Huron Signal, 1874-4-1, Page 1IF ArrOR1XT-AT-LAW AD POLICITOR-IN Chsaeery. (, oovs!anoer. Rosary JrUbft &c. (Mae, Ipposits the post Grace. West Street. God ortch, Out. AW CHANC&RT AD C01*179TAC1140- LOJko%,.,pesW wateowd, 0040tal Assignee. iGoderich. Ula&. - gainers Jk AXRI9TZR6. ArTONNJITS, SOLICrMRS,kc. 6 a*., Ciontoo, Out. "311 mwirY TO LEND. JWXV9T&`4CZB AD GIC13RAL LAX Urawn Laa(b Gillet. Go,lorlch. OOL bloney to L.end. IN and Specilwations; drawn -iastorsrs' and Illawna' ed. 1 jMuch&nsoxlX &vv-&on Ah; IMobanson i LrA VS an hand all kinds of daobw. Doo". Blieds. and Ltrosiped Lamboir, at the Qod- oXv. . T. DUNIC", V. S 0MADCATE OV DOT4210 VIT-1 ... I C"non- Or1rfCZ AND STABLES, gaw,sde street, Fifth Rouso Itast cl Colborne Hatel. -Hor examined am to sound - 1313 PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS 4% EXPEDIT10 0 SLY & PROPERLY I toured in Caaad,s. the, Un Mail States and Europe. I x1filiew"toodor". eh rX.. Se.dforprist- I P.14",titroodems. Aseaelr , n,`perstlosa ton learn. IMay Gltls? 14twirs, C^aAdA f at Patients nd BARN= in returning thanks to her friends in Goderich for past patronage, begs to say that the is now p"Parod to give Lessons on the Piano - 4 for%* and Cabinet Organ and in Sin". Residonce opposite Mr. Savago's, Calborne St. IW3 C X RD. '"M SKIIIXINGS, Toseharof Music on Piano Forte and Organ. Terms as Usual in advance. Residence, Stanley Sit*@%, Goderich. January 5th. 1874. 1403 JIMIES VIVIAH AS IUM)160 HIS RSISTAUILA" To &Abossaa-S100-1111ack.1foortetroat be I will be tied to 8" all Me MM: oysTang, ae.. as. sky IT In their season. HOT AND COLD XNALA AyALL WOUlka. THE ACAD Y LiOR Y017NG LAIRS U-,TDZR rH]l W airewon of the Bisys" of Josarz will be re-oponed on W X NZ2A)Vr Jam 7th i974, Tuition par quarter ...... . I ..... 03 00 NMI* lastrum#0"I ............. 7 00 Is vaeg .................... boo "tall, ................. 5 So preaA............... ......... 200 DMWiW .......... ............ 4 00 payusealk qRsirimly sad in advastes. ploils and etwomutia usadlo-work do 806 fovws oxwe dorves to Papua. unc, 7 7 now CAVADA. A return shown that $13M0,000 am tised in lianking opwati~ in Haufm Laborers are getting only dx&Y 41001114 a day, and mecheasm $1.10, is Quebec - The Royal Lyomm, Tarooto, is being rebuilt on a much larger scale. Yarmouth. N. S., contemplates build toga sugar refinary. r" prom of the Maritime Provinces %KL7' *rally condemns the goo mtect,ow", principle. 4r JAKS (0) Tenders an advertised for in the GuelplipLpers for the arvotion of a Gen" Hospital in that town. TkoOrango Incorporation B:lI has been 'rejected in the New Brunswisk "The Greatest Possible Good to thG Greatest Possible Number. Legislative Council by six to three. shop Tacho's pamphlet on the Aroblim R4 Ritw controversy is entitled "Ausasty prolnised and tualt granted." VOL. XXVIL WO. I 1. WE NESDAV. APRIL -1 874. WITOTIEN0.1415. Miill.hasiagirl,twelvoyearsof GODERICH, ONTARIO,, WE age, who weighs 246 powndis. A Cor- respondent vouches for the oorreirtnaiss cut.' Zelp if ahellould, &be astild,thore below, ani then oil was darkness and and her lantern, the latter I had fairly of theaccoant, and aska: Dos& this who AM n80. ARE-YOUNICK? Poctrp. were ever so many plaoss. whore she oilonee. burned itself out, and was adeep on the canl I ___ - - I . ___ , __ could clambermpon the rocks atthc4i4e, But thatone nroment,f illumination table in Katie's own room, and she her. COUNCIL 11SWrIJIG.-Tho Optimal! just The htel-keepals of the town of ZIP sucm 13 TUB CAAi VA LL ON and no entirely age. Nobody in that had revealed the moet extraordinary self had by no means comproliended as this day (9th Karels,1874.) pursuant to Perth have raised the price of liquor by 90DLMT ftppu& peaceful regitm dreamed offset at bol g things to tile keen, excited vision of yet the happy con"qu*nom of her rail. adjournment, all the members present. the glass by mutual agreement, *air rilucs No. 33 ;Me 3M 400 rw WV, : "out after dark ;" and son and again Katie Crown;nabield. way signalling. It wall very much like The minutes of last meeting were read main reason being a 4mire to read the A.P. A. A. M. Suppose, my little lady, ULAR COJIMUNWATION PHARACE17TICALCHEM1,3 ,o hadgoodAunt BMAslotained herpot Tborowere loan, three otfour,she a dream to her, for Katie wastno and & roved. A letter from Wait. Tyr. q uality of the liquor sold thera. 111112 Rao whee h 4! 'Your doll should break her hood, until night had fallacir althoagh her on- could not any how many, but rough. prophetess, nor could *van her tan m rell, Eq., Reeve of York township, Anowearpetfactoryllasbeea establish - is bow on tletar" wedsonalsy of ea b 26 ream Practille, various dis- Co"Id you'make it whole by crying - throw any light -,on the future. She relative to the%f unicipal Loan Fund ad at Elnra, Out., which employs thirty - nth as T.30 p; - visiting b -Waft &ads havi. been rolievo4 of , Till your eyes and no" were red I ly company homowvd was herilittle star fierce, wild and anxious looking and be eases incidentaktO the coneWtition. ot L of a lantern. It was a neat little lant. bwe them On t1ke railroad t;zkl from could not "a, just then, and yet the was read and ordered to be fyled. A A" bands incloding seventeen met), W. DICKIA).N. See. And would it It be plossanter arn with a sort of piquant and winninst which the *Ishad boo 'ad &w ' t days that followed brotight it all to pass, petition wall received from Wall. Harris and manufactu over 200 yardsof v Ay Jue roe Qipitsri b,4th May. 1611- sw73-1 I To treat it AS & joke, character of Ad own. like everything a]" there, was a cable = of,,hcavy that neither she herself nor Gran,iflath. i6nd one hundred other ratepayers pray. oarpetinit per day. And at) you're glad "Two* Dollf's that belonrd to Kistie Crowninshield, granite boulders and fragment&. Katie or slid Grandmother Crilwninshietil, ing she Council to make some improve- It is said the oonrMation of Erskine It IbUM DRUGS. And not your head that broke I"' r NMD kO and she ersolf wao'balf inclined to understwod it as clearly as if those men would cnnsepit to any more railroading kient on the Duagantion bill, a"& of Church, Montreal, preposes,in the *Teat make a confidant of it. had taken bar into their confidence,and or signalling. ' It was much hatter.iti- he Nine -mile River. A petition 1rom Qf the Rev. Mr. Gibson declining tho Suppose you're dressed for walking, he him- t)ar;d Stattart and sevetrsil others pray. call to Chicago. to raise h & In fact, Kat&*'a lantern found its Own bad told her in words. deed, they all deellared, nor did is tipead W NO OF THE BED VO.RrA-R, And the rain comes pouring down, occasion for putting on almost the sem- It was a plot to wreck the train I self pretend to depy it, that Katie's for -aid for one Kenneth Smith who $4,000 per annum. Will it clear off any sooner blancoof a personal. friend. Thirsdame No matter why- whether for revenge husband shou)d farm broad aer"Me"s r4f the arturtately got burned out last fall. Ban= nCRANGIC ROTM Because ynu scold and frown I a d h K t' ' handkerchief flut- or plunder, or in the utter malignity of fertile valley than that he should be at IV It is estimated that buildings to the ,port of the I nopeator of Licensee MUkel SqUM And wouldn't it be nicer to value of $1,170,OOD will be constructed bg swe two rea%, 6.'n6d*th,. ..othor, when their souls-Katis never paused so much t6 Marcy of train wreckers and way. perst-ated. A letter from Mr. ia Ottawa this year. This includes Post. For you to smile than pout, even the reply all* received (rom the, to to &&it herself a question, but turned side lintems. And when thol tthqatiois odd Me I neyre t,o the effect that he CAPT.W. COX, - PRO"R;ZTOR And so make sunshine in the house) train convinced herthat there -had been and. fied back through the cut as for life wall doci,ied to her liking, such a huir not wish elections to be hold at his office, Normal and High Schomis, and LATXJ)FTIIB guito-f HOTdL Where you can get Pure Drugs and . When there is none without a change of some kind, and th t she or -death, for both wifre'with her, side &not kiss *as that which Katie Oro n. for the f uture. City Hall. Chemicalacompotaided bys, fir&t_CI&1jL would receive no mom signals from the hy side, and hurrying stop by step. She shield irave- Moved by A. C. Hawkins, seconded The Halifax Chro"ide says the Dorn - f the Suppose yotir task, my little m-m,J ' inion elections nedonly gave My Mae - A coutinnnce f thl favor ard support Chenlist. ()lwn night is" day A sablehand. Itwas,odArnough,buther had no thought or dread that the wreck. To whom I v X -Dalton, that thu, Coemcil refund Commercial and Travelling Public thAt IrAh accorded Is very hard to -get, kenzie's Government an almwt unanim- befemilie are, re.pmtttstly solicited. large and well selected it-ock arriving Will it make it any easier long accustomed bit of moriting pleasure itro had seen bar or wonl& follow. hy, to her lantern, of course. "Huney the sent of six dollars lic- f rom N ova Seoul&, bu t is d to 1334 weekly from E iropeap ard American seemed suddenly turned into lomething Neither WAS it at, all likely ; but Katie's Ing to'agroomeitt. " part (f the ex- On$ support Markets, TiZ For you to sit and fret I childish and uninteresting, i6 worn-out brain was too full of liar purpose to ad- TILO PAUViky Brittre at the r". in sorveviing th* road Lll')W&nOS the strengthening of the already stroag And wouldn't it be wiser , *is I s No.'41 a" 5 Lake Shore, aniusament.that it was time to put aside mit a thought of sell, and the, holdout position of the "I Govern monk. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Than waitinir like a dunce, The Railway Suspousion l5ridge below this township -C Ore day la4t week, Messrs. Murpby, Jump to Imb 119081 Shoulder Braces, To go to work in -earnest ith her discarded dolls. And to she her lantern fearlessly enough now, that ..iod,' Mg the Niagara Falls has long been pointed Moved by A. C. Hawkins, seconded McA#me & Co. Quebec, shipped f was Tru SeaSialt fur Baths, And team the thing at once I nadly prepared to eie it upt in the first she might be doubly sure of her footfi to an a wonder of race Ri- -4 , pe HAir Oils, tit of genuine blues she h.Ld ever indulg. on the ties slid stravel. haiiicLl and on Y P. Clare, that, with, reference to the the 0. W. R. station, Both well, a traim 11 . I ed in ; but, a v . enings afterwards And now she was out in the open air, nearing art. At the time of its construe- dommunication frn-.n W in. T% rrall, Esq., of twenty care loaded irith pipe staves, is &,Ass rted, HAir Brushes, Suppose that Rome boys have a hors ., rty it 7 per 700th iles, Combs, &c., kc, she lingered at t gartengte a little, beyond the. tipper entrance, and she tient, the suspension principle was the Ueye of York township, concerning the to Hamilton wharf. This one shipment or Towu Props And some a coach and pair, -Wrl, 1 light still shining ?nly one that could be adopted for bridg- expendinic of the Municipal Loan Yund alone netted the G. W. R. Co. $W. Loan On PARN after her return om Aunt Betsy's, to could see th peace! cent. Apply 10 LA pA;t LOT OF Will it tire y(, t less while walking t h ing the chasm, C.. CANPAIGN bolicitor.hm' set the night-exprom go flalihing by. It. from Aunt Bet4ey*osiudow. But there btit since that time, now *of fy, the t 0 Reeve,and Clerk be The long staniing Montgomery claint, f. DYE STUFFS FRESH ANj) 000;D., T -j say, "It isn't fair I" twenty years since, such improveraent4k Imitructed to sign the enclosed petition o'"s 4f4 - Gododch. -was a grand sight whien it came, incom- was no titne to g there for help. 'And wouldn't it be nobler %nd in) sterious The train must be so very bear hay@ been inade in the arts of iron cast-' On behalf of the Council and forward for I sustained by the burning of his The Asdicine prepar d biJ. Bond To keep your temper sweet, parably more interit. premises during the rebellion of 1837, is in tijo darkneas than ever in the day, KAte did for a mornept think of kind- ing and welding as to rendor it possible the same to him at their earliest couro- about to be settled by the Legislature. MON Y TO LIEND for purifying the It" far surph'"es all And in your heart be thsinkful and KL)io &Us hsd never ling a bright fire on the- track, but that to oonstruct a rigid iron brilgis over the 4ionce-Carried. 'for $3,OAO for that other preparations. You can walk upon your feet thonglat so Imfore but she almost un- would take too long, and the great rain boiling -atera of the Niagara River. The Pathmasters, Fence -viewers and The (;ov*mment ask N IMPROVED FARK rRO_ 1 I purpose, in the supplementary estimate& cohociotisly raised her littIsi lantern, and horror would come befor even a small Besides, the traffic on the main. line of iound-keepers vitire appointed. 0 party,, at 8 per cent simple interest Anil suppose the world oinn't-pleandyon, swung it siviaud her )load as she bad faggot woulJ be well &blaze. . the Great Western has Accumulated to ; Moved by A. C. Hawk The supplemont&r.v estimates c,niy Per amum. A ly to Bond' Tonie Bitters, Nor the way snme pe, ple do, used it) a live lawr 4rit1lierchief. "There's nothing but my own little lluch all extent 'that the single track by P. Clare, that in*, teeolvided amount 40 about K5,000, pp N, - I Do %oil think the whol a 4relat inu an the by-law of th - lifore than SAMICEL SLOA1 For Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Palpi 0 half the Sulu Is on account of the Agricul- Colborne- Hatel, tation of the Haert, Indigestion, Can- I Will he altered just f -,r you I Could she bel i re her olies I 'Antern"' almost sobbed ponr Katie Across the bifidge does not ffersufficiont Counti C uncil of Huron, incorporating tural College and for the settlement of She almost refusod, to lt;vo them any ­51aybe he will.know it when he sees it: facility forthe business that prosents it- the % illaRe of -Lucknow has art taken the Loundary dispute between Onkgno Godericb, Oth OcL, Irt 2. 1338 atipation, Headache, Bilious Diseases, And isn't it, mv boy or gir'l. faith,at first, Imit thun there followed A but ho must be warned before lie reach. solf, which is circumscribed still fartlier the deiired effect, and it app;.&ra His - __ ac., he., still maintains its superior re The wisest, bravest plan, quick flualt in her clius * and a witrin as the cut.". by the fact that it is not deemed to be ltxcollency the Lieutenant 0ovemor and Q,iobec. MOME)ft TO LOAN potation abote All others, both in On Whatever comes or doesn'tcoine, glow at Iter lit -art ; for she was sure Tho lautern shone like a frosty littla prudent to pass more than all- cars and ban not seen fit to set it said* for incor- Lindsay rejoices in a:)mpl.ete syst4* AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST. tano and the Uuit@ 3tates. To d.) the best you call I there h%d bee it an at riikg light, and star, determined to be soeu as K,,Ltis a locomotive overthe bridge st one i inllp. tion purposes, Resolved that this f water -works, recently constructed be A Call in respectfully a-AiLited. 111"o a Waterous & C sh4cotild alui,-vt loicture a tall forin in sprang forward up the track. She Lai nonce, long trains have to be broken up do pass a hr-IAw to annex to the no of Brantford. Reen't FREEHOLD Permanent Building'and Goderich, March2nd, 1874. 1411 wat4hWarill of I at. 4A little cb,lh bg, standitig oil the not f;Lr to go, for the train was ahead of in parts, and a large amount of titne bownship f Ashfiaid that part of said tests demonstrate that powerfai streams Savings Society of foronto. illatt(oria lmtw;-Vli two (of the cars. time that night instead of bei - no behind', lost in thus passing the rullina-stock in Village which fqrmerly belonged to the of water can be thrown over the highost For particulars apply to M detachments over the suspended wire oid township, and that gopy of this buildings izit wnhereby forming a good Unpe, She knivir very little U railway as would Beira ,'been wore deti structate. Tito i a prote--tion against fire. A. M. ROSS, TO While there's a hand to striho I illatters, , but i s lot so dull ble under the e1rcurnstanceii. N rope do& building an resolution be forwarded to Mr. 4wls, t GodeAeb. Dire, . . %,q site - I Agent &I to tk:, the,. wall! an* had inythia; piprd t, K C= iroaamil.t.n. b,idg-bf -ufh,:ie.tb,(,.dth X. P. P.-C.,ed. DeC.. has been lo"-.ttd by y Secroaq and Tresusurer Very Thing Wauted While there's a young heart brAve in a changai (if trains inabiold more suddenly than Ilid the to admit ct a doudle track has been for Moved by A. C. HALWItins, Deco dej upwards of 150 of the loadinsc and most Toil, of the lo"motire some time broached, and on Thursday. by P. Clare, that this guncil J:nt influential citizens and residents of Via. CRA RJBERT014: d,..t-* She.did not let Grand glaring eyes I r ilttiere*v a, task unwrought ad V distother Crowninshield light that now glowed upon her Mr. Kennody. Chief E-igineer of the Allan McDor&ld the a f ' dollars toris and vicinity. The asir is said to Toronto. "461. fili.risin r.. h7j on, 0 Trust, we hei, however, the next evening whon out. -of the overshadowing might, and her Great Western, in onnipany with the r mouth for ous year,h. 41; in very hare had no eq ual in the Province sin" MONEY TO LEND there's a G od t(, 4so-ro &he again otit, to tho gLte, 'almost lateru wanted iustantarocoualy vanish. celebrated railway engineer, Mr. Clark, estitatis circumstances - 1 be paid the well -remembered banquet to Hon. NEW RARDWAU STOU Learn made a professional examine tion of the intipthly y Mr. Dalton, Deputy ReaT8 Mr. Seward. At Greatly reduced Rates of Interftt onsotherinif -her littie lantern ; for she ad. That there's a work for a&& 4 1. had a hall Illitterivig aort of dreiFA tb*t I ,it is so small," she cried in agony, river and its banks with the view too pro- -Cisrrikd. Ear laland journals aft In Feel, Oand he will never is* it." pare plant for the ere tion of the proposed M-ired by A. 4Z. Ilalakins, seconded advocating the abolition of the Le&IjL- hwq Ally Aln nnt ,f Money to thin veond vyl-risient mig4it fail. Tioan rnoin two wt m n yrAm, at a ii v rate of That tbore's a strength fit God I Full t, o : tile greeting from 46 Nevertheless, on a low mound of structure. It is believed that the plan by .P. Clare, that the N. & 50 acres of tive Council in that province.. They oon- interest and fa-urabie t, mix m rel ayioent. lavablo Knovi, by F"riv tasWirw"t ; m.e u(oxlwn%eo will defy OPPOSITE ARXET HOIJSE. train,wes, an re:jdt RA was Katie's own earth and stones, close by the aid& of the that is likely to enmrueud itself is to lot 13, con. 14, W.'D., be taken from tend that there is no longer say necef- That Aare's a crow ii reserved ."Voo I llveiiii., " Pd th I ttl Lantern track, Katie took her post of eharity construct an immense &lose arch, built hool Section No. 12 and annexed to oily ftir a *oeopd chamber, the ' compstitlo . - , a I el Laselobly ttle ran. I up from the level ef the'river, the key- hool. S ctiltfl No. 4, and that ti a Conn- being held onflicently in chock by the 'HORACE HORTON wall bt be. t4e % ery and danger, and swung her h Thoi h cl ud and rod avoritm titically to and fro, while she Itol- of which will C&-witt of bx-tstir th that effect -Carried. Milaister of Justice on the one sids and kplaralseir For ties- Caunda L. a, rder to resist by 1'. Clare, seeitrulled by A. the people on the other. olinnPirtt Building Ar L Per - SIGN Of TH*1 [NEUM R l i ve, I t, es hile I h a Octo days now tried to make her sweet virlish voice blocks of weld I iron. in o The ab(-lition Navings When Ahere's, a fue that atA the glorious -enings heard through the re" and clamor of the crushing intluence Which the weight by, that the stim. of four hundred of the "Upper House" would effect a :,niger.44'ratitimoillivr 0 -main. ividbe- the rashink train. of su--h sit arch ould throw upon.the Ilars be grAnted by this Council to saving of over $3,5W a year. %A hen, tl,tTe's brother a need little, at the d Is ositi- o n On came the' railway giant, tugging Crown of it. The arch once got into ist in cutting the bill at;.DungsrmoIi A soeiety of teruperate drinkers has INSURANCE CARD, . I I W.1,01, Itopay solua to with his, his precimis frei-;ht of litinian position is trditle-work bridge of iron d that the same be deducted Crum the The Muh4cribili Is ormt f4tr the F T T-11.klf T11*1 J%'Ilea tber%;o a t,!.ullder N Itut 1106y. y rl life, and it flashed upon Katie Crownin- wbuld be constrtictd from either bank Vortion comialz to the concession, of the been formed at Ottawa. It in against 11neurstnee Clarnpairsiess u Lutirs.­w 1 41, " Shpi Shield'R Mind What SO SAf . I to the ceptre, the. whole forming a per. balance of the Municipal L,oan F nd their rules to driak except sparingly,- I'lay, i- for yo:U, ch! and treatial is not allowed. Each man ­It'ss; Pmxvi kfor--ou.ch' HARTFORD orliartto'd- & ab its wur ali& dit ed asid ; and it's thFough the t, tp., (4uffori maneut rigid structure sufficient to ac. tunney after paying off the railway in- must pay for hip own d6nk. Thin is PROV I "CIA L of Torun a the train might It _7. What if a railwalif train shou Coate in. w tLe great Klars, and thil all -4b- a stiove in the riSht direc. ;r ramodate an itnineuse amount of Intl- andoubwdly BRITISH AXKKICA. .1 omnt,, COMPLETE STOCK OF &Imqgt fie, and enabling the trains tu be work- Moved by A. Drearly, seconded by P. tion. The absard systeru of "treating" Wire dr Nlax-issin business d.us at the oalong before 'she opuld (MA anlrbing torrent of *.=O, and lowest possit,le mud 114). gratifidlame, that will no h beforo'Katis know it, the object of her Ed, over without resorting t,, the detach- 'Clare, that this Cou getti-9 "treated" it ris. ------ ap. everybody, and HORACE HORTON HARDWARE. Truth I I r%oniforiable Wi,' laughed KrAie . "like rii I atl and hope and fear had dashed ruthlessly ment expedient. The plan is a daring iDocuirtion Telegraph Co. th f turn, is a fruitful source f i mmodechte fashiwn 0 z , at the foot I are viry ;:,bad plant %or, anti was quick!f swallowed UP - one, for thoi span would be one of very il i in consideration of thee salliudfudop indulgence. - Office Market Square, Goderiah falkincrivibieh ill V. 1.1 at ad f. . "Too outil.& to " Amid gran iother. 'fivul her a' hi in the rocky Jaws of the groat extent. Nor would it be poesibla, qpening an office sit Dungannon to oon Oct. path 1370. lkzrrt-,w Is. -Age, had almoit ' It iilanixt that a lightning express t t a. Aviati tit the mot *,I never raw a living boinic c!re moyro, deep cut. Vith IL M of JorL6f and dus- we apprehend. in the absence of the iron meet either with Godorich or Lucknow, train will be run on the Grand Tru-ik as - I tt. th L ,. !W& a, isppuiutment on bar lipp, snd a etrange key -stone expedient, which promises to provided the corporation of West, Wawa- ot next W" and ..iW I - for a dtimb tbiug' an you during the coming suramer. k uldrA win he firtile v retain in position the inintenad bl'WI-s'al ;oosh grant an equal isoun t- Carried. It will rim ley, a X,xxlly proportion uf who** see" done f.)r t list 0 re train. thrill of pain at her heat, Ithe pror girl from f"tori to Chicago without change HSU r_(111 ( C.- 'Ie and beried her stne-work that would pleas against it i Moved by A. Dreamy, seconded by P. go HaPARS011S, &GO appertained to Grandfather Ciostnip- 'llut grAnamotlitec wall -polipt r right mult upon the ground the little hin- from either aide. The span of the pro- ',Cliare, that ilia Council adjourn to meet of cam, making the entire Aiatance, from shield, and along this edge thereof,swe thask Katie ; for inly a night or sto after face, in her hands, while Montreal to Toronto in ev ur . t - - A comple new outfit is beirq propsred a her. sei4 b6d if feet, Aild it hangs at a agaitl oil the second Monday in May at Dylpasito T u .,1a#ket7H0U88 the curvas of the milw*vl aftev, WW tbat-.it umst bave Imen that Aunt torn ilLroliped uegl"DW "d it is 4. F. Graham's Hatel, Pori Albert. .r . I I seemed its birth III the clover lesige nor Jtt-taey** cl,. k- was al,,w-for K We was only forJune brief instant, however, height of 54 fcot, atmwu # 'to river. for the new train. It vrill ptabably THE ILLVERPOO L& LONDON 604wk sustaine-I by v;ml.,sed ofl4,560 "plie Court of Revision to be ripened on verynexrKate, Crosaninallield's home, in thv,vtrT tit id4le of the qut when her id Katie field to the terror and trou commence running oil or aboi tilt, _1801 ANI) GL01JF1 As for Katie herself, with her sweet earn % vre ou-Idenly fillud.ONIIe shriek ble .1. it,'fr in another she had picked ropes cf irim wit-tt, firmly atusehad to thi the same day 'at two o'clock, p. m.- of April. ied 111SURANCE C 0 M P A N V, 300 4,> TVZI T1%%r,4Z> M' fresh face, and her merry Lrown eylis, &not roar with shich the train held is up her starry friand4 sprang to 1W feet virgin rock, after passing over C,ur tow., uu,sr OkA c, T*p Clork. The Kingston lVing-gives publicity to tb *IroA,tF%gk era of great strength. It bat I in W onin the litilevalley and Jissr nestling boope at this upper end. and artod away frout C RE I A, Gy TE I) ment, towardthocut. She *:11lvlht of foot As Ciliated that the strengtb f the bridl;:L a ruipor -rrent in that city that- at the All'allable Assets, $97,000,4)00. war* all io world to hor-j^ indeed. 11 er Ajeart beat 411liCkly for ft 1110 and there we" sad wilip ti, her e9ual to a strain of 12,0(4 Wills, but SIAM ShOlM caucbs of his friends hold on aturday, Loosen paid In the cenro of Tbirty-five yeaus el- 'that she had over known, for she had but not wit It feRr, " &his lqlrang I;Rhtly any fawn, Sir John Macdonald elp,ressod.s. desire reed MCk that shohad often -%pead, but it "Owed to her still if she has always been taken to) keeo the Iiad Springhows, for the exhibitiou of to resin his most for Kiagston and with - been tout a we@ thing when Grandfather upon ispri-ILT111. on it ddwtt to a minimton pubit. Since FORT`Y MILLIONS OF DOLLARS! atill Grandmother Ct"wriinshield boesetie bof;,re n- teo ns an availitilla ptirch, she should never got through the cut. She lutt entire stock, will be held as follows: draw his defence to the protest. It is - father and inather to ber, fit placoof gathrrod her fluttering dross in,'re ch -se- paused a moment when the lower end I 'us completion, in 1855., a gang of too[) North Huron, At Clinton, Tuesiday, said that the purible object of this r,_ Ctauns 1 7 April 21. 1PITUM those wh-)Re faces She ClIuld 11:11411y new ly allis -tit her had exclaimed wait reached to vather breadth, oOd to I has $)60" constantly eagwed upon it in ported man(tsoorre is to owcapo the lt us- -tims, oxamiallig mated.t. n rty#8,0o0s0,0C3s0, are ts llg Qt mist from her eyeabefore I t494'sailig tip the 'bolt remember. ',There. Fru x4o enough; but to think hrush the South Huron, Ill. Brucefield, wedues- lattice of the Election Law and 0 enble W.Iteol as fast An 6030"d WITH Vt DEDUCTI,s. h the wires and keeping the whk)te well rity, Piseept Psywvnt and Liberality im s. her that she. was in anystuse his heirsIms, of it's C uming so ow sh looked upon the awful Wellft I 0 lisiated, so as to prevent from day, April 221. hibi to present himself for election in a )"t out Or Its 10000" us the protilintut featur.. w Near onow,rh Ind Stephen and Usb,,rne, at Esieter,, * Fri- sa.fer coast i tuenc whose rpreson"on ad'al ded; and Kate leaned line w must -bit prepared for her. .1t1thy,corrmany. for she seetoo rathur tu belong to the Is FIR JkAJ LIYE POLICIES .;r, very valley than'th vlley toh; r ;. nobile hard atzRinst thelcrag behintl her, for it And then -whyt there wall the, train, it,* effects of the atm,,phare and it day, April 17. tra friend is willing to resign. llb4ftl con"Mont. Canada D J, WH I T ELY if au)-diii-g had brought it -to er seWmed as if she I , could fWI tho breatli 4, thu rear car risingelose ih.front of her, front the FAIR,, ,ahich ill varriej 0-olloarne., at Sneith's Hill, Turailyr; On oriday aftern"u, JGth inst.. id" w4re but I down by the win,l. Roeout ex Head Mee. ranch. MON. FGS TO THANK THE 'PUBLIC ind, that Ler good oll grand ti the iron in-mattei on her cheek. In f,iie while -the others (slid thre "' . l";t_ April 14. about four o'clock, the PassengerSuspon. inu TREA B to, live forevrtr, would on ha-ld dild clutched zwore timiallY the f,,Is few of -thorn that night) sitmA all erect tions have showed that the whole i Groy, at Brussels, Tuesday, April 14. for the libt,:,,l l-Arowe Accorded wave 1 v to he of heir shawl. &all in the othershe raised hpon their wbeels boviond-not ROOdc'Juditi"ll, 51) fAt as this eye. call sion Bridgeon thb low level ever the 0 Deajardines Canal n4kar Hamilton, gave (J. t.C. H,fiesident-4-acretary, him in the past and to &nuounco that turned thu brightest JuDw.dAY to dotect, as it was u;xin the - fint day of 3k. to be sure: but All apparently 2.4varlL Ad ON f It ICA L hetib carries on Carriage and Sleigh gl(-r#i-t December. i herLintorn, as it tho feebig star -aid be the tc-6 itseroction, while the tesU to which it way, precipitating three vehicles with A. U. 1(03b. Ageat tor Godersich 0 13at, in them latter years, one, I t of of at#- and then her gromp eicept imam, wit -9 making in . all its branches, at the -old , ; has been subjcted d%ritiK the last nine. Ham Ft 23 The forluiog their occopauta isito the can%l bl,)., a IT061te kmartin's Colborne Outity had paitiT6,11y s.rug;zled into tot it grew Antritle'I'lly Tory tight inead polished metal glitter#d iri thi'varying stand, i distance of bet ween 60 and 70 feet. F..tLr eastilig out 16 little fro I oOUarriages Buggies, Waggons, i Ratio'$ world., with an spliarent mission fur, I I Ole platform lights hat Ilashed tilion it, &I'll wh,*e t6eu years havO ground4xl the public 1`04 navi it is 1l,robablo that Sir (;&met fAith ill ilL% C home were drowned, &Ad Leo men bar. "ANdHOR LITIR. -ban" everything else in his line kept oil to unite the val!ey with that i u. f the car,,. ariAe11 king )rward, as it hoane throat sccv*tn a an*-rlV will! the mplete ccurity. . But Wlealey will be rewarded with the rank eacaped with their lives. Mr. ireat u I otive,had them is a theory afloat that the particles of blejor-General, and a Nnsion tof 27 - rowly known. which IAY be)'Qnd the hills ind stixinns i, r min to lear the cut, escaping &team, for the 1,0c"41111 Moore had his wri#4 -broken, and Mr. and Or, made t. order of the ef irotl anderizo in the courso of tithe, 500 per ainum for, two lives. kraos(Wsw Yens avakv-7cas. ruaterial and in th , lodgt4 Kstiq had sea, the raWed Ilift at-od, a t hilindsome I &rded man in 0 . ft"XV 0 must workman -too to grief pretty.cleadedly Aftloug -%DAY AX10-SATUAD-1,T. cluvan in, the gramits f Wall, watching it (I:trk blat. p"It4s, with it auter".1n his, thogranitti boulders that were 6ealwd Ia. PleWl lAr cipinito. " b) whieh t lie orixt Gray was seriously. injured. Several PA' ; TRUP Tanager. , ! nal striength bocumet itmatly, twipalred, Here are th ten ouenniandmedia 1 others were ni- ore o; lama injur"d. The XG rlLoXPTLY AX . RcrTZD. and his rater, watclOng, exp"nt on the track. by the fiend.4 who had PAS8Jl4GEJt ACCOMUDAT16% UNSURFASS]IT) RX]PAIRL curiously from door or window, and i still which has soinetimealed tn dismator. Buddha:-Firztr,-ThoUL Sholt not kin. pinned t1o,'wrock. . The Passougers Soontid-Thou ablut n,3t take for thy. tea tern' "ea The Goderich. 25th Feb. 19 listeuinit for the dull reports of the face came 14- vory close to ht r owA I 112:0 Wellbuilpe was miraculous tatcs of psonge from Sno. Bridge or ticff,ile to 73. blasting charges, until the barrier wall It orna like a gash of ligLtning ; but were swarming arlit of the cars, aad none At what, liarticular p"riod this action, ,a illi,,ob = t sorne ttm* ago by he Hamner. Literpool. L.ndoad.rry, Quessit-a or — ____q ierced and the rim,-Oy cropt out and Kate know tire face, and site knew also if the.rn seemed to be hurt at all, nor presents itself to such & degree as to If what belongs to another. Third- _mpany, and up to the Wrest: C4lsn4W, $16 and SW Goll, &,-,ding W F Present it eol hC$iveor attratfive forces Thou shalt not break the laws ofcharity. a thought to be perfectly ocati,st. loterviediAte V9 : Steerage 134 ound its wav down thro4igh tho valley; that she herself had been seen, and all#, did Katie hear the soun4 thit toldher' ""tlrp.r,i.l:: in not decidtAoas it Fourth-Thob, shalt not lie. Fifth- We. The bridgii separated hup of tt. in the rai. DRAFIS [48VED AT LOWES7 RATES. CARRINE er w y .1 audf ever since the traws tvg&n to run, marked tie swift paling of the as site swiftly thread, It a. to varyinK conditions, Thou, '&halt Att slander. Sixth -Thou die. For pa"a or further inforrratios. Apply to she had counectod wiih thenti the idea bronzed visage all it roo.guized heir, and ismong arul past them. She had mi4ht q- tality a ' hall not speak of injuries. Seventh- HZNDZRSON BROTHER8. HAMILTON SREET, GODERICIV of a life that was almost human. She then bwept vu into the dar*n beyond even . f thh iron, the Bishop-lAwis,of tks Epi%oopai diocese 7 Boorling Grern N. T. be- & glitapse, of a group away method uf it""allufactoral, and,po. ityly ;hou shaltnutexcite quarrels. Eighth- OfOutario, has stirred up the anifursity had waved her handkerchief enthusiJulti- yriod. the shattered l000motiris howevor,arilich XW. IL WARNOCK kxnm h are ,in magnetic inattention, whi Thou shalt not hate. Nnith-Have )r -Neir Agent cally to the very first train, and had "It@ was alfraid I would be hurt," she forbads, her lingoritig even for a single for, the congregation aF Picton by ap- ..,fiaotly unders faith in hot Tenth- Believe P, Itig Rv. E. R. L,wcks, to th; Rec. Gode olsll. ht down toward her own but i- t -d- If comaid- : i 1416 been liberally responded to by passon- th-nizlit, ; and then she said aloul : instank Rig of this kind lu-S,been at work in ltumOrtd, fly. tory of that tuttria, in place of the late writin". *rs and cor.d tictor 1 and, although ll o But he must have seen how safe I garden -gate four men were carrying a em"o" the construction (if a solid was' ,n nd ouiers were Joll,,R, ouggest he oy. in. Macau ler" and in spite of the A L L A N LINE. fad been then a little girl an4l was now up here on the ropk. I don't believe heavy bn,r,l, Le board them say, as she railway bridge at tive Falls, the inica- S UGGXHTITZ. -There is &Dubury le- I . a young lady, she nevoryet dreamed,of swung his lantern at our garden gto to- inx, .nd, Kis Lion would be that - the Urext Western gondtO the effect thap I a party desiritig unanimously expreio d wi.sh of the mom- 8T3A3(TO in giving the nilliat-" . darted by- Company are looking to the 4afetv of to tcling"t'solne privIiato busime . th berm of the church to have Rev. Air. Averpool, Londonderry and any unmaidenly A)oldntso Katie did not even reIAW her adven- -who is it 11, the another was itlyited %o step as wl Lewin.the preseirt curate, promoted to be Sallie white signal of I welcome, at times, lure to ),or scrraidmother, anti oil her -.why it's the conductor. lie was public am well as to their own it' into a iteramu Rectr. Bishop Levris ban a repu"on k anticipating any such natural ti nighboring store. 11 Glasgow when the great' railway ruysterY -210 llt visit to her Anut Ratsey's she was thrown from the platform, of the forward In ac on Out we Will be d'a- for ruling his dtools" with a red of iron, very SATURDAY from PORTLAND during win- rushing out of the cloven wall. There nol , -to c'mis %wity in tittle. car." which time mity, at some fliture but in- turbd there," s.,id tW first party. 110 110 I aud at in net coustjored likely that he ter and from QU ESE$.- in surn.-r. as one traila in particular to which definite Period. bring The L,, said the other, 11they'don t istlyer: 'OTIcs To Pza"xs wisened To @Rxi) rolk TRIUS KNOX & ROTHELL watia'. atturitions wer at last pretty ' lolldon't v;ant to tcot hQuie a.) rer) "Is he killed I" at t too. will alter lAis decision in this ca". The Fziz . In uvh too earit site said to herself am "I hey say So. Nobody 011ie, was Of the bridge now b",ler consideratt-ri Ileg to inform the 'public that they are well restricted -is through express that would be a nall compare wi kh th congregatioa are highly indignant mud JERAONS wishing to sand for their oinnas mn she finished her visit and harried her hurt. Ile wrjasplandid follow." at of I lireatan to secede. and it is stated I hat . Dhtsla rx4ftv Cortifiestes at lowest "t- The in, Position to fill all orders with which went b at eight o*clock in the morning, 41bu h * WHE.,f file i.-r.—.,d 3,fln ( Bilitilless icksts ar,s good for one year and the atmount in *t u1cick at nis ht. With tLe departure, t I don't like, beitignsupht tall, b4nds9me, bearded nitin, in the existing 304p,mition Bridge, whic tires his brain- already they have invited Rer. Mr. irrund,od. irsa a s"i deduction, it not used... they may b4rentrusted, in a stj4j w be clothing, but his face was "llilobittedly the finest Mle of its ki 18 Gallagher, of the Reformed church, to _ h and 8A I'm glad I'm so sure dark Ill nd fi- -for it fory long lines, Katie hadl in the out at all. Th ling Stndent,, "%itl The fit j, -not 1A. meet AtIvilody. I believe I'd v4h&atty p4le whati they laid him tip )n to the World. The public will &wait " " ) "'"ge I preach in that town, ith a view w ag, smonnlaro by the A LLA N LI N 9 &I a ln,toi direct vehicles turned out Of thilir establish. felt no sort 1'f sympathy, siuca it could, 9 awlay from a strauger to- 10raudfather Crown inshioId's own beJ, wit), great interest flirther developments icklied o*er ith the 1).%le cast of tahlishing a congregation there, it is rom thd Steamships on to the orana truss: 're finished in as she thoughk, neither zoo nor acknoss- want to hid, thought," becits'bas daily more gaunt and rbanse at South qusb &not Portlwsl. and as a & very suprinr eourteoull greetings, while Ill - lal.neatas touch as from a rvAwr#y land the surgeon, who hal been scuung in this matter, but will draw the conclu- "!Voru- said to be in a great as t wwarded na at once to destination. - By this or- tyle, 10(19- train." the passengers, bent gloomily over him. h lnarlt 'and will bear ..p.r&on with just as antly ai bar u .,3zn the night, 6A from what is going on, that the an the victint of Neuralgia 'a rack- the manner in which the Rev. Bishop settlement passengers avoid all bacidentod expenses Xny. former, y "Head all right," mutttred the mat, Great Western anticipate& an im nonse I has conducted the Lffairs of the church in :n dink it indeed, an unusually dark and "I ru-ing f "gir.go. ud juornina "L' fietter#d buys the additinnal tr&Me ver their mail., line, Ottairs, t"t the prettaut schism in the Tile.firs Steamer too Quebec will leave Li,rorpool ORDERS SOLICIrp lt but Katie was d4siinodlo of science. "Unly a cut or ao. A ad by excruciating torment - go h, garden gate, so c rtainly would there be 4loo-v 111911 his to and will putforth &I The palpitating, burdened, and grief. ft I necessary exertions ble prom. church there is due. ra lot At -Ti pp'.Inted in heir hope of getting there's a rib, two (if 'call, and t For Tickets &ad eyery itiformeAlon apply to Goderich, 16th Feb. 1874. 1709 & floating flash of white to answer bier be dida tlloi)t seeing anybody. arm below the elbow. Stmcli the in order to), b000llo stricken Heart succumbs to 1414 S P. H. CARTER, from the platform of tPne of the cars, or thr.us1h the cut wi title ledge had ground on, tht's plear, and the other free Press. odiste it. -London sure- M -National tTaification, sa, it is Wi- en from the engine itself, for that, 21 ed line, bonos vre likely to be all right. ust ev And Katie knew very neceamrily L -en pierced in a cury any caume, and when additional streaell ad -the joining together of the various Gmud ruck station. Godurria . Is. oP910D UUT AGAIN too, happened. lis has beVn said, the gra k ithe", I When weaknoslistibilues the b ody from that 110 one standing at nne end of have been leauil:g out to IOU portions of a race into one compw-t well that in these latttr days, at least, 80 were its dimensions, should &my-hallu, what's Illat light on whole -id one of the famotile'-roli"I GODERI 'r had always cOnles from the tba cut, Jn11l1CrAl4 "s 7* Fly$ *Mt 1,11ke. is required, the most grateful aud bees. OF TUZ her ar.swe could see more than half way throuh. his face I" The following ficial eff6cta will ensue from the use of theories of the day, and millions ol dol, same hand. A tall, erect, manly follow interesting NtAtistics are Follows' Compound Syrup of Hypo. lars have been sacrificed in different Trust and Loan Computy of be cloth ; mind Aunt Betacyshouse was a -me little The light in the room, what with the front an elaborate report upon the phollphites. he was, dressed in dark Ill and CrnwJ %nd Cie country candles, had take&, "Piled by Mr. D. F. great oat stub. countries forthat object; but w)ieth@r Katie had been well aware, for a good distnce froin the pper entrance, rrand WHOOP12140 OWGII.-The M the result will justify the expenditure, CA N4.DA. while, that he wall the conductor of the the approch of the,, latter was gloomy been tione of the brightest, but j"It at 11 enry of Detroit: - born cased of Whooping Cough &re*cur- trair, but she had never yet been near enough tilat night, even for one who that inotbent a clear, golden glean, was "The length of Lake Superior on a ad in a few days by Fellows' Syrup of time alone can tell. Bilt this .0 d" 1newponled b enough to ape %k to him, or got.any clear- knew every inch of the way Re well as poured down on the face of the ilijilrell curved line i, 4W Miles- greatest lireadth flypophoaphites. The old iea of thip know, that the -4sliadiaa Pain Do. y Royal Chialer. d slowly, as if the radianc- itself 150 miles; at" 38 fl -r)' trdyer" is certainly the beat med icine or rotion Of his face and its meaning K t ie d i d ; but bcr ittle antern shome Man, an I I . square milea;aroa disease always rubbing a protmcted a hit", he opened h)s eyes at water -ailed, 61,63t) fur'curing colds, rbountatisam, neuralg* than might be given her in those solift it clietrils, 6 Littalt-ite bright reflector, had awakened square miles; dis. course has orploded. sulamer complaint&. &A., can be hod for CAPITAL- ONE 141 LLION POUIM. but Almost daily gliu'Pses. Whon or trowingits . dilince ahead, an ifit were anti lw,ked dreamily about hiln. chargeatoutlet W.783cubic feet Per Druggists and SIERLING. -to the be- tryina to tell her ; "There, dear, that's Tho surgeon heard a sigh that — securid; length' Of Coast line I 00 25 cents per bottle (,fall how he found his way back and looke lailes; temper&t I rpetual journey, or s t ; tioa,t l,t, alImid, I'll show you the half Ll aub close behind hiin tire of surface ;.tr - country dealers. ginning of his a I 1. in THOMA ` FundS for Investment. that V.tionever naked eve. track !" But Katis remembered jest up to see that that and the udden light suilliner, 5U to 65 dog. Fahrenheit- of C:3F' After war, Peatilencle, and inLem. question " but the water below IsJor lCefee of herself. It wall enough- that every then that it was getting littor every 1hin- came from Katie and her lauteral 9 -OJ feet. 39 dog.; d;,,p- E x e e Iff 0 Oil. perance-colds load to the greawt d, LOANS Made Oil the, Security of approved Farra morning the swift train brought ute,axkd sho tri ped briskly into the cut, just then the questioning eyes of the eat suaudii.g, 1 014 foot; elevation of !Jn ctiou of human Life, mainly, because Liti,or TownelProperty rat penod@ of Five him out of the 11mirriewn country beyond wond3ring why the Lantern light should wound'ed conductor fell upon her face, its surface abulie'the sea (M feet. The lVorth Tell Tintes ilts Weiiq4f in Gold ? is in considered by many to be of no y0erselto suitthe convenience of Borrowers, and t earnestly: length of L&ks Mi h- 7 411bor =yabts as otpiry of time or b an- the hills, and added a sompthlup., that make it b,ok so strangello h4 and nar- and he exclaimed, faintly bu hard- c tPn is 320 miles; consequence and hanoo systeniatic,ily owever, "I know itwas you. Thererial test b adth Pain catinat stay whom -it in used. It to the DWIveled a curable Sac ft Iftents. PsymentalaredctionoR ON. ha(timivin tobe very plessant, tothe row, Shohad notgon; far. h hillwauk built & oiwpl boaceepted at any time on favorable terms. peace Anil the quiet of bar do t to hqr ly room to stop the train in but we'd ( ,r (I 0,M Chespeat me, icitic ever made. osedusecur a w A.86 y. beforothe grauttewalls brough It" 21e to moulsoasTesoAT: Onebottlebas urdBa<rs. " , is converted isito a f&W pill. Aff kpr ved Wort"s purchased. ery noteworthy Cox if it i;1:1n't been slinare t. artits of W&ter-alied' Cairm. Fifty cents worib, bas cured an moaary one. Every, One, trotbled With eaft all the way from the end and around have 9000 hit to Pis - You've saved square There wall something v 34; 41,78 Ckv G. M. TRUEMAN, t the manner. the curve, a, if the cut had been a a k for you and your light. deaPellt sciund ;g '870 11TANDIWO COMR. It pstitively cured Catarrh whit is called a sligbt cold or cough, feet. Asthma ILAd CMUP. Fifty cents -orth has Isp riled gqn&At a WrraLAS 14ey&p even to railwar-TDOtI, abuu - ing tube, the sound of voice*, and Cat% them 'All. God bless you feet; elevation Of surface, 5781 ured Crick in thq Back. and -the same qQantttT should immediately use "Bryan'$ pill- NZI]E in which the road broke in UP04hO T&I nahield anddenly Lske Hurou's Ion th i sta-idin%. The fullo ley. deep jut, a sharp curve, and a could not makwout more then a word And so Katie Crowai arm of as& breadth M 1! 250 iniles; gmt- [Aftht B&A Of OiNtit years monic Wiafilrs"--they allay irritrAjob ,it w1to &Je mbined to make here and th'a' I lullag; area, 29,3g3 M COMT weller, heavy down grade, co re, but them was omething found herself a heroine, with a aw are ext"cts front a few I the islany lettft %Pf ANCING LOAN as W , I the precise point %here the conductor about it all that startled and frightened grateful lwople Lround bar, very much square miles; hare Wenrereired tr`Mc0hlr,-.t vartsofesia.. Once, and exert a most beneficial influ- SSIR far lise P.t­",. I"' lbanks in 'it" of toller &tied, 'I,712 hick we Was, abou)d'be sufficial, to astualit the once -it all the Bronchial and pulmiorl. Y Office, 18"yth. D him in the had learned to look for Katie's greeting her. At first also was half ioclimed to to her discomfort, Th y ul Agone the 0 wo d have Liam Ill sp i. i. Cot "6oW me#J doz. Dr. T'iar,da'uo" 141pt'rite% IrY ()M&ns gold by all DrUi%listo and .h.1ve paRL and m A b ft,, it 04 ieftoveol to the an interesting one ; and her white 1;land- turn and make, the beat of her way back made her a present if she had allowed Z,7126 cubic feet per second; deepest sold sit I bad from y,ju and wria more nowi it-. country dilators. Price 2b cto per box. now F.-M.w m the only really welcome words sounding, 702 feet; cler . .J;wl "" lo'k West evvn hare seemed to oaye to Aunt Botsey's ; but that seemed fool, 1,130 , but Ation of llurfs", curve !aro truly,wooderful." Wor. histrulre of 94 . , I kerchief mi W. 1-1. G. COLLES, JL101511= k the tulation at his repast- ish and Katie was a coarageous little she heard from a.uy one wore 6ose of 5',8 fact. LakO Erie-Leugth, 240 rrankfin, writes. 'I haw oul-I all tire "nt 14 it Tn a Howell. ,(which he is &, ALTC]a a species of cong- u xuij-; greatest breadth, sets ldi a charm --4t waa sl. at firm but tak's fertile, ,,,ktW%Ith. ad safe , mi L I'law Is passage of what ght at any sonl. She hid her lantern under her the surgeon spleadidlynow.' It. Cole, -floe&, son "Of the great number ,.( suirsust, Conveyancer, Solicitor in Chancery, and , Zatent In floderich itself into a danger. shawl. ho% ever, and stopped lightiv and "What, killed ? A man like bi.nl- V,522 olu're forwArd 6 dotes Th nas' P-loctrir thl. "JeAl 1164r - Attorney of the Iw %ad Equity A I&W' 9OW end ". Xlil1n&ndjl i time have shaped miles. area of wator-shcd under the e(mtrol -if man, the horse is Courts of I calls watch" to 600 a large S- w the -ward, trying to remember if nonsehae ! Ile'll carry Ilia arm art ly gut; notlongtiqa9sit- unquestionably the most serviolabl,;1I 0 Be that as it may, railway "cut" briskly for in & 2i,37l0q`i-%re1AilO0-disch gogtouilet' ad by tho" Who hare Used it - J. fi- . nd, Genealogist, I Ifrd, Land, Loan and Itstate 1166.8 VVP 20 X. selectd 't*')' had brought to Katie Crowniushielci, there were riot some rock or hallow Filing for a mouth or so, but he'll be up 242,894 cubic feet' Per se -bund; doe Thsamoviiie, rntes-"Scud at "" a fe"t- amp- but in it not strange , that so many who .Mt sounding, 204 feet; Olevxtion of a ply hl, I h- Inly one bM)o J.fL I OT 30 among other results, a shorter and easier where she woui be list* from the train. agtin in a fortnight." u 400 Never saw anything sell ­ well ab4 eve Path own horsin, aud who are dependent on Agent, Law. IAfe and kiods ask b be "I son I above the %6L, W5 feet o - en.nd satifaction " J. Timigson, Wo,sif-d their labo,r for a living, stuu.qld oFire lneumnesi, of &I ;a? path 0 the home of her aunt, her She did not think of or find any suph Of course no time was lost i Length, 180 miles; rJ5 wrl&ft, ,ftud me so" alloys Kidlect"r (W, f 1. WCJ ftp. n repair, 0 ritari - and General pip ster who lived just a little place, and, Pfterall, the persoua whok, ing the track, and in forwardiug the grftteot breadth give Oom that care and at umti..n which ALL SOLICITIln. A3 USiqAt mother's at sold entirely ouL 14 thkuq takes Use IL" Agent. way beyond th' miles; at-' 7'181 "Mr- 'it--, n of I & Rft,l Ulvert,01, P. Q - "to- 'I'lls WlwLrjr their 00 - interest an loft than the safety A C a lodge, s,ad who was voices troubled her were not in the Cut, passengers, and a few hours only SAW wSwaked, 21,58- "Peas"i an office in Blyth, at do late reo doace 1). J(X1ty never mokinfled if tog Many days passed nor Were they coming to tribet bar. She the ld farm house as quiet Rnd pisiodul bwW at outlet, i gliders -1104- dis- I IM W Ortu'vit & great rePuladon here, end lodaily and counfort of the hom demands. The 0 t Dr. H%tl,u,aoc seat ban" @Mzb of the no 3215,S39 cubic f m tied or Dead as a fl-rLhoor Raclily wiuvwt beat medicine for horses is vomborilailti,s vf V witis, is 0060", flo Lwithout bringing the sunlight of waa very nearly through herself before lookingasever. gronthosurgeolih" @ocoud; greatest depth. bo set per Gibb a CO., ou"1400m, r. q, 9 I 'hol an 1363 ut 600 feet. wrote ,i Oat gross oil, we lied ' Condition P,.wderss Arabi H A04 face across her threshold. And she could make otit what it All meant dore his work and gone. The ang'114 elevation Of sort I its.," care law Busla"111a I"Luld V"*- Dr 4Z - ace `bOle the Remedy;" of this there can ben., d,, SS. fitch s r j1y &*Katiehad yorleand returned, m­lY but ,as i.be paii%elt in the deep shadowit lay battered among the boulders, where fee-. Tito grand Is" 232 71 by ll uied to, ne doblans. Price U toota ,on% wt Datilia de" - -aLh I of the rocks alad peered ti'llidly out to- it h,d forced its wilful way. The cort, of it's 141 ' in 11, *1, TVI.Sd, I'MLro, N, Y**,,;; iiiessle'and essily given. Remember ad; 0 y y the, -1 --She h&A I ward the low' dull and trutfled sou"da, ductor lay still (in Grandfathe cluding several smaller lo'k . a$ , I and many a t,me,.by the,narrow y MGM" Is Di between the granite wal a. rCrownin- bare miles -of tits WLie 04) Is 108,631 1 X6ItTnW)P A LYJIAN. To"NTO. Dole AV let ad name. Slid "a the aign.tbr of and f.r to Sad veto 'I free 1ft staketit or . with which Ill# voices were no lougor i shield'& bed, and the dtf - _' show. '-hod&, 175 571 1 fi,rth W-nimns. Hvird it Co., is on each pa. kaze N rrth- Notes umt OW, %4 th , III be i learned to walk the rails like A rope ul slumbers the JJO, Z. _ Y, t "r Wdr, t LIV, to any_ eanW_&JoModa8dr dancer, and she know it's time of orery minglo4 linAd, quic6 gleam, g that our by U00.4 rop Lywan, Newcastle. 0at Irour !surgeon's opiate gave him were starry rnt_ tute i - I .; pr,- ut one-third of all the I j., bug a p lift aon day (9t' ,.r..:, F.tid- T 4 aIt1% howd, of RostatT a14 BruU., 0 too well, the oftan told Abut a lantort, sudenly shaded or extinguish- I with rittors for Cansda. timIld by at not% %Qum &in nals th t tk*ta finger*s hold Up fresh ater an tho".?, t4 herself caught ia the ad, allot across the track not many yards be yes. As f% -r Kati* tHzetsy, never to go 0ii. droll, in"g li aeaYork. fGy, twu. Dan lesson. A -6 L. ., I 0 i e 0 (RSTA-ILL11313D IW,) 00 of the L&rW P&WI 111111410011 0 C"ads' printed %ad he%qu". by J. J. BZLL, I,prroz Ax psortarros. nSs if adit laffiv.a. no paper discontinued tit, all arrows am except at the OpUca of ths pabilsbar., RATES OF ADVERTISING: algb& cents per line for the 11"t and iftwoon. es"A net ex,00ding I lines, 14 Par sa.anl.nomllta 101ift" $5. Th number of line,* to be reck-meil NY th-Nsaca %*"need by&ocaJ*ofwbd N.NP-Mll- AdstrossessaillwitbAut oportoc 4irectioes 1 111 be laserted maul N,rb%4. and cbarpd YKARLY A01112111117TT11 The folio -not rates sr'31 be cbmM*t 90 "'e're"Ats and otban, who advertise by the yew,— O!? Column I year * ­ ...... ....... 6 m.nthe ................. 3 usr,uthA 29 112.11tha .................. the .............. ... ............... man ........ moa%4 ... stithth ....... Tom ... mouth$ ...... S months ...... This agreen-Out Is t. he ft3aeerto the -rdisor not be bolt 11 A Irtion !We% PemOv& co-Parinership Pri t. Ad,ortil"mentao saivideadon,mbeesi,of llrm , 11,milds to lot orfe aell above rates will in all imum to itrtctl ad bored to. Adw.rtisolholats Intended for insertion in an: ps,%,cal" issue should reach the offics, by soon Ol k' Tuo.day. The tselle circulation of tb6 911ONAL makes t on aa 'urpassed advertising modium. ,106 WORK OF hLL 01111118 rsor,AW4 Wilt sostn 40d.p.tb. Bill. ptiAii a,h lsyoawwt. Ordersbyssiall pisuct'aally &MOW ad nVaGcom MILVITIST. (,41_gft and residence, West Street. Three do6as belstor Bank Of Montreal, 131 I- l . L (GradVAW Of V Gill Ua"`arS'ty1 retSEAFORTIEL of Ito", hotel. aw street, 604 OPPu&itv *cC&Uum*A hotel - oalbrth, Apelft'd, 'I 367 M.C. d4blesinnon AMOYLIL.111.1"Norill do,,# (Coolon setion McGill cone" Hyslop . &c.. Glace, Hamilton series It Pat I'sirlorl 0 "Its A14D AMRMIlly-AT-LAW, ANZ r.,errtv C-sru Attorney, JO VCANNIWW wS2 J. T. GARjk*w. 13AIRRIff"It AD ATrOILN91. Jac.. 0% L 1367 be.Ch"cary, 0-oditrich, TVQWWM-A?-IAW, 86LICTTORS. IN Cesneyanvers, 4e. Crabb's Block. XONRY TO LZND. Im CIKA& NUGM 'pr Licalt De. VV.l XL. a QU tic te. B AftftlaTRR, ATTOR24111Y AVLAW, 9OLICI- torn Chancery, &a. tAi4arich, out. 01106, Ashesou's Hock, West Street. oodezteb ArrOR1XT-AT-LAW AD POLICITOR-IN Chsaeery. (, oovs!anoer. Rosary JrUbft &c. (Mae, Ipposits the post Grace. West Street. God ortch, Out. AW CHANC&RT AD C01*179TAC1140- LOJko%,.,pesW wateowd, 0040tal Assignee. iGoderich. Ula&. - gainers Jk AXRI9TZR6. ArTONNJITS, SOLICrMRS,kc. 6 a*., Ciontoo, Out. "311 mwirY TO LEND. JWXV9T&`4CZB AD GIC13RAL LAX Urawn Laa(b Gillet. Go,lorlch. OOL bloney to L.end. IN and Specilwations; drawn -iastorsrs' and Illawna' ed. 1 jMuch&nsoxlX &vv-&on Ah; IMobanson i LrA VS an hand all kinds of daobw. Doo". Blieds. and Ltrosiped Lamboir, at the Qod- oXv. . T. DUNIC", V. S 0MADCATE OV DOT4210 VIT-1 ... I C"non- Or1rfCZ AND STABLES, gaw,sde street, Fifth Rouso Itast cl Colborne Hatel. -Hor examined am to sound - 1313 PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS 4% EXPEDIT10 0 SLY & PROPERLY I toured in Caaad,s. the, Un Mail States and Europe. I x1filiew"toodor". eh rX.. Se.dforprist- I P.14",titroodems. Aseaelr , n,`perstlosa ton learn. IMay Gltls? 14twirs, C^aAdA f at Patients nd BARN= in returning thanks to her friends in Goderich for past patronage, begs to say that the is now p"Parod to give Lessons on the Piano - 4 for%* and Cabinet Organ and in Sin". Residonce opposite Mr. Savago's, Calborne St. IW3 C X RD. '"M SKIIIXINGS, Toseharof Music on Piano Forte and Organ. Terms as Usual in advance. Residence, Stanley Sit*@%, Goderich. January 5th. 1874. 1403 JIMIES VIVIAH AS IUM)160 HIS RSISTAUILA" To &Abossaa-S100-1111ack.1foortetroat be I will be tied to 8" all Me MM: oysTang, ae.. as. sky IT In their season. HOT AND COLD XNALA AyALL WOUlka. THE ACAD Y LiOR Y017NG LAIRS U-,TDZR rH]l W airewon of the Bisys" of Josarz will be re-oponed on W X NZ2A)Vr Jam 7th i974, Tuition par quarter ...... . I ..... 03 00 NMI* lastrum#0"I ............. 7 00 Is vaeg .................... boo "tall, ................. 5 So preaA............... ......... 200 DMWiW .......... ............ 4 00 payusealk qRsirimly sad in advastes. ploils and etwomutia usadlo-work do 806 fovws oxwe dorves to Papua. unc, 7 7 now CAVADA. A return shown that $13M0,000 am tised in lianking opwati~ in Haufm Laborers are getting only dx&Y 41001114 a day, and mecheasm $1.10, is Quebec - The Royal Lyomm, Tarooto, is being rebuilt on a much larger scale. Yarmouth. N. S., contemplates build toga sugar refinary. r" prom of the Maritime Provinces %KL7' *rally condemns the goo mtect,ow", principle. 4r JAKS (0) Tenders an advertised for in the GuelplipLpers for the arvotion of a Gen" Hospital in that town. TkoOrango Incorporation B:lI has been 'rejected in the New Brunswisk "The Greatest Possible Good to thG Greatest Possible Number. Legislative Council by six to three. shop Tacho's pamphlet on the Aroblim R4 Ritw controversy is entitled "Ausasty prolnised and tualt granted." VOL. XXVIL WO. I 1. WE NESDAV. APRIL -1 874. WITOTIEN0.1415. Miill.hasiagirl,twelvoyearsof GODERICH, ONTARIO,, WE age, who weighs 246 powndis. A Cor- respondent vouches for the oorreirtnaiss cut.' Zelp if ahellould, &be astild,thore below, ani then oil was darkness and and her lantern, the latter I had fairly of theaccoant, and aska: Dos& this who AM n80. ARE-YOUNICK? Poctrp. were ever so many plaoss. whore she oilonee. burned itself out, and was adeep on the canl I ___ - - I . ___ , __ could clambermpon the rocks atthc4i4e, But thatone nroment,f illumination table in Katie's own room, and she her. COUNCIL 11SWrIJIG.-Tho Optimal! just The htel-keepals of the town of ZIP sucm 13 TUB CAAi VA LL ON and no entirely age. Nobody in that had revealed the moet extraordinary self had by no means comproliended as this day (9th Karels,1874.) pursuant to Perth have raised the price of liquor by 90DLMT ftppu& peaceful regitm dreamed offset at bol g things to tile keen, excited vision of yet the happy con"qu*nom of her rail. adjournment, all the members present. the glass by mutual agreement, *air rilucs No. 33 ;Me 3M 400 rw WV, : "out after dark ;" and son and again Katie Crown;nabield. way signalling. It wall very much like The minutes of last meeting were read main reason being a 4mire to read the A.P. A. A. M. Suppose, my little lady, ULAR COJIMUNWATION PHARACE17TICALCHEM1,3 ,o hadgoodAunt BMAslotained herpot Tborowere loan, three otfour,she a dream to her, for Katie wastno and & roved. A letter from Wait. Tyr. q uality of the liquor sold thera. 111112 Rao whee h 4! 'Your doll should break her hood, until night had fallacir althoagh her on- could not any how many, but rough. prophetess, nor could *van her tan m rell, Eq., Reeve of York township, Anowearpetfactoryllasbeea establish - is bow on tletar" wedsonalsy of ea b 26 ream Practille, various dis- Co"Id you'make it whole by crying - throw any light -,on the future. She relative to the%f unicipal Loan Fund ad at Elnra, Out., which employs thirty - nth as T.30 p; - visiting b -Waft &ads havi. been rolievo4 of , Till your eyes and no" were red I ly company homowvd was herilittle star fierce, wild and anxious looking and be eases incidentaktO the coneWtition. ot L of a lantern. It was a neat little lant. bwe them On t1ke railroad t;zkl from could not "a, just then, and yet the was read and ordered to be fyled. A A" bands incloding seventeen met), W. DICKIA).N. See. And would it It be plossanter arn with a sort of piquant and winninst which the *Ishad boo 'ad &w ' t days that followed brotight it all to pass, petition wall received from Wall. Harris and manufactu over 200 yardsof v Ay Jue roe Qipitsri b,4th May. 1611- sw73-1 I To treat it AS & joke, character of Ad own. like everything a]" there, was a cable = of,,hcavy that neither she herself nor Gran,iflath. i6nd one hundred other ratepayers pray. oarpetinit per day. And at) you're glad "Two* Dollf's that belonrd to Kistie Crowninshield, granite boulders and fragment&. Katie or slid Grandmother Crilwninshietil, ing she Council to make some improve- It is said the oonrMation of Erskine It IbUM DRUGS. And not your head that broke I"' r NMD kO and she ersolf wao'balf inclined to understwod it as clearly as if those men would cnnsepit to any more railroading kient on the Duagantion bill, a"& of Church, Montreal, preposes,in the *Teat make a confidant of it. had taken bar into their confidence,and or signalling. ' It was much hatter.iti- he Nine -mile River. A petition 1rom Qf the Rev. Mr. Gibson declining tho Suppose you're dressed for walking, he him- t)ar;d Stattart and sevetrsil others pray. call to Chicago. to raise h & In fact, Kat&*'a lantern found its Own bad told her in words. deed, they all deellared, nor did is tipead W NO OF THE BED VO.RrA-R, And the rain comes pouring down, occasion for putting on almost the sem- It was a plot to wreck the train I self pretend to depy it, that Katie's for -aid for one Kenneth Smith who $4,000 per annum. Will it clear off any sooner blancoof a personal. friend. Thirsdame No matter why- whether for revenge husband shou)d farm broad aer"Me"s r4f the arturtately got burned out last fall. Ban= nCRANGIC ROTM Because ynu scold and frown I a d h K t' ' handkerchief flut- or plunder, or in the utter malignity of fertile valley than that he should be at IV It is estimated that buildings to the ,port of the I nopeator of Licensee MUkel SqUM And wouldn't it be nicer to value of $1,170,OOD will be constructed bg swe two rea%, 6.'n6d*th,. ..othor, when their souls-Katis never paused so much t6 Marcy of train wreckers and way. perst-ated. A letter from Mr. ia Ottawa this year. This includes Post. For you to smile than pout, even the reply all* received (rom the, to to &&it herself a question, but turned side lintems. And when thol tthqatiois odd Me I neyre t,o the effect that he CAPT.W. COX, - PRO"R;ZTOR And so make sunshine in the house) train convinced herthat there -had been and. fied back through the cut as for life wall doci,ied to her liking, such a huir not wish elections to be hold at his office, Normal and High Schomis, and LATXJ)FTIIB guito-f HOTdL Where you can get Pure Drugs and . When there is none without a change of some kind, and th t she or -death, for both wifre'with her, side &not kiss *as that which Katie Oro n. for the f uture. City Hall. Chemicalacompotaided bys, fir&t_CI&1jL would receive no mom signals from the hy side, and hurrying stop by step. She shield irave- Moved by A. C. Hawkins, seconded The Halifax Chro"ide says the Dorn - f the Suppose yotir task, my little m-m,J ' inion elections nedonly gave My Mae - A coutinnnce f thl favor ard support Chenlist. ()lwn night is" day A sablehand. Itwas,odArnough,buther had no thought or dread that the wreck. To whom I v X -Dalton, that thu, Coemcil refund Commercial and Travelling Public thAt IrAh accorded Is very hard to -get, kenzie's Government an almwt unanim- befemilie are, re.pmtttstly solicited. large and well selected it-ock arriving Will it make it any easier long accustomed bit of moriting pleasure itro had seen bar or wonl& follow. hy, to her lantern, of course. "Huney the sent of six dollars lic- f rom N ova Seoul&, bu t is d to 1334 weekly from E iropeap ard American seemed suddenly turned into lomething Neither WAS it at, all likely ; but Katie's Ing to'agroomeitt. " part (f the ex- On$ support Markets, TiZ For you to sit and fret I childish and uninteresting, i6 worn-out brain was too full of liar purpose to ad- TILO PAUViky Brittre at the r". in sorveviing th* road Lll')W&nOS the strengthening of the already stroag And wouldn't it be wiser , *is I s No.'41 a" 5 Lake Shore, aniusament.that it was time to put aside mit a thought of sell, and the, holdout position of the "I Govern monk. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Than waitinir like a dunce, The Railway Suspousion l5ridge below this township -C Ore day la4t week, Messrs. Murpby, Jump to Imb 119081 Shoulder Braces, To go to work in -earnest ith her discarded dolls. And to she her lantern fearlessly enough now, that ..iod,' Mg the Niagara Falls has long been pointed Moved by A. C. Hawkins, seconded McA#me & Co. Quebec, shipped f was Tru SeaSialt fur Baths, And team the thing at once I nadly prepared to eie it upt in the first she might be doubly sure of her footfi to an a wonder of race Ri- -4 , pe HAir Oils, tit of genuine blues she h.Ld ever indulg. on the ties slid stravel. haiiicLl and on Y P. Clare, that, with, reference to the the 0. W. R. station, Both well, a traim 11 . I ed in ; but, a v . enings afterwards And now she was out in the open air, nearing art. At the time of its construe- dommunication frn-.n W in. T% rrall, Esq., of twenty care loaded irith pipe staves, is &,Ass rted, HAir Brushes, Suppose that Rome boys have a hors ., rty it 7 per 700th iles, Combs, &c., kc, she lingered at t gartengte a little, beyond the. tipper entrance, and she tient, the suspension principle was the Ueye of York township, concerning the to Hamilton wharf. This one shipment or Towu Props And some a coach and pair, -Wrl, 1 light still shining ?nly one that could be adopted for bridg- expendinic of the Municipal Loan Yund alone netted the G. W. R. Co. $W. Loan On PARN after her return om Aunt Betsy's, to could see th peace! cent. Apply 10 LA pA;t LOT OF Will it tire y(, t less while walking t h ing the chasm, C.. CANPAIGN bolicitor.hm' set the night-exprom go flalihing by. It. from Aunt Bet4ey*osiudow. But there btit since that time, now *of fy, the t 0 Reeve,and Clerk be The long staniing Montgomery claint, f. DYE STUFFS FRESH ANj) 000;D., T -j say, "It isn't fair I" twenty years since, such improveraent4k Imitructed to sign the enclosed petition o'"s 4f4 - Gododch. -was a grand sight whien it came, incom- was no titne to g there for help. 'And wouldn't it be nobler %nd in) sterious The train must be so very bear hay@ been inade in the arts of iron cast-' On behalf of the Council and forward for I sustained by the burning of his The Asdicine prepar d biJ. Bond To keep your temper sweet, parably more interit. premises during the rebellion of 1837, is in tijo darkneas than ever in the day, KAte did for a mornept think of kind- ing and welding as to rendor it possible the same to him at their earliest couro- about to be settled by the Legislature. MON Y TO LIEND for purifying the It" far surph'"es all And in your heart be thsinkful and KL)io &Us hsd never ling a bright fire on the- track, but that to oonstruct a rigid iron brilgis over the 4ionce-Carried. 'for $3,OAO for that other preparations. You can walk upon your feet thonglat so Imfore but she almost un- would take too long, and the great rain boiling -atera of the Niagara River. The Pathmasters, Fence -viewers and The (;ov*mment ask N IMPROVED FARK rRO_ 1 I purpose, in the supplementary estimate& cohociotisly raised her littIsi lantern, and horror would come befor even a small Besides, the traffic on the main. line of iound-keepers vitire appointed. 0 party,, at 8 per cent simple interest Anil suppose the world oinn't-pleandyon, swung it siviaud her )load as she bad faggot woulJ be well &blaze. . the Great Western has Accumulated to ; Moved by A. C. Hawk The supplemont&r.v estimates c,niy Per amum. A ly to Bond' Tonie Bitters, Nor the way snme pe, ple do, used it) a live lawr 4rit1lierchief. "There's nothing but my own little lluch all extent 'that the single track by P. Clare, that in*, teeolvided amount 40 about K5,000, pp N, - I Do %oil think the whol a 4relat inu an the by-law of th - lifore than SAMICEL SLOA1 For Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Palpi 0 half the Sulu Is on account of the Agricul- Colborne- Hatel, tation of the Haert, Indigestion, Can- I Will he altered just f -,r you I Could she bel i re her olies I 'Antern"' almost sobbed ponr Katie Across the bifidge does not ffersufficiont Counti C uncil of Huron, incorporating tural College and for the settlement of She almost refusod, to lt;vo them any ­51aybe he will.know it when he sees it: facility forthe business that prosents it- the % illaRe of -Lucknow has art taken the Loundary dispute between Onkgno Godericb, Oth OcL, Irt 2. 1338 atipation, Headache, Bilious Diseases, And isn't it, mv boy or gir'l. faith,at first, Imit thun there followed A but ho must be warned before lie reach. solf, which is circumscribed still fartlier the deiired effect, and it app;.&ra His - __ ac., he., still maintains its superior re The wisest, bravest plan, quick flualt in her clius * and a witrin as the cut.". by the fact that it is not deemed to be ltxcollency the Lieutenant 0ovemor and Q,iobec. MOME)ft TO LOAN potation abote All others, both in On Whatever comes or doesn'tcoine, glow at Iter lit -art ; for she was sure Tho lautern shone like a frosty littla prudent to pass more than all- cars and ban not seen fit to set it said* for incor- Lindsay rejoices in a:)mpl.ete syst4* AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST. tano and the Uuit@ 3tates. To d.) the best you call I there h%d bee it an at riikg light, and star, determined to be soeu as K,,Ltis a locomotive overthe bridge st one i inllp. tion purposes, Resolved that this f water -works, recently constructed be A Call in respectfully a-AiLited. 111"o a Waterous & C sh4cotild alui,-vt loicture a tall forin in sprang forward up the track. She Lai nonce, long trains have to be broken up do pass a hr-IAw to annex to the no of Brantford. Reen't FREEHOLD Permanent Building'and Goderich, March2nd, 1874. 1411 wat4hWarill of I at. 4A little cb,lh bg, standitig oil the not f;Lr to go, for the train was ahead of in parts, and a large amount of titne bownship f Ashfiaid that part of said tests demonstrate that powerfai streams Savings Society of foronto. illatt(oria lmtw;-Vli two (of the cars. time that night instead of bei - no behind', lost in thus passing the rullina-stock in Village which fqrmerly belonged to the of water can be thrown over the highost For particulars apply to M detachments over the suspended wire oid township, and that gopy of this buildings izit wnhereby forming a good Unpe, She knivir very little U railway as would Beira ,'been wore deti structate. Tito i a prote--tion against fire. A. M. ROSS, TO While there's a hand to striho I illatters, , but i s lot so dull ble under the e1rcurnstanceii. N rope do& building an resolution be forwarded to Mr. 4wls, t GodeAeb. Dire, . . %,q site - I Agent &I to tk:, the,. wall! an* had inythia; piprd t, K C= iroaamil.t.n. b,idg-bf -ufh,:ie.tb,(,.dth X. P. P.-C.,ed. DeC.. has been lo"-.ttd by y Secroaq and Tresusurer Very Thing Wauted While there's a young heart brAve in a changai (if trains inabiold more suddenly than Ilid the to admit ct a doudle track has been for Moved by A. C. HALWItins, Deco dej upwards of 150 of the loadinsc and most Toil, of the lo"motire some time broached, and on Thursday. by P. Clare, that this guncil J:nt influential citizens and residents of Via. CRA RJBERT014: d,..t-* She.did not let Grand glaring eyes I r ilttiere*v a, task unwrought ad V distother Crowninshield light that now glowed upon her Mr. Kennody. Chief E-igineer of the Allan McDor&ld the a f ' dollars toris and vicinity. The asir is said to Toronto. "461. fili.risin r.. h7j on, 0 Trust, we hei, however, the next evening whon out. -of the overshadowing might, and her Great Western, in onnipany with the r mouth for ous year,h. 41; in very hare had no eq ual in the Province sin" MONEY TO LEND there's a G od t(, 4so-ro &he again otit, to tho gLte, 'almost lateru wanted iustantarocoualy vanish. celebrated railway engineer, Mr. Clark, estitatis circumstances - 1 be paid the well -remembered banquet to Hon. NEW RARDWAU STOU Learn made a professional examine tion of the intipthly y Mr. Dalton, Deputy ReaT8 Mr. Seward. At Greatly reduced Rates of Interftt onsotherinif -her littie lantern ; for she ad. That there's a work for a&& 4 1. had a hall Illitterivig aort of dreiFA tb*t I ,it is so small," she cried in agony, river and its banks with the view too pro- -Cisrrikd. Ear laland journals aft In Feel, Oand he will never is* it." pare plant for the ere tion of the proposed M-ired by A. 4Z. Ilalakins, seconded advocating the abolition of the Le&IjL- hwq Ally Aln nnt ,f Money to thin veond vyl-risient mig4it fail. Tioan rnoin two wt m n yrAm, at a ii v rate of That tbore's a strength fit God I Full t, o : tile greeting from 46 Nevertheless, on a low mound of structure. It is believed that the plan by .P. Clare, that the N. & 50 acres of tive Council in that province.. They oon- interest and fa-urabie t, mix m rel ayioent. lavablo Knovi, by F"riv tasWirw"t ; m.e u(oxlwn%eo will defy OPPOSITE ARXET HOIJSE. train,wes, an re:jdt RA was Katie's own earth and stones, close by the aid& of the that is likely to enmrueud itself is to lot 13, con. 14, W.'D., be taken from tend that there is no longer say necef- That Aare's a crow ii reserved ."Voo I llveiiii., " Pd th I ttl Lantern track, Katie took her post of eharity construct an immense &lose arch, built hool Section No. 12 and annexed to oily ftir a *oeopd chamber, the ' compstitlo . - , a I el Laselobly ttle ran. I up from the level ef the'river, the key- hool. S ctiltfl No. 4, and that ti a Conn- being held onflicently in chock by the 'HORACE HORTON wall bt be. t4e % ery and danger, and swung her h Thoi h cl ud and rod avoritm titically to and fro, while she Itol- of which will C&-witt of bx-tstir th that effect -Carried. Milaister of Justice on the one sids and kplaralseir For ties- Caunda L. a, rder to resist by 1'. Clare, seeitrulled by A. the people on the other. olinnPirtt Building Ar L Per - SIGN Of TH*1 [NEUM R l i ve, I t, es hile I h a Octo days now tried to make her sweet virlish voice blocks of weld I iron. in o The ab(-lition Navings When Ahere's, a fue that atA the glorious -enings heard through the re" and clamor of the crushing intluence Which the weight by, that the stim. of four hundred of the "Upper House" would effect a :,niger.44'ratitimoillivr 0 -main. ividbe- the rashink train. of su--h sit arch ould throw upon.the Ilars be grAnted by this Council to saving of over $3,5W a year. %A hen, tl,tTe's brother a need little, at the d Is ositi- o n On came the' railway giant, tugging Crown of it. The arch once got into ist in cutting the bill at;.DungsrmoIi A soeiety of teruperate drinkers has INSURANCE CARD, . I I W.1,01, Itopay solua to with his, his precimis frei-;ht of litinian position is trditle-work bridge of iron d that the same be deducted Crum the The Muh4cribili Is ormt f4tr the F T T-11.klf T11*1 J%'Ilea tber%;o a t,!.ullder N Itut 1106y. y rl life, and it flashed upon Katie Crownin- wbuld be constrtictd from either bank Vortion comialz to the concession, of the been formed at Ottawa. It in against 11neurstnee Clarnpairsiess u Lutirs.­w 1 41, " Shpi Shield'R Mind What SO SAf . I to the ceptre, the. whole forming a per. balance of the Municipal L,oan F nd their rules to driak except sparingly,- I'lay, i- for yo:U, ch! and treatial is not allowed. Each man ­It'ss; Pmxvi kfor--ou.ch' HARTFORD orliartto'd- & ab its wur ali& dit ed asid ; and it's thFough the t, tp., (4uffori maneut rigid structure sufficient to ac. tunney after paying off the railway in- must pay for hip own d6nk. Thin is PROV I "CIA L of Torun a the train might It _7. What if a railwalif train shou Coate in. w tLe great Klars, and thil all -4b- a stiove in the riSht direc. ;r ramodate an itnineuse amount of Intl- andoubwdly BRITISH AXKKICA. .1 omnt,, COMPLETE STOCK OF &Imqgt fie, and enabling the trains tu be work- Moved by A. Drearly, seconded by P. tion. The absard systeru of "treating" Wire dr Nlax-issin business d.us at the oalong before 'she opuld (MA anlrbing torrent of *.=O, and lowest possit,le mud 114). gratifidlame, that will no h beforo'Katis know it, the object of her Ed, over without resorting t,, the detach- 'Clare, that this Cou getti-9 "treated" it ris. ------ ap. everybody, and HORACE HORTON HARDWARE. Truth I I r%oniforiable Wi,' laughed KrAie . "like rii I atl and hope and fear had dashed ruthlessly ment expedient. The plan is a daring iDocuirtion Telegraph Co. th f turn, is a fruitful source f i mmodechte fashiwn 0 z , at the foot I are viry ;:,bad plant %or, anti was quick!f swallowed UP - one, for thoi span would be one of very il i in consideration of thee salliudfudop indulgence. - Office Market Square, Goderiah falkincrivibieh ill V. 1.1 at ad f. . "Too outil.& to " Amid gran iother. 'fivul her a' hi in the rocky Jaws of the groat extent. Nor would it be poesibla, qpening an office sit Dungannon to oon Oct. path 1370. lkzrrt-,w Is. -Age, had almoit ' It iilanixt that a lightning express t t a. Aviati tit the mot *,I never raw a living boinic c!re moyro, deep cut. Vith IL M of JorL6f and dus- we apprehend. in the absence of the iron meet either with Godorich or Lucknow, train will be run on the Grand Tru-ik as - I tt. th L ,. !W& a, isppuiutment on bar lipp, snd a etrange key -stone expedient, which promises to provided the corporation of West, Wawa- ot next W" and ..iW I - for a dtimb tbiug' an you during the coming suramer. k uldrA win he firtile v retain in position the inintenad bl'WI-s'al ;oosh grant an equal isoun t- Carried. It will rim ley, a X,xxlly proportion uf who** see" done f.)r t list 0 re train. thrill of pain at her heat, Ithe pror girl from f"tori to Chicago without change HSU r_(111 ( C.- 'Ie and beried her stne-work that would pleas against it i Moved by A. Dreamy, seconded by P. go HaPARS011S, &GO appertained to Grandfather Ciostnip- 'llut grAnamotlitec wall -polipt r right mult upon the ground the little hin- from either aide. The span of the pro- ',Cliare, that ilia Council adjourn to meet of cam, making the entire Aiatance, from shield, and along this edge thereof,swe thask Katie ; for inly a night or sto after face, in her hands, while Montreal to Toronto in ev ur . t - - A comple new outfit is beirq propsred a her. sei4 b6d if feet, Aild it hangs at a agaitl oil the second Monday in May at Dylpasito T u .,1a#ket7H0U88 the curvas of the milw*vl aftev, WW tbat-.it umst bave Imen that Aunt torn ilLroliped uegl"DW "d it is 4. F. Graham's Hatel, Pori Albert. .r . I I seemed its birth III the clover lesige nor Jtt-taey** cl,. k- was al,,w-for K We was only forJune brief instant, however, height of 54 fcot, atmwu # 'to river. for the new train. It vrill ptabably THE ILLVERPOO L& LONDON 604wk sustaine-I by v;ml.,sed ofl4,560 "plie Court of Revision to be ripened on verynexrKate, Crosaninallield's home, in thv,vtrT tit id4le of the qut when her id Katie field to the terror and trou commence running oil or aboi tilt, _1801 ANI) GL01JF1 As for Katie herself, with her sweet earn % vre ou-Idenly fillud.ONIIe shriek ble .1. it,'fr in another she had picked ropes cf irim wit-tt, firmly atusehad to thi the same day 'at two o'clock, p. m.- of April. ied 111SURANCE C 0 M P A N V, 300 4,> TVZI T1%%r,4Z> M' fresh face, and her merry Lrown eylis, &not roar with shich the train held is up her starry friand4 sprang to 1W feet virgin rock, after passing over C,ur tow., uu,sr OkA c, T*p Clork. The Kingston lVing-gives publicity to tb *IroA,tF%gk era of great strength. It bat I in W onin the litilevalley and Jissr nestling boope at this upper end. and artod away frout C RE I A, Gy TE I) ment, towardthocut. She *:11lvlht of foot As Ciliated that the strengtb f the bridl;:L a ruipor -rrent in that city that- at the All'allable Assets, $97,000,4)00. war* all io world to hor-j^ indeed. 11 er Ajeart beat 411liCkly for ft 1110 and there we" sad wilip ti, her e9ual to a strain of 12,0(4 Wills, but SIAM ShOlM caucbs of his friends hold on aturday, Loosen paid In the cenro of Tbirty-five yeaus el- 'that she had over known, for she had but not wit It feRr, " &his lqlrang I;Rhtly any fawn, Sir John Macdonald elp,ressod.s. desire reed MCk that shohad often -%pead, but it "Owed to her still if she has always been taken to) keeo the Iiad Springhows, for the exhibitiou of to resin his most for Kiagston and with - been tout a we@ thing when Grandfather upon ispri-ILT111. on it ddwtt to a minimton pubit. Since FORT`Y MILLIONS OF DOLLARS! atill Grandmother Ct"wriinshield boesetie bof;,re n- teo ns an availitilla ptirch, she should never got through the cut. She lutt entire stock, will be held as follows: draw his defence to the protest. It is - father and inather to ber, fit placoof gathrrod her fluttering dross in,'re ch -se- paused a moment when the lower end I 'us completion, in 1855., a gang of too[) North Huron, At Clinton, Tuesiday, said that the purible object of this r,_ Ctauns 1 7 April 21. 1PITUM those wh-)Re faces She ClIuld 11:11411y new ly allis -tit her had exclaimed wait reached to vather breadth, oOd to I has $)60" constantly eagwed upon it in ported man(tsoorre is to owcapo the lt us- -tims, oxamiallig mated.t. n rty#8,0o0s0,0C3s0, are ts llg Qt mist from her eyeabefore I t494'sailig tip the 'bolt remember. ',There. Fru x4o enough; but to think hrush the South Huron, Ill. Brucefield, wedues- lattice of the Election Law and 0 enble W.Iteol as fast An 6030"d WITH Vt DEDUCTI,s. h the wires and keeping the whk)te well rity, Piseept Psywvnt and Liberality im s. her that she. was in anystuse his heirsIms, of it's C uming so ow sh looked upon the awful Wellft I 0 lisiated, so as to prevent from day, April 221. hibi to present himself for election in a )"t out Or Its 10000" us the protilintut featur.. w Near onow,rh Ind Stephen and Usb,,rne, at Esieter,, * Fri- sa.fer coast i tuenc whose rpreson"on ad'al ded; and Kate leaned line w must -bit prepared for her. .1t1thy,corrmany. for she seetoo rathur tu belong to the Is FIR JkAJ LIYE POLICIES .;r, very valley than'th vlley toh; r ;. nobile hard atzRinst thelcrag behintl her, for it And then -whyt there wall the, train, it,* effects of the atm,,phare and it day, April 17. tra friend is willing to resign. llb4ftl con"Mont. Canada D J, WH I T ELY if au)-diii-g had brought it -to er seWmed as if she I , could fWI tho breatli 4, thu rear car risingelose ih.front of her, front the FAIR,, ,ahich ill varriej 0-olloarne., at Sneith's Hill, Turailyr; On oriday aftern"u, JGth inst.. id" w4re but I down by the win,l. Roeout ex Head Mee. ranch. MON. FGS TO THANK THE 'PUBLIC ind, that Ler good oll grand ti the iron in-mattei on her cheek. In f,iie while -the others (slid thre "' . l";t_ April 14. about four o'clock, the PassengerSuspon. inu TREA B to, live forevrtr, would on ha-ld dild clutched zwore timiallY the f,,Is few of -thorn that night) sitmA all erect tions have showed that the whole i Groy, at Brussels, Tuesday, April 14. for the libt,:,,l l-Arowe Accorded wave 1 v to he of heir shawl. &all in the othershe raised hpon their wbeels boviond-not ROOdc'Juditi"ll, 51) fAt as this eye. call sion Bridgeon thb low level ever the 0 Deajardines Canal n4kar Hamilton, gave (J. t.C. H,fiesident-4-acretary, him in the past and to &nuounco that turned thu brightest JuDw.dAY to dotect, as it was u;xin the - fint day of 3k. to be sure: but All apparently 2.4varlL Ad ON f It ICA L hetib carries on Carriage and Sleigh gl(-r#i-t December. i herLintorn, as it tho feebig star -aid be the tc-6 itseroction, while the tesU to which it way, precipitating three vehicles with A. U. 1(03b. Ageat tor Godersich 0 13at, in them latter years, one, I t of of at#- and then her gromp eicept imam, wit -9 making in . all its branches, at the -old , ; has been subjcted d%ritiK the last nine. Ham Ft 23 The forluiog their occopauta isito the can%l bl,)., a IT061te kmartin's Colborne Outity had paitiT6,11y s.rug;zled into tot it grew Antritle'I'lly Tory tight inead polished metal glitter#d iri thi'varying stand, i distance of bet ween 60 and 70 feet. F..tLr eastilig out 16 little fro I oOUarriages Buggies, Waggons, i Ratio'$ world., with an spliarent mission fur, I I Ole platform lights hat Ilashed tilion it, &I'll wh,*e t6eu years havO ground4xl the public 1`04 navi it is 1l,robablo that Sir (;&met fAith ill ilL% C home were drowned, &Ad Leo men bar. "ANdHOR LITIR. -ban" everything else in his line kept oil to unite the val!ey with that i u. f the car,,. ariAe11 king )rward, as it hoane throat sccv*tn a an*-rlV will! the mplete ccurity. . But Wlealey will be rewarded with the rank eacaped with their lives. Mr. ireat u I otive,had them is a theory afloat that the particles of blejor-General, and a Nnsion tof 27 - rowly known. which IAY be)'Qnd the hills ind stixinns i, r min to lear the cut, escaping &team, for the 1,0c"41111 Moore had his wri#4 -broken, and Mr. and Or, made t. order of the ef irotl anderizo in the courso of tithe, 500 per ainum for, two lives. kraos(Wsw Yens avakv-7cas. ruaterial and in th , lodgt4 Kstiq had sea, the raWed Ilift at-od, a t hilindsome I &rded man in 0 . ft"XV 0 must workman -too to grief pretty.cleadedly Aftloug -%DAY AX10-SATUAD-1,T. cluvan in, the gramits f Wall, watching it (I:trk blat. p"It4s, with it auter".1n his, thogranitti boulders that were 6ealwd Ia. PleWl lAr cipinito. " b) whieh t lie orixt Gray was seriously. injured. Several PA' ; TRUP Tanager. , ! nal striength bocumet itmatly, twipalred, Here are th ten ouenniandmedia 1 others were ni- ore o; lama injur"d. The XG rlLoXPTLY AX . RcrTZD. and his rater, watclOng, exp"nt on the track. by the fiend.4 who had PAS8Jl4GEJt ACCOMUDAT16% UNSURFASS]IT) RX]PAIRL curiously from door or window, and i still which has soinetimealed tn dismator. Buddha:-Firztr,-ThoUL Sholt not kin. pinned t1o,'wrock. . The Passougers Soontid-Thou ablut n,3t take for thy. tea tern' "ea The Goderich. 25th Feb. 19 listeuinit for the dull reports of the face came 14- vory close to ht r owA I 112:0 Wellbuilpe was miraculous tatcs of psonge from Sno. Bridge or ticff,ile to 73. blasting charges, until the barrier wall It orna like a gash of ligLtning ; but were swarming arlit of the cars, aad none At what, liarticular p"riod this action, ,a illi,,ob = t sorne ttm* ago by he Hamner. Literpool. L.ndoad.rry, Quessit-a or — ____q ierced and the rim,-Oy cropt out and Kate know tire face, and site knew also if the.rn seemed to be hurt at all, nor presents itself to such & degree as to If what belongs to another. Third- _mpany, and up to the Wrest: C4lsn4W, $16 and SW Goll, &,-,ding W F Present it eol hC$iveor attratfive forces Thou shalt not break the laws ofcharity. a thought to be perfectly ocati,st. loterviediAte V9 : Steerage 134 ound its wav down thro4igh tho valley; that she herself had been seen, and all#, did Katie hear the soun4 thit toldher' ""tlrp.r,i.l:: in not decidtAoas it Fourth-Thob, shalt not lie. Fifth- We. The bridgii separated hup of tt. in the rai. DRAFIS [48VED AT LOWES7 RATES. CARRINE er w y .1 audf ever since the traws tvg&n to run, marked tie swift paling of the as site swiftly thread, It a. to varyinK conditions, Thou, '&halt Att slander. Sixth -Thou die. For pa"a or further inforrratios. Apply to she had counectod wiih thenti the idea bronzed visage all it roo.guized heir, and ismong arul past them. She had mi4ht q- tality a ' hall not speak of injuries. Seventh- HZNDZRSON BROTHER8. HAMILTON SREET, GODERICIV of a life that was almost human. She then bwept vu into the dar*n beyond even . f thh iron, the Bishop-lAwis,of tks Epi%oopai diocese 7 Boorling Grern N. T. be- & glitapse, of a group away method uf it""allufactoral, and,po. ityly ;hou shaltnutexcite quarrels. Eighth- OfOutario, has stirred up the anifursity had waved her handkerchief enthusiJulti- yriod. the shattered l000motiris howevor,arilich XW. IL WARNOCK kxnm h are ,in magnetic inattention, whi Thou shalt not hate. Nnith-Have )r -Neir Agent cally to the very first train, and had "It@ was alfraid I would be hurt," she forbads, her lingoritig even for a single for, the congregation aF Picton by ap- ..,fiaotly unders faith in hot Tenth- Believe P, Itig Rv. E. R. L,wcks, to th; Rec. Gode olsll. ht down toward her own but i- t -d- If comaid- : i 1416 been liberally responded to by passon- th-nizlit, ; and then she said aloul : instank Rig of this kind lu-S,been at work in ltumOrtd, fly. tory of that tuttria, in place of the late writin". *rs and cor.d tictor 1 and, although ll o But he must have seen how safe I garden -gate four men were carrying a em"o" the construction (if a solid was' ,n nd ouiers were Joll,,R, ouggest he oy. in. Macau ler" and in spite of the A L L A N LINE. fad been then a little girl an4l was now up here on the ropk. I don't believe heavy bn,r,l, Le board them say, as she railway bridge at tive Falls, the inica- S UGGXHTITZ. -There is &Dubury le- I . a young lady, she nevoryet dreamed,of swung his lantern at our garden gto to- inx, .nd, Kis Lion would be that - the Urext Western gondtO the effect thap I a party desiritig unanimously expreio d wi.sh of the mom- 8T3A3(TO in giving the nilliat-" . darted by- Company are looking to the 4afetv of to tcling"t'solne privIiato busime . th berm of the church to have Rev. Air. Averpool, Londonderry and any unmaidenly A)oldntso Katie did not even reIAW her adven- -who is it 11, the another was itlyited %o step as wl Lewin.the preseirt curate, promoted to be Sallie white signal of I welcome, at times, lure to ),or scrraidmother, anti oil her -.why it's the conductor. lie was public am well as to their own it' into a iteramu Rectr. Bishop Levris ban a repu"on k anticipating any such natural ti nighboring store. 11 Glasgow when the great' railway ruysterY -210 llt visit to her Anut Ratsey's she was thrown from the platform, of the forward In ac on Out we Will be d'a- for ruling his dtools" with a red of iron, very SATURDAY from PORTLAND during win- rushing out of the cloven wall. There nol , -to c'mis %wity in tittle. car." which time mity, at some fliture but in- turbd there," s.,id tW first party. 110 110 I aud at in net coustjored likely that he ter and from QU ESE$.- in surn.-r. as one traila in particular to which definite Period. bring The L,, said the other, 11they'don t istlyer: 'OTIcs To Pza"xs wisened To @Rxi) rolk TRIUS KNOX & ROTHELL watia'. atturitions wer at last pretty ' lolldon't v;ant to tcot hQuie a.) rer) "Is he killed I" at t too. will alter lAis decision in this ca". The Fziz . In uvh too earit site said to herself am "I hey say So. Nobody 011ie, was Of the bridge now b",ler consideratt-ri Ileg to inform the 'public that they are well restricted -is through express that would be a nall compare wi kh th congregatioa are highly indignant mud JERAONS wishing to sand for their oinnas mn she finished her visit and harried her hurt. Ile wrjasplandid follow." at of I lireatan to secede. and it is stated I hat . Dhtsla rx4ftv Cortifiestes at lowest "t- The in, Position to fill all orders with which went b at eight o*clock in the morning, 41bu h * WHE.,f file i.-r.—.,d 3,fln ( Bilitilless icksts ar,s good for one year and the atmount in *t u1cick at nis ht. With tLe departure, t I don't like, beitignsupht tall, b4nds9me, bearded nitin, in the existing 304p,mition Bridge, whic tires his brain- already they have invited Rer. Mr. irrund,od. irsa a s"i deduction, it not used... they may b4rentrusted, in a stj4j w be clothing, but his face was "llilobittedly the finest Mle of its ki 18 Gallagher, of the Reformed church, to _ h and 8A I'm glad I'm so sure dark Ill nd fi- -for it fory long lines, Katie hadl in the out at all. Th ling Stndent,, "%itl The fit j, -not 1A. meet AtIvilody. I believe I'd v4h&atty p4le whati they laid him tip )n to the World. The public will &wait " " ) "'"ge I preach in that town, ith a view w ag, smonnlaro by the A LLA N LI N 9 &I a ln,toi direct vehicles turned out Of thilir establish. felt no sort 1'f sympathy, siuca it could, 9 awlay from a strauger to- 10raudfather Crown inshioId's own beJ, wit), great interest flirther developments icklied o*er ith the 1).%le cast of tahlishing a congregation there, it is rom thd Steamships on to the orana truss: 're finished in as she thoughk, neither zoo nor acknoss- want to hid, thought," becits'bas daily more gaunt and rbanse at South qusb &not Portlwsl. and as a & very suprinr eourteoull greetings, while Ill - lal.neatas touch as from a rvAwr#y land the surgeon, who hal been scuung in this matter, but will draw the conclu- "!Voru- said to be in a great as t wwarded na at once to destination. - By this or- tyle, 10(19- train." the passengers, bent gloomily over him. h lnarlt 'and will bear ..p.r&on with just as antly ai bar u .,3zn the night, 6A from what is going on, that the an the victint of Neuralgia 'a rack- the manner in which the Rev. Bishop settlement passengers avoid all bacidentod expenses Xny. former, y "Head all right," mutttred the mat, Great Western anticipate& an im nonse I has conducted the Lffairs of the church in :n dink it indeed, an unusually dark and "I ru-ing f "gir.go. ud juornina "L' fietter#d buys the additinnal tr&Me ver their mail., line, Ottairs, t"t the prettaut schism in the Tile.firs Steamer too Quebec will leave Li,rorpool ORDERS SOLICIrp lt but Katie was d4siinodlo of science. "Unly a cut or ao. A ad by excruciating torment - go h, garden gate, so c rtainly would there be 4loo-v 111911 his to and will putforth &I The palpitating, burdened, and grief. ft I necessary exertions ble prom. church there is due. ra lot At -Ti pp'.Inted in heir hope of getting there's a rib, two (if 'call, and t For Tickets &ad eyery itiformeAlon apply to Goderich, 16th Feb. 1874. 1709 & floating flash of white to answer bier be dida tlloi)t seeing anybody. arm below the elbow. Stmcli the in order to), b000llo stricken Heart succumbs to 1414 S P. H. CARTER, from the platform of tPne of the cars, or thr.us1h the cut wi title ledge had ground on, tht's plear, and the other free Press. odiste it. -London sure- M -National tTaification, sa, it is Wi- en from the engine itself, for that, 21 ed line, bonos vre likely to be all right. ust ev And Katie knew very neceamrily L -en pierced in a cury any caume, and when additional streaell ad -the joining together of the various Gmud ruck station. Godurria . Is. oP910D UUT AGAIN too, happened. lis has beVn said, the gra k ithe", I When weaknoslistibilues the b ody from that 110 one standing at nne end of have been leauil:g out to IOU portions of a race into one compw-t well that in these latttr days, at least, 80 were its dimensions, should &my-hallu, what's Illat light on whole -id one of the famotile'-roli"I GODERI 'r had always cOnles from the tba cut, Jn11l1CrAl4 "s 7* Fly$ *Mt 1,11ke. is required, the most grateful aud bees. OF TUZ her ar.swe could see more than half way throuh. his face I" The following ficial eff6cta will ensue from the use of theories of the day, and millions ol dol, same hand. A tall, erect, manly follow interesting NtAtistics are Follows' Compound Syrup of Hypo. lars have been sacrificed in different Trust and Loan Computy of be cloth ; mind Aunt Betacyshouse was a -me little The light in the room, what with the front an elaborate report upon the phollphites. he was, dressed in dark Ill and CrnwJ %nd Cie country candles, had take&, "Piled by Mr. D. F. great oat stub. countries forthat object; but w)ieth@r Katie had been well aware, for a good distnce froin the pper entrance, rrand WHOOP12140 OWGII.-The M the result will justify the expenditure, CA N4.DA. while, that he wall the conductor of the the approch of the,, latter was gloomy been tione of the brightest, but j"It at 11 enry of Detroit: - born cased of Whooping Cough &re*cur- trair, but she had never yet been near enough tilat night, even for one who that inotbent a clear, golden glean, was "The length of Lake Superior on a ad in a few days by Fellows' Syrup of time alone can tell. Bilt this .0 d" 1newponled b enough to ape %k to him, or got.any clear- knew every inch of the way Re well as poured down on the face of the ilijilrell curved line i, 4W Miles- greatest lireadth flypophoaphites. The old iea of thip know, that the -4sliadiaa Pain Do. y Royal Chialer. d slowly, as if the radianc- itself 150 miles; at" 38 fl -r)' trdyer" is certainly the beat med icine or rotion Of his face and its meaning K t ie d i d ; but bcr ittle antern shome Man, an I I . square milea;aroa disease always rubbing a protmcted a hit", he opened h)s eyes at water -ailed, 61,63t) fur'curing colds, rbountatisam, neuralg* than might be given her in those solift it clietrils, 6 Littalt-ite bright reflector, had awakened square miles; dis. course has orploded. sulamer complaint&. &A., can be hod for CAPITAL- ONE 141 LLION POUIM. but Almost daily gliu'Pses. Whon or trowingits . dilince ahead, an ifit were anti lw,ked dreamily about hiln. chargeatoutlet W.783cubic feet Per Druggists and SIERLING. -to the be- tryina to tell her ; "There, dear, that's Tho surgeon heard a sigh that — securid; length' Of Coast line I 00 25 cents per bottle (,fall how he found his way back and looke lailes; temper&t I rpetual journey, or s t ; tioa,t l,t, alImid, I'll show you the half Ll aub close behind hiin tire of surface ;.tr - country dealers. ginning of his a I 1. in THOMA ` FundS for Investment. that V.tionever naked eve. track !" But Katis remembered jest up to see that that and the udden light suilliner, 5U to 65 dog. Fahrenheit- of C:3F' After war, Peatilencle, and inLem. question " but the water below IsJor lCefee of herself. It wall enough- that every then that it was getting littor every 1hin- came from Katie and her lauteral 9 -OJ feet. 39 dog.; d;,,p- E x e e Iff 0 Oil. perance-colds load to the greawt d, LOANS Made Oil the, Security of approved Farra morning the swift train brought ute,axkd sho tri ped briskly into the cut, just then the questioning eyes of the eat suaudii.g, 1 014 foot; elevation of !Jn ctiou of human Life, mainly, because Liti,or TownelProperty rat penod@ of Five him out of the 11mirriewn country beyond wond3ring why the Lantern light should wound'ed conductor fell upon her face, its surface abulie'the sea (M feet. The lVorth Tell Tintes ilts Weiiq4f in Gold ? is in considered by many to be of no y0erselto suitthe convenience of Borrowers, and t earnestly: length of L&ks Mi h- 7 411bor =yabts as otpiry of time or b an- the hills, and added a sompthlup., that make it b,ok so strangello h4 and nar- and he exclaimed, faintly bu hard- c tPn is 320 miles; consequence and hanoo systeniatic,ily owever, "I know itwas you. Thererial test b adth Pain catinat stay whom -it in used. It to the DWIveled a curable Sac ft Iftents. PsymentalaredctionoR ON. ha(timivin tobe very plessant, tothe row, Shohad notgon; far. h hillwauk built & oiwpl boaceepted at any time on favorable terms. peace Anil the quiet of bar do t to hqr ly room to stop the train in but we'd ( ,r (I 0,M Chespeat me, icitic ever made. osedusecur a w A.86 y. beforothe grauttewalls brough It" 21e to moulsoasTesoAT: Onebottlebas urdBa<rs. " , is converted isito a f&W pill. Aff kpr ved Wort"s purchased. ery noteworthy Cox if it i;1:1n't been square t. artits of W&ter-alied' Cairm. Fifty cents worib, bas cured an moaary one. Every, One, trotbled With eaft all the way from the end and around have 9000 hit to Pis - You've saved square There wall something v 34; 41,78 Ckv G. M. TRUEMAN, t the manner. the curve, a, if the cut had been a a k for you and your light. deaPellt sciund ;g '870 11TANDIWO COMR. It pstitively cured Catarrh whit is called a sligbt cold or cough, feet. Asthma ILAd CMUP. Fifty cents -orth has Isp riled gqn&At a WrraLAS 14ey&p even to railwar-TDOtI, abuu - ing tube, the sound of voice*, and Cat% them 'All. God bless you feet; elevation Of surface, 5781 ured Crick in thq Back. and -the same qQantttT should immediately use "Bryan'$ pill- NZI]E in which the road broke in UP04hO T&I nahield anddenly Lske Hurou's Ion th i sta-idin%. The fullo ley. deep jut, a sharp curve, and a could not makwout more then a word And so Katie Crowai arm of as& breadth M 1! 250 iniles; gmt- [Aftht B&A Of OiNtit years monic Wiafilrs"--they allay irritrAjob ,it w1to &Je mbined to make here and th'a' I lullag; area, 29,3g3 M COMT weller, heavy down grade, co re, but them was omething found herself a heroine, with a aw are ext"cts front a few I the islany lettft %Pf ANCING LOAN as W , I the precise point %here the conductor about it all that startled and frightened grateful lwople Lround bar, very much square miles; hare Wenrereired tr`Mc0hlr,-.t vartsofesia.. Once, and exert a most beneficial influ- SSIR far lise P.t­",. I"' lbanks in 'it" of toller &tied, 'I,712 hick we Was, abou)d'be sufficial, to astualit the once -it all the Bronchial and pulmiorl. Y Office, 18"yth. D him in the had learned to look for Katie's greeting her. At first also was half ioclimed to to her discomfort, Th y ul Agone the 0 wo d have Liam Ill sp i. i. Cot "6oW me#J doz. Dr. T'iar,da'uo" 141pt'rite% IrY ()M&ns gold by all DrUi%listo and .h.1ve paRL and m A b ft,, it 04 ieftoveol to the an interesting one ; and her white 1;land- turn and make, the beat of her way back made her a present if she had allowed Z,7126 cubic feet per second; deepest sold sit I bad from y,ju and wria more nowi it-. country dilators. Price 2b cto per box. now F.-M.w m the only really welcome words sounding, 702 feet; cler . .J;wl "" lo'k West evvn hare seemed to oaye to Aunt Botsey's ; but that seemed fool, 1,130 , but Ation of llurfs", curve !aro truly,wooderful." Wor. histrulre of 94 . , I kerchief mi W. 1-1. G. COLLES, JL101511= k the tulation at his repast- ish and Katie was a coarageous little she heard from a.uy one wore 6ose of 5',8 fact. LakO Erie-Leugth, 240 rrankfin, writes. 'I haw oul-I all tire "nt 14 it Tn a Howell. ,(which he is &, ALTC]a a species of cong- u xuij-; greatest breadth, sets ldi a charm --4t waa sl. at firm but tak's fertile, ,,,ktW%Ith. ad safe , mi L I'law Is passage of what ght at any sonl. She hid her lantern under her the surgeon spleadidlynow.' It. Cole, -floe&, son "Of the great number ,.( suirsust, Conveyancer, Solicitor in Chancery, and , Zatent In floderich itself into a danger. shawl. ho% ever, and stopped lightiv and "What, killed ? A man like bi.nl- V,522 olu're forwArd 6 dotes Th nas' P-loctrir thl. "JeAl 1164r - Attorney of the Iw %ad Equity A I&W' 9OW end ". Xlil1n&ndjl i time have shaped miles. area of wator-shcd under the e(mtrol -if man, the horse is Courts of I calls watch" to 600 a large S- w the -ward, trying to remember if nonsehae ! Ile'll carry Ilia arm art ly gut; notlongtiqa9sit- unquestionably the most serviolabl,;1I 0 Be that as it may, railway "cut" briskly for in & 2i,37l0q`i-%re1AilO0-disch gogtouilet' ad by tho" Who hare Used it - J. fi- . nd, Genealogist, I Ifrd, Land, Loan and Itstate 1166.8 VVP 20 X. selectd 't*')' had brought to Katie Crowniushielci, there were riot some rock or hallow Filing for a mouth or so, but he'll be up 242,894 cubic feet' Per se -bund; doe Thsamoviiie, rntes-"Scud at "" a fe"t- amp- but in it not strange , that so many who .Mt sounding, 204 feet; Olevxtion of a ply hl, I h- Inly one bM)o J.fL I OT 30 among other results, a shorter and easier where she woui be list* from the train. agtin in a fortnight." u 400 Never saw anything sell ­ well ab4 eve Path own horsin, aud who are dependent on Agent, Law. IAfe and kiods ask b be "I son I above the %6L, W5 feet o - en.nd satifaction " J. Timigson, Wo,sif-d their labo,r for a living, stuu.qld oFire lneumnesi, of &I ;a? path 0 the home of her aunt, her She did not think of or find any suph Of course no time was lost i Length, 180 miles; rJ5 wrl&ft, ,ftud me so" alloys Kidlect"r (W, f 1. WCJ ftp. n repair, 0 ritari - and General pip ster who lived just a little place, and, Pfterall, the persoua whok, ing the track, and in forwardiug the grftteot breadth give Oom that care and at umti..n which ALL SOLICITIln. A3 USiqAt mother's at sold entirely ouL 14 thkuq takes Use IL" Agent. way beyond th' miles; at-' 7'181 "Mr- 'it--, n of I & Rft,l Ulvert,01, P. Q - "to- 'I'lls WlwLrjr their 00 - interest an loft than the safety A C a lodge, s,ad who was voices troubled her were not in the Cut, passengers, and a few hours only SAW wSwaked, 21,58- "Peas"i an office in Blyth, at do late reo doace 1). J(X1ty never mokinfled if tog Many days passed nor Were they coming to tribet bar. She the ld farm house as quiet Rnd pisiodul bwW at outlet, i gliders -1104- dis- I IM W Ortu'vit & great rePuladon here, end lodaily and counfort of the hom demands. The 0 t Dr. H%tl,u,aoc seat ban" @Mzb of the no 3215,S39 cubic f m tied or Dead as a fl-rLhoor Raclily wiuvwt beat medicine for horses is vomborilailti,s vf V witis, is 0060", flo Lwithout bringing the sunlight of waa very nearly through herself before lookingasever. gronthosurgeolih" @ocoud; greatest depth. bo set per Gibb a CO., ou"1400m, r. q, 9 I 'hol an 1363 ut 600 feet. wrote ,i Oat gross oil, we lied ' Condition P,.wderss Arabi H A04 face across her threshold. And she could make otit what it All meant dore his work and gone. The ang'114 elevation Of sort I its.," care law Busla"111a I"Luld V"*- Dr 4Z - ace `bOle the Remedy;" of this there can ben., d,, SS. fitch s r j1y &*Katiehad yorleand returned, m­lY but ,as i.be paii%elt in the deep shadowit lay battered among the boulders, where fee-. Tito grand Is" 232 71 by ll uied to, ne doblans. Price U toota ,on% wt Datilia de" - -aLh I of the rocks alad peered ti'llidly out to- it h,d forced its wilful way. The cort, of it's 141 ' in 11, *1, TVI.Sd, I'MLro, N, Y**,,;; iiiessle'and essily given. Remember ad; 0 y y the, -1 --She h&A I ward the low' dull and trutfled sou"da, ductor lay still (in Grandfathe cluding several smaller lo'k . a$ , I and many a t,me,.by the,narrow y MGM" Is Di between the granite wal a. rCrownin- bare miles -of tits WLie 04) Is 108,631 1 X6ItTnW)P A LYJIAN. To"NTO. Dole AV let ad name. Slid "a the aign.tbr of and f.r to Sad veto 'I free 1ft staketit or . with which Ill# voices were no lougor i shield'& bed, and the dtf - _' show. '-hod&, 175 571 1 fi,rth W-nimns. Hvird it Co., is on each pa. kaze N rrth- Notes umt OW, %4 th , III be i learned to walk the rails like A rope ul slumbers the JJO, Z. _ Y, t "r Wdr, t LIV, to any_ eanW_&JoModa8dr dancer, and she know it's time of orery minglo4 linAd, quic6 gleam, g that our by U00.4 rop Lywan, Newcastle. 0at Irour !surgeon's opiate gave him were starry rnt_ tute i - I .; pr,- ut one-third of all the I j., bug a p lift aon day (9t' ,.r..:, F.tid- T 4 aIt1% howd, of RostatT a14 BruU., 0 too well, the oftan told Abut a lantort, sudenly shaded or extinguish- I with rittors for Cansda. timIld by at not% %Qum &in nals th t tk*ta finger*s hold Up fresh ater an tho".?, t4 herself caught ia the ad, allot across the track not many yards be yes. As f% -r Kati* tHzetsy, never to go 0ii. droll, in"g li aeaYork. fGy, twu. Dan lesson. A -6 L. ., I 0 i e 0