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LEARNING FOR LENT means learning how to crochet for some Lucan ladies. Above, Iola Goring ides out
the first basic stitches while instructor, Bernice Maslen helps Mabel Froats get started on her work. The
Lenten series continues for another three weeks at the United Church.
Good start for Lenten series
many join crafts 1174,1t.
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Members of the Lucan Senior
Citizens' Club met on Thursday
afternoon in the Masonic Hall,
with the Sunshine Group mem-
bers enjoying euchre and a table
Church service
"By What Authority?" an
Exposition of Acts 4:7, was the
theme . chosen by Rev. Ewart
Madden for the Sunday morning
service in the Lucan United
, Church.
Peter's strength lay in the
mighty will of God, by whose
authority and power he was able
to perform the miracle.
Mr. Madden was assisted in the
service of Mr. Pat Gillespie, one
of the leaders of LCUCYG
(Lucan-Clandeboye United
Church Youth Club) who read one
of the lessons, and invited the
congregation to attend the
presentation of "Light Shine" at
Announcement was made of
the Friendship Unit Fellowship
Smorgasbord, following the Palm
Sunday service on April 11 and
the 2nd presentation by the CGIT
of "Cool in the Furnace" at the
11:15 service on Sunday, April 4.
Mrs, Madden UCW Program
Chairman, announced the con-
tinuaton of the "Learning for
Lent" series, to which everyone
is invited with handcrafts and
Bible Study and Childcare each
Thursday morning, except the
25th, from 9:30 to 11:30.
Flowers in the sanctuary were
from the funerals of the late Earl
McFalls and Mabel Hockey.
Sympathy is extended to the
Lucan Seniors, meet
Among Lucanites who have
returned from holidays in
Florida, are: Mr. & Mrs. Jack
Lankin, Mr. & Mrs. John Park;
Mr. & Mrs. M.H. Hodgins. Mr. &
Mrs. Gordon Brooks & Mr. &
Mrs, Donald Revington. While
there Mr. & Mrs. Park en-
tertained 20 friends and relatives
from the area and Sarnia, at the
home of Mrs. John H. Dewey,
Palm Beach,
Mrs. Ewart Madden, Mrs,
William Froats and Mrs. M.H.
Hodgins attended a Middlesex
Presbyterial UCW Workshop in
Lambeth United Church, on
The North-West Regional UCW
Executive met on Thursday
morning in Ailsa Craig United
Church to plan the Regional
Meeting. The date set was
Monday, May 10th, commencing
with a smorgasbord supper at 6
p.m, in Ailsa Craig United
Church. The theme will be the
"UCW new look - 76."
Learning for Lent got off to a
good start at the Lucan United
Church, Thursday morning, with
about 20 women registering for
the four week program.
For the first part of the mor-
ning, each person chose one in-
terest group. Those who wished
to learn the art of quilting worked
Your 1975 Income Tax Guide has
been written to make completingyour
tax form less difficult than you might think.
In most cases, all you have to do is
follow the blue section starting at the front
of the guide. It will lead you through
the tax font and schedules step by step.
Sunday morning at the Lucan
Revival Centre Miss Janis Kestle
sang a solo entitled "For those
tears I died."
As it was Worrien's Auxiliary
Sunday, the Women of the Church
took care of the complete service.
The special guest speaker was
Mrs. G.H. Nunn of Toronto. She
spoke on the "Family."
Mrs. Nunn also sang
"Something worth Living for."
Sunday evening Mr. G.H.
Nunn showed slides from his trip
to Cuba last April. He •told the
congregation of the situations he
saw in Cuba. Mr. Nunn did not go
On February 26, 1976 the
Honourable Daniel J. Mac-
donald, Minister of Veterans
Affairs announced that the
Government will introduce a Bill
designed to provide special
compensation for former
prisoners of war.
The Bill is expected to provide
additional benefits for former
prisoners of war of the Japnese,
most of whom were captured at
the fall of Hong Kong on
Christmas Day 1941 and were
kept in captivity until the end of
the war. They suffered severely
at the hands of their captors and
the results of malnutrition,
cruelty, torture, indignities and
conditions of imprisonment have
had a marked and lasting effect
upon them. There are ap-
proximately 1,140 former
prisoners of war of the Japanese.
In addition the proposed Bill
will provide similar com-
pensation, but to a lesser degree
and on a sliding scale related to
the period of time spent as a
prisoner of war to those who were
captured during or after World
War II. There are between 6,000-
7,000 former prisoners of war of
the Germans, Italians and North
Koreans who would be affected.
Those who were captured at the
time of the Dieppe raid and who
were shackled and suffered other
maltreatment and personal in-
dignities and who had been a
prisoner of war for over 21/2 years
will receive a greater benefit
than those whose incarceration
was for lesser periods.
The Government's decision to
provide special compensation
follows from a study on the ef-
fects of imprisonment during
World War II by Dr. J. D. Her-
mann and consideration of his
report by the Standing Com-
mittee on Veterans Affairs, The
compensation payable, which
will be of benefit to former
prisoners of war and their
families will be indexed to keep
pace with changes in the Con-
sumer Price Index. The initial
reaction of Veterans
Organizations arid Opposition
Parties is one of considerable
satisfaction that the Government
has recognized the problems and
suffering of former prisoners of
Branch 540's 3rd annual cheque
draw is well under way and for
the information of all par.'
ticipants here are the naffieS of
the winners of the $100.00 draws.
January - Miss Andrea Vahey,
drawn by Harold Mason, ,Kin-
cardine; February - Mr. Tom
Pickles, drawn by Bill Sirripson,
London, Our congratulations to
these lucky people.
of bridge and the Busy Buddies
carrying on with their craft
Euchre winners were: High
lady, Margaret Elliott, high man,
Rose Atkinson, playing a man's
card, lone hands lady, Vina
Emery, and man, Joe Carter.
During the business meeting,
chaired by president, Muriel
Cobleigh, it was decided to
prepare draw tickets for a $25,00
box of groceries and a second
draw for a $10.00 box tickets to be
ready for the next meeting.
Everyone enjoyed the
Icecapades and a letter of thanks
will be sent to the Lucan and
District Lions Club.
A new member was welcomed,
Lois Thompson from West
Birthday wishes were extended
to Gertrude Hodgins, Lava
Toohey and Myrna O'Neil from
last week and Rita Robb,
Florence Hodgins and Stewart
Munro for this week.
Plays to be presented by
Huron Country Playhouse, this
summer were reviewed and
members will decide shortly
which play they prefer to see.
An invitation to be extended the
the' senior's club at Ilderton was
discussed and a tentative date,
April 8th, was set.
Ltinch was served by Rachel
Tuke, Pearl Shoebottom and
Emma Langford, and a poem
provided by Marjorie Steeper,
"Forgive Me When I Whine",
was read by the president.
Bowling continues each
Tuesday from 2-4.
with a tour so travelled quite a bit
around the island. The things he
saw were not good, He suggested
that the country has virtually
gone downhill since the
There was no underground as
some people have thought in
Cuba. The people are allowed to
have their own denominational
churches. However, churches are
not allowed to be repaired and
new ones cannot be built. Also in
order to have special church
meetings, the churches must get
written permission from the
With the coming of Spring we
notice the tulips are beginning to
peek through and before long
Canada will be ablaze with the
Royal Canadian Legion 'Golden
Anniversary' Tulip. It is felt that
while these tulips are in bloom,
many will wish to obtain some
bulbs for planting in the fall of
1976 — here is the good news.
Command has been in touch with
our suppliers in Holland and they
are willing to supply us with
more. Now if you wish to obtain
some please place your order -
with the Branch Secretary prior
to June 30, 1976. The price will be
— Please turn to Page 2-2
under the guiding eyes of Mrs. A.
E. Reilly and Mrs. M. H.
In the crocheting room, Mrs.
Leonard Maslen and Mrs. Jim
Burt piloted would be crocheters
through the basic steps of that
Those wishing to learn the art
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Haskett
have returned from a holiday in
Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Mr. & Mrs. John Park, Dr. &
Mrs. Leonard Lobsinger, Mr. &
Mrs. Arthur McLean and Mr. &
Mrs. Jack Lankin, four
Revington •sisters and their
husbands, enjoyed a cruise to
Nassau and Freeport, while
holidaying in Palm and West
Palm Beach recently. Mr. & Mrs.
Jack Steacy, formerly of Lucan
accompanied their friends.
Note: Secretaries for
organizations - Why not phone
235-1331 giving your report? This
will help your organization
publicize its activities and make
the Lucan page more interesting.
1%624 DISASTER 'X414
Revenu Canada
Olen. Bud Cullen
UCW Unit I held their March
meeting which was postponed
from last week, at the home of
Mrs. Austin Hobbs on March 10.
Miss Mabel McNaughton
presided and opened the meeting
with the hymn Fight the Good
Fight, followed by the scripture
Luke 14 from which the theme for
the meditation was taken "A
christian is the salt of the Earth."
What to do about the World Day
of Prayer was discussed, which
was cancelled owing to the
blackout, Bean Luncheon which
will be held at Wesley Church on
Sunday March 28. This is a joint
project of Granton and Wesley
Charges, the proceeds will go to
the World Development Fund.
The program was presented by
Mrs. C. McRobert and Miss
McNaughton, Mrs. McRobert
The Lucan detachment of the
OPP investigated 10 traffic
altercations this week and laid
one charge under the Narcotics
act this past week.
+ + +
A man has been summonded to
appear in Criminal Court on the
narcotics charge which stems
from an investigation by Exeter
The Exeter detachment in-
vestigated a case, made an arrest
which summarily led to the
arrest of the Lucan man.
Wednesday, Susan Gebel, 16, of
Lucan was injured in a two car
accident when she was travelling
in a car driven by Barbara
England of Alice Street in Lucan,
The England car was struck by a
vehicle driven by Wayne Hall of
Main St. in Lucan. His car
sustained $300 damage; the
England car $800.
Miss Gebel's injuries were not
+ + +
When his car hit a telephone
pole, Leroy H. Hern, of Exeter
had $200 damage done to his car,
March 10.
read a paper on Jerusalem
dealing with Jesus attendance at
the Last Supper and His betrayal.
Miss McNaughton read a poem
entitled "If God went on Strike."
Rev. McNally gave a reading
"What is a farmer" and closed
the meeting with the Benediction.
Grace was sung at the table and
the hostess was assisted in ser-
ving lunch by Mrs. C.B. Westman
and Mrs. Earle Middleton.
Mrs. William Lambert was the
hostess for unit 4 for their
meeting, which was also can-
celled the previous week, on
account of weather conditions.
March 10.
Mrs. Nelson Tate presided and
opened the meeting with worship
and the Meditation "A Christian
is the Salt of the Earth."
The Bean Luncheon was
discussed in aid of World
Ontario, was involved in an ac-
cident which caused $500 to his
One driver, Mary Case,
Ingersoll received fractures, cuts
and bruises and was sent to St.
Joseph's Hospital, London, by
ambulance after a tractor trailer
driven by Nello J. Digennaro,
Mississauga was in collision with
her car. Damage amounted to
approximately $30000 to both
Richard Steven Halford
London, lost control of his car and
went off the road causing $2100
He received no injuries.
+ + +
Vincerzo Dandrea, London lost
control of the vehicle he was
driving on icy roads, Friday.
There was only $25 damage.
+ + +
In another single vehicle ac-
cident, $400 damage was done to
the car driven by Genevieve
Madden, Goderich.
+ + +
Losing control of her car, Linda
M. Smith, Thorndale, ran into a
farm fence owned by Sam Napton
and damaged it to approximately
$50. $800 damage was caused to
the car.
Development and Relief.
Owing to the absence on ac-
count of sickness of the regular
program conveners, the lunch
committee also gave the
program, the subject was
,Jerusalem and dealt with
Christ's entry into that city, the
Last Supper and the betrayal of
Lunch was served by the
hostess assisted by Mrs. Gerald
Dann and Mrs. Reg. Crawford,
4-H news
The meeting of the 4-11 club "A
touch of Stitchery" was held at
the home of Brenda and Diane
Cook on March 13 at 9:30 am. The
meeting opened with the Roll Call
which was answered by each
member naming the color
scheme of her learning stitch
A new member was welcomed
and the minutes of the last
meeting were read and approved.
The senior girls handed in their
A discussion took place on
names for the club, the
suggestion "Tangled Threads"
was accepted.
Leader Mrs. Joe French in-
structed the girls on the use of the
Back Stitch, co-leader Mrs,
Michael O'Shea demonstrated
how to enlarge a design and Mrs.
French showed how to create
one's own design by using letters
and numbers,
Both leaders helped to teach
More Granton news on page 22
Times-Advocate, March 18, 1976 Page 1
Granton ladies plan luncheon
of making Chrismons, beautiful
decorations for Christmas trees,
joined Mrs. Marshall Dearing of
Then came coffee 'break and
Music for Enjoyment led by Rev.
Morley Clarke who accompanied
the lively singing on his guitar.
The session ended with a Bible
study from Galations conducted
by Mrs. Gwyn Whilsmith,
women's editor of The Exeter
The series continues this week
and is open to everyone of any
Lady guest speaks at
Lucan revival centre
Zeceut ftetdowata
' When you finish, check your
calculation for accuracy and include all
your receipts with your return.
Go on. Do it yourself, See how
difficult it isn't,
11* it:ligitri:1:gi Canada
Hon. Bud Cullen
+ +
another driver,
Stephen Evans, St, Marys,
Lucian OPP arrest
man on drug charge