HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-04-01, Page 18(4 tIrj REDLIMIX • CONCRETE All Types of concrete Work *Cann COW. Ltd. DASHWOOD Phone 237-3381 (free estimates) Clearing Auction Sale Of Tractors and Farm Machinery for the Estate of the late Mr. William Hough to be held at the east end of the town of Clinton on Highway No. - 8. Wednesday, April 7th at 1:00 p.m. TRACTORS — MF 65 diesel tractor with multi power steering and manure loader with hydraulic bucket; IHC B 414 diesel tractor in A-1 condition; IHC B 275 diesel tractor; Case 660 self-propelled combine with 10 ft. header and grain pickup in good condition; 8 ft. self-propelled swather with 4 cylinder Wisconsin motor. FARM MACHINERY — Massey Ferguson 12" three furrow mounted plow; Ferguson 10" two furrow plow; IHC 36 three furrow mounted plow; New Idea 7 ft. trail PTO hay mower; Cunningham hay conditioner; IHC 46 hay baler; Heraott 9 ft, mounted cultivator; IHC 8 ft. trail cultivator; INC 9 ft. trail disc; IHC 15 run seed drill; 2 drum land roller; 2 row 3 pt hitch John Deere corn planter; 2 grain augers; 6 ft. scraper blade; Aikenhead 10 ft. chain harrow; 5 section of diamond harrows and pole; IHC 35 reciprocating side rake, one year old; Mar- tin wagon and good flat rack; Good wagon and flat rack; Wagon and gravity bin; IHC 130 Manure spreader with dou- ble beater, like new condition; Woods oat roller and motor; 9 ft. land packer; Popec cutting box; 3 pt hitch snow blower; plus a quantity of misc. items. MILKING EQUIPMENT — Surge Alamo vacuum pump 40 plus, used 8 months; Milkeeper 3440 lb. capacity; Bulk farm cooling tank; 4 Surge milker units, pails and strainers. "NOTE" — Milking equipment will be retained until May 1/76 TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE — FARM IS SOLD Proprietress: Mrs. Mary Hough Richard Lobb AUCTIONEERS R. G. Gethke Bornholm Auctioneers or Proprietress not responsible for accidents day of sale. Clinton AUCTION SALE Of Feed, Tractors, Farm Machinery and some household effects to be held for MR. CASEY VAN AMERSFOORT at Lot 12, Concession 7, Morris Township, 2 miles north and 3 miles east of Blyth Saturday, April 3rd at 1:00 p.m. FEED — Approx. 2000 bales of hay; Approx. 1000 bales of straw, TRACTORS — Nuffield 10/60 diesel tractor; Nuffield Univer- sal 3 cylinder diesel tractor with George White manure loader with hydraulic bucket; John Deere 40 raw crop gas tractor with 3 pt. hitch. MACHINERY — John Deere 494 A 4 row corn planter with press wheels and insecticide applicators; Massey 13 run seed drill; Allis Chalmers 10 ft. wheel disc; Hydrien 3 pt hitch 3 furrow 16" bottom automatic reset plow; Kangskildel1 ft. 3" cultivator with leveling harrows; Vicon 3 pt hitch fertilizer spreader; Massey Ferguson 12 hay baler; Massey Ferguson 7 ft. dyna balance 3 pt hitch haymower; New Holland reciprocating new style side rake; 32 ft. George White hay and grain elevator with undercarriage and 3/4 hp electric motor; 2 good flat racks and wagons; 2 - Turnco 180 bushel gravity bins new last fall; Martin 6 ton wagon; Martin 8 ton wagon; Schultz PTO manure spreader with single beater; 16 ft. 4" groin auger with motor; 12 ft. chain harrow; Popec forage harvester; feed Cart; wheelbarrow plus many other items too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Colonial chesterfield and chairs with matching toffee fable and end table; chest of drawers; odd tables; add chairs; radio; double bed; plus other items, "SALE ORDER" * Furniture will be sold first, smolt items on wagon, feed, machinery and tractors. "NOTE" — Machinery has been kept under cover in imple- ment shed. TERMS CASH day of sale --- FARM IS SOLD Richard Lobb AUCTIONEERS R. G. Bethke Clinto Bornholm n- Auctioneers or Proprietor not responsible for accidents day of sate. Page 1 Et Times,-Advocate, April 1, 1976 26 Legal Notices Rent a Car or Truck Bell & Laughton BI 11 ti.11Otitt BY TM D.A BY Da Li K For Your Moving Needs 14' Delivery Van Available For Rem LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. ['-xeter 235-1040 311- Solicitors for the Executor Exeter, Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Vida Dunn Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Vida Dunn late of the Village of Centralia, County of Huron, Housewife who died on or about the 24th day of February, 1976 are required to file particulars of same with Belt & Eaughton, Solicitors of Exeter. Ontario, by the 10th day of April, 1970 after which date the estate 'a ill he distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. 13:14:15e 25 Notices INDEPENDENT SHIPPER 10 UNITED CO-OPERATIVE OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT TORONTO Ship Your Livestock with ROY SCOTCHMER Monday Is Shipping Da!, from Varna. Stockyard CA L L. BA YE( EEO 565-2036 By 7:30 a.m, Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pick-up 47/4t AUCTION SALE To be held for Dennis Charrette 4 miles north of Grand Bend on Hwy 21, Saturday, April 3 at 1;30 p.m. COMBINE: Case 660 - self-propelled c/w Innes pick-up, and bean attachment. TRACTORS: Nuffield U.N. Diesel 3 PIK, PTO; Cockshutt 60 rowcrop, hydraulic lift, c/w 2 row scuffler and bean puller. EQUIPMENT: spray motor 200 gal. trail type sprayer, 24 ft. booms (2 yr. old); Malco 6" - 40 ft PTO auger; int. 3 PTH - 3 furrow ace bottom plow; Kongskilde 9 Vz ft. cultivator; 10 ft. trail cultivator; land roller; Int. 15 run grain, and fertilizer drill; 4 section diamond harrows; 6 ton wagon; 136 bu. gravi- ty box; George White thresher c/w shredder and bowler, 160 ft, endless belt; Int, 4 bar side rake; Int. 10 ft. PTO binder; 90 bu. New Idea spreader; M,H. thrower, cedar posts; hayfork rope; Sunbeam lawn mower; cast iron kettle; 8 ft. boat; 2000 lb. scales; many more items. Terms - Cash Farm - Sold No Reserve Proprietor - Dennis Charrette Tom Hugh FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed. Conduct sales of any kind, any place. We guarantee you more. To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 • 666-1967 Friday, April 9 at 1 p.m. -3(W.D. Allis Chalmers tractor; CA Allis Chalmers tractor and 7* cultivator; Allis Chalmers loader for WD45; Allis Chalmers 3 furrow snap coupler plow; Case 80 pta combine, pick up, etc; 41, 1 row MM torn picker; 2 furrow F.B. plow; Allis Chalmers 7 ft. mower; Cockshutt 4 bar side rake; packer; roller; Cockshutt fertilizer and grain drill; rubber tired wagon and rack; cultivator on steel; cultivator on rubber; Cardinal 30 ft. elevator; Dobbins sprayer; FB double disc; Turnco gravity box & wagon; New Holland hammermill; snowblower; scales; Surge milker, 2 units; Viking separator; buzz saw; grain auger and motor; 200 gal. oil & tank; scolding tank. HOUSEHOLD, ANTIQUES, ETC: Cabinet Grand piano & bench; Quebec heater; leather sewing machine; grinder, stuffer and press for sausage; corn sheller; onion crates; rab- bit cages; sap pans and buckets; barrels & tanks; woven and posts; buggy wheels, hand scuffler; fanning mill. Seldom seen as much scrap metal as will be sold. Quantity of baled hay TERMS: Cash RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISERS Clinton 482-3120 olorlaraor, Booth NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY, SIZE, • ANYWHERE We give complete sale service, PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone .Collect 235-1969 EXETER y T AUCTIONEERS Tom Robson Ilderton 666-1967 * Hugh Filson * 666-0833 ******************* C. HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN L. RODER, D.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Panne! Lane, STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 By appointment please. MT. CARMEL INCOME TAX CENTRE INCOME TAX—ACCOUNTING for Farmers and Businessmen MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SERVICE No Job Too Small PHONE 237-3469 Vince Ryan B.A. GERALD'S DATSUN LTD. SALES -SERVICE LEASING Open 8 a.m. - 9 p.m, Phone 527-1010 SEAFORTH Catch the Datsun Spirit , G. RANDALL PAUL Administrative Services MAIN ST., LUCAN Phone 227-4584 NORRIS & GEE Chartered Accountants J. A. NORRISt L. D. GEE SUITE 208 497 MAIN STREET 190 WORTLEY ROAD EXETER, ONTARIO LONDON, ONTARIO NOM 1S0 N6C 4Y7 (519) 235.0101 (519) 673-1421 GERALD L. MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS: 20 Sanders E. — EXETER — 235-028), RES: 10 Green Acres — GRAND BEND — 238.8070 Bangs art, lCelIy, Voig ant Co. Chartered Accountants 268 Main St., Exeter ARTHUR W. READ kesident Partner Bus, 235,0120, Res. 2388075 GEORGE EIZENGA LTD, "WE HAVE MOVED OUR INCOME TAX - ACCOUNTING RESIDENCE TO LONDON BUT for IT'S BUSINESS AS USUAL AT "ARM ,& BUSINESS OUR LUCAN OFFICE," 107 MAIN St, LUCAN After hours please call Telephone 227,4851 London 672-5504 Clearing Auction Sale or of 50 head of Registered and Grade Holstein and Charolais Cattle, 2 Tractors, and Farm Machinery for LEWIS GURNEY on lot 33, North Thames Road, Fullerton Twp„ on No. 83 Highway just west of Russeldale on Thursday, April 8th at 12 Noon Sharp CATTLE: 3 Registered Holstein cows milking and rebred; Registered Holstein cow fresh; 4 Registered Holstein cows due time of sale; 1 Registered Holstein heifer rising 2 yr. old; 4 Registered Holstein heifer calves 6-10 months old; 1 young Registered Holstein heifer calf; 11 Grade Holstein cows come due with balance milking and rebred; 3 Charolais cows fresh; 3 Charolais cows due time of sale; 2 Hereford Holstein cows; 1 fresh and other springing; 1 Charolais open heifer rising 2 yr. old; 2 Charolais heifers rising 1 yr. old; 6 young Charolais calves; 1 Charolais steer about 700 lbs. NOTE: Cows are all unit bred and will be checked for pregnancy prior to sale day. This is a good herd of dairy and beef cattle showing considerable size and quality. MACHINERY: David Brown 990 Diesel tractor with cob loader, snow bucket, dirt plate, hydraulic controlled in good condition; Ford Jubilee tractor; Smalley 10 ft. wheel disc on rubber; Fluery Bisset 3 pt. hitch cultivator; Int. 15 run power lift seed and fertilizer drill on steel; 6 sections of diamond harrows; 1 six section pole and 1 three section pole; Alternator No. 25 PTO driven; New Holland No. 268 baler; J. Deere 4 bar side rake; New Idea 7 ft. trail mower; Case No. 105 P.T.O. driven manure spreader; Ebersol 40 ft, bale elevator with undercarriage and 1 H.P. motor; John Deere rubber tired wagon and 16 ft. flat rack; Hydrein 16 inch 3 furrow trip beam plow; George White bale elevator for repairs; set of tractor chains to fit David Brown tractor; tattoo set; grain head for George White elevator; 3 roll about hay feeders; Starline 14 ft. silo unloader 2 yrs. old; 2 steel water troughs; trough floats; electric motors; feed cart; pulley for Ford trac- tor; 2 milker units; George White 3 pt. hitch snow blower; Stewart electric dippers; 10 cart milk cooler; Beatty stabling supplies; milk cans; Veterinary supplies, hydro fencer; a wagon load of small articles. Proprietor and Auctioneer Nat responsible for any accidents. Lunch booth on grounds. NO kt5EiRVE - Farm is sold TERMS - Cash on clay of sale, 7% safes tax in effect Lewis Gurney 4 Proprietor 129-6210 Frankfin Buuck Auctioneer Milverton 595.8621 Interest Paid Semi-Annually on 5 Year Term Guaranteed Investment Certificates wcroRpLd GREY TRUST COMPANY S IIcfCS 188 21 For Rent FARM ORASSI.AND 100 acre grass farm, will pay 535 an acre and up. Apply t•setertimes-Advoeate, Box. NI/. 13:14t: FOOR NV 1'. BEDROOM farm house, preferably in Huron County. Please call 235-1401 or .234-6431. 13-18e SMALL STORE or area suitable liar small shop. Wanted in Cirand Bend for summer months. Please reply to P.O. Box 153, Cioderieh, Ont. I4c 111 K1 F B1UROOM HOUSE in the ilensall area. Can supply references. Call 262.6202. 14e We can repair it no matter how little (Or how great) i* the damage. ASK FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Hunter-Duvar AND SON RANNOCH 229.8945 vivaraswirparatowimwassar 26 Legoil Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Fstateof Clarence Abraham Heywood Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Clarence Abraham Heywood late of the Township of Osborne, in the County of Huron, Retired Carpenter, who died on or about the 31st or December, 1975 are required to file particulars of same with Bell Laughton, Solicitors of . Exeter, Ontario, by the 3rd day of April, 1976 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrix Exeter, Ontario ***************** FARM SOLD Clearing Auction Sale 4( 4( of Farm Equipment, Antiques, Household Scrap Metal, etc. For Mrs. Dorothy Bullock, Lot 13, Con. 12 Hay Twp., 3 T miles north of Dashwood By MRS. RENA CALDWELL Euchre There were eighteen tables in play at the euchre party spon- sored by the Kippen East Women's Institute in the Legion Hall Hensel' on March 23. Winners were — Women's first - Freda Boa, second - Mrs, Roy Swartz, low - Eileen Connolly. Lone hands - Marlene Bell. Men's first - Joe Carter, second, Bob Bell, low -Jim Parsons. Lone hands - Jack Sinclair, Lucky draw - Grace Pepper, Lucky cup - Verna Hay, Lucky score card - Al Hoggarth. Arrangements were conducted by the North Group. The members of Kippen East WI would like to thank those who attended the euchres making them such a success. Personals Mr. & Mrs. Art McCallum are spending a week in Florida. Mr. & Mrs. John Anderson have returned from the south. Mr. & Mrs. Jack McGee, Dungannon, visited with Mr. & Mrs. W. L. Mellis during the past week. ACTION CENTRE MART — ANTIQUES — Located on Highway No, 4 \ North of Exeter PRIMITIVES - FURNITURE COLLECTIBLES - NOSTALGIA CENI7RBEUY, SELL, TRADE — *DO-I T-YOURSELF REFINISHING Quality Wood Finishing Products Prepared With You In Mind. —Minwax - Deft -18 Century- P.V.R. —Accessories (steelwool, sandpaper, glue, etc.) *AUCTIONS WITH ACTION EXPERIENCE WITH SERVICE Complete or Partial Estates in our Auction Room or Your, Premises "You Name The Day — We Make It Pay" Drop in or Phone 672-3566 Bill and Lavarre Clark Shop Open 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Frt. -Sat. -Sun. We Work HARD For YOU People do read small ads . . . You are. PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ont. Auction Sale Service that is Most efficient and courteous. THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone Hensel! (519)262-5515 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate or Milne William Rader Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Milne William Ruder late or the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer 1+, ho died on or about the 21st day of October, 1975 are required to rile particulars of Same 15 id) Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 10th day of April, 1976 after w hich date the estate ill he distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrix Exeter, Ontario 13:14:15c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estates of Thomas Ephraim Hern and Mary Elizabeth Hern Both Deceased All persons having claims against the estates of Thomas Ephraim Hern and Mary Elitabeth Hern, both late of the Township of Osborne, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer and Housewife respectively, who died on or about the 25th day of September, 1968 and the 28th day of February, 1976 respectively, are re- quired to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 10th day of April, 1976 after which date the estate will he • distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors Exeter, Ontario 13:14:15c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Albert Elmer Lawson Deceased late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 6th day of October, 1975. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of April, 1976 after which date the estate assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. Raymond & McLean Barristers & Solicitors Exeter, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix 14c NORM WHITING aiialOROOP AUCTION SALE Of Farm Real Estate and Household Furnishings for the estate of the late MR. THOMAS EPHRAIM HERN and MRS. MARY ELIZABETH HERN To be held on the premises 5 miles east of Centralia, 2 1/2 miles south of Winchelsea. (Farm located approx. 22 miles from London.) Saturday, April 17 at 1:30 p.m, Sharp REAL ESTATE consists of approx. 50 acre South Half of Lot 1, Con. 9, corner lot on County Road 11 and Usbarne Sideroad 1A Usborne Twp. Good white brick one-and-a-half storey house which includes: main floor livingroom, diningroom, kitchen, three piece bath, one bedroom, summer kitchen and attached garage. Second floor: four bedrooms, full base- ment, new oil furnace in 1971. Also two barns, one 24'x42' and another 46'x54' with silo. Twenty acres ploughed, 20 acres in second year hay and approx. 10 acres in pasture. Goodclay loam reasonably well drained. This farm has been in the Hem family for over 100 years and is in good state of cultivation. Within walking distance of United Church. Farm will be sold subject to reasonable reserve bid. Complete listing in following issue. For information contact Norm Whiting AUCTIONEER 235-1964 Interest Paid Annually 1/4% Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Kurt Bowman, Manager Main St, Exeter 23 Wanted To Rent 25 10 100 AC RUS pasture. Call 227- 4364 or 293..3051. 12:13:14e 4114111.111111011111110.2.00101111114. Cancer funds needed now "Cancer can be 13eaten" is the slogan adopted by the. Cancer Society which commences IN, month long campaign for funds April 1, But funds are indeed necessary to make the slogan come true. This year almost 100,000 Canadians will be under medical care for cancer. There will be over 67,000 new cancer cases diagnosed for the first time and at least half of these will be alive and well five years after treat- ment, A solution to the problem of cancer is the greatest medical challenge ever faced by man. Improvements have been made in treatment by surgery, radiation and the recent development of chemotherapy but the seach must go on for even more efficient techiques and drugs. Results of treatment for cancer are generally calculated on the basis of the proportion of patients who are alive five years after diagnosis and over the past 20 years these 'five-year survival rates' rates have increased greatly. From 1950 to 1975 sur-. vival rate has risen from 40 percent to 52 percent, While the newer methods of treatment have contributed to this fact doctors agree that a very important factor lies in an educated public . . people who go to a doctor when they notice something which isn't normal such as a lump or swelling or a sore that doesn't heal or un- natural bleeding. The local campaign is geared up to go. The objective of $6800 has been set. When the volunteer canvasser comes to your door the society asks you make your donations as generous as possible. Carfrey Cann is the local campaign chairman for the Exeter branch.