HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1874-3-25, Page 2e
.40010i A IlL
gedge-p, Adams& ' .f • -
Allem Lies -P. R. Carte. ' -
Reseesee-D. Stesehani.
Gift lasterpcise--L- D. Ohm
The people's tereeery-0. Old.
Osaned sad l3ottled Fruits and Vegeta-
bles -D. Ferguson.
Smut Drank Itsilvsy.
Goeins..m-n mem
Trains leave as follema.-
........2.00fa. m.
5r45 as e 4
Itizeil ... 12.30 p. ie.
- -. .... ... ASO te "
Trains ate due as felkient
Mixed „„.. .20 d# It
Rims* 2.00 p. m.
lased."... ,5.2Q 41 li
Mail 10.00 " '
utan /Signal.
Elves anti Quebec Zalltray.
The ineorporating the Huron and
Quebec Railway Cou.pany haring passed
its third reading, John Fowler, Eaq.,
promoter of the scheme, visited Geder-
Oh on !Keeley laat and had a by-law for
panting a bones prepared and submit-
ted to the Council et • special meeting
convened that evening. It ia proposed
to grant • bonne of $100,000 on certain
coeditiorui favourable to the town. The
sum rosy main large, but if Goderich is
eves to be plum of impedance it must
become so through the sipstrumentality
of thia road. vve have -1,1ready poipted
out the advantages which the oonstroce
lion of the road , will confer, and shall
have occasion to do so again more Jetty
before the by-law is submitted to the
people. The by-law provicies that *
bonus will be granted ou the following
oonditions,-that the debentures shall
not be negotiated or converted into cuh
or pase out of the hands of the trustees
with whom they are deposited till the
western terminus is toasted and fixed
permanently Within the limits of the
town ; or till hinnies amounting to $5.-
000 s mile over mid above the govern-
ment grint have_ -been secured for the
whole line between Goderic.h and
Peterborio said. bonuses to be • grant-
ed within one year ; or till
• (bona fide commencement hm been
nixie In- coestructing the road at the
western terminus, said commencemene
to be made within one yeer; or till an
agreement is entered inte to expend the
$100,000 er so much as is necessary foe
the work", within thetown; or till such
other agreements and conditions are
entered into as may be agreed upon.
Should these conditteus not be fulfilled
the debenture' will ,becorue null mid
void, An agreement • has been signed
by Mr. Fowler M establish workshops,
elevators, itg/thers. Of coorse it is our
duty- secureourselvea in such*. man-
ner that the town will limp correspond-
ing advantages for the outlay it is called
urn to make. and this security Mr.
Fawler ia willing to give. The by-law
passed its firat nailing on Monday
evening and will come up for a second
reading on Friday, &Mee which it will
be published and submitted to the peo-
ple in due course. We trust there %ill
be no difficulty in paying is. We shall
to the subject in sebsequent
GODERICH. March 25, 1874.
Tetsra Lasts.
have several times coned attention
to the errors, wilful or otherwise, which
are made in the assessment rolls and vet-
mis lista, and pointed out the necessity
of some chenge in the law to guard
sgainst mistakes and ensure accuracy.
We are glad thereforito leen that At-
torney Geared Mowat has taken prompt
action to amend the law in this respect.
Ile lam • bill before the house respect-
ing vuters hate, the NOM* provisions
of which he explained as fulgivesi when
the measure came np fur its second road-
1211) -
He mid the object of the Bill was
necessary in order that the names of per-
sona entitled by law to vote should be
on the vosers' lista, and that nn other
names shieteld be upon the list. The ob-
ject wan ef moat importance to both
sides of the House, which should be
equally desirous of attaining that object.
The law se it stood afforded facilities for
the creation of false vote*, and faciliries
for preventing persons who should have
their names on the lists from being put
on. It was impossible to prevent these
evils from time to time, it waa their duty
to remedy them ea far es possible, and
be thought tee provisions contained in
Pte Bill would go a gnat way to reduce
; the eximiag evils. One objeetion wa•
VOA the erosion at present had too much
'Ai a political character, and the state of
voters' lists was not known by the people
until the election arrived. It was fre-
quently found that people who thought
they had votes did not possess theinoind
others who hai no right to them were
pot npon the yoters' lista. Under the
English system they had a revising bar-
rister •Ito determined matters in respect
to these lisle. He proposedohoweversin•
stead' of the revising hamster, that they
should manilas of the County J udge.
A revising barrister appointed by the
Government yrould never have public
eonfidence, and it was neeesaary that
justice should be as frees." possible from
suspicion. He propoeed that an alpha-
betical list should be prepared by the -
clerk, of the persons who appearee on
the assessment rolls to be entitled to
votes, and that this list should be sub-
ject to revision by the County Judge.
He had also *Tided that the list should
he printed, and that copies should be
posted in some conspicuous place in his
own office, and that two copies should
be transmitted to the following persons:
Every member of the municipal couecil
of the municipality except the reeve;
every teacher of • Public School in`the
municipality; every postmaster in the
municipality; the treasurer thereof; the
theriff of the county; the county -judge,
or each of the county judges In case
there shall be more thin one county
judge in the electoral division; the clerk
et the pesos; the .nernber of the Houle
of Ormasees, Avid the member of the
Legislative Assembly for the Electoral
Division, respectively, in •,.which the
municipality lies;the unsuccessful candi-
date, or emit of the cand islates for whem
vc bee were given at the then last eleetion
of a membor for the House of COLLITDOILIL
and for the Legialittin Assembly, re-
spectively. Objection to the het would
have to be made within thirty days, and
if no objection were made within that
Aline, the lise would be confirmed. He
had in the &II afforded facilities for
witnesees being produced, because he
;thought it right, if an objection was
;made to the vote of any person, that it
should be his duty to attend, and he
prinpowed, If such voter refused to at
,tend. that his name should be struck off
lthe hats. The coet ocemaiened lay errors
ot the Aoseseer or the Clerk might be
ordered to be paid by the guilty parties.
For every mime errenstously inserted or
loneurated, the penal* was $10. This
prevision was for the purpose of prevent -
is.; mistake" which ought not to occur,
with the use of fair and ordinary dili-
gence by the officers concerned in this
Inatme. If the Assessor welfully inserts
or omits. a fine not exceeeding $201.)
,nEellistht he imposed, and Imprisonment
-ono! the Ina he peed, or impresenment
ip the *nommen gaol of the county or city
for -a period not exceeding eix months,
er both such fine or imprisonment, in
the discretion of the Court. Then, is
ereler to prevent bogus leases and other
transactions of • similar character, he
lied made them penal offences. He was
sure hon. gentlemen would eve that
times was no desire on he part to favour
either, and thought it should' meet
with general approboien by the House.
°Map Isoorporstiaa.
The National, the organ of flannel
13rigge, has a very sensible article on
tho Orange Iroorporation question.
After recapitulating the history of the
question tt closes as folio w s :
"Orangemen would have had just
ground of complaint had they been re -
Need privileges granted Mother organis-
ations, hot the Government measure is
amply sufficient to confer upon them all
the emelt* Irom the -special legislation
upon which they appear to hat tot
their hearts. Their grieyance is °rely
asentimulal one. There is absolutely
no difference between the position their
order will occupy if they take advantage
of the Government measure, and that
they would sttain under special sete of
incorporation. The whole question
resolves into mere legal hair-splitting,as
to the precise mode in which an object
npon which both parties are agreed shall
be aceemplished, and as Atterney-Gener-
Mowat very justly observed, where
there:were two method* of effectine any
object, one of which was calculated to
arouse sectarian animosities snd give
offence to a large section of the popula-
time and the other would not be attend-
ed by any such results, the latter was
surely the preferable mode."
The Gaiernment Itallvny Polio 7.
Notwithstanding the assertions of the
charter -sellers, british Coln mbia appears
to be perfectly satiatted with the rail-
way policy of the Governmeut and to
see that it is the beat for themselves as
well as ,for the country at large. The
V ictorta Standard, after carefully review-
ing _the details of the mealier°, says: .
The measure has been very favour.
ably received and commented on by both
'sides of the Deese.
"The persistent efforts of the charter -
selling party in the East to miereprerient
the policy of the Dominion Government
in respect of the construction of the
Canadian Pacific Railway, have met
with but little encouragement or sue
toes, as the envie Oil the other side of
the mountains are too well posted in the
tactics of that party to be, misled b.
their unprincipled sophistries all'd
audacious misstatements. Nor have the
syrepathizers with the charter -sellers on
this side of the continent been any more
successful in deluding the people by
their attempt to manufacture and retael
falsehoods touching the EN1110 subjeot
True, when statement' were first ief
afloat and industriously circulate 1 to
the affect that 31r.Mackenzie hae entered
'tete an agreement with the Governeneat
of this Province, by which he was to ad.
vance a certain sum of money to bespent
in public improvements in, British
Columbines the price of each a relaxa-
tion of the terms uf union as would en-
able the Domicion Goyeenreent to post --
pone the commencement of the mill."
in this conntey for an irldefinite period
of time, they gave rise to to a feeling of
uneasiness and apprehenaion thet
minds oflnot a few of our most prominent
citizens; but the feeling seon•subaided.
and confidence in the integrity end
ability of the Local Goyerriment remain-
ed firm and unthaken. That Mr. Mac-
kenzie intends to keep faith 11. ith British
Columhia, and to carry ont the Terms to
the utmost possible extent, is ecery day
becoming more and mere apparent. He
cermet do impossibilities, nor do British
Columbiana expect him to make the at-
The Southern 'Extension.
THUNDER &ream, -A hea•y thunder
stens passed over this place early on
Thursday morning Lest..
Some time ago the Tory press in this
County and in South Bruce, charged the
Reform government of Ontario with be-
ing the cause of the delay in opening
the Southern Extension of the Welling-
ton, Grey and Bruce Railway by with-
holding the subsidy. We showed con-
clariyely at the time that the Govern.
ment were not to • blame in the matter.
Last Friday Treasurer Crooke movedin
the house the ratification of an Order in
Council granting increased aid to that
Portlon of the line between Palnaerston
and Winship's, urging that unless it was
given, the road would fall into the
hands of the oeutractors,as the company
were not able to pay them fur the work
done. The Tories, headed by Mr. By-
kert,did all Lacy' could' to defeat the Motion..
Will the charter -selling orgaim make
a note of this.
;name Franchise
Hon. Mr. McKellar's bill giving votes
to time* who pay taxes on an income of
$400 and epward has teased the House
of Assembly. On its second reading
the Opposition, headed by Messrs.
Rykert skid Botiltbu, voted to have the
minimuM axed at $600. Mr. Rykert
argued against the $400 clause as fol -
hors, -"Ele thought it was going too far
towardls universal suffrage. Ile was
entirely opposed to universal enffrage,
and considered in so far aa carpenters
and teortmen had very few of them Lase
than $400 per amen no this was approach:
ing too near it., an,1 he thought $600
should he the mine' Me, Boultbee
objected to the hill "beaus° it would
give railway laborers, or inen receiving
$1.50 per day, a vote. This would be
going too far in the direceion of univer-
sal suffrage, to which he entirely ob-
jected." "
Mscusentm, Wo•axelitle •ND LAROU
yon have often been appealed to
to vote for Tory mndidates because they
professecitheamelveito be your friends.
You now see the hollowness of their
professions. The Liberal party have
given you Income Friendlies, a bill to
secime correctness in the Voter's Lists
as a shield against fraud, and the Ballot
as security , against coercion or intimi-
dation. We trust you haye learned
who your true friend' are, not by their
hollow professions of friendship by their
Measures in your behalf.
The Auliciary Mil.
t haa been telt for some time that
the work imported on the Jeeps of
the Superior Courts, largely increased
recently by the ctange in the law for
the trial of controverted elections, is
entirely too heavy. Attorney General
Mowat has a bill before the house
authorising an in -crease in their number,
and introducing some other chanFes in
th• working of the Courts. He pro-
poses to procure the appointment of
three edditional judges and re -constitute
the Court of Appeal, by making it con-
sist of the Ckief Justice and the three
judges proposed to be appointed under
the act. As the besinims of the Court
of Appeal would Dot, however, be suf-
ficient to occupy their whole time, it is
proposed to utilise the additional judges
by requiring them to aid in the circuit
work of the various courts. It is -also
proposed by the bilLto abolish stamps
in Diviann and Codnty Courts, which
will be s great relief is poor people wh
have litigation in those courts. Thong&
the measure is one the necessity fur
whieh is nni venally acknowledged,
Ceatiwon, Boaltbee, Lauder, Ry kart,
Renick and other opposition members
imasied ita second reading as the oe-
4111611. for making • furious nnslaught
es the goverumeet, and emoted a whole
day in futile efforts to defeat or postpone
it. Their cionduct shows them to be
actuated, sot by a desire for the welfare
of the country, bat by a factious spirit,
which leads than to oppose any
measure,: no matter how good, which
masa-ate@ from. the government side of
the house.
AM Absurd Measure.
A bill is before the Ontario Legis-
lature to provide for compulsory voting
at elections. It provides that every
Porson entitled to vote and not excused
from voting shall vote at every election
of a Ile ether of the Ilouse of Assembly
for the Province of Ontario, for the
electoral division in whieh he resides.
Any person who is sick, and any person
Who is absent from the electoral divi-
sion in which he resides at the time of
the election, on busiuess of a pressing
nature, shall be excimed from voting.
A. penalty of $20 is inourred fur e ielat-
Ong the act. We do not le3.3 Why a,ny
person who does not desire t exercise
his franchise should be compelled Mello
so anti therefore wo repot tho bill as
an ansurl ime. It is not likely* to pass.
A move ia being made to erect an Riga-
eopol Church in the village of Lucknow.
to thank Archibald Bishop, M. P. P. for
supplies of parliamentary papers.
Reams SZASolf•-"Hallo, Rot any
marbles," ‘`enuckle down," and other
similar sounds on the street show that
the marble season haa fairly °piped.
Btrre Pownteareme IP. --Mr. Rooney,
postmaster Blyth, writes to the Mail
denying that he has resigned his office or
that Mr. McKinnon has been appointed
to it.
Ferguson announces in our eolumns
that he has, a large assortment of conned
and bottled fruits for sale. See adver•
A Noe' Ws.stsa.-On Sunday night
and during Monday we had a regular
Nor'\ west gale, moompanied with a
fiarry of snow. Hard frost teem -
pained it.
Btrrrau Femme.-- We undent-ind
that there is a regular butter famine in
town at present. The article can hardly
be obtained at any price. As high hi
40 and 60 cents a pound has been paid.
THE Deame.-A number of the vil-
lages in the northern part of the County
ars riving their attention to amateur
dramatics. Wingham, Lucknow and
other aapiring places have their theatri-
cal clubs.
Bogie has purchased from Captain :La-
cey one-fourth interest in the schooner
Jenny IlusetaU, and will aail her this
season, She has been overhauled and
thoroughly repaired.
The Zorap-book Mai Continf.
Charles Rykert, M. P. P., the man of
scrap book notoriety, anneenced in
Parliament last Friday that he would
visit all the constituencies in the' West
during the coining season, even at the
risk -of losing his own eleceion: How
moomaninious of Cherie* to teite „the
trouble to come and enlighien the west-
ern heathens on political Matters. So
far SS risking she loss of his own election
is concerned there is no risk whatever.
The loss of Reis sure. C..ene on Charley.
Anything you can soy will be more like-
ly to strengthen the government than to
weaken them.
The Imperial Parliament re-seeembled
last Thursday. The Queen did not at-
tend in person but her speech WAS read
by commission. It enebraced a variety
Porn- eat of Crotrn Witnesses.
The question of paying Crown witting.:
ses was discussed in the Ontario Legis-
lature last Friday. It is the intention
of the Gevernment to pass an act forth.
purpose as soon as possible. Unexpect-
ed difficulties have arisen to prevent the
immediate carrying out of the reform.
The estimated oost will be $60,000 or
$70,000 a year, and there is great dif.
(mimeo of opinion as to whether the
province, or counties shonld bear theex-
peose, Mr. Ciibson uf North Ituroh ex- cam made him understand his diety,but
pressed his opinion that the counties on account of his phystcal defect tho
shonld. Judgeexempted him from serving.
DAILY DRAPHIC.-We received a few
-A New York paper recommends dOtaiyasp/iagica, atht(OophyiyofihthielyNiellifrostYraoterkd- hDuewiliy
the United States government to send peper in the world, It was a Neil
for Sir Garnet Wolseley to sabdeie the venture te esteblish stich a paper, and it
Indiau tribes'which cause -them so much reaks well for Cateelien enterprise,. see -
trouble. . It says that whether in Ind' tug it watt OtIontrealers who originated
• u/o and carnetliout the project. Front cone;
ino&byminia or in Asitentee, thobanner imall beginning" it has now
ef St. George, tlatinting in the van of a grown to a large and respectable
of topics, among them foreign relation.,
Colontzation Society t St. Boniface
g Steps- weare at once taken
which were described as most frietedlye that, evince] _.
the marriage of the Duke of -Edinburgh-, to secure his arrest Oa a w nt, and a
referred to as a pledge of friendship be. number of special constables sworn in
1 • Tan 'COURT HOUSR.- We are glad to
lesen that the Court House is to receive
s thoruugh overhauling, to be paiuted
and repaired throughuut, It needs it.
Tenders are advertised for in this Mum
for the first instalment of the work.
olNevioortos.-There promises to be
arl early opening of nayigation this
semen. Steamers are now refuting on
the St. Clair rivet and other pieces.
The weather burean at Witshington has
*ores" the storm signal" to be displayed
od and after the let of April.
: lli•PLI SUGAR. -It is said by those
lieho pretend to know, that the maple
or crop will be poor this season. The
on alleged is that the pet winter has
been so neill that the frost has not pene-
trated to a sufficient depth to cause a
good run of sap.
SPICIALL !Unarm -Law business be-
ing doll with them, a number of our
young lawyers heve teen sworn in as
bailiffs, in the hope that they will there-
by be able to supplementeheir incenses
by the fees they trust to Obtain. Special
,attentioe given to ths Krrviee of pro-
tests .
Psasorcit..-We learn that the Bishop
of Huron has, •t themrstquest of the
parishuners of St. Thomas church in the
town of St. Thema*, appointed Rev. 8.
B. Kellegle et Clinton, incumbent of
that *tab, vacent by tho rumination of
Rev. Dr. Caulfield. We are sure the
people of Clintou will regret Mr. Kel
s departure. .
StAlti Till °MDR -NOW t11.4t 1110
emellbirda are beginning Id niake their
appearance we trust our sporting youth.
will. beim in mind that 'there ie a law
against their wanton destruction. Toe
feathered raceme of incalculable beneet
in the farmer and should not be ruth-
lessly destroyed. • Boys, spire the
birds. .
Tug ANCHOR 1.INR, after April 1, will
diepateh three of their fine stceiners te
sod hind Glasgow, viz: Teesdriy, Thin*
slay and Saturday ; tle; lhat nainel go-
ing direct, Thurnisy's 'teenier ceiling at
Queenstown, and that uf Tuesday touch-
ing et L nedmiderry: This compano,
have now such an- enerntotts businel
that it would not be surprising to he
soon of their daily line. -"X. Y. Ee-
prvss,' March 13th.
lamest) Waseta.--We learn that
the G rand- Trunk Railway Compeny. are
replacing the wheels at. present in use
on their passenger cars, by putting on
wrought iron wheels, with steel tires.
The new wheel is a great improvemeitt
on throe formerly in use, and accidents
through the breaking of wheels will be
of rare occurrence. The now wheels so
far a" they have been tested give gt eat.
A "3 -RAN D J 1 RoR. -One of the grand
jurure subpoenoed for the late assizes
who was a little late in arriving and had
to be sworn in alone, wee sextons to
know if he would have to do the whole
of the work himself, promising to do the
best he could though he was rather herd
of hearing. The Clerk after some diffl-
tradesmen, lawyers and even ininisters.i
Ile said that the principle of prohibi-•
don was already admitted in our lawie.
do not prohibit the sale of liqnor after
a certain hour at night, on Sundays and:
on polling days? There artronly two
sides to this moist:ion. If you don't
drink you will never be drunk, while it'
you do you may. We need this law to
prevent the frightful waste of our wealth
which is goiii en. Our legislators
spend vast stains of moiety to bring over
ioirnigrauts, and when they are here,
we have our laws ready to kill them.
Away with sueh legislation. Is it wrong
to commit crime I Then license the
sale of liquor !, Wh6 is responsible for
murders committed by drunkards ?
, Not the tavern keepers, ndt oar ,coun-
chore, not our legisilators but purse/ma.
We can put in the men who, witl
give us what we want. Let us
sink party differences to accomplish
our end. Some say we are not
ready for prohibition, but ao faiqsaid
the lecturer) as I am acquainted.
with Ontario, we are. As to our right
to pass this law, have we not sanitary
laws to stop the spread of • contagion 1
audible ii worse than any contagious
disuses. Are we not then to have the
power to stop it 1 Sorne say it has failed
in Maine,.liut it has . not. There is no
doubt but thet this law if passed would
be brokim, but then the country won't
be responsible for the crimes. committed
throogh liquor. Some object that we
'Ultimo our revenue. But have we any
rightjto get revenne from our brothers'
blood f. Also, if the capital invested in
this ere applied to a legitimate calling,
it w Id be better 1pr the country.
Ake an eloquent arpoel to all to sid in
this ork, the gentleman sat down amid
Reh. Mr. Williatns said, NO inan
needs liquor -40 years experieece has
proved this, Will prohibition suc-
ceed 1 tie do this it must commend itaelf
to the ohristian community.- This liquor
business is a great. anomaly. Why
should we blame legistatures about a
when we have made these what they are?
It Is o,bjected that imbibition will in-
crease our taxes, this is a "elfish objec-
tion. To pt, prohibition we Must get
men of one idea. We mat.' get the
church reused. The liquor traffic has
no rights, only privileges. We can.
abolish its privilnes. If we :caul pt
prohebition inuntWiately, we will take`
the next beet, and hostility support Mr.
Crooks' bill now before Parliament. Am
I sorry that liquor 'mikes a man drank I
No ! I am glad it clothes men in rags
and tatters, for thee they will • be less
likely to drink. Home "say ii call%
mak• men moral ty law. Can't we/
Then what is law for I We -can stop
crime by' law, and it is a crime to Orielt
to excess. I think society has • right to
protect itself. Will there be a whiskey
rehellion 1 Let them try it. 'Outline
your coat up, or take it off, for we will
have ,to fight, but the Lord is ou, one
aide !. Friehds, k hope and believe that
soon the sun will shine ind the eters
look down one temperate world ! (Loud
, hitters.)
A iesoltitien in favor of prullibitiori
was carried almost unettiatouslye and
this meat successOil in toting closed with
the beneOiction. .
few regiments of British troops, coin- t and :we understand has a largo
sahneclagr' owini circulation. It is published
and. intractable hurdee of uncivilised Tim Riese °MS. -The Maitla/
foeffien, while there, on the contrary. river and the harbour, with the excep-
maintained at enormous expense, and
ewer of .the Republic, lion of a strip along the docks, is quAs
clear of ice. The winter has been so
the military p
with.no other military initiation to fulfil wmhilednantidethereiesseoinrothme ,Intsorrosootthshoin thot
than that of hol tine a few thousand gave way, aPnd the river has now a clear
truedsakeciaosminpliishithothrtalitnaptiuurn, utter1lytafereils outlet beyond the piers. It i -i well that
tuerke are highly complimentary to Sir this 4 thehcase, hfor had there been a
lebnobriLs udea in as:et weorennearvael t iesn, idnottc ale -
Gornot and tOe British eovernment. The whole of the new zenith pier and
-On SatijdaTl-mt Mr: McCall intro- very poosibly some of the warehouses in
, . rear of what remains of the old ducks
duced a motion in the °Mario Auembly would probably have sailed out into the
Messrs. McCill,Meredith and 0' Donog- lake. It is many years since their has
in favour of Universal Suffrage. Only
sbezheuch a quiet break up in theffiever
- arbonr.
hue voted for it. .. ,
FATAL ACCIDINT.-An accident occur•
-The iinknown eietiut of the Ko- red a few days since at Port Frank, by
be a Mr. Marlatt. of Thorold. iia has which an old resident of Hay was ie.
nioka railway dimmer has turned ont to
nn relatives in this country. "tautly killed, The Exeter Times says
have engaged a number of men - to dig
the Canada Colnpany have been forums
time making greet improvements in their
of the lake, and
-United States. awrnt inhe-linegogtein?tiontes 'Inds in the vietnit7
eoineoarrizosifdthraeinssor for the purpose. of
plus water. The sides
for Reciprocity between Canada and the
-An overflow of the Thames river id of these drains in some cuts aro over
forty feet high, and it was while working
property and the less of several lives. frozeo scene feet deep at the top, and
w-3.-1 pTrloi aro gLiol :at I y icauze toof thhiest odpeolatcr 04.,1.1teltglirr:ol.ltootinisweaan
fonf ,eaairter trocaktuesoefforanocitImwre, n Itacrrgsso htirsa eta
England has caused great destruction of
eLestegrisdlaaytnre„ of Ontario
mends respect from the most warlike ey the Grai,hte Company at $12 a yea .
' ....mommemmorm,mutee.. the bottom of the small caual, falling°
upon the unfortunate man and knockine
ilitl. /he 'grout of him, Mr. Jamison was an
____ old iesident of Hay, and leans a large
recTehivee ,difbnyeitota Ga:ette says • -"On .iircle of acquaintances to mourn his sad
:Honda), - last reliable inforination WM end. He was unmarried. The mime
the proper authorities here journal adds that since the above was
that Riel was to be present and to ad- written "we hoar that three more men
deess a meeting of the French Canadian have been killed at these drains in the
IAM61 manner, but we are not in s posi-
teetified to the fad that she had always
been a loving wife and fond mother, but
that for some time before the unfortu-
nate affair her manner had changed, and
she had tuiprsesad to some of her friends
that wicked thoughts and impulses apme-
times toolopossession of her mind. The.
fact of her insanity having been satis-
factorily established, the jury returned
a verdict of "Not Guilty on the ground
of insanity." The prisoner was re -com-
mitted to jail to await the action of the
Crown in the case, She will probably
be sent to the Criminal Asylum at Rock-
wood. We may state that Mrs. Ruiley's
condition has much /improved lame her
incarceration in the Asylum, and she
appears to fully realise the position in
whic.h she is placed. Her's was evident-
ly a case of religious monomania, there
haiing been considerable neliginae ex-
citetnent in her neighbourhood about
the time she became insane. At the
trial David Gime acted fur the Crown.
M. C. Cameron for prisoner,
Queen se. Matthew DorseW- False
Pretences. The defendant was charged
with fradulantly obtaining $400 and a
due bill for $350, from A. G. McDougall
of Sealuith, by falsely representing the
financial position of a cheese factory at
Carronbrook in which he had a half in-
terest which he wee gelling to Mc-
Dougall. The affair appears to have
been& purelybusinees transaction, and
McDougall in purchisteg bad the
opinion of fitoott Mohamed the other
owner of the factory, as well as Dorsey's
representations. Afeer tho examina-
tion of weed of the witnesses the
Crown offiger said he could aot ask for
a con viction on the evidence and a verdict,
of "Not Guilty" was entered. David
Glass fur Crown. J.• S. Sinclait for
PrIvate Proseo nide. F. W, Holtnested
and B. L. Doyle for Defence. "
. Queen es. A. M. PoOeye-Amault. In
this nee the Grend Jury returned "No
The court closed on Saturday nee -n-
ine, the beanie's haying heia all dis-
posed of by Friday night.
. !Spring All111113.
• - .
The Spring Aasizes opened in the
Court House: 4:Aerie+, on Tibetan.
17th inst..' tie. Justice Oforrieon pre.
siding. Betides the local las thet• were
pretent. Mowers. Rebiuson, Q. C., et
Toronto and Miller of St. Catherine..
David Glass, atm., ef London,
conducie4 the Crone business: The
fullowi g tioinposed the Onted Jury, -
Alex. S nide, Fonmete.
Ittseph Agnew, itich'il Manning,
°O..); Fulton,i, JohO Pas -tonere .
Win. Graeae), Merolen Smith,
W. (1. Ilingiton, John Shine, .
David Kirk, Robt. Sinylie,
John Lewis. John tifeennent,
Chas. DIiililleton. It. Clomps in;
Henry /tethers, Win. Werner,
John Moseley, nee/. Youlem.
His Lerdship ',petty - addressed the
Grand Jury cmieritt Wolin them on the
lightuess of Cie re ineinel celendar, after
which he distnissed theta to their duties.
The following cases, wen disposed cf :
McGrepri rs . LeOc fOlperior Narimt-
tron Co. -Action to recover balance due
for wages. NO defence. Verdict for
PIM tot 1175.67. B. L Deyle for POT.
Ilagyard et. 11-uftms-Action on a
promissoiy note.• Verdict fur Plff. by
consent for $1 6.93; Canieron & Gee
row for Plff. . Oaten. & Seeger for Deft.'
Brewer ei. -own -ACti011 on promis-
sory woe. Verdict for Daft. ti. Mal-
colinson fur POE It L. Doyle ter Deft.
Cameron et. el. et. Lazio,' --Action on -
covenant in chattel mortgage.- Verdict
for Piff. by content for $284.59. Cone-
rou & (Arrow for Iltf. Benson & Meyer
Attorneys, J. S. Sinclair, .Counsel for
Ontario Solt I'm rs. Lis -kin -Action
against Deft. -as "hip owner for tett do.
livering low barrels of emit in Chicago.
Verdictefor Pitt. for $476. Caffieron JO
Garrow for P:11. Mr. Miller ol 'St,
Cetherines fof Deft,
&lane rx. quid ir,11- Action for tak Mg
Voili under a chattel •inertesee .before
same became !Aloe. Verdict for Peft.
with Ilan to PUT to enter a verdict for
$10 daniages :shoat(' theOCourt see tit
to allow thO saute. McCaughey &
Holmested Attorneys,' B. L. .1.1,,yle
Ceunsel for Piff. Blouson & Meyer At-
torneys, C. Robinson, Q. C. Cilium' ter
Deft. .
Aforley es. Whitehead -Action oh two
promissory notes. Verdict for Pltf. fer
$1454.05. Cemeron & Garrew for PIT
Sinclair & Seeger for Deft. - • "
Archer re. Kiltin-Ejectinent, Ver -
diet for Pm B. L. Doyle and C. Rob-
inson, Q. C. for Plif. Sinclair et Seeger
for Deft. '
Malone vs. Carter -Action to „recover
for a quantity of wood delivered to Defts.
th. It was
that the
and nnt ac-
ey paid into
it worth,
teem two great empires; the Asbantee
war, in alluding to which Her Majesty tion thar h ir
ion. When the posse of
highly complimented the forces which aPiroaehiug the house.
sPreemedrdedrto pdut in:obese:court-,
on their conrage, discipline, and endur- IrtriOdiolgontaide with a horse sod cutter,
since; the Indian famine, to alleOiate andlidroven gave three thouts sa lig,",1;
wloch no °oat is to be spared; the neces- dreve awavatirintioPthe oaaf onsalleariYvierre.
have been operating on the Gold Coast' they were obetweetleby a man oho wag
"Sty of facilitating the transfer of land to come frontitetihn:dmRedthane hRaoilauvuer°.abanaclAanni:dn
in England and Scotland, and kindred coafthter:vdtrhi:aaboresto
matters; the liquor question, anti the
law' affecting Provident Societies. The in wane, , astnadp.cutter, shouting to
moving of the A.ddress in reply gave who 6:aar-nedegri havainQig:g.InDSithOifhneuanfreadttahch.ehrioonPegn8reett219
rise W interesting debates in both btu proceeded ie the same direction,
peariog from the telegraphic swum
to have been the more vigorous. le
Houses, that in the Upper Chamber ap- olt)liutthlwe htlls: were on foot, there °IS° no
tri 11:reVoyfruv:atakdueindgtilligriethevetcrsearvti,11.r;11 ofTheYe.
but failed to
-The atenination in West Durham,
to fill the vacancy caused by the appoin t -
Malt ef Ron. E. B. Wood to the Chief
Juiliceakip of Manitoba, will take plate
yo 'Islay nut, 27th Met. A Reform .
Oesnest•on has emnineted Mr. Burke, a "1"lipid l}to
papalar Inset moo ano it is pn, h ho the Ashantee earn i has reminisce
the Commons, Mr. Gladstone pledged find en7 tracesPof the fugiura& e
tion either to verify or contradict the
To:marine° Mess Meeting.
- -
Ou Tuesdoy evening Mith instant) the
Wesleyan Church was crowded to hear
addresses from M. Knowlton, Esq , of
.bondon, and Rev. J. Williams of Sim -
coo, on Prohibition. Item Mr. Gra-
ham was called to the chair, and, after
some temperance songs from a choir of
young ladies, under the direction of
Prof. Samuel, who also favoured the
audience at different times through the
evening, Mr. Knowlton was called upon
to address the meeting. After
remarking the( he came here, not as
the advocate of moral suasion, 'eut of
prohibition, he Asked, I. Do we need
T II. Will it be practicable f We
need it in the first place, to protect the
oung of our fair Canada. And we do
at their salt works in Sea
alleged on behalf of De
wood was inferior in qnali
cording to agreement and
Court all they °onside
Verdict for Defts. aughey et
Holmested and B. L /Foyle fur Plff.
Cameron Gamow foralires. •
Donelly vs. McCan t. al. -Action
on &etyma. Verlict fp' Pllf. Kitimat
Thos. McCanse for $20 aud for the
other Defte. T. G. Ftnnell Attoriley,
M. C. Cameron 0,1mm:fie-for Plff. W.
R. Squier for Daft. l'h(le, efeCanse,
Sinclair & Seeger for other DOOts,
JoneS vs &ScOtt -Seduction-Action
brought to recover dimities for seduc-
tion of Plff's daughter.: Verdict for
Pim for $200. Cameroo It narrow' fur
Plff. Sinelair & Seeger f r Deft.
his side of the HOUK. to abstaie from ab°'''s will thow that the authorities are not, in advocating prohibition., ad. vocate
factions opposition to the Ministry. an si0lajl" 1 sho t to &resat -Riot wits:never bt; tares nzylabw4,aanbut one whose principle has
the aler
amendment to the Achlresa was
ed, but afterwards withdrawn, and
preTe evident Out &sale:a haaavr: frequently state°
with whicahhicaself' &Dd obta:inet; it is am to reclaim the drunkard, who demands
esUblished. We need it
our utmost sympe&thy. . Leedrluecotturer
reply, which le • mere ech° of the iliit*ki?e, that amnesty or no amneety il seid that he wee
must pill t nl lathe drunkard
speech, adopted. " h it t t* Dui
...-r• ''' dangerous for Riel to show hien- 'it •
•-m, mwer ones, as then IMP•arg tot:Ibis fauPhindeara(Lte tanliCin for: I must
Province or 1 who is .enual tol‘is es ruc io ,
p haibition
7),,." leePenlY either in this
F------" 1" 11,43 -11 ) that th oPrate driukers
ti".8,---i-rt'l;:rfeeeariine aigraiford thhisat sorraltherst move hot- sat' Oull o. . o Il _e_ •
meadea,,,,ii take the jao into their own are the neee who send 65,r0 Jerson _
yearly to &drunkard a grave . We nevi
it to protest all classes of men, laborers,
will be ethic sst hy ..xiatustion„ Ne logland. Meet ef the trcions hare atm
5 neimees- herself.
lip, e,e• aj pie .
t weed. :birl'APdt instead of portnitto4 lottle°
Andersonet al. rt. Me.
Action on covenant in
dict for Pitt. against Deft
for $1351.46 and for take
McMicken. W. R.
Siucleir & Setger for Do
Crabb rs. A rchibaid -A ctiOrn ler rent,
Verdict for Plff. for $500 'object to
award of W. R. 13quier. Cameron at
Garrow for PI Davison & Joh net on* for
Herr vs. Olitor-Ejectment, No de -
hem. Verdict for Plff. P. -.F. Walker
Attorney, C. Robinson, Q. O. Counsel
for Plff. W. It. Squier for Deft.
etitche/1 Brate--Sed uction. Act i
to recover damages for alleged seauetion
of Plffs. daughter by Deft. This case
was characterised by some very hard
swearing. Verdict for Piff. for $350.
Catueron & Gamow fur Plff. W. R.
Squior for Deft.
Anderson et. al. vs. Me3ficken et. al. -
Action on•aceount. Veillict for Plff,
subject to award of I. F. Toms, Junior
Judge. W. R. Stoller for Plff. Sinclair
a Seeger for Deft.
Colusky as. &merles -Action for dam.
age done by setting otit fire. Settled
and withdrawn. Elliott & Watson for
tektite -et. at,-
ortgeOe. Ver-
. NE1licketi
Deft. Ann T.
tok for nib.
Aocuismr.-On Mendel' last, Mt,
James Aikeus. while cutting some etre,
for cattle, with a atraw-cutter,
Leviston's farm, Ilullett, hid the Hard
anger of his left band cut off, He was
endeavouting to idjust the straw in the
box, when the knife descended and al -
meat completely wired the finger from
his hand, only a small piece of skin
holding it on. Mr. Aiken* acted as his
own physician, and joined the eleteched
piece to the stump and bound it emend
he is in hopes it will grow together
again.- Iffonitor.
PIARRIVITATIoN. -A diinatien party
headed by Thomas Simpbon, Esq., Reeve
of Stanley, and Neil McGill, Esq., be-
longing to the Name section of the
Hayfield Congregation, under the
putoral care of the Rey. 13.• Gibson.
waitekl on the Minister and his family at
Lake Vie, Canoe here on the evening
of the 12th inste, and presseted tl
former with a handsome Buffalo Robe,
Carriage Rug and ficoteh Plaid, and
each member of his fatally with suitable
gifts. The presentation eras accom•
panicel with a very touching edemas
from Neil McGill. Keg., whit& did great
credit to his head and heart, one of the
Pikr&fir&Phs of which wee to this
effect, "In the imam of ths Varna
section oi Your congreiatien.
beg your iteceptenoe of these gifts, as a
very smoltexpression of. our totem and
apprecimain of your nunisterial labours
ansongst us, praying that theGrest Head
of the Chureh may laisecor on mei that
bettor robe -the robe of rightootuutess
which he gives to all hie faithful sere -
ants." Mr. Gibson "umie an affection-
ate suit suitable reply. Aftemeartek mg
of a sumptuous entertainteelit. erevided
by the Ladies, the cinapauy spent a very
enjoyable evening, enlivened 'intik revel
anel instrumental music,
The following i" the, Presentment of
the Grand Jury ;----f :
°ammo. We' the "'Grand Ju -
Cuunty of la tam; ruts of our Lmly the
To •Wit: Queen, beg to pre-
sent that we have- vieited the Jail and
findit iu a very clean and orderly state,
and the Jailor, Mr. Campaigns, very
courteous and attentive tO his entire,
We found only tflx prisoners therein,
none of, whith, we are Imppy to say, are
confined for any sorioits charge. We
oinversed (with them aud find that they
have nothing to charge the keeper with
end are as comfortable as they can ez-
pact under their circumstances. We
understand that the clergymen of the
different_ denominations, latterly have
not been as marked _ia, their Spiritual
ministratieni to tOe 'prisoner,' se
might be desired, 'meting that they will
kindly volunteer their servicets in the
future and administer Spit -Weil center
to those who are out of the wey. We
wo-uld also recommend that it be brought
before, the notice of the Couetv Council
thkt we think there are soma slight re-
pairs needed in and arn 1 the Jail for
the comfort and bettor safe keeping 'of
the presenters.
Wei bog to cengratulate your Lord-
ship that the criminal calendar ism' halt
and hope Hutt the County of Huron may
long maintain its reputation for 'sound
morel" amid a "strict observance of the
peace. .
All of.which is•respectfull Innitted.
' • ALEXANDRE. SMITE, ulle1/611111.
arena jury' Roam, t
March 20th, 1874. i.
7. - SWAIM-
Act'lli.$21iLY li I p.Mi. --We regrt't to
learn that a tutelar, %Ovens+, t neer
Brewster's Mille, in the Mownslym of
Stephtes. maned Jones,' total illed 'OS
Friday Oast Oy his straw -stack film; on
to el me Emeeliter.,
Nli'ELY Taeletrit. -tee Wothiee lay
last a boy hy the name of -Itteliardmit
was ransackino the bettautef lt .r. A. W.
•Seatieldinlit in Gerrie, while tliot ',wily
were away, andmen °penile; a room door,
was "feet in the ern hy a ',Ono: at mama
to the door. Tao witidel-be thief was
ceught. O
" 3I2.7. .
AN OLD RIISIDINT GON11.-1,1 a -regret
being called upon this week to reeord
the death of another of Huron's pions)*
in the person *of Mr. -William Turnbull,
whn died at hie residence, Sesible Line,
then:ship of Hey, on Satureley last in
the 61at year of his age. The. deceased
was a nati f
_ye egasgow. Scotland. Ile
emigrated to this country mere than 30
yesirs ago, was amongst the first settlers
ote the Setelle Lino in flay, and was for
severe' year, a member of the township
Council. He Was Ito euegetic and Use-
ful public man end au eitiumble prints
citizen. II is dereiee will be mourned ley
femily circle, and his neemorv
will he toile ant -Wiest by many friend*.
San Accinser.-0n Saturday last Ofr.
Witliers*.Jameeson,aii old resident of the
toitiship of' Hey, While working in the
township drain on the lake there, In
titephen, met with an acelide,nt :which
resulted in his detail. Jatuieson
was en Englishmen by birth, was about
50 years of age, and had resided in Can-
ada over 30 years. He (tweed a farm
on' the Lake Shore Road in, Hey, of
which- township he had bane a residua
for many • years. Ile hoolnever teeen
married. W e have not been able to learn
the nartictelers ef the accident 'wheal
causea his death.- Exptettec.
--me- . .
CO.otectt. Mstelso.-The Municipal
Council of ColbOrue diet 611 the 16th
March. Meinfiers alnpreient: , Reeve
in the chair. e '
Minutes of last meeting road and
onitirinett. .
A communication from J. J. Wright
was read requesting the Council to grant
him Tavern. License: Moved mid
seconded that he receive license and
Wet the Cleat be wells hereby author-
ized to give certificate, Carried.
A communication was received from
Mrs. McKiffil asking fee relief for MadO
Murray. Moved and ettenuded that the
Ittieve furnish her one barrel of flour.
Notices of exemption 'from sehool,
rsteswere received from James Tobin
and John Lain:net, Mr. Tobin to be
exempt but Mr. Lamont gannet claitu
exempt it In front the Wes. already im-
posed on S. S. Nto 6. as the Debeetures
were issued before the separate school
was established. Moved Mid secouthx1
that the Council give $25 Me public
schooLcompetitivetexamination.tut tobe
given undemthe following °restriction -
Thee pupils who here not being &Mantl-
ing school for six week a peevOille Lp tfie
examination are nen to be allowed the
privilege of c enitteine Cerried.
_Movedand seeoleled that the Clerk
write to and that the following offer be
made to Mrs,. Mcliheield f,o the Dieee of
land previously ex'aiiiiiind hy tho Council
for a Cemetere, vie.: --e700 for the whole
piece surveyed, and in mute she does not
approve of the aforesaid offer the Coun-
cil would niake it further offer of 240 per
acre for 10 acres on the west side of
said land' :giving the same width
in front as at the back. Carried.
Moved by A. Malloy seconded by le
J. Nott that whereas certain corn el-
ution' have been received froiu ork
Township requesting co-operation in
petitioning the government respecting
the appropriation Of the Municipal Lqan
Fund we beg to &Ovum that we have
communicated with the government mad
our request being granted we are notat
Jiberty tu so set.
Moved by A. Malloy seconded by
John Buchanan thst the motion made
last meeting in regard to Shop License
be reconsidered. Moved in amend-
ment by II. J. Nott seconded by David
Fisher that the motion be not recon-
sidered, The Reeve decided in favour
of receinsiaering to rnotion. After a
sharp discussion the original motion
made in the January meeting allowine
Queen vs. Dorothy Ridley -The prison-
er was indicted for the murder of three
of her children . by drowning, in the
Township of Grey, on the 1st of May
1873. l'he full particulars of the oc-
currence were reported in our columns no Shop Liceruie for the present year
at the time. Tbe prisoner .was cam- was adopted.
mated to Godench jail, and after being
there about two months she was sent to
the Lanatic Asylum at London. The
Grand Jury at the Fall Assizes brought
in true bills against her m all three
cases. She wee brought up from Lon.' Lake Shore to improve the said road,
don last week and placed on her trial. the Clerk to write &led request the Ash•
The fact of her having drowned the lipid Council to eppoint a day to meet
children was clearly estelelished on be- for the (then purpose. Carried.
half of the Crown, and the evidence for
the defence went to show that she was
insane at thif time she committed the
deed. A pumber of the neighbours
. The Enron ant 40.0113: 14.117a7
We take feum t -he EJOViiiiier; the fol-
lowing report of the tueetint receritly
held in Heaforth furtherince of the'
scheme fur building the 11 irons:A Qum
'fbecHw:alAhttla611,11:iDli"tdaoragfathahnt:geisa-a patbaulitirhposegaregaCftITIP:13airielalec"raoniaty:1:one.f:e4alasatagli
matter* connected with the couetruction
of an extension of die Ontarinanl Que-
bec, Railway from Pert l'erry t3 God-
erich, with a branch fre 11 lloissele to
Serni via ettforth. The meeting was
eallpd by Mr. Johu Feeler, the, pro
jector of the scheme. Tim ten,lanoe,
tieing to the short mete, given of the
meetieg, was not iery large. The
Chair was taken by Mr. Beeson, Reeve,
who Olt redeem.' Mr. FOWlef to the meet-
ing. Mr. Fowler exple net that he
was new having a bill puted througl
Parliament, incerporatine tlee scheme
he lelyieat•id. The semen.) was te con
'strum a redeem to be ethel the Hann
ettiebee Itetiway, from lerich to
Port Perry, there te c eineet with the
pripostel Ontario/LW' 4/ te1/6.0 RAH way
with a branch from Itrumela to Karina,
via Seaforthoind tomentiect with Attlerl
con lines of Mailasy at Seruie.. Thle
bee througli cempotiug line with
the Gram! -Truut. By thee rotite the
clistiuMe front Sesforth • to- Aim:area
swig, oiiel tehlaniertteiliotohaa:nl ,(31
the Grand Trisuk. 1 t would lie a uiticl
,Trunk das, o wino° its pining through
a mete level country, am! oiled be con -
not. to budd that mei. .41 ter allowing
et:meted' for atiOiwuuticohielli ititaiscrdhloe: twteamt:
tcl,kainfeber etilieciellata the *wintry itt the way ci
cememtition. lc., he referred to the
yhich evou1,1 be required
trona the municipalities. The COMpany
Would require in Immune- •froin this
County ,$5,000 per cud that
$1,003 per mile hid granted in
ses to the Loa lee, Hanna and
Bruce Railway, .fteel comentled rivet thie
roOd woull : Lei of very inbch greater
a.tclahvatuttaigtoett5to,t017)meitilt;rle tiohaoti3O thfroat.to Bale.
Colinty, he well." re puree femme of
*100,000 from Gederielo swirl $20,0OO
from Sealorth. But he moill ouly ask
dices hemmed 4.11 condition fleet the mu-
nicipalities which leml alremly granted
bonusee to the London, Hurtm and
Bruce, would be relieved hone their ob-
ligetinus to that Compeny. He believ
od he 'COhld leak° arrangements wall
that Compar4 by which this could be
accutnplished. The read whiOa he pro
peeled would be of ten times more ad.
vantage to Lotelon ,then tho road they
proposed totuild themselves, as rttp-
Ming powers would be given to the Lon
don Coe:many over this read 1 he bo-
nus he asked, he tell would only
am mint to about 4 mills ea the dollar of
assessment, or $5 on each' 101 acres Of
land, and he felt satisfied that there was
not one (railer of a hundred acre Lam he
the County -who would netwitlingly give
more then $5 a year for the benefit
which such • road would omelet on him.
He concluded by stating that eo soon as
the charter of the Teat was senctieued
hy the Lieutenant Gesteriinr, ha would
call &pother meeting when he would
zuoimalutiy discuss the project, ana lay
his'plane beret* them. • Tiee totel a-
luler'llifarottnofthb°1sa"C(Mouilayair;lt rr. rt p°1114
sides the additiattal Minuses from Sea-
routodileerepricho.ebrbe $110,000, , be-
vrDmr.tGtouGirntlyeatan, dOlevers. D. TO Wilsen
1. in favour of the sc‘htellienrae LP(clikgaavater‘li'llr4.
Fowler every encoureeentent to perse-
vere in his work. The following resolu-
tion was passed unanimously: Moved
bttyilleVian 41tGarat ttis ameceetntleagdabpypropveSD61
the sch'uneguijaid down by Mr. Fowler;
that they consider it fessible, and that,
if carried out, it be of greet berm
fit to this vilhme andeectititt of menet ry."
A vote of theatre was tension,' to Mr.
Fowler, when the meanie; cenee to
Moved and seconded that the Rein
and J. Buchanan in company witle the
Ashfield Council examine the road
theown at the boundary line) to see if
it is practicable to get gravel from the
ropeas,:cit,5,:nlinnitysidet:::eveknaiadli101.1.jytte‘ChIttreathriaeLyg_:;hfes isaa;‘)Vatt:IgtrreayillriaftiThsij-041.1:ris..011be:*i''yemrt'tlie
uo Miter of ihe 1Ioron t
stated thet the cost -10 the County fee
fatilalito fit lytoirAtinc, ea soaxtedi pahistp, tiJr0i7jaieirrrnest, ce)111nreftd,e11.1.:,r',1ael,t:irrw'w)a,tillitiealneeteritihf 1,eal iltrarxititintnadhi.t ohne: sal :arra: otociDtt
late report to the Coenty Cetincil A is
1411:283tti tdhi :841:: fa 16b7t11: th:1128i me: 'ill ° tnk elf:11111 tffi °111:11: :11 trr n:4:6 -r; tl
d lesion o
la Mr. Rees, Treesurer of, f (baron's
The ob. ' • 'el" itido
dziautudie a .t ennbdecocotrit
mhajaPart lithe educated
brauitsichiefly for its
incompeteticy, aud
eitedesslitthk7tht osiadmitted
" LI relate. to intricate on liffal
urn" will donetless be received kith
'gine that because it is a venerable it
A Prepos&I to remora from oar juris-
emiemn betty Irrtic:11'11.t'' l'Co'tft°a°nra.e:Prd'r• illeeianet-
"2: wfo..ta- realm lodt,,hrea Yree:rliTaliatrifeacineciteennotsf a,iftaasitana fiw• ttie:
e`OtOtionable feature°.
doo lid dm p g
-7 a ‘p'sret"serdnYt paianjdonht;e, sistbjollirYm--
.1‘'ct hell: el aonldd
ri„eglati"-1,--mewng-ares"Ysaitireelalpy5'retifnisilgiofiblollyyaLl'u'hnry anaddenit.
,,-^rnas s.ne c,,des many of their most
tive merit&
each jury, ease tried last yea
Cmirts was $161. This ia ex
the neutinal sun) paid by the
the cause of junes wlio eleen1
The Council then adjourned.
rp Clerk.
voost,oe think he Idinitted both from
:tire; llama ifkteingi teor wide:elm:re 1 by
and temeedelePZI, is !possessed a
-7,111PLnesance`Tv.needand ryedth::611 .11:ufpr!b:c6jer iutiastrutheneirf.' rt inef
by jury tnit. bodY
paegeiity thee a single Judge,
tiZr:ttiseiesteueems Lear em, I:0,4,feet ottrshaptrtedo‘us.
,41:ticitazca,,,,, tabs mole taetecadislinganger, ot.thiaknows
N;w ,:kbutrttstments.
4-c. 4-c. 4.r..
4.c. 4-c. 4-c.
kind and is on his guard. while the
ignorant or partially educated arelvainly ,
imafident. What dnes experience say I
on this point. Our Judges are almost 1
utiversally free from all suspicion of l
crtiality or oorniption. Cen the same 1
asid of Juries f Mut about People
vs. Railway suite f It is quite right of
amine that Railway Companies` should
oonseqnences of their or their pervent's
• Ter to the fullest extent of justice the I
cereleseneas sr crimittality, but• is not 1
00 argument that decides a jury very ;
fniqiiently something like this, "Oh it I
well keen the poor fellow antl they won't I
miss it f" • • .,
The trained Judge who by a seven
educetien has learned to onicentrete his
whole ettentiOn on and to grasma pro-
tracted amdintricofet subject. who in hie
long practice at the 13ar has acquired a
Way and power of sifting and snail'.
zing evidence which &Juror, if a idymen
as he generally ts, no naatter whet his
natural abilities may be, cannot ,with his
IlinIted Practical knowledge possibly
mesons. The nniesual work confuses
marl unfits him for the duty, ea is very
evident freon the etolidly stupid appear;
once tweedy presented by a sleepy, gap;
ing, open-mouthed J urymate. 'The
lodge seen this and when possible •virtn-
ally ignore. their presence. As an eg-
simple, the Jutlge in Goderich this week
mamma lap in this way : -,"Jentlemen,tbe
Plaits/Off claims -dollen. the evidence
it gate sufficient that the defendent
ir' ed him that sum ; there is no neoes-
to, for calling the other witneeseM you
111 pie your verdict for the Plaintiff"
d the Clerk says. "Gentlensen. oou
find for the Plaintiff ----dollars" f .A
Juryman ducks bis assent, *nether and
"Mother duck, the remaining nine'not
knowthe apperently what it all meant,
Ond so the netele Palledti leftt heir seats,
Hie more intelligent looking among them
(Owning's little ashamed ef their super-
eumerary part.
1 The attempts mede by adrecates to
rtimidate or_ flatter Jureri, an,' their
pima!" to Ahem sympathies. painions
na prejudices -net seldom soccessf el -
o Coenseller dare offer to a Judge. It
meld he a grosa insult to attempt to
Whence his imigement by flettery Or
hebtrie instmel ef reasen. •
It is astid a Judge would not be obliged
to "atm Op" if there were no Jure, d
Would therefore not give the same
,eutien te the cat;e, but the yery rev
1 this would onost certainly in all im-
portant cues ito tins,' an.1, is io practise
the rule, for no class of men are more
jealous of thetr judicial rcPutations.
more inxi0114 thet their (tncisions should •
stand the seiereat critioiset,Olinirtnithet
their rilingo Willi their argitMenta in
supp..rt are generally headed down and
qu.oted se precedent*, whilethe Juryman
iii little neticel,he is merelf mrintegradt
drop in a collective mase, and no one
'ekes the .trouhle, to kpow his nails.
The system of trial by jery is ,ffienleite,
already the wedge is metered, the somier
i1 is driven home the better, for it does
not merit the panegyric.' commenly be-
stowed on it. It ie time that the public
mind should tee its deficiencies end the
;creator claims nn its confidence ef a
trainee', experienced and intimetial
1 ours truly,
..Q.14-n's Hell, Montreal, WS; destr •oy.
ed by fire on Friday nigla, entailing .1
loss of $50,000. burine the:re a gas
ek plosion online ie the nest tel of the
botilding, sliehtly injnring two or three
pOrsons. A
AlArli 24, ire .
irwth...eatt, ((sirr•ri1117 $1 17 • I IS
1 10 IP 1 12
„ 5 ea a 6 W., 1
0 45 0 47
60 0, • 60
.... 1 2 1:31I
Potstoes. eabosb 0 45 0 0 50
liar per ton.... ... 01 ft IS 09
Cletkens per pair, • 0 25 4.• 0.;011
Heuer.", 0‘3.• SS
mEggs,0 dog (nnpacket)15 0 IS
„ 5 50 2 6 00
70:70 4(4110 '7:2155:
THAinell,rk 4 00 7at 0 00
*meet (so e n3 1 r .
WheaL,(FatIlj)Westol•linsh„.. 81 13 aW I 120
- Y rChti7,111iret ,24 1574.1
Flour, (per tirlf ,,. 6 00. 2 1 00
Oats. psi Inn% ',,, • 45 it , 50
13..ett:, per bush ....'1 21.05 00 • ,1i11:ea
Potatoes, per boah 0 siS It 0•60
Pes•e, Ivor bu4h
tugs, par dog. (inipeate4)... '501752' 00 • : r4
Dear 4 46 " 6 58
R14440 sites 6117 .0 4116350
n'e. re. mai. 1,74f.°4;104ani.el: ;41:1174.i ,
Hay, .
WHiee4east, (Pall) ....... .... ..1111 18 , " 1 If
engat, (spring) per wok.. 610013 .. 01 (1.05 ...,
VOW; (par brl)
1 2,, - 1 .26
40 5111sS :: 00 "40
Pew, per to,ish -
Potatoes. per velem . . 060 24:: 'i... 007!
raggattx;ec dos :onpa.4..,110 10 •• 0 II
.... .. 4 3.00 .. 6 50
111:1:11:yki... . . .. ... . . .. ... .. . .. 15 00 " DI 00
W col ...... ,.. . : ..... .... 2 60 •' • ''S 00
. 5 00 " 4 50
Vintner° MARKETS.
gpM61444.,12.1ilti.-15FtA01.$1 1%.'hirtBftalr.r037tilniSm1.3t)to.
1140. Oats 4Iic to 46c. Peas 70c to
71c. Ilve 65c to 7%. Better 3,0c to 41c.
'Igligt I3e SlIt:S411TCR.E AL M ARK RTE.
peallarc86elt togRILL. ---(;atOsVheaut, toe1.434
Barley Oil .10 to$1.30. Butter 29cto 32e.
Cheese if aic to 141c. Begs 16c to 20o:
Ashes--Ptits $3 50 to $6.39. .Pearls
$8.00- .
At Exeter, on the- 79th inst., the wife of
, Mr. RObert Pielcard, of a daughter.
__- -
At the rasidenco of the bride's father,
March I tth, by the Rev. W. C. Beer,
Mr Duncan MeLarty, of East Nis-
an.uri, to Miss Mary Ann Bolton, of
In Goderich, on the 19tb incite by Rev.
M. A. Wright, Mr. Win Robinson of
%Vawanosh, to Miss Catharine Olathie-
son of Goderich,
At Mr. Rich. Young's, an the 21st inst.,
by Rem M. A. Wright, Mr. George
Young of Goderieh, to Miss Christina
Bissett of Colborne.
In Flay, nn the 16th inst., of consumm
tion, Elizabeth, eldest. daughter uf
Dougall Smith, Esq., of Hay.
On March 12,1874, at Rairsten,Tucker-
smith, Huron Co., John Raper, aged
78 years, formerly of Toronto.
On the 13th inst., at her residence, in
Port Albert, county of Huron, Elime
beth, wife of the late John Hawkins,
aged 'event, -one years,a native of the
county Kildare, Ireland.
In Hay, on March 14, William Turn-
bull, aged 61 yeats.
In Tuckersmith, at the resiOence of Mr.
William Sproat, en March 12, John
Draper, aged 77 years.
In Hay, on MarchI5, of consumption,
Elisabeth, eldest. daughter of Dougald
Smith, Esq.
BALED TENDERS sill be received
by the uoderaigned, on the part of
the Corporation of MP County ot
Huron, until'
for Whitwashing the. Court Howse and .
repairing the Plaster in it.
• " County Clerk.
County Clerk's ("three-
Goderich, March.23ed, 1874. -1414a
Liverpool, Londonderry end
Glasgow , .
Eriry iTUltflAT rrnm 1.•01121.6Nrtdolllet
trr 311.1 Fronk iglTlifit,Y; .trionii
NuTICAt YU T411.1;1, Toil
IIER5014 .4.1eing .eti4 o- their friend( me
1. obtain 0.-.1.• at loweRt retro., The
virketa ar• 4--irtet.• year aod the asaopet, la
rotwoisti.1esii a Ina dedu,tion, if um need. .
•Paarenireca thai ALI,AN 1.1'5E1,4.'1.'14.d direct
front abe tateautaiiips ml to tile teraati trunk
When se at Routh goober and Portland. and -are..
forwarded oe at OW. destiustion. , thilierir,
•augetneat paw:gars &Toot aki incidental Weems**
• nd ,4 Baggage.
Tie gra etewinet Qaebse will laavitLir•rpool
• eir Tiekete earl ty•iy lel...notate* aPPlYte
1614 St? Grand Truak Station GoderiAl. -
The People's Groeery
W°,te7t)0•14:7rIgls'orsEs.u"nwrths. c.o.% „ that
he eas received' receiving a teirefully
seleeta atorkarf
A Full fAssortmpit of Liquors
Of !SST tit; A 1.11 V AND ?legs? BRANI411,
also a larze stook- of
Ltinfer sad Chininias. Ike . tr..-
Pure Clover and Tiaiothy Seed
Jest Ite,e 1
or all.kiele kept-roastantly is etlek and 41,13 • '. 1
III any I..- t of the Town WI...hire ieill tre .•. 1
eh•fti. 1. r ,••,d. 411 pl 1114•-A. As ha.' wtotto Id
small prot3:• and ‘11,' retorae, he hok.a, 41•14
4•4104 Always tar bell griAiiq of 'roods, end by.
ittricl itittitiOn td ha Wes. to amat a- Ow/ of
f ut.lx Pattot age. PUIVIA?lef n. wil bud st to them
ald.AL,ass to call and exausinv ht. *tab and.
erietia before purehruong el...a/we.
6,1,1sr ieti, Msr,i114111 .1874. , )1- ISIS •
. . .
- --• .
TO LET. 41.
Stable, lane orchard and
ten acres ofented lands fenced :
and Raottir0i ned. within ten
minutes walk of the -Market Square.
Eneuire of,' '
' le; O. ALLEN,
Albion llotelm
1412-1ns Goderick.
' Just, arriyelil
.1111ET, *OMEN.,
are invited to call ald
inspect the goods be-
fore purchasipg else-
Hamilton -Street.
Goderich, Fob. 17th, 1874.
' 2- son, in rear of Drill Shed.
Goderich, 16th March, 1S74. 141313*
• fks
s ete
lit •
4 p net
• #
t he -
. the
: V",
- Cro
4- 4
• • *Mt
I ;
A .•
of t
a re
hi, i
he ••
of ti
sum .