HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-01-29, Page 17Pine Ridge,Chalet ready for crippled children's event Nimminimmunimmair New February Game Starts Monday Feb. 2 - Cards on Sale Now Exeter Lions Club ARMCHAIR BINGO $300. CASH PRIZES Some lucky cards are marked as worth $5.00, $10.00, $15.00 Instant Prize. Other envelopes will have Free Bonus Cards. Call 235-1211 Daily For Numbers Drawn at 10:00 a.m. Exeter Cubs will be selling cards on Sat. for the Lions Club, Help the Cubs and help the Lions. Times-Acfvpcuto, January 29, 1976 Pogo 17 White Carnation HoLmEsvue DANCE & SMORGASBORD Jan. 31 - STAR TREX Feb, 7 - BLUETONES Feb, 21 - MANHATTENS Feb. 28 - LINCOLN GREEN We Cater to Banquets, Receptions Private Parties, etc. For reservations phone 482-7535 482-3120 482-9228 wow Kirkton-Woodham WINTER CARNIVAL February 13, 14 & 15 FEBRUARY 13 8:30 p.m.-Snow Queen Contest and Dance. Music by Skippers Orchestra. Ad- vance tickets available from Kirkton- Woodham Winter Carnival Club Members. FEBRUARY 14 12:00 p.m.-Junior Safety Contest and Novelty Races 9:00 p.m.-Open Dance. Music by Desjardines Orchestra FEBRUARY 15 12:00 p.m.-Circuit and Drag Races All taking place at Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre and Fair Grounds A current message for these days: "The Old.Fashioned Gospel" PREACHED BY EVANGELISTS Ken Moore and Fred Krauss at the GOSPEL HALL, Hwy. 21, Grand Bend Sundays 7:30 p.m. Monday to Friday 8:00 p.m. This is your personal invitation to offend I Middlesex Progressive Conservative Association ANNUAL MEETING with BOB EATON, MPP Tuesday, February 3 DELAWARE COMMUNITY CENTRE Reception 6:30 p.m. Dinner 7:30 p.m. Guest Speaker THE HONOURABLE JOHN RHODES MINISTER OF HOUSING ' Admission S5.00130 person For Tickets Call 472-3828 ADVANCE TICKETS ONLY Dance for BURT & ELAINE ROCK (Newlyweds) PARKHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE Friday, Jan. 30 9:00 - 1:00 a.m. Music by ROGER QUICK & THE RAINBOWS Lunch provided Everyone welcome Family Night Dance RUSSELDALE HALL Fri., Jan. 30 9:00 p.m. Music by THE SILVERTONES $4.00 per family Ladies please bring lunch Sponsored by the Glen Gowrie Women's Institute and the Hall Board. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIMIMM11111111111111111111V BINGO Thurs., Jan. 29 - 8.00 p.m. EXETER LEGI,ON HALL JACKPOT • 17 Regular • 1 Jackpot $450 in 57 • 2 Share-the- calls Wealth PLUS 3 1 admission per person No Reserve Seats 1 DOOR Admission $1.00 for 18 Rounds -. Extra cards 25c each or 5;$1.00 PRIZES Share -the-Wealth - 2 cards for 25c Sponsored By Ladies' Auxiliary IF. No One Under 16 Years of Age Will Be Admitted .111)1 iii I iii Illilil 111111 I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIuIIIu r till) nitiut iii null tin niurtuitiuuin 1111111111111 111)111111 I riF U11111111111111111111111111111111111 NOW 20 GAMES 1111111111111 iiiiiii 111111111111111 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 11 Exeter Legion Hall Tuesday, February 3 Reception 6:00 p.m,.Dinner 7:30 p.m. MATER OF CEREMONIES TUFFY KNIGHT (Former Football Great) Sir Wilfred Laurier athletic director GUEST SPEAKER TOM GORMAN (Baseball Star) Former National League umpire and one of the top after dinner speakers in North America VERNE ROME - Detroit Tigers pitcher and recent rookie of the year STEVE RODGERS • pitcher for Montreal Expos PETER DELARIVA • professional football player "WHIPPER" BILLY WATSON • former wrestling great GLEN WEIR - Canadian football all star KIM KIRTEN • 14 year old equestrian, third in North America KAREN DEWIS - 14, top Canadian girls tennis title holder BARRY MOUSSEAU all-round rodeo cowboy for 74:75 KEN DOIG amateur golf title holder JIM McKENNY Taranto Maple Leafs TICKETS $/5.00 EACH ALL PROCEEDS TO A10 CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S WORK tax deductible receipts available BIRTHS --- JAQUES - John and Marie are hap- py to announce the birth of a daughter, Andrea on January 18. A sister for Matthew. 5p .M1TCHELL Ron and Sue (Linden- fieldr are happy to announce .their first born, a daughter. Mamie Sue. on January 4th. at Botsford Hospital. ' South Lyons, Mich. ' '5p ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Campbell are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter. Kathleen Grace to Mr. Dennis Paul Riffling. son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Meiling on February 20. 1976 at 7:30 p.m. at Thames Road United Church. 5c ANNOUNCEMENTS- Mrs. Philip Johns would like to in- vi W relatives. neighbours and friends to an Open House held in honour of her daughter, Eleanor, held on February 1st. 1976 in the afternoon and evening. Op CARDS OF THANKS- We wish to thank our neighbours and friends for the party given in our honour. and the lovely lamp given to us. Special thanks to Carl and Lois Turnbull. for having the party at their home, and to Pat Hendrick and Greta Luther for organizing it. - .Jack and Jean Turnbull 5c A sincere thanks to all for cards, flowers and visits as well as the many who were so kind to inquire about ow while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since retur- ning home -Dorothy liestemayer 5c Peace Lutheran Church &drew and George Streets PASTOR: REV. K. HAHN Sunday, February 1 8:30 a.m.-Morning Service Welcome Calvary United Church of Canada Dashwood • Minister: REV. BRUCE GUY, B.A. Organist: Miss Idella Gabel, Sunday, February 1 9:45 a.m.-Church Service 10:50 a.m.-Sunday School. • Everyone Welcome Zion Lutheran Church . - Dashwood • Vacancy Pastor REV. MARVIN BAK Sunday, February 1 '9:00 Service 10:15 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class . • All Welcome Christian • Reformed Church Sunday, February 1 10:00 a.m.-Morning Service 2:15 p.m.-Afternoon Service Everyone Welcome The Back to God Hour CHLO 4:30 p.m. Dia11570 Exeter United Church James at Andrew • Ministers: REV, GLEN D. WRIGHT, B,A., B.D. and ' REV, HAROLD SNELL, B.A„ B.O.. Organist and Choirmaster: Mr. Robert Cameron Music Director: Mrs. Roland McCaffrey Sunday, February 1 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship Rev. Harold Snell Nursery Courtesy Car - 235-0211 "If God now seems far away - who made the first move?" - E. C. McKenzie, Zion United Church Creditors Minister REV. BRUCE PIERCE, B,Th. Organist Douglas Lewis Sunday, February 1 10:00 a.m.-Morning Worship All are welcome The Anglican Church of Canada Trivitt Memorial Rector REV. 3, A, ANDERSON, b,F.C., Dip. Th. Epiphany IV Sunday, Feb. 1 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion 11:15 amt-Holy Baptism Sunday School The postponed Annual Meeting will take place Immediately following the Baptism, A hearty welcome IS extended to all. CARPS OF THANKS-- The Sawyer 'Selves family ap- preciate the many expressions of sympathy shown during Mrs. Sawyer's prolonged illness and following the bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. Bruce Marshall and the staff of the St. Marys Memorial Hospital for their loving care; to Rev. Grant Dawson for his words of comfort and inspiration; also to the Glen Gowrie Women's Institute for their thoughtfulness and assistance. Otis E. Sawyer 5c Sincere thanks to all for cards, flowers,treats and visits while I was a patient in Exeter Hospital and since returning home. - Jim Mawhinney 5c I would like to express my thanks for visits. flowers and cards from my relatives, friends and neighbours while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Brubacher and Dr. Meredith and the nurses on the first floor. - Gerald Millson 5c Our sincere thanks to the members of the Dashwood Fire Dept. and also the neighbours for the quick response to our fire call on Sunday. - Albert & Maria Rader 5c I would like to express my thanks to all my friends and relatives for the visits, cards and gifts while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Maynard and staff on 6th floor. - Mrs. Lorne Becker 5c We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends and relatives for many acts of kindness, cards and expressions of sympathy in the sudden loss of our brother, Eli Sims. Special thanks to Rev. Pierce. to the Hoffman Funeral Home, Your kindness will always be remembered. - Thelma Neil and Myrtle Hunter 5c in the area Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle Main at Victoria REV. DON FORREST Sunday, February 1 We invite you to join us for the following services 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.-Evening Service Tues., 8:00 p.m. - Bible Study Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.-Crusaders We would welcome your prayer requests. Caven Presbyterian Church Minister REV. WILFRED D. JARVIS, B.A., S.D. Organist: Mr. Robert McIntosh Sunday; February 1 10:00 a.m.-Sr. Sunday School 11:15 a.m.-Morning Worship Jr. Sunday School Annual Meeting- Feb. 15, 6:30, Potluck supper. Everyone Welcome Emmanuel - Baptist Church Huron St, West Fundamental - Evangelical • PASTOR: RAY MILLER Sunday, February 1, 1976 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School A class for every age 11 :00 a.m.-"Telling God's Complete Story" I Samuel, Chapt, 3 7:30 p.m.-"The Church with its Eyes Closed" Rev. Chapt.2 Nursery facilities at all Sunday Services for children four years and under, Wed. 8:00 p.m.-Prayer and Bible Study 'Mrs. E. A. Keyes, Organist - Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish REV. J. MOONEY, PASTOR Phone 237-3593 MASS Saturday-7:30 p.m. St. Peter's Church - Hwy. 4 Sunday-9:00 a.m. Precious Blood Mission (at Anglican Church, Exeter) Main at Gidley Sunday-11:00 a.m. Mt. Carmel Church Courtesy Car: Phone 235-0111 Centralia Faith Tabernacle Sunday, February 1 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 8:00 p.m.-Evangelistic Service Come and hear New Covenant Children - Instrumental Group Everyone Weicorrie Bethel Reformed Church Huron Street East, Exeter REV. HENIIY VAN ESSEN, B.A., B.D. Minister . Sunday, February 1 8:00 a.m,-"Words of Hope" WCAPI dia11130 10;00 a.m.-WorShip 11:10 5.rn,-Sunday School 7:30 p.m.-Worship in the Dutch language CARDS OF THANKS - The family of the late Mrs. Lotte Vincent would like to express their sincere thugs to the,staff andnursing staff of the 2nd floor Urology Dept.. University Hospital For their kindness and care for her and con- sideration to our family and to all doctors who worked with so much care on her behalf. To our relatives. friends and neighbours and all those who helped in any way for their kind words and deeds in the loss of our dear wife and mother. Also for ex- pressions of sympathy, mass cards. lovely floral arrangements and donations including Cancer Society, Father Boyer, altar boys and organist of Immaculate Heart of Marv. Grand Bend, C.W.L. of-same parish. Gilpin Funeral Home. Thedford. the pallbearers and special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. S. Hannah and Mr. and Mrs. W. Nordstrom -- The Family Op would like to express my sincere thanks to all who. remembered me in any way and also for remembering my family while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital and since returning home. Mrs. Glen Rader. 5ne Thanks to friends and relatives for cards and visits arid to Dr. Gans and the South Huron staff. - Marie and Andrea Jaques 5p I wish to thank my relatives, neighbours and friends for cards, treats and visits. Special thanks to Dr. Fletcher, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harness. - Alvin Cornish Op IN MEMORIAM - EGGERT: In loving memory of a dear husband. father and grand- father. Ervin Eggert, who passed away. January 2. 1973. As I journey toward life's sunset Mourning him who went before Faith keeps saying, you'll be with him When you reach the other shore, Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by wife Cora and family, Op CASH BINGO - Seaforth Legion Hall. Friday, January 30.'1976 at 8:15 p.m. sharp. 15 regular games for $10.00 each and a $75.00 Jackpot to go each week. Admission $1.00. Extra cards 254• or 7 for $1.00 (Children un- der 16 not permitted.) Proceeds for Welfare Work. Sponsored by Branch 156, Seaforth Royal Canadian Legion. 5tfnc KINSMEN'S BINGO - Watch for the Kinsmen's Bingo coming Feb. 16. , 4,5c JANUARY MEETING - of the Christian Women's Club will he held Friday. the 30th at the Anglican Parish Hall. 9:30 a.m. Coffee hour, Bible study. 5c FANSHAWE COLLEGE -- Classes will 'be starting this week in Lucan, For information phone Fanshawe C'oli,ege at 1-800-265-9214 or Alf Williams at 227-4135. 5c FET'PES TOURS and Travel, 184 Main St., Mount Forest, Ontario, 519- 323-1545. Fettes Tours have space on our fully escorted motor and coach tours. All coaches are washroom equipped and accommodation is first class. Feb. 14 - 14 day Florida Tour; Feb. 28 - 14 day Florida Circle Tour; March 15 - 18 day New Orleans and Texas: March 19 - 9 day Mid Term Florida Tour; April 9 - 4 day Washington CherrY Blossom Tour; April 15 - 4 day Nashville Grand Ole Opry; April 19 - 21 clay California. Call Fettes Tours for free brochures - 519-323-1545. 3c Etceter Minor Hockey Dance Fri., Jan. 30 KIRKTON-WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE 9 - 1:00 a.m. Music by "COUNTRY" Admission $5.00 per couple Tickets available from H & l< Sports and George Pratt Exeter Arena Activities THURSDAY, JANUARY /9 • 1:30-3 Usborne School 3:15-7 F. Skating 7.8 M. Hockey 8-12 Rec. League FRIDAY, JANUARY 10 9:30-10:30 P,B, School 2:30.3:30 Tots & Parents 3:00.5 Skating 6-8 M. Hockey 8130 Mohawks vs Zurich SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 Minor Hockey Day No Public Skating SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 9.12 Hockey Practice 2-4 Public Skating 5-10:30 M. Hockey Playoffs MONDAY, FEBRUARY / 3$1.5-9 F. Skating 9.10 Hawks 10:15 B, Ball TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 3115.8:30 F, Skating 8:30 Mohawks vs Parkhill WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 2:30.3130 Tots & Parents' 3:30.5 Skating 5.10 M. Hockey 10:15 B. Ball The Pine Ridge Chalet is gearing up for the Seventh Annual Crippled Children's Weekend scheduled for February 14 and lfi. George Beer of the Pine Ridge Chalet, and organizer of the annual event says a variety of. events will take place including snowmobile races, a dance, and a special Sunday pancake and sausage breakfast The Crippled Children's Weekend is known to most local residents as an important part of this area's contribution to Bunny Bundle. Beer says Bill Brady, of CFPL and master of ceremonies for Bunny Bundle, will be on hand at the Chalet, Sunday, February 15, the day of the pancake breakfast. In addition to mixing with the crowd Brady will be taking a stint as chef, Beer believes the turnout will be as good as the last few years, About 1,000 people attended the pancake breakfast alone, last year. The weekend to help crippled youngsters begins Friday night with a dance. Joe Overholt and the "Stand- bys" will provide the music. "Mooseburgers", will be available at the dance. The otoosemeat is supplied by Ellwood „Epps, who has con- tributed in a like manner the last few years. There will be snowmobile races on Sunday. One of the snowmobile events will be a "poker run". • In a poker run, contestants pay an entry fee and navigate a laid- down course, stopping at five check points to pick up a sealed envelope containing a card. At the end of the race the envelopes are opened, giving each con- testant five cards. The best poker hand wins the "race" and a cash prize, half of which goes to the Bunny Bundle fund. And while the men and the hardy are outside enjoying the snowmobile action, those more interested in warm air and pleasant music will be able to relax inside the Chalet where Joe Overholt's "Standbys" and the "Little People", a rock band made up of 14-year olds, will be entert a i ni ng. Money raised during Crippled Children's Weekend is donated to Bunny Bundle, which in turn passes it on to the ('rippled Children's Treatment Centre, in London. Reception and Dante , for SUSAN CLARKE' -and JACK MAVER (Bridal Couple) Sat., January 31 9 - 1 a.m. KIRKTON-WOCIDHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by "HARBORLITES" Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome Kirkton-Woodham Farmers' Club ANNUAL MEETING KIRKTON-WOODHAM , COMMUNITY CENTRE Thurs., Feb. 5 1:30 p.m. Election of officers, discus- sion of club business and any other club matters. All members welcome Rea Stephen Secretary•Treasurer FREE BUS SERVICE to the London BINGO Games Every Monday and Wednesday NEW TIMES BUS DEPARTS AS FOLLOWS Exeter 6:25 p.m. Huron Park 6:35 p.m. Centralia 6:40 p.m, Lucan 6:50 p.m. Phone 235-0450 Reception and Dance for ELEANOR JOHNS and PETER ARMSTRONG (Bridal Couple) Fri., Feb. 6 9:00 - 1:00 a.m. KIRKTON-WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by SKIPPERS ORCHESTRA Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome ghe ChtirChCS Don't Miss the Third Annual Exeter Lions SPORTSMEN'S DINNER