HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1874-1-28, Page 2lirsv Atrialweb D. K. 8titsbus. Arintiseoz. Cheap -Thos. Weatierald. sable Farm for Eleke-Danald Me •tosh- Electors of llawah lifistrem--John owe Partneeship-E. McVatie .k. McNeil/en. iblAkettoa. • Crabb is a great protectionisL Le -kis speech sothe nomination he rode his favourite protection hobby almost to death. Re charged Reformers with be- ts/tree traden. Were there any truth in the charge Mr. Crabb should be the & last to bring it. We know of a time when he was a free trader,' in practise if not in theory, and had he had his way about that time, when he floated the United States flag over one of his build': ings and refused to haul it down it was taken down fcrcibly by a, certain body whose members are now support- ing him, Canada would have been part and parcel of the Crated States, and there would have been no necessity to discuss free trade or protection so far as that country is concerned. The charge as broneht against the Reform party was most effectually disposed of by the Pre - Grand Trtusk Sailvay. . ceestna% terartow Trains leave as follows, - 7 00 a. nu 4cipreeis 'zed • . 12 30 p. m. 9,43 if • ta • r 3 30 p. it ITraine are dne as follows,- tied.- 10.00 " " press 2.00 p. so. 'zed too i { SI 10.00 " ' ***WI be gladat all times to receive of local news, reports of meetings, ents, or any incident of interest either in the locality where it occurs or en the county at large. ,Sucla matter ei I be sent et the rate of one cent per ez. if waled Printer's Copy and not Matra. To ensure publication in any nertieular lame it shonld reach the dace not later than Monday evening. ' outiecribers will confer a favoin by toifyine in of any irregukerity in die ory of their papers. •.1 *At after each Fb6striber's nom* itaietele.s the time to whit* $ ton Those, "er.vss wit is, litsbasnotion is up to lst dr! arch 72," worts that Mr. or aml tAat At trees front Owe ,14te. tibia trill see it to be to their interest reeve, promptly, al *err terms are .501sratorte IN ADT..C.11.:1E, otherwise $2 ai4 be Adored. 116 , . 1874. • • . Another Lis Itailod. ' - - 1 Yesterday's Afail contained a state- inent that the present government ban trusted an amnesty to Riel andethe ther parties implicated in the Scott in order. It was further stated 'that Sir ain A. Macdonald had been offered the. . ppert ,of 25 French reembera before, lef if he you'd grant the amnesty, used. Thinking the statemeet electieneering (L44 and as felse, stateinents made before, w• p ed to Mr. Mackenzie to-asS‘r- in 'what foundati tn there w is for it .1 received the following reply :- . "TIM: Moil story about pardoning itial Is nitterly with -am tmfoitinc..1Ketsio\77."Ir.„ eetinatent is needless. • 01:r. Xacksnsieo P411172.7 -P:litry. - . i uh great deal has been made of a i atatieisra: of. Mr. Mackeuzie's Railway ;ohm waich appeared in the Free grew's, paper p.ublished at Fort Garry. Coas- t, me trent the source it did we dquilt t 4hea the aritieisni is entitled. to - . $ weight.: We have therefure :great laarlure in plasine Isefor7r- our readers Lis follo'wing front the Sor' Ire$ter, a" _halal which is certatnly quite It., g04•41; f1 nM JII better eiponent of public lopIntoti In Manitoba, than the Free ria, Its+ elteferring to Mr. Meckenzie's- • lea/policy it says:- . - . -ghat wise and rational policy will nomaiwaid iteed to *vete inhabitant of tlie Province wha is interested in the Aare develop nent Of the Northavest. Ve have estways considered the policy t,1 the - late Government -in keeping itonei withont rajway coninvinica- ion until pinch time as.the splendid -bet *leery theory of an Atlantic and- Pa- ' lite hail eeuld be completed-- to be the nicsi iianrions to our interests that cents' • eibeen adopted. If kh t p ,ticv had taaned and been acted upon, Mini- tel'. *mad have been kept iu aselation a or ten ; years at least--possilely for a aneratlen. St haat toe people, in jaw - r at' Ottawa were deliberating, their Orate were financing awl thetr n.,n- 1 rs "ex ob aing for a scherae-by fa ton Inderons for 'preen ical coned -nail -in nal 'us hafe gone bye ena tan • prelent citizens and fartners ofethe peatiece hal grown) oey with atge and, dittapeainted eipectati,•ns,„ Al we ntotkirstaaa it, ilia present Adnunistra. tiers intewl to /commence building those portieres of a federal, sytem, which ;try the.neest nr- ntly needed, viz., that winch eleineets alinnomot with Pembinseand tint whieh aria mullein the same place w a h Than- )* Bayt, If this is done. ana at once, ?nal eo far to relieve our populatSon ' tire heavy disadvantage under whieb aleyr sou now la'-enriog. At. present alley aire at the mercy of one line of nded brats, w hich charges a morales' at of freight charges which alinnet . ratirety eechides the possibility a any- thing in the way of exportation being pahempted. Fur want i 4 raileay trots-, kw,rt: also. acne* to the Province is tooth alittiOult Mel el pensive, &nil we can hope few little in tbe way of_aniergratien until lbw iron roast is eompleted between thie, alone eed Moorhead, 11 is, and hat for some 'time past, a perfect die: braes that with so large a settlement as we bays, end with so short s distance of read left unfinished between us and the awilway system of the United States. we sbnold stall have to trust to buggies, ?ad ea* oriaches, and dog -trains, and lialeaoteomed steamboats to enable US ao peas to sea 140 att the nurnerons and Pearienl calls of lousiness or pleasure, and Vele hail the late enueciation of Mr. esnias poltcy as the first step ill, fig* airection with 'regard to the • tof Monaghan interest. natters little what erv may be rus- tle the propossal.•Govensmental , er the Globe for supporting it, by puttee and papers new henpila in as tient we can &inure them that ibis* is hardly a nian in the North-west lorholwalaot give ais cordial support:to their programme. The late (levern- -.neat and es suite -well's had the finest haws of promoune the good of this' quo* it was repent:ay to eanceive, and Meat have earned the g ad will uf all es tuliebitants. They wilfully threw awe that Ovine', and did their best to ui on• Ow proepeces of the cauntry, and nsu . nor les surprised if the people here alto iseither sysnpathise with 'their de- satencir oppose a Government who ino- to do practically at once what tad have been a eneoeuced by their ppenente long ago." ••• i Korth Saran. 4 $ _I - ! The most cheering &comets reeeh us ;atr. Laukiias proamets in the North Palate He axed his friends are pushing Hielcawrass most vigoreusly mid are with much success. Even in kb. er portion of the riding where Tia • by bansanly,oensistent straight -foe - a Leckie was cemparatieely unknown, has ereatell a meet favouroble impree- hare' solidest and will poll a Woe vete the". Let one friends not relax their hffontaand next Monday night if -we are hot)wiaeit mistaken, Mr. Leticia will be abeuesaber for North Huron. e . , Every candidate who acknow- ?e,Agea the leadership of Sir John 4..MA"onald endorses his crimi- • e of the Pacific Railway said bis wholesale bribery general eleotion. evIctbis be kiatitied in voting *nth esadidates ? rater in hie speech at Hamilton whet° he said :- . • - • "All parties in tate •eonntay•liavel long ago acceptml the ispoaitioa• imaert duties as the proper and best IMAM for the purposes of the public expenditure. Rentember,, there is no dispute about that, and neither Sir- John 3facdonald hot atiti other man, can point to a single Linea' have ever written, or to a single stiench 1 have ever delivered, ie opposi- tion to that principle. I see it stated in some newapapers that if my Government are snstainea, ell the duties. upon im- ported -articles will be taken' ott Sir, the thing is perfectly iihnipaaalumat too absurd to require e Word in refutation. As f hare just said, all parties in this country lune accepted the doetrine I lay down, that Oar roienite must be obtain- ed by Ionians of duties iipon imported goods, sod the distritestain of aline duties shouhl always be in ,Sueh a way as to confer the greeting amount id butte-. tit upon our own people.. then, Sir, with regard to thwatnouut of dety,seine say at least it will ben/ducted. 1 do not contemplate' the -possibility of its reduc- tion ,; and- in view of the Teat pulffic un- dertaking* to oaten rtlwe Coma ey• is pledged, in the enlangement and coni- pletion of our canal system, and the eon- atructiceref the I,Pacific Railway. we will be -obliged, 1 fear, to increase it very materialty at no distantelay, un1ess the country becomes a great deal richer.and more prnsperous during years. to come than we have any reason to expect; jtidg- ing by`the past. So that tba queetion of protection or free trade dues teat arise in this contest at all. Sir Ye:seem Bakke stated last year on Lis election tour; add' au the House of COmmons, 'that he was in faveur -of lueidental pro- tection. 1 said I was -.also in favour of it. It *a -stupid phrese at best, but it mainiesimply this, that as long as duties are lesied upen artieles;jinported, they timid be leveed upon aricles produced hy our own people. 'II& not _know A Ingle man iu tne rattles Otisly own party eho is °peeps -eel to•that political zheory. It is a politied necessity aceepted by every one In thisceuntre.„ Tha Centro ItittinT. A. Batt OMILIPO. Mr. Horton is holding a series of moot- 'It is a sign of • bad cellos when those wbb advocate certain views resort to towayism te prevent their opponents beiug heard. To stifle free discussion has been -the policy of la. charter -sellers in the present contest. Witness their conduct at the South Ridinrt nomination on Mondry, at the sneetina at Rubin - son's Hotel hat week, and at Wingam a few days ago when Mr. E. B. Wood was there. Whenever the subject of the Pia& Railway is touched, upon a howl is forthwith sot up. . 'They de not like to hear anything en diet, to thom, un- fortunate subject. At Hamilton lasit ings in the Centre Riding, the last of which will be heal . at BenMiller this evening. We trust Reformers will turn cut en muse to -morrow and give Mi. Horton a rousing majority. In Goderich the echarter-sellers are leaying no atone unturned to give a majority for Mr. erabb. Appeals are being made to national prejudices, one aspirine youth, poseessed of more valour than discretion, having appealed to the English and Irish, ath Meeting held in Crabb's Hall on Artanday evening last, to " out the,Seotch from the town." He 11 find the &latch harder to "clean week the Premier could with difficulty outa'tleaw he thinks, and we do not get A heararg. The charter -sellers are imagine• any Seotchman will yote for fast miming for themselves a new naine the man on whose behalf such appeals _eine party of rowdyism. are mai., Bribery is also being prao- At the meeting at Robineon's Rotel, timed, in one ease a bag of small potatoes a Conservative lawyer front Goderieh in- hailutgiattn km a Yaw- Th. fun td it tinlged in very eta:wive language to. is that Woman who gave the 'rages' is wards those who differ from hirn politi- poorer than the man to whom they were rally, direCting las remarks more es - sent. and the briber would have -done pecialliat David Patton, Reeve of the tench better to keep them to feed aim township, who has seen tit to renounce owd teinily. , . • allegiance ta the charter -sellers. We , Mr. Horton's. frieads willado well t6 hay, ars' at respect for the lawyer in remember that tho earlier 'their votes petition arid pier sorry he should so far are recorded *the bettor in the interest forget himself; but itatoly thews the of the Reform masa narrow projalice which exists among . Catnap Labour.. - Conservatives towards. those who differ _. _ _____.% . . Of the repaints action cries pima by front thAii. :a: Ottatra Tiro. the' charter•selleri for alio pumas° of delnaing 'the electoroe that respeetioe .., .., no ,.,.„ .. ,,,..,:ti °h..... the govern. Chinese labour h the most silly and ' 6'. • . ' • • ' . t with having inditeea some one to Contain leible. - It i3 fonnael on aate; A"' , .: e • . . • . ana it irtran wont.' be :annul. In 4 n bids the 1.,,,eific awilw‘iy ;records at set the anadate int tire, in the burning ‘Y-g•cee i Ir*PcEst Str4tf?ti 1!''' illike ' ()worn wets; destroyed. ilear what the easier* referred to a ' proposal 44 Sir: Stritford Hi ciIild salt; I° ' ' ; • I Hug Allem and t/.•„! lat. Ooilertinteitt. to. - Lull , tae western portion of tate Pacific Ottewa, a 'f6W daTe an), whinti auttoy. Railway by Clemese labonr; an.I on this ed the .1.1 barracks, was mufti through • aiiihnne antained all thaancumente re- minder foundellon ins bun conetruelea the eliateilioarallatte101 Mae Grita This a tabrietition which has since tutualed, - aenedian pacific Railway. "Electors of 11oron,t. teep the real issue of the present election prominently' before you. Shall we have honesty and economy in 'the admini stration. of public atratis or corruption and 'extravagance? Vzi Pa47:13.! tat Cta73r=n.t. • geeerinneut is Charged with hav- iug •poiicy, Thise who'. bring this &Jane) kuo-a it is Lase -that the gov- etn tritest ha; a elev. auil-aell-•-de tined policy -one which mint edirarnend itself t'i the itltelligent people bf -Canada. The fullawing is& su-timara of la ' Tae geverament first tra tbeepet- _pie to promo -nen -direct! naoa • the prreietnietoSooleson‘tliallted:i.inladiaot,hlecietnemutrapttratia It tam invitesehe sapport of the nein. try `-to etiable it -to awry .out its firm desire tonekvate the standatd of public moeality and conduct public Mahan upon- pridciples• which honest, Men can ppr ye. • , To indeilionr, bet wileaegiskilien and a Jusaand impartial policy', to • remove sectional julousiee and locisapeejedines, and effect aginiiiine eateaa,,tiezt the Chien raider. which the members from the rations prorinees shall meat ,net as delegateetrom distant Prentinsaa'abitt tes representatives -in the broadest seine, of the whole Canadian people4 To ',revile b•rsiurnItan tis eleetiona by law; and theligh no la .exists • fot thet now, . to have the falling done stow itanconsly si,t,the emulate electiene, taough, in so anioa, they tartait solvate tagto Isell'a•laysttreisi,..h1 by thelate Gov- ern:us:Mt - • To frarnelaws fn. a bberal aajttst- meta of the franchise, atieloding .the •g•iiiit of an income franelliee;-.. • Venre vote by ballot te • • '1'0 abolish eh*. real. asta.:ei qtetaineation f• •r member, oal'erlialoanta inermisa the efficiency of the. esesang agency lee the prevention and piinish me it t otimproper pnict ices et elec- tion*, in tbs. nitein(iine calling oti its supporters to set tau eiample esteem? ohms observance of the- low! ekthoir .ow n side. pod rearese inviolasOat loy aithers; To proceed witu • the construction Of the Paeifie "tallier; "To make the r vision'a pawl. 'Tetley laws &Gore 'tient ntesaeritt To establish neral Court of Ap- peal finetbe Dom' To vigorously - improviort the country; • • • revise the Militia system' 'ecru to in-• crease its efficiency; - . - To 'pronnete such arialeinest, vigor...ten juseend economical pokey is isnot ree, 41...Mild to the trtenwelfare of ate Cairn 'lien people. - „ If the aboye is not a pollej and a veil one too, we kn4w not 'that noel(' eatify those w ho cryn:ut -fiarai policy. roseeute •the work of nal system of the "It has leaked- out that the 6re in 'sting ta the By their deteruction the liras aro en-, down about the ears of those who eon- valued at over one 'station of do/lers. a•bled topet otf building the Pacific Rail- way, adoptino the latustexciute thea. t he survey eherts have been lost: A tparty that *until steal private. telegrams, Itob tea pest °ace, eiibern private secrets. rise, invite not hesitated committing an act of incsicharisur. God help our fair a.elifiractors, and if they etr;PO' le to ein- pliii.lietiana or -Hottentot(' to do_ the norlfethis Governinent will not intefete, goblin; as it is done proPerly. That Mr. strneted it. Mr, Blake did not etulonie the poposal !Tor hiht in any wao that tbe Gevernment intended te carry out Sir linglas suggestion. Any body but mast know that the eneiteennent M labourers will rest wholly with the *Tinihri:iAl".1:itwhich has fairly establiebed ita aepetatian as an organ/ of slinkier ueesqaugliace nearly ea etrogg,,and the Rieke made Ae statement attributeel to arose in this town ia little :hint is a 'lie toneektell ay the eharaer. .ehhattanioVing better. state inch slanders is to re- sellers to trtaiirl injnro Reformers in the eyes i.f the warkita4reeni who ern :fute Shea. Those who can deliberately intelligent eitaugh to sect through smelt Pon pArsqrsplefot which the &bora is a shallow artifices to eat ot, t, • einiple,are w'prse tlsoltnotaino .4. Ain TO 3. I cenaiarn. It -isi a wretehe adso -that whiph3 requiree emelt meant . • Vote 'or 'Cameron, 14eckie en‘k ifortok sn-1 against ;bribery and . corr uption. : The Pro=ias at 'e,ra=n. meetingj aeldremedt here _ba the Hon, A. Mackeuzie en Satunlar. was a sattatemeceits. It wen large, enthnsias- tir and orderty. In the eourse • of a speech little more than enjoin:in length, the Premier utterly demolished Mr. Givenway's attempts to ' cafe at the policy of the Government, gave a clear exposition`of that policy in regard to Railway, Clommerciel and other matters, and showed Sir John's conduct up so pleinly tint not a voice was raised to defend him. PA (Hoe. Mackenzlea) eimanercial policy had given great satire faction in Onsewa, every manufacturer save one supporttng the Government since he spoke there. Also at Hamil- ton, the manefact units had endorsed it. Speaking aa Public; Works, the Run. gentleman mid that the party he repre- sented had always done justice to any mann of country no metter oho repre- sented it. And if theclaims of Reynold were found to be as represented, if it were thought proper, in the public inter- est to do so, then the Harbor would be attended to : the promise Mr. Langevin made to Mr. Cameron months ago, but never fulfillea, would be ratified, and the money granted. Mr. Mackenzie coneluded by hoping that the electors would send Mr. Carrier- ! urdinar ability of , . . . -Slander, like thee) can t biii.-receil on ' IA$Y s'a• "7":in A..714°`1"n".h1 aa' • the inta la of their onginatora. sigrrr Ili* (nen answer -given at tar. -., • a (talc/nth:menet- was that healla pea wiolt atoploce htstolinwers iti a false wio- artb:r7. seam" lay toting. to auttain las Govern; ra."1 thtme of lb° thvtnw AY ment-i if le dal nothingareriong, hew &arta It reenivatiim Vas that • 11r. corile:it plate thern "in a faliat PoSition" Cinicreo Iiiirbotoglit his Foy in at tits to rote for. hial - The truth ja they. ,dectiori la72. eonsiaerable sensatein was 'emitted ihen produced aileed him ti. reeign -they belleilliiiii net drag theyi tina• further. into the mire imateail thb naive -lug doeument unaer they were ashamed and;afraid• to -fel. the liana ..oa Mr. reenway, after that 'nil that he hati 'd- ew /hint any leriger„ and- rather tain : teetalseuin• alle4 hie anl their ilisgrace to be placed tempted...to ree e electors to support e on reread lie teeignea. Messrs. Far- I hint; or tang pen ed sepport in any row, _Craabfana• Green wal dvaind hi.o ws)'• Items is the proetteus doeunient ;- 1 hereby auarantee to Mr. King that turl'sallow in 'the filth of tha ..tticaie I fraud: Should. they be .eleots.,1; ea !.thti Creditoo cr eritities rt. is I 14411 be r .4 thheighths th.e alst cenceadein -s'hich ne are. pet -seal.) 1; there is . uot .1, ;it:re:all eao it 'Yee,tir,twf welling un much tlangine. they will' vote tO restore I fotsein noire t e:Ipra en atir.Illtnitu that position front whieh las I • ... . - • :' ti 'Nei. (lawn:env sr, Itestre of Stephen ireare.hopreat and censcieritiout •aupport- 1 .t. • .., ra.deuVe him. Surely the electors ofo Kr. ,Orceaway alp the ',leak) . was tflic(113%i;Li wilt not put it iu their- power to'''citelnitt buntideration of a sppertat the ' 't ' • ,, t . mihicipol elvenue, but Mr. King is prepared to make his atti.lavit that it sas given %Rhin ths last. fortnight, or .wheecrcr en election , eamet roma' 1 „ Enee the municipal elections toek phase, the Tories pitetena far the; non -se great nd that the cot -moderation, %Mel), as in fri•stidsliip for the workincinea.H,A3 th° Pacille 1"il''''Y negociations, e7...a.s. .te_ •it stated, was that. he sheulti suppo., et, present eleatieto men as the contest is over and they have served their- puarese in so for 33 they _ ::!r; ..GreheilaitY at., tile have SeenTed,their stoke, they paes theni ,• Cale is n 't tea onta "aa'1" nal kart)." hy.onalle other sado. Little.eare the 1.. '''.'at 6. _. Pro,.ts To). the workinginen et.tept se far ... „s .....1"--,.-..s.- .....--iiii.- .. as they cau servo their purpose by thaa. : &-laot-. of .raz77" -aA•l'aa Itas not the Al Illii • 1,11110 Athl :14"1•111 ti•1:- , considkrat.).h.: een,,,ei,,n inn, .eer, eau, eided void sneeted at the llon. Aker- „Jan ..Liinarei • by, Hie prodecttou era Mackenzie because Ili wai One*, ataiturn • lama 44, egivemeet.heteeett; thAl. a. ebb mason. And does it not sueet .t Welker. the letter 4`;". (haling 'tau" Mai"h .t . McKellar. amt. other le.a.ling 'II lif.. re ie- re alio were i tide .41kintp,1,10,i 4.11,,„ciii„1:iiii.6y a„nilieny, showing that 1 e Vica-Preinilant id Sir , Hugh: „Allan', cattle they have • wuthe. ilseir; el t.,!. tho fortoPt yce,*..aSeere4 patine* in the 1,13".3:3 4 li:11.,..ur awl _irt4 ay alieir owe • ,,,Oit,anyt artilliela A liteiefieiary inter. .- intai,10.1 efforts. The whelk, jot. itical 06i ot,e34.1,613 in the eoricarn is ithout stock in trade of the Tay patty is almsy raj-sire:0e 'vest cr money. Mr. Carling .1 their .00irmenta and iettieen ttery is tiles eyntieteil of havlbg as the price appeals 'a -passion aulanajotace, Want care they for', painciple so ;10114 Alt they his posiliess AS a eiernaer of inrlia,ment id air interest in the enterprise, llald call -1'11 salty, .*Iti,h-• aPPsala t" b° tbe . to :vote the wcharter through, neleativie h 111,1 416ourillt butlittla to their mambo . a:- •I I.I. owe ; -------• - • julep -. liatedonall in his dodges ti., . .... . Mr. Ittittinetoras motion, lied 'moist, Sit T :•There ars time" when. it is the duty t • - be'ne brought to light. ' 'hi 41;;311. ; : avoid investigation. - Little ley little the. of•eyern patr tot to sae superionto pertjr facts at conoeiition with this scandalous . _ _ the present. -Sir John A. Macdonald,. ranssetten stre L a .aud to oimaider Only what is best for the - interests of tbecountta. Sikh atime is that ackdowledged leeder and bead Of the Consternsoive patty hae• been tini- ly selliug the- altarter of a „ at publie .ri victed out el his own inaith 1 cornipt- arork fonmoney sitli vi.liiell ti team the electers of Canada'. ..Weeapaeat te tee intelligent, Coneirmtivera of -Huron 'to eke:1w by thnir votei that they are ahove . . takipg aanarraw s iv w pf the prisset .. , issue,lathar they are fer ilie interests of theestateaand that tlioy rennet and, Will net sacrifice.t.honesty and morality ipere- ly foram purpose of serving/awry ends. -They' tri1.1 think mere of themselves and will be more thought of hy and reepetteble people if they come out all lilted:gent nal the • prelent ricension Eel shew lay done votes that they desire tio.stamtP'nOt corruption inligh plaees, i - Cgasron's-lorosinc* " / aamerana prospects brighten every day.- 'Lealweek he held unwed eery remade' ineatinge in the southern end of the:rlding and this week a series of meetings is being htld atahich be is assisted by Mr. Young, la It, Mr. -Bowman, M. l'., J.• S. Sinclair and others. Mr. I:lake will abet ri,eak at Exeter on Friday at 2 o'Cock. any- thing we can say will n•,t now pest:sob)] affect a single vote we wi:1 not wain° worsts in trying to do so. We nand only urge upon onr ttiends to turn !out on Monday, ind sea that every vote is polled. If all do their duty from now till the close of the pulls there I need aa no nneertainty as to the result.' 1 Let no elandeos Or peretinal a - peals to prejudices or pa ions blind the eyes of the elm' t,ss yen a second time, then the fault the real issue .,,hev are called! )urspon i• with yourSelf." The Pacific les _ _ to settle at the kis. what they I Scandal le have cheated the rth and uf Undoubted honor to --• . Antall alharittene. Ou Fraloy last the Duke of Edinburgh, *mina -son of Qneen Vie;toria,-'was mar tied* the .Grand Duchess Marie,: oily daughter ef the Czar of ilmaia. A ;des- patch front St. Petersbiirg of thet-"date '1111•111;h7e merriage, of ate Duke of. &lin- , bureh theiGrand Duchess Maria was solemnized, et one e'elook this afternome The day hatibeen (asserted as a holiday, sfiiste8e4. eterimlygtrnoidotrinihri4gv,e. wbheeenn esalreuwtdes. ed nith. people. The festivities in cele- bration of the event will continue sever- -al darts. The city is gaily decorated, and it will be illuminated to -night end Saturday and Sunday nights, On Mon- day s graiel military review will take Owe at the winter palace. The troops participating will coneist of forty-one ;battalions of infantry ; thirty-seven squadrons of caaalry, and an artillery force of 149 guns. Weather delightful and rileigho ing L S itnAtIngto - The vacancy in the Queldn•ectibusy:tottlhil•to)en mop: ptheinctanbieiruet,t,flteronbeiclis.fiiiinu. Privy Coancil with the otlice of Presi- dent of the Council. rais is a well de- served compliment to that honourable gentleman fur his untiring energy and perseverance in dragging tu light that most scandalous transaction which drove the late government from power. May ho long be spared f.u..._erjoy his well de- served premotion. • -Parepa Rosa, the well known opera. Prima Dunn/odic,' kb/Mien last Thurs data , A wise old man once gave his son the following caution: -"If you are cheated by a frieud once, that is his fault; but it he cheats Irepreasnt then; Sr Parliament. treed , T, ter,leirthvoctuei,411..saswkieIdttobe decide ti electors Petta the country OnCe; a Dishonest. make t fer an Hones; to e r they €Fre): i the honest administr ii that was their fault, and we must hem suffer for it; hut if we 1 meeting broke tip with che;rs for the 1 In it the interest of the people' lic affairs, or Gove of Huron to *send representatives ruptun such as exhihni'ten ma on 01revpenib! would lae our fault, and we de - t by Cor- serve t° suffer -19r our careless - in ess. Electors of Huron, see to it i to Ottawa who will oppose the. the galeof the Pactfi I •Pd itself - 1st AfeSsrs Farrow" Crabb and c Charter and ft ' Greenway, who are blind suppor- ters of the Charter -Sellers, do not get the chance to reinstate in of - ice those who have cheated and tni ed you. • ron. hey ber • allow them to cheat us again, that Queen Mr. ytaekenzie and r, Came- ernment; whether t Government ? N -o.- Then vote for Leckie, I;korton and Cameron, -A,1421 Black the celebraltd Lan- leyvearYnd stone.tellibleOlotie-crerk:tbeeeaynnibetforeauslpois.au-}„isgeitueme'reiPt;Lnadaegrit ittlirgli publisher is dead. T cast his vote a • eecrdiney. be Y v 771 7, v.:1ff nos - • • The Party of Illantsr. -11"."-x.....m-- sta.- The Mail bashrought dewn &nether action for libel epee its shoulders. It has been bringing serioue charges a- gainst Mr. nalkesthe Reform canaidate for Centre Toronto, which haring .been disprove', insten1 of injuring- have inn preyed his chattels for re-election. Writs have boon served moths London Herold and one or two ether papers for repeste ing and eirculatiug tbe libels. Mr. Red - tunas)! Stratford has entered actions a- gsinet the Iderald aud Mitchell ..4deunits fur libellitig-him. Tbe Tory prase and the chat ter -sellers rerel in sfander,and no libel seems too gross for them to cir- culate at present in hope of influencing the elections. .1.11110 Tits Jemmy Thav. With the mild weather of last week and the copious rain whkli tell un Thurs- day, the various streams tarougbout the country became swallen to large propor- tions and much damage to property has been done. In London, Ont.. the ftood was the greeteil ever adtown atid the low lying parts of the city wore sub- merged for the fourth time within- a year. Front Brantford, Caledonia, New Hamburg and other places also come ac- counts 'of serious damage done by the suaileu rise of the waters. The Unit sob:. The retina of the elections ia Which there will be no contest is eminently satisfactary. In Ontario and Quebec 41 member& have been returned ky ac- clainatien, of shich 34 aro Mitioteris. ists, 5 Opposition and 2 Indepenilent. The names of those returned with, their constituencies will, lee found in another telnmn. Orono previous necasioh hoe the govetntnent secured so 'since a prio pergola of the unopposed . It speakers well for tba. fayour with. which the ltefonn government is received. GOA ILLY10.0. The Pall gall Gcmette. one of the bed exponents of public opinion in England, gives the 'following gnorl advice 'pith refetenoa to the penning elections willhe the duty 0,1 tbehooest pee. pined the Dominant -to take care that moue of the persons mho. were concerned iu the proceedings of which Sir tleo• E: Cartier was the agent Aglow anal& eati- tain power ie Camialt."i maroon - Sir John . Macdonald has a hard row le hoe in Ki gstoii. Ile hell been obligea to leave his 'followers to fight their own battles, End though engaged in a per- snnel canvas. from early in the nt senilig till late at night it is doubtful if Ito will. Larry bis old, entistateeney against Mr. Corruthers. I ' 11 -J. B. wa,who repreeenteaOttavia ip the lost erliament and who; Was a candidate far re-erectient on the inilia penaent ticket, died on aaturday, A the nomination line beenihela the Con test will be between the t nee remaining eindiaates. ,, ; - t--, - --The Tidies prefeas fu ae opposed to tnixieg pelitice with municipal affaire awl /et they are circulating a requisia tioato Davi•1 Patton to ration the Reeve - *hip of ,Goderich Tnruship becetiee he has ;east in his lot 'rah the Reform party. ,Thie looks like inconsistercy. -Tato dentractire fires oeourred in Chicago last Meade:F." destroying a lugs Claim Railway 'depot with a num- ber oteara,&c., and a fine block of build- ings used for commercial purposes. The loss is estimated at between $S00,009 fend $600,000. - A good illestrotion qf the . eterual fitnesit of tainge is Amin' in thinfect that the eimatetraellerse Tate rnnninglan es - coped lunatic from the Loudon Asylum to a, western ennstanency. , I. - Criabb professes to believe that he earl be elected for Cent re I I iiron. .If he retily darn, hew treadle, be *ill be disoppantea ta.morrow night. - Arras Welsh hes iiisignea his poeition as member and Chairmen of the Internolenial Rfaltray Beara. - There is a prospect of the Ashautee • winning -brineht to an early close. The King is sueing/or terms of peace. , -The British 'louse of Commons has anon dissolred and a general election will take place at once. ' -There is :mother vacancy in the aeuate. Hen. Saiduel Aida' died at Hamilton last Saturday. , ' The eyes .of the world at e us. Shall -we not stamp out that corruption which culminated in the safe of the Pacific Charter. LOt3.1.L = 17 nitrous Maniac'. -Retyrnsers please remember the meeting at Sinelik Seagels Ofilee this evening. Tuz WARDEN41117. -.-- The eynnty Council met yesterday Mat Illeeieti Wm. Young, Reeve a Colborne, Warden by a xrunzu jui9imozu:;(111ce. LIientenant of the late Godorich Rale Ca., hu been allow • ed to retain ethe rank of Ensign on re- rirement. Tee Satenke. -The strain fiat en- gine was out. for prectice on Wednesday last. Those who have charge of it ap- pear to be able a) work itatith setts- factien. • ANN1VIAIrAKY SERVICES. - Tho an- niversary -services of the New Connexion Methodist Chureli ell! be held on Sun- day next end a tea meeting on the fol- 1-4TYhe License inspector has eloiwcpireestArtgrle(1: lumei'lLie intention to report against granting Itemise to any ono who instates the law against selling or disposing of liquor on the flay of election. TEMPERANCE LECTURE. - A publics Temperancedecture will be delivered by Rev. Jas. Sieveright,in the Temperance Hall. West Street, muFridey evening next, 30th inst., at 7.30 o'clock. The public are invited Co attend. • . . CMILING.-Our,curlert have not had much opporttinityof•indulring in their favourite pastime this winter as Jack Frost has been so late in netting. There is now good ice in the rink aed the roaring game is in full blast nearly (net y afternimu aud evening. PERSONAL. -11..U. M. Carter, former- ly Premier of Newfoundlsod, and brother cf P. H. Carter of this town, who sas here poi a visit teat summer, hes, in consequence of the defeat a the Bennett government, lteeeo---- called upon to form a new edministratiiin. hir. Carter has agreed to he guided on the questiou of confederation by the it jibes of the people, but being favourable to union Mumma the prospect of New- foundland jeteleg the other province* is brightening. MICUANICS' 11Y,NIIIVOLENT SoCIATY.- A t the first reeillar meeting ..f• the Mechanics' Benevolent Society this year the following officers were appointed, Tie :, Wm. Wright, President ; John Brophy, Viee-Preandent • John Nairn, Secretary ; C. Ciliate,. Tn'tiourer ; Trus- tees, Mears. Saunders, Ward and Ktrk- bride. Dr, McLean was appointed Physician to the Society, Ttie Society 1e in good standing, it has.$220on hard, part of it bearing interest. The annual supper still tine p lace in two or three! - ' Town Owen.- Wei are glad to au that Councillor Savage has brought the question of a town clock, to be erected on the dome of the Court House before the council, 'and a oommittee has been appoiuted to make esquiries as to price, and also to amply to the County (pbuncil for permussion, to salt Hee same. A suiteble clock. 'with a. large bell on which to strike thb boars, ean be procured for about $501, awl wo aro sere our citizens would . he willing to contribute in the * ay ia milsecriptior. towards procuring the mime if the town finances do not alma of Hoe outlay. An annual salary of $100 is it present paid to the bull ringer, which *mount in five years would pay for the click. We trust Mr. asvage will cowry thohnatter thoeigh and that by next summer, we *ill have the clock. , , WIESLIVIAN SABBATH St1.111.X/L CoNTRN- • T1ON.-A. Sabbath Schou Convention of etu held at Clinton on eilnesday last; i the Wealeyans in the Go each Dntriet and considering the fact that the at- tention of the public Is el fully occupied with election matters there *as agood attendance, Circuit except Hilmar - dip, village and tInwick aulpg repreoent- ed. Statistics of the s NI of taattatit 1 School work were subt alai, showing thatthe work Is in a eat' fectory condi- tion. A number of addretses lin suitaOle topics were deliverea and much good will doubtless be done by! this nursing to- gether. -It is in contempletion to have A similar convention in akelerich next year, this one which watt au experi- clao'utragit. tafvuirntghb:ver enffsonrtsInticteithiotrafsaillmase dtoiree.4,41.-.. tion. It is hipped that on Oat oceasiou there will be avepresentetion front eyery tailibath School in the dattict. , o tariesemon. Mertionpir autent. --This if'as Imo' according tti antertinceitiento it' Fowl Chureln .on ,Thutoday teneuala• la spite of the . rain and nail and .iee a :emit timelier assenoil. le 'cher tebies were lad at the lianierien ;Mel preeenteil a gaud appearance. Af .irteet the in2' trillectind treat WPM It ItM1 illt the ieely id the church. r I ;Wright Ile• glIping ths chair, lint aMed on Mr. ,Iil'eevioesil-"11)i'n f7 • ugunt fel. iota deers which leads a man to kna:kbrit:ntiMieti: down wben he calls him io ar. Mr. Ur. gave sorne beautiful- listughts inv the true way to improve sipa Graham expreved his growth of the pentiment the %maim! --churches, iann;t7haergeulli•veantianiglianth7 lenh well execute.' music, • d their leader Mr. l'arker. Siliforight, who seek° "W ..... &eased gave pain gard to inatrienoity. . loess' on "filorel Comat, not believe in that muscat Torn j The Council htet on rillair ,e octane las,t pursuant tripadjourn eta. Present, the 'tura in the Chair, 'put* ;Rua) and all the Councillor& Minutes of hut meeti ?cad ,ant.1 ea- prseeed. The fullowinfil cumin iastiana worn received,-- Applicttieins-from Pa. ran and Jas. Melarlane to be appoin License Applicatien pf Mrs. 14 ;1%4cl:1.1144c cry ...rviier---itderiwt at Relief Clef, mitteea ' • Comminnaition front !Cratib. Chair - emit of Board of l'ulale itoolTrustees, stating that tho Boman Clitliolie eau - payers, have fernibd the selves iota a sepirate•bsely inechool purposes, and hair, fileposited the Male in= notice tf. that effect. •L. Stateuient of Town T enterer, era Iteoeipts and Eopei. iture for -haat, follows :- . atalimee fe•on 1872.... . .. 403•131•11 Taxes. • • .. , 12622.28 Lieensea . 1284.72 ttarket fleet • • . thick Taxa; ....... . • 2214.6 Public ,Werks ..... . Ma...liana Cemetery .... 331.00 Northern 'Greve' la qua ; 617.00 Intereste., 135.04 Magietniteati'nes • • while Mr. Imsurow at the f uamieniona *mina tins iature: Dar - ger., soma' o credit to _ _ _ by Mr. Robert/ion, that' the Byelaw Committee be requested to reviles all the By-laws and reporteat the February meeting what is necessary to ba dune with reference to -them Oarrtei. ' Moved by Mr. SATAge, SeCOUded by Mr. Robertson, that a committee be ap pointed to ascertain what a meltable town dock can ba perehesea for, also to make applic.ation the Count,/ Cauncil at its first tression far persinsian to put said clock in the Court Hone* tower,and report at Fehruarv ineetinn af Ceuneil, lishing the charge of bribery in mum- tien with roads in tephen. to which we refer editionally, against Mr. Gresaway, which produced great seesation. After making several atteinpts to gain a hear ing he fatted it impossible tu do so and was obliged to desist. Mr. Ranson next attempted to spult betake crowd would not listen to him, mei it was finally &nagged among the eandiaeters that there should be no more spenking, and all withdrew in favour of Cameron and Greeu way and that saidoeminittee emelt!, Messrs The Returning officer announced the swain, savage, D. Watson, • heath and polling places, cheers were iven for the Q'terotl, the CUliflulatei $11 the Sheriff 051,1 tliaproceedtues terminated. _ A. :stain. Carried. The euuncil then adjouteiel t. Fi day everding next. Benth =Iron gomina"..3o. A ROUGH cRowq PREtwoo; r. rittes insetnestott rims -set sm. , • Tho nominat ant ter South Tliirai bat rased at Vartia,ein Men.lay leo, III the presence of ubont t,wo buuilrel of the electors. Sheriff Gatinons act •4 es jt ,. turning ()Meer. After the writ w.ss ireasa.110 t:h_e ' fullowing intruittati-.1,1 were 16"2'1'1111:1/d4e:e..de'Ibiilyillree'Ircat:II:wirlia' :1,Yambly.uni1:1e'.1). :....1..r1....,',1,...:., oleo wiled by C. W.•Pickforlit . .1. S. Sinclair by .1. - ta , • oiti...Ii, secondiel ha Dr. ilroonine. Io .. . .1, 11. Ilansoii, by Wei. -,t viip ...IA, .iseei)i.nelii.,:t.(1.d.,,iymInti-dt,".b.ifIlli•itti'.- .y.c1),,141d, .1k seconded by I:. C.Ilee ar,.; JltS. YO11;14, 'Al. P., ' N: C3:1:flair, sccenil.el 14 1)r. Ilrownine. ' . W. Ileigsoti, bylea..ieeerhit:, t,e, „„d_ , ed by Wei. Iletectt., '. ,n1Liti,:;:ii•tb)C‘.ryllinii_ei,;iO4.be,it‘.%'• 110-1.;;-•.1, a c - •,;It WAS then proplise,1 . to a,1,.',,,,.".,, h, gio tremperatice 11,111 but alr. ae.• le way'd friends would nut eine ..: re t..L. 331.1 U. WAS li :1111i, arrenee-1 t • .• , . - eol.e.:awkai ritga:i'ini. 4iilarvili;:ntitir-,t.hitetti i: • , .ti.,..: r,.,,,(Oi.,• tor of e nhch isly.'re thvils. 1, i::.,: -e raf- ter frost the tyitiki tai:in at i • t a: 1ri; t - ilea wen, erected. As it WA . . 1...i the ,ilti.,li t.... relent in t$e ie. ••1 „;r ,„, en r a coLl d.iy, and as tlie cr .s .1 ',yea. se unruly, we caunot give enytaitie liae a full account of the steteches el .11....red, • .lifr. Iliehop satelepteate o,•,....ac in iiro 'mane Arr.. Cameron, bet ei;',..4 to se. CUtli a hearing, The otlier i . e•••, -,i alio Tplieeiniters smite very sitert.le. • . • • Ms. C.tweran, after a fell 1,:elhoeciii netusrkr,/r..4rred. to the 14:: ly cry' and ishowsel iiniet sireet ;Lilly that lause ir1113 -Were tion'itsucaIeoul mouth:el loyelietta litilougel tit the very party ehe aunt the Patinment• beading,' ot4ned the thiverreir (lateral -null d:d ether- seta equally- °enterable: - Ile referrel to tbe Scett murder *hi& !tad beeli mentioned ay, ono -id the ;pronoun evil:era, "stid stated that it werratio. wa.. out antinet Wel acid he Iota been oloaal • ol fl,e- (rine. tho iieuntry. .The t :eta-Tr:olive an y",bail 'nest litin to Perliaitieut but I he id not /tare to take Mt 4.: .1.: .Arc1t -. Lis 11 Tatella Illa %Alpine LA signal a . stetement that the late g-inanetplut 41 petms:sed aii amor..6ty ,tor 1:..-J aral nee the't-wies bad the awdaciiy ie)Cratig' up th.o!neitter te.make capital agiiesit lte-., .fonnere, Ile -Oda C.) tiatl aeco olaireed el*ietibonlibbiune.haleer db"itieldlaitual*-InLal'IIftitre,IelailI. 1.411Qt the contrail he wariprepart• a t •. levet: th*t between $1a00 ant aI,) i'is id ties Penile Railway f.,O i had Von • sent into . the • raiiiie t . be use.1 iv -Paine lite.' ta hob a - :' ..: iait .alao-- - it .,,,,,rhid elsasittil Jit0 1:1.'t .rat v te; y 01 fib; bottle W1111 blrill.lr:7, ;71t. Clak.e taia• ahe would lie gled • la liceeel a inotiou. for a cene'tutt en id tay...i....,;;C.f..11 if a tale petal' bee/minted via III ,VilliFit * 11.1Ortle Cpttlit114d hot beat anity ot Irrilietno 'alio lieferns piety 'Lel been cha•sd with Itavitig no.p4rldty. It ii: temente the eupportera ot a ,.;'...,rtioi.mt that. for 20 year!. ;Laver bed poEicy te bring this charge. • Hi* prIrey waa aldreLs. 9104,1 ter itself. .t ,41.1booent ha Potiedeee.• ad- Oase awl the electorsalid n'et Autoe what ho wins prepared CA 4 ler thereat eltsc ed. He reviewed . tan fat at utthe Go minuet a ith referent to 'the Pa $23436.1:1 eiti llsil way awl s!i0,411 theugh La Pea it! i t La. ol:Olutalee 1 theilitall WO* d net avallablein winter, was Taxes ; 1.10 Litenses , . • 10.00 Beek TAXeS 0.42 Petilic Works . 3250.55 tf itland Cemetery .... r .. 500.40, Relief • 1034.79 L 1421.511 :•369.9U4 1523.30 56.5ft' 1 las,. 15- :.4e'eliii.,ticriiaelsA. err ifes .. Fire Department lainieipal Loan Fun 1 N.. ohms arrive' 1Z,V1 CHI:gnhiltyscliti.i.: \,,,..• . . ' t0.60 Mk::: .. ' .... ' ...... 1 - - '.. ' : "2. 65r1.7275:7:21 0 0 MM 0:1 71104',.1. ‘; ,,... , 77.......___. a -titulars ,.. . `Carried talS74 .1 • • • - : '2365.90 to, ' - 6"2433a. I* Itepert el Spacial aartlastittee Omelets , ing of Mourn. • Sweeilfal Rorie*. iiituatedn, Ato. Watein ater It tn•a n tag prose- siatn:;e__Staitil.ing CI enwint.1 ent yeisr, re.c•mmits,li 10 tostiow- FINANVIS- %alert sere bUTtjumova'r,Ci4oemPbeltial; 1(.111", Cloirnittit; Ostrow, lt, son, Campbell. 2 , litr-Lean-(lartier, ( apwoaatel.a7)jvuohanaw:-"14 ill, ., ekoirmao, .aoiving aiatt,000 from Jay Cooke 4Cli., I a; Savage, but Ins coulet tell throw theta Galen' Gordon, 7Passmore, • Cass had ; given Sir Jahn $16,001 Which lIt(tearterenr'--IY.eriWitiaptien17, Choi' re- eat, Eve amte spent in the elections. • 3fcMilllan iins, Gordon, Johnston, Smith. . • • was said to Ise bail, lint to ins the matt Ftnn-Pessniore, Clain/rase 'Camp. .who was ie thiaciontalenemsfairJohioan a belt; 11/lackey, Savage,' lila who dated:with Sir 'legit Clan as long 'teeter- The 3lay Charterer», ni- ae he was of•any service to latent. tie was setiafi 1 that ilk 'lace et tab colt:l- ane: Sloan, Jiittnr, .. .. • 1 Ileououn-A. Wat to • Vflairottai. rot would' a found- te be Leith tbe pre- PRottertion,•Savaets , 31 sy„ Suisitt. :Re if llovbrntileut, and 'stet 1 • th at the • Ceti eateti-Gterann; Gieririnott, ..,EV- ifiroliscentidersisul.so -Iftarintweouret eigne.,:voidilt,tir:tyn,int ens, Passmore, A. Wat4pn, Sloan:. their _fisvotir. Ile - urai.; ' Upon his 4 The Renort wks atop A;ceounts of John I eson & -Co. ; when he hut- rn) doele tat -atat 4 aa ha - Wm. Abraham end _ onto .Graleini. turned AS he 11311 hems ,,t• the Ent aine • t , . a Referred to tarmac') Co nate*. , • . elections., Moved by Mn 'A. Witten, pet:muted Mr. Canter. conchs/I/01 aii execlient third; day of Die 'tuber lest past the friends and A inetrom les ()elements. i by Mr. Robertsoti, that 'Whereas on „the ailarem amid :cheers freer his own Corincil of the Con iy of Huron ilia by Mr. Greenway charge.' the present or $20,000, pay o 44, 20 years„with Cameron lhael not, told tihaii what 'he rafi resolution offer thn Coatoration the -lame government with Laylig no pelicy. Mr. interest at 6 per ri;ht.. f' r,,stiw.e..:iiirateleievrersi iwizoldulflti.11:0) fc...ornt.otheamtaiefrieltet,sitt.4.1.41mit.s.eatTline,-. GlirdavoenlbeRohulai; 711"tiliiraho aworation accept donabl. Wo have nothIcia te) do wa e the seme, be it therefore resolve,' that it but with tae present g .vertatruit. ile this Couneil.do hereby ratify met con- charged Mr. Ca:tenon e oh Irtaba7,_ in firm said resolution and accept the sum 1$72 and said lie ;amid provd thst Mr. pif #20,000, pxyable in 20 years with. in- eanieron told A friend thit he hod tpene terest at 6 per cent, in full for said $11,000 ofhis otraare,,,,,,e, Re charoeti Nerthern Grovel it•eirl. Cerriel. Mr. Cuperun's friends witlebribini. in , By-law No. I ief la74 Oppointing town the present ,orsutesteintt dectire 1 Inno effieers for the enmity:year was paned self opposed'to bawl:and correpticee through its various stagee, the following Ho wished toiee . a rod elictiell law being appointed at the elderies,etrited;- peened. That! was, part ,a hi's p.fficy. Jas. ,Ttunnson, Clerk, :^,w44,1 ; Rev. C. He cendeinned the daiseation shit 44° Fletcher, Treasurer, $160 • Jas.. n Magni the increase in the timelier of •execetive and 1. B. Vanovety, A'siessers, $75 conneillors: He referrattothe Rialaffiir er ; John blcCallum, Engineer of Stases They Engine, *4011. The salaries in earli instance aro the Fle repeat.); , , & Co. had given laa it:44,t4hAhproe lemteecsog )rei.fria4.1...n jt).1,' . ttiliee each ; II. Howell, Collector, Thos. Hoar, Street hispectore #'3001115°.; itihnlieudgel Geo. Swanson, laminae Inspector, $50 ; Premier with re/evened to. the Ilav field, Thos. Morris, Bellringer, , f1/00_; John, harbour very like a bola, 1 , VA te $25, but the motiou to that effect the Gram thought deli could buy been incresseillrom $12 to $15. A.n Ia. with falsehood in Ins stitemente as to. tempt waa made to reduoe the aslary of contracts'. • Ile did net think any prim - Mr. Swanson. License Inspector, froni eiplo was at stake WAS loSt. _ , np some co were p.layieg iate the hands of the is.t.LIPelazirePenitwiereittsokassyittlirjaciiaticliwpio.y:a:17tleyd., ,000 air election $13each ; Ju. AlcFarlatio, Poundkeep- 'ed of independents sold sineeaa6amwte' I'haris, Sexton ot Cemetery, MO ; E. WA chug° F. Moore and R. 'Radcliffe, Auditone but thea followed& areerintrent coulees - Northern Baru° as bust year, with the exception of the Auditors whose renumeration bas PaaPastap- lle einergel Ma Cianeran uwasrahliotsmt awndaa Mprr,.11.0atoi;li :,..,..:joe....oppoininti gain bun a ailigie vutAu , Tha preie od by a considerable majority., E. oortea-'-yeammostituimentelli:ntwleilsteht 1)c,bulielairtitgedhgast While the by-law woe being consider- the present ed iu Committee, Mr. Smaill in the coalition. rs Wilkirupon he nprointea. The moaou -.9 deetod mat lie had ever chair several member& expressed die. called the Tory part, sseisauce as had aatisiaction -with the mintier in which MP. Hood discharged his duties as Street here gare the time and ',lace when he Inspector and Mr. Pieelmore moved had dtala to.) He thought •the'r* w'a been stated by Ma tah.a. (Mr. -Bishop seconded by air. Gordon, that Jas. too much party nate in the 'country. chHhosewugaiheadrgiubuilaii:euieruartoCia7L:t;Zhnsig"ittotthiaattlidwistridvion; enactor insteail ot Ono Swanson and W. Gorernment should lays a fair trial bin G. Smith as Assessor in place of T. IL he though they gl le %Ace met the D, 'rational: . -lhe lifennr, 'anon, A. Wet-. diPtiatte, atnith, be r-te have it during the .0eintiet et navigation than to .walt 21 teafs•for •comniunkatiou, with. the ,Northetest. n ith reference to tbe fine- 'teen 'Fore Garry t 'tumbles, Sir John hal *tiro 1 itierl to IATO . ir so.opiotod dot its; the . nresoat ear, ana boa the Ilernr.0 (any- , eni meet oast thargelaith Oak iw,*, 1,10.. I the hands i if tile Atuencsits tulidad•itea. 1.110 Was in fseour of builaing the Peale. ittail way 'but , enlyne fast 3,3 tall -111ittaUS of ' 01', e..ti at ry ' won la, , pi:resit. . it . - condone/ea in the- strongest- terms Sa. Solitas sae of he Pacific. charter. lie 'referred to tite Demi:roils .appinntio let :tweak by the' leta gooenunent erne. Olio: !Ina , loet c‘introl of deo:house, . tie elerlealtaialken kept up ill nigat 'previ- ous t. i• t heir rosanatt ion Anima oet,these apoeintetionts. SA:tries hal been, in- creesea at the last mainent tethrismount .4 ..0.,091 a year. Ile asked Altraelia- :•tors if, they approved, ef their 'burden' 'being inertewasel by the governmenteafter they had •latt tint •confiaencei of the people.' Ile then referral to the Intereolonial Railway contract* .and the jebbery dentieetea therenith. . 1* one .13Alle ;811.0,00a . had •ie.0 overpaid- •to a goverttiamet duppot ter, awl itt the case twf Seearm- No. 5; 4;121,000. The pre tient ginernmeut aas eharipod • witli re 1137.1h Utlr:a Nomlaglon. %Visional, Jan 23 --The anunination ter North liur.pri to4 'platno in this villige t.telay at noon. Mr. Thos [Nuke, of Wingham, returning-offioer. .tf ter the writ of election and- commis- Riens were reed, Ma. '1'hirs. Farrow nf latiorale, was nominated by Dr. J. W. It. Holiiies, of Brussels, Anil seconded hy Mr. Jamas Johnson, of West Wawa mole Mr. Leckie, of Bruseels, was nominated by ttfr. IL Clendenning, of West Wawsloqh, and seconded by Mr. .1. t1. Leen of 1Viughain. Both candi- d:awl addreasedtherneeting at length, and received a good fold patient hearing 'flier° wins a very • herire amemblage of Weed& preeent, which 'seemed to be diviibel iriaolitios. Many wero reteleeed to the, returning - eat cer for the proper and impartial mau- ler in which he condircted the Proceed- ingt. • e.. t • Stlat:1 Enron. Pot,t,i'so *nut v'tstoNS.,. awl:ear Taiwnstrot No 1. School talien, Sanction No. 6. -No. ;mere; If ever !Lead. -t.,No. s,:.!1...1 11 meat- 8;r:thin No. 8. -No. 4. fog. ,7/1,-trrIA1**11'S house; 101 3.3; coa. .12. -No. 3. lir AN - 1.SC11001110USe,130CEIOU No. 10 . - - N..4 11,.,Tronpersnce Hall, Var- lee - -No. 3. tielinel Howse, Seel No. 8. Hey --N... 1.• School House, No. 10. No. 2 Town Hall, Zitrieb.-No. 3. aeleed House. 'election No. 12. are:elite --No. 1- School Houle, Sec- tion No. 1, -No. 2. Town Hall, eredi- awin-ta.. 3. School House, Section No. th-No. 4 School !Irene, Sectien No. 8. USE -Nit. 1. School 4Iouse. See - taint Nii. 5. -No. 2. Torn Hata Elan; vilie,-Ne. 3. .afebool.House, Section Nu, 3.-N.o Sifhool House, Section , 1(). Ex area --Le ea ;Paint • Shop. Main letlintrii Hall. -No. 2. 3tra. Thwaite hope, Huron Street.- No..3,,Itnger. ea* shop: • . "street. CLINToN- ,IIC;th Zulu. PoLiNGISUBDIVIRIONS. trawannsn - No. 1. School' Heine, 'f(11 2, Town NO .3. Sehool House, No. ass ristn-N.k..1. School House; No. 6.--ealim 2. School Howse, No; 9. -No. 3. Reload House, -No' 7. -No. 4. School !loose, No, 2. --No. 5. McIntire's, Lot ;Vienne 13, W. D. • _ • ' E ter' WAW3Nrthff - NO. 1. School' mse, to.-Isi?. 2. Sehool House, 'School House, No. 11.- 1 Menote -Re. 1: Sellout Howse, No. 7. --Ne. la Salved Weise, No. la -No. '1. Sara .1 1 1. one, 110,11. --No. 4a Sehool • Beta :Eta, ilOWICK‘-.114 TERNIBERRY, No. 9. 2- 1 where the last elections were hehl • I ; We'.' want - no man of unclean halds tacArtrol our destinies. * 3317..T113. In laressaii, the,15th inst., the 'wde ' tdi James Totten, ors son. twit -aerial', en tee 26th inst., the wife aiaalr.aatititel laurran Ben. Alited Coatubiers,•of a ilaugh- .1- • te,F. • tt taelerian en the 2Ist inst., the wife Ja. et4Fatato,b4hIA.cinty, ,,N,.tiraskaorm the9at inst., the wife of Mr. Joha :Moran, formerly Ntoreis. /.f (laughter. Xt tielerich On oho 113th inst.. the wife .v. (neer, Mr. James Case- ; • Brussels. by to Miss Mary K. • Ranh% all of • ! •- , 7 In Iltaissas:ba the Ren. It. Duey, Mr. Alex. MeCartney ,Mary •nn Woods, . 44.4 Grey. t • On the Sth hat , by the Rev: G. Clark, Aleock.t;• Misa Mlizabetb 11 trdea, 4Kingardine, to Sarah, otalr. Jelni Palmer, of raw 1:i; er, Ty wuship of Huron, On theotaai ilia., -by thi Hey. A. Mil- ; la,te. tit CIS lVeeleyan Paesonnge,Ret, vie, dorm gtewart, Reeve of , • tit: t Man Miry Osborn, of the Utas:it:cheateI2P0Licitith:ainAsite.IIIirt, nto:Terthe;'iciuteovn.aGld.. Cot. Italoderich, to Jane Mackenzie, of Bruce . At Lt°111r01171C13110-01). fl'ca"of ale's. father, Astifiela, tni ere inst,, by the Rev. Mr. Cameron of Lueknow, &masted by the bra:Lelia tether, the Rev. A. Grant, AfaiD.4D. Yale, of Blyth, to Miss J. S. If. Grant, of Aohfieltl. In tatarittli,o.70 the 2atol, by the Rev.Afr.: .thiatainalt, Mr. Alex. Strachan mar- 'caant. of Oreasels, to Miss ll'arbarre Smith, °alba sante plus. - • _ ViLo.T.f13. Colborne, on the 18: h inst., Galan Hainaut*. a native iwf Scotland and one of the oldest settlers in the town- -. ship of Colborne, aged 72 years. In Aslifield, en the 12th inst.. Agnes, beloved wife of Mr. Thomas Hunter aged 62 years: On the 14tk inst. Angus McKay. lot 5 con. 14 Huron towasaip, aged,4i) At I know, on the 21st inst., William lie -11 of .Mr. Joao Mel:tardy, sumo Yolt '• 011 "the 8th inst., Misa LyilistWel'at, aged 37 Years. ::Crw ahcrtishntitts. S NAY HEIFFER. lune iista the 'subscriber's -premises ' Block A & 0, Coloorue. abaut tka 1st of aeptember,a white Heiffer coining two years ola. The owner is requested to•prove property, pey charges and take her Aliso'. ROBF,R,T IRMSTRON G. Jan. 214h, 1674, I s, 1406e* ; • Notice •of Partneirship. ratIlE .UNDERSIGNED HAVING A • enteed Into partnership in the Saw Mill businees, on the Lake Shore Gravel Road, on. mile aUti • quarter from nethony Allan•s,Colborne, are prepared to fill all orders that they may be favour- ed with. , , Jan. 24th, 1874 E. MeTITTIE. A. AleMULLEN. 1406-d* For Sale Cheap. carry and tho foriner incumbents we?. N anevery, but both mations failed to house aud laid do,„ tear teatcy. Ile- A He did not te riiHE N.e-therly 30 acres of Let 11, Gm. 21, • Township of Stephen, --ALSO- -- and resort at seat tneethig of Council. , - Mretwirselaie ean tale aast eaudiapae, I submitted to•the By-law; Committee for I *R if he felt Cs the purpose of reconstructing the smelt, a b•st cum°, e moved by Mr. Itobertson, seconded lay ?dr. Ceeenwey By-law and its effects, when it wee st the le ad of the .' 11r. Savage, that the tfeeket Ity_lawr be in a rambling, d• ' It'lereed manner and , Oroderich, in portions to snit purcheaers. 1 but the turn*" had gulielLicsio--..04'cue fother hir slPfral'nat 1,Polt:r 1Coo:switnY ‘'dfitTlielricuri't• pEae nig eineitofr atnhed:orywenyoort. ' P"a he wends] he ! Rlisek A, containing 7 acres, Park &I , J THOS. WE ATHERALD, re -appointed. Some discussion arose ou the Alarkst satisfied that nezeef • nail/. , - ateind-to bet v''tes Pt' gjig ' 1 1 , Mverood Survey. And 30 quarter acre I Canada' eilitets every man to 1 omit:a:- . 4...1.3g III behalf a . .,, Apply to weeks. • Graallway wen 'tread not let Goderieh, Ont. do his duty. Moved be'. Mr. Carawbell, asoonclod him be heard, R. ,,,geedsd4a esteln Jan, 22nd, 113/4. 1416 Canada demands that public contracts shall not le sold for Bribers' gold. 1 • Ilbutrtis malt. to the Electors of NOitur lj FLO AT. Gestalts's,/ :-AL the. earnest *Zel- 1 Winn many friends throughout the Riding have entered the polities' arena and no ask your suffrages at the forth- coming election. My principles are well known to many of you land tu those who do not know them, '1 trust to belie an opportunity of meeting • nd explaining more at length. • If elected to represent you, 1 shall giye an indepeudent and hearty support to the preseut Government in carrying through all measures that here *ten- dency te promote the interests of the Dominion, such as opening up at ogee • cheap and easy way of awaits throneh our tertritory, and in connection with our prurient Railway system to the great North nest, and as soon as practicable, to (*nowt toe Atlantic and Pasitio Oceans by rail. I s at all tunes gip,. my support to all twee that will have a tendency to a immigratien tu our• shores so that th many resources 'of the sanest bound' &area that a beneficent Provi- dence placed at our disposal may be utilised and developed. . 1 s give an unquahfied support to an improved electiea, law,. simultaneous polling, v..wte by !ballot, am -vigorous punishment of Cho*, who give or receive bribes d, in patent, everything t will hay a tendency to purify the u of oar al •ve ft:v.1161u . , 1 4 I always advocate connectinn with th Mother Country. and my lima est wis iste seetus alway, form putrid* United 4- Consolidated British Ern. Pin - I shal at allaluies advocaat ther, most rigid matey in the ailininistratioa of our poila•c affairs, consistent with the pre of thet country. . Faisal , geatleinen, I elan ueeer pledge Myself So give a slavish or fed- tious au pert to, any Goverumenr, in - 4 comas t iwit& yonninteresta and privi- leges, b t Hull always supp irt tneaseres having a tendency te impre re ear -finan- cial conditicia, and elevate the moral 'tending rif tbe imuntry at large. . eonfidentiy piecing the matter in the bends of the ititeltierent electors of Kurth Huron. . I 1 ant, gatemen Your ogedient servant, . JOHN' L.ECKI E. ' , Jame tag, 1874. VA TIA E It' A RA row s ALE. 1:3 IC C_7 .1-7 1c, apt. 3. all Weir hag reweave:II histrert i owe us. from . DOEALUI 111c1N1`0311 to sell by !oleic AncUon at the COMMERCIAL.HOTEL SEAFORTH • • On -S4urday, lab. 29, 1974, Thal iestrilble and valual.le Farm, situate -1 on the Ilarun Reid, sad bring Lot 1, Cm. 1, liullt tt. TII C tit Contain! acres. 90 of .1.1.111 are elefered, aed) '- 32 fret' foup stumps; situate -12y suites from Sea- u forth. Thera is a goo,1tratter house 26x39, a farmer's house About 44x24. frame barns„::: large frame sheet.. large Peart.4 ofehard. Food Es,4**A. and plenty, of water in the cellar that ileeer fails, &leo a pump close to the farm house always full of water. • Salo to !Commence at 1 o'clock P. M. oettesaitserwei be rewitred easb Olt the day of mile; $1, wItiatu ortys after sale; the hal- *nee in loam! lastahnents at "E per rent in- termit. Tele F is Is an •scellent este of cu!tivatton. Further santarnlare nry be obtein.d (torn the the - prober. eft Ale premiees, or from the ••.i. 1/1)NOLLD ruler J. 1'. DK. E,Auctio . ' 1405 MO 'EY TO l*D. IN LA. IKOR SMALL SEAS 'F'011 ▪ long r short tering at 8 per cent. _SINCLAIR &SEA...GER. - Goae , Doc. 30th, 1873. 1402-2tu _ _ GREAT CLEARING - A L N e For One liontb OP WIrER GOODS. : :!:::11 ello :: w13"- 9:: .47.4: 4 htt til *1 13 • z : ro. P C7 Aix ..'"3- t:3 : 11 $2.. ititi ils" otz' 4 m ;101 - n .r.a 0 ; 1-.14 VI 0 , 42.,,...., , 5 0 2 w. Z' I 0 I 11. 0 0 0 ID 01 PP • C PP p 1. t.-1 0 g Pi 112 0 'TS *1 ra v tv S a G. McKENZIE Is dot Goods to clear out the winter ler to make room for the ring \as WHO WI TO GET 13 .4.. it GI- INT S COMIC TO "311r CD KM. 7IM., aGoderich, Jan. 20th, 1874. - ;a ‘st