HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1874-4-8, Page 34 •••
• so
OrAire Cominceglo3100. motion few its adoption- Arse moved by
the newly appointed and ranah respect-
Peleetwerr Bien/nee/I, ed journalietic senetor. Mr. Penny of
• Ottawa, April 3rd, 1a74. the Montreal Heraie. In the Cenenens
I it
For sethis. city was moved by Or. Nlesa, the memher
hes for West Trento, • gentleman- who
reral davs peat
been in le state of delicious excitement thetigh young witl take au active part in
over the visit it hex received from Riel. the preeeedinge ef the
kemeurs were current as to his having On Wednes lay by a resolution from
been seen in intreel teat befere the which only two inetuhers dimented, the
enenire• of Parliament, end having left -Cemmons wisely 'agreed to abolish the
. there fav Ottawa with the intenitea of
taking his seat sin the 11 ini3. Irow
• thought hewevee that lie weld(' be
•▪ ...,ree-kless of hie persenal safety to do
I* • eat, try even to xrpear within the walls
ot the Parliament lenild*s in the clan-
destine m mum. whi h lie sti.l.seeliente
lv considerine thst there eras at
least ono werrent tent in this city for his
'rest CIS charee .d I,%ir1ir, ers:•iether
there were hundreds of versions beeidei
the execntive fader' Of the law who
weill.1 with avidity do all they c.i.f.(' to
have him tektr into ensiocly. It was
thonent thet lee would hover ahoet fore
while between here and M•intreal as he
did lest selesien, and then .be•alse him.
(self to his hidine place in the wil•ls of
Ilseetobe or Minneseta. Some eteee.
i•hreent was therefore created about the
earliansent beil•Imiet on 31entler last,
?whey,* it came out just bef Ire the House
met, that a emieleeof hours before,
3fonsienr Riel had gone into the office
of the Clerk of the House of Commons,
teken the tett4 end subsoribed the roll.
It team% that he went into the ofISce
will French C eniulian member who
ha•I a to he tworn in, took the oath
with his companion, inecrihed his name gingering in Cwiala at nilrx to• the
in the twister and was off before the Aineritein Wt Point.
Clyrit knew Who be was: There has
Aeon a story etareel to the effect that
e'ee person tvhci wrote th lI omerled
name in the beedt wee not Louis itiel
the notorious. bit seine peactieel eieee;
erel es there is person who bears the
• same cognomen residoig in this city; it is
suggested h iorne tha,t the latter may
beve written it for the sake nt misusing'
himself by the excitement !which, would
revile Neither of thepos4ihintias
is proliable, however, for Atitnay
-fRen_iral Clarke of )1arittoba", Who imrfiere
weet the bench *arrant for Ilierstarrest
isored by Jatige Betotirney of the
4 -Prairie PravineW,". has stated. at the
bar iA1 the House that he knows the
signature to be tier*. theligh the hand
is heavier than that ia which he is ac-
enstemiel to Istier h. It was probably
. leers intentian when ha went 'throng!)
\. the fernetlities,ito text the feelingof Par-
•Iliammat and of else toiletry with reapect
to his silting in OM 409ee, and then if
, he forind it more f-oronralehfthan in the
. • peat, to walk iaand take hie seat, which
nsecesild do without an iatroductien, as
that is not required When Parliament
meets for the first time. What cu.e
feeling of the country was will regard 4.
the niat•er won beenine manikst inels
cry of exeerttien whioli went up astsiast
him from vitriols parts of the Eh 'minion.
slid in theeemnber of iatliemition meet-
ings, which were held.Evidently Riot
het few if any more friends th so he had
jos, after lie comntitteel the fent deed
Which has m.a.14.1rt-ti the bete- noir of. Hie
majorit/ of the loyal inhabitants
of the Dominion: In Ottawa tbk,
foment of excttemer.t was Ice, strong:
• A masa meeting of the Graneemen, of
the city and ef 55 notny members of the kat.w
sale ef literors in the sateen connected
with that Ileum. Resolution% of this
sort have hitherto teen adopted by .our
legislimone, bat thr m gli the connivance
-ufthe Sp7eaker h ire heo on allowed tre •
math dead letters. Mr. Anglin, how-
ever, stated dist he would aa far as was
in:his ',owe; rigidly enforce the regula-
tion which Tias now berm adopted. is
to be hoped tiret the Senate will adoptla
similar -resoliiti.ni with respect to their'
ialtion,. for if nut the Gum:eons might
about as well heve let the ado of heeler.
centinne in their's fla ',there is nothing, to
prevent the mernhereof foe on 11
drinking in Lae ;ahem c mnecced with
the other.
M. Are.
The erettiOn 01 a' espletelld Oeara
'louse has been cohtmeheet Tereneo.
The M cet.akes 11 m Mr. 1).irion
to task ler etuplOyine the ex prensiop itt
regard to Rive "murderer 01Thomas
't ..
A nioveereati. end ies Im foot to
estoblishment a -school ef en -
Mr: Clorilon is to tss left in rindisterto.
ed posSession the seat for North. 04
tare, Ntr. Gibbs h‘vtag th:cide¬ to
protest the electien.
The triel of ropplee. alio some ,tiuie
ago onn:dereil is 'wife and four children
Eaeoxfort at present going on in
Woodstock. he defense ia itssaufty.
_ late Dena: A4iiaas, young,
lady named Miss 31.t.gele Hill, a Ayr,
recovered- dtulagus t,. the ' am unit of
$.400 aelariet a yowl.: mail n tined Ray of
Chu same place for breach of pi -Allied of
Mr. Meredith's Cluatishim Bid c ems
into force em the let of Oeteher next,
and relieves vrages and salary from be-
ing attitelie•f- fer any•.debt of $113 and nu
der, thee may' be ineerrel after the .late
inenteinede " • •
The Monireal ifer.441. by a misprint
makes Mr. Holton speaksof Sir John A.
Macdonald in the Heusi.' as his 'tight'.
honour:Ode frieud, instead ot rie'at hob,
onrable. Not vary far hiMi the truth
after all. .
C. J. Bretton has realigned the men-
eeeenent of the Grim' Trunk, ti like
elect .an as his Micetereet is appeilit--
;eel. Ile will remain id Canrla and con-
tinue as: Conimissrlmi.T. eft. .1 fervid-
- The lint, insultineeee •nalial. refers to
Rice Cephis Berker as eel ••Peesitlent
small denomination whA -cl!! them.
selves' 'Ie.ble Christiane.' therkei"e;
offence is that lie sr,
tiportt th"R
e efm
candedete in West Dui -lain.
A tirst cer on the.great Western
Railway, canglit tire hear Ilex:As-die
edenels,-.y. Ties reef took tire -near
order resiting in the neighborlit.,•1 es the front of (be ear. The car wee filled
coed he metitieel in., time, w t hell te with nem hi whsfr
• peotest Karns! beirg alhexed to efti • car • o ruhedanWally b • re • • t'ot
take hisea
, st, n
and in thw 'Mimi. a injureledl.m. "' s.' '
lwely steed abaloe' Preach Cana., --.
diens are said to hal. e maral,A over :eta 4 an t Aiwa cereeeeteelent ef a coil
• init..% bull 00 Tuesday aeon] to te"P"r49::-7 `.‘1 1'6.4,e' ar the honor it
ney 0,..untryrrien'that tkeeanderoits arti-
do *11 they could to preeee t hem is ease
• he flatatia his appearance in the. Meleee_ in. the -Ibla are -reit -the, rrieludent.
Every ereeceetien arinst a disturbence 'intirin:t.trtkcei(se*atiriatiiiiia4nts.ri.,4e,t,thue,rritteffsp4Inceonof.
. who r*Gv•
en by the Ierninent. . Not .
only Wsi a strung teen e# Demi I tract,•and lie by speCiatitereement."
rdatet. I net ditty. et *the Willie, I • Woo regret to Lore that eUeiverai'te
en inetroctinos frosty:the militia Cell;ge ie ahoin to losse .froin its ,'ad
Pref. Nice alien, istli4 sited pileethe Chair
01 Natietal Iliat,ttry and Iltitany.
partitnenedhe various toilmitee.r o.rps
in the cD7 w -ere ortterci to hold tkem-
selyen reatly femservice wheneier, they
.1 a paIlidoil 111 403 Goeeensnent
miehr bet called 11”011, and since then Sch. ermines, Demi,. r,. 4,,,,,,".. ,,
1., 71,w.,.;‘,, 1,,
!!', . `'` "
, reenher g,,,ra, tave teen kept on all son e genthenan ef high summer -lee , ,••• le.,
" the arim.ries: NotitiAg hes yetectesered and fIli retirement eft he a hive to ' ,'N.)W IS l'iIi.. j,* :NII",! I
to in.!: xt.-• !NI; these steps were. neees- Cana a. . . ' • • a 1
_ .,
sarv It is understood' thee nt the A r.1 chae Loon ' reeled fend the. 01 tee . est en te i. • e7. ai. te E,40or i
Wasson ste VrevapavIrs.
A school teaeher—who has been engag-
ed for a long time in his protemien, and
on the mind of a family of children,'
wwreateeeeditos ft01:::i:_thience of newspapers
si •
hOnt :ivoee pfotie.nnd. ittahrtainitrheorss:1fgeacht,oiwarsithoi
both sexes, and all ogee, who have lec-
000:::ed.opatorgs7ttathinteedwrnitrnetethwadtystp.hutirEswehiac, have neinit,wpahrreeon:
nnnoiation, and consequently read more
1.,(2,;(.4TwheityliezebeatitledriecepeulrleArsey,.an I define
3. They obtain practicel kieevledge of
gregeogiirrea aphoyt,hasersd itpi,sthheoutnehwal.fpatIpieerstiihnAeviet
Made them acquainted *ith the location
of the important pixies of 0111)05, their
government and &dugs on the globe.
having beceme so felniltar with every
littrillegecy°:rnstPbtrru: etr:tila.:tit.iialivinc4c;re'itnr°a1Pit5er:IYhil-lee.nultitYllea:17Yazne-
5. They 'write, better compositions,
tiiiseientgedbleytteexrprleassege.7.... contmniug more
thoughts, more clearly and inure cone
omens the Berrneivi is a most
, Boitisitst -Mssitisup. - 1111;:terraiiitigaer
institutton, and the "marriliee knot"
is very easily und.,ne. two persons
are tit•ed tad' other.* society, they
dim 1,1ve partnership in the following
eimees and toueleng but cenclusive
manner: They respectively hide: 'two
c snake. awl shutting up their hut, sit.
clothes ha or she may :have ma at the
ituje a: aotalleelreepat Iritoytt._Lrectere„rt,lotejzap:efutey
-01 Epicairee itis ellul to /earn, nn the
authority of Mo. 'rotenone,. the Oyster
Commissioner of Maryland, that the
‘41.1:11.Yiniteirla,ew"hY.Iltnerlit *03 Yto1stlirneillgh:
them, an•I that thore is no proleshility
.4 the oyater beeee 'eon W.:owing ex-
hanet ,
• 1
.11.cute Bills
Neatly -and cheaply printed at the
SIONAL tal choice etas to
choose from.
Notietpc“ 1/el)tcorso
1.f. ARTIE!), 15 rtEtl: r:It To TR& Eli. -
ver lea aril 'lease pt/ it at once.
at t
ACT; t111.51 SMITH
eobaiete tees oct..),:i
raiz .4.1.1.m.
A T.th4 a copy of Bee
s Sere)! e.Feuit,10 '-'niettelAN, the
litost inedical•work eVflle letel publish-
ed arel a meat used •••.k to have in
evety h••teei,
A copy of el-, • eclehreted
work ea ",i4i.-11•„7•" Will be
sold elienp. •
- —
Rieli Farrai,1:". Lanls
For -ale vi C.•
iaicn Putific .rrnparr9.1
Tar Peter -Nyasa-ate\ r PLCCTI
• 41,Lteal ;MTh .1 -
IN ,
me'eting of the Oran-etneel the d•ternii- none -eel Otbeee eef the Great IVelitern
N. brafits, t's far see, in. ter trailer,
al X tr • !. st grim* ?dist t•
A Penny Saved
JEW etuntran,
Spiced Roll Bacon,
'Sugar Cured. Hams,
'Green Beepn,
Butter 8ce., ace,
• r
Moytm, Young ilyson.
at 80e.
O.0 Ft'
PingS ucy Young Hyson
4 „at 80c.
Uncolored Japan
cannot be beat;
Ou,a sTOC± OF
Groceries &Provisions
(.400I) QU,ALI'l.
H. W. BALI.;
1415 West Side Ilerket Square.
Opptstte the ell Raying. t; round'
!wee leeye the
• seelletirrounelitig r entry
• that he •lias oprued that ' •
Nhw Store en Vie -tort 4
St. With eltoidti
stock el
.• 4,
tiritaei lee
p.itronaece Call apal give me a tii and
iiidge for yourselves. ••
first cla-is s at low I/
!poi 10.-g -t it share of ritlic
cortz-. gyrTD • ritril.
• , - B-oakr-
., s. • .11. - /.....,
_U(I.Z1 '14 ill aleays have oaehand'a
e• • -ie.: 1 le cf hams.
1 - :3. 1395
nati•el Ens ve'ry diacreetly arrived at J.) Railway to itsemploy ihilfitfil th; nye
take „, . aet'ion. "Thigh would be illeeel. z it/ileum es,, • . e../../1.-e;-•-e!et -Th o PioplCs (1.roe3ry.
114e of lifttled" of any Ian on 11.1 'tit ' Ai Sr% ' •
• (3.11. ()L1)
elv,tri...1) INTIM MI: ro tile -1\41%10r ANT*
It la 00.01,4 ami surto:m-6;4g coats:Ty that
110 hail rl•-•ierd mid! ' at I II rerstiv Inx ti 11/ fyt y
'selected •tti Ik ' '
pr -RE
As teem •as an tit.i.orttinity . oil...reel pany'rli,reinise.it while he intell are on nee . itrr.04.rteee. , .•-• - . elae
aftttr it 1.,,,,,,,„„, kna,,e that Rie1 had ' duty, -lel etaird•tyees.eit also pc )htlaiterti Vjie: ,e'el-e et- . , e , .
, .
ee. • . te..e. Lee
, eetnaPyl'arritsel in .11m city, 'err MAC' from using- leptor fur at '14ea5ticans lour ' !TH1., 1111
, kr,,a,,, 14...,,11 tte,k steps t ) have him prier to going ..n duty. F,;•11:4"tre..0 'e"ft. b•masemeo iftnstier • , . ..r Anat. It.
firelight to kiatioe..,Ile Ent moved fon trarenine thie riile,, ',abject tiebneelves uoneeteet .r...,i‘, tea, .-, f tbe word, •
3fteetr.y night) that the. (lerk. of .the to • tine of a vette:tient 01 31) flees pay Ada.... . - . • ; ,t 14, 7'
Crown in Chancery attend the next day eno-J„,„,,,eiltlir a tsiiiotaii.,. 7:. ,. ,,
• ler
wit", -all dociiments he liad in his Pos- _ft has bee foolishly- ••senerted by tles --:-----------, --
lioa, and this being carried Irk had _ e
sessioa relating to the Prorencher elec. oritton.
te the -Ref in I) trty is- wonting in
ye the Ilimilton Times,
. • i
- I t -4s -,"--e
another motion passed, renniring At- ability. Asko etiece of evidence against .
- bar ef the HOW141' at the Item° ti 'Ile t° proof- We •IfaiTe the fact that Messre.1 %Leslie/BA ANB TIE .7).016T11-
, . ,
"' answer such lineations as niieht be put
to him relative to the indictment of Moss and Leatrier,the rnever and 'second-. - wEar TEI-GlITOKIES.' '
ed of tha Address, on Monday, deliver- .
• Riel before the Greed Jury int 51anito- ad able"
tornev General Clarke to appear at the that -were tile charge worth t•f ae
i eethelieliustitutions in the city, soshe at an expense, of thousands of dollars
I Hist he is in t eedeneherg; an 1 it ia said anti the waste of weeks of ti.ne, leave
he WO seen at Prescott -4n Ttiesday on dons lir our country:, lu
ook erniind yo.
hii way there, and ethea say that he The couch, the card tittle and theeetin- i
has emn,. home with Me. Magoon, mem- terpane are the fruite of eliar toilwand
her for Terrebonne, to spend the hob- the e•!6hlerne of our tnun4h."- /Triad -
l dare h was even mint:urea that some tem nmes.
of his friends had him secreted in ehe
Parliament tail -lines. I hare heard it
Mated that 'tin . _L
e night this week he was
in the gallery of the Reuse along with a "Sambre what your pinion ,eily de
French mintier. Even bets,have been bankrupt law 1" , •••• • • .
• made, as high as $100, that ha will take "rink motile rate. Pompey.' - -
his seat on Wetindsdkv, ani I uniier- ••1 iiiitey r the appellation inhelf.
stand a imiteus of his friends was hjild Jost spleen hinfs principlets.” . -
this afteriemn at which it was deciled "et hy yen see here now, jun ' me
thet he should do so. Judging frim the Jen, half deg -kr you get itowash-
way in_ which the prestielis put te Cawtee.
Ilon. /ft Clarkw on Tnesday were can- ' leeinpey hands him t4e .wieney, sod
mused and objected•te even by leek t *mho deliberately puts it into. his
members al. the ,Hop.. .i. II. Calueren, pocketk. .. • •
who is an Orangemed-and might on that • "Derelen, now, I ewes de shoidpaker
• account be suppose& to be e"inew hal three shilling, and yen half a aollar.
auxious to have him bonvicted, it vronle besides de eregehep bill._ Now, dis half
-MOO) that the Monett are eating to deal dollar am all de property I got. I
fairly with him, thotith 1 the statements divides him accordiu' to de debt."
contained is a lettert pebtiihed in • the ',Sarah°, I takes dat half dollar back."
.- Manitoba Gazette lately be shown to be Rambo, with amazement, "Yon tink
true, his dhencesi would apPwar tote less dis elute green 1 Voir Oa pi". share Witb
favors/11e than they were. The qiiestion de oder creditors."
after ill, however, is whether he was &mho waa as lioneat hi soem Others.
- i
premised en amnesty by the late Gov-• L
, _._--.... • i
. ba and the true bill found against him. ta•eirk
peechee than were ever made LINE 0,/,' TRA'N$PiiIIT ON FOR
In roirausuice of these resoliitions Mr. ' ate 3'eara at lielat-b3" ' PASSENUE.Ri .\ NI/ Ft •
new membe.r on a like °aces_ ien.
Clark- W.41 in attenlence on •Tueoley .
afterno,,.- arid was interrogated by Mr. Thos, Robertson, Fail,. c (,1 7-atc. %LED TENPRIthradr-eised4, sta.' misadoe
10 ,
ceeptvist e
&mall 1,1 .ther gemfi
ntleen,- „e prfe • DundaS, cae ri
linvery wear being se•'s1 .2., th Aiwa. 0111 at hitt Wee up to th
next. for avakin4 the4the of transp,...
eisieted, the M in,..,1:a warrant he hed 1.1e; inj,inel by the breaking of the king t.,1 !•t•,:b ieadout town rhab l ', I01t, rort 1•0•0T.
Riel's arrest, and after giving hie evi- ot has bilegy while drivine- rube llernil 1",r11. L":',..".",.`",„°8-,"",,, „,,,'''Y `,„t'ret,-te!'',e ' , ,t
denote which eatabliehed to the setiefec. , ton a few .levs reel). When the 1,olt -....7,i7rm 'S-ite-litiiie" . -- Pri'aM AitiotTme U. "di"
tion of the 11 inc that Which they- had I ',rave way the h•irsestartaa ..c.514,1 eer 1.; th•• olerte weet-- epos er • twtet. erne sie.-elg,
already learned from the newspapers ' R. was precipitated into' the rord and -Acw id.• Welter,. Seethe, !...5.14. a,,„-ta w.,..t
with reference to Itie'.'s intlietnaent, the
trim bill, his outlawry for not appearing
te. stand his triel: etc., and having
identified ki, , signature, Mr. Bewell , The .1ri1 takes line by the forelock,
meved'thatan Ottawa policeman mimed 1 and protects in,advance against aft -T in
tention to elevate Mr. Crooke to the
poeitiein „of a J11,120. The Foe l' res..
gniet1T emit* it. contetuperary by a tv-
--inge Hitt an opinion respecting Mr.
crocisa' qualificatiens mightpossess
some velem if it came from the legal pro-
fession, thin intimating that the Mnfl's
opinlon in the premises has tie value.
The Free 'teasels.) mildly rebukes its cen
temporary7for iis-niireasonieg partipan-
snip in attempting to :tindery/tine Mc,
Crooks' pitfessional ability. • ' • •
was eery conaiderahly breised. • The
horde continue] his mei cereer uatil he
reached his eteble in therlton.
MeVeitty, who was understood to have
a eromid warrantfor Riell's arrest. should
attend with , the same the next day at
,the bar of the House and submit to an
examination. The House assented, to
this, and then 11r. Bowen meved "that
Louis Riel, meinbee elect for Prevencher,
• do attend in his place in "this Honse to
, morrow at 4hree O'cleek," which Was
elan ?greed to. The n3xt day et tiirned
out that the peliceeran who had ths
warrant was 'me named Hamilton, and
he was brovieht Ilnrwer.1 te. be eeemined.
tort as the flousb was to be adjeurned
that day until skier the Easter helidays
he was *Howe,' teige until next Wednee-
oley- when bis evidence will.' be taken.
Itiel, aa it was exnected .wmild he Jhe
case. -was not in hie place at any tithe nee) (seseee)mith the etteeetie card.raide
($12.00) to dine from, end the counter.
Pau* (,16. 50) se a tablecloth. They would
thus be in the midst's:of the trophies woo'
by them in the sessions of weary &babe'
anti could s4, like the olti Architect, si
Italie (..1 PPL:111.4111C11,43% circismseiee,
%bin freely translated, rtieans : "If you
wotild mu what the °merit. ONmsition,
A Donley Tell nitorests that a pablic
dinner altenild be given to Mr. tH:
Cameron and the Ontsrio Oppositien.
The idea is a good rine. and as eh° Oppo-
sition is ie small one the coeld.perbaps
all be seated on tire ca ne colaelt (dam.
&wing the (lay, and a reaolution was
peeled (Altering lim to 7., be there ore
Weelnewinv tett.
There ie great apeculstie both as to
Riel's whereabouts and as to the likeli-
hood of his making his appearance, ob
Wednesdey. Some think be is lying
'rrIa in some some one of the Reiman
ere:Mint or net. _During the debate on
the same liaaatai read a ropy ati A inan in a mill in Pluines,Calihrnii.
letter from Governor Archibald to Rise felt • Ing at his ceat tail. He looked
at the time of the threatened Fenian around and Raw that it was being drawn
raid on that Province, thanking him for in be cog wheels. Ile grabbed% pose and
held on with all his might while BO' coat
his "loyalty and good faith" on the ee-
wee slowly torn from hen. The atingle
°mien, and stating that he woold take
was a hard one but the man won. •:`
the earliest opportuuity of bnfiging his
oonduct in that emergency before the On. of the most delicate compliments
Gevernor General : and also a letter ever paid to a man was that which spoke
from Mr. Archibald to Father IL -ached, of the at Jonas Chickeriag, founder of
stating that 1 Rita need hut lath:lance to the Chickcring House. as being likeehis
rattly his fellow citreous to support the pianos, "grand, agitate and Upright."
Crown on that occasion hdiliberty *mild There are •people (do net imitate
not loo interfered with. Mr. Masson them !) who if they hear an organ, hod
admitted that these letters did not oat at once which are the poorest st en;
amount to a premise of a perdore but If they Intim ti a 'great speaker, inliisy
stated that he lead still ether driciiments remember nothing but fume_ slip in the
relating to the niat ter, which, however, construction of a sentence, or break irt the
he did not revelconsistency of a metaphor, or Bow the
Very little b.ie Moss ef spy importance evoluti•,ns of an argarnen . While their
hate been done this smarm yet with the friends Ara aiIinirin te wealth 'and
exception of the paityage of tt a address beauty ef a tree whnes trenehea are
nee* was acenmplialied in obis day. The weighed_ down with fruit they heve dim
'discussion on it was tonducted in7both eovered a selitary bough, lost in the
'the Senate and Commons in a 7e17 golden afameneei on which nothing is
friers* salliener• In the Senate the banging.
lull/ to Tort Cosy.
•fer•hare may be lor the 4;7.ti inae, or Separately
1 r ek,0or tbism.bmattastam,a, , 1, .
[i,, right arol Bomber, noseht•cierei.fr.
1. tiartiml over for the Om, 6 air:, for the, Dm of
he 1141e, t4 the piny, or I, irtwe i• • .4,0,,Itt con
tips Sea vhse 05 In tyrahdl1o.
les of Plant areditatt,irmm I-111 i.• seen at
this OSlo. rad at the 1o11451(4
11111* TOruntoy. Alan 31 tiste.eM11,
C. 53„,,i)tretwvireltilla'and
arid Ultima of the Larks of tits 14,,, is Road, Ton
addithual ontfit rerpr,r, d muet
by the Contractor,
Tilemeens of trandportetios 1.
Illift`leLt to eciaia the 5ii0eA •e el
passengers awl freritht over the rout: a it'aiaat
lay. •
The ram for height and paesengers, 514 505))
for the orgiem 1,1 be Atared in the Tender.
Thn,Departicent it.... not bind *tad( 10 acetyl
•lie Lowest • one Tender.
rather oitormstuan ran1 oht5f,4 , oat
'411 Ili at O. &P.A. lAimr!o(1ed Oasearsa. - •
tract 1')hesi
ley Order,
F. BR tUN,
1,, t ,,,erit of Priblk Roo,. 11"0r0141',),
tat rwa.',Irth arch. I
•-• tired
- •
/MAMMA ••••._
a application tte. Parliament fin. TH. •
vate Bills, either for grentine exclneive
tortetteve, or conferring coil...rate pow. -
era fircommertia1t or ether purpeees - of
profit, or for doing anything tetwinglo
abet the rights or property of other
parties, arelereby notified thet Miey are
required by ,the Rule' .4 the two /louses
of Perliarnent, (which are peblished
cull in the Ctottiola fl',,jfe.) to give'tee0
. months' notice of the areeir.i.iien (deer.
,06,3 Yin a newePePt7 huh:jelled ,in the
ly an•I dietitian sPee!Iyine, it nature
Comity or Unite, 4), Comities affected,
and objeet.) in the Ceueee ateett., and
joa of the Pale
sending eop i rs corstaiwee
the fine and last of isiieh n••tices to fh:
he presentee' will: theelsel flare .rseety el
the Ses.sion.
Private Bill
Atrnito l' krill. h.. n.
All Petitions for Private hells Must
Clerk of tile Senate.
' 1411• c't Coutruons.
Azufflocl salir
A ,F141 'Assortment of Ligdots
OF TNT BEST 11.1TY aND tie reit- 'mein',
.also a large at ••li
Lam; . ‘'hintrost, a- a
Pare Clovor and Tr lolly soca
• J..: •.•,.
of all kinvirlipi eoiertani!y Iti -.1 k and deli rotred
in aey PVI tits TVVI'll alt Ineli will auhl
r•1,141 1*, 1.r or pro:lute. A* the 5:14111 is
sn,allprofile and Trick reteirte.. -be hopes. that
havrng alwaya the bast. viality of rails, end. by
t attention let idolnese to mtait a .1mm ef
Pantie ratror aqtr. Turas:tarn will bud it to their
*Ivan:ace to call and 3.. (11 and
prima bafere parch 1.1 A* Ar WM. •
Goderieit, Werth i4111 ,11114. • 1414. •
SA CI N 1.4', S.'
01.17 0 cl,
huntine lever Watches, warrant-
ee geed -reliable time -keeper- at $10.
$14, $16.
.11r.pothi.s, Earings, &o, New
patterns Black mid Gold Bracelet* at
per. psir. s
• A lerge'reasertment tit
find. rs, 1Virdow Shitdes
• itc., in every style and v,sriety.
Expected to arrive, WALL PAPER.
(1:). Remember the place -14
Craleb's Block,11farket Square, Goderich.
-March 17th, 1874 1413
e‘U • ” f4
In the Townehip of Collie' ire, in the
entity of Huron.
There will tie•tiold on
Satirlay litc Wildly of April. !S74
• at 12 o'clock noon, at
in the town of toiderich, by virtue of a
power, of sale Contained in a certain
Mertge,Ure fiefin Samuel and Mary Pieer,
.eltich will be produced at the tale, the
followiug property :
Lot nuniber eight in the first Con-
•-a !cession Western Bit -Iron of the sal
Township uf Colborne. except that por-
174:0'W 7tr• La( -)eta tion conveyed to the Municipal Corpora-
• Lion ef the said township.
TS instructed
hant of Cie City of t
Gliod.yetielechtd, iattuathis head of the
ton, '
sell by Public Auctioil:i
The 'follow ing improvements are said
to be on the pretinies : a Jog -house mid
arcoi•XXX/31-Ons-tenth of the put,
chime money te bepaid down on the day
of sale. For 4ialarsee, terms wid
inade known at, the sale.
For further•partioulars apply to
Solicitor, Masonic Hall,Toronte.
Toronto, Ilth Ilareh, 1874. 141311
R001115 in the Town of 6°'lericle ,
14111 cy of April 1874
Tuesday, the
eoremeadesceag at 12 o'cieeelanuon.
very irable To"ofirt Nie 425, eon_
.,..areeifinazddr:aeseiniceurrii;loysilubvittliz_nwtan:), ':iltun.,.en.dirleariotecibbobBe, :dad.;
mining 1 nu 00r01. bandtmonsio;ltalteel
er Sall:m7de:eild t'n t'adt ebe• time
sotaht7T:31hhaei,schonbi.s6adsicoverruri diest 7,ree0319 Elarteeeling
PrflE Crirt of Revision for the Town-
ship ofe lborne will meet in the.
of saie. Town Halle mith's Hill, on Saturday,
,e;enlars can le,
Ferther r3r" sm. •. ' eau on ap. llth Aeril, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
ettion to Jeinesa .ett,. Archi.
P • •..E. or 0 Angi
wet, (iodate-, Meet Township Clerk..
Uoderieheltdar,01":1174• 1415 Colborne, 28th March, 1874. 1415b
and Business steadily increasing.
Another lot of spring goods juA opened: Dress CLods, Shawls, Black
Col fed Silts, Plints, Shirting, Tweedg, Ready Made Clothin4, Bov's Knie
'bocl3cr Suits, Men and Boy's Felt Hats new styles, P.00ts an 1 Shoes in gr
vari ty; Ladies' Prunella Gaiter,. A large stock of dew and choice Teas. $
Noted for Cheap Goods
CT -
40 11.03th $15 CO Tooth 820
BI to atinetineri to tho citizens of Gotlerich and neiglibhurhood tee, .t!,,v t4v,,
commenced business In the above line (in Mr. Crabb's. Irlock,at the Collier of
Kingston Stand the Square, North of theYdore at pretent'oet-upied by. Nrr. CrtIh
where they hope by strict attention to beeiness, moderate charges mid lirseklanii`'
gmela, to merit a. large share of patronage.,
' We lone on hand a terry large stock of reedy mail3 work. satectel .by oursielve •
fielm the hest inanufecturers in the llteninien.
We shall also manufacture largiey ourselves in the latest New •,tdt null E trfe
peen Styles. Having buth,limin practical men for the hist twenty years. it is•with
emifitlence we the patnesaeit of this Town atill'aiirroultding, 0000* ry.
'Iirtiervel work ed eeety description a specialty. A perfect fit. goirantet,I.
N 11.--• iklu:sh Sole seenstantly on hail and ter sale.
iloilesicb, 'March 31st 1874. •
.1. le.)Vs.V.N11.
1 1 „
FiluiTs 4ND VEGETABI,i7.:S.,
t.J?Lj\ P
A•LAtttiE \
E.N(,tINI1 1).1.11,•()Asi
L •--- z7.-, •
; ; •;
; til • ! •
I.; I 1 I ; 1
I; j I I 11 /II II ;ill! 1:1131:011 1 I 1 1 I 141
'Then Wi I do et Coneernirig
etelect ray"haeraws7front!epurnelthe• r, •1,
. penele:wha have vial this give me.
either rliyine or enflame,'
t • St3
reemete'• "
Itemenilmr that they aro the rbry 1,051, or should! in dull proestleave
.tnd Menet lova 1 ant propered t bet same, ,
Concerning thew that they will item! the I tusk illett in ranyna 'a t
test e
Hera, brielittn4 steenethey
And -they will last for rn lily a alay aml
. year,
Nor need rejetirheeev e• herd ehin wear.
k an
, tena
are a seien t even. ,oe., Va11, f•r
BY-LAW [1871
ri,, raise - by very of Luau 140 .-...:
• f (mut y fituniato1-41f4rs kor fly .i ill rt..,
•: uf suirchns;•0 the Nnetheru t)1u,
'. And., . -
• ;Whereee tIm totin.tt of the Corporation 44 131.
Centity..of Ileum -hate-m.4,rd to potation the
Nerthertilliarel Real, with tam I ,e amt. at. a1s$105 -
this •,..11eetIon el Toilet:a alt th5 iiro-•1 welds in
On wail Ciatulta.'-
51.1 shame wean, into effeet the Said riteited -
- 113-1, 11 will be aseemeirry for tl.• l'oranell of tn.. 4 • .
omit t!orperatiots le raise 111 1,410 o( A w..!ty iltous 1
mid eelisry in the mama: ere nailer imatmete. • • -
eiet Wlitt..444 the smotod, ef th• • sitiode rallesbie •
oOtiterty of the said County .1411.iron inverteetire .
.1111ury future inOrean In the k•ii.k an -I irrmilsreltv-e .
„tally ho,itt.e 1• I., elukidtrIAAAkto AI 111A ' tr:nnontry
al, -
iratmentaf 'de sk 4.4nreipeftwr -IT.ji
Imes -
fied, or aar part thereof ms . Mg le abe laat,re- '1,A .
lmd and proses.'" A opeitionent Rots If the r Ri.1 d ,.... ,
ceanty, being fa the year erne thor.mii,i ytight • Vi/X1
bilitlreg1 earidset,MY three.. II.VA mrt....1,1 inlilittna
tassel hnthired anafrahety OloStaane three '
malitivetists.m".ilAt-or of '
...sthe -Cid/dint .1/.11t, ...;
lhe AAWC01/1,I7 is as follows : Tramper, Two of six hun-
Vnsdollars. forrilavel Itoad lhosentirees leo pc
4,4 ani pee nil i. tamissiel eig',1 bundle -4 car
leder...it it i he rate perrelit • per MAIM 111„ GA.
animal intaria.t 40 10 pant .41 the sent .1..41 14 iq'tkett
AllarAAINI bre I untie. d and eighty ninedullam end
ei47it4 eents. Up.in witteb debt there is to inier....1
ilk Al) IT.
' and. whereturil will reatnire the aeon or Ten-.
0.0..04 tifgotipt0.1m,t ,1 „hos to be raised All II II- A
ally hy special rate for th • payment ,,f the 141
debt air! lettere.% a. iosir spr..00trist 0000.0...d. • .. A
, Awl •bereaspaying 411. payithe interest and emoting Willa) they aro prepared to dispese of as
ln equal enthral Plinking Fund for paying tire soda
rim II Ts/et ty tharouand dollars &ad imereAaa . a ,
1,10,110/44,1nen4W•tad• If will -.neinnd an e.l'ull ‘
fin- ehcap as iy Other house int lie trade:.
iiist sneers! rate Of Wm heath,' alaser nine dt, m
boodrod and Oftmnisdhs (101)-551) or a mni in ea..
4,111er in *dila on te 511 ether riii•s and t riven to lie
is each yea.. Be It therefore entailed 17 110
Contact' of the thriporation of the Cattily oflispint
1.1. That it shall be Metre! tor the Warden atf
'herald County of Huron to false hy way a loan
rani an y p•Non, ar persons, %slyer bodies (torpor -
at*, who may he willing to *draftee the same upon.
the credit of the Debenture. henaooller inentit ned,
a sum nor ea vetting lu the whole the ram of -twenty
tlettiland ditlars. and e101141 III. IMMO to he I.Aid
into tin traria of the Treasurer nftlie Con oty ofice- lAil'a fi T
,g.ali.t.11.;:tior the.purpu••• and av lib the olUect above re -
:rid , That ft shad' be 7.554ot far the sold ll'orilen
to rana5 any nronber of Debentures to hakmade f„,
such lama of moneynnt lea. than nun Antaired
doilacs ia.eli, and that the sald Ihibentures shill
sealed "rah the aitaila,f ihe sold Coepora tion •Iel he
signed 1 ythe said Warden, an I couuterstainod by
ti.etreustree of the ash! €4,1011.
'• set 4 hat the &alit iteberdWres shall he made lay -
able in twenty 7e5.:1st farthest from the -lay held.
area nenti•oed hi' this Illy -law to take cfloet.at
the (Aim 01 the „T agar, V of the maid Curnly of
Marro., and shall id e aitaiiheit to them coup..0.•
for the payment of ti, Interest annually, signed by
the said Wanlen ant 'Treasurer. '
eh. That lthe SAii LIstrentures atpl Coupons
shirt be made tint A the current-, *4*115 0.••
01n100..0 that the whole amount. Mr trold Deben-
tures .1011 .1 exceed the. before ine.atina.oirt
%eerily thoutahroliars. an I they
est at the rate 0 six flaq rent per annum, whtelain_
t•trest .bail be Ore le. on the first der of July In
1101 04 every year during -the /441(1 I.UAIICO of Om
said Pelientnnat a t the „Gm od the !Treasurer of ILe
sent Comity of Gaon.
t!, That for Ihe porpon nf terming a Slaking
IrH12,1 for the pilonant or tee wee iteneittermand
t.,,,, intere.t el Fin rate afoniaaid to become deo
the(eon, an moil 7,eneciel rate nt oiw hoadred an,t
al..tv'rlina.liuicleed end 611)-tiintli• 040.0'0) 14 a
m11 in the dollar, shall in addition te all etlwr
rates and taster he rain& 'levied and cofleeted, in
nen ail the rateable .1,n -firefly within the
t;ooniv of Ifaron. dnring the cent intrabee of the
sa6idthileTbeb.ittnthiri: 01 ; .a_ nr: .,,, , 4 , ht 3b ni 1 mi ...
ke effect and come
into operation 01(10 1111 P -.4 cay of July, one
thousand eight hundred arid stresty-fortr. -
.,:...ackay Brothers
It '1i 111.•
• ,
0. -
0 OJ)
13 11.1.111 v011101:10 111 Us A -1.A department,
Next Poor to the Post Office.
The 'hove l a trae ea, of a prolwom1 fh-slew
to he taken into consideration tv the mout0i"i 17
3* :„70unty of 11ci0i0 at 60,terichla the bard
„„on.• 00 the fiurth day of Jul...1•14,. at The
hour of two o'clock rn the attrino.n. at which time
An t !dace the members of the cosier -1i are hereby
teed to attend fur the purpose aforesaid.
s E T
"1 -TE Sublicriber hege to inform the.
L inhabitants of Goderich and sur- apirs,
rouliding Country Mint he has percheJ
s- et
ed thu
Look down tleeteri hick t
Even the last verso tliC rtir
Bead 'no before ind is who Ifarroes
s -11r.. • `
(rifo eettittivei.)
Tote the
tee' niy
ese lines
Oen iatilla
it -icr.
.nu:r • it'Fiv.LD's
F075 AT G. CATTL-r,'S
_ itte l'arker & Cattle's)
") 1111111E
XERR (SI; iffeliENZIE,
414)1,11Nr•i4):S" 5SC 1.11:1Z IL
Take this tipper), tttt ity of informing their friends 111)1 tro that they We re-
moved info these uew and splendid pein
riees ott,th•M
e arke on
flare e dock Emit
of .
%here the are receiiing their Lilt said winttc i4ock
pought sine,' the recuet priees w ;licit they are offeriuir envy low 'for cash.
ILI Nr1:78 A. ir
Call and see tor Youreelve.
' Gielt rich, OM. 23rd, 1873. •
MORE & ramkooriat s
PETER A IWILnOlc.rtella BanktiLipL
Ooderach Feb.littlt.1874.
.1 1410- t
Coatify Clerk's n
A.114/.4 N 1!1 NV. .&i'i3 144kt 11-1 Ski*
85 Ta 32,0
per day. Agent' wanted
Ail classes of workbag .
people of either sex, young or old, notice more
money Et work fur we In their spare.nortnente,er
all the tem. than at•anything Vanicula
Iles. Address , G art:coon & CO.
Jry Goods,
H. A!ThE &Gis/s Boots &Shoe-
Ready NadeClothl um'
timonuabi from many of the leading house. ihootat,
iriVing the Nod eatodoellon, as may be sari I,v re,
Has heyn in general not for the paat I wii ye'rrt and
which Must be cleared t owe •
it wee net congeal in the riskiest weather, it is , •
therefore enfeeble forth., light...at and rodent, as well
as the heaviest marlOne_s_r_luse.
Prom thloseph Ilait Machina Works, ewe..
fens Airier Stock's oil cheaper at $1.40 rellaRoll
than oh re ell at 40 cents Tours reapeitt Hy. {
F. W. GLEN,tillatallat.
Por sale cooly by
G. fr. PARSONS k co., Hardware
Mprehints, Clodericlh.
floes AGENTS,
At Cost and, Under. CLOTHING MADE TO ODER.
Special Bargains In the Wade.
Goderich, Oct. 17i 3473. 1394
iQolerich, October 24th, 1873.
• I
Gran) Market.
flare :nst received the largest
Stock of Clothing
Ever offered in Goderich, and they Are
determined to sell tins
ftD1WAgST ROA aaam.
0. NI SI10117 NOTIC/e.
Good" Fit gnarolatood or no SPIN,
Next Door to J. Boid's Wog Store.
Market StinareJ Coded*.
Begs to inform the iuhabitants of Hail-
landville and the surrounding country,
.that he has received a large *unity of a
Fancy Goods and TOYS
of all descriptions, for
rhrislmas and New Year's Gifts,
which 'will be sold
C 1 I A P. F.O. It OA Stir.
Ako a full stock of .
contesting ef TeasenO4 to be equaled in
strength and flavour, at all prices, to.
the Mines.
•—e -
Also new Raisins, Cirrants, Spices, Rice,
SuPears• Synge' °flint quality and every
• other article in toGrocery line.
• .
Also laree supply of Dry G•Nids. Fancy
Gorda,- Glass & Crockery, Tel Sete, &ce
' Nails, Flair IFeed.
. •
A Ise a full supply of Wines and Liquors
such -as Sherry, Port; Brandy, Burn.
WhiskeyAles, Ike.
Market price paid Tine produce. Better, ,
Eggs, Oati, Peas & Potatoes bought
and solerat .
4.ANtouttr8 SIORE, .
13$ - :Maitland vine;
Merchant Tailor,
wy.ar STREE70
RECS to direct attention, to his very
full steel( ef
which heis prepared to make up in the
most fashiuustble style and at the lowest.
• rates.
eliCrs iik•nishings
of all kinds kept on hand as usual,
Gederieli, 9th Dec. 1873. „
Th. eFinuking Turk', ,
In the 'Store formerly' •occupied by6S.
Fume, Market Sqtiare, Goderich.-
CA.1c.11,.. AN1) ItlE.E.
sell selected stock of
Sigu_of the Smoking Turk . W. Green4
wood is Agent for T. F. -Roome, Orga
Builder, Toronto. Orders for tuning
promptly attended to. 1401 I
A TTE 1 ON.(
of goods for sale at ratern's & Co's Dew
Hardware Store, apposita the Market
LEATHER BELTING, &liaises, -
WHITE LEAD, all prioes.
And all kinds of
For Sale Cheap,
G 335- Parsons & Co.
Opposi te the Market Uouse,
Yana, 1111. 1871.
Information Wanted
�V John Thompson, native of' the
County Mohahan, lre.and, is
go year in this country, when hid heard
from he waa in the town of Ingersoll, ie
Ina. His brother James Then) -.on
wishes t-) find his whereabents Iufer-
illation may be left at this Office.
Jan. 20, 1874. 1405