HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-03-25, Page 12Clearing Auction Sale
of Livestock, Machinery & Household
for Ted Steinbach
Lot 16, Con. 10 Hay Twp., 1 mile south of Zurich
on the paved road
Monday, March 29 at 1 p.m.
LIVESTOCK: Registered Hereford bull; 11 mostly Hereford
cows bred Hereford; 3 open 2 year old heifers; 9 yearling
steers; 5 yearling heifers.
MACHINERY; Case 1031 tractor, fully equipped, cab, air
conditioner, 3300 hrs.; IHC W4 tractor; Ford 8N tractor,
Superior loader, Charlynn pump; IHC 2 furrow (ACE) trail
plow on rubber; Case 5 furrow 16" plow; IHC 8 ft. land
cultivator; 10 ft. single cultipacker; 4 section light harrows;
Cock.540 cornplanter 4 row; IHC 13 disc grain drill and grass
seeder; New Holland 325 single beater pto manure spreader;
IHC team mower; New Holland side delivery rake; Buehler
wagon & flat rack; Spraymotor crop sprayer - small; Fluery
walking plow; aluminum grain elevator; Shell cattle oiler sta-
tion; hog scale; platform scale; fanning mill; 32 ft, extension
ladder; 120 ft. new 3i's in. cable; 2 sap pans; electric brooder;
80 hampers; 2 feed carts; Warner electric feed cooker; other
small articles not listed; '64 Dodge sedan as is.
HOUSEHOLD: player piano; 3 piece chesterfield suite; 2
beds; pressed back highchair; odd chairs; Finlay combination
range; oil space heater; 2 hammocks; dishes; large iron kettle;
bamboo drapes; bathtub; hot water tank and toilet; cream
separator and misc. articles.
Terms cash day of sale Farm is sold
Not responsible for accidents
Hector McNeil, Auctioneer
Alvinston 898-5330
Clearing Auction Sale
Farm Machinery, Beef Cows, Heifers
and Household Effects
for Arthur Thompson, Lot 9, Con. 16 McGillivray Twp.,
1' miles north of Leury, 8 miles north east of Parkhill, 8
miles south of Dashwood, 8 miles north west of Ailsa
Wednesday, March 31st at 1:00 p.m.
TRACTORS & PLOWS: 8414 INC diesel tractor with front
end loader; Case 3 furrow ace bottom plow; MF 2 furrow 3
pt hitch plow.
TILLAGE EQUIPMENT: Kongskilde 9 L 2 ft. cultivator; Ford 3
pt hitch 29 plate discs; Ford 3 pt hitch disc plow; IHC 16 disc
grain & fertilizer drill; Ford Ferguson 3 pt. hitch 2 row
push bar side rake; on rubber; NH #66 baler; Little Giant16 ft
grain elevator; 14 ft. 6" grain auger with 1/2 hp motor; Bell
threshing machine 24x40 with high elevator and straw cutter,
in above average condition.
MISCELLANEOUS: New Idea rubber tired manure spreader;
set of scales hog farrowing crate; and other items too
numerous to mention.
BEEF CATTLE: 34 head of mixed beef cows and heifers in-
cluding 7 cows with fall calves and rebred Charolais 17 beef
cows due between time of sale and May, 10 yearling beet
HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 2 beds spring and mattresses; bed-
side stand; crib; high chair; hostess chairs; tri-lites; picture
frames; chrome table; Singer portable sewing machine in
good condition; Kelvinator washing machine; tubs & stands;
electric stove; Beattie ironer; large quantity of sealers; crocks;
antique chairs; and other items of home furnishings.
The Farm is Sold. Terms Cash plus 7% sale tax
if applicable.
Not responsible for accidents day of sale.
Arthur Thompson
Bill Elliot, Auctioneer
294-6759 Parkhill
Plainly marked sealed
tenders will be received up to
12 o'clock noon on Friday,
April 2, 1976 for the supply
of gasoline for all the school
buses owned by the Huron
County Board of Education.
Successful bidder will supply
and install all necessary
tanks and pumps. Tender
forms may be obtained at
the board office.
R. L. Cunningham
Transportation Manager
Huron County
Board of Education
103 Albert St.,
Clinton, Ont.
26 Legal Notices
In the_Estate of
Clarence Abraham
All persons having claims against
the estate of Clarence Abraham
Heywood late of the Township of
lisborne, in the County of Huron,
Retired. Carpenter, who died on or
about the 31st of December, 1975 are
required to file particulars of same
with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of
Exeter, Ontario, by the 3rd day of
April, 1976 after which date the estate
will be distributed having regard only
to those claims of which notice has
been received.
Bell & Laughton
Solicitors for the Executrix
Exeter, Ontario
In the Estate of
Vida Dunn
All persons having claims against
the estate of Vida Dunn late of the
Village of Centralia, County of
Huron, Housewife who died on or
about the 24th day of February, 1976
are required to file particulars of same
with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of
Exeter, Ontario, by the 10th day of
April, 1976 after which date the estate
will be distributed having regard only
to those claims of which notice has
been received.
Bell & Laughton
Solicitors for the Executor
Exeter, Ontario
In the Estate of
Milne William Rader
All persons having claims against
the estate of Milne William Rader late
of the Village of Zurich, in the County
of Huron, Retired Farmer who died
on or about the 21st day of October,
1975 are required to file particulars of
same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors
of Exeter, Ontario, by the 10th day of
April, 1976 after which date the estate
will be distributed having regard only
to those claims of which notice has
been received.
Bell & Laughton
Solicitors for the Executrix
Exeter, Ontario
In the Estates of
Thomas Ephraim Hern
Mary Elizabeth Hern
Both Deceased
All persons having claims against
the estates of Thomas Ephraim Hern
and M ary Elizabeth Hern, both late of
the Township of 'Osborne, in the
County of Huron, Retired Farmer
and Housewife respectively, who died
on or about the 25th day of
September, 1968 and the 28th day of
February, 1976 respectively, are re-
quired to file particulars of same with
Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter,
Ontario, by the 10th day of April,
1976 after which date the estate will be
distributed having regard only to
those claims of which notice has been
Bell & Laughton
Solicitors for the Executors
Exeter, Ontario
27 Tenders Wanted
* Clearing Farm Sale
Implements - Feed - Some Furniture
& Antiques for Harold N. Finlay
* Lot 22, North, Boundary of Hay Twp. 2 mile north of
* Zurich to the end of pavement, turn left, 3rd farm on
• FURNITURE & ANTIQUES: Chest of drawers; several old
AT odd kitchen chairs; old chesterfield; oblong drop leaf table;
Westinghouse electric washer; antique iron grain cooking . pot; Coleman range built-in oven; dry sink; wash stand;
Coleman lantern; odd dishes; sealers; large iron kettle; 2 coal
5.. oil lamps and other articles and antiques.
IMPLEMENTS: Int. 414 Diesel tractor with 1501 bucket,
power steering, good shape; Int. AC 3 furrow 3 pt. plough,
New Idea tractor spreader No. 12 on rubber; little Giant 42
elevator; 3 4 HP 'rotor, 8 cwt. lb. feed mixer Goodison; Int.
Ai- No. 45 baler with trresting kit; Int. 16 run double disc fert.
* drill on rubber; Case 28 plate double disc; Triple K 11 ft. *cultivator & levellers; 24 x 40 Bell Thresher with elevator
cutter & pipes; A.C. 4 bar bean rake; Int. 4 bar siderake 10';
)4. wagon & flat rack, 16 ft.; Bissell 10' packers; 6 section
harrows; 3 section harrows; Int, 7 trail mower; dump rake;
Air hay todder; antique turnip sower; 2 root pulpers; Gehl * Hammer mill, fanning mill; Viking 600 lb. cream separator;
4_ Smalley forage blower, 40 ft. of pipe; MH No. 5 binder; set
Mr ofsleighs; gravel box; Int. A tractor with 2 furrow ace bottom
* plough and 2 row scuffler; corn cutting box; harness; milk
4_ cans; Surge milker motor pump & piping; Reel power mower;
41T electric fly sprayer; Int. 10 ft. PTO swather; 20' x 15' - 4"
* grain augers; heat lamps; Geo. White snow blower; J.F. PTO
3 pt. fertilizer spreader; Resit 3 pt. power pulley with 90 HP
41T Gear with 10" x 12"
pulley; A.C. Tricycle wheel for row crop
* will fit Int. M or H, buzz saw; Turnco gravity box; scuffler to fit
.4_ Int. M or H tractor, no feet; Int, 9 ft. stiff tooth cultivator; 2
or walking ploughs; wagon box; anvil; oat roller; 28' 5" grain
* auger; 6 bales Int. baler twine; grain aerator; 125 ft. endless
.4_ belt; steel bunting pole; sling ropes; lumber wdgon; tractor
AT chains 14.9 x 28; Green 12'-3 pt. post hole digger; Jackall
* jack; broad axe, extension blower pipe; 4 cwt, salt; 2000 lb.
.4_ platform scale; hydraulic jacks; bag cart; many articles too
AT numerous to mention and sausage grinder.
- * FEED: 3500 bales 1st cutting hay; 1600 bu. oats,
* TRUCK: 1974 GMC 1 ton truck, dual wheels, stock racks, sell,
* ing with certificate,
For information phone 236.4814
Terms Cash not responsible for accidents sale day.
Tom Robson AUCTIONEERS Hugh Filson
fr 666-1967 Denfield 666,0833
Friday, April 2nd at 1 p.m.
Page 12
Times-Advocate, March 25, 1976
Sale and Removal
of Barn
Tenders will be received for sale and
removal by June 30 of a barn, 24' x 50'
with attached lean-to 12' x 50' situated
at the Crediton Conservation Area, on
the former Heist property, E Part Lot
10, Con. 5, Township of Stephen.
Tenders to close April 23 and
should be forwarded to Mrs. C.
Hume, Secretary-treasurer, Ausable-
Bayfield Conservation Authority, Box
459, Exeter.
Highest or any tender not necessari-
ly accepted.
A euchre party was held in the
Community Centre, Friday
evening, with Mr. & Mrs. Earl
French as hosts, The winners
were: men's high, Gerald Hern;
ladies high, Shirley Hodgson;
lone hands, John Scott; low
score, Margery Morley.
Jeffery Betteridge, St. Marys is
spending a few days with his
grandparents, Mr. & Mrs.
Gordon Johnson.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles McRobert
baby sat their grandson John
while his parents Mr. & Mrs. Bob
McRobert spent the weekend in
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Ferguson
and family, West Lorne, visited
Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Ernest
A man will overlook much in
his wife, if she just doesn't keep
him waiting.
To be held for Dennis Charrette
4 miles north of Grand Bend on Hwy 21,
Saturday, April 3 at 1:30 p.m.
COMBINE: Case 660 - self-propelled c/w Innes pick-up, and
bean attachment.
TRACTORS: Nuffield U.N. Diesel 3 PTH, PTO; Cockshutt 60
rowcrop, hydraulic lift, c/w 2 row scuffler and bean puller.
EQUIPMENT: spray motor 200 gal. trail type sprayer, 24 ft.
booms (2 yr. old); Malco 6" - 40 ft PTO auger; Int. 3 PTH - 3
furrow ace bottom plow; Kongskilde 9 1/2 ft. cultivator; 10 ft.
trail cultivator; land roller; Int. 15 run grain, and fertilizer
drill; 4 section diamond harrows; 6 ton wagon; 136 bu. gravi-
ty box; George White thresher c/w shredder and bowler, 160
ft. endless belt; Int. 4 bar side rake; Int. 10 ft. PTO binder; 90 '
bu. New Idea spreader; M.H. thrower, cedar posts; hayfork
rope; Sunbeam lawn mower; cast iron kettle; 8 ft. boat; 2000
lb. scales; many more items.
Terms - Cash Farm - Sold No Reserve
Proprietor - Dennis Charrette
Clinton 482-3120
Of farm equipment for Merelea Farms, 2 miles south of Clinton on highway #4 and
21/2 miles west on
Wednesday, March 31 at 10:30 A.M.
TRACTORS — Int. 4166 Turbo 4 wheel
drive, 150 hp, 1300 hrs., hydraulic draw
bar PTO, 23.1.30 tires, fully equipped, 4
extra 18-4-31 tires and rims; int. 806 4
wheel drive diesel, Cork amp, high low
PTO in excellent condition; int. 656
Farmall, Cork amp, PTO, 3 PtH, 2700
hrs., c/w four row #468 front mount
cultivator; Massey Ferguson Industrial
30 diesel tractor, tork convertor
transmission, N ,34 Industrial loader,
220 Backhoe, 16" and 24" buckets, 500
TRUCKS—Ali trucks certified. 1972 GMC 6500 tandem full air, 427 engine, 5 and 4
transmission, boston seats, fully equipped, 18' x B' x 6' all steel grain box with pole
hoist; 1970 Int. 392 engine, full air, air lift tag-axle, 18' Aluminum grain box fitted
tarp, pole hoist; 1974-4 wheel drive 3/4 ton Jeep, automatic transmission, 401 - 4
barrnw. AAA/FM stereo tape deck, 2 sets 950x16x5 tires, 8000 lb. springs.
1971 White Freightliner with 318 Detroit engine, 38,000 lb. rear axle, sliding. 5th
wheel, new tires and Bokon Air ride seats.
TRUCK SALES — Sentek 25,000 lb. single axle electronic scales with digical
readout (new).
COMBINE — Massey Ferguson 750
diesel, fully equipped 23-1-26 tires, 2
speed inertia cylinder straw Chopper, 2
yr. old 6 raw #63 corn head, 13' grain
head and reel, 10' #1342 Apron pickup,
all quick hitch attachment heads.
SWATH E R — Versatile hydrostatic 400 swather 15' header, hay conditioner pickup
reels, 2 yrs; old.
FERTILIZER SPREADER — Tote 4 toriPTO c/w stainless steel box. ,
ROCK PICKERS—Anderson rock picker reel type c/w hyd. lift dump bin; Harley
20' PTO rock windrower c/w hyd. cylinders; 8' loader type rock picker; 16' Turnco
land leveler.
PLANTERS — int. 400 6 row air planter c/w monitor dry fertilizer, Liquid
fertilizer attachment for 6 row John Blue liquid fertilizer pump; J.D. series 1290 - 8
row plateless planter c/w monitor dry insecticides attachments, dry fertilizer,
cross top fill auger.
PLOWS — I nt. 7 furrow trail plow 16" bottoms, automatic reset c/w hyd. cylinder;
Int. 6 furrow trail plow 16" bottoms, trip beams; int. 3 NH 4 furrow 14" trip
CULTIVATORS— int. 25' vibra shank c/w following harrows, 25 extra shanks and
teeth; Kent cultivator 30' with 4" tooth spacing (1 yr. old); 121/2' J.F. 3 PtH with
levelers; Int. 16' trail cultivator hyd. lift; Melroe 26' tine harrows; Turnco 3 PtH
18' tine harrows; 6 section diamond harrows and bar; 13' chain harrows and bar
(new).; 8 row Wesgo rowcrop cultivator c/w hyd. wings.
SPRAYERS — George White two 200 gal.-saddle tanks c/w pump and 25"booin to
fit 4166 tractor; Calsa 400 Gal. tandem sprayer c/w 4 piston pump 30' booms; Calsa
200 gal. trail sprayer hypro pump 30' booms; 3 Monark 2" liquid pumps with 31/2 hp
gas motor.
IMPLEMENTS AND MISC — Allied 28'7" auger; M.F. 5' rotary 3 PtH 'tower;
Lucknow 6' snow blower (new); 8' 100 hp 3 PtH blade; 30' bale elevator; 311
Cockshutt 4 bar side rake; 6' 3 .. PtH blade; 3 land rollers; trailer with hyd. dump;
Horst 8 ton wagon; Turnco 135 gravity box; 12' fertilizer auger; M.F. front mount
cultivator for 165-175 tractors; cultivator for Super C tractor; 100' 6" H.D. auger;
7 1/2 hp motor; 700' 1/2" cable; 2 Ritchie 4' heated bowls; 1400 gpl. tank; Labtronics
#919 Moister tester; 14A weigh scales; Radson moister tester; Farm Implement
cattle pen and squeeze; lumber; wood fence post; speed lack; cement mixer.
SMALL ENGINES —Moto ski Ms 18 snowmobile; 1972 -634 Yamaha, electric start
with 2 seater caboose; 750 pioneer chain saw; Homelight XL 12 chain saw.
SHOP EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS — Aico-matic hose coupling machine and
accessories; 50 lb. pressure greaser; quantity of new steel; bolts; 4 tractor radios;
hyd. cylinders; many more items.
AUCTIONEERS COMMENTS — This is an outstanding offering of modern and
well maintained farm machinery that should interest every farmer. From 60Hp to
the 150 Hp range. All equipment ready to work for you, so plan to attend. Early
viewing any time.
For further information
Terms — Cash
Phone Rathwell's at 519-482-3120
Farm — Sold No Reserve
Please supply own personal cheque
Lunch booth on grounds
Paddle Bidding
Everyone must register at office
Robert Grunewald
Merelea Farms Ltd.
Rarnweirs Auction Service
Auctioneers a- Liquidators — Appraisers
40 miles north of London on Highway #4
Watch for signs
covering women's work,
evangelism, education and
service. She was assisted by Mrs.
Eldon Allen, Mrs. R. Laing, Mrs.
J. Carey and Mrs. Carter Ker-
Mrs. Gordon Scott read the
parable of the talents from
Matthew followed by prayer.
Mrs. N. Harburn had a contest on
the words that can be made from
Visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Otto
Walker were Mr. & Mrs. Grant
Erwin, George and Caroline
Erwin, Putnam, Harry
Statham, Parkhill, and Alvin
Cornish, Hay Post Office.
Margaret Laing and Floyd
Upshall are among the grade XII
students from Mitchell District
High School who are taking a
week's holiday in Spain and
Mrs. Bruce Cleland, Bob and
Pauline, Listowel, attended the
Nindner-Laing wedding recep-
tion Friday night, and visited
relatives in the community on the
Visitors with Mrs. John Jef-
ferson were Mr. & Mrs. John
Jefferson, Cameron, Ian, and
Cathy, Sault Ste. Marie, and Mrs.
Charles Laforge, Chuck and
Denny, Windsor.
* IMPLEMENTS: MH #44 tractor; MH Mustang tractor; Oliver ,4
2 wheeled spreader on rubber;Kelsa 3 pt 100 gal. sprayer; 4T
MH 15 run drill on rubber; Farm Hand mix mill #810; MH 3 pt
* 3 furrow plough; Int. #93 self propelled combine 8 Y2 ft. head
10 ft. capacity equipped for grain and beans with pickup; 2 -
49- 8 ft. wooden hog feeders; 12' grain auger 5 inch; PTO grass Id,.
* seeder; 2 steel safety baskets for upright elevator leg; John _A"
.14._ Deere 4 row Flexy corn planter; John Deere 15 run drill; Taul Jr'
11 1/2 ft. cultivator; JF 14'/2 ft. cultivator with harrows; Triple IL,
K corn plough with cover boards and adjustable from 14"-
- 1 year old; Krause 11'/2 disc like new; 2 Gehl *-
AI` forage boxes on 9 ton wagon excellent condition; Turner 12'
* packer like new; 3 drum roller Jamesway silo unloader with 5
HP motor excellent shape; 5 HP riding lawn mower; 500 steel *
Jr fence posts; 200rodnewwoven fence; numerous other articles. *
To AUCTIONEERS Hugh Filson * *6m Robson66-967
Denfield 666-0833 *
*****fir************* `° •
Mrs. John Templeman was
hostess and Mrs. Larry Gardiner
presided for the March meeting
of the Marian Ritchie Evening
Auxiliary, Tuesday night. The
meeting opened with a reading
'awareness', followed by the roll
call, 'Cheer', which was an-
swered by thirteen members,
Jean Carey presided for the
business when invitations to
Thames Road UCW, April 5, and
Mitchell Presbyterian WMS,
April 25, were read.
For the topic, Mrs. Templeman
read signs of Spring in the Used-
To-Be. Mrs. John Miller was in
charge of the study book on the
work of the church in Taiwan
Visitors at Cromarty
Clearing Auction Sale iK
of Machinery, Etc.
4( for Mr. B. H. Van Steeg, Lot 10, Con. 1 Hay Twp., 2'/2
.4( omf i Hleesnnsoariti.h of Exeter on No. 4 Highway, 2 1/2 miles south .4(
Wed., March 31st at 1 p.m.
41( TRACTORS: 175 M.F. diesel; Allied loader for 175 (like new); k,
16ecitti 5 M.F.drsierl, 3 yrs. old; 50 M.F. gas tractor, (like new); h 114
HARVESTING EQUIPMENT: M.F. 300 self propelled corn- 4(
• bine equipped for beans, straw cutter, pick up, etc„ Ferguson 4(
side rake, 3 pt. hitch on rubber; M.F. 3 pt. hitch mower; 40 ft,
11( elevator equipped with p.t.o. or motor; 4 in. auger with 11,
1, motor; rubber tired wagon with flat rack; rubber tired wagon .9(
lk with rack and hoist.
41( TILLAGE & SEEDING: 3 furrow 16" 3 pt hitch M.F. plow; 3 .4
furrow 14" 3 pt. hitch M.F. plow; M.F. 8 ft. 3 pt. hitch double
* disc; Kongskilde 11 ft. cultivator; Kongskilde type 10 ft. *
/L cultivator; Ferguson 9 ft. cultivator; steel roller; harrows; 3 pt. _A
hitch fertilizer spreader; J.D. 4 row corn & bean planter; M.F.
15 run grain drill on rubber; older M.F, grain drill; 8 ft.
• cultivator; M.F. pto manure spreader; New Idea manure
"'W spreader. 1 Allis Chalmers 12' disc, 32 plate.
* MISC.: M.F. roto tiller; 3 pt. hitch grass seeder; electric
5 motors; farrowing crates; feeders; steel posts and snow fence;
40 ft. extension ladder; etc.
*...A Terms: Cash Booth
4( Hugh Filson AUCTIONEERS Tom Robson
666-0833 Ilderton 666-1967
Clearing Farm Sale
Implements, etc.
For Tom Fleming, lot 4, concession 12 McGillivray Twp., *
2 1/2 miles south east of Mt. Carmel 5 miles west of No. 4*
highway, 8 miles north of Ailsa Craig.
Thursday, April 1sf at 1:30 p.m.
Of Modern Farm Machinery
will be held for
Lot 10, Con. 7 Kinloss Twp., 5 miles north of Lucknow at
Holyrood, Ontario
Saturday, March 27
at 10:30 a.m.
ORDER OF SALE — Starting with Smaller Articles then
Tractors, Tillage, Harvest Equipment
TRACTORS: 210 A.C. tractor with cab and 23.5x32 tires; XT 190
A.C. tractor with cab and 18.4x38 tires; WD 45 A.C. tractor with
rebuilt engine; 4 wheel drive Trojan loader with cab and 1' yd.
bucket; 180 A.C. tractor.
TILLAGE & SEEDING EQUIPMENT: A.C. 7 furrow plow - 16" bot-
toms and aut. reset; J.D. 20' BWF disc with heavy duty plates; 18'
Int. vibra shank cultivator; 12' chain harrow; 7' plough harrow; J.D,
12'spring tooth harrow; A.C. 6 row 30" corn planter; hydraulic fer-
tilizer auger; 12' land packer; 5 section diamond harrow and pole;
Kongskilde cultivator for scuffling corn; 15' land leveller 17 run JD
HAY & HARVEST EQUIPMENT: Calsa weedsprayer, 21 ft. boom,
tips & gun; 1600 gal tank on 1957 Int truck in running order; 235
bus. gravity bing; 3 row 30" Hesston harvester, all controls (Model
2000-150); 54" Owatonna blower; 1975 60" Kools blower with 55
feet of pipes & hood; 1975 Gehl forage dump wagon, 605 cu, ft,
complete with hose.
HAY & HARVEST EQUIPMENT: 1975 hydraulic dump platform
complete with pump and reservoir; 10 ton Int, wagon (1100x16
tires) with A.C. forage box; International 1800 Loadstar truck with
15 ton hoist; J.D, 5 ton wagon and rack; Bale stooker-loader and
24' elevator with motor; silage conveyor; 6"-44 ft, grain auger; 14'
AC rotary mower.
MISCELLANEOUS: 400 bus, manure spreader on Int. tandem truck;
100 bus. Owatonna mobile mix mill; 10 units silage blend corn; 3
silage carts; 3 pt. hitch post hole digger 14"; snow blower; 8207
A.C. tractor lawn mower; garden tractor; 225 amp Lincoln electric
welder; 1 h.p. electric grinder; 6 round hog feeders; complete set
acetylene torch etc.; 2, 4 ton bulk feed tanks; 1, 4 ton wooden feed
box (divided); 2, 500 gal tanks (need small repairs); 1, truck box 14'
long; 1, new super 6 Smedley feeder, 45 bus, cap.; 1 set hog scales•
(beam and crate); 1 Daisy water bowl (new); 1 Pride of the Farm
electric cattle waterer; anvil, welding table, vise etc.
Numberof steel water troughs; quantity of various piping and shaf-
ting; bbot for elevator leg; heavy dual rear axle 10x20 tires wheels;
30 gal air tank and compressor unit; shallow well pump and 30 gal
tank; chain saw; Lawnboy lawn mower; sump pump; 10 h.p. 3 phase
motor, like new; 30 gal. automatic transmission type A oil; Prestone;
hydraulic brake fluid; 5 cases of D3 Mobile oil, filters etc.; 71 Dodge
gas tank, 15" wheels and rear brake drums, sun deck and aluminum
skirt for 12x60 trailer; 32 ft, wooden extension ladder; tools; wheel
puller; 3/4 " sockets; Jackall bars and lumber; 1966 Van as is running
in fall last year; 1964 Volvo, running last summer, as is; steel office
desk and chair; 1 set 30"x21" heavy duty rims; 1 set 18.4x30" tires
and tubes; 1 set 18.4x38 dual wheels (hubs & wheels complete); 1
used 16.9x30 tire; 1 pair 12x28 tires & wheels complete; 1 set 18.4x-
28 tractor chains (need repair); 1 only 18.4x38 tractor chain (new);
19 ton self feeder for cattle (new); mineral and coral spray; 2 set
300 lb. wheel weights; quantity of windows and sash; 5'x9' pool
table with slate bottom, motor cycle; other articles too numerous to
Sale Could Be Held Under Cover In Case Of Bad Weather
(Farm Sold)
Owner or Auctioneer Will Not Be Held Responsible For Any Accident
That May Occur Sale Day.
Grant McDonald, Ripley, Phone 395-5353
Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater, Phone 392-6170