HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1874-3-11, Page 4• • 3 -Warn eat g.se don't marry a Pear A jilt, nor a v ' ixen nor yet a coquette, nut marry a vassid-thet is if you car, , More HI for the wife of & sensible roan. 1 Look oat for a'giri that is healthy and , young, • With more in her eye tkaa von hear from her tongue, And though she a freckled or burnt to a tasia Ye . she is the girl for a sensible Man. Special Notices. COfna, —GRATEFUL vet, Cowroarnot,--"By • thoteugh knowledge of the natural law* which goveni the operationstof dotes - tion and nutrition, and by a careful eggileation the line properties of well selected co oa, Mr. Epps kaa provided our brealinst tablas with a delicately Savored beverage whSh Rosy MT, us many heavy doctorshills."-Cesel envies Casette. Made simply silk Boiling Wateror paeket istabelivet -"olio' tient Co.,, Benseopathie Chamiets, London.," Ilisscrigl'at nr enerti..—"We .111 now givft pn ereount he proems adttp*ml by Mesrs James Epps5 Co., in vontactuters of dietetic artieles, at their worksta the Eustis Illead,Loniket,th-Cossift ,/feawaSakt Allith riches will wretcheilnesa often in 1 life Go linked, when your riches are got with a wife; - But marry; and make all the riche. you CAE I Like bold, independent, and sensible f,00k out for girl that is sensible, kind, And modest, and silent, lied 4.1 her your mind; If she a wise and bewitehing she'll wel- come the plan, Auil soon be the wife of a sensible . MAU. Then cherish her exeellence wisely and kind, And be to small foibles indulgent and blind; Fur thus you make happy if adything can, , The wife of a sober and serutible man. °TAXA= IDS. Why is the figure 9 like a peacock/ -- Deimos° its nothing without ita. WE • . iouThe young man who boasted that Ito 141 marry any girl he pleased, found _hat he °wildcat please any. . Johnny astsures us that a railroad con- ductor punches a hole tufa...ear ticket to inSt )4UP553 through. 4 W. see," said Swift, in one of his net caustic moods, "what G a thaiks f riches by tha people he eiv.:.3 them "A huts, a liss'.', exclaimed an , old •helor who wanted to marry. °Alai! r!" be cried after he had been :sierra aada while. "Grandma why don't you keep a sec Pant any lonseerl" ''`Well, you see, My child,• Fin getting 4.1.1 aow, sod can't l take card of -one as 1 . Uatial t.,1 du you - • rw." cork -jackets have ever saved. cork -screws have slink more people than Coes, Scasivs.- -It h.as been said that A lady reeently asked* it She Britieli flanasstlin if thee had a skull of Oiler 'Cromwell. Being answered in tbe noels- tirs,.."Dear me,' saisl-she, "that's .very istrange; they have one at Oxford." An embryo poet, who iscertaiuly a 1 chise observer of Intinan nature,remarks: i Time marches .m with tho slow, inuasur- eil need of a man isorkina by the day. T., cominit the exectetion of a purpo,se ite oite wh,, dowopeoves ...f the plan of it , best" COI ploy but oue-thiril of Ailet 611,111, y hie heart and his head are against you , -Tod have eoututanded only his Menai., ; A woman whofrecently Lid her but - iter seized at the market for short weight gave as a reason that the cow froin wide* 1 the. looter sas Iliad., wts an'+o•t to. a .cranip, arid that eiusea the bolter ta shrink in weight. TO THE PUBLIC OF British North America. IN coneequenee of trends that have a been practised upon you by twn or three indivirinals (whew for a tires tgek the name of the "New York Chem6i:- 1 Company") making and selling some- thing which they call "Holloway's Pills and Ointment," and which, for a season, were freely sold in nsany parts of the British Provinces as my genuine Pills and Ointment, I have for some time past considered it my duty to caution the pnblic, throe gh the medium of the press, against buying these spurious articles. Jwiements have been obtained against this BanknKs Crew; in one case by a Mr. taassaro, who, when about to' levy, at the latter end of October last, toned the name of the Chemical Coinpany had been painted out and that' of Samuel Vose substituted. ' Many respec,,table Firms in the Brit- ish Provinewowho Obtain my roodicines direct from here; hays very properly origgested that I should, fer the benefit et themselves end tho public. insert their titmice in the papers, that it -may be kw-mm.06E medisine% vim bo hatl genuine front theist, The followine is a list of. the Firms alluded te; and 1 particularly reccen. mend thhie-who eleeiryo vet my medi- cines to app' y 'to soi Of the -Houses named:- Ayery, Ur.wn & Co , Halifax, ...- . . Good talkers are becoming rare now - iwa -days,, but are occasionally to be met wit* Of oo nwhose conversation istAery e it tertaiiiag but rather discouueetwl-;- a -litre holy recently reularkod, "Ota, yea, lie a. very clever, bus he talks like -a book; in which there aee leaves occasion- ially missing." ' "Yon are froin the country, are you not, airr asked *city clerk of a Q iaker who had pint arrived. ••Yes.". "Well, beret is an eisay on the rearingof calves" ...That," s.iid Amieadth, as he turned v. go, "thee had best preaunt to thy noither.'' .:...,, ' ••Thi•rois onegood thing oboe I babies, aid a recent traveller; "they neter in hence. We hare girls of tho peeled, • en if the world; but the. babies are the mime self posaessed, tearhiss, laughing.' aforseirms little heathens in all coon. tries." ! An Irish glazier was putting a pane of glass into a window, when a groom who was standing by began joking him, telling hius to mind and put in plen- ty of putty. Tith :Irishman bore, the banter for some time, but at last eilenced his tormentor with-"Arrah, now, beuff :wild ye, or else I'll put a pain in 'your ?lead without any putty." ' To Irishinen were in prison --one for stealing a cow, the other for stealing a watch. • Hullo-, Mike, and sure what 'o'clock is itr said the co w -stealer, 'An' inure,' said the watch -stealer, - 'I've ao itimapiees handy, but °uprose it's jest, about milking Kum' • a , Aa Alabame editor thirsting for sub - !scribers has adopted a singillsir expedi- lent. Instead ot aeries es pro:swims chromos an that sort of rubbish, he , promises to name his new baby after the ;patron y. ho.pays his subacriptiou fur the !longest time in advance. I A London tradestean advertises whit he calls Anti-Bteach of l'roinise Lands for 18a1e ,BY E. WOODCOCK, CONVEYANCES And Land Agent. Messrs. Forivtle& Coi,.Halifits. N. S. NTe.tars- '1'. B. Bat-keit& Shna, St John, • ;iin,aining 103 urea, '80 cleared and mostly under tuititation, 'rlie soil i$ ' Mr. T. Des Braley, Charlotte Town, P. E. f. . Messrs. Tainglar & Co., VtOtoria 8. C. Meares. Moore & Co., Viotorita 13.. C. Dr. John Fallen, Chatham, N. 13. Messrs. Mnaro & Co., Montreal. Ntasrs. J. Winer k Co., Ilemilton, ( Mr. H. J. 11 -)se, Torludo. Mr. A.- Chyle= Smfth, St. John, . la. Mr..fohn Gofferich, Out: - Nles-srs. Elliot .ty Toronto. • . Mr. .J. Chaktner, St. Jotta N. 13. atessrs. Ilabincton Bros., St,John,N.B. Mr. It. S. Priddy, Windsor, Ont. Mrs. I h-pett, %Arden, N. S. Mr, George C. Ilunt, JUL, Frederic - OF El‘2E-Eforocr of Wert St , Ooderich. A Valuable Farm ARIEL GORDON, MAKER, ITPEOL81118.118. 117u-clekrteeiceer,1 dtPC.. 4easeeimgaissisammel QITUATED in the second coneemion of the Western Division of the Township of Colborne, • abouldenr mtles from Goderioh, con- taining 203 acres of good land, nearly hair of which is cleared and free from stumps, withaBriek House, Barns, Sta- bles, Workshop's, &e. There is a good bearing Orchard of the choicest fruit on the estate. Well watered. Title indisputable. Terms easy. N. WOODCOCK. Conveyance! and Land AgentlGodorich, Valuable Bush Lot. • BEING composed of Lot No 5, con cession 10, in the -Township of TurnberrY, containing 100 acres. .-The soil is mixed from black loam ao sandy laain with a never failing creek running through tae lot. Timber one-half 13eech and Maple. the reinainder Cedar, Pine and Hem- lock. Soil heavy. This lot' is very valuable, being sitnato within one mile of the Railroad, three. miles frotn the village of .11elmore, ale miles from Wrotetey, And seven utiles kola Wing. ham: Title goisa. Terms to snit the purchaser. Eor further particulars, • o E. W0UD4•0(*K, Coeveyancer and los a A 0. I h ot,ef_c__• A 'Good Farm, I salaTUATE about six Gotle- • rich, on the iittl con., 0,, of the Township a col)) o 0. Mr. W. H. Thompson, Itsrbor Grace, N. F. • ' . Mr. J. M. Wiley, Frerlerietaiii, N. 11. . Maaors. W. & D. Yale, Montreal.' MY PIUS and Ointment' neither iiiailefactureil nor odd . in any part'of the United State,. E Pot and Box leeir4 the British Government Stamp. w:th ill, words, '•11oHoway7s Pills awl I element, Linalin," ungraiyed.thereon.. The nialieines seawall at. the lowest .wbolesale pricea, in giontities a not tees less than 1.120 werth- viz , 8s. 141., isf.!2%., anti i.311 per dozow-haxee pm, or pets of Ointxueut, for which remit- tances -most he sent in advance. TH031AS HOLLOWAY. N., Pa -Chemist's and- other vendors of Holloway's genuine Pills and ()it moot may have their names inserted in the local reapers if t/sey will 'jeer° tipply It e5r033,--,0i-f,44 S. treet. Landon, Dec. I, 18'73. . - • good, varyine•ifroin.sandy 1 black loam. *There is A sp rutinina through the lot - bearing orcharta, be so particulars apply b E.,WOODI Conveyancer ael Lana Ag ato ot heavy , lendid creek I r 0•1111.24YrnP PrePsed from Dr. eh yariuula, and certified bo be eseasicany p timbal 11r. J. Wa e $ ifo*ais Yinecar Sitters are a purety Veg- etable preParatiolli Made chilly front the native herbs found on the lower rangeo of -the Sierra Novatla mann- thins of 'California, the medicinal aroperties of tehieh aro extracted therefrom without the Ilse of Aleefiol. Tlesmestion is almost daily ad* Isi " What is the cause of the tin • r- apaell Burmese of VINCI:Alt IT - to ai TE3S l Our answer is, that they ieouove' tho . cause of disease, and th, patient recovers Ids health. /bey are the great ailood puriaer an a life-giving poneipli, a perfect Reno- vator anti Inrigerator of tho system. -Never before- in the history of the world fi,,, a medicine been compounded :pot 4,oittie. the remoraitile qualities of N Eii,is ftts•IWIM in !scaling the skit of aary aliersao man 11 heir to. The/ are $ ecrile Purgstiveriitiwell be a Bie,. -1,.1.,viiig COngestioll or Ilith1R11111GT of ci,. Liver mid riseend Organs, in Di ems ,. pace-ei• ' . .. Ole properties cf. DK WALK- ER .% 'kaiak Iltrriiiis aro AperienV ) ...rile Carminative Nniritions. %sa- l" • ' ' ' .1 , Nuretie,Sedattive.i'ciunter-Inrirnt i•l. '. de, ilterativeaand Antallili us. , II. IL IleDONALII 4 l'0.. 1/- • rios & Eton A Soul lreoreires, rat; , ear..? Wishing,. wed II 1/milt/milt*. , Sold by alt threes Iota womoh Death N.Y. ra. VICTORIA COMPOUND SYRUP Olt , • Put Got prevention and cure of r ! • PULMONARY CONsU OCK, Also for the cure uf t.Otisleyish Daspera4o, Bronchitis, Asthma, Loss of Appetite, General Debility, Ac. stifles • ON Valuable Bush Farm, 11411 ATEA, T. yeaTTY .06.14 gent -Ayr. lahoratory', Visit...ref, College, SITUATE On the 1J-.11, con. of the Tothe blebs!. Chemical Co., ' Turgid" Dee, 4, I s1 2. Geritielylet.-1 have examined the artildet etn- . • • -ToWnship Of Grey, • tlemel in tWe Vietoria Chemical Works, In the titc Rt. Ann's, Rent a. rime. WAS FOR. SEVERAL YEARS -L sefrerino frim Cough. Eapectors- lion and Night Sweats, attended with extreme nervous and Physical paastra- tion. My leely was greatly einaciated, and the treneral iinpresaiob was that 1 had riot Ilsnz to live. I bean takinc Di Wnit "Miles ComPolfiND ZLIXIR tv P1110SPI(ATRil NNW- CALISAVA, im- pmrement took place inintetliately. gaineietfi weight nrok strength. My Cough\and.m. Night Sweats -disappear- ed, and I ant'now in the enjoyment of excellent health. Many of my friende• to whcim I have recommended the Elixir hare experienced eonally remarkable W. NV, Stift-sow. results." Agent, G. T. R. • 01‘...4. Bt. LL. SIMPSON'S pliberile need 'Merle PM,: Th' oetWsT ENOLIAG REMEDY Fon on. rb-dollity.. Spbrinatontes, Noettirnal .iisn of the orenerative Organs, Palpitation of ,tbe, ,Heart. Tremblings: Stleeplessnesi, the effeei over•Indnlitems in1slenholie .tirreitents *nil tohise- ,p. fe, Dr. J. BELL SIMPSON'S Pills are the only eigietuid one. for the above diseases:1nd sr, • RIM.? known to tail. Thee have aeresly cnreit Ansi/Yds in the. sonotry. • Robert Argoir. mishits, at. 1141TIVT.R. toottlie to his recovery by thett eestsin snit rapid is. v-tiots. a *bort pone their edleapy, No snitsrer need detonate of being reliseil Ahem the trichtful egeete of filmy- 1Efsa. The Systirmin Meanp shed by Uriorgoiteet DAM a hoe, an.i Ib' Tonle Pale at Iine, • biik or, they will tost,by mid. outer, 7re-1mb% mei anomaly wrriortriert litorinatipti. on • rot:clot' of OAK for th SpecLie,•and 64. for the Toni, PHI. .3. DELI. staescie lir.twor Nal tor MI „it h 1 X14,1 Druggfsts. Pnbilphlets sent p oa appile./todt .ilan.1 states that anang with 013- Iiik 17.:"MT-itagg.>"iik7-14.• " disappears before one menth,thas t'reWPOlf` ND , tug the system of ridicule to which old and joiner are subjected in their letters I SYRUP OF HYPOPH ,Ibeing puolicly exposed." - - j gentleman, aboat Berets years 00, opt : himself from the rest of the co:tpany. : The laily of the house -.ailed to Inui. • 'Come and play and dance, my dear. ' Ceaose ono ot those pretty girls for your stite.•' 'Nut likely!' cried the young I cynic. "No wife for tue! Do you think 1 I, po..r papal" want to be women'. vitt of my life like 1 It was • brilliant Fona du Lae troy ' who, seeing a dog with a inatale un for the tirst awe, •xclauutel: '.11amiva, mamma, 1 bet dye ..at the does are gOillg Up wear hoop -skirts; there goes a slog with uue on his nose.' , A Nebraska journal iusitingly says ' • W. ho,saya farmers vannot gut :rich au this State? Fifteen yews ago a Young mail came to the Stow withone a dollar to the weld. List NOGIt he went ouL of the State ,rarryiukdoith lain the sti•ii of 81, 3S cents, the snap gs of 15 years ‘if fru- gal life. Couie westting in inf come we.str i 'i. Wahl to go to %kooky and hack, 14 looney graudeon, wail a respect -Ole - looking. simple-hesited lady to. ate take i seller of the Hudson Rover Rake • road. •as don't sell return tickets, ma'am,' replied the clerk, with deferen- tial ['mammas. 'Don't sellreturn tiaostaa exemautel the lady, with surprise, • nom 1 shan't go, for I Wouldn't like to ima away from houie forever!' At the trial of * burglar it:tains York It became necemary to swear a China- -, i- - num as a witness. The question are*e as to whether he underst,sel the nature of an oath. '•Ask hi:u whit he thinks will become of him if he takes a false oath," said the judge. The iuterpneter, after a diaiogue with tha wariest, repli- ed, - fle says he could nut go back to Chian, and wouhl hare to Hal in New York all the time!" The court (amended that with such an impulse to remit), he maght safety be swore, and he was error" aecordingly. WHITER a.• -- aa • tiseao ilisolared 3v al. ni•••-• .1 c • I, thly acknowlm-1 the At a juvenile ptirty,a young Aberdeen Lt. eulty in every pectin* where IC lois-beetle intristremi • arid the rapitilv Inereshig woe is the slot steroonteeltif the esti,, stint id whieb it 1., held Isy the oithl ie. Th.M,r'it11 ens. Put mons,/ imesinatto inn In the Ilmt seismil•rtancs ; will g're i•oint rellet smi probing life in thn third37.01 etcro Asthma flrouchitis. Trirrugitts. Conchs snit C11.la. H dismiss originating from ward of Muscular seMon And Nevv,6p. Rometomb as Ettlargemente the 4pleen. Dyspepsia, Illekeis, Reehleand Irregniar .11 '.1 The DoNtg. Local an I General Paralysis, Vithonin1...'.of Voice. It will mire Lenoorrhora .1,1 M.: An -Solis. and !motors* the blood to pitrity in•1 health* • . . A residence ia ladianstestis Ias the following conspicuously' pasted up in front: 'No pelage ntan allowel to cows anti court* my darter unless he has $2500,00 to pay (Iowa en a hose and lot koala:toe in 2 & 3 yearns for who by eve. Within." e A young Itzdhe bed recea tly retarn- d from the of Modelle, where eh* had been for her health, was met by a friend, who, after the usual greetiag wad: 'I hope your wir has done yet) good -1 mast sae you are aot looking ironies after it."010 I feet lnuelk boom, Sold By Apothecaries. Pmeti.111 os • Sic hirr SO. k11111.,1,, FELLOW$. CHEMIST /cc, THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY Jell Noses' Periodical Pills ' within I Miles of the 11. ber mixed, !leech, Maple; amantity (a good Cedar. cleared with a Log louse, keel. Tina ti.re:a7i,r,istriraP:ese.111YrePt:roth,teri% aid II large ion!. and rie tivrep is also q wild fres, from. nog tors- mt 5 xertoto Syrutt of ilvte,phosztiites un• , 1,4 tistotolly prove a ore otilitethie Me icine. cellent. 'ride sputab Ole Me- . . • I1ENRY II. CROFT, Professor of Cliemielry. g. sent holder being the 1 'r..4•0.314%.40tee• Triee 11 per !little. Sold 15 .11 Untggints, - Terms ea.sy. For partietilarsapt.lv 'to • t E. wooDowi.. • VICTORIA • Oonveyavieer ant11.14.1 ..tg ., ) Ciimeouso rt.uinlr-x'reacT A Desirable Farm, SITUATE on ih s BIJCHtl&UVA URSI Division of the • A ne..q.se 11,,seAr fts, Ditsfiles rho Bindier Awl &loins Ssr.11 sgs; (*comp:suits lief• Townslirp- of Colborno, mehif In feribil. a; nod WI Ittsslaseo of MU e riadry ,Nerthii Northern Gravel ;toad, about 5 'IlreArry Itan., for any of the &hove miles from Otelerich, containie; 501 , 2 stoItii.11 be fully convinced et eNcellent land in n high State of v fere. mei Price AI per 11.dtte. Sold by a fltnigi en'tivatioti. For partictilarsapply to .,, E. %at ii iLICOl'E, 'Conoco ancer'and Land Agent,Gtilerith. ,F.. Ir V...:,,,....C.77:5:::i‘GR...11:: si-14.,-ATE on the Huren 1Zotel iii the ,1 74' Tho King of aii Linimoras." . Desirable Farm, . • — 56#toti.. If,' .4. • ; fl.V . toe s., 44,1"s•ss pe RP . „Sa4O, Nr”../4.,. firstly. o, Ns oboes*, ii.Tiottit.. 5- 31, 17,aLeas, gr. is ENPA HANG 'lit Outstare ol* all those mongol eng4danseroure .1 SWIM,. lek whnli the refill le./.004•61•4 61. „ Tel 11111'sientss r zoss• PudtslAN.Vell all of...tries met mid *speedy ear. nor lo relied on. *ARNIM!, ASPIC* - it es peee'llohtstoted. II wilt, In at _•11,0el trete, linen 01 11,. monthly. period soh regularity. Pso, mos., at'.., tooss 1, versals; diming the rft:N T HR Kft rf).rtti s 1505 isri• ts lwiasent1firrorr:oon &la at any oaks tAs Ire MAI, I..II MUM% Seeming k Spinal .tftertion it,Thi in in IRA lkiek and lAnliTt, E.,;,1; se or slochtesert ttttt •Palpi- ;Sion id the heart, ..11,ries. • id Whites th•se Will Steel etre v6P ,.1•11.,t.ter memo ha•e faite4. led nlinonsh pow., r •metly, dome etymon, Ant.tromy, 01r anyiliiiig hurtful to the consti. , thr t..amphirt sr..utsleadi vsckl66, 0161,11•41.6 • 1.1....earrt-ullr preserve& 016.11Loas. NEW .6"1.11 osa.a coos: torpor vastesois enwisse.1 Notihror it Lyman.. elreastle, I , mown,' f..r the Domorpm, imor, • hmaile containomover 50r Lib or rotate Math. OlOitTrlaPP &IsrMAN r Novrcaatle,t".. .,menurai stye ats loressamap $..ia1in0.a4eieh by Geo. Cattle, F. Jordan & or. Bond; Garainer & Co, Rayfiela; J. Denthein, Rodgerville; Pickard, Exeter- G. W. Berry, Leck- ie, w k • J . M. Roberts, Dungamon. C.sNADI P1111 • DF.STROV. LH. A SA FAMILY MEDICINE, IT IS (IL well and favarabliknown, relieving • thousands from pain in tho Side Ewa and Head, Couyas, Colas, Sere Tiniest, affsweilas, Berates, Cruises is ake-fftoinoch, Cavan's Morbiss, Dysen- 'it IV, Bowel t\i/l1p44{ &MU, lieshia, licwnellip of Goddrich, About 21 miles Orem Time, within. hes walk of -an English Church; cad:Luling 93 acres, about TO of which are ' cleared and free from %Sumps, with g- Brick House and Friuli° Barns, 4e. Latire bearing ereloiril, :awl w etre& Title g...r. Thie farm i Ore si.1.1 cheap, considering its ceniniainlmg Po- sit ion and. on rears ;noble , tame tar particular! apple to' Woultat Oonveyancin;airl Agent,thwicrich.: • —r- IralnabIe, Farm. 'SITUATE on the Huron Road ie the Township cd Godonch,- . LINIMENT. Buy it Tel, it! Pro Vries. hit. !Its Uottle. Sol I to Mt stabs'. be Costa lags. • ft,. 4fil GINERAL ACHIM. FOR TliE LOWINCLINSTRIIMICNTS. Orgais and Melodeons, R. S. Wil- liams, Toronto; Pielosbet. Fulton & Co. Nev Yorit. PI.41.33FOBIS U ION C0.11, Y4tir.. o BLEB DARMORE , DUNHAM EBER CHIC/CIMINO BestAr. MILLER 14 , VO3E'S .1{ 4 Clan billfish almost Canadian and American Maker's Instruments on temis to suit purchasers for cash or on time at km than Manufacturer's fries. Goderich, Feb. 27, 18'111.as VICTORtA CARBOLIC SA E. • it 44 46 41 L. IhnoliTli :Tit n EitilIT IN toot .." • A less*. fur rm.. M Rosa'. Ilt as ..• . ..4,1*.i, POI*. ril,o. Pimplm .4'., s4 taie Dom - ;ire./ en 141.11. offlity Inv ripbtosi. ' Price :nets. per Souk. Solo by on tlraggiata. VICTORIA intim.ivuo GLYCERINE JE LY. ERIC McICAY tabinet, .fflaker , Upholsterer, &c.. 110,:s ‘,....t. --.1,1 ru thanks to the inhabitants of SI t4o4tlich •h I ,termittiling eouutry, for their 2061.ral par.., i i ,on 2 the lase two imam hm hes Went"' Inaill,,, lir ie now prepared to 70r11141.511 ' siti:lee is iaelnitionieh lie , • , , P. T_T I. INT - I - '11 MT .Al.I.. USSCRIPTIgl. VIT()f -4 NV S,.-2 - - . • . 'ItSTEYR'S . - MAVT itAS SE Sy J,• ()heal, • 'for Oa A NOON TOR SHORTENT NOTICE. /WIT ItE 311 4II' kept on loud and mode to uz•der.. liming on hand as woortment of about four miles from Town, *rontatin-• -11111NENTLY TIlY. LADIEs' vas- HITE. ing 100 acres of first-rate hula, with, . .Fer .1 r$ . rrstOrree -good Frame 'lousens , Rar, Stables,. ie.' ,41-..th.j.- hee, Foos ta-s, fb/J S-•• Good orchard -of choice fruit trees and ""' remit' 45Ceanim Bottle, • 8old by otoots- never failing creek reunite: tarough _ front of lot. Ternis easy. forearticua ' V 1 C T 0 rz 1 A tat% twpty to • E. W;.:013rCt)CR TOILET SCIA •Conveyancerand Land Agent, G.:derieh. •. "CELEBRATED Phil:THEIR ("Niro 113 AND EXcKLLEYcle, (toed. Farm.' SITUATE in 'the Fourth Conceselon in the Eastern Laurier' ad the Township of Ashiteld. containing 1031) acres of land, . one mile 'cleared and under cultivitieno There T ,-r.-a it ar.,..lia•sr,., from the 's 0113 Box of Cia.Ik's B 41 from Dung:emote rtereo if which are is am the premises a „..,„,,,110g House and 1 • Utiiiiry Organs, to iitie ,drir One a loo Ilarn, Soil, clay leans: • f Tont of ,t, orteit int l'AiP• I! E t. Soil In Teo • COFFIN TRIMMINGS, I am preps it to, make rottins on the shurtaat notice. sia•I 031 fonerale PO the moot reason- able terms. Ikr Remember 131. 011 stant. virrEST aTUEET, opimmte the 11.1 of Montreal. Gederich. 1,12. .1k ly ExtensiveitewPreMises Splendid pew Stock. PsIJ M PC -RI - ITT." • rierf'::Li CA EEO! ! VICTORIA SULPHUR SOAP. , • 11 /17.1".•ER/Nr, fib.% NE, 1 , 1. 1.1Dfiefff. ail lbrng,ii•te,... 1:916 Fills C. Barry I, Bro. rabitlet Maki N, Undertakers & Wood Turaeru' - izrAaur..rraircitav filer. dwelt.. Mt*, I, - - .i*, illersiese Shop, ',Amin will tre ,31:::: „I:47i: r.,... is. stit...t to the 'tore nett A GOOD ASSORTMENT 1 el Isiteloot.r. I, i•ii. Ehnoicroorn. and Cif Of Fe, TARI.P144;.L1.1;..41::::: '"..II" ' • CliAllg( haiy, I. tee ender...el misled) IIKIWNTA14111.itillANDA a rtaasesta . we:I:It, i. SUBSCRIBE FOR TIIE Huron Signal, T OLDEST, LARGEST AND. BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN 'ins COUNTY OF HURON. 00441,50 Pei Annum in Advance. WHATNOTS. LOOK111:; GLASSES. • till T ERASING. 1.1.1;, 31 1 11„ thrtixamisteto %ell everything le Cheap for Oath-. 4,64,:..11,,,A.,...-1,07,1,!:;,.,6::.11:63tri.lzr.entt,041.1.17:41:14a Pilrwou.trotels alt. term*, •• A CALL,SntICITED. • . • no.hevii;.1t An ' JOHN A. -BALE.; CABINET MAKER UPHOLSTERER,. 4:c., 11 'tS pleasere- ennountiing to the pulpit; '01 Goaerich' andaitirround- aro a 'entreat:at he has started Beauties in Oa NV ILLOUN'S old stand Dolt door to the :al:sr-tie Oflice, whenalle is prepared to furnish all articles In bis !line C h ap for Cash • Luta on the sliortast notice. Pictare !napes kept en' hand and mode to °rata; Also an 'assortment of Pictures. tot fight. Well watered with Nine mile31 "11" .'"11'11 creek runtime thrteigh the lot, There [ itele l'repri.inr, e..t. i r.%1 Er. • )4., • 4, . 66 Four 2:ic ' " or 1 iiiit ' is worth $1.00. 1.1.31 111.1t AND 1011 16 is alai teooti Orchard of clioace fruit on IAP°tIlicajalL Oa. 1Nli F.. WOOleeaaa, (a; osoiticer anti Lent .1gent, ;ridelieB. the I a. Two Excellent ,Farms. sITUATE on the Gravel Road bar% tween Walton and Brusaele in the 'I'coornahip of Grey, contain'. - r each 100 acres!. A-grod Log House, 1.11rn and orchard on'each lot,. al acres cleared. Theae faints nil! be . —4_ _7;,. • 'XPORTAG1iLNT lnurge_ses, Baibidgee and Co., Col, Liatri.n. • Ifieshery and Ilene at newest,. seal. ;TrAirlity SON% 66 rsrrinvlon Street -11o01ni .ut sena,1I/Lfol4 Stry•-t. I .N:Y.,1 • Awboll the Loudon 11 ilige A0ENTS'4 CANA 'Mdirs•roll.-i.rine. Stever . and •tAi., g Oar an Street 1, i.•1 1390 .ervion, t'alt 11 • A ..3,11111gr • of $3. el0 0 0 11 le It A. •.2 • ' 11., • 1 (MIAs, ,a -.r..,4 ('.1. I.' 1 7bentyllt.-Elllott Witokeirelline' easiest ast °m.o. . k• Ham Viso.- Winer Anil to; • sold reparately or together as may 1.10 lesired. excaaera. Terms easy. THE BEST PAPER TAY 1T. For pertisn,lare a tadro to . ra WOODCOCK, • BEAUTIFULLY LLLU,TRttTED. Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderittle rHAT valuable building site, onitable ..furs, first-class Villa Residence, be- ing ciente-wad of Lots 8, 9, 10, 11,- 23, 29, 30, and 31, in the Wilson Survey of he Teen 01 Oodericlacontaining in mut blnek, two acres of laud. The abovn eligitae preperty has a frontage.eif about 330 feet on the Huron ltoisa, and is well stockea with choice fruitts. To be seld ea reasonable terms. E. WOODCOCK, office, corner of West siretit,' Guilerich. • Frost Bites, dm. - P31. Can/idiom Paia Pastroyer leas vow N.rh !s- tone the public tsr • leitethiot time, and -wherever rased is well liked, never tailing in a single instants totem, permanent relict Mies timely esti, and we helve never known a aingledimatietaction, where the sirestiiets ill440 0twafoysttylotlowed, but on the aM . 4')'W4 wink its opera/Mak and *peat inlks latest sail of Its virtuee and nidza- nol elect. We speak trom erperience In the mistte7,1tAving Meted It thoroughly ; and therefore those who are sofilhnne frotu any of the complaint. for is hith it is reosotmended,maydeeend upon it being agorae's' DOW h, The abolishing efficacy ofthe Canadian rain De - thank you; bus I ass still s miss jai stvoy,. in curing the diseases for which it is wont. testlaided and lir wonderful effects la sub/lain Ute that,' was the reply. toreows gam or Ithaltraatimaaid 3. relleving Osie.to the Stuspeasion Bridge over ' Newton* Allietland entitle ltto high rank in the Ilst Niagara ma, written in 3M'visitors. of Illarmallms. Orders are coming in from Ifoill,:oe • • silipo,amd melt, tostifylas as to the intiversal setts- )28A- Dolor. tool! ports of the countre for further sup. "Ewe -mous structur! Valuable -Town Lot *ai, 952, situate on the North side.? Weat Stret-t iti the Town iif Clod- eneh. A tiplentlid situation either for bosiness or private 6t..i t: nee. -Lot Ni. 255, corner of Elgin 'Rua: wetfingtoa Streets in the Tiara of God; orich, one (pewter of an acre, • : Lot No. 1318 on the'ittren %sad, in: tkotaown of. Gbilerili, one fifth of an acre. a The SCIENTIFIC AllIERIC its 29th year, en.oys the wid ation of apy weekly newspai ind in the world. A new Yelp° cow- nie.:ices Jar.tutxy 3. 1874. . Its contents embraces the letest rind most interesting information pertaining to the Iniltiatrial, Meehan Mal, and Scientific l'imgress of the Wasld ; De- scriptions. with Beautiful Engravingraof New Itrientions, New Implements., New Procese-s, and Improved Int frie4 of IF. -41 kinds ; Useful Notes, Theci , Siva gestione ana Advice by Pract ad Writ• era, for Workmen anal Employers, in all 11( 110% tut circu- r of tate • • Let Lotter "C" in the 'Village of MaitIondailleaor ariagend pate() "nth a geed house thereon erected and garden well stocked with hearing frnit trees. E. WO0DCOCK, Land Ageut and Couyeyaneor. er of West ER., Godericl1377 -a - _ Sb:erifre Sale of Lands. County ofilaren 1.1Y virtue el a To Wit. W'rit of Fieri taunts, issual out of Her Dfajesty's County Court Id the Comity of Buren, and to me dirtcted a-aipet the tends and Tenement" of W7ileini Sadler, it the snit of William B)wera. 1 havo. seized and taken in Execution, all the Nfeudanta right, title and interest. in and to Luts, one, two, three, four, five, 411 and aigato East aide of Josephine street, all in the village of Winghatet 15* laid down on the map or plea of lot 1`. ara!)er One (or A) ia the first Concea- mon of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron. made for Joan Cernyn by A, Bay Eva la L. S. which Plat Aar far Lendsand Tenementa I shall o mow t,, gi„„. •e, , WItm tbs conatractors stant. Toast Alt Roolows keep it Milk at my otBee dig COUitt MANN LB As bill 4W 'ere Grow ra 4 me ; sad so Sanity .iii. the Tow n of laelerich, on SeturdAY the ilttirt; afoot trybigh. Almt l.t day of Maki ; rola at lb* ws bear pans mews, hour of 12 of the crock, noon- , ay Mehays auffiok! tiol ersesosioerevreetivinazietstauee eerbirbotlettoo..(imti44 twenty eig Itnadeashuns fioord. Jorda•A-f S. Bond; Gardiner Joi. 1. Rda EtT 0 I B BON fao • * *.' Jai. ' ' hayfield , Ponothea•, la ci,rFils4v: . Sherlit of Ilttr..n. • - : I ler it now' ; J. I'ickiu•Ji Esc tob; a W. Parry, Leek- 1 - isheraa.6itoe, ,;,„1,orich, ( * ig12 • They did it in balloons ." I Don; J. M. &beats, Dimpiinon, - ' 1' ,z 2stliDk.;callit7 is13 ) f • , the onetime Arta. The SCIENT IFIC AMERICAN' is the cheapest and best illuatratea weekly paler published. Every. nulnbee 0031 - tains frem 10 to 15 original engravings of new titachiuory and norelinventions. ENG ItANINGS, illustrating Im- provements, 'Discoveries, and Impintant %Va'rs, lwrbImiilg to Civil 51114intilinegan e, hanid- 1 3CutalltirgY itvoirds of .the latest pro - ii the APplications Of Steam, Steam Ein4ineeruisr, Raileays, Ship- Navip.ati.on, Telearephv, Tele- graph Engineering„ Electricite, Engineers, I Inventors; Manufactiirers, ' Chemists, Lovers of Science, Teachers, Clergymen, Lawyers, and' People 01 .8 ia-thessions, will find the Sentionvie Atiantes5 alma tut to there. It should helm io place iu every Flimsily, Libreria: atutlf, Office, autl Counting Room; in every Reading Room, College, Academy, or School. A year's numbers contain 832 pages and SEVIIKAL He Keene ENGRAVIN0a. Thousands of Tullman are preserved for 'binding and reference. Thi practical roma 'ate are welt worth ten times the sub. iteription price. Terms ea a year by mail. Diseount to Clubs. Specimens sent free. llay bo had 01 'all News Di;a1ersA,.1'E N [1 In Cofl TITIC AMERICAN, Meagre. MUNN & Co. are Solicitors of Ameriran and Foreign tents, and have tho largest est/Os/tea. ment in the world. More than fifty thocsand applications have been made for patties through their ageuey. Patents are obtained on the best terms, Models of new inventions and sketches azarained and advice free. All patents are published in the Scientific Anierican the week they issue. Send for Pamphlet, 110 pages, contamingtaws and full directions for obtaining P61- .311.5. - Address for the Paper, or concerning 1'etents,)111UNN-& CU., 37 Park Row, .y. WAWA Moe, eer: F and 7th Sts., Wiehietteti, D. C. 13a) • VALI . COMPLETF. SUCC SS Ten Filst Pries ADVERTISE 1 THE HURON SIGNAL; '"•41- GODERICH FOUNDRY. 'f""t" 6t: To Let .10.18/er 714 . 1111P - . :1•71,073,1fr"ollr,,, .F:Itrell4V--W OR K Goderich Foundry aid Manufacturing Co., Ileg t„, inform the public that they are prepared to contract for Steam Engines and Boilers; FLOUR, GRIST AND SAW MILLS, SAWING MACHIN:1'Se_ LEFTEL WATER WHEELS, 41. Ors Hand . TUBULAR BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES; IRON AND WOODEN PLOUGHS, with steel boards, GANG PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW CU1TERS, SUGAR AND ..POTASH KETTLI,S, GRATE BARS, WA9GOilr BOXES, 4-e„ , COOXING, PARLOR ts• BOX STOVES of various lands. • SALT Plen NM TO ORDER. J aaa. Le 91 dp - Iron an'd Brass Castings. and Blacksmith Wirk. BOILERS AND sALr PANS REPAIRED on shoh, ktiotiee. tar Ail Orders addressed to the Company or Secretary will re- ceive prompt attention. ARCHIBALD HODGE, s„retary and Treasurer. 4 ROLERT4HINCIMAN, General Manager. • f Goderioh, Ont., 9th Sept., lbut3. , , HORACE HORTON, PrOsident.1 1325 17 TOG SIMI 1 -OUR •Nsoutomnatrete • YIII LARGEST NUMBER It Fl•A I aFal tS. Advertising. Rates CIO TO THE W.BELL&-O�. GUELPH, ONT. Received Every First Prize C rgans & Pere1o4e0n3 111 11,4 1,,...,-3a1 ........, Ilettliiton,• and estutral ZIiIlltlP,O0hIIa . Tbla :trawl enviers, in addition to I(it year's re- - • -- el twee 31 eda I, ... (rani of a' . . .3.1)4We/illus. 1,._ - steed 12 Viral Frisco, Pioto tIsit ott1,111strhoteut s 11. the o! ilit..n pi Tom. rdrut. j11.11es Are 41e01411,alab:y supere r 10 all bolt: Proprletostend MAUVAEI pref. ot the Miter.. ORGANErrg., Containing .flahrihnerla Pstent Qualify ing Tube., -o,.kno.i-ogesi'lty ail (4.11•1, 11.11. grt...tv.i iteproit•ent yet lutroderde. Thoer enperitirity le eannolesi by othei smarts roan 1'. feet '.bat M ,r.„,.„.. they WithItIOW AVM 111111-1111. 111111-1111. time at •1;a1,,,iivos their legibility to oumrste *illthem. i Feely hoti Ittio PI flilly N.6.1,111.-.1 ra 1. .e years. Smid ter oeletogim mailman g hIly dilIot id. ety es of IwatretestO a. • • W. (NAM. Oct. lb. 1412. ITALIA Cf. . 1340. siEl.i.IIFF'S SLE OF LANDS Comity of Hurst i Iliy s irtne of • Drit i(lien , ,....t.tty'r:::5::....7iu.,:ut.yorl...,jujr,to...orrtlitilt::::::1741.10.7tt4 l'ITterTir., meets of Moore S. Dan, at the snit of William 101,ml...in, I hare simod and taken 61/ EAn.ptI‘.n thy legniti or weeees Ion ..f the tfrfelielset Mel.", IL 11.11 ita the Noirth thief) -three ifeet id* Lot Nombre Sixty one in the village of Itlyth in the TelwiAship of Morris and thongs, of II itnin, which Inds awl Tettenients I eloill tilkr (04 Sods •4 my i 0 0.k. 10 i he (.410rt 110411641, In th-11,1111p of Lk:dm-id,. ri.00rimy the ikebeenth de) of May neat at the !eta .1 12 of Mie riselLe Ma. u 11°131.34.7‘:611. "1 irrurG . ", run. Bberiff'm ()dice. GiektIchs /, 1 IGO - 14U. l'i I. I era FOR SALE. ; t IT 1101 SPINAL offit20,11, GO y of Du. ' Smorn risFasirav PHYSlt IAN, the latest niedical work of the kin publish- ed and a most useful book to have in every house, -ALSO- A copy of Dr. Fowlers' pelebrated work iv the "Science o Life., ' Will bo sold cheap. I *5 TOno per day. Agents wanted Ii11 (Rears of working petiole of • sek young or tild,j maks tnore iffitiney at 0 • for es 11, their spare Moments, or tis 1... • ;n..st sortaias.slre. Partieulare Hem A-1 • ., L, STINSON 4• OK, 1.4siely t.urtlaad. Main 1'11( UY.P' -eel I Have for gale atfIN Fo Job Printing. .a., — ____- 2,11 kinds. of k Oaro the 4-41 4sr4iiz T ERPR1SE Thinly itinik GA battens.. is at (entry! $100,030 00. IN VALUABLE GIFTS TO BE DISTRI 1St TED 131 I.... D. SSIL\TMIlia 43av Iltuu-AssCst GIFT ENTERPRISE! Tu be drawn Monday Mtrela 30th, 1874. ONE GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE, S10,000 IN Gi One Prize ab,000 in Silver! Five Prizeie1,000 ) ,GREENBACKS! Five Prizes 8509 Ten Prises 8100 ) Two Family Carriages and Matched Horses with Silver -Mounted Har- ness, worth 111,500• each. - Tare 'loggias, Horse*, Lc., worth spoo each. Two Fine-tuned Ra ase rood ramie, worth Vak each. r Ten Family Sewing Machines, worth $100 each ! 1.500 Gold and Silver Lever _limiting Watches (in all,) tort li teeth f.a"Oto 2300 each'• Cold Chains, Silver -ware.' Jewelry, &c., Number of Gifu 10,000: Tickets aniited to 50,000 !: AGENTS WANTED' TO ARIA, TRAITS, ,t./ whom liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets 82 ; Six Tickets 81.0 ; Teelve Tickets /20 ; Twenty -Five 840. Circulars containing a full list of prizes, a description of the manner of drawing, and other infuruiatior in (ui ference to the Distribution, will be sena &pony one ordering •tnem. All lettere mist Jae addressed to • L. D. SINE, Bor86, If syr °MCI, Cincinnati, 0, 101 AV. Fifth St. 1109 NEW BOOKS, Wall 1-111)4-1', SL3., Wi4OLESALE&RET4IL AT BUTLER S I BeautifulAssortment JEWELLERY OFALL KINDS JUST RECELVEL, G. H. PARSONS & Co., HARDWARE MERCHANTS, MARKET SQUARE. GODERIC,E. , X, aryl °Oar trey, CROSS CUT SAWS, IIILL'SAWa, WOOD • SAW'S, Alin BEAT MAKES . OF HAND SA W$. (MOP- PING AXES. VAUI- . OUS MAKERS - . taiD PitteNs. . BOY'S AXES, HAND • AXES AND Bill rADAXES, COW TIES OF SEVERAL KINDS, . LOGGING CHAINS - OF ALL SIZES, . 1 Skins take u in ezchinge. GLASS,PUTTY, I j 1 WROUGHT AND :CUT NAILS &c. *ile Sign of the Lar.ir.kie CcASITC°11BBY;rre. And &large assortMent of ill kinds of Goderich. Aue 15, le/ 0 sw/ \ ' kl.-Eila -1.1EDNV :A.IllO, 2 CHEAP AT 13UTLEit'S Fishing Tackles, and to be sold' UV ALL ICS DS. O3iS114TIN0 OF REELS, 818h ICTS, BAITS UuOkS LargistPostei tothe Smallest Card . EX• ECUTED WITH . Neatness and Dospateh: ed LINEh .11 . • uperio: AND s SELLING AT COST AT BUTLER'S. G iderteh, 19th A ng., 11.70. • 4.104 Stoves' 'Stoves! 1•1111=1•111M DOOMS adjoining the Stestea selies,• aa' suitable for offices, Apply W AB R A HAM -SMITH. Clodericla 121h Jan 1873 - 140‘ FOR undersigned offer for sale theen- dermentioned Janda. belonging to the Estate of • the late kiinuess R. Howntrrsa, wiz :- Also, the North-east quarter of Lot No. 12, in the Fifteenth Concession of therownship of Sombre, in the County of Lainbton, 50 acres, more or Wm, For terms and pertaculars of sale. ap-, ply to the undersignad, personally, or by letter, to St. Coathiwines Pust Office, Boi 408. ANGUS COOKE, - AARON READ, t'lecatars. Grantham, 30th May, 1873. 1373 . FARM FOR SALE. • A Q Acres efgood land, being 1P--/ lot 2, in the eighth 'con- cession, Eastern Dirame, acres clearei. sad seeded down. Township of Ashfielaiherl is a log house on it. Terais, taaya Apply tan • THOS. R. EDWARDS, Godetich. Jan. rith, 1874. 110S6m• I'oLRSA.I,t. - A 1' the SIONAL Office," partial Scholar. 'a *hip f ors course ofinstructionin the Dominiun Telegraph Iistitute, Toronto. Will be WM at a reduction- to wren* desirous eispending a portion aof the winter in learning telegraplit, fitting thenteelven for a each' and re. .sponsible position.. FOR SAW: Goderieh, 23rd Nor, 1.,"2. Eva AID PUNDEOT1SE PIPS CISTIRN Petters. liastePtres; Le. Tate:oils PLAIN .A.P4,I1) mi rr looir A. COAL OIL • WHOLESALE ANL/ RETAIL. aar-Coal Oil Lamps, LC. ',ma Iron. Copper, Brass, .W ool P.ick i ngs and Sheep • A House and Lot adjoiffinaatlie resi- dence of Wm. Seyaionr, Esq.; com- manding one of the best 4etirs of Lake - Lake and Harbona. , Apply to • ' DANIELGORDON, Goderieh, June 30th, 1073. /1'376 For sale Clieap. rl 'HE Northerly 30 acres of Let 11, Con. 21, Township of Stephen, County of Huron. Block A, containing 7 acres, park Marwood Survey'. And 30 quarter acre Lots in different parts of the Town of Goderich, cor ramie toauttanircbasers. • IPP`' is OS. WEATGERALD, - Engineer andSurveyor. • Goderich, Ont, Jaa, 22d, 1874. 1406 • far-Particularattention paid to Town- ship Printing. Orders by mailpunctually attended to. J. J. BELL, Eoyy01•NDPROPRIETOE• Al low prices for CASH., 'Opposite L. 8. WILLSON, MARKET 4E1013SE. i 0. 11. PAR:80NR A co Godertoh. Nov. SS 10.1 Notice to the Public. THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE. A s 1 him been appointed Sole Agent in the Province of Ontario, for the Florence Sewing Machine, none have a right to tell the said machine except those appointed by me. In the Coun- ties of Huron and Bruce the following are the only authorized Agents fur the Florence Machine :-Thonias Connors, U. P. Whiffen, and lAwrence Murphy, S•ftforth; William McGaw, Clinton; L. S. Willeon, Goderith; Wm. Allan, Lucknow. Any person or persone other than the above representing that they haves right to sell, or can furniah the Florence Machine ic tile Counties of Huron and Bruce, are imposters, and the public are hereby warned to beware of them. ta• 0. C.111LLSON, Gener4I Awe ter Ontario, 1391 Feaforth. LUMBER1! LUMBER! ! MORRISH 8, FISHER, 5111 f at:61:11)i It'igraPW311.rcEes. the:1;, Ar tGh8E(ai fw Godoriel 4° kind° t0onththosecGs'shoveri: such. prepared to furnish lumber of - iiflarAgt,ioroughty...r..e..iUaiedandren1 0.o,.- iatedtemiiitieyarei0aoeitiono ofirsteiawork. .coibornrl7hDec.l873.1401 relfeLDeltor oApR:8 Ihki6TO THI01- ijFopaiatiton. 0...114r SMITH God AB 1 Splendid Timber Lot For Sale - About 10 mile;from Goderich and 1 mile from Port Albert, , rill' eSubscribm_offent for sale the NI -a of lot 1. COD. 3, East Division of the ; T0WNSHIP9F ASHFIELD, containing 100 acres very heavily tint- , bered with Hetulock, Beech and Maple, besides a considerable geautity .of Rock Elm and Cedar. The Nine Mile River flows through the middle of this .land, Which will'be very valuable for farming purposes w lied Eche timber has been tat en off. WM. J. FENTON, 1407.3m P. 0. Box 219,Hamilton. LANDS FOR SALE TOWN CF GODERICH. • 291, 340 & 341, (three-quarters 11-4 of an acre of land mare or lees) all lying, together on South' Side of Sown 911 17atik 4 Lake Huron, - most eligibly situated as site lOr6 mmeril - formerly property of Messrs Heiden & Meyers. Title perfect,wested in pre- sent owner Mrs. El izabet h Bore (former- ly McKinley.) 'ems two-thirds cash, balance secured by, mortgage at 8 per cent. paisibile as may be agreed on. Principal' titre deeds is my p..esscasi.m. Offers to be made to - • WI LatAM McKINLAV Solicitor, $c. Tha;nosville Oat. -Co. Kent. P. 10th, 1874. 1408-6w "LsoR TUE B1O06 DS TAR LIPB..-Blie Deutoioneuy, acme 23. CLAItKE'S , • We -rid Famed Blood MixtUre.3‘ Trade Mark. -"Blood Mixture." THE tif(EAT1.11.001),LIGrIER 4 RESTORER. 7 For eleautiug ar.4 steamy (5.316.54 4,05, all, ID purities. eanuet he trio Idahly remismensiind For &rattle. Sentry, Skin Diteasek'llbO *ores td alt kinds It is a severdaillaig an4d7ormaii6t . etre. ••• • It Corea oldin rte. -1 Cure,. UkieratedBores Stile NO*. Cures Disarm .st Lege. . !Cure. Risk healkorrimiiiee estate net. XetrA S,Llyvy Csret.e.,-Ms Cleers. • Ceres Mood and Skin Ditteases. t Cures Glandular swellmite. . • -Cleve the Blotid from all impure 1U/ter, • Prom whatever cause •rising. As this mixture te pleasant to the Agateand warranted free Wan anything injurious to the mint elclicate conettintion of either sea. the Pro. solictth sofferers to glom it a trial totaot de sante. - Thoessudeot Testimoniale from all parse. So1.1 in Bottle* le 3d Serb, and ta . cos - Lean,: ms tins* the quantity, Ilasach-soffleient to effect a 'winnow -at (015 3.15. great ntsjority of long-maniting mkSell, HY 1111.1. CliEhlisys and PATENT MENCINE VENDORS throughout Um wor11, oprolirieter Sk . V. J. MABEE, Chemist. APOTHECARIter BALL, LI NVOLN,ENGLAND. EXPORT AGENTS. Burgoyne, Barbidges and Co., 0,4121E2 SLOIEL, Newbery end Sons, 37 Newgate Street, Lesson. Barclay and Soak 95 Famngdmi Stleet, Londo,a. banger and Sone, Oxford lteeet, London. afi the London Wholesale Houses 1, ., AGENTS IN CANADA. 4'11 317:1:1•41.--...E;IFITarntr.'atusgiisan't14111(71.8:cer14..", Wand)tino5teee•In.Ceoll"ruggIrish:ale.l'It 1. •. , Simpler and Owen. 11,..siltee -Winer mid Co. 1 . Haltja7...—Avery, Brown end Co. Sewing Mactline, PIANO, ORGAN, MELODEON, A N AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT Showrooms, Achesoe's new block, West ' Street, Gioderich, ONL7 AGENT FOR THE "FLOR EN C E 11 Sewing Machine in Ooderich and 'leak- . tryCelebrated Matlinshek Piano from 1368 $280 i.p. T II E "WEBSTER" SEWING MACHINE, The General Favorite Throughout the Dominion: Canadian / rest n, , UnprecAei dentril Success .1;tending it- 11:vrroliere. itis STIttilbill 4 ND Dt liABIA, EASY is,, LIGHT VD WORK, HAM NO COGS Ok C•118, AR4 Will do Every Kind of /Fork, Light or Heavy. The most complete tot of Attachments( given with every Machine. See THE WEB3TER before buyine any other. MANUFACTURED I3Y THE • Outwit Sewing Machine 'Co'rt, HAMILTON', ONT. Zatr 13. 1873. 137‘.3ma , • , 13811-ly ARTHUR'S HOME MAGAZINE. . 4 TaRIGIIT, cheerful, earn eat and pro - 4 -fl gresaire, the "Hoine" ta.kes ratik with the best perocligale of the day. It is the Cheapest I irst Class Magazine in the country said more thoroughj identified with the people in their soeisiliki, and domestio life than any other. Every.yearly subscriber has a caoioe ream of the following large and eltsgs.nt Steel Engravings, one of which was awarded the Fatter Prima at the late Provincial Exhibition held in London. "Peace be unto this House," "rho Christian 0 races," "Tho A ngel of Peace," "Bed Time" and "The Wreath of liza menthes." Tonna-V.50 a year. Sample num- bers 15 tentn eacli. AGENTWANTED or Salary or Commission. Send At ooce for Cireulars to J. W. JONES, Leaden, Ont. 1396 Sole Gebend Agent, _ C.)PlEC3 • THE undersigned lowing ope' Ded 'f a new skock of • Grocerielt, Glassware, Crockary, Ac in the store lately occupied by James Brackenridge, trusts that he may 1.4, favounsd with a share ofthepublic pat- ronage. H. COOKE. Goderich, Sept. 1st, 1873. 1385e OTICE I A LLPARTIES /NIA BTED TO THE a•A &cool Office for 1.-ct k dare previous to the alat Dec. lair., regtird to pay 110 AT ONCE to the untie:earned. ABRA.HA M SMITP °deficit, Feb..5,72. sv98.7v3t e •