HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1874-3-18, Page 5Tat • won't May at home tarsi hided sad P'or. I will irsetbe world, I deedare!" And itts moose stuck his tail in • des- perate way, Though the hole et the foot of the stair. Special Notices.. - ',Ream -MM. Core*. -GIA,Ipvi.•ND Cooroarret&-"By a tholough knowledge of Oro natural laws which lovers th• operations of limes. Mos ead satrItias, and by a egedul application that Ise properties (.4 welt &dotted co ma, Mr. Ep Iwo provided mar breakfast tables with a &limbs y S avored beverage which may save us many heavy eeet0r.trills."-Cardaerleies 7;ezette Made timely wiIb DoiliagArataror 11111. Eaeh packettal shelled Nm i Co.,„ Hoeimpethie ammo ny father and mother can t .ravel unto:nee about, Illasitnisernts or Cork.. -Ws will now givti art saeoust of ths proems atlep'ed by MessraJames But I must stay here till 1 die; ' SPIN it Bo.orienufacturert ef dietetic anode.. at They say 1igtou simple -too smalLto gri tlsortr work* in the Easton EbadsLowtors.e--Cateseffil ffeeposhold 0stieb. IN/ And thiak they are wiser theta I. TO THE PUBLIC or,. , Illshow them ii! can bet trusted or no- British North America. Lands for Sale"! BY E, WOODCOCK, If I'm not as cunning as they! The thing they call cats will not find me so slow But 1 ma keip oat ot this way. I shan't lose my lereadg uty mother *skidoo', NM' my tad, aa *sty grandfather did, The troth is, they're getting too old for a run, While I'm as spry as a So he tek• tcd about with his stiff little tail„ Till itatnck where kis head was be. fore, Then started to walk to the old kitchen. That stood on the bright yellow floor. ' Teas quite an et 'tension, the traveller thought, r; As he cautiously ventured ahead; "How silly!" he murmured, "mice are to be caught, Who should do the catching instead. "Let the thing they call cats bother nte they dare! 'I. 111 carry them horne to my teal" And the mouse looked sbdut with a sone iident air For the en/acmes he thought them to That grey furry mass lying there in the sun Was 4 mountain without any doubt, Ile never imagined the thing could be one Of the things he'd been cent toned aboue So he walked to its aide in a critical way, As soft as itself and as bold: When, .troop: *mit a paw in his jacket of grey, And well, what remains to be told? _ The old parent mice came home early that night And passed the oldipet on their way; flee jaws were all briElldy, and close at. Iter right Lay the last final end of the por mite Who thought himself Waite than they. ODDS AND ENDS. -- - The universe wonld not be rich enough to hey the vote of an honest man. !Mod called the slamming of a door by4 person in 3 p &anon 4 W,./ led oath. An Irishman asks, 4•WhPro will you lind the modern buildings that have *to, el as long as the eecient moo!" . "I have lost flesh," said a • toper to his emmeenton. “No greet loss,' ' replied the ether, ".ince yeu have mole it up in spirita." ;Vied 1.1 the eine°. of the petato-rot? It is supposed to be the rut arv motion 10 ' oei:141/14,1. This supposition is based on fo•mtnon-ta tees. nn. „meet; What age, nitdem, thar.1 not down r Madden, aftenitare ✓ tict.n: "What hove poi put down for • &tidy overhead ?" Me: 'l'm iui imeh a gliandary; for frit inv back on Charley, hei be- Ofended at once. and,if I don't. he 'tee my new buckle. What shall 1 A tota ler, t oth er day, &skeet a neig bee if he were nvt incline 1 to the Tsotfrrance Society," end he replied, "Yee. for e hen I see liquor, my mouth tratetra." "0111601111 met" exclaimed a lady in a litanies box, "how should I know any-. *nig that I don't know anythiez Ware are two reasons why some pm- plettou't mind their own business. Oae is that they haven't any business, and the other 13 that they haven't any mind. correspondent of a paper haying 11.. scr4ed a neighborine river as a "sickly the editor appende 1 the mspk: •that's so -it is conlitied to its 4.1IXAMINATIoN. - Attorney for the. prosecution: "Was there anything in the glass 1 ' Witness "Well, there were setamit in it. Attorisey: "Ab., I thought we should come to it in time! Well, my good frmad, what was the something in it I Come, oat With it." Witness (after thinking). "Welleit wear a 4' Mu the cookery -book any pictures •asited a_ young lady of a bookseller. "Not one," replied the de tier in books. "Why," exclaimed the pretty miss' "What is the use of telling, us hom nuke • good dinner, if they dou't give us plates r Party (whn has brought 'back the "meek" scout in clisgust)-"Gr>ok 'ere, Mr: Auctioneer, this plagusy thine am t no manner of nee at all; I've twisted mi round, an ole woman 'ay un round, but ?terry a bit of t)on we cati get Arit Of oar The Aberdeen p -et has due th4. 'Attectd your church,' the 'parson cries, To ohurch each felt one goes: Toe elct go there Inclose their el.", The young to eye their clothes," A Nice Dinette -now. -Neid Shutet thus explained his neaten for preferring to wear stockings with helm to haviog them darned :-"A hole," said he, "may be the occident of • day, and will pots upon the best gentleman, bat a darn is premeditated poverty." , A Western stump orstor, in the course ot. one of his epsomite', remsrked:- "Gentlemen, if the Parsy-fix omen Ivor an inlestand, end the hnll clouded cenney of heaven and the levil ground od one youth wor & siteet of paper, count be- gin to write niy love a country onto it. One of the hnbitees of the Dublin theatre the other evening, talking of telltale authors, said that, though they' have tact, grace, and finesse, they have on ermine0 itenitts, and seldom produce any perfect work. "(4 1. easy to see," & apt L. therierrega, "the! it INV, a Amman who gave rota berth." • .110rt ti.ue sine., as a toaster in a grans:tor echo"l was censoring. a pupil for the doll ma id his comprehensioa, snot consenting to instruct hem in a mon in practice, Ise wad, ' Is not the price et 4 peony bun &mays a penny 1" when the by innocently replied, "No, sir; they sell them three for two -pence when they am stale." Returning lam one nieht to one ,d these Main* nuatnanagement in New York known at the Gran•I Hotel, Boddie demanded • glass of stout, "Too late, sir,"was the &newer; "Dar cloime at eleven. " - • 'Own' t 1 haves gLass of stout 1" -"No, it is impoesthie!"-"Then pray tall nes, my good friend," said Budd's, with ludiorous ilolemnity of tone, "what do you keep the night -porter tor 1" WoliDIPSCL Sroae.-Captain Basin Hall was ems day endeavoring to enliven a re/auk/01y stiff and dull dinner parte by a few short aarratiree of personal sdventure. Ha concluded ore of a very extraordinary character by saying. "Did you *Yee hear any 'Wary so wonderful as that I" and at das same time his eye okanced lo met on a foot -boy opposite to lint. The boy. withone allosong a moment of intsrvah exclafted, "Yea, awm-thers's a Mese our kitchen that kerma lam that has twit Chooses !" GoomBsamon os • BAD Simmer. - The Res. James Oltisbeat of Dtileburtest ewe adopted a peesliar but ingettious methodel provisos the wicked disponi. Mew et Lis Entamie meisety. He minor. - est lest every eyelet ei his name was t basl. "Thum **sheet, which in itself masa asmansit •e ~wig," said Mr. Ofipheal, "Ilehhtited, mil; remove the s, and the resetersitst in ea; take away the e, Mid Ise is if ; mad the mad of the het letter main& yea es the same ef tlhe plass WIMPS be Ilya ; pad so you see‘ my Need; thee even by his own nesse, be Its ma rile, evil doyiL" IN consequence of frau that have " been practised upon you Iwo me three' individuals (who fey a tiree took the namerof the "New York Chemical Company") making and selling some- thing which they cell "Holloway's Pills and Ointment," and erhich, for a @memo were freely enld in many parts of the British Provinces as my genuine Pills and Ointment, I have for some time past comadered it my duty to caution the pnblic, through the medium of the press, against buying these spurious article.. Judgments have been obtained against this Bankrupt Crew; in one came by a Mr. Cassard, who, when about to levy, at the latter end of October last, found the name of the Chemical Company had hien painted out and that of Samuel Vote subetituted. Many respectable Firms in the Brit- ish Proviuces, who obtain my medicines direct from here. hays very properly suggested that I should, for the benefit of themselves &f1 - the publie, insert their names in ttpaners, that it may be known that my medicines mai be had gennine from them. The following is a list of the Firms alluded to; and I particularly recom- mend theme. who desire to wet my medi- cines to apply to 'omit of the Houses named: - Metiers, Avery, Britten & Co..;- Halifax, N. S. - testers. Forsyth & Co., Halifax. 11.• S. Messrs. T. 13. Barker & Sons, St. John, N. B. Mr. T. Des liriasoy, Charlotte Town, P. E. Messrs. Langley 4' Co. Victoria, B. C. Messrs. Ifoore & On., Victories, B. C. Dr. John Patten, Chatham, N. B. hiesars. 'Vinare/ & Co., Montreal. Maros. J. Winer &Co., Hamilton, Ont. Mr. H. J. Rose, Toronto. Mr. A. Chipman Smith. St. John, N. II. Mr. John *Ind. Goderich, Ont. Messrs. Elliot & Co., Toronto. - Mr. J. Chaloner, St. John, N. B. Meows. Hanington Bros , St, John,N. B. Mr. It. S. Priddy, Windsor. Ont. Mrs. Orpen, Montan, N. S. - Mr, Gree C. /Innt, Jun., Frederic- ton. N. B. ' Mr. W. H. Thompson, Harbor fleece, N. F. J. M. Wiley, Fredericton, N. R. tresers. W. & D. Yule, Montreal ; My Pills and Ointment ore neOlier ntannfacthrtgel nor sold in any Pert of the United Staten. Eech Pot and Box beers the British awernment Stamp. ..with the words, "liolloway's Pills and . • Ointment. London," engraved thereon. The. neitlicfnee are told at the lowest weolpeale prices. in qnantities of not lets less than pe Worth -viz., 8s. Cd t •"...tts.. and 34e per 'dozen boxes of Pill or pots rif (Segment, her which remit- tances netst ho sent in advance. - THOMAS HOLLOWAY. - N. 11.--C'otmists and other venders of Holloway's gentiine Pills and Oint ment mey here their nemes inserted in the local pspers it they will please epply hereo• . 531, (Tiford Street. W. C.;-"' Lc/4mi, Eke r,383 • _ _ _ eti. Bont ite Male. it WeS FOB SEVER %I', YEARS - sefferine teem Cough. Expectora- tion end "Slight Sweatt. attended with - marmite nervoes, and•nhrtimil preetrae _time My hotly Was greatly emaciated. anotthe general limpreeeion was that heti ant lone to live. I been taking Tan, Wnsitrota's ;Coorottere ELIXIR 01/ PHoSPHATES AVID C.1.1.18 0A, and im- provement hook rlace immediately. I eoineg In "retell& nevi serenstth. 11, Cetigh mil my Night Kweate disappear. ed, and I am new -in the enjoyment of excellent health. Many of my friend to whom I heve rocatinnended the Elixir have experienced ereedly remarkable results.:' W. Wor. . Srmeet . 1 Agent, G. T. R. , tree GRP, IT svcrr.vitt emeny Foil Nenv. 511. J.13ELLIIIMPSON'S Pitereifl. raged mote PI11e. L on. Oehiltre., hlferroatorrhea N.,•tarnal Frnif- Mem of the timperatilve Orrin+. Palpiretion .1 the Ffeart: Trembling., Slecrues.nees, the eneet of oger-Ingliagenee in deolio' re stimulant. egad teduic- en. gc. Or .1. FIRLI. els41,10Nt 4 Pills are the unlit effeetrost rineo ar the Aimee ,tisga,.... sod orr nev..r knows tonal'I. 'Thee have weedy cured hundreds In this. r try. R.Otert irthtir. machia. RI, fistort4e. tent .540 his reernere hv then nee. Aar-. eai erlll WI d in petNna, a 41sort trial will prove their elletleg... No sdIferer .neet desealr ef hetet relieve,' front the fehrbtrtil effects of Ntrldr- I NMI, The Noeonde Pitt. sre sed4 Ay lienertersar ai lo a het, tied thr Tonic PUN at See, yi hog, or they will he meat by ratirtlAsersenr. Pre -Paid. At.? Sp for thede and t ,111 is e. tile, tor th• Tonic Pills tesenrelv *frier., Itcrn .1.4restIon, on receine of 11.9 by , ! : • 1 '.3. DELL SIMPSON & CO., , _ 4 4 'Drawer 91P. 0, lbantilion. 'told `,e atf ifists!essle and Persil Dorg;ista. P.unphhtte sent porres oa sppfleatns, (140,P4/1" SYRUP OF HTFOPROSPHITER The tetwet of aregptrng •lisease lif Marva. I.y 41,Prenarstharr- is luitforatar aekno,fleaed l tht tnetlieel ?vette In every aettion Where ith,u been intestnce.I : and the raohlly im•reasroz sari. th. hest Disranfee uf the estimation le which it is livid hy the nubile. The Syron will cure Pulmonary cnnInniptinn in the Sett end seoond, stages : give goat relief •reel prolong lrfe in the third. It will eme asthma lironehion. Laryngitis. Couvhs and Co.1.14. It -011 ^nr• iliselses originating/Y..1 Want of 41 fistulae action of the Heart." Local and General Psralysis, %MORI% od lee. of V.I.... It will,mre Leneorehoea avoinitai end restores the blood to purityt iftet Itooltbh - 8 Aeothecaries. • --e„. iti511 • NIT firr$7 10. .1.0419. L FELLOWS. CHEMIST s.4 JOHN. 24% ThE GREAT FEMALE REMEDI Job loses' Periodical Pills Tills ['trete/ogee venter N E is UNFA I LI NO Mtn* eve of all those mr.n7-11 sod 4.400e'"08 immures is which the fetnele constoul Ion 8 •uh.eCi. 1.0-1-050. 51 .cow and remove* all obstructione and • *Of*, care milkle 'relied on ri algae ?Attune 11 lapeea'tartrauged. itt14111, tn a ittort time, brims Ite-the monthil Period with regularity. 1_ Them Yolla mooaid tam re won res Deeleadae dere*, OM PIRST T SRN It MONTHS of Prig.1116011,1.$ IOW ia ficreg me leimarriege. tog uv *the/Ante Dies sr;"sa naltsses of Nervous 3 Spotal INgetione,rIgin n the Back aml Pv rue or slurhteaert ist ion et the helotilystgries. it Whitenme.e win oriel acer. wog,, faitee, uld although a pamerte. r :Ready, 4.ide0eeuneae, /mu. • I nnYthing len Otelt o thee.oretr- ti.o. [Pal Ititreeteenea III 15, pamphlet •rosul each patine ahich eme.71110 pi eller. ed. O*IIRAMOI, 44,11 `COM, 001.8 PROP*, troll. LOD and 04 eetasI4,cpo•lare. 10000.410 Northrop 4 LY4014. Steetaree!n. One , general *genie fur it. 04wettlii tn. wt:l insure a bottle euntainInglowa 6401' oy 'MUM 14411. • NOIIT(iiIrrP 4 IJYMAN VV. genera! *gents forransar Solil in ()oilerich by Oleo. Cattle; F. Lodes A J. Bund; Gardiner &Co. ttayfiehI; J. Penthern, Roilgeresn,.;• J. pickard, Rueter; G. W. Berry, Luck - 4 J'.M Roberts, Dungannon. CONVEYANCER DAN1IEL GORDON, 0A131 NTT MAKER, lTPHOLS TERER. 'Errata° r tea liaLearot cibezt. And Land Agent. OFFICZ-Dirmar gf West Stie et , Goderich. A Valuable Farm VoliTIJATED in the second concession of the Western Division of the Township of Colborne, about four miles from Goderieh, con. taining 200 acres of good hind, nearly half of which is cleared and free from stumps, wtth Brick Elcuse, Barns, Sta- bles, Wortflflops, &c. There Ls a good bearing Orchard of the choicest fruit on the imitate. Well watered. Title indisputable. Terms easy. E. WOODCOCK. Conveyancer and Laud Agent,Goderich. Valuable Bush Lot. BEING composed of Let No 5, con cession 10, in the Township of Turnberry, containing 100 acres. The soil is mixed from black loam to sandy bane with a never failing creek running through the lot. Tiother one-half Beech and Maple. the reinaioder Cedar, Pine and Hem- lock. Seil heavy. This lot is very valtiablegbeing situate within -one mile of the Paif dread, three miles from the village of Behiaters, six miles from 11-rozeter, antr-jleyen miles home Wing - ham. ; Title good. Terms to'suit the purchaser.. For further particulars, ap: LAY 143 - E. WOODCOCK, Convey:thee' r and Land Agent,Getlerich? Good Farm, IZITI.TitTitabont six miler' _oat Gode- " rich, on the 51h coh., L. D., of tlie Township of Colboine, containing 100 acres, 80 . cl6red and mostly iindee cultivation. The soil is good, venting trom sandy hoent to heavy black beam. There is a s leudid creek running through the -lot also a small bearing orchard. To b..e4d cheap. For particulars apply . WOODPOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agiene;Goderich. Valuable Bush Farm, S1TUATE'00 the 10th con. oi the Township Of Grey, within 11 nailesi of the Railway. Tim- ber mixed, Beech, Maple, and a large tinantity pod Cedar. About 5 Itt.:00i cleared with a Legg House, &e. o-Seil. ex- rellent, : Title indiiputable, the pee - sent holpsr, beine the Crown patentee. Terms easy; For particulare apply to E. WOODCOCK. . Cenveyeiteer and Land Agent, Coderich. A Desirable Farm; QITUATIk on the 8:h con., Western '!••••7 Division of the ,-Township of Colborne, • eitt the Northern Gravel Road, about 5 miles from Getleriole containing 50 ef excellent lanthio a high state of ce'tivation. Fer partilchlars apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goilerich, Desirable Farm, ! ,SITUATE on the Mem Read in the Ttwashir of Goderich,i about 21 miles from Town. within "fivp walk of an English Church, contaiffine 93 acres, about 70 of which are cleareki and free from stumps, with o0A1- Irick House anti Fraine Barns, Large hearing orchard, Jrid well te etered. Title hmd. This farm will he told very cheap, considering it. count/eliding DO- sition. and on reasteielde ,ternio. For particular' apply to E. WOODCOCK, tOtniveyancerond Lani Agent, Goderich. • :t Dr, j. Walker's Calif° Inegar Bitters are a purely Veg • oje preparation, made chiefly fro ;give herbs found on the lowe s of the Sierra Nevada rnoun of California, tho medicine properties of which aro extract° tlelericiqdrouensitititionthisouatituttee u iodfl yA lcohol ojiaskod leVioliatt' El:merles° caoufseufthoVtIe.tlt11111111:1r 1' Tgas r! Our answer is, that the remove the cause of disease, an on, NONA recovers his 'bealth. The rtihr g Marctl,17.? aPuripe6rsfecr t and inirece, t...i„r lied Invigorator' of the spent. ISeLvearitst;fidtireeineln beethenhi.e•ctioritruyofhw rl .mritdode IrHI &c.,itifili0 remarkable qualities of healing tc'vcry 'eltitrroeirinai•Itt usi They a tootle Purgative ate well as a To j.v,ih‘ifrl'auondei‘i:iisticienruit or/tlla orgus,ituilinutiltigionf o • JJ Mil, The properties of Dn. 17. int's V 'Vele it turrets are Aperient, D' oteeretet, Combative. Netritious, 1.a tire, Itiuretlee'Sedative, Counter. A„,,wrilic, .A.Iterative, and Auti-Bili ie. VI. IlflettONALID & t'0., ; piugrista &nen. Arts.. Nen French...I. Cult 'Aga, A ...Lot Wi.)Iu,t,r unllhrtu,,n Sts,N - !held by all Druggists slid Desalts.* _ GENERAL AGENT FOR THIX FOL- LOWING INSTRUMKNTS. - Organs and Melodeons, R. 18.Wil- liaius, Toronto; Peloubet, Pelton & Co. Nast York. 1211.41LIVC)Ell UNION 00.13, New York. . GABLER BARMORE DUNHAM WEBER CHICKERING Boston. MILLER 11 44 64 11 ;0 VO3E'S • 11, , " " Can furnish almost all Cinadian end p it urchesers for cash or on Hui at American Maker's I ustrinuenti on teinis tomt lees than Manufacturer's price. Godericlo Feb. 27. 11373.'o VICTORIA COMPOUND SYRUP or • only'Svritp prepared from Dr. Chure ill's F".irdr tcheei erptil ree'vettiub4C Donbant'et •lucal-rel'Ypure. of PULMONARY CONSIIMPTI N Also for the cure of Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Melia, ofAppetite, General Debility, • < EltrIVICATIt IV Mute' AND grrentscr Laboratory, University College, o th...vietTli, Co., Toreuto, Dec. 4 1471 tieltleslen.-.1 have examined the arilel eni- oriel Ng the Vimorta Chinon:al Works, lit 11 pre *ration of dile Vieforia SerDp of 141.4.1,0st item. Tse several Itypopti.ephites need ere Me ;rally J.,. and t•he Syrup M. atm, oxittirr. fr,,rn r 1111- r. Your Syron er Hits,phosidet.e wi 1 un- doubtedly tdoee a my namable Medic:Dee. Ill.:ANY Cited"; - Proremor of Chemistry U. S. Pit. e SI per Bottle. Behl by all Drugnists ✓ ICTORIA.' IN ?Chit toe F:XTRACT or BUCHU &UVA ORS! 1• - A Neill,* Rrowly to-oli ' sod laipoos; Pr,p4o4 -8.'wlUae L• 'ip1s ePori▪ - .: enroll 14 Prowito; cold sit bia.ms ef Me idorr ',ruts es odher Sox. 'fry it on-,, Sir any ot the &hove fesorde g. end you wilt 16 Iolky totoftwol of it* toe.- ii.iiiest 1 vir ors,. . i &rt., 111. per liottle. Soldthy all Druggis . I.-t----------..-- -- ---!..,-: ."-..- I ViCTORI. A f Farm, • g'/ZITUATE on the Huron Rotel in the le) .Township tif Godonch, about four miles front Toga, hem:lieut. Mg 100 acres of Grit -rate land, with 000dtFrame House, Barns, Stables, ko. ?Itoel orchard of clioice fruit trees and nevr felling creek running through fro of lot. Terms easy. Forparticu- 'hots apply to E. W)DCOCK, Ceuveyancer and Land Agent, Godenele A Goo 'arm. 11.1..7ATE in the urth Coucession lo1 in,the Eastern ision of the township of lkshfiel eontailting 13/0 acres of land, e utile from Dungannon, GO acres of hich arc cleared and under cultivation. There is on the promises a good log House and a log Barn. Soil, clay loam, front of 'lot' light:It's!! watered with Nine mile creek funning through the let. There is also a goo' 'hard of choice frnit on the lot: E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Lent Agent,, Goderich. Two Excellent Farms. SITUATE on the Gravel Road be- tween Walton and Brussels ik the • Township of Grey,' containing each 100 acres. A god Log Idolise, Barn and Orchard on each lot, G5 acres cleared. These farms will be sold , separately or together as may be desired. Soil excellent. Terms easy. For particular%Eap. WOODCOCK,plyto Conveyancer and Land Agerit,Goderich. .TIIAT valuable building site, suitable for a first-class Villa Residence, be- ing composed of Lots 8; 9, 10, 11, 28, 29, 30, and 31, in the Wilsou Survey of the To in of Goderich,containing 10 1110 block, two acre., of land. The above eligible prop,rty has a frontage of about 330 feet on the Huron Road, mid is well stocked with clnice fruits. To be sold on reasonable )Dc4;cK, Office, corner of ‘‘ eat street, Goderich. Valuable Town Lots, Lot No. 992, sitliate on the North side of -West Street in the Town of God- erbeh. A splendid situation either for bueiness trr private residence. Lot, No. 255, corner of Elgin and Wellington Streets in the Town of God- erich. vne quarter of an acre. Lot No. 1318un the Huron Road, in the Town of Goderi:h, one fifth of an acre. Lot Letter "C'' in the Village of Maitlandville,(or Brideend place) with a good house thereon erected and garden well stocked with hearing E fruit trees. . WOODCOCK, , Land Agent and Conveyancer. &met -Corner of West St., Coderich. 1371 c a NADIAN PAIN DESTROY. 4 S A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT 18 well and favorably known, relievino thousands froni pain in the Sae, Back and Head, Coughs, Coble, floss Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps the StontacA, Cludera Morbus, Nem te-rv, ItowesiOwsiplainte, Burns, Scalds, Prost Bits.; &e. Ther Canadian Pala Destroyer has new t.ern tte- tore the petite for • length of time, and wherever seed le well liked, never failing in a •Itegle instance to give pormainent relief whes tinte1y'nse1, and we ham mover known i singlodissatisfactios, where the dIreetrosa bate boss properly followed, but on Qs contrary all mei delighted with ita operations, and splash in this Islem91 tarns ot 15. elidass sad magi- cal ege-t Wa meek from erperience is the avatar, hAving tasted it thoroughly ; and therefore Abuse wbo ars •olganng frets say al the complaint. for which 11 is recommeadmi,mayttspand upon it being &Sovereign Berreede. The utoisiallug efficacy ofthe Canadian Pain De- stroyer la caring the 11isfeAS411 for which it is recoil. allaided sad tta wonderful effects in subduing the tortarons pais. of Rh.mmatisin, •nd in relieving Iforroes A ona entitle itt, high rank in the fist ef Itamodlos. Orden are coming in (Yule Sedinhs• pdos,and osels to:Wring to nu, &Aimee midi - Dealers Drell parts of this comae. tor further map. &reties tt gem. The C.aara Lisa Pals Destroyer mver fails to give linunsdiatie &let 311 Medicine /sellers koep it as I PhysteMns order and tom it; and no family will be ' 1,4110411 i:fuer tryint. Prim. r Twontrv• costs per bot,14. g i 41 4 0111. Id in Godertc.h.by Geo. Cattle, F. Jordan & J. Bond; 3ardiner & Co. Daylleld ; Jas. Bentlasm, Rogrorville: J. Pickard, Exeter; G. W. Berry, Loch - now; J. 11. Rabin*, Ihngannon. Sheriff's ,Sale of lands. C01111by41 Huron, gly virtue off To Wit. ) /1./ writ of Fier Facisa; iesued em of Her MajestY Comity Court of the County of Huron, and to me directed against the Lands &nT th: sueinteomfenwtailitiefamWB11117n3mr.t.Sadilehr,a avte seised and taken in Exectitien, all the stre,anDPixdf;trnudo,41.Loazii:taitsiguh,thtriitho.neeEritas2 ime,i.dtehs7reewodf,ringnjfotoehrimeurere,pah5:ivisii:a: laid down on the map or plaa of lot NheinCountyo(eofE (cluAronin tinadsf he fifirstCODC011- n the Toebehip of Turnberry, in t Cornyn by A. Ea itaq PL for wjheihclan me Lands and Tenements 1 aeon offer for et my office in the Court HotIgl, in the wenTiotivenof G ithtdsodyeoeitc2thonrdf iarcb Satnexuchatthtthee hour et 12 of the clock, noon. sheriff., 0:e0,EEReTG I B110i-N1S9 Sheriff a Burtch G0ar1 ch,402 26th December 18r4 . 5 I ELECTRIC LINIMEN '''Fbo King of all Linimon Far gooteee.... Geo,' .v.geoei. 1 &weir.% Mu *tittle, Near, Ntr Aar •r. se .44610e, Nrirenais HalJecko, Zuferin, Buyit Try it! • Pro it! Price CrOCctits per Dottie., P..1 1 hy :ill 1 riA..tists ✓ ICTORIA CARSOL:G SAL E, "%Olaf( ITS N lataliT IN GOL * !rt.* . II roods, fro.Poo Para., SewVis. Jed'. Pimp/es, tc., end OP Ihe vie eight now of every thetriparm. I:Sete:per Bottle. Bold by all D Iriate. VICTORIA CABBOLATED GLYCERINE JE LY. 'ElKINENTLY THE LADIES' YAV KITS." Porfferintift,isg Mt Comp'rrioN,'"44 rrop,irly perl .119tablaies,Frrim,Dires, egJ So tire. Thaiiirlie. r.47rs. kr.ifr Cho). Pries* Crule pet Mae, Sold 11_,Isfl ritggists• ✓ ICTOR! TOILET SCA S. "CELF.IMATED VOL, CNIY.r 11 1:1 - TT AND EICSLLENCK or uus fly." • Virtonfd CAR flatir VICTORIA .UL PlICR rIct'i:r.I ioNtr, .04 .4 4,, - !Notion. Sold I.v,tI Drurgi.14. I L'on.try Otgroto. io r• ith.r ,tt . otresel and Vain, in tht It it. Dead i Da▪ ze+. 4..t-.1 each, by *II 0u:11,s1...a 1 weet MvIt Ci4°Ven"ratiOlr Proprietor, Y. J. ul.t KR, A POTIIA /TR I Eh' 11 LI N Col.N , ;:ft,41,,AN EXPORT AGENT nunolne, Burbidges and Co., Colt nan St toper irsetayrwy::a:&1,..1,f:lenza. Sir Nirre wingft,emliwttrcer..,7 LoLuni41.01 Sanger And .',a,,ttt . at A -AGENTS IN CANE. Ae itteoecto.-Even., Metter sad WholessAe Draggles. 1.yttians, Clare and Co: lbrroollr.-411iott and Co. Wholess4 Orogen& shag& r end Owen. thamilion:-.-Winer and Co. 11104014,"krelY• BrO*11 and Co. 1.-ze ! . 1 3 • yore all ,lif trim. OneBcriblelaik's B.4 Pills THE RET PIPER. TIT III, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. .The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN now in its 292h year, enjoys the widest circe- lation of any weekly newspaper of the kind intheworld. A new volume com- mences JaLuary 3. 1474. Its contents embraces the' latest and moat interesting information pertaininv to the Industrial, Itlecitaitical, 'and Scientific Progress of the 1Vorl4 ; De- scriptions, with Beautiful Engraving/1,ot New Inventions, New ImplementsNeve Proitessee, and Improved Indtieriee of gsieel tkinnimissa;1m11-siiArviicNe,71/te• t:IPiecrecttirecalli. Vrt era, for tVorkmen and Employers, in ell cheapestthe Theesr isni al:nazi:71h ti. ot illustrated weekly FIC AMERICAN is the paper published. Erery number con - tale* front 10 to 15 eriginel et/grail/1gs of new machinery mid novel inventiono ENGRAVINGS,j- illtistratiog lin- orovements, Discovering, and I Illpintont fatores, pertaining to Civil and Mechani- cal "Engineering, Milline, Mining rind tmotaninurgyth-,e ilaftesstteaprom,- eraarn Enitineertry!,, Hallways'Staip: podding, Narigaticn, Telegraphv, Tele- graph Engineenno Electricity, Maemet- ismF.)!Iiitg'AlitEaPh;1.111114etlian ies, Engineers, Inventors, Mannficttirers, Chentists, Levens of Science, Teachers, Clergymen, Lawyers, and People of all Prefessions, will find the Sento-rine ANKRICAN use- ful to them. It should hey° a place in every. Family, Library, Study, Onkel, and Counting Room; in every Reading Roone College, Academy, or &hoe,. A year's numbers contain 832 pages and SEVISRAL HI:SWAIM ENORAVINOS. Thousands of volumes are preserved for binding andreliwfe,r,retnhen cet.Ttimheaspthraesb.ctial nc receipts are we scription price. Terms $3 a year by mail. Liscount to Clubs. Specimens sent freebIay be had of lot Nyw„ Dealers. PArl'EN"I'Sconnectien with theSetsee, rime A MERIcAN, M010111, M NW 4 CO. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, Ind have the largest estaldise- ment in the world. More than fifty thocsand applications have been made for patents through their agency. Patents are obtained on the best tonna, Model* of new inventions and sketches examined and advice free. All patents are published in the Seientifie American the week they issue. Send for Pamphlet, 110 woo containing laws and full diroctiuns for obtaining Pat- ents. Address for the Paper, nr concerning Patents, AllUNN & CO;„ 37 Park Row, N. V. Branch Office, eor. F and ?tit Sta., Washington, D. C. 13to ERIC NeICAY, abinet flfjakor Upholsterer, 411.C• D ED/i ease to retorn thanks to Doi Inhabitants of LP Hoderieh and anrionlohno country.' for their illtertf fmtronue tio• las'elwo Year* :he ham 141lal 5. bileitlem. 110 re nowl.ropmed blo furnish all - articles in 4,40 1110. such s• 't7 .1sT OP w, oRsoltirrttnes. PILLOWS BOLSTERS • MATTILISSES, csze•) 1.)heap lor Cuesh, , AND ON THE .11101117.87 NOTICE. ;PICTURE P BANES tort or hand and mad& to ; order. liming ..0 bah WI assortment dif COFFIN TRIMMINGS , prepar .1 to match coffins on the shortest cloture. and ro rondrort tonere:, on the most reamoo, alolo terms. r3- Idmi-rulrer the tad stand, EST STREET, opp.,..itc the Rod, or St oi,i, al, their:rich. 1. 12,-; 4, ly atensiveNewPrpmises . - A \ D • plendid New 8tock. 1 7'7'. "kr.OL. A Ce Barry 4. Bro. . i7abinet Makeri tillerlak-ers& Wood rtirtiers, SST. five removed • ,teret to the store n1xt, dearer W. Ac(.. . 71, be Imund A. GOOD ASSDTITMENT bf &Whim. Boloa,r1 P o trot lar " itt tt,Uf.Eff CLytliraltlu4 •it C/I Mt, , • , .•1.1 svieed sr toi 4) • - N.LITItEttur,il LOUNE.M. SOFAS rt1/11ATNOTS. LOOKINC GLASSES • 0/LT 7lt1Mitif, Irt"; 0t 0 be!, l . e 0. rtell ercrything le Chep for Cash. „...„,«At.rfm.% MI rouda 4., to bite al on res.. •• A corople ltIRAVoi On14014 able tenns. • : A CLL SOLICITED. Oleditriell. IzJ.4jg too . JOH A. BJAJJS. CABINET IVIA.KER, UBHOLSTERE tte•,. _ , IIAS pleasnre in onn4uncing t el. public .ot C,Hlerich end .urvon$d. ins covintri tat he has seemed Basin LSoN'S old stand mixt :NA t'llglice, where he lie . indoolar.tilW he preeared to ernisit ell articles in *is i tn th• - 0 be4p for ,• ash, r • and on thishottest uolice. .1 l'iciere +tomes 141 On 11:1114 PAO I MIMI,' to order. Also an assortnieut of i "Picteres. • „N9:V[11'51S : • • -; Otte 24e piet in r:e .Kir. et ery purchase ef ftl. ed. Two :hie o ' " Four Me ' ' ' " " ' 810 or 1 piir Crnits worth 11.09. 11.1."1111101t .2%D"COIIDWAtlD t ,1:zini.1300 iit exchange. . act. otti P`47-2 (ILP•47--.! Ave 1 -VAI.! COMPLETE SUCCESS SUBSCRIB-E FOR TIIE Huron Signal, T 11 E OL1)E,811._ LARGEST AND BEST . • NEWSPAPER PUBIASEIED THE COUNTY OF HURON. Onl) $1,50 Per Annum in Advance. ADVERTISE IN THE . e HURON .S1GNAL 11 1f0.0 wpm tool -arttinentshri • 70•111ACH 7111 LARGEST NUMBER 1 • o0E-.. HEADEItS. thirtiainir Rate* Liberal. owe.. 00 TO TILE Ten First Prizes Job At Twp Exhibitions I, W. BELL & CO. t.1 ELPII, ONT, _ Rece1ved Every First frize 41 ho protivelel E•Iiilolion, 1144111 resole twLiba,.., Ouueiptu, nr. „and 11 .11 0, tosiait Jr IP TO - i3014 of $.161.1ver li4-41•711 a 400"18,,, 11+14 Ill Fires Prises, Prove titet r I-- -1 Is the opinion 01 eon,. ',relent jadges are oicompaiehly stivere r 0,all 'tliurhymItl'roprIctorr and Wienfartorri•re of the OUGANE PTE, yet introsinced. Their euperiority I* cemented by other! makers (rims •Vre &et thai 41 1.411.10 ibsy oithar.w troo, competithli. taus io.sowleastos :rnml 4 e't el "I ot, te 0 r e or iastrewenti. • W. BItehett3terf ch11. atel , Oleg. 15,1412. SH RIFF'S SALE 3F LANDS --co e„,„ woen virtue of a Writ ,.1 tarri 1314 traria...is...led 0111 n( Her ▪ tyhi Conn!) Court ..f the County .4 Huron, and o me dtrected amorist the Lauds anti Tene• meets of Moore 8. Hull. at the salt of Wiiiiem Robertson, dieas %wiled and tit fl Exeafttinn the Egnity of Redeteprlon of the defendant Moore IL Will 4u ths North thirty-three feet ot Lot Number kitty tom la the village .4 ttlyth at Du Tousatdp of 11..rtril and C..unty of Heron, wok& land* and Tenements I Mail otter for Side, ay ney Mice in the Court Mouseto the Tows of Ooderich, on Setonlay the Itliteesth Any of Mas nett at the hour 7 19 of the clock, n mak nonnete s DOM • .s tanned' nave. nateric. Office, Guderiche lifh P1. 1,l i 140 ' 41 1 FOR SALE: A T the SieneL aloe, a copy of Da. • SMITIPA FAMILY Pante:tee, the latest medical work 41 21. kind pubhoh- ed and a most useful book to hare in every houte, -•egt,L130-- A copy of Dr. Fowlers'. ce1esse0 work on the "Sasses° Life." Will be sold cheap. TO *20 per day. Agee& emitted eat cheeses ef oferklog peop/s of eitber sex, 'roues cr wemite more Mow at work for iu in their spare istalgesata, or all Os tiesre,-thsa.mt m171.6114( else. Pfirtteulata bee. atidet.e STINS014 & CO., 1111111-ly Portland, Main cr FOR YOUR Printing. 6 -- Ali kinde of Work f r 'en the -Largest Poster totfieRmallestCard EXECUTED WITH isieatness and Despatch. JIMI-Particularattention paid to Town- ship Printing. Orders by mailpunetually attended to. J. J. BELL, EDI7•01 AND PROPEL/TOE' I_ 0'4 GODERICH FO-UNDRY. I cjirrak Roil, jam, A „ ilkadlierinoteg the 1)17" effim' to ABR1HAS1 SMITH „LT• trIcnve MICE Goderich Foundry and Manufacturing Co., Beg to inform the publ,, tt they are prepared to contract for Steam Engines and Boilers ; FLUli, GRIST.A ND 84W .le* L S, SAWN GMACNINTA LEFFELwAriTWHEEL@. €1 Hand , . TVBUIt BOILERS AltftiSTE411 ENGINES; IRON AND W0004If'13140FGHS, with steel boards, GANG PLIVOIS, COLTIVATORS; 4 STRAW COTERS,4.c., SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLA;4; t;s:12 TA coTtirEESBA:Sar. ions kingis. 0) OALT PANS RA , anit WAc00000KNINB00,XpEAS :R4iro-R -if 410x. itO s t Iron and Brass Caglinga.jand Blacksmith Work. BOILERS AND SALL' PANS :17:PAIR2D on short tsotioo, igr All Orders addrestd to Ott, Centpany or Fecretary wiJIrel: eeire prompt attenRotuioEnn.tp4iTendAti, d Treasurer. ARCHIBALDsecHreOry Eau, General *onager. Goderich, Ont., Oil Sept., 441. • LIORACE 1101t7'087,, President.' ....1m1M••••••=14mis 1325 ; NEW BOOKS • - _ 11NT .11-411)es-, the on13 Reliable Gift Donletea It at tone!! *100,0)000 IN VALUABLE GIFT TO BM ;DlirFRIBUTIEt. D. et INT'P'.1'a'S 43sb Sititt-ANNut GIFT ENTERPRISE 1 To be drawn Monday March 30th, 1874., ONE GRA0ND CINAP0ITAL. PRIZE, One Prize ge,000 in Siker! e two dGREENBACKS! }FiirrePpririzzese;$1.000* Ten Prize. $100 .1 Two Family Carriages and Matched Horses with Silver -Mounted Har- ness, worth $1,300 each. Two Buggies, Horses, &o., worth $001 ench. WHOILESALE&RETkIL AT IUTLEIVEh. 1 .Beautif41Assortinont or JEIA;ELLERS1 0.FALL KINDS JUST dIECEIVEle, , sod to be sold' (2 1 I It: .1 L' .V1' t'S Fishing Tackles, tDf ALL ; KINDS. :10N814,TIN6 OF HEELS. ff.:7 Kt attui Ts '- "1114Ets SEL.L.MUCthlklark'T 008T .ir . liveries Ws Two Fine-tonedalhirwood Pianos, worth AT B tTTLER'S. Izsou elich• . deryA !, 19th ug..1.470. .w11)4Ten Family Sewing Machines, wortIlk. /100 each ! 1800 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Witches (in all,) worth from $20 tei 1300 Stoves t each ! Gold Chaim'. Silver -ware. jewelry, &e. Number of Gifts 10,000! Tickets limited to 50,000 ! • AGENTS WANTED To NELL TICKETS'to whom liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets $2 ; Six Tickets 110, ; Twelve Tickets 120 ; Twenty -rive 840. Circulars coetaining o full list Of prizes, a description of the mantier tof drawing, and ether lam -meteor in re- ference to the Distribution, will be &met to any 0110 ordering them. All letters , must be addressed to L. D, SINE, llox as aig firms, Cincinnati, 0. . 101 W: Fifth St. . 1109 • G. H. PARSONS & Co., HARDWARE MERCHANTS, MARKET SQUARE, G0DEltle,11. Have for Sale MINK, FOX, and other traps, CROSS CUT SAWS, MILL SA WS, WOOD SAWS, AND BEST MAKES OF HAND SAWS, CHOP- PING*AXEN, VARI- 017S MAKERS. LND PRICES. BOY'S AXES, HAND AXES AND BROADAXES. COW TIES OF SEVERAL KINDS, . LOGGING CHAINS OF ALL SIZES, • i GLASS, PUTTY, WItOtiGHT- AND CUT NAHA And a large assortment of all kindsef la A It TYW ,s Stoves! GAMMA, .12th Jan 1873 1404 \IVE SALE.. rirjelle undersigned offer for sale the nu- & dermentioned Lands, belonging to the Estate of the late fintatex Honer -re; viz :- Also, tlie North -mist quarter of Lot No. 12, in the Fifteenth Concession of the Total:whip of Sembra, in the County ttf Lauibton, 50 acres, more or less. For terms and particulars of sale, ap- ply to the undersigned,. personalleg or by letter, to St. Cetharmes Pest OtEce, Box, 408. ANGUS COOKE, ) =to t • AARON READ, °"' Grantham, 30th May, 1873. 1373 - • It FARM FOR -SALE. ISZ Acres ef gond land, being -x‘' lot 2, in the eighth con- cession. Eastern Division. Township of Ashfield. 35. *miaowed and seeded down. There is a log house on it. Terms ma . • Apply to e THOS. R. EDWARDS,- Goderi Jan. tith. 1874. 1403-6m• ' e 4 • • •PC.11,13.4.1[_.0..., A T the SICNAL(46;5e, a partial scholar. LA ship (era cottese ofinstruction in the Dominion Telegraph Institute, Toronto. Will be sold at a redection to any one 4 desirous of spending a portion of the winter in learning 'telegraphing, arid - fitting thetriselree for a useful and. re- sponsible position. Godeiech, 23rd Nov. 1872. FOR SALE. -- A House and Lot adjoining the teal- . 421. dence of Wm. Seymour, Esq., com- manding one of the beat views of the Lake aud Harbour. • Apply to DANIEL C,ORDON,, Goderich, June 30th, 1873. 1376 For Sale dbap. ri 'HE Northerly 30-ocreieof Lot 11, A Con. 21, Township or, Sivbea„ County of Huron. --A LSQ- Block A. containing 7 acres, Park & Marwoocl Survey. Anit 30 quarter acre Lots in different parts of the Town of ogooertejo portion* I° alFeit purchasers; pplv to THOS WEATHERALD. Kogineer andSurvevor. Goderich Ont. Jan, 2^neLlO74. • •-• • 1406 ' Splendid Timber Lot . --71earr Sale?: About 10 tittles from G'oderich and 1 mile leoin Port Albcd. . _ rf II E Sokecriber offere for sale lie NI A of lot 1. con. 3, East Division of the TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD, containing 100 acres very heavily tint- hered witia Hemlock, "meth and Maple, besides a considerable quantity of Reekr- Elm and Cedar. The Nine Mile River flows through the middle of this land, which will be very valtiaLle for fanning purposes when the timber hsa bettn taken off. WM. J..FENTON, 1407.3m P. O. Beik 219,11amilton. LANDS FOR -SALE 1N rt TOWN OF COI:1E10CH' . OTS 29.1., 340 & 341, (three-quarters of an acre of land mere or less) all l together on South Side of Town on tank of Lake Huron, - - moot eligibly sitnated as site fora a rnmerHotel, - forinerly property 4 Messrs Hai* A: Meyers. Title 'perfect, vested in prel. 1 . sent owner Mrs.Elizabeth Hore (former- ly McKinley.) 'Perms two-thirds cash; balance secured liy mortgage at 8 per ' cent. payable as may be ..greed on.. , Principal title deede in my pesetas -ion. ()ifer. to be -made tO - Res, Teeming AND ,poPtIll'eTlhO PIPE CIIIITLUM Pessirs.1.4311 nit A.N Afsit_rtf sze N rt. 331, :COAL OIL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ele:mCost 91 Lamps, &c. Old Iron. Oopper, Brass, Wool Pickings and Sheep Skins taken.in etohartee. J.& J. STORY. oele- Sion of the Large Coal Gil Barre Goderich, Au z 15, 1570 awl • _ At low prices for CASH. Opposite MARKET HOUSE. jioderich. Nov, 28 11.187PIARSON'S 4 Go _ Notico to tho Fublic. THE FLORENCE SEWING -MACHINE. htliiievePrtoevoinnceaPiP"iJthitn't.d:i::,leAgfrtehnet Florence Sewing Machine, none hare a right to Pell the said machine except setFulioaosirer,e;:t%it,,elip:hpo; diihiiiintbevay:_nmiel.cGtioIantivia:tleice7iCinrittoonreinn:. ties of Huron and Brece the following are the only authorized Agents for the L S. Willson, Godericlt; Wm. Allan, Lucknow. Any person or person* other than the above representing that they (h,favteh ea nriii.ght to :teal: tLealiNntleefurnMisuisrp-thb7: aFt,rorenne,0404/11,c8hruincee iacrethine,posCottienrtsi,sanodf the public are hereby warned to beweri 1391 Gen0era. CCEINC:liatilt61.6°N,NR1sysirio°rIlh. LUMNI oBRERRI s!ti LUtiqER! Stillborn, 3 miles rt dr NSio iFISHER.oi .tel, I"Yi"g edsAlt,11AOSaw d GSEg earneoniunliPtreo°nLehart.b,segeoG:t)010Ifei trir:nius'aihlt rd' esunenh.ber of a isTriaocorsd:tittitrigeiusimernet,hioleir;outtriurbik.g,o.Dyh lei, or erepiisnaiee73raposition to i873. 1401 itandoloreiveloo- A"PARTIES----1,"‘" TO TBZ 141'. - striba win 1,, y it Oboe. • ABt 11. 11A31 SME( IT 0e SON, Sewing Machine, PIANO, ORGAN, MiEtOIDEON, AND ItGRICULTURALIMPLtMENT Shownems, Acheson't new block, West Street, t;oderich. ONLY AGENT • —; FOR THE }- if FLORENCE') Sewing Machine in Goderich and viciti- iti . ei-Celehrated Matbusbek Piano from $2e0 1, p. 1368 THE " iSrEBSTER" SEWING MACHINE, The General Favorite Thronghont the Dominion. _ - .4 Canadian Invention, and Unprece- dented Success "Pfendieig it Rverywhere. IT 18 ST11.0740 AND DIALLISLE, EASY AND LICHT TO WORX, HAS NO COOS 011t CANS; died tnU do Retry Kind of Work, Light or Heavy. The most complete sot of Attachments given with every Machine. Bee THE WEB4TER before buying any other. MANUFACTURED BY THE Canada Sewing Machine CI*, HAMILTON, ONT. ,-reee1P, 1872- 1374-3m 13 WIIA.IASI ItaKINLAY Solicitor, &c. Thamesville °tit. Cse: Yoh. 10th, 1874. 1408:6ir'' • 4‘1'OR •TIIE BLOOD IS rne Itcy, heron ,,,,, y, chap: kit.. vvta. CLARKE'S World Famed Bleed uture. Trade Iarlt,—"Blood THE OREAT ltLukQ PURIFIER* RE.STORER. For cleausing ard cleanng the bltaut from tifferrititsnt le• too htalrly revorrirm-nied. For Kendra.. erurvy. Peelle... IRA literoNs of all trod, it is a uriet-ts:ling a...d permanent cure. It l'ilrea-gild St,ree. t7neei1leeralet4 theretron the Neck. Cush. V reetatetleter e Legs. Cures Black heatle,.. Etruylir 01301;rted. ,lCuree Scurvy Soros. Cures I 'anecrous Cleenv. Cures Blood and Sktn Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellintot. clears the Blood Irons all impurs Matter, From whatever emote arising. As this mixture is pleasisot to the lame- snd warranted free in* snything injurious. to the . most delicate constitution of .11her x, 12. Pro- . prietol aolicite sufferers to gieett • trial to tare rte value. Thousands of TestituentalS from all per. &MI in Itott/es 24 34 esea,.end 114 1:413f* • '01" taing sixlimess Dm quantity, lie each-suffigient to effort a permanent curette the greet niajEgity of lonktoen.ling moon BE AIL CHEM fel* and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout tls? emelt- Kok proveleter. F. J. CLARE -6. e1fern07. APOTHECARI Lb' HAIL, LINcoLN,h!litiLeND• EXPORT AGENTS. Burgoyne, Purisidges aud Co, -Ooletuais Street, Newbery and Sone, 31' Newgete Street, reondon. IlareMy sad Sons, ir:o. Firringdon tst tort, London. . !Slower and SonsO , rford Street, leotards, And &lithe Loudon Wholesale House. AGENTS IN OANALIA. Evens. Mercer and Co., Wholesale Druggists,. s ". Lyntans, Clare and ' - Trcrea4..-,-1Ell4ott and Co., Wholesale Drugaist t• Shapier anti Owes. • . ' Ifosesdam -Winer and Co. irehijaa..- Avery, Brows mid Co. „, .._e_, • AENURS-11014-MACAZINE. rtRIGHT, clieerfql, earned and p greesive, the "Hoene" takes node with the hest pen-odic/as euf the day. It is the • Cheapest first Class Magazine in the country and mitr6 thoroughly 'too identified with the peopfl in, their social and domestic life than any other. Every yearly subscriber haso choioe /max of the following large and elegant Steel Engravings, one of which wax swanied the FIRST fault at the hoe 'Provincial Exhibitionheld in London. "Peace be untothis House," "The Chriatien Graces,' "The Angel of Peace," "Bed Time" and "The Wreath ef lin- mortelles." Terms, -$2.50 a year. Sample num- bers 15 cent.' eaete AGENTS WANTED on Salary or COMMialliOD. Send at once for Circulars to J. W. JONES, Landon, Ont. 1336 Sole General Agent, I'OT'ICE. 111/1E undersigned haying opened out A a new stock of Grocerliness eis wareCrockery, ate are., In the -itore lately occupied by Janie. Brackenridge, trusts that he may bo favoured with a share et the public pat- ronage. God‘rich, Sept. 1st, 181713' COOKE IN7 g ., 1385e L.A LsLignaPAr ty,m1EceSilorNDwoErkBTdoEnDerpre0TrioHjaEs to the 21st Dec. lasit3n, *1erequired. to pay 13 • e ABRAHAM SM1TR Goderich, Feb..5, '72. sw983w3t