HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-04-01, Page 10NEW TRACTORS die
1—Farmoll 766 D w/standard equipment
1—Farmall 966 w/cab and air
1—Farmall 1066 without cab
1—Int. 674 0 w/18.4x30 tires
1—Farmall 766 D w/roll guard. Low hours
1—Farmall 1066 D with cab, 1700 hrs. Real good
1.....Twopiump4444.643. Jdo , SOLD
2—Farmall 1066, cab, air, 20.8x38, low hrs.
1—Farmall 1066, cab, heat, 20.8x34 2200 hrs,
1—int. 275 gas. Reconditioned
1—Farmall 544 D New tires, Sharp
1—Case 730 D. Cheap power
1—Massey Super 90 gos. Runs well
1—Int. 354 gas w/1550 loader. 800 hours
1—Leyland 384 D w/Dunham loader
1—Farmall C w/cultivator
1—Farmall Super M gas
1—Farmall Cub w/Woods mower
1—Oliver 550 gas w/loader
1—Int. 434 D, power steering, 1501 loader
1—J.D. 1020 gas with #37 loader
1—Farmall 1256 D with cab. Excellent
1—Massey 255 D loaded 390 hours
1—Int. 504 G high arch, fully equipped. Excellent
1—John Deere 4230, quad range, 4 post, 1000 hours
1—Formall 656 0, 3 pt., wide front. Sharp .
1—Farmall 806-D, 3 pt. wide front, new 18.4x34 Good
806-0, 3 p,t., wide front, new 18.4x38 Sharp
1—Int. 624-0, power steering, 3 p.t., Good
EXETER LTD. 235-2121
"The best in service when you need it inoStr
Page 1Q 976. Times-Advocate, April 1,
• Boyle recommends that farm buildings
adhere to Ontario Building Code
and agricultural courses are
needed 110 positions only) for
topogra\phical surveying and the
design of tile drainage systems
on agricultural lands.
recreational programmes for all
ages, cataloguing work in
museums, etc. Some 220 positions
are available, obtaining "in-
ternship" experience in
technical, performance and
administrative activities in the
performing arts, also in
provincial art galleries.
information and travel ,eoun-
sellors. Also 12 positions es
Marketing assistants for senior
and post-secondary students
enrolled in a marketing
MPP Huron-Middlesex
Ministry of Education
There are 772 opportunities
under a programme operated in
co-operation with local school
boards to undertake a wide
variety of„ projects of an
educational nature, also
providing a direct benefit to the
community. Requirements will
vary according to individual
Board projects and the exact
locations of these opportunities
will not be announced until the
end of April.
to remember the mail service
provided by the library for any
persons in Huron wanting
specific books to read.
Joeeph Dietrich, a former
Stephen Township reeve and
county couticillor, has been
appointed assistant tree corn,
missioner in }Wren. Mrs, Gerpal
Thind, Supervisor of Public
Health Nursing, has resigned
effective March 31, 1976.
A long discussion during the
afternoon session regarding
employee beeefits led to
retaining W.F. Morneau and
Associates whe will provide
consultation serices to Huron
where employee; benefits 'are
concerned and acts the county's
spokesman when c iestions from
staff arise.
features are concerned, and up to
$1,000 each for Colborne and
Goderich Township secondary
plans. Consultants are only to be
used as necessary,
Reeve Bill Elston expressed his
regret at official notice that
Whitechurch Deposit Library had
been closed.
Librarian Bill Partridge said
that only 15 books had circulated
in the entire final month of
operation and for that reason,
had not been considered a viable
Mr. Partridge added that if
somebody in Whitechurch would
come forth with an offer to
maintain a library in the home,
the service could continue. In the
meantime, the county librarian
reminded Whitechurch readers
Civil Service Commission
Secondary school students
taking clerical or business op-
tions may apply for 175 positions
involving the re-organization and
consolidation of personnel files.
Ministry of Colleges and
Senior secondary or post-
secondary students may obtain
interest free loans to a maximum
of $1,000 to own and operate their
own summer business under the
Venture Capital programme.
Applications are evaluated by the
local Chamber of Commerce and
passed to a provincial panel for
consideration. Another
pr ogre merle co-ordinated through
the Junior Achievement
organization of Canada en-
courages students to develop and
operate low-risk businesses with
guidance from trained staff, with
some initial capitalization. For
native secondary school students
only, there are positions on
university or college campuses In
academic or administrative
departments, to encourage
natiye secondary students to
continue their education.
down, not the farm buildings,"
Reeve Boyle also questioned
the province's request that all
historical buildings and heritage
areas be clearly designated on
secondary plans.
The planning director had
pointed out that he does not have
anyone on his present staff with
the necessary expertise to do this
work, He said that to engage
consultants to do the work, it
would cost about $2,500 for an
urban plan and $1,500 for a rural
plan. These costs would be
subsidized by a minimum of 50
percent by the province.
Reeve Boyle felt this could
infringe on a person's right to do
what he liked with his own
property. Mr. Davidson ex-
plained this only gave provision
for a 180 day period during which
a demolition permit could be
withheld until some alternative
plan could be achieved.
Upon ' being asked whether
anyone within the county had the
necessary expertise to do this
kind of work, Mr. Davidson
answered that Nick Hill, a former
county planner still living in
Huron, was able to do this as
were probably several others in
the county.
Council gave approval for up to
$1,500 to be spent for the Hensall
secondary plan where heritage
Should farm buildings come
under the Ontario Building Code?
Reeve Derry Boyle of Exeter
thinks they should, and he thinks
the Ontario Building Code should
be amended accordingly.
The matter came up at Huron
County Council's March session
Friday in Goderich when the
county planning board made a
recommendation to concur with a
proposal from Perth County
regarding the issuance of
building permits for farm
buildings, Such building permits,
council felt, should be for the
purposes of locating the building
on the site with regard to road
allowances etc. and assessment
Reeve Boyle questioned this,
and said that all buildings should
come under the Ontario Building
Code and be so constructed.
There are many persons who
share your view," commented
county planning director Gary
"We have been silly enough to
provide cheap food and lots of it,"
stated Deputy-reeve Grant
Stirling, Goderich Township,
"but when it comes to farm
buildings we build to last. There's
farm buildings arourd which-
have stood for 100 years or more,
We read in the paper that it is the
public buildings that are falling
Secretariat for Justice
Two positions only — to assist
in development of proposals
related to citizen and community
responsibility in crime control
and administration of justice —
preferably graduate students.
Ministry of Labour
A province-wide construction
industry survey. Applicants must
be over 18 and have access to car.
Post-secondary students,
preferably in Business, Com-
merce and Finance, may also
apply to work in industry per-
sonnel offices — recruitment,
compensation, employee
benefits, etc, There are also 10
postions for post-secondary
students in the field of social
services, working on a project to
highlight the community and
education work of the Ontario
Human Rights Commission. A
further 10 positions for similar
students are available on Job
Market Research in,Toronto, and
at a Resource Centre, also in
Ministry of the Environment
A variety of opportunities in
environment-related projects
operated both within the Ministry
and in co-operation with
universities, community colleges
and recognized environmentalist
groups — mostly for post-
secondary students.
The Ontario Government's
special summer employment
programme is called Ontario
Experience '76, and some 7,800
jobs will be available this year• to
students interested in em-
ployment opportunities in the
broad areas of culture,
recreation, social services,
education and the environment.
Application deadlines were
originally set at April 5 for post-
secondary students and April 30
for secondary students, but the
post-secondary deadline has now
been extended to April 12.
If more information is needed
on the programme, write to
Ontario Experience '76, Queen's
Park, Toronto, Ontario,
M7A 1A2, or to the Ministry
responsible for the employment
opportunities in which you are
Ministry of Community and
Social Services
There are 121 positions for post-
secondary students with an in-
terest in the human services field
— to work in Ministry district
offices, assisting social workers,
protective service workers,
vocational rehabilitation coun-
sellors, etc,
Ministry of Natural Resources
Secondary and post-secondary
students may apply for work with
Conservation Authorities —
manual, clerical and technical
positions. Also District Offices of
the Ministry have some 1,288
positions in the field of resource
Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Young people are needed to
assist in the development of
Ontario's Agricultural Museum
at Milton, through research,
cataloguing, restoration of
agricultural artifacts etc. First
year university students may
apply for work on a programme
to aid in the development of pest
management for horticultural
crops through the collection and
recording of weather and pest
data. Post-secondary students,
enrolled in engineering, technical
Lions houseleague team
receives "A" trophy
Ministry of Health
First and second year medical
students may apply for 30
positions as ambulance driver
attendants to supplement am-
bulance services clueing the peak
summer period — throughout
Ontario, especially Wasaga and
Crystal Beach area. Secondary
school and past-secondary
students may apply for 167
positions in one of the Provincial
Psychiatric Hospitals,
motivating better patient par-
ticipation in social, recreational
and therapeutic activities. Clean Up
Ministry of Culture and
There are several programmes
under this Ministry's jurisdic-
Positions are available on
projects to develop useful
community cultural and
Ministry of Correctional Services
For post-secondary un-
dergraduates — 248 positions as
assistant supervisors, assistant
recreation officers, teachers,
correctional officers, group home
assistants, programme co-
ordinators and library
Ministry of Housing
Eighty positions for secondary
students. An opportunity to
develop leadership qualities
through on-job training in
recreation programmes of
various Ontario Housing projects
throughout the province. Also for
senior post-secondary students
work with municipalities on
community renewal program-
mes — requires strong
background in planning, urban
studies, community development
and related disciplines.
Ministry of Industry and Tourism
Employment with the 12
provincial travel associations as
Ministry of Solicitor-General
Secondary, post-secondary and
law students may apply for 51
opportunities to be exposed to the
day-to-day operations of police
forces, Students will not engage
in actual police work but will,
depending on training and ex-
perience and type of position
available, be employed in
clerical or support type func-
tions. Some positions may
require working shifts.
Award Junior Farmer
travelling scholarship
John Deere High-Pressure Washers. Cut
your big cleaning jobs down to size with a
no-scrub cleaning machine from John Deere,
We have four high-pressure washer models
with nozzle pressures from 500 to 1,100
psi. Just plug your washer into household
current, hook up to a cold water
supply and you're in business.
Come in and pick out the washer
that meets your needs.
Reg. $412.00
guests Saturday evening at the
home of Mr. & Mrs. Pete
Sovereign. They were observing
Mrs. Howard McDonald's and
Ferlin Sovereign's birthdays.
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Love and
Fayann, Varna, were Sunday
guests with Mr. & Mrs, Wayne
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Quinton
spent a couple of days last week
in Toronto on Business.
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Tindall were
Sunday dinner guests with Mr. &
Mrs. Harry Dougall.
Miss Brenda Carroll visited her
grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Harry
Carroll for a couple of days this
past week.
Mr. Gate Wennerstrom, Nancy
and Robert Tindall were guests
Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Heber
Davis, later in the day Penny
Smith, Centralia entertained
Nancy at a' dinner and movie in
Mrs. Earl Atkinson, Lucan,
Mrs. Jim Barker and Jean, Mrs.
Earl Greenlee, Mrs, Hugh Davis
and Heather, Mrs. Bob Tindall
Nancy and Marylou and Mrs.
Heber Davis entertained Mrs.
Flossey Dickins, of the McCor-
mick Home London, to dinner on
her birthday last Tuesday. huirc9rri a
EXETER. 235-1115
Ian Carroll one of
for the Lions Houseleague
Hockey teams in Lucan reports
the team won the "A" trophy
During the school break many
of the children enjoyed holidays
with friends Miss Patti Dobbs
visited with Jill Trollope in Hyde
Park, Marylou Tindall with
Debbie Hirtzel, Parkhill, Ian
Carroll with Dave Cann Exeter,
Freddie Dobbs at the home of Dr.
& Mrs. Doug Jackson, London,
Angela Korevaar and Tracy
Quinton visited with Tracy's
grandmother Mrs. Fred Land
Robin Quinton with her
grandparente Mr. & Mrs. Bill
.Quinton, London, Sean Quinton
with his aunt and uncle Mr. &
Mrs. N. Johnson and his great
grandmother Mrs. Rose McFalls
in Glanworth.
Miss Nancy Tindall entertained
her friend Kim Flood from
Holy Communion service was
conducted at St, Patrick's church
Sunday.Wayne Carroll read the
Nancy and Marylou Tindall
attended the first meeting of the
"Garden Club" at the home of
Mrs. Don O'Neil, Lucan.
Mr, & Mrs. Hugh Davis were I SAVE * SAVE*SAYE
Not billed
for drainage
mittee, Prior to moving to Huron
County, Dixie was a member of
the University of Guelph Junior
Farmers and Prince Edward
County Junior Farmers. She has
attended the Provincial Junior
Farmer Leadership Camp,
Provincial Junior Farmer
Conference, participated in
Junior Farmer ladies' trio, folk
choir and other local activities,
worked on several Junior Far-
mer newsletters, and in 1971
represented Ontario Junior
Farmers at the Hoosier
Recreation Workshop in Indiana.
In her local community, Dixie
is a Director of the Ashfield
Township Federation of
Agriculture, She is also a 4-H
Homemaking Club Leader
having completed both 4-H
agricultural and homemaking
projects as a member.
Her leisure activities include
playing guitar and piano, sewing
and crafts, teaching Sunday
School and playing broomball,
volleyball and softball,
Dixie Cameron, RR 7 Lucknow,
will be representing Ontario
Junior Farmers as she heads for
"down under" in 1977. Dixie has
been awarded the Junior Farmer
Travelling Scholarship to
Australia and New Zealand
sponsored by the Junior Far-
mers' Association of Ontario and
the United Co-operatives of
Ontario. The announcement was
made March 20 at the Annual
Banquet of the J.F.A.O.
Dixie lives on a 300 acre farm
where she and her husband
operate a beef feedlot and raise
feeder pigs. They have a young
Dixie has been an active Junior
Farmer for 6 years. During 1975-
76 she was President of the local
West Huron Junior Farmer Club,
a club which she took a key role in
reviving after a number of years
of inactivity. She is the Alternate
Director to the Provincial Junior
Farmers' Association for Huron
County for 1976 and chairman of
the county Fund Raising Com-
• We are ready to" spread Nitrogen on your wheat now.
• For your Frederick °Wheat we recommend 200 lbs.
Ammonium Nitrate per acre
• Consult us for all your chemical & fertilizer needs today!
• We have truck spreader or spreaders for rent. ,
Farmers and some residents in
Bosanquet Township have never
been billed for drainage work,
some of which were installed 11
years ago, and now totals a
$340,000 bill.
Various councils representing
the township have been` involved
in the borrowing of money for the
work, on financial terms that
exceeded their stay in office.
The mystery of the missing
money has been researched by
Clerk-Treasurer of the Township,
Bob McCordic, His initial
discovery led him to bill 118
farmers, but further in-
vestigation showed that almost
every farmer in the township was
in arrears, and some residents in
Ipperwash and Port Franks as
Council has been borrowing
money in the past 11 years to pay
the portion of the bill that the
farmers should have been
Council sometimes drew
money from the general accounts
to meet the ratepayers portions
that weren't being collected,
Council has decided to
debenture the outstanding
amount, which will require a
private member bill in the
Provincial Parliament.
The OMB would normally have
to approve a debenture, but
because' the work has already
been done, the debenture doesnot
need their approval.
Although McCordie will have to
appear before a committee of the
house, after the Second reading of
the bill to answer questions, little
difficulty is expected in having
the debenture approved,
Council will have to write off
the 09,000 in interest that is due
there because bills for the works
have never been received by the
farmers involved,
'I' o pay off the amount owing,
farmers will be allowed to either
pay hi dash or over a five year
period at the current rate of in.
HENsALL 262.2527 MITCHELL 348.5423 (MANTON 225.2360
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Alesin :THE LIQ
That makes Afesin convenient to handle and
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Afegin is one of the most economical herbiOideS.
you can use, One pre-emergent spray gives
you full season control.
Afesin is registered for all major bean orops
Field.Beans (Kidney, White and Yellow-eye
Lima Beans, Snap Beans, Soybeans.
Afesin controls both annual broad leaved weeds.
and annual grasses. The result it it ereated
yield and better tquality beans.,
FMC Of Canada Limited
Agricultural Chemical Division, Burlington, Ont,.
• Affeerilse
MINIViVat Welled