HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1874-3-18, Page 4• -411.•-• • 1 1 12 1. 111 • 1 oIrr.tito 1.23:31,ST711.N. Nal) '2.4•D C - - . i On titnr.lor of .this day g read for resumino the deals en t e oroletion to place the name ofdlr. Fraser instead 4.f the Atterney-Con.4'1 oe the Yobbo ' Aeconnta Committee. Mr. Cameron no:now-et that he said his frtencts were determieed tn oppose' the propoiitiou . with - every weans in • theta' power. . . - ' The Attorney-Clerterel poiuted out farmnot he let item that hie many engeoattreists ;prevented tunitY will be giver • lion from being trent at the sttinga,of • DIAIT tr. worli it for i. Farm t tscnictito. j Ncw 'abucrtiscintnt. ARE Yor SICK ?. _ TAZ`CAAI. CALL 011 Rents AUNDERS' 3 '11E subacriber Mae' to reat farm, being IA1 numbers 14 mad containing 160 scree, cleared and as t goo.1 boilditese and vet ample supply of toti water in. the 1 lot, Shoillei the wA 7 Curig, WATCREt.4 15, 5th concreition. erten Teonahip, VARIETY STO!'E, a good state of cultiation. There are It irut rt 0 0 VET 0 a t0 Comieitt^e, ilet %1 Crooks was fe,y-Fousteorid,c,fe# Crioirruan of another Conenitiee sitting . 1' 1)A at. the same tin. The Opposition had Goderich,17th Ma tourlawyers nn the Pubis° Accounts "----------oo-o- . Committee, and it was tot fair that Mr.' ' T.E.1211.7t.RS ' • Moly; the only legal Member on the t NDW ILL BE R Ministerial side, should Itv., all the re- eta t2 oi,o„ei,,, ,,,,„, ) sponsibitity on hi.* sl.oulders. Ile would ttith March,..3374, f throw on the Opposition the responsi- Property late own bilitycof wasting the tima of the House I Whitler, lotto and threntened to purses." T ait LVt ef Lot lt, • . it tbeir leader persisted in the course be I Well owned -by the] • ; M. Cameron aectigted th biljty, but offend to waive ti• -'n if Mr, 3lowse Weida en • 1.0.;t3T 111011174ber ..f th.s . , Fraser, ur agree to • tante to the Cniuntittee. Messrs. Ciento- ..coderich, pet. M roue Boultbee. Leiolerz and Rykort then ' 'preceeded te talktinie, antral. responn- 000t it. Y. Atireil. s tiettlere 11.21:123' tO it nto atty. 3 for 51r. 'Maori -1'e _ w. a • 11.402' W.94204.1.1.:.li NV ,the bulls for • ' fecessarrieeJ., "or, .,), revi,..4 „r t'14 4 Wat..ru Vutariki Ii , = . -.'The Attorney-G.4-.1:ot Intel 'Cott as!. VA ITT< 4 . II trivize Bill. , .. i s . • , 1 ",..- tio1414.1 woo1,1 eted.ht the Orange and• 111 'the 11•"9111114)"' . roo general Act p oitoo Coreicolt the I. , . •, „ other seetole. to ohtain charters ot oe. I-, , , , Comity i irporAtioni th.' Rd should be with- I ' . There trill r .a: la. Mr. it ..!XV: Lail not cenelieled 1 o oe',, • Lis riroech when the tie allotted for .I '''''213•4112A:i 'a•:-. 1."" 4 tion tht•teforse steed, oyer. t • --1 • " M. Ilykert Sem yeso to vont lone. th; .0. M,`TRUEISANI talking against time, which rec.i.e' tool in the to:val ef 'Go .1 • Ac•er recess, Mr, D Awn sneved the Bloody, an oppor- to a giald steady staion. in oaf for sale. 1EL WILSON. h, 1874. 14130 WANTED GELVED 17NTIL , on Tuesday the the fencing of the by theists Chas. he rate property te John Galt, Esq., id now the prow - Fur further pato aits S'4MLL. . Kay's Store. ti, S74. 14,131) „4. ben • St • ,, or, • 4 4 • • • oPrivaie Bill -t hod ot pi" -ed, and tloolete • 12 Qv . • , FARM, Colbotial, in the o'sel 1 ort Ay of Ipri1,1$74 k 10011, AucTi7N FtOOMS trick by virtue of a Silver hunting /ever Watches, warrant- ed pod reliable tirotekeepers, at ttli), $14, $10. • JEWELLf.,RY : 84* Brooches, Foorinoes, Ste., New patterns Bk and Gold Itraeurets at t.,2 75 pet pair, A iage assertmeet of Mires, 1Virtiow Blinds:. Shade s iitterrneledo " •' ' , 1 • ,. et id e.le. coot led in , a certein I . ' ()ello. Itykiet,takjele tarts seoti, .14;1' otortgla ee, from Saren I and Ntary Piper, Cole ew.viel art aatenclnutittlte ftate Mr. which Wilt be ',reel c .1 at tfie &tele, the , ,-.3.1erriek"s lame to the Cowin tteet in ed ..tition tri,Mr. ,Froser's.• This give the se -vet -el KO:Alters ars,epportunity:of tiering • „Agri.ift: .51r. Moll. Cameron accordingly spelneet greatlettioth. Tc 1-1.titao cow • titotkol in session 011.3.3) o'eleeki when • the toteioal motion wa*cgrried z...•,11.tp . , Marehl.:01. - i The 101We ef the afternoon sitting wilt t i . -oecollietl its die..41.-:ind the 'motion -fir. t the third roulino 1.1 the Ela to facilitnIti tit' bieerporit ton of 12,02nevoltat and. A:heritable Seeitics-. The 11111 Wai (114- 1,......3 by 'wade' kulown at t he ' „tle. 3lior;i:k, . who. move.' the .- snit mouths' nise. 'Although y000„,leo,..oest ' per farther ,partietthirs apply to &c., in every style Aed. voriety. Expeeted to artive,.W4L PAPER. Reniendwr the 11aA L. • 13-kUNDSI.S' VAlt11::i'Y STORE, •2 Cadab's Bloelo M -rot ::.footare, Goilerielo folttowitto preperty • P Alt r,t, number eiel tassiono Western Towns -Dip Celber ciao .11V,O.Vell. to th tiontsf lie said toe 'The foilawing tat to be e -h the .rgettit baro . • Te;t011711.2:11131--1 chase. tootle. to hi.• of sate. Fer hale Ell I. itilitt first Con- viaion of- the said e. except that por- Munictpal Curve?* ship. •rovementi are said s : a looghouse mint March 1702, 1413 PAR- A&-• sot • it D 11-3Y. *tet AT: THE Ritg.113 ur G. 51, 'lift:Ell:1.N 'e41Yed2f SI y, S daY of Aprii,157-1, • ,.‘ • Die het 11.2 r 7,11 amaien. c4:ero 1.3 les to oohs TOWN8HIP Or A SH1'IELD, or 1..., ITIntabwire Ibit1'...:„I'lL3111:SL.a.11:111•411"thientWell" Omstisee, uevy,•:.3.11.1 4treato runs through th, itnd. Thit Lot 14. mile a fro* gib:attri,l,Te end the Gravel I:44 I, *awl aboit 14 trot. oe. lowho eittoderle•. p 41.4.....o•!lwith be 210411. te"ttt purchaser TEE4! OF 8.4 : Taa per etat .1notiey down, ba - 'tine. to 0.10,o11101141y. to 20 the totteolowie tiortre,pay. a t 1 or to :P.•.../rtOrt . • tri,v1:9S• t.in 11/4frd Iffth d,t,' of MAI.), 1,71, 14IU. ne-teeth of the ia n the-dity ee, terms nil be ate; • Societio lte 1 • tjAi, Oreinoe eincor,p•rol. ' . . 'ill 0 ;a As waillikbesottyt. we thew analtie midi : - ..t t lie prov isione i.t this -Intl; Ifitedsolar t . 1•112-1t"; v viten to held Intel, or b., newts:ego; gala • ... the petters granted, to. inoerporate.1 "" • r'101t2. (Vitt:At- E • r. or li•ose ettel. tot .s to itt•ni.% czc.coug., 11,21 00.:is .4 opitkiho ellikt Ilto hill ritihett plr trt.1 14 foetlitios for the 'ineoreorotion • , 0;ot:e1 ,.a. nii i.t.i.p.:tion.ag clnarit.lr. '• The reert•seetativee ef the • note the.oetewtottlitye.f a#F or 'Acts of inciaftrotion mince; or not. •• • The Attorney ttete.r..1 • thot the 11111 befere diet MOcic!:. 4 r.:•:Ti .2..• ii. ov,at prevc:,-,:,1 14:5-ri : .• . ' 1 reallt.4reat.•P Ail c an Lira t • ana &dial -tied ..../' 41..._ haat *patina 4,.# - reaspo tws e2ctu•ling the Utter frotia4 0 o , ' that privilege. 11.: ahowed that the its Le- '11, Flt II "1 . eerporate.1 Weieties ernthl hiild Isna holt, • al :- Dr - • I • form and ocette.tnei" only. - •12.1 1011.1 I , • , .1 . ' that ... long .a this era. the ca . the i -• ' 1 - ,toaotity br v,.11,1,.. w.aecf little ri .. or. I In Ettel tort tin -re ea. no...limit to i ..e . . - • . .; vale,. '.1 land an incorporated s cootd hold for -ite own, it,se, but ,. e b...1 nap -wed :1., A ..litifit ityl at.nual tattle of rotatCt. Ile d.d t• - I, nue. •413 *4414 ailvisie . of tile general Ate ant0tic t,•• faa.,--, ! .,,... l• I trott:tiM..eitlitte. a It: to. itaol, themselves . • I „ alit ile tee itical coeltol Ws,. dnitig. II.' •• . Lel:eyed the trueirrenita of the: ttriro; - • 7..2 teen ext on thoye (the Misistitria4:: , beneltes, vet that h'th. tomtlenutiti. Z ii. , . • ?mite wide soared /or then. fee' pet _to After censiderable further discuasion .0 • . perposes. she eie 4.0eghs ..,1 .iet • jno, lost •tea tie. . v.- , „ , Inn toad a. 'thtrtl trfie on a.d.i.n,(4.1 ' - -- - - 3 ' tof l: t to :I.144. i e ,. . , :e0;i4 Some chimer ,of tfie lostita bill were , . . pissed throngh'eronmittee. A number if)f rats wsrti %WO s tWtemol - • 4.time, amine; others one for ustablishiee , . - Indust riot. Sthoids. j: The A tt. rney., - f Coro ran1x1.0-olne.1 that it wag Ineed •,:ti, m , 1 '• tiot Eallish and Ameticen Act* met tfett I -7,1,1„; c. itvisI.onite. w4u141 only eatend t, - cities iu the mean lime. . ' • :• ./ 04 . Toronto, I lel{ 31. opt,. sl.00ld . its74. . a l.ft'vE *¼h- ele.111.1' be i D-tir kV4t r .1.1 .• (Ira • their 1..e .1. belees, nor 'tee P NE.* 21 ay. mis ral p UMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, of - 2:1 jeers -Practice, wh thous- ands have been relieved of • nowt die eases ineidetttal to the oonstit tune c_ BATIKOPT Tenders Want?. d. INSOLVEN•r. ACT OF 1:3".:9: lu theonatter a Mho 2.u.t:11 ,:i0.A0, 311 .... Insolvesit. nit: Halt,Toronte. fur usteregeet Iie T. -i.. :t..-tet..r.• nt, ta it))....:,.i,...,Q. ...,44.).2,4,24, 0.8.,...;.d..s.ils,„,.14.4%%ir 111::-.!.%.1... 11;4, 0Ww4e•iutie rot,. toot. *Leto , tots. wee Leto, j,74 tat; tS74. & Co's W 7,1 • . fir • Toa.irr... be 00h.7 -.142h1 sh4 te t•rot, 4 paytneut ott tee of yallentlet, Aoki itaturs ,14 setuttle. les huh. or aitr ?toter. i• tiot . • .. • The Stock Iniettort th*t. avl 642 et we 11 lie ea. 11 ..42 ,. '7:1141 2.• 21.1e .41g Al - • • Mktg Vi ATtiON,„ • • • owe • 13.!. ' ' . • '• THE I h t -I , 4 y_ 0 • , A D •31arch 9th. s, A considerable amenet milseellane- A • 14 Caneron moved " in the !• oos business wail disposed of after,whih rt. , , _ . •.,et..in a Ibis Haase, ot he iluty a member (4 thelgaeCntire Couseil • erewelOot - - • 71' ANCHESTER TILE RED Jr 2 Si4e 1 merk. Whereoyini can 7.,2et Put• rot* sattl Chemicals ennapnunded -by a first-class Chemist. Open night and day. A large ,And•wen snip/led stile arriving weekly free, tropeen and American nutrkets, 011 • icines, •s,.. Bath", Alt, t Syne. Oruos, • Ptititat flpongtsa, 8S.,131,10181ladietrfBu l'Prefilensiery, Essences. sow itted, flair Byes Toeth Deuidies, Combs, &c. &c. A T %Ur tg, Lo7 DV ST1'FFS 'PRL'SII AN GOOD. Th a Meilizine prepared b. .J. Bond for purifying th o blood far au possee all tither' preportiti.int. Bond's Tonic 8 Forbysepste. Livee Centel:0 t, l'alpi- ention.of the Huort, Indigestion, Cott- •titrai tun, ,Ileadatchc, Bat. /119 Piey111311/14, .to., still tnaiittains it. a •erior re- titled:ton abuyeAll whets, lie h in On - mem sand the Cnite.1 State.. A Call is respeetfefly riliel Goderieh, March 2nd. 1n4. 1411 J. W. WEATHEI LD 11 • Ni • :.t.:011:4 1.: ,nr.321:1;_NZ,Rtt.YM , 21 NEW' 000Dti CONSTAlvl TLY A nd Busitiess, steadily incre • • Miot4er lot Of spri ng gO9lis just opened. Dress Goo& Colored Silks, Pants, Shirting, Tweeclajteady, Made Clod hoelccr Suits, llenand Poy's Felt Hats new stAes, i'oots V a ri e ty, Ladies' lErunela (:aiters. .1. large stock of new and CROFTS .44 JOH • \oted f ..mliA10=4;••••••••••• i • ND other see he.: 10343310105 And Can 11:11:04 11.1411011. Organs a d Dide- rot* on reasoteible tentle. iiconeider the Ilaymosid cii al to the L ew York &Nur, and it is t lee dol - 'Office And Sinew 1100211; OIF '41D) the l cheaper, • Cotte erne Ili/tell, Gieletich. „., 1111 _ , 1011C!.... B 3 Id. dod3riolt SINN. Cor.43 4. Or -17••-•• o '111.1 • 901)13111C11 1 01.'N havino ptaillivetil•a sot o 3 4110t1titente„, that pohlio_ittsy „ Peot• 1 kit. tet the 1 wore .4 a foe iloys, motor the Mitt Mr. Die.1.1121.t. r. ill 1..1212221 •Vettoll'a n11.1. lot •A tell . •' „1„ Lentlor. • , W. . rt.asiEnvit.tn, - • Lord. I:1. g, rye tett' r kieliooli, 1-71. DtLf..;'3 F'PRI.NO i - , . , on Market Sgeare-that-iit the souno, It. Huron (1,110.1 the t.4cptar I , ., 241,;,4111). full ic.111 eratt boy by cheet, hy 1 sitel,• . , '•j..o•,. ••t: '4 vas ev tyre 41.0011re: i' vi., • .:rsit.fce.:1:,:itis.:10,,,,f. Tr,...T11 Or ...It with delight, , . • - I to, ! 0011'14.24 Ql• :4-4, 1,Arl...." *. Eb"In't CI TA A 717 : IV l'ilTR ii( t /net: try nor. T,..i, you theta w411 sh el) ,, Pities:folly iv& ry nieht. _ 1. 2 . I ,„, trot I ''' •••!'• • ee,111 nor be tried II headac all 0,33, . 1112 your ;width • 04 be ser0nely nu • , ,,N.i.r "DvApe• • .iii SeVart., ,!! i 1 - , • , . , i • • a ! t : 404, -!.1::lttll tin II IA !filth' ,' . t • :ill rn:iiiiiii Irtilill :And pereolol titer eateet. - ' ' or RIVING . 4. sing. Shawls, Black and it“; Knieker- tn,i Shoes great choice Teas. STO-N, r Cheap Goods. er r 1873. r18f3 .Mackay gm hers' trrtk'li SANTA CLAUS AT MATTLANDVILLE I w. STANBURY Bees to inform dm inhabitants of Mad - land villa and the surrounding country, that tie•ieui received Farge supply of 1 FancY Goo -as and ToYs of all descriptions, for Christmas aid New Tear's Gins, • which will be sold CITEAP VO 31CA SR. Alio a full stock or NEW GROCERIES consisting t( Tess, not to he a11& j. strength and devour, at ell prtoss, te", • suit the times. Also new Raisins, Ciirte,13pices, Rice, Sugats, Syrups of tirst Witytand every other &rade in the Grorry line. Alio a Ir -e eutiply of Dry Geode. -Fancy Goods, tilers & Crocker', Tee Sets, &c. Nails, Flour & • full supply of Wines sad Lir:. such as Sherry, Port, Braady, Giu, Wkiskey, 41e1, he. Market prioe timid -for produce. 'Radar, Egg's, Oat; Peas L Potatoes bought ant! sold et , ; •• STANBURY'S' S1010E • P 115587-- • smidettundrare, 0 y -17 tO I L3f1-0 STRACII1N'S IIARROWS„ ,\4•17 0. Ferguson's I 'DIRECT noel/ LTLITIa;:. 1 (0 Tocth 820 • .,EittAININ•i IN eit)D.1111 '11 I'. 0. : 9thMarch,1874. ... Mathew • i• It n. too* Adwar 1'- I 4.111. Tx VI. o eiot,th itatioahloi Neallie".1.11tio 4 tt 4 Ni" • invi-rievid At ni tl. AI *tinhaar a ere ii:noty . 04' %AI PO ,•.... I. , Vet Aft jar 4 •I:: II l' IN, haat W . 00 .. it T 'A li li 1,,_ . * 0....al t ,_ . 1:ri..11 Will t 9.4... oreltotllo 3 t11.44 1.11rplate 421 4.7 le , le ft - • ' pi ;twat trato ! a . o..t. 54 t c 51 a .4 1 toottlao. 4 14) r • 2 'C...le too.'• ....• • , o.: too i.. . e .....-` , . 04 . SI .ei :... 41- , 11 • - tol. ) W tt 4 th, Wo, • „...,- I .1 ..e Il to - 141. •1, .1,.... . Con 12, ti fro .,..I 1 1:1 OW I ','i .' ', ii.t V ,: •.1. 12 1,11, -' 4 NI 0 1. it• tot .4 .1 .. • --- ..-- I,•.tk ii .r V i • • :•1 a tit,* «11 Stte!K C •'t .., itty . • r,..r'Acto.P..s, &c. & IA 1. et t • 131h ch, Tne ••• Alarmtazharatvez, Iles td•trtn Tau 40.-A. p- Tem, EV 11a 3 . I MERCHANT I • ' 241111P:1.P! • rtE'ES• 774:7- -'1:51: Mot SPIC • , FaitbaLke • Sctilo Warehosos, AND L'LaIIOR 93 Ms Str ,T1013t810, ,N. 333 lkoattwa. Una yt ullAmortment 311•311.441say, N w Y s• at:whit to tem:reined nutter oath whet. ; • GiitERAL/ 1,. . • I 2.11-R•Street,, Raton. OneerieS - ' ro•st."'''''"11141'1' apoemliri befoe. any Committee 0,1 this }t1..0 empoyered to examinee.... "moles ler nath. sisa- to glee es1.:v21.:6 in the oeitc maniere aa any oh,r V.1ttt000 ; bat thot no stich niember of the Eeeeuttve ,* Coenen shall be examieed reateCillte,• any matter or anOt thing • which 1,y his :oath ofritortoe he is :acquired to keep • secret,and not diulge." Ile slated that he...aortal this-reselation in conse- quence. of s statement made he the Treasurer Vitt he would not submit to twin: examined Lefere a Committee tif • • the 110,0300 021 oath. , .. ••1 Mr. Cro..ke COW ty etiettl to rply,ithM 1 ,. six &chick arrived. Ads the hone.: rese . for TOC3,941. - • . ! . FA ' ; . After retem the debate on Mei hill to Unifin PIC/. • ins.4por11to the Orsuge Ass4Iociati...r. of .,„ ' W (stern Canada _ was resumed sett . eel... n 8 ' .1-r•Ir 14 tintied at • woren length. The , thw, ' 111'''''11" Ttelths hoist was carried on the follow- o division,-.. :• -no tio.•thot !Ito Yrs.. - M0333741; Ardali; Barber, flu,- • . • , r, Bishop, Cohlwell, Chiaholin. Chrio; I :NA .)W 1 ...alrke (Norfol)h Ctarke (Welling- t ' r,I, Clemette, Cook, Craig (t'llereetret,I.: 1.,1tottle..11:1•2' 17 - --, .. , . • „&firdy, Hedging, McKellar, 51:I.....1,1 Cre.11e, CiiialoyCn , nie. lantern Fite e•".:,`1,::,.",,,i„ livsen, Fraser, 1:lbs.m. ((or, Ifaruiltoti.,13„,;,,,,,, ,„,,,,,'„-,, -011:ttiot, (rDoiilehti., ()liver. Vtrikell 'F'''lin14:.T on ;we o.r• .3,44...., Pa_llC.41, f`rineeg.st..ra, Sinclar, '!!4n.,ta,_ .,we.,, i ... Suetsinger, Springer, Sttiker, Wbb, Foie o 'FYI fr W interim (Hamn ilto)" W Ilion, Wood- 3 - ho31.whot (41 .. 3 -.11. 7 4-, . Hotee•tr.o.1 I...ve, NASA- MOWS.. raJlit Il lie; l'etillher, !"..34•-'••• . lAwiltbee, li,,oltoo, Cataerna, -Cede, - 1412 - Ilkey, Iteacon, Deroche, Fitzsimmons., et • 1.,tlifford, Giles, Graham, Cued, Haney,: 7, -7 /gander, McCall, Mcowan,' 11.31anns, Mease, Meredith. Merrick, Ntunk,Read, wma, 2 Itbinets, Itykert, $ot, Toole'', Wil- - boom (Hurham)-30. • " ,1-• ' ,1 , „lc homw,rosew,cimi.,t1":asineleres:,"titninatioenalifirl.1 T • , camheendmrnae , trn,oe 411 2, • ....... }.,„/RBAN4, rutt)0 co„,. itioret uoset; to .; (000ee. • ---"r Tens moy 1.e sampled and oitalegues eleelaueil t eday-befor•the sale. taeh 10, 1874. T113a Rich F -- • 1 I .1* r 21 Stophen: ing-Lovis! . ryebr,.te 1.3 the C RaiitVay Compady. trdrdErtli NQ FI7Crti A- 1.41.11'S IMPROVINQ; 114 1&3.V 20. iettls Ity the! aolv314 'ei-IE T I E !, '1! LLIANS Of ACIC8 '. • . 001320 Coatinent, in' Ex4tern .11r, many of then( never briT: , that thly Coopetit..., . ... . ... T, ;c.a.( ..I ' .1 . 4.1 4 II, ,. . 21 ti.10. . e41111 12TERFA41. Made of the Company tot!. rt „.1„..1*.tialtile,plartn.„...tien_lare!..i,ett, In't. • 5-1.' i ;I t - -•. ," Ni, itii i a t: ,. FAIT el-. s 1319NVIII. • t '. ! .... -• 1.) .`. '-I Aratod pop.,- contaadon the • . . netters-to all Fp ta..t thc irtrl.l. ,.. 0. P. tlAttle. C.aututta3,,,ser U. I'. A. R.. _ &rata.. N.a. • - SPRING 42. 0 i 1 • • e)te store feti11 find !el (31 connty• Sotiar*2? !nil orlitet 3 t ,41,2e Tee: tri. --i. - Yoll say. flirt ; We el citys 0 • iteou the On this p.1.1 tu.ty depend. iter,evatem t all be fair, ' Here let Coe. .ii,j,„..L.tee,1*. :Vert 3..t: It • • t.y •rt•-t.c'ut 1 moht sytitt ot4I ' . • •,t'• ..1 ring To tide if I e vet *tit uo s eitAtin n io 1: :A It ices Alt brele an t e • , t '1. Ir.:. • thereforo, I Melt stizic like ghee , T., tin tliiew Ir'' wle. in ge+I Item t We wialt t31.111 .01 a....ary3114"L'Ti 1.r oiviel:.1 a Can. 1 -11, 4: .1 Hove lett eo I toile the ti.dr, 1,11••2i', „ I litee a life thteorn toe itelestrioes 1 And still my Donee Bills ere very f ' Itiit r.# niv host 10102-00 the w Iter e . And Peek *twines whenttlyty &yell eq... • AP v \; nti vs / 1 rt" • L2.0 11.32ti! \ •;i:NDING T* NIAKI: . tt;••,..1.z..tt '., Parliament .tr Iiii- ..., I v Ale V.,1111, tither for *intiog xelnsire t,e 'liege.. I1' e'ttlfertillg eolp.. tu pow- AS71.ii!'i ei tti for oientueeialt of other pu • .ses o1- d'r+Iit.'2,1* foroteing anethittit t hie to P. ''t ilee rights ..e t.ropory ./ -(ttlier e pa tI ies' are hereby notified tha they are T• %tired If'y the littlept.rf the 3*. Houses of l'arliantent, Cell:1i are ptil intrl in in in the l'ait.tl.i 11.1.0 tf...) to .rpe two inoiths' notice of the el.plteatt n (clear. ly til diatintoly epecifytito it ' ue(ttre , titt,l i'lbect,) in the rtureet;7470 tie, mid *1110 in a neda.,ti. r toadish in the c racy or rnioe a Comities ffectedi mottling eopis .of tlio I' ,poc .. . itatiliuz the first Andr...t of sitet•notio to the Prieete liAl (Mica of each Hon - An Petitions for Private 11' lel.resietteil witlitlieitrat aro. the Stolln. Rococo. 1.r.Moles, Clerk .1 the nate. • Alio-nee l'oreive, Clerk of the 11 .11110 . . of Cot TAPERS • • Cottwit Itintrolio-Minutee .,(1t,ie. 1, g Jp eifitti U21101151 Pni mer noiettirig read and sgned. Alldhe' 5 • members pesent-, C. l'routy end H. Doyle • were appinted Tavern 12181.4- , tore License Ale teverha to be e' page hie be for I ne - t l'euncil multi • otilleetoe Inch petty nettleeting so ear, to tet no license. The felow' larties made application for license M. Nevelt, 8: Prem T. 1134iI2*. Buckley, W. Baker, II . Itiolint and W. Breen. Mrs. Flanuery, to eetve *IJ t.. the gement At $18. ii Petition of Tende* .#1. 8. S No. 12 e be empowtrot to berrOw 11se) to p y li 0 1.-: •• hes 'receive& a large. assortment of • NEW PATiERNS ' OF ler echnol hmi.e, payable \ill LL tw ., yars. • Petition granted. Faxes VrEtver.a.-1.Siriellol. Biriett, S. Hogarth. J. Metheweim W. llelt, , ' F()11. .1.:..4,SON 1.471, R. MePhersoe, J. 31cAilther, sen.,_ • . Joseph Tetreati *td E. Dettreicho For ND K AP r Ia-W. etteker in, T. # Shapton, James. Mathewson, P. 0. Rourke, D. Stathls, J. Hill 0. Mitchell, (1. Tetra:tit, '3, Mershall and II. Torel- den. :•;•rivd:. i11:, • . • , • , . -, . r -1,-...,..i.- . ' ••• ea .o. 0, :.-4 •rtit7e. . .e..,,, i . . ,.• .-, 1 •'''' fc.ial • r:.. -i -iii.,_-. ... ... - ; • hi most • .;., of 4. No, 11 BY-LAW r4',,,., by .t4y pr Loss 4. . &wooly deaseitil itdiert for t: If.,;:nt0134,..0 II e .1..r1. i• • . , . _ , • ... , Whas the‘ owafteit.4 it,, t'orpor Totst erbet ie Hoot hare id 21.Si.la.iravet Writ 44 4•., now .21 00.326) the!. oti..etton totTall. hie 111 the a 4 A ver • 64. •0.eilatiieutlitl.: , • ' klatt alwitream Wetter Into. eltrei t writer ••• iii#1, it vie to twattattary lot llao 1.11.4 AI. ... t Carpwatte. ba1 d... ilis anus tlf 1 flatter ro.1 .1.4 is in the toomees herthwiltes ail& ettri • .at the ontount ern*" onion TortIitterly toe Mel oinaity rf SIAM poll.* 4.111Ity tot torresee 3. 02* aloe awl •r.t0o.•••tow ht" tee -11011111e 110 lee Serino! fora. 0, t...ear in.inorttrot •40.`a003*3e3 sane here fter Pomo tior4Ill or try p2101 131010001 11•4741141444(.. to Ibe 1•.4 up. 414.E and ter.alsed 4e4essiesent Wats* f the ea d vorrtYt, befog Its' the .tair oat 1.1 +au I el141. 114*Iretel sad servari titre% INN rb•rt, a trii.11.•!.. •Abe hatatrod tool tt oety etthe,ttoro3. itt rialetaly 0021 4-0'.'.. e MO waeolte am.ualof the e2l141114A of thessidConnty lo., Contents ; l'rtne.t. , re. loin - di ,o a•A• OLT nit a •2100a41ti.1 el ...' t 1* n.tramt atrt tIttAt .10.11.1e..., fur ..Itayel load I3, -,,.l re. bearlatt oboe* .1 .3' rate er... err ,...-ta tor natun. Yllt. trattlt intereat to 14 asiII on Hee grid d 4 h Weal, teollouroll Sqe liqh.lnel it'd itightY nine oliart had pig*, e.•311. V pokes, lift tt data, three i co tatara. Ur atnaar, . . • OA 0.1A1 •tta It *PI 'moire the x eattrased two Ws t.-•1 Wore* go h21 ally by saterlat ra for tlo o parearat 3- .1 , 04 mtge... *A a4il0 beret...atter • And elem.* 42royale tioeintoo..t. etitartal staanal ktink1014 Fowl tor t...) ottosc.r, Twrnty is.attiw .IA.r4 ato 1.011or4het ttowt tor it ot t -,.It*at toll mitetal rata 4 i. at !red 411 I. tit rint SI.,1 aftr.ttaths 4011124 .43 1...1./.40 addlt nt. to e.!; otber rttesou ievied in emelt yea. Ile it therelqre 010 C.. i ..t t.b.ctN.r,..tatirt Alt (.10. Colii.t 1 ' hat 44.11 be iatrrld fop 3,0 the -t onnlyit Moron to r..fte hy ese...et„ or rat us, ...ly tele %IV .111: ILIVe ra csiye,1 the 1. • Stock of C,1:,1 Sr- C LIE!.•fTS FIJTINI';11.1'NO ,.rtia t 2117 11 ilete: itted tozoll the, (;();.•1.it : r ORO y • 1•••;rir t 4' • • •Oil 1 tlia4; t Op.!t t.it/ IA 1 Iri -1;111114 „P!, • al • ,, E H 11 ‘• Jit 1 t. • 1 - entry t 1 It." ng rhm.a ay meaning is net 2.2y roar :nut I will try to make you understand; 1 have invested cesh this very veer,. To melte theito useful things which till the land: . I hare invented 'lin" whiclh cost me dear,, Bitt tal-es aws.v mirth len tr ot lie hunt, Tht's how I cut afford:431 all so cheap, And enterprising fanners the ivanta go rev. Yr it BUTritill:IELVS • CP11.72-11,11Y BALSA_W. FOIL egUSH3 AND COLD. `• FOR SALE AT CATTLE'S (Late rarker & Crttle's) nit G STClitE, it AR ET QUABEIO °DEBI° 400 • ...:tt0 to 1144,4rItt. att..! lank 411 al 4. 911111,11114i114 c llittt h:141 41.14'1,41‘1 \l. Stere eu V hit', heice GO Lit E3 & . . 1:y keepine first clam a tiv roves lie heves to ge t '41a. vete potronwe. Call mid • j"46 ("` PY"311' • i3OtTEE GRUUPTIP 11371 IOTI!1G Mk TO ODElt A g,;) t.3it for fir ktER \-/0BIEN AND cLIILDREN full stock ef Ve.I vet and Common • are invited to can and 33 0 RI-) EP, I IT 31r. Beieel to receive $S balence . f- " ALSO. • • former relution. ' The following orders were granted,- . - and A -saes -sore Notices $39.73; C. Prouty WINDOW SHADES.. Exeter rl/lee for printing pamphet. for Deed, R. ()., voters Fists, ite. 1113 23: . Deputation to Toronto to look after . plain and fizured. surplus money $38. Connell adjourned to meet first Mon- ' DECORATIONS & ,PANELLINGS 3 ,. (ley in April to fort'aer apprvpriate the, surplus money. it C. Pkorro, eifered it lowest priciest \Clerk. , • • Goderieb, March 17th, 11011. In Oatafa. there are 87 lodges et Odd - fellow a, alitioh .tube:rah'? ei 7,524. Almonio has fermed a Young bisn'e Christian Assocation. t -President Fillmore died at bis resdence. Bufflo, onth 811* inst. stavAifir ouri. Nit'ANTD: A PPLY Tt) 4). 0. ANDER- sea, in rear of Dean Shed. Godessielt1111knank, 1874. 1413It* inspect tile oods he_ fore purchasing else_ whero. *00 G. 31CKENZIE PROPRIETOR Street. ri tt:1nm, 1874, • -1, t.0 be wIlraji .0 ad, -,a. the 'awe atom ad tt.. (Wool st11.., he rolorfte mntltned. watteattiwg It MS whole the • of twenty niatan. elle .41.4 the .m. [0 be veld to th4 jardsel the Treolurer ofthe C sty deur. eat. tor Die rupees* aettLetth the trItl t *Noe r - e.t.d. . Ilya. it obeli be eaftol twr the • .1 minten to ..o..t. any molder* ef Ilitelattures to be male for seek voet , . Ant An hotelred na tha 11.11itt. dollars wit, WI' AA ead Debeat shill he sealed vliththe sea; !aid Co. port 00 .n43. ma:m.1 ty the 11111bli ' qq't COWIt ia.,.1 by t le Tr..wirer et theate e.....y. "'• I 1 hat 0.*M 0.4...o..2.. Art11 mwle ty- 11 20.0.003' Sipa at forthetot (foul th 'Lay hereto artor toe. threat. hit *hie )1y -taw to ta e effect, at t1e1.4.,7.. ot tbaThaleatee .1 3211 sat.' co:oty 01 Hutt, and shall lute Ataehed to 11, rouptatte for the at 01210. interest 003021 , signal by the ..j anti T.a.urer, ' t ..1U4 Tr. 3(3*. ... I loomnturen IT Contents 11,1I3-tnale Pot 111 II.e .00.02017 I tilt* Do- ntl tn.so that t• 0 wh.e mini.ttut ot hi Debra- tttrea than m410211811 the' before meat cult of twenty thorreand dobars, an 1 they @bat Worthier. .A.M. 1110 rata of at: per eetot for alum whtelt la - tem.( alma be ray.oLle on the first der of .111131 la• ..a143 tot every )ear during the mum" a el the, sai*3 lielrotaree at the othee ot the T urer Mae' a4440:...nty of Boron. - 54. 'Pat for the pnrpoo.nif tovidiii a linking Pond for the paytnent oil the sold Dia tures and the tutereat at the rate af.,aamil to one tin* t hereon. an eqoartrporial Otto or wee it 'tired in ti 111b. line•ht113.1rel All a ittleatistait met "4a laillio the dollar, 1.321 sat WSW.all other ate. sad Wes he ilted. lotted awl leetedi in enellyoir npoa al he rateable roper , blare the Cereal .4 Huron, taring OW dentine es el the sol.Webe +tures o• an. ot teem. •' mat this B-hto abaft take *at .-....4 into operation apes the Int lay Job', sue thousand eight hundred old sevetstrio NCY1'1C B. to to taken Into consideration be the DU -44; The abaft A s trc. eopy of • a tile Coate of 3480 . at Oottertek. Ht. held Centite ea 04 (North day; of Aut. 1 • et the Loot of two o'clock re the athowea. iit Mee time LA 1 plaa• th6 •usitibars of the Connell et lanitbi revving to attend tar the purpose afore iJ. Pll'ilt ADA1110 n.Cho. CecotY. Clerk's 44:ka II, tiolotiolt rata ttre. 1 14164 II hve •,(V1 ei '191T NO 11C12., ''t A. Adam will always '?1,1 Fit 7-, -1ranteecl; o: no Sale: 1 ,s;c7,,.PI T,11 71 rotfhlIpItico:1 f • .7L3 o DEMI:MInt THE 1;TA'.-.1), lull wAR . . . „ .T.'o'lvial:c) Hair 7are. • Diyir t,f. Dr:d's Drug • • 'stark • o octo, to01,-toei. 1;4 31i GILT:li IA.4 A:: H. ........ ...... ........ ERR c!.:,(, SUCCE SQRS TO Str, 1•7. thisopoortunity of 'informing their friends and. patrons thet th k have re- . ,tuoied into time new aud splendid iretn1ses on the Markft. Senate one door East ef akrasaoublih.anact i,eltere the s onew. re ei t hill and whiter stock ..f - • • " . It . B . SM rSTOlt$, " bflPir IN) '11-aAVY HARDWARE _ EST F.', F, ANIE i'i') P1&E3II.S the subsci ilex about/ 1s1 Tco lot, -s 'LED :oil:lit, aliening tw ohl, with a shingar on liia fit *21(1 0310 horn cr,,eked oeor the ey owo‘r win 14.•,4 prov• prottert THE er bilge. to • inhbit:tuts. of Gedoriel rounding Cieintry thot he 13 expenses And tot. &wet'. 1 ' • 02,1 DUNCAN MCNEE. 111th 51Areli, 141. Co;.1.03.11, Bankrupt . 10th C0011121W 1ttp0Sit3ri o1 Faahion. and Instruction:. - Harpet's Bazar. • 4,• • No" 'II of file Wrest. TM Weer ke 4.1412.1 wit* alnIsitrlAntioilf taet and tater t tiat r -,,-14,,m-,,-14,,mInd stiy j#11.a1; MA the journal itself 14 the organ MU.: gteutaerie or f 114.11.-.6010en The Bettor 0t1t411et..4 Haul( to evrt' • tootaher et the household -2r the Iltiltlrea 1., 0041 pretty lietoret,.tothe yoon 4 Ladies by its' raahooplato, in endlea. variety/. to Hie provident waren, hp -4t t.telia flir the .11 i.lrett'a Cl/ghee: Wye'', hmatAs hy ttr taateful .1. 4:44414 etribm32er...1 Ail perm end Irout rirsdlexetosolnkaattee.r. r [30 3.3210 hae ad a wide e.opolarity 444( 03*. 11,21 02,112 aneeeloo 10 stfortte,-- r. s‘ca:,,e rem; SUBSCRIPITONS.-187-1; - Term= ..t• ad' llarta's BA F. k ) ear 44-00 111e111.14-1 rer lyutenz of 11. tr. yoataze Lo' U Peatort41)1h:wheoterkto 11 R riAA wan Aaiun. Winixt.T904 Has. et, to oar • • 31 for one rnr. eta 110; or t94f Thriar.• 1e0300403420. (0 foie 011/0... fir me trarATUU: ps442re papatta b 132, sabeertior at the eihat what re- amed. A. E.rtrn fon of 0:14,r Itwiaaters. Votital.T. sr Kafue. ...,,,,edreinifar every duty rivit Bryce tacos at 44 00 reek. blow reoutogarr; gr, Si g pr S.% e• .13 Old terdl mpg: peasge teobt. Ay (/.4 seeseriber$ .2 0,rolle. solar reeirrd. pack Nataters .to supplted at any tin.e. The ate volume.. f 21 . HAzfit,for Ike yeses 3314, ,62, ‚30,11, '72, 73, elegantly hound to ayes vit't 1..3*u1 by turnout, !might prt- Paitrotasso ti" 47" ean' TI ,.rt*. Net it 14 20 eel/le • year. whteh oast 301.3.1.1 at th. satiscrtArr's.oet- 141Ade.drass TIAitrg 11 11 11110T11R03 Nen York. SOLD BY THE; MEASURE, 'Will be keptconstantty on hand Restauraitsatirt sniper parties stip- idled itt epercial rates. .4 Godenh, 21s1 Nov: 1873. 1397 The Finoking Turk, W. G 151B WOOIA Relight sinco the recent del:line prieot traich gig sr° arsrillig very '°‘ for cash. • nor 07E8E11 i• etViari:41.%1 Cit14.11. AND T BA CCO STORE, In the 4lore fornferly ottenpitnr by E. , Forme 'Market Square, Goderich. AN r). rti4Eg 'sell selected stock of ' PES, CIGARS," • TOBACCOS. . ['OUCHES, • MOUTH PIECES, &e., &e. Sign oftthe Steeling Tudto%V. Green- ts Agent for T. F. Roome, n wB"gilder, Toronto. ' Orders for tuning promptly attended tit. 140P : • • set • • .1 .., • 1:-..)4 I LY. 1 - I • andse0 tor Yourselves.E1 Oet. 23rd, 1873. 102 .••••••••••••••••••••••• at'oe, J TT S r. 1 F' C E E A-TTEN--T'E.ON. • r • 0 O P AR T I (it. LIST 343 goods form& at, Pannell'. & .,'s new ' ware -Store, opposite the Market . _ .•:- NA:te.1,:st:I.i,t7.71.A.Assprfr..tRitl's;::nisetitr:11:6::r"1":1T-t.sitigo;;IvIN;FL5;t0)cLS-'RK'n. t ft,. 0.AD- LES, , ;HENMANILLAt'Nitt)PICE1;1111ER PCKING, LEATHER BELTING, ell sized, , WHITE LEAD, all priCes. 11011.ED ANDRottIV OIL, • MACK TtU)1111;ENT' I.*E, MACHINERY OL. ' , • A2'nd all kinds of . MOORE & CORDON'S. . I'NS 31:NEW ACT OF 1869 '423 •, • In the matter of fhomas B. YenEvery A LARGE ASSORTIVIENT OF .,.dinGetnotrge. lturtt4afillrinindi:itiafienerdy E[A_Ift TrivA.rt F. For Sale Geup, . v (114-11. Parsons COO. Opposite thc Market Honae, hate. 28. 1871. • WANTED, A N APPRENTICE TO TIIBBL. 40.- 'malt business. Appry to . Wok, Wi•VNFI-, Smith's Hil nirch 441; 1874. .' 1411e -* 1.." t IC% t. Information Wanted F John Thompson, 3150200 .31 the ‘-° County Monahan, Irtflatel, is now 29 year in this country, when last heard from he was in the town of Iegersol in 1872. , brother 34111011 Thomon wishes to Anil his whereabonte. or- station tufty be left at (hist/nice, Jap 20,-1874. 1405 fi • ''21; E!* CAPS. abieh mist be denied cot at once LAD_ _Ms' OLOU-r BUFFALO ROBES; &c4IL Dr- S. Fitch' 3 iramily PhYsiciani Containing descriptions of Diseases and rules for their treatment, will he sent by mail, free of all charge, to any- one sending their address to 714 Preadway, New York. is Rumba% Lewd vents. t FINAL DIVIDEND SHEET HAS , 11 been preeared, open to objection nntil the 23131 day of March, instant, after which dividend will 1m paid Dated sA Gederieli the tenth day of Merch, A. D.1874. . Co!tt an' Under. JAMES T. GARROW 1-41-4 tW A_ N 1 1.0.11USEI. Spechl s to, the Trait. L. WELLS. STOCK COMPLETE Id ALL DEPARTMUITS Godericb, Oct. 17, 1273. 1$92 FOR SAL* , ,).,., jr Ad, . . .. Groceries, , A TEnteirer. rLutninberIl‘vaspiac1, iCpstrewe . Bob Sleighs, Harness, &e. Bo ts & sho- , J. Ready Made Clothing. . "A":3::: ..re. h,,S10:714E.R1')IaLK. witint" wardit dunthtsrmdraiarkneetd,sqwnitahmai tele • Enquire: ttenBaRerisiCKeWleori ILI:: "feneed.1111 e....-. Steele, largeotrehard and 14"!-- I Oil ,0:0:14:2NoG Mo ()PS (9., C.RDON MADE TO ORDEI4. TO LET. W. D. ALLEN, Albion Ilte 1, 114" - ' t, ten. Goderich. I412b Assignee, Sheriff's Se of Lands. • Facia. issued out of Her Majesty's CosnduntoTtromof:Hidtiecronted, } az,,oppiy.ildth..oefLa•F.fnier:sts County Court o(the County of Huron, arid Tenements of W. A. Y. Roy, at the suit of Jyo.hintoSany, indersoandn,to fijohts:suemizedbr hnd taken in Execution. en the right title snit interest of the said Defendsnt Ifo Northaide of Queen Street, in the vo eipt Wrxeter, (Pattn's Surey) Coe ty of Huron, contaming one fifth of fat acre of land more or len. Which: Opposite Grain Market. 4- 7 the thirtieth day of May nett at the hour, of 12 of Rothe BclEociktr, n(r1 jil.A;r_ci Langls snd Ter ementssbIerithesoli 1 lioffuii,for Said at my office in the Court Howie, in the Town of clodetich, on Salitrday t:Thera': Office, Goilerich, ? . i - . 7141a 14n Feb. 1874 ) 1wtl •1;.1. 1111 • 1413-1m !•• 4. •: 8. •