HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1874-2-18, Page 2• law Alvestiariasats -11400/ws-D. K. Btrschan, Gift Interpram-L. D. iffiao. geeing Stock -G. McKenzie. Tearaye Steer -Jag Buehoman. Sheriff's Saft-Robt. Gibbons, I @solvent Notate -D. vo easoe. Iosolveat Notice -W. F. Findlay. Buren Carriage Works -Knox a Rellt- well. --.14••••••••••••.- Omni Trunk Sellway. Got:mut-1i MATO= Tiosimi leave as folkarae-e b.:. 1.43 AI 61 .. 7.00 a. m. Mail. -4 IIII1P1 .O. • 3 33 as 14 12 30 p. in. Trabos aro doefse follows,- eglied........1 ..... . 10.00 " " Exprem .1 2.00 p. m. limed *W. P 10.00 " 1%1111. Riot hu again been elected Yor the county of Provencher In Manitoba, beating hie opponent by a very large majority. ft the French half breeds of that county wish to disfraachise them- selves by electing a murderer who can- not take his meet, they have a perfect right to do so, but had Sir John A. Macdonald not acted vith such duplicity in this =Atter all troutda might have been avoided. Some of the French Canadian papers have again taken up the cause of theautlaw warmly, and de- mand that the promised eminesty be granted. La Minerre declares that a few days previous to the resignation of Sir John it iras decided at a Conserva- tive caucus to grant the amnesty, that decision being forced on by a threat of Mr. Langern to leave the goveranient if it waa refused. Wel has publisheid in -the Nourean 'Monde, over his own signa- tire, a memoir of the Red River rebel- lion, "In which he repeats with much urnestnese of langurige and felness of detail the stetements made about the time of his election to the House of Comtuons laat fall, that Itis delegates to Ottawaetere promised as a condition of peaceful submission to Canadian wither - ley, an amnesty for ell conoortied in the Nertherest- troubles. Riel Asia the promise was given by Sir John Macdon- ald, Sir George Cartier, Lord Liegar. then Governor-General, ana SieClibton Murdoch. The promise was' repeated to Bisbee Tache, who, Riel further de - mimes, kayo h. en personally, al a Cana- dian C.ominissioner autheriza to speak for the Goyernrnent, "his word of honor "that a general amnesty would be pro - "claimed before the. insthllation of any "Clinadian Lieut. -Governor." That the amnesty Mina distinctly premised by the late Government- was. Dot proclaimed as agreed upon, Riel says was owineto the "fact thet the fanatical hfackenzie and "his comps!) y raised ebe prejudices of "Ontario, by.crying out for death on the "murderers f.f Scott." The document is of value in that it shows that Sir John promised the amnesty, end that it would have been proclaimed on the ar- rival of Governor Archibald at Fort Garry, but for the opposition of Mr. Maelsenzie and the Reformeri of On- tario. The Premier instead of being in favour of granting a pardon to Riel, as falsely represented by the charter sellers; is looked, upon by that individual as base ing prevented its being granted long ago. ,If the Imperial an thorities deeide to give full effect to the proles° given by their representatiees, e govern- ment will have to submit, heft a pardon will never be vented through their in- fluence or interceseion. In the mean time Riel thoueh elected, cannot take , / 3 his seat. ' Goo. P. Bowie Wow, and S. M. Perk are our vertising Agents & Co., 40 Park calm & Co., 37 authorized Ad - York. tie glad at all times to receive items local news, reports of meetings: eooidents, or any incident of interest either in the locality where it occurs or to the county at large. Such. matter mae S. sent at the rate of one cent per es. if marked Printer's Copy .and not seated. To ensure publication in any particular iseue it should reach the face not later than Monday evening. Subscribers will confer a &Tone by gasifying us of any irregularity in the delivery of their papers. * .7 Mod Legislation Then ts at present a bill before the Qatari', Legislature to modify and im- prove the Schbol Law in gems respects. It propose* to remodel the Cut net of Public Instruction by adding three members, sleeted by the Public School Inspectors, the Teachers of the /nib ichools and theTeadhers of the Public and Separate Schools, respectivelo. The law for enforcing compulsory attend- ance at wheel is strengthed by the impoeition of a rate pf one dollar a tnc,nth on -all parents neglecting to give their children the benefit of the educe- tiefial advantages afforded them by our iehool lew. The Book Depositary sys- iem at Toronto, is .er far liberalized aa to alln,w trustees and teachers to pur- chase prize books from booksellersander certain restrictions, _the 10Ct poi cent heretofore allowed lty the depositary being paid them in cash. This is a seep in the right direction. The book de- positary however good it may have been at the time it was estithlished, has ceased to fill the useful position it ones did, and has become to a great extant a monopoly, injurious to the general book trade. We tire gliti to see a. change znadeAst will give booksellerethrongh- out tWoonnyy an oppitimity of coin! peting with it. In thieeteutection vre had pleasure in perusOig a letter ad- dressed to Hon. OlieeteMostat; by G",M, Adam, a leadingloOksoller. in Torento, pending out the:evils and the expenee the depositary monopoly. lt is on able production, and thitugh we cannot agree withall centains it certainly makes out a strong Cate sin' favour abolishing the mbnopoly. The etroposed legisla- tion will we trust, .have the effect of reeling ouischeol system more efficient than ever. , -vittift.‘7"4Z7331ake. titeit Sipal. GODERICH, Feb. 18, 1874. N./War ' The Public Accounts. - . , . The Public Accounts of the Province of Ontario for 1873 were selimitted to the Legislative Assembly last week. The totel expenditure for the year was $2,460,211 23 against $1,847,956 57 in 1872, ea increase of $O12,255 66. Of this snm A543,968 is represented by the follbwing items, - C,olonization Roads, $70,150; Public Works and Betiding' (capitol atceotott),$287,625; Immigration, $101,42:8; Feaucation, $41,703; Munici- pause Fond (a matter of account on- ly), $43,062; Crown Lands, $9,776. Thr fellowing is a statement of the expenditure under the different heads fer the two years,- . 1872 1873 Citil Gomm -isn't $142.218 85 1156,646 82 Legialation99,559 42 120,400 68 Coluniz'n noadi 75,799 19 115,950 00 Adiministraeon ef Justice191,647 66 . -204,604 84 Pablic Works and Buildings 266,764 95 354,389 71 TerontoLit natio Asylnin 76,181 00 82,458 95 London do66,652 99 71,922 85 Deaf and Dumb lame Belles/le 28,133 41 29,144 80 Blind Institute Branfford15,888 94 19,875 26 ReOTIllatOry Maintenance 23,824 SO 22,506 77 Central Prisms ' - o }lantana!** . . 593 33 Agriculture an J 79.762 10 80,967 93 ft' 1 igration.. 67,750 49 159,178 55 'cultural ollege 1,707 29 asepitaLs and 'Charities42,100 00 43,020 03 Literary & Sci- entific Insti- tutions 1,850 00 1,850 00 Education.. • 421,763 53 463,406 03 Miscellaneous 26,029 61 - 16,859 5a Mnnicipalitasta Fund 71,703 25 1-14,765 33 Crewe Lands . Expenditure 128,716 50 138,492 44 Technological College Main- tenanoe. .... 4,28587 .5,826 51' Land Improve- ment Fund. 24,19663 . 25,09 5O Stationery Ac- count 3,187 50 X3111,11 AMR 'WeDNINMAT.e-To-day is Ash WedefeidleY, the beginning of bent. Coireirmr.-A ooneert in aid of the fonds qf the Wesleyan Sabbath School will be held on the evening of the 26th inaL See posters for particulars. • Asortzu PAPRIL-They aria talking of starting a local paper at Blyth. Similat enterprises at Itayfield, Smith's Xintell. &e., will next be in order. Oval New Rttewe'r -A bill te Moor- eoeseethe Huron ind Qiiebee Railwav wag Seeped fted in the Ontario Legisla- ture hist Theisday. Mr. Houltbee has charge of it. Seritaatm Setinete: - The Roman Cstholie SeparatieSehool is now open. It meets in building in rear of the conveht on North Street. We onder- stand ,there is a good attendance. , e, e Total 1,847,956 57 2,460,21223 On turning to the other ride of the account we find that the meanest, whieh the 'Treasurer a year . ago mairmated would amount trO V3.600,000, has atitonnted to trl,31.4.516, exceeding Sherefore the ex peielitnre by $854,304. The cash balance carried forward from the preceeding year was $352,901 24 end the reeeipts were as f From Grammar School Land Seise ' 219,754 01 From Crown Lands Sales 189,665 36 arena Woods and Ferrets 643,637 56 Frem Thee+, metal fees, The 113.101110LS 3173Sland. The returns up to last Saturday show that 638 members have been elected to the British Hotiat3 of Con:rueful of whom 342 lere conservatives and WO Liberals and Irish Home Rulers. It ite thought that Pr. Gladstone will relign at . once and it is -also reported that he will be raised to the peerage. In speaking of the result of the elections a contempOr- ary remarks, - 36,852 95 Fren Stispense Account. 7,462 04 From Ntiteicipel L'n Fend 28,951 26 From Int oil Investmenta 258,040 43 82,152 78 77,356 83 3.801 90 95,249 08 F rein Licensees . . • • . From Casual Revenue.. . From Algoma Taxes • . • • From Low Stamps From Education Depart- ment 51,480 21 From Reformatory, Pease tangaishene O 2,618 03 Frew Lunatic Asylum* Torouto . .,. 19,182 28 From Lunatic Asylast, London 2,811 21 From Lunatic Asylum, Rock wood. 1,322 95 From Deaf and. Dumb lustitution 4,576 10 From 'restitution for the Blind 1,15'3 94 ,Tiom Agricultural Farm, Mimeo, on aceount of sale of lots 3,713 14 From Dominion of Canada 1,207.§41 71 From Mithicipalities Fund 150.126 78 From Commoa Scheel Lanis ...... • . • 78,765 76 Our reade will learn with regret that Hon, FAlward Blake has retirid from the cale tee t. Pre v ou e to the election!, of 1872, he seinteinced his intention. in the eyent Of' a change of government, not te Like office. In Noyember last, when the Reform stogernment was. formed, strcng pressure was brought to bear to intlnce him to- reconsider his eie pressed deteeeaination, .and he finally contentekto ,accept a seat in the Privy Council without office or eristiluinent and' on the distinct uadeistanding that the arrangement should be only temporary. Now thai the electioni are otierand he has seen the policy of the Reforei lead- ers gustained at tho he has; carried out his detenuinatien eepressed to s constituents, and withllrean from the cebitiet, in order that he may give his undivided attention to his own bosi- nese aftaizs, which have suffers,' materi- ally by his giving up. so mech tie time to the public. We -trust 'weever that before lung Mr. Blake will be in position to again enter 1be governntent, net only as a Privy Councillor but as lite levidef a de 1;1111111 - Bv the, retirement of Mr: Blake and etiepel..-This is a reinirleably open 4, einter. 't The - oldest inhabitant" does not remember a winter in the last twen- ty-five years when -loafers' could stand on tbe streetoorners in the middle of February as they do 'now. ' • Tees:re-A thaw set in towards the mato/ hist Ireek„witioh carried off meet ogifeitslirtnsfrianomdf nzeearalsy4idnesotnroysedunathaey night but the_ toads are quite bare in mane places. et:el-T-7;1*r. GrnitaRotRezakfis.rPRA. rPE.°NhasPuillin-- triehiced la bill into the Ontario Assam bly tis re-pnite the Ridings of 'Huron IpT Registration Outvotes. Thii is in ale cordance with a reselution of the County CwAtlfeel.to ,Couass.-The Court Hons. 84"eiMe is well adapted for a rape course Ind env fine afternoon those who ire .eoseetsed of fast horses may be 11411 try- ing their speed round it. We question the prtpriety of such faitedriying: sec:41(bl 11:::.frf.e_Pwl see. rem - t tejearn that Meedermott, Esq., met with an acei ciente. few days ago which will confine The define of the Gladstone Ministry at the polls: though not so complete ao that of Sir John Meedonald, is far more surprising and venally suggestive. ;Net minister of the present century in Eng- land has accomplished iltearly as much as 611i/stone hao'done duiiiim the last five years. He his abOlished au established church, revolutiimizedthe land laws of a Kingdom, given a school law to both parts of Great Britain, reduced taxatiop, paid off debt, carried on wars out of the revenue, introduced the principle of ar- bitration for the settlement of interna- tia.nal disputes, and given the poor and dependent both the protection and se- cunty of the ballot. Yet no minister who came into power with such a ma- jority as Gladstone had, five years ago, has lost support more- rapidly or has had his triumph so speedily turned into humiliating defeat. He hair aharmed the timid and comfortable with fears of revo- lution, while he has disgusted. or at least disheartened the .dissenters -the eanced guard of liberalismaowho have alweys been his most *Demotic end en- thusiaitic suppefters, and have now come to look upon hi n with (hermit, if not alienation. It still all come right in due 'tame. The aeparent recession is but the recoil of the wave in an advanc- ing tide which will SilOn tOUCh a lugher point than it.has ever yet reached. The established churches of Britain must go, and so Must the absurd and oppressive land laws. A better preparative fur the accomplishment of these great works could not he tholight of, than having s, professed or real Conservative Govern- ment, doing aocording to its instincts, or scconling to -thee pressure from with - Mit which it will not ack-now ledge and at the same time cannot resist. The so- called re -action will land Mr. Disraelt in measures far more liberal than even he ever dreamed of, or it will land him hopelessly high and dry on a rugged shore, far f Tom the safe harbour for whi•ch he may be anxious to after. 3,314,506 55 The club surplus on nand on 31st Deer. 1873 amounted to $4,672.482.67. Of this $4,394,534.62 was invested or at deposit and 1477,948.06 in hand. Dur- ing the month of January the further sem of $560,000 was deposited, so that the present moment the investments and deposits of the province amounts to over $5-,000,00Q: Out of this the payments arisirg out of the Municipal Loan Fend adjustment and the farther charges on amount of appropriations to railways have to be met, but even after these have been provided for there will be a large surplua left. It is worthy of notioe tbat during the two years the Reform Government have been in power the as- sets of the province hare inceeased by Um sum of turo and a half million of„. dollars. Tot we find the Opposition peon crying out that the present govern- ment is extravagant and waeteful. It is the special province of some people to find fault and nothing will satisfy them. As long hoesywe as the goyerament can, &bow sunk a estate:Mary statement se the above they can set the criticises of all Noll -finders at defiance, lf Ike ex - peseta" lias Mc:reamed a little, the is alma iaeressing in a greater , sad in return for the expen- diture we hau something to show. The waste of the country are increasing, and it is be better to expend our money in developing our ressoueces than ft board it up sober* it will do no good. --4)a eatarday last; Mr. T. M. Daly dieted to the Local Legislature foe Perth, by a majority ot 274 over Chi/ Ruroar or J. R. /Xhosa, roe 1873. -... To the Cheirinen and mentions of God& ' rich Board ef l'abfic School Tt %deft: Gnarl -mem -I have the. honour to , present my animal report on the state el the Central end -Ward Scheele in the Town,of Goderich, end in doing eel hare email pleasure in Gaming testimony to the *sal and energy of the teachers gen- Wally, and -also to the very satisfactory manner in• which the pupils acquitted themselves Ma the several examinations during the year. ' Tho difficulties of introducing the new limit table have beim oyercome, and the school is now _working in accordance with the programme of studies prescrib- ed by the Educational Department. Three additions hare been Made to the staff of teachers, the accommodation for pupils is quite ample„ and .there is every reason to 'believe thot our sehoolestand fair to equal, -if not excel, those el awl other town in the province. - , In August I had the honour to report the roma-of the midsummer examinat- ions and in that report to speak in eorepli- inentary terms regarding the work in a large number of the classes. In re- porting on that Christmas examination. I am in a position to state that in all cases the week. was well done and in some rooms it most decided improvement has been effected since last examination. To 'bog thet the work in the school hag been thorough, I may here state that ati the last examinatien for eutrance to the High %loot all the pupils going frotn' it, with- one ' exception, passed: This has not been the case generally, a very large proportion in many places hasingfailisd to make the repairer ntim. bee of marks. - • Front therinnual report prepared for. the department we note that there Were entered onehe Geneial Register during 11173, ft total of 1082 names, 20 el these being over 16 yule old. Nu. of girls 525, boys 557. The Average attendance during the first six months was- 693), the lad 'six months was 534O anniftl *virago being 7569. • ' • •. • The niiniber of pupas in the ffirst chins was 368. segond 343, third 317. aed fourth 164. Religious denomination of taiihewoi is u fellows: Baptist 1, Chtirch of Eng- land 3, Methodigt 4, Presbyterian 5, ' The acomninodation provided in °less, reoms as requireil by law le sufficient for 1014 pupils. The school ia very well furnished with maps and *pp/orates-, and the Librery hat eupplied 621 books to the resting public during the year. e Twe teachers resigned pat!tinic he summer,. and two at the end 'of the year. The number of cliatiges is hew than elm - Ing last year, and the school has gained in commit/hence; as frequent 'changes *re very detrimental to the -best intereite of any &closet It ie of the utmost i miler- tsece that teachers bet retained as long se poesibli, if a loss' la suetained it is generally\ oe ,the part of the clularen and parents. , - The genii -annual examinations as usuarhave been condected in writing, - Rea at the last examinetilleOhestugh the eteeion of the Boirl, I was permittea et place printel papers' before 03CII Candi- date in the hielier Messes. This method gives each, pipit a. fair and equal stands mg with his fellow, and I trust that'llie sitecee ett. 'elm e the last examination in thid respe •• will induce the trustees to prOrele s'oll pauers at etch sulift- quoit examine:ion, ' I I present fer .yettr e aisideration ithe followipg et al oteettel stetement she' tie the melted lege exemination as the follsiwing es' the number of prelim tions lit the lest a:Attain/Aim) from. each A Temperance Ortigaille. letiesetoo, 0e house for Wile time. When g out of Crabb's buikling he andYell, hreaking ohe of the sese bones of the -uncle, Udder t/r. MeOticking's owe he is doing well. -tthetit 'Courwatecab,“"-= The Exeter. limb of the 12th. inst. .1 says that work eas eommeneed that day in clearing and fencing the. station go:tends of'the L. H. a 11, Railway rt that yillage. The, ob jects no detbt to keep the charter frotn veering, which it would :hare does on the 150 init. had work not been Coln* Melee& ; nose -INT. -A tuft of horses tie4 in crime Of Walls' hardware store at 'soon on.thersday last, bftkeeheir halter and raa.mway up East Street, 4eking the selefralk a part .4 the nayeetul escaping coneict with telegraph tette. and other obseicles in a wieldertul way. At the toiletry they turned off towards Sfait aud disappeared front view. We id not learn whore -they steppea. bat do of or the Cal Mr th of Homes Lost. -On. Ostarday night last, Mr. Towers, of Exeter, started for Londe a, driving • span 'of good homes. Ile reached Loudon emir on Saturday -morning, and started the same day to return. After pretty hird driving, he reached Me Theis. Putt@ hotel early in the *welting. On arrive:1g, he disoovered 'his berme to be pets blind. They were turned loose, and Sir Petts did all he oould for them, but they boih died dur- ing the night -Time*. A bruar.-On Menai/4y evenine last, the W. P., officers aqd Immo:ere of Credaton Division S. of'T., vlisited the members of the order in this place, to the number of about40: A pleasant and mutually instructiwa-evenitig was spout. After routine, Mr: Manning, who ably filled thechair, 'celled upou Mr. Hale for an addreu. He was then followed by Messrs. Lewis., Limper!, Rollins and others of Crediton Divaien.1Mr.YOUng gave a song. The speeches were inter- spersed by singing from the choir. _LAOUlber#V.-On lionclay lut, as Mr. William Nelson, 7th ono., Ueborne, steis in the woods chopping, -he received a painful cut op his face. ;As far as we den glean. he was standing upon a log, einft the aze glancing, among around with all the impetus which his strong arm ftnld give it. Catching hen directly in the centre of thelece, it coMpletely split his nose open and aiviEled in twain his up- per and lower lip., and knocked out one at his teeth. Under the care of Dr. Ilyntlinen be is noir Oleg well.--Tintre. C. celeacit.-Since F.sther Bou - departure his place has .been tem- ily filled by a clergyman from Lott - It is expected that Father &Neil inhere will be appiented to this, ion. He at one Aline tilled the Past ' haplain to the troops engaged in Kaffir war, a campaign tit which 'Iluoke of this town also took4 art, .is is FOR SALF..-We would ireet ial ettentien to the advertiseee it of William McKinley, advertising lobster sale on the south nest tittle o toitm, beerlooking the lake. The lity is adinirably adapted fur a slum- hoted cm private. residence. TThose wish to obtein 'a desimble prottertY 'better .cominunicete with Mr. Mc - the appointment of 31r. Christie to the h"" K i lay at flianteaville. Presidency of the Senate, the cabinet is,' mune/kr edward Smith, eltarette witb stealing on , 'olottery J D.: *Os CRIMINAL Cot.; gr. - reduced to ite Ordinary thirteen member's. t htlel2th inst., a fair of gaiters andriver- The TrOnlele 111 Brltiall 031111h11. ainnsde,oboulfseorentvIldiett.lt _ After all, the trotib:e British,Co- • tri by the Judge without a jury. 1 ti inlet' does .t appear io -be of a very eTI riCtoinidtetyiu.rtitneiternsecey.tiMsarti,,nLetw)is,w7cdh serious nature. •It greveout of a prt "1";fim., niter pie:plod aud he wee then -sesftems.......^*-A to three mouths hard latieur eel to give the coulee& et the Prtivi. to an amelioratitni of the Treaty terms the County Jail. as regards. the time for constructing the' et•Voria04.-Caht Kathrtlay the anniversary of St. Valentine. when Pecitie Ride -eye in return tor a favera- !t.;:-tebrseia,re wonbit eel .tkeubtler mirsives ble emeession front the Canmlian e - eminent which would ...facilitate the fon• dews at thil' PITT' eaflice, whiucheinwasw: struction 0! • Graving, peek at Eeeti- , wilted by lade end lassie. (it being a inalt. The oppositioi T/33 1.y Deli "chi" belidaY) teteesif their object of ech.tions bad. not forgottete theni. flelmeken, imit of Sir :John 'Macdonald s Zru 81.14 10 ilittmet vecryinitommucctieinntoilinflivianIseentiithiese Pacifii Reilwity directens ; acting no doubt en a hint from the leader of the , ehddeen still keep it np, awl a 'home Opposition hero As Dr. Ileltneken- H11140.'014 the Preeicole d,"elottotte Posse! thiongh the pat onthat day. supliorted the late Governmeist in their DOMINION MONTHLY. -- The violation of the agreement with itteieth ruary member ciflhie maessine new Colembia ire. do not see how he -can new liele on our table, and ia not se. whit be - demand tha fulfilment ot the whele trea- hind reseeding ones in interesting and ty "or burst," as fie expresses a. AS inetructive reading matter. Amongst Mr. Do Cosmos, before he could its sket- tht many articles worttey of netted those s frons .nee homaa Chistupion, was During the last few weeks a reniarka- ble temperance crusade has been 'going en in Southern Ohio, and it is gradually extending to other places., The women, moved apOarently by a sudden impulse, have undertaken to suppress the liging traffic. Failing to influence the liquor dealers by moral suasion to abandon the traffic, they invade the saloons, hold prayer meetings in them and sing tem- perance hymns. They keep up these demonstrations till the clealer is led to "surrender," or. till his place is desertee because people are ashamed to enter a. lf the saloon -keeper has intimation of the coming of' these moral reformers and locks hitt doers and entrenches himself against them, they build a booth outside and hold their meetings there. -The meetings are kept up all day mut even ing by relays of women, and those who hay* undertaken the work seem to be terribly in earnest: In- -some places business of all kinds is entirely suspend- ed. the schools closed and the work pro- secuted most vigorously. Hundreds have been induced. to sign the plelge, awl in one town, out uf twenty-three saloon -keepers, sixteen have given up their business and become temperance men. Of coune the action of these women is illegal, but where the authori- ties have been appealed to they have declined to interfere, no doubt believing that the end justifies the means. Doubtless much good is being accom- plished iu the mean time, but we doubt if the benefit will be very lasting. Till public opinion is educated to such • point as to consider the liquor traffic de grading and demoralizing, and till the nuassitere brought to seethe evil effects of dram drinking, any spasmodic effort such as that going on in Ohio, will ac- complish very little permanent good. Loosmoir. • . , ...-. -, , IrdisraYeNr.-,4-ne aufteow people Ire in a state of excitstrierit over ale elopement which took 0/ace last. Thurs. disy morning, ,the *ties bele; Alex. McNevin, 4 merriest meg, and 4 girl deoned Eliza Reed, a servaqt at Charles liet 'Rooney's:. We obtai Ahe Villowing facts front . the Sept • i -"About eight -months ago Mo evin cant, here from Herriaton, haricot his- wife with his ensile in that village. ' After ho had been in Lucknow a shirt time, heovent ft Mr. Mnoney's to rd, endowing to botE the intinteet. between is servant and eltiNerin,• he unt h. away, at the saute timeeautioningher await having anything to de with the:man, as be was married; but [the girl only grew angry and .would not hese Ianything against him. Two weeks age friend wrote to McNevtate wife, toilet band's eondoct, an4 come up, which she ed to a seat in the Dominion Parliament, 1,,,Ieletleill,7,1,"eitinedt;,.egage,eun,d,e1(1,(ficnsghnipg of would have to resign the local premier- shia,Dr. Helmcken probably trotted that by raising A feeling he %total. be al4 tO seemed to the p•41-1i”ii, I.,it th it he haa been frustrated. He has siteeeteled in creating a little diAturbance in the mean' time, but that British Columbia WIll tiecede therk is no danger, note ith- stauling the assertions of the T.ry press. The 111•Ct10212. Since our last issue, Muskoka, Ont., and Charlotte, N. B., have elected the Ministerial caw/Waite.. In Manitoba the polling., toek place last Friday. Messrs•Smith4chulte and Cunningham, Miniaterialistm ',were elected and Riel, Opposition. The. total count is, Gov- erntneut 149, Geposition 41.,' Indepen- dent 7. Bribing. . . , The Tcry press in general and the local prog. organ in pectiesular, sea to accouut for the everahelming defeat of their party at the electiOns by clgoging Reforniers with whelesale briboo, se if the people of Canada are so ignorant as not to be able to judge as tO the merits of the two Political parties, or are in the market to be bought like so Many sheep. Speaking of .Nerhand South Huron our load cAtemporary geis quite excited nye': the flagrant -acts. of bribery which it alleges were perpetrated. by theft hateful Grits. Greeting all tt says to be true for the siike of Ili/ail:tont, w• would ask 'if. ftlieown pertj can h..nestly plead not itty in the mist ter. 4 Mr. Greenway, we haft already shown, endeavoured riniself to purchase . suppget, and • certain legal gentleman from town wae in Ashfield handing -out the. dollars very freely on behalf .d Mt,' Farrow. If asinae of those who cry out so loudly againstbribery did not engage in it, it was because the leaders of the party, profiting by past experiemm.' would not trust. theta with tlie funds, in cage the! might convert 111•, -ii te their own private use. 2dajOrit'.04. It is worthy efnote thet the majorities of the Iteforin candeletes ia the late election contest have- ili a rule been. large, especially in Outarip. The Lon: don Adoertiser in speaking of the fact says :--- It is a remarkeles fact that the corn- bined maj •nhes the caudistates in the five constenenciee elaitned by the Oppositiou as having been taken from the Ministry,make less than 150. Monet wee lost by 30; Halton, 2:1; Leeds, 2; Gentre elliegton, 49; East Middlesex, 44. Camerou's majority over Gibbs was greater than the entire opposition gain, and McGregor a vete over O'- Connor was tism times mere than the cotnbined Tory gaiaa in Ontario. Major Walker coild hare oared enough votes to defeat the Oopoeition candidates in Monek, Halton and Leeds, and then hsve had three times ai many left for his majority over Sellers' candidate could boast of ' Carling as the Charter South Leeds. Kerr,in Northumberland, could have walked off with the whole batch of victoriotui Oppeaugegme and Speaker Cockburn in the bargain, aod then have been able to discount John A. and Mamie! Cameron with what h° had to spare. leftmost mats and wrars ; "Physic:el ky W. A. Withrow, tf. mot a "Review of theTintes," by another wtiter of eminence, otand prim:anent. The selectiens are as goo,1 as usual, which is no slight praise. Tho frentis- pleee Is an engraving of Hon. Edward - New MesomteLoret -A'new.ma.sonic lodge was (merest at Smith's Hill. Col- borne, tat te ednesday evening Net. It is called."Moreing Star" Lodge; The officers ferthe current yeer are, ---J. S. Verges'', %V. M. ; H. J. Note, SI. ; W. J. Harris, J. W. ; R. B. Scott, Secretary • John Patterson, Tyler ; A. Glen, Gui:rd. The lodge ,was opened nadir a dispensation from D. G. eel. Bro. 'Wilson. numher of brethren Were, present front Goderich, Lucknow, Kincardine, ec. They were entertained Bowdert's hotel; by the new lodge, where a very ipleasaut evening was agent.. 'Crattece-2A elegies( match between the Lucknow and Goderich clubs, !two rinks a side, wee played on the rink of um hitter ou WednesdAv lest, and re - milted in a victory for Goderich hy four- teen Atom. After the match the Lila. DOW placers were entertained to a re- past at Vivian's, where • pleasant hour etas spent. The follpwing is the scere:- RINK No. 1. Goelrrich Litelawer T. Hood • • N. Smith h. M. Ross (3. Douglas .1. 11. Finley et. Murdoch C. Humber skip 27 Dr Tenuant ip 22 RINK leo. 2. .A. Dickson R. Somerville J. Thomson T• Matt hie H. Cooke R. L. Hunter Henry Horton skip 20 0. Kerr, skip, 20. DRANOEISM.- The following were elected officers of the South Huron County Orange Lodge at the 'wattle' meeting held in Goderich on the 3rd itist.-iV. W. Connor, Co. Master ; John Whitely, Deputy Co. !teeter ; J. Russell. Co Chaplain • A. C. Simmons., Coi Secretary ; J. Joalin, Co. Tremor- er ; T. Sturdy, Co. Director of Cere- ; 13. Cooper, Co. Lecturer ;• Messrs Simmons and Stevenson, Audit- ors. TO maid celebration of the anni- versary of the Battle of Boyne will be held at Seaferth on Monday, 13th July, sad the next annual meeting et Clinton. The North Huron Co. Lix/ge met at gelgrave on the same day and elected tgle following officers, -11. Geary, oo. *aster „. H. Perkins, Deputy Co. Mas- ter ; H• Coover, Co. Chaplain ; W. Sarris, Co. Secretary ; J. McCrae, Co. Treasurer ; J. Meaning, tpte. Director Ceremonies ; L, Nether* Co, Lee- surer.- • 1 Janus Glen for 20 eordagrond ,fs 09 Moved by Win. Klnahan, aecended Paeitis Soandal MOO is not nearly ex. CouncirnoW ad- TheSt:Ositharinise News says "the ljtoyuCra. tDuircaiiini(utthiateet thvise. carrie hausted yet. ' We undersandethat there are documents; and _telegrainslin reserve her of her I us- telvised her to ittinediately dia. On her arrival hero, hfcNevue was to all appears:1cm as constant.as ever, and ;ler father's, where hri drove :bee the persuuled her to go era tis Outrage, to other day. After hat lig thus disposed of this formidable ba ler to his cherish- ed designs, he was mere thin ever eA- eeerfiejt lginein for- . tentive to Ins "darlin'; Eliza." awl from t.e , - *thing.w" geing aDawke'rird.11,1,tanhtilu.e.ite:f.rEtr. sa.tthe W, ea.,. aeu14 Mr, the -manner in which.; be Detest . yester- A frightful accident happetil a't the residence of Mr. B. B. Oslee, Denim.; en Therulay nestle By en esp: .sien-of , tui, both Mr. an.' Mfrs. Osler were sever,. ly, if not fatally hefted. ° a . Moister Muses -to T„,*,p Clet). nutch worse i han any yet puldished. It is even said that enenth is behind 'the - - -- - "'""-"- tit.v11011 W dehar Sir tlo -I-1 from being a esisi , , erer,hopes that"the matter will be allow - Oleniber of theeHouse." The 1Veirs, how - Nova Scotia last year. $8,200,000 worth:of fish were taken in aAvrava.. If. p, la., has into-tat:iced A new paper has been sterte.1 at Tiv• construction of certaitt sections of the ertomer.caclilsedrieth, e Watchnsen. - teat North-weetern countr is creatin a bill providing tor the applicetien of the ballot to municip:loolleccotThiornlei.city in g _ y g the Biddulph atxtuction case have bee;. committed for, It:041a. entered against the re 001: mise:/iitert4eti The parties accuse df tot"tht weal* tole failed to there is an immeditte prospect of liyely eatiiiP urr'd sigit nia:f et ni. tIti -'.0t°1 the b.4 ditnosa the departure of large numbers , son and others in is neighborhood, and,in a few weeks we shall: probably and presperous times in the Northeiest. fp/.1.1- that-Prorince. :4:Oder thl vigorous dicy of the Itackenzft Administration Pacific ltailgay in Manitoba and the cmisiderable agitation serenest young well Willson' for East Itiddlesee. . ,Kingiton. County 'Council lately m seas' ,e at • The propose ed rest and that nvitual forbearance will be exercised." The St. Catharines Time.' Asys,-The determination of the' primed Reform Governmerit to proceed at onee with the The city of Toronto, with a population of 60,003, has 64 Sunder Si:heels, comprising .125 teaChers, and 11 goo scholars. l'he steamer Cumberland e as sold at doen Sound on the 10th instate to sat- isfy judgmenta in the ,Sherers hands. She realized.$38,000. The large freirrht house of the Great moctylwas badly hurt: Wooeos.tern S.t .etliart,ute, eaa One day lately,while the menemploycd 'Immoral scrsmble in ehe sereet, but HA - burned ThundaY night. L ei, oti Mr. Patrick Lannede farm, Ise 7, Halifax were, fer thif riser, 2,daeefor The majerities for Pieff:rtarleil‘,J.,;:regaeisnt Conceision . 6. Ellice, were working -in the letter,. /045. Th . the sudden appearanes fire linen:nab one of the fields, they wero startled, by_ wolves, issuine fr.nne„ the adjoining woods. l'unsuit was Id once e ion, bet the preffittory vial ters,after half eit hour's. excitine chase, were lost eight of, in a swanip. This is the first cline in many years. that this township •• has been eftratlotizareserct with a visit from.' such ugly The -annual 'meeting of tO Teleoraph Company gas he nn tke.11th inst. The r that 400 inilea of eels li seructed derirre the fe of tire added ta exist tor lines. 1 hese selditions :britig; up file •Compenst's pole. unleage-to 2.585 utiles, with 4.574 miles et wire,fird 231. offices ; 99,000 mere messages were diepatched in 1873 than in 187d. The general marine:4r reptirteil that 590 mites of noir ple line and 1,000 mites additionid of eireecon11 be need; eel during the present :year. and- the direCtors were authorized -ttaissise $100.- 000 nee capital stock, itiadat amounts as were needed fer this pai-pose. Ilen. Jeliti'MOMurrich w -as re-elected., Presi- dent. - After the close af the pellingitt-Wing- ham, the frieltdir of Mr. Farrow were so happy at thie reture, they carried him to the bar of Juhnsten a Motel; and so intent were they in doing hononr te the champion of the Union and Progress party and drinking his health, that they crtunmed the room to its ',utmost -capa- city, when suddenly in the maids* of their hilstrity the floor gave away, end all' were precipitated into the cellar. Tffere were not a few white faces, and a majorities in the Dowil The funeral ef the late gees, 'of Ottawa, Was an INHIKIAiii.4 Oen- enstration of the esteem ig whicli.f the deceased was heldby all tlessei elle ea creeds. ' The wholesale hardware lieges MeGiveriii.& 00...-Mattelton, which surpended some weeks St 0, bee again resumed busemis under the et C. Cameron & , Lest week Mr. William Orrelettelier, Leek now, purchased front hlr. Gannt, of. Wawanosh, two Wets, li sueuthit old, which weighed 2,400 lbsind 1-,209 lbs. each. • frozen inutten is ben; i.n.,46,1 into Winnipeg from the briiiel States. Chickens, 18e.per 111., turkeei etee lb., Initter 40c per lb., egge 7:;ge g daz., sausages 1.8e per lb. An extensive fire oecurrea in Ifslifax, Nova Scotia; on -Friday,destreyine &WAIL $25,000 worth`of propertyi an/ mond. cid with segioui iatjney ea- s4veral men. : * The..ttiangis Incorporation Bills hwe eon • ietrelticed in the Ontariet day, it was evident so -to happete last ni persons anticipating imitated Me/feria, hi the vigilance of the scoundrel avoided 4 o'clock this morning t a wiether of an elopement, t netwithetahding etchers, the Mir all, and aboat went to the house for Eliza, when the wo decamped for Rev. Dr. t.' of. St. Albans 'parts unknown. Thai eirl's parents re- Church', Ottawa. reOuttet ceierege side in Bayfield,and on Tell rbsPectable tion en Sundly for n.4 emu -amine suf-, people. The eitizone sf Lecke/ter are ficient to meet cerreistexpetties. Might indignant at the" eveguee. ef MeNevin, the rebuke not:have elocat'appletationf and should he ' Again iniAm his- ap- The friend.- et temperance -el ealeole 0., aro petitioning the 1.4ty ,itirmt. to iasue.only ferty tete' lieen eat . aledi.h saloon licenses, and to prololut grocers from selling tiquor in -quanti.les er tiro gellens: We hare from it Tory jenteal gratifying and rcamitting intelligence that SirJohit Stec.1..nal.1 will not take any endue advantage of the present Governnient. % do Riot thihk will. ' The Hamilton Timm pars that the at- tack int the British Columeie Leeele-• Nee shows that "the Tories are at the ttI•1 game of diebyalty, •htelt they .alvraya play when they meet lave things alleheir own way." room. W. Cumming 30 A. McDonald 25, Miss Trainer' 47, flise Dixon 43, Moe Norval 26, elms 'D. neat' 16, Miss Kirk- bride 19, Miss Loneworth 7, Miss Tay- lor McMahon 13. With thet repert euclose ia e4p7 of ;vipers used et the examination referred to, • • • -Before cloAing ‘. propose giving a few fieures which show -tee only the iticrease of pupils mutts line acleee out also she tin:rears -of population of the tow -is, a sieady increase which must bo gratify- ing to every camels who has the Mete perky -and success of the place et heart Commencing with Jennary, .1864,, we give the unuther pouils enrolled dur- ing the correammiline moiith iu the year up to the present time : 1864 . I 464 pupils. • 18e,-) 600 " ; _ 529 44 i • ; 559 • 64, " 673 " 5:15 " 730 Disastrous Piro. Loss 115,000.000. Sals'ERAL Mint KILLen AND INJURED. , LoNDON, Feb 14 -Taylor's Pantechni- ton end futniture 'repository in Belgra- Tie, covering an acre of ground,was burn - MI hist evening. The tire broke out at four o'clock p. at. and raged until mid. might. It was only stopped by the engt- tneersdetnolishing the walls and thus .preventing its progress. The building :alone wee insured for $1,000,000. The -total loss, including the contents of burned structure, consisting of -e-The second volume a the census etur"- 'Inirrcireoi'inhireohfliondthrt:rd gcaorordiagesas is and a vast am returns has just come to hand, It con- tains statistics of ages, oecueetionee. deaths aad of Chemises and Relight" and Benevolent Institutions. farmers coming into Montreal market sell frozen better.with about fifty p42. omit. of tce in its oompootiop. at $1o,000, . ive house, eseerel large stables adjacent were • Ily destroyed. There were a 'kern- el accidents and two fieemen were ed. The fire attracted ein immense end unruly crowd, and it became necee to call out the military to preserve 186.; PC; s 1:464 1 ',AY, 1 e7' 1871 18711 • 767 " 1873' 774 " In 'oonclusien, gentlemen, I beg to tenoer- yes, . my sincere thanks for the hearty and willing, assistance rendered to me by the mewl:ens of the Boand while Bechar:en: my tiutv as Inpector durittg• the sear, a work that has taken up A very large portion of my time, as it is iny ahoy not. only to conduct ex. anneetions itt yew Schools but alio te assist in the entrance examination of cencielatti to the 'Bah School. 1 letee the honor te be, t; t lemen ,Osegemiteilient servl, J. R. MILLER, Public School lupector. , e- -.-e---"coi; tan. itaratice iu Lucknoit, heg will have to remain' incegodo, or tint boys will tar 'and feather hen." . WeSt Wairanosh. - CoUNcILAIRICTINn.t-t-TIterCt.ninteil Inft poratiatit to ottatutee.(19 :Fan. 1874). The members elesit, Chase Gamin, Reeve, Edwin Galin •Deputy Reeve, David (le McElwain, 'arias 'Derain, and Win., Kinahan, C scincillom, having made oral subscribed • the neareiiary declare- tionearid puilifications 'of office, took their seats, the . Reeve lie the chair. Minutes of lest ordinary 'nieeting and special meetillut read and epproTed. if 4 Devidson applied -fee reftipt for • taxes having paid taxes and echoed' rate for tt. No. 3 school section,' bet it not being clear wheth her lalod was in No.13 or Nit 8 Union Scheel' Section it was/ laid ever till:next meeting, the eletk t*write to School Inatector for infotedation. %loved by E, Gaunt, sec. by C. Dunne', that Denald Grant be auditor. Carried. The Reeve hotudiated-John Hick ingbot- min tta be theether auditor. A petition sigr eilbr 16 ratepayers of the Township was preeented in favor of go. Taylor receiv-- ing a grant ficanTouncil she being in Andigent circumstances. Moved by D. Mellwain, see. by p. Gaunt, that Mri. Tisane receite the sum of $50 a ieer te he paid quarterly and that Ebenetter Rad- ford be TrOatee.-Clerried. Moved by diaries Dentin, eft. E. Went that John Gordon and Geo. Rettledge receive the sum of 113.00 each for . their services u retarningedlicers, said that' dee. Rut- tledge raeigie. the sum of $1.00 for going to clerk's °Woe ler poll book and voters list those seta by clerk throtigh mail taster been ininicarried, anti thet Wiu. Mcgllister receive the sent of $100 for I beekun4 voters list -to Carried. Moved by C Dur Gaunt, thet the clerk write to Lep tenant Governor of Outline sulking whether Locil Municipalities get their portion of Itl. L. Fund in money ar debrnerres el this municipality wish to apple* it' to their eadway debt, also that the clerk write to Wm. Hendrie- englitr:' ing who hold delivere-debentures of this Toinship.-Carried. Moved q D. Mellwain, sem by Win. Ktnahan, that this Councill send a' memorial to the Lieut. Governor playing that in any new school :set the Reuther „of holi- /lays be redueed, espiecially the summer holidays tn, rural districts.-ararried. Moved by Cli Dental, sec. by. E. Gaunt, that Robt Murray be clerk-. Moved by D. Mellwain, sec. by Win. Kinahan, that Wing Derain be Treasurer. tiered by C. Dentin, sec, by • Wm. Kinahan, that Janies Falc./ner be assessor, and that he be notified ,to appear before the council•next meetiog,-Carried. /sieved by E. Gaunt, see, by' D. Mcllwain, that the Reeve -sign the ifollhoving elms -gee: - W. 11. Reid, gravel $2 25. Ann thither ford refund texes$11.4.. T. J. Meer., 10.37, J. lifordon, OD, G. Fseetleilige, , eves, 11.00, 1. . Moved . by Tug W twinge here has been wonder- fully capricious, raining, hailing, snow• ine. freezing end thawing all in a few hours, and it seems a great wonder that there is not more sickness. Seaforth mid Egmondeille have been severely scoiirged with dipthreria, typhoid fever and purreurial fever. The laat mention- ed 'snow prevailing_as an epidende. THE LONDON HURoN AND BRUCE RAILWAY )1A1 bean commenced at last, most likely to gave the charter from ex- piring as it wou!d have done on the 15th nee., unless work lead beea pre- eioius!y commenced. We hope that the good week may he continued, and we feel cordillera that it will be after the committee ef enquiry comes out in April as is eze .cte.1, ant are able to see the beautiful country through sv'tich it ite-to run and the statistical ancounts of pro- ductions and exports as well as imports. Now rnAT TEIR intermits are over thibgs may be expected to go on in the usual way Until 'text year, when the eleotiona foe the Local Legislature will main bring. us into another turmoiliof excitemen t. It is te be hoped, •howeter, that a may . be by ballot, which will most effectually prevent corruption, and' the ume . expression a- the electors be hreere likely to be obtained. When au elector writes the name of the candi- date in a room where no one csa sae hitu,and give his ballot to the returning officer faded, tio one can ever knoW how he voted, acd there 'will not be much mopey paid under Odell circumstances. Stephen. • cce•Neir, Meurnen.-Counci1 met this day (Feb. 7th, 1874.) Moldier* all piesent. Minutes of butt meeting read and signed. bleating hereafter to be first Monday in every month st 10 o'clock a. m. Moved by W. Fulton, seconded by A. Leary, that C. Prouty be Clerk. same salary as last year ; T. •Croughlan WAR appointed Treasurer, samie salary es last year ; .1. Ryan was applainted Assessor et a Wary of.$65. Tres/niter to deposit toe eship monies in Bank of Commerce. Moved by J. Parsons, seconded by A. Leary, that this Council pass a by-law for the purpose of drawing from the plus fund lying at our credit in the Pro. vincial Treeaurer's hand, the sum of Ten thousand dollars to pay off our gravel road debt, or purchasing other deben- tures as it may .seeni most profitable for tne township. Moved hy A. Leary, seconded by J. Keelum, that the Treasurer andJohn Persons go for tbe surplus money. Clerk te prepare Tnutatirer's bond*. Mr. Finkpiner to receive $8 for making fires in Hall. • The fellowing orders were granted : J. Hodgins repairing scraper, $1.88 ; Trus- tees 8. S. No. 6 for use of house for municipal election $4 ; Mr. Flynn, re- pairing culvert 1 side road $2 ; Mr. Fielrigner making fires $1.50 ; 1'. Carey repairing Culvert 11 Ceti- fr2 • charity $1.0 ; Mr. Verity 1 scraper 16 ; M. Winer, wood for Hall $6; Gravel $13.05. C, PROUTY, rp Clerk. taking new ward No. I. nin, sec. by !muse, statienery, returning officer, do. $3.00, G. Ruttl Wm. Kinahan, sem by.,4r. Ge-unt, that W ni. Ifc Allister this esuncil do now' sidjourn till Saturday the 7th day of Febremy and that Tavern keepers be notifies' to apply for their license on that day. *outage Meirrisro.-CouncR met (70 Feb. 1874) pursuant to adjeurnment All the members present. Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeties read and confirmed. Letter from Win, Men; drie, Esq., read and filed. Letter from Rchool Inspector stating that W4 Ibt 14, Con. 6, is in U. S. 8. No. 8, wee read and filed. By-law No. 1 1874 appropriating the Municipal Loan Fund money coming to ldtis Towdship to the liqutdation of Rail- wey debt was read a thirdtime. Koved by D. McElwain, seconded by E. Gaunt, that by-law No. 1 as noW read be pulsed, Carried, ',Application from • Robert Barmby for TeverneLicense for lit. Helens' Motel waa read. Moved by E. Gaunt, seconded by C. Durnin, that Robert Barmby's applies -- tion be granted in accordance with statute acid by-law. Carried. Application of Thomas Burns for a Tavern Limns° for 'Belfast Hotel was read. MoTed by 1). Mcllwain, seconded by Kivahan, that Thomas Burns' ap- plication be granted in accordance with statute and by-law. Carried. Applications trout John ticRuoid, Mc- Pherson& Kennedyeand Wm. McIntosh for shop license, and Robert West for tavern licenee, all from the voltage of Lucknow were read and filed. Moved by C. Durnin, seconded by D. McIlwain, that John Bowers be License Inspector at a salary of $2 fpr each cer- tificate.' Moved in amendment by E. Gaunt, seconded by Wm. Kinahan, that Geo. Weatherald be License Inapector, Fin amendment, Gaunt and 'Linehan. For motion, Duruin, McIlwein and Girvin. Motion carried. ?stored by E. Gaunt, seconded by D. Mcllwain, that the Reeve sign the fol- lowing cheques. Robert Mooney Bal. of salary $2C 00 it ‘• Registration 10 00 D"uttilion •in Tonerto and 233 in es beeq'c sholted , -The 11:criiien Tribune lays on ttVed- aes.lay•evenitig, whili • 3•tris. Bmiltolted die 'third concession of Howick was sit• 'ging in het heuse rea.lineOesolue person .kiescked at the door. Beelton said "Come in.'''when"the deur was gently 'opened and quite a large baoket. sheve4 -into the resin. The &tor *as instantly closed nein, and the ' pertO Made off.. OIrs, B.ntiten being {bete, -vraii acinte- whit startled at tiret.-bne isfter isecems1 thought Mie went to the door to sue who' wan there,. •Ient n•i .one ceekli be seen. She teek up.the basket,. anti Open ex- . imitable its contents she found. a fine hex...thy looking female childeabotit aiz weeks st1,1„ sieigly- initilcd up. A forth- alit(' er examinat eau br. fright t•o' light It choice 4;e9. 1.4 of clothing, a note, Containing ..ten effle itith initrnetieris OS take t good care id- the child, and whe.n the nuttier Wall 'petit, inor.e woe1.1114, iertliconting. 'f here was also tu' the basket a small hoz id 'Meer, enursing.bettle NM, fresh milk and one dottier inailver. • Niro. .11euitott is. quite taken up eith theechild, and will:tare fax it meet& better tffau its unnatural mother ceuld hitvedune. • • Loen.ow, Vete 13. -The Hallam hark l'isleinelk, from -New York for Bristol, sunk ire the Irish coast ditrote the gale on Wednesday last. Twelve of the Mow were drowned. The 4 -levet -an./ tiTteg-17•1 Wole. eley'e en eland will leave ilCoast for England &Ant t he let ef 1.1 le proposed to 1. .'•1 a pleltitt,,ite 10 Ileitis, Whether 011 the ex int-ago:1 of tblitestalitittelli„.:;:siieteorrina :lilt:film...1es. tf.raie, • slied ' s Staff oel has sent ,t were:: e v. ••• ige English Parliament. An 1 Os ,S:t defeat- s;si are ProfgFaircet tje ho is L., ed. and Mr. Jaceb Bright, liyilter •.; J• Bright, e nu.) Mucrttstment. r - ES PRAY :STEER. • • 'ANIE into the preetises ef th-. sole actritelr, aboat the elot ,)f Deaseiger, a Bed "-r-orbeg M.(1. ith white face and hatinga bit off each eat. 'The own- er Mt -eve -10A io pr.r's'e •pros e r: ye 1,1y 1 tale it nWISS'. AMES DIPICHANAN. - Convene, lf th Fels. pc4. 1.109.1°. , SHERIFF'S S ILE !;'-'L --e. County '1 , 1 I , _ 's • . ) lest ee .•• IS. !IV!. .t 14,4/.[1.1411. 1 . • / the FAIR:, :R. 14 • • Bishop Guigusi,Reinan Cathelic Bish- op of atttier, died at his paletee that city, nu efondare night last. in the 69th ve.ar of is age.' II te was leen at ifsepin, France, and was appeinte I first Nebel' of Brom. -now Ottawa Jely, 1874: , Rev J. M. 'Cibson',..of Erskine Church Montreal. km received a ismo,,,nous call from the tee nid Presbytetian Church of Chicago. The buililing occupied by Me congregation VISA (tele lately erected at a cost of trio.000. The stipend imaren teod is 86,000. A number of Churchmen in Ottawa held a meeting on Frilay nielateet which on the basis of the Reformat Yeosooredi steps werelaken to form a ciNiTcVitioll Chtireh rif OM United States. Cummingsis Ise invite4 t rite the Capital. It is state.i. that on serape of the judges Of the Superior Courts ia ()uteri° being fully employed they wallet until -4e to try contested election cases. Ueler these circumstances it is n impreitible that the Minister of dust ice mat epeeist barristers to perform that duty. "I told you so." If a bri•Ige is swept away, a horse breaks its leg, or a mob breaks the windmill of the Perliament Holism in British Columbia,soms heuest admirer of the Pacific Scandal will trace, rule." So wags the world. in the event the eril effects of "Grit iehicted ity the Members,fted it itatad House of Commons have been already The mejnrity of the seats in the asstwaankee:ttoranortuiti:oateryt enough Ministerialists on the left of the McGillivray township lest week:tieing to Alarge flock of wild geese passed neer :1h:4p:sit Ili: en phalanx on the right. . without taking inte acooent the selid :ace etntthlarte. the direction of Lake Huron. Sp etsruert look upon this as a must remarkable ie- ourence. ana me at a losit how 1J account helief that spring has comet for it, Is it possible that the January taaw deceived these wise birds into the • 4 4 " Postage C. Girvin Council fees for meetings in 1873 E. Gaunt do D. McIlwain do C. Durnin do Wm. Kinahan do • Goldwin Smith telegrsphed a friend :suit of the recent electiens. Ile lis 3: at Ottawa • oongratulation over the re - crush the political vipers ale; eii.": p'"" try in, which the people are we Afraid to "I may now _speak of Coded& ss a omit- orious breath would pollute the very atmosphere." - . estimates next session. tain mileay engineer*. and surveyor s Plaus and specifications for a new estimated cost is nearly a half -Million wing to the Western Departrnental block ment of Public Works atone the "1° - at Ottawa have been prepared. The dollars. It will extend frau the Deepart of the cliff, and will be arranged to col!. offices. The cost will be incluied in the aud-leseed by Mr. D. Melvin, were trostraTyhedtfeorWfidya, yofie:ruleoeyinflfiboyounmrdaratyell,ealion:t.enirnseila:Icianfi:41,rdIsh, o'clock, and the buildings beinv,f wocIto.!ds-. ary. The loss is a smn, einfitir:vrams:rsont slidtiamordiseyre, inn sotfi. siding on lot 3, eon, 9, cuiross township, were I*" e°n`unted. les there bad been animal, standing 16 hands nigh, girth 7 thoroughbred Clydesdale it/Ilion- -1 fine bout eeeme, partially Wigton a, the fire d at 5 is supeosed to be she viord .4 An incendi- insured. • Mr. Robert Armstrong, land. He brought over from has just returnetleyrom , visit to Se"t- , farmer re- fute which had eerie, eeeral first a total loss to ita owner. prises. Thirteen holm dor landing at the horse died eLinflantination, proving New York, and while yet ou ship beard, A Nw days ed for some 50 fete On striking I. light he discovered a sayer, whet he explor- an earthen vessel of a capacity of ago while a man "1 passing through a weed, near Ottawas or four pinta his search waa rewerded by. -discovering mica. The rase haa bee . globular at the hue- lent three surface exhibited remains of hierogl1Pu• ICI. The edges mented and in row resonation. It was full of pieces of . Captain Hackett, of port' Elgin, ha° great ...61.4y. Pert -11;r search it to be WII4 &lid PrOnr•Unnad be jegges to be of of the mouth were ores- %bronght to Otte IfartZ COntaining prom:cutest. .•! , ott.se I le• l'., -• II.. - ,,, , • 1 ,,, .: •. • ' re h. Loo41.,N,1141,. ' s• 1 s - , , . 1)• le SAttor4 tt.''...• "...t".., la',1 .1sy 0 MO .a./,' 4! t'lf• . lister .. Leg t ,,,eaels.h•oe. •- th.erifr; e.47, , ri..1„,,, :1,1,./1))):IiT GIG" , \',. • Ole I'. ' 1I'le•II. . . 4.101,4Ec 1, i.74 i , IWO. INS ):,-/ENr AC'T OF 1139. rae...._ fu the 111 steers -pi Philo•Sraith Noble, un . inatilvety. 'I'll 1nIkolvet". baa nriefe an AA- ! 1 igtement sof flii.4 k.7ieisie to lie, stet t le Creditors, are_nottned,te uieot at th -place whetit•the "netts -edit lately eerrield on besineee in the Town ef 0 ete- rich i the Conley ef }lunge iin Toole daY 1874. the his i -. Da e,Thirl any_ of 111 -arch next. Ai D. at the 'hoins of Three O'clocke _in tine:era, tetreAve etatettients of ra, and appoiet an AFerrnees. • '. , . d at Omierich, thisl 9sh day` ef' Febr ary, 1a74. ' ' • . ,, . 1 tete ' litril7.0 asilit; e4lelteri,;* n' ce. 11 .... ' ' DT L'ir174T ACT .0,1' 1sas. 'Insoikamiliatter ef. Jolia.a..1 Ileakte... an -In- es B Y virtue' el au (vier 'cif his Ilenelr Judge of -tlic cOenty Court of the ountypf Huron. dated the, loth do of June 1873. I will offer feraa,elie by 1Public Aitetion at the offia ,of efeeets. 1`, C. Kerr &Cp., Ilatiiiiton. tio ' Werinetelay the lith day elf %larch .next; • late ealocie, teem, delge ontlittrielz ing a. unpaid hehunglitag Ilkn ell 'it', 4,rth • *been tiiattnettltitoit'ont, tee of maw be seen loV, aoplt nig t :dr - McKenzie of atoiderich at toy Llautiltoo. • .1 , it..*FINDt41. British Oalo • THELATEUPRISING FCITIZENS. C AUSES OF THE T ROI; le•LE. THE PREMI,ER DEMONIC - coLuftqc.Es ItEs1 INOVPICE. THE EXCITENIENt SUBSIDING. - . • Victoria, B. C., Feb. 11:-ChilMoisday afternoon citizens nentbering nearly one thousand eaarchiel ttr the' Parliament Headings an orderly mannor, A large polies fierce wits on band, hot -there Was n°D4rie.t4iHreblies'ne. iceken etresented 'tho petition putted e the me:ettug on Saturday, the genneef Which was oat .tbie .meettna deem' it inadvisable te enter into any nairotiations foicapitalising the dry deck eniirantee, or to berrow.maoutoney trine the Deminion Government, mail the scheme' of the Macketizilt ; Minitere, for. the revocation'of ttie terms. of -union, shall be made known: and fertherethit- ie is.distinctly opposed to 'the Provincial. Government interfering in any manner frivith the tering qr- agreeing to any POW tertim offered by the /Mai:tent:is uverne meut, until they stall have been butit- ted to the people hit adoption. An application by, the . 1Iiiiistry for a gunootte to be statieliel at the Govern- ment buildings Pas ref uses' by th,a mint- Inarit drel.:lifititiho"fien w ase t. also -ben.; . to the ity inemsers who support the. Government, calling upon, theta to resign. ;he mine afternoon IN! C0I4111011resigne.d,, aud hae since left the city, it Maoist; tomtand for en °amide district for ethe Centuries. To -day, %atom, •Attorney -General of De Comas' inistry,;was canoe by the Governor to form a Goverpment, and it is understood that lie makes no Changes in the,rei-ionnviiif the Cabinet. Comuder- sble eicitentesit still prevails. Mr. Morton, one of the leaders in the attack on flute Parliament beildings. is out for the :Comment, and Higgins, another leader. haying .been threacebed dith arrest, publishes a'card, accepting the entire responsibility of the denion- stratien. The Dottie meets on Fridge.; when the _petition will be , considered. The press in epposition the.general Government says, BIS nothing but die - solution will satisfy:. the country: and charges that the attempt to change titer cultanuosen.was done to violate the rwil way MOW un the stocks a ger, which la fort• feet long be teaPre, beam. The machiuery will be seeelied by the well- known tirtn of ooe-O,o-°' Owen ees aotle 140f111. laratien, t6tii F h.. .1 '474. - i 11111U3 URI 4raL MORS; H411LION G 10-EinCH- • "KNOX It ROTHWILL Beg to inform the. publiss that they aro Ipus in a itinin tont lig all erders with which -they maybe entritstetl. ima stele which Ocanitot be sulretessed in the Cowley:. The vellieles' twine.' out of tlteir estsblieh- met* aro finisliel te .a vet-, stligerg•r styli, andl will bear coniparis in with Loldor :broods Ilimself. • From tlit Hamilton Timts The sphere of Ontario pelages Is not large enough for Mr. Lander, who, it seems, is now the junior leader of the tippositien in the Ontario Legislature. He soars outside of our Province, a-nd like the famous American eagle, which had one beg on Mexico Rost the other •tn., the North Pole, Lauder graiips British. Columbia and the Dominion at hirge in a single. day. glle dietingelalied him- self by enquiring ahether the Ontario Premier had received shy officiatnews of the trolible in British Cislernbja. 'With whatobject the question was put we do nottnow entitle leender was impressed, with the ;deo that Mr. Mowers amend; ment to his detnend for returns had caused a riot on the borders bf the Paci- fic. Failing to secure inferination on that point, Mr. Lander then demanded thati, tile Ontario railways ,shonld be placed under she supervision and inspec- tion o° Dominion officials. Why our' Provincial affairs ought to be controlled from Ottawa, Mr. Lauderd id not ex plain, so we must assume that itis suggestion was but smother prrof that no pent-up Utica confines his powers, hut that, as a sub -leader of the Ontario Opposition, he is bound to keep his eagle eye on all porte of the Dominion. any. • ORDERS SOLICITED. . Chaderich, 16th Fele 1874. 1709 MORRIBLERIMULT OF 'GRIT" RULE, - We notice that since the Macdonald Government was defeated the Tory Peer,. nate in Ottawa have suddenly discovered that not only are the Parliamentary buildings in hourly danger , of being d stroyad by fire,but that the contra' Pr of those buildings is breaking pieces, and must fall if prompt 'imam are not taken to secure it. That t inauguration of a Reform Government should be quickly followed by the b ing up of a tower of solid- maso , shows how even the bricks and stones -of Ottawa are incensed at this change of Mthistry. W shal I nett e xpect to hear that the Ottawa river has risen and 'Mb - merged the whole eity. The probe eiplanation of the central tower d MONEY TO LrAND. t . . , • ---- - N' L %Re lE OR SMALL SUMS F. tit • o ug ir short terms; at 8 p.r.ceui. SI NC L erich, Dec. 3tele, 1873. 14COOltut : • 1 - S T 1 BOUTS & SUE3 Just arrived .., AT 'TUE -ION STOkE, A 4, : ••• •A 1 • •••• , V r te • P4 , ti -44'1 tee . le wl t . • - 1. r. • „. 4 - • !ret t'r _141 Nib - - t • . : s. ri #1 . bpi .t. • ^ 1 t ‘.1 11F .11 31. R▪ I (1.11 • 11-111 ,et:" 0 - 'eta s • .! t • * - r 4 • '1_17 . 4 00 , an eequiaitiou to buabe elyiehicaudedwiti,1, dbenuebseduessas bane is that it was improperly built under frer John's management, but we suppose tii,t 8 00 excumion two last 4 10 ;eel). The eaptspern va,s,m'iti:Iontdwroo nfitahh--. reason will not satisfy fhe Tories, who evidently laleir und.er the idea that te 4: I iwirnaggyob", fwnahteic:ih°fgatedtb:ultion.1 reaefeet y ifeourttt; uonpedner. I John is kept out of °lice. -Ham Oasis I Times. whole Ithiverse will gn to wreck if r ' s IST* ME N Arifp ll:iLoREN e invited:to call and" . I spect the goods be- fore purchasing else- • ‘e .4t • • F . vihere': 0. iticKEN- ZIE 1 Ha in' iliOn PS"trreR 1 erit.roR. i - Goderich, Feb. 17th, 1874: • •.