HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1874-4-8, Page 2• 316w ALIUMIlallatta Iltrrews-D. K. Stmehao. List of Letters-imehe Dickson. New Books-e-T,J. Moorettonse. Re -opening -W. R. Robertson. I aent vane Notice -Dui* Watson . 1,2LanIt015 e. e. - With the opening of navig-ation we may expett a large emigration to Mani- toba, and is many whs contemplate removing there are anxious to obtain all the possible information respecting that preyincs we give the following facts obteined from the Free Press :- The summer is very delightful with most beautiful ensuing'. Long con- temned wet weather is unkuown, and although the mud is very bad after a rain, the soil is :so tdrous that three hours after a;sto is o 'ter all iuconve- I nience is past. pringmenerally begine &bole. the 1st of ay, and winter about the middle of Neveritherd The ayerwee winter cold is indch more intense than - in Western Ontario, and therer is no mild weather. Tbe snow is gaerally only a foot deep, though sometimes two feet. There is wind moat of the time, but not rnuch trotable from snow -drifts in travelling. In. Winnipeg first 'class oak sells at from $4.50 to 60 per cord, lea' poplar from 33 to $4 per. cord. Rents•are very high, paying from 2b to 40 per cent. on the cost ol lot and build- ing. A pretty good house for a family of six would cotnrnand about $3,) per month, and good stores in the best entities $100Mer month. Building lois coot front 3.50 to $500, according to loality, and business lots 50 by 120 froth $1,000 tO 33,000. White arid red pine lumber aell a. troll% $28 to $35 per M., with clear mad aniehine up to $45 to $6a. Spence pine sefli front $20 to $25, and sett weep from $15 to $25 tier M. The, me r dem. ts' profit* are not , nod lafgedehae they are in Oetario, but freight is'very blab,. 5' cents per lb. from Ontario, which*tells heavily on coarse goods, but in dry goods the in- crease of coet is not so apparent. Previsions are sery higle$ es the de- mand create.I by the inimigration of a few years has exceeded the home sup- ply. The Governmeat land within ten miles of Winnipeg is nett all taken up. Quarter sections, 160 acres, wiehin that limit are from $1.50 to $5 per acre. Improved 96 acres lots on the river may be got fur from $300 to$1,200. Winni- peg gets its water supply trent the river, and all settlers living along it do too. In nearly all the new settlements good spring water haebten obtained in abund- ance. The river and streams are alive with qtiantities ad excellent fish, and there are patches of forest at no great distance apart over the plaiu. The Gov; ernmeitt has arranged for each settler on a prairie lot having ten aceea.of tim- ber, Actual settlers. are eutitled to 164 acres of lana free for homestead:throe yeare' reaidence semiring a patent: The GoS611103ert sells land foor one %loner per acre cash, but no one person cau mir- chase more than 640 acres. In the busy „seasons carpentera get from V to, et per day ; bricklayers and plasterere Erode $51 to $6 ; laborers !tom t2-.50 to 2d; cleiks and salesmen from 050 ;tie $109 per month. Of the latter there elways -has been an over -supply. ' Board in Winni- peg is from $5 to V per week. Native ponies sell croi $3J .to $10)•, '''.;o0d- siied native lio *Are worth". from .$100 to $200. Import superior Canadian and Arum -inn liorses sell .froin $1Z)Peo $300. Omen are worth frem $75.te COO each, and cows irom 840 to -$60. • Wheat sells at $1.25 per bushel ; barley, $1 ; er oats, $1 ; pouter, $1 ; butter, 37e cents per pouna. the old 'looses- are nearly all built of lees, but not exactly the sante way as those in Outarah, and_ they are generally elapbouded. Since the transfer baleen Entree buildings have been the fellation, some of theta being veneered with a wall one brick thick. Walls -entirely,of brick are now being made and stone foundation% ore begin- ning to conie 7n, timber having been previounly used, 11.6 it *tot not desirable to have a cellar while the town was without drain:me. Mete wn lias about 3,000 inhabitants, atiol does about ten tirnes the busines.s cif a town of the same size in any other part of the Dominion. The various inhistries in connection with building have been 'the principal ous so Lao saw -milling being largely carrted on, brit twirl., all the principal manufacturing tredes are represented. ff eels are numerous, ana a new brick one is boinilerectel which will compare feyorably with first-class hotels in Toren - to. A national systera of educatien, seinewhat 'limiter to thee of the common schools of thttario, has been organized, ana the Presbyterians, Methodists', Episcopalians, and Roman • Catholics have each an inetitutien for higher edu- cation, which will fit pupils to enter To- ronto Voiyersity. There is also the At inipeg Lalied School, which prov ides a superier °dilation, With all the mod- . ern accomplishments. Leer Reapatlnir Vrrsvmers 1. eatiortibers who do not sim exprem noires to tns sestrstr, oessaeredas snaking to eostlaise their mihses4P410,10. S. It sobeeetbersordee the dnionntboanoe of their Periodicals or neempapersi. the mehitaber or molten- sis wise te-illieef them 'Mil all arrears am mud ap;°:Iratisorilsers ar• held responsible tor an dustier' neat. S. 1•••herna hers neglect sr retwesta tabs Dwyer, - vb.'s* es soarspopers from ilia Mice to whisk they are 4trected. they me bold responsible till they ese• • Wed thee, Seeding numbers hack, er les" - Cam ta the seas. Is sot each maks at Lama - boaase• as the law regains. 4. It immersers remove to othor plasm lathiest I "tocsins the Teitlashes, Simi, preirmiliate es rooms „ion are mid to ihatemser 4thruettems, am laid reasonelhis. .The Lake Inperiar Liks. Senator Campbell, ex-Pcstmaater. General and leader of the Opposition in the Senate, has been urging the with- drawal of the subsidy from the Sarnia line of steamers running to the northertt lake ports. Although the Government of which he was emember subsidized both lines last year, he expressed a hope that the present Government would decide to subsidise only one. This strange at- titude of a member of thehlinistry which adopted the double subsidy was admira- bly pointed out by Hon'. Mr. Letellier, who said that the honorable gentleman had iti-gued the other day that to be per- fect the present Government must be like that to which he had belonged, and yet he propoeed that the present Gov- ernment shoull not follow the course of the Iste Government with regard to these subsieies. We are glad to oaf that Senators McMaster and Bonus urged threcontinuance of both subsidies, sea matte: of justiee to those laying west of Toronto who desired to traffic with the Northwest. In thii move of Senetto CampbelLwe have a 'penmen of Tory justice. • The date after each Subscriber's name ea the (address indicates the 1111•4 to which kis Subscription is paid. Thus, "rinse sum:, 1 Mack 72,e means that Di r, Smith's Subscriptioa psid up to 1st March cad that ke. owes from that date. Sebiocribers t be t o their interest to mama promptly, as our terms are $1.50 STRICTLI ADVANCE, otherwise $2 Its duetted. , - __..-_ PIP Geo. P. Roam& it Co., 40 Park Wow, and S. M. Partweit.t. Ss Co., 37 Park R.ow , are our only authorised Ad- vanding Agents in New York. . We shall be glad at all times to receive items of local news, reports of meetings, accidents, or any incident of interest either in the locality where it occurs or te the aunty at large. Sach matter inay be sent at th.e rate of one cent per ez. if rivalled Printer's Copy and not sealed. To ensure publication in any particular isene it should Mach the office notjater than Monday eyening. Sulescrihers will confer a famito by notifying us otf any • irregularity in the delivery t 4 their papers. eree•o- Crawl Trask Sabra?. GODIRICH sedemer Trains leave as follows,- .. 7.00 a. m. Express. • . • 9,45 44 6 3.30 " " Trains are due es follows, - 11.20 " " 2.00 p. m. 5.20 6 6 6 ..... 10.00 " Meted 12 so'p... Mixed • • • • Express lk zed "Sunlit „. L 00Al2 113111/111. GOOD FRIO LT. -Last Friday was gene- rally otmerved as a hodiday, most Id the places of besinees in town being clesed, CEANORRY Sunnis -The Chancery Sittings open today before Vice -Chan- cellor Strong. There are fourteen toes on the deeket. OCT AGAIN. -We &TO glad tO a.* that el. Macdeemott, Esq., has sufficiently recovered from the effect of his accident to be out again. pannternow. - A petition to the Dominion Perliament, asking for the puling of a prohibitory lignor law, is being very' extensively aigned in this town. Ilestc.-The Godetich Silver Cornet Band under the leadership of Kr. Duck - him, played a number of airs on the Weeny of the Albion Hotel on Friday him They play very well and are rseidly improving. • Auction BALI.- Mr. Colin Claris. _ DSLROATION TO TOSoNTO.-Last week the Warden, County Clerk and County Treasurer .weet to Torouto to hold a conference with the government with reference to the division of the surplus crewing to Huron and Bruce, between those counties. It liPPeare the Counted -I Bruce contriboded about one third of the amount given to sia the Buffialn and Lak• [Innen Rail- way, but on the separation of the coun- ties became responsible for nnly one sixth of the debt. Bruce now elaindl that 0 is entith•d to a proportion of the sim- ples beset on the ammint contributed, while we iu 11 area hull that it is oidy entitled to a pr vportinn based no the amount ef the d..bt It became respenst- hle for. The settlement ef the iviestion will depend on the construction put upon the act, which appears to be rather ambiguous. 11 is poisiblit a commission may be appointed to deal with the (peti- tion. The amount involved is &beet 317.• OX). Souten.-A very spccessful suiree held in Knox Churcli on Friday evening lase Theis was a good attendance of those connected with' the congremition with • considerable number from other churches. After a most bountiful tea had, been served in 'the basement, an adjetirnment took place to the body of the church, where Rev. Mr. UM, pastor nf the congregation, took the chair. Fhe finencial statemett of the congre- gation for the past year was read end adopted. showed a very satisfactore state of affairs. -Addresses were deli I- ered by' Rey. Messrs. Fletcher. Wright and Nugent. Ana, ,Sheriff Gibbons. There Were two organs in the clittrahl One was osed by the Knox church cheir, the other by a choir from Seeforth, both of which did good moire in en- livening the proceedines with mimic. The usual votes of thanks were tendered at the close. On Saturday Jitternoon the Sabbath School' children w.ereeenter- mined in the basenuset and had a plea- sant time. TIMM ASCE LECTURE. -Oit Thurs- day evening last Rev. John Russell, P. R. W. G. T., of Detroit. delivered a lecture on Temperance in Knox Church, which wasmomfortahly filled by an at- tentive galena Rev. Chas. Fletcher menpied the chair. The lecturer %mut s little lets in arriving, the train on which he was coming frcen Mitchell beine be- hind time. The interval was tilled rip by short addrearies from Rev. M . Nugent and Wright and singing by the choir of Knox Churelt At tenet!' the lectitrer arrived and without delay com- menced to deal with his sodded. He 'laid that temperance has came to be a praeticel question, its principles having become fairlyeettled. He denounced the inert' alcohol, as it served:no useful Pur- pose as food but rather produced disease. "At the last it biteth like a serpent and stiesetth like an adder." The gustier' which temperance people had tot deal with woo to put down the manufacture and use (of intoxicating liquors. It naturally divided itself into two parts, the moral And legal impact .of the ques• tion. To exert • morel effect all possi- hle infloiences should be owl. such se family influence, the pulpit. the, press. Mc, There were three Itindamental organizations which must be used. the Until y,the church, and cieilmovernment. Nothini could take the place of (Amity Omitting in- imputing e wreck instritc- • eon. There we% too ranch lesity the* resplect, mane parents lest ing the whole eadraction of theii children to be done in the eabhath Scheel. Ile candiMneol the use use of domestic wiress and said those who allowed them to be newt in .their,families set a bad example to their children. The press and the platform could do much to seventy. temperance principles. It so as the duty of tempe- rance people .Le support temperate". journals. ; They, should also comport temperance organizations. The intim enee of the church ;Mould Im used &menet intemperance. All Christians sheuld maitre against this the greatest of mils. He wits aware preachers might effend same by denouncing the liquor triage, but it was better to offend man than,0 od. lAtcol lel has its ministers, namely, those who are engaged in the traffic. Ile cherseetrizot whiskey sel- lers se server! of the devil. and IMO they were the meanest class of men tlegy had in the United States. He did not know how it was Imre. ffn might be tieing harsh language but le was true. His business wee •noot metre trutt, hut to tell it. The speaker referred thou who were °imaged in the manufac. ture of whiskey in very severe lan- guage. Mr. Resold' then svent on te speak of leeal,prohibition. He pointed out the incongreity Imtween preaching and teaching. that it is wrong to sell liquor and yet licensing its sale. Tae licensing to sell, by governmeut. wee coontradictory ehe pulpit, to the plat- ferni end to the Bible. Temperance men should orgenize to bring *bent a change in the lew. We do not want• license law at ell, which wes simply an authority to de wrung. The way to improve the license law is to repeal it. Ile would blot 4it every license law in Christendom. Ile would ittal.e liver selling a criintnal offence ,and punish it by such penalties as week' inake liqner sellers quit the sale. The report of the Special Connnittee of the Dot& Moot' Perliament, a very valual le dectuuent, chewed the fearful results of leper iie not know as hanging would, be too severe a Tensity for liquor selling as • hoindred thousand graves were filled every year by the traffic. Ile steam of the weinaide crtivailein the States and said he was "Bee naked II he applroVed of it. Ile slid in reply that thfre were 'tome features of the move- ment he did not like, tut he did not wonder at the woman engaging in it when they saw their husbands, sons, brothers end friends being male driink- med.. Cn the whole he approved of it. There.were direct argnaients for pro. hibition. The li into trade is a vast system .of mote, a feet which he illus. tratol by 'Orkin.; exemples. The areal qu alien is, how to secure lows to do away with this groat wrung. The rum were a ha l class of men and he thought sis would have to put them in prison by law te mem. seem omit, SI & mere fine woula not deter them. TO put down the traffic it would be their dutv to work the powers of itovern- meat. it Tonto' let the duty el Christian semen te pray, of Christien gentlemen to talk, 'meek, %rite and rote. Intern- perance was yearly (lest rny ing thousands and he lived soon to see the liquor traffic prohibited by law. The lecture was an able one, and thoegh someahat harsh Immerge was 110041, •there eat a great. deal uf truth in what wes said. Votes of thanks were tendered at the close to the lezterer, the trustees of the church and the cheir. GODERICH, Ara .84 1874- .- Mao,••••••••••,7 Tazzasrs' 1)11.3413. :77 , An attempt iti tieing 111atle , to ii.tro- duce into' Canada theililiner leen Order of the "Patrons of Haebandry," popti- larly known as "Granges." An Agent of the order lit present travelling thsough the ctifintried and ibut OrgartiRea a atimber of lodges. In the United States the orderohotigh of recent engin, numbers its members by the hurelred ousaaa, heving spolet very rapidly, eepecielly in tile west. the object of the ardor is to remedj the et ils which have rendered the position of the West- .. ore farmer well nieh instipportable, to ensure cheap traneportatiou and to oond tend againet, the inenopoltee, swindles. alid politicol and railway rings which have rahhed him uf so large a proportion of the fruits of his Libor. One most &- portant feature of the oresetization that it enables the fanner to deal direct- ly with the manufacturer without the Intervention of agents or "middlemen," thereby saving the large amount paid to the latter fur comosissiona or salaries*. Soppise a eurnber of farmers belouging to a grange ere ei need of any kind a agrimiltural iiiiplernents ur machinery, the grange will give a wholesale order to the manufacturer. The latter of course dyes not particularly care whiffler he effects tassels. in this manner or through an agent, and allows the Grangers a de- duction equal iu amount to the commis- sion he would rawrItre tO pay an agent, amounting to a very handsome percent- age. The prangers always pay caah, they are welconti customers, and mene- t:wooers find it to their interest to deal with theM. The system of transacting business direct, ani dispensing with middlemen, to hieh has worked ao ad- vantageoli, _on the other side, is the principal ment for the establish- ment of a in Canada, as the other evils complained uf do not exist except in a very moditied form. There is no antagonism between our farmers and the railroads-anl though we hear so much about political eorreption, the stealings of our politicians ace so comparatively trifling to amount AA tO excate the con- tempt of the more laud:minas public Wonderers on the other side, the extent ..:.-orwhose organised 'swindling has bees - • each as toe impose heavy burdens upen the fanners and other tax -payers. Our homers and the U nited States Grangers have really very little in common, ex cept the objects of a.utualtatprovernent, the cultivation of international friend- ship and good will, and the establish- ment of closer relations between the prodacer and collsdosr. The Grange is likaly to become a popular _institution aru mg our farmers, even .thetiah the same pressing necessities fee combina- tion which exist in the Western States, de not prevail here. There is no reason ; shy the policy of dealing directly with the menufecture rs pursue 1 tfierelwl.'sh 13.711 Las: 74 The Golternor General announced in his speech at the opening Of the House that the receipts for the ourrpnt year would not be aufficient to cover the ex- peititliture. This evil legacy of a deficit is handed down by the late government, and yet some of the Tory prints, led un bettlimMad,have the effrontery to charge the present Reform Government, which has only been in power since Noyernber, with being the cause of it. We be • who lives a little outside the town limits, tieing about to restore to the County of Essex, will, offer for sale his steck,household furniture,&ceon Thera- aay,16th April. Tice Nsw Domineer Meetesee for April is to hand. It contains a portrait of Bishop Cummins ;le originator of the Radiated Episcopal Church movement, and the usual quantum ot good reading matter. Ye:write Merelmo.-The annual vestry meeting of St. George's Church wee held on Monday evening. Messrs. R. II. Kirkpatrick and John Davison were elected Chi -tech -wardens for the ensuing year and Messrs Davison, Radcliffe and W. D. Allan delegates to the Syuoid. WALLING Meecie- Conductor West- rop 0. Toll end Mr. Jas. Gilascott, Stratford, both formerly of this town, are toewalk froin Stratford to Sete ing- title, on the Queen's Birthday, for a wager of $100 -$50 a aide. Tffe articles of agreement have 'iseen signed, and the in a position to discuss the matter better money put up. when the Minister of Finance hu made " plutsoN.L.-Ross Robertion of Kin - his statement. We look forward with 1„ctharieditnotow,nrwthheo r woof nFt. t0A.1,Rloobriedratsoenboutoft three months ago for the beneht ef his health, returned last week very much improved by his sojourn in the Smith though hie health is not fully re-estab- lished. • !e• _ Tint ROM:MO. Gane.-Thriugh the confidence that the present govornment will be able to Tatham the finances of the country to a healthy condition. The Division of the Gonaty. ••ruven••••4.44&&mil• Town Oeszoll• - A special nteeting.of ide Council was iseld on Monday evening last tes take into consideratkm certain comtnunica- dome from Mr. Fowler, and from the Mayor whe is at present at Ottawa, re- specting the by-law to grant a bonus to the Iluren and Qsebec Railway Co. All the inotaben were. present exoept Ilr. Goorden. . On neaten of Mr. Itebertsen aeconded by Mr. D. thstuti, the Itailway bonus bydewiWall re:el a ...cone &jos. On a motion to go into cuatinittee on the bmlaw an amend ment. ire proposed and carried; •appoiliting the Reeve 224 5icsars. A; Watson, Savage -snot Robert- son a coinmittee to Correspond witlt Mr. Fowler and others, mid obtain certain irdermatioe before taking any further proceedings, The Council tlipn adjoiiraei till Fri. day evening 17th inst. when -the ab.ove committee were instrnoted to report ...• We understand a•bill will be introduc- past winter has been remarkably mi ed this session to re-diyide the...Genii,' the spring has been cold and backward. Fur the but two er three weeks there has been suffident frost to make excel- lent ice iu ft curling rink and the 1;r1 lovers of the ''ng game have had the worth of their ubeeription money in excellent play. mt ', of Huron for representation purpose . The division made iu 1372 was se absent that the sootier it is reztified the_better. Tackeramith has petitiened Ice be an. tweed to the South bable its request will a new division of the fore Hie close of the p looked for, Monck also wants te„he at- tended to. M1-.113.11141 will be en hail with his pasteboard diagrams •;" Prd• ke- mav be =Some or.e whe protease. to have studied the subject says that the liquor businesis both in England eel Caned& is more inclined to flourish under A Cnne sorvative 'Administratioon than 'unlet - one that is Iteform ; hence we fiita cleat known as licensod victnallers are,• at a body, of that p idea ;Ai thie, aasumptitnt is correet, the preseild Home of ..Uoinnione, beievolargely Re- form, rimy be considered as inclined to :hate . the -Winer nuisance. They have taken the first. seep by ordering the saloon,- in the _basement of the House' of Commons to be edited. -The London //mead gloms orer the feet .that the hfontreal Ildbeas is in- volved in a libel suit arel ales that it knows of no paper which has done more to lower the tone of the Cenelian press than.the le'itams. Pretty good for the I tr rrttul w hi at is"' 'proverbial for it "ecurrility.d We do net alwaes agree with the views thsi.,.11faneas expresses, led we know it 'to be a paper of .high tone and its • proprietors to be actuated by the best of motives, and thht motm than can be said of the Threat • CHRAP AND NeeTT. --- Thee; eLovoloin Advertiser says: -"The Goderich Star is moved by hearing of the app ointment of Mre Penny to the -Senate to remark, Mum, then, we go in for something natty.; In that caae wee suggest that it devote itself exclusively to the tepeodue- tion of Mail editorials, or amalgamate with the Stratford /Jerald; they are about the 'nastiest' things we know of." ;hots been found se advantageous, should not be iutrodued into Canada. In ad- dition to the granges already formet we nneerstanti there are others in contem- plation, and should the mdeement Im- mune geuerai the organize eon may prove a very powerful political engine. Pro- vided they would act independently of putizen cousitieratiens, and sone men to Parliamentewho would legislate in the interests of the country, insteatl of be- coming mere plient tecas ia the hands of unsernpodeut leaders, the organiza- tion rof granges in Canal% might not be withotit their good effect. 011: Ottawa Letter.. We have made arrangements for • weekly !otter Enna Ottawa during the thois Bre.. - - On their 1‘317211, 33103 • At the recent peered election no slander was too bese, no falsehood too gross for that Tory press to put in chi- culatiow The Med and the London Iferael made themselves commie:mu by. their toms personal attacks on some of our public men, sal boing threatened with libel suits apologised ana retrseted what they had said. Pronduent among the slanderers of this part of the coun- try were the Stiatford Hemet and_ Mitchell Advocate, which Made it their special business to anatail the character of James Redford, the Reform candi- date fo\kNorth Perth. They published articles, lite charges' contained in which, if true, Would coasign him to the peni- tentiary. Mr. Redford enterett suits against both. The cases were to come up at the Spring Assizes, bet the Davis brothers, proprietors of the A 1 - vacate, began to tremble for the _resell, end begged to be elbowed to apolOgize, which they have dena iu the follotritg letter, - To ,Jseiss RaDfoRD, Esq., Stmt. ford, -Sir, we are excee.lingly (terry that the articles attacking yeu in re- lation to the affeirs oof the late Mr. Smith, and yonr dealings witli hirtewere inserted in onr paper, the Mitchell Advocate. The Greene these amides in questioc were sent us from the "Herald" toffice, in proof sheet, and we were re- 'ailiested to publish it, and did so with• out knowing. whether it was true or not, believing we had no responsibility in the matter. We ere glad to learn, that it was untrue in every respect, so far as it relates to your persmal claericWo- -Tha dilligence of the new govern - Moat is making itself manifeit in the several departimmte at Ottani: The house met ou Thursday 26`th alt., and on the following Tuesday the .Public Ac- tiounts were br.ought olawn,tegether with a number of other reports.• Such promptness wasi altogether unknowa under the late governnient. - It is, uuderstood now that Hon. George Brown was. sent as special rep. resentative of Great Britain on reciprocal trade relations to Washington, on the racernrnendation of the Dominion Goy- ernment and Hoh. A. J. •Sseith, goes ai Canadian Cutethissioner. 4.6 64..- - The London Heralftepeaks editeral• ly of li:Donalt1 .AL,4'. for Inverness ea an Ontario Grit. 'The lierala's awe graphy &milord, fault, Wetness being in Nova Scotia. ' Smow Sroett.-On Sunday a SilOw' stoma set in whieh tested shoat twelve hours. On Monday morning there wat three or four inches ef allow oil . the ground. and • number of sleighs weremt be seen on the streets, rather AI1 sight for the Gth of April. The bright sun of_,Monlay took it away, and our streets ere now in a very mittlay condi: tion. Tim Desinen Erreer.-We have dwelt pleasure in inforinitog our little friend Willie Hot his letter which ap- peared in our celemes lest week has hied the deleted effect. The yard of tit. Patrick's word school has been ' grav- elled. There is no longer any danger of the trueteee getting "drowntled" loo- ing their shoes when they visit the school, TES N•TION.-W0 have received the find nombei of The lokition, the new politic:el and literary weekly published it Toronto, and which is understood to represent the *Mars of the Canada First party. The Nati,04 is neatly priuted.and written with evident care and ability.' Its make.up and Mete appear to have been copied from ita New York name- sake. etermor eseeetorpoo-A Reform As- sociatiom for the Town of Goderich was organised on Monday evening last. The following efficient were elected :-Presi- dent, W. R. &peer ; Vice-preeidents, St. George's Ward, J. S. Sinclair; St. Andrew's ward, F. A. Robertson, St. David's ward, T. N. Dancy, St. Patrick's ward, S. Sloan ; Secretary. J. J. Bell ; Treasurer, It. hfcKenzie. The Auocia- tion will meet at Cameron Gurnw's office on Monday evening next, 13th inst., at 7.30 o'clock. anniversary of the W. W. M. S. &Hoot Aerwrrassatty.-,-The and reflect- M7et-Tlocis: Dr. School came a on the evening of t 3iodenaniwnelasilti:sealireenvteddihwithnalhache e*InScaroltil:elteR:toim ed great credit en tho Ladies of the yAotedta!):tuottite Chair, end zosiimgreabeitaitiiwomiss st ?Ishii* School Trusts:4s. • The.. regular monthly • meeting of 'the Board. was held on Monday evenihtt Wt. All ehe Members were preseht. Minutes uf lest ineetieg read and approved. • . 'Principal's Report for March was read, and adopted. . The% Contingent Committee were ne etructed provide' sii new desks for St. Patriclr's ward school. • Applications from SIgus 'Longworth, Witcher in 8t. Patrick's ward school, and front las. Bissett, careteker of Central Sokool;•for ineresee ef salary sere leid over till -the October meeting. The following accounts were ordered to be paid, -R. Dtelt, filling gravel, 114.671; Jas. Mertin, repairing puinp, $1.50; Mitchell Ben., peils soil brooms, 82.35; Jantes Tisaale. hauling gravel, $10.50; J. Butler, for Gardiner. s.astabe, .$1.6t. Sal Mot of Jealousy. A WHOLE FAMILY S11_111DERED. the religious and intefleetnal part of the proceedings began. The Rev. cite,. Levelle having offered tife &short prayer, the chairman gave a short lea appro- priate adaress in favour id Sanbrth Schools, after which Miss Itomirs, eho presided at the orgr.n, fevoured the com- pany with moms excellent !untie, beirm accompaniet1 iu fine style by ill,. ripi;7, of the School, who did remark iley well. Mr. Brownell thou elamined.the infant class, showing his Mole of instrectitm which prcived bun to be. an• adept at teaching children and del igl ence immensely. Next followed Mr. Gray with au examination of the whore class, which *as done in fine setae, the *pairing being excellent. me. orsy has Irma wont fer te oohing children. '1'he Contingent .Ceuunittee w 4 in. structed tol advertise • fur tend ts for cuttiag.ana piling 16) cards of erood, also to have 290 notice oards printed. The Board then adjourned. Wrozeter. , RUNAWAY, --A servsnt gill, named derail %Veldt te the employment id Mr John Inglis, 'Wroxeter. docapipect dur- leg the night tot Thimeday, deb itith taking with her a quentity of valuable wearing appart! belonging to her mis- treat', Pursuit was mede in eke mons mg, and she was overtiken near hint' Tavern, in tarey. She was ddprived of 'her plunder, except two dresses which she steadily maintained were ti'er own. Mr. Inglis; -goed-uaturielly, let her go. -Expositor. • Mr. Lowell° then presented ello priz is, acdrompanyitig each with eptmopriate re. marks. Mr. Wmi Hill, the superinteud- eta then examined the class and also made a sheet address, being particularly happy in his remat•ks and shoe ine great sympathy with the young nmels Ile was instructing. During the evening the re- ports of the Secretary andTreaserer were read which showed that the School was ia a very flourisbine .state, over .1,I70 having bee.n collected &trine the ytear and wring org" a31•1 paid riff. ,There is also tine Library in etenexien with the Schaol. The report shews also that the attendance was !mere, takitut alt together, proving that the W Msthedist hoot of Seaferth us one oof th boat conducted and most prospormis I/ County. The proceedings Mooed large audience rising and singide gruel style "God save the Qtieen,' which the popular resstdr. 44 the Ch pronounced the beim c terniinated,one of the moat ititereati gatherings ever held in this tome New YORK, April 2i -A despatch from Austin, Nevada, gelatin) particulars of a frightful tragedy in Smokey Valley in that State. Christopher Reisketein had been jealous of his wife in cones - gullets of the:Mormons of a young man 'ironed Norton, and they had frequent quarrels about tutu. Yesterday a man named Oterhaus %tint tos P.eicketein's house; and recoiling no remmou to his demands for admission, broke open the door. On the door lay the uaked body of Mrs. Reiekstein, cut into pieces, and the head siitit open. At her feet were 416 bod100 her tati little girls. their heads nearly 'motel from their bodies, an& neer by were the due bodies fleiclistein alai yeung Norton, grappled as is death ate,' Renekstein gemmed in his relit hand a large bowie kuife covered 'with blood, and in Nor- ton's hand was a drtgoon pistol with two chambers discharged. There 0 no lite iug witnese to the adtir. • session of the Domunon PM* taluees Theme letters will be found extremely interesting and will siontain a summary of the proceedings of Parliament. The firet appears in to -day's issue. intones excitement was caused in OttAira and throughout the country last week, by the annouseement that Riel , had taken the oath. full report of the state cf affairs will be fouud in our Ottawa letter. Vest Dermas. Mr. Tiaras, the Reform candidate, wee sleeted on Saturday ter West Der - la* ley a saaiority 4,/ 2,0 over lde. Onag kis Tory oppousnL Tho vacancy aseartitasigh E.-Belfecid'e appoint - el Illioseitoba. Reaford has accepted their apology, but we douht whether it is in the- interests of public morality that fellows whe publtsh malicious 'and wickm1 slanders should be allowed to escape by apo. sgizing after the mischief which the slender' were intended to do haa been accomplished. The press which prostitutes W power to such Tile purposes should be taught • lesson. Dernii4oa Parliament. The Hones met after the Easter recess bet nigist. It is expeeted that Eton, Kr. Cartwright, Minister of Finance, will make his budget speech on Friday. Seek. promptness in presenting the. estimates was never known in the days are aw of Tory nee. a're tlini some hold • di Geoffrian sod Gamey etre meal to be the will soon see muse tu clump Oat °Pin' --v-- me Aslant.. 'Warriors. ALL Poeta DAY.-Wedneaday last was All Fool's day,when many au individual, who forgot the• occasion, 111111 sent on some bootless errand. Among other "sells" waa one practised on a certain J. P. in town, who is always ready to take np a case. He was tole that he WAS vented at the Court House to take part in a pending case, when he fortltwith started off, attracted by the proapect of Magisterial fees.' He found himself the guinea of a pracitcal joke, • just as h. did once Were when he eas sent on a fool's errand to Termite. Socenzett Erre:mom )1pseepeinal mike hiving on board the i ting itherebolders of the G. W.11, Sii• Keith Jaekeem, Meows. hforton Pete, Cock- burn and McCtiaig,tccompanied tor Mr. Pries, General Manager, Mr. W. K. Muir Gemmel Superintendent, and Mr. Koon'edy, Chief Engineer of the 0. W: R. of Canadaa and Mr. J. I. McKenzie, Director, Intl Me Ridont, Chief Engi- neer of the W. G. k B. R., passed over the Southern Extension of the W. G. Jk B. Railway to Kincardine one day last week. We • understend they were favour:day iinieressed by what they sae atom; the line. It is quite uncertain vet when the road will be "petted for traffic. Avuoit's Hui SnioLD Meectiodoe-The April number oof this magazine, now up• on our table, well sustsius its reputation as a first.class, live putilicatian. While its contents are not deep or scientific its pages are free from trashy sensational stories. and are full. of good reieding. The magazine contains its usual nuniber of illustratiene, and its general appear- ance compare* favurably *ith the higher priced magazines. Stiburiptirat price one dollar a year; with chrome Yosemite one dollar. and a half. Sebscriptione may begin'with any number. Address, Wood's Household Magazine, New- bnrgh, N. Y. Danzannon • A renttc EXAMINATtoN of the pupils ef Dungannon school was helot .on _Tues - slay, 31st ult.: The junior divisien under Mr. Brown was examine4 in the fore• neon, and the senior division under Mr. Munro in the afternoon. It was the first examination hektpii the new wheel house. There Wall alliresd ittendance of••iiiters both divisions,-targer than there has beene fur many years. It was thoeglit that the mimed would be in a idler 'tete owing to misfortunes which it Las sustained during the last eighteen - mooch*, but it was found oin a bother srts:paiii s I:manor:4:m jet: emendepitt. ,n4aikuinehg -credit is due to-theedethers for else 'zeal they have shown in teachittig. Three cheers were seiten for tlie turaters by ,pupils.-. Cumieuthas' GRAS& li:Lrrira RIMS IT WINDBoti. Lon Lee Much 30. -The review at Wiudeur toeley was witnessed by un- met:se crowds. The moo More evidenees oof the carupalgU,• being bronzed mia care wore ta appearance, but their cow doom% was generally gime, and the taarch "Nisi VALS anusualty, apiri tett. in the presence of the eatire force the Queen, assisted by the Princess of Wass end Duchess of Edinburgh, made Sir riarnet Welseley,Knelit Commander of the Onler of the Bath, and conferred on Lord Gam] the Victoria Cross. - The cerenteny eas must impressive, and the the members uf the repel family and Wolselev. troops cheered repeatedly for the Queen, In the Home uf Lords, the Doke of Richmond, and iu the tbease of Coin- ' mune, Disraeli rneve4.1 a vote of thanks to Wolseley and the offieers and min of the expedition, supporting the motion wit_oh isudatory speeches. The vote was will be Made a baronet. • unanimously adopted with cheers. . geutleman «be hasimen largeo - eind _The Dem:rite& pacific Heeebl,of /".iew tleneral wonelity has since been on - ger soll,Ont arrived in thinbitrcitily It is said he tertained by the estreinitter Id C. sae's' e need ly, and hes perehmea e fere, utor Mud areernsee_a_ tn the manufacture of cheese, near "Y, where he will establish a eh's" ("t'arY. li°t be generally known Head Scuooe.--Previons to the Eas- ter to/cation, a written exethination ot theyupileadeuding the High Schi wan hell the work of the terim Eight of the pupils usually attending were absent from unavoidable causes, but those elm were present did very we" The follow- ing Is the result. - See DI visioe Mary Moorhouse, 92 per cent. Tina K.ay, 911 William Mauro, 85 Kate Hanle, 85 Emma Yates, 82 Rugene Carey, 81 James Orr, 77 Blowier Donogh, 77 Katie Isloore, 76 Katie Watson, 75 James S. Riinciman, 73 Minnie Roberta* 71 70 69 60 64 64 John Acheson, 61 John B. liolibla01116, 56 William wright, fs4 Jaime Divisefor Levi Annie, gl 81 ' 77 75 75 73 73 69 that the industry of ebeese-maktai bud In a few yearsohanged theconetra: roan Ingersoll froin a p„, „Rd greggling set' peltaceeetnenitit itectoutedLone ofDtuhrte. itgal°11thtePyr°0:rP.Znure.11. mgJuu 3r‘til$73 there waainillegled u" this Prot uses, fo:r home ennewnPti"' cheese to the 1.1110AIllt St 572183 ibl"; thia seems to adieus that therein an °Pr: oinpgmfioorna: pbruatperwleytu:ntInnooteddou:uset „tor .th. eye, Government witips thinalesimo. . ion. • `111...., Addis Jenkins, manse% Williams, Sophie Gordon, John Kay, Robe Oovenleck, Georee Ger on, Annie Rumbell, Jennie Mtwara, Walter Hick, Sara Gordon, Alex Ross, Sionnel Reid Walter McDenald, perey McKid, Maud Evans, Wiliam; Horton, Loftus Dancy, Annie WYnno toe Sthaill, John McDougall, 56 Simon J. Fraser, tIra ter rch loni " 4.411•111•MMV61131.614 New ,Ibuerticirmciits. ---•!•••••-••••-••-,•••". NEW STORE PRI?,PA R. THIS week we ieniore s Horton's (3 doers. Oast anti chooice Stuck of ItIew 0 We shell be happyrtnhav aS may favor as with their Godurieli, April 7th, 187 Fmoren.-One day last Week the wife of &untie' Belt, , who resides on the Secend Comma' of Turnberry, eloped with a Teti named Mitchell. • le appears that hfachell-hed been boarding *Ale Mr. Bolt eor some time previous to die elopement, and, ormolu lest week, he, in company with a loather ef Mrs. Bolt, mitered the reside:ice belonging to Bolt aua ordered hint to leave the Louse or teley would cleave his altiill with an axe, and 11 *It, afraid ot his -life, left stio house to the invaders, in orler tommk refer tisew here. Ai at i•oit as Bolt left, they ransacked the hones, packing .up.every. thing that was 'moveable,. which they loaded into a as:on and left for parts Unknown. We canted certify as 1* dee truth of the above ree' pet which has been circulated, but it ie generally supposed to be perfectly trum as we have heard it from very good anthority.- CAT/. rg ....---••••••.-4.4001••-••••••••• N D 00103131S• ECG FOR SPRIN-C1 AT to our New Storm on the Corner onpostto Henry f (no torment stand,' mil will at iipro opit et a large o Is. atrcoan%ferco. in roue oll cesteners aul os many new ones - W. It. 11011ERTog,ON.-, Manager_ • 1416 Au Intrepid. t. . 11 INSO 1W EN r .io r OF 13-39 . . IN fiSn herPia acts Are d"1613 in a itY life In the matter a ww,,,i, ireyeri, lid :. i • showings, higher ontrage and:. nee of tiard, an lomat-out. duty than br,avery on the battle- eld, or " PunE Ins dvent his made au Assigns on the deck of sinking %models, fa eroine e mat of MS Estate tome and the to lee made immortal in verse ed Creditors are notified to meet 'at the like the nee mentiteneol below deserves .o , late plum of betimes" of the Insolvent iu Lettie Dengherty, of *deltoid ' N' j ' ' Crabb'e buildirtg,,Eut Street. Goderich, , , a yount school•girl, studied telegraph-• on friday the twenty. fourth day ef 1 ! ing last slimmer, end in Aummt.aceopted 1 Apnl instant, at three o'clOsik. in the . a siteration et Itainora a Milian on the" • ofternoen, to remiverstatements of his e., Pennsylvania Central Iteilroodl, board- I &mars an.," to appoint an gssittuee. ant. One evening, on hee wdy to the ing at Eagle Station, a mils or ;mote dist- ! 1 b° + deuce. - ' • , e i Dated this Seventh dais .of April A. D. • 11874; at Goilerieh, my place uf real- . 1 , station, a blinder storm cited up: iightnin truck the instrielbent and ; , DI XI tri.itxdVAriTteSAON,Ni.gbee. burned (alit- the magnet, i ie rupplted 1416c __ __ .. Going go the door sh Mica by the'. • ' irarea Qubs: Za/17717.,' • STRATEROY, 'March qrstUrd:ty night a meeting was hold hitter Prenelev Hall, to hear explanetimo -from Mr - Fowler reset:Mina; the c.metrur• eon (of the above railroad. with a etrucl.e.o lois place, when speeches wor! wedeln favor to( the project anl after hearing the explenee .1 a Mr. Fowler respeethig t'No denstra.tion of !he Baron Qoonea tt. welt a breech te this e'en : ,4,.. ,neut is of the opiniondliat it wiO1 'eta great benefit, to tie* eisniandthe %three:eagle b whored, and that our ea .... eil wiii jintified in submitting a by lam for $3 to 000, :on the e maidens netned by •Mr. - Fowler, which war pseud iiiiimiumitely. A vote of thtuks Mr. Fowler an.1 to the chairman Wes pamel, mein the 'needier broke 'top well promel arldi the prospect of stem getting the net. . • , II 'vane became * full fledged. Yillise is agitating for a Town . MCNICIPAL °retested -A meeting of the Otago emoted .was held on the 28th lilt owhen the follovrine municipal efficims *ere apietinted,e-W. J...ljay- ward. Cloork and Treseorer, salary $75; Reber' Coornyu, Assessor, teeter" .r.o. The appointment' .1 a Celleotor and License Inspector was left ever till next meeting. Leormer;Msrelt 31.- At *dotting (of the city betted .h.111 lest nielee,a1r. For leidoof Cotiourg, was beard iii a Iv..exey.t the extension of the Huron Ma 'Q. teem Railway. He Led the towel wait -eel. ed to run over.foir tracks from • giml- et Goderich, with * breech lino feta this latter plame to Saruia. Tee nee ;do •iliontoters had in yiew 29,3 to intersect the lin.lorl. lidriftl, Se Ilreciedeine, Ito]. if possible, toes& the letter as set eeireili• ary ;- et vette,' be it ceenitting line lettl, other 1%4444, . and could re run cheerer Hien the Orand Trunk mul other lines., The survey was an eligildieue, awl tee line .wheit completed w oil he easier kept up in consequence. leeiotes a come: ..f footeg miles womb' he-id...eel liv the new line. The 0. T. It lemloal dem a great dell of coo to the contort' ; the 3 -wish' sia,s to hate ect L to tori at- till !me- lted.. 1.1 we btu this i osa r et e.k bo- nnie. from+ outintiea and towns'aios of ';,000 per mile void $1•1.ii re [tuts vit. lazes. socordIng to their poopuletien basal en per one thousand inhabilaors. That wax the agreement prehuseil by Om .Promoters. end it. wss e epee -tea.; thet reroute would give a helms triteeteeteet, provided c•ord wood eras lir eight .oi er the Line, whicli the direct, ors.-gaaranteol. He explainel at ooesitierotele tenerli the benefits whieh woad semis to Leaden from its coutiectiton •itlt the Baron' met Qatibec Line, -all dor a i,17.1,1Y11 b .ti us .' The matter was referre.1 to a Iteolvrae Commit:este report On, art I thd It .apj adjourned et. miduight fer tat, 1141e1411. entailer, end wartready foot use nue . lieht tof a flesh of lightni thatm Large 1 tree mine 'tett by the sto across the track: Au. exi roes train of Re:melte ere In fIST LE.V.:11.".V3 ha blown ' • : • rtio. I.r.1 1.71. ,eart vas air in a few raineteett a fc'c'al :- P11011 r Alfh•d -.trains Woirli' toile* ft.! 85 Luting- All.nejoldi !tended the situation in onnoopent, mut . toagee mem e _ thengh • ftrei.me.i hy reeve/tat isitto in the i itddrettdieelled,",,del' oatione elm' seized. a 44,121 letup, ran , cartwrialit B J tlindb.,:h the fearfill atm* 'Stolle track,' ; ,iett.o11'netziel 11.11 I seeing the lanamuutil the earl the 1 ,.'„'n„:731,....1 ia engineer whistle -down 1 br ks. and ',mediae Eliza the apeeddif the Actin • *AS c 'get], so ; 11.!1`1,7,..1_,inxttetw th.st di ears *ore nood'ithroita off the 1 Fealty nos wei treck, iiimeh the !omelet tree.,.witht atieh vielenee hasty branch ageinst the ,, throwitig ker dew:lithe eau CIRON ER's leeresr. --An amplest isms held on the 30th of March by Coroner C. T. Scott ht the residence (of A...I.Dodds, let 5 con. 5, Township of Turaberey, on the body of a bey aged &bent IM years, named Win.has Gilk insure It was shown by the e r alone,/ thatalecemied, see Dal id 41 am lee. an -other bey tattooist the sante age who wet atten,ling tem sa,nite school, dis. rotted about a knife, when Gam- ble .puslied deceasea down seid leicated It i t wice, once in the temple and then in the hip. The boy Oilkieson never sp- peared lifter, althotigh he continued to attend school. His mother and step- father, A. J. Dead', thought that death resulted from the, kieks, atia hence at the urgent request of Mr. Dohle the in- quest was Dr. Snialleof Wroxeter, was Pommelled inititedietely en witness, who made a post-mortein examination, and he plainly eleowei in les evidence that death did net reeidt directly front the injuries received by the b.er btu from betuorrlicee of the lanes. The veetlice oof the jury was that death re• stilted front natural memos. Bee seats; April' --5-11r. J. n Feeler ts in town makina arrangements to bare a special meeting of the Couto, delieil held te submit a byilaw f e num of fo,ideirthiitlirt(1:1nreafthatIVeleatriocrla iilia.11114Zyid ai 1 id SICAFORTII, April 2. -Mr. Fooriet waa here lest Melo hoeing the Reeve; Mr. Benson, reepectiue the ward.. aliug a special meeting of Cone!), Coulee to pass 44; by.law for 8t0,00.1 tto the read. It is the opinien here tide very little oppeitien, if any, will bo ',trued to the abyn-elitead.y dTthyi meeting mil citel at re "track the roe women, . /ta (0 hurl a ;%•:„„41,1„d.t•Ltoott ()elder,'" Wen tti,-.re. 6au 'nen' i"t" itirtaweiset't "1 • „ Tem i a deep ilibrh. - _.'' inane: 3 ',.- $ She wall taken reit arda-cer alt to the hide deredes i office, wheee Otte telegraphed - t s neves 1.--"d Jim' of the ac,:ident and remained on dutY all . 1416 night. Alerge R11111 of money' was me ; temml for her iic ,thee engem. which i ai she rt.:fused. About itiv montlie after- ' • - • • wards. the ppor girl (hoot f mu this efloces 1 NFW- ,,, Ow hijary she receive by seem; the • , 4 • - a- an. .hlen. an.1 Monne weionts• hetes • .Wore eared, a eredt eve watien whiOie . , proirerty was ' urea -area , ten:: dittle• . .. theueht of the, peer. gel wrid, had hare deroolotenis of- aele I so meat • Strumtliug tq, 'home •- - G. ii. bi, atiLl parents. sh rem -Aimee et her; Most uf ,i,unadon.a diXy almost te the titt1P1, 1 it thidi'll entre . compiete 44/ her. • . . ' .. • 'Wilkes, Sheri . - 11 • ) Lop 'rt.. • Co•••,. • Yam I o o , '.- .1toter E s tier!. it•tr Tliololottent&T , 21.1rAta 14 chat itt:te. hietsokeie. S Frenich Rome D15:41331= Cwitt Of Dr71431111.f. Butler's Wed Werkshop P • . ceimposie, Ont., April let: -- About timers, to same tee:1mA last eveni le a mum! lade Illuetrated • aid Mind hy res and gaisions , • I 11.5". n, FDIC 11.150 : „1.25 `ode, -welt barer . 12.00 eipte l'eti Miele ao. hanks I vele 3 villa • 4to . 13.50 do iteed ti rears -4 age, thIrd attehter ef ood s eitj meter's]. ' „ t Bevel Beg.. wlin resides acme by t tery . ed.° • , ;lie river abeut two tett es bod.ew here, ' , N E W NOV Iii„ $. . :,.- . w At. dnowded while attesipting &•k - cross .rhe river iu a ',nett Meil for the- ptidterse ' . . .d attending a Retrieve's. social.pit -.a Secintl Cousi4 Kara!' . _ .... .. ... 75 ', neightenfrig helves. ft fie mhathe Nis% The Parisians , '.. 41.-. ... 44 I: . ,....,... 1.00: 4 1 lady was accustomed to creeellig Abe Colored Darr, .-..l.. . .•.t, . '....., • 641 f ✓ iyer its this moonier, bat !been% on rub- Lottle Wile' ..• - . • 75 1 leer shoemeand them ism ice &lithe N,5 In'entP"I . •t'ti L. 1...tt...•at of the 'home h feet slept .tid••': Pretteess ef ids .. • .... TS 1' ▪ fettover the -aide t the boat, where lierfsee was Fortune ;; sh aCf•otrtioa ind in ,le a desperate Ready efonev Moot ibooy ........ • 'el' _ . . -• T5 osettregee es remain tile Mahe She fore once to • - • ...... ter einkium, Severe: f . : ... .... . • ........ , 40%. oo the prim elite shore , she sai4.-. . :1: :. e , :JO - this heartrending sitseit 1.) eit, but ail in • y ot the surface tab ' Penruadooke keels wipe Motel Ship Ahoy .. era reline...es of die corneas no brit a,a Leo beat Strode** • lt a PitgfirOS-'-M1116 Cat .41 Istild anti 1334'4 unable to switilf 1,ril. dolt. Were unable too retA.s. any assistadco. ' The body was mile rec.. awed thia worn- ' riSf bill. SIC. abonteight o'cleek wearv saarcli.derieg Mr. Yourng th resp...etalito cie.iatias he met ins (amity have .1f the eotire „e.tetr_timi celainity: TheTheCe3tetfer3:1:711714:1,i.1417eiri7;11:::: (0317dialatilid bin,siyIntivindatiten N:,i.tettitopideartigeetittei.err; Last stemmer, nothertastmalig the into menu number -of buildings which *ere tumefied in that city, moon+ or lees unmet- ployee versions were tobefouria teironith- out the entire 'meson, mid hide; the winter now about en led, a very large- prepeetitore indeed, of Mar • inloantants have had nothing whatever to This. has not been because work was not to be had, hut because there were too many to du it. 1873 ell knortl, was whit is cslled a girushoopor year, and in comsequerice, except in the western part of the Province,. little or nothing was done in the farming line, awl those who would Otherwise IllaVe been employ; ed in tittles the grotied, were compelled to either eern their attendee to shine other Isrench of indatary, or! else pass ten or twelve months- in 'complete ness. Few were inclined to thole latter alternative and thetefore we find a very large nuidter docking into Winnipeg as. the likeliest place taobtain employment. Add to 24420 the immensity large itnnai- gratioa of mechenic% aria others from Ontario aria the United States, and the hely won ler is that so few failed in pro cnrung steady work, particie.arry as, the jail here excepted, no work of a public natTilorelitleatasPruNicultet year, losurget, :gars: if :nperivh.. arg tpoutndiessitoye 1:11•1114:1711j‘i'lellielisr:oilliarinbyTnhtl ;s7twtt.LIoil:psZolifft olirc"em(:tint'etleine: labor a next summer. • very largo immigration we undoubtedly will hAVe immediately navigation opens, hitt 1,0 are couhtiout (lost we nmel it all, and probably' a great deel mere to get through with the work A very !twist)} iirerigeloeljue‘I'lgielLiri et witqleh eit ei rirdeleolxmiltesi7nandidbiate:15:e:earrthaltet'eld6rnlaciiniasa;vroriers- idiecssatrt;:ipo(nnewrizinhatnalzils.068urgsetteadmoyn; enough ahead to start upon a "claim, • anNod;hrotn_esItteer.hits but himself to blame if in a few years he is not independent.- •••■• schedort, the Coat eettled his little de French Gerentinent I leave of gnardatrs ny of Mita Caledoo' announces his Ref The French al her lest royale, "7-7.17._,_ so 727.4110A Cot' Nett. Miterimese-Council met at call .of Reeve at the Couucil ou the 30th March, 1874. All the members present. The Reeve ill the chair. Min- ute* of last meeting read and c.onfirmed. Treasurer's bond produced and approv- ed. Petition front John Liddy and others in behalf of Cetherdie O'Brien, she being in indigent circunistences. • Moved, by E. dooms, *wooded by C. Durnin, that John Liday, its Trustee, 1:Fut,:ffebtiP&Itrrerlibaser36°yfacer,oullePe8p7treati..micarbe, tpawlidttitgeualtlethrIl0•1 te‘wVillthwsnaorizrucoddeibU.tieltresurr ienn;arriae°:•jelonrnra(.1906.8:rri.ib:::: respecting.their share 'Ed M. L. Fond swine/. and other business connected utirephnTuearta:010:tboiliorwpnin.:reforcrorraritoeiediioe:05Lbe. ii.i.odc74:aioonattoie:nereo.)C,,:teeio,ciinoistuciviotelii,11 eillors, and G. Burred; Esq.: Clerk Boa T:.wireallielarLth foLyw-lianwg eNhogo.uss3 er:its read and passea. Wm. Kinahan, that the Reeve sign the Moved by D. Melt weer, smonded by John Liddy, $15 ; Mathew Cerro], building culyert on 2ad awl 3o1 coas., $7.45. Moved by E. Gaimt, seconded by C. Durnin, that this Council now adjourn, to ureet on Blonday, the Gth April, in Lucknow, to arrange with Lucknow Clicauhnilcititleasb. out their share of assets and Zola of Zazh Sohool Trasties; : . -- f-' . This Board met yesterday...et the 'call of the Chairman to telie indeconsidern- tiondhe question of a me no.lation for the High chool. Present, Mastro Kay, Adsenson.an,i ,Grahatn. Moved by Mr. Adamson, see.aided by Mr. Graham, thee the Secretory be in- structed to request the Reeve t!) call a epeeist meeting of the Council !nth the view oTre-oonsidering the doLverance of the Council upon the Application of the High School Trustseil for the erect - tion of a High School. The Trustees respectfoilly submit that the report 44 the Committee ought not to be delayed for one month, but that .they at once take Aaron in securing a stte •tyl, pro- etee3 With the erection of the School. W o do not think it would bi3 advisable to encroach upon the grounds of the Central behool; as they ars required for the action', and for other reasons it would. not be adyisable to have the High School in close proximity to the Central School. Neither wonla any rooms that conld be °bounced by the COMICil for a temporary school be suita- ble if they cannot be secured on the ground floor in the event of the Board haviug to vacate the building we now occupy. In addition, we May remarit that exceptions have Weakly been taken ''" 67 67 GS 64 66 69 to the building we now occupy, by the event of suitable accommodation not Inspector of High Schools, and in the being funtished to the satisfaction of the High School Intoector, wo incur the risk of having the matter reported to the Department and the Government Grant withheld from us until proper school accout:nodation is furnished -- amount of 40111111183. wow,- liwni 59 interdna. Mlle Ill 111r13,1 has had him in charge ever , ed from 1.1iiron, . CaTrrhieetotird then adjourned. rater a. lottm,tod- '• Reinembranc Waltz. ily St:RUCs.. (A Royal Sonoi Valtz..by Stranas . aldose a•ta mid U-nder the Dilaters. Song. by thilard - ;Bonnie Katie welts f net the river, an I e by . Instrementel....; 'iiaband newt 15- / 411 lutist testier, has ; Peitels of War 'waltz, Kinkel,: ... 40 eith ith the 7 takine Frenah ille7 Any et ideoda Reeks or Music t the penal colo- ; sent free by Pest eon receipt of price. 1 A cable telegram • , THE). .7. TITIO2H0173 'valid* A uit retie. incere symeallsf I stay envoy T .7 in this terrible geeee„ sew!, Where ie Oet (of WorkoSong drowned, awl vont theist were the 1 Japanese Comm ten6re tiff) Vieuna a okuharna. _All el Exhibititou. ip Nil WW1 halt oat, pi 124tnegn g Ke reo gw treo Goderich, April:0c; 1S74. •• intro r at,t-Srms.0 G6:. 11•111• Lush F1 .( Pc, -bal. • • • • • 5 66 • 11 96 ()A," & ..... 43 2. 42 ..... ro • sea 1 es a 1 ee SIET4 coot. April 7,1674 ..:. El 17 SP 1 IS 1 10 SP i 11 rev% • 1.4,4 .. Bark) !"01 bot.11.. l'oudocs. IP boo. 114 Clot2.euso per pal ..... .... • 25 fte Boa. rat ..... 0 22 a • se 4) . 0 121.0 12$ 50 1 00 . 7 00 h 04 id 6 59 3 DS 1 !A 4 04 • s 04 Clower aottl ...... . . en e 3,3 Tionotliy . 4 0.1 -• &A ivr Ascii ▪ 7.1674 . $1 le 61/ I If 13 4, It OS el .6 00 • 43 45 . .11 1.4 1 05 a 1 10 , • 15 00 .4) 11. 00 • b4444. ir do: (ue,,,,, 4. hint ..... ...... J -.•.1..• ILA& . ... .1141es ' ' . • 1)"00,1 .. . Tea Not _ - Tx:aorta:at gistsko• at Seaforth, published in the diesec of hasten to correct. It is there stated Wednesday, en error occuri which we that the MUM requ'ired hY In thu report of the railway' meideng Mr. Fustier tad As from the County „, goo0,000. The fact is lie only sees for 85 NO per mile which would make the entire' bonus from Hu- ron only Om ettwfra ti`c' sorry to leorn that Mr. Jno. Redman 1 othee municipaht,„•_eter. and Mr. Wm. Sleith met with a seeking accident on the let inst., by falling from a scaffold a distacce of 14 Lat. . two meta in gnestion were carrying up package of shingles antt just as they y. , Two 51 ge FALL 14 FSST.-We feel fleogOeth. -- an - County benusof $5, a , rect. At his Goderich will deueeleo gire fislf that r Owaer stated Tee Star il, itgeie ja error. The rorplained meeting he given by T,be the Expositor, rim, the balance can etistiT statement wall Mr. Redman, Who received serious God.,_,_‘_ an._ . n . • • • Dr. Campbell was be '''Cads d additiln to tha:: sis bsoonfobwsntatal•ostAftiak:ellnylof,er:ainr. "4' The leg,etn of ros41 through "Is Brus.els branci:t.wtoont411 thst kre weelt1 require a ope Far mile, and in in Seifert'', ND, me resin line to Ils,s44,41 through reoached the scaffold it gave way, a they were precipitated too the ground, t fr'in seshirth, if the ;.,Ad followed toy the shingles,which fell with- ind5 inches of Mr. Sleith who escaped, hogever, with cuts and bruises which were 1 (ilia duld.e. not ef a seriens natured Ii was n"t 50 this County, inei din -4 from the tom% of Go tench, an 1 VC ,000 s, a 45 The Mail is making itself erniserablee I not 111 requir C tlerich yet able to get out of bed, end it and he boutisete Oral examinatious were held in the over a rumor of its roan manuftectubre goe0,000 or Public Schools and a satiate, item, state that Hon. Mr. Creeks ts goiug o e must be some tens befere he is able to tharess.b7outottr oettiad te the exAct, resume work. ee proficiency exhibited, appointed a J edge. ar.-Erpoe,tor. - - since, and though recoverieg slowly he is from exclueive of t KlittAt. (Fa:Omit-1mi' (m•ringbater Vlour,.(per bit) Oita. per folic, par 1,1.0 Eviey. rOtttoca, per 'SSA ....,... 9 4.3 4 0 60 hotter Egg+, per do: (totp. 121.4 PO& • Wei saltls ! Hid.* Tiotiotlif " . • . .. 0 22 'ood ta O ie. a te 4 14 •. 6 54 6 00 -• 6 53 16 00 dr 15 SO iS 4 . I • • , 1 - 0 .BUOTS • 0.1.1 a f ;„ 4 01 "- 0) ' ;5 " 6 43 50 " -4 re ' essroaris, Apra 7,1474. . whets, mato ........ ..:. -et la e 1 it • • " Moat, (SpripOi • buvli .... 1 1, 1 12 Flour. fper WI) ................ t• 0 OS 11•4144, per 44.6.. ............. " }..ip Oltai, per boat - • • • . • ... • " " '''''" '2, LIor tr4 TonE Pease, per blia/k., ........ . • 66 " • 60 . Pedaloes, per MIA ........ . 0 40 " 0 'At A r3 CR is PI he e • Tit " 0 20 , 4 - 1 A a e., r • • - me • • • • - • ow - V • • • -et to' t NS& • Sutter. ate( doz. (unp &Wt.... 96 1600 ':, 07 1001 1245 15°!06 :11 1356 00001' ‘Krot"r1;Per .4 tie 1. t .te w17:1 6 00 " 6 fdl . 'Cill3Tver Semi .... .. . . 3 5 , '. 4 :041 TO Ali y . . ‚I . TORIINT April 4th. -Pal Springdo $1.15 to $L27. Oats afte t 70c. Rye 65e tis Ear 13c to 14c. MONTER • April 4th. Peas 92 ie. Barley $1,efi to$ Cheese inc too 1 Ashes-Peta $3. es.00. - IKA Wheat $1.2ato$1.31. d1.16. -Barley $1.25 to 48e. Peas 68c to . butter 30c to 35c. L NARERTS. - Wheat, 31. 34- ats 40 to 42c. .30. Butter 2tic to 32c. ie. Eggs Ilk to 20e. 5 to /6.20. Pearls TEL At Goderich, on he 27h kilt., the wife of Rev. James raham, • M of daughter. At Exeter, on Hie 1st inst., the wife of M. Eacrett, of a daughter. ILA.ZULLGES- Ai the residence of the bride, Lan"- . hovne, on the 24th ult., by Rem Geo. • Leech, Eciward Leech. Esq., of How - ick, to Mrs. Barbara Ketchum, widow of the-- late Stephen Ketchnoi of Smith's Falls. At the residence of the bride's father, Ttickersmith, en March 25, by Rev. Joha Ross, of Brumfield, Mr. James Ross, of Stanley, to Eliza, youngest daughter of Neil Ross, Esq. At the residenee of the bridegroom's brother -in -lam Mr. Barker, Ve'roxii- tor, by Rev. Mr. Hawke, Gorrie, Mr. James Wittie, to Mrs. Emma Stephen- son, widow of the late John Stephen. son, Turnberry. MEN, IVOLIEii AN» ClilLOR • are invited tO call anti , • inspect the goods a _ fore purchasing els- where: G. McKENZIE pitonagro ! Efamilton Street 4," .• a