HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1874-1-28, Page 47, -T, _. I ��, 7 4 4 �Xiotice& DAWIEL GORDON. for Oak'. or 4:6 f4 The MA B&M Imds, for 84e 0 A 13 1 N VZY NI A IC D, I to Olti andi awasT, 100004.—ONATIMM17�.. SWUSieless, lasking some, detirs: IcnamaTole�—"By a ill TICH FOUND .­ A . PE RE 11411tral laws -tltelk UPHOLS rERER. �GO win t he uppw $to", Td 16� itse't dutrtdoa. Wk! by it carefal 49pil".1tiOn 'If 00DOOCK 1. Wanting bow& in the, floors: 7avoil, -.11' it, I OOKS adjoining. I" SWWAL odle%. &.vQr*d heverlkp whith may savo us vaAny hft". R thick with witivebs; lb LS Virovmvt kWt Lables witk i -leitrate!v &JOPOIS IWIOW &IA NO& suitable 1!011`01111006e'A to bi a." --QvQ se,ror, G.ti,em. Ma& sftplv in heiplea iUS0098" Afid Land SgpnL ARRARA till Mills. SUBSCRIB E t i� j4vw4 ?P& 4 Co.., R0WaM1611ktC OWMISLe, 9 "erich, Ifth Jan 18" L),ar the mows of bay. - - -Z, .1 - _ - I VAN! F vrA�rvnc OF Wit: now okv� a" flow the wina rated roung it— W "onit or Lus proce" a,t.ptra by me"" Ja,000 Win& of a stormy day— Epp* & Co., vilanufartureft Of4aletie misck% &L A -Valuable Farm FOR S&L& Owir votka in thr Itustes I1a*AL9nJan.T'---Cal#sZrs !f wtortne the fragrant hav seed, 'Or 1341. .%e1Tt,-ATPVi. the sectmd"envicessiolk ['HE underaicned offer for sale the un - FOR THE 2 -himkin; the straws away F TowmAblo,,of ColbOrne, t1sc Estate qf the late it IL or Ti)THS R11LIC F of the NVestem Division bf d4e, dermentioned lands, belongin 0 C:, p Briti3h North America- G94BRAL At3ENT FOR THE FO1_ alK,llt four TnilWfftm Gdorich, of.. taimnj�'2100 acrek of goud, land, nosey L4DW the urth-out quarter of Lot 4 INO I I NSTRUMENTS. idry and Manufacturing Co., AIETTER'vLz haAf of which W alrAred awl free from ploolairal , I-,,- consecluence, oU fraiida thrit have Godericli Fout 12. in the Fifteenth Conoe"i0si of been practuisd(u Y�Jli by two or 11117MRS the ft" awl Nelodoons, R. S, Wil. g ts) the Towuship�of Sombre, in the Oftnty 0 how I loved the shadows %tu %Ith Ork-k Ilcuse, Varna, I- , I*rudo; Palo Huron Signal, inform " Ptlic that they Are prepared to contract for � I three individuals X"i Ir a time tiwk In ,I) that ever littfitain,d alabot. Pelton & Co. 'jho s,arg to th" silent root, bit lnl�h'oriuihops, L. There is a gw4 Now York. the name o%tho "Now York Chemical 11 tile Ill," '0tem. Of IA bton, 50 wm,, won -droanse wovo with the quiet, of the choicest fruit For terms and p-ticulan of sale, p. Day bettring Ore" 08 CX Manya. fit wring woof-, Oil the estate.' Well watered.'. TRW No Pen to the undersigned, perwinall Conapany") 'making and selling soma- 0 take tbew Bit. XFaXA_Z t6am Engines and Boilers � , I Y. thini which they call "Holloway's Pils tprq 1cr to directions, S, e I chebed the hishoot rafters, indisputable. Titrina easy. aud ro- UNION CO.'S, , w 1,,rk. ryyl tter, to Ht. C"harizis post office, Aed witabing the swallows M plas and Ointment," And which, for a season, t ailivell, Provi'lod their. THR itbox 448. 8; WOODCOCK� were freel v sold in reany 1, krts of the, OAIII,X% FLOU9, GRI -81' AND UAC NES, A COOKIE, Adsored Like IFROU is the boardAng, I , C, mveyanoer &-�4-Land AgentOoderich. bones ark, nttlestroyed b Prifish Provinces As my g�ntvine Pill* . . y inineral LEFFEL 11"ATER [VITFI'L.S, A A RON RE&L), 'Executom A*d vdiod in the billow% of hay. poi$on Qr otht n� all", ftnti-Vital or- 64 DU4N 11A M sail ()intment, I hate for soni, --lu Past I bds%tl fol4ax Grantham, 30th�X[Sy, 1873. � 1373 jp,n, go, Mltte ot Billow, OLDEST, LARGEST AND BEST 4 N.sso.-f king couldn't ma',ch it, cons,dared. it my dafy to C the Valuablo Bush � - it, Imi 1U., wfiuxtl is .6 And vaosaa Im" it charta public, threnigh the modiu!n of th! Press, of Lotr Nj 5, con troittut F"en, hik are No 011101KHRING Boston. 14awl I.. Against buying the" spurious articles. BElN19 compowd KILLXR is .4 Iffouse and Lot for Sale. Wba pladdid in ray InAory's Ia: Jadgments have been obtained against Cession 10, in the 4_ T'revlent ill the Valle" otour great V03VS s7MULA, BOILERS AND 8TEA111PNG_11E8; &ITHAT H__ t E4mde the oM gray barn I ToWnship, of Turnberry, hverq throlighOut the United gtatas, ouse at presen AadXd rapilaw wont the clover this Bankrupt Crew-, in one cue by a .. 100seres. Thexoil4mixn� 114),80 of the Mississippi, Can furnish Almost all Ciisa"ian and N E W 8 P A P E R' ]RON AN) WOODRN PLO with steelf bo 6, upied by Mr. Win. Lee- on f Ili% Ilas, bwa's roomy mows Mr. Caulard, who, when about to levy, C(MWMD9 - It Wl 1110101A, Tennessee American Maker's Instruments on terms GAJVG NN C attar end of October last,- found fro,n black Inwn to san4y laarf, with a 0 i0i tl PLOUGHS, CULTIVArORS, 'eat St., with 4 "fan " of At the I Land, well improved. Appl to at is kb* breath of the highlands, - y had (:uruberlatid, Arkat)&,Ii, )led Colo. to aiiii, purchasers for cash -orom time at STRA W CV7 TL,;RS, the name of the Chemical oulpan never failing creek runi&iAg through the FlarodAtoes Appectine bra" I (lot llr=4�, Rio Grando,'Pearj low than hialu, fact it rer's i been painted oUt And that Of Setnite . I Jolt. Timber one-half Bw4 a4d Maple. M obile, Goderich, Feb. 27. " I)rico. ERICXcKAY, art, Pi" aud H Alalsltm% 118*Vo Cabinet Maker. Vose substituted. the remainder I Cedi am, J;W)09,*-AQ(I ituattly 'therst PUBLISHED t ANI) F9TAS11 KET Go4erick, Sept. 30th, 1873. 1 It is ery anoks, TLLS, GRATE' BARS, rit- Lock. Soil heavy. Thi 14 , J Many respectable Firms in the 'r n one' plite With thVir vast tributaries through- SUGA CIDDS A= 3=3. ish Provinces, whobtain my medicine% valuable, being situate U-24 I WA 000jlV AOXES, direct from here. have very properly of the Railroad, three miles from the ont oar Clll�,,D COU'Ar)" during the, COOK&O, PaLO-41 4, BO FARM FOR SALE. $,itunic-r 04 titumn, anti reniarka is iam he. .,.red itt illage of Belmors, six utiles� from s') (J"!r,$g StIVES of various kinds. aviggoated that I should, for the benetit mdwl Invisible green. of themselves -anJ the public, insert Wroxoter,' and seven miles from Wing. xeason!j of unusual IN THE luou. Title goi(k Terms to anit the 116it fintl "rMness, On invariawy ac- 48 Acres afgood land, being Poor people are like, the troes at this their names in t1.0 papers, that it may migulied by 01tensive'derange. lot 2, in the eighth con. tisseoftitioyear-they both requirore- b* known that �my mEtlicines can be had purchaaer. For further particulars, ap- CO on, o t th of the[ StOttlach and liver $ALT PANS,; TO, OR D co"i EAstent Division, loliTuat. gennine from,thern. ply to I and 'The following, is A list of the Firms E.'WOOIAOCK, 111Ur aixtoitiltiail viscera. nallip, of Ashfield. 35 11 ot n their Th Tax" wusT USA Limrtt.-Dugald: 1-1 tre."ament, 14 p4rgativo, exerting a ERIC Ift—KAY, COUNTY OF HURON. acrescle"I and seededdown. ore sawyewirum attho Kirk thO day, alluded to; art4 I pairticularlyrecom- Conveywicer and Land AtoolGoderkh. erful'itiffilowe upou these Vri- is 26 log house on it. Terms easy. imend thode who desire to wet my medi Apply to Tonal." pill I orJLftft% is 0311011tially necessary. Dod&ld: "YeeT reet. I had nee coppers cines to apply to 8,)ule Of the Houses A Good Farm, Ah Cabinet MWker Castings, afid Macksmithork. THOS. R. EDWARDS, I ir the plate, slid I need the threepinny iixtneql:- Thert) is no ca "tic -for tho purpose Inn and BMW naliax,. S, ITUATZ abo4t six miles from Gode- tVal to DRj J. WALKER'S VINEGAR 7 Goderich. b* for tabawky the mom, )(ow-im, Avery, Brown Co., lllTmtt& M they''irill PP(Iedily remove Upholsterer, &c, OW5 $1.50 Per 0flum In Adytne. AND siw pAT Jn. Sth, 18,4. 1403-6m* rich, on the 5th cost., X Di, of the ILERS hort no vooD vA._­How do you do, r. N_ S. the dsik-ouloftl viscid matter Nvith ch t2 641. to "wru thanks to the inhibilantA Of .330 qs 1MATRE0 on e ties, -very happy to tood you-, but Niftars. Forsyth & Co., UrIlifax"N. S. N6 -h' BE . lerwh"d oorroundinst country, for their Townshi of Colborne, thd1?0WC1s AM loadtd, At the FA1110 time No'ouag%duriallthe last tw CC 0 C�dbury Messrs. T., B. Barker & Sons, SL John, P cleared and libyal"' - o ean he ban -Company or !� r tary, will,re- ng I OD Acres, 80, tho weretiOus Of the liver, All'Ordo1v sddress,,d tho woo" is Mm, Cadbury I" be" in batimoss. Role now pp" furDiall 411 luoativ, The soll and genetall retoring the healthy func. arveles to 1212 nee. Wit T . I "Well, I ant grieved - to OZY B. is tj�nsofthd IgLitive organi. ceive prompt attontiorl. Tthe8I(-.NL0 *e,*parti&IwLlar. tiat Mrs. C&dbury has caughtsi slight Mr. T. Des Brisay, Charlotte Town, good, varying frorn sandyloam. to heavy -Fortiry the body again :F T -T XL W � I W lor IA :8 A P. X. 1. st dis. ship for& coume oftnatructio in the sold, so I persuadod her to zo to bedl, black . There is a splendid @reek Aft 110liAOLF HoRrON- Dominion Telegraph Institute, T:ronto. Victoria, B loem by purifyi dfffBhA1D HODOX Ircuiss. rl Will be sold at a reduction te any one whil told her that, under the ci Mourn. Langley & Co. C. 4111111in thro h 0 &Iwo a small all its fluids with ouilreasurer. Mewn bes,)rtugorchard. Tobasoldcheap. For tgiio hold of IL gy t;l A&Uses. I would M04 mint coating 4y Moore & Co., Victoria. B. 0, -VINEG.kit IIITTgu* _N idenflo can PILLOWS desirous of spending a portion of the If Dr. John Pallen, Chatham, N. B. ps or -BOLSTERS' XSERT RUNCIVAN I General Manager. winter in learning telegraphing, and' 4 had an Irish lad in hia Msam J. Winer k Co., Haluil ton, Oft I k. W F.nrl�u in Ili &C. fitting theinselves for a useful and re. wyawf." I Messrs. Munro t Co., Montreal. D 14 lUdiW.stion, U, A Planabor �b Cutighi MATTHASSR9, empley, and one day having ocosaion. foit eyancer and Laud Ageoft,Goderijah. , n goL,, "t SCPL, W3. J. Rose, To tne-A of the cle.,t, I)i2rineaft, "Ot 1025 ronto. Chemp tor 40nP41190 loonsible position. a pt"s of zinc, ordered him to get one Eluetstlons of the Stonink1h, Bad Twit. Goderich. 23rd Nov. 1972. livelvainehasisclaare. "Yes, air, 11 said Mr. A. Chipman Smith, St. John N B . Za"Juable - Oush Farm, lu the 31011th, 1Rilio1uQAAtlwk41 I all. ADo,,i Tilt: mHORTE4T NOTICE. PICTURE Is RAV X14 V.,-I.t .. hand And w4.16 W Mr. John tiond. Godericb, Out. Jim, "tuffilTe insh" Buqsre, but how 1lTUkTX OIi 'th -co of the ,unation 4 FOR SAM tion of the fleart, Elliot Co- Toronto - t. Lavip�- Vainia the TCgi(W ot"the Kidb arda. llaym,; -,o 1�.n-t an or le K, Mr. J. ChAloner, St, John. N. P.- and a hundre4 other paititful sympt. House and 1,A)t adjoining the "i. T[MRN CNAVORL-IM ancient; dAyi egars. Haningt.,n Rr)s , St,John,N.D.. are the vff�prihri of 1)yepepsia. ouebbt- COFFIN TRIMMINGS NEW BOOK Township Of Gray, I I A Esq., con I - "Know thy- Mr R. S. Priddy, Windsor, Ont. I a pro"r 4 to to,k� r, MO% on tile sli-test do -ace of Wet. Seymour, the colobrated prec" was tie will ln�uve A better guarantee of its I within 11 iniles of the Railway; Ties- manding one f tkebest views of the eelf;' in modern times it has been 11111)� Mrs. Orpen, W,rden, N. morits, tbAls A)engthr advertisement. a . ' ' .. .. i W Sit I I t-- r Lake sud Ilar bar mixed, Betvll, Maple, And . .... ... pleased b the far more fasitiou"16 Mr Claorp C. lfunt� Just.,,111'red c. or X111119'S ET11 INIlite �i�n ity Qf good Cedar. A Appi 'T y� wisairo, now Uiy neighbor and every- c r� Erysipe Swelled S T ft 19 FA mr It DATN-IELGORDnX, it.- It ... .1' M Abing abotit him Mr� W. 9. ThoTpson, Harbor Grace, ca I Sc Gode -lane 30th, 1872L 1376 on the .0 � Title -indisputafile -AbA -*- oderich. F.), 1ndolent Inflammatious, Mercurial affec- E4XILT", said a young lady, N. F. sourt holder biiiitg the Cro;lk patentee. thms, Old Forps, Eruptions of rho AD �T E R' Wore us at the thestre, Last avening� Mr. J. M. Wiley, Fredericton, -N. W 'Terms easy. For ti t lar Aft IT SE parl le, sf-M Eves, ete. In theme, Ad ir. all other 1WHOLESALE&RETAIL w I should love to be an Rctreaa­- NIessrs. W. & D. YAle, Montrel. FOR SALE e("tational ]Dist -, WALKAR'S N IN- 49 ',As sectress, Henrietta I Whyt"-' h, it My Pills and, Coaiey&*r &,ad I I ji t' Goderi6h. WAIt Il irrluts hqe shown their great eur. -wPremises Ointnient ae neitlaot I't - . ExtensiveNi -od Por' an,ld in any Dart of -the must kind# most be so nice to be made love to in mannfactti svrers in �ie'd con - OT 5, Con. 4. E. D., Ambf L such "ty words ewry evening!" the United Stakes. Kith Pht And nx irable F4rm, For 11111aminatory and Chroule ock. tainisir 200 arres excelleng larlels ilea red wilh Maple md 8"eh. 10 q, ilious, hemit.6 t coy, T -As difference botween having a tooth be—the Drffish Governme Stweep, A -Des plendid New St NTERPAI E I Beautiful Assortmen from GoJerieb, with a never failinir trout with the words, " H-llwAy'a Vills -and :properly drawn by a professional sur� ITCATE..vin the 8.h con., Westeni i 1116111111111A Istill, C. B introut,,Lutrion," enscraveti thereon. stream runninz through the centre of 4iie Wn, and -having it knocked out mis. ill& and Alemlit'. YevLr% Diseassio 1164�, Liryr, K st upoii the "The medicin' A�o qld � t, the lowest and 1pladder, cellaneously by & fall P�sys- OS I Towriship of Colborne, tht havo 1134. Both 1)6v $7,59030 k lead, there is about 15 acres of c'esrel i mont� in only &.slight rarbail distinction, �holesale price's, in 9mintitif-I of vot land on the lot. a the XortheKn , G rAvol Itoad, about 'S e-.,,, iJEWELLERY OFALL KINDS C.,Barry & 13ro. Inftt of 1117 110 14 one is dental, and the I other acciJan. 16m less than t2O worth -viz , So, Wi, Im. AWerich, containing 40 W N IN VALTJ 4BLX' GIFTS A nplv to 229., and 'lb per do/�yn boxes of fills IuilQ4 from ( . NA L' lltHOS. WFATHERALD. -1 1, -1 it I �t'!l on"h CA Its DIATIU11t. li.1, J UST REC�Ivlm, ..latray, ut what profession- are qrrOtAof Ointnitftt, f;sr which rell'it- eres "t CXrelle.�jl lurid in a hLli: of Ft),!int*r and Surveyor. 1 -�. 1',UK ZA-,A r4, Godde 41 W 00 DCOC K4 yout" sak Air. Edwin, Jamea of a Mo- LLOWAT 3D.- 111040d, 18T2. sees wha� had come prepared to prove a FJ0 tat 0( VC kw�e?,'s , fact and who was deemed not very ro- awl r tell -it" at Ali' 13 U -V 1, S spects -f Hollow P R "Sir, I am a shoemaker and a wine ment muV havq their rtunc�o inserted FaTM f9t Sale or to Le e3irable r Wn btw, itGIFT-ENTIRF SM! A '100" Molutry sale r to let bis fam. risbilig Ta�ckles, TINFe tha local papen if they, *:in l-TC43C Apply "A what, air?" said thD lea -ILRAC* -D fe Irued town. , - -I . I . .. .. %V0 GiA\.. eAl L bw at the Sh., II near cm eon l'i". 1� t I,.; sk�n of t LACH In, ;uN_�IZINU OF T inerchatit and shoeumitir." ti�atinlp -wtll f6 �Vr D -01 n, sai Mr. Jmes, "I mayde- T ea $&A iA lv��. Ate. pi FXPE'a-tNUE 4ky al4* ti SeTibe yott sawsherry cobbler!" Th4wh e b, d�mio& at tavth�r in two is foltowe,3 by eiflianstivri, of the vfltid' i4 curw 'f %I I Home Baum, w;b 0 r inj #+t *1. 1' # . Apply the habit of Lord Eld4a, when. 4,,rcas-by nervoirs P"UnAtion "a ir�e f Kingebridg.P.O. Aftr.' wit -RILMILAH bUiiI Attorney - General, to close bis spefthelf ��cl dabi 44 bttl nd4)thcr We 0 JV. (led Fi TA- W 04 Rfawmw .44 1' I -D WRATROTS 100KIN. GLASSES with somo remarki jostif) , his owa, %ad mind I y incap beprils- ior,-.4str.� xu* t -ithe fueble, r chanboter. At the trial f Home Took*, tion tTM _lkz v Ten Family seerlog ca. W"rth PN, h, spooking of his own lwputation, he asia d;anintion Ikia I often. A -eOST 00 pn1w 41 Cdr �omftiN& LC T "It'i3a'a little itill'tritancel have to, sqbj;�c destoonlncy, and %n i64 i4.' tA!Iil% IF ul'w; ra,)l 111�(. liit th, ir fin* TfIR Waded lbav,e y chil n, and by I' od's help, orM., I Hore he afted Torocnvar'Ofn m)be Watchot AT BUT posaitm to do battle with the. v rticulaft apply t�f for CaSh. Watchoor wil I a it, 117 -1ybotain fro' gaiii-; in lqheap 1.1 v- itiVilo, AtLX11.,! it. �wd rlirrw6 i't lift i atwsyv env%" c,l I lt'WW to Wro 84,00 feaala. exce"iis 'ate of wfii-tkoy &=A Tob", Lee**, and, to the astonishment of tho's X&-6 lacer ndant., (We Five Gold Ateurdiku=Aw flu yX 11F, A. a flu W"es, 'Plitforcl, the SAicitr re.f,,rm Dr. b! turn i0fl&.t1 *5C present, -r�Gensral, irroorlisr habiW tak tworth $125 C 0;1, Gold Illito %Vrata* began to weep. "it.st look at itford," Gold Ifunt 7 %Vhee*A edpwound Imlir of phos'. i's i—�61a Fe M, r t I b Ton Ladicii' Gold 11 unt 11 A CALL Worth 1100 eah t sAid a by-2tander to Worne "what pliates nd Cadisays le 3: An 1000 Oobl apt 6sIvor L- un to restore tone to. A Valuab a= I ort earth is he crying for?" T�,ke ropli�- th*,, eite3ttach, vitality to the laer,!*6 And QITUATE ca the Ifr :L rI&I tund its imp,atti4.,4 bunt, ug. IT A R WAU =RE 4 d. #'H* Is . kf to think What 4(nall and onerff to all the Organs of Q skin itt"P61pli* E I*ut% Advertising Stov Stoves tbP44th thl' Liberal. Watches � in e10 worill es inheritalacecEry.'s children are likely to theh4y. SoldatJ11.6F. , It ou =it ob- �1 1; 1 In ToWalibil -, f' : 4 ach AsIrgi:41i"Im tlwviusi� cle4um i0i .0ow CWIU6 Silveng. BALL.: P a Godench elaw 1�w en 3, T1 DR, J. BELL SIMPSON 3 ILI t fol'ir miltwtrou% , To Will, -Cpatlia- A it when it 6 foul; At feelitip will it'll NumlvrA Gdta7,5,* T I'll,; ad tOP M -E MARKET HOIJ3E. early life Tonle 11101114. wealthy toracoolord, who in to,-. 5, 9 qRZ %T XNGLI�18 REIMIDY F W NW -11111r. E)i Fraine 14 11c, fid ow, AQXXT8 WkIllf" to SMI -end "I rre, antktha C A 13 1 F_ T M A K E kv J haA been a wildier, *" one day pacing 4-tntav, Lp P y a., . . n, orchr of jrhf-iem fru U,,es md .11MINALD A CO- UPHOL"ERER, the '-p!ainstarkes" of lion he ib- P01pit"tion of der 14 (;Cn- AVI`t- -'U1 Vr&MLSMI C4kt4g, I _m hom liberal Pirtruiums wt$ be paid! %N W aneelect of never failim, erpell: runuing throngit, AS picasauro I Announcing to the was secusted by a p4K)r worean. ; and Charltn 8696.N.T. IHJ C - 1imulasto slid I"har- front of lot. Tes4A esq� forliarticu. Dra"Asts girlRie . Tickeis $1 Sit tickets $5 i �ff lcalwen,w in ll�holi. lk"nd fi 40 bar disdainfully, he said m Itt. Or .1. 119M, AIMIPS0111118 PICa pubbe of (lotlerieli and surtrouud� OulT effikiu%l on" " tho &have disew4es. elam apply to FT. X-PIMNtLo L41 Co.. Twelre TicketsSio Tsrofy-Fivo $20., MI are g coautry that he haf stafted, Bosineed' ft Weir, 74 S. WILIBONd 014 stand next 'full list of speak to me here woman; I zie nae char6 knowe to fall. Ttwf kare aimety, enrftf E , 1VV'(XiDC Cirrulars containing a t wasnia- c ity on the street. h&r%tY. COp -and Agank G� Sir Elailie, that I was voti* " said the let. H'M1 teshfi-a to his �wov by th�ii u".. thm, veyaticer and L -New, r 04 to the SIGNAL Office,'where he is prizes, a doseription, ,f the manner of o%at.. eortAin and r l in wtion, a short ir.&I unit woman: "I was unly waidug to thank 041,.A,y ap O ouffe"r ne�l I�L.Pair of to furnish, all articles in his drawing, And other 111 WACPJ BY, RS BEG TOSAT TH AT TJ1W mml,letedopeniag out for t a great service yoit diu to hoirs fom tho fcorlatful effl�ct Of SRLVI "-e their ferenco to the "tri6ution, will be sent* VICTORIA d h MY line Wany one orderin; thetit. AN letters staid an Entut am he tin- Aac%&- The Specific 1`1114 am "14 b, A� Go d Parm. di*. " Souiewitat mollified by t a Ohea' 'for Clash $1 (jo a %ox, and W Took- Pill% at W, a hol OIL P must be Addressed t,. expected praime, the scarle� cloaked tk,f will he mat br mkl- wsj�ta pmpai, �Li $ITVATE' in t - he Foqrth C.I.ce"Jus M n, qlN191 co PLETE STOCK Of ariskozrat stwVped and said- "And ­krywt "m o%"TvwiOO- - AM in tho rpast�eru Division of th 1111k] n the shortnt noties. 111 46 foi t%o %ml W. for the Tsic Pills MAIN OFFIelt, Ciationat(. 0. what cU4 I do for hi -n. go(A wom an Township Of 48hfiel( Picture Fritmes ktpt on hanel &lid l(H W. Fifth St. 0h, Sir she replied, "When 81 CO-- containing 1(m) acres of land, ono mi!e ina,le to order. Also an assortment of RDWARE. you were fochring at tno head o'vour Drawerm P. 0. flamilion. , from Thini*nnon, (4 acres o(which Illy- c%qftkIu'$ to be C1�311, �uy Illre. compsay at the bAttld of Ddttin gida, PATOj-!11�tl VP%t IMS10" Oa GO T( 440(taw"M h Wit e" that derl an an &we*, my son,wha wasuell; you. cleared and Wider cultivation. There I ison, t1w premises agood log flouse and WHY ARE 7- pULIKONARY OONSUMPTION One 2%c picture for everypurch"o of $3. ran after you,and so saved his We!" In 69 - Ba- Soil, CIAY lusaa� frust of Two IL of GnNis s�d. se.t week Clergymen frwlaent?y administer r dWP(WVD ot light. Weil watered with Nine 'mile Four 25c 44 $10 Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthroxf Loss sonal rebukes from the polpit. Th. -creek running throught1kelot. There or I pair Cromm worth Lazarus Morris & C L* FARSTIS &GO W9 can remember �raa that of &a Irish gym or HYPOPH SPMR is also a good Orehardo(thoice fruit ofAppat ite, General Debility, &c. the 64. 0;1=,rl(;ATK A, T�l F""ITY Axe arrIc.tey. 11,171111RE19 AND C019DWOOD curate w hom christian name wax Joseph. 0 i LW I RTZ Ta"out AND.Cusinamira PArx The t­ym j4 li-PIA"d by t6is ow"p9warl I -%A Pirsa.U. 1?1�134kL arket House ark--tedig" by V Collette, taken in exchange. He hal been promised a living br* a pr~ati^n� i wal.1v member of the great Butler family pre� nwnitv in every �tioa whem ft: hA. . th. Conveyancer and Lant A6etlit Cuderich. Vi todseboalralco., Oct�-Gsh, 1873. 1390 Urd 7971, lair-dnoed : sed tile rapidly Iney".Inst *Ale , I To r A.-1 ive examin-I the artielft em- VL;^ 1124 ,kN I> lr.�L N C"Y and b"t owastes #t tlLe "Uniattea Ia which It is bal I -W TM)us to his corainit t the title was not redee PI ed w the V swirsil Worlus, in the pr& X W VV- ZL 3EX 3ED, mad, by the p"ibiter. tiou of I he TUP f 11) f 18 THE um'-411sa and on the hrat opportunity the �.eml H t- n. -I ftr� Ami � I vrne 23. thellretan4wwoR staose: will 91" gmt, I's Two Exe-211ent Farms. estates. The prona4a The gyruip win ftVMuMP?k 14=1) cQr%td rot at h%d of proacHng before. the powwful %n.1 rwol.nst Pre in Cho thir4. It wig #WN Antlams. an I like _rfe fn�xe oaf "I Iron 0' U I , your ill oph-- hitts tHyp AS 11,111WALS, y R COAL 0 1 L' onoblemen, he selected f4 his text the Br-­hJo-: tArYnglitift. COUbt Me Cn[d SITU' NTE on, the Gr itine. tion mad Nervous Fo". tween Walton and Brussels i URIC, H Am yoo(AIN TWAA W OLESALlt I AND 6 RW#IL 'Yet did not the chief the ItWketa.? meandirregniar Townshil) oforey, b as 1111"larq%meat RENaT I Blood Mixture. a the f*rtioth chapter Of ctuy `M-d'"s"a omit'"ttn" fmm want 0 of it tb4o COMPLETF. GUCCESS i : * butlor - ' - - I _: . I World Fame action of the lie uL po not" sold by IM FOR MUIDEP. I t:)-�Coal Oil Latrips. &c. Old rron. Trade Xark,­"Blood Mitilre." remember Joseph, but furgot him.' The, containing each l(141 XCML A grod Lo ?Oedily 1~ofVolro. Ztwillcurmleneorrhrt. T1.) UbLaiaod the tift Aphonla or 9 Copper, lirass, Wo,)l l'ickin."&nd8ho%p THEGIWATBL,�ODPURIFIER& RE�0 RF.R. aIrish Joseph a Chlorusix. Asunna. sad restores the blood tapurity House, Bm and Orchard )it each lot, ndin" thir For sJ_n.ig w4 of a valuable linng. and h"Ith VICTORIA Toil - Fi­L Prizes Job Printing. NoTicit.-Any -ell in exchanO. onrnvio�A. 65 acres eleareti. Thvse farmil will be answer Itt) aboe to the ;ellt, F- I J.4 . STO R Y. r Sold By Anothecarleio sold separately or fogetber al way p 1rh1jlD EXTRACT OF At Two -XiLhilpitione, within the nciLt thirty days r, !r Oil. u— 0-4in Difeana, and at.me The I&adlord of a popular restaurant Godetich, ,.,,r ILL It ia� never-thiling c_d perowneat pnt-e. at �A : §il for SMA. 'ri oI the Cval,oil Bar" *IA balls a good story of &a emigrant from excellert, Torins will receive an order fr,m L X ew It Ceres Am or a ri Air Of their superior saw l4tte C"res Ukwated Sa"x On the Mmit. f owl whom he engaged to 3011V 1. FELLOW% CdE1118T 'For particulars Apply to We B ELLA 0 0 Godr4ich. Avg 1A. Is?# belonging tW k -was of hi WT. JOHN, T. CUM U�mted S., e L�g%. GLILPH, ON Eye a, t,A7�;, � .. . r ,.'3,a3 --- I - f� 6ftoatasata- After laboring about fire Conveyancer and IA Ind AgenkG ;,"L 4:� -Ir Goderi Lmrft ra'�k head..orpla plow elaw boum in removing all. kinds of Accull- TFINGREAT FEMALE RENEW A 91-11 k R-'dy )*.all 0"eaw of Ae Maddr Received E�ary FIrst' P016 ch, F*.- CPT; 9W9 Curve urvy 140rft. L C"resCaneeron, Metris. ble G# R. PARs(jyS t, Co., Cun,x fitlo�d a -d Skit swuiftos; C-Mploft" to,(. tod D'.:1 Isuous from the place. the prep Job 116ses, perlodle %T vaNable bnihliu�" life, Dis&&$" of she l7riftel you riator M Pills Tk1- WILLSON happened to obseri a itti6tatio for& first-class be- 0," is RiAt? in the Villa Residertc. ' avid �.UNFAIIANG f the Dkonl ry 11 onef W any Ctft- tbe Blood from al imp4aft tasater, tback yud that the labourer was rise TiR."I'Ll rl(,r am thooe ooafai and danwerowe ingcomposed (II.Pts ill be fully c0cyiw�l of its From -bat".r "". ariso'g. *h- I, the fourate waxotation is sm�,#ct. 29, .30, and 31, in the WiLiln Stuw, C, i7c HARDWARE AIEWHANT81' ing up the cotlar a 'Ileetle' too thoro I:uw t An thift TOMIUMIS riftAft-It tA tae tealk S24 I I M -Nn Ia. MOTO wt "wraytted ruft fr� nvibin t� the. and a spee) core me' N reliedoft. -in one rnst &l i,.*t, mo.titntion Or 1tber on. the rrv� ly. 'rho man on being asked "what on Xc­ ­Jlefflov" all ObOlTuct4on, the To ira (if Go4crich, cOiltainin ie #I per MAtle. -Sold by all lw ulti,ti. block-, earth p�oeaasaisd him" v) empty a cartsan L.1-129 two Acres of land. Th,� hove &RE. GODEltIC.11 to Iti" u& tnal totem th, A MARKET 8QU Solicits suffelm its Vtts�. -:.t plied, "Shure, air, it was the nastiest, 1%) feet on C 7%em PWs shbW4 ss -s t%e nd is well SoR in ROM- 2,1 3d ea,%, &ad in C%&,�� M"- tocked with choic fruits. Hae for sale stirsiest, stinkinest stuffin the collar." Prasr rimutxR moirrhs -fl,"g-amew as rasr-- a ti"Intelitim" t4equaitt'ity. tin eAwk- Iint Tolbo sold Zut r ­m all part. barrel Into the receptacle for fil fttspecu�arlvauited Ituoll,ift a 401ort time, bring eligible property h ta,,e of %f i -C T 0 R I 4, 4 ZLELTRI thtt pon'A the Un The barrel had contained maner-krout, resoomilde terms. L I M E N T MINK FO6,end oth,r traps, 1*10'a-eat lure in t Ono_ ty -f L t'T ME I ail Spinal Afremi-ns,ftn in DV)M &M oust $8 the day before. "safe L %N-00 ciH 3 AWS, )(I W 94 The JUM' Of LU T"iWAM of A threag%lut th RA r 9 !e rnvrirtor. r j. cil, % ims. c%emist. ae or shgatexort"ia, ft pi- Office, corner Of eat treat, GotleA* Pans & Kplodet) "Tars MAX have of the ls�art, firswes, and Wtitica, (%efe rdle All If frIM00 ea. lft�rhfts 6B, she Ligon tinet recollection (mays Charles YOU iairect a ears wisa all ntaer'meana have failed, -a. N—" -q-~, I CHO L FeAHIFWHALL. IJVCtu_V.9X(;L4XD. op -ks, UL 1'r-U-01al x1hibiu". aAd "r 11ANI11,9A I PING AXEs Altl- RXPORT AGRN'rB. aa�l ellhodsh a powerlu! ronedy do"tcontain iion, r in kin diary) one Sunday, when I was ig iurt;elio theeouti- calo,vaei, antummy, or anytL Valuable TOwn Lots, OtSMAKE ties. 't I r1riag in Cults, and when a stran aroandoach 33uy it TrY 11L Ve 1 sid,huea Cy wt Tuar'd W was fficiating for Dr. Oil liapia (who had tic. �tlty Vrttpwi�ts LND PRICES . PA)V81k HAND. Id 8 luchabA�I-Ibecaftfally pr"erved. r " laic rY -n-, 37 Illew9ate Rtmet, lls.4.%. been summoned to Edinburgh on bQ&i. w T`ot 09--, iif"MfO 11 tbe, silver -31sodief, cow - y and Son%. 95 ftrnamdu Streek. 3 Of I LuVdhet�rtothe Smallest Card AX'E8 A"'RRO A I) AXES . I or 8]&VF Pl LODZON, ltiesist, obeeryad that he had not proceed- i so and I 2f c`mt8 r` t- Nonkr4 MO^ Of West Street in the Town anti IA,, Kistits, knNO'lWAN, ME AZ all th. 1�4m, Wtwlc�l� lloup" V C. -r 0 Rl 1'ed fire minut" with him discourse before teirit-h. Agoesdid it -novie bottle, AUiinig4wetIft" %]M* W" a general Commotion and Us i h m,, r rate nation eitheqor il A D AGWVI'-O IN CANADA - by return me resid", ce. , are,' iw:,oOPAr4 --ipener to Ar P 0601s VrI 01r, Am wzv"b, pwis. The exodus at lasit became ORT111317P 4% LY31AN It jo. 255, cAruer f Xg I C 0rL&Rg,l1l'TTV -n rewe"le, G - W., "114rai in and -M so serious that, conceiving something to -T. �A%S -4- 1go .1 *e1lilixtes streets, in th T _Vj� are . n 4 c 'TED WITH IkV49&1 4600 to for Cori ltdp� EXEC L be wrong, probably a fire in the manse, I by Go*. Caule, eT ov,� ci� r rlr A lad a tift"U t Qf.�] I 'if $old in &Aerith Tiil�j (a�E� �r ."0 ca*ght the infection, Lad eagerty C:J asrV."Vt1A;jW1 broil ed of the first person I encounn 'F. Jor&A It J. Band ; Gardiner & 1311404(btaj�,,, theirwil., llb,� caor4dCd .'and Co. .,F ATtry, Brown and Co, At, as 6 th u the Pie-kaid Ezawr; G. W. Iiwrry-, T" *�Wo "9"itl0 ft.- W;a Sic ter" Ad in ie. bol d UT all 4&Ch.*.' S&N- -i-en A..k;:Wwt .9. bi the churchyard what old; j. I;a nth q j,. the. a 111Zker% froes thp 11 loak. aa#. =attar, And was told, with an ex- 4*Fdmcw cia. opr-,�i^ ONLY T ARTHURS ROME 111AGADVE. T 0 R I A -�Toeslf rul!y- .1 M, Roberts Do aztnort�� Lo via young xuan! Hae yo so . ' ) with a' a' And CiNADIAN PAIN VENTIRWIF-01 oth, of of scorn and disgust--l-Logh noor: J 1141. for Tinieffm eantalat"; oft? aNeatnoss and J)"p"Oh.. GE4 "d krom vr�ew an., i YG W. nW.L# 1-4 R109T, cheerful, earnost and pro - wee not I a" Jo all*, and bear not I ERIKE JEL I �B t tresL, tho takes rack IT 18 4l.-jrNTLT TIM t4MIKA' F OurTZ. IG 9. icials of th SCOT(. L6LTy--tVh,n A q --_A FA MI L Y E D L 011 N G E perod e day. t is the L .3810 � ! IJUSE AWD -H well and favorably knjwn, rtfievi.4 Jr George IV. went to Ireland, on* of the thonsand& from ain in fli, adSEWING MAGOomem. T.. 4� eadu"ap. Froat 15owil4KAdaine is Clodeitieh and icia- Qe2 PeSt "PasiAtty," delishwol with his C�Uqlts, ci#�, R-Ourner of Wt, (lot First, CIM agazine affability siils, Bark arki I I I t at, qo&riciti. C�st# PC 891d by tell- o" Tkroat, Bruises, in thiariking the public to the in tl* country jwd . m0're thoroughly --p4Uv,W Arbulil El I 1P. h the People in their i Ia the crowd on Landing, said to the rri keeper, as the king pamed through, gl-Celabn%* Nei4elaltiak Piano from id,utlfiod wit V 10 T 0 R I A for thAr liUr-4 SOCIAl `410cb, new. XA' HIS Majesty, God his,., Morbus, A/scuter, IA)wel Announce roat hp has reninved THE FLORENCE� XG MACH 4 13(;S and d�we*tic life than any other. t� tho, SFWI him,ra"er Psi' the turnpike-. how,@ ConTlailAs, Rum." store oc�cllpiel by Mrs. Warnock, Every yearly subscriber has a choice j� L ET S OA FS Role A.-ent ------ A ------- that "0, a king never &vs; we let Sca" Pr"t Sheriff's Sale T A be� 3owint, large and elegant r w"AbLe Answer. "Then Biiej, of ands.. vitaTul"A VNIFOXX ruRt- 01)"itt the Colborne flotol, where he In the pro Ntsrio, forth* Run of the fol . has on hamf A sto& Of irlorence vinee y Swat E ravings, one of wl:lich was there's the dirty utioser for y.." CoulAy of li )ISAIA% none hPire a X _f &C. uftj�. I I AiR WN"SWca Or QUA LTT' T H - E BS TER' awarded" the FZUT PRUE at the 1&14 Pat; nsw� b6'said The Canwitan Pais DeatroW bu now tw�ml 'be, wit. B Virtu A C,11"LIC SOAP. right t,, or a 40 InFtcliule except Provincial Exhibitiu held in Lotido.. king came here Lad found no4od �o PSY for"the public foc a lessatit of tinio, ad whorever Writ of Marl 6JEWINZAND KNITTING. those a In tbo Court- SZWE![(�' , KA C MNE, 11 ;SUwPWUA SOAP tie', of "Peaou� be unto this lloose," "The Kftd iA *,;I lik.1, never failing In a ingle lostawo uth,- ap the turnpike for him Tt-m, W1.1re on toive;�mauont relmr wises tiviely'l'.ed, and we V1 AV I I . I TV I uroz 'd' y1i.0;* the foillwing County' (:Ourt of the A, T11400ROMLft"rite ThroUghout the Christian GraOtA. his v wt to A labotitifoysi told baie never knowo a sim And to me CIUM7 of Huron, rl ,ZfA CLYCSAY" ROSSI' At �s Which he will sell zi* raLwaably a, an JW-r.'i fee the on] A"Cuts fur the cl.di-mttofeti,�N wte" the culattattention PA14 to To". JIMA , . "Bed Time" and "T%* Wnel h of Im- I Floren,* butho 'Tbomsa C6nvors, MreetAnlw havo %eon properiv followmi, t!nt ou the ant, 1'enements '941113tthe I . . 4� to Sir Walter gc,�tt, when they Were eoxamry. au ate �tr lighted wtth Ito apsratiov�, " Lands sokity all I)Mnut$6 Uss Ono in the N1 Z . _ amilliQu. 41=11atiag wites " to two RO is, virtRes and boo- I have On han'l Whiff, achiae Term $,AJOL &Mple DOM. Cluk'a B 4 Pilh Yonm mW Appleto, p ktlt� ton 04"414is Yal visits. tbehigheattenus oti the suit of N%, I �Alllift Sadl.r 31 the Usispedor, alki Priallift I 1,wrence Milq)bY, Advor, re seized and tak I haeI 804forth i Is Tave4", and Unpretb- Plied S -DIA_ "tbet* from @"Ti.nee in the M ter, baring en 9 Box ewing Macliines,, and the ()ntL Clio at 11 thei rio Willi 4 = 8 wi T"n have the IAT&ntsg* of 111%; 11110" W" ke*W it tho�ovghir ;and therf4hre tho" who VV Defendants ri R lit wilia,'n, 'I" J,r"h; wril - Allan, I it iNverywhem. 15 title thd In Family Knitting Maishine. mplainu for whick It U orpm*. in eAW anx. acquired or N-vb- Lucknow or peranns other D -"(the en and to LUts one )two) three o�6 124 106111, of 401thasaselm ha,; the aWt, s�ftnxlr from may terest is Lrrsut'�l to can all jjwhsr AGENTS ,h A upon It being a Sovereign ail &,(I than the 4�y P"I" ging that they h a STRO�Q A" DozaaLls: or Comm iision. 0 four five, r � i woold lwve dolls Loyt" in the tim"land rates In the RUA. so,t to plyn U04L CALL. FAst side each, by &U Chemists and Patent VeA_ eight, repro"P folk 'ro 4 worm for Elis, Majesty, 01oapt pay th* Canadian ft]& Ds� street, au in the - of Josephine 4a Opposite tile have a riglit to an flimish the IWY MCI) Wilm ozz, at once for Circulan to !=0"br0#Twhi�,hittsr*maa_;. laid down n the haw, as 1W,4waL. - village of Wing Flrutce I,., 2 th If S. , h6tor F. J CLARKE tbe Counties of J. W. JONES Loodoa, Out. lot pornFCAR)EIS 0 Ozddmb72L&HPubste0ya4tmdodt,. Enron "P Or plaa of *Wjw WjiftL ltriee. ara LMpn RAIS X0 0006 OR CAM, menI&I &ad its wonrlerftl eff6,. Nunt her on, (or A Lad ne stem and tormrou. =cc And ww do XsLn View of Wet A �k 8*1* Get" Agent,.�. Nervous A si-An of the To )",the first Conceit- I ]@XPORT AGENTS, 13" J. W. WEATHICRALD. the pu,.h, . L49M a Radautle Ittob"11-011141he 3 wn.,i of thetti. h.r.bl, Warned to baware orHwey. ! W*Wng W&YW W of ltemedl�. Ways are aming 1. X111 the County Of Ifu P Of Tiurnbeff In 13mbitig" and Co., C.Iamaa Street — - hich - . - , 4 - 4 , �i FOR SALE. POMOU may Put O's withoat risnaling the plies, and mck asstlr�� as to the asiv*mf ago. Iftedo for Ths na`U'l'O' I 4eva. 37, yfew4sto Stftk tna,!.n. C *"kj4.)JJ, Comyn by A. every f��, It at complete -at ofttachmenta Sink V, for ca, T the SwltAL ofiioe, a copy Dit. Lands and T Y' F -q-, I�. L S. which VarnWoa litr"t, lAndon. The in bellog deamad either affected or "Iltinents I shai offer ord St"t. IlAm4ou. every Machine. 4.01M FUN Tlogtr-wer waver WIA 11- tat Spurr ud the London Whukala fl*ue& ,th. given with Saaf ;b:!. The sweet salll*i the It 1391 ;A 8KfTff'8 FAMILT Is, the hbIlAdtate reW. An tAy otha* i �%Kkd PlIrTAW-I.A. the Cc. rt THE WEBSTER -before buying Weet me&M, CONAW bow; the eafnest: m.von, t In M ritieurm f-fer'304 0*0 !t and Ofs .. H ace kind publish- addramingafrien(T wit.04. It "ag, ft. twenty y VII be tbo To 01-Gderiii the ,013NM IN CIASADA. A LLPARTINS INDE OTED TO TETE ork of the y oth or. ed and a in r 1"re ospftioy, Pt. T t.,� ly the Alp� Wbolesal. LAL oft usefnI book to have in a 1) Lazy be reomuim ��Atv-tl­ Cent# bee boit;.. 'how I ded to af the clock J J, BZ�141 Noti",,t,, "'ttor" MANUFACTURED QY THE every house, ig"41 Offico for work done previost, af I (3-terich.by to the 21slD to -un "dersigned. y tlao grwdul atwation which is a" tr Ordfillt 1, 3ardiner * Co 11t I ty tyj��, are required -ALSO- glls;>t &ad c., Wboterh br-Jeck no AT' vNe SV vatfiv.wbon 'how" Qftite4 IkIth Dayfieta ; Jall. Ptithum, Rogerrille; G �ONS, 14havor and Ou-M LL PAIL?, L, To THE IGuada Sewing Xwhin$ *'COIYF copy of Dr. Fowim' celebrated varibb aA V at One*- HAMILTO, 01;T. seou owtkier and Co. ABRARAM SMITP A work on the 'Science of Life. 'I'll ensure the J. Pick;,rd, Berry, Luck. 8herilrs Gou I It"" and Co. GodeA* PsL.5,72. sw983w3t Pie.. pay Ilk, IWM be t. nww�; J. IML Robovia, Frauganition. sold cheap. 7J=00, r -,. ltDrto* A" Puralma. 26t De,4�v tiricht 1"V It, W43. IX "M b r ti .4 L tW I