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GRAND BEND 238-2493
Hensall UCW hear about Cuba.
Dashwood .groups busy
with variety of activities
Unit I of flensall UCW held
their March meeting, March 11
with Helen Goddard presiding.
She read a poem, "Smile".For
her devotional theme, she read
quotations from one of Peter
Marshall's messages entitled,
"Good Medicine". This is the
result of being a happy person,
which is quoted in Proverbs 17:
22, "A merry heart doeth good
like a medicine, but a broken
spirit drieth the bones." Helen
read another appropriate poem,
and then the group read in unison
the hymn, "Lord speak to me."
Verna Hay gave a very in-
teresting outline of Cuba telling
us the way their country is
governed under Communist rule.
Letters from our Foster Child
were read., she also had sent a
cherry blossom from their trees,
and a home-made Christmas
Leader, Eileen McLean con-
ducted the business as follows:
postponed Huron-Perth
Presbytery meeting at
Brueefielci IX on March 17,
ladies to bring a lunch; in-
vitations to Zurich April 1 and to
Kippen April 13.
The general meeting will be
April 5 with Unit I responsible for
April 6, a Food Forum to be
held in Clinton High School,
Will Beck played some musical
records during the Social hour,
Hostess Verna Hay was assisted
by Audrey Christie.
The March meeting of Zion
Lutheran Ladies' Aid was held
Tuesday eveningwith the Lenten
service being the topic, The
theme .was "The Upper Room".
A film strip was ,Shown followed
by the sermon by Rev. Marvin
The president, Mrs. Arnold
Becker, conducted a brief
business meeting following the
service. Fourteen members
answered the roll call and one
visitor was present. The Altar
Guild reported 26 visits and 6
treats delivered, The new Guild is
Mrs. Bill Berends and Mrs.
Martha Miller.
It was decided to lend money to
the church extension fund at a
low interest rate. A letter inviting
us to attend a production at the
Huron Country Playhouse as a
group was tabled for the April
meeting. MARK IvicADAMS and his mother, Mrs. Don McAdams, play the
waiting game while registering Mark for school in Zurich
Tuesday. photo by Youngs.
Mrs. Keller was chairlady for
the program. Roll call was an-
swered by naming your favourite
flower. Mrs, Keller discussed the
motto, "Education is like a road
that never ends; how far down
the road we go depends on us",
Mrs. Earl Guenther read a poem,
"Spring", A planned trip to Bill
Rammeloo's green house had to
be cancelled indefinitely due to
the storm so the ladies played
Court Whist with Mrs, Irvin
Rader winning high prize and
Mrs. Greta Schade, low.
Chick story
Many stories have come as a
result of the ice storm but I think
the one that takes the first place
is this one. Friends of ours were
in the midst of their chickens
hatching in an incubator when
the hydro went off.
Two eggs had not yet hatched,
They placed them in a box
wrapped in a towel and placed
them between them in bed and
when they looked in the morning
there sat a wee chick snug and
warm and the other egg was well
on the way to hatching
Lutheran Church Women
Mrs, Victor Dinnin, Mrs.
Milford Doerr, and Mrs, Herb
Turkheim were hostesses for the
March meeting of St, Peter's
church Lutheran Women at ARC
Industries, Dashwood.
Mrs, A.C. Blackwell introduced
Mrs, Alma Godbolt, a member of
ARC Industries board who spoke
on the work of the 30-35 volunteer
Linda Gerard, a community
worker for Huron and Perth
Counties was the speaker for the
evening. She spoke on the
program of placing retarded
people in group homes.
Following the business
meeting, Rev. Blackwell con-
ducted a tour of the workshops
and class rooms for the 19 women
Queensway personals
4-H meeting
The second meeting of the
French Connection was held
March 10 at the community
centre with all girls present, Mrs. • Ray Rader discussed color
harmony and Mrs. Earl Keller
making a pattern and tran-
sferring a design to the "Lear-
ning Stitches" article. The back
stitch was demonstrated. The
girls then cut out their sampler
and their "Learning Stitches"
Mrs. Wm. Struyke has returned
home from South Huron Hospital,
Mrs. Mary Upshall, Bob Lammie
visited his mother Vera Lammie
Bernice Lavery was visited by
her husband Milton Lavery and
sister Pearl Passmore.
Birthday Greetings to Cora
Alcock who will celebrate her
birthday March 17.
The Christian Reformed Young
people conducted a sing-song
Sunday evening which was en-
joyed by all,
Tuesday, Rev. Jarvis con-
ducted the church service ac-
companied by Louise Mitchell at
the piano. The Chiselhurst
Ladies entertained on Monday
afternoon at Bingo and Nelson
Howe played the violin ac-
companied by Mrs. Mary 'Johns
at the piano. Public speaking winners
Dashwood WI
The postponed meeting of
Dashwood WI was held Thur-
sday, with the Education and
Cultural Activities group in
charge and Mrs. Earl Keller
President,Mrs.Ray Rader,dealt
with the business. An in-
vitation from Grand Bend
Playhouse to attend the show
Anne of Green Gables was ac-
cepted and tickets will be bought.
The ladies were reminded of the
annual meeting in April when all
conveners must give reports.
Secret Pals will be revealed when
they receive gifts. The curator
was given permission to pur-
chase more paper. A card for a
sick member was signed by all,
Hensall United
Church Service
Two students from South Huron
District High School walked off
with two of the top prizes at the
Legion Zon, Cl public speaking
contest in Seaforth, Saturday.
In the morning session for
secondary school students,
Grades IX and X, Lucy Van
Esbroeck of Hensall placed first
with her talk on the
Discrimination of Kids Rights in
Elementary Schools. Lucy, 15, is
in Grade 10 at Exeter.
Topping the contestants from
Grades XI, XII and XIII was
Tony Kyle, Hensall, with his talk
Rev, Don Beck conducted the
United Church service with Mrs.
John Turkheim at the organ.
Rev, Beck continued his series of
sermons on "What is a Virtue?
(2) Justice" Justice cannot be
attained by obeying laws or rules
but only through the Spirit of God
working in us.
The flowers were in memory of
Mrs. Margaret Ingram and Mr.
Lewis Johns.
Mrs. E. Sararas had a Birthday
Party, Tuesday. Celebrating her
95th birthday were her
family and friends, Mrs. Doris
Bonthron, Janice and Shelley,
London; Bevan and Cheri Bon-
thron; Ronald and Norma
Caldwell and Kimberley Ann;
Jack and Greta Reed,
Mississauga; Roy and Clara
MacDonald; Ross and Grace
Sararas, Jodi, Steve and Don;
Edna Caldwell, Exeter; Jean and
Wilmer Ferguson, Pearl
Passmore. Mrs. Sararas was the
recipient of many flowers, gifts
and best wishes.
Martha Smith of Exeter visited
with Lynn Latimer and Hugo
Schenk, Ila and Chester Dunn,
Mervyn'and Irene Dunn, Greta
and Amy Lammie with Vera
Lammie, Marion Schenk and
Jeanette Lippert with Hugo
Ernest Perry was visited by
Bill and Donna Perry and sons of
Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald
Wright visited with Vera Lam-
mie. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hayter,
Jennifer, Jason and Jodi visited
with Mrs. M. Ford.
Leslie Mitchell and daughter
Brenda visited with the former's
mother Louise Mitchell. Mr. &
Mrs. Jim McNaughton and
Clarence Smillie with their
mother, Mrs. Ada Smillie.
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Hoggarth,
Exeter visited Mrs, Sararas and
'Chain Gang'
on Search for Happiness. Tony,
18, is in Grade XIII at
The students were among 35
young people who gave speeches
to a crowd of 200 at Seaforth
Legion Hall, The contest is
sponsored annually by the 12
Legion branches in District C1.
Runners-up were: in the junior
secondary division, Donna Huber
of Ripley with Shark Attack!; in
the senior secondary, Ernest
McMillan of Goderich with A
Tribute to the Royal Canadian
in Kippen ESCORTED
The first meeting of the Kippen
Chain Gang was held at
McLellan's recently.
The election of officers was
held as follows: president, Diana
Oud, vice-president, Sandra
McKay. The leaders described
what would have to be done for
the entire club, They explained
the "Colour Wheel' and lunch was
ANY TIME IS TEA TIME and what better place than your first taste of school? From left to right, Kim Red-
dick, Kelly Kirk and Patrick Haggett take time for a simulated tea party. photo by Youngs,
Mr. & Mrs, Alex McGregor,
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Hugill who
spent the last couple of weeks in
Florida have returned home.
Mr. & Mrs. Anderson Gibson,
Wroxeter, visited with Mr. &
Mrs. W.L. Mellis recently.
Mr. & Mrs. Alex McMurtrie
who have been vacationing in
Mexico have returned home.
Rochus Faber is vacationing in
Sympathy is expressed to Mr.
Elgar Mousseau in the death of
his sister, Mrs. Melville Smith,
Wedding bells are ringing in the
Kippen area and a number of
residents attended the reception
for Mr. & Mrs. John Tim-
mernians in the Pine Ridge
Chalet, March 12.
Kippen East W,I. •
Kippen East WI entertained the
residents at Huronview and the
Blue Water Rest Home, March
10, The program consisted of a
rousing sing song led by Ruby
A skit "The Women's
Institute", was presented by
Mona Alderdice and Margaret
Hoggarth. Readings were given
by Rena Caldwell, Marlene Bell,
piand selections by Janet
Hoggarth, Frances Kinsman and
Mary Broadfoot; duet by Janet
and Margaret Hoggarth;
quartette by Ruby Triebner,
Rena Caldwell, Frances Kin-
sman and Margaret Hoggarth.
Those with birthdays in March
were presented with a gift. Lunch
Was served. In charge of the
program were Margaret
Hoggarth and Ruby Triebner.
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