HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1874-3-25, Page 3• • .111 • • • 031211.1i0 LiGISZATI7R1. Mareh 10th. lir reply to Mr Mules, (Welhagton), Messrs. Ardagto Code, Dawn, Mere. settlers- The order had been declared dith, Rykert, Beedthes and Gifford, to be ultra cirri, and legislation was supported it. Me. Cameron clesed the therefore eecessary to confirm it and the trensactions that bail grown out of it. the Anon:toy-General =pounced t is in Toe following are, Mr. Bebop s re- The motion was passed, and the House then teok up Prorate 3ills, several of tentioa of the Government to °pone larks an reportml in the ellebe,--- any scheme for the reaeljustment of Mr. Bishop said that he felt bound as which were advanced', stage.' municipel bounderies (lariat the present a fanner to speak a gw words in defence March 19. eusion. He ed the Bill promoted of the farmer* of the country. At the mornieg sitting concurrence Ily Mr. Glark:6(tailenn County) as (me ,Mr. Cameron -Name the person OR was taken iu a number uf items of the of the most tiveurable divisions that had this side of the Bot190 who sneered at teernatee. been submitted tolum, but.they tame the farmers. On the larder for the third reading of all be dealt with in the form of a gene- Mr. Bishopstaid tied if thehon. gentle- the Ballbt Bite the Premier stated that rat memoirs, to. which he hoped to be WSW Would wait =he would hear the after due consideration he had conclude stile to .direceles attention during tee minim. The ho& member for Eut ed to accept the amendments proposed recess. Toronto had stated, with reference to • by Mr. Clark, and moved the House After seem pri‘ate Lill business had speech of the member fur South Brant, back nate Committee for the purpose of been disposed of • . that he would not have been surprised inserting them. The House having goes The Amsesuient Act Amendment Bill at a man just from the stilts of the into Committee, he eepleined that the was read a third time. plough making such an exhibition of chief The Hausa then went tate Committee nuesneition of the amendment, on the Solemnization of Merriest° Bill. Several clauses were agreed te, some amendments made, and the Nouse no The Hoene then went irto Cemmittee on the lndestrial &hoots Bill. The Bia waa nsported and -the Rouse re- , Contraittee on the Bill making previsien for the liettlentent, of certain townships :in Minsk oka. He explained that it was , iutended te endeavour to make err -imp- lements tinder this measure for muting the plans ef Mr. Arch fee the settlement of agricultural 'labourers in Canada. Mr. Cameron tioped the right class of emierante would be brought out. There it was morth while to consider whether insinipsetion had added to the number • Mr. • McKellar, with corsialerable .. warmAb, repelled all insinuation as a 1 ell 'limiter on the iminigrants. Every one wfa aoreed as to the superior qnele ty ef 'emit immigration. The immi- grant would compare very favourably :IF with t class that arrived donne the pen the Government of Which Mr. Canielon wits a member. WAS 111- power. Thef House then went iuto Committee and a • to the several elite les of she Binred . • e may '10 necessary to give effect t .- 1 te provisions of tb•Bill for taking votes by ballot eras then agreed to in Ocimuittee. TheHouse then went into Committee on the Sch el Bill and adopted a num- ber "tithe cesuses. ' : Thalami* then went bite Committee of suptirand passed a number of items. • faveue of ;allowing the ratepayer* to eletermine for themselves in •what way the ntoney allotted to municipalities jnot000, . 11,1.1006e Nlenieipal Lion Fund Act of 1, Messrs. Peacies; 11.4.a14 and Paxton that the retepay ere were the best jodges.1 Meeers. Cameron. aierlionftbee found of the( m••de in which- the money should 't• fanll bee slue the BilVerns tat tail so late • spdat, andaleat they might be very I eet tee sos.00:,,o . pewee mie preeefly left to ems theirema joiltenent Huey snppeirted the Bill. Mr. Merrick te the matter. . himself as that gentlemanbad done, ut that a member of the legal profeasicm should do so he could not hays believed. What was that but a sneer at 'the far- mer 1 (Appleuse). He went on to say that a few years IWO the gentlemen on the oppleiteside of the House had taken a trip to Lake Superior and, tbeir forty- second onusins with them (laughter), at a coat of about $4,000 to the count17, and everything was tall right ex their eyes, but now, when there was ' only a ample of hundred dollars fur a half hole day to some poor. lahoering men and ineehanics in question, they cried out loudly about a wrong havMg been done. Mr. Cemerpn's motion of censuie was defeated ee•Yeas 27,.Nayta 44. The motile. to go into C monittee of Supply was, then =Tete'. The 'Luse shortly af'Or adjourned. Mairch 14th. The House met at 11 a. neeend after rositinproceadiuge, went into Corimait tete ofeSupply. The following items Ins• titut tens. F133,375 -; limuigration, $133,4e4 ; Agrieulture, Atte Literary WWI Scientific Institetious, $9,1,200 ; Hospitals and Charities. ettele(reet and 817,800 to cover miscellaneous extenth- by t/te Hon. Mr. McKellar, to the effect that the Agricultural Laws would be coneolidated and amended befere the next seesion when they wonki in all prebability submitted for the eausid•• oration of the House. The Committee rose at three o'clock and the Hoene adjeurned. • The Induateial Sehools Bile resolu- tions -were concert...1 in. Thl Li nor • The oreinier'sii.ived the second reed- inz _ef the *Moot° make further pro- vision for the* due adult:list ration of would he i: ie x pedijet to re -open tho nott- ter. The measure ce.' I sat year had been stirrodmie4 with very great difficulties, and he %ens disinclined to disturb. its arrangements. The tedicy ef the Act vies tilat the money shOtil.1 be invested in a Ithy to 14444 practical residua If there,was to. be any chariest iii the, exist- ing artangements the tinier heal certain!, not yet arrived for disteri.ing thetii. -ile recapttelatedthe Modes In which the • Mone ight be applied, and !shoe ed distributes'. The one was for the cres- reeu 'on of the towrishp shares in the 4i eosin debt.. Less thaa • a year, how- ever, ad pa.ised . 'nee the Act became lis law, shed it wan n. inexpedient }lately saw or it werkril, In tee next .or the ▪ Matter if experience showed it til be . M Seeten moved an Amendment to necetrey, • this stage of. the present' session to take any action in regard to the 1,r...tittle= of the eiunicivell Lean Fund Act. Mr. Lauder movosl an amendment to the amendment, declaring that the e, "suited as to the application of the money, and that those Who desire te sp- • 'f,: • ply ie ea aid of Schools should, have the power to do so. After recess the esti-earned debate • ma the notion- of Mr. Cameron and amend - tion of the oath. to 31.nisters of the, Crown cal led to appear at witnesses be- fore Committees of the House WAS re -i .ta amendment of 'he Attorrey General asserting , the ries* of Mini/eters of the CroWn te •Satt:The the responsibility of deciding what rev'eln- tiens it WA; consistent with their public duty they should make to the dfloisiser to C. iramittees of the House was finally carried by leas 45, NAys 19. • ' March 12th: • they moved, a three months'. as a means id genie: time to censider the ...measturee Me. eicteele after due .censideraticee was Igeeptet1 reetart that lawyers eititutrelly aro. an evil, est telt there are hetet:nye:ate iu the flame. leen. Me, aseienre. It 'wasehe faller of tee Op- triv41 matters, that the Bill hal not ored the inintediate oossoete of Ma WAS - to the ametebeente reeretting that a4 bereght d..en at so. tete e period of the session: Me. Betiren tivought that. as the hid been ireeniel by two chen• eery lawyers -the Premier and Tree- Inkhe c,:iiree of the debatsi Mr. Gib- lo▪ reeitieg ef the et pewee: of lisigatioo, and alvioceted Law and -Equity being snpport the abolition of jukes but he thought the cost of juries might be ferm in ehiserespeet was very necessary. Hb was notolirs•pared to criticise the Bill tuintitely, bat ha would supper.. it if it wgted render Iiiigation leas expensive. ref imeridnient of Mr. Booltbee wait Mr. MJrrick's amenduieut ter three months' hoist, wee lust: Yeas, 8; Nays, r. Cumberland then moved so amendment to tho effect that the Dill he submitted to the, Jndges, with the reouLat that they report their views oti it' next Session. This amendinent • was &lel defeated: Yeas, 10; nays, 5.p. Hon Mr. Fraser then moredlhe pre. vious question, which, af ter some discine- sion, was cerrieel by a vete of 35, to 19. The questien wee then put sod the seeteid reading carried. March 17. Wu to give the deputy returning officers the power of counting up the votes at shall Place &statement of the number•of the close of the pelt, and ordering that they • idiattteheinpothlle- ing booth. This would serve to keep '1.1) as intermit in the result of an elec- tion among the votere, 'which he looked uP"ii as of equal iinpertance with secrecy in recording the votes. The amendments were agreed to, and the Hill read a thini ems and passed. , Hou. McKellar moved the second reading of the Income Franchme Bill, tewu that the tiro class of intelligent citizens whom the Bill affected should be enfranceired. The qualification fOr he explained. h in the Bill, seuld be 8.100. ough left blank Mr. Rykert and Mr. doeltbeit, while agreeing welt the principle of the Bill, thought the iinalitication toolow, mid entitled to vete; aPProaching too nearly to universal Oaf. and lehorine ince might, accrirding '"Pe l,Meti, to any -such prOpoeition. Hoes, oljodieted. fhe eiscussion was continued till the •oa they were strongly At the afteneen sitting Mr. hIceedith moved thst his 1141 rela•ing.to the at- tachment of debts be placed on the Orders of the 1).11. The motiin was, • The Attorney General moved g•reso- lution intended o. further the ftrogress of petted. Bille. Mr Rvitert opposed it, holding that the jooposal would prevent the diecession of his resolution relating te the appropriati.,n '44 the Municipal LAD P1111.1, Monet', which bad vtood over by adjounitieed, Mr. Rykert's end the Government, the Attorney Gee - oral dechnedtto reply to his arguments. Messrs. Beetthee aii'd 'Merrick both imp - ported Mr. Ry Ica's position. lir. ,B0eit6sie morel an amendment declar- ing that .the order relating to the Muni- cipal Loan Foal money should be alia-• eed of, On & .livisien the amendment, into CoMmittee teethe etbeitlistratiee • The Attorney General moved to go of Justice' Bill. )16 I -Ionia -et) protested against de din.; with s, important a erasure se so tete a peried.of the sta- tion. Mr. l'riece .ripported, and Me. Money Genera,1 detente,' hiallf free. tenger:: than coule he avoided; nd Very fairly, and properly takel it until consideration. 11 is dirty to the GOMEZ ry teen. The Bees- cat est, tminunItee, Dr. Baxter fiethe ceell. In the course the dimussion.the Attoruey General •eiteedueed two amendments into the Bill, one exiii.! nninber of new ledges,' as three e.soletely; the Other removing any dotees seen the constitu- helmet% for the trial of Dominieneeectime • At the eeenine sittng the Meuse !main went into C saunittee t he Whole, Mr. M.cLeod in the chair, and procedded with the considentien the clatietie rarieos cronies Site' puled and the bill p/meted end the jemse adjourned.. At the oreet of the morgine sittiwg the Liyitor Tr : Lill sea 'Sate! . for tiute and peafowl. The House then went into Committee of tflupet`y • Ana peered., the following', ins:'.$51);000, Unforeseen( Aft r disposing 'of seine routine• loose anleueettevele exeenses; *3,2J) for the nem, e House went into Comitaittee or TemoneeLeisatie .tsolviin. The itena of the ole upon the nocaining cleeses 331,131.6i Wasihnder disenssien when of thetBellet 1311). A clause was 'addeal the C.pruittee rose and. ;lie li elem. eal- effect„until the dissolution of the rirsent '. At the afternoon sitting,on the elution ttn g., into Ceminittee ofSepply, Mr. M. C. Cemeron nuked en amendment .con- denutiez the advernment for' giving out contracts in eontiectibn with certain pub- boopii4lic advertisement. He recapitule- (Appwition iu the ruble! Accounts Com- mittee in cennection with', the floural Prison and other undertakings. MreFreser warnde defended the ac- tion 01 the COnunielioeer ef Public Works, and explain"er et 4etail the rea- sotto/or tlte Cow mane; ete action in rtoard to the various nist ers complain- ed of by thentoyer ,d the amendment. censure. Air. PritiCe Wsw I, nothing in the die censure now propose the Ministry. The Ilou and the amendment was deserving of the creamers and emitters:la- tif Supply and atinued tion ef the Holt till recess. • e• viderfce did riot sustain the charge for- passed a number of ite muleted in the amenity -nest. 'There had bunk no interfereuce, coercion, or prese sure of any kind on his part or by hii authority. The simple question was, weather it was proper to give the men a half holiday. He had himself been a woeling-man, and Pympathized with thet class of the people, amd, with per- , haps too little redaction. had granted the bends at the Central Prison what he ...T.' ' genes. He denied most emphatically • having had any improper ranee., illy graattng the holiday, and had believes' he was only doing whist was nght. In • this belief he was not withont precedent. ' He cited the &trailer actieh of the Ta.1 Sense then went into Corioni t the of trm Whole upon the Bill relating to the Soleinnization cif Matrimony. The Superanuated Teachers' Fund Resolutions were .then considered in se,,minittee, and reported. The Homes teen went into C.,minittee on the School Bill, and having disposed of the several remaining clauees, re - au med. - Ott the order of the day loin; rel..' for Mr. M. C. Cameron brougnt np •he Central Prison affairand Mr. McKellar's conduct in relation thereto. He moved a revolution as an amendment to the motion to go into Committee, which re cited the evidence taken before the Committee. and declared the action of Mr. lIcKellar to have been miaappro- an improper interference with, and sub- versiv• of, the freedom of election, 4oa to pose tipin then divided'. t by yees 84, to Committee Corkruittee House went Supply, aind uuder • head of public headings, the Nor School! at Ottawa, the Central" Prison and the fen= around.- t • Partitionist, Buildinge being the chi subjectseof criticism. The ileum res •tin; public buildings had% etl, the 'Ione, hfareh 13. • At the morning littin the Vetere' List Bill was real a 'sec. time. The Ho ise Commit ete considered Bill for the Adiniaistratieu of Justice. The House then went into Committee -. of Supply and Passed severs1 items. At the afternoon selitsion' Mt. Craig IT 1110t3 Le tht S.reter:C :Ilan 3.. Adele', front 11 111- 01.1111i; pie steamer ti, foe grummet., have been receives' up Prince Kalakna hos leen elected King of the Sandwich Islands, to succeed In - Queen Em.matte.k place When the an- ..rik. serinue not by the adherents of nouneement of her defeat ism made, the mob attacked the Hulse of As4, my ; wheel af rwards dieb-tere up tel seats end darts, and set fin t.t the house, :whorl the British and United States maeines laneel mei diapered it. W. L. _Green, 'Mioister of nevem .41fairs,, terolered teatime:kid the Government for the timely iaterferaece of . the nue The Kine isfitillaresteued eitkossas• • Mr. Math= C. I" menu u OtY most reediest:man iu the leen-lee of mune,. the judges of Centime feels ekst if Dia met practising tri lte nun. Of cetree but Mee* eveninz be told the Loess, Lordship add not chime) his -mode of diving beeiness he (Mr. Centron) *quid teat would here tiniihel the court. reason ease importutlfills stoted be abandon tke Hor',e,' and 'suggested that his &bunco Wei tpiie a sufficient withareett ; Well now what ...mild be- theneuEniitigNiliskstrli':tei:co:ICiseen::nas hesihilai hot Brand in the geeker's.shair. whilai Blanes. Cenadiees. are Anglin' to till' mains of Dr. Ltreretane, and escort to England -sr. honour alike to meet the re- theni groen the spring trade in (Tee- the living and eve every hesiness nee should teli the bet neer, h ' TEND -EMS War ET) 1874, f•a• the fencing of the UNTIL also "pert of Let Bi•, "al Dna Ike proprr- met t_e Rid, eon's, aPlid* Goderielb 17th N1'''A int 1‘13h' absent [torn sickness ried. showing that the employees in the Bnt- ish dockyards and other establishments Supple, Mr. Merrick moved an amead- had been allowed a half heliday 'to vote menfenteneed to oensare the Govern - at the late election. no one regarding it se other than a proper and named Dffplii, ceedtag. He also read a cable mosetage aad reply thereto, which =awed that the men had received their full wages when thus released from work. Mr Mc- Kellar then, amid loud cheers from his friends, retireclifront the House. A sons= eat lengthy discussion en- / sued which cootinued till the house March 13th. Tble House then resumed the con - Mr. Bethune introduced a Bill to pro• 'ideation of the Estiniates in Commit- tee of Supply, and were so engeged vide for compulsory vnting at elections. to the hour of recces. Tilhiet.5.:4111 d4el'Ituti " if April 1,374 the c•;einne, the eounte of Herne Saturday merit lor applying tr the building of A te Jock woe, at tort similar building at Bruce Mine& lt. u /41111 ROOMS fter shnrt discussion, in the course in the Were te of witch the Attorney -General admitted no„er sale vse- etaitel eute of the correctness of the principle, but de- Itoreeeee, front Satnee tea_ certain fended the partiontar act complained of tthi„e win be Valliant it tt!`rY.ritter, on the groned that. no cause continued fenoeine property : Bruce Mutes, tho motion was with - 1'4 nustinbetrer:titseee'll 'gait Con- eet;041:cnIntht:81,:isiri.e.d itoeresberill: itieeeleip. esartcol"rrPosaiors.rd- TOW nia'r i„ tee esitept The foithiewe.rerg,illuet pre4v.ezitte ire mit, WALL PAPERS. T. J. DIOUBNUSE km roe,' t re A isrge assortment ..f * NEW PATIERNS. WALL PAPER FOP. SEASON 1874, A full eauck Seed, Velvet and Cuinuton ALSO WINDOW SHADES, plain and figured. offered st lowest prices. 1-Gualerich, 3Istreh 17th, 1874. SAO NDERS' VARIETY STORE. WATCHES, WATCHES silver ed good patten • - Expect SAU Mare • intim lever Matches, a arntnt- reliable time -keepers, at eid. eI4, 316. roochea, Ruing*, &c. New Black and Gold Bracelets at A largo assortment of 0%1;Am Winds, Shades in every style and variety. to,. arrive, WALL PAPER. member the place DERS' -VARIETY STORE, lere. 1413 kee The Nonk • ce.slue.weetcro Division of the TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD, 11 170a SAL7. 1 -TO BE SOLD BOOMS Or G. M. TRUESIeN‘ eAly,81h day of April, 137 I, At n'ohn. ail of Lot Nitrither ie 0111,111th Cos - in I• SCIVII Are cleaned, the belance of SO scree 1.e.ng premises, neve, faillinl striate' rusts thylitt‘h the there is • .04 hoot 'hot**. nine ere' Meet oil the laid Thal Lo is ihilut 2 miles front ltingsbedtdge P.O., amt the 0 vat Dead, anti ahont 11V -front the Tows to • the purIthaser. Tris per tent of the porehioo -sonnet Poen, 14.- Iseei to age one -hotter the 'meek**. meaty le 20 okays from ate day of Nide mid the remstnIng half of the purchase Mon*, se le 000in,1 bytillortimitaisyto at 1 per colt thereon 1111 paid. If ll e shore Fans Is notalild t may be treaded on tack terms as may lirbeeneeed tn. .• e Johno4Dai tees, Costal., Ir, or to Dr:James Dated I, It iktkisy of Men•k, It7i, 141:1c BANKRUPT STOCK. INSOLVIT ACT OF 1869. 1u the matter. of Philo Smith Noble, an TIM underril 'will receive teroten tip to 1 it:solvent. consisting ef 3,1 141110 1110: The Wt.* eottei•ting cr Te Vestiatita, newly, Wade (1,,thint, and flat- and Rook Debt. 65'1.15 Teedets to sio fneeh in Die Donne and to MAU the tenets ?toppings.. ao4 mature of payment and nature of sotuntr. Th• higheit or any tenter Ls The Stoek Lueders. thereof, sal ILA of Rook DIXIE WATSON, G.eleih:II413:11 March. 1174. I413b Rich. Farming Lands ! • 1For male eery ehewp by the Usion Pam:fic Railway Company. The Wrilth cif the Conntly is mole by!tke advance Of the alto ',rola on the Continent in Eattern i ;'• ,., par fot lauds. Lpelfull isirticui given, 11 1114- 1116 genpLCrant gondo of the CozOnny to',,,, at si nide with new Daps :nailed free. / • . A handinsie Illustrated piper, containing the Floineslend Law; salt tswe wail pmts.( the world, • MST OF z.tritas GODERICH 0„ Mailiewe Gems. manta John (wilt • killer) M MI in Janet lire lir Willies It Ale* MeConnell penalties McIntosh Jaehea Weefey 9th March, 1874. • uoye John Barker 14 neekett 11 'W Ballard Wet Mowry Emily Cameron 1, Clark If C Callaghan T Dena Loon itopheints Miss Siephedivin Charles 'loaning a Davidson Wiry Miss Fit:Miran Rota tinhorn 11 igelo Wt." Higgins Win Hall Junes Hieknibottoni John Hamlin John White D Jones A Miss Ward John inkinson Moeda David night James sirapeei Freak Ninetnerharpl? (1) ttlsepherdOeorge !tootles George Stetenson Risher! Meek J VI Thumps:in Joseph Lot 10 Con If, ticdei id* Tit PRIVATE BILLS. pARTIES INTENDING TO MAKE '` applicatimoto Parliament for Pri- vate Bills, either for granting exclusive privileges, or conferring corperate pow- ers for commercial er•other purposes of profit, or fie deing anything tending to affect the rights or property of other parties, are hereby notified that they are required by the 'tele. uf the tee 'louses of Parliament., (which are published in On motion of the Attorney General ie hill in the Canada Gazetie,) to give two wae resolved to here a morninj 1'3.111(4 1 to Committee of Supely, and snon after I) After rt. ems the House nein went in- months' notice of the application (clear - use see alYndkno'bijdeicileti)ncintlytheePraifYing tinp each day, dall o on --- The Mould reacting of the Bill for in- d"t>a Ths d bele on )Idr. Cameron's emend- afli'to tmmnaicipe14t7 of E ibar- `rte ,,., „ t:, i mint to the. motion to go into Commit- I _ _c: __, provide ide far its bemmi=g • .J sel.• a - 'ill ... . notices Private Bill Office of each House. jt All Petitions for Private Bills mast i I be presented vs theriva three is m of es, O N E s the Seai„n. For "Y the first and such to the tea of Supple was resumed by eir. the Attoraey General. The details of Werke wkieh would justify a vote of con- without a division. - cession, but it was read a second time sure. Messrs. Clarke,Barber.Christie,Oli- Hr. Pardee moved the second reading vete McManus, Deroche, Hedging., Hardy, of a Bill legaliaing the Order in Cdlineil R ood, Craig. BilieoP. Snetleellar aavi 1 of 1871, which gay* the pine timber in Cents 9PPellesi the seee 91 esnaure, eisd i isertain Floe Grant Townships- to the made Itaceil et Fur further Toronto, Ittli e;r•cli, 1844.e eneedereek `w4. 14Iate LeMom Clerk of the Senate. ALIT RD PATRICK, Clerk of the House 1411 of Commons. 4.14 MANCHESTER HousE. . CROFTS & JOHNSTON. NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ARRIATING and Busiuess steadily increasing,. Another lot of pring goods just opined. Dress Goods, Shawls, Black and itlokererd sSulilthss; men Is, hirting, tweeds, Readjr _Made Clothing, Boy's Knickerr pnd Boy's Felt Hats jiew styles, Boots and Shoes in great nella Gaiters, large stock of new and choice Teas. Noted for Cheap Good,. • BALL'S SPILNG ODE. • On hfarket het iit the round, Yon sfl can buy -by cheat, by poem'. Good Tea. we here deelare. Our Timm are good,. our Teig aro cheap, They'll fill yolk with delight, . Yitull set be tried by headache Wild, Nur Your It ..yeisepsits severe, alth will be serenely mild, • - And peiceful your career. tbir store you'll find ,.11. the wese side, Anil sifien you've -once our'ehoice Teas You'll say' wo deal steite fele Weide ya deal upon the Square; • Here let Hee sul.ject end. • To all t 'me friends_ ult.; in getellieset the helped alone the Ball, We wig ' thole all a ee,olly part Fur eing Ball a Call. 1111 t 1874. ckay Brothers' 0 ODS Is imie complete every dtperhistent which they are prepared to (haft:444d as NEW 61100E11Y Where the Conseil of the Curren/0in of the county o rime lo purchase the the said C And w oilleet„ It said Cori lee 011'001N ail tb• Gravel Roadots rex, to•OttlistOto 'lb '4 'the sold recited ratios ie.. . i , stint of tastily times - .111 bOoll=11.,lor the tOaerfl of she Ant alikreas the iii -et the whole ratealde • property i t he 'saki Pewit, ei II tiros . triespective I of oat tut re luereetate the s ink seft irreep,eti.o. lea Steed sad snoistteest'Atemsertest Pons e the sip! County, Akre the star .ine thoi..asel eight hundred emeattkiitente wart Thirteen Minima arta he .114.1 si y. thoulalie three -iineenet Ape ir feast) alloht•of et the exist in r debt of thlrtv 401 rel. t444 fitillt,t1r4,71.1.1*Iwnt,IT•rs bearing interest a the rale rf AIX ter rent per swum. She Antonal in driest to tomtit on tire aeot rte!.1 kiateio ve lb...mine and eighty unit dollars me teen touch details. re Is nu Inter's.; 1 It win reviler the sew of rev; wo htintnel dollars to - be rebind ante - tat rat,.. for th- 1,,ement of the fetid nnifersel ial Piloting Fond (or paying the void cf enty thuitaand toilers and alienist as inert,* metal, red • St st i I -"quirt an eit'Isi .11' o Alte4•11 rate cf one hundred and sixty nine ....• nett of Vie Collimation of Diet:toddy tif Heron: ,ert On each yea,. lie ii theref, ire enactert'bejlie .4. That it shall be lawful tor the tvereen of this said irnienty of Hymn b, l'eis AY weT 0 loan Nan sof r... person.. leOly or bodies corpor• .4, who ay befitting to advance the 'SOW upon the creditor De Debetitor• . heteinaftier menti, lied, • ion, notes -ening in the slidle the sum of leell'Y thouaint doliark ales rause the Patin to be Dahl :31,1 for the purposes and ,:th the object &bolt TT - nit, That It shall be :so fli f .r the atht Warden to eanu Orly mimes, orte ore area to isi•truble for *nib same or money. net -, .i, titan one hundred ,Inflerrs Melt 4tt tlya S:11.1 Debentures elan to seated is the nal of the 0.4,1 Orivroll.4014 WA 1.44 tee Tre sneer of the ante sfe ..ntcy *hie an lerwty Imre et en . i oet, tem tit, Uy herein after woo ivied for this Ity-`,... to tale "Sort, at iiii the °Stet' 1 lb* .Treaserm- or the snot CoLnly 01 Heron, a *hall leave 01 i.1,4 to them roepoe. foe the refseest of the 110,1.'44 a omisly, 'demo ie the midi Warden 111141 Trroo,r,f. Hose gala U milt 'revert the ).-,, Tr cnt Or loilf,41 4,1411 ..4 145111T ti44111.an•t cletiors, an i tley *hall beer Inter- est at eie este erste tier echt IA r annum, .. holt in- terest sh•ill lo plyiete nn +he Oral air oi .110i in sa▪ id County of Boron. Sth 1 tat for the purpose of forming a Sinking 'Fluid fir the payment of 0., said Del.riititres cud the interest at the rate afonalist to fweocee dne C•reon. aft Opts! epeeist mt., of one hnndred an,1 milt in th• dollar. /hall. id addition te all other _ .,Itmeand fares be nisei. levted and collected. in e.ehyrar loon all the rates'ile property within the County of !baron, eluting the cdndinuane) ot the said Debe Hums o• any of them. 1111s. 'That this lii -law slill take *Peet and tome thensand eight hundred a,,,I.ecenty-four. 'The ahem le a true ropy of a proposed Dystaw to be talisi Into otonadteration. by the nmintripially ,,f the county of Huron at eesolich. la the said County on the tierth day of,Juue, 11/4. At the hi,t4T of two 11.eloek in the aftelboon. at which time and piers the niembrrs of tfie Couselt aril hereby required im attend for the otirpo‘e aforesaid. PETER A DAILSON, Clerk. VICTORIA STREET • ALEX. ADA.:11 begs Imre to talent' the magic of Gad, eiech and surrounding. °centre that he has opened duo New Store on Victoria ' St. with a choice • stock iteePing first elites articles atl low prices he helmet to get a share of lIstlic 'joy's:a fur yourselves. 110k*FEE GROUND DAILY, AeAtlam will elegy, have on hand , supply of spiced beef hams. Goderieh. Ilth Nov. 1873. nee IiiiitliWARE Hardwarr, Hardware. PUDE Sebecriber begs to inform the rounding Ceuntry that he has purchas- ed the comity Clerk's Office. 1 NOTICE. Goderich Silver Cornet Gand. PIIIIE GODERICH TOWN BAND A' having perchased a set ..f newt irf- strements, the teethe may expect te hear then. oh the Square in the course of faw days, under the leadership Of Mr. Duckham. Will be 'men fur eno J, Dreaues, Leader. Roar. BLACK, l•ressurer. Godorich, 10th March, 1874. 1412 t STRAY STEER. AME INTO THE PREMISES OF ' the anbacriber about 1st November last, • RED STEER, coming two years old. with a white star on his forehead and one horn crooked over the eye. Tate owner will please prove property, pay expenses and take him away. DUN CAN II/GNU. Lot 3, 10th Con. Colborne. 16th Merch, 1874. 1413c* • Bankrupt Stcck 40 Toath $15 CO looth $20 .1 ei Whir ill:lint:0 1. • for sale, i lett Opts 01 herrews, their aped love +over been : • dee' Fee heauty of finish or coyerine seed. - 1 seen In spring time when fermers are linse I ,Iu teem Piej ing tho ground tor -wheat, oats Or "ore -Thais is sonsething-thoy want to make Get a set the ground fine, • .7.- 1 . dawn • • • in harmwiee pea* ft is found. them still are on dop of the who het e need et harroes they pass over n peas itre elan tailors arelimpy td my ha -rows and unarm it fine • mad.* re geed yeti and will lone time. BAtISATif COUGHS AND CoLDS. STO MARKET-SQUARE,G0 1.111011- • 11111111111j ! Plitt CHEAP FOP, CAISII. EINTZE succEssvos TO •Sic ri.1-11 Et Ft efinortenity'of 'informing their frieadp and splendid premises en the Market Sieve one door East patrone that they have re- • el,cre the are now reeeiving their frit aud ts inter stuck ef SHELF MU. HEAVY Bought since the recto. doylies Ls ,weich they are offerinelery low for cash. Call and 308 tor Ycittiselves. Gott rich, ott. eerie 11473, JUS1 RECEIVFAD OW E MOORE & CORDON'S OF • whelk muat bo cleared out at lore /401E.S' At Cost and Under. Special Bargains to the Trarle. LADIES' CLOUDQ, Goalerich, Oct. 17, 1873. 1392 Farm to Rent. Pc HE subscriber, offers to toil his • farm, bsing Lots numbers 14 aud containing 160 acres, 80 cleared tied in I it '- 5, 5th concession, Goderich 'foe lead?, ,ry Goods, good state of cultivation. There are teal buildings and an ample supply (if good water on the lot. Should the arte not be let immediately, an °PP"' unity will be given to a good steady man to work it for the season. • ' , reoFour good cows in calf for este. . • DANIEL WILSON. Goderich,lnh March, 1874. 1413es GENTS' CAPS. A 1_414 Tr COmp WANTED. A N APPRENTICE TO THE BLACK - km smith busiuess. Apply to • Wm. DOWNS. Smith's Llill. Gelerich, October get 11411ds '4'1073 March 4tb, 1874. Boots &Shoes, Ready MadeClothing. CLOTHING MADE TO OR.pER. CLOTHING. Stock ofClothing BEST STOCK OF CLOTHS _Ever offered in Goderich, and therein; determined to sell the • CLOTEING MADE TO Oitalt sor argosy, worms. good ,Fit guaranteed o: uo Sale. REMEMBER THE STAND, Next Door to J,,,Dosd's Drag Store. Market Sq Godcrieh. 1390 SANTA. CLA.VS W. STANBURY Begs to inform the inbabitatits of Malt - !anthill° and the eurrZeinding country, that he has receieed a large supply of FaneY Goods and TOYS of all descrifttions, for ehristmls and New Year's Gitts, which will be sold kit, Also &full stock of EW GROG•'ERIES mg of Teas, not to be equaled ia 'ph. and flavour, at all prices, to snit the times.' • 1 N new Raisins, Curre,nte,SpiomeRie, St gars, Setups of tint qmdityaill every' . ether article in the Grooeky line. ;Ge• ode Glass & kerverea Sete, 14. Nails, Flour k Feed. a full eupply of Wince and Liquors k aa Sherry, Port; Brandy, Runt, -5 EGin, Wkiskey, Ales, &a sti Mttket price paid for produce. Better. Ems, Oats; . Peas & Beattie* bought Merchant Tailor, FALL AND • WINTER GOODS, ' slick he is prepare() to.make up in the , most.fashienable style and at the lowest rates. all kinds kept =hand as -usual. (Iselerish, 9th Dee. 1573, gTurk AS MERIELD ,A • ClOiAlt AND. T111ACCO 'STORE, ln the Stere forme:1y occupied by. F. Faeroe, Market Square, Goderich. his sell selected stnek of, Sign of elle Smoking Tur• k. VV.Green- wood is Atteet for T. F. Room= Organ Builder, Toronto. Orden for tu meg promptly attended , -1401 T T riE I. 0 NI. 14 PARTTIL. UST of good, for sale at Parson's se Co's new Hardwaeo Store, opposite the Market NAILS,, GLASS, PUTTY, CARPENTERS TOOLS, SPADES, SfLOVELS, SCYTHES, FORKS, GRAIN CRADLES, '11.1NILLA ROPE, * HEMP AND RUBBER PACKING:, L1THER BELTING, elitism, WHITE LEAD, all prices, . ROILED AND RAW OIL, BLACK OIL, MACHINERY One. And ell kinds of For Sale Cheap, ST Opposite the Market House, Opposite Grain Market. 85 Tfi 820.iz; ww:inte.dig l people of either set. voting or old. wake Wes rtion,y at work for to in their spare moveeets. for oil the time, this et arousing ewe. Panionlar ismer Portland. WS,