The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-03-04, Page 12The
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Page 12
Times-Acivoccee, March 4, 1974
" "Y
The Olympics: Tradition gone sour
A year from now, all they will be are buildings of enor-
mous magnitude and debatable use. Buildings of dream and
fortune, where fame can be won in an instant, the players
elevated to levels of national heroism on a quick moment in
history. In 1977 the Summer Olympic games to be held in
Montreal will be history.
Canada is vascillating now, between points of ex-
uberance and anticipation as we wait to host our first
games, and skepticism over their value and paranoia over
their success.
What has become of the Olympics? Once, one of the
stalwarts of international co-operation, the Olympics have
descended into a theater of political leap-frog, money and
architectural one ups-manship,
The idea behind the original gameshelci in Greece was to
provide an international outlet for the sporting community
to play off against one another on a basis of friendship and a
cornradery that transcended national borders and politics.
Somewhere along the lines of history and technology the
ideal has been lost and the present mood of skepticism and
wonder has set in to envelop the arena of the Olympics in its
present state.
The descent to the political-financial machismo image of
the Olympics has been steady, if anything, and hurried
since the Olympics in Berlin of 1936 when Adolf Hitler used
them for a platform to display his contorted view of the
Arian race.
Unlike the events of the past, the Olympics have today
become a muddled mass of political and cultural proving
grounds where a country's prestige, not merely their
athletes, is on the line. It has come to a situation where a
country has to win to prove that its political system is right,
that the economics of its leaders are superior and that the
culture as a whole is on a better level than any other coun-
The Olympics has transcended the spectrum of a spor-
ting event, has gone beyond the discus throwing and the
decathelon, downhill skiing and speed skating. It has
become a vessel of propaganda and a measuring stick for a
country's worth.
Consider Canada. We have never been particularly
strong competitors in Olympic games, never taking hold of
the games the way the USA or USSR or Great Britain has,
We plod along, competing m idiocrily r in most of the events,
picking up a bronze, a couple of silvers and maybe one gold,
not what anyone would call a great showing.
This is reflected in our jaundiced view of our country's
position in world affairs. We don't do well in the Olympics,
we have all heard the argument, we don't place high,
therefore we are not a world power.
World power is not judged on a country's ability to turn
out athletes. This idea that medal winning equals better
standards of living, better government, has corrupted the
Olymp'c ideal. That coupled with the burdening costs of
providing facilities for the games, as each architect tries to
out-grandirse the other has brought Canada to the Olympics
for 1976, and has brought Canadians to question not only our
games. but future games that will be carried on in this
decayed spirit,
Canada is a young nation in standard to others, merely
108 years old, and we have never really had a show like the
Canada, being a young, ambitious nation, had high
hopes when it was announced that we would host the /6
games. These hopes have been dashed in the ensuing years,
as a paranoia over terrorists invading our land and a
general bewilderment sets in with the June opening date
drawing nearer and nearer.
Montreal is the only city in Canada that could host the
Olympics; indeed, the only city in Canada that would
probably want to host such an extravagant show of
Toronto, with its smug center of the universe view of
itself, is not run like Montreal, who are ruled by the iron
mitt of Jean Drapeau. David Crombie is no Drapeau, being
too much a populist and too little the determined, hell-bent
for leather type that Drapeau is. Crombie realizes the in-
trinsic value of the games, he knows their appeal, but he
also knows that he has a divided council, and that there is
always room to battle and decide political futures when
vast sums of money are suggested.
The personality of Toronto does not lend itself to the
hosting of the games either. Toronto is, no matter how sur-
real, an arty city who likes to dabble pompously with
musicians and artists, poets and sculptors and make a
grand show of it. It knows its place in Canada and the world
and knows it is a firm place that need riot be glorified by the
Montreal on the other hand has always seemed to be se-
cond cousin to Toronto. In fact this has not always been
true, but Toronto has been seen as the mecca of Canada and
Montreal the offshoot of the mecca, taking up the strings
from Mother York's aprons. Montreal is set to prove itself
Canadian, to eradicate seperatism from its image and take
its place, its rightful place as the most cosmopolitan city in
Canada „ . hence Expo 67, hence the Olympics nine years
The Olympics have been troubled by nearly every ill
that befalls later day twentieth century, from labour
troubles to political scandal only to transcend each one to
battle on in what has become a futile attempt to fulfill the
original dream.
Lost already is the roof over the stadium, dressing
rooms for athletes, washrooms, the original budget and
prestige. It is still a question whether they will open on
time, whether there will be proper facilities, whether it is
all worth it.
At the outset the idea was to provide settings for the
games at a minimal cost that would not infringe on either
the taxpayers of Quebec or Canada. That dream went out
the window quickly with the first work stoppage and the
first construction problem.
Drapeau knew that when he announced the original
plans Canadians in Medicine Hat, Alberta would feel a singe
on the backs of their necks as they remembered back to
1967 when there seemed to be a funnel from Ottawa to Mon-
treal as the Federal Government poured dollars and dollars
a n ddollars into the World's Fair held there. Not now, many
said, not this time will Montreal be a basis for my tax
return, Trudeau sensed the mood of the country and refused
aid and has stood by that move now.
Knowing no money was forthcoming from the national
level, Drapeau came up with an ingenious scheme which
has fostered hundreds of others in its light. The Olympic
lottery, where for a mere $10 you could become an instant
The temptations were, naturally tremendous and there
have been few in Canada who could I resist them, as all the
initial lotteries sold out and it looked like the first success
that the Olympic committee could count. It hasn't turned
out so well.Theyhave had to incite more buying by increasing the
number of millions offered, now standing at six. They have
had to advertise extensively an idea that should need little
push and they. have been forced into events that will,
hopefully, entice the public into buying more and more of the
tickets, while the money from them goes out to pay for the
lottery itself and alot•of what should have been funds for the
building of the operations is syphoned off for promo.
The basic reason behind the faltering success of the
lottery, an essentially sound idea, is the coming disillusion-
ment with the Olympics as a whole, both internationally and
in Canada.
Our hopes for the games fell as we watched the labour
situation in Quebec become an international issue as the
strikers began to seriously jeopardize the completion date
of the games.
Our hopes fell again, when Drapeau knocked on the
door of Quebec to ask for money, money that he claimed he
would not need from anyone but the citizens of Montreal.
Drapeau's claims to financial solvency were never really
valid; it could not be expected that a city, any city could
carry the costs of games in the style that he proposed. A
man could no more have a baby than a city carry the burden
of Olympic financing, to paraphrase the dimunitive
mayor's famous statement.
So lie has gone to Quebec, and Premier Robert
Bourassa has offered his help and money and Bourassa has
gone to Ottawa, where the Prime Minister, already on thin
political ice, turned him down but not without revealing
some stunning figures that show that Canada will have to
put millions and millions into funding security for the
And then they were finished, our hopes of the fine
games that were proposed when it was decided the plans
originally tendered could not be completed . . . that
washrooms couldn't be provided at the main stadium . . .
that the housing would be crowded and athletes would be
sleeping on top of athletes because things had gone so badly
and that the millions being handed out in the lottery were
seeing little return in the games because, well, because
Canadians were skeptical, peeved and upset over the Olym-
pies and there wasn't really as much support for the games
as thought,
There are arguments in favor of the games of course,
the most used one being the value that they will have on the
economy. Not the economy of the country as a whole but
mostly to Montreal who will feel such an influx of money
that their heads will be sent reeling. Little of that influx will
be reflected in Winnipeg, or Nanaimo or Exeter,
The real question that has to be answered though, is not
Whether the games i are worth the paint they have caused
Canada, but whether the games should be staged at all in
their politicized nature„
It is a sad comment that we cannot anymore view these
games as what they are, that they have to be seen in the
light of politics, east vs. west; capitalism vs. democracy,
good vs. bad, A Russian can not win for Russia, and the
world, Canadians can not win for Canada and the world,
they can only win for Russia or Canada, the rest be damned.
What it leaves the world, and this year Canada, with is
a shattered myth and games that are shadows of their past
Montreal is not the beginning of the downfall of the
Olympics, it is only the beginning of the culmination of the
downfall of the games, It will remain to be seen whether or
not the Olympic governing body can lift itself from the
quagmire that has grown around it and save the once noble
games from their untimely end.
They will have to evaluate the real meaning behind the
games, whether or not they can continue as a political
arena and testing ground. They have to examine the
necessity of having new facilities built for each succeeding
game and whether or not the new facilities have to outdo
the old ones,
With the inception of the Montreal games, nearly every
country that is capable of holding the games on their soil
will have the complete facilities, of which leads to the
suggestion that possibly the games should begin to be
rotated amongst the countries after the Moscow games in
1980. The Moscow games will include the USSR in the circle
of rotation. This would alleviate a situation like the one we
have in Montreal, where there has been considerable
reason for doubt to expect these facilities to ever be com-
pleted on time.
As for the first problem, the use of the games as a
political tool, there is little that can be done as long as east
and west maintain that politics is sports and vice versa. The
committees that control these games and Lord Killanan
have to seriously examine the damages done to the ideal of
the games and repair what they can, but it will be a long ar-
duous task that may prove futile.
The loss of the Olympics would indeed he a serious loss
to the world; too much has happened in them to allow them
to slip away without a struggle. They need serious revalua-
tion and they need a restoration of the original ideals. It has
been done before and can be done again.
Maybe Montreal, who seem to have brought the games
to the brink of disaster will show that. If that is so, it will
be the greatest conttribution Jean Drapeau and his city has ever
Heavy action in Huron Park hockey as season winds up
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Horan County's targest
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one. Penguin Harold Borden
slammed in the first marker 35
seconds into the first period and
this seemed to set the pace for the
game. Assists on this effort went
to Pete Heath and T. Denny.
Avco managed to tie it up
shortly later with a goal at the
1:50 mark by Walter Van Esson
assisted by Robbie Dekoner.
The Penguins finished the
period with three unanswered
goals, two from Todd Case and
another by Harold Borden.
Assists went to Darren Legoff,
T. Denny, R. Minderlein and M.
• The Penguins continued press-
ing for victory with an early goal
again in the second period by T.
Denny. The assist for this effort
was awarded to M. Mills.
The Avco team narrowed the
gap with two quick goals at the
5:10 and 5:40 mark. Don Beaver
scored assisted by Steve Mac-
Donald and Kevin Glasgow.
The other Avco tally was by
Robbie Dekoner assisted by Dave
The Penguins bounced back
moments later with an unassisted
goal by Harold Borden at 8:30 in
the second period.
the final Penguin goal of the
period came a minute later when
T. Denny slipped one by the Avco
goalie. He was assisted by M.
Avco made a strong effort for a
comeback in the final set with
four straight goals.
Jeff Rowe scored twice with
singles by Dave Jackson and Don
Beaver. Assists were by Jeff
Rowe, Kevin Glasgow and Rob-
bie Dekoner.
This effort seemed to end any
successful attack Avco could
offer and the period ended with
the Penguins adding another
three goals.
T. Denny scored twice more to
bring his total to four for the
game and final goal of the
game was scored by Scott Walsh.
Assists for these goals went to
Harold Borden, P. Heath and T.
The final game of this series
will be this Saturday with the
winners playing the Northstars
for the championship.
The Huron Park Atoms blank-
ed the Glenmark team from
Goderich 4-0 in the first game of
the tournament held Saturday at
An exceptional effort by Bobby
Rook was responsible for the
substantial victory. He scored all
four goals in the game with one
solo marker, two assists by Mike
Salvona and another assist by
Trevor Gilchrist.
Goalie Mark Christie earned
the shutout for the Atoms. Just
two days prior to this win the
Atoms managed to get another
close win over the Dorchester
team at a game played in
The Dorchester goalie played
well although he must have
thought he was in a shooting
gallery. The rubber managed to
get by him only once out of 30
At the other side of the rink
Huron Park goalie Mark Christie
faced only five shots.
Dorchester bounced back for
revenge Saturday in Huron Park
when they trounced the Atoms
t3-0. No statistics are available
for this game but the Huron Park
team was eliminated from the
The Lambeth Bantams thump-
ed their Huron Park counterparts
by a decisive 6-2 margin at a
game held Feb, 24 in Lambeth.
The two Huron Park goals were
scored by Tony Underhill and
Rob Runston. Underhill scored
unassisted with the first goal and
set up the second marker for
Lambeth goals were by John
Flaherty, Morgan Ridsdale, Kirk
McClennan, Steve Marr and Don
Shore. Ridsdale scored twice,
once in the second period and
again in the third.
Referees handed out two miscon-
ducts and six minor penalties.
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