HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-05-06, Page 21And horn's a repeat of one ,,,,.1i, of our best vinyl floor otters v ,,,,!:,-* , SAVE 30% "Armstrong /'• -4 ' ,,,,A /NY:: SUNDIALbr , ., N.-T , r",,,., THE CUSHIONED VINYL FLOOR f <Of! e,Vri ; ' l'AfU THAT SHINES WITHOUT '`. WAXING - ..,3i 01. . r .... -... • 13,-i ir,w,,,,. AZ, ;lc .,,,,t . . ... .00 • v...:4ricii . • .0,,,t,, .:f....... ,,-.:111% . -10.,,,i...7.,,e, • :,....,:•,,,,,....y‘it-4 'IA „ . ir-lN4.....„.• ..,,,,e.rO . 1,-,:44 ,--qp•-• CP,olOgolse 10 tort Yulk can inulallyoursoll wintool sninneon rain/ /Dorn, 6.135 Yd, ououSUALCASIS AND CARRY PRICE 9,05 If Your Present Garage Needs A New Overhead Door ... HERE'S A GREAT TAM Save 30" ON A ONE PIECE 9' by 7' Berry Steel Door Hera t. * pope door that's known for quality - and II comes complete wIth all lho nocostary hardware. Our usual cash & carry ;Wee 4148JB 11 88 8 At Dowe's SAVE 1.5% -- 24", 301', 36" BATHROOM VAIMITIES Made by 000rn ,r1.1 01000 el Mule FM Yin 11p194, del Walnut - Ill at Ina antne holed Woe 0404 A b11l1l1, P, 41 so°, ross all 1,1005 rut necoestsly IP 411,11. an eh mantes. II Ostler. Its. 15 WO 5110A Wenn, e,,,kr 3 y wy e0YIY,Y ,Yrl, 30" MODEL Our ususl C.6C 15.60, 24" MODEL on Olefin 8416 26" MODEL Out usual Out usual 09.55 C SC11.90, "°. 5946 on isle ler 69.11 DOOR LATCH SET or CLOSER SET Touff 4 49 OlOICI e Yes, tske your choice: the sCireen door Wein set or the Nam door' / closer set 4,69 each. Our 05051 CAC, price Ire each Is SCOrto SPRING A . assert ‘0. -=".""•iz"--*-4"---.M3 No 99' ENDS This SATURDAY MAY Sth imes-Advocate, May 6, 1976 4-444% SaVe 50% ati out U el eh ICerre on "HOW TO BOW BOOKS" And you have a choice of 4 beautiful colors, ois SAVE cotto % 63 ,,,v00 Voyager by Caravel!. ,E;s w,;;,- A LEVEL LOOP 100% POLYPROPYLENE ob tod CARPET WITH HIGH DENSITY FOAM RUBBER BACK you can install yourself el....0441.,0SIL °',"09:1" Otto 0.0 .10030'7 Ott .Vilk volt ..0 OW' •nol' 10-'1' as ot04 140 1'‘'%'1 oy 05t•Art9."0'.`" t, T T 1 coj.ifon.Rty,LsiodiKn: stela) SIDING war now xtlaiscount Doves on Luxaclad prefinished skiing Al Dlacount Dave's, you'll also ling Colorlok and famous $1.1ce adding. And remember, we can avenge lot expert Instillation, GOES UP QUICKLY WITH A HAMMER, NAILS ANDORDIFIARY ,$AW Luxaclad DA1/101/0/1 tMmg. sethl and Everything artind the LtInttGed 4YSten, tesG1t,toleraey irtinatonns a huiree Is adi temple you don't oven nerve GNe 11 a new lease on life Add lo fan a handyman Every cOmbonitnt subalantratly to dole-sale 51011111 (parte! toot MOuld comer pool ere 1 And - hear Or all- Niu Can dolt has at/WI -in 'Mango for emit In all yourself Anyone Genf spite of a shp 11010, or on oil the Noe Andthe Luseclad system goon pays cal there year quick work ends up for dried Because you save on labour 'matting prolessional coat& YOUsave fuel(LuMsCladadOff Cornea tinthbonded.on fens basher bOold ,) and y(20 ban, yntosell potions and gallons el paint and Sweat every lew years . 750 Whttle uxair.i$17 01000115 cleeco0e0 N ,er eaVID moo How IS Apply Bowes Oon't lel the tiny price fool you IhIS carpal wears well, ar room in the honie even in high IratliC Ores, WO 4,2010, ono tamily rooms And becauSe Its made or 1105, polypropylene with a low specdlc gravdy It wry, absorb normal spills Ito 41010.43,5MM And non allergenic And We a great MY' LLIVACLA0 IN COLORS eVAILAOILE Al NIGHER COST TM! Save 35% On Shutters Ten you eaVe 30es Olt nallulaCID/DC6 1101 prte Ind theSti shutterg made of Ponderosa 0. Puck. with sold town They 4,0.0 In 0006 rang 83', 111119 Ttley,P lee ',Nosh HORIZONTAL 9 -x12' LUXAC1AD SIDING - PLAIN WHITE 6549 usual rash a terry prior es 72 77 and (Cuero WHINE moron 88 hp n IN AUTUMN GOLP, TURF GREEN, BURGUNDY AND HARVEST GOLD SOFFIT 2.2 1, clot wste s 11, 40 Our .15 (410 rw vw'IR0 DI. 00 Ann/ r. sst ,uale.V1 rOz4 rawo hmui ed caw All 00 11, Ott Rev FASCIA itiioni 1, 66 ul 4 421 r wile 6 ete' ,•• 0,01 ,r15 raa,a Hwy, noel • 70 eV,0101,0 ,0) 00)0-c VERTICAL - 9-c12' IUXACLAD SIDING PLAIN WHITE 6 2 5 3 'o); • 0, 50 '60 19 ;ran o5 • Ov't."rt IRMO appme ON 64 It Now2100FF? YOU CAN DO IT YOURSELF Save up to 239.56 On a Garage at Dave's During this, our biggest Spring Sole everl drewieweviwit •v, &ME 30% DAP RelyOn Caulking TubeS our u ela I Crash And Corry Price 69' loth OUTDOOR LANTERN In dull black 115150 with white hosted glass panel.. Take. SO- WN% bulb not included. 011E205 (Ornsosaled Penal. , While stake Li Du' Uru•I CAC ]99 ofl our Usual Catty 6.Carr/ Prlc VOYAGER CARPET by CARAVELLE 3 MOONS TO CHOOSE OUTDOOR GLOBE Utah blaOk finish with Clear crystal globe. Bulb not in. eluded. Model 016201 now rodbOod by 20% 263 Oct Ullual 0.41 a Corey Meal. PVC CORRUGATED PANELS le MU:3W 0 PUN 011WHI1I Our Usual C ee DAIE 26'.g6 Feet 347 2,77 28 stO Feet 4 36 3.41 26' el2 Feet 525 4.20 ,I EirstirGlASs Corrogotod Panels 4 a+ HUD.. CAISSON weal 26 00 Feel 5 99 4.9" 26' x IO Feel 699 5-119 FOCI 8 32 6.91 .4, ry.:71Yeueerwwwwweerurwwwww. ,5 -off PLACE 'N PRESS FLOOR TILES by ARMSTRONG First quality 52''x12" Ides Ina choice of patterns and colors Our usual cash land - carry once 39'1, each 48th WALL MOUNTED LANTERN Outdoor model 01-10205 In dull black finish with white 'rested glass mds. Takes 50.0411 bulb not Included. ow Limo oat U.09 ancoot- OA 03 IJCILLLIXIILAILU L.L.L.LLL.L.LL,DL1, LLLLI-LLILLLLL LLLL11.LLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLL, ELLLLI,LLLLI.L L.L,I-L1L-LL.L.U. Non-SI LLLLILL.L.I.LL La.-. 1, 1.14 4 4444 LI. re T DR J. "I" -PREST 1..... Arre . rah MANY MORE INSIDE [Vain The Halle Ac. Included 29.1 oath SAVE OVER 100.00 on our STANDARD 12'x20' SINGLE CAR GARAGE CRYSTAL CHANDELIER French gold finish. Dlameler 171/2 ". Body length 15". Takes 6-11 watt candelabra lamps not Included, Model II1E740 4. • 6/nulaii b ilkonotiOn /40 C01, 0oor anr/ 799 Wool Sir.. ono pore steal am wet Min asnonn snolle5 Mg a erring our uvait C AC Or cone (Li SAVE OVER 150.00 on our DELUXE 12'x20' SINGLE CAR GARAGE Volt Also Ott our UsliriEl Uat Cash Carey fsLl'orioces;40 SUNDIAL VINYL by Armstrong Slab Precision IN 18 Inches Square They're precision mads with I and sgunro ertgea that fit eg knottier. So they lOok better, longer. PLAIN 11.9 0,1york• 1 Each 1 59 COLORS Our Cruel 2399 29.09 I4/11 COPPER CABLE Our 314C in:lady oil dw wolonels yr,. /I Ignd man ny10,0 4,4 PIUS tutearkl 'Asp ant 11,CIIMI.NO5 red11,109 old, 000, Sod runoln e1,0w 0,100. Out towel C IC 0 4619n ,299 NOW THRU MAY 8th SAVE 20% And More 4" OUTLET BOX with knock-outs 490 WITCH BOX Deep or shallow .. 494 DUPLEX RECEPTACLE Brown 35' TOGGLE SWITCH grown, , 35' ig::::::7,.t.":::1:::::::;,r;I:L1:=:171.gVII:."4=.:=".=.t7%At7I..::•;•:..7..,..1,;7::.:17:,;:=:,..::: ,Z74',-4.;;;;.14""" SAVE 239.56 on our DELUXE 24'x24' DOUBLE CAR GARAGE Ft 01.1 lengths are svarlabie at a higher 11. COO, but 11 you buy a 251011 toll. IN 750 M. CDIL3 You Pro 4%, pot fool Pape .5 Scatty ever Lt 01011 or /0.<mo ts,eoa, 051 2 1,1111305.100 Inn d.corahnre Hods Nan mans us 7 . gale PPS lncludon 00, eoOl art0 Ulf) 011 153e ante, windows Ls 0011 as a IDA, ,EIrtlead °naivete door Ow GAG 2 13050 ,099 1 We bought 30 carloads oil cedar ye bring you these special prices on fencing L - Out uwel .51,1 terry prItro I 10 Page 1 ANTIQUE ENGLISH FINISH sa .40 merock Save 30*0 en 011Er KitChe , IMAGINE! A Patio Door Complete With Frame For Oss Thon 300.00 And it's made by DomInton Sash! A fl-ft. model In Ponderosa Plne with seeied Insulating safety glees, 1 socporenainn.9-. Rough opening aloe 75".821/2". Loll or right hand MANUFACTURER'S LIST 520.00 299°° Savo 2.84 on this Soap Dish/Grab Bar MO. W50 g L a 11 unnyl O DC 15 OS Starter! Med. by Our WOO/ CPA Sorry prIco 259 4 ell panels on thls The 1 The names we glue paper overlays. pegs are prints or either srillii Conver t o Die reader to nil our panels are simply Intended le the °Hof end appearance at the Darla/S. - You Save 3.00 Per. Panel 1,'•,1%.• Slot,, MeV eel nutlet C SC 17 95 Savo 16% on this Glass/Brush Holder 450 OtIn USUAL CASH a Cony PAIGE 529- 0Ie052 TI4 A It model trry,lled ins.de a wTh o Ir9r, rowlly 111151S e14.0 On rnst5lant CrOinI 501111 biroliseq0d ere knelly ptne larllinalee s rhp cute with self 1,05e5 RASE, upriSR CA/ PoSTEORm COUNTast TOP SAVE 15% on Cedar Savo 1.67 on this Towel Bar 1062 U110401 al C SC snillss 9 4057 u r usual /2 4 Save 5.00 ON NUS PREMIUM flop You ,,all add beauty privacy and value lb your property wan a modern cedar lance Free esimates, 28 desqns 10010050 nom EXTERIOR DOOR Our usual C to 4,100 lineal feel It 54 00/ 04001 CAC ley 100 (Wool leow.7.1 9C. Cu. male IC for lea hotel lam 50 59 Our usualc AC lor 100 Imeei 1.1 ad 10 23' 21" 4996 11,x 611 FIRST QUALITY DECORATOR PANELS Black s Decker ..0 ire x. 7004$ Jig Saw v/ir Jou • I mot won,. 2 2" x4" 4"x4" 2"x6" VHS I x. and horrilock enlenor door is (deaf furrow and We ararancen F01 Sloe hy CASH & CARRY mutt 34.70 OUR USUAL 49 70 Bet auSe we want on nuke tnr, oor big Jest Spun() Sane ever wit have 5eloi,lou 3 in, ratably panels •" a',1 they ro n 5410 in 2500 cal im, usual cash 8 Carry price stocks last • HONDURAS HICKORY BARCELONA HICKORY BUCKINGHAM WALNUT 3749 Save 15 4 ., On A Cedar Deck You Con Build Yourself 7 1/4 " Deluxe Saw Our Usual Cash Carry Price, 11.99 We think 'hal Out usual Cash and carry prices for the 5 panels listed hare represent Out- standing rata, That's Why.W0 call thorn Ma in. Ration Fighters! Roller bearing eqUippod ot heavy load points 101 !Peg tile Burnout proteCted motor Wrap arriund dy sleet shoe for added suoporl For 6', -and 7 r. Nader. ourrusum c•se 4880 API, CARRY PRICY 511.04 MON/ 1330 OUP USUAL CARP A C•ert Met (OR A•10 OICKle's .7307 CoOCUtolt 54W 13 22 'AS 165 ON Satr NOW AT DISCOUNT DAVI, 000 26 as r-T - 17 , ‘,1 -1=1"-cat Ws! Select Varnish II , '' MAHOGANY ENFOLD DOORS They Include surface mounted hinges and come complete with track, brackets, snooper and tap-In pivot hardware. 111.1 0,,e1141,•11.5C. WY 2.0"03'9" Door 15.95 15.95 2.6".8.6"17oor 21.27 17.9, W06'6" Doer 22.60 19.97 .0 4 inflation fighters Now you can have a bright new bathroom for less than you think 6114 ()White Toilet Vitreous unina close coupled syphon et closet Combination 3499 Grade 12 Seat not InC/Oded Our usual CAC puce 35 95 99 • SHERWOOD OAK • NORDIC SPLENDOUR sw.w. thaa re Ir. nro'neVrn 4.49 la. ihon Cm, slunol lunce includes plall$ and complete our uxual Cosh rualenals fora 10 812' cedar deck curry pill. 44,00 11,41 steps and rating, not lust the 19995 deck alone And 115 cedar - not spruce, • RUSTIC CEDAR • AUTUMN HAZE • VENETIAN ROSEWOOD Ni oats% quality! All are 4's6'1 sa. (' MOM 0 Tub Enclosure Here 0 on .nexpensive way In add a glamorous local po151 In your bathroom When rentrio5ng Produced by Klux. these 2 door tub en. Closures see mode 01 Sale, strong 111050e1 wan looact reSistance many times Thal of glass Model 2E2D CG 1n C1001 3995 Glacial pattern 60 wide x hign Our usual C AC coca 40 45 Cristo' Tile They ref nobsnCerarrucGtazedspacertles and they 10 available In a 221dite of 003111,10 fax lured relors C C Cloud series They re easy to install, and right now al Discount Cave n Ihey're 3 99 wain al 20N Cur Viva' CAC none fora paCkage eumnyo 4', Sol II is 499 PACKAGE 3/8" Drill Vocable speed roverSing 01111 269 at an seed Oeunce rectu.tor /rigger luck for continuous cieral.on gearing and 3 8 chuck io MOO rpm Use as doll or %Lye wdsver Model 7 140 Our us2e2 oash ft Larry pnce 29 95 Roo, (, Z-BRICK'S Meheackr PROJECTS r3 decd I. ,er. • re., 1.m, r1...a.6 tr ••• Iatlr A.pu I yri lir. so, WO/ 'ilg • , k savean Hand Tools 0 Wall Hung Basin In vvhfle y•prPyrA MOP Easy. to Clean CAir usual cash and carry !MCP Ili 49 Grady -8' craps nnt in, hided) (9 Bath Cabinet wo, rernevointe shelveS and brackets Mo.lel RD 16220 Overall silo 16-x22 Our Usual cash 12 carry price 19 79 1688 10 e aSY 121•210,15 1014 can build sourSelfl FREE'! Deluxe Sander 7 490 by Black 8 Decker Our usual C 8C 1/11001011111SflelUne 2995 finishing sander is 34 95 yOU savo 5 on bey Pal* SELF-STORING ALUMINUM 1 1/4 ,, Doog Stonn panels lor winter invisible screen tor summer In slandard sues Features safety glass ler your protectvon Model C311,5 A well mocks well 0•I•nced hammer by One ol loaders in the Indust/5. Our Wool Cash & Corry 3.46 1583 30"s30"1576" SHOWER CABINET "The chateau" Made 01 heavy gatIgD steel finished In 2.coat Wafter., while baked enamel. Comes cam. plate with chrome. Waled taps end shower nozzle, PoellIvo ware, proof Iolnla and Car. nose. Easy Is Install. Our Usual Cosh And Corry Priko 69.95 BRick SIsly%doifIffeoraatrit viVcoilaecs i pArilcl east 111111MAI 1. SAVE 15% COUNTRY RUSTIC SMOKE,.. 0 Double Swag Light Model WIE94t, Polished brass 60 ' char 2akeS 2 60 wall finish with whte glass globes. 1 599 bulbs tai ino0Cien. Our usual CAC 1993 Recessed White Bath Salem or Chateau Con. sheeted 11 tough stain- resistant porcelain enamel On steel Stanvlard ED" sue Our usual (.85 , 3 carry pnce 92 45 :httt ,Y 449 5 You No,. ID Sundial by Armstrong Here -2 a cuareonnd Hoar that $ perreoi bathrooms II 501 only rnafnlans /II high DID5S wahuul W11.1011) longer than Drdinbly vinyl DMUS .1 also lents more coMlortable underfoot because 2 has a resdient foam inner cushion Sax designs tO 0110000 Iturrl (fur 0514010 AC pnce 9 85 as Spring Solo Ever Otito41.45 Soot !MO Save 5.84 Disston Hand Saw Meal CA.C. U nod [...C. 014 TI415 PHILLIPS Right Guard Light Fealures powerful250.watl Self.bakestrig mercury vapour taw Turns an al Close. turns uP al dawn automalically Out uSual C 80 once 75 79 699s COUNTRY RUSTIC-Red 8,39 COUNTRY RUSTIC-Smoke 2.39 The Ismousti3 medal, an et Our Usual Coon paml. 26'. elm Mats on I Carry 9.95 ,4,1,750:00.4r;Ltrztoiz. 7.98 INCA RED 5.99 OLD CHICAGO 6.99 82" .85 WHITE FIELDSTONE 7.44 INCA USED 6.99 3.94 E1181111111113W6V. SQUARE YARD 5598 OUR BETTER QUALITY WHITE TOILET SEAT, MODEL 304-4666 IS NOW ON SALE AT 20 PERCENT oFFI OUR USUAL CASH & CARRY PRICE 5.99 BUT YOU PAY 4.79 Peon 2 Save 804 A Gallon On Pentox Now Ihru May 8th at Discount Dave's1 2411V 0 off Baked Enamel Bate Page 1 5' elW11•••••••41.01telektr Soil end preserve. wood, reduce. arsine- Roc awellIng, warping and other dsmage coned by molatura. A clear varnish typo Ilquld reedy to use. OUR USUAL CASH AND CARRY PRICE 167,79 PER GALLON You AIN. Uwe on ouyuwAt 97 DECOR•SOL tee 4.10 I o thinner an0 clement 'wont DWI lo/ cluuning ono,/ sndlAis,inoicous Conlonls 40 ounnot BULK DER WINGS Spred House Paint So Hurry! Don't Miss Out On These Outstanding Super Values . . YOU CAN PICK UP A FULL SIZE COPY OF OUR FLYER AT ANY OF OUR 15 BRANCHES 1 143 Gallon OUR USUAL CASK 4, CARRY PRICE 14.29 • Plow,. to otuly Val, /1 1•41/0/4 stun • °Wilt, kik hush 14111.11.1410A oeehno • Wm:Perko( esPIPII 0010 eh.. P.m 01 • Dn. lot.1•51 sou shun vpm.05 A014/ During Our Pre-Season Sole of SAKRETE Black Top Sealer And Nobel • ; )" All lumber et Olacountijava's, except,Economy 3x4's, Is graded by the flagons( Lumber Grader.' Aesecletlan 1N.L.G.A3. Our dime, pUrchalnel DY*1091 75% No. 1 allowing 20% No, 2.10.1 MOOD you receive lumber than is either No.1 or No, 2. Se Wore you buy, shop and compare our queillY. Our epochal bulk prices are belied on minimum orders of 4,000 board feel of lurnher. 4066 square feet of plywood or A000 square Net 01 both. Priest subject to change et aoY lime due 10 mark Heendltlens. °urine Thla, Our 6199.00 Serino SOI• tr. , 1 SANTE - 20% Off ON LUMBER & PLYWOOD ITS NOT OltD1H091 SLAM II Has A COAL TAR BASE So 11 Reds* tontine, Grease, Oil Ana IleaeSssit Dennagei ny ova Just pout snit sposil Sett•lyr 10•11•1 Solo, using DI* spplIcAtor nub. sposeues no sea olds yp/osely seiner lls noun on Ins anise Ode brothel Dal eon), SPRUCE DIMENSION to ; now tfroE1 Thousand Se 6's now 217.00 Thousand B's now 245.00 Thousand 2x10's now 254.00 Thousand 4'x8` PLYWOOD 3/6" SprutO Sheathing 7.44 Ste SpruOo Shoothin 11 .99 All our spruce sheathing Is C M ta C approved. We DO NOT sell chap grads Plywood al Dlacounl Dave's Our Bull. Order PtIco on 2x4x92 1/2 STUDS 109 III each Spred Gel-Flo DUO 11411Al tats CARit PRIM CONCRETE MIX nen., rot ,.ar seP, ,p1r. 11 1 101!n OUR USUAL CASH 5 CARRY PRICE MRS • Glides on easily Geverft beaulilully • Smooth brilliant 555512,0 • Gelled 102e5151 dropS and StigS Your Choice 511RIAR 51IN SAND ettX rernend iPotal wa,ked rnd uranit Nato toned Oa pow( 4Imunly with r: tel e.//s/ "How.to-Build" Books Dozens of Different Titles, Hundreds of Ideas and Illustrations! 50 % 0 off 4 Gallon Our Usual Cash tonlolner and Corry . 8 91 Price 11.25 VINYL SLIDER WINDOWS YESI You Save 3 00 Per Gallon On 'The REDWOOD STAIN by Glidden 70 Gallon Porn/lure Na C.n Ma Yu Dtkluent l•lovr• Dooms Palle 60.45 Rentatelln. Yeurlinnui 4.ekurstelp Peek lyenestskIne C•hIns a Vor•Ilon Houle. AO% Orr autu,dnit AC U/LOS INCLUDE/ isse .aroen/re 00114 nom. tape/. 0,041,01••11. teAlnitls aulldfneSurbell040 D•45 s4 ton4414 Oroat /Dupls.. S EXETER AssurA$1$0,06 CENTRE NEAR Pt .,, 8 a ,,,-5t3Opm 216.1'412 ametteses 1314 NM Saturday :/ I , Ni itM•**VMPANNres.0.... fM d (THERE'S A DISCOUNT DAVE'S i -on PY HOME NEAR YOU:I Owe Fnday 800e110-1 • 074.0101 SOuirmerelorr 103141 bo -.pen 50.15515090 530.5374 50401040 NADAOW 7366121 WEST 1.PANc 1raa"3240 h`-' 159 Psiroor need SOU% Soo Frani nola in teetaIa ' WWKIIITI DID4S5e006111REtWAESSIT KINCAnniNE 3904055 WINOSOA. lost tot WI i KINOSWGE 7* 5141 Yerinntrit Orbs" N.y 2 I eft CHEW; 7t4.6171 VOINeSCH ‘4151 01.1.1221 ' entree/Ea OuialenwriCtilfra*01 Chi rot t 001 069 SW or 6991 j gr,,,icklay PLEASE Nom 1 • , Now. elolny Hint le Ohio flyer hoe ly•• n WOO, Per. ited £4n Torn • Oe•alo IT • /IOU le liont quint/11st No1911 illans nes. 00121 I SATURDAYS them. Meows otilable N oh. tot Avallabls al all/V.0os All Dr Mos ste Cain S Call Del gory A yth goo P.M. OUR USUAL CASH J. CARRY 1.99 SEALER APPLICATOR As Shown In Picture Above 4'..'11.717,1, 2,79 1- Ns, No on lb. rnmnillicloirrt list plea SA/1 Iney're N 61 men lo enchant.enchant.bed moms binereeno, isotitnen roomsis Humpy werbiawommom DOUBLE GLAZED SAVES FUR 619 neu911 W, 3113 9 11 airs11 nii 1124 i Manufseturare /1st 01 00 Nalstted eondirom Pine cen1Pll• nl16 ' olt110 slurrlinurn WI meth la We tit Iron i Watt Securlly lorbsb Orlerr, bon 410.1 Comploor•aombod 19 ENERES Y SAVING SIZES AVAILABLE Those doubts played weethertlithl ventIoNS preside droll free yen. tilehoti, Me Ofneelh .1141105 WM" gloss polutis havO while vinyl pull MIN and frtlerlatkIng rOwelori Wit, and osPh *to nnotriesele Irons the Inge* for nay chtPhIn0. NO peln1Inp mg &fel belYnieh the Walls - It's all while vlrlyll 1121 ECONOMY wiNOOWS tr,..,,,,;",, corrAorsatmts5smotos .,.:L.,;:,:,„-oi.,c,""I COMPLITOLY A SSEMIL110 ... rb-teritraseY READY 10 *pow VIV‘tilt ------- Mk AL Hai CLAIA0t, tOTtA01 MADVERri wt. OR UTILITY illUILI)11101 srud rowing gyposlimalam Men ulatturer's '1 MNI. ovals arallyand.nowto flat pilot twosome ovlis. 11.1* flan C401140011, DIMODIlharooD X•PERT SIEUSRES By DIXON REP DEVIL to% off 1.r ,.. SE *'ENDS MAY 8th 1 5 BRANCHES TO SERVE' YOU 3" Now Only 2.36 3" Now Only 3.99 t. CASH A Curio A 4"Now Only 5,99 ,-i,„kvissr4-4 AMHERSTBURG EXETER GODERICH GRAND BEND HARROW KINCARDINE KINGSVILLE KITCHENER OWEN SOUND RIDGETOWN SOUTHAMPTON 736-2151 235-1422 524-8321 238-2374 738-2221 3964403 733-2341 744-6371 376-3181 674-6485 797-3245 Save, toe, on STEP 1LADDEMS ALUMINUM EXTENSION LADDER Slurdy ughtweghl indeneion ladder relti 1-1 2 !of rung! tat Re/re Safety end cornlerl AulOMALL MerUleetaCeCtilety lock 01000 end Obi Just right tor Wend home cher* 24' EXTENSION LADDER 39,99 ruelle to .T0 Light60,01 aluminum quality made lo give yenta Of dertondoble aprv,co Two seek . 5-FT. 1 190 tAormi • mor. 6-F7. 11799 LADDER Buy Now Melee Otor 8igget1SprIng Sale Ever' *.-:-.1.. _, ,441 a ..oar . IF 4e1 Sr Dis* m pml t ,....,116111 0 le env Pinny lee l , ... ....... ea I I Iv- . ro stmt....H[1 1A/CC I 0)W N sou•NO ORD 298-4901 'WEST LORNE 768u1520 WINDSOR EAST 727-609i WINDSOR WEST 7a4.1221 Discounta Ara Off Our Usual Cash And Carey Prices, Como Arid Save! 11t• 431V. k om, 9.1.11;"1".,... Ayefs,rtri...1•055.011460tit. sntoili.eafrsy revi r roe 004. 05:e sseens: ,K.II,E.H.EvNiotRutRA0t1CJI sIn elvewn tali roll mie I•tostsscnc onotu 041101160. y,10.0 ‘„, • ,0 ,,,,1,141, 1%1' " "01"' °P" 1' • slope intioalite laturday FelarMirni oop