HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1874-3-25, Page 1-a- _7771
1 -70
Owen Sound has voted $15.000 ter
river And harbour improvements.
4 t
'Ile 8tmdord Herald Says them am
more places when whiskey caft be
cured in Stratford than an Pon,
Y town of its
1L size in the Proyince.
When the onlargemant c.f the we
CADAI is completed, itt, locks flood
_y 46 fact, will plies
100"10 Of 270 b
r&*rA 111,1311 RD 1 M8, fog disk
ft U04"t raggarp givolished In
Owe of 34 9 D A portrall
I of the Hon. Mr. Scott, at
1p"Stot w4 pabit&b"istoodoriell.0"t-0,ey-Y Speaker of the Ontario Legislature. bell
I i beenhurigintho seepiian room ofthe
I Housto of Assembly.
%1 t,e 094 Notatits" st'"k.,401aills; tbke)dLrw' The Buddon'4 Bay half yftrly packet
- I dq—. by INS 9*6tA8tJF`0011ib1e oodiot][40r"testPoss . JbI *'LTu1ftb6r.,, h rived briuSinx news from all parts
J,. J. BELL, of the X ;Z-W-t TerTitory, The Ind-
istas am reported to be generally uigst,
ASITOR AND 1`20glAUMOR. thouh iia qome plow they are
V0L..XXV11Q' NO., 10. from wAaA. Btdwu" are plentiful,
01 1 WFDNESDAY. MARCH `25? 187*. Movement is On foot in London to
Sgirer annage. to 4dretestim, $2 if
is kviin. No ptp#r dini atinnwl tel. all arrears art WITOIX NO. 1414. rdA
Paid. Ise*rs at the iptiou of gilge pg iblaslsor. go funds for the pureba" or-& tss--
timonind for Rev. FIlther Crizinan upon
]RATES OF ADVX=15ING: You Sim? well over, and the children gone to PresbYUry at 3tuvx6 his departure from London diocese, to
for the 11"t insertion. and M, instead Of sittin down to read or Uhl"' 6 Bishop of Hangi:gooxg.
am lip suez is THA - Can " L, 6N chat to FAllits as w4is wont, he toink 31 PAULIN19t;RA,(T. David A. Hooper, a school teacher in
-b h.,iligmt f's This Prosbyt
hill pencil and experts book, and began cry met in Clinton on COUNCIL USETiso.-The 0oncil met he township of Arnalsol, County of
to make Cajon "But suppose he should reonjiggize me, Tusailay. loth inst. The auendoillco wait at Poll, Brace, whilis on his way to wko#A oft
an". ftran Itit 6 tin", 04 .r GODOUCff LODGE 10. 33' fte
astaunt, (Press to 1krIlliell $5. ock's Hotel, Kingebridge, (9th till. it. C., .%,. F. A. A - 111C. Mrs. Danfolalions 8m4!I On 6000out of- the day being an ftbruary The minutes of last &eet., morninf lately, wall
T714 - 301tar,4 Inw- to gis rett"M 1-v the ptia" HARAIAcEUTICALCHEMIRTT of From front- bound Imsofiogands work, quietly ob. after odt, Helen I"
100.00ed Measured for a srA;* of giolid Nfiliparail. Ilig tMiULAR t.'03AMCNICATION P now, rth list .4 very stormy, Cilcullilp. lotters,wore rea coshtilptad by servant, but saying nothing,. After a "Not a bit of danger of ih,k May, ationt the roblipti(grit'of Messrs. (lariD gin. IaUww* flood and adopted. large back bear, wetch disputed the
is he Lion the drat Wedu* JAY of Gael, 26 foazz rractice, where then#. I Oh Prince, bring home thy bride , I
i .a It 1). Ainds have been rilieve-I of various dim. Now turning toward the suna,& glo;ii Ion v. Robert Clendenning presen ted his thoroughfare irith hirn. Hooper roUred
-1. P. in. ViW&-t; brotillfte, ie paper you are too wall 'Irut 1IN'thanks to your gilair, a Minister Of this Free Church of bond as Treasurer.
11 while, Charley laid aside h
be la"gilsol can I forb. charged wrordin eases incidental t the constitution. From Neva's fitozen tide. an .1 d lo
role a all sigh of rilief, hunih)(Aservitnt."
JAt6jy tolliS boargfing hVM&e, Oro-
T-1%X;,T ACREXVIIN" DJCr,*)N, See. And English smow-dropo, Alo and fair, and silence t "Lot me take a I Scotland, andlf. H. Perkin&, Presbyterian ApplintaOns f,or tavern license were = gamahot liho beas,agsd sban Went
aw.13-ir a lingering Church of the United t4tates. "Milli*- roceiveldfrolinG. F.Grahadn anglGoo. and opened his school.
I declare, believe we must 1-6k at j.1f, 0"" last
?,.e Nlogging. m,- will be chargetl to ngi,reapts Shall roar their drtx)pilig heads- and Ila, os -, and she tvrs of the Church.
"ad 4919",7- BrIest bridal offerings i i I invent U11116 WAY to Do more economi. sterpedhT the Slam and a Mr. Geo. Wmiker Pollock. Mr. X. Irving, M. P. fur Hanxiltion,
s.............. INOTED itoRl pURE DRUGS. -spang)ug where Itriveyed her Rider, wait appointed cells In iosi-in6ti to, Mr. Hawkins pritsented a letter ad -
The Northern Princes4*tr*ads, sel gave A little lau h --Uih I the anvelub in place as xi Von notion, lot the tkillads, G(Ueik
............... to do well an I Ch ' how my tooth gi of Air. Thoovas d"S"d to himself and Mr. James Cra that an application will be made 0 twith battle -cry complexion ! We muat rem gird ent of Pllbn_
n0 ......... . ...... cis. loy or. 4011411 througi lo dusky Stmehan, Who declined this appitnt. f in the deparital
.... .. ......... 4rAs tb ody t1lat. Go infrA.
SIGN OF F, RF0 MORTA, L h W Parliament of 404eiadaat its next
15 tktawa. relative to the propesad for ago Act to louthorig, the tr oton
--jugliti and bly' w,,ks t Part Albert.
good Ottle Sallie; and I don't Risen to The desired duid "A's b: lis
ing cancon-peal' *; know you an, dear. You're a down and get me some walnut.
n Walker
A Messrs. Foricuson and
3 jQiC9-*' Wallin API-inted members will the
And bio.,d-stained swords up
a committee erttvr^ of a railway from the Nipiesing terminus
The Anolitgors'report wait laid before CA the Canadian Pacifio Railway to or
......... Virket SquAM expenses sometallers. 1 -1 haven't tooth to a colour, ring cotwpicu,4, AU4 Datilly and Scott Uzo4okoors if Cie the Conn#il.'
, I ..... . :: ' And fluth of fire and si;;I; "d i111001&- But thtlrtgZ alan awful
Nn 1"s (in billoand OV
East Sid -,w look in our enough partaken to bring the But hY.th, altar's holy bouncla And 'Y Ob near Muskoka. tpbe used by an railways
I Teat ....... 2YO41's Oultilluittee oil bills and overtures Moved by A. Dreany. soomiled by there convergink, exclusively and in
4 tavallso ... Briton tild Rilaslan Ineets made near so much thin year as I OuRbi serve P throng ' c"utrott with the gen- The state of religion was taken up it& ac- It
3 CAPT. W. COX, PROPRIETOR '-Ml,l solemn Toossild aac;; sounds to'. And we must try to stop it, fell era) appeamoo f the Person. : 14 the Trossurgir's bond be ac- common for a certain period, &A a nou-
know." 41 cordance with the circular of the convan colited. as qRito utis xctory. Carried.
-Th'. Is to U gioall"fil to the .041sery LATX Of Id I H*JIO--f UOTBU Where you call .,t Nie Drug%, and iblessings Pure And sweet There 10 1111 f tral link between said "initi.
jet It,." "You think it is Elie household Or V'Rur own &jar a,7,, no trandforntad or of the axiselably's colutlittlea Oil the Move, I by M. Dalton, s000,
Is it will Chemicals compol ,ded by a first-clasis pen- WoUldu t recognise yet,. ndvd by A.
t. me at a sUppart -t thin Clionalist. 01wn ight slid day. A Complexion utterly ch
F i A-wl. r I see state of religil-u.. At -ter some dal[lhors, C, flawkipm, that Wm Kenny be given Rev- Mr. Potts, Paster Of the Metro -
A cotinuance, f th r %Va -61088 the ulagic power of ova, then ?" said Mrs. Danforth, dryly. 11111ferl, ey)ebr we tion ii was ag i
1, , 6 Ily blackened, hair tucked oat Of light 0
oil- N lit pri"t, coramerrial and rxv,,Jh w`lhsi%"wceof`r"g larut, and tweil beleg:uAl 3t,)Ci arriving -Of onurse; it mrst It@ You km5%; for ws: That a 1 tile miak it six dollars as charity, be be- rn
-0 . fur I . salhe 'oputisal ring L-rced as (,)If,, pol tan , Chumb, To nto, was lately
tsferat4l, nft, rtag lfu W%wd; wee 1 , d if from God above, where else could it go I ' it is my own waited on by a deputation oftive gsatj6_
I kly from E,.irplkan still American list , der A widoet's CAP. 444;dy black un Of Messrs. ing indilemint and unable to work. Car- in
Stir morkets, viz P"C w Ire&q, Ad Grace.irl Alinisters, Garner slid riod- an from the United States, w&th a re -
Tit 41.,,re r1toin will in st eanow tit ab*,W e and sweetness bring; Private income; so it oilin't be through and orn ctittou Who, ' willuld" Walker, Elders, be Appointed n the.state quest thathe would Acoopt tleputorship
641ler r Drug iiatew Medicine er grow love's holy strength, eireft'in of tibligion; that sessions be iustnicled to uf a chumh on the other side OF the her- k
fit is may ra-%Ykt tailor's bill this guies I lot me sAt report .
S! ill * id the business, I don't have any *xtm- Iog,k for the Irichiltill flattered h &I by Mr. D41 ton, sticmiled by A
Till C. Hawkiox, that the Auditors'
Sponges. a hatred ceass "No; but I isin afraid your hole is in veil. There, yon'll do Do just were W the queries: submit. bs,r ired as satisfactory. Carried. der, at a salary c, um,
"fliontil td ficilb. f Ar'=
liftworeach the 04,114 1? a'" r SIA,filder Braces, youir forward one
ssfor Biths, Ai d rein sW-;1d, at hingth, f $5,000 per one ifer
your Packet actinstimes," f"r A Poor 141d,totheconventurcifsaid eqmnli,.tee at any realsonahl ARM stiowpiablo to h .
Th,i ons 4trNAL seat@* It, I )1oled by A. b. Hawkins, seconded The reverend g ritleman informed the
n in's bright ring of peaco I interrupted widow of thirty -fire, I think 'on or before the lot of April; that the' b# -Mr. Ditillon,othat the xlerk be and is
Essences, losorted Hair Brushes, Mrs. Danforth, mischievously. "Well, Helen, I h;"
GI C)l (3 All fy find committee Ile inatiucted to' draft a do- hereby instructed to write -to deputation that lie had no desire or in- C,
'Coutic, ac., &c. oil=& t 111911 Of heaven mid COUN , livrance based Rowers, and I.- at of Public W
,,Joe WOUR Of ALL Ittlk*44 Tooth Brilihas, earth, C "WhY, what do you mean?" asied that Henry Smith has been slan4gred it the Hon.
1,sir-on, rA&A, or Tuse? ot ?pow harles, in real, unfeigned ourprise. was the rejoinder ko minist grks, Ottawa t*utiuu Of changing his present posi-
)giver ro rt at Presibytery to be rviative tc, the grant six tbousai;i tion.
coat., Apply I AMARGS LOTOF here anti thing. "Oh, only trifles
nil,, figiftlet! r gi a mattionn .7
i But It of hisher birth- -goine, oysters, Promise to marry him with such a doubt bodin "don duritiq the kneeting of dilillars to,the Ped Albert harbor accord- araed
0, VAMVA I 'A"i 9, iWkNOT. 4101.0 DYE StUFFS FRESH AJD 4500D., The lift of Love Divine cigars, Occasional trills down the river, unacilvedA" A communication bell been I tor
ad Oct. Joutt .511 Aid (14"Lorlicill. tickets to the theatre, and all that. "No, indeed MAY. But I1yis01!,t!r;ir racey, Convener. othe Promier by W. M. 0
ing to this instructions rectivatli from Somerville,
Y Oi the English spring, Se, my read fruin the Prftbrtery said 4epartment. Secretary of the Ottawa Bwd of Trade,
The Metlicirs, prep" hrJ. Bood That wait& Your holneward Feet, Sadhe oil wmlldnit have a bignisinits will I all Added,
i'Y TO. LEND, Jor purifying it,* lilo d tar surl— all Do Oman q life hi , li Full" give lip' off his pleasure, would lanithi #()How You, 0 ofStratford, complailgingofatulp (Aed Moved byA.C.Ilawkins, wended Containing a resolution adopt,;d at a late
you I encroachment on the ccrigregatiurt of by M. Daltont that tipis Council
15n 5;4 11 r 5 9' Other preparuti,ma. Before rou-4*r and sweet , DO he back stairs at ,ff,, , ololetilllt, fatroUrsibiloto the gateblighMent
IMPROVED !FARX bill when he wan 014 the 4quiet Moluserorth by this Proallytry, or its bonus f two hundred dollars to any Of a Geological Musouna in Ottwa,
V .) 1 0 1 Is sconnnity poverty-stricken-looking little woman, agent, by the erection lot a preaching person orcompanythat will sink and sim ilgar to that i n M on tirlial, and suggest-
rty,. at 8 per resit simple intilitivall; Unsil'64 by 11hoglace of state, PrilLcticed in his family, I'd like to) have and gained the. street by a back Afjoy. station in the neighborhood of sold mk- Ii d a It an ing that in the plaus-ifor the new build -
N1. -Vic liroPTAOON. por'slignusu. Appl. Bond'js- Tduie 13itters, Allay y4m ht file -blessing be hin' 1'ractice it a littlo himaelf." DrAvina her ru4ty crapq red clOgaly &,wgzji,Ju. n a d "narittlacture th
For pi- "Well, I'm sturts I (I,,. After some discussion it was within one year fr 411 a me
AMU4 NIA)AN, The marre, t at huble bridus ilwait, What I %Pond (I R Oyer her , naide tithe 'ng for the 11,0001111m6dation of the Publis
ae"I'm slowly Walked unanimously agreed, an follow : ,The
SURU60A DENTIST. of alit laili"gatifili, Con- for thiele things is a more nothing, Sal- ow 4 crporititin of the to-trishk Works Department,
An gla lie all'i as true; &long till stbe re.%clie,l 1ho d,,vr f space shock be
11"dziche, lic-4 more nothing, I "-.surs you." which Froatlytory, having considered the letter Carrie
'treat Di3eases,
reeidence. Milint 1, bore the Paine "Herr), Sinit od. provided for a museguen of miaerstla and
I V %irk lot 311"Istreal, Ac., still waintains its superior re- And, Olititl 'Vem4ej 11Y Cattails gntat. h, Solicitoii." of the Presbytory of Stratfrd complain- Without replying rs. Dsnft)rth r 011,1111diAtu manufactures.
rmliis the pupose hitth. use, Ascending the stairs, still at t4e ing of the conduct (if thi Pr bytery, or Tire Bobeaygoon Indeperideld says age
tthtts, booth in On- flat 1,4ko this chauggilig lif" below it& I agent,' lor a supposed LOAt as by "&d by X
'09. D, ha"r"ny,'ft
(41 mi M04ky T went to the secretary, and unlocked her ffice door. and tapped ti,ni,lly. his Council do now ad.'
Lario and the Vililieq writing dunk. Fr orleroach- .0
(IF INTEREST "Come in," was the rejuluder front ment' on the congregation of Moles.
4". P. A Vall is reliptietfuily solicited. With 4;4AFS eternity. on' it Afiga tx,k a thick dagrn 10 in t &.-&in On the'secoad Men- day last week MrS. S. Kelly, of luidkt
AT L b4 AT y in MAr7h
Goderielt, March 2ad. IFA. 1411 tr) Charles. tild. Carried a big daJ to ey"
roll Of siolail pall"ra, and brought them within. worth, by the ereeLiQ'l of a; preftching A F's work donerll chi in by &brso
fmahly. t McIlises Hottal, Kin. water, who is lumberi P. KE It IdLib) antint Build - Tnuidly Al.d tremblingly May pushed station 'within the bounds of said con- team. The drs,
oL 14"i of Topiito. "There," a -6,I shv; I found all theist. Open ths. office 4-lor of the U1.14 who had -gregstion, would respectly inforin the 'JOHN Cooke, T'p, Clerk. mile in length. was about half a
just villere you happetle.1 to drilp thr.lik '641t
r.-** File particuSq.j ly W 1:013 In Q0 FookilLI: thedxy"iOUPIYlw*)u,htliertj Progiblywry of Stratford, that neither P_,.9. three team& pill
0 Tol the fl r, titul,r the grate, On the bive, ute his wifei has CM11 of a Xj3gj0ZWy in no to the lake shore no ism than flve
this Prostlytery,tior its agent, erected
w allstauld. au' whrro nd everywhe 110"t'04with &at at a table whiel v hu-4dred and twerity-nine, l(val Them
-*.it aging. 1 *72. eryk all they tell trewu'lifith law pativ as any preaching stati,oll in the loc4lit re. has been &()me talk about heavy toisda of
d ule that in a lit y
sncretary I" rer, ng te by 2416 begaide their coney 6 ra will, his feet -farred to, where Mr. Tho,w3on,the I Ctry )F Muxicn, Match 10. -Vis, wheat being drawn, but wha in tbergc&a
I oevening, four mouthe a 'Luere nothing' has -c,,at lkrwivn over the qrlu itA clikit, and a l:,Nhis Presbytiery, p s it
0Ni 7 t
V 'Wall di Ile )
I "I want till aO S IAIIO ShOP- 1,,ur resell- Hayana-At Ahtleiluco, in the St&to of beat 529 logo for a days work with% three
?T )ntit. 1343. t !. Cau*t.Yuu let' Ilse have slid thirty dollars. half-conanined,cig2rin. his w4til. east. 4%,nd where there or*
0-11 Log, -k f -,r yonroulf." a 3111111berof J`dlaco, last Sun(tay morning, a priest Now, then.
.9, ey Ing A gl4UCO At
n__ tile viwek-1 little families connected widl the congrega. delivered an
Charles t .Ok the latpe hilir toeftru incendiary mention, in tier Majesty's gunboat Priwit Atfred
an, my # tion of Ethel; further, this resbvter%- c-urse Of which he advocate,1 extermin- which has bevis lying in the ! Sm here
-0 LEND -NEW RMWAU! srORE dear, I gueas "n," w -,rd allread thein lint bet." higglla ggd 46 itallre 14- there
re withotti
w,"s is" e ;,' f, -r I-)- believes that Mr. Thomson does notover'. atkon of the Protest&tltjL This so exci
At Orext_,y redu at es of I 61--wly drinwinz "'ItA allies 4 I-keJ Gv@T t h'oui, one by line. 11jences on iiis pofft, he leineLl back in itep the logiting that -an armed mob of two high and dry on the bench, oprwmto
4VX 40 1 TL_ IL I his Pock4book. "Illow much do you wi" lie 11;6,1 fini-thed. he rolledtheru hill chair and remarked. %to bounds of his fiel.1 oil his h for the last eighteen months, now litso
4 does preach it, fill, hundred persons gathered in the svan sinith's tanilerv. During the higglh
atllcl( file r.11 its, 6s, packet, maAlkin; what do V J."IltJ heing 111g,and PrOcesdatitrithe reaLdencoof a er t week
icalr-ii, spare askeil And out ileu f,r A la hil, looking jut,l 11104 u ihis b,: I
uf labor when h
r! 84dw four m IvAlfrom MAesivowthatid Ethel. t he [toy. John Stevens, Congregation w t 11, 11116 man allowed todrift
tint, tieWill dot- the fro uit!k 3 vri). .:-Aiar expr6si-in, wo in sil very aclurkous I&AI ilk a'
lq!,ittfli I ..IlAge I thin, 48 at in near the bank and when the water;
"n do pretty wil Ong rsGlWtlNr1Y`i" ArrAlwoments were male .',! in
-bill lnt Lho later, selst (Put hY 1he Boston Board went down she was left fil the mud, her
" 7117`10 n izht, Will 'tirenty-five A fill' aAk.Q .11, for Jill .41Y.Annug th,) au!n- if Foreigit Mlssjotk: Wilh C ic& of "Long keel fairly out of water.
lHb! Ar, li'll I voice which At4stablogil fr6m v tuor
JL-ppritills.ir qr et,irn it-igl M4- a. wer f! Mr. 1 . aivia rLad disc mrse It is said the
spa X.0 -A a e at OL momen . C air Vf -r I lk-ant StT, fore tL.p Pefthy--orl %zf;i!!)w.,,
-in If)., ejq)hn eict
IA.1y, ehcg rf illy' 1w, kot t I t I roman, tho barnacles (!) might 1-e scraped from
m2flig;4l'i ftigs A I n c A- jot - - J - nut]. acizing the cle to the Wait PUYPO$ely in order that
0J14 ing. bilvo'l -it q,.kn 1wills iti-P'lig, 1111[citolutint, 1 re the Priests. Thely broke in
win Mrl Danforth settled him- Vb L* % !-.t 41.) fi-ml, ),it oinat, dtli A7 t1sli 4tiLirs liar nr6 On big 11-4 to and choppod the bottom. A g,iod many people here
0 '11,400`41' . )0- it 13th vorsen t,) t:ls cq
i. f CA eltair, and begun I hiv'bud into ,jeces. in
ixcoll.* R"olgals -y aftorwards Ali idea it wotild be IL eviller act on thei
eying ttrate y ekwi "Ohairs 'wer by were A1111"41104. Tilereaftor a comnlittea, rau*,,cked the hou", atwd esirried 44 part of the Government
ah*:r pmtty, wall I to the
P-Irse Across him knee Alta I reply,; lAithazi-i-rik, fed hl RAN "AgPo. "'d to rntigline r. Thomson everything of Nalot., * Wer Mack delay 4arnacJes from the i*de of the vesit 1,
E-,, C A*R oPreftnt,y he eat tip mout 1.
T TRFT thil line oil W th. "Wil litibrew, Greek, &C
"arrow &I. 6,n tad tile
then le. if o wilt or laid a.;ide the citax. an the riot w4e suppre4W by the "I &u_ and put her to some I practical use. -
y 'Irt to
114;t:ler alft bout that, I After iA m4inent's I,w*o, i.*1 !r 6 4 tile 40 heul in Loin nt I r, shyt. ilhorities. " The Ouvorintrolut has gent lianner.
1 t r0pn`t At A lllee?i
on d,iring moloting of
Ile y dellach luau t (of troops to tile Place. A
IIAMP)RI oi Ilart J14
J. T. The nwit riiipilitir vieeting (.f rj;
p I (lark. wonoin se"mod. IT) Th says a
—"CK OF Sellio," !be said, "I 146uglik I id itivestigitiOn box boon set (in foot, net, braulub of industry is being deveb.1,
and cnmp laurel, site said, Al -oil
ad mc) money than i. Lave. I t16-ur
gmte., az axin4 :MV 1%, tb h ytervist4pbehesIttiu(',udL-richon and orders issued for tile arrest f all
did have sense Shen I Closed firwt Towagisfitt Julyat I I A. At. priests in Ahnitilroo and tie t Cbot-onck, 'thanks to the presence
Arr0*1R.Y. ' .1% 1 menfi the h.1 pslu r fr.46 pork#t
0"Ittilgrill, iM7 the litliwo r)XULAIIL to f the Nip,44ing Railway. A rtspoclabla,
110RAC& 00r! ON. 1AARDWh."E. "at t e_uring town f Tetibitant The mob in
'Proaaic;d llvst Y loan 'Iri under imilar' relikiouss
easked find ny t t 1 --of 1p"04114, V a fall fritut a say ti. arul is now Sather extensive
)MCO silk It 8;11111116re, G.-deroki: siftirki&d., will, -I, will b. oel.,241th le.Q. coftrouti-m. isewre pwing Mi a. 1013111forth.'with to illitillit chi frwtizv, ttaicod a smal prenaraLionsi to 410 iftiti-Jile fr%, trade,
tliv f-heetful of her voice. U40 it' 01sn'tillOw up with d ro d. 11 mid left one garruion *of the f
On. COnT*Y", O T-. 411 CrAbb's Wo,k. gnngg . lall
A le of, onleati. I li'lifigi.ant TheNforris( tow", burned the publici archives and orwhichthe n%mer-hug, lakelt rivers,
_!!t,:resd*r, h -int fi-r the at ral slid earned a mea_,ve t. for in . ;,,, . . .,nocil flaged the housas-4 the!authorities.
twenty -fire dob - (I newt. _ I XON ET To LgIND: .1473 B. -IAA of ..V% byi. ftlet,fily got Aga r on a peo,i I It little one% by ot nig, until I uait "ido, at d cree" f this neig bgwbotsd
tare alti 'bigir. -fil the ("ruitill an 4dwirahold site. The frugs
ow witch did I longer &bit, orievi that to dil present. The Reeve in
ill --with coverwor* shild, anxi o chair. of last meetings Astffisfilturs ,at 1.
go YOU AOddg*t LZ 04 X4tirra su.
bad V !i'k thonght I :J `hirt,' infers read suid approve. NolitlbyMr. -employed to catch the fr, 09vi'vi hich. will
for 1 no looRor In4wiport M V be brought to the establishment at
DPPOSA0 V13 "Lldarket Ho -azo remembir 1 ritt ing it in my pocket-kowk. 0nn ark night, the 4orknotes f which' 11Y 'ck AIM. "ve Pn(!vd by Mr. Miller, that in- 117 PERSONSigWEPT 6VERBOARD
THE-LIVERPOOL&LONDON i , G tconck &live. liters they %U
1114ren have i-etz tALLA 1. I I
Where clLn that extim Oyu have gone 1" was Sg?ltvl bythe us(*1n, file 1141stift h. 10 i% 1,44,11 jh.W !y"furaneo to tjle;gij&iw Of. Haxl&m,this box. M
W. n tjli, Rj have It bore hat the Olt, tich 1G. -It isreported
I -Porhokpo y,,u &plant slime tin the way ,j a jictit farin house In Ayrshire weft har I tried to do for elptl thi'l at the IAst Meeting of the lColincil of gialuship Lavinia, while
are f opju ,a it wzk jully set killei, skinned, droassed. PacktiJ in ice,
pigerved Mrs. Danforili. startleoi by pireTills crion froal &-little — a little, end so f bave he
U RAA'N rP 0 M P A N Y. X:)k C)-A E -T W X 1 Owe t' Mari irk tile Uuited 5t Au for exotie'lls
h and e jx-rud to Now york. The i,_
Nu, 'it' "Ared in$ 110 the Mediterranean, en,
UffR11, ATWUNZY AT'tNV. SULICI tWulbs, not much; Only a tFifle. strearn rixtinitig past the foot of pe jorAC from there too. It I can suo:tied'in ketp- Moved by, 114 r. McCrea.- Pr'
nAw. do"Tiolk. 011it- :not 4ii;li Slid Parker in, Eighth kTotltlooiby Mr. IAhington, the coun rua, torritic Rate, an inutnenell the supply, slid ^n* iinplortit"t &ol iiti,,,,
URPIAGE WORK. In wbt h the hurn"keatistoK). Outran Ing along fini a few darp, ioutil -1 bar the the revnue of this diistr;ct m.Av
it Starlit. 4S.Arigh A'rallablit lose street, &Ad we cin-pped int'Brooks'aud " a I-evit auol Dtput IUove lag & 0,*m Save "wept the deck, CiMing off 117
9'see 6, 0279"o 100 the 011dowife in hante- thinking that h little Infire strougJib, bf-pe io obtsin Y mit-
in the ml -Of Illill-tf-li carmb t k d' It' f oysterig. voice Wan not unfaruiliar ; and t1han 4he work, *,),I be able 4 teu to Settle and Arrange with the flassuggiro chiefly intgrings, reviruirg Iderivell from frog cult!irr. Tne preWa_
NO Yews 411- e ti-tre of myself it (pill, A:oc tiling 00w malling are chiefly in the
Jr. 113 lEg. ithat 4
-Y AIL "S OF DOLLiM'I dri "'cirgir or to two, " ou"eated got tb'the burn. thcre. Rho slivil hitr &in gilk (of Brssolz the f ruierly lying wit
Hernia a with this namm. part Rif said village 0 titrust ion of a lar
3gl1IT-Ar-L%W ATO 8041CITOR-1.
p4blie"Ar. hill The Kt. Jt be filled in readinem for the aeais )n.
"Ob, Wcourse; but VlAt was nothing, much, of John In 13 nicipality-Carried. 3'he that Port
!to the Pon, Milas by C111C Fri
Offitro. Moo Hire" Rod sit impostors -1 ho, have, lit!l)od lhL is d boallits ofacentonetrian in Ther to said to be alreatv
gutletuin, who hagi in uit a hitle toW of these whorkamew 1111d, 01hist I am yo— e i0O h u so, er h Barleyvmi, on elk fourgi not i this say.
gu knop." in It flont of tigiater. in 'A filch thii,aloon wiia we in my ifinglon d Warty."! , Loosel I ted to Sign a 'Pe . a split in
,C MAW At nearly Illia. 3434 A" nd)k CIAM (d IV i no t(. Wash 00 1 tition to the B fDalkitll McKenzie, an old' thallrotecti,nilte", where all won
wid Clark were instruc,
Ys* in
pt Par John -,r Oroull i Y smak ail th.) the bill 6 angeud the Londo r@, Against Waterl veteran who is flow 99 Years harmi(my
pftlt As A Lb I I
1116 -ted WIHOCT ID11DUCTIOX. brightly retlected. wfr,
to inert and Liberality in 4- augl:estod Mrs. Danforth. Yo gvmjr, what are to (I iug thoral stan' whilo. but heZooll site qigar. n. a to w days ag, to at To -on &a
in -and 2T dys' old Air. McKenzie
V.CA3tP aJCXqJk- listragiAt of its iusar4the roraiattt feaitiresaw Uri d e yes, a glus cr two. But that 4ug like an &slid f;jI grells I t I we a III tie fr Itud Britos, Rai RRY charter. The Audi- b,,Mg in wait was then Agr-00d to give clothi
aif t hat me ant 11141,11lu
AND TNVXT IG. FIRE and LIVE PoLieiE-A I -nal -;th very ;R. 17 didn't Coot 6JO diollan, run know." R- $c:.,,tlftnd, six iniles f'
I t )rs'ropqrt wall rea, rom Glw facturem ton per cont
one W tier IT, "Oh, wr4an, J0,1414y, Jis thattyllu? ?Your 41),11 to adopted. and g,p*. lie onliated in thc9',th Ok additioZ pk%Aec-
LA* "A -Now Uris. Zienforth did not know, I'm qlad to'goe ya. ple4:W Me th"Alwract Ordered to be publi4he -,iment of ti"n Over tile smV%t of duty on their
'K T.11 1 fc-r I hae g,,ttell ligilor Wtglli Is the line, and was " u At thi death." on
Hoad Offlix. Cwlftda Britinch. EGS TO THAN Ti;LIC. ausLshe did have her sullpiciort-; but like abotir the mooln, a4t +.So a110"Te3witilinstliticted tortel raw matertal', cloth ilk ogrder to p
-7 it -Bfor the lib#rsl pn: runage awriled I a wise little wife, *he kept been ir this "0 dear Y.: lie %- ili , 00aph rotect
and y olatAttt:. e treat day Of.)Tgst`erl,)o, where lie re- them ft,-sinst the i; tish manufacturer.
TRRAL silent, awfit. predicament f -,r twa. hour- hanic- 1P P ascertain if %11
ld be a bed' b it will be liceltsary ior's deputation to got t0ri in C. I
him in the past slid to Me= cou " I -i
that lot Mr. Charles go oil. ing 1p like wrim death for fear I W"Uld. lAvu to We vionfat &14!ro orinoidortatiun,
he -still cwr;es on cal'*'e &Bit 8lej;h "Wheks can the money here fravi further service. tie was discharged however, the
MOWTASAL got hid fa' "d be Lilled he Realty' W41ppose the bill intri,ducell C Ad tweed mail have arrived at the
coviti,,R. yout story got i
Ji.eltint'm 'Mi is very, UP Ut %'I a petisio of silpence sterlil
A. M. ROS making Ig Pat flaian that if the clothiers
MOSE'y TO, LED. w3z 'at in all. its branches, at the ojd &Stay I J'. sure I hd it, and I've ran- I ken it's a'richt n y")nd tho Lss6slaturs go inesna the Lon.
tit And, Opposite I , tari -as I, it coucAirli i 4rs ticol Int"' when Yo a Jere, so liej g(t tile
Hotel, E. Marti -it's Collin sacked every pocket In vain." q4te lve'l I just doli, Huron and lirno, ",way charter. &Y, whidh the old man thinks is nor additional ten per sent., they urilt cowle or
haith ganst down theigither." Anply. If y t ot Crriages Bugties, (tu w t gupp yr It it - : .., "Verhaps there if! - perhaps there Junily lost no time in getting John out, why, go to the wo Willett. `174atia tile and WPutY Reero were all- Qtfcisftt for bin wanta. His saind is buying Canadian cloth and irupoft Brit, )II'VVYINeltill AND' ORNIC111M tAND 1-int"a wick deputati.,al Thefollow,lig tlitifultrity gilearforlpoiufh yeargig, ikh shoddy, thus dipcouragntiz home,
the bC!lt to In ai fur such as y u." ' ve
Charles, begigining and O'er a turublei of toddy he - v d plise wild he is Able W gi ao- manufacturers.
Alf OR It. L11f, 1,. and eerytbing else in his litle ks
nd.fir- -maid to girdir f or4ors were granted on the Tre If Inattery go an in this
is A the cidenti; way, the Protecti ll
iyetit,17regs, Loustin, Odee. uiiorlea. ()ik&. 0 wrong- si-le out. that in. -thing should ovej make hitnZii "Bil'tair asurer: cotirit of many bf
Alogney tco'lend. V" SirtAm AN; YCKK zvzry material and ill the most watkinantilu "Yes gs*0 ,Y;:6aipoctgsd. Here Jollies Lynn, $8. 72, bei n;t arrears 0 7id.
It" SAIL Isit.
DAY. MADDOT. hole, wild that biA tuust have slipped es moorstel Against N trusted to fight t out between- them.
I` A r -P. out of nt . y p4wket and got lost. de"or So M E I of Lot 10, He talkes considerable prid i
witz--firsz, !!jRlot As I a -i h.gh again. even on market nighK Itm y f tax- by dond aind field that b"as witneassed.
j1gipAftZX0 PROMPTLY F:reor, .'& be boib.r.d. ny Ionger
FASSINWIL ACC -11, D: "Tl O.ITLI 1. 11; V R P A 8 9 E D Look, LUTIL9 hU Mak. Slowly and no y the pg)or,wornAn, in: 1869, which * wa*a prol-iotimly in telling selves, as they will find their own selfish
(zderich. gob Feb. 1873. -Sallie, l7shall have to get yet[ to sew it paid; U . . sitrangerp who col% worse with him, that interests to be to varied and conflicting.
A wn,h. I Plans ao-I $Piioi11VAlioftA 'IM -In Rates lf rrom its BA4ge or Htffjo, I., w4luded her gray wn the stairs, anti - 099, $1.50, for repairin he was sit one tilne 6 we feet seven inches that they wd] not beabletopresont that
C'r ic, In Frankfort-on-tho llaill a couple of L til scrh .# Jam. N011"Coinbe all
and Meetings- G - ladA,,w. or Londoodor", Cawas llcs k the Comer shuti J. a James high, althbugh, his back having been united frotif by which only can they wirt t:e1=.1nter1L9gll- hu Sallio obediently looked, and could thieves broke into a house and rob"d tier I tt . no $10 each, for agiditing ac -
fit - rom night, anil then fairly flew -uu C brokeu by a spent cannon,ball, hb looks hope to a Plish Anything.
hardly rsgatrain a smio As she saw it (If its contents 44 oil verware and other -ooutlttit of 197.1. The Com
she reachlod th' of -one of I dir;uilled to mee ineil then
DRAMS 148LED T LMNICST RaTT& Charles, with such an innocent face VILlust'1011-in fact, Wiling everything t &gain when Collett to U if it wen uppositible that he could
the wealthiest Re verr have been iso tall. Theold soldier
Tor pltsaiiv or fart int",ttion. avrly to G1 hold -W the pnckLt in which i de they could carry. The p0i"ice were tit) gether by (lie Reeve.
QMe edicacy of Iiryan's Polmonic
HAMILJON STREET, B'Ri e ti- fiere-she ruiln atthe front door, has not a tooth in his head, xclisclill
IIEN X! BRO11F.M. there wait a lx(.Iel but so exceedingly 6cd, and when'the detective& arrived it stia uncoremot ly up -stairs ii16 the :n e Wafers in caring Coughs, colds. and &,I
T ' ling Gr enzlf.T.' Inniall &-one that, by rig) manner of Trativerynearlys. lost calls@, i C_*"4.3:!:C!1 TO-Mnb&q. himseli'very po!itely for It indistinct
Ag,nt ]MRS. Z. WARNOCK. until one pretty r" she bad shortly befora left d Bronchial affectionji,
1 r emeans, 4;nf FL and ch the.
d a live cant scri p hae made
!407 rg pounce upon apiece of broad and but- Tearnix 'oil the v idow's garmnts, she 'A ETTNG, -The C,,uacil moll afflicted, hus, passed into a pro
J. T. DUNCAN, V. S- its %&g 4hrough, much loss a 1& 6 bill. ter which 14T on the table and by that The Wonsen's Temperance crusade has the United States, where these marvel.
=7 Tit
"I oll't sea how it through 9(-)n' ougagetij in telling her friend t-"& (9th MI-rOh, 1874,) pursuant to ex tendAt4 Nora. Scotia. It'vommene-
could Izet, clue doteet;d the rhb;rA. The fill- kil @tell the result ut] her mission, ad urnment, the inembeft .11 Present. IOUs %afers are known, they bear down'
such a +all she could not help Iowa, after go
house, follud -V "It's inot As ydu told me; Helen.
OFFICIR AND STABLES, H.AGENCY Vhe "i'llutes o( buit Inestina were read ed sit Canning, where. accordibiz to cor- &11 OPPsition and -eclipse all riva! ry; 1he'
saying. til"O to eat a Piece of hread and butter, floury Smith boa no more heart than a 14 PAll"d respondericooftbe Chritits.-Mell. doulaild for them has steadily increatked
S-111PAll F-101 Minna rat ct Colborne it Rillst, You Sea, becall'
so there and as the butterdid wit cost them a block (if w-lod, an4 no more oe"Last Sat urday mornitig,(February 14t`bJ for the last twenty yean,
was no other wa.tl," allied Charles logi- thing they put it mi rathar beav UPP"'ilto 11rAgor until now
Tr4st-411d L4&n Compa CA 'i
By of ing vither satinfie and her cheeks burned all the thought of of highways in Pla-e of tnr the IAJi*4 in a' body called on the seven the sales average over one. hundred
in sorry, SaIli, J, ,r disturbiod lb -by u(Irriess. "Aii-1 to think be tgll luld The AdditoWreporl wait men who have been selling into
to cut yon' off with fill left, and al- left a pitice of the itcating
1, dt 1313 dy.
C A received, final.
revidence is r I thousand boxes a year, Enoingut mom-
A 1) A. come here, and bs;so very aeroted'and ly Anlited' and passed, And 100 ,Pi drinks, utrary borlicifthe medical prol&eigion,*tbout
VA T XN TS d fo . to law, read and Present-
tPell dollaris this titne. I'm obliged to of their guilt on the table, which the polite to me, whoo, I all fj edwrittan rernoustraucies. res3ectlitilly nu;
K have it tire to 0ay a tax bill in the worn- detectiro picked up. A dentist made 60 tf, :S OWre0f f-rdcr*d to be printed. for pit blic miser adinit tk&t they kn6w of no Pre-
FOR INVENTHYNS 'I true nature ! Thottilk heaven I I've f distribotion were
R0!1a1,0ttzrfe _ 13a to irlf,,;,n the PlIblic illattlutyar Tarern, lioennes Yet earnestly urgio them to d;;ist I'min P--tl-n P,-ducin such beneficial results
'ition it) fill all orders Wilk Will 0 ing. Citi't you got alt,tig with lift glen I" pattern of the bite, and as there were hini out in time.11 ' I the traffic givjng them till tbe 25LI, as the" wafers. ban tAkept in season
EXPEDUIOGSLY urs Pol ch ."I must, I suppose," said Min. DA: irsutgid to Ch". Robin" of the Union 11
PROPERL If be e - two marks oloneor inure detective teeth ::Heldn laughed, softly, %old said,- and to John W, Roa 0 of t 0 month to consider and reply and they affeeA a pertnaftent core, S,,jd br
n(0141 th, U,ka sts" apt CAPITAL -9" mi ut-sted' "' a style thich forth, wJith a light sigh. ill it it saity for tlje- pblice to find I of th
11,y ni,
Whot answer R tall you give him this
I, L ION POUNDS, -tnnot be surpassed Ila tbID et)ulkjr. The that's a good girl. Ilvro,th;t. tile Lll.WwAaa Holmesvillf) Inn. A by-law w otjc. thril. tening theall that unless they 'co,-- all druggists and 4nutry dolensatij
eveiiing May t" r- Ceuta per
r pri,A 6. &1 to fixing the "'" box.
f ut of their lint tin be Illy, le6al and other inea3ures will be
iphiclesturned, C .04jiss I I*" 901tire Yuji ago little; And, if'it 9199clitts nF AITlt %yall, ;4ning. and wall field tO Alruniciftedity for To, all,,pled to enforce their compliance."
te t N that unfortunate ht'p)o in TLATioq roll, THE t in,,
11AXILT GRINT. on are fini3hed in a
olitagra. Funds for Investment. tyi., , . "Nn I't 09en fur J1!Fy21ClLX8 Of.All tbo the reply, an May iwent oil with her be- Lic Ttie arrears Of ta" still Tilese "oble wom6n," the lettbr writer rLECTAUctilry
Ir `mypock.t, yotishoum have bad m6ro saws I ever saw oir wwth IQ Acres .I "on "am deteimitiod to Corr their
D,;;tggs, I think 'faingtOil"t, in t e Itaik-
any. It n1hist have bon the saw, I never now a saw "wax this a.%* OL f.,r 41go i h y
N8 owl, on the Seen rit y o ( Sor Cjk7. GAINS. cafirhile Rtory Smith, after aten- Land, to 1870-71 ordered It is said there is to be a similar THOMAS,
'if C!ril 3red rarga, Dan- talIv conotimainz #11 hieg;Rry to torturs,
LT '13. pftket " said rs.
_Z, hole il:;! to bo cancelled ai the lend w in")VOInont made in li,alifsr,
ty Or 9 of Five ORD= r bt it crafe of girickled embe I oubly
year-tir to sell %he elijivenieti rlf Krrowen, and Feb. V174. fillith, `a 4 6 atose'top,ither monsly and of I.
slowly betook hir se!f to his ludgi%%
vised, namely,
timsti, and arrAyed himself wrlui;nlonsly for the iand Alto thel &rrelra rif taxes
No A f*xpnry f little nr by as&- Godritch, 1 16-00 AWAY. Tho peculiar emphasis in her IfCTr r4yc. ort C411910 a Cre o crick) (of Collin This wo'nderful dog sto told by
t1- Diego eWmied her husband to loglk enri- Uw cents vf,:rickiet Coati& t:r2zy CrAy. purpose at ANY tiaggi on faxomble terin,, w w0ith reaTifus ille we4u il% a" f
MF 7, ry is
a in tile I I th 00". for the the Coston' Traveller :-G. F. Richarid_'
0 P EFF D 0'9 T Oust ti r&*Xkt?' an 'ears cenkNow-
Y IIp to, her; hilt , the calfil, ow"it zz 03 L.,f10)w6jj,ownsll , ill T$iu wr- 'd 4;lq.mu ady of his w7oekiino; rro("Oliftried in cot ration too, rain cannot stay Where It Is need. It is the
Nld himi viithing' so he speedily fetfio*d ox "do 4188 BAktNE%ivk rieturnirg thanks t, YOUAR
face fr- in (' ,untyTrsgssttrer's ot PY- full aliland dog. Itfro. nwer.
to Iser friends, in'Ooderich for pad U. TRUENAN, -an but in t to millet of his thoul;!it3 (if he"', A hospwit medie.ingi ever madgi.
nigrisoveast him in the N,was exempt fro tootL 8"ll, - rKIWAIt.
Agrea to t"ne she haZI just used. - the ido to" 0 the 4tirk littl widow ug"s the c"ildirien nd dog to the-plicto;roph a
roirlgsgg bt.- n t- say that shq iii now 1317 Tkel NIU3 e.0cogillp As r -t. 1) . volcanic Mexican mount" of rop-o- f w a"'ing taxes 0 `L unt I"Ittit it" urea.11A036
pJ96nd to -givo L-slmmini,,n the Pitanot.- lastefully dressed f.rfheye4r 1873, he ji,ttin sll,h-u to h-tre the groap taken; but the - Fifty cftts worth Ill. Varied Ga C)
G in do itself. R oulitaied T."rm C0661t. It "ftltely e4ras ()&J&ry
tht:.%truc:, passed through fit# hall cat &Won V 10flies hi 6" 1 dog w.,w in a-wilfal mood, ind would not gAithns
dqM 4M Cilibilm-t f lr-,-tu "in Singing, N -A
1, '1" "Covitand that citgeatill'rel" st)Jiloolitis- 4401Y Th. follow. and Cr*uP- grRY cents wortb it*
nW COM,17ANCING LbAl I Vas am (Xisti, and was turned out. Thu
tie' t Morning, she picked up t, tiny bit 0 IT I ordefti ext eared Crtrik is the Bak, si,d th,, "me
juff:W, ed he, An Ike neared thr. -rolitf=. ! 419 3?,' it to W"r'
Cg= Mr. kva% Zan use if ft be Ilaid: - day tj , dog put lAtage Stelt ofoigit YeArs al.A The fuLlow
Ag_-ncy C!aJa,J.,ya.,,. looked all though 1.111" her out of ray Them trwtg flji a few )fthe mil)). lette,t, ta
ritiver, wifich NL D` 1011Y f in an appearance at the
t4iisties, thrutt threll if "Moral)" $1-13; salo-a mid a- tchned at tile door till, he &Lr,'Te"l,. . reentived trmn dut,,r,,t
fallen froin her hu%bantl'o Visa X,n16;ll;VX fmiliar 'I bo-ut b-W'l I,) na fit ho so f*r Olding was ad'initt: lie- thell p --needed ai t t" "t'.1". Its
Mitlit Ila%
-vt the night before, rhuls. Udell. 44o,44 Ite 4ufficiola"r
through the thick of bid thumb. C A, It appetird to I had known her scim'a tir .-. 11 -ft Itelip .l. Dogs Owtherald to
;eyigJ, All CIL li-fig) inetuoranduni, or something Witis inno-i"t wrist -i w; I stwit"t Willi hat -any (or IV, -%W.1 I Francle %Vhlttih jr rec, I y to the st igue,l hinit the day "bead vit 6 dOL Dr. Tisousse- Zrigget,ic i)yj, W. Of that, sort, und smoothing out its I I C oltelnu, suditil AIR before. Anti pl ctd[ himse!f it, the exact atild a:l I had from you and nn t m_ %,, w: It.$
1199 8XIMMIN %hall bi one m pt for ingliatillng theseb; position desire,t by the artist. The cure"
fAdk Mrs. Danf,,rth read it to, rhill. 06, allto he a* A. Ail
1A Snb4t2a ul '11 ?1 n Frank %V
yolacer, I;of;6,.r dealt got this lelti of oil 0sitt .4, z 14 n 4o r , I t"I have sold all t Ihn.,
a A Pineal V" alkill-Ormain Alancliory Y L'Druys 1 Alt,,rrAy l -f Peter Proinglor, the prick!y pow pick- hap f J h , r,& I. 4 taken, it, P1 v lion com. actmildlo,4a nhx-.,gs_it was slow RL h,slbmt
witall in z4vakee. Resiencel Stionlay I On IAN and. Zqv y C- ff. Panfortil- B.8tol,
er. pickoil th:vcpecks,of litically, IWA,l It— .;-,Igthe f"r Poet
courts it -5 n J V614, M COK -f IV,* rit4
Of flisliaril, Gen 4L.1 I Led Pat into a box and given to the MI &* lagtrit,
t, Goderich. Brooks Co., Dr. 154%tes 36 Ii.) camed it dirowy w big mas. ly onq nothingegants, it- Ititsh
ley Wit thi prangley Poor triges lit, ._to % h- Chaq. J uhrinton f
V 7, $10" John orefiat" for ter eol by ttlpne theive WOW t
Losta a- d For oysters, self and friends ...... $2.00 11, geht, JAW, F -.r Cigars, "if and friends ..... I.w on t*9"PlZart prstiri, 13iK cilitbor tiff lith CW%n for wraft-,,send at owns We and roggiin, e0k &all i * gono 'UPY"'i call
7T 4
the f. *r yoaag --ritil whom. 4 ir, I fske ell and 12theon., "IT'd Xrjact.ic t"41 have Only one 60tile IT,&
First Insurano, Fur witte, self and friends ..... 2. (it) WArRZ I"Ait.-Tile New p.tch Itlair tuti oea , its writing nor" saw anything bad an well ,4
It oiclliiirred to a sehol&r, wh
And Goner" hil-wifla. -m, ClinrcIll, wlootrure.
81:3 r- IV writ lill, some tn"
Farmer oosjignionletithim,anThi I P ectric 6ii, I Qige
.00 says: c off -trip, sition, tn inake the remarkable g-, -1 J. Tlizimoc,
Agent. ................. . whatl r be gloglidirs"Ititehoo, for BtAtement, that "an ox does not taste its W
it"Site Ilk Birth. ij i),.. let& Eeceived playmank, 01 a' bxn, - rei;oiring cutrurt on Iiith ld Y Wit. N ithillig takes Ilk. ft.
oflar.huttl'"knoll selth", the a 0, ilhould recolive two ortlirege MILY, I' In - 'to
eauth ,fmtb* 8& tll iunrjielli e
41111001 it -try "e., Dr.!).. Willin. 11tistm.. a BILOOXS & Co. foF Itolik. Anderst,a for cedar for - tillana Road UlTerto".P.Q. rite-"rke
-.it If); John Doo, ON a getui I reputalflogn bw% asid 9, isilly
to .1 *OR tl-25- good " an oyster, bill it CAR run Ustar. " w "nti
is of guru shallots Tarnish dia- ylvar aniaper. in affs- 12th oon% Was REV. DR. CLARKS -WILITEK tolivt J.'r. d wi a fi-rither
&R4 [Aw LtIlt Mrs. Danforth's pretty face 'Art Portent for t. 1,01Mrse. Gibb tkl, liftekinghnin, P. q.
' .l.ftti-pued "Miss *ad 11-1-9 W 1, 'b solved in Aloohol, well 1W on r paid NUMPlY -01,-L
Q'ty P I Ilton't keep ine % d.
JAMS VIVIAN MqlneowU Irrinand traian. aide and outside. Ilia will hot to Isttbetrgs-mr, the Ills' of While I wait under the prooess of eket&i ttaftetion .,
Ad RAV)ftl) ktl-; It be Ilift-chise I)ablin xPressiolis ;,lit and claaring side-raa 64 TO Y" mine It, ion! Erysipelas the Hon. Dr. upon iLt'll a9'ITA(:RA*,T mrso; Govisatgive Winess S wOrva variety of curious is r An j;ay field 0) Wolin
aN4w lli 16wkst 5trr-1, wh,re I i rid; Lad Pedisroses pow"r-
-lt "in -11ittle paper in her 1146 1 tit po. by Inegliribe inwm. th cents
lit DOUGLA As ohs isut the or more, before the wood will begin to With painful d;stinetness 'every word "a' The arrears out); I told han how inuch of the My ti. X. THON AS, I'm W^ N. V., A ft
ink I the an, wer smsts, on his eae' of taxes .4firoll I
sad gir ftbille, Wal I IIATO disetiveretl the lead paint for the inside of pails. Lead &Mounting to M was Load N"ILT11-iol' A L . YKAN. Taman". p9jo AC.&t
Joe " W a" sit ibis gin st.aters and tia llosayt. 1,041k-lnti , A"" Wo4se"i"' I "Ak-!" said ithe to herst.1f, --I Xurs's. -it water. It is rutich better than 11 lot 21 Olk Lbe U Ihoclu"ll. flosaid: Fellowil' [type.
loobno stibsebuy "00 fttgn N c h MA kor a. J we, ler OT i
PAULY, V1110STABLICS. 0VWt1tR3', &e,, as. ,Gtu )rate" and liule in ChArles' '0, dilar ! I wished bog-ars 0. a VIlosilibittis isa good. inedicins, an excel- f- th,
: 1=4:7t - mters to it.., poicket.11, is poison and son Peels Off in freezing said
In their sitastits. swull" I linniang "it Of 2 11 tba,ing been
111MANDOAnDIA11141ARATALL glognp. abolished by atioute." do"bly its"'I'd for the )"Dt t-lic, and no doubt had drawn the
I V Pwite for 0111 tiotbeit" 'Im".4 the drow satoter little sigh, an . JolitiElliottstz
1 oci4try ON". Is the weather, and then the Pails soak water He iPeae'll h:J 9Y4W and a if h,,'. year 11171 acijity that tired in My blood to th
a !,!?V ' int lgs_ ; d then is folkwout't
Peak and I s7w", ple, . it the tartQ . I invia r4ofu 41w, 0,@Ur- J. ------- RAW I)tMiJWS a AcW - quillidy'vent do and get very heavy to lift; besides which, just to
&I art, a t. wn about hir all then t l, 4"llik sell"I"'I tO hurilt % on a
111"Ald 61A he' boihg face, An't thuX PrOVeDt011 it fniln !l#tACk- Atic-Mlilt: J d. P.eW;Uj
ADFM 987W9'i i:XTItA 11 __" I 'pp'" they rot fast and leak through the pore& indigaut cirellaidt"tnees. t oran (if myoYs-- an
THE AC 'I ' *-%t i4kinCon making fifteen dollars go as + 4 J. Im. Hoterts. D11,19"a"Ilk.
WATCR him. nuited Hugli 40 sum of log,some importiltu
LNORTOCRO LADIZ3U1WDJM'TH]g liusssa... agent hr ft #ossiblo, Of Wood. Shellac can be procured (of .6may I 'Hills ussil"Y flu was 9 C`rtue) h, to
rct, rasto I
dirootgou of the Burr"$ dip ST. for Uw Salo Of "bob MOSQ'4. liss '*114:11)anfurth said not a word of her any pointer, ready mixed, and, it corked W gagri neing, I, err poor c 11 GOSATCoNOMOV MaDiAlMigi
MACH As 10 hot in this t" having a ditto nces ill I I IlaYu o-liverstal with inany who
Josiart voill be r*-oponsid on E OIL A 14 It at W60 0- ---44wju diftuvolly; but she wait a sharp little tightly, will keep any length of tifne. bled hand used, It Alld ALL Say they W Aitacnoditi-)n medicine f .r ii.,roas
set"* b0dyi Ai;d meant to f,,Il it ChiLr- 'Really, Sir, your story in WXNII got' bib time prevented h1ra "D&rJy'sCondition Powders gon-1 Ar.-
--ft 1974. so bw In gen'ral Use f,,r L114 pani two Y.&M ATA 161te llas n 0:,l bousifitted Wit.
00 bent t,,iA. W , baud a &t4ek up, litut so far As I aim couterned. no W uths. any
boa rin'ti-0. ad tuay be a In b 1,111- VV 11Za Zia IM iny VAR h carittlesh fsllo AnT' left his V.LUNTRERS.-An 'benars need apply Work fnr lixvut 7 in,, For myself, I have much pleasure in bian Heave Remedy" bagin,o eque,
111144.5 nle CVncd then adjaure., I,
6404.1 na;= 4T 3M 0'oaVb,,p, not- 1-11 11181n,1111dons lying Amud important article in the Dt,, f a Cte as
and heneTer she foundanyof dier is a good medicine in a con hing up fit& list, Henry Sinith Ieft the skcond Mo a, I tn"t Y1119 IT IMPROV190 MY OKNSLAL HISALT
Iftwtbo AGIttest &Bit of Ad iLivilsehicls be $jg AS U81j to be horses that wers supposed to be twk,-'
Tuitions per qoertisr.... 00 be ftelexti maersti I Do the bell$ I so hurriedly that the hill door $91" in At AmAzlirgULT. It gives a clear skin and
gairignit eILZPAIPJNI A. l- instead of touin 4 them Inlo the form, and the "Cotuldtan Pain said meeting to- down and almost worthless, have by t :
.......... J
7 09 fire. she carefully saved them, or' is i u&t the artiol Deset-y- slammed. 7t he d:d not gain the heiress'Delil of 1 healthy oeturitens"ce7 but to' know 'to use of a few packages been restored to a
A Ca -L itnil Itid a, it curve wounds, and her mot.eY, let as holie he gainod in lilioo*
Vow ............ I ....... 600 TZ ST I X 0 N I A, T, thezu away for future reference. In the tortoises, and frost -bites, and is the best virtues it taust W used, and were it healthy and sound condition, All krawA
Gaitair. -- - - 5 10 Wetao, A medicine that can be need (or diairrhoea, wisdom nd charity. T. llrofti, within the reach of all olmulea, I believe
Fralma . ......... eviss. st;W06-l", 134' space Of three or four months she be- (Of the disease haying been sold for fr4ru
... ......... 2 00 A(Makle, 41l lt'b .,I t. God4d It Would be used nuiversalls, yes, by the $t)o tO4,
.............. am"sl-wrwgalloa ---- came almost alarmed to we what a pils And suntmer complaints generally, and it 4*14 to renew their ago, an'41 by the sick 6 more than they would pre.
.......... 4 09; -f th little papers she had accumu. to 14 surs cure for rheumatism, rind that Th# viously here brought; when you want
Pe, meet quartarly d N.'rialdent. Dr-S,S-Flt h' -IDDS ef latci. I,h clam of complaints brought on b r bO gre4tt readignige In filgialkis diem Wei I
disswitu a hole ir." a Rreat deal y ex. A li:oo little st.ry ii b Of oppd l ns ll ,ras medicine get 'Darleys Condition
coutainum at) iinagiged. Bet she said tile jA4e C' hoce. 4y Lhgg oft ybuu
r treatmelit, ftall she 11 Lanw posure or fatigue. Pir"25clia.poibot- PoorbOYiuQuJbVC,n, :v had & great rculatio aw heri It snake* an oia psrson look tell years Powders and Ambiltai Heave Remedv,I
WM 40 Fa340 ettly by nea word 0, tint to be had of all inedicins, all for reading, aind-latiely bought a pbii,101 I I rr. "Thu witrou is true." Would
-not fom extra charges, to pupils, -be
- P"';;"'q CO Hrdare olod rules for bligial a cha?P oOR of that Quid more w0el make it knoon
) the on),ject. Pap wo know you will be Perfectly dat"4 1
any- () "` night, Only a few days Ingif book fur six souttQ line of th 191tv of teast 4 d that the signattire of Hard & Co,
JM 60LIST4. 140360 sent by 0101; 0drongs to ith -he result. Remember the name
rD44 fr IdeDied. Portage, .,,a on a"
One holegillins Io Tat. Christmas, plitirley rot" 6un. WhiGh be, found a hu nired dolelar bill of 6t gift- do'log"gir fOrit4lA&nv virtues: L-nigmayitsin-
own oventer live -to "s the happy fro its of his
chief of the India,,, the Seek of Bhtio t lie Iiiijit I is -on each package. Northrok A Lyman,
131L P'StPlaxed two. After NOV- h orth, Amorits, 0- 21O.W. I One of i6vaesiolL
I no Ygoam , a is 2 ALWL MARKZ.
11. 9 Y", NourosslitelOnt proprietors tor Canada.
terst N T
tot k
IT b
D, D., Anif Sold by all medici no dtialers.