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.6irving Ontario
and - district news
UCW studies religions,
plan fashion show, buy toys
At the weekly meeting of the
Lucan Tops Club an election was
held for the year 76-77,
The results are as follows:
leader, Marg Avery; co-leader,
Gerry Hayes; secretary, Barb
Caughlin: treasurer, Florence
These officers will assume
their duties the first week of
April. The new leader will ap-
point a weight recorder and
assistant to help her,. Ne wish the
new executive well and hope
everyone will get behind them
and help them conduct their
offices to the best of their ability.
May 31 the new officers will be
Seniors will
fete Ilderton
At the meeting of the Lucan
Senior Citizens Club on Thursday
afternoon, the date, April 8 was
confirmed for entertaining the
members of the Ilderton Club in
the lower hall of Holy Trinity
Anglican Church, commencing at
2 p.m.
The "Busy Buddies' were
asked to have a craft display and
will be carrying on with a craft
during the afternoon.
Tickets are going very well for
the grocery draw and more will
be available at the meeting this
A letter of appreciation was
received from Mrs, Ruth Glider
for the assistance given her when
she was flooded out of her
apartment. Birthday greetings
were extended to Luther Morley
and a poem "The Friendly
Stranger" was read by president
Muriel Cobleigh which had been
provided by Harriet Holmes.
Euchre prizes were won by
Laura Toohey lady's high, Vina
Emery; lady's lone, Luther
Morley; man's high, and and
Gordon Hotson's Man's lone.
Luch was served by Violet
Hardy, Mary Mcllhargey and
Laura Toohey,
Lucan Revival Centre
Sunday evening at the Lucan
Revival Centre Rev. William
Cochrane gave the message.
Rev. F, Cochrane is leaving
this week for Chatham. He will be
working their with Rev, Ronald
Donovan at the Chatham
deliverance centre.
After the evening service a
short lunch was served hi the
basement of the church and Rev,
Cochrane gave his farewell
Lucan United Church
The message at the Lucan
United Church Sunday Morning
was taken from Luke 15 "Finding
the Sheep." This message was for
outcasts and sinners and we are
all in the same boat as, according
to the Bible not one of us is pure.
Many can be very busy in the
work of His kingdom, but still
overlook our own devotional and
prayer life,
The choir, under the direction
of Pritil Knight, sang "I waited
for the Lord", with the duet and
solo parts being taken by 13ev
Madden and Jean Jones.
`Next Sunday morning the CGIT
presents their Musical "Cool in
material at a later date.
Mrs. Froats announced the
annual Fashion Show op May 12
and the Junior Girls' Sunday
School Class Bake Sale at Glen
Haskett's garage, Saturday,
from 10:45 to 12:00. She asked the
members who were interested, to
assist with baking. Proceeds are
for the class Mission Project.
The acting secretary, Mrs,
Frank Gording, read a letter
from Helen Buston, Katmandu,
Nepal, thanking the UCW for the
contribution from the wedding
gown parade, toward assisting
two student nurses to continue
their training.
AB women of the community
are invited to' see the "Passion
Play" pictures, at the church
April 13 at 8 p.m. Mrs. E.M.
Cameron, Regional Vice
president for West Middlesex
Presbyterial UCW will be
showing the pictures and com-
mentating. It is an hour and a
half program.
IVIrs, Earle Young, Mrs. Ivan
Stanley and Mrs. Emerson
Stanley presented a very
humorous but very pertinent skit
and Mrs. Emerson Stanley
installed in a ceremony befitting
Tops Inc.
All members are asked to
remember the bake sale May 1, 9
a.m. at Haskett's Garage. They
wish to express thanks to Mr.
Haskett for the use of his garage.
It was announced there would
be a Tops workshop in St.
Patrick's school gym in the near
future for members of the
executives The Lucan Tops Club
will host this occasion.
Spring luncheon
for Palm Sunday
The Friendship Unit held its
March meeting last Wednesday
evening at the church, with
leader Donna VanArenthals in
the chair. Plans were finalized
for the annual Spring Fellowship
luncheon following the service on
Palm Sunday, April 11, when all
members and adherants of the
congregation are invited to'
become better acquainted with
each other.
The annual UCW fashion show
was announced.
Mrs. Ewart Madden discussed
the study Book with the mem-
bers and Ann Holden, assisted by
Sandra Munro conducted the
Worship Service on the theme of
zeeeut Peumaaa
More Lucanites have returned
from holidays in the sunny south,
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Park, Mr. &
Mrs. Donald Revington, Mr. &
Mrs. Murray Hodgson and
Heather, Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Robb
and Mr. & Mrs. Arthur McLean,
formerly of Lucan, now of
Rev. & Mrs. Ewart Madden,
Bev and Mary, spent the holiday
week at their cottage on
Manitoulin Island, readying it for
the Furance" (and thafis cool —
not coal, please) the story of
Shadrach, Meshach and Aben-
dego. On Palm Sunday, April
11th, Holy Communion will be
administered followed by a
Fellowship Luncheon served by
the members of the Friendship
Unit, and on Goad Friday
evening, April 16, at 7:30 the J.B.
, Philips play, "The Last Supper"
will be presented by last year's
.Confirmation Class plus others.
conducted the worship service on
the topic "Keep me 0 Lord from
Pettiness", based on the Mary
Stewart Collect, from "Serenity
of the Soul."
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Froats and Mrs. Goring and a
social half-hour was enjoyed.
Lucan OPP
seize marijuana
Lucan detachment of the OPP
this week made a seizure of
marijuana and a London town-
ship youth was charged with
possession. Another London
township youth was summoned
to appear in court for consuming
liquor while under the age of 18.
In traffic activities, seven
charges were laid under the high-
way traffic act, and 13 warning
issued,One collision was reported
on Country Road 16, one half mile
west of Ilderton, Thursday night.
A pick up truck driven by John
Grant Lee, RR 3, Komoka
collided with a St. Bernard dog
that had wandered onto ,the
'roadway. Investigating officer
W.R. Disher estimated damage
to the truck at $300.
Twenty eight general oc-
currences were investigated by
the OPP during the...week.
OPP G,P. Barker who submits
the regular police reports to the
paper added this story this week:
Did you. hear about the
chauvinistic father whose
daughter told him she was taking
a driving education course in
school? "That's just fine," he
said, "just don't let me catch
your mother helping you do your
homework!" Tsk, tsk, Constable
They're back home:
Mr. & Mrs, Selbourne English,
who spent the winter months in
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Pollock, who
were south for six weeks.
Bob Clarke, who renewed
friendships in the Bahamas for
two weeks.
Mr, & Mrs. Lyle Steeper, who
accompanied Mr. & Mrs. Cleve
Brophey, London, on a vacation
in the Hawaiian Islands.
Mr. & Mrs, Harvey Walper,
Joanne and Elizabeth, who were
in Florida last week.
John Smithers, who was one of
a group of friends, spending the
school winter break in Texas.
With the Bunny Bundlers, Kim
Adair and Connie Vermunt,
hopped around the area, selling
tickets on a daffodil cake,
realizing $18,00. The winner was
Tom Mitchell, employee at
Langford Lumber, Parkhill.
Greenway United Church
raised a total amount of $338 for
Guatemala relief, Special
mention should be made of the
generous donation of the Willing
Mrs. Ed Bullock is a patient in
St.. Joseph's Hospital, London.
Mr. & Mrs. Morley Eagleson
visited in Detroit over the
Mr. & Mrs. Clare Reid are
Mississauga visitors for a few
days with their daughter and
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Adair and
Mrs. Pearl Adair, Toronto, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs.
Hugh Adair.
By the, way: How are you
Managing the income tax
problem at your home? At ours,
We're using the lay-awake plan.
Bunny Bundle
The residents of Maple Lodge
Community spent an enjoyable
evening Thursday at SS No. 3
school, meeting with neighbours,
friends and former school mates.
games. Next party will be con-
ducted by Mrs. George Hind-
marsh and Mrs. Margaret
It will be held Friday evening
at The Maple Lodge school No.
Mrs. Sylvia Bell of Toronto
spent part of the weekend with
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Cunningham
and family while visiting her
Mrs. , Arnold Cunningham
visited Saturday with Mrs. Bob
Ailsa Craig ladies
get green thumbs
Green thumbs were much in
evidence on Tuesday evening as
the Ailsa Craig Take-A-Break
group met at the former Ailsa
Craig Public School to learn
terrarium techniques under the
professional guidance of "Far-
mer Bill",
About thirty young mothers
gathered for the evening meeting
The mothers then en-
thusiastically and artfully set to
work on their own creations. For
many it was a new and exciting
experience. When all were fin-
ished the room was well filled
with a wide variety of attractive
displays, and time was taken to
share with one another and ad-
mire each other's work while
coffee and cookies were enjoyed.
As the mothers carefully
carried their arrangements home
with them later it was obvious that
the evening had proved to be an
interesting and fulfilling one, and
the many homes in the area will
have an extra touch of charm
Members of the evening upit of
Lucan UCW commenced their
Mission Study "People &
Systems" at Tuesday evening, in
the church.
The topic studied wao
"Religion" in the four countries
included in the packet, Cuba,
China, Tanzania and Canada.
The study leader, Mrs. M.H.
Hodgins, had synopsized the
answers to various questions,
which were read and discussed
by the members. They study will
continue next month on the topic
"The Role of Women".
Mrs. William Froats as Unit
leader, gave an opening Lenten
Poem and chaired a brief
business meeting when it was
decided to buy two new
educational toys for the Nursery-
Kindergarten room and to hold a
sale of "something growing" at
the May meeting.
Mrs. Emerson Stanley offered
to make a large, soft, ball for the
use of the little people and Mrs.
George Jervis showed the
members felt bags she had made
for the Cancer Society. The group
agreed to take part in this project
and Mrs. Jervis will distribute'
TOPS elect officers,
announce workshop
I Church activities
Swimming Pool Staff Wanted
for the
for July & August
• Pool Supervisor • Lifegutiecis
instructor lifeguard
In Making application, please give age, experience,
qualifications and salary expected. Closing date for
applications April 17, 1976, Mail 'application tot J. E. Burt,
Luton Arena Manager, Box 333, Lucan, Ont,
Parkhill pupils
Lucille Blake, Mrs. Barb
Carter, JoAnne and Kevin have
returned home after spending a
week in Florida.
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Cun-
ningham visited Sunday af-
ternoon with Mr, & Mrs. Clarence
Cunningham of Strathroy.
Cancer can
be beaten
Games of euchre were played' Please come and hear the with Mrs. Douglas McNair of Musicians, see teenagers at work
a Ailsa Craig winning the ladies and enjoy the dance which will
high prize. follow the same evening. George
Some of the guests came as far Lee, Mrs. Doug McNair are
away as St.' Thomas, providing the music, Everyone is
The younger set had their own welcome. 4-H
Number VII 4-H Garden Club
held their meeting Thursday.
Nine members answered the roll
call and Mrs, Peter
present drama Geoenewegan showed hoW to
Work was done on free choice By MRS, HARRY SHEPPARD article.
Patients at Chateau Gardens At meeting of the Garden Club
enjoyed a message in speech and Monday evening at, the home of
song from 'Mr, Hans Kosta, Mrs. Hodgins the following of-
Bancroft.ficers were. elected: .president; to take Advantage .of „demen-
Mrs. Bruce Harmer is home, Marilyn Geoenewegan, vice stration given by the staff of ' after her recent eye operation, president, Elaine Cunningham; Farmer Bills Greenhouses of
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Gill enjoyed a secretary, Leslie Harrison; press Dashwood on how to build sue-
trip to Florida during the school reporter, Sylvia Rosch. Leaders cessful terrariums. Amid various
break, are Mrs. Hodgins and assistant planters, jardiniers and fancy
leader, Marie Cunningham. Mr. & Mrs. Rlaph Gray are pots. Bill explained the necessary
and steps for an holidaying in Florida, The name chosen for the
" attractive display within the " Students of the Drama Club of was The Green Thumb.
NMDHS presented a 3 act play,
"A Dash of Spirits" recently.
The "Carlton Show Band" are
corning' to North Middlesex
Arena, June 25, sponsored by
Parkhill Agricultural Society.
Mrs. Donna Fuller, Mrs.
Wendy Riley, Mrs. Ruth Ann
Authier, Mr. David Gillies, Ailsa
Craig, Mr. Dave Sheppard, Mr. &
Mrs. Gerald Charlton, Jim and
Wayne visited recently with Mr.
& Mrs. Rayburn Steeper and
Mr. & Mrs. George Charlton
visited Sunday with Aunt
Christina Stewart, Ailsa Craig,
and Mr. & Mrs, Pete De Block
and family.
BEST CREST — Silvia Giesen, a, Grade eight student, designed what was judged the best crest for St.
Patrick's School in Lucan where she attends, Ted Giesen presents her with a replica of the crest mounted on a
wood plaque. Also shown are Mr. and Mrs, Henry Giesen, to the left of Silvia, and principal of St, Patricks,
Des Desalaiz, far right. The crestwas chosen from over 200 entries in the contest. photo by Youngs.
Clandeboye neighbors meet
at Maple Leaf Lodge school
Times.Advocnte. April 1. 1974 Page 19
The column t hat's read far purpose . . .
by Scotty Hamilton
Mai( your problems to "Impact" go this paper. Ali letters
will he answered provided- u stamped addressed envelope " is enclosed, Same of general interest will be published.
Letters must be signed.ut we will NOT reveal your identity.
"These Questions and Answers based on Ontario taw,
:are published to inform cod not to advise.. Na one
.should try to apply or interpret the law without the
said and advice of a trained expert who knows the
facts, since the facts of each case .may, change the
application of the law." NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE
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It's with a great deal of pleasure that "IMPACT" can finally
write "Amen" to the "Missing records from Tennessee." Regular
readers of thisicolumn may recall that away back on March 29th
of last year, a Lucan gentleman ordered and paid for two
record albums from the Mull Singing Convention in Knoxville,
Tennessee. After all this time, many phone calls, plus cor-
respondence galore our reader informed us that all had finally
ended happily, with the arrival of the record albums 'through
Customs. We asked him if a letter of explanation, apologizing
for this ridiculous and unnecessary delay had also been sent,
"No" he said, "just the records," but he's very pleased with them,
and thanks us most kindly for our efforts on his behalf. So it's, no
apology! No explanation! and an almost 12 month wait for
delivery! Based on this reader's experience, we would have to
say, BEWARE, if you are contemplating sending money to the
radio religious group, known as the, MULL SINGING
CONVENTION, in Knoxville, Tennessee!
• ,,, q.
' - -
EA,154. Radio Thaelt
on premises
Fort..,! your RADIO-
needs — see us)
411 Main St., Exeter — 235-2261
Bob& Shirr
Hwy. 4 & Huron Pk. Rd.
Past Ta ke-Ovt gtuti, * * ett b i
Variety. 228-
GAS for LESS! 6751
8th, last, I was driving on 1
due to blinding snow and
got out, but since I was un-
with his vehicle.
garage to be repaired and I
car since no one here had
for me to get to and
to take a few days
because all the parts
for various other reasons,
long it took! When I finally
the rental, I contacted my
$445.25 and just about
his company would not pay!
mess on account of all the
I don't know what I'm
to help me?
where the other party was
expenses from their insurance
was your fault the only time
is, if your policy contained a
Endorsement rider.
# G ulf 235--
toeulfr$ 2411 w .4— o • -1,- 12 SANDERS W„ EXETER
morararmownommonmermasomminalromommuteMwemig wiorusaMtleol.m.nolomPorml.onnoo7
On the morning of February
Highway 4, the visibility was Nil
the driver ahead stopped and
able to see anything I collided
My car was towed to a local
went to London to rent a small
one available, and a car is a necessity
from my work every day.
The repairs which were supposed
took 5 full weeks (less one day!)
weren't properly ordered and
( still not clear to me) this is how
got my car and had returned
adjuster re. the rental bill of
fainted when he told me that,
I am in a terrible financial
bungling and if I don't get refund
going to do. Will you please try
If you were involved in an accident
to blame, you could claim rental
company, but alas, if the accident
that you would have a valid claim
special, Carry Loss of Use By Collective
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Your ONLY Authorized
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IN THIS AREA! Ii6 ,,.. cq....
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Eighteen years ago when my wife and I got married we
owned a piece of property jointly. Three years later we sold
this property and bought another one on which stood a
general store. Our plans at that time were for me to keep
on working and for her, ( my wife) to run the store, but our
lawyers suggested that we should put this property in my
wife's name alone, so this is what we did.
We have now separated but she has gone ahead and
rented out this store with herself as sole lessor which
means that she is receiving ALL of the rent each month
which I don't think is right, since I helped to pay for the
place originally.
I've spoken to a lawyer about this but he says there is
nothing that I can do, I'm hoping he may be wrong so I'd
like to get your opinion on this situation.
, Unfortunately the law does not look al it your way. because
you caused the property to be transferred into the name of your
wife alone a "presumption of advancement" arose, This means
the law presumes you gave her the property as a gift. Unless you
can show a court of law that the circumstances were such as to
rebut this presumption, you are out o f luck,
ex e•or, Va de 44 pte T a 6)40 Ptecarvte
P ry
T, 1019
d St e
44 I