HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-03-04, Page 10Lucan
and ,district news
OPP charge three youths
UP IN FLAMES—Students and teachers celebrated the burning of
the palms at Precious Blood Separate School Monday morning. The
palm ashes will be used in the Ash Wednesday mass held at the
school. Andrew Winters, Wilfred Mostrey and Robbie Bilcke, who
aided in the ceremony, watch as the palms go up in flames.
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Page 10
Titres-Aelveeete, Marsh- 4, I9715
Granton Women's Institute to help with canvass
Mrs. Austin Hobbs was hostess
for the W. 1. meeting on Tuesday
afternoon, February 12th. Mrs.
Donald Roloson presided and
conducted the business.
Roll call was answered by a
verse from an old school book;
fourteen members and two
visitors were present.
A donation was voted to the 4H
for their new Club "A Touch of
Stitehery" Mrs. C. Lewis Sec.
Treas. reported arrangements
had been made to send Mrs,
Roloson, the president, as a
delegate to the officers' confer-
ence in May.
Mrs. Lewis also mentioned that
she had received the sales list for
the coffee spoons and that there
were two new designs, one for the
bicentennial in the States and
another one for Mothers Day,
Mrs. Norman Riddell, District
Director, gave a report on the
Officers from the Lucan OPP
detachment have charged three
London township youths in con-
nection with a break-in at the
House of Concord.
Police report a small amount
of money was taken.
In traffic activities 31 charges
were laid under the Highway
Don't forget Branch 540's
annual Public Speaking contest
to be held in the Lucan Legion
Hall on Wednesday, March 5,
1975. This is a great Legion
project and well worth your
support so come on over to the
Hall and listen while our young
orators speak on subjects of their
own choosing, the time 8:00 p.m,
To follow-up on the Branch
contest the Zone A-5 Royal
Canadian Legion public speaking
contest, in which the winners of
the Lucan Branch contest will
speak against the winners of the
other Branches wilhin Zone A-5,
This contest will be held at the
Lucan Public School, Main Street
Lucan at 2:00 p.m., Saturday,
March 13th. There is no charge
for admission to any of these
contests. Everyone is welcome to
attend and we are looking'
forward to a capacity crowd to
encourage our young speakers.
They spend many hours tn
preparation, surely we can spend
a couple to listen to what they
have to say, Incidentally the
winners of the Zone contest go on
to compete in the District A
Finals, the place and date of
Which will be announced later.
Don't forget to be in attendance
for the grand celebration to be
held at Branch 540 and of course
we were referring to the dance
and all that goes with it, to be
celebratin' in a fitting manner the
patron Saint of the Emerald Isle,
Now all you fain Irish lads and
colleens make shore to be
wearin' a bit o' green and make it
a point to he there, for it you are
Plot, it may be necessary to think
up a leprechaun curse to place
upon you, and I'm Shure you don't
want this to happen- Incidentally
live music will be provided,
recent board meeting and ann-
ounced the District Annual will
be held May 13 at Beechwood,
It was decided to again canvass
for the Cancer Society and the
following members volunteered,
Mrs. Roloson, Miss McNaughton,
Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Pecko, Mrs.
Herbert and Mrs. Summers who
is also team captain.
Plans were discussed to bold a
smorgasbord and euchre at the
Mason's Hell in March, a
committee of three members of
the executive were named to look
after the arrangements,
In place of a program,
progressive euchre was enjoyed,
prize winners were: high score,
Mrs. Summers; lone hands, Mrs.
Crockett; and low score, Mrs. C.
The special collection was to be
given to the Pennies for Friend-
ship Fund. The hostess was
Traffic Act as well as 40 war-
nings issued.
Included in these charges were
four persons who were caught
not wearing seat belts.
Seven accidents were reported
during the past week with
damages estimated at $8,340, No
injuries were received as a
result of the collisions.
Here is what you young folk
and those of us that think young,
have been waiting for.
We are going to take you back a
few years to the sounds of the big
band era. The date Saturday,
March 27th. There will be no
admission charge and the dance
is open to all Legion card holding
members and their guests, here
comes the gimmick, remember
the old box Socials, here's the
drill, each couple will bring their
own lunch which is to be placed in
a box, with the ladies name
placed inside, the box is then to be
wrapped up in a newspaper so
that it cannot be recognized. At
lune'. .,me the lunches will
raffled off to the men, following
which the lady whose name if
found inside the lunch must eat it
with the successful bidder.
Sound like a lot of fun eh. This
will also be our Sadie Hawkins
Dance so it's up to you gals to
make it seccessful. Make sure
that man in you life keeps this
date open - this is a Leap Year
and YOU have the Say - agreed!!
Branch 540's general meeting
will be held at 8:30 p.m. sharp
Wednesday, March 10th and all
members are invited to attend.
Some of our Associate members
have been enquiring what they
can do for Legion, well my friend
here is where you can find out.
WEAK Chuckle - A transferred
clergyman was being praised by
the members of his congre-
gation. One woman told
"You're wonderful. I never knew
what sin was until you came
And that's 30 for this week -
Remember - Get someone else to
blow your horn And the sould Will
travel twice as far.
assisted with lunch by Miss
Granton Scout and Cub troop
and their leaders paraded to the
United Church Sunday morning
to honor their founder, Lord
Baden Powell's birthday. During
the service both Scouts and Cubs
repeated their promise in unison,
and a prayer in remembrance of
Lord Baden Powell was said by
Scout Georffrey Lemon.
Rev. Mary Mclnally reminded
the boys about service to others,
and illustrated her subject with a
story entitled "The Mansion"
advising them to be helpful
because someone needs their
help not for what they expect to
get out of it.
Children receiving Sunday
School attendance awards were:
Pamela Waters, ist Pin and John
A Glanworth youth has been
charged with driving with an
alcohol content of over .08
following a collision with a park-
ed car owned by Don Riley on
Main St., Lucan Thursday night,
Lucan Explorers
study Korea
Lucan-Clandeboye Explorers
met February 23 at Lucan United
Chief explorer Tami
McRoberts conducted the
opening and closing ceremonies
and also read the Scripture for
the worship service.
Chief counsellor Mrs. Wm
Froats showed the group a film
strip on Korea. Following this a
discussion of Korea was held,
Ruth Hardy was presented with
a blue star, and gold stars were
presented to Tami McRoberts,
Loys Melanson and Jackie
Richards. Next expedition will be
March 8.
Cook Gold Pin. The sermon was
entitled "To the Lord's Service",
The minister said gifts of money
without service is a. very cold
thing, as are gifts given to derive
self satisfaction, prestige, or to
glorify the giver, the only way is
from love which is God's way, as
it was through His love that God
His Son.
Owing to a joint communion
service at St. Paul's church,
Kirkton, the Sunday morning
worship at St. Thomas Anglican
Church was-cancelled.
The Happy Gang met at the
United Church Feburary 25th,
Mrs, Harold Westman presided
and opened the meeting with two
readings, "The Gold Age" and
"The Little Oil Can".
Mrs. Glen Jameson who has
4-H meeting
The third meeting of the No. 1
Clandeboye 4-11 girls was held at
the home of Marie Cunningham
on Tuesday, February 24. 8
members were present. Roll cal
was answered with "To Tell what
colour harmony was of your
Learning Stitches article,
Next meeting will be held on
March 9 at the home of Marie
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Blake at-
tended the Foresters Dinner and
Dance in London last Friday
evening with Mr, & Mrs. Harvey
Gilbert and Mr. & Mrs. George
Visitors this week with Mr. &
Mrs. Arnold Cunningham and
family were Way[rie Cun-
ningham of Crediton, Clarence
and Martin Cunningham of
Stra throy, Nancy Cook and Joe
accompanied by Norman Crivica
of London, Mr. & Mrs. Gary Gray
and boys of London, Mr. & Mrs.
Tom White and Jason ac-
companied by Mr. & Mrs.
Graham Glanville and Connie of
St. Marys on Saturday evening.
Mrs. George Cunningham is a
patient in University Hospital,
Annita and Wilma De Vries
attended the skating party on
Thursday for the Brownies at the
LucanArena , There were 40
Brownies altogether.
Wayne Cunningham visited
Tuesday afternoon with Mr, &
Mrs. Arnold Blake.
been in charge of arrangements
for the bus trip Sponsored by the
Lucan Lions, mentioned that
there had been a time change and
that instead of the afternoon
performance of the Ice capodes
as was originally planned, they
would be attending the perform-
ance which starts at 6:00 p.m.
therefore, all who were going
would be picked up by the bus in
front of the Scout Hall at 4:30
p.m. Sunday, March 7th.
After a friendly time spent
playing games, lunch was served
by Mrs. W. Harrett and Mrs. H.
Wissell. Those members with
birthdays in February' and
having their names on the
Birthday Cake were Ethel Squire
and Harold (Pete) 'Wallis,
C. G. I, T. NEWS
To wind up their study on
China, the C.G.I.T. meeting took
the form of a Chinese Party. The
girls were dressed as Chinese, in
dresses they had made them-
selves. The United Church
basement was decorated with
Chinese lanterns, also made by
the girls, Rev. Mary Mills
minister of St. Thomas Anglican
was a special guest.
The lunch consisted of
China tea served in bowls, fried
rice, chicken and almonds, and
steamed rice, these were eaten
with chopsticks. Later fortune
cookies were enjoyed. Credit for
this successful. undertaking goes
to leaders Mrs. Marion Gricken
and Mrs. Steven Rooney, also to
the girls themselves.
The Ladies Auxiliary catered
to the father and son banquet
which was held in the United
Church basement, Friday even-
ing. A smorgasbord dinner was
enjoyed by all present.
Following the banquet a very
interesting account, illustrated
by slides, was given by Craig
Thompson and Thomas Walden,
two scouts from Stratford, of
their trip last year to Norway and
Sweden, where they attended the
World Jamboree in Norway, they
also brought a display of soven-
irs from those Countries.
Steven Ready was presented
with his Gold Cord and Citizen-
ship Badge, Larry McIntosh and
George Burgin, representatives
from Perth District and Mrs.
Burgin were guests. Mr. McIn-
tosh gave a short talk to the
fathers, which dealth with fath-
ers having a closer relationship
with their sons, such as taking
part in sports and recreation with
Ron Rose was welcomed as a
new Scout Leader and appreci-
ation was expressed to Ben Kop
for his leadership, also to Gordon
McRobert who has worked so
well with the cubs and to the
assistants leaders of both groups.
There is a need for new
members in the scout troop any
boys that are interested in joining
this wholesome and rewarding
activity may phone the leaders
Ben Kop 225-2604 or Ron. Rose
225-2496. The troop will soon
begin training for the Scout
Camporee which takes place on
the long week end in Nay.
The second meeting o fthe 441
Club, "A Touch of Stitchery" was
held at the home of Mrs, Diane
O'Shea, February 28. The meet-
ing opened with the Roll Call,
followed by a review of color,
harmony and color quality. The
girls were shown how to thread a
needle by a simple method and
how to start and finish off without
Leader Mrs. Joe French,
demonstrated how to do the back
stitch, and its various uses.
The members then formed into
groups according to the article
they were going to make, and
were shown how to cutout the
fabric and transfer the pattern'to
the material. Different lay-outs
were discussed for the project.
Masons Hold Oyster Supper -
The Granton Masonic Lodge
held their annual Oyster Supper
in the Lodge Hall Saturday
evening which proved a great
success as in other years.
Following the shipper, dancing
and cards were enjoyed.
Congratulations to Kevin Wal-
lis on winning the first race at
Flambora Downs Sunday even-
ing, driving his father's horse,
Tiganius, to a new lifetime mark.
Kevin is the youngest driver to
campaign at Western Fair
Raceway and Flambora Downs,
Kevin also placed fourth in the
fifth race at Flambora with Vita
Victoria, also from the Emerson
Wallis Stable.
At W.F.R., Monday the same
mare won second and Wednesday
on the same track, placed third.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin. Hobbs
entertained at a family dinner
party on Sunday in honor of their
granddaughter Donna, and her
husband Carl Jones, on the
occasion of their first wedding
anniversary. Guests were Mr.
and Mrs. William Egan and Dan
and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wasp of
We are happy to report that
Mrs. Robert Rainey also Mrs.
Nelson Bilyea Sr. are home from
St. Marys Hospital.
There was a good represent-
ation from the United Church
attending the Sunday evening
service at Wesley Church to hear
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Slater
returned missionaries from Zam-
bia. Mr. Slater worked aS an
Agriculturist there. He gave a ,
very interesting account illus-
trated with slides and movies of
his involvement in farm work in
that part of Africa,
Speaking contest