HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1874-4-8, Page 11 I AI •-••• • • • • •••• • • flrort #ignat, OSSTABLJ8/1 ED 1.848,) Dee et the Largest Papers published le Canada. primed and mita holed at liedertek, Ontario, eveey UV 1.3 ICR DA 1SL 01211 IN Ci , el the Oakes, Montreal ntreot.millotning the Market Mliquare, by J. J. BELL, thorrisa AND raoraarrou. ' rums -VANSOreeloses, adoweee, SI If eredlt moos. pmeseelliwewebeened Jib an srreare are Paid. sieepliaillbs delfts etas rablaber. RATES OP ADVERTISING : Wight *eats pet Mao for the Peat lasertIon. and t cents per lisp for saoh intheeepmei lawartion. elesinese reins not eloweibeic Ithes, 54 per alanatve. fi ova it to Tito nnwher ,fliemi to he reckoned 1.7 the apace measnted! by a wale of wind Nonpareil. iid•ertiwnwants Withont speeifie direetiona, maenad nail Ischid, and obeirged accordingly. TNARLY ADRESMINTS flabwing rater will he ehanteil to merchants and 'Owe who advertise by the y ear,- 011Mallarlimn 1 over •• months Se •• siontlei Mat . *1' '4`..-7 ri months ••• •• Menthe 31PUtrOpt" I Juir " " •11. ....... II • ' "" •"' . impatha • ! NIA*" I Toil IS '• •• iitostlis S "" S month.. • • • • Thin txreoment is to he ensilineil UM ordinary 1,1 honsea. snit f sm.% it will aot Alm bald to Inelnde Aiseti ftslos. Nemo.. i'liwntrtiter•hip-aniieed. Feerste t.biortiaerom ta racistmrs nriba, bowto• let nr for IlarThe shove rate. will r taw, strictly adhered Li. ifidiv--tieem.inte Po! inscrtifets in limy plationiar shotila realit the neve by snarl on Pnwelay. The 11,4tO .`ir.olathat ‘411'' Th. fitn:u6 MAU It ea us•srpaseed advertlidse medium. - dell WINK OP ALL 0111011. tatgent.,i n'.atne.• and iesno Bile printed '" wails you wait. Orders by m Lit pow:tile:1y attend. .ed to. -finsintas DIrtrtorn. raTIClitlf,SCON ` PIM141 S CRON DEATIST. • treeee ond retelenee, Wes+ Street. reree doors belo etete„ ett M•mtreal, aiderich. • 1.11 .1 ohm allernajpIse I . ifltfl..114,, G. M.. • diradast• of Ideytill lIniver.ity, SEA Ft/RYII. nrinenat•Iresidene.". .foolesoet& ije At us arroec, amb oppoeite Mceall-un'• Lotei. StratortA, AprUND4,141"3.. 11W7 CO.C. Pihntranora- Vallat.TIAM$1.710.1E0tf ;At ;Ste„ Goderici,04 ILOILO! 11. " lilt. T AN. pliY.S1C1 %X . •'; ke.*.ife 'ots: asageseie.o• of ecotral S iio ;XV, • X U.IIII.COilegit DR TSBI VC.attilo te., I Street. tioderielta 0110,4Tio- ' . svilOit • Ira LsOWlifs 1,34,0116IIIST eno ATTORNET-‘T-LAW, VC: 0.•01',1 Attolruiria ryaerarh,Ont, i Coen Howse. Csarneresn Jig 41_3sarrow VARRIMNIIIIIIK,S0LICEPOItte CUANCRNY,Ae. C. C.010M.K. Ode,. rke6Sqoans Goolerieh. W$2 J. T. 1010120111, Ta. rahrint.ie. DARRIAFFAI AND ATTORNR.Y. SOLICITOR! LP to-Cliwarvey, Ate , Goellerlek, Vet, 1167 ICT.L.itri-r vr.dairrio...T Dederick NON= TO LEND. ISIS a tatiarietme & Sesser ReterreikS, Are.,doderdth.' 1.11 J. 0. 4INCLitIR CHAS. srange„Je Opderich. Doe. I IT. WV• SQl..4111114ie. ' Taaeitioron, ATFORNSV SOLICI- 1) tor 2. cg,ineery, ilAsrielt, Oat. - • 011ko, aelesion's !Mirk, We.t Street. no terieh.' r. NVA21,14.1C11., • Ak TTOMAITAT-LaW AND ROLM ron.1M Chiencery.0;•imeer4totory rotate, ,re, Olase, opposl.te rust office. We., Ott...A, Om' erica. Ont. 137.1dhai CA. CLAM ll'eV Me PT ill • ;LA"- (.11'it,w. A.,...14...c,2rErANtixo. sw7-tf Roderick, Ont. • 4 VOr,. XXVII. NO. . " The Greatest Possible Good t4.the. GrostestPoseible Number." GODERICTI, ONTA- To, .WielYNESD kV. APRIL 8. 1R74. ' artateome'on & , Llama:Mina irroassVh.*il-ICITtMirt,4e. LP aw..Cliwtew. Out. • w:ts 110:4,8Y TO LEND. .* --- COMMON LODGE NO. 33 O. MX., A . F. A. A . 1St ' TI:`,..ntutk:i)R.;',12....i. 1.1 S lye i,l, (T.1,0:7, 10c molt at 1.3o p. Pleating brethren cord ly hotted. W. DICIO10 0, Sec Ooderich,4th Bay, VOL dela-1v 40ith). urns". Exce INGIS MOTEL, IMAM DODS RICII. CAPT. COX PItOPVIETOR • . • LAT* OF Via U1111.03 11/.1T • A wentintatica °ctn. fever atil siaitiort nt the Cowistervial moil Travelling lmt.1,-tlisit was accorded liefore live reeoectfully solirited. 1336 • tiormssewassarwaw '1,11°1111 Cenb., ca,, C3 0 0 TO Loss on tans .. Tow. propeity •t per gem. setor 10 . CANP OIL Doliciter.atee, Oet.leth. isTti . .4111 Goderle h. MONEy TO LEND. ss IMPROVED FARM PRO- " porty, at 8 per cent siinple intermit per annum. Apply to SAMPEC SLOAN, • C011)4,111° Hotel. filiislorich, Rea Ott., 1872. .1z38,. • , MONLY TO! LOAN At 1A)%\eleATS tit TNTEREST. • &IEEE El OLD Permanent Do ildineoud a. Say trigs See -eh -trot Termite.. ,,For 'particulate apple to A. M. ROSS, • A ien fiat Goderich. Secretlry add Treasurer, • CHAS. liflffiERTON, Toronto. r 1343. _ , 0 ;i1 Y LEND At Greatit reduced'Eatell of Interest THE undyriii;_rly as any i:nonnt. of money to '.v01 feel,: 1.. t • . at a ;ow rote of interest an.1 ',ibis Of ii:noVnoirit. Parable tiy init*niente; i•xPeuees will defy competitor.. HORACE HORTON r: Appraiser for 11,e canna:1i Per • marten, B0111011111 Ai Rawlings 8oelerty. cif Toronto. . - . .• INSURANCE CA RQ. rke,i,,h,,,,,,,, i• agentifor tb. folicoviu, a rstielass II neaurnincb C.`ompren lex , PHOENIX .if Lon.bin.',EL.rttind. ' HAIlTri Pit) of li irtlecd. rem iNt 1 11,r rocovo. .. • . - SEIT11.11 A if FM ICA, et foront, Vire . At Mitrine, towlo•.. dont: 'al the ,Otbr,t ir...ILI. nit., , 1.1011.ACi: IIOR1 ON Office Starlet Goderich. Oct. leth - Insurancc. _ _ t wEneociLdit.:OADON. „ A NT -1) • 9 4otes INSURANCE CONPANY. Available Assets, 8$7,006,000. Luise' paid in the collie of Thirty-fite years ex- ceed FORT/ MILLIONSVF DOLLARS ! • Osims by CITICAOril le I It lE esti- mitteit at moirly 1133,41-03010111300, are being 1.0 Weil 3,1 fast as ItaplAtt•I wroror•r rirbrceiou. eimrity, ltroodd Payne lit, and Lit...ratify in ad- .instment its losses are the promijient fesitUres et this vimIthy tower...any. FIllE and LIFE roteetes. iasued with very •Head Office. Canada Branch, MON- TE-LAI, ,„ ,g1.5 .C7 MNI ,Krocilen ....looretert • Mori -fifth A. M. RIL,IN. Agent tor Codenee . ___ ___ __ .... _ _ 11 riJ CAI I Id A NI I l'..."1"4-V.MT , 'ppm note NS alio CiFTERtiL LAin'a. . I! ' t j *pant, Mown 1-ins14 ustv,, tionstieh. Ortt. 1 ! Money to Lama. ''' tea I ..rt i- hbollorble. PI Ina 4.•.1 K..r,f...“..,,, tee. e it_ 4 .1.A.K nee Pi At Al 1...1 ., • A stritirst.-r,a-.. it .0. fi.: a r ;t. ,i cia.or %Re I emmetise.• ommotere. nastorers' pad iteeess' ' ward& isenewrod sad rained. • •• DDI-iy. liamobanamm. Ladivewon /a Rebtesen , Have no hind ell km 1. of Sathio, Door., illleda, Xooliiidors. and orclIn L imberyat tho Coat- i • *rich Flaming Miii. 1360. J. V.:DUNCAN, v. 13- itaikpr vrt or ra VSTRI0KAttv Cuti:soilt ; OFFICE A ND STABLES, Seweisto Street., tone (louse Leo cf Colborne , ot.l. N. B. -Horses eIatiiined as to sound- . BOWL 031:i t'ATENTS. FOR INVENTIONS- EXPEDITIO0 SLY. & PROPERLY veered in cat ..!, *he 1.."..il.: i Stit.. aud F.nr! ow. DATZ,IFT guarout,o1 or so ..hi -,:n. genii r. r print. IL ell Ileetrusttions. Ageney in iv...ration ten yam,. t ' jlENEdd CiliLST. i W!' • ....tao 6, i'1010.1 Isepresecem ingiuncr. Soli-.3tor ot Pewee' .ea , ihnittlaanirn; ' won - i" _, __-__ Co'rIC 1M. AIM BARNES in returning thanks I• asal to her friends in Goderich for past e, begs to sty thet --he is now to give Lemons 01 the Piano- . and Cabinet Organ and in Singing. Illealtlence opposite Mr. Savate'se Clolborne St. 1363 • rebel_ CARD. 1VIISS SICIM.MINGS,Teseherothfunic on Piano Forteand Organ. Tonna as usual in advaneje Reiidence, Stanley Street, Otiderich. ' January Sch. 1874. 1403 .1EL Esa-Aui-t. A INT t Erik- R&M F.0 ILIS Rail 11.:BANT To JAtIES VIVIAN Ma_ A chorea • N••• 1316elt, If est tiffeet, whore I le will twe glad te see all Its castorasre awl Ilk patina aeseralit. rain.% VIUWABLES. OYSTERS ae., sie. ; la their reason. NV •ND CRILD NS % LA AT ALL Hones. THE ACADEMY IVOR YOUNG LADIES UNDER TFIE u• direction of the SI MIES or ST. Jositra will be re -opened on WEDNMSDAT Jan.7th 1874- TIMMS Tuition per quartet, 1113 00 Muni, I nstru mental, . . • 7 00 " Vocal . 5 00 Guitar. . • •• • • • ,• ..... • - • • i. 5 00 French, 2 001 Drawing,. . 4 00 Partient quarterly sod in advance. Plain and (testamental needlo-work du not form extra ciharges to pupils. Jan. 6th 1874. 1403-6na ANC110•It ',IN F. • STEARSRM Nov Yc ILVS.RT 1D t; Tif1.71141tAT AND SOT eDAT. eleineetW, eoeonotederiteeu.sTiumaaln frcia ti-olge ro. 11, to Livcrbool, Londonderry, Q:11,111 own or Belfast : Cabin, pus, (tow. area -ding to Intermediate : Steerage liSt DIf Art "1 1St,'" If id AT LrIVFEHT RATES. For yasuage or !wilier information. •roor to .fiF.NDBR.SoN ElitoTH MBA, 7 Bowling Green 10.'1'. tbWir Ageh2t Ins. E. WARNOCK, 1415 Owderich. ALLAN LINE. , se reeet To Livorpoeil Londoriderrsi and • Glasq•cw •••, al;i-TY sttRamf from It; .1ITLANO lilting 'win- , • ter sri.1 QC' • in summer. Soilcu TO phiworts W10100. 111,I) roe init. t:%u.. •JpgilvJoNb wishimit Wad f.d t leir friend...son I obtain Faseatte Cartilleaic‘at low.st. rates. The .ickets ore good for orm ye3r and amount is refunded, le... a swell dedu,tion, if not used. Pa....011.:er• 11 the LA N LIN F. 's.1 ?andel direCt Crew the Strainsh:o. I:. to the Grano Trunk Why; .. at South spiels.. mel Portland. and are forwarded to destination. Hy this ar- tanaement paesimgers arobi all incidental 4I10.00.01 mivir.g of Baggage. rt.. floit Stesiner lor Qoebec wOl 'este Liverpool 411 link clord, • For rickets and a, cry intormation apply to . 1). 14. CARTER, ' ba Goind Trunk Station Dederick ARE You. SICK? IF SUCK IS MS CASS CALL ON ing Mg UM) pHARMACEVTICAL CH EMIST, of 26 'ems Practice, where thous- ands hav• been relieve.' of various dis- eases incidental to the conetettittom a s'a NOTED k OR PURE DRUGS. SIGN OF THE RED MORTAR, East Side ' Market Square. . • GK.)! 11:;•laCif. Where yeti. can pot Pure Drugs and Chemicals componaded by a first-class Chemist. Open night anti day. A lenge and well le -lei -tea stook' arriving weekly. from E irepean and American . , -markets, viz : • es. Patent Medicines, Sponges. Shoulder Braces, Trueses, Sea Salt for Baths, Pe r ery, Bair Oils, Essences, assorted, Heir Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Combs, 'tee' le" emtes erre Or DYE STUFFS FRESH AND GOOD. The Medicine prepared 14 4. Bond for purifying the bleed far slit -passes all other preparation's. Bond's Tonic Bitters, For Dyspepsia. Livereennelaint, Palpi- tation of the Heart. -Indigestien, COn- stipation, Headache, ?edema Diseases, kc., kc., 1111Xilliaill• euperior re- putation above all others, hoth Ou- tano and the •Utinel States. , 4 Collis respectluey : • Goelerich, March 2ad, 1874. , 1411 . THE ' Very Thing Wanted NE W HANDWARE STORE In 6-iplounicii OPPOSITE MARI.1ET Houk. . SIGIOf TIE C1101111 SAW . -- Tamr.sizzlin:tr,ozn;n7TH" am a ma New COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDWARE. efalkinds whic& will he .0:4 At pumas tbat ^.41. it it at. Before port basing eise•oe re. rival • eall.-4,ed B. --List et seohl.neit week SCS & co posit. The Merlaet.House tiedariel Jaw Ilare mt. r)CONIIINT 0 7.1NT .C.ARRIAGE WORKS. I It. J.. WHITELY BEGs TO THANK TILE PUBLIC for the liberal patronage accorded him in the past and to announce that he still carries -on Carriage and Sleigh making in all Ma branches, at the old stend, opposite E. Martin's Colborne Carriages Mew tee, Wieegons. and eierytbing else in his line kept en 'hand or made to Order of the best material and in the most • reorkmenliee maniter. . • so el'AtRING P11.01irT.LY NIZCIITID. Goderiph. 25th Feh. 1873. '13.5§ _ - GODEILICH AGENCY or rile Tru4 am( Loan Comp any of .CNNADA. Iiseorpoaled by Royal Charter. CAPITAL -ONE MILLION POUNDS S1 ERLPS O. Funds Tor Investment. T OANS mad. on the Security of approved Perm LI City or Town Property for period. of Five yesre or to stilt tkis cowninienee ilorrowers, and either odpayable itt' expiry of Ume or by an- nuli: tuiftwinients. Payttaents in redaction of L0411111 will be accepted st asy time*. favorable terms. sor pr•ovedi mortgages perehaee,j, G. M. TRUEMAN, Ages ISIT reel thine e. NEW OONVETANCING &LOAN Ag ncy Office, 13Zyth. W. H. G. COLLES Conveyancer, -Heller in Chancery, and , Attorney of the Law and Equity Courts of Ireland, Genealogist, Land, Lean and Estate Agent, Law, Life and Fire Insurance, and General Agent. llse opened tee dare in Birth. at the late res.dence fil De. Elatehtselse, scat booms south of tilt R - OO" Needi, 11111% _sormar., a., care. ;take aattHdoeie 'heti 0.statss ant Law leadader la Ireland trans- acted aseed=ob• vie Ptren•Clsas Dublis 16307 Tears Itzparleeee; eh Pectlgeree preps r- 11),:ea men eta e. ere: Monev to awn -private fund., sod for Pui,lic sornpardee. Debts collected. Notes protested and collect- d. MO& e emit mime emeh of nogistry 'mime 1417 hUROI WORIs • HAMILTON STREET, GODERICH• a position to fill all orders with which Beg to inform the ?ohne that they are KNOX le which they may be entrustel, ins 0) cannot bosun:wised el the County. The vehicles turned out of their establish - style, and will be'r "BParison with went are fittehed te a Teri sup,rior any. 0DDEr.A Stumm. . Goderich, 16th Feb. 1874. jepa OPENED OUT AGAIN. ) _ . , . ".41- eet ' - •4 , iee 1' eee• A - ' oilf amp' luAndilarweti.111011.111%644. usvAL 333 tV f:Hrt:e•ale of which 66 slatcheee in 00W and -it""1114iiwiss new premises .14- stiort**".. •4 to l'at. thetta,.• TIEMIRES to return kis 4. _amie.__Ce_h Novena be],lipti IL/ public for Lie pathless, th. A tALL sOLICITNO. rg stock of Walther*. Ned4:-Ls e e Watchmaker &jeweller, ,vitret4 the 1311.1 ZIIEN IE Drc..8i;t8a.inFinitest ildta•sorirPainP.t1,,,: P113 and rules for their tre,,,,2f Disease, nsennetubnydizillkefeiree4f_rami.: oTtiett:itoleaneer. 714 1.1 t,y York, p ottrp. Qtlatti011. -- BY Till mutt OF CAPITICRIBITItY. -- Drifting away Like mote on the stream, To•day's disappoint Mint, Yesterday's dream; Ever resolving - Never to mead - Such is our pmgree.; Whir is the eud 1 Whirling ilway Like leaf in the wind,' Points of attachrnent Left daily beheld; - Fixed to no principle, Fast to no friend - Such our fidelity; Where is the end ?: Crystal the pavement., , Seen thwegh the stream; Firm .the reelity . Under the dreetn. We may not feel it : ' Still we may mend - How we have conquered Not known till the end. Brighe leaves easy scatter Sports uf the wind; But stands to the winter The greet tree bellied. Frost shall nnt wither it; Storms cannot bend; Roots firtulv duping .The Roek at the end. Calm is th° finitameet Oyer the cloud; Clear shine the stars through . The Mtn of the shroud, There our repose shall be; Thither we tend - Spite of our wavering', Approved at thweitd. CIBITTLIL WOMAN' 11.017SED• • A ATI.VEY ler rlflt TEX PERANCE 110VIEVENT IN Till WEST. (From HeareA and home.) "I think such action is ualaily.like, unweesahly, and oltogether wrong," said Mrs. Elliott, warmly. "The idea of women marching in bands threugh the streets, followed by a rabble of rude noys-the idea of refiued men in forcing their way into sume filthy' bar- rhom, full of. obscene, .glizaling, ontened looking loafers, end kneeling on the Whim° stained floor in audible prayer.. Them temperance movements atlways• tend la fanaticism, but this is a little worse than see -thing 1 have heard et yet. "Must woman -unsex herself eand brave the most disguiting phase of publi- city 1 Must the pearls of religious feel- ing, OTell ineth• most Sacred form of prayer, be cast before the swine that in- fest these low -dens I" The. speaker was it young and very preety lady, who hed livetl in tem town about a year. Indeed, she had not heen married much longer than that, having Cetus to us as bride. bile was • fine type. of the New England girl, quite brilliant and ready in Cell variation, very refined and high cultured, • hole opine (mated, but iatense in her disgust at the pronounced phut, of "woman's rights." "Home is woiumes highest 'Acre," she was wont to say, "and the power behind and above the throne," As we came to know her well, we foend that she pos- sessed a warm heart andChristian prinic- ple, thoitek not very obtrusive in mani- festing either. Something uf the cold- ness aud repression of New England so. ciety tinctered ber manner, and made her mem a little formal at first in con. treat with our free. hearty *extern style. Like too manyed her sisters, instead of gaining hardiness from the bleak hills aud chill winds of her eirly tonne, ahe appeared's' frail bites -en that would ever need the shelter of the tenderest Wye and eare. Her husband waa West•ern man, one who had grown up" iu our yotteg city. lie was well connectee of recognised ability as a lawyer, and' with a feturil berms him of the fairest; premise. It had occraitmally been whispered that he drank rather freely, but no one hati ever 'sem him the worse for it. His lovely young wife seemee to pessess botimilese• influence over him, and for the greater part of the kat year of married life be had been very (hermetic. Bid of late he spent hie evenings out more frequent- ly, excusing his absence by asying that there were parties that ceuki be seen in the way of business better ot night than during the day. I had my fears, but the wife suspected noTth.i:gn. r three of us were sitting social- ly with our work in her pretty parlor one afternoon, when 601116 remark on the strange teinperance inevenient that had lately been developed led to efro Elliott's decided expremion of opinion with which I have commenoed thia brief record of an experience au different from my usual quiet life. 1 will merely say to the reader that I ant a middle aged widow lady, quite alone in the world. My home is next door to that of Mrs. Elliott,' and from genie secret affinity we had become very intimate. Years before my natural heart treaeures had slipped from rue,and Liu my loneliness, found it very easy to love my young neighbor as a daugh- ter. Through a side entrance we ran in and ont of each other's homes with per. feet freedom, anti often sat with our work together. This afternoon Mrs. Judge Ashman. another intimate friend, was also writh- es. fler only immediate response to Mrs. Elliott's words was a deep. sigh. At last ahe said : I "The evil grows so desperate I can scareel) wonder at any effort to counter- act it, though I must say with you that I can scarcely understand _this one. I do not see bow a lady can go to such placee as you describe, I suppose, only too truly. But the treuele is, the worst mischief is not done at these 'dens.' Many gf our drinleing Woods are elegant in all their appointments, and are fre- quented by gentlemen." - "No matter," answered Mr. Elliott, almost hotly ; "womanly delicacy for- bida that she should go to such a place. They are frequented by rogues and gamblers also, who differ from the rag- ged loafers only in being better dressed. In t,acli case she is liable to instill, and to see and hear things which, to a pure, refined woman, are worse than blows. I'd rather meet the coarse brutality of the 'dena' than the contemptuous leers salandoenulam.„king smiles of the Sue giided 'What you say, my dear, seems per- fectly true, and I have always felt en myself. But oh ! what can we do I what can 13 do 1 It's dreadful to sit sti'l with folded hands and see the havoc these places are making." The pathos and distress in Mrs. Ash• man's voioe were too deep to be caused by merely general appreciation of the evils of intemperance. I had read the sad secret of the mother's monble in the flushed sod bloated face of one of her sons. Mrs. Elliott looked at her with a little surprise, and said more quietly : "I agree wtth you it is a very great evil, and perhaps the gnu sat eyil in our age, but it is man's work to cope with it publieiy. Women can help by making home so attractive that husbands. fath- ers and brotlpers will find wothing that can tempt them abroad. Thank Gm], I have never had much pereoual experi once in this matter. My husband takes a gtass of wine when he feels like it, and so did my father. There's no more harm in that than in the ow of tea sad coffee." "No," said Mrs. Ashman with another deep sigh, "I suppose not, if it would only end there " Again Mrs. Eiliott looked at est a lit- tle curiously, and °hanged the suleiteet. The esrly shadows of the coming winter evening soon after warned Mrs. Ashman Ithat she must be on her way homeward. At Mrs. Elliott's request I remained to tem Her hueband came in at the tumid hoar. I do not wonder she half idolised the handemne dark -eyed man, with- his free and easy Westernolmering refined Ilestern culture (for he had oomplet. ed hit etudies at the East). tie certain- rt's couteint. ttle preoceto e meal wee d himself. lo petted her to her he But to -night he seemed a pied and excited. • After over he inuqcoliately excel "Must yo go onLaritte-this evening, . Vinton 1" a ea hitewife pleadingly. _. . "indeed II must.' Nellie. It's court week, you know. There are many law - ears in town, Rod I have notch on hand. I heard her kisa hen affectionately at the deer as lte departed and thought it must be a stress of business, indeed, that would t tee a man from such a wife: but surely that kiss would be pretection against every •vil spell. I sat with her till ten o'clock. We ,•nly spoke at intervals, for we hal at- tained that true companionship that totes not require constant talking. I saw • dreamy, far.away look come into the voting wife:* eves. She MY build- ing bright castles in the future when her prospects uf maternity would be reilized in the sepreme joy cif mother love, apd her home be complete. I did uot offer to stay later than ten, for by a., doing I might betray some- what of the auxiety and feeding of ill that oppressed me. I do nOt often have sUCh feelings. but am always in terror when I do, for trolible had imam follow- ed. My sitting -ream was Opposite her parlor, when' I knew she *true.' watch and wait. After lighting the gas I did riot draw the certain', hetet( down with my knitting wheat she could see me,and so practically welched- and waited with hef) . When from A city steeple eleven was tolled out. tny neighbor grew restless.. When with soloed; measured strelos, midnight was announced, I heard her side -door oven and her quick steps un -theOraveL . I met her at the door. ., "Dear Mrs. M --," she enclaimetl, breethieitaly, "how good of you to be up !, I half believe you bays been watch. Mg - with nie. Vinton has not cor le home yet. What -does -it mean ? Ile never steyed-out so late before.' She was shieering se widi celd, but it was the chill of. feat.. 1 put my arms aroend her and said ; - - "feet us helm for the best, my dear. It you wish,' I will cones and .8i -taloa' yetb" I "Please do." she half tweeted, mid eh* hastened back, serf uitwilhng topes .„&sent from her post a moment. I was 'woo at her aide, mid with her howl (tehie'CIrcrabled ' and fluttted like a frightened bird) in mine, w sat silently through another long hour. -: Like a knell, one sounded from the steeple. lier hand closed eon, ufsively upon mine, and with au asheu face she turned and gasped : "Oh, if anythiog should happen -if I &Medan t Ile hint swim l" l . "Don't fear that,'.1 sai.1 hastily. "Uni sere you need not. If he' had been in - Pined or sick, you woule hive been sent for lung bef•ire tkis." "What, then, can keep him t' ahe asked with a wild, questioning look. . "Well," 1 answered evalively, look- inireway front' her, "who ' lawyers get i together they have -a g• . deal to say, and time passes more quic ly -than they think. They may. bays a ittle supper or something of -the kind."' She shook her head decisively, . . - "Nothing of that kind would keep Vinton from .me, especially now," elm said with emphasis. Another hour passed, and she 'Prang np with such a frightened, hunted leek as 1 hope never to see in her sweet blue eyes again. "Celle'," slie steel hoarsely, "we intuit find hiM. I agall go mad if 1 wait here in iricertainty.'' , "Bet where shell we go 1' I asked iii Jimmy. "Anywhere 1" she cried desperately; "Action must take the place of this alio ful etopenee." 1 sew that she wet/ridge, and prepare() to eollow ; but before we could fiAt1111113 *one harkty wraos, the door bell rang. She flew to open it. Her hest:mud stumbled in, and wouel hate fallen had she Dot caught him. It eras a pitiable sight to see hint 168/111g upon and clineing to her frail and trem- bling form, as if she were a lamp post. As the light titreamed throtieh the door. I catighte glimpse of the flitter of the policeman's star, and then heard his gruft voice. 1 "Glad yon're up, merlain. He needs looking after sure enough! If it hadn't been for me, he might hove ,metia fold death, for I found hira in tlie 'gutter this raw night." True enough, he wmi regkinsg with the filth of the street, and lltesenesring the delicate fabric of hie wifeet 'Irma' se he clung to her; but that wife : trunk' soon be in agony over deeperortere ',Habitant(' staitte. "It's a d ----n lie :" hiccoughed her husband, in toned' sq indifferent from hie listial clear, manly voice, "I wite io a. featherbed." "0 God ' wkat's the matter with him!" gasped the wife. "Well, ma'am; you are innocent," said the policeman iii a not unkindly lone. "l'in sorry ter yonobut do you really mean to say that yod don't know he's drunk 1 I'll etay a bit end 'bele you with him if you wish." At tho wore "drunk" ahe -tottered a moment, as if she would fall, then, by a great effort recovering herself, said hoarsely; "No, no; go away; I will take care of hen'. Stay; let me thank you for bring- ing hen home; but in the moue of mercy doe% tell anyone what yeu have seen." The man made 110 promise as he de- parted, imd 1 shut the door. "Mrs. M.--, 1 mu very sorry you are here, I would hide this front all the world. Woul4 that I could from heaven, flut, I know I can trust you, Whst shall I do with him 1" This horrid, nnexmooted scene at tke door had found os both too be- wildered to act, and for a moment longer we looked helplessly at each other. Then her huband muttered, "What's the use standing here 1" and he stagger- ed into the parlor. Near the door stood •dainty little table with Mrs. Elliott's bridal wreath and bougeet upon it, encased io a glass °over. He stumbled against thin and fell with it, crushing it to the floor. The warmth of the room with the Altleige of liquor teat no had drank now produced nausea, and, sickening to behold, the flowers that had crowneu his hride'e brow were now fouled literally, even as his action had reined her fair, pure name. . It was awful -it wss horrible, even to me, beyond the rower, of words to ex- press -to see that 'mood, refined gentle- man grovelling helplessly, hke a vile beast in his own filth in that sweet little parlor. that dainty basket of hir price- less jewel. But what must it hare been to his wife 1 She did not faint, as I feared, or be - 0011211 hysterical, bat the anguish of her 4. adalloopityikpewdeogihilansal dmseeltignmai:flotiotykahoLthearktee co.beroWtraithAbes. ,dhandiark:ssottit113nheasheeduiseshe c,iso:tewahaile.4 'tqouoikel.This eke made toilet!. Olgthe mighty triulaPh kve, that she did nut turn • away ia head in her lap, and said in a low, first "ies'Yin. ton,. hor di,1 it hapsn Tell ma coalLa.:?bedothing,,mm-uscht im'snrih:mrpenenneddi,"athe Hill's -took little ton much-that'!tir./. "Harry Hill'e, Herr! o aka mutterei,. as if some new ligkt wis nfloi‘tirvieeuePodmewse,111-tebre.trthleyo" aee'lm‘Plbslurnthtestie. 'pow nieniory, and ray -mind will re- vert to them, even though to think.' •of them in tinter*. Ile was eat. violent, though.. somewhat obstinate 'mid pre. roue. At leet she mit heti le bed, end he fell into it heavy stuptirs -As she re- turned to ilie in the dining roem,..whcre tlit'Srhee.tashalinGkered, m1 aaie 14iy 'Went pressure i.1 will not leave you tonight.' • of nry hand, and we sat down to watch together as 1.ief,re, bet with the awful eertaintr of evil instead its expecta- tion. In the depths of my soul 1 tre.nibled for her. she might stand one or two such shecks, but the tuoment she lost faith in her litialiand's will or power to refrain from the catille DI Isis present condition, she would dirt Ilia hold -upon life waa too fragile Mit oss. She stepped to her .hustiand's aide from time to titue, and then came WITOLE*10. 1416. b• ens otir,liveel and bootee has grown so "still small voice of 'God," it was eo desperate that it.seems W require a.ties- penetrating and tree inspiring. "once wale rentedy. It is a terrible dross more I ask you, f 'beseech you, answer Itle * weak, timid women to go on this me as you will wiah you had ansWered nuesien. It brings book to us the days When you stanelbefore His -jedgffieni ormaityrdoin. Yesterday I thought I sebnastinesswillryou not cease this dreadful meld rather die than do this. Now I feel that I "mild die if I did not goofor A death -like , hush followed. Hill . . • dearer life than mine is in . peril, I was4yidently conrsd gni overcame, and believe that I but imperfectly express afters moment ,rumbled out: ' seems to be enabling our sisters in othet ygoothfoerirthiltes,riikiemeres.sculen. aitidu iof each one here. Gm] let us kneel, to [tier iri it'sa idly Le can't stand up f r bimself get it elpswkere if be tweets it.• l think retire to your husband, though he *ill nutd"Istm's, Inopreint in alimUlan1 wiltoi.notresi, joint yanouy. sbeoPtihaliac‘efenvonierefeeteeipletkir swoitnnerus agisNgte: but ,the prayer was not lux and beeeeching for him."' • . or help and guidance." '• without sending his wife aroe d a pray - silent. There were ribs end groeffil a, el 1 "Give *ay • there:" cri ;Vinton dinecAtefitrmi'llimnit4ntealrwY anerailleitsitiles:Vhartishi;x1272ae'svU.,Ctaaa-. etis st ife. There were' mur urs and Itiliott's voirie, and he sprang we from .• .ithe rilsed doorstep anistragg ,,t.toward sanIted a deeth-swept breach. It was Pejactilitions of intense exer meat on sleeting, but we carried ne unibrellas.‘, iihe irart of the crowd u thie nee el. This was nut a pleasure excursion. MI "tient. ;loitered itito the dealia, and all e, ed aspenrsooldnineerin broke out here ,' lengly n eis shoulder. Allher Wonder- marcOuhr dpo6r; the street oe) Marto and trembled note tly 'at his -gave ay before huh, I.1 • Elliott attract attention. People? spoke Iiii voice, ne the moment he reached her, retitle his aeon an I hid her face sob- riedly and excitedly together. "Where wi I ful ner e an I self-control seemed gone. 1.48a...,H4rdyarryottuolitigassidller.s,..izatch: iv:., lire. was an. "Mr. Hill. yint.ha've sPolkero sonie gthweeyrOst,ri'kleorfirtibtart". Vint. Elleot. .tee wife a trite words this morning. Tliis is no I n a elelar ringing tone, Ellitett-said: • leadTliiitit 'news spread fast, and soon we my wife and 11111111010Ubred women that , Place -this is no action for ladles like hail an ample bee nondeseripte fellow- I see here; am -I believe,me, they wetild ing. Still the crowd was reepectful. not be &ere if yeu and I, and ektr like The worst man who had caught a had fine driven them to desperation. glimpse of hire. Elliott's face could not God blows you have enough whinewer haBveybet:ernointlitieraw and manhood here. Iihalf is -true of icw.orn'er we came atid- eau% force us to throw awes* cur money for, but you only are sot to blame. You what I have read concerning myself in the morning paper, I wonder that my wife did not leave me for ever in. utter disgust. Instead f that, with wlomiiies faithfillneas, she meg here to lead for denly upon the entrance of Hifi 'Moon. and sat down. Iler loower wan There was a bustle within as if they mutracted, es if iu deco thought would lock the door against. UK, Wt. Me or • the formation of • purpesne. lier wrre Peepronspt fur them and entered. eyes had a, fixed, solemn leek that cute The cooed threnged in, after 11e, and treated strangely. with hie fair; young with these already there elled the,place face. At htst she raked asildeelv: . cornett:tele. .. . ---- at1iiefetY. 'But s b willnever called "VelLere is tide Harry Hill's/w ' Mrs. Elliott Advance I at once to the to pauethrough eat an ordeal again. I told her. _ b„ see we grouped ourselves *routed I thought I could rink in moderation Morning came, after • seinen?, Ago, lior,u1,41 8,1,111 a group as had hover leten at toter bee, as I for•years, tut emit We had gleamed and eigTeel tee parlor seen in our city befere. have taught me hotter sir.• '1'ititon well ait,„erit could. he ee„, 14.,,t • •.‘t here is Mr. Hill rooked oar lead. Elliott ean stied %tine, but he ail reakfast .as usual, and oila told -that er. in a you voice. her muter wits aick. I Owe to antoi • '' Th. bartender stareJ at her a mo•nent We Mrs Elliott in obtaiaing tio two,. in Moue dowse and then called tett: boy, but she was too glens for not. . "Mr. • 11111, here, quick, for God's •With dilating eyes she aroused the e•eke ' ' nolumos, then with a my of ang•iudi, o"le:, tell hies Li corn* for Ood'd'eake dropped the paper. • "It s all here, she goateed, aftii shi; gi , leg atop itieenteg to the lean 'ir red l'tt iliglit," lie cootiuto• 1. •"1,at :iir,1 lietitanity's/" said . Mrs. Er"? t, writhed and *rung her iiiiimialz if au in, prolaelty. case adruita of nOtie. I deserve your tense bodily ampiah. - • - • , .,t•N iist the devil dec. this mean 1" contempt, but it cannot exceed that which I nave ft tr Myself. Ne ere it Out for my wife, and the here of retrieving inacharecter, I woubletladly die. , "Hurrah ! :hoe° cheers for Heath, 4100,000., ., t t • , . otho facet tile matter like a man ' ' cried 1 ) ' ,_ a .et.ice front the cooed, and they were 1 et lir-err:rue Haase ee given with geotl will. • tee_ I There is within& that can warJ and aLd: Mrs Judo Ashman Low -ciente ' - 1 n' so tech 6) rerietthe horse hese and tnake him all ,th sir. Livingston. ACCOUNT OF ill SICIENNIN, IIVI/TZWID AND DUNE. New York, Marsh 29.-A Iferefif_spe- cial front Loadomays. the steamer mai- ns arrived at Sum- en Seaurday, • with the remains ef Dr. Livingstone. The following itecimint is giros of Dr. Livinestooe's Illogic and desalt : He had been ill ofehrianic dysentery for met- ered months. He was to ell supplied with stores and medicines,but-had a presenti- ment that the attack would prove'fataL AA first he wee able to ride, but mos ` .- had to be carried. Arriving at Muilola, beyond Lake fleante, in the Bea coun- try, he said, Build am a hut to die in. The hut was by his followers. The first of May be was oonliasd to bed, and afterwards . suffered wreatly, greening night and day. Ta. third day he said le wee very co11, aad requested that more grass be put Dyer the but. His followers did not speek or go near him. Kitturoo, chief of Bisa, met flow sad beans, sod behaved well towards the 'party. On the fourth day, Dr, Living - storm was insensible, aod -died about midnight. Nakao/loos, his servant, was present: Dr. Livingstone made his last entry in his diary en April 2,th. fl• spoke mach and sadly of his home and family: When he wu first &deed by the fatal attack, he told his followers that he intended to ezehange everything for ivory to giro them, and then push on to idjiji and Zarnibar, and try to reach England. The doctor prayed lunch before his death. and often said, "I am going home." His followers . dried his body in the min packed it in salt, and e rapping it in terk, fraud* with it for sixonontlas, Unanyambe. There the Cameron party was met, and the news taken to Zanzibar, whither the remains .followeff ten days after. Md. Webb, the American Consul at Zar- &NA., haslet.ters from Dr. Livingstone feeeele. ketauloy.• The only geographical news isms follows_ After Staulev'S parture;the Dr. left Unanyambe-botind/ to the south end of Taneanyika, an4 travelled south uf lake Beebe and crosge ed it from south tonerth. Then le pro-, .• ceeded along the rest aide, riturnii* • north through morellos to Muella. All his papers, sealed and addressed to the Secretary of State, are in charge nf Ar- thur Laing. British merchant of Zsnzi- bar, ho accompanied the remains. Pettsburgh is trying to find a man • e Ali() does not, leelong to a lodge, grano, deli?, post, -temple, encamineeitt or order. An' Oswego 'woman 'advertises that she hat purchased a shot -gun, antl will shoot any man erho give*, her husband n . Thoh,•tel-keepenat Niagara are discus- , sing 4 plan to stop tourists. fiye ADIOS from flimFalls and stud t4ir ears. witle cotton, to prevent tkern haring the roar without first paying ale° of three dol- lars. • The bridemover•thie Kentucky:river on etemd theSolithern Railroad well be the high - awl you, fellow citizeos, be my y„,„ kind. (e,,at est on the Coneinent. rt is 275 feet eeteee• ealmee low water, and haa a span if 1,236 al,,of trent yeti and aril thee lewillAdrink nu more, and may feet. The towers, wetted by Jeohn A. °lino glass of liquer to tny lipe."- ` rise 365 feet Owe -Slow eater. 4-- ' Roebling-years age:- eett P10010 Bud 11.. palsy My heed if' it ever relies AO - Mrs. Elliott give a low glad cee. . 1 Sparks (rem a locoetative on t.he smith - "I take no apulogy for wbat ouri side of a railroad in L*Ig Island, doe day tato week, fired-theelnderbeugh near Brestate and spread trer well miles ef territory within thrtitlionrs, burning a ereat quantiey of atonding ttuaber, wood, fences, hay, etc. eteine,farmer,lest seventeen cows. The enters itsis it *bout . ft was, true enough, and with &A edi- - asked Mr. Hill, %mewing from eat iii - tonal paragnsph et coniteent upon it. ner roeu it ith a face on which surprise A reporter of thapaper mut ia the hetet • and anger cont tied' for the inaetery. usel of teeing- some of the utOt guardians /le w ae a florid, e .breeteJ, thick -set of the city fur any item tif ?merest tit a men, shoe-ily dre d, and with a hard mune to their Lima led.:e. The pew, elittiKter eye.• -After oue glance at hire, man -knew that this scaudal of Viut•,n 1 fined little frotu Mrs. El iottei ap- Elliott would-be well paid fee and• he peal. I turned to look at the crowd fer was not the man to lose several d-tl'Otra a nioment in order toes*. on whose side pn any sentimental grotted4. Eveletee their sympathy woe kr aasert itaelf,. but night editor's sensibilitietseemed shock- the expressitei at this tinie was mainly ed over the affeir, for holisilerratete: tone viewer curimity and excitement. ', "Things hare tonne to a sad pssa Dut linnets my titfuteasured suprise when 'such men as Eiliett pt thien in . often I saw a side door open and Vinton the streets. If the pra) Mg and singitg Elliott appear overlooking the scene, women con do its 'Ley go* they Melba- : with a white, appalled face. Bot ell termite se once, Ilarly Hill's etteh-•• were too intent on the been. before lishmetio with all its styli, is• one of the• 'them to note Lis entrance, fur wide& moistrniscieveas pieces In teem" me. I t ,Ace that retubled, aud yet with dig- ' After a few imamate she sg&a seized Pity, Xis. 'keit commenced speaking. the paper. . , " Mi. 11 I, you hays the form and "Oh, leave italone:" I cried. "You've semblance Of a man, and we give yuu the credit of possessing the heart of one, ion cannot realize the result of your traffic as we poor women can whose homeie ou are destroying, whose hearts had mere then eou ran enders pew. "I ate net a chdd :" she snort/nee el. euest fiercely. "I inteni to Mei and facet tho worst of this mattere; see wah "Mr. Hillothis &patter. is as dime to mem Nes. Elliott' "porley's Cooditien P band to her. We ill represent some imperilled • member uf our Isousehuldse blan Heavt itenied1:" yy son and elegant, Jef i prove his deel wders t has altogether in oureciey." : You must promise te quit the besiness by 1111u7 Pcrsuile aail"! gill vale krioge and -- other la sea wi well "De yen see !hat!" asked a pa , thin elnded. waedee•-. 3" ' are . weer • es on -1 i t t tLey woman, &meats:tic% wife, and sit lift.ed keel). It on hand en. ease her heir and 'hewed au tus,ly scar acres* gency; At may be rived it all ti her temple "My own husban ones so kind and geed, ort -me tka blow. l'Peseerfthectatual'ettYailgitorireetfr ell'hei.rdh ; ' on eaeh package. Northrop et It went in deep. 'It nearly cost n y li Bet 't made a deeperecar on tuY h . h and, or I -can't live.' I feel that I S4d bYall'n'adialawileideret- t . 4 Toronto, On.t., proprietors .for l' le Imest stop saltine rum to my will do sotnething desperate." • ' i • • * e • - e "Oh please do promise, Mr.' Hale' I A coinberei cough or cold should n4wer a white, stern fee,. she read siory wool, you are Itretiking. What is life to us if pleaded a meek-lOoking Melo omen. , he trifled with, often when neglOcted it and fer a few moments witb the old -MU fathere. our brothers, our .soio, our with streaming eyes. "Sly only ei has ie converted Uinta seri*, ard generelly ehoughtful eor trectien of broer. Sul- •Aatheites (eli how her voice thrilled at come home dreuVewice of Late nd lie fatal pulmtinady disease" ' ino pre - deftly she started tlp woh weeds ef fixed thee word) go down into oho darkness says he got the (Lim* here." • ' dent, aware (if '011111,-, 11147 purpose and attleve: ee • ' ,. and infatny of drenkare's graves I Can 'Now look here, ladies," e rl Mr. . "itryan's Pulenoitic Wa,fers' el *Yet '• flow gene. ,t, y vio ' !hint( be will you not see that such a life would les to Hill, trying to work hituseef in n for sleep ? ' ye ef- "Set eral hours." t eial in - A .. . "Then vend, with ine. [mon- "Wheree r , to and,. box. • / - tribute' tittle! dition We. as . d Ara - used • cu- lt di - pleased • toner - with • e,and palm, &nada. s pas- , slick has 'sustained iie repots 1 • us but living death ond prolonged sion, "business is business. 4 ma over twenty years -the are a agent. 1 Ana yet not for °endives an must lire, Pre stood this longer HOW ficacious and exert a ni ben weplettling, but for those whom yuu are ihan-" ' . , thence ou all the Beate island Ile was' intemipted by &fall, gaunt ' arroogans. Sold by Drugg woman who strangely rentinided me of ! country dealers. Pries ',Mk. the steru old prophets. Withbut word Vieruz --Virtue ely 'pas,aes Im- o( prelude, she stepped fore% .ased cemmenced single* in a weft' minor recognized by the world.- A,few distort- . eu optics may fail tu rocognive her f.1-. es, ,,. , :ttAnithinronsere::f.acese'nsrliutt,tt,to,ifelsihttlw.i:cryete.uithlo:tetthnloonreeress4e,:-odhiyie4:41"ea.disetn:ntintt4: fientni;n:inurn.d;erakess. . • . ', t titlailtluterehinigtivile-isotgteglalnalsitts.1 its ervorktilitieseumanal . "* . , min, utoirolgie. colds, obolicooramps and summer complaints, it has uo-ognol. For sale by Druggists sod cofiutry dealers.. • Price .25 cte. per bottle. • eretrueing. Perhaps we may find a heavext Lereafter, but they cement. "To Mrs'. Judge Ashmen't " The Judge's family was OA intone You poison body and soul at ones. We &WWII bnialthui "WhY MesSEI too!" exclainipili feigned iurprises. - Surely, this is not "No," said Mrs when Ire am** niatto:5-1, e good lady, IA 1111- 11EPIlairetetY,calimipet: keenly, are desperate in view of the ,peril fie,3 loran Yesterday there was not, in all tho city, a tnore, prond and key: • hagney _woman than -I ! happy in myi ()Thou who for bunianity litapPerfOrinthemlethuulireapurodu!tlhorhP Wept blood at every pore, We come in kindred aeon "it is not. Mrs, Ashman, 1 take. bark rice promise and good name ! But now eit o sea ehoot ladiee going le 'Neer heert is breaking; elf how it has. /Weeds, in order W bre*: than up if ached s1nce you sent him staggering to they eau. •1 am geing te Harry Hills we long past •caidnight ! .What but _Leda if o aloue Ile &heat the hell -troth could have so changed my . Y f uy •iierey to implore. 'Hest we for aye, sigh hopelesal In ttorse than Euypes bonds ? sante ea murdered my litiscand lam -no e night," and she briefly told her awry.. 'telexed tun, To,:day, finger ee the Endaredestruying ettunda 1 atn going there thin very inernint,' tee." will he 'Painted at him. Oh ! most fearful eneet' .• 3' A few dollars. coronet paY day, a • Must se, deseoiringlielplesely elnecontintied. "Ile must noista met's lievo me, air. ble manl husband ? Vetter • II For when he t k bl ri cta ..W, preemies and a wife's cursesef he sells you for inflicting all this shame and my hellbent' one drop more. 11 III Yea go with me !" Mrs. Ashman's features were work- ing with deep emetion, but the stately judge now jeined us from the &lung- rootn, and remonstrated: fluttery. I beseech you, sir, promise itle that you will newer sell another drop of the accursed poison." There was a momentary and a death- like silence, and thou Hill, with difficul- ty, foetal his brazen voice. - epee got "I. rpiregi:ises. you've no eight oNowp,,loopike.h‘ ereTh, is is my madam," hboulaiiengataisi., 1,3;•blitienalnlyiihelyorsu., Eilil,irotit, hal gvreeareatlydayt: • r i g• lit h e :re Ui ni do :wee:II:leen:lit bit , ,_ _ . mast have thrilled the very soul of the gfetwrrilitthrea nista: painful account nt the meriting paper, ether - and inepeeseeireas piss. lenideset a'n't the thin -- yourselves liable ta I rabble, and ,ineddlin Wth g for ladies obeaiu some legal redress." accomplish nothing. Perhaps you nuy here witemit my cement tout hope yeti will do nothtng rain. Yea You've it. will only expose yourself to insult, and These are tity which eien he ha nevet possessed Ws With a clignitf t em. it isn't throligh the streets fol. You all make weed is nut promi.ni me_ never to sell my husband tove train pi n g the bench, the *reused wife silenced him korod lky ; • lady -her. It's fanat-" nor at with a gesture. -thing's that don't concere h 4 I Judge Aohinan," she said, "nor areyour "ti",7„ . . , answer me I e•cried . "'You aro not egged to this matte, .1 will promise to sell It' in • wool buried life, youth, happiness.. legal forms. lhiring the past night I • Mrs. u.,,,,,,r),:i.),:. • .4.0 that weut to teethereeless of liquor 1" There was sudden hoarse murmuring hare seen my own grave opefit, and Mit everY "?''. t 1 k an arrow. "Will you eti the part of the crowd, hut in a mom- ent it oas husked. for the insulted wife far wore° 1 have seen the Tawnier . keen. who will per ' we all dropped on otir knees armed h "se t, shouted11111, " ' ' IfOlUd11.3 !Idebotul. ei) Cede' auo posoled en a tone that bee holt on the doer helm° the bar. grave of my husband, ancl 1 knoir it to be the mouth of hell. And de 'yeast nee to go law about retch matters? NIP ry Hill and his kind are digging these graves. I never realized it before. eurely, he dnea not. lenlees le 4 a &old, he will come his vile traffic when I tell him the truth. I tell you 1 ton go, if I go alone ! Yon may as lital ta'shkesttohr.ntlisigialttei:tiainhgei;h1tt It" 5tri" edital own son been drunk at that same Harry voice uf anguish, • rhow often ha your tii:',G.meelirge," cried Mrs. Ashman in • I Puthot, Bac' yet we tly thou not a eeet hardened pretsencnat, esh'sihnalg lush:a:nu itoh,eeoaninif nhiunmlanAr:titAtguisuli midst itddmolorzif !arty, and cruelty se Tao judge turned pale aud abrup are beteg bedief all that makes life endurable, ion c itlat stop tho mo th "Thou shall not gill alone," continue!' eine Ashinen, sobbing on Itfrs. Ellett s shoulder; "a scone of women that 1 know of, amitten by this terrible mirse, will go with you, if yon will lea way. Some are rich and some are poeie lent we all occupy common growl(' le this matter. .1 will send them word. • After a little coaseiluition it was ar- ranged that we should start from Mrs. Judge Ashmsn's at eleven. Much as 1 smhiranneak f:nouirntilmne inundsetnethkeings,idel (1:itinsr; beloved Mrs. Elliott. We celled on a few personal frieads and stated oer purpose, but so far from joining ite ibe1 seemed dismayed at the very idea. eonscioue husband. One look et hist I ome, from the Agi, re4P016i e seemed to turn her delicate frame tete steel, and at a little befere eleven or td,ssenwe hmonsworrgt:0"7:1,d'arod tuhYna: Ong," and as 11 eeeewehocket walked to Mrs. Aehman's with as fine hlinute. 1 a 1 k a tread es ever soldier marched into on moat. e_ Y eyes wee tease/hers 'teat expected en, * with Here in our Ullristian land lhullercilineit:hteceession of avarice. Wilt then human hoerts more savage Thot ",,,astureserve in the furnace Nelsen tiring eees' It•-neath our church spires more rentorselem and dew- sei:tweek the etony Itearl beim.: us, and ariaek' ildthAi yi ftt itiotitirthat ltb °(:ti kb eturn.rntiddau:Waft:tirllioti:louriefeltm7huobtturr el itl 7on'i rem :V:: e:::1; destroyers into tnen ? Wilt thou t teke this serfel soul-killine toor:sts. wut of their path I' We pi te tii; mine of thy. dear .10,, Mrs. Elliott then returned to 1 swop to say, there w ""' gave hie t f „ 41. thol ulehmhedsremr"ainInettetaalitor: alle""eptp.eoend in the doorway etee e.g.,' nearer the nim -seller, potat- o t the °aged, Y went ferweed with- ott eitaps outnheiimitos ,h , 1°"'' cell an impreesive gement battle. shall never forget the group that we found assembhol in the judge's parlor. There were young faces present betides that of Mrs. Elliott. But all were pal* and lined with care --all were 'oleos wwiitthh tainieeparatehennst t:ruptienariti,igand touched efrs".LadAshiesMant,bsiistuipalyll. re. Elliott," smel bei:rot 11,,P°. an's pticee heir., newer sew °11--e‘he°nbar "re, for 0,- -in -- posits - eeied he ELM! atactrar•: Two heerts ere pie reed and perishing - A household stricken low. ; e • _TITO/e/AS' • . e mier E. -electric 011. 04 give to us thy synipatliy, Awake thine ann of power, Shaee off thewation's apathy, Worlii Te'b TOW'S -1:: WCi9-ki XI (117.ai .f • , i rain cahli .1 stay where'll i. auswt. .. :1-1411'-'41ii im Proclaim the battle hoer. „Mr. ifie. e Najd Mee. eite.t.tee Ash, aor,liosl.eta.pleaaiseietede)etote. oneatiewe coo- 3.6U- (110.0k.' Filly .....:.nts. •nweortlib"ttall- "cured' ei't lit; man, "weepropese Pt sta.v liere till tic..,,,,, i'...1..K. It l•tiiti rely curAo (.4.kirrb make us this peurnise, unless yeti thrusti ;A....:....,10:4:6:11:4..;amli-tini.,:::14,,..:.,::,,,....:a.i...7:::::.....rturt....t.i.th...t, rie'fortli with noletice." "Let hits, try that if he dare," cried a. Lame liwic of uictit yea.4 itividitt:. TKO ft-Aloft:v.; ihisen re Tea from the crowd. Ilill considered a few ineme th atoll , :3,';',:t,'7.,',."'r,i,`;',.'„1,,„1,ree''',„,'''weereesea•-,"erve'e'erticeeeetee it oyer -indeed, Ithought if then said; : "Well, madam, Uve viiste.b.trug:1_1,h1e:t1.tit ,.,,,,ter:„.7.,tno.1...,t,::11.,:,kii,:eii.i...r.1,11.:,;:t.,:ild.ti:.,....t.izy;i1.,...:112:-;:ihit.:TI.:uri..:;.../......rrf..117.1,..;:;:twi.lix.14writt..iiiell.lriit.A.,Lise.gums;,,,i.g,:u.;.i.iiii:•trirel7t.ietl.70:1:: tohTe:rt,.67. ly out; 'loth:op...144s it- It is Miley recommete% - Ii'el°11rw4 ,..1 by ibo.ie Wee hire plod it I J. 4,-,Iford. 7,',',1'.1,:„.1:iloitY.17:-.7.7;:rlill•Pata:14.16,°Itarf telyktru.".1iritl,tel.a17,114:3':ir, resent Ti.t13iiii,iiier.,....-Llie,tr. wieri.tews.--1Lelle.doslit 11.1.0e.. b.ta feart4r.rmiup.1 never saw -anyt hitt; oielt ao well and cire each general aatisfaction." J. Thompson. Wood(ord, :nisi ii2:-..tti"Se.:•11.1:::tuirrioi,:taorel,,F:h1:.rici.adiiii,1.1dlia.:: k It•Cti AUltortari, P. 4,1,. write-- flia -Eche-A.4e •01.) entinely oot. K.Ithillg takes like it." II ii.er 411eit for. Send to • fietkor eniiPly vril.pet delay." Lemoyne. Unlit, A Co:, Ituettiuglpim; , ia. write -"tend us one gross Seic.tele Oil, llre foil il plir.44"alc.:14"b1711.1Ntnir.dni.:Inmeideals, pers.04... Price. N.U. irceute..*.d. . fore you came, for I expected t Carnal movement would break 0 I have an establishment ' in: Ne State, and ehey'll stand geed serh as I sell.. there, Watt othl chapter. I'll go there for -the and stop selliug here • till this tiOder tow blows over. This is the beet Ifirr4nise I'll- make if you stay here a' eanneli. so please vacate and I'll mit up my alt utters." After a brief sonsultatioei the ladies odneltided it was the best they coeld do, and there were these of their naniber who ;volute to visit other saloons. By this time the strain upon Ifre. Elliottet delieete freme 113-1 been too long anti severe, and she grew very white reed feint. Iler lineband had urged her to go hothe with him at once, but she had refused to leave hor camemsions after haling gained her ewe puitit. elni no* she stink helplessly in Ins anus and he carried her Wein adjacent drug store, lent for a carriage, and we were Wen in the blessed refuo of Ithr home. But 'whore an hour passed h r pulse i grew ,oliek and her cheeks' f Tonsil. The husband litieg about her i Tag- uoy of 'elicited°. After doing what I could I le1t them thieking they were better alone. , . %Thee the evening shadows gathered, as I was sitting in my room by the light of the tire, Mr. Elliott entered unan- nounced and said - , "0 Mrs. M , I fear Nulty is going to be-stek," a 1 i ,I he gave way to itich AD aeouy of grief as I never saw marls. n man's frame been. .i I command put my hand on het 'hoed - e ! i der but only said : '•God help you both." 1 At east, he said, "Now, I'm letter. Please stay with her while I go litre the docitor.•' For di week Vinton and I have watoh: ed at Nellie's bedside. Her mind hes wandered all the time, and night and day she M pleading for and with her husbondl. He has scarcely slept or ate. His raven hair es becoming streaked with gray ; his ruddy cheeks are growtog pale and wan, and his every breath ahlacet • prayer. "God spare my darling's" What the end wilt be, God knows. , lOntTflitt • A I. liA N. Tommy,. flikole Agent r"„x"olAwul.t-7.ef.e'r%Wit";.-Vi•lecte.t.and emensio-m. C (*.id III 00110....n, by Jonien , J & li•rbeib; Jan. Ji,o1bItal. lingers -Ale ; J. Fairke.d. axeier;ii.lterry.,Liteknow; and .1. M. Robert*. Don.tanasisi. •••••••• W HE eaves the bodily vigor wants-, whether froinIthe effeete of old age, re- sidisuce in hot climate, ineuthcient nottrislunent,childbearing,rapid growth, excesses, ttc., pert the t•Ls rite, to the system aud seon restore the wonted fhlatarnTvetiehleghtalz.':!.eakuess, will rapidly recover ver -Stricken 'eyelid who truty recoverv retarded hy in - under the influence of Fellows' Com- pound Syrup of Ilypophospites. When hepe f 'make. the poor Cnn- sumptive let him too procrastinate an hour, as every moment gained is invalu- able. The dietetic' is positively curable tey Fellows' Cumpound Syrup of Hype- itiosphites, in its earlier stages, while in the latereaad hopeless cases, life may be prolonged, and the patient made capable of performing hie regular avocations for years, feeliiig little inconvenience 'from his malady. The Distressed Asthieatic the Bron- chitis sufferer may both become sound and healthy from using. Fellows' Com- pound Syrup of Hypophot phites. Tha_bisprrited Dyrpeptic can be &a- llured of successful and rational treat- ment'of his disease. Good digestion re- turns when nervous strength is restored. Fellows' Cumpound Syrup of Ilypophos- phites renews nervous strength and eon- sequestly cures Dyspepsia, This is the only sound manner ot treating Dys- pepsia, viz. : Tone the Laeteals to supply blood; tone the Lungs to vitalize the and dignity which only noble she assumed control with the simprieitY her tee uaturee cotd "Ilk guiltily i Hill tried to eeiteertling A t for his 1-aet, and is a strikint evidence of the ACL -1 t elegem" cle from blood. The feetlr" Pe nett meet her eye _ blood; tone the Nerves to baild up blood. the muscles germ ;he audtence aaY' and gav• All rose to receive their Mader, and . and the nerves oonstieute the o wIthout as fellows' Hnotpetosphites will im tee stomach i th f rgans' as can attain. es to confine • , . , utter poverty of intellect es the Oppose. tosiattheittlooreliad sesaion. tid strength to that it will plirt e organ igeation,and me "In the main you are strange ;air age see bele 1" she said, "but our rAnnmon ogee uese , e roe af a 105, • tiou ranks, that tete), did not introdbre single public measure during the to doubt cure Dyspepsia. gnu our conunon wrong knit mg v together as one. The 'Tit latish lig"' • • .1 I 1