special Notices. eno•nvaint -Sm.' Cocoa. -43aavirren, •we COntonirtito,—"By a t hotoush knowledge of th3 lateral laws which govern the operations ef diges- tion tad nutrition, and by a eareltil application of Ib. lins properties of well selected co os r. Epps UM provided our breakfast :abler writs a delicately favored beverage which may save us many heavy donorsbills."-Cinilserviss Goads& Made Glumly wiih•Doilistretator MM. leek prteket isl &belled -"Jambi.. Pan Co.,. filhagagiegie lac chemists, Loado • 1.ItascittsgoCoces.-"Iirs will now give es Milionnt CCU* process adopted by Messrs Ja.nlie topsCd, manefatnrers of dietetic artielse et then wefts in the luster& Road,Lontion,0--Ceinialis Ontaighiski TOL ODDS &VD ENDS. Inillight of • match will frighten a wolf away, itis said. But loy• matches d m't always keep the wolf from the door. Rio gflauscit.--Jones;-"By Jeve, who that tall young man talking to Miss Brownr' The elder Mien Brown - "Oh, don't you know, Mr. Jones', Mr. Lengtonl ha very clever, indeed, you know, just come from Cambridge, third wrangler, intended for the Chtarch, I believes -"Jones (very sareastic)- I should have thought more likely for the steeple, ehl" TOJHE PUBLIC OF" British North- America. IN consequence of frauds that have a been practised upon you by two or three individuals (who for a time took the name nf the "'New York Chemical Company") making and selling some- thing which they call "Holloway's Pills and Ointment," and which, for a season, were freely sold in many parts of the British Provinces as my genuine Pins and Ointment,.I hare for sometime past considered it my duty to caution the public, throngh the medium of the press, against buying these spurious articles. Judgmenta have been obtained against this Bankrupt Crew; in one case by a Mr. Caused, who, when about to levy at the latter end of October last, found the name of the Chemical Company had been painted out and that of Samue Voss substituted. Many respectable Firms in the Brit ish Provinces, who obtain my medicine direct from here, have very properl angeested that I should, for the beneti of themselves and the public,. timer their names in tf.1 papers, that it ma be known that my inedicineit can be ha genuine from them. The folloling is a list of the Firni alluded to; and I particularly recom mend those who desire to get my med eines to apply to some idothe House named:- Among the cu rinsities of thtease, I may now cite, says a London correspondent; with "contempt of court," a very re- markable anagram, which for appro- prtateuog is, I think, alinoat without • perallel. letters forming thg surds 'Sir Roger Charles Doughty Tichborne, Baronet," may be transposed, without addition or omiaaion, into the sentence, "Yonhorrid butcher Orton, biggest roe- eal here." "If you don't see what you want, ask for it, is posted ap in a conspicuous place in s Legansport-grocery. A native stepped into the estahlishment last week. H. saw the card and remarked: "I want a ten -dollar bill, and 1 don't see "Neither de. I," was tbelaeonic reply. Said Lord John Russell to Hume, at a exist dinner, "Whet do you consider the object of legislation?" "The greatest good to the greatest nnmbe.r." 'What de you consider the greatest number?" continued bis lordship. "Number one, my lord," wax the commuter's prompt reply. Said a professor in a college to a notorions laggard' who war oncefor a eider, promptly in his place at morn - :nil prefers et the appointed time. "I marked you, sir, as punctual this morn- ing. What is your exchser' "S -s -sick, sir, and couldu't sleep," was the reply. .Atai-Imeopirtex. - Jamie Ry burn,- the Rettf row shire wit, made an uafortunate marriage. One dayhe!met a friend, who, with tears in his eyes, said that he had met with • "dreadful calamity thet morning. "Dear me. Join," inquired Jamie, "whet is't?" "I've lost my wife," replied the sorrow. - stricken widower. "Your wifeis thai a'?" answer Rybuerr; "do'd, matt, I'll gie ye my living aria for your dead aue, and -it bottle o' pill to the barrin." At a very successful seance in Cincin- nati the other night, a due burst into_ tears when the medium described very aceurately a tall, blue-eyed spirit stand- ing by him, with light side whiskers and his hair parted in the atidlle. "Do you know himl ' inquired a man at kis side, in a syippathetio whisper. "Know him! I giteaga do," replied the unhappy man, wipmg his eves. "He was engag- ed to mv wife. If ha. hadn't died he wmtld have been her husband instead of me. Oh, George, George!' hs mur- mitred, in a voice choked•witla emotion, "why did you peg out?" A doctor always treates his juvenile patients for "worms" whatever might happen to be their symptoms. One day, being called to a boy who was suffering severely, he felt Ms pulse, and, looking at the mother,with a solemn shake of the head, said, "Worms,- madam! worms:" "Now, Doctor," said the mother, "it isn't worms al all; I tell ye; the boy fell down on the wood -pile and broke his leg, and I want you to stop crytng ' 'worms" and set it immediately,. "Aft! 'said the Doctor, determined not to be put down, "Worms in the wood, madseoworms in the wood!" TAB PULPIT, GOLD AND SILFZIL-1/11 a letter lately teiblished, Mr. Bright has expressed sonie thoughts about sermons which ought to be studied and laid to heart by the great majority of Clergy- men. It is not the business of Mr. Punch to preach sermons, but,if it were, he *inks he shoted ke.es how to do it. His idea of a aernion is that it shoilld always tell people) something whfch either they did not kuow and ought' to, or kDOW and would n,it mind, and tell Muer.. Axery, Brown & Co.,. Ilalifax N. 8. Messrs. Yorseth & CooMalifsat. N. Et. Messrs. T. B. Barkerotlionl, St. John N. B. Mr T. Des Betsey, Charlotte Town P. E. I. Messrs. Langley & Co:, Victoria, B. C Messrs. Moore & Cc•., Victoria. B. C. Dr. John Pallen Chatham, N. B. Messrs. 31tinro & Co.; Montreal. Msers. J. Winer h Co., Hamilton, Ont Mr H. J. Rose, Toronto. Mr. A. Chipman Smith. St. John, N. B Mr. John Kind. Goderich, Onte Messrs. Elliot & Co., Toronto, !Jr. .1. Chaloner, St..lohn, N. II. Moran. Honineton Bros , St.John,N.B Mr. R. S. Priddy, Windsor. Ont. Mrs. Orcen, Morden, N. 5.. Mr, Georee C. Hunt, Jun., Frederic. ton. 14.8. Me W. Thompson, Harbor Grow 'N. F. Mr. J. M. Wiley, Fredericton, N. B. Messrs. W. & D. Yule, Montreal. My Pills and Ointment are neithe mannfactured nor sold in any pert the United States. Each Pot and Bo bears the British Government Stant with the words, "Efollowav's Pills an Ointment,- London," engraved theroo The medicines ere sold at the hese wholesale 'prices. in bilantities of n less leas than £20 wnrth-viz, fts. 64 2.2s., arid 34s per dozen boxes of Pil or pots of Ointment, for which remi tanoes must he Rent in advance. -THOMAS HOLLOWAY N. fl. -Chemists and 'other vend of Hollowey's eentiine Pills and 'Giro rnent may have their names inseeted De local papers if they will please app here-- e 533, Oxford Street, W. C., .vtdois, Dec. 1, 1873. Lands for Bal . ET . E. WOODCOCK, CONVEYANCEIR And Land Agent. OPPIci-Bonter et West Street, DANIEL GORDON, C A I3 I N Firr m A IC E B, UPHOLS 11E8E8., 1713.e1.43r 13..431•, I CeItCne inamhe A Valuable Farin ITUA'TED in the second ooncesgion " of the Western Division' of the Township of Colborne, about four miles from Gederich, con-- taining 200 acres of good land, nearly half of which is cleared and fru, frein stumps, with Brick House, Barns, Sta- bles, Workshops, &c. There ie a good bearing Orchard of the choicest fruit on the estate. Well watered. Title indisputable. Terms easy.. E. WOODCOCK. Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. IL *HEELER'S COMfOUN'D va c. on in st he of d. ell of in ra- er on To li- y•• he of he are red in - of r- at or of sta. D Ells& of Pheephates and •Calisa -a Chemical Food and Nutritive Toni This • elegant and agreeahle °repaint combines with a sound Sherry Wine the fnrm of a delicious cordial, the m reliable agents known for. improving appetite, Meditating the assamilatin food and the formation of healthy b14 It is remarkable for its efficacy in Torres of Dyspepsia, in all cases • Scrofulous attel Consumptive diseues adults or/ children, in Nervous Prost tion and General Dehility from ov exertion of mind and bony, diseipati anerhad habits, -hi diseases peciilisr women, and in poorly developed de cat* tileldren. Sold at 01. Dk. J. BELL SiMPSON' Specific* nod Tattle PM*. open ORE ST EN11.1.41. REMEDY FOR NPR g en. nehdity, Sporinstorrhet Nocturnal Pin slop of the lienerative Onrush Palpitation of t Heart. Trembling's, Sleeple.siness, tbo effect over-indmhzeit.ie in sleoholic stimilants not toiler en. gr. •Dr. J. nett mitersoel Pills steel only efflorDiel o*e. for the anoint disease.. and ite,,r known to fhil. They have 'woadv en hundreds in thot.-ountry. Hobert Arthur. mach jet. 11-1,71U ton, ted171.istio his reedeery b,-th.(, safe. certain losil rapid in ;equal, a short trial proe prove their ,'S -v. No ittiff.rer need de.i• ir briny reli.o.oh foim the ?Hegel,' eff.h.te of sv, The Ape,' d.• areinkf by Or ngri.t a eltoo A limn, u,I the Tonic at Soo. a bor. thee ell! lie sent by ri ulno.lez. pre Tool. Aorl,•••.,‘• ArrArpoj from ..h= _rvarion; on imee!pr 1111.53 fh=r the 91.,C16... nut lhe:for the Tonle Fi j. 1.y TIELL 141301•904 A co, Drawer 91 P. 0. Itrottilioe mold by all Rhoiesale and Retsil Druggi Pkinplihrt. sent post -flee on application. - them nothing not made quite clear to , their uoderetanding, in the fewest pos- (•091 POUND sible words. When these conditions SIRUP OF 111130P110 SPRITE unmet be fillfilled by a reverend divine would not his beat way to -attract people , The rowel of Arrestms disease displayed by t preo.ritionIs lomoratilf acknowledged by t medical faculty% every section where at haw be Wire : 'Iced , andthe rapidly increasing sate is best guarantee of the estimation in which it 1s h by the public. The Stymy' will %re Pulmonary eonsumption the nest and second staus : will give vett rci e nd prolong life in the third It will ,•,tre Aethm Bronchitis. Laryngitis. Cough. and Col.IA. •v ur. cel1 Aims.5 oriLinatg from went of Mimeo! action awl' Nervons Poop 'Itch Ery+Anzoolent the ipleee. Diriturnia, Kielce% Foehle,n=1 Irmeg ▪ of the fleart. Local ae.1 General Perelvai pAvinia or Lom V.,iou. It will ,ar• Lencorrhoe Cltiormain. tommia. &rot restores the theef to purl t and health.. Sold By-. Aeothecaeles:- .•i Pnee. 5144n ?Or ST An. J A M Eg I. fl[,LOWS, CHEM 1 •N NT. 106131„ N. B. 4. his to church he to adyertiae days and hoer, 04 services, and poet thenz on his ehnrch doors, illth the announcement of "Nu Sermon"! Sir Astley Copper, on visiting Paris was asked by surgeondiechief .4 the empire his many times he-hitd perforin - eel a owtanewonderfol feet of surgery? Fie replied Mat he had performed the oper•tion thirteen tunes. 'Ab, but M meteor, I have done hiin 160 times. 13,..e inane times did you ears his lifer counnued the Frenchman, after he had looked iuto theislank amazement of Sir Astlet's face. 'I.,' said the Englishmen, 'dived eleven oat of thirteen. How many did yoo save out 01 160?"Ah, Monsieur, I lose dem all; but de opera- tion .was very brilliant." Of how many popnla• ,nuaistriss might the same ver- dict be given. Souls are not saved, but the preaching is very brillient. & devout clergyman sought every op- portunity to impress upon the mind of his son the fact that God takes ears of all his 'matures: that the felling sparrow attracts His attention,_ and that His lov- ing kind.ness ia over all His- works. Hap- pening one day to see a create-waditigen quest of Med, the good man pointed out to his son the perfect adaptation of the crane to get his living in that manner. 'See,' said he 'how his legs are formed for wading! What a long slender bill he has! Observe how nattily he folds Ms feet when putting theman or draw. theta out of the water! He does not cause the slightest ripple! He is thus enabled to approach the fish without giving them notice of his arriyal."Me son,' seta he it is impossible to look a: that hied wiihont recognising the good - o( God in thus providing the means of snbeistenote.'-'Yee,' replied the boy, think I see the goodness ot God, at least so far ee the crane is *encores& but, after all, father,don't you think the arrangement • little rough on the fi,shr be 'en the eld tn ler a 111 Ar or l A TitE GREAT-SMALE REMED Johloses' Periodical Pills. 1 pun; istgateatudt 11F-DICINE Is CNFAILIN L in the ore of sit th.los p.mful srm &erre% diseases 10 which the feusela consmetton is It moderatee all excess and removes all obstructs and speedy care maw% relied on. FO KARILIED 1A011111 • 11 IS reclean.' v suited It win, in a Ginn tints, bn on the monthly mood with regularity. 71.,. Potts sammet mot au taw, Se r maks duel es PUS f re Re It MONTHS of Pmaisney,asIbop inn M Mugu Igksearricsfs, OM or any °Verstre4t/4 5 r.1 n sem of 31 sevens it Spinel Affeetions,Paln iiks Back and Linn, Pty.( ue or dightexertioa,Pe tatton or Me bean. Hysterics, and Whom, these? will elfeet • cure whin all Maitlf means have fail and although a powernil rimedyt donoteontainir calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful t o the eon 11511. roll,ltrectu.no in the pamohlrt around eneli peek which shit. Id he carefully preurreo, )10011, NAV/ y.srst, 4•11,11 emirs Fro.. 1_60 and 12keeitts for postairm, sneloaeil to North a Lynam, b•weastle, Ont , general slops for Dosioion, mill inhere • lotus containing everor by returu into. NORTHRUP & LYMAN Toronto, - °sweat Agents for Can f,e} Sold in Gnderieh by Geo. Cat F..terdaa & J. Bond; Gardiner & Sayfield; J. Benthum, Rodgerville; Pickard, Exeter; G. W. Berry, Lu now; k J. M. Roberts, Dungannon. us t. one ag the are 45 lpi- ills ed, on. stk. rop the die ada. CO. Jck- • Valuable Bush Lot. WING eontponed of Lot No 5, eon lur cession 10, in the Township of Tttrnberry, containing 100 acres. The soil is mixed from black loam to sandy loam, with* never failing creek runoiog through the lot. Timber one-half Beech and Maple. the retiainder Cedar, Pine and Hein. lock. Soil heavy.. This lqt is very valuable, beir0 situate within one mile of the Railroad, three miles from tke village of •Ilehnors, six miles from Wroxeter, and seven miles from Wing - ham. Title good. • Terms to suit the purchaser. For further particulars, ap- t° X. WOODCOCK, Conveyaneer and Land Agent,Goilerich. Gordon, the Scottish painter, used to tell this story of Lord Pelmerston: "I had exhibited for several years, but without any particulor success. One year, however -the year before I paint- ed 'The Conicard-Lord Palmerston took saddeo fancy to my picters, called 'Seesaw in the Lowlands, and bought it at a high 4ure. Hie lordship at the mate time made inquiries /situ flautist, and invited twe to Gail upen him. I waitad opoe kis lordship scoordiagly. He complimented me gpon the picture: but there wal oes tking about it he could not understand. 'What is that, my lardr I then asked. 'That there elsoidd be such long gram in • field wham sleeve are so many sheep,' said his • laidlehip, promptly, and with a raerry twiskle of the eye. It was a decided lit tide sad, hay'oag bonght the picture sad paid for it, he was entitled- to his 'Hew do yea aeceent for itr he wait so sailing, and looking first at ths. filature and then at nut. 'Those sheep, Iord,' I replied, 'were esly turned late Rat lad the aiglisisdnen 1 (tome; detillaktiore. His kali} laughed end sailIllenttorat lay reply, And pas we1 eoluariedue for tie mere visteess; soil I bare embed sine. dm* imisiebes7sneolsie Anoka of 1„;,_tier A Good Farm, QITUATE out six milee . jet' (lode- " rich, on the 5th con., It. D., of the Townillip of Colborne. torateful Thousands proclaim VINEGAR Brrrairs the most wonder- flii that ever sustained the ainking-Inmblint. No Person can take these Bit- ters according to directions, and re- main long unwell, provided their bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital or- gans wasted Defend repair. . Bilious, Remittent, and In- torosittgat Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great ricers throughput the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Miseouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansiur, Red, Colo- rado, Brazos,' Rio Grande, Pearl, Alaltaml, Mobile, Savannah, Ro- anoke, lhenes, and many others, with theiir vast tributaries, through- out onri entite country during the Stratum 1)1: so heat 1104 countaiTI ments o other :t treatnie werfli and 'Autumn, awl reinarka- mint; seJsop4 of unusual dryness, aro invariably AC - (I by extensive dorange- tho stomach and liver'and ominal viscera. In their * t, a purotiv6; exerting a influence upon these Tart- s org: ns, rs essentially necessary. • There i uo catlutrtic for the purpose equal. to! D IL J. WSLIC ER'S V 1 N EG A IL Prrzesi as they will speedily remove the d ark • •olored viscid matter al th which the bowils aro loaded, ar the S411110 time stinaulaeng the secretiona of the liver, - and genitally restoring the healthy fuuc- containing 100 acres, 80 cleared , teal -s of the digestive org.ans. mostly nutter cultivation. The soil is good, varying from aandy loam to hea‘y black loam. There is a splendid creek running throngh the lot -also a small bearing orchard. To be sold cheap. For particulars apply t E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. Valuable Bush Farm, SITUATE on the 10th con. of, the Township Of Grey, within 11 miles ef the Railway. Tim- ber mixed, Beech, Maple, and a largo iitiantityy good Cedar. About 5 acres cleared .with a Log House, &c. Soil ex -1 cellenr: ^Title indisputable, the Ire -1 seat holder being the CnoW11 patentee. Terms easy. For particulars apply to 1, E. WOODCOCK. Conveyancer and Land Ai, at, Ouderieh. r A Desirable Farm, IT (7 ATE on the 8th con, Western " Division of the Township of Colborne, on the Northern Gravel Road, shout 5 mile" from Godericb, containin; acres of excellent land in a big,11 state of cu'tivation. For particulars apply to , E. Wt./tit/COCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. Desirable Farm, • sITUATE on tho Huron Road in the Township of Goderich,-- about 2.4 tulles from Torn, within- five walk of an English Church, eiptaining 93 acres, about 70 of which are cleared and free frmn stumps., with good Brick House and Frame. Rams, Ae. Large bearing orchard,, and well weered. Title good. This farm will be sold very cheap, considering its cemmanding po- sition, and on reacniable terms. For particulars apply to E. WOODCOCK, crotiveyancer and Lant Agent, Goderich. A Valuable Farm. • SIITUAl'E on the Ituron Read in the Township of Godertch, abont four miles from Town, contain- ing 100 acres of tine -rate 'land, with good Frame House, Barns, Stables, &c. Good orchard of choice fruit trees and never failing creek running through front of lot. Terms sig. ,Forpartiou- lent apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent, Goderich. A CiorA- Farm. SITUATE in the Fourth -Concesaion • . in (hs* Eastern Division of the Town!thip of 4shlield, containing It, !acres of law!, one mile from Dungatinon, 60 acres of which are cleared and 'meter mite:anon. There is on the pr.etnises a goi•1 Lig Mousse and a log Barn. Sell, cley loam, front of lot light. Well watered with Nioe.ffill• creek running ,tbnetgh the lot. There is also a good Orchard of choice fruit on the Jot. E. WOODCOCK, • Conveyancer and Lent Agent, Guderich. TWo Excellent Farms. St'TE on the Gravel Road be. tween Walton and Brussels in the Tonrnwhip of Grey, - containing each 100 acres. A g. od Log House, Barn and Orchard on each lot, 65 acres cleared. These farms will be sold separately or together es may be desired. Soil excellent. ,Terins easy. For particulars apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. TR- valuable building site, suitable fora first-clasa Villa Residence, be- ing composed of Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 28, 29, 30, and 31, in the Wilson Survey of Ole Tomo of Goderich,containing in one block, two lieges of land. The above eligible property has a frontage of about 330 feet on the Huron Road, and -is well stocked.with choice fruits. To be sold on reasonable terms. , E. WOODCOOK, Office, corner of West street, Gollerich. c INADiAni PAIS DESTROY.. . 48 A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT IS 4-s- well and favorably known, relieving thousands from pain in die Side, Backend Head, Coughs, Mfds, Sore Throat, Sprains,.13ruiees'Cramps in as Stomach, Cholera Morbus, Nam ie.- j, Bowel Complaints, Burns, Prost Bits', etc. TO Canadian Pan Destroyer &as now been be- fore tee pante for a length of time,- and wherever Lead is lilted, sever :Ming inn single instance to give permanent rebef wheat timely used, and we hero never known • singlediseatiefaction, where the directions have been prowl/followed. but on the contraryail ate delighted -,•ith its operations, and speak in the hiehait terms of ita virtues and magi- oid *feet. Ws speak from ex -perfume ti the natter, having tested it thoeonghly ; and therefore those who are irollning from so( the eemplaInte for which It is nieowooenclootasesesad upon ft beteg sovereign arnewer. at Millburn3 iles North of Godarich 15. astoaatung efficacy alike Canedian Pain De- , m oyer curing the diseases for which it %%com- m. -I ita wonderful streets' le subduing tire pain .4 Rheumatism. aed 16 relienug Nervosa Affections entitle itto high rank in the Ilst ipt Senienies. orders are ponies fa irons Medicine Dealers la x.1 parts of the ociantra tor %Tiber sup- 011es,and ey.b testifyleg as to the umvereal satis- lacuna it lore,. The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give immediate relief. Sielietee Dealers keep it u Physicians order and ass tt; sae as fandly will Is without it after trying it. Prier*. onlv Tweetv.eve Centwoer bottle fiffir'SOki in Oodench. by (inn. Cat tie, vated the mill they Having itoro„oily repeired and tine- ,. Jordan & J. Bond; '-lardiner & Co J. Pickled, Exeter; G. W. Berry, Lock - Hayfield • Jas. Bentham, Riegerville; noir; J. IL Roliet•s, Irringennon. 1Gfir't clam work. Colborne, 17th Dec, 1873' are ia a Position to 1401 Valuable Town Lots, Lot No. 992, situate on the North side of West Street in the Town of 064 - emit: ' A splendid situation either for business or private residente. Lot No. 255, corner of Elgin and Wellington Streets in the Town of God- erich, one quarter of an Imre. Lot No. 1318ron the giiron Road, in the Town of Goderi:h, one fifth of an acre. maiLothmt Isedvtitteier,(0"rCBri" dingentlide Villae of g pace) good house thereon erecte4indwitilgarden well stocked with bearing fruit trees. E. WOODCOCK, i:3,.7_7CLaornnderof Agent and Conveyancer. orn Wett St., Goderich. LUMBER! LUMBER! l MORRISH & FISHER, Having purchased the Saw Mill of W. M. SAVAGE oh the Gravel Road, are now P"Pared to furnish lumber of all kinds to those sho require such. 'Fortify the body against dis- ease b31 purifying all its fluids with VI:CR(1AI BITTERS. No epidemic can take hol Of a system thus fore -armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Ilead• ache, Pain in the Shoulders. Coughs. Tightnedi of the Chest,. Dix:Mese, Sour h;ructati ns 04 thb Stomach, Bad Taste oath. Ilitious Attacks, Palleta- e Heart, Inflammation lif the in in the region ..f tile Kideeye, ndred other painful symptoms, are the oiprhsrof Dyspepsia. One hot- - tie will ,proris- a better giturtuitee of its merits thou a lengthv adtertisemcnt. Scro 1st or E. ng's Evil, White ig the tion of Lungs, and a h Swellin Neck, G ndolen 'leers. Erysipelas, Swelled etre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Inilantmations, Ilereurtel affi,c- tion4. Od sores. Eruptions pi the Sore Er ',A, etc. I u astin all o her • ions/ Inserts:es, W 'S- ERA have*hown th4r Feat cur- e ere in tip' ..,..e01,4t:mite and CillIttitAl ROAR iii :viva p mtract:,. de ease,. • For Inflammatory angbrosic Illicit at ism, Gout, Bilious, Remit= tent ,an1 letennittent lever, Di,cnicii .' Of tb4 I l mil, Liver, Kidney •4 4:1 Wachter. these It tiers hare no equal. Such Oise. _ • 4.1.••• • ca.ies cubed by Vitiated Blood. Nee astral Diseases.—Persons in Paints and Miner,ils, such, as , Type-settero,:isold-beateni and Plum be they advance Ad Iife.are sub- Joet 1 iralpes of the 11.4E19. '1,, vanrd , aguinst thi., take a dose of Wataales ' It:Trails occasionally. , DisraSrs., Eruptions, alt Itheion.lUotrhes,Spots, rim- 7 lioils, Carbanclee Scald-heol, zior Eyes, 1.17•41*- h, Scurf,,_ Di,e, orations of the. more and 1)11W• 14 the skin of whatev r name or nat re. are literally dug -up Al canied out ' the ,estem InI short ti e by the ugi of lie.e P Tape, and (Eller Worms, lurking iu system of' so many thou- -o effectually destruyed and re- eseu For Tet.er, pies, P worms, las, Ite Skin, 1 tends, moved. No syotent of nie.betne,.11.1 Yen irnfugej. isa authelminities will free the sr tem from wont% like these Bitter -I. estate Cortiplaints in young married or siege. at the dawn ei otel, nettle turn of life, these Ton- es de:play so decided an iiitluenue Or or old, woma le Litt that in prinement Id soon perceptg Cleanse the Vitiated Blood wheneter you find its impuritiesbursting ahroneh the skin in l'impleaStuptiona, or Sores; cleanse it When you 'find it ob- structed and sleirgish in the reins; cleanse . it when it is foul; your feelinp will tell yen wnen. ' Keep the 131,45I rage, and tlie lienlili 1,1 the sc,dien will follove. H. 51. Strotry.tbo 1,1 411.. Drugged. lc Gen. Arta., San Francium. c.difs0. cot of Waelogirtim end sharlion bolaLlay ell Drugs late sad Dealers. 11. 111. 1r17011ALD (4; (11., Trnqqtqta .t 11Pn seta. %in Francisco. Ma, & eor. of Wavhinirton an.11'hariton Sta.N E. Sokl by ell Dreigglaile and Demon. VICTORIA emepor err svere or HYPOPHOSPHITES Tle ..LOy'Svolp io,par=4 fr!rii Dr. rhorel.IIN Poritiole4 Certiti•-.1 PULMONARY CONSUMPTION Also f Gs. ewe of Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Loss of Appetite, General Debility, &e. eziiirie oar& To YVILITV IND 5111. 414, I laboratory, t:niver.ity Colleze. Toronto, lee. 4, 147.2. To the V Teter% Chentleal Co., -L trentleeou .-1 have 'audit -L.4 .4 the Articles:ma- ;Toyed ni the Victoria Cliesnleal Works, in theme- parationPf the Vietorla Sento f Iltpophoetiblites. ipsoir 11.4 Syrup II &leo quite fru, from The sett Hypophoephittie used are elitotlly !, a parser. SyTt11.0 Or 1*4 poph..Aptilk A Wlil 011 doubsedit prove • wry tratnnhe Medicine. DANNY H. CROFT, Pri011 per Battle, Bold by all Ontggists. Protestor of Chemistry. U. 8. VICTiORIA courou ND FLUID EXTRACT 07 BUCHU HVA URSI GENERAL AGENT FOji THE FOL- - LOWING INSTRUMENTS. Organs and Melodeons R. S. Wil - lm., Toronto; Peiloubet, 'Pelton & Co. New York. PIAL.NCNIS UNION 00.13, New York. Re outdi fou all Lluseaurt of Oka 111441, itta ; 1;tropoital SuotIliougs; Compheints isfi- &Mad 50 maks; Gad 'mg Dineen ef Ho Urinary Orissa a Mier Sen. Try' lime. for any of the above Disorders, and you will be fully convinced, of fte Pie-timincnt Tirince. price 5 -Immortal. Kohl by da Drurmists. VICTORIA ELECTItIC LINIMENT. °ABEAM BARMORB DITNBLM WEBER CHICKBRING Boston. MILLER VOSS'S Can furnish almost all American Maker's Instruments on terms tomtit purchasers for r.ash, or on time at tgas than Manufacturer's price. Goderich. Feb. 27, 1873. 11 111 14 46 41 11 11 11 Canadian and "Tho King of all Liniments." _ go, Rh, snootily., Gest, Nelirtillan, LanSisign, Striatins, Pn.sS, St ifrtr, ss ia Louth.. or Sion1110,4, Ntirnbrseas, Sin of tags, H.0.5., Horatio, 7borkocki, c. BUY it ! Try it ! Prove it! lirice 10 Cents pet Bottle. Boll by all Druggists C A RSAI.VE ERIC McKAY Cabinet Maker Upholsterer-, &c, BElis ex..% ',do% 11aka to Ow inheli.tante of met summelIng country, for tin* Miens' pitthoo.ie darn... the Mat tWO Atial•• be bas been hi now ',related to furnish all articles In hist% %such an T.T IT 1 rA7 • ei.ALL DID5C1Hu1iON13... " WoRT11 ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD." A 51,,4*fir /01 cane mooed; Bruises, Burnt, Scalds, 1:1ils. Piles, Pt espies, .ta chr.j. ru 1A1 Skin of terry duorriptum. retee Ct.. per Dottie, hold by an Drucetsts• PIL-LOWS BOLSTERS , MATTRASSES, &O., Uheap for CIJamh, AND ON T1111 SHORTEST NOTICE. PICTURE !BARKA kept on hand and made to order. Having on hand as assortment if COFFIN TRIMMINGS, I am premix 4 to make coigns on the shortest netti.e. mad to con.inet funerala on the meet reaeou- ably tarms. LP liemiember the vll *tend, WRST STUENT, ',Prorate the Dank Of Montreal. Goderleli. r•b. y _ Exteusiveli ewPremises Splendid New Stock. C.' Barry & Bro. Cabinet Nlikers,,Urdertakers ti Wood Turners, cp rg gIe Have remote! gerii.. Mt, air.. t to the store next donee, W. Acheson's' !Larne.* Shop, where be 'iofeulkna itclie0 11.11,1Pkkiiint..fin r.,.,ifho•J. t'r or Fu .‘ A 000 ASSORTMENT TAB11119Ai. CR.s.hatr, esne owl wood mated) ' CLPIttiAwl.i‘l...iS 1.1KuAns,rtsl04 e.Th:11, • •• • xrirp:s L01:80Ntit.i. • WHATKOTS. LOOKINC GLASSES VICTORIA 11110LATED GLYCERINE JELLY. "11311S6NTLY THY' LADIES' FAVORITE." For fiedionfoisy tau Coospiotion.,asol for Pennant Dna, Sea/nem Furekki, Poartuu, to., alto fro Chen. pod Hosete,CUNoi Ks, Frau Eis.±.1, sod Sore Price 115Ceets pes Bottle, sold by mi onute.4.. GILT FliAMINfik, grill 1f B sr. pi...tiered to 4[11 eV4•111.1111111 In their Cheap for Cash. N 13 A c.o.iplete aasortoi:nt .4i...411114,A Shrouds %leas. e 01114114 1 • 11031.t. -to 440,4 011 able terms, A CALL SOLICITED. a•een. a. 33 Aug 1170 J. W. WEAPrFIER IJD • UBSCRIBE FOR THE Huron Signal, TIIE OU)EST, LARGEST AND '8EST I, Tilt HESPELER, RAYMOND, • A Ni) other sewing machines, and can 471. supply Pianos. Orgasm and Melo- deans un reasonable terms. , I consider the Rayne -bed eqnal to the New York Singer, and it is twelve dolo Ian cheaper. Office and Show Rooms, Opposite ;the Colborne Hotel. Goderich. 1111 ' VICTORIA TOILET SOAPS. "01111.4111LATRD 708 =RIR PURI- TY AND axeialawca OF Quaixtr." neTOILTA CAILDOLIC 3041., VICTORIA SULP UR SOAP. ricrostA DSG7ORTUJEKTNTT, HO5I V, ROSE A D WIN. . Bold by alt Drnagtmt4. is _ OneBox of Clark's B'41 Pills. KI.,wsrrsated enre all &what -gee from the Urieary Organ', In either mob acquired or om- it wool, Grassland Pales in the Back. Sold le 10*05, 4. 64 auk, by all Chemtsts and Patent Medi- -elms Feeders. Role Pmprietor, 7.1. CLARK*, APOTSECA kit ES' 14 LL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND EXPORT AGNT8- gemeyse, Durtddger mid Co., Colima& Street Lend' a. resew, and 6ses 37 Newgate Street. London. Hanley and 8055, 04 Farringdon Street, Landon. easier.," •I Al .1.,(tif..r. 51r. -,-t 2,1m Ap.I al! the 11.0int...1 AGENTS IN CANADA• Aweosst , z.ana, 14.114 and CO, Wholesale Druegime. • ••I4buae. Cloreaad Cs. Dogmas -Elliott and tn. Wletiasaks Druggists. Obaptr and Dwelt. Hogpassa„-WIser and Co. aggiilee-Avery, Bums .04 0.. JOHN A. BALL CABINET MAKER, ,i UPHOI.STRER, &c., 111 AS eleasnre 1; n i ,:tmiolicong to the public ot Goderich and 'enroll -id - Om ....entry that he has started Ibistneu an 1,.. S. W11.1..S(l.N 54 ,,441 :..3114i next door to the SItlINAl. Office, where he is prepared to feinish all artzeles in his ` . line ' Cheaill ' for Oaish and on he ,......siho.-e-ctt notice. 1 . Picture .Fres kipi on hand and made to order!' 41sio *iii aesurtniect 0 f Pictures. P : One 250 picture! or every puolia.e of $3. Two 30o " " 116. Four 25e " I " " $10 or 1 pair Crorhos worth $1.00. LID BUR IND COILDWOoD taken in exchange. Oct. nth, 18141. 1390 lt47,2) ( 1.P47,••?. AS UniJAL: COMPLETE_SUCCESS Ten -First Prizes At Two Exhibitions W. B ELL & 00. GUELPH, ONT. Received Every First Prize V..R NEWSPAPER se PUBLISHED IN THE COUNTY OF HUR ON. 0114 $150 Per Aanu.i in Advance. • ADVERTISE . IN TIIE HURON SiGNA L .111/ TOO MOM TOUR ANNOOKORKINTI TO RUCH TIM LARGEST NUMBER GODERICH FOUNDRY. Goderich Foundr • and Manufacturing Co.,, to inform the PllbIkC that they are prepared to contract for ' Steam Engines and Boilers; • FLOCK, GRIST AND SAW MILLS, SAWING MACHINES, LEFFEL WATER WHEELS, '.4t. • On Hand TUBULAR BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES; IRON kW WOODEN PLOUGHS, with steel boards, GANG PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS,• STRAW CU7TERS, . SUGAR AND POTASII KETTLES, GRATE BARS, WAGGON BOXES, kr„ : COOKING, PAF:LOR 4. BO )r STOVES of various kind!, SALT PitKa MA:Dt TO 0 TtlIEnt l I - Iron and Brass Cariings,, ani Blacksmith Work:1 BOILERS AND SAT. I' P liiS lEPIS.TRED on short notitm, All Orders addr- 1 . the Co Ninny or Secretary will re- APIIptirsoAniwpseetitaretotarytMen:Eal:Tr..r. , . '111011AC, y1.101tIp'orNes,idin.t.1 1 . - 5 I 6 • r ROBERT .RUNCI3IAN, Cienerat Manager. God' erich, Ont., 9th Sept.; 1873, 1825 'Is _ GIFT NTERPRISE Ike oily ielist,l• $60,030 00 IN VALUALE GIFTS TO lilt b1e4ftllTel, La. X.23/ 16GTH IDIGCLAR 31.."N7 GIFT ENTERPRISE! To be drawn Moaday Moe .4th, 1874. TtIrl GRAND cerivots 07 MI,000 EACH IN GREENBACKS !. Two Prizes 21,000 Five Prizes $500 z !GREENIJACKSI. • . Ten Prizes e 00 3 k Ittiggy with SU.: Mounted Herne's, tooth $eno. -0E- One Fine- toned Rose trot id l'iaun, worth tt550 ! Ten Family Mewing Machines, worth $100 each ! - }Ire Gold Watches & Chains, worth F.100 Advertising Eaten Liberal. ..4041.04.• GO TO THE NEVif13. NV . A:,••rip o ' "UTAIL. for Sale or to firt. To Let ROOMS adjoining the Steget offioat ▪ ‘' suitable -for Offices. Apply to ABRAHAM SY ITFI. Goderich, 12th Jae 1873 1404 FOR SALL i 'FITE undersigned offer for sale the n g derinentioued lauds. belonging , the Estate of the late Itemise( IL 11; trlsogrr, thEll'e Iv.lizort':-h.eart quart -ter of t No. 12, in the Fifteenth Connession the Township of Sombre, in the Coda t. Of tanibton, 50.aeres, more or less. For terms and pertigplare of sale, A ply to the undenukii.ol, personatiy,! by lotto); to St. Catharines Post. 0111 Box 4C8. ! , AAANRAGt;NS CAREHAIKDE. ' u. 1 Grantham, 30th May, 1873: 1373 _L_.1 i 1F(111.. P4 A.I.E. ' 11 — AT the SIGNAL Onkel& partial scholar ..r. ship fora course .•f instrnetion in this Dominion Telegraph Inatitute, Totem ' i Will be sold at a, redeictip,n to any o k, desirous of spendmg agportion of t , winter in learningf telegraphing, *ad fitting themselves for a useful mid rl- spnnsible position: - - Goderich, 23rd Nov. 1872. . . FOR SAL.. A Muse ina Let edjOinirg =the res • derce of .\Vni. Seeinour. Esq.. 'co mending one of' the Lest:. eiews ef Lake and Harbour. * ' • Apply- te- • -- - AD NIEL GORDON. A . 00dCrItlf, 7iDllh,1873, J376 Cliaat). - • • • , 1'10 acres of Lot- ' Askfield, 4 • • . 11.4111 1.:41.6i-efiy ALSO The N. irtherly 30 • acres of.Let 11. Cnn 21. Tewnship of Stepbed, C...untt of Hurun. - ALSO -z - Nock A: containing- 7 acres, Park Mvsiood ,Sitevev.r A1.1 Ott .piarter ac Lots in different' .parte of the Teen • Godencli; in portions' to soit purcliesers, A pple tn. WEATTIE41.1L11. _ Eirineer endSurvevo taelerieh Jan. 221,'.. 1874. . • 14,96 . • • • • - 1. - 3 • Splendid, 'I'imber Lot! • - ' 1A . 4 43,,ii. -f."4.7,1 I e • I, 6 ... ...,....1 ...el` . 7 A 1:/etil 10 in 3,4 1:um Naix-i-ien ict!ui .;;• 1',' r: .,.. -, I nailv from ro,1 Alffed. ' . • tf - , TILF.Subsaitser oners for ae,le theN4 tillot_ t. eon. 3, Eaat.Kiittion of the', i BeautifulAsis. ortment . rt./WWII' oF A.t;IIFIELD, cc ntaining. 100 ACTell very heavily tim bered with' iiewlock, Beech and Mapl 1 JEWELLERY CFA LL KINDS igismidaensiccuecinsairti.e.ramblee iNjuiti4fintysioofitiftsterer 11 JLar A;•:..l.1--.1 1.1.../, 4114AC1 titroligh Ihe ionicilo of ihis lanai , ' and t be sob] perindsicws.h waill,lruc;rythnet•alt7inal4etile forhasfartriegt . 711 . ta.4en off. ' ' - . - CIIEA1-' A'1' 13 ITTI,Eit'S Wil.t.f., J. F n'T0:41',, 1 . . Fishing Tackles, . . "V011 THE 1.1.600 IS :HE 14Pit."--500 , 1.= to ii te-e.,1011y, (.1.4.1.. 3i., 3. :-...t '...;. .11.1 ,IliN,)1. ".:111Ne4InliNG OF HEELS. . — BASIsETS, • . _ x : ' , •CT.IARKE'S HAI i'S a- -vet_ LtNes at . 41-1101 kia A9 SELLINC AT COST AT BUTLIsill'S. Ang..1.76. 45106 i - World Fa,ned Blood Mixture: Trade Mark,—"Blootl Mixture." THE GREAT 11/..t14ID 11'11111:R5 ItEr,PARER. For elesas1%g. *4 elvarit.g thetilt•id teem all Hopurtilive..e meet he too hicl,ly reeorneneerded, roraironat:•.• Scurvy, P k;:i ali of kinds it. re a• tnearefailing and pereassat ' It Cnres Ad Sores; = eerie Uleeral1A1 truthii.Neck: • ennal -•5$014.1...ze, 1 • Five Gold American- Hunting Watches, eult ! . ' 1 • • t ArsivuuCtuneeruots ricer.. Cnresilicurvf Isprea."tr'imi4"-- "tae al 1 res Brae . Worth 2125 (*sell ! .- Gores Rlood sod Skin thsear.th. . • 4 Ten Ladies' Gold Hunting an) etches, . Celei"ark7::"141::"slr. 77,..".."'!!fl'..,,,;..1 Karim. r ....Tapir,' frrj. trim ftniithimg injuries% te s most deficit! • royal:toil. oi cilher'sex. Use I . prietep solieda aullerers to gime it *trial to . its year, Thonsands Of Testimmemis from- all parts. ..._.ined $old in flottlea Re 3,1 cach, end ta Cases'. t &Seine ate tones the e=taril icy. IN earb- to effect a pennatient . tire% tiie great aujuityar 1,,,,,...a.a.nalt eaos. TIY 31.L MEMIPTs and PATENTREMCINE VFAI1140118 , throughout Hes ne.:rN,,...itory,,nion.:711.129s._... :::.• A:Bs:4.1.13, 1,.. ..hri. -a...werairiLaeres and .......',.., c.o.man eiree.t, ete-.. pears. tor, P. „Lel.% EKE, ChPnti,t. AP...init.:CARDS' HALL. LINO st.N,UNCuLliNkii. ItereMy and Sims,95= Farm, z=lora Ihtieet, loi=lou. '4"°"*- 0" •I'Armt;',:11)tt.11.7120.1,71,:n% allilhuodlensal°- e H..161. 11, C kinads • wnrth $100 each ! • Frot11 Lat•el'ef. axiAi11,2„ • • Stc'dos ! Stoves ! • . . As this mixture is plessnot to tie tous,.. $00 (1044 and Silver Lever Hunting Watches in all,) worth from 2:M to $300 each' Gold Chains, Silver -ware, Jyeweir. ; &c. Number of'Gifts (trete!' Tickets limited to .10ENTS WANTED TO 57.11 Tfi'ICRTS,10 whom liberal Premiunui will be paid. Single Tickets 21 ; Sir Tickets 11•5 ; Twelve Tickets /10 ; Twenty -Five no. , Circulars containing a fail list Of prizes, a description of the manner of drawipg, and nth* ,infonnatioa in re- ference to the Distribution, will be sent must be addressed to • tmokainNysworniocao,rderLitigliteseliNa.g,ABollileggtte, rs hp W. Fifth St. Ciocinniaittei, 0. THE CENUINE EYE 'TitorGite 1815 .risNlii • i 110 . Till, , •Claraite Pcxrrs. laue Vire:.. &C. ' : s9Cick,ocar,rPC041,:lerietirse:;081242..k.a::151:801;0::::17:1LeliaLta:m.‘la1AnPriszs:slie,a4::::&ci !ig:1711:',1 40.0..nsidwfid:hlt Ir'etreoet: 1 . 1'1,A.1.7.4:,..!k...N1..1 1.•ANCle COAL Oil: t, J. & J. STORY.' C rgan.s & Melodeon At the Provincial Pahlbittell, Daallton. and Central Exhibition, Guelph, - - This grand success, lit addition to last year's re- cord of • Sliver Medial, -3 Diplomas, sem 12 First Prizes, Croy° the t our Instruinent a In the opinion of com- petent judges are incomparably superior to all others. ), Soto Prope.eters and Manufacturers of the ORGANETI`E, Containing Ponbner's Patent Qoantying Tubem, acknowledged ts all to be the greatest improvement yet introduced. Their ariperiorItyne 'einem:led by „other makers front the fact that at Guelph they w,tbdrew from eonipetition, thus acknowledging their Inability a compete with them. Beery lutrument fully warranted for five years. Rend fur catalogue containirg nfly aiffersnt sty eg, of instrements. W. BELLI CM " Ott. 15,1872. 1340. Notice to the Public. THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE. • — A S I have been appoiated Sole Agent in the Prnvinoe of Ontario, for the Florence Sewing Machine, none have a right to sell the said machine except those appointed by me. In the Coun- ties of Huron and Bruce the following are the only authorised Agents fur the Florenee Machine :-Thoinas Connors, U, P. Whiffen, and Lawrence Murphy, Seaforth; William McGaw, Clinton; L. S. Willson, Gotierioh; Wm. Allan, Lucknow. Any person or persons ether than the above representing that they have a right to sell, or can fundsh the Florence Machine in the Counties of guron and Bruce, are imposters, and the public are hereby warned to beware of them. 0. C. WHALEON, General Ateat Gatario, 1391 Job Printing. All kinds ef Work framthe Largeet Postertothe Smallest Card EXECUTED :WITH Neatness and Despatch. _ pi-ParticularattentIonpaid toTows- ship Printing. Orders by mailpanntually attendedto. J. J. BELL, ZDITOL •NDP1OPILIAT011. \ FM R BA Standard Scales Srocs Beau*, Cs.sL SCALErt, HAY SCALES. Depot Soasaii, COT NTERSCALLS, .51c. , &C. 111087 NM rm. r A L. eit• ) L. W ▪ 'ILLSON Alarm Cash Drawer, • S. Slit -sI %farm 'f ill Co.'s. L11.10. MERCHANT !WOULD RSE THEM. 1101.21 A FairbaLks' Seale Warchernes, /AIRBANIES & CO., • 93 Main Street, Buffalo. N. Y., 338 Bonds*, Albany, 311 Broatioray, New York. FAIRBANKS, BROWN4 CO. 2 Milk Street, Ilootion. For Bale'''. leading nude 'ire leak -rt. 14134111 s SHERIFF'S SALE 6TLANDS Cotner of II nron t Dy virtue dsit'rit of I ,Oti Majesty's eeunts Court a the Peinty ot Hall in the North thirti4dItf,eI "!' FA't 70„*e.„.nti 0? mnare 11. Hall, at the salt of Wilaftm the Bquity ofltedenipi Ion of 119, Arfrinlaut Albion l'iumber Bitty ose ta the of in the --•rtaan. I have seized aed taken tit Ete.mtion Mitre %the Court wrens a Obilennii. Lands and Tenements I shall Oder L• FA1.• .4t 107 Sheriffs ONee,grottoich tht • 14th Feb.1174. siiitintl'At'11:Neds.3. 0,2 "I 111 Roper 018110NS, negigot Huron. - 102 next st the and t,o me directed against Op londs an.1 Tyne - on liattnonlWayit hour of 12 of the clock,n Townithip of Ilmsia and c.bantT.'t *In'h lt `:.-A7yen. t:Imribeghrt c,„n„ ra Huron ;,ontsicingt one fifth of an nem t.ni more or inn. Which hour of 12 of the eleck. ale ofLands. rt in the Town of Godeleb, Sat_A.urdo.aY oSf in the SC ohn ne:C offn County of Huron, ) virtue of a Four North side ot !Men teed. and Tenementa of W. A- T. 11°1' at the luta' issued out of SO MajcatY's . To Wit 1, Writ of Fieri and to me directed genet the C00 the Lands uliAt John Sandereoll, hare "— 'Mare of Wrexeter Mittun's Se"") the thirtieth day Lands and T- 2801 sh: Oinsoetetelo,t of the isiidspirtndant, myyToeitnonlinriE4,71,,j1niihaBil iftir for (,1 to eat, sue Shen"' iln" House, 1411 title an Skeels! Sale, at Mee s a,• 0 art SelirinlMa hine I OG AN, 0 AN, M AND AGRICULTURAL Showrooms, Acheson's new 1k, W-Ist Street, t;oderiele ONLY • AGENT TI11:;- , "FLORENCE!) Sewing Machine in Goderiefeehd.vicin- itt. : ei-Celebrated MstlinshekPiano from 2280 Lip. of 2318 THE " W E-BSTER" t EWING MACHINE, The General Favorite Throughout the Dominion. A Canadian intention, and Unprete- denteil Success Ageteling d Etieepeasere. IT IR STRONO AND DURA131-E, EAST ANfl LIGIBT ro WORK, • RAY NO COOS -OR CARS, And trill do Every Kied of Work, Light or Heavy. The most complete set of Attachments given with every Machine. See THE W E B 3TE R beforeibuying any other. MANUFACTURED BY THE Canada Sewing Machine Ceij, HAMILTON, ONT. Juan. 1873. 13V-3st `setCISNTS IN CANADA., - •11 4 To, !t h I s !=- ! = i i• ,11in to a T.Aan0, 74. rr A.r-t AfiTHIIR€ HOMEVAGAIIIIE. 111', cbe-ertit,;...artif and pre- •`' Igr.o.:ve, the "il tom+. •t •••; rat:k 1 With • '-• ' It ..ni the • .-1711;t1 1•ieeost 1:111t‘tl.i.: nIttie country col ,•thie erodlly eat. -• ; ' u Veit wicial • an : Every yearly subscriber use's choice ruse of the following large end elegant , Steel Engravine., one of which was: -awarded the Ft:oozy PL17.7: at the late Preeipcial gihalltfon 114114 in London. inc"orteitriPesactiabiees-b.t:f.raceinnto:„ t,h.r.ehe Afpi "Bed "VinAec";Ea.vndrTuk.Ae.s1.7'brealitoth of let-: Terms. -8-2.50 a year. '.-Samele num- bs:Z:1 c.tottrjea each.for ce t it -cetera; It41 00 .81.11.11 4) , on;: 1.46 ,‘§,.i., Gthera1 AgeLtii .01 E. .11ag!-,63rs a 61., RARDWARE 14-ER-e1lAhTs, MARE ET SQ 1a GOD ERICA. Have for Sale FOX, and other traps, 'CROSS orp SA WS, MILT, S W;•4 W(KaD h.; A*. Ho AND 11E6'1 MAKES . tip HANDSAWS, CHOP- PING AXES,PALM-, . OUS MAKERS (ND PRICES. BOY'S AXES, ITAND AXES -ANC BROADAXES. CHOW /TIES OF SEVERAL KINDS, LOGGING CHAINS - OF ALL SIZES, GLASS, PUTTY, WRO et; HT AND SUT • NAILS &c. And a large aseortment of akin& of ELA Jar) NV At low prices for CASH. Opposite •••" MARKET H.OUSE. . G. II PARSON'S AC* Goderich, Nov. 28 1871 ' THE undersigned having opecied out new stock of Groceries, Glassware, Crockery. ttc , drc., In the store lately occupied by Judea Brackenridge, trusts that he may he favoured with a share of the public pat - Fargo. IT. COOKE. Goderich, Sept. lat, 1873. 1385c A LLPAPTIES INDEBTED TO THE " Odic* for work done previous to the 21st Dec last, are required tem nu ea 014C14 tile undersign .d. A PRAHA ?if S MITI' Goderieh, Feb..1, '72. sw963w34. 1 a 44