HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1874-2-18, Page 1_4
A 4A
An Qld whiller tells, in the Anteri can
Grorer, all about nutmegs. This a
.3 so much used in every family, is Zi'
genous to the Moluot",reething itagre*A-
eat perfection in Amboynal. 77iis i"od
i belongs to the 1)utch, in i)o do not per-
Init the cultivation of the nutmeg in the
other islands under their control. The
nutmeg tree is tousity-tive or thirty feet
high to, hen fully grown, with foliage of
a rich dark grecu, and very planuful.
(TATABLISHIED Wreactwo maturity, or full productirt-
oft* Largest Pipers publiShed 12 C1411" astax, at the fifteciath year 4oro planting.
0 FrI tile Wo",elti to the rilening vf the
&&dpubl;stiodASooderictL,Ont&rlo. eve�y
lb fruit takes about seven zusintha, but am
I. VV JCJD�Zj4L,,,�y mortIqlnack, the trvu'in a jv4renuial lw&rer, Utere are
. 1 .4. - always bluisionsh, green fruit and ri on
111'.4001ke. ip?sotrahl street. 1,Uoinift I. � tse viorkst T It o G ro a it e st P0 Es 8 ible 0 0,3 1 t o tho Wo!ittos t P 0 Isiblil 7711 nib Ar. I I
the tree. The yield is most pie= in
t4*uArvk by the I&A futar moutilm of the
'D E L L . .. .... sviormi4yitAd per latismain
a heathy
tree is 5 Ibis.- of nuttatep - end 11 lbs. of
PROrLIZT()It Miles. A plantation of *tie thousand
L -6m requiem tie haw ofgoven 000lles,
A fift oxess �ttsw��wa, forcultiration
Dam, on advance. $2 it anlis arvesti a fruit is sadisced
.a stj'nod tit, %I11 orrous are
i zan -
paid. olloott at this option, of the p"bliother. CHAITHR 11. t Frosonoo Of JL4 41 it. Tlte =War PaUaT. PUbUe Uft Ma US PrIM by wean4 of a hook attactused to Go Insig
AAT18 OF AUVRRTISING Ott Is. port R. Ring. ding, wetit the bell, at an earlK pote. It is shaped like a pear, about
4hour, ip the hotmo of Airs. D4bors zy ItEr. F- W. JI0LtiAXV- From themosetaryTimed, It will be a very gloomy day tfor this tile s'fa Pf so Pex�;h, land - hess a delicate
i�gh ts per line f,)r tile M"t Ivi-Ition nd :Greenwood ; and the servant ushered in Tito Pacific Railway policy Of tile Gov, country, when there is not & consilor- "bl,luir Thoiallit 'h" three cover] ngs
c.ttrthe ,,I t4do one in a thick, Booby b nek:
1, r Il.. f, saris nhoftlusint lnoerlioll- NO. -43 111UT18111 EICHINGE ROTE A 8kaftir G1w Mrs. Morshall. There is ollo grawl qivilitt sigL-klly erninent in ia the main sourd, and @4 able number of -now"pera able and
moro, not isiteesding a lines, 64 re, GODEUCHIODGE
DZRICU. Haire you. heard the no*s?" "ill she, negImtod, aLuio,t UevJ,r I bl to tiowhero Such hits been aocepted by tho countify. within ma4idly e"mina the chalrac- hzviig a stroug flavor of nutmeg. Ilia
at its Ill I huxii
.0"A'h#ms to 11) low. 115. c., A. F. A. A - 14- . A1tXCT.,QuARz 'If Flret am the shadows glide I after a few pteliminaries. id Vk.uoq� :2dou preach- One of its principal foiLtures lies is, the t4ire ot[pto e ,pqrstorrod in svnj
we ItEGUL.All, cOmmusicATION. -ittlicirsen- If we MI[ p when Yonne,
twourovineistiobs, re-ko-1 "(Ikv of each OAPT. W. COX, - fROPRIET01t 0 �Tzlll I
Yet dria, noe of
W *wanted OR so "a of solid Nontut"11I.- T tied on thofirst WO" Ter the i0a we fly, "What news I" &*ert inany a postponement of, the sectiori that 'woold staint, we jistal sail tW the. ..*iC.� aft it" itlm� i11,1011ite Ilwasotni't in th
as 7.30 P. ho-, Vifilung broUirea 11 ll�lrolll
6do.-iiI wit?"vat oreoifia dlw*to diLay julited. LAT20toTHS HURO I UOTXI� Swift as the swallows ride. diamstiat"ind dxli Indies. Undet: this blisk is theebright
.. wit, . 110h, ordl that Mr; Mlhms-fuiled— I "r I is, nany a peril. pus o-ierlthe rugged and difficult coun- on i6tclligeo,� firnive, and dialititerestU
"tit forbid. &ad c�ra�l wIzingly. cut Underillito starry sky I positively ostj everything !-& great Wire parents ati� t I cuoltomqd try north of Lakes flurwi an I Sup"ri-or. rod Mack-, *hich is carefully flattened by
W. DICK60N. 34146 - -+- - to allow their y 0-1 in an isidiappasible condition to tile
sw7341 listort 4 the Every heart bt)" kigb speculator. thaw say. But do you it now OUN., ovIf.cont- the Moat elpensive to construo.t, and at stloces'of-reprawnutive governinentin hand and Aried on meta in the sun. Is
IMARLT AO G."riellith May. 1&11.
sootiness ur; is hinted that Ilia W,its are, ileliniandin smnvun� 110. tilnea.*�,Wo could not make
long" sent inill b�% c merehiont'. EcktAcl!-ulet, ill 'h thAt it ro, n 4 present the least needful. Tile north uIoL loses its ritVacarlat And becomes a dull
a goals, who ad venift b7 J" feww- 1 1334 114 an a o I :-m sweeppy, asecret,,quits, d , isitipated, slid that he has neans of the frool i I w, .
bho thetipkVaestful poiner; notonlykave th.111 it re.7cno. a rivers will' Which it is intormwie,l, as are not, a ootnmo#ity of Athenian demo- Prf't
........ C .......... oft -lost heavy, wuiijli� at the goining! table I` Ikes 1J In fir"erve ita flavor.
Moan) to ttnb- I an in,outbreak of '. at ns ;,bt is ollid shororAti bo ponetratel by I d requires to be kept
T Als list itutiorort work without it. We orontst oolesir
ly 4r; t�
w1Z od whole AfW the lwaco isramoved from
4 month& .............. tog, whi�illg, "But," ainled in hire. (.relinw� �frid' a or fell.1w far me tbq agriculturist, tile wintor, or cratiwe cannotl all got together in a the
3 Gliding, sliding, hat ii he lusubtatter will need to g) for a.,nie fruit, the Inutc;I in their brow
AN 01i 0 R 'L I If Be w a to become of poor Mrs. 1of I $Ile pitivila, were th 4 of escap* 4 Pilblic plitco, &lid tak over theclaims to it shells.
1,111 'shown, en,l t Ia 1) 1 'if . planed on bardl
OT?r the ice they sail. �will have to lower her preterstions, lnqtsjn� years io oonj4- Ili tile mesontinw, -ite e-olaidience (if piel,lic finest. most 4 whom to ovs�,r a slow fit",
a moviouts, bitiiaxte 8,,, nom Niw Yczz XTIRY %�f skies above Ahinking." docisilkn onfor # Iolkll a alo,jbIo life are to utilizo the nairig-Ation of the" we know porsonal[ly. We silusit ba ire which is kept Constantly burning under
Iyear Bluest ..Aftei all, it is no such great (to SAY uoLJliU- f � prqiw routt intm i4initirr, aril to tho w-litts we Can get to transact them for Ise mqntlls,' The nuts thou
�w T." prep-ty at I Of ; pity," v) wonld,be
12 a Fee WZDNE.%uA1 AND FATVAJUY.� Suloothest of ice W'Osr; observed -Mi a. Marshall; 1*1 movercjuld t ligdrst a ;1aropinity as reach -Fort, Go title in thie shells, which tire cracked
6 Lots o saved. -8-1 in - l'o rry in winter t4rongli the (stir peilolic, business and 'we caa "Illy
9 wro"be ........... Ap.t.
......... OXODATODN UNSORrAg"D Itonnij to the Steel we love, a" re than &at*@ xx we now reach the AlbiTitic 4lect th"m on the kn,,*!w:lgo we g t wi0k a W,4deu mallet, the sound Liut4
1 Q. dAJ9P;kfGNZ. Buticitur, Ae., IrASSENUERACC what there wits in her Mi) outs oft'lit not, in thij.aj �ad P;iiod
......... Eyer 4nd on we to. oft light, tells of) 'I ae ected nd poet in ooden q"Ge
9 months ............... ... 3 oetafth. ail; I GI>,lerlitis. Rates of loawoge rnno an. Widge or firlUle to o.thor folks. that vvorjr one should 1,,o *&$I Y, ofarolselm- awboard. From the east we are?4ro- throub Iho rewollo3pen. Vor�y f w of ad w and
Glssit.ovi, l4vo.p_1 ,r LioadiolibenT, Cable's $0. Over the gleatntor floor, in cd abolit Mits LINI's goott that", tand Mrs ad t callastilit a nAsW a peotii)n of road eoftnesi'tin-j sprinkled surer with dry, sifted
f 1175 and *4o4,..1u ".."di.t; toNeolkv- intiorlLwil 3r v w4sa tile its IntiVe ally other use"o of infe nimation, iLT11116
aFraimpt and roAntilteg,q and &6 then ready for nigirket. Tb'
oOver the frozoill,tid -d 11totuper. and Mrs M's mirpass- p v4uld stop toe tuouthof French River with tlie'south *nit t1hes intialato L"bowlel.+6 a few ini�
It14 0, � Roe I 1 0
Skiliansing the pe,;:Ilod shot*, Ug AbilitieL Tritst me, that when it is� Stream 49 its &-dense, almit. oil wheat
MOEY To LEND. JJ�A4. IV it An erst�rn point f TAke Nipissing; mud in.-utial tnen in
sy balre colacerniog, call -
replied as it v .UW44�Llo, pirgna thalucooi*twaril' ano6er railioa-1 i- to kdates for pt0olic fn(rpfj�, -isealild lid wto-
Merrily now we glid known that Mr3 is poor, she will be'
PZKftp itlispin,,mind mou Sol be
k 9
to let of &r are he lisgift, 031914' �bo oxtiiis swir bo their heavy weigurypow
amsINIPROVED FRM rRO foci inf."' "A. A&Iply to� Carling, whidin no moft courted Mom any inf wt. ra w Iu or idea till it coll1weta wi;h rail. losit Ili our cot)ntry ar it con1d n,A JA
iDitilt,41% This To ch.Aritable t. 0 Waf th a AV dolsot ctonunituic Awy Ira
wj;l in Ail I "oo" 14 17 i 0 perty,, at 9 per �ont pitistple; i literest Ur (AlInug, Shoji I that 1'.tbr ist was rh witbot;t roadoolready in existence. SW tla�t;iixh the papers. nezkq4 lit4t and e
o7 Do* h7ot Grt,,u N.Y.. ry the capacit r I
Owe ii!t,*rrupted by the arrival ot sonoth
per anuttin. A it tille i0o -we the Oea� Frederic now,�of course, on what information r Most po'Vl&. Avon thq SOUSItivoi
Or th'etir As#*$' #11.1. 9. WARNOCK, 4. visitor- -Mrs &,If. She W MGM socurld with a porjrf�,t to ri at battle, tke practibility of a milroad g6uth 'of torrants we h4va, r ublio A Irsdia ZtclL-
Paley with iudi"ktiu, Lake NipissitIff is assume
'..016 -rite )rds of klee. zeRuisss) Jdndn"s in her nature, spo mrir, It h a knowleage the'
SASJVEL SLOAIT,� eforred t4N 3,
UAerwrL so-
Sh rish!so kq oil IS(
Susp* our Songs r ill th d' book&, point of dootention; ag perlialps �uo of the eftn(�t aggirsovisting
i th ot. i irm,- 1338 1 tit mirth heard of bir 310a misfortune with li�_ timot law d thl question is.' But they shrink front their aliplicsitinvL
fei-_ned regret, not "oepting his habits difrk I
1`4 of its. 411eiAL zoah�ji lilpierl souls than we ry t i passion-?-, whether there be in oxistou�i reliable yet ire aniiit linve theou oppli,4 bg I on ttiollievoir caloonutcrad by a busy
J "go b too.
%�hn 't
STOREI Notai4wrifts f oind on f4dissipation and the suggestin of wan- quiro! n I iweaknotaill evidence by which it elsa, be se-thsol. poclil intlit kw4w all they can fauiy housewife f4that attAiding the lightinit
sk:poireVe #light, ton.extravaganotoon the pa;t io%Alra 9 of !t njusgity. Froon tile fiesst e4i of Lako Saoorior� a lettru abrintLthe "jell Wkqln they We offirms ton istill, dollop nionlini,
a. T
9 TA R, "I have been a frdillatint viditxir to their railroad is to he made U) -port �G&kod a'dr;Lw.;' vVell w) . go
usilua,tMf 0 roan& tu-Wor. fn hii prii'stfe t"i .0 at firist-woll't
AT LOW.UJoTE* OF ISTERSST. On. It 114 " so iftme gal*, rrolu Thri, tell
'like, theLflying 4L
tale house'!, said Urs Bell,- "at all hourso, to me of every S,W in we- and "(ither from Pernivints, both vif new, ritiz,3n investigttes a t'sulillice; and -than
mefi and childirm
Ovcr tillie ice we 4 will no
who;. it
MBEHOLD PorstmonenAtIlaildialf(and ilond 11%T0 'till ar. eren. it which will be �xolljstsral 4ratlollso of the litan's qUaractor before he starlii it is wit1h a sort of
htloniestio- trusts hi
uvex�comiijg Iul -ex itn4routwitud rushof&ir wriii
T, -eiue tu tit tali tits ansong tile best I hftve ever main IIiiii. when tits whigu work is com- fit oftol ilivostigates a groat in r -h
ftA E9 lisaste an fvTi.111K. poy 11
Ust a Y w is roacheJ,
Ft,r PS, -airs'appliv to, 11dilig, th 4 o r into plefool. tFurt Garry tit, throw light on charactilit
r"I seen, and I hitio' h looked upon the It Use rolom with slisole =;I
I tie. made to
440 Ice pattern bappiliou." lisiogress lis to be tillsr(�o finding the upploaxant funies in
LN J> wardw the which-lis'lumplemiLut for the employet, to
,r afew wom-nits Instance& thero 4 -*41L I Itocky 'Mountains, at snols ratio of op have Tbe trouble
Agent at Podcltil& Aft M it eed lookod ifito. Ile does not hesitate the face of, Ilse operater.
ftp�.nt in unw, q. ftam the cieZusustances and tho!fivances of to enqi is cat -toed by the dil'Sculty ancou
RewrqtwT and Tint"water, falleous Mrs BeIf &fool A lire as t4 a C or a AnsociAteir. or a wrod
0"Clo T16 gnkcu Xsrc=nt.� AtizedT,ir her short 11tA 'that $I," tint'1111114 dlvrvllin,�; th. liafiiU of expenditure,, I or that
u the cxruu�rv. usay rol Work is to toe c4shir a in osvm4ainj thIII-inertills of tit long
411c hall just lielald to 90113-11111cool, (oil the 1 4 air ill �Imb
1341 the doar bithir djoy 1ct t' V1121i., Section at tile lacca ill w4ich, a bouk-k�wpor his pipe. or C111111"eyt
w 16 11
r she felt inte.N011*41010 in appearing *Anw tiala !as coil -Ill* essi,%� sections. einuio'hours. Frery pulAw usaii nuont can be
tile Thsi isdt-,ti
U*,%co Satt stOxidessom. W-st Rtreet. 11 Flu 4RUG& fon-gtocther-,sta time. too when hiar forod tottz"4, k4s, I V in A; n hinot viri;etltly ttemandol is too ready teflionsit(,hottothmas onquir* Arp the interstices of
M ON E Y T 0 L ED, ind must W 4uff'r *nzi, ivejin so hirl if in 0 0 losses. -* 4 a; fruits Pembina to Fiat Garry
doon bole v Bank ot 31,,ntrea gl mind "I'
firt .1srut , at (h 6 bottsima of which
aral IThe twitheyconeerit,privatte relations, but' ilso,
"WM-y a take mon�thor cup of ealfrev1" the siubj I" it IN01114.1141TObee-1 �,Ay 11 to ),live it r' would -o the lire kindled.
ITIST. little crib &sjil dirih)i b ic' Itoy It a tuAl I it, olb in � of air this
doilrith. t Greatly reduce Rates of Intertat .aturall) Ile the to such as will throw tit* same li All -this way be
-elf,7 Said IMps Mae- illu said lire, tit h io'husbimad, an hhlie,youm glit o6
18,�uat recciviw_,fr,,a.'ZlIrapeAn and un ffutA 11149 !�vUPOrt0k;, 4131 R01t their fitneds for public lirsist,'Which thesso, P.vLtiug a few
e swith liar nwn, y s'kf� in en betinacted Inimical 4 211 viligs r bits of dry'
hinerican ni. er,- over the' shitil "atndby *vottr leave I wig ho�,%r ev r ts afier that, it it be unit. me it prsob%tsly,� thrvow on fitness paperoii tits top
',JL �03 "ItkAyth'I"11110" I NQ fur private trust. bell. i-. fr.In. two v, tin"n at a rvl Ito It were then cut-4T,'a(4 111 1101164 will, be going nit PA the samb tiiiie, the Aidbtless Ilia log
.3 Ilan 40amp T really I Rill (,,it, snot alwzrs, of the wood or coal, Suit first lighting
-ourahle tentill III TlriiI Whisk yqn; q%) intert-stanAl fat F, .16W**L Cutriloqu"d at lstnd hailgiven thi f , r 7,@ Connessfion ittiarnediawy bursts into a blaze
bv YrI 4fW!n@d§d; nto of will slefy -prin in a. curi"its to,SsLoo astiof Lake -Iftron, from the agresiblo to tbo# �rkossaowroor in the that
SAVORTH. . . , - P. half Fle" 1 14.110, NoIld, rising abriA the lvm Ibecause ilse air has perfectly free tsecom
)IF For. 461� lip 410$1 S4CriIi1'j 054tli Of FrI11111141i River. , This roe'l, as subject otenquify, neither:
or Illose. t,!i ruplfvImq+%-* Yt pry is Pro- Iii) frdki all aid", the lighted air I-eresso
r"i'lion hit t and left the-rooin.
options 11TON 1; . j' "Awitt lItoon a -i4 rs G Men wood 'sea unainsitand, it, is to, be built Ly a &hits I# tho�e who go toukb
011W took 1 11%,
.Z=. . HOrZAC I H01 philes ee" a
*9084, Toth f 16 carcloom, obowriscir in Ant, vi!l be Otte lowlier I i it Ail is private cwuplay, xiJud by a auto 'it with rl� 11t way in the chimuoy, mud egLablialle4.
Hair Brushes, I wa) sfvl�ki oirsollig,to . I 1 7 t% In oftbn Genie -
n" hat Iw bodio of ilenty, ton- JAwakened 1r4la, there as -41pw&N curcent. Tile match
a' rd, I sn. Palo ppraloirr for I lip U e111111f.,14, til. tho, from the 041foralusht, either in litt"Ver times tw1i.411 Jilations a Tarr
Y. nil
Ve wjll nelt:u6itts, turnste Iniptittel Ili*
Flesh Brushes, er's fdo
pagsitli'llf Belilillifft..- fittirre light.';n--th ti,6 is" then be mitiolislA to the kindling
Large stuck of �irsu tentmout "Ana happindw d 4), oy or both. If lainil; ilhe Go"- apt to W tliaft�fess. hs ipprecia
of 'A sorosito. r bee istairit'ited about -two Y_ 'H' w -ties whirb husbVid fMuL 11 jr Jr xvii4ftle 'moat of :0 sitkitio wilt be foqui* too of anch, services by the general pqblic' undor the fuel, whi4h will resiodily light,
C .4hann':on NI Tooth Druaheq, cloldren, eprs. 12 SeTV t&Uy-. JOIN dulpW the
I rkb,Om . Is. f Is (-neilittle, kri,1 A th-Y ttezetlier f till site AM# luaAe W 8 ki: I s till make it Brititih Q, ad, it dry, buirst into a brink fiaut
Flair -'soplaint r, It call - v 4 ulubioq Will woula'affor but a. very a glit saiiiing illerut, sho woo lnsgj.ih#,Ag to loss NIML 34 'JiFilly h6r 184 hjr,chfltl'duxtkltqt that halb to be asked, the Preukiar itffortus a%tion-for the pvtfontiltuice liecess
fsslldie�d 4.11,, r_', , follow INSURANCE C A FLD. Flair Dyes, fialiedivit, tile best At hrolfto" "ry,
exh L t Q*)" witinApil &lid pla) fal Waye drea8e'l pimift -I I r wit A Levier Sautoluskr
1' at dunv sistrions as, 6 extepil the tinie- now alify-lo'glIt. Land they tire. generally reudereJ pre-
"llieSubscriborloweatf -thefollowing -solass iii the worlil try h sol wilpc 'P.)!) tilt ol=rs�my had i4wgrexqi; fhe wheels
in artionce, Cosimpanieo Atkinsou*s-Lubills them. 1 tit 'iiljn'ry 1 ) - 0 - :#In nAi years- or c, mp ork
It drer. Perfumery, I b of all othors, fittil, !so sit- ,4wod wit lit" I tellf" r rus thi utmli. i fl A I s lotiftil the *11010 i " as. tho'beist 'iWV'0efiL Of Men in
_)jGnZXsL siq vfit %I" inlipsna-V c are renderut -n X4
il�k we
Oats. p NIXof UonIlon. CLIZAILIP& And if �thdr catsbUr!jinent ch 1ity-sovare frit?h of his IlI "fore he at&" in it out
Maffilou"s 11w4m, D Killers, tionessits- title onnyofted With $If "'Te" "V TbO request May be the to from it
wit #Pie 011014 O(CO 41M
PRAlVINIA111, &a t
school IfA &TIPIM:10 of Ijqvtt`�L WA lot lend-foll; aq:cord. C414 -at wlkich tpe.burnitig of t e fail of e t do some ijo6d work in tht, JiLt to. itisto the c-Aintry to court flus girl. He
ISird's 11%oft 161 ro itwas 111,11,02 4tooYed f,sr a,, --no ittine after
of 'a milourbs, (bore as %I rx .4 to it- tnAks w�w'revbrds si UtIA'S' I When Wne that each: has sto hilh. or.
14R En SH A Ito] tfieu-, "ssLIwAvA t-0 110 No I".
Do I a! it licogic6 mach F,"t. Nothing can be plainer than -that ItIOL
, 41L Youth, throug t.wlz_-k spolite Ilse' olichairged nuch-as Ito staitsid tfio queefr inclination of the
Wire OZ 'MRri"k4 histemem &116 Lily.Whito ..'ottLivot,oills arry. the interior
11 cene" Tooth
&till L t4thou"ers. Thtykne-or 4t,,f1r b,, put in hr I i6tory, ply a I , " he
how I, tr ojlj0Y latIQUAIIY the: hcr Zu At not only is It
Street. 0�dcrieh. E fl00RqT:X a" sat &it I "n tile okbu
. : Powder, ]4irLQila. itbor I cooll 11, vehicle, and upon f,,und
lga lc -6 not if_QW. iihe, I I el peneiratIi, by most careful scirstitiny of the It
mlintchowall., to it"
to and ad tni��,jhe tw hill -I "lleolo; on oDo
V4 I' If c1haractr 414 pliblic men
-rowith IM4 ltz� SU zme tile U. -c Y .()Vfsr* tile proper, but iii-kouty. to whicli the patent; aide, mid
we 6 1 r
ad .0 will a voting fohiow,8 toraim
Patent Moilwasesi I - h itt'. 1 otheiti ru ilcj�ut. she, o tivo buiJollssigor a, 48 IA)u
Offi" Mark "ricin Pa.
he in. � The tilue the) off! eye
Ira E.Ovirl 01: g P rill great. litouWtalus we- belle'r 01 it 1s,U duty, too. not 1*4 G., Om 201th Is.0. 4064T. Black Oils, till spen
it 1 4 ;rather stirtulAomed ths1li rk t t I as wwilisoatod.,would too pure How oamet itsions,
gether ll� gmidul,j ot 4, 1 A trix wog oil r,j,x tile
el fjiftTl ntoly% Alone, and ItA -,i
Ft yellw ir items Mi as
worth hull di tit ri'4 ArA rt to. waste. we ir-t to work to Wila a;406 ifte#ro--iresiandprospetity
oartIltm"o. 'I A' Dye StuArso of a ai and toed,
11 tual part . Is, and highly cul- ham,q lony part4p IA:r 8!w llr"Ur0o lketntrt tilt i, rttL; V�,Jsssft twit the wesuIt -of eruasin;, the inoun, oUaews.otpetftiiu this cQunti.-if wv did
w4 iwkQ Ur Wit, the riilr,,Al -N the oolv instructlent not know so sivany iif themlars coudkict- ;if the I t"t, Trifmw
hso�k, �q - sao: # h b6ol 0 is� ka�ol as io, onteable, grind it on
soidd spend Abs'day wit her. PA
Billi to rrtfrru Mrs. M. f4owed Ilaxi werth thIkL,,n�
Bond's Tooic Bitters, q.,aw colln4ft(Iftiov hm-r cusadiv, wittiell 1110, of for flax purlsomo. vid by lbounea'anll courlsg�ouj men, who A.,
0 felt that*th#jtrdg- who have I;+
the bed in world for �A�LCJIA` .4011 then 4*4ave t�,'ioreak. pAvl -the teld1wr 1'
�Rx6w_ -a 11, (out. No 'full&*, remember tauch-sense torbecome subiti-rrient A4
Tbix wa; Kilit'lit *41
gretreati4 fi rtn of bar huabatid- witt an. ki.n t 'Helen for she
vA J. T. G THE 1_11 ONDON 111,111IM14 4" tvarful eje, &lid then lesomp. m9at and eper(eiloo I Mrs 111,11'swould was AI -441 illtho'em
i -her head upl. o Tout ai but hand, qav talut inateriallyalid hertritlitiring herpri- ;& asjsv:i�ucni to; to 60 4.,*t, Ptat, with.thas eiceptiim of the Pembina, atisY set of sellish usen.' It is ul�-,qu soch w
61onlrad f10V1U'lj;4 1UI a diHA t f Y axex iiste. sosuetinnes tsuIo hard
ratio islanis'"the future, Eilgaworfli- 4,0W. slArita tie lihall have onli the mo�as of inen that tile Nfo ot the press alpd 'it's
at Ih* v, bul if qrs�aotod in th.a
ARltlJ'fFFt AND ATTORVNT. !Ia &-plilin *nil caadiel �bats,� fill ho- sumilier Wit uta be. meefulnewalud growth in power I N U A N C E n re; ditknot bope for her hum- fo�@ , she I the Andlulkin the a.
ja�Cbmls,-ory. &c.. Godittich. Outs. 133T C a U P.A A Y quantity of &xtes can Ile PTO' Vlid', return before I hill, hour for dinner. way will VJ%0 it.) further tro'ut)W.
oi tril -umstelaces, add' "t is, �)verc�-ua, by n4ty.- t'4xcitelu.�ut. liosr�e this meals will suffice to enable six. The pAitioianto who would MJkA tit
.,A t� % * , to
hit hou
dd,ced it re fibio had' sairedtS
. q
f, ft.. 'At iti qLUVACY. aa4 havlog for neworad.days marked hie .4w all witliiia to'threowp,,palous siattliitueuts iuto the I -as ibeir fool would soon. mu- , itv
Avallab �thourb Kr ill tied. 14
to Ameass, iq - e in haste I
oil I "detneahoor &ho had in Tam hil,efreets; Valloy if( the-Siomismitchowasa. , The only well an indict Fasting injury on th
TT61111918-AT-LAW. SOLICITOUS. ILN L., 1111114 Ia The estroo of Tiskirly-Ove- Yom at- . Y!- t$o f4thuin till, CA". and lisia, ;ThrA poilialol-IMir ;,I tSsix0forl difficulty vioill Jog in winter. Water tar- country. -V. �Wvrtiwe to isrsetv!
I . I awriven P C', 1'rVISiM to all' crissusin
C%aaoary, CloqvItyllueers. 91. Cribb's Block, i. .. yet there w4uld be Vut a Horse and C tile Nedlellkitille hoped esfe this to have Some *&planation I as 3faitmu, ttlis a r,. 1) 1# riage for proltice is go uluah nium sam
tanest left and that cooftidemt,4 t
k MOSBY TO LtND. Isis FORTY- MWON8 PIP ARS ! it . TUAL tuva- AT? wine
ollus it immia J,lain that ho, shisoll tit &*y- ir piara-twl hy's, nousicill. than rimilroade thaj; we :two I I
nod 11,61 n list elapse before he woutel be Ag -tin ch tlt, gir a. Th.e. el d eat may IWI&W. Of vlo BU 91,LU Who jbil veft"i
Cunon it&
Cliann. by 4C"1Cs1L"40 11JE s.ti. society,Slud ft -r the 6st time shk her Pgrd in &ny, In the present generation.
wim bull Iti Sri c.itiotistuiftig to be used fur
& are being out uffiiil c0tsildviws- Y69 he *am ccl� And uou; illy dear cantinudill is turned full: on- e 'Iliad beAst, I long slistandes n*c the railroad has
host m aditkAted w
of, prompt Psynient, v not Liberality tit qd. fr. I loused a Me- L 'men 'After thAt most fi�rcekr eantestied &ad
A& a TLIE tAiUly 6,A at as", juid evidently auxt
CH Mrs H, ,I xn�going to cmimunicato Is and f"44ilu. A�r
,,:rrity, I
ousito I own, which. i�ft Mir 34's went in surprisi.. 4 routiell his Now that it in 41 that IIIII Gor-, bloody !Attie of 'Lundy's Lane, during CoAsuniptiou, so pre valant and so
er fNuh- p esout Wuxi litatia tit foeiiug, I have all v ancv, g*f utda (ka ernment *hall build the railrawl; With, tho'Wed Of 1$1:� r fatal. is dreaded an the great scourge of
'Ito had preserved Ill _15,Lthe Anto jeaju, "g
ximich. Dc JAU191. T*"a are the ymm"t hatum' of IITS'le�%Ily COJAV�1174&601131 1-U ih** little plan (it 11,y :m , v' .1,
Wit =ot of ish t Very Thing aTited subect4, S. ALi vio 0.
iorod LIVE POLICIES lsisiicd witis very is r 0�4401ti,,,
Ia. "Quirmik, titperal inuil Y.- lna�, even &I treat retreat &,:I
.1- real say, his deemed beat not toc wartunic-ito to hins; hi�a Gulf, 'out entspl.,iyi t's driVen. froull the tield, it remained fur 0-1-1, and yet in tile form4ive SuLges,
xA11*rP, Arrowqji AT x:.,.w, SOLICI-' Iliad Offloe. Canada Branch. XON- presello bit% now that also wax &loll* for hl is not fat sufficiently irsocuitivied and theeri 9 h I I 1WHIM411to 'Oolulbatty, s,�iixe,'deciod mmenroa will the British tu takd care-of,the 4ounded lall'pulus�)nxro, ewiplainta may be readil
we in cloassentry. kc if 'ryan's Pullingum
6,forich, Lon&. to hisfiondition tit think cidnall i I,,), irry away. Mirl'ol a I.-ousi to have to be t4fin tit, prevent mousbers of " oispa, of tile dead. BV wal. of 0011trollea iij using "I.
have been, rosi.oi to �Iois v'reat bout, Wafers.""They wilLrelimps the
Stuck. W"I Stralu 41o4orich. toy ittook Lev 011 0 to subdust. y: exertion tor� a Irwell- PArlifisnont teoing interested in the con- rejrLt,,,,, for t6' to worst
NEW IIARDWW STOP sillitnittips to M4 a on %out )Stbarity
11,HosideL t-Socretaryli "Yvtaagh'q' k -ad in 60ulu 'I easure regxistod 4�' no for W only dnjvb lift, Illy out ll his tracte; Allich noifm has been (over the ill Stew minutes, "a have a besse-
NoISSAL, . .1. hniA. But, why not I I klm�7 L of t4a Avii6ricisits in- bAllitiz tit# hospi. coug
bert jut Ify , Ian Jr. M, Suddenly Aninittill. giving Ali 11 Isirtr2ol khr. discovery that a monaboref Parliament fi" 'lefillaiwo ton the bronchial and
�]P. Ir. laws of eqnity "ich'&kes a to to tallat,chippalwista which vvatia�uniber
fur Ilia, any effort piefe a without h2vill. !VS4 interested as a stockholder with come j pu1pxotnatr r�aus-but they inust be
A, 14.JLOIJ�. AXent for ColildrNs Iui;;a Ilia heatt g'] Ute hiUlL wife mikir meto lilapfiefe
AND W)LICIron-1111 a., o 01, 11 wouujed, who Arl 11
heyeroly the Is"aband,3 iljjelg� L hat I tinted, by , y v1d usell it% tianir. Publi� speakers and sin,
Public, &c. d tw hilitwafe-It � lie drcadvd tot, A far ter 7. -riesimensher if aii of the thirteen dirioctors spix porishod - in the flauiox, it A als'e
Cou ill ity lu,y I L I resul
it& Lbe Post. office. woo OPPOSITEARXE1 RVAP tell that he *'%a a- imaki kip; betAx-d. , Wirifly..Ih4n, thcoswh� Is, I , i'thixarden the late Government. Ifflislilos to burn the Auserican aeal in the hat-
13tre", God- I A&T110 -]`�Aglisfl faiAily oession ere will ids) derive great benefit t1104*whoewurtit rldhere tin, l(o a anitiry eve, ofthat interest w,mid 'have be@,.
INESTIMN ASSURA-ICIC linfiditIg o(:tUrming to accout those Uit- back of their- ' 11-11110 tie field. A poor gratification, iuileed, using 016411. SAA by all druggists and
tonat W64, but lie k� .1. its Upper 'Its ia�. St 0 a 'rAud to ildluence that. nietuber in his vates hut re"ngg.is sweet dr*
fed tier dream of 9 Price 25 eta lost 6ox.
oft to itsit as as alial 0-IMP3 -and it who &I ways c0ty- thki sweetness even British lin-gus.
which s-nict haro and to tastill vf
RT AND CONV97ANC 1 106 dItmPliment in*, coil uissfi
OOAIPANY. 11vingal tiger 10 on i ny. on this quost
HEADU he Inivain tnaytd tz tell tier nisehrixili- think I be content its, ray selicer, tandoei that this would be the effect -it Ay g"ped to gougign to 1 0 sr t, -First, to eat a hearty
'I T H iu&IY tisAl an unforoquate spoesalmia a
OMCE TORONTO. SIGN U Tito genthaine tialis a I
Go.rich. Out. htinse In supper f r the pleasturts experieuce
f r the d
isee-ml paral rouson why a law prohibit, rommoints 6f those Your follows %he had
CAPrrAL STOCK ........ $W wo UsA.v6duoad th I Parliament Irvin bigin during tl# brief time it is pamin
Stu One -Ixte Oiulwrls of
ts i'll sm 9 f4ught their fast fight and were sleep-
SURP161US FUNDS ........ 208,369.W Yt &all".- to por- toiia, and that-Waidet attendmit to our instookhOers g down
iiiiiii u he th"t, A the expenise
aw; SuMsting whi, 'hieli-t-04 ul "xilty 014d little #onisrof;m ilutical. I coold find,A.itne Silo apirning opon, should, hairs' boon passed; ing' their 'last Aoop. . In the midst of of a
WMETMFORTFLEYEAR so i t lneiost]i wlt,., re- bilillfte for dotiounoinc whole , night of 'disturbed- sleep, Lad
'1�tho untep. to it)struet a yoturtiflaidies right a. t 116 W file arrau99- the field was erected the pyre. , There
It 11 _DFG TONAY T1lJT-T"9T snee�vf Airs. M d,_._� ( In =,Aqic 4111,
j;Y�% SOLIVITOR.A.4c. ZNDVqGJVNE 309h 1071. 35 InRail, intat treary waking In the aponiug.�
sistintio1 96 Unt at b loaping! factit as it it were a wonstrons broach (of In
N.w seating hiLkself begid �Aud I wit"t thr illy. tae..-clinton. Ova- 90S. J� MeMURRICH her hil ma,4 If upins I he ow tinsi'm f,)r LAW. A elf a, bighaense of honor do is of the gatle Ii a I xist-Gum for
ut an X.ta and dri%win a pr6tiliacuots4 heap was thrown the
if br 0 41 U dead to ry GI 0o reined as
104zy To LEND. Candid a tends vor the =n �Al Wan in 0
PresidetilL lid full dincluiJure of his altsleid usigbChae refused rhouniatikin, pains in' the back a"
circuiustsuicts. as The thickei.. *he" to Put hillo"If in the lolq4,sociatied wArtion of Auseri
for hob%,11 16"s cc It
warmly, soconded tile views Woul,l not tibia' mW14 klelai'Q$ of ins. "itifJQ C011detalled- lint how many id Is 11olds, cranspi pmunat
Oil I) z XV9T 1frrF9 AD -if her friendi &nil �promioed Us ties the Prd Went w3sthis failif this Sensors whil; tire makinz A, cheap die- 0-9, Saloito tring de
B. IfALDAN Managing Direct,.r. COMPLETE STOCK OF Nirs Bell of 'ad tight, but when tile Wrich w&A
And is this all I- &kid Mrs M 4 st"411 6 the pile and tile crock -ling
L 414'
MIR 11ii 1141rroik, In r1al Of viruetwuld
of liter itititionr in tier behalf. P��'�' W refused to hisalft flassies-licked the flash frout-the D004-0 Or Selol. by &M
aud-the pirviable boocrifice tit IN - . � in hurgliri, dealeri
HARDWARE a tal2111411t cyaflagrat =11'. cts. per bottle.
Lowest Current Ratts. -90 Isdr1suts" Of a like opportunity I bdi@6. ad charred the bone it�11)1115411
superfluities, that )oil have feared tojeli attack, in.epid,.suic dip now to extremely repulsive spectac 'YroU&
�j*, in thoall 4di'th0reWbe, Ito stockhoiders
whet we halve to
esison 0 f
TWIL74%i(IR IIIIII Dwelli�lp Chn Wit h f.likiwi,will'to will I's 4. 4t prlcw that defl, c (o A be dealt with, f- is a distant of the ti4old two officerw Ti EgmnUosineximo
Ming is. wore to
*CWTI Members of Parliament boco Myls th K4 beett'd"ning &in**
olottnt-, IL "But coils' ider It *14 monlilig in ih: rowded asse-til yil I I Cdwan approaching the burn -
is of no when $Ira Bell's carria., c K -homes"'Is to ts- I'llen haw& ing pho-the one' a Colonel, the other a 1M; during the ikbole tit Citim,' C-nistry VIA -,w. These &nil Lnuw t Ju thsasters slissovs terewt,94 in Jh9 contras: was Una-
'ritiontio,", -lbsiffawa" terms ofp,,h�v particularly ta ! voorable to &be Farza. B.-Li.t ,ct G -A. sA t, n,.t veek mgtravated by lack a House of dtL Y,
When 9oIjr %Ili 8, f4:r Awt aclarod that if Metnboro events uf,the day, when they calue up-, f
;1Y.: "I UY: -6. It in drolve ill, to -Is small -but &ofitool- Inokinit o mi-Ito-notroU the Senate end th CapWis They were discussing the bloo to attend to any uork. "&In Fe
and sta9d a is
-n drealu of -lu h&tlS6L in the uSpor port of the city, IIS & all hot
&ill Commons and d IMA, I was taken with a
for the township. ontfvintt thts Town L IV acibri*st devoid efcare,l but wohuln ring Alii�'WW comeb- cough. I mixe in 24 hours
First CAN" man w%st^i r"r s travelling A �1 lot
&Z Ioohnisionsion Vitntills Wi A go He PA So,
Jogchimaloolia. 1.20111' eutiderlognedrur trans ! . Cooper shoiked this re.,I(Ift. A�tdd Off",6difilTontw�re nit JeKA!Jy allowed till tit* ci.)rlooe Zof a large flesh), AinericiLn
P"-�- ly, .rye i,rders t the o
JI -d Office. cousea In person, food laft Got tois, ", voning. �,xsu h
-et llou%6 that biting fiend, I her until a mylliat-i had been rr Mill: 7tott"eilf'. Thido'ct ry Only
ioI all VAn I- Doom 11111todn. Dpposite 'f!ie Mark rusilied hif atort- Sf`SZkhoI48r8, they worild descend soldir. Tito Colonel ejsoc;ilated, "C&,P- i
stripS %is, uno'by one,inut only of theistic. She was, allwa into IL namt Jim j)ue. pre, to wasoadvised
It Lvabso,alldee D. WATION.- Irl
V Feb Flamin Kilt. i. Godo.riell June 23rd ill" galicies but tile actilog comfort& of fif. wt.oro a gentool a whool. Ile *48 W4' t! d4sith-LI't) the Arts t -f the sivagder and defy the tin they ought to have that faow on pftmr
1� nd happy looking wo- a ThAt is no rcAaon why tile law the to, how well lie woul bwrd." Be- to ithe owe' Collilv.1ind Syrup -of
'act There was a!ft*
Ify commenced using
via feel that there in asint-p of bitterues, foal' wax 4nj.%-,-d with a gmup if y,jung item. I
!�ek nut, "Itti. 11111" 11 Aatl It ItAt out JjL; Sholill not be mo, stumg. 6wit the cort- Jose the 0aptaiii beef tinsio to rorly, r r if,
3DOC>3W 7: 1:*T Jr 4C> W thmi poetry tit )lie "lus) presonce." whoml she stra lastructintr in a.m. lorge'"s. it hout I lie' W ua , trari. Let it, it) vlow ;f this gigantic frool)1r, I my wish a clear Con -
T. DUNCAN, ind I . ,
--fr. handUVNIlief, t rk musket in the buming pile dischurged, adience, T
0 alkali bte", blitt La4d gm'y1y, ali'l o-legant"fativy-wcri, , but as tit* IV231ift 'altd t 11", . in hasCreated wonders. I am
t, I S'Jo 4 Ligh crime nind wis.le- the hall striLing in tholisauid htwearl tar
kuv,%rr stoppol thin b14 nitatior for IsnY.Ittlember ill -w'.1 to w,,rk, which for eleven
o. d fvrth
cAuRIAGE W o R Ks. '%early c-liclu,111firit, she beg4ud 4DVFlCZ AND STABIXS, -AqO DERS C H AG E N C Y s,jrgooa cesnitltaske� in C sither 111 -1164 officom The seeming rioliuke villibly
such a glad stra tusit Mr. ahe-fuiKht slot two any iftterru yvearsf axiiiiatimbi-34.
_ption, %lid whom AaLlpy ha 1v sared- ilk I "UnOnt to become inter"4ted in a aflocied I 'oth. -The Colonel paroll oil
at do- -set with the-Go,ortsm,rot. J AM EA - I Oil NSU -N.
mifoseed that they inight eytis yet In ""%urtly 8111TOY 61 th* t -one Arobod' Captain after i moment's silence G-rced
sato strook. n w.* Faost. tA Otorns OT TH 2 hisslaelf y1wided t,4 its 111111J�lwe, Istrill 01 U the distu)b(Od swid llwaiintively. Tlw Rently seatinf herself itift ft; 7 sofft, - jk
__Horws examined an losemuld Tolust VW -Lean Compony of very happy.
her. The apsortustAnt ta memo wo"ald have
tortinz that Choi
B. 1313 '37 LZLCL '73. lip jilsough J�vit to iay: Q-Mnal, Fellows"HypophoMphites' must not
which JUJI110hiffiL.4 cis a iskjohl
-,be Confouned"
---------- CANADA -But," said he, al�uul it be culls. "Owed plainly furtlislied,61; yet there blobkag to jAsukih with other preparlitions
o .1
PAT pollod to ral I intiuus it a toil Y_ inak ouch a display of notillue"Lml order islild Items of the weather t - tix�o to retreat. In silence (If Ily"olicaphitAm. It diffiars from all
this 11
IC TS wlW the. 440 Yanketto Ilegin to fire at
Then toy voice *1 y Is - Tile rissnne ff El, HfiItdflil ouglit 1, to 4 is them.
IW'(;qffla1ed bN RorW .1 be 'n thd Are1160001111111t tl)iat at no$ &11ZZ� have flor the 601144111, ilk the all bjewt of toommark, iihey mado thiairway from the scatie
I iy thut title convitic4d hee own Sceptic hWI J'ts4beon tie te, . rol by I the Statti. On Moll(lay, the 5thn the
,rd. A rall- I tint -Illy thro-ighout Canada 12Iut Silo 161
Icanning." And aho did singsdawe't- ed to tile mind the i I aime
=NILI�L'Jllf 1POUNDs -mot ing tf W-M.-for,;L�s th'G lady fire. An otproms, river In f
ERLY * contentimawt. road tiri
CAPITAL-015i'm mro was t rf4tiU the city was ari�inily The Can.%diUl Z,
11. J_ Ur H I T ELY 1 husbassel that im- 0 h 9 Eii wam detartim het.4t, I tit I�fe to" fre from T110MAS'
ncans(tio., the U-iw %t-foso oert Eurom 81 i*F�G- Iliath poverty could li�jot rt%b them. . 1) V di&4;Isaed her little coub, -we b ad* P,.., LW boat trattia was re- Tile elect ions fur inembers (of the Do- lor Ecleet Sondforprint.
itcrepanid to entertain lie heInee iej&9trcUqmo. Ao;eo�y in porstioa tato years. rpEGS TO THANI� THE VUBLIC �[ i1elt relityed aloread of half hie misfor- P)LItly, r , . suit - a onsuiligd&y and ni 9 btof Bfor the liber*J patronage 'ur&eil i tutles, nosor that tits wife know lu�.jcir- 40 &net n", on6line, 0 1 W1.4 I., tie arms 0 f1kA, llzw 02dod , ininion Farltatueut,ou ThuradAy of--laq
If 9N BY 0 RIB?, SOL tI!0 ston chearfulnesix and Ill in it homy downiomir of
"i 04r's atteutiOt6
him in the Post end to alitioursem that widely 'as anFunds for Investment
0. L wea reau I Wj all we erfsocted*-in grting
cu-staliests, and borip his altered 'toe Off"IftitY which :-4 distingirished bar III, milt, liu,4 the St wrenou is still un- I Fo rth re it 27i saa - its We its &OU I
T OANIS issetlo on the Seeitrity of approved Farm I IRI lilsoc
he'still carries On Carriagu and Sleigh t it,, ox or, ith morsolor-Aperous, 44yL I will tautaxy gaining tile en, n thisig"Rilb-no-d -of since the Ia party of Johti A. C�iliil Y. ate his dinner 6ACk 50MA to l
making in SU its branches, at the old cuull nollre, tSat sho-folor sume happy, bit& it *&4 ar,. stoppe'l the ultin d,)"id, timis suppdrtewit and! Pwticlpa- 'Pain rfvn�t atag, it I. .�,d. it
JU Clay or Town Pr,)Iwrty for ponods of Five 40tzis 0 *"ktw Of 1837, hilo flip hills b, the
yearn e eonveni,nct of it tRailway or to snit th orrnwers, awl Nlartin*s Colborne act Lillis,,it to & the, uich invest'gotion dent the 11lensing Consciousness vent.ayother disast lik`4 41IJ 0XVioxi'd Portionii of the 6114 have ter$ In tile
oltiler r,pwynble st;Lnd, opposite f pot. T ilLoan Qn4 Boom.
It expiry of vine or by an- 'Carriaje itefortuink liev thity im lessening to wall. WU� OUt'tGJY expelled to the charter fraud-. In the P-17114meAt just
ntel Waggons, of his strairs. Its E-4uud thein slot so hoCAr" @I ill kept to Ili$ that hills frost, &I. - 61-AND1106 COMB. It poiljtiVely eorso Catarrh
will boacceptedatinviinmon r,of.,ble &,umg. and everything else in his line kept on bad as fit, had tirst feared, aud th6tigh "Is husband deadpirMl dar to her The best will llot been so.vere. 4L Asthma 'a" Vtonil. loiftf UmLs wov"
Tit 0 elect4od, the Iteformemutiderthe leader
hand or mzdq�to order of a kerst im merch-Vit, 9*6 i.t-r -1 1837 ship of Psealier McKenrie, wi:l rk,
the loest his busistiests -list be puspesided, and his W"m than' coulitortudalliew. the trouibN Mai - ols. 'diirer,d .,. w,ino rexpec . ts ry large luajortty, and theirT.61, Iawl tA* am.* BALRN ES in returning thanks of pvrf.,rAiyin6 It. - fte was one who di sitting oil is to-, on t we
G. 19-RURKAN, -material and its theuio4t workmanlike style of livIng con o slucra of-Ja front th6 Pt"In'tent. Tito an tr*cted, yet he hoped w,,th,r in ariIex-ta If t 11" oftio'n y leltov ill"
Wto hot frionds in Goderich for past an ner. - 4, u ,,ss tire reirl of government will he Uff
f . to Pay Sti his debts, I ild trusted to the 114 ploice. lltr, dignity, in the MON equi. while his *ouipanion-i wore Wtblb4f� Novennitior,of thltt year slot being ) ex- ON-, t Prts.fcanaoa
SOMPTLY EXECUTID. y hwh, w$ thiqk-. ass.
bep to say thait the is now 64re" MI future to retrieve this present. -W it Tolil-I notihave Suddenly he saw a jh-,e mtkial fall al me dstdrniltied by the inanuor in alli6 b"I "el tthe
the ?mno- hat of upon t1wa. tj 4)v awrence
to give Lessons on Such lies His coinissuniestunis to a' PACU01114, even, In the most it &1"08 to the cuuntr�y 25th Feb. 1873, 1356 Bir 4e�ll ]a" Clint on the St. they fit 16.1 their pi
and CrobiRet Orran and in Singing. 00EMI&NOIN G MAN Goderich. (If the AICKelizid 'Mintatry wore me *1 d*L W. T-..., Wjtvt�ie Mi. have 1�1*11 Ihwlf� y,,u an -I wAnt Now
An -the dinner � hbftrLlftp fo,r. "Follows so--------------- "And yet;" he said, "when I thiuk abjbict loc.yety. , - or both would h Is all wes, llow6var, c4t.rried (IT, till the 29tis
'donce, op poeisle 1r. Say ' lAt"Us you Isaust rolinquis:, Is :eAkhod, 31ra . 1( ort"I" 4 0"'lub-L ()u the ini.th of he returned by aeclannation, while several 'usien am truir wiu. unjutAl
63 the privations you may have, to eticc, [a ired f Y,,�IsAitumissrao . ffer-ti4 dolith all urgent deep* (31acdonalsi's Minim- Franklin, whs,". "I linve 4JdJ ibw meta& )�fj: ig ak
rne iaAP3'" 'op-EliED OUT AGATKI* of tile &dv& in- or a Short a no@, Inern. tell Coining to f t lid ex - I 11105terx
SL 13 a that
repeater in all isniijoa, for the Y's front Sit John Colborne , calling Irv) secured Their return by a bar@
ter, I confess lily spirit sousetlines mis 1yotrItlig,' tip layful lusinner that spleadidlyw.w."
t 11 aod others worts overwhishu. fir�rd $ d Im n T1 it as' V;ectni- tost. I am il000r.
IpTem Die at the Pit) C, %or dov.setitiz sustttilishinilt was Its t Sit- coull" ia first. N4w d,, your toe -At. 1z, ng of tl,o 83rd pterment to be
OLLES OWL *cut t,. URtfsal q, Sir J,,hu reoeiTod but fit is mchly-31wo,110 I
1 1, -1 it C A D. W. u. go he kept eb and ati.1lulat'04, i) d "We will see," X Jdrs- M. -'Fimt� tensuvi. . But little did her friend line.. ls� a,,, I I - i)Ydo, then agent illetatioil.
0 tie, now the her. . I y Th^vo4l1i.. whU! at it forth-
YSS SK111MINGSTe"heruf Music Conveyancer, Solicitor in Chalsoetury, "A ,hore is a large house for three of us gillit, when Ill* 101,011-611, on in the city of Kingilt-so, a
Ill wo "IsS 4"Plotchod the entire
tored &nil wall. f"r ill! st"Im
drased dinn,�r AP-hrel, tt)gether with Foruut relaxing.1 I stroke, lie repro3c:1 wg1noi,6 on "')&rd tile alleautior oreiloforebeen rlyof i ft� i,
ney which has It
on Piano Forts and Orp:an. Terms Atteiriney of the Law and Equity v have 6ften thouAht, in pass L�., a neat, wb,,, h, -is.stairthin .-,]I -, so,,11 and ci%I, ucb
Courtsof Ireland, Genealogist, is it ooked." Ott hi In for givini 111 muiriiLirlysuiss 'own, slid tile I"ttkoster J. V.somp"on. lloodf.rd,
xdv Residence' '3talsley sung house, how oornfortattil I the nottly attired 'au(I elegant ILost"ll, wasi.irs to.win if At 4'n till@ 'Ott' December. an he n 1,, ourvaut collatitui, 3rroldd Lure .I ter a psSna as defeated in FAsex. (jost tVGt We Land, Loan and Estate that It ain' lid her win if ily litirs"O ge of 34; hours, y wit. nothing 141to It." xwr
Agent, lAw, Life issid, "rhon therels a y Of useless whole estAblishassout. At dinner Mr fill Ilk floating toe, eth . 1874. Int 6 rushW int the w,tvos ule�tii 1 4 %ith 111) delay fro men)" the river from Detroit) by tit" 1 44. write- el.I, K.I.Aric
.. Ary -quantit parlil-I coil I.
Fire Insuraftels W;o furniture which I can seldom tryst a appeare--tiot the II-jectod brokon- Ili* red haodkomb I suvAllill", I while 116) "Overunsellt blUssphlytbd Btedins largest majorityovttr given any ti�g . a rr-t lorre, awl %. 4.,,y
-jj7j�S_r A.,UT jk- :pirited mail, buk the hxpp; husband tile and IA,& stick. I di"rt 11h* aksa 11I L'"t'neell't1ke City And Norel no,,, mentar% I caisdidsote in that con lituoucy 1lill-:Y Without
an morys ;f -]k to r P. (4,
tin W&32&0 -e 20LIL 1111it. ling he had a inZority oi;
tit to kleep in order. Some are debl'. Agent. nd father, who" home was of, 1 -color. When Fa. u tit 1hat llesson th� river noL%oiLh&UU -rtw - 'hn'l Ito gM" 80kelUk sties, we Innit
anopeniFt an out@ in al'-th, Ili tit. late r,,n.4e"8 careless and some do not know how. in earth the Otto hap 3" n Ale" thosalid, od was to d his per, h"IJI 414 out take till th,2;oth of Jnus, 70U votomat the previous ulsctt()n- it u, tak- - to
of or. sext house eauthoftbe Ro_ Thets, the ly-misd and f-iruiture disposed y P!-Oofor hint. It"wistipleis and tile whole Trint, ry, Thus d- tile C'Luaduulx serve corruption 11) all
of, we &balk not want the survants-an- Ic wait true their horne vast n I r some one of "ma IS. #'GgLr-. X. Y..AN4
athe rvswt of 1 tiger woulA Min f,,1,,,tJY I'l late and froin thern the people of the I �Ilitvd other perplexity gone. rhen, the things g!�i I "tY tomMwc ee. d ; I i % I ling.
ProlumcuOus st, for. SLj," &light take a profitable lesson on
aril Low ",,*anew Iis irelsood trome- quaLuod to gone, wvshall not be expected to gfve hey tired P:) far, a-) very far UP t�.wn golifluillik's. well
acted n vailelius with & rInt.Chon, I)ubU& &hs, point.-Litctroit Advertimr. How m4dneb. b1Qeo.0mLA,. F J.esim.
says it " `"rY itisisr"able that t
JAMES VIVIAU that it wit not N4 for their lash
PArties and dinners - another material POU inn -
HAL RXX)IrbL) HIS R54TAURANT TO arigin at 111MIU. will bo any crossing orer the ri ter this beeoh,* 14 - w Blook. West #4 L roes. w here I o item in the vexatione cf life, Again, in visit them often ; but
k our sung littio house, able friends to sw,n until this I'll, delay wW J, A. UWrU. L - Ingainsoul.
isitul be ill" to vileall his eastominno "A Von none but then the little circle who know nit p- Peas are 4 Egyptian 07i4ill- 1, is CAU'Ing Intl
Our real ch ncun,e"leuo@ otri*uds will tkk4s t1he trouble to find us tit- Celery ongtasitedin Ger-51111- the mouth All,
hW01,11 Which ou ,d 2: re ggrbdk� st,isk bun- se.th o4 notist" 0jaco, iv* the decay of fortu 'Irv. In 1837 also, A natie woman with her fingers and cuslis yoult HORSIM.
Ia 91-eirkiriuloa. I 16T Out -ore time, "rod. So, You pelr� Ile licide tip The chestnut came frow IWI- yes- I G)ok frona the wluwf it T 'uronto Spindle alone, and a natie maj. , ith his
JUT AND COLD NZA1.14 AT ALL FIOURS. coils, on every hand we wild be the gain. enous7h of 1k ociety to a UPI* 1j.atually The union originated i EVI'L is th rest of 'all who own - i =tn Ina healthy and
------------- lid c9nteuted in I, 1.11jad,gis end iffil 01,918 Oaf-, wall spin a hot
TOCK'S iXTRA haspipi in each other a Oo The riettle euinas from Fll-log- "lli athe , who togs "d tomaboo looln &I -tind itiIJIll; -islisisio Itaii proved
But, though Sir&. Mi$ affeation for their lot. is this Ylls, rebels. Toronto thread and finish a pow of stuallis which
eoiff41 somrsilut, by, the application of the most that CID I o
-/Tobacco b, a nativa elf Virginim- a
bar usbaries, and her own aloolionit un- Months And even years fing"d AWAY. 4 Rye origins, losixi'.
DOUGLAS X(!IKP children fly comes from Siberia,
ratanditig, prompted her to treat the ow delicate machinery, be prodnoed ontside ArabianlHolsve llemeJy" in tit* WgtahmakerdL 4ew91 I UP around ; friends war* Thq citans is a net ire of INACHINE OIL inP-sgsicr t t
A: direootion of the SrMm or ST. er, present posture of affairs so lightly, and multipliey and wealith increased find of India. There is one qnslity of 1)&=& ollcacio4s, it him been used by hou.
return his th The popo originated in the F"t, IgU14ING SHIRT in termed sands who will cbeerfnily confirm this;
jo"pff will be re -opened oil Etas oeou Ia general ase for the Past tv" Foam "" to the though she held herself ready to make Air M is u w among the wealthiest e4f our The u. laundry, a 74--ILI IL first- inualin, for example. which
public %list be hint in the P1116 0 So llillitilo,b Of America'. I t. F--rIIosves,CuuPbP,C,
giving the b"t mitsft,tieno, no may be *naso b 81"'fot"Llit 4L. Iamb 1118,do in the woress air." It is made only for king's staIterson l4al
Pass, IMA to I it, nloove4 to us, 4isly suenti y originated in Forssmi. ,,.I uilinner; to a WI h
NES.VAT Jam 7th 187t Itimonlatfrom mosy oftb~t.15bonnf8 isif)n= Acbasan I , k. W c4 with cheerfulness which citizens ; blit is a has eften docia that Th* usillbeirr of now prem,16" lo,,an ;Pooksl att"t "t tmet but for the praiseworth Of %torch a wboi daughter@. So short is the stanle of the and all other diseases wich affect
It will not co"; ilk the coldest weather, It to kin would 8 , ciftu matances might require, yet she is Y Acrtanintity of 0ataintriginatool in orth AfricA- sp Oro c4sidlo is used a
-r P��n s Userrfore saitatito, ftirtile itot"t anarastest,, as well "It te tit# in wife he sh:o pod When the linen is raw asterial, mud me) , brittle' are is& wind of hrs"s it has no equal, nor is is'
an Lbe beav,eet macklanis is won. I&V38ELL knew and felt keenly that the drsonght that 11 rld never lin-bably hay* Parsley whifirst known in dry It 14 dip ino tile -Id starph fibm, that it most be equalled as a oridittoit medicine; it
T%itiau per q%sortor ...... ....... $3,4W be is which adversity couspels tie to sw&llow in rl*e" ; he bobu met witill im- The pear and apple aft froln in the . ordliastry and spun by a woman
31, for the saw of w Patience or repining, stay,, then it is under (wrilty-fire, &ad before the 4lew purifies the blood, oorrectm and inaproreas
mi-, InStrUS11110164411 ............ I dW TESTIMONIAL G-darteb. ideed bitter. She know enough of So- when his upirit WUL Is wax first oultivated in Arabia- ned with s cloth, mind tile
A esial. littay4ow to Mil, it th
tis so v I"
44 vocul ...... r .............. 3 1()0 rrom weloolock Hall machisio works, wors. to cist to be well aware that in the circle nlr"dY 90ad0d all000t now, sundowim was bialugM fro's ,,.n prombed Wdish- line left the Ur- in the morning. As a the &PPOtite, end suftens 6 skim; Ili
he'd. a Y had probably destroyed is lasiticity for Ing Over This is awl liftbatituto for natural istimurs, the isra- fact. so grant is the improvement in the
Ckpitar . ................. ....... 'we a which prosperity dravre around us there i " idins -
I consider sto,k's on cheaper tit $1.00 per galloom goba, I Pam ry am, -thium- iron, ground Off&O porsiton of w
.............. ......... 2! 01D th"onva-latlIsce- you r* triolly, VV 30 X. Z. am odistroys some A. - lutok with envious Oyer ; or if, in the oosmuenceinent of his later frolu a is condition ad appearanee of the assituad J
F. IF 7G nrv. President. 4730 1 @ Irill sell cil, "V ad The walnut ts4 peach came fr1lot tbg the 0969 are all ru"Odi"g, To this %Ometiules used, but thequali tyLof th^ as too havejed innaiv to donbt it it could kith eye on otir conditioik, and would exult leco �uroer, he had teell subjected to Pff1i44. At
. ........................ of I ktads v t "light bay -3 been deemed - titiable the huson is Indebted work in that came 6 inferiur. And yet, be, the Game Ift'irs'e. Itethember the
pyffileat quarterly aftil in advance, DON IN As at oar fallen fortunes but, * 1kis Ths hom Aed4ut tile Y#CUILALr laundry Iglems
histeer w he a nat i ve Of "luck %If
.# v
all.T "or
'DaTiALL she felt, she saw that her husb&n the core- bet. 4099 Many kousse. jebrLca, a piece of four yards in fortieth Hurd A Co is 00 e parLic N
though the most delicate Wild finest of on" %nd see that tile sizoature of
Pkift 4,12d ornamental Doindle-work do G. a felt it tie ...... d, of ,is wife, instead o *0 U%Uab but lilLiCh aah a.
awl form ex o PARIONS CO., H &494M CA" an"*, and resolved that no repinings on ful husbanding tit their I esour- Tile cucumber oliwe froist the East 1 a' k.11 -es "%To vainly "lvion tbftip'k Lyn
Men-Aints, Goderich. ire t leave III P- by ciao y" in width ofLon weighs lea 341611. Newcantle, at
1403-6m W Ittis ItUXINZIS her Jim" should add One atom to his Pa.- coal tile road to his allealut had been ron_ dies.
2311. ii�ud � ,,be ,ristbadm4a 1U,l h0a"'Mill of their tkm ouv ounce avoirdupois it is very pris", for 0*&Ad&. told by Jw MIQr SoLx AGailris, 60dadea 1401110 it" plw"ft d1r03 difikell-porhaps for ,or ittact- Tito radish originsoW in China ;,bow s shirts.
durable and will wuh. I ciao foahem.
1; t
A 4A
An Qld whiller tells, in the Anteri can
Grorer, all about nutmegs. This a
.3 so much used in every family, is Zi'
genous to the Moluot",reething itagre*A-
eat perfection in Amboynal. 77iis i"od
i belongs to the 1)utch, in i)o do not per-
Init the cultivation of the nutmeg in the
other islands under their control. The
nutmeg tree is tousity-tive or thirty feet
high to, hen fully grown, with foliage of
a rich dark grecu, and very planuful.
(TATABLISHIED Wreactwo maturity, or full productirt-
oft* Largest Pipers publiShed 12 C1411" astax, at the fifteciath year 4oro planting.
0 FrI tile Wo",elti to the rilening vf the
&&dpubl;stiodASooderictL,Ont&rlo. eve�y
lb fruit takes about seven zusintha, but am
I. VV JCJD�Zj4L,,,�y mortIqlnack, the trvu'in a jv4renuial lw&rer, Utere are
. 1 .4. - always bluisionsh, green fruit and ri on
111'.4001ke. ip?sotrahl street. 1,Uoinift I. � tse viorkst T It o G ro a it e st P0 Es 8 ible 0 0,3 1 t o tho Wo!ittos t P 0 Isiblil 7711 nib Ar. I I
the tree. The yield is most pie= in
t4*uArvk by the I&A futar moutilm of the
'D E L L . .. .... sviormi4yitAd per latismain
a heathy
tree is 5 Ibis.- of nuttatep - end 11 lbs. of
PROrLIZT()It Miles. A plantation of *tie thousand
L -6m requiem tie haw ofgoven 000lles,
A fift oxess �ttsw��wa, forcultiration
Dam, on advance. $2 it anlis arvesti a fruit is sadisced
.a stj'nod tit, %I11 orrous are
i zan -
paid. olloott at this option, of the p"bliother. CHAITHR 11. t Frosonoo Of JL4 41 it. Tlte =War PaUaT. PUbUe Uft Ma US PrIM by wean4 of a hook attactused to Go Insig
AAT18 OF AUVRRTISING Ott Is. port R. Ring. ding, wetit the bell, at an earlK pote. It is shaped like a pear, about
4hour, ip the hotmo of Airs. D4bors zy ItEr. F- W. JI0LtiAXV- From themosetaryTimed, It will be a very gloomy day tfor this tile s'fa Pf so Pex�;h, land - hess a delicate
i�gh ts per line f,)r tile M"t Ivi-Ition nd :Greenwood ; and the servant ushered in Tito Pacific Railway policy Of tile Gov, country, when there is not & consilor- "bl,luir Thoiallit 'h" three cover] ngs
c.ttrthe ,,I t4do one in a thick, Booby b nek:
1, r Il.. f, saris nhoftlusint lnoerlioll- NO. -43 111UT18111 EICHINGE ROTE A 8kaftir G1w Mrs. Morshall. There is ollo grawl qivilitt sigL-klly erninent in ia the main sourd, and @4 able number of -now"pera able and
moro, not isiteesding a lines, 64 re, GODEUCHIODGE
DZRICU. Haire you. heard the no*s?" "ill she, negImtod, aLuio,t UevJ,r I bl to tiowhero Such hits been aocepted by tho countify. within ma4idly e"mina the chalrac- hzviig a stroug flavor of nutmeg. Ilia
at its Ill I huxii
.0"A'h#ms to 11) low. 115. c., A. F. A. A - 14- . A1tXCT.,QuARz 'If Flret am the shadows glide I after a few pteliminaries. id Vk.uoq� :2dou preach- One of its principal foiLtures lies is, the t4ire ot[pto e ,pqrstorrod in svnj
we ItEGUL.All, cOmmusicATION. -ittlicirsen- If we MI[ p when Yonne,
twourovineistiobs, re-ko-1 "(Ikv of each OAPT. W. COX, - fROPRIET01t 0 �Tzlll I
Yet dria, noe of
W *wanted OR so "a of solid Nontut"11I.- T tied on thofirst WO" Ter the i0a we fly, "What news I" &*ert inany a postponement of, the sectiori that 'woold staint, we jistal sail tW the. ..*iC.� aft it" itlm� i11,1011ite Ilwasotni't in th
as 7.30 P. ho-, Vifilung broUirea 11 ll�lrolll
6do.-iiI wit?"vat oreoifia dlw*to diLay julited. LAT20toTHS HURO I UOTXI� Swift as the swallows ride. diamstiat"ind dxli Indies. Undet: this blisk is theebright
.. wit, . 110h, ordl that Mr; Mlhms-fuiled— I "r I is, nany a peril. pus o-ierlthe rugged and difficult coun- on i6tclligeo,� firnive, and dialititerestU
"tit forbid. &ad c�ra�l wIzingly. cut Underillito starry sky I positively ostj everything !-& great Wire parents ati� t I cuoltomqd try north of Lakes flurwi an I Sup"ri-or. rod Mack-, *hich is carefully flattened by
W. DICK60N. 34146 - -+- - to allow their y 0-1 in an isidiappasible condition to tile
sw7341 listort 4 the Every heart bt)" kigb speculator. thaw say. But do you it now OUN., ovIf.cont- the Moat elpensive to construo.t, and at stloces'of-reprawnutive governinentin hand and Aried on meta in the sun. Is
IMARLT AO G."riellith May. 1&11.
sootiness ur; is hinted that Ilia W,its are, ileliniandin smnvun� 110. tilnea.*�,Wo could not make
long" sent inill b�% c merehiont'. EcktAcl!-ulet, ill 'h thAt it ro, n 4 present the least needful. Tile north uIoL loses its ritVacarlat And becomes a dull
a goals, who ad venift b7 J" feww- 1 1334 114 an a o I :-m sweeppy, asecret,,quits, d , isitipated, slid that he has neans of the frool i I w, .
bho thetipkVaestful poiner; notonlykave th.111 it re.7cno. a rivers will' Which it is intormwie,l, as are not, a ootnmo#ity of Athenian demo- Prf't
........ C .......... oft -lost heavy, wuiijli� at the goining! table I` Ikes 1J In fir"erve ita flavor.
Moan) to ttnb- I an in,outbreak of '. at ns ;,bt is ollid shororAti bo ponetratel by I d requires to be kept
T Als list itutiorort work without it. We orontst oolesir
ly 4r; t�
w1Z od whole AfW the lwaco isramoved from
4 month& .............. tog, whi�illg, "But," ainled in hire. (.relinw� �frid' a or fell.1w far me tbq agriculturist, tile wintor, or cratiwe cannotl all got together in a the
3 Gliding, sliding, hat ii he lusubtatter will need to g) for a.,nie fruit, the Inutc;I in their brow
AN 01i 0 R 'L I If Be w a to become of poor Mrs. 1of I $Ile pitivila, were th 4 of escap* 4 Pilblic plitco, &lid tak over theclaims to it shells.
1,111 'shown, en,l t Ia 1) 1 'if . planed on bardl
OT?r the ice they sail. �will have to lower her preterstions, lnqtsjn� years io oonj4- Ili tile mesontinw, -ite e-olaidience (if piel,lic finest. most 4 whom to ovs�,r a slow fit",
a moviouts, bitiiaxte 8,,, nom Niw Yczz XTIRY %�f skies above Ahinking." docisilkn onfor # Iolkll a alo,jbIo life are to utilizo the nairig-Ation of the" we know porsonal[ly. We silusit ba ire which is kept Constantly burning under
Iyear Bluest ..Aftei all, it is no such great (to SAY uoLJliU- f � prqiw routt intm i4initirr, aril to tho w-litts we Can get to transact them for Ise mqntlls,' The nuts thou
�w T." prep-ty at I Of ; pity," v) wonld,be
12 a Fee WZDNE.%uA1 AND FATVAJUY.� Suloothest of ice W'Osr; observed -Mi a. Marshall; 1*1 movercjuld t ligdrst a ;1aropinity as reach -Fort, Go title in thie shells, which tire cracked
6 Lots o saved. -8-1 in - l'o rry in winter t4rongli the (stir peilolic, business and 'we caa "Illy
9 wro"be ........... Ap.t.
......... OXODATODN UNSORrAg"D Itonnij to the Steel we love, a" re than &at*@ xx we now reach the AlbiTitic 4lect th"m on the kn,,*!w:lgo we g t wi0k a W,4deu mallet, the sound Liut4
1 Q. dAJ9P;kfGNZ. Buticitur, Ae., IrASSENUERACC what there wits in her Mi) outs oft'lit not, in thij.aj �ad P;iiod
......... Eyer 4nd on we to. oft light, tells of) 'I ae ected nd poet in ooden q"Ge
9 months ............... ... 3 oetafth. ail; I GI>,lerlitis. Rates of loawoge rnno an. Widge or firlUle to o.thor folks. that vvorjr one should 1,,o *&$I Y, ofarolselm- awboard. From the east we are?4ro- throub Iho rewollo3pen. Vor�y f w of ad w and
Glssit.ovi, l4vo.p_1 ,r LioadiolibenT, Cable's $0. Over the gleatntor floor, in cd abolit Mits LINI's goott that", tand Mrs ad t callastilit a nAsW a peotii)n of road eoftnesi'tin-j sprinkled surer with dry, sifted
f 1175 and *4o4,..1u ".."di.t; toNeolkv- intiorlLwil 3r v w4sa tile its IntiVe ally other use"o of infe nimation, iLT11116
aFraimpt and roAntilteg,q and &6 then ready for nigirket. Tb'
oOver the frozoill,tid -d 11totuper. and Mrs M's mirpass- p v4uld stop toe tuouthof French River with tlie'south *nit t1hes intialato L"bowlel.+6 a few ini�
It14 0, � Roe I 1 0
Skiliansing the pe,;:Ilod shot*, Ug AbilitieL Tritst me, that when it is� Stream 49 its &-dense, almit. oil wheat
MOEY To LEND. JJ�A4. IV it An erst�rn point f TAke Nipissing; mud in.-utial tnen in
sy balre colacerniog, call -
replied as it v .UW44�Llo, pirgna thalucooi*twaril' ano6er railioa-1 i- to kdates for pt0olic fn(rpfj�, -isealild lid wto-
Merrily now we glid known that Mr3 is poor, she will be'
PZKftp itlispin,,mind mou Sol be
k 9
to let of &r are he lisgift, 031914' �bo oxtiiis swir bo their heavy weigurypow
amsINIPROVED FRM rRO foci inf."' "A. A&Iply to� Carling, whidin no moft courted Mom any inf wt. ra w Iu or idea till it coll1weta wi;h rail. losit Ili our cot)ntry ar it con1d n,A JA
iDitilt,41% This To ch.Aritable t. 0 Waf th a AV dolsot ctonunituic Awy Ira
wj;l in Ail I "oo" 14 17 i 0 perty,, at 9 per �ont pitistple; i literest Ur (AlInug, Shoji I that 1'.tbr ist was rh witbot;t roadoolready in existence. SW tla�t;iixh the papers. nezkq4 lit4t and e
o7 Do* h7ot Grt,,u N.Y.. ry the capacit r I
Owe ii!t,*rrupted by the arrival ot sonoth
per anuttin. A it tille i0o -we the Oea� Frederic now,�of course, on what information r Most po'Vl&. Avon thq SOUSItivoi
Or th'etir As#*$' #11.1. 9. WARNOCK, 4. visitor- -Mrs &,If. She W MGM socurld with a porjrf�,t to ri at battle, tke practibility of a milroad g6uth 'of torrants we h4va, r ublio A Irsdia ZtclL-
Paley with iudi"ktiu, Lake NipissitIff is assume
'..016 -rite )rds of klee. zeRuisss) Jdndn"s in her nature, spo mrir, It h a knowleage the'
SASJVEL SLOAIT,� eforred t4N 3,
UAerwrL so-
Sh rish!so kq oil IS(
Susp* our Songs r ill th d' book&, point of dootention; ag perlialps �uo of the eftn(�t aggirsovisting
i th ot. i irm,- 1338 1 tit mirth heard of bir 310a misfortune with li�_ timot law d thl question is.' But they shrink front their aliplicsitinvL
fei-_ned regret, not "oepting his habits difrk I
1`4 of its. 411eiAL zoah�ji lilpierl souls than we ry t i passion-?-, whether there be in oxistou�i reliable yet ire aniiit linve theou oppli,4 bg I on ttiollievoir caloonutcrad by a busy
J "go b too.
%�hn 't
STOREI Notai4wrifts f oind on f4dissipation and the suggestin of wan- quiro! n I iweaknotaill evidence by which it elsa, be se-thsol. poclil intlit kw4w all they can fauiy housewife f4that attAiding the lightinit
sk:poireVe #light, ton.extravaganotoon the pa;t io%Alra 9 of !t njusgity. Froon tile fiesst e4i of Lako Saoorior� a lettru abrintLthe "jell Wkqln they We offirms ton istill, dollop nionlini,
a. T
9 TA R, "I have been a frdillatint viditxir to their railroad is to he made U) -port �G&kod a'dr;Lw.;' vVell w) . go
usilua,tMf 0 roan& tu-Wor. fn hii prii'stfe t"i .0 at firist-woll't
AT LOW.UJoTE* OF ISTERSST. On. It 114 " so iftme gal*, rrolu Thri, tell
'like, theLflying 4L
tale house'!, said Urs Bell,- "at all hourso, to me of every S,W in we- and "(ither from Pernivints, both vif new, ritiz,3n investigttes a t'sulillice; and -than
mefi and childirm
Ovcr tillie ice we 4 will no
who;. it
MBEHOLD PorstmonenAtIlaildialf(and ilond 11%T0 'till ar. eren. it which will be �xolljstsral 4ratlollso of the litan's qUaractor before he starlii it is wit1h a sort of
htloniestio- trusts hi
uvex�comiijg Iul -ex itn4routwitud rushof&ir wriii
T, -eiue tu tit tali tits ansong tile best I hftve ever main IIiiii. when tits whigu work is com- fit oftol ilivostigates a groat in r -h
ftA E9 lisaste an fvTi.111K. poy 11
Ust a Y w is roacheJ,
Ft,r PS, -airs'appliv to, 11dilig, th 4 o r into plefool. tFurt Garry tit, throw light on charactilit
r"I seen, and I hitio' h looked upon the It Use rolom with slisole =;I
I tie. made to
440 Ice pattern bappiliou." lisiogress lis to be tillsr(�o finding the upploaxant funies in
LN J> wardw the which-lis'lumplemiLut for the employet, to
,r afew wom-nits Instance& thero 4 -*41L I Itocky 'Mountains, at snols ratio of op have Tbe trouble
Agent at Podcltil& Aft M it eed lookod ifito. Ile does not hesitate the face of, Ilse operater.
ftp�.nt in unw, q. ftam the cieZusustances and tho!fivances of to enqi is cat -toed by the dil'Sculty ancou
RewrqtwT and Tint"water, falleous Mrs BeIf &fool A lire as t4 a C or a AnsociAteir. or a wrod
0"Clo T16 gnkcu Xsrc=nt.� AtizedT,ir her short 11tA 'that $I," tint'1111114 dlvrvllin,�; th. liafiiU of expenditure,, I or that
u the cxruu�rv. usay rol Work is to toe c4shir a in osvm4ainj thIII-inertills of tit long
411c hall just lielald to 90113-11111cool, (oil the 1 4 air ill �Imb
1341 the doar bithir djoy 1ct t' V1121i., Section at tile lacca ill w4ich, a bouk-k�wpor his pipe. or C111111"eyt
w 16 11
r she felt inte.N011*41010 in appearing *Anw tiala !as coil -Ill* essi,%� sections. einuio'hours. Frery pulAw usaii nuont can be
tile Thsi isdt-,ti
U*,%co Satt stOxidessom. W-st Rtreet. 11 Flu 4RUG& fon-gtocther-,sta time. too when hiar forod tottz"4, k4s, I V in A; n hinot viri;etltly ttemandol is too ready teflionsit(,hottothmas onquir* Arp the interstices of
M ON E Y T 0 L ED, ind must W 4uff'r *nzi, ivejin so hirl if in 0 0 losses. -* 4 a; fruits Pembina to Fiat Garry
doon bole v Bank ot 31,,ntrea gl mind "I'
firt .1srut , at (h 6 bottsima of which
aral IThe twitheyconeerit,privatte relations, but' ilso,
"WM-y a take mon�thor cup of ealfrev1" the siubj I" it IN01114.1141TObee-1 �,Ay 11 to ),live it r' would -o the lire kindled.
ITIST. little crib &sjil dirih)i b ic' Itoy It a tuAl I it, olb in � of air this
doilrith. t Greatly reduce Rates of Intertat .aturall) Ile the to such as will throw tit* same li All -this way be
-elf,7 Said IMps Mae- illu said lire, tit h io'husbimad, an hhlie,youm glit o6
18,�uat recciviw_,fr,,a.'ZlIrapeAn and un ffutA 11149 !�vUPOrt0k;, 4131 R01t their fitneds for public lirsist,'Which thesso, P.vLtiug a few
e swith liar nwn, y s'kf� in en betinacted Inimical 4 211 viligs r bits of dry'
hinerican ni. er,- over the' shitil "atndby *vottr leave I wig ho�,%r ev r ts afier that, it it be unit. me it prsob%tsly,� thrvow on fitness paperoii tits top
',JL �03 "ItkAyth'I"11110" I NQ fur private trust. bell. i-. fr.In. two v, tin"n at a rvl Ito It were then cut-4T,'a(4 111 1101164 will, be going nit PA the samb tiiiie, the Aidbtless Ilia log
.3 Ilan 40amp T really I Rill (,,it, snot alwzrs, of the wood or coal, Suit first lighting
-ourahle tentill III TlriiI Whisk yqn; q%) intert-stanAl fat F, .16W**L Cutriloqu"d at lstnd hailgiven thi f , r 7,@ Connessfion ittiarnediawy bursts into a blaze
bv YrI 4fW!n@d§d; nto of will slefy -prin in a. curi"its to,SsLoo astiof Lake -Iftron, from the agresiblo to tbo# �rkossaowroor in the that
SAVORTH. . . , - P. half Fle" 1 14.110, NoIld, rising abriA the lvm Ibecause ilse air has perfectly free tsecom
)IF For. 461� lip 410$1 S4CriIi1'j 054tli Of FrI11111141i River. , This roe'l, as subject otenquify, neither:
or Illose. t,!i ruplfvImq+%-* Yt pry is Pro- Iii) frdki all aid", the lighted air I-eresso
r"i'lion hit t and left the-rooin.
options 11TON 1; . j' "Awitt lItoon a -i4 rs G Men wood 'sea unainsitand, it, is to, be built Ly a &hits I# tho�e who go toukb
011W took 1 11%,
.Z=. . HOrZAC I H01 philes ee" a
*9084, Toth f 16 carcloom, obowriscir in Ant, vi!l be Otte lowlier I i it Ail is private cwuplay, xiJud by a auto 'it with rl� 11t way in the chimuoy, mud egLablialle4.
Hair Brushes, I wa) sfvl�ki oirsollig,to . I 1 7 t% In oftbn Genie -
n" hat Iw bodio of ilenty, ton- JAwakened 1r4la, there as -41pw&N curcent. Tile match
a' rd, I sn. Palo ppraloirr for I lip U e111111f.,14, til. tho, from the 041foralusht, either in litt"Ver times tw1i.411 Jilations a Tarr
Y. nil
Ve wjll nelt:u6itts, turnste Iniptittel Ili*
Flesh Brushes, er's fdo
pagsitli'llf Belilillifft..- fittirre light.';n--th ti,6 is" then be mitiolislA to the kindling
Large stuck of �irsu tentmout "Ana happindw d 4), oy or both. If lainil; ilhe Go"- apt to W tliaft�fess. hs ipprecia
of 'A sorosito. r bee istairit'ited about -two Y_ 'H' w -ties whirb husbVid fMuL 11 jr Jr xvii4ftle 'moat of :0 sitkitio wilt be foqui* too of anch, services by the general pqblic' undor the fuel, whi4h will resiodily light,
C .4hann':on NI Tooth Druaheq, cloldren, eprs. 12 SeTV t&Uy-. JOIN dulpW the
I rkb,Om . Is. f Is (-neilittle, kri,1 A th-Y ttezetlier f till site AM# luaAe W 8 ki: I s till make it Brititih Q, ad, it dry, buirst into a brink fiaut
Flair -'soplaint r, It call - v 4 ulubioq Will woula'affor but a. very a glit saiiiing illerut, sho woo lnsgj.ih#,Ag to loss NIML 34 'JiFilly h6r 184 hjr,chfltl'duxtkltqt that halb to be asked, the Preukiar itffortus a%tion-for the pvtfontiltuice liecess
fsslldie�d 4.11,, r_', , follow INSURANCE C A FLD. Flair Dyes, fialiedivit, tile best At hrolfto" "ry,
exh L t Q*)" witinApil &lid pla) fal Waye drea8e'l pimift -I I r wit A Levier Sautoluskr
1' at dunv sistrions as, 6 extepil the tinie- now alify-lo'glIt. Land they tire. generally reudereJ pre-
"llieSubscriborloweatf -thefollowing -solass iii the worlil try h sol wilpc 'P.)!) tilt ol=rs�my had i4wgrexqi; fhe wheels
in artionce, Cosimpanieo Atkinsou*s-Lubills them. 1 tit 'iiljn'ry 1 ) - 0 - :#In nAi years- or c, mp ork
It drer. Perfumery, I b of all othors, fittil, !so sit- ,4wod wit lit" I tellf" r rus thi utmli. i fl A I s lotiftil the *11010 i " as. tho'beist 'iWV'0efiL Of Men in
_)jGnZXsL siq vfit %I" inlipsna-V c are renderut -n X4
il�k we
Oats. p NIXof UonIlon. CLIZAILIP& And if �thdr catsbUr!jinent ch 1ity-sovare frit?h of his IlI "fore he at&" in it out
Maffilou"s 11w4m, D Killers, tionessits- title onnyofted With $If "'Te" "V TbO request May be the to from it
wit #Pie 011014 O(CO 41M
PRAlVINIA111, &a t
school IfA &TIPIM:10 of Ijqvtt`�L WA lot lend-foll; aq:cord. C414 -at wlkich tpe.burnitig of t e fail of e t do some ijo6d work in tht, JiLt to. itisto the c-Aintry to court flus girl. He
ISird's 11%oft 161 ro itwas 111,11,02 4tooYed f,sr a,, --no ittine after
of 'a milourbs, (bore as %I rx .4 to it- tnAks w�w'revbrds si UtIA'S' I When Wne that each: has sto hilh. or.
14R En SH A Ito] tfieu-, "ssLIwAvA t-0 110 No I".
Do I a! it licogic6 mach F,"t. Nothing can be plainer than -that ItIOL
, 41L Youth, throug t.wlz_-k spolite Ilse' olichairged nuch-as Ito staitsid tfio queefr inclination of the
Wire OZ 'MRri"k4 histemem &116 Lily.Whito ..'ottLivot,oills arry. the interior
11 cene" Tooth
&till L t4thou"ers. Thtykne-or 4t,,f1r b,, put in hr I i6tory, ply a I , " he
how I, tr ojlj0Y latIQUAIIY the: hcr Zu At not only is It
Street. 0�dcrieh. E fl00RqT:X a" sat &it I "n tile okbu
. : Powder, ]4irLQila. itbor I cooll 11, vehicle, and upon f,,und
lga lc -6 not if_QW. iihe, I I el peneiratIi, by most careful scirstitiny of the It
mlintchowall., to it"
to and ad tni��,jhe tw hill -I "lleolo; on oDo
V4 I' If c1haractr 414 pliblic men
-rowith IM4 ltz� SU zme tile U. -c Y .()Vfsr* tile proper, but iii-kouty. to whicli the patent; aide, mid
we 6 1 r
ad .0 will a voting fohiow,8 toraim
Patent Moilwasesi I - h itt'. 1 otheiti ru ilcj�ut. she, o tivo buiJollssigor a, 48 IA)u
Offi" Mark "ricin Pa.
he in. � The tilue the) off! eye
Ira E.Ovirl 01: g P rill great. litouWtalus we- belle'r 01 it 1s,U duty, too. not 1*4 G., Om 201th Is.0. 4064T. Black Oils, till spen
it 1 4 ;rather stirtulAomed ths1li rk t t I as wwilisoatod.,would too pure How oamet itsions,
gether ll� gmidul,j ot 4, 1 A trix wog oil r,j,x tile
el fjiftTl ntoly% Alone, and ItA -,i
Ft yellw ir items Mi as
worth hull di tit ri'4 ArA rt to. waste. we ir-t to work to Wila a;406 ifte#ro--iresiandprospetity
oartIltm"o. 'I A' Dye StuArso of a ai and toed,
11 tual part . Is, and highly cul- ham,q lony part4p IA:r 8!w llr"Ur0o lketntrt tilt i, rttL; V�,Jsssft twit the wesuIt -of eruasin;, the inoun, oUaews.otpetftiiu this cQunti.-if wv did
w4 iwkQ Ur Wit, the riilr,,Al -N the oolv instructlent not know so sivany iif themlars coudkict- ;if the I t"t, Trifmw
hso�k, �q - sao: # h b6ol 0 is� ka�ol as io, onteable, grind it on
soidd spend Abs'day wit her. PA
Billi to rrtfrru Mrs. M. f4owed Ilaxi werth thIkL,,n�
Bond's Tooic Bitters, q.,aw colln4ft(Iftiov hm-r cusadiv, wittiell 1110, of for flax purlsomo. vid by lbounea'anll courlsg�ouj men, who A.,
0 felt that*th#jtrdg- who have I;+
the bed in world for �A�LCJIA` .4011 then 4*4ave t�,'ioreak. pAvl -the teld1wr 1'
�Rx6w_ -a 11, (out. No 'full&*, remember tauch-sense torbecome subiti-rrient A4
Tbix wa; Kilit'lit *41
gretreati4 fi rtn of bar huabatid- witt an. ki.n t 'Helen for she
vA J. T. G THE 1_11 ONDON 111,111IM14 4" tvarful eje, &lid then lesomp. m9at and eper(eiloo I Mrs 111,11'swould was AI -441 illtho'em
i -her head upl. o Tout ai but hand, qav talut inateriallyalid hertritlitiring herpri- ;& asjsv:i�ucni to; to 60 4.,*t, Ptat, with.thas eiceptiim of the Pembina, atisY set of sellish usen.' It is ul�-,qu soch w
61onlrad f10V1U'lj;4 1UI a diHA t f Y axex iiste. sosuetinnes tsuIo hard
ratio islanis'"the future, Eilgaworfli- 4,0W. slArita tie lihall have onli the mo�as of inen that tile Nfo ot the press alpd 'it's
at Ih* v, bul if qrs�aotod in th.a
ARltlJ'fFFt AND ATTORVNT. !Ia &-plilin *nil caadiel �bats,� fill ho- sumilier Wit uta be. meefulnewalud growth in power I N U A N C E n re; ditknot bope for her hum- fo�@ , she I the Andlulkin the a.
ja�Cbmls,-ory. &c.. Godittich. Outs. 133T C a U P.A A Y quantity of &xtes can Ile PTO' Vlid', return before I hill, hour for dinner. way will VJ%0 it.) further tro'ut)W.
oi tril -umstelaces, add' "t is, �)verc�-ua, by n4ty.- t'4xcitelu.�ut. liosr�e this meals will suffice to enable six. The pAitioianto who would MJkA tit
.,A t� % * , to
hit hou
dd,ced it re fibio had' sairedtS
. q
f, ft.. 'At iti qLUVACY. aa4 havlog for neworad.days marked hie .4w all witliiia to'threowp,,palous siattliitueuts iuto the I -as ibeir fool would soon. mu- , itv
Avallab �thourb Kr ill tied. 14
to Ameass, iq - e in haste I
oil I "detneahoor &ho had in Tam hil,efreets; Valloy if( the-Siomismitchowasa. , The only well an indict Fasting injury on th
TT61111918-AT-LAW. SOLICITOUS. ILN L., 1111114 Ia The estroo of Tiskirly-Ove- Yom at- . Y!- t$o f4thuin till, CA". and lisia, ;ThrA poilialol-IMir ;,I tSsix0forl difficulty vioill Jog in winter. Water tar- country. -V. �Wvrtiwe to isrsetv!
I . I awriven P C', 1'rVISiM to all' crissusin
C%aaoary, CloqvItyllueers. 91. Cribb's Block, i. .. yet there w4uld be Vut a Horse and C tile Nedlellkitille hoped esfe this to have Some *&planation I as 3faitmu, ttlis a r,. 1) 1# riage for proltice is go uluah nium sam
tanest left and that cooftidemt,4 t
k MOSBY TO LtND. Isis FORTY- MWON8 PIP ARS ! it . TUAL tuva- AT? wine
ollus it immia J,lain that ho, shisoll tit &*y- ir piara-twl hy's, nousicill. than rimilroade thaj; we :two I I
nod 11,61 n list elapse before he woutel be Ag -tin ch tlt, gir a. Th.e. el d eat may IWI&W. Of vlo BU 91,LU Who jbil veft"i
Cunon it&
Cliann. by 4C"1Cs1L"40 11JE s.ti. society,Slud ft -r the 6st time shk her Pgrd in &ny, In the present generation.
wim bull Iti Sri c.itiotistuiftig to be used fur
& are being out uffiiil c0tsildviws- Y69 he *am ccl� And uou; illy dear cantinudill is turned full: on- e 'Iliad beAst, I long slistandes n*c the railroad has
host m aditkAted w
of, prompt Psynient, v not Liberality tit qd. fr. I loused a Me- L 'men 'After thAt most fi�rcekr eantestied &ad
A& a TLIE tAiUly 6,A at as", juid evidently auxt
CH Mrs H, ,I xn�going to cmimunicato Is and f"44ilu. A�r
,,:rrity, I
ousito I own, which. i�ft Mir 34's went in surprisi.. 4 routiell his Now that it in 41 that IIIII Gor-, bloody !Attie of 'Lundy's Lane, during CoAsuniptiou, so pre valant and so
er fNuh- p esout Wuxi litatia tit foeiiug, I have all v ancv, g*f utda (ka ernment *hall build the railrawl; With, tho'Wed Of 1$1:� r fatal. is dreaded an the great scourge of
'Ito had preserved Ill _15,Lthe Anto jeaju, "g
ximich. Dc JAU191. T*"a are the ymm"t hatum' of IITS'le�%Ily COJAV�1174&601131 1-U ih** little plan (it 11,y :m , v' .1,
Wit =ot of ish t Very Thing aTited subect4, S. ALi vio 0.
iorod LIVE POLICIES lsisiicd witis very is r 0�4401ti,,,
Ia. "Quirmik, titperal inuil Y.- lna�, even &I treat retreat &,:I
.1- real say, his deemed beat not toc wartunic-ito to hins; hi�a Gulf, 'out entspl.,iyi t's driVen. froull the tield, it remained fur 0-1-1, and yet in tile form4ive SuLges,
xA11*rP, Arrowqji AT x:.,.w, SOLICI-' Iliad Offloe. Canada Branch. XON- presello bit% now that also wax &loll* for hl is not fat sufficiently irsocuitivied and theeri 9 h I I 1WHIM411to 'Oolulbatty, s,�iixe,'deciod mmenroa will the British tu takd care-of,the 4ounded lall'pulus�)nxro, ewiplainta may be readil
we in cloassentry. kc if 'ryan's Pullingum
6,forich, Lon&. to hisfiondition tit think cidnall i I,,), irry away. Mirl'ol a I.-ousi to have to be t4fin tit, prevent mousbers of " oispa, of tile dead. BV wal. of 0011trollea iij using "I.
have been, rosi.oi to �Iois v'reat bout, Wafers.""They wilLrelimps the
Stuck. W"I Stralu 41o4orich. toy ittook Lev 011 0 to subdust. y: exertion tor� a Irwell- PArlifisnont teoing interested in the con- rejrLt,,,,, for t6' to worst
NEW IIARDWW STOP sillitnittips to M4 a on %out )Stbarity
11,HosideL t-Socretaryli "Yvtaagh'q' k -ad in 60ulu 'I easure regxistod 4�' no for W only dnjvb lift, Illy out ll his tracte; Allich noifm has been (over the ill Stew minutes, "a have a besse-
NoISSAL, . .1. hniA. But, why not I I klm�7 L of t4a Avii6ricisits in- bAllitiz tit# hospi. coug
bert jut Ify , Ian Jr. M, Suddenly Aninittill. giving Ali 11 Isirtr2ol khr. discovery that a monaboref Parliament fi" 'lefillaiwo ton the bronchial and
�]P. Ir. laws of eqnity "ich'&kes a to to tallat,chippalwista which vvatia�uniber
fur Ilia, any effort piefe a without h2vill. !VS4 interested as a stockholder with come j pu1pxotnatr r�aus-but they inust be
A, 14.JLOIJ�. AXent for ColildrNs Iui;;a Ilia heatt g'] Ute hiUlL wife mikir meto lilapfiefe
AND W)LICIron-1111 a., o 01, 11 wouujed, who Arl 11
heyeroly the Is"aband,3 iljjelg� L hat I tinted, by , y v1d usell it% tianir. Publi� speakers and sin,
Public, &c. d tw hilitwafe-It � lie drcadvd tot, A far ter 7. -riesimensher if aii of the thirteen dirioctors spix porishod - in the flauiox, it A als'e
Cou ill ity lu,y I L I resul
it& Lbe Post. office. woo OPPOSITEARXE1 RVAP tell that he *'%a a- imaki kip; betAx-d. , Wirifly..Ih4n, thcoswh� Is, I , i'thixarden the late Government. Ifflislilos to burn the Auserican aeal in the hat-
13tre", God- I A&T110 -]`�Aglisfl faiAily oession ere will ids) derive great benefit t1104*whoewurtit rldhere tin, l(o a anitiry eve, ofthat interest w,mid 'have be@,.
INESTIMN ASSURA-ICIC linfiditIg o(:tUrming to accout those Uit- back of their- ' 11-11110 tie field. A poor gratification, iuileed, using 016411. SAA by all druggists and
tonat W64, but lie k� .1. its Upper 'Its ia�. St 0 a 'rAud to ildluence that. nietuber in his vates hut re"ngg.is sweet dr*
fed tier dream of 9 Price 25 eta lost 6ox.
oft to itsit as as alial 0-IMP3 -and it who &I ways c0ty- thki sweetness even British lin-gus.
which s-nict haro and to tastill vf
RT AND CONV97ANC 1 106 dItmPliment in*, coil uissfi
OOAIPANY. 11vingal tiger 10 on i ny. on this quost
HEADU he Inivain tnaytd tz tell tier nisehrixili- think I be content its, ray selicer, tandoei that this would be the effect -it Ay g"ped to gougign to 1 0 sr t, -First, to eat a hearty
'I T H iu&IY tisAl an unforoquate spoesalmia a
OMCE TORONTO. SIGN U Tito genthaine tialis a I
Go.rich. Out. htinse In supper f r the pleasturts experieuce
f r the d
isee-ml paral rouson why a law prohibit, rommoints 6f those Your follows %he had
CAPrrAL STOCK ........ $W wo UsA.v6duoad th I Parliament Irvin bigin during tl# brief time it is pamin
Stu One -Ixte Oiulwrls of
ts i'll sm 9 f4ught their fast fight and were sleep-
SURP161US FUNDS ........ 208,369.W Yt &all".- to por- toiia, and that-Waidet attendmit to our instookhOers g down
iiiiiii u he th"t, A the expenise
aw; SuMsting whi, 'hieli-t-04 ul "xilty 014d little #onisrof;m ilutical. I coold find,A.itne Silo apirning opon, should, hairs' boon passed; ing' their 'last Aoop. . In the midst of of a
WMETMFORTFLEYEAR so i t lneiost]i wlt,., re- bilillfte for dotiounoinc whole , night of 'disturbed- sleep, Lad
'1�tho untep. to it)struet a yoturtiflaidies right a. t 116 W file arrau99- the field was erected the pyre. , There
It 11 _DFG TONAY T1lJT-T"9T snee�vf Airs. M d,_._� ( In =,Aqic 4111,
j;Y�% SOLIVITOR.A.4c. ZNDVqGJVNE 309h 1071. 35 InRail, intat treary waking In the aponiug.�
sistintio1 96 Unt at b loaping! factit as it it were a wonstrons broach (of In
N.w seating hiLkself begid �Aud I wit"t thr illy. tae..-clinton. Ova- 90S. J� MeMURRICH her hil ma,4 If upins I he ow tinsi'm f,)r LAW. A elf a, bighaense of honor do is of the gatle Ii a I xist-Gum for
ut an X.ta and dri%win a pr6tiliacuots4 heap was thrown the
if br 0 41 U dead to ry GI 0o reined as
104zy To LEND. Candid a tends vor the =n �Al Wan in 0
PresidetilL lid full dincluiJure of his altsleid usigbChae refused rhouniatikin, pains in' the back a"
circuiustsuicts. as The thickei.. *he" to Put hillo"If in the lolq4,sociatied wArtion of Auseri
for hob%,11 16"s cc It
warmly, soconded tile views Woul,l not tibia' mW14 klelai'Q$ of ins. "itifJQ C011detalled- lint how many id Is 11olds, cranspi pmunat
Oil I) z XV9T 1frrF9 AD -if her friendi &nil �promioed Us ties the Prd Went w3sthis failif this Sensors whil; tire makinz A, cheap die- 0-9, Saloito tring de
B. IfALDAN Managing Direct,.r. COMPLETE STOCK OF Nirs Bell of 'ad tight, but when tile Wrich w&A
And is this all I- &kid Mrs M 4 st"411 6 the pile and tile crock -ling
L 414'
MIR 11ii 1141rroik, In r1al Of viruetwuld
of liter itititionr in tier behalf. P��'�' W refused to hisalft flassies-licked the flash frout-the D004-0 Or Selol. by &M
aud-the pirviable boocrifice tit IN - . � in hurgliri, dealeri
HARDWARE a tal2111411t cyaflagrat =11'. cts. per bottle.
Lowest Current Ratts. -90 Isdr1suts" Of a like opportunity I bdi@6. ad charred the bone it�11)1115411
superfluities, that )oil have feared tojeli attack, in.epid,.suic dip now to extremely repulsive spectac 'YroU&
�j*, in thoall 4di'th0reWbe, Ito stockhoiders
whet we halve to
esison 0 f
TWIL74%i(IR IIIIII Dwelli�lp Chn Wit h f.likiwi,will'to will I's 4. 4t prlcw that defl, c (o A be dealt with, f- is a distant of the ti4old two officerw Ti EgmnUosineximo
Ming is. wore to
*CWTI Members of Parliament boco Myls th K4 beett'd"ning &in**
olottnt-, IL "But coils' ider It *14 monlilig in ih: rowded asse-til yil I I Cdwan approaching the burn -
is of no when $Ira Bell's carria., c K -homes"'Is to ts- I'llen haw& ing pho-the one' a Colonel, the other a 1M; during the ikbole tit Citim,' C-nistry VIA -,w. These &nil Lnuw t Ju thsasters slissovs terewt,94 in Jh9 contras: was Una-
'ritiontio,", -lbsiffawa" terms ofp,,h�v particularly ta ! voorable to &be Farza. B.-Li.t ,ct G -A. sA t, n,.t veek mgtravated by lack a House of dtL Y,
When 9oIjr %Ili 8, f4:r Awt aclarod that if Metnboro events uf,the day, when they calue up-, f
;1Y.: "I UY: -6. It in drolve ill, to -Is small -but &ofitool- Inokinit o mi-Ito-notroU the Senate end th CapWis They were discussing the bloo to attend to any uork. "&In Fe
and sta9d a is
-n drealu of -lu h&tlS6L in the uSpor port of the city, IIS & all hot
&ill Commons and d IMA, I was taken with a
for the township. ontfvintt thts Town L IV acibri*st devoid efcare,l but wohuln ring Alii�'WW comeb- cough. I mixe in 24 hours
First CAN" man w%st^i r"r s travelling A �1 lot
&Z Ioohnisionsion Vitntills Wi A go He PA So,
Jogchimaloolia. 1.20111' eutiderlognedrur trans ! . Cooper shoiked this re.,I(Ift. A�tdd Off",6difilTontw�re nit JeKA!Jy allowed till tit* ci.)rlooe Zof a large flesh), AinericiLn
P"-�- ly, .rye i,rders t the o
JI -d Office. cousea In person, food laft Got tois, ", voning. �,xsu h
-et llou%6 that biting fiend, I her until a mylliat-i had been rr Mill: 7tott"eilf'. Thido'ct ry Only
ioI all VAn I- Doom 11111todn. Dpposite 'f!ie Mark rusilied hif atort- Sf`SZkhoI48r8, they worild descend soldir. Tito Colonel ejsoc;ilated, "C&,P- i
stripS %is, uno'by one,inut only of theistic. She was, allwa into IL namt Jim j)ue. pre, to wasoadvised
It Lvabso,alldee D. WATION.- Irl
V Feb Flamin Kilt. i. Godo.riell June 23rd ill" galicies but tile actilog comfort& of fif. wt.oro a gentool a whool. Ile *48 W4' t! d4sith-LI't) the Arts t -f the sivagder and defy the tin they ought to have that faow on pftmr
1� nd happy looking wo- a ThAt is no rcAaon why tile law the to, how well lie woul bwrd." Be- to ithe owe' Collilv.1ind Syrup -of
'act There was a!ft*
Ify commenced using
via feel that there in asint-p of bitterues, foal' wax 4nj.%-,-d with a gmup if y,jung item. I
!�ek nut, "Itti. 11111" 11 Aatl It ItAt out JjL; Sholill not be mo, stumg. 6wit the cort- Jose the 0aptaiii beef tinsio to rorly, r r if,
3DOC>3W 7: 1:*T Jr 4C> W thmi poetry tit )lie "lus) presonce." whoml she stra lastructintr in a.m. lorge'"s. it hout I lie' W ua , trari. Let it, it) vlow ;f this gigantic frool)1r, I my wish a clear Con -
T. DUNCAN, ind I . ,
--fr. handUVNIlief, t rk musket in the buming pile dischurged, adience, T
0 alkali bte", blitt La4d gm'y1y, ali'l o-legant"fativy-wcri, , but as tit* IV231ift 'altd t 11", . in hasCreated wonders. I am
t, I S'Jo 4 Ligh crime nind wis.le- the hall striLing in tholisauid htwearl tar
kuv,%rr stoppol thin b14 nitatior for IsnY.Ittlember ill -w'.1 to w,,rk, which for eleven
o. d fvrth
cAuRIAGE W o R Ks. '%early c-liclu,111firit, she beg4ud 4DVFlCZ AND STABIXS, -AqO DERS C H AG E N C Y s,jrgooa cesnitltaske� in C sither 111 -1164 officom The seeming rioliuke villibly
such a glad stra tusit Mr. ahe-fuiKht slot two any iftterru yvearsf axiiiiatimbi-34.
_ption, %lid whom AaLlpy ha 1v sared- ilk I "UnOnt to become inter"4ted in a aflocied I 'oth. -The Colonel paroll oil
at do- -set with the-Go,ortsm,rot. J AM EA - I Oil NSU -N.
mifoseed that they inight eytis yet In ""%urtly 8111TOY 61 th* t -one Arobod' Captain after i moment's silence G-rced
sato strook. n w.* Faost. tA Otorns OT TH 2 hisslaelf y1wided t,4 its 111111J�lwe, Istrill 01 U the distu)b(Od swid llwaiintively. Tlw Rently seatinf herself itift ft; 7 sofft, - jk
__Horws examined an losemuld Tolust VW -Lean Compony of very happy.
her. The apsortustAnt ta memo wo"ald have
tortinz that Choi
B. 1313 '37 LZLCL '73. lip jilsough J�vit to iay: Q-Mnal, Fellows"HypophoMphites' must not
which JUJI110hiffiL.4 cis a iskjohl
-,be Confouned"
---------- CANADA -But," said he, al�uul it be culls. "Owed plainly furtlislied,61; yet there blobkag to jAsukih with other preparlitions
o .1
PAT pollod to ral I intiuus it a toil Y_ inak ouch a display of notillue"Lml order islild Items of the weather t - tix�o to retreat. In silence (If Ily"olicaphitAm. It diffiars from all
this 11
IC TS wlW the. 440 Yanketto Ilegin to fire at
Then toy voice *1 y Is - Tile rissnne ff El, HfiItdflil ouglit 1, to 4 is them.
IW'(;qffla1ed bN RorW .1 be 'n thd Are1160001111111t tl)iat at no$ &11ZZ� have flor the 601144111, ilk the all bjewt of toommark, iihey mado thiairway from the scatie
I iy thut title convitic4d hee own Sceptic hWI J'ts4beon tie te, . rol by I the Statti. On Moll(lay, the 5thn the
,rd. A rall- I tint -Illy thro-ighout Canada 12Iut Silo 161
Icanning." And aho did singsdawe't- ed to tile mind the i I aime
=NILI�L'Jllf 1POUNDs -mot ing tf W-M.-for,;L�s th'G lady fire. An otproms, river In f
ERLY * contentimawt. road tiri
CAPITAL-015i'm mro was t rf4tiU the city was ari�inily The Can.%diUl Z,
11. J_ Ur H I T ELY 1 husbassel that im- 0 h 9 Eii wam detartim het.4t, I tit I�fe to" fre from T110MAS'
ncans(tio., the U-iw %t-foso oert Eurom 81 i*F�G- Iliath poverty could li�jot rt%b them. . 1) V di&4;Isaed her little coub, -we b ad* P,.., LW boat trattia was re- Tile elect ions fur inembers (of the Do- lor Ecleet Sondforprint.
itcrepanid to entertain lie heInee iej&9trcUqmo. Ao;eo�y in porstioa tato years. rpEGS TO THANI� THE VUBLIC �[ i1elt relityed aloread of half hie misfor- P)LItly, r , . suit - a onsuiligd&y and ni 9 btof Bfor the liber*J patronage 'ur&eil i tutles, nosor that tits wife know lu�.jcir- 40 &net n", on6line, 0 1 W1.4 I., tie arms 0 f1kA, llzw 02dod , ininion Farltatueut,ou ThuradAy of--laq
If 9N BY 0 RIB?, SOL tI!0 ston chearfulnesix and Ill in it homy downiomir of
"i 04r's atteutiOt6
him in the Post end to alitioursem that widely 'as anFunds for Investment
0. L wea reau I Wj all we erfsocted*-in grting
cu-staliests, and borip his altered 'toe Off"IftitY which :-4 distingirished bar III, milt, liu,4 the St wrenou is still un- I Fo rth re it 27i saa - its We its &OU I
T OANIS issetlo on the Seeitrity of approved Farm I IRI lilsoc
he'still carries On Carriagu and Sleigh t it,, ox or, ith morsolor-Aperous, 44yL I will tautaxy gaining tile en, n thisig"Rilb-no-d -of since the Ia party of Johti A. C�iliil Y. ate his dinner 6ACk 50MA to l
making in SU its branches, at the old cuull nollre, tSat sho-folor sume happy, bit& it *&4 ar,. stoppe'l the ultin d,)"id, timis suppdrtewit and! Pwticlpa- 'Pain rfvn�t atag, it I. .�,d. it
JU Clay or Town Pr,)Iwrty for ponods of Five 40tzis 0 *"ktw Of 1837, hilo flip hills b, the
yearn e eonveni,nct of it tRailway or to snit th orrnwers, awl Nlartin*s Colborne act Lillis,,it to & the, uich invest'gotion dent the 11lensing Consciousness vent.ayother disast lik`4 41IJ 0XVioxi'd Portionii of the 6114 have ter$ In tile
oltiler r,pwynble st;Lnd, opposite f pot. T ilLoan Qn4 Boom.
It expiry of vine or by an- 'Carriaje itefortuink liev thity im lessening to wall. WU� OUt'tGJY expelled to the charter fraud-. In the P-17114meAt just
ntel Waggons, of his strairs. Its E-4uud thein slot so hoCAr" @I ill kept to Ili$ that hills frost, &I. - 61-AND1106 COMB. It poiljtiVely eorso Catarrh
will boacceptedatinviinmon r,of.,ble &,umg. and everything else in his line kept on bad as fit, had tirst feared, aud th6tigh "Is husband deadpirMl dar to her The best will llot been so.vere. 4L Asthma 'a" Vtonil. loiftf UmLs wov"
Tit 0 elect4od, the Iteformemutiderthe leader
hand or mzdq�to order of a kerst im merch-Vit, 9*6 i.t-r -1 1837 ship of Psealier McKenrie, wi:l rk,
the loest his busistiests -list be puspesided, and his W"m than' coulitortudalliew. the trouibN Mai - ols. 'diirer,d .,. w,ino rexpec . ts ry large luajortty, and theirT.61, Iawl tA* am.* BALRN ES in returning thanks of pvrf.,rAiyin6 It. - fte was one who di sitting oil is to-, on t we
G. 19-RURKAN, -material and its theuio4t workmanlike style of livIng con o slucra of-Ja front th6 Pt"In'tent. Tito an tr*cted, yet he hoped w,,th,r in ariIex-ta If t 11" oftio'n y leltov ill"
Wto hot frionds in Goderich for past an ner. - 4, u ,,ss tire reirl of government will he Uff
f . to Pay Sti his debts, I ild trusted to the 114 ploice. lltr, dignity, in the MON equi. while his *ouipanion-i wore Wtblb4f� Novennitior,of thltt year slot being ) ex- ON-, t Prts.fcanaoa
SOMPTLY EXECUTID. y hwh, w$ thiqk-. ass.
bep to say thait the is now 64re" MI future to retrieve this present. -W it Tolil-I notihave Suddenly he saw a jh-,e mtkial fall al me dstdrniltied by the inanuor in alli6 b"I "el tthe
the ?mno- hat of upon t1wa. tj 4)v awrence
to give Lessons on Such lies His coinissuniestunis to a' PACU01114, even, In the most it &1"08 to the cuuntr�y 25th Feb. 1873, 1356 Bir 4e�ll ]a" Clint on the St. they fit 16.1 their pi
and CrobiRet Orran and in Singing. 00EMI&NOIN G MAN Goderich. (If the AICKelizid 'Mintatry wore me *1 d*L W. T-..., Wjtvt�ie Mi. have 1�1*11 Ihwlf� y,,u an -I wAnt Now
An -the dinner � hbftrLlftp fo,r. "Follows so--------------- "And yet;" he said, "when I thiuk abjbict loc.yety. , - or both would h Is all wes, llow6var, c4t.rried (IT, till the 29tis
'donce, op poeisle 1r. Say ' lAt"Us you Isaust rolinquis:, Is :eAkhod, 31ra . 1( ort"I" 4 0"'lub-L ()u the ini.th of he returned by aeclannation, while several 'usien am truir wiu. unjutAl
63 the privations you may have, to eticc, [a ired f Y,,�IsAitumissrao . ffer-ti4 dolith all urgent deep* (31acdonalsi's Minim- Franklin, whs,". "I linve 4JdJ ibw meta& )�fj: ig ak
rne iaAP3'" 'op-EliED OUT AGATKI* of tile &dv& in- or a Short a no@, Inern. tell Coining to f t lid ex - I 11105terx
SL 13 a that
repeater in all isniijoa, for the Y's front Sit John Colborne , calling Irv) secured Their return by a bar@
ter, I confess lily spirit sousetlines mis 1yotrItlig,' tip layful lusinner that spleadidlyw.w."
t 11 aod others worts overwhishu. fir�rd $ d Im n T1 it as' V;ectni- tost. I am il000r.
IpTem Die at the Pit) C, %or dov.setitiz sustttilishinilt was Its t Sit- coull" ia first. N4w d,, your toe -At. 1z, ng of tl,o 83rd pterment to be
OLLES OWL *cut t,. URtfsal q, Sir J,,hu reoeiTod but fit is mchly-31wo,110 I
1 1, -1 it C A D. W. u. go he kept eb and ati.1lulat'04, i) d "We will see," X Jdrs- M. -'Fimt� tensuvi. . But little did her friend line.. ls� a,,, I I - i)Ydo, then agent illetatioil.
0 tie, now the her. . I y Th^vo4l1i.. whU! at it forth-
YSS SK111MINGSTe"heruf Music Conveyancer, Solicitor in Chalsoetury, "A ,hore is a large house for three of us gillit, when Ill* 101,011-611, on in the city of Kingilt-so, a
Ill wo "IsS 4"Plotchod the entire
tored &nil wall. f"r ill! st"Im
drased dinn,�r AP-hrel, tt)gether with Foruut relaxing.1 I stroke, lie repro3c:1 wg1noi,6 on "')&rd tile alleautior oreiloforebeen rlyof i ft� i,
ney which has It
on Piano Forts and Orp:an. Terms Atteiriney of the Law and Equity v have 6ften thouAht, in pass L�., a neat, wb,,, h, -is.stairthin .-,]I -, so,,11 and ci%I, ucb
Courtsof Ireland, Genealogist, is it ooked." Ott hi In for givini 111 muiriiLirlysuiss 'own, slid tile I"ttkoster J. V.somp"on. lloodf.rd,
xdv Residence' '3talsley sung house, how oornfortattil I the nottly attired 'au(I elegant ILost"ll, wasi.irs to.win if At 4'n till@ 'Ott' December. an he n 1,, ourvaut collatitui, 3rroldd Lure .I ter a psSna as defeated in FAsex. (jost tVGt We Land, Loan and Estate that It ain' lid her win if ily litirs"O ge of 34; hours, y wit. nothing 141to It." xwr
Agent, lAw, Life issid, "rhon therels a y Of useless whole estAblishassout. At dinner Mr fill Ilk floating toe, eth . 1874. Int 6 rushW int the w,tvos ule�tii 1 4 %ith 111) delay fro men)" the river from Detroit) by tit" 1 44. write- el.I, K.I.Aric
.. Ary -quantit parlil-I coil I.
Fire Insuraftels W;o furniture which I can seldom tryst a appeare--tiot the II-jectod brokon- Ili* red haodkomb I suvAllill", I while 116) "Overunsellt blUssphlytbd Btedins largest majorityovttr given any ti�g . a rr-t lorre, awl %. 4.,,y
-jj7j�S_r A.,UT jk- :pirited mail, buk the hxpp; husband tile and IA,& stick. I di"rt 11h* aksa 11I L'"t'neell't1ke City And Norel no,,, mentar% I caisdidsote in that con lituoucy 1lill-:Y Without
an morys ;f -]k to r P. (4,
tin W&32&0 -e 20LIL 1111it. ling he had a inZority oi;
tit to kleep in order. Some are debl'. Agent. nd father, who" home was of, 1 -color. When Fa. u tit 1hat llesson th� river noL%oiLh&UU -rtw - 'hn'l Ito gM" 80kelUk sties, we Innit
anopeniFt an out@ in al'-th, Ili tit. late r,,n.4e"8 careless and some do not know how. in earth the Otto hap 3" n Ale" thosalid, od was to d his per, h"IJI 414 out take till th,2;oth of Jnus, 70U votomat the previous ulsctt()n- it u, tak- - to
of or. sext house eauthoftbe Ro_ Thets, the ly-misd and f-iruiture disposed y P!-Oofor hint. It"wistipleis and tile whole Trint, ry, Thus d- tile C'Luaduulx serve corruption 11) all
of, we &balk not want the survants-an- Ic wait true their horne vast n I r some one of "ma IS. #'GgLr-. X. Y..AN4
athe rvswt of 1 tiger woulA Min f,,1,,,tJY I'l late and froin thern the people of the I �Ilitvd other perplexity gone. rhen, the things g!�i I "tY tomMwc ee. d ; I i % I ling.
ProlumcuOus st, for. SLj," &light take a profitable lesson on
aril Low ",,*anew Iis irelsood trome- quaLuod to gone, wvshall not be expected to gfve hey tired P:) far, a-) very far UP t�.wn golifluillik's. well
acted n vailelius with & rInt.Chon, I)ubU& &hs, point.-Litctroit Advertimr. How m4dneb. b1Qeo.0mLA,. F J.esim.
says it " `"rY itisisr"able that t
JAMES VIVIAU that it wit not N4 for their lash
PArties and dinners - another material POU inn -
HAL RXX)IrbL) HIS R54TAURANT TO arigin at 111MIU. will bo any crossing orer the ri ter this beeoh,* 14 - w Blook. West #4 L roes. w here I o item in the vexatione cf life, Again, in visit them often ; but
k our sung littio house, able friends to sw,n until this I'll, delay wW J, A. UWrU. L - Ingainsoul.
isitul be ill" to vileall his eastominno "A Von none but then the little circle who know nit p- Peas are 4 Egyptian 07i4ill- 1, is CAU'Ing Intl
Our real ch ncun,e"leuo@ otri*uds will tkk4s t1he trouble to find us tit- Celery ongtasitedin Ger-51111- the mouth All,
hW01,11 Which ou ,d 2: re ggrbdk� st,isk bun- se.th o4 notist" 0jaco, iv* the decay of fortu 'Irv. In 1837 also, A natie woman with her fingers and cuslis yoult HORSIM.
Ia 91-eirkiriuloa. I 16T Out -ore time, "rod. So, You pelr� Ile licide tip The chestnut came frow IWI- yes- I G)ok frona the wluwf it T 'uronto Spindle alone, and a natie maj. , ith his
JUT AND COLD NZA1.14 AT ALL FIOURS. coils, on every hand we wild be the gain. enous7h of 1k ociety to a UPI* 1j.atually The union originated i EVI'L is th rest of 'all who own - i =tn Ina healthy and
------------- lid c9nteuted in I, 1.11jad,gis end iffil 01,918 Oaf-, wall spin a hot
TOCK'S iXTRA haspipi in each other a Oo The riettle euinas from Fll-log- "lli athe , who togs "d tomaboo looln &I -tind itiIJIll; -islisisio Itaii proved
But, though Sir&. Mi$ affeation for their lot. is this Ylls, rebels. Toronto thread and finish a pow of stuallis which
eoiff41 somrsilut, by, the application of the most that CID I o
-/Tobacco b, a nativa elf Virginim- a
bar usbaries, and her own aloolionit un- Months And even years fing"d AWAY. 4 Rye origins, losixi'.
DOUGLAS X(!IKP children fly comes from Siberia,
ratanditig, prompted her to treat the ow delicate machinery, be prodnoed ontside ArabianlHolsve llemeJy" in tit* WgtahmakerdL 4ew91 I UP around ; friends war* Thq citans is a net ire of INACHINE OIL inP-sgsicr t t
A: direootion of the SrMm or ST. er, present posture of affairs so lightly, and multipliey and wealith increased find of India. There is one qnslity of 1)&=& ollcacio4s, it him been used by hou.
return his th The popo originated in the F"t, IgU14ING SHIRT in termed sands who will cbeerfnily confirm this;
jo"pff will be re -opened oil Etas oeou Ia general ase for the Past tv" Foam "" to the though she held herself ready to make Air M is u w among the wealthiest e4f our The u. laundry, a 74--ILI IL first- inualin, for example. which
public %list be hint in the P1116 0 So llillitilo,b Of America'. I t. F--rIIosves,CuuPbP,C,
giving the b"t mitsft,tieno, no may be *naso b 81"'fot"Llit 4L. Iamb 1118,do in the woress air." It is made only for king's staIterson l4al
Pass, IMA to I it, nloove4 to us, 4isly suenti y originated in Forssmi. ,,.I uilinner; to a WI h
NES.VAT Jam 7th 187t Itimonlatfrom mosy oftb~t.15bonnf8 isif)n= Acbasan I , k. W c4 with cheerfulness which citizens ; blit is a has eften docia that Th* usillbeirr of now prem,16" lo,,an ;Pooksl att"t "t tmet but for the praiseworth Of %torch a wboi daughter@. So short is the stanle of the and all other diseases wich affect
It will not co"; ilk the coldest weather, It to kin would 8 , ciftu matances might require, yet she is Y Acrtanintity of 0ataintriginatool in orth AfricA- sp Oro c4sidlo is used a
-r P��n s Userrfore saitatito, ftirtile itot"t anarastest,, as well "It te tit# in wife he sh:o pod When the linen is raw asterial, mud me) , brittle' are is& wind of hrs"s it has no equal, nor is is'
an Lbe beav,eet macklanis is won. I&V38ELL knew and felt keenly that the drsonght that 11 rld never lin-bably hay* Parsley whifirst known in dry It 14 dip ino tile -Id starph fibm, that it most be equalled as a oridittoit medicine; it
T%itiau per q%sortor ...... ....... $3,4W be is which adversity couspels tie to sw&llow in rl*e" ; he bobu met witill im- The pear and apple aft froln in the . ordliastry and spun by a woman
31, for the saw of w Patience or repining, stay,, then it is under (wrilty-fire, &ad before the 4lew purifies the blood, oorrectm and inaproreas
mi-, InStrUS11110164411 ............ I dW TESTIMONIAL G-darteb. ideed bitter. She know enough of So- when his upirit WUL Is wax first oultivated in Arabia- ned with s cloth, mind tile
A esial. littay4ow to Mil, it th
tis so v I"
44 vocul ...... r .............. 3 1()0 rrom weloolock Hall machisio works, wors. to cist to be well aware that in the circle nlr"dY 90ad0d all000t now, sundowim was bialugM fro's ,,.n prombed Wdish- line left the Ur- in the morning. As a the &PPOtite, end suftens 6 skim; Ili
he'd. a Y had probably destroyed is lasiticity for Ing Over This is awl liftbatituto for natural istimurs, the isra- fact. so grant is the improvement in the
Ckpitar . ................. ....... 'we a which prosperity dravre around us there i " idins -
I consider sto,k's on cheaper tit $1.00 per galloom goba, I Pam ry am, -thium- iron, ground Off&O porsiton of w
.............. ......... 2! 01D th"onva-latlIsce- you r* triolly, VV 30 X. Z. am odistroys some A. - lutok with envious Oyer ; or if, in the oosmuenceinent of his later frolu a is condition ad appearanee of the assituad J
F. IF 7G nrv. President. 4730 1 @ Irill sell cil, "V ad The walnut ts4 peach came fr1lot tbg the 0969 are all ru"Odi"g, To this %Ometiules used, but thequali tyLof th^ as too havejed innaiv to donbt it it could kith eye on otir conditioik, and would exult leco �uroer, he had teell subjected to Pff1i44. At
. ........................ of I ktads v t "light bay -3 been deemed - titiable the huson is Indebted work in that came 6 inferiur. And yet, be, the Game Ift'irs'e. Itethember the
pyffileat quarterly aftil in advance, DON IN As at oar fallen fortunes but, * 1kis Ths hom Aed4ut tile Y#CUILALr laundry Iglems
histeer w he a nat i ve Of "luck %If
.# v
all.T "or
'DaTiALL she felt, she saw that her husb&n the core- bet. 4099 Many kousse. jebrLca, a piece of four yards in fortieth Hurd A Co is 00 e parLic N
though the most delicate Wild finest of on" %nd see that tile sizoature of
Pkift 4,12d ornamental Doindle-work do G. a felt it tie ...... d, of ,is wife, instead o *0 U%Uab but lilLiCh aah a.
awl form ex o PARIONS CO., H &494M CA" an"*, and resolved that no repinings on ful husbanding tit their I esour- Tile cucumber oliwe froist the East 1 a' k.11 -es "%To vainly "lvion tbftip'k Lyn
Men-Aints, Goderich. ire t leave III P- by ciao y" in width ofLon weighs lea 341611. Newcantle, at
1403-6m W Ittis ItUXINZIS her Jim" should add One atom to his Pa.- coal tile road to his allealut had been ron_ dies.
2311. ii�ud � ,,be ,ristbadm4a 1U,l h0a"'Mill of their tkm ouv ounce avoirdupois it is very pris", for 0*&Ad&. told by Jw MIQr SoLx AGailris, 60dadea 1401110 it" plw"ft d1r03 difikell-porhaps for ,or ittact- Tito radish originsoW in China ;,bow s shirts.
durable and will wuh. I ciao foahem.