HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-04-01, Page 7Times-Advocate, April 1, 197 Poop 7 Twenty-eight James Street, a nice, friendly place to live 28 James Street, Exeter, is not just an attractive house with well kept lawn and big evergreen trees, it's a home, a warm friendly home where the people who live there happily enjoy life. The residence, formerly owned by Mr. & Mrs. N1.3, Southcott, was sold last year to Exeter United Church by Mrs. Southcott with the stipulation it be used for some community outreach program. After careful deliberation, the church board, set up to make a study on the use of the house, decided to lease it to the South Huron Assocation for the Men- tally Retarded to be used as a gr up home. After an inside paint job and Scam initial repairs, it was opened last November for three residents, f id a fourth has since been welcomed by the group. They are Les East, Phil Regier, Marilyn Clifton and Marg Kehn. With them lives Mary McLellan, their counsellor whose duties include teaching daily living skills, She also acts as a kind of overseer of all activities within the home. But Les, Marg, Phil and Marilyn have responsibilities, too. Each Monday they sit down to plan the week's menus and draw up a schedule as to who will cook the meals. They also discuss policies about the running of the home, voice complaints, talk about inappropriate behavior and the consequences doled out because of it. Every morning they're up at seven to start the day. While the person designated to prepare breakfast goes about his or her chores, the rest make beds, tidy up and get ready for work. After breakfast, they each prepare their own lunch and by 8:10 are out the door to catch the bus for ARC Industries where they put in their day's work. Once there, Les heads for the woodworking shop, Marilyn either reports for office duty where she operates a typewriter or goes to the woodworking area, too. Marg takes up her duties in the craft room and Phil goes to work in the kitchen or on maintenance, Back home around 4 p.m., the one in charge, commences to prepare the evening meal while the others may take part in their daily exercise program, budget their books or watch W. Through dinner, they discuss the day's events and' when the dishes are cleaned up there are games to be played, puzzles to be worked on, or more TV to watch. Usually, there's a walk around the block before hitting the hay at 10: 30. Tuesday evening is wash night when the girls, taking turns with the boys, go to the local laun- dromat to do the laundry. There are also trips to the library to exchange books. one night a week" Marilyn goes to the high school night classes where she is learning pottery making, and Marg has a regular baby sitting job every Thursday evening. Les spends a good deal of his spare time at his work bench set up in the basement where he works on his cassettes and tape recorders which are his pride and jov, Well on the way to building up a good selection of eight track, tapes of modern and country music he also takes great delight in making tapes on his cassette machine from records and the radio. As in most homes, Saturday is cleaning day when the house is shone from top to. bottom. It is also a day when the family plan to do something special. Perhaps if the weather's nice they may hike down by the river, or go shopping up town stopping in for a treat at one of the restaurants, Last Saturday, they all boarded the bus to London to see the show `Robin and Marion'. Sunday is church day and time far seeing friends or chat- ting with visitors who may drop in for a cup of tea which May be served with muffins fresh out of the oven and baked by Phil. If 28 James Street sounds like any other normal abode in Exeter where members of a close knit family share and care and cooperate for the good and happiness of all, that's exactly what it is a pleasant home for five very nice people. By MRS, THOMAS HERN Mr. & Mrs. Don Finch and Miss Lori Reid were weekend visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Ray Jaques Steven and Susan. Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Jaques returned home after holidaying for three weeks in Florida. Mrs. John Tookey and Cheryl London spent the school holiday week with Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Hern and Alan. SALE • Swags • Table Lamps • Pole Lamps • Fixtures of all kinds Ainsley, Royal Albert China Waterford Crystal HOTSON LIGHTING 1 Mile North Grand Bend Hwy. 21 238-8240 CHIEF COOK FOR DINNER at 28 James Street, Sunday, was Leslie East. Roast beef with all the trimmings was the fare of the day. Above he and Mary McClelland, counsellor, test it for doneness. T-A EVERYBODY TAKES TURNS and Sunday, it was Phil Regier's andMarilyn Cliftonturnto set the table for dinner, Phil places fresh muffins made by himself on the the table while Marilyn is about to put around the plates. T-A photo. Spring Looks HIS OWN SPECIAL SPOT for Les East, one of the family at 28 James Street, is his work bench set up in the basement. Here he tinkers with his cassette and 8 track tape recorders with no one to bother him. Music is one of his first loves and he is building a collection of tapes of 'modern and country music, T-A photo. .• Cancer can be beaten Freezers can pay for themselves quickly by enabling you to take advantage of meat and grocery bargains. Com- bine this with Whiting's warehouse prices and you will know that it is common sense to buy your freezer from Warehouse Purniture and Appliances Unlimited (New and Used) Sales Service 4 Antiques & l'hittos MAIN S1. 2S5-1964 EXETER FRANKLIN NO W Si 99 FIREPLACE ONLY Special Values Now On WASHERS & DRYERS 8 SIZES TO CHOOSE FROM SAVE ON FREEZERS WHITING'S TO KEEP IN SHAPE---- at 28 James Street, everyone does Their daily exercises. Above, Phil Regier shows his agility with the keep-fit equip— ment while Marg Kehn looks on. T-A photo. BUY Westinghouse AND BE SURE OF THE BEST • Laundromats • Dryers • Refrigerators • Ranges • Freezers • Dishwashers FACTORY SERVICE BEAVERS HARDWARE PHONE 235-1033 RENTAL FLOOR SANDERS, T.V, & OTHERS, Huron County Family Planning Project Invites You lo Attend FREE BIRTH CONTROL CLINIC Every 'Tuesday frotn 6i3O - 9 p,m. HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Arm St., Exeter For Information Call 235-'1014 Weekdays or Tuesday evenings All medications, IUD's, etc, provided free of charge I Everyeoe welcome MACHINE WASHABLE A TOTALLY CANADIAN PRODUCT Denim Blue or Brown PIN STRIPES Plain Shades in Navy, Green, Red and White • blazers, Shirt Jackets, Vests • Skirts, Fashion Pants • Long Sleeve Printed Shirts, Short Sleeve Printed Shirts Use Your Chargex or Mastercharge FLOOR COVERING • WALLPAPER FAMILY CLOTHING • DRAPES • FABRICS SPECIAL SHELF OF 0 -OFF SMALL APPLIANCES EXETER'S LARGEST OEPARTMENT STORE Where Quality Merchandise and Pair Prices Meet