HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1874-3-18, Page 3a • - ••• Igrir AtvartIssoutals ____ Iligt.. my Steer -D. Mee?... Berrowe-D. IL Strachan, etenkrupt Stock -D. Watson. Jost Received -Jae Saunders. farm to,Reat--Daniel Wagon. Tenders Wanted -Jae Small!. Trade Side -Brown, Routh & Co. *OW Goods--Crotts & Johnston. lest of Coavietioue- Dan. Limn. , Standard Scales -Fairbanks & Co. ce Farming Lands -0. F. Davis. iii wally Physician -Dr. S. S. -Fitch. 'all Papm itc.-T. J. Moorhouse. Larm for in'ile--Daviston & Johnston. netiou Sale of a Valuable Farm -Jonas Ap Jones. ant Girl Wanted -Mrs. 0. G. An- ; • demon. , e - Temperance Colony - A project is ou foot for forinine a colony in some new district where a settlement weld beestabeseed on such a bssis as would effectually exclude the traffic and use of liquor. The origins- . dors of the schema, who are mainly resi- dents of Sca/t10.nd, although it is intend- ed to embrace Englishmen, and Irish- men as well, applied to Idr. Begg, Chief Emigratien Commissioner for Cenada in thee oonntry,asking him to choose a suit- able location for the colony in Ontario, they preferring that Province to the teited States. Me Begg accordingly, on his return here, proceeded to the free grant regions in and &mond Muskoka, and after making proper enquiry, and obtaining reliable information, decided to recommend a tract of land in the towneliips of -KcMurrich and Perry, Parry Sound District, for the settlement of the celerity, sod the Government has signified its readiness to grant said tract. Mr. G. M. Rose, G. W. Patri- arch, Sons otTemperance, Ontario, in a circular recommending the countenance and support of the project by temper- anoe people in the Province, describes the plan of settlement as follows :- eras* Wank lailway• GOD11.1CH STATION Trains leave as follows, - Mail Express Mixed 00 m. I* *a et 12.30 p. m• . .3.30 416 16 Trains are doe so folleme,- - Mixed Xi 44 it 2.00-p. an &in i* sr MOO " , Extremes Mail ;_!. ••••••••••••••••••••• Munn Ignal. GODERICII, March 1 8, 1 8 7 4. Marriago Sill. fore eh. Ootntlo Legislature,. Its no- - A ball regelating marriage is nor be- - --. amity seises fries the fact that hitherto an injustice has been Floes to Protest- . 10. ante by the law as it stood. Thwy were • oeliged to pay six diallers for a license, fear of 'Ake went jet() tee consolidated femme. fund of the Province. Itoman Cathoece -were exempt fiont this fee, though they derived their share of ad- vantage from the fund of which it form-• ed a part. The government proposes to abolish licenses and issue certificates in- stead at charge not exceeding two dollars. Some other alterations ere made in the exiating law. The follow- ing are the prineipal provisions of the new bill :- The first clause provides that all mare riagee which bare, befere the passing of • the Act, been Celebrated to Upper Cenada, by any persons legally author- ized to marry, between persons not un- - der legal el isqualifications for matrimony, are declared to be lawful and valid se far as respects all matters within the jurisdiction of the Ontario Legislature, provided that the parties lived together as hnsband and wife, and that. the validity of the t-napriage has not hitherto been questioned in any law suit. The effect of this will be to prevent eexati- ous actions being brought in the courts to declare a marriage invalid and the otie spring of it illegitimate merely !mamma there may hay. been som-e informality in the license, the- banns, or the cern- Pet tures, have been fyled in the electien court in the following cues in Ontario,e- Contosta Insctisas. -On-Saturday morning last a gang of burglar. blew open and robbed the safe itions complaiuing of undue re- in the taffies of Abell's Agricultural Works at 411Womlbridee, neer 'woman; , inony. 1 In the case of marriage by banns, the new Act peovides that it is only necese eery for the parties to be "called" en i church once, instead of three times ; hut Ione of the parties must have lived at , least fifteen days in the municipality ' where the banns are published. This will tend to prevent clandestine mallet - 1 ages, as under the old set balms ml t be anal often were, published far a y , from the residence of the intending m n 1 • and wife, in a place where they were en- tirely unknown. A .certiticate front the Provincial Seeretary may be selatituted 'fer the present Governor's license ; lint before any certificate or license is grantedeene t et the parties to the intended marriage 1 shall persenally make oath that he er ens believes that there is no affinity, consanguinity, pre-cuntract, or other lawful or legal impediments to the mane_ ale ; and that one of the parties has fox the preceding tifteen days had his or her usual plaice of abode within the muni- Icipality where the Marriage is to be solemnized ; sad, in cam either ot them .: is under the age of twenty-one, that the miseent-of the raiment or guardian hea Ibsen ()Maimed. If there is no parent or guardian, an oath to this effect must be taken.. It will be seen that the residence clause comes in here again. The bond formerly regeired is- abolished. The other previsions of the Act are a reduction of a license fee to about 92 - an excellent change ; tine the relieving of the minister from liability in case of i "-- any legal impediment having existed, 1 providing that he was unaware of it. . ......-- jp.--- - hatornood Church 2C07=ent. On esich lut suitable for sericulture! purposes, two -and -a half acres will be cleared, and -a log house built. To ac- oomplish this it is proposed to set to work a body of men. es early in May next as precticeble. -They will be com- posed of aro bcdied Members of. the colony, and will be sepplied_ with pee- visious, and allowed a certain rate of nage.. So winch of the wages as' will be equate) the Yalu. M the house am( 'clearing en the lot to be occupied 17 each indieidnat pioneer, will be retained le, Apply on theneediummvements-the. balance will be paid neer to him. The work of clearine, erecting houses, open- ing roads, etc., will be continded during ehe suiumer, and such other. work as is practicable, until the epeeist of 1875, when.families. (if any) of the pioneer workmen and the main budy of tbe colouy will arrive and take possession of the house and lowtilies which have erten prepared. A saw. rill. will be erected sallies the sumniet of 1814, tO siippey lumber, shingles, lath, etc., foe finishints the houses. An eatineal mile will else be added as soon as required. ,for the colony. The Covert/meet ar,e opening a leading road through the ;townships, eastward from eleuteith to intersect the Muskoks Read, loading northward felon Huntsville. A Joint Stock Company is &bent to be formed (The •Internatiofira Temperance Settlement Company) for the purpose of managing the &fears of the Colony. The stock will chiefly lee beta" by the mein - bees of the settlement. none or whom, eicept the pioneer body, will be entitled Ill bolt' location.s, unless holding stock tee at lout the amounl- of the value of the improvements on the location. In concluding the circular Mr. Rose says,- • There is noepiestion &boot the salubri- ty of the•districte-eure water in aeune dance -no Miasma or ague. The town. ships of MeMurrieleand Peery, although somewhat broken. coutaiii sufficient laud uf good quality tee enstain a very levee. population. Beautiful lakes anil numer- ous streams, abouncting with tish. di- versify 'the conntry. That pertion of the township which cannot at present be made available fir agricultural purposes. will be veluable as reserves and pasture erotinds when cleared-afforiling shrine. to the settlement, anal rendering thC whole face of the ceuntry. pictitreequel. Our glorious and revered principles can- not but tleurish under such favorrible circumstances. The banner-Iif temperl- &nee will teen at least over one meanie this wide Dominion where King 416,101 will have lost his power. Mr. R. J. Galen, Whitby, in an ap- provieg and descriptive lottezette _Mr. allYa ' . • - I hope your proposal schetue of set- tling a township in the Muskoka Dile trict with temperance people, will be 'a snocess. The Dunkin•Act Trill enable them to carry out eheir views very ef- fectually within the limits of their urini- cipality ; and I have no doebt that the Parry Sound people, whe have hitherte succesefully prohibited thesaie of lipirite- ous Piquers in their locality, will coo dially secend any movement havinge object in vie x. I visited that country about three years ago with my family, one of whont was in delicate health, and receive.' benefit from the delightful air and scenery of that ro- mantic district. The steaunboats daily playing on Lakds Muskoka and Ito:matt are well eivaipped and provisioned ; the hotel accommodations . are generally good ; and upon the whole, there are few more destreble places fur the' tourist nr invalid to lay up a etock uf useful keowledge bealth. Instead id the numerous ewiemps found further south, they have heart r nir•elosys, which furnish excellent hay for the -early settler, and, when cultivsitect, grow the finest of root crops peel Indian corn. There is abun- dance of -water of good quality. Tee climite Is a little more damp than it is in South Ontario ; andjfrom the influ- ence of the humerons lakes and rivers h is so severe In the car- e . country does ant T141 be meow (elle, nit thet hen Off in spring lb.' laid is °did.), ready tor the 1 John Walker, London. I 2 William McGregor, &nee. --3 Alex. F. Macdonald, Cornwall. 4 D. IL Chisolm, Halton. • 5' John: Stuart, South Riding of Norfolk. - 6 Peter*White, junr, North Ititliag ef Renfrew. 7 William Kerr, West Riding of Northumberbuid. 8 G. 'K. Orton, Centre Riding of Wellington. 9 Charles F. Ferguson,Nerth Riding of Leeds and Grenville. I0 Hon. J. H. Cameron, Cardwell. 11 Sir J. A. bisodonald, Kingston. 12 --John O'Donohoe, East Turonto. 13 111011140 Moss, West Toronto. 14 Robert Wilkes, Centre Toronto. le A. T. Wooceand E. Irving, Handl- ton. 16 J. B. Plumb, Niagara. 17 James Norm, Iincoln. 18 Schuyler Shibley, Addingeon. - HO J. D. Buell, Brookville. 20 Nathaniel Higginbotham, North Riding ot Wellington. . 21 111alcolm Case. Cameron, South' Ridiug of -Baron. They &Romanis set the pinto on ere. The works were completely destroyed. The loss is about $200,0011. No inane - anise. About 13) men are thrown outOf employment by this disaster. The the:easel:de, got about $10 neniey in the safe. Our neuters have already been I -feint- ed threugh- our columns ef the lodes- ment estoilish a cengre2ation of 'the Reforieed Episeopia Church in ottswan. The miireinent for s 'eh a church, first cieemenced 01 ttie Utensil Statek A shert time age, wavers Risley Cummins /m- ewled from the Episcopal ehurell, for the :tildes,' reetion that lice. as oppesed to the ritualistic tendencies which had crept into it. A nucuber of eleiscopalians in Ones& sympathised with the move- ment, and sent a request to Bishop Cummins to visit that city. Ile was un- able to do so at preseut, hut he sent a Rev. Mr. Gallagher, who has preached to large congregations for the last two or three Sabbaths, and it is expected that he will receive a call to become the first pastor of the congregetion which haa been organized. The movement meets with much sympathy and has called forth tee active opposition of the Bishop of Ontario, who has preached ageinst it, and who has gone BO far as to formally exceremunicate several who ex. preeeed their aympathy with It. In do ing, so we think he has m-ade a zreat mis- take. No one doubts his right to in- voke the power of this church to try and hill off the movement, but the policy of pnrsuing such a course 111 very gnestion- able. The present age is too enlight- ened to crairitly subcuit to persecution, aad the action of Bishop Lewis 2 more likely to aid the movement than to stop it. His course is the more to be re- gretted from the feet thaehis church has always condemned the Church of Rom. for adopting such extreme measures. The &einem of Dr. Cummins is to be re- gretted, bait we are of opinion that Bishop Lewis is doing quite as mace to ingaire Episcopalianism in the eyes of tlio It is probate. that a cengregation of the Reformed tEpiseopal Church will shortly be established in Montreal and it is altogether likely the movetnent will extend to other p The following solution WU passed at a meeting held in Ottawa a few days I slaughter has been returned against ago, -"That, in eurable reliance upon the cenductor, engineer and brakes. Almighty God, a congregstion of the man, and the railway comptny i3 cen- Reform Episcopal Church be now organ - „retired for not having proper signals for isad in nee city of Ottawa, ia the Do - stepping train, and fair using kerosene 'minion of Canada, in cenformity with oil on cars. tie declaration of the principles, con- _ _ antution and canons of the said Re- Mr' 33- "root - 2'2 Crowell -Wilson, Zest Riding cf Middlesex. 1:3 L. McCallutn, Monck. 24 J. L. McDougall, South Riding cf Renfrei. 25 Walter ROW, Prince Eilward: 26 Jig. Maclennan, North Rtding of V ictoria• '27 J.L.Bigger, East Kitting of North- umberland. ' 28 D, P. Jones, South Leeds. 29 A. 11:Dymond; North York, 30 A. Monteith, North Perth. , It appears Sit John Maelonald !is urging- his supputere to gilts all the ' -The snow storm' of 1:ust week, of which we hale fag end on tho shores of Lake Huron, appeeie to hay° been yery severe in the eastern section of Outarie. In the neighbourhood of Ottaewa the drifts were ten and twelve feet high and the redway tidies were very mesh delayed, pities are so evenly lie/am-el the Newfoundland Legis - "'muesli that the goyernment have to de- eiindita the cutting vote of the speaker for their majority. There will probably toe dissolution and another general election _ ,1,00AL FAT1144, O'Stiet delivered 100 - ore on St. Patrick, in the %men Catholic Church. laid evening. newels • clentIerirte-Mr. W: Paue has been appointed Township Clerk of elowick in place Of the late Goo. Dans. ST. rATRICX'S' Mt. -Yesterday was et. Patrick's day. • No celebration. tittle:nal sucieties at a discount in (lode erich. neeen „Pine Oreica. -- Post. Master st "Myth having resigned Ids ne effice on account of ill health, Me. D. tneible they can by protestine. B. McKinnon hae been appoisited in his wrote a fetter to Mr. McCesig. the de. WO. feated of Prince wanl connty, uristng him very strangly to protest, andiaying that "it mast be done.' The ex•pre- inier's oreen, the Kingeton Sties, be• lieyes that "the beet plan is fur the cao- &dates to tight it out before the electIon, sermons were preached in the Wesleyan and once that is decided that the matter ' Cherch on Sunday last by RUT. J. A. probably a number teilliams, to large cengregations. On should eiul there." eloolay eventng a Ws -meeting was held of the above eters will be witbdrann or int.tetheicechweurcBh;ND.- Ilia new Silver Cor - thrown out. net Band drove round town last Sitar - en and played a number of • airs. 1The instruments are sweet toned and with a little practice this Will prove an efficient and. tetereste-Last week we had a spell of celd, windy weather. The cold was eltout u severe &many we Ilse, bad this winter. On Saturday it tamped milder and the treads are rapidly drying up W. 31. ANNI011t0ARY..- Anniyersary issalting th1 I=ettiveat s. While the estimates for the Immigra- tion Department werb toiler eiseu in the Ontario Legielature fleet ..week, Meet:nes:ea Hot-mt.-Crofts & John- nie Mathew Crooks Caineroneesteler uf ;sem are censtautly receiving no* MU of the spriug goods of the lateat styles: ,Their _the nrotley crew called by-cogitesy 'busetess is steadily increasing ae the Opposition, for the sake of pitching into ;peoelo kno h w w ere to get geed *alma ,McKellar, grossly insetted' 1 .1 IiitelIC71 !fur tiger e,eney. II oit tem irmuierants who have od, le the I itgeeeee C3NTRACT.-It is runicettaied orleimigmtion took office. elr. Caine; lewerded tut Glendinning 4 eliMile of . , .Waillowton, for the sum of 1390,904, but r3n oldie- t - a-, at letest leviers the metier WM [ not 'Mealy settled. ' Therehel been a very greatIyincresue - I the fret *hi ed parts of r trate before the snow gi r almost im plough. present et au agneultur. ei fitir in Bracebridge, and vas surprised to see the excellence of planet of the eroducts of the soil there exhibited, • • * eountry 'nice the preaeot C nutuissiotwr :that, the harbour coutract has con To TIM POINT. -An exehange says: "Compare the publisher of a -newspaper, who haa to go all around -the county to collect his pay, to a fanner who sells Isis wheat on credit, anlnot more than a bushel to all v person. If any fanner will try ,the experiment of 'dietributing the proceeds efelie-lahor ever two es three distant Leetntien, for inie year, we will guarantee thet he pill no.er, after that year's experiences, ask a pehlisher to supply lien with a foper a year er two withuut the pay for it." DIRATZ.-An interesting debate on' the subject "Should women he allowed to vote, under the leadership uf Meurs Strang and Ball took place in the High Reboot building on Friday evening lest. Mr. Bell occupied the shair. Bete sides of the question were ably Beaten, - ed. The chairman considered thet the affirmative had the best of the argeruent and gove his deeision accordingly. Next FriJay evening instead of a debete there will be readings and reeitatinns fpr the purpese of homing the meinbers in elocution. ing nomber of robberies aud burglanes, during the pest yeax, and et was not im- probable :hat tine had arisen from tbe . • . . TTUTTRAN41: MASS NIIIRTINcs, --A 're- pt:remit MAU meeting wos annon to be hell in tho Wesleyan Church last neliscriminate system of bruteing mew . .. . It is opt of the Orate, fer eritnts to this otuntry introdeced byebe .tellYstailg'‘v. a ray.rt in ti -a , 1 .1. 7 this '..;10V,r71111C1.13 uf hon. geut101.,..11. - . . , , iiscjek s isnot. ' ... Hon. Mr. 3IcKellar repelled the charge of the hon. gentlemen on behalf_ 1 Ilit'TII IIVILIN F.,...:.•:: .•.:( P10, -,•41,;.- A6 be last' moment a petition has kitten iif the immigrants amid. the cheees of the 11,Mse. ...It was a loll slender Open .frlod eiteillet the retern of Mr:. M. C. tenuerou for South Introit. Soule ilifti• every one of them who. heti cieue to the pest veer, ene. h," ,ciiityleas been experioncedein raking eouutry durinz the had not before heard a sheet* ireol froth ' the money bet at last it has-been ierap- Any 0140 io that elfeet, -.0a tog:ther. David fleod %011ie. ie the relator 111 tee matter. Mr. Ceinerun said he del net teem t a nay thee the immignints of last year were i, Matz rs.-The assize. On, tined y ster- of thin bail clast. Ite wen merely see- before Ju lee Merresoir. 'rho ha net. •estine it (Oh oh l) He knew,. ar is I' ht. etlra. Itiallay, the tonne who any rate, that orime was- more ?Ito dro nod her children in the Tow !during the, past year than it. eas in of drey some tene agn, will be h u for trial She is without 'don Y • Hon. Mr. Mowet Baia the hon. gentle- sane, but the efedical Suporiotegelent pesitima man knew quite well that the crianinalt a4 the Asylum thinks her prespeae fig mined, were not the inunierenta of. laat year. : recovery sill be better after she ha eel Mr. Cameron Bed he ilia! nee knew. 1 her trial.• Duet Glees,. Berreete , of . • -• Hen. Mr. MovrateeThen tho hon. I London, will viaduct tee. Crown nsi- uf the Asseeee ;en be held M elericee metini -eentleman meeht to levee 1:11,cw11. 0104% I nese, . hear) • doripg.the et eith of 'NU*. . Th Execu- tive Colette:ea, tit prepeam. t ie pie- ' -• I Geueitics AND Cuicaoo Ttuto-n.i-Ve* ship ught t in• GRAIN ?RR Acall.-The average num- ber of bushels, of grain per sore raised in Heron iii 1873 was as •follews,- Norte Riding -Winter wheat 20, lepnng wheat 18, OA. 33, Barley 40, Peas 45. South Riding -Winter wheat 25, Spring wheat 15, Oets,50, :Barley 40, Peas 35. In weeat Iluren stnnds well up in the list -as compare.' with other wean's, in mats there is only one riding ,where the average is higher thin in !South 11,;, Huron, in barley our average is high as &ay in Ontario and in pe , the North Riding stand. at .the top of the list. As a grain growing °minty Hermit will compare fayeurably with any in tee prey ince, ' CTaLINO.-A bonspeil between the Goderich and St. 3Lary's Curling Chiba has been in contemplation for same time. It was delayed from one cattle other till bed week, when tli weather ante keen ice pre- them portunity to platy it. Two min coaled from here to St. Mar Wedeesday and - hed all iet .garrie. St. elary a wee secemeifii shots. The tIpierich visitore were hospitably entertained &nil return -well teresting in that it 0 ws the Schools of teemed With their dayla sport. he fol. Senth Huron, to bee in a satiefactery . .attite. ; Vie +mild Weise a moregeniral lowing lathe seore,-- , ilINK NO. ii: imitation ef the liberidity of No. 6 De- • - here it is followed Goeemett. - ,Sr. M E Martin -• , John Adair 1 H Finlay - ,fiect Grant 11 Cooke . J If Weir 11 Horton, Skip, 11, 0 McIntyre, RINK 111. 2. , _ PnInlanteon Win Mamba , T llood ,, 0 H Melia C E Humber Win Semen A M Rues, &Lip; 27 P M Nicoll, In op- s pro- estinz on e an - cold by 12 eider whether our exempts would be productive of most good as nuelerste users of liquor or as total abstainers from it. ln regard to the fine point it has been argned that, ai men overstep the botinds of moderation hot h in eating and drinking wo must abatain from both if we do erten one. bot this is no argu- ment for thetheaking of intoxicating liquors is wholly a lu eery, wbile wecannot do without eatieg our food. But it is eel -- Utility wrong to be isitehiper ate in eating also. , It might be "skid, Would iodate be happier if the use uf liquer was dens awity with ? Alinoet eyeryone • will ad, roil that it world, fur • next to Mammon Worship, this is the most frightfeil in its consequences:of all the gross sets which now afflict uur country. The lecturer believed that, ia. suite of Tattle/ranee Societies and the Gospel, there ts more drunkennees now than there *as 50 years ago. • And it ie the grand out- standing blot on the escutcheon of Eng- land treland andSoollmid. 2nd. Will total abstinenoe be a more useful example to ethers than a moderate and proper -use of the liquor I, While admitting the weight of a moderate example in this, the speaker decidedlygonsi tared that the ex nape: .4 total abstinence was not only of 'flora benefit to others, but wee safer for all. After giving a very painfully clear illustration of the evil which May be dune by the example of elm iv hot even takes it moderately, ehe lecturer cou- eluded by an earnest wish for the pros- perity of the good cause. Bev. Mr; Fletcher having given an instance of tee elenger to which ell who partake stand expcned -Mr. Nugent, in a few happy refnarke, sem-eased, the, gratification it had given him to Wee to 'feeble a lecture. The meeting closed witlesengine paid the teenedicticite, after weiclothe numeroes ' ndience, retired, hiehly gratified with he clear and non- viecitig statement of ruth which had been presented. , -.. - • Smith Schools. " from the Edema r. J. 14,. Miller, /I., will prove in- . Tito follewiog lette tem Depertinent Public School Inspee utiefial thatle like beneficial reetilis noteertille Total, 38 Total, , UT= :el:hors' .A..130111% ' - - The regular quarterly meetin of Aleut aesociation was held on Sate WA- kile27 1 Ila kipe23 50- r Ole 7th:alarch,in the Central School elinten. The meeting was ealleal to u the President, Mr. J Turnbte at JO A. M. After reading of minutes ot meetene and other routine li Isilieas. Mr. -1. It. Miller; Idspector.proe aled ea explaitethe "letok and Say' nat eel of teaching reeline, giving et praeti de menstration,• by teiseleie1/2g s chute f children.. ale., gave. many useful hiuts with regard to cotrunemeine arith- metic, end the xendral 111411Agelill111t bagihners: 3: r was listelial ea throeghont ith merkeit interest gee. his illustrottims weeethiehly apprecietee by' the treachies pretont. ' The afternoon seesieu a .1 opene lot etr. It. eneene ehowine hie toothed -et tenehing (reject L noun. ' he *winner eil giving s by totelsin • a class on.' The ject of liij,thly• reetive elfin.* tuede of -cent ler by , B. A. reteeeil- in a very practice -a etia befere the 1 eat object .4 ono, Atli :kir': ducenig tt is very euecessifel, 'enees ef teeters •Wl•r* ten] Moues. Miller and Fergulun. A *hurt deiceseiete out r en•I the best re ..leisof teleterte i manly tli••ti• %chives teoag per It was deal: .1 tla at tear peat Tenon Sue :eel bite thie thet the Clerk of fititt reference to Your Will &corps :- omen, • • o, 28 Feb. 1874. honour to state, &tics eeporte With Report of 1873, as follows • -"The schools undei Mr. Miller's sup- . ,erintondence are go rally speaking In nresperoue condition. Leseens are prepared by teachers end (lie piograinine geuerally followed: • Prizes are butesol- dole given un the uterit'card system, as required by law. Sehools well (tallish - al wile seath, maps, Oro. Tame table, Ittiles, 'tee -Ming up in great ma- ierity of school*. oor itchocil prem- ises in aegis instance remitted bad) and a few caste, 1 uteleof likewise. Several schools do ti t pinvele tee na- g:tired ace eninotlatit n. lathe village et Exeter indeur p mitres are reported' bed, bid a new be !ding, is promised dureig 1674, (eost ), whioh- will rectify. emitters. T schools of the. Te wig of Goderich Much improted. N9. to l'eborne, midi/ the management ef Thomeselliate ford, et 'find class '1; ,to ocher). is, , un. the fon, country hie, like a decent Boaforta• , Nsw RAiLWBT "relay eveeing last a meeting of the people of Seaforth was held in the Commereise Hall, to °wielder the railway schen:. of Mr. Fowler Tor the eonstruetion of a road from Port Perry to Goderich, with a branch :from Brussels to Sarnia lee Seaforth. The meeting was (May at- tended by the buena:is man of tee vil- lage. After listening to Mr. Fowler's address tn. following resolutions were unanimously cierried:-Movel Gray, seconded by D. le Wilson, that this meeting approve of the scheme se laid down by Mr. Feeler; that they consider it feasible, , and that if carried out it would be for the benefit of this village and vicinity. Several of the busineas mon and large shimmed present spoke strongly in favour of the scheme, and gave Mr. Fowler ev.ery en. cenragement. FATAL RtvIDENT.--Our little retie& lus been in state of great excitement for the last few dees, on •acicount of the drowning of • young man named D'Arey Gallagher, whose parents reside in the township of Morns. et appears that the young mantled been at a neighboreand, on his way home, crossed the River Maitland on the ice, or attempted to cross it. when he fell through and was drowned. All efforts to recovet the body hays proved 'unavailing, as yet, (March 9. ) A -nu mlier left our eillege on Sunday evening, for the ptirpaseng semoiting for the bedy by torch light, *II they considered they could see better iu tee waten by Witch light then by day. light, but after spending • -number of hours in searching. came home withent succesa. He had just deal e lieme on a visit, from the Clintort Grammer School, and it must be hearteendiug fee his poor parents, especially when the body is net found. Much sinoetliv is felt for them by the neigebo wid tee people morally, in their great brreave- anent. -Expositor. sehuids diet pays aun eelaree (::::•00) to tho teach*. It is an . e ie.:11mA nee Nil, aud the law eppoerado int eemplied with motel respects. . . 'elm Chiet Sapere ouilint while con- grotulating you on el is satisfaktory state . ••4 educat ,ail mai ens,1etlet result i.4 peer zeel :did determ e 'tele. tenets that y..11 alit 11.4 eel,* yit to:forte until all tr the schools of Rcitit . nurcHt ant in aa ;; oil a 7'711,47 hetes:1i with as fairly pii 1 iieiehers as :No. u U berne." • I havellee houone e be, r - •re a . 1, r Sire Votir obedient lit Jivant, j . , it, J. GO et:Mei...lee, - ' Dep. Sap. .V11: 510.1.F.a, Ese - Sehool li.teceetoi• . Ilurint, . Griderich: For there who like there is abundance of venison to be had in season, and the lakes and rivers alsoiind with tish. Po- tatoes grow in perfection everywhere ; pork iectinap end abundant;so that pen ple of moderate desires can, with little trouble, hate abundance of food, and sugar from the -maple trees if they chi -Kee to make it.' • It is not intendetIto make the colony exclusiyely an old couutry, one. Resi- dents of Capsule who may be approved of will be.. allowed to participate in its advantages on an eqiial footing with others. Should the scheme be carried out we expect shortly to see a moat flourishing colony, awe perhaps its ex- ample may have a beneficial effect in in- ducing the passage of a prohibitory li- quor law far, the whole Dominion. Trut Snooks Master. Tha income on the retnsins If those who lost Altair lives by the 'recent tragic occurrence on the Great Western Rail- way uear Komoka we. resumed last week. Aften I:tearing the evilence of secerel witnesses the incleiry was further adjeurnee for a week, to give time to 'the iujct;eal to recover sufficiently - to appear and give their testimeny. Mr . Joseph Robinson of Watford, one of the injured, died laid week, making the eleventh victim. The folluning is the list of the dead,Mies Dunn, Mis. Purvis, Masker Burnham, Mrs. Mennam and child, Miss Annie Szareliff, 3lesarrs. John McKellar, J. B. Hereon, J. C. Breathwick. Joseph Robinson, and an unknown man with seectaeles. Since the shove was written the in. quest has closed. A verdict of man - The slan.ler is on& ono of leery such understaail that Messrs. Ilene p gramme, met that tee ;minuet central. ' Ronald, owners of• th• 'teem erne leaden of the .1as teenier, *41 here be recuniacli, have entered tote ar age- dismissal eel Jeterminede It i civet - menet with the Greed Trunk itaihday to that De. S mgeter will int the ran her between Godericli and Cilecage next „,,„,„ 4. - „ during ibe c emumer. She new The atteieleiere during the .iy wae g„t injtme Mr.- McKelier. Every elle knows, or oueht to knew, thee the inenigrents who have lately cern. to.the couotry are of a very .respecteble clabee MreCZneron and his partner:en be re- duced to a very low leeel when teey are compel -het Cares/et tee such despise" - bit) mem. to heeler G wernsierit. The eharge spinet .the Mimi:erre:a is u /else as it is keel. 7.hczass Tarrov, If.. Not withstan (ling kis denial of t fact during the election coldest, anal Ilia let- ter to the Meil,Lit turns Sett thet Mr. Thomier Farrow; M. p. for North iniiren, did tneke overture.' to Him.. Aloe. Mackenzie (IC seep his goverio meat, at the time. tlic electiou was pend- ing. 'Of course Mr. Mackenzie repudiat- ed all such offers. The last itsue of the, Brussels Post centants telegrams -and an extnect from s leder of 3Ir. leareowee showing the oheree to lie true, it:hi; Mr . • Iga". •Aceteeey.-Corepicr d. T..Teit held ingeest Teel ay 10th inst., at tVieghatin, -ti the ti of Rebert k- railee, years of age. res.ded wit his t4. tib-, 'Joseph Lock- et 13, the 13th con. 0t tr,e natal county of flume. vidanc appear& • tliet do- se of ono Michael • • r at Windsor ane•wili Proceed to CI' eel(' good conselering llte uneetiefee ory nee r,e „, 0:k as eaten 114 tbu eines are open. Tbe dition of e'en ereatteei ;melee reeds, it' tw'enosh Teems...ea is the largest st WW1 barite on Abilut, lift/ enet,,,,,e, enge40.4„ . g • 313V• ese'e• I (Kerr, Wee nee um harbour is stich Oa SO enable hoe to e lade 1,:stzra c...: l'o re. 1 • - . ,-: . with a full load. ' . T4IL PROTRSTANT.--:Wo have receive], t vim thit the lekes but the depth of water this etc ' easel wast in the h exiled giii ivas sten , Thu aare-etli'y te'lllirlii1Cd'Ill •O4:11.: was • aloo3. . . from F. E. Grafton, of Montreal, the publisher of this magazine, the secoud held oe Fr. I .y et-viten_ 'It,/ •.. Chas. Alter ienging monthly um:leer. Wo ennottnead some Fletcher iii Vie cheir. r .. time ago the nature and object ef the ane gees, t; -err. Faireenth gat? a capi- puielication, and we have 'only n te. to taercia.leee eir. Urteneing celle.1 upon 1 add that it is well -voothy the sit port rtn1erked t :1 i t .Peforagiving hie lectore end enceitrigement of Prete ants be riliglel 41',Y kit 4 to6.11i4iikon 'wal cin Ili* throaghont the country. , The siibsicrip- eeinien eltit we onghtiall ,to int et en don price is $1.50 a yeen and', Mr. Graften intends to make the- secenat volume a weekly, at the same rate of subscriptioo, provided be receiven 'ef- ficient enrouregemente . ...• New CROO TSAI., -- We refer, nur merchents to an important advertise- ment, in another column, annettecing that tee enterprising firm of Neste, Brown Routh & CO. iif Hamilton ere to hociv.t the .cwi: r:arlte.1 titre fo ad lee:tattoo/meat. Front what aeon and, ewe, ef its eleeets i he oetel testify ita seciaty. r. 1. he hepee the. net far ili-tent when it, Weill" ewes here land thoronesely Haying said se much way the speaker pia ceeeded 13 ley oar grotto! ef actim ie this matters St Peel's vetree "If Farrow therefore statels cinvictel of a have a -trade sale of now To:ts an.14;011- niy brother te offend I ;ill ei that Ite had, niade no such overeures. ton on Wednesday lath inst. The Teas itinctly h belie end Groceries at their Stores in flame - deliberate falsehod in hiving stated the w.arIJ stendetlee , We are • sorry the North Riding not arertoofd tby he latest crop anal directly int- week the tinn. We h„pe te Gee emits 1.**t. "I' 111,11* .1'1E44 Joliet cletter man than the triinmer and ithis energy rewaeled anal that there will' ito is •nutf shin%) teton o theountment eol formed Episcopal Clierch ; and that, un_ til tee Canadian breMch uf the &aid church alien otherwise ordain, in synod or mrset council &gambled, the Right Rev. Bislop Cummins, D. D., bet and is hereby acknowledged as the Preeiding Bishop of the Canadian Branch uf the Illasformed Episcopal Church." taw labours of the Ontario Legis- lature' are drawing to a dose. The House Las t distinct sittings each day and ads on &tut day. 1 The Dominion Govereineet have ap- pointed k. B. Woo4, Chief Justice of Manitoba, vacant by 'the elevation 44 Hon. Alex, Morris to the Lieutenant Governorship. Ire. Wood is eminently qualified by hisahditiea for the position, and the appontment of an eminent Ore tariolawyer like hen willeart particularly tinieseryer Me. Furey has shown him- self tole, to represent it. . hs Oran, Sills" \ • The bele for the- incorporation of the ()range Societies of Eastern and Western Ontario have'been defeated in the On- tario Legislature.. At the Teeing of the session the government announced their intention to Vine in a general measuet under which !all similar insti- taitions may be incorporate], by comply- ing with certain formalities, thus saving the time of the ,house in !musings° manY1 private incorporation bills. Tha Op -I position must needs try to embarass the, govermeent by introducing special to incorperete the Orangemen. In this they have sterhally failed, and now if they wish to derive tbe beuefita accruinie from incorporation they innithe sentene to take advantage of the general set, the same as any other similar body. UR. Itr.Zollar. Mr, M. C. Cameron introduced inte the Ontario Legislature last week, a, rCstilittion censuring Hen. Mr. McKellse for the workmen at the Central! Pri- on a halt holiday to attend the WeIO, Torento nomination. - After considere able discussion it was defeated by Ye" 27, Nays 44. In the course of tbe bate the Attonuty•General paid a hieb tribute to Mr. 31cliellar's zeal and abili- ty in the adminiatration of his depart-. merle When this Central Prisou affair was broneht McKellar tenderet his resiznati in, rather than embarass hi* colleagues, but the Premier refused t° -- accept it. Thue has failed anothsr miserable attempt to destroy Mr. Ma' Kellar's political character. the evil lie lied t Mein., yelito Wai pia in tett out epreface ewe al o o Le no n tt ing tha a sti au. .by the pe, tne be a large attendance of buyers itt the Rev. gentlemen prima:44,A -to see w, 1st. sale. The Grand Trunk freight trains That the evenprodaced genie y by th-e run into Hamilton and there are tery Abuse of lemur frightfully oveRmlauced favorable freight rates. the good fiom lie 1440, SU I 2al. T41 dun- of *olio' ingnediat lyitig-stre 14.:'•11 re y sifter tit tau • FIIIRSONAL.-Rev. Mr. D In_ cumbent of Bayfield, has been appoint. ed by the Bishop of Huron to the charge of a new parisli in tee suburbs of • don. He wallet's's for his row to labour' al most inunedistely. Tee•Meertele.-- A very succesene tee -Meeting was held in the Prerny- terisei Church, Dayfielee on 'fliu*tay evening last. • Notwithatandeige the stormy nature of the evening and the absence of sleighing, the church wee Well Med. Rev. gibson, Paster og the congregation, oocupied the chair. After eu °ice:lent tea furnished by the ladies, aahlreeres were deliverel hy Rev. Messrs. Denby, Rice, Jilieveright, Ur. and Goldsmith and 51r.•Bell. A cheir diecteursed excellent music, elin Mazza° Gibson presiding at the mole -leen, Te, usual votes of thanks to the epeekers, the choir the chairntan, the ladies who fur: eishe..1 the refreshnienta, Neel tn Mre Phinkett for the 11110 of lee melodeon, were pseud. The followisiz eretene similar gathering for -the children mace The proceeds are to he *Neje,' t„ peg chasing a buggy, fee the mini at.i. Clinton. 1 a Would advisehim to employ his spare lime la a more honourable and lucrative business, otherwise he may discover when too late that it doesn't pay.- lf of- Corterrre.n.---On Seel& ay I .st 'Chit. Willianis laid inferinition ":,Jafwe the Reeve ageinst It teen 114kor, jr , charg- ing him with threatening te eikehis with an axe, and asking that he bohemia orer To keep the peace. On the Cale bee ing heard Biker tots Camel agid:, not being aele to 'procure security .that hiewoold iu future conduct himself pee- peay, fie was %eta t 1, Goderielt jail .for an indefinite period , DUCNIK AND 1)104011WRIRLY.-411.. Me• - Dowell eas cliargdd 'Fi tilay list, by Dr. Worthington.with being drunk and disorderly, and on being brouelit Were IL Callender, Esq., .1. P., wu • found guilty aturfined, but bailie unable v. meet the moderate demand, he was sentenced ea the. ham° of ace traiugres-• sor atiGoderich for the snice of 21 tiles. He teok his.departure then le taco/rine*. byeinother frienl in dastrets bid a Constable.--enteeilor. • Bl'IMAARY A41/ it9ilaTRT -New that Cariade is known to be infested with thieves and burelars, it is not earjoising that our citizens were considerebly star. tled at the rd'port mat inlay: moruing last that two burelaries teen p.or- oitrated the Meet bef ire. On Myer- tigation, burerer, it was riled that net muph Mime- or leas -eel o:curre.i, that the acts cettiniiteed erre era these of a professional Imusebreiker. The tg to W ingliern.. A lemon *4 niter epee were mr, Rat tug'by a Partition art wits !leen!, and boy nes observed 'f MI length.. No ,e at. the limn but ot *et that. de - oath it'y Cie acci• a 'coulee gam, but to gni off cogle to 4, t,..nbury'sb* iartl saloon, and 11r. Watts drag stone?' rho thief effected an .en- trance into the former ttroneses lay dis- placing a board in the front al or which 0110 WA* I tile Ill did duty fic a pane of glase Once in- alesteaseie , 'Pis Ye side, the thief, whiegyideatle 11'''''' lite ceased ea* to hi. Peeleisor well. proireedid Li' the "till," *dente' diecbarge a:a not satisfied with its contents alone what +used the gu eterted -off dmwer' and all. The till 'at iiiclte *net. . eiiiitated smell change to the extent cif • • . ' Prince Alfred A puhlic entry into daY. The' cro ' Si ogee. As usual in such cues, this 04 les Lrida made was a larger &melted than Mr. Rattenbury endeu lett Thurs. generally left in the t"t111" over night. seectatore was en- Air. Katteneury would le obliged to the tinscreptiluns intheidnal if he returned i' plena° and a littaillir !+1 ca"ulit'm •eee' the drawer, but would at the same tune catered. The police' eeport feur persons -advise hint not to "drew' air' hint aey kille,1 anal twenty -f injured. ere, otherwise the censteluenses might _ _ T. the locking 'mot the "drawer" fur a Tile itiew MI the weatere vort ion , of considerable time. Mr. completely embedeed, aul the attempt the thief autos ta have b4ouie atermed Waits' premises tee bite euthe cen ler Pectic is in places were proceeded against from the roar; twenty feet deep.1 Several .trains are but sifter.breakinga role I ea" "r t"1 to eirry on traffic, I been aeentlentx1 and male "tracks," as no evialeuce of in despair! • • , . , • les presence inside was discernit,f,.-e and no loss other than that Invelanied dis- Tho Walketen Nesizes ept %teak oc. covered. We ea,. since been informed .ciipied less than a di v. 'rag j•iag* wee that suspieten rests upono certain char - presented a ith a tepe of white gloves,. there being no prisepers in gael. actor who has heretonare gained m1 tin: enviable reputalien in the village. ‘i e Ashauteo War. TERMS OF THE TREATY. Loatirsoe, March 11. -Tho Daily Necrs *ad Tellynaph &enemies* that tne Kent of Ashanti,. agrees to pay to Gceat Britain awar indemnity of 50.000 °tutees of gold, renounces all claim to Adansi, Asa* Denkora,• Aki llll Wassaw, withdraws his forams front , the pens of the west belonging to or under the protectorate of Great eiritain, under- takes to maintain a good reef frotn Commode to Prah River, and to protect the merebendise- transported over said road; he will prohibit human sacrifices, and swears to perpetual peace with Hog - land'. General Wolseley does not ei• pect that tee entire meant of &Mein- demnity will ever be peed, but regard% the other stipufetions oferestly greater importanoe, and more lieely to be ad: lowed W. A garrison will be main- tained by the British at Prelate The latest news front the Ashantee eieedition 'tato the British 1,one in Wu as sixteen killed and 368 wouaded. LABRARTII brewery, of 1.enilon, ill to be rebuilt'forthwite. Mr. Joly has declined a Senatorship() beinz eletermine4 to stay ley the Quebe, 0 emusition till he leads theen to victory The value of the cheese rrartofactcire I in the county of l'orte lest yea i fleet, - 000. The turgteries rrhich been geing on for route time back in Turouto Were siirpassed by one that teok tclace on Wednesday morning, at an early hour, when two men enteral the premieei Me. Dein, a butcher on. Bluer etreet. Dainetean rig a noieeagitt up 001 entered. kite) 00 encounter with elle burglars. They overuseeticred hen, threeter 41111 40 theerou n,l, mid !led. I) so( ier rise, ve r- ed and gave chime, and was gaining rapidly 011 them, when tiste turned r mod end Ertel a ranee,. woincliftg in the left side, which will, it is feared, result faially. Eat 001004414444.14IL70 1"1:iirt '13.w -4w .4.r. al:. 1.7 , • (V.711) y if, 1 06 4/ I Pryer .0•L•c- 61.) 5 5? if 06. 0/61. totAO .. 0 4.3 0 44i Peas, & Barley '11414+411. 1 ::5 retainer.? busa 0 to SI 0 45 Hay pertua. ......... 00 17 00 Chicken+ per pair. ... 1 /5 a 0 ;la Italt.tr,/s o • 0 Eitze, • clor eiiire•ke ie • 0 16 a 1, • ..... .... 5 0 t• ‘,7 V.-- II:4,77 v 44 0 11707.1 3 00 Taa II es t, • fa. 01 - 17, 1•,74. reerbfellele lleal011. Our largeFreight Railrowlsereprovine. the great profit of thou...of Traci:Scam by the discovery of the frequent, if not genend, °yet -loading of care of mer- chandise. especially thole coutrected for "by cardoads. On nue iif tee New England Railroads, the first car -load , weighed showed gime an excites of weight•as to &eel seventy-seven dollars to the freight bilL &nether no • found to have twenty tons of mailers on,. instead of ten as billed.' England Railroad, &suspected car was. I The Neve -York Thearite says: West- 1 ern, grain shippers here wtrick 'of heel- . lag cars beyond the ailment relent i, inset in the inneeioand as the reel oadshave not ' weizhed the troins, considerable predate t luta been got through free. The Boston e and Albany C••mpany are making -an outcry about it." The Fairbanks' Patent I Inni Frame Track Scales which are almost univereaNy need by our railreads. here thee proved themselves source of interne instead of . expetise. The fact that no investment pays beater in 'Ley department of trade than one. ta-f Fair- leitikeelitandurd Scales. andthe increastne demand.eyen ia these dull tease is a- proefvf their 'superiority over all others. • .--- • 14,2? A D A . 4 Desbarats, the peopriceor of ihe "Canedian Illuatreted,e h as gene Lao. insoleency. s. Diptheria ie London. Mr: W.• F. Harper, Manager of the Meech- ' ant's Bank, lost three children witein a week. A deleeation :from Manitoem is at presext at Ottawa, askirie for an exten- sion of the lieuncleriss of*that province, foe' an increased subsidy and for.uther prieileges and advantages. A copipany has been formod fur the purpose of sinking a salt or oil well at Cantabile a few miles from Stratferd, in the Comity of Perth. The Markham E.:. aceoist says 'there are a uumber of cases of aerobe* eipinal gitis throtteliont the coulity at the 'present time, a few of which have prey - al heal. Children are princetelly the 'sufferers. The Af ail hai.043trIrigif.erl t;3 Mr. Wilkes for its slanders against-. his reputetion, and eit the suitlies been withdrawn. We ihope the Mad will new learn that ft lcannot "stab aomeleady under the fifth eib every mornine" with it:moiety. • 714 Rev. Dr. Jennings, pester of flay etreet qatiada l'resbyterien Church, Tin At Clinton °tithe 5th inst., be -the Itev. route., eas, on accoailit of ill health, re-, W. S Blackstone lin,,WilliatieCostie, calved permission from the Presbetery tu )lies Mary Clerk, allot' ( deride *1, Wheat, (St.,.0..) 1•13/ 1 ". -r 4 • (i.er 1.r1) 6 00 al 1).0 ()at.. per Iterv,.... 10 43 1 24 10311-4 I (s1 p -r c,3 4 Pokstee., per bush ..... e es sio 1041 0 20 a 0 • pc! des. (au:.,stin.,1.)6 14 ap .0 44 Beef ' 4 Ifr.17.•• 51571 Pork - 6 10 , 4:1 , • Bay. r no •Itc 4/9 ttheep sties • 1 f. 00 4/ 1 25. • ... . _........:. A.. he "` 6 00 oft.1,1, Warit , 1s74. Wlatat, . -.1 le " 1 If Wheat, p•kftriar.) ter. ba.h.... 1 OS 1r • roar. (per lo!).i• oo ea icartey, per nue r• ." -I . Cv. ▪ busk es - it 4o • e• , Pesse, per bash 0 50 ! 0 i• _ . P..tateces, per bash ,0 " C50 :Atter. - • ee , • Plars.par ntepackeef• ts • 7a•oet.' 3 00 •.• Perk t1 " 00 !fides 4 " 7'.0 nay. 1. 00 ••• In GO Wood • •• ou a . ranee:ere m aux ere . • Mare 14th. -Fal I Wheat id.23to .1.28. Spring Je $1.15 to $1. 1 Tr, ,Bdrley $1:35 to 1,1,11.36. Oats te rees 71.h. too 7 tc. to,pe. 1: it tett '-.).VV Eggs 14c Ito 20e. - mutt -ranee seem:meg • . Start 14th. •-•.- Wheat.. $1. 34. Pout 86c te Sic., tete 34 . to -40c, Iteeley $1.10 to$1.11.1,11titter 2:letit 32e.- theele Icil 14 ie. ete -23.: ter 24e. . Ashes-Pels $5 9) te f5.92e. Peirls $7.35.. • ,At (..luderich, on lth sust.,,Arr. John Atkies, of a ahn. * • ; At Pelerich, nei the 12th inst., Mrs. - &dame, fee soil. - At Goderich, on- theeleithteineto Mre , Jelin ef e_son. CuIborne, the I eie a:tate:Mon Ceseles Cenich, of a sen., ' . tia retire from active n • tenet dutues. The revereondeDnctor has Imen pastor of At Clinton owthe .10th into, et W. S. Blackenick. Mi. Joh the char/ inieleed nor over 36 yeereee ' elf Stratford. 1,1 Seven canoe of bribery were triee at thevillageof Parkhillefewdaysegoe The parties arraigned were &celled of purchas- ine, votes,in order tan secure the election of 'Simon MeLemi, as reeve Parlchile and :woof the offenders heeled McGregor and Peyten werefined$210eaqh and costs, and debarred from rottng fee two years. A seriniiii affeir oepracticil jeking was c meet out at the saw -mills -of -Sir. nVag- nee on Adelaide etreet, Torohto, on Mende'', by which une of the workmen nearly lost hie life. By way mf a joke a Men maned Rnbert Aikins put some creton oil in,the dinnee can of • fellow workman, which made him very iteeand fwahtaicl.h, hied Medical aid not been' Mt- inediately procured, wottlie Wive proved . • The shiptneut r,f timber over the Wel- Lingten, Grey and -Bruce Iteilwey 'hiis couimenced, four thins. per day'passing over the main line especially for this ef purpose. An enmenso ernottut of this At the resialence of the bridenlfether,oe timber has been got out dnring the wiu- March 10, by Reit. L Burr, xr. T. ter, end it is calculated that it will. take -Fletcher, of LUCkU9W, t 11.t41,,,TauS Go rarer. of Eieter. tenser three months to get it all away, even at tie:nate mentunied. 'Besides this Lafleur t110 general freight - busineskof ' dauglaer of 31r. Wiles.= Da Beeiley. C. h. Stafford, it the`teelence of the'briale's perente,-Mr. r okge- A. , ."- Cooper, to Agnes, see.inci dauehter cif Mr. Arthur Churchill, aa of Ceelerich Townshipee a . • _ Oli March etril, at Maple Cottnee, Stan- ley, (the residenee of the larele's II •fiteke,re by the Rev:John Raise Prue- tie . byronen minister, das. i.e.e. I., ere • • . Seaforiele to Mat•y Me secend eilee. tee uf Jamect Russ, Esq. . °ea t klle reiidence cuf the -bade's , ether, • on March 5,', by Rev._ Wellitta Gra- ham, Mr. William Cheaney, tT ' Mies . satiJanethet. anA nsne, :II ceeK: ie:up I, doul Ntof 'ci,i.JT u c ,luebry- v. Matthew Barre!str• Tie, esliettd- • . . on, to Misa etaggie Dickson. seeend ghter of George Dieksetl, Ewe:, all 1cKillep• -the ftev. Motet, , ousigest *" At t the road is nom yery good. Tits villegp council ot Stnitli's lately passed a bielaw regeiring . the hotel -keepers to furnish•Lueds in,,, MOO; that they would aell no eiguair on days, and would, otherwiet comply -with the requireinents of tholii7W. Thee hotel .keepers refused to coinoty, and " hold a meeting ameresolved to take out no licenses and to close eheir pieces until the obnnxintis law is eeirealed. Accordingly, ou Saturday alehouses wereclosed up,and the gates of the yards closed. In the , meantime, grog is b.olieht by• the Court 1 and drank at the street cirners, and prirate house.. • t zxgainge At Port -Elgin; on Cie 4te. este. - ,Jamee Letroce, y retie At his .rissi,deece in IIS wick, - en! the 1st inst., after nue Wiiera itineleefolin FranklineSers, in the 52m" year of his At gegen-We:1i elarch Them. sun, aged 48 years. : At Seef orth. en March 7, Wiltiene young • est son of Mr. W.- N. Weeeee• eeee 6 years. • Itekee township of Bab earear It elger---, sale, on 31erich 6,Jane:•wLfe iiPt;atin itess, Esq., aged 67 years- ‘i • : - . • SCHEDULE of For the Quarter Plans fly Prosern tor. John Payne Charlie; Barber Robert Richmond Charles McGuire /. Gorrill Ale igdbehtter .... Jane Ann Slenke• I japeoserpghe LeWar William Smith jAsbn:haa8mcoDttelone .WkarniteserCScoaldt;c11 3aWarmy. SminciLathren Wm. Crews Jane Burtch TWhhonlis:ThasignR111111"goalaii:s James Calhoun. John Southcott , . A. If, Pulley ee Aggr grated Assatilt...... . Alex. Camenen Unlewfailif cutting tietber . ... John Thompson Keeeine Sheep unrawfully !Bailee et Teine ermines . . • Nana. re J?efewlesat„ I • CCilVICTIONS tbturned by Justices of the Peace:for the County.' Of ifuron, . of .Mareh, hied, iitirsuant tb Statutes 32 and 33 Victoria, Chap.' 3i, See. -76.and 33 Vie. Ch.:Au...L:7, 3•'. I ..Varry• euxric..i mg • uttee. , Aswan/ y Penalty. RA 241444 •elson Paid oO to Le To le.toon ovrr *out,/ *opine', wee net. 414. ren.ral Obcpr t•SISSSIS I I - - - - - - - - • . l'acd to 444 Junky. ant. or Damage. ending •the 10th tray A" :tura of Clore*. ••••••••• Wm. 3Tairei • ..... Imre...31y Frederick johns Atte inn 6 4 .... Susan Dixon Joseph Fisher ' James Thompson .. Assault Hugh Smith and Wm. Forrest '' 3rd jan'y 1874.. George Beatty ' . • 7th Feb'y 0 Bruce Brownlee . It th Dec. 1873 De;vid Baird - ii. 3th March 1874 Emanuel Dissent 6th Foley " , 64 • • • • • • *I I I Trestials - • - • • . • Dal r COM s. 2701 Dee. IR 3.. 9th Feb'y I 4... 10th " • Oh March 4' 20th Dec. 1 3.. 2ist,Jan'y 1 74 . 12th Feb'y 1 74. ing 44 ... 17th " . 29th Jan'y 1874 . 21;th " " e4th Feber " :de Dec. 1873. -G • C. Crate) • . .. `. C .11 Wite Then. Hoene*, II. Cume and L. J. Brace it, Callender . R. ecch *6 84 e cc P. Adamson John Kernighnn It. Leech • J. lit-Sectwal ...... . T. Qidley and IL Dew .. ...... " e and G. Willie - Clark of fbe Peace's Office, 04:rich, 13th Meech, N74. _ • Naos ale rereceine •••••0446-•••• The tenor= Case. The instice 4 the verdict in the TiGhi 3b°11;Igrintlehe'leCaabLye0Clill(lhaPOrT17"T17/4,;)grbrtY7pha bo.:':ThicahrlteaP:Pereianterst: coefesses that he recognized the Chinn' ilittiirtriasalnads brother the first time he "tt was boeght withtsail,17inceds pa°nid ralsonth- ly for a year and • of a amt. ere mud or two additional at the cope!" acceptable to the English speaking residents of the Norte- west, the majority of whom ate from this Province. Mr. Weal will be witch misled on the door of Parliament of the trial • -Senate: egunc • well knowi, che " Mater in the United S" . died It Weseingtoe last w"Ine." aeed years 644 • • XL Zeller sod J. Acheson Forthwith • Five days Forthwith '7- • Committed for trial. Ball taken First termites, settled with caste Sheep returned anal ceeta paid • • • Dismissed • i Dismissed with eisste. Treasurer Paid • 1 64 64 44 61 *4 • ... -• • ....... Town Treasurer GI • •4.... . • • * . ...... . :„ ..... - - • • • • - Township Treasiner • ' .,Cominitted • , 44 i 61 . . . . • . •,, . County T5tintrer . 0 1 . , • • • • . .... 1 44 .., ... *6 414 Co ' . .. .-... 1 i .i. , 1 • • , 4.00 ..... 3.00 ..... .. • • 1.00 .... - • 06 •• • -r-AZALfill,Plerk of the lE:enee, C'ottetnty of Ittai.on. ,- _ , _:..,Imi_ _....wipmplp.,___ __ . ,, ---- ....„,_... SCHEDULE of CONVICTIONS Iteturned by Justices of,the Peace for the' County of Huron, . For the Quarier ending the lph day' of 2d4ch,. 1874, pursuant • to Con. Statutes of Upper Can da, chap, 124 and 32, Vic. (Ont.), Chap. 6, See. 9, Sub -Section 4. Name of Defendant. Wawa of Mere* . 1 ' !Dot. of Coortrtoon. Nino ot Convicting, imerseo or justice, ,a „4- 4,,,,alty, Fine 7104.4 Irben Paid. 017, 40 be T. *CA %04r.d &err by ma I/ not paid seky not, and cower. 01 otteroorioos I i . , '. ' ol Daniel'''. i'ard to said Justus. J 1C14. el any. l _--s--. =cm Margaret Small Robert SM;i11 Threat eine g " .......0,- 1 , i '10th Doc. 1873 . Thos. Holmes 1 Robert ih:nox T. Cummerford A It. Cruelty Ito animals 17th,Feb'y 1874. I I ...• .......... ,.. ....... • • . 00 ..... 6 ....... Forthwith Loelridge ..... James efeCan Thomas McCance. , non-payment of wages .119th '' a • fill .krichibald McCen „ . 44 41 ft 41 -- 66 1 64 44 II " , . • • ... ' .... ...... .• • 464 • • • ...... • • • • • ... • 6 . , ........ .. a 4.• John McCen It t..4, 1 GI 46 .{-7 If I 44 II 44 fit Ann MeCreleht Alex. MeCreiglit. Drunk and disorderly, .,..c....24th Deo. 1873. R, Callender Alex. Taylor John Upshall Fine, eis driving e ...,..1.......1I3th Jan'y 1874 :. " Archibald Walker.... Win. Cropon.,... Leaving empley 17th Dec. 1613 " A. Worthington James McDowell Drunk and disorderly • . 6th March 1871 . Chivies Williams David Dickinsou. A. M. Polley poniard Trainer wm. F. Gooding .. Thomas Payne A..111. Polley. . John Payne neroard Trainer Wm. McInnis - 1 44 6 4 . Lucius Carey Richard Bunnemy.... John McCallutu.. ... George A rmstrung ... , A lex, ElLiton .. AbH Ellison .George Armstrong.. Robert Baker . . Articles of the Peace ith " " Patrick Heffernan. Keeping Billiard tables is itheut $th " " License . Insulting IsnEe.ine . 12th Jan'y " Hotace Horton. John Payne W m. Campbell . County Treasurer . • • ..... . . .. . . ....... ; .. .i0..00 ..'.. .. .. ............ . .. irordtwith • , , .. . .. • . .. ...... s.00 ........ . .. Municipal Treasurer a ... , .... • 1.00 .......... a .... 5.00.• • • ....... .. ' ... • • • .. " ' ' ' • ' ...... 16 ... r, ...... ...• • • • . -: Forthelitiii Committed for want of sereties Ordered to payeamount due ....... I • 4 I Committed for 30 &pi -4 .r. ..... pa* • • , • . . 7th " " • ,• Articles of the Peace rc„.saly Ma.? long lenciage 127th Dec. 1873... qt. Leech !the Jan'y 1814 ...I I" ,5th Npreh " .. I - _ ........ 21 ................• ._........... ..............................• i: g4111...:0000001 ...... ... .. .. 1. ... • ... •.• .. .. • • .. , , In ten days II 4 t 0 • • • • ' l • • ' • . • • • • 1 4 .... 312rdthFe‘b y 18"74. 14 • • • 4, 4. .. . IIII • • • . •-• • * • • Town Treasurer Dr.4,01,1i. •• • 2dth " " 11 • .... • • 6 • 50.00 • . • • • ...... '" as ..426th " " . -I •• • 6 ' own Treasneer ICP.AraNi MIL, 14i-----zA- :fa. .s.....: ........ ofthe Penee, eoun' ty 0 f 313Euroxia ..•.1Towneltip Tee:merle I ___ _ 4 •• i . .. • otiounty Treasurer II • ....... . • mmitted for 21 days . . ... refused aerate" " Municipal Treasurer.- -... - it i• • - . . - \ , 4t. .... 1. Town Tee...Serer 41 4 • Iv, , ...... . .., .„.., ......... .....,•• ,. 2 i .' 4 01(•,• • • • • el . • Not paid-comuutted for 2 Months en- - .. ot paid-wing:tided for 10 days • .. Bound over for one year Clerk cf the Peace's Officio, Gederich, leth Mar , 1874. • r 4 • • • , •ar • Ile t • - • 4f .,t .71 . - '‘sr 1.1 . 1 • ai Pt le • Lei fat -Cr 8. J• S'" 1: de se se lei