HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-02-26, Page 376 Services EU RNITUAE ..REFINISHING and reupholstering, reasonable rates. Con- tact Stable Antiques, Wean, 227- 4006. 4$t ELECTRIC MOTORS * Rewinding * Repairs * Sales & Service * Farm Ventilation NESBIT ELECTRIC a.F.crRicAL CONTRACTOR KIRKTON 229-8222 51t 7 Livestock POLLED HEREFORD yearling bulls and heifers. Clayton Flynn, 235- 0639. 9* 8 Farm Machinery WISCONSIN over-hauled air cooled swather engine, model VH4D. Phone 229-6416, 9c • ONE YEAR OLD 20' 4" Triple K Kongskilde cultivator, complete with harrows and wing lifters. Phone 236- 4698. 8:9* 920 JOHN DEERE TRACTOR, very good shape; 1972 - 11' Kongskiide cultivator; several stepladders 6', 8' and 10'; 2 trailers, Phone 873-5566 Forest View Fruit Market. 9:10:11:12,c 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles 1972 CHAPPARAL Firebird, 292 twin, Call 262-6920. 8:9* 1970 MERCURY, $500.00; 1 971 Skiroule, $300.00. Both machines in excellent condition, custom covers, 1976 license. Both are original owners, 235-1394, 9:10c DOUBLE SNOWMOBILE trailer, 2 spare tires, 2' high racks, Phone 235- 2215 after 6:00 p.m, 9:10* 11 Cars, Trucks 11 Cars, Trucks 1967 CHEVROLET V-8 automatic, 63,000 original miles, in good condi- tion, one owner. Best offer, as is, 235- 2147 after 5 p.m. 9c 1968 BUICK, power brakes, power steering, in good ,condition, 350 motor. Phone 237-3260 after 4 p.m. 9c 1974 CH EV 1/2-ton custom 10, V-8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, with new topper, 17,000 miles, in new condition. Contact Charles Ducharme, RR 2 Zurich, 9;10* 1968 CHEN 13elair wagon, 8 automatic, power brakes, power steer- ine, power rear window, above average condition, Phone 238-2943. 9c 1970 TOYOTA Corolla, good condi- tion. Phone 237-3766, 9c 1969 CHEV window van, shag carpet, tape deck, radial tires; 1969 Olds Cutlass, excellent condition, AM/FM radio tape, bucket seats. Phone 228- 6320. 9* TWO 1966 Ford Falcons, for parts, best offer. Call after 6 p.m. or on Saturday, 235-1378. 9c 1973 FORD Ranger, power steering, power brakes, automatic 302, topper, 4 new tires, 235-0863 after 4 p.m. 9* 1961 CII EV COACH, $250. Call 262- 2931. v 9c 1968 BUICK LaSABRE, 4-door sedan, good condition, will certify. Call 235-2023 after 6 p,m. or anytime weekends, 9 3t 1975 BUICK Regal, loaded, air, 9,000 miles. Phone 236-4845 after 5 p.m, 8:9* 1969 PONTIAC Grande Prix, ex- cellent condition, $1395.00. Phone 236-4542. 8:9* 1968 CHEV STAKE TRUCK, 1 ton, with livestock rack. Phone 228- 6498. 8;9* 1968 BUICK LaSABRE, 4-door sedan, good condition, will certify, $795.00. Call 235-2023 after 6 p.m. or anytime weekends. 81- 1967 METEOR Montcalm 2-door hardtop, vinyl interior, good condi- tion. Call Ken Ducharine, 236- 4131. 8;9c 12 Pets BEAUTIFUL SIBERIAN HUSKY pups, champion sired, CKC registered, excellent background, $150.00, ready to go Jan, 14, lrehusk Kennels, Parkhill, 294-6425, 2t TO GIVE AWAY - white female huskie preferably to a farm, Good with children, phone 237-3440. 9c TO GIVE AWAY - male part Border Collie pup. Phone 235-0194. 9c 13 Musical Instruments ELECTROHOM E. component stereo, turntable, 8 track AM/FM, all in one unit; 2 Sentry 35 watt speakers. Phone 235-0975 after 5 p.m. 9c 15 Personal WE INVITE engaged couples to visit the Arbor Gift Shop in Clinton. Receive a free gift and tell your friends about our Shower and Bridal Registry Service. No charge, no obligation, 4-52t 15 Personal IF YOU want to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's our business. Phone 1-348-8363, 4t 16 For Sale ALUMINUM windows, doors, awn- ings. Free estimates. Expert in- stallations, Thos. H. Walker, 17 Nelson St. Phone 235-0722, 251- ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rentals, supplies. Jerry Mutters Typewriters, 92 Main St. 235-1840, 21t HESS JEWELLERY Zurich, has a fine selection of Diamond Wedding rings, watches, charms, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers, Cardinal watches, sold by jewellers only, are $11,95 and up, Family rings, watch & clock repairing, work guaranteed. 30t POTATOES - Call Tony Martens, 234-6488, SHARON'S MOBILE HOME SALES Pineview Trailer Park RR 2, Grand Bend 243-2690 14 x 70 Nashua, shown by appoint- ment 65 x 12 - 3 bedroom Champion, used 43t SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE- Leading Manufacturer and distributor has above ground aluminum pools left over from 1975 season, V2 price, guaranteed installation and terms. Call Credit Manager collect, Mississauga 416-625-8819, days or evenings. 6t PIONEER POOLS indoor show room open daily 10 a.m. - 9 p.m, Four lull size pools on display, inground, above ground, Come in today or call 681-1952, London for our free 32 page hook of pools. Pioneer Pools, Treasure Island, Wellington Rd, S. at 401. 6;7;8:9:10c LADY'S BLACK COAT, pure wool and Altaca; man's dressing gown, pure wool; 2 dresses, one navy and white, one brown, never worn and other new articles, Phone 235-1867, 9c 1963 SATELLITE 16' trailer, sleeps five, refrigerator and propane stove, good condition, $1250.00 firm. Phone 235-0204. 9c STUDENTS RENT OR BUY YOUR TYPEWRITER AT T-A Try our attractive rental-ownership plan. PHONE 235-1331 16 For Sale K ROOMER 3-piece sectional chesterfield, brown tweed, excellent condition, 234.6377 after 6 p.m. 9* GENERAL ELECTRIC whAte four burner stove, 24 inch. Used years, vbeery. pgh000nde 227. condition;o9o . antique spoold 9* WHITE ANNEX stove and a small amount of coal. Phone 229-6416. 9c SWIMMING POOL CLEARANCE - disposing of 1975 trade-ins, various sizes and shapes, available in aluminum and wood construction. Many with manufacturer's warranties still in effect. Will sell at fraction of original selling price. Call collect anytime, 416-667-1302. 9t 1500 BALES of hay, second cut, 754 a bale. Andy Vellinga 527-0959. 9:10* NINE CARTONS green 41/4 inch Square ceramic tile; 40 pieces of ceramic cap. Phone 234-6258, 9:10* Winter Clearance SALE LORAYS Tack & Harness Shop Dealing in standard bred, English and Western equipment. Western boots (broken sizes), regular $34.95 to $79,95, on sale $29.95 and $39,95. Simcoe and Big Horn saddles 15% off. Winter blankets, regular $26.95-$31.95, on sale $22.50. Coolers (plaid) regular $29.95, on sale $18.95. Men's down filled jackets, regular $64.95 for $53.95. Shop open daily except Tuesday 11 a.ni. to 8 p,m. Saturdays 10 a,m, to 8 p.m, Sundays 12 p,m, to,6 p.m. Chargex available Phone 227-4172 9:10c 1,000 BUSHELS of feed oats. Call Alvin Lewis, 293-3418, 9: lOc COMPLETE McBee payroll system. Contact J. F. Farm Machinery Ltd., 235-1021. ' 9c • LEADING POOL MANUFAC- TURER has 1975 above ground redwood type pools available, Willing to sacrifice at half price. Call collect anytime, 416-667-1302, 9t 17 Wanted To Buy FE RN ITU RE, antiques, appliances or miscellaneous items, By the house full or singly. We buy estates or will arrange to sell them by auction, Con- signments welcome, Knapp's Auction Centre, Seaforth. Phone 527-1336. 4t 18 Wanted ROOMER - Phone after six p.m., 235-0394. 9* 19 Property For Sale HOG AND CASH' CROP farm, 300 acres, drained land, good hou"se and buildings, on Highway 7 near Arkona, ALSO LISTED - several dairy and cash crop farms in Clinton area. THREE BEDROOM frame house, good cohdition, highway location at Kippen. H ENSALL - two bedroom mobile home with added living room, good size treed lot, $16,500.00 WILFRED McINTEE REAL ESTATE BROKERS 8 ALBERT ST., CLINTON, ONT„ 482-3821 9:10c HOUSE newly renovated, 2 bedrooms, 2 lots, garage and patio. Phone 294-0005. 5t A FARMER'S FARM - 100 acres, excellent farm land, house and barn, lb hour drive north of London, Owner' may take mortgage. Please call ex- clusive agent, George Deelstra, 227- 4500. Everett Lauckner, Real Estate Ltd„ 438-4121, Residential Building Sites bordering on woodlot Options are being accepted on building lots located on Eastern Ave., Dow Subdivision in Exeter This property is being serviced in the spring with building permits ex- pected in July. PHONE 0113 DOW 235-0707 2t MBASSY HOMES Nok...Amacieufkinoreei SPLIT LEVEL Three or four bedroom split level, finished family room, separate dining room with patio door, laundry facilities, built-in dishwasher, at cor- ner of highway 83 and 21, 2 miles north of Grand Bend, PAUL T. TURNBULL 238-2805 RR 1, Grand Bend 431- 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW Rugs and drapes included, 60 foot frontage, Connected to sewer, Also large selection of single and double wide homes, Riverview Estates OF EXETER LTD. 2150890 CLASSIFIED iDEAOUNE TUESDAY 4:00 P.M. TELEPHONE (5191 482-3120 I.CLINTON1 AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISERS BRUCEFiELD, ONTARIO LIQUIDATIoNS OF ALL TYPES * BANKRUPTCY * ESTATES * ANTIQUES * FARM * REAL ESTATE Bill Licensed and Bonded ONTARIO WIDE INVENTORY & SALES PREPARATION SERVICES OFFERED 4111i1 Bruce Rathwell's offer mobile office facilities, sound equipment, Leadagraph mobile signs, complete sales preparation and promotion, guaranteed clerking; guaranteed cheque service. For the highest returns from your auctions Phone RATHWELL'S 482.3120 MARCH AUCTION CALENDAR March 13- Two partial estates to be auctioned at 77 Main St, Sea forth - furniture, antiques,-misc. items. March 20 --Business Liquidation for McGregor Electric, Brucefield - property, tools, equipment and elec- trical stock. March 25---Form auction for Wilmer Hardy, Colborne Twp. - market cattle, tractors and equipment. March S1--Farrn auction for Merelea 'Forms, Stanley Two. - modern outstanding large tractors, combine, trucks and equipment. April 3-Dennis Sherritt, St. Josephs. Combine, tractors and farm machinery, April 10--Porm auction for Wasson Farms, Walton, Chorolais and Hereford cows arid calves, farm machinery. Book your auction for desired sole dole Times-Advaccite, fehraary '24, 1974 Page, 17 ROY SCOTCHMER Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CA LL BAYFIELD 565-2636 By 7:30 a.M. Monday Advertise Your Sale For Prompt Service In The Times-Advocate N Charges on Pick-up **** o ******* FARM SOLD 4 * Clearing Auction Sale of Beef Cows, Farm Machinery, Etc. 0( For: MR. W. DeJONG 4 4 4 4 Lot 11, Concession 6, East Williams Twp, 6 Miles'South' West of Ailsa Craig, 3 Miles West of Nairn SAT., MARCH 6, at 1:00 p.m. (watch for Signs) CATTLE: Purebred Hereford Cow with Calf ; 5Pu reb red Hereford Caws, due in spring; 27 Cross bred Beef Cows, due in spring; 1 Crossbred Cow- with Calf; 1 Registered Mature Hereford Bull; Yearling Purebred Hereford Bull. 4 MACHINERY, ETC: M.F. 65 Diesel Tractor with Allied 4 Loader, Chains, etc; Allis Chalmers W. D. Tractor; Small Ford Older Tractor, with Loader; New Holland 67 P,T.O. Baler; J. -3( D. Side Rake; McKee Harvester, complete with 20 ft, rack, 2 units; Allis Chalmers 7 ft. Mower; Allis Chalmers 3 Furrow Plow; Allis Chalmers 28 Plate Double Disc; 15 ft. run Massey Drill on Rubber; Sprayer, complete; Harrows; Scraper Blade; Allis Cholmers*Cultivator; Little Giant 36 ft. P.T.O. Elevator; Cunningham Hay Crimper; 1 Chain Elevator; Schultz P.T.O. Spreader, on rubber; Rubber Tired Wagon and Rack; Grain Aerator; Mineral Feeder; Cattle Oiler; Bell 6 in. Hammermill, 4 3 h.p.; Gas Motor, 3 h.p. Electric Motor, 1 h.p.; Etc. .4( HAY: 1500 Bales Hay. -31( TERMS - CASH 4 Hugh Filson AUCTIONEERS 666-0833 llderton BOOTH Tom Robson 666-1967 Filson & Robson STAR AUCTION DATES CLAIMED March 1i and every Monday - Denfield Livestock Soles, The right place to market your fat cattle, stockers, springers, calves, hogs, etc. March 2: and every Tuesday - Corbett Livestock Sales. March 3: Ontario Swine Breeders All Breed Sale, Form Show, London. March 6: W. DeJong, Clear- ing Farm Sale, south and west of Ailsa Craig. March 13: All Breed Swine Sole, Ridgetov/n. Mondays: Denfield Livestock Sales Tuesdays: Corbett Livestock Sales March 19: Boy Scout Auction Sale, Komoka March 24: Ontario Bull Sale, Oakville. March 25: Test Station Boar Sale, New Dundee March 27: Antiques for Hanley McDonald, Parkhill March 31: Clearing Farm Sale, Mr. B. H. VanSteeg on No, 4 Hwy. north of Exeter, April 1: Clearing Farm Sale for Mr. Torn Fleming, McGillivray Twp. April 2: Clearing Farm Sale for Mr. Harold Finley, north west of Zurich. April 3: Clearing Farm Sale for Harold McQueen, Lobo Twp. April 7: Sale of Garbge equipment and Furniture for Mr, Ray Kew, St, Marys. April 10: Ontario Landrace and Hampshire Sale, Strat- ford. April 10: Mt, Brydges Lions Club Consignment Sale, April 14: Clearing Farm Sale for Mr. Bill McDowell, north west of Seaforth April 15: Clearing Farm Sale for the late Norman Hender- son, south west of St. Marys. April 17: Clearing Farm Sale far Mr. Bruce Warner, Lobo Twp, April 21: Clearing Farm Sole for Orville Farrell, south of Grand Bend. Choice dates still available. Contact us soon, Other sale arran g ements incomplete at this time. To assure successful sale tell "The itirnierS Auctioneer's," HUGH FILSON & TOM ROBSON Ilderton 666.0833 666.1967 21 For Rent Rent a Car or Truck BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK For Your Moving Needs 14' Delivery Van Available For Rent LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD, Exeter 235-1640 3It CONSTRUCTION scaffolding, ex- tension ladder; skill saw; adding machine; sump pump; 12 & 20 ton hydraulic jack; utility trailer; cartop carrier; 16' van. Whiting Rental, 63 Main St. S., just south of river bridge. It CONSTRUCTION equipment - plywood forms, wedges, power trowel, wheelbarrows, small mixer, etc. Phone 236-4954 Monday to Friday after 4 p.m. Weekends anytime. N. J. Corriveau. Zurich, 16t 22 For Sale or Rent TWO STOREY HOUSE, centrally located, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, carpeted throughout, newly decorated, new natural gas furmace, sewers con- nected. Phone after 8 p.m., 235- 0685. 9t 23 Wanted To Rent THREE BEDROOM HOME in Ex- eter for April 1 occupancy. Phone London 472-8088. 9* 25 Notices INDEPENDENT SHIPPER 10 UNITED CO-OPERATIVE OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT TORONTO Ship Your Livestock with 25 Notices VOLUNTEER. DRIVERS NEEDED -Call C.hilciren's Alci, 524-7356. 9c I. DAVID EARL RATZ, -RR 2, Dashwood, Ontario will not be responsible for any debts other than those contracted by me personally on or after February I, 1976. 7:8:9* 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Reginald Gladstone Delbridgo Deceased All persons having 'claims against the estate of Reginald Gladstone Delhridge, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 9th day of January, 1976 are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, On- tario, by the 28th day of February, 1976 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executor Exeter, Ontario TENDERS for grave digging Zior. Lutheran Church Cemetery, Dashwood, Phone 237-3412 after si x, 9c 28 Auction Sales Percy Wright Atvrioml:R UPCOMING AUCTIONS MARCH 20 - farm auction, Mr. Frans Boogemans, Dashwood, trac- tors, farm machinery, stable cleaner, etc. MARCH 24 - Ontario Bull Sale, Call Wright now for your sale date. later. Telephone 262-5515 30 Years of Selling Experience 9c -3( T yr 4 4 -4( 4 do( yy 19 Property For Sale NEW SINGLE or double wide, 2 or 3 bedroom, modular homes, complete with fridge and stove. Starting at $17,- 500.00. Riverview Estates of Exeter Ltd., 235-0590. eft 'ROYAL TRUST REALTOR Member of London.'St. Thomas Real Estate. Board 785 Wonderland Road London, Ontario EXETER - 505 Andrew St. Three bedroom 2 storey brick with detached garage, large kitchen with many cup- boards, main floor family room, living room, dining room, 1lrz baths, Deep lot. An excellent family home for less than $40,000. Try your down pay- ment. EXETER - 176 Main St. 13/4 storey brick available for immediate oc- cupancy. Features 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, good sized kitchen, paneled study or den on main floor. Full basement, 100 amp elec- trical service. Priced under $30,000. CREDITON AREA ON MT. CARMEL ROAD - Large family home on 11 /4 acres, 6 bedrooms, large living room and dining room. Drilled well, many fruit trees. Ideal starter home for the handyman. Priced in ear- ly 20's with $5,000 down. Call Lorne Ford 1-472-0660 or res. I- 686-0046 for information or viewing. 9c GRAND BEND Main St, STORE AND RESIDENCE Large lot, development possibilities, ideal location, Apply Box BLM Exeter Times-Advocate 9:10:11c 20 Property For Rent THREE BEDROOM HOUSE, available March 30, for I year, $225.00 per month, 235-0892. 9c SENIOR CITIZEN one bedroom ground floor garden apartment, appliances, downtown, unfurnished, available immediately, Apply 304 An- drew Street, Apt. 7, Exeter. 47t TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, second floor, Crediton. Available im- mediately. Phone collect, London 433- 8092 after 6 p.m, 7t FARM HOUSE newly renovated, I miles from Exeter, available March I. Phone 235-1934. 8:9* TWO BEDROOM AMR-1;M ENT - newly decorated, ' fridge and stove supplied, downtown location, call 235-0541. 9t FARM LAND FOR RENT, ap- proximately 150 acres. Crediton, call 234-6212, 9c BlIMELHIENT.11111E... 6 Services S PASSMORE Plumbing and Heating New Installations and General Repairs RURAL, RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL DENNIS PASSMORE Phone 235-1751 14t SMITH-PEAT Roofing and Sheet Metal Ltd„ 35 years experience. Commercial, Industrial and Residen- tial. Free estimates, call 235-2802. 17t Electrolux Sales and Servide I. K. JOHNSTON EXETER 235-1055 29t WELL DRILLING - with rotary drill, 6" hole; 6" steel casing, Will drill one foot to 1,000 feet. Drilling 12 months of year. For free estimates phone Huron Water Well Drilling, 236.4548, Zurich. 38t REDI-MIX CONCRETE All Types of Concrete Work McCann Const. Ltd. DASHWOOD Phone 237-3381 (Free Estimates) New Model Introduetion 25 HOMES WANTED For Special Market Development Program This is not a give away but if you live in any of the following areas: Byron, Fanshawe, Pond Mills, Westminster, West- mount, Exeter, Ingersoll, Greater London, Woodstock and have a well exposed back yard we are prepared to make you a very attractive offer on one of our new Driftwood line of pools if you will allow us to use your yard by appointment for show purposes for a limited time in.your area. PIONEER POOLS LTD. TREASURE ISLAND South of 401 at Wellington Road 681-1952(London) OFFICE 235-1232 445 Main St. S. EXETER FRED EYRE Eves. 229-8936 EXETER ATTRACTIVE TWO STOREY - Brick, 3 large bedrooms, 1'/2 baths, family sized kitchen with built-in oven and counter top range, separate dining room and large living room with shiny hardwood floors. Also has attached garage and breezeway, closed in porch and full basement. Asking $44,- 900.00 Call Dirk M. Coolman, NEW LISTING - Completely renovated three bedroom brick home with new kitchen, furnace, bathroom and wiring, 100 amp service. Well kept home on good sized lot only one block from downtown, Includes small barn on property. Priced at $37,900.00, Call Dirk M. Coalman. LOOKING FOR OFFERS - on this 1'/2 storey brick 4 bedroom home. 126'x165' lot with fenced inground pool. 'Largq L-shaped living room and kitchen with dining area, Owner transferred. Call Dirk M. Coolman. ONLY $35,900.00 for this spacious extremely well kept home. Two very large bedrooms and room for a third, well decorated kitchen, 2 baths, separate dining room, living room and den, all carpeted. Must be seen. Call Dirk M. Coalman. 7 YEAR OLD brick 3 bedroom hr.e. Located west of town on large lot. All electrically he',-NV,./.$ full basement, separate laundry room, attached g 5‘,;1.a and breezeway. Asking $49,- 500.00. Call Dirk M. Coolman. WITH SUMMER COMING - this beautiful older house with its inground pool, sauna house with changing rooms and close proximity to down town should be seen to be ap- preciated. This is one of the executive homes of the area. Call Fred Eyre for appointment and further information. CONSIDER THIS PRICE - $34,900.00 for a brick 4 bedroom home on extra large lot, 2 minutes from Main Street. Separate dining room with glazed French doors from living room. 100 amp service. Call Fred Eyre. EXTRA WELL KEPT - 4 plea in Exeter, This brick building has an unusually fine large ground floor apartment for the owner plus 3 rentals. All have been kept in A-1 condition and make a good investment for now and the future. Call Fred Eyre for appointment to view. FOUR OR FIVE BEDROOM - executive home. Large living room and a formal dining room that is perfect for the art of dinner entertainment, Kitchen has a built-in dishwasher. A family room of unusual proportions. Paved drive, attached garage, located in area where neat homes and yards reflect community spirit. Cali Fran Ritchie. HENSALL 3 BEDROOM 1 1/2 STOREY - in need of some repairs. Sound construction, good bathroom but priced of only $21,- 500, Call Fred Eyre. BEDROOM 1 1/2 STOREY frame home, living room, large kitchen, with plenty of cupboard space, dining room and den, good basement, detached garage. Asking $32,500. Call Norm Stanldke, EXCELLENT MODERN BUNGALOW -- situated on lot about 341 acre. Family room has built-in bar and is finished in cherry boards. This 3 year old home must be seen. Call Fred Eyre for details. 1974 VEGA Hatchback, 4 gear, 27,- 44t 000 miles, will certify, 228-6207 after 4 p.m. 9c SALES STAFF DIRK M. COOLMAN 235-1950 NORM STANLAKE 235-0524 FRAN RITCHIE 235-0588 EXECUTIVES, CONSIDER THIS unusually beautiful 4 bedroom home, completely renovated and in on excellent position. All large bright rooms. Family room on ground floor. Asking $59,500. For further information call Fred Eyre. McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP NEW ULTRA MODERN HOME --on 9 acre riverside lot near London, 3 bedrooms, sunken living room with open fireplace, 1,420 sq. ft. of living space plus family room, Ask- ing $79,500.00. Call Fred Eyre. GRAND BEND - BAYFIELD SCHOOL HOUSE - this brick and vinyl school house is a home for all seasons, Swimming or boating, snawmobiling or skiing, Three acres of land with mature trees, two car gariage and a pear shaped pool in the backyard where you will want to linger longer. Call Fran Ritchie. BRAND NEW TUDOR - Lovely country home featuring natural fireplace in large carpeted living room, pine wainscotting in living room and separate dining room, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, garage and many extras such as marble flooring in hall. Greatly reduced to $49,900. For personal inspection call Dirk M. CoMman, DASHWOOD ECONOMICAL STARTER - home with 3 bedrooms, modern bath, kitchen with dining area, and broadloomed living room. Basement has washer and dryer hook-up. Large lot. Asking $27,200. Call Dirk M. Coalman. CREDITON 2 STOREY BRICK - duplex an main corner in Crediton, Both units .in good repair, Lower unit rented. Full price $16,- 900.00. Call Dirk M. Coolman, KIPPEN 7 1/4 ACRES - on No. 4 highway with 3 bedroom frame house, 3 piece bathroom, kitchen and living room. Small barn. Priced at $31,500.00. Call Norm Startlake, BUSINESS FOR SALE CLOTHING FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY in this lucrative small town business. Store area has been recently decorated. Spacious living quarters above store includes living room, din- ing room', kitchen,three bedrooms with ample closets and four piece bath. Building including equipment, just $26,000.00 plus stock. For further information call Fran Ritchie. SMALL GROCERY STORE - doing big business. Included large three bedroom apartment plus all e q uipment, For infor- mation Call Dirk M. Coolmart, MOBILE HOMES TWO YEAR OLD MOBILE HOME 4.- three bedrooms with family room and large deck for outdoor living, Situated on a large lot in Norwood Village. Call Fran Ritchie. 'TWO BEDROOM MOBILE HOME - with 12x20' patio, carpeted living room and dining room, Included in purchase price are coloured fridge and stove, all drapes and new washer and dryer. Asking Only $10,900.00 Call Dirk M. Cochran, 48 FOOT GENERAL TRA11.0 - must be moved. Completely furnished. Asking $4,350.00. Call Dirk M. Coolman. 381* NEARLY NEW rug brick, ranch style, 5 room house, electric heat, carpeted, carport and paved driveway. Well situat‘d on large lot on-Main St;: South, Parkhill. This is the property of the late Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Hicks. Call 294-0086. 8:9c Member of the Huror Peal Estate hoard