HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1874-1-28, Page 1• .1•••4 - - - we•• es w - •• • -meow- o ••••••••• • W am"-, r - VI •••• - e eletweee. /kt fun tionnl, ($.1ITARLISHED19411,) Ole either Lava Papers publiabod Canada jallitiel wed publighed at Uoderlet, Rota: evey leriSTMSD,SaY BLOSiter LNG.. the °Res, Montreal Stuvet, adjoining the Market !dain&-e, by J. J. BELL, RDIT01. AND PahiraiWroa.. Tans -lit 6er.r enema, OD *how. SI if credit lav•s. No paper dissentinsed a. arrears are paid, egeept at the optima of OM pllarl labor. •RATES OF ADVERTISING : light fonts psr line for ths gnat insertion. and wo costa per Wm for each subsequent isurtion. linstosea cams not exceeding 111161, per eisama, non to 10 lines 33. • Tee sumber qf lines to be reckoned by the epee. illittempled rewired by a scabs of solid Nonpareil, Adurtiesessits without sperigc directions, will bs thesrted meal forbid, awl charged acconlingly. TBARLT ARRIRM VATS - no rate• will be chargst to merchants and °thus wko advertise by the year,- thais Colima 1 year eee 3 months la 3 months hot ,“ re.r. " l••• months ...... ..... ..... • •• Q .4 a:. 7111111.111all ............ .. . , ., -II 10 " ••••• . viDaShr.. • it mow- • post It " '" tenths a .. r mamas . . . s . ' ABM los confined to the ordinary below.. ami fir inch tt witl he Mots& Auction Sale., Beinhvals, p Node**, Private Advertisements of asiatteirs of firma house., to let or for es, .. above rates will in all rases 111 strictly to. Advertisements lamented for laertion is any I Tnetsday. pareirnlar issis should reach the odlce by mien on The ler** Hr. -Illation of tba SIGNAL makes It , aa ornwpaseed edvertising reediest. 1 , 1011 Webblt OP JILL RINGS • 1 Irdestedieser.lsestnewsnaZ.derpth. BIZ tiainin.t711 i od tel. t..___- - -- _ '......._11,-t"j 'Business Oircdorg.. 1, ..,...._,.-,,---..--__..„,__.....i. , e„....11 ,_. N1T. IleIT IC 11101•140 fq, IIIIJI14}11014 DENTIST. Office and residencei West Street. Three doors bele e Bonk ot Montreal, Goderich. ' 't • 1 emote 40110 0.81311belt. MAR.. C•3‘.. tlersolusteelecRIII I/adversity, Mogtroal), SEAFORTH.. - flews sae resiehmliv-Rete &von south .ef Roam' 1../ team et.% and optesite MoCalluni's haat. Iwaro•D., *pan IWO. Irs:' 1367 ae-r CB. C eglassmnoja M.13 rTIOICIAN. SIIIROISON. ;De., Redcoat, Dot. 13:10-1Y. , - . . SY rsir..44. cr..*Ame t sesiamersee • ii., et Cram' hoot AN. it, 1.:fkirliti ,N KIR. 1101114. '•-• :L 1- - i iNelirrionesbettr. .- MlioliDe %Few, - ' • 011VAICIAN,SCA.St4t*, s .. 0 .1. e, llamiltras IL altriMe. Godoriek, Ougar,- eirlDF torsi !Apse- see • A ErVIRTNN ANDi ATTOBNIIIT-NT.tAW. AND Chancery.' Cesrat (see are .1.ner,ne y, Gide neh, Out, Reed is Coen Dowse. lOarnsowore ao initaaroler. ' • • AR RISTERA,SOLICITORS IN CRANCERT, /U. # odic.% market:bruins Rodslich. C. Castellon WA J. Y. Casimir. " The Greateet Possibl e riood to tho Greatsst Possible 'gumbo VOL XXVO. NO. 2. , 1-1. Dowian, nARRINTEZ AND ATToDNITT, tD01.1CITOD. ' ot-Chaacery, Ocstorkh, Ont. 133Y s.,X0T-T & ANIA.TVION A:mos SYS - AT - LAW. SOLICITORS. th Chases/. Cern erasing.. Se Crable's AA. rub 7 • MONET TO LEND. IRS aliaelair & Meager reallaISTIt143, he , Oeierhh. 1.3 J. L SVC:LAM CHAS. SEAGER, Jr Gotterieb. Dee. 1st. 1$11. W . t7g. SQL:UCH. 10•RRISTP.R, ATTORNEY A TrI. 111, SOLICI• I/ tor in Chancery, to. ...tench, Oat. Olece, Asbestos's Beth, Wutifitrest, Roderick. 3.13. 1' IF. WALRICTI. tas.TTORNIY-AT-LAW AND SOLICITOR IN Cksisemery, Convey sneer. Notary Pubtle, gc, .apessits the Post Office, West Street, God- etesb.00‘ 1 1370-61n Eale CA MY-11407CW •W CHANCERY •In CONVEYANCING. 14. Odium Dante naval Assignee. awT-tt Galeria', Ont. -- Maloomson .11e iferstIng, ATITUNTID8, ATTORSEYS, SOLICITORS, to. LP ft ra,aCluiton, Ont. w3g MONEY TO LEND. . • 11:3)4311e11A.oteIlLaTON goo nv to Leo z AND q L&ND 4gest, Crown Lands OtIcel Got. Money' to It..encli. 133 el Ct. • a A. act Km teibLit I..L., ARC El 1TICT ate,. COU RT HOUSESQUAlli • Gamine*. Pleas and Speotheationsiat sorrectIm a:arsonists', plastorszle sad wart wesearect and 1107.1y. Ruebarsen, losserson ilk Robinson 1/ • It II on hanitall kinds rehashes, Doors, Blinds. mounting& and Greased Lunber,at God - *rick Planter NUL ,1800. %Meetings. GODERICH LODGE 10. 33 G. e A. F. A. A. Ill. TalibeVitUttittinnlill U N liC4to 7 I° I: yOicnwasth st v.ze p. m. Visiting broth:ma medially horned. W. DICKSON, Bee. SioderiebAte May, 1371. __. sw13-1 y 1.___ .. _ j. T. DI:MEAN. V. S., UMW 4TO or OteratIO Virissinaar Craincni ,4 OFFICE AND STABLES, gooses. efirest, P3ftit Bosse gut ct Colborne. Rotel N. B.--noraeas examined as los/mad- am's. 1313 • 1. re* 1 PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS EXPEDITIOUSLY &PROPERLY ramrod la Canada. the United States and Europa, fliNtressastert or 110 eharge. Send for print.. latiratition& Agebey in operatiotten years. ith RY GRIST, irately& Canada Neelutalest tactaser, NolhAtrt of Palest. and Dessebesesa. tea nth II171. we-ly-- %NA 189 BARNES in teturnieg thanks •if`ul to her friends in Gorierich for past bep to say that she ni now to give' Lessons on the Plane- or=tmet billet Orrin and in Singing. . opposite Mr. Savage's, Col bore° Bt. 13D3 It ES TA.0 trt AN T. JAMES VIVIAN WU •)* BO h113 Rs STALKOIT TO put heemeso. New Blorit, We.: Street. Where Is mitt be *bid tw ilea all his customers tea the penile sesseally Fein le, TIMETABLES. OYSTEIN he.. in the.? si aeon. ROT AND COLD MB ALA Ay ALL 'jou wt. STOCK'3 LIVIA MA.CHINE OIL Rae Mina la sseerAl 0411 tor the past te., mars urt th• best autefeettee, as may be *wen by Ma- gma way of the leading emirs .a Ontario. SI sin magsai Lbw midget weather, it ki • iellealems sattable fortes lightest aedtastmit, u well &mum imprissi Emma« la woo TESTIMONIAL Pram abeesses Rad lihselnae Nonni, awe. einider liteelesed Wearer at SIAS pm (aka aggidgmeal at de Mae. Tatars respectfully, 1. W. OLIN, President. 'WI gee only by G. 11. PARSONS A 00., Hardware Marehaulle, Goderich. SoLa ADMITS, 1311. SA TO $20 essele. et al&er sea. at work for as rl Illso•• titan at Ass. abbess labaly per day. Agents algal young or oid, •11 *lasses ofmagritieg ore is their spare animists, eg sayttitug sloe. Particulars 0 STINSON r10. reettaad. blika• Bonen 10 Lab. S00,000 •0110•41eaw7a filo Loan on FARO or Tows property •1 per 1 Cent. Apply oi t.. CAM l'AIRN E, Solicitor, ac., Oct.30tb. ten 410 Roderich. MONEY'c TO LEND. g IN IMPROVE FARM PRO- " perty, at 8 per cent simple interest per annum. Apply to SAMUEL SLOAN, Cdlborne iloteL Goderich, 8th Octo 1872. 1338 MONEY TO I.OAN AT LOW RATES OF IFTERED3T. • PR EE BOLD Permanent Buildineand Satilige Society of Toronto. For particulars apply to • A. M. ROSS.. Agent at Goderich. Secretary awl -Treasurer, CHAS. ROBERTON, Tornnto. 1343. - MONET TO LEND. r, 1.611.--TUND er Banterenemor • E•itt. - • Tilt Freer or • TOKONTO PIRMANINT BIGILDING ANDSAVINOSSOCIZTT Advar ces money at redueed rates for from 2 to 2E1 years. Loans repayable in in stal went& to suit the 'burruwer. Full intornixtionsticea on application. Po II. KIRKP kTRICK, 1378 Agent at Goderich. MONEY TO LEND 0 Greatly reclice4 Rateg of Interest _ _ Ti.F. iamb .......,r.e.! 1 ia. A. y .,0,,,,r "or in0y0y, 10 .iat...,..raaa go, ortool.. le int til i.r- eaglet. revamp loan fro:, in . t..,, tr ...I3 yitra et' • low rat• of Wm...chi instal.. o: ; r Jo. of .,ap tees Soil al•ty gait'clIZa IIOSTO,.N. - ....,...m....., - i appraher fort Ise Canada Per • blinnent Itnitding'ilic Martine *octets!. of 'I' °rout°. • • INSURANCE'dARD. The suiocriber is agent fm the tollisaliterstalses imemrsancei PIP EN IN of London, England II A IIT Po RD ot Hartford. Pflor CIAL ef Toronto. IR [Tide AMEN ICA, of Tomtit°. Wirer is Marines business dome at Um 101..0 pois+.1.1ip rates IIORACE 110R1ON Office Market Square, Goderich. •341-10. Oct. teth 1370.. _ insurance. THE LIVERPOOL&LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. A wettable Assets. seir,•00 , 0 00 • Losses pail in the mum it ThItty-five years ex- ceed FORTY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ! Claim* by CITIOACACI Ir I WIC esti- mated •t nearly gta.1111 000100, are being Iquidated as fruit aa adjusted w !rooter DiuMe-rtow. hi•catty, Prompt Paytnent.,anit Liberality le ad- inetment of its tome are the prominent features ot thie wealthy coeiriany. rote and LIFE POLICIES issued with very liberal ,ori.litiona. Head Oftloe. CanadiVEranch. MON- TREAL .C.SMIld,ttesielentSerremre, blosras•i. •. ROSS. Meet for Coderiab -44-* WESTERN iSSURANCE 0024PANY. HEAD OFFICE TORONTO. CAPITAL STOCK.. 3100.000 81JRPLUS FUNDS ' 208,369.60 RECEIPTStORTIIETEAR N DING JUNE 3Dth 1871. 367,858.26 HON. J. Ma URRICH President. B. RALDAI4 Managing Director. FIRE ds MARINE INSURANUE AT Lowest Current Ratcs. Q4PISCIAL LOW TARIFF' t WRATES,COV R 1 NO kJ laminae(' tor one or three mono on detached Cliorohes and Schools with contents. In Cities. Towne and Country planes: These rates and tems orpolicv particularly favorable to the Fara. g'Community. I trot Chess mu wasted tor a travelling Agency for the townships outlying hie Teavu Apply is wviting with reference. to the undersigned for trans- mission to theflead Otace. D. WAT!ON. Local Agent. Roderich 15th SePt.117' GODERICH AGENCY 03 rue Trust mid Loan Company of CANADA • GPDERICTI, 9NTARIO, WEDNESDAY. JAN. 8. 1874. WHOLE NO. 1406. 4ottig. ligeggpogl,ed hy Royal Chartrr. , • -__ CAPITAL-ONEMIELION POUNDH S1ERLING. • • F u nclut for7Fvestment. 7 OAR earle on the geramty of approved ?arm 1./ City or Town Property for periods of Fire year. or to suit the convesience of Borrowers, and Aber mTayable at expiry of time or by . an- nual rastehmento. Payments in red ortioa of Loess 1611 keePtod nt ti ine favorable terms. ir Meowed Mortgages porchase.l. G. M. TRUEMAN, AVM Sun* 0.001am, 111 1)- lanog organs AND MELODEONS. IlInhoneseribere hays alsias on hated a idocirof 31.• above lestrusacsts which they all sell t7loasss twin ap.o.,1 credit, at •A twthowahro Machu* 011•111, opposite the Colborne neen.• geed issetelan in Um Robin ureu "S- UM, It A &oar. to show tie, butritatsat• co sat one favouring us w.th a salt. We kers all aa '5- Wttntak of pen -haring or sat. Don't forset ths to awl sec au the instniments. whether Penes *Movie the Colborne Rota L THOMSON WEATBERALD inatt Barna EXCIIINGIC MOTEL, MARKET SQUABS GODK1RCU. CAPT. W. COX, - PROPRIETOR LATE OF TB II HURON • eontinuance the favor and support ef the Commercial aad Travelling pnbriothat wessecorded beim the gm, respectfully solicited. • 1334 AN UHOR LINE. bleatnicrsSalIEvery Wednesday and @atarday. TO LSD FROM NEW YORK AND GUS. g ow, Came et Londonderry *eland Malls and Passenger% EP Paw% r, twilled and forwarded to and from sll Railway :nations is Omit Britain. Imam Germany, moray, Sweden or Denmark a Amerce, ss safely, epredlif, comfortably' an Cheaply, oi hy any other Rogte or Line. THIS NEW 111111PARTURKS. Pram turner, Prom Fe Torn. tato sea. j3d ...IOWA Mon., Ord, lins, Pat, Sept, SOO . .C4 LEDON IA .. Rat., Oet. 11di 861Lo "eV Ith ...ANGLIA Mat., Oct. pot bat.. oet, CoLUMBIA _Sat... Noe dth Asd every Ifelsesilay and Saturday thereafter troo no 20, North River, at noon. Ram orrAralfin Pacers/A Crsaititer. To tontroot.OtAssow os Dana: Ipmage 005 and 975, according to location Cabin treuveon Tickets (good for It u onths) securer Mat areomodation. $110. , Istemehate, 433. Steerage, r28. Certificate. e tow 'ter RATES caw he bought here ter thou wishing to sea for their friend Disftakesei payable en primer nation. Apply at the Company's Oakes or to MRS WARNOCK, - Rode:fob, 011 Gadailek Oct tg NEW • DRUG STORE ! SIGN, REA.A110 RTA R, East Side Market Square. . 13 ) IN 1 ) 01 261earc' Practice, IS just receiving from European and iangAartmeicineesen_rearkets week') the feller..- . Drugs, Fdlowe' Conapotior Chemicals, Sr oip Ilypoplo4: • . , . Sponges, • , flair Brushes, Rad oity 's Medici !tee Flesh Brushes. A eer•r. do. Large stock ie eent Median. A 1.0, Tooth Brushes, • • flair Restonitivee. Bowel Complaiht flair Dyes, reniediese the hest Perf mery, in the 'worldOiry Atkinson s Iodine o_..thern, Magnolia Balm; FZu too nu- Laird's Bloom uf maims to mention, Youth,. Sarsaperilla, Lily White Tooth god Liver Oil, Paste and I'mrder, Oils: Sea Salt for Ruin', Castor :hi, Patent Medicines, Latnps. Black Oils, Lamp Glasses, ' Yellow Oils, ell Dye Stuffs of all kinds fresh and goon,. Bond Topic Bitters, - the best in the world for .131(SPUTPSi[eie juay quantity of Certificates can he pro- ' duced if reeoired of its efficacy. Merge and Cattle Medicines. Goderich Harness shoti W. A. MARTIII 11" pleasure is aasoancing to the public of Tows aad Cooky that he has lambasted the Hernera realrum. of Mr. lease Hal I idoy, on Ram Itos St . After havise fervid hiaapprenticeship ,with mews W. 6 Martin, Roderick. W. A. R. has worried hi the last three years in the best dainess Shope In easeeto, Lad now prepared to make up LIGHT AND IlEAVY HARNESS, FioRAS-CLOTHIND AND 13coten ,Cootasta, in Orst-eless Bert. aad with despatch. Clurders prompt y attended te,, puISILS, WIMPS, CMIFTywC01101119 d1r ke. s. fibeets tuatially On braid throneb- out Use summer, oodaneh, June 21 lin. r) ALE I INT I 0 71.N. cARBIAGE WORKS. VI? 'WOO B. 3_ #11;TELY TO :MANE THE PUBLIC B"' forth. liberal vastronage accorded him in the past and to announce that he still carries on Carriage and Sleigh mating in all ite branches, at the old opposite E. Martin's Colborne SEL4)11:1: Carrispe Bugaies, Waggons, and roorything mind or wads to order of the hest terial and in the read: workmanlike maitlaelirnielh..is el.lk:ept en REPAIRING P1011:TLY EXECUT:D. Geeeoeji, 25th Fib. 1873. 1358 - - OPENED OUP AGA ti% DOIXOLAS IteKENZIE eree ,eeeees sioere eee te tee WstOiskin,attlIort Jew:11:tr, .-.aer. 'Mended Wm is the stpriPalikr1;14/00.8. wl.:7:16.ttob64•37.14:0•Wteeitth:. th, Infalla. WATCH tioderich. WA R•3064.1811:10.1agealkanira IWIrtaa,72:ariul reglecriltedudet:ei: NyVvr LE] itt ;apt USU AL „. wticireo. caia' D *be 'KENZIE, Golstkai Per• Ink mu INS Pahl. Leatit et Liberty. DT °RACE ROM.R. e 0, Lend of sun and mhade ! 0. Land of hill paid glade ! Through ths dim misty years, Through the lone exile's too, Wherever I may be, • My heart still turns to thee ! Thy foes cal never shame The glory id thy name ! Still, 0 re foollell men, Fairer she'll rise rtgailli! 0, Land of liberty ! 0, daughter of tht• ere ! Thy faults are all obscured, By &bum* long endured; Lind of the sunny smile ! Freshest teed greenest iglu : Wherever I niay be, . My heart still turnoto time ! Alternate sun and shower, • Which vary eyeiy hour,' Warm up the loyal heart. Beauty and truth impart; 0, Land of Itherty ! 0, daughter of the sea ! 'f•-a?Ati we went, one of my own ineti -or...-. *ahead to signal when to stop. It was ding up on tbe train, and looking abiffitensely dark night, no lights being . -visible, except the bead lights of the two theomotives, for in both cabs had the lantern been extinguished. We could at last, faintly see hohts fu down theroad ; then all was darkneu. Ividentlt the robbers had put thein out, to prevent our taking the dorm, and going.back. Still .we dashed on, until we thought we were pretty:near the dangermis ground, then the locomotive began to puff more rapidly le we were eeut over the road 4 a terrific rate, and the engiee in our rear could have been seen -leaving ns. This was tho plan. SAtle's fireman had uncoupted tho ttaitt thmaechblauct wtraisp. teen and locenoitive, . and now, that hege ng along the road on •., We glided along a -good ways, then came to a perfect statiolstill: We had stopped, Mid all was !linnet) on that vast prairie.' litidimly there rose a yell of Amount., herslouies, and the train was surrounded. Two. men mounted the cab. They founA it empty. , "Cook has sloped," creed one. "Ile `smith a 'plies' and ,cut out. So muc.h the better, for. we dm now take a hand in the game which will be ployed in the e F"Tis• • `Butathy are all the light:emit !" said the other, as two hail left the engine. "Let's go and see, are not needed here there being, no engineer to guard." • What tin you amppoie that engine meant that jus; went up the road I It MIMI; be that they had one behind, and that`it went off auci left them." • "KnIal bring out Kylo !". "Kill tke d -.I, meddling detretive !'' "Cot his heart out !" Tees° and ether cries were heard as the band swarmed illto the cars ; Now came shouts id inquiry : "What an all tl* lights out for I "Strike a nietch and see what's up." ''Theere Me% any matches in the en -m.12' . ' "ttetteroheep ,oit threw cars, then." "SO 1 sey ; 1.0110 of 11f May vet shot." ari ant iti iritativ e voice was heard, causing Ole Imbel of tongues to cease.. "Are yeti a peek of cowards or not Into these onTS V111111 and drag, out everynue. there. load you,. as pm • 1. 116112L3 Ala)* ZOICAPILV 07 A0)31- rAcTra.a. . DT 11DtVAltD •. CODt111011. The Central Pacific I.ad been Som- . pleted and now an inin reileay echoed to the tread i.f that tniglityLti aster, the 'locomotive, as it roineerl madly aeries the prairie, but 'lately almost a wdder- nein. •Thi. telegreph had been put up, and with the Atlitntic Cable, we had, indeed, a girdle round the world.; In short, the two great forerundensol eivili- zation had pewit/Med sing hourtleas wiesteen -Bad ernesueleeliose n eels. tic little ef the Pacific coast, and ed their blessings to that far Statsp, Califiiinie. "Dleseage fer Captain Kylti, charges graphic di tch down on iityldloak, and paid," cri14an unlike,. shipping a tel.- ht.rra iog Loa of the iloirr. .; 7.0441100 As the Icelandere are attracting some attention at present from their.unex- 'wend attempt to thaw out into a nationality, some particulars respecting that hyberborenn people linty uot ne un- interesting to our rpaders. Our sources of information are of course not very nbunatnt: Their ancestors were an adventurous colony from Norway, who settled stil the island in ths end of the ninth oehtury. Strobe, idle historian, indeed mentions ond Pythias, a citizen of Marseilles, who same 340 years before Christ sailed north pist as Island that strange kind of rier, neither earth, air. nor eke. but a ixtrareaf all three, he callej Thule, tilt was stopped by forming a thicksithgtance which he could not pais, probably drift ice; but we may pass by this story, 'which probably has some foundation, till about A D. 864, when an adventurous Norwegian gen- tleman, named Rahn& Floki, a sort of ScandinavienColumhus, fell in with the island in one of bis cruises, and no doubt gave a glowing &cement of it on his return, for we find that 'a few you' later, the Scandinatiati kine, Harold Baufsger, (or the fair.headed,) having no Magna Chart& or loyal opposition to restrain hiin, and hying murdered and otherwise exterminsted all the other kings of that happy region. and other- wis•• ma•le himself _very ffissitrooltbla neighbor, certain "polite:tau" of those days, probably having heard of the grand discoveries of Field of the Ravens. or having read nf them in the Globe of that age, started off to push their for- tunes, and after the' usualadvneturous incidents, at length landed :mon tho site of the present capital, Iteykjavick, or in vernaculaesnock, Town, and plant- ed a cclony that appears to haveheen the origin of the preeent population, as evidenced by language and personal re- semblances. This was in the reign of Al- fred of Eneland,or between 871 arid eel. That•the first "settlers" met with some diflieultieeran hardlebe denbted,as there wore no . immigrant "gents to look after their emilforts, but poeseasirig the pluek wiiitld make their descendauts velueble in Cauaila at the present day, they. persevered, and IO! they are to- dayeefter the lapse ` f a demoted years, knoeking at the re' of ittatioadityo The Canadian sewer. The beaver is amphibious, but is more at home in the water than on land. He is au exceedingly strong swiminer, ao old one being able to remain under water% for seeeral minute. at • time. Their works ars acknowledged to be • marvel of Wiedom and industry. As they re- quire • quantity of water for their op- erations, their first care is, if in • new country, to find a suitable spot on some creek -a natural lake, tiowever, beine preferred --close theircustenuary food, which consists chiefly of laming poplar, birch (they prefer silver birch), and a large root railed "man.root." Across the creek they throw a dam, or number of dams as the case may require. These dams are wonderful stroctures, and are made With great engineering skill ; they are frequently seven or eight feet high, measuring Been:tithe bottom of the creek or lake in which it is formed ; about six or eight feet thick from the hese, and, if necessary, as much as three hundred feet long. The dam is made of sticks -from which they have first eaten the bark -stones, and mud, which they dowry between the chin and fere•paws, • work of incessant labor, as may be sup- posed, with generally but one pair to do it, as only one family resides in a lake, unless it be a very large and natural one, Although each family has a dam, a lake and a house (they frequently build a new house every siinuner) to itself, yet they are bio often found very close together, the surface -water from one dam falling into a lake belonging toanother family. When the beavers have die/appeared, and the. Storks are destroyed, the drained lake is tailed a "beaver-ineadow," on a hioh grows the wild hay. at one time the sole fodder used by lumberer' fore their:hard-working "teams." It is, howr• ever; coarse, and only tit for cattle or b°dTliiientoeses are formed of the same. mate-rial as the clams, being conical, ned rneasaring at the very lease from ten to fourteeit feet in d tarueteir, by about seven or eight feet high. They appear smaller than this, as the greater portion is under the,water ; thie ia probehly to clean:rivet:it bears. trot", lynx.a, etc.. 'which could orally master 1113111 sere they 3.• !mild 011 ar 1111.1. lin entrance is under water, on! la a wii a hole, nat.. tewing,tualinl tho iataile. of the hone°. :ere, alined t.. yonnielves. 11 hen we with .a P"Pw. latlot. " ()VI I tnidc kap the yollos en ertope, hireke The inside • f th • 1 ) t • I ase is rery are., ee; •t build .3 lin: to Rae •ieeetiel muil t. bets etiliaubbitathii gtieler it open, andt regal f. leee - uarrow nen atio:::ihifiotle.:( "the ttilutietkiti)elsesy.ifeatihie trea:leLe..a: tho lloor is dry except near the -th 11,,,'-i1:113e.11,84i.:1410:ledhtedad'occuttliaaret. w“ehieadi aseerfl'aa' tistirne.igthiotkfarf.,71:14m.ir .Isenis, as eleite miles They have very strongoeuth, and jaws; with their four "ent',..ra" -they gnaw down lama trees, Some leceue as tenet Me t) Ito a' inan'a• thigh . nor does it _take Aliens To • eepital iity bang to do this. 'rimy confint themselves, elaitants. Their however, wimitly to small trees, heing * 'wool, knitteti' tire Kea, treader onlese a Liege one Is nr nit .fes• skins, Winted biluaitq • dem. When a Soo, FR ANC141_1-- tOth To col. Toni. licyie, iiroeita ay. --Conte 011 here . Triotble with gang rif aleillors teeth Awn -levee ,14.111erree bete -the . s. epee . the glitz their 1 to .i. 11 Kylere found kill than frelotia,laut it topers en item. Conte round the :coast th• on.• • candor beiiig likea • 1: • ,o,`"% ,,,v linoself oho had bait and itileispitable. not more than ianoe Sig X ell 11.4r1;jr,rk , I urrib-14,4. '11 11,. AI too emir felloers grA ' Dia ••:11ik 1, A. t • it ail. a, 1111.11,e„14,1 t feel le,: Ii twee I .r, thirt pa :eel'- . eel, li :e.ttle .,,i. 11111(411V. ' DO- A Vila 1.3).0fity eel). ieriluter.-I i . 4.,r 41 ,' i 1 e -1.: teeinati(“eat Alieeieratien 2 e ..... ....: • ei• ' e. t e eke:. 1 . +Mitt- ft. .. tht. f 1 pcwifdrattelhtArb •.t . 1. .,.... ' htt,ii,t ,;. • ''.; ';;.:' ' lo fse,n .,,11.t-'2•.-o- .Ity not.0 3 w ally fot -.'..... ; ,••••-t .i.,.e.'. fportie-- - . • `• , • . : e)rincilial ezoorte Mel fairly untitS any.' - :.......tiO ...met rf C4,4.4.1,111 .4'1.4. geed*, cured lish . -Oil the train I met a *gent :.• u.anii.ist pu 4.z.. tioq:,....rettle, .%;:r.t.,,- lightly a idt., r du,. ti; feat4e feet Balt ' Fraltutialco, s 1,01 1144...1 1.1i &II 4 'the t de: of thereate Oli to 3 he 14.3t. kat/ ICeleviti moo. and all the traffic is Their loam govern patriarchal and the racial habits are generally expo-Inv:It simple and pita- ttva yet some them (nest ue rather plea - 'smut to tievellers ia farouroble circuma stazoteal From Lel Dolferin's capital lath) Work, we find 'that it is the fut.' ion. to kiss all the ladiee if the- house - bold on yourolepartare; this we Might occeilamally fency toti. .much of a is another custom 1 ender all circu ra- to LotA,Duffirin hones Worts the i places &bottle of ea. a plate sf skier him off with aft his hobiliments, folds en neatly up, helps him into lied, and tucks him in and iin a hearty smack; aken hint in the . process l ' Who !Goland l. "Lives pied. the remain:rig being 44 pleasaut t• woe eite31111 cloth ladies -and. vsneys and •volcank ashes ha render 4030 about tele Swinney -gene aud their lent- tions- Their leiid 'lumbered ...tit mutiny di v e menthe», end was oper•titig allover the more thudeieettled !sir eats f ef the State. Jest bei•e-e he, Mr. I :pi. left there, the ging had stopped a rale and robbed all the paseengers, end 'took; 4 four soldiers out, mid itled Ol.eti , hoe threaWniug to bring t' ' inili!ary teenti Olt theta 'they 'wet" U.1.1.1,i4irifilt,0 MeOt4 blacklegs of tb u world cear '. , t .•: 'and no train or travellor Wan `',. f 3 W:1114 the bend existed. • . ' ; 1 At the tint place where we stopped for dinner 1 telegranhed to dMireut officers of t'he Internat.:no . to ingot me This but.' the effect ol cousin; them 1,1 with forces 'of our -men i 9couruits, keel) inside the. coach, and though they where I would wait onetillay tor them. fired oeoetioirel 'gleaned us, we ientaitseri I also directed to have grain, anununo tinhutt, becotise they rem's( not hoe. us tion, and disguises, su sato work "more owl allot 1.•• Lomas. effectively. : , I reached Cincineeti ell right e and. before the sepoissted time e spired I had thirty oleo • ready to- accoltrporty too - We had all obtained free pewees, ail the officers of the rood atIrd very &soilage to extinguish the villoins who had stopped their train ; &Rd . they had further pormised to add a thousand dollars to tbe muouut already offered foe the cap. tuns or death of Swi .... erls gang. 'Piero, nein too, 1 received a second dispateh from Bill Dean, *forming me that ..a bank had just been bniken into be the ruttier:10 and its stoinholders tied put tot a re- ward of twenty.five huittlred fer their eipture, dealt or alive. - We took the tirst train, eeery lliall disguised, and his weeper* cemilealed.; The ft Intuit) shrieked, the iron Lotse be- gan to putf avid hies ; slowly ontfirst the wheel's revolved, then faster:0rd faster, until we weee fie ing on onr ivay, -ofi, on, on • the euultglit faded, night threw her sable mantle over field, ileriset,? arid town ; still onward toward the blue Pactfic did we tear over the item rails. We ware not far froM a section of the country which the gang infesuid. IVe had stopped to wood, eater, stint 'Witch a fur a coining trait.. A freight train' stood on the solo track, also waiting to be pealed, before eoutinuina on its way. I went into the depot, and conversed With the ticket agent. Wlaile there, a dIspatch arrived which interested we not a little. It. ran u fellows : Swinney's gang have run the eestern bound tram rid the track onne tittles fro it here, and taken all the pa.samigere prisoners. The have teamed that Col- onel Kyle, tee detective, is coaling west on the next tram, met are unreeling to kill him. Warn the passengers on the tram that it will be !stopped. We get the report from Dunn, the contlittior of the ea.stward-bound train, who ' . just arrived, out of breath, haviiig shpped away and come afoot all the way hero. - . Si lino It woe tweatoosix miles th C - the place frum which the dispatch dated. I laid a plan of actiou at once. ,. The passeugere..were ell cielered to get off °Pale train, and wait in the (tepee until we returned. eletiy were armed:, and to'theso I communicated toy iiitee- tione. . eVben I di:reamed my nature and *min. they t found [bad • f nee of luttonetion- 'over, als alone with Me, th . fear said eliminator ed tip \ism natio,* previously eini • *fly suf, ewere sided, tbough, all wee ex". •I't atilt. . Ali 1 had the passenger train pelted ou to gang the mein trade:. Next, two Insight re» ante; were coupled on each end. and the nieel - •Th and baggage coaches tal.en off. Lutly, freigh 1 had the freight engine ime on behiriti Teens the train, making twu loetimotives to uno pull us. The boxes were eetipled in oel fer famed: outlast. 111 tho face of Columbus is kielown to the, ordinary . way ; but in add men to that nejoe what was it. that eentinded Iceland, peoliablr fpr the Pur'4)°" ".1,14: telly., su that it the pins should be ment, then itbeeame clear to Me. S win- the this. each car was alio chained to ite nee the past 1 I thought for a mo- taininpgriiinitfienrideasit,rmeent; asThekeyirvlet:elibee.e..e.nate Begin ttlioen sqhanradbo.r just after my pro- translated Into leelancli,, ai - - ture of their :parent state, •Denfoltiroek: .fofum, arid slot% apiabie Inert Theis ss •Ouickly, they tlastlibitosil -back to their plateas, the smniti for Cook was giveu, sod ire wre ioiniedietely under way, going's! fiso.rafe of forty miles an flour on Oie .bate trip. Tho friar Melt ho west. huutosit fuel, ehun we boneloo iubvt, off c '140 dasbitig Waite!, theleol gilte. but 3- or • ride halls pierced ;heir teeloao. awl they fell to rise tin mi. soon -,, eareelooe sees dulled opeu, and the re eiliers beekn »eh on to the plot- 1,,rm. Shot ..iter frorn the cor-tope.. and their dead lay m pile on the pace Whore they hod au lately stood. Another door went down and ateither withertne erilley Wei poured, into them. "Rack, f•,.r your lives :" yelled a terrified one. "Serioney Is shot, and we are i a trim." . . 1 , Th eine geod new*. Otir lisils bad reap(' a Larvest of death, and the rob-. her cliief one among anose cut down. - i leee,impilottelelds Seco made 3 (1 reiah Neel elle reatforuee itiel owe a fellew sio•onoirlisit 111 turning the brakes par teat death wen the certain pot- tilin i ell these daring tinee, awl the rest li Iri hack.. Ono poor devil crewleil ,a wiutiow in • desperate attempt *fray, but he waa I flocked' in the ith .the butt of h rine -bv one cf- iota. to ,...,e head my uurn, :mil foll htelese tot the gronod. W'to reached olir dem Minion wil right, Mid slopp.-1 et Om depot. Ify men re- tained ay., r pi millions. ' 'Sow, if you CULISO will listen a mo• ment." I cried out, when all was.atill, "I will let you know just how we stand. - Your late leader in some way ascertain o -d thet I was coming out Weet bi look after his band, and laid a plot to capture awl !leder me. I termed what that mhos was, and instead of »mg cafight inyeel , 1 hare rather- wine the shenane- ean o e r you. Thirty of my tried and trusty detectives are on top of these care with me, beaides ten einpioyees of the• railroad. They are all 'Watching every ,avenue of exit from the traio, and the flint mon of you who. tries to come mit withoet my leave, 'goes wider.' 1 repeal that our ritles apd revolvers cower every itipening of egress from the cars. ani wie are old mid practiced reerkamen. Nor ia this all. About t wo hundred iminlie in ar.huali, around us, ready to meet elon down like grasa, if necoMary. There etc, if you value your lives. do justIf at I order." et.t his moment huge fired began to blifze MI eniend ue, kindled by the pee) pee iif the town, arid everything was as iig.ht es day. 1 neivr ordered tho rubbere to file out of one; of the core, one at a time. As each Mtn re:relied tho platform, he was. compelled to walk into the depot under cover lief f. ur rides. !mini.) of the build- ine my friends I:ceche:el:them and -tied them riche:epee:- . Thi tell were secured, eatch being, ti seterately. When this was Oda were brought, mid we.searche oieches for skulkoni. Poor only toritl.. We lied cleared Coe train. ad been *cured, ond So inney's ieted imly iii history. ..lt o IN a :he /elate, , . dead wers.4wought Anil the -newt and laid side 'by iside.- tveee ftoirteen u: tell onthe train, them Swinney, the much dreade eot the nolo fern. lar Pe tree is cut, they cut only the. tops; hey have no -roads, an; if rielpiired for their worlue it is ne by pack horses. floated down in the spring with high Stehtrpoldratryhedlaott be.ndlitt?oackt, itt111 etwhreateirtas:struction ; they then break away est re somewhat the dam, and steer the log downward, where it hes until waterlogged, and they are &Mato sink it, Theo ere noc- turnal, coming mit to 'feed about sun- down, and retureing at unrise. When alarmed, they strike the water with their broad tails, produeing a sound like throwing tares stone into the water. This action appears to Wend their heals under water, as they always toke a dive of • few feet after making it. . It is not true, as some seppose, that they. use their tails as toiwels ; they are; how. ever, ef material um in quick dirtrig, a beaver not having to raise itaelf out of the water to overcome the resistance as is the cam, with a seal or otter. - Their mode of eating is to cut a 'midi tree. which they generally dra* to the water, then sitting ore their houirchik. they hold the stick horizontally to their mouths, turning it quicirly between the fore -paws; in this way the bark is pet - ed; the stick, if required, being used in their works Creek -beavers haveneual- ly a summer and Winter residence in different lakes, the reason of which it is diffieult to coujectore; they •have also holes in the banks, to which they 'tome - times retreat in tune of alarm. There is a variety of beaver called "hank• beaver," generally of a reddish hue. which live altogether in holes, and these &remora easily trapped than their more scientific brethren. Beavers have their young atm.* the first of June, and breed once a year; these nurnber train one CI eight, very old beevers having but oreseor two at a time. They are pretty little thing", about the size of a rat, and are easily tamed, but on account of their mischiev- ous propensities, are not favorite pets. One pair of young imes that 1 know of being put into a tut) of water. and think- ing, doubtless, that their "lake" should have a creek, proceeded to gnaw the sides till they had mule a hole in the staves, when they gathered togetlibr all kinds of ubbish, consisting of boots, slippers, etc , with which they attempt- ed to make a dam. As it did not an- swer, they were very :much cast doon, crying and rolliag themselves about like children in a pet. Their parents in- struct them in the art of masonry; init.- iature datioo and houses being found in the house* and on narrow parte of the creek. In the We, the whole family are .libedaai_771aagrenteue:r:siail the lakes are Open in the spring, the a spot in ehich cuMmence housekeep. securely in the mud neer the entrance of the house. This food is never towel. ed till they are nnable, on account of thick ice, to go en shere. As hoonens busy collecting food for the winter sup ply, which is towed to the shoreend dwel- ling- houses; the end of the tree is stuck !eV for themselves, after havine paired yJroesatdzyrivii, gaz:d_hts.heo synteta rie-oeldk good thing, but tbat must be delight st•noes. Acoonlis the young of t stranger to too brandy wider is pi by his Lotalsole,1 help tlien bestews upon not forgetting to morning by the 1 would out travel there a loan When a married uple cannot live oomfortalsly togeth hay con apply to the Governor for a aiweitee. If. aftef three yeors f ruin aro still of the sup created, and.. the Mese years is -tetahtstion. beth the diyoree may marry agatn ; • critclal test, and it is very selthen hut one at blast has changed thou: mind Like all of the appear to be greet Gel, brandy being. end to jtielge by !to read, they- certearil libation+, ; d' They are well common medium, t ween the botter being Latin; at t huildings must helm ao odd Sind rude look, being generally built of lava hlocks, the seams on the *side calked with woes, Wel the ratiters--ribe of the whale ! The better class housee are wainscotted with Veal:, The crdinary food et thm well -to -de peeple is dried fish, butter, fermented whey, curds, skier -a kind of cheese -a little mutton, and roe.bresci. This inducts& scorbatie clasoOf diseases; while the practice of mothlers leaving off nursing their chil- dren at tho end of Owe days, and then feeding them with cow's ne.3., results io a great mortality eanoog the babies, arid will in ps-t acceunt for the compara- tively stood population. In religion they are. Lutherans, har- ing been con vertod to the Clirietian faith shout A. D. 1000. The clergy are paid by trines, then stipends not generally averaging more than 'Rd or sterling per &Immo their chief dependance be- ing upon their farms, and like St. Pen- guin, they are tnveriably exceltent hisektimiths. The people are indastri. due, frugal, hardy,' aud though it may Keene like a contrediction in terms, in drinking, tempe. est ehe -oinerican who -have lately none the tune. dinavian race, they vetoes .rf the jolly eir peenliar tipple, e !accounts we,have 'flew out; copious ' ng hospitality. emiad. pimple. the conversation, be- es and foreigners same time their nitre of their bran mit We. ()hoary pagers speak of t un, °keret, ed to the nion se resembling trlai SOO* 313 ,perainel appearence„ -Teliants of fame tnuall v employ 3 co :,r three lahourenr, wbo recniee from to. te to) 0 et, dullars a aeor .if wages. erbee ere en enterpeisine people secordine te, their means; there is no dente of thirr having discovered America long before the days of Columbui, bu of course it ii WAS only the northern ' rt ot- plitcli tierty had any knooledge; ey aosy per- lotot have penetrotesgi ks far south as Newfound•and orNotS &et*. In fact ' visited witeedrawe, the fastenings of the tram ney w would still be cempleted. Now, every . sne in light in the cars was extmgmahod, and !Retie the s.eme fellow who had boffied Shakespere, iltion and Pope have ea ' a liter., the doors left ajar, for the fasteningre He returned:to this country after haa been enriched by the een) consisted of spring locksoand if closed, tine IFIgreind gone to California. Thus tenth° scholars. Whether this intereet- no one coeld get out or iu. The coil- ended the . r of a criminal who had ing people gain their coveted natiegUlr cusp dettor shine knew how to eat these begainins life f eritne by enccerieftilly ty or not, we atioull be hit,:tt ''' locks, so that they *amid not 'faring ieto ' defesling the nteliteons of justice. , •weleoine any spare thousands thq maY position. adventere was at last over, and probably eviirl to our more hole each ruau flat en the roof, with pie. I, loft tratinislied when I berm on this peoode are only too prone to ore° s- toh and rifles handy. These latter ono. My boy• rearmed te the top of . the the „Oest freed from its reign of terror. pitable climate a seil, as it le me.n l'hus stiangely did eie start unto - train leaving the freight boxes +mil pas• returned to New York acconlinety, like those rather than tht! senger coaches empty. Ono, 111 poeitioe, and , devoted iuyself to the eases I had cities that we need Yu Canado planty of powdee and balls. main encorisciotie of its presence nutil into into life, and it isece by tbie 09 , tom that Canada con ever be developed into her true position among R. R. Co. of %at piece, eouethor ooh first approaches of coasunap- nationalities of the earth - weapons we had procured in the the before Martine though the agent of the tion are i acidious that thonaonds re - Cook, the driver of the engine front verge et the .M. A iistita staged that glycerine mixed it has brought thorn to the uf our train, AM concealed in the ten with the water the oonjoes of strew grave. The immediate use Of "Bryan's* •ou el the der under the wood, and Settle, the Pulmenic Wafer* • upon the first ap. "'glues Prevellsa t -h• deP"-li is the luue salts, and consequently protect ne boilers from increstation. engineer of thelootonotive in our rear, wee to pat ns through. In selecting the freight car 1 had been careful tu take only such ones as were without ladders, so that no one trona below wild climb on top of them, unless he did so from the railing of the passeneer coaches, 'or from the engines. pearaum ths cough, patn nr sorenesst of the throat or chest, would generally peel:lade a fatal 'malt; therefore, when you teke:a eold, use "Bryan's Pulaionic Wafers,- end thus prevent the necessity fer taking them in more daneerous com- plaints, To be obtained of all Drug - gnats and copntry dealers. Price 25 oents per boot . - - eaves grhe Clouse of True Low." • Arizona, and many persores -doubtleaa ilw:AutnRicetodlrieo.rttlhyrethint:aetrriheeMaygeolotiontigh:eloan/foituif:iistateg,aome-. forti's fair daughters to a gentlettiati in so far te be united to the Object of lier choice. The fatee in the tau have re' cently cents under our notice, and in the havoinadsni os fn oav eil.teadue aoprpearsa Trciahllaotpeabwoloi tu 1 da form • caeltal foundation forn three- year ago the young lady in question wits or) a visit to a friend in Michigan, who had a brother in Arizona. The I•eakee selado7, ibtvilingeag'iner ema.01:h50-maa wkietrh, men0estheae,of aPnbc1°TgnraduPell' coatihr.sre vc:iiittreWit hecorrresbriPt•ho:.:•' Thenciel wsasprileongntiiinpuedbetowneetanearthiye 1+spittotfl:Au: when the fair Conadian received a letter from the New Mexican, enclosing 2draily.otu fltarikm$600ine asA. Tihehkeepisytoule w, saw e bwriielf1 one to the point, aud said in effect, j:lo;u:rithkhienlyPiling,;;Yer:uehaer:oientizel;,;twall"htiehtb: an amount of pludr which is creditable etowd"hiezal,zolconere4oralor heathtere latitliauradaittegcetel,i an d pit°selesotttlheillak0ithuh:me:79reettv .11: rra:11111:111: asrdtr' were mai limithentLwnatilin' pound of glycerine to every smote hew . • Letters that have f cos received deed or four hundred pounds o wedded yob a state that the newly - burnt is said to be sufficient fa ku long," aud .kr• ""PPY as the day is -thinks his purpose. invest Ilene bridegrecen .ne teat h for cam - ever so The stage between Parkhill and Strati- really via' IN oor of true lov Beacon. .--'utn Toy now curies a stove .0( -Strateored Ogr11.14. In venturing a few remarks on the "roaring game,' it ie not our intention to make any elAborate inquiry either into ita origin or antiquity as a purely Scottish sport. We think that those of our readers who are curlers have suffi- cient interest in the game to have made them before now prosecute their inqui- rieeiti that direction. We shall, there- fore, confine ourselves to a general eiscurnion of the game, and what it leads te. The first notice which we can light upon orsspeetiug this pastime, occurs in "Cambden's Britannia, published in 1607. where the writer says, in speaking of Orkney, -"To the east of the main- land lies Copinsha, a littleisle, in which and in several other places of this coun- try, are te be be found in great plenty, excellent stones for the game called towhee." This shows that a knowledge, ee the . sport must have been pretty' general at that lime, and perhaps is is on aemonnt of its popularity thane more particalaenntice was *keno( it . In 1,638' mention was wide of the gante in the Acta of the General Assembly, and from tqese and other dote we may suppose that the beginning of the sixteenth cen- tury was the period of its introductimo into Scotland. But then again, as it imposaible to find' ony mention of its existence, in anything like ita present form on tho continent of Europe, we are led to `believe that it is nt putely Scot- tish origin; and the further fact that the etyrnolo of the name discloses noth- ing, only strengthens its in tdiseeelief. But few of otir readers, dee take it, are unaoputinted with the appetrance of a curling mind, when the gauisois in full talent, for it is now many yrAsinee it Wr313 manguratml in the t States anti Conada. In Scotlan.1, every pariah hits ita elide, then there are county or diateict clubs, and ft notional soometation of cluhi, all tending to bind Bee differ- ont chivies people together for the iromieutiort of the game. Curling is a great levellog of rook, bet the familivity which exists on the ico is not Af that sort celculatod tar lead 1.0 contempt, but rather•tlue reveree. Many a well acre& eroprietor leird has -been impretuely p"froui toOf admit has superior prowess in the geme. Ministent, lredeemen. fertile» and Amp - herds all talse an' interest in the *Port, and when tile sieital is ine•he that the loch _wile "beareotthee. all flock to the cone:eon reteleze es.: No mote etirring cen Mote then that pr4ent- et4-after sides hoe et picked moll skips ebeoen., Th, It it *Abet elm realizes the full Meaning •t- the' term "raring, - applied to thc game) N',10fify is it the oartieipators who le'rest.,", but, the ice tho oi-er the onspoth and- glassy eurfaes. Well might Burro, the king of his rink, sing in its praise, for there was no more enthushuitie curler in All his district. • The ignbraht on-lordiSt, shivering on %erne neighborine eminence, may not enter into the amusement as:heartily as the °keen, keen eerier" standing beside him, and the cry of ."sooe, soop I" will likely prove, as sadly. angilestive as it did to 'the iEnglish stranger•who itnessed lut yeer s; doings at Cedrseb k, and afterwords remarked tide Oho was a ii°teu!poiwuteuraync6;r. emtp, bet no so p made There are joys in coding that none bet one vented in the entme can realize, and it is certain that teere ie no amusement so exhilarating, and nolie which bas stood its ground better against the de- morolizing Mammies' which appertain to the turf, and kindred excitemeuts. "dint the glorious g eine a! curling, '1, Kingly WInter, 41461* Ind •well plick'ring insainfts, wil.Py Theeking %plant. mead...id deb.. Ide-bound imh, an.1 dank. and (Strialmilete hinshed lei' ma, le charm. N Wand treemee. lo lug, humor Ch. cling heart and nerving um." " Oharter-Stmrs "-Au Zsplanntion- We have bee.a c;lj. -4 to taek for the employment of th term "chareer-sel- as the name of a pelitical party. We regret its use ourselves, but it is un- avoidable under the eircutestances, un- less we would insult true Conservatives. The Conservative party is split in Oro on the great question beforethe conntry, and has been so sinew the publication, of the Allan correspondence.; and more especielly since the thieteenth of August. In every part of the Dominion the more respactable Consorvatives have refused to coutinue their alleeiance to Sir John Macdonald since his guilt was proved, and have cut themselves loose from those who are still mad enough to con- done that great crime. The teal Con- servatives are.hostile to the restoration of Macdonald to power, and rag -tag and bobtail Tories who still cling to the cor- rupt and condemned Mtnistry are fairly entitled te no other Hanle than that of "Charter -Sellers," seeing that their ap- proval of the Bele of the Pacific chatter for bribery-mouey is the ono point ie which they differ from the honest Con- servatives. They oiled not really to be ashamed of the name, "twine they were not ashamed of the. act eit; which it is fotilided. On the other Mold, to call the charter -sellers by their own name of Ccovicrvatives, would be to ina'ke it soo •c. ye of the corriort intrigue of Macilon- a1•1 and A Ilan. Thht would be untrue, :I:e iniupplicition of the name e eilei to greesly offensive to the really honeet and re --electable portion if the old Liberal (7 meervatiye parey. It may then be understood that when we ejecsk or Conservatives we mean thoee true men who though :enrie toile were of M ec7 himself, then and Canado. Vihen. dnitaki hese left him since he disgrace epeak of cherter-sellers, We mean tholes ' 'fon* who mill defend the breach of trest and corruption of tit: ex-Preniier. -11etnihre).1 Dew tai Rearm Seise taki hems. ' Rev. mi. PH.z.m. cd Biewacm, hodatt a game rooster frogs a Dlintenry says the Danbury YAM- Mr. Pink-n:1y informs us thot he liras bet alware the fowl was of the garbelrolnit, he bought it becalms of its whiliPiq' aP- mamma. We believe this itsteineet and ere confident the good = of Simon will aecptit him of all ia the unfortunate affair of laid Sao* morning, the particulars of which Me as fdlows: At the time tbe trouble tom - Mewed,' Mr. Pinkney was engaged in stringing his necktie preparatory to pat- ting on big vest Gami come. Happening look eut of the window he saw liin reeig. w rooster and a rooster beLosiginfi to Widow Rsthburn squaring din dm for a fight.. Burpriied and= b thii display, be lmiellaistely out to repel the disturtomos bat was inn late, when he get there a WI earn young ruffmna with cigars IA Ottley mouths and evil in their eyes, had Mr- rooaded the birds which were about,' le the affray. They would throst their head out:at each other and raffia their necks, and tkenadanee around asnd strike oast their head' again. And when the bore saw him they shouted oat "Harry up, belay (Mr. Pinkeey is a little beld.) or you'll mias the fun. ' Mr. Pinkney was inexpressibly shocked. It was Sunday morning ; the beams of two to his deacozo and several of hie ro, et prominent members were in meat. ao0 here were thou roosters carryiug on like mad ; and a pareel Of wicked and profane boys standing around shouting their approval and noisily betting.). the resillt. En made am effort to secore his fold, but it eluded hint. The perspira- tion-- streamed down his face which burned like fire, his knees trembled, sad he felt as he saw the neighbors gather- ing, that if the earth would only *pea aud swallow Iiirn be could never be stall- cimitly grateful. Just as he attempted olaatch his rooster, a rough looking ia-. &victual, with his pants in his boots000d a cop with a drawn down foreptecto. came up, and, taking ic the seen, at kglance, sided in with the other roos- ter! "Fair play,' shouted the new :ximer for the beeefit of the crowd, and "don't Step on the birds, add conger" tor the benefit of Mr. Pinkney, whe, crazed beyond reason, was jumping about, swiaging his arms, and muttering Moo - hereto thiega, to the great danger of stepping on the combatants "Good for old Pinkney's rooster," screamed the bop in delirht„ all that fowl knocked a handful of feathers out of his oppooriet's neck. "He knows how to do it„," said a one eyed man gleefully. Mr. Pinirney could have swooned. "I'll give you fire dollars on the Widder," said that rough man earnestly,- winking at the clergy - ma . "Take him Pinkney, take hiss Pi keiny,'' chorused the crowd of roo- my ns. "My friends," protested the nu :innate initiator in a voice of agony, 1°1 nnot, I cannot -" "111 back yoa . ' sir, ' saiil an enthtisiasticaman with a fliffi .1 pot , "I'll put up for you, and yon coo I let He :have it from yeur doastion." • Th clurgyrush groaned. "Catch the Wi der,'' shouted ihe rough man to Ur. Pii ney, indicating that lady's bird by a mption of hts finger. Mr. Pink clu&hed it, dropping on his knees a* be &deo. At the saute time the rough moo by ir dexterou move aright tU , cle rynniti's bird, and ale) dropped em his nees opposite. Just then Mr. Pia- kne looked up and there saw taro of hie dea ens and several :of the nternbera sta ist down upou the scene with an ex- on tbio brought the blood to his f and with a groan of intense agony the nhappy nian dropped Mrs. Roth - bur 'a (owl and darted into the house. As nu he recovered trona his mishap, he nt in his resignation, but a critical x motion hod been made ic the moon - trim and it transpired that, as far es the wo ly man was concierned, there was •,' . 1 -....e not the least blame. The resignation ',.. vrae ot accepted. 4. • .7 0 Sianday, 1st February, 1874, the ; Rig Rev. Dr. Walsh, Lord Biehop of Lo 3n, will officitte at the opening and . dal , ion of the new -Catholic Church at MeGo-ilivray. This church, a corn- ' 'incelioui briek building, ppt up by the Itet 1'. J.. Broil:ran. is situated near the Lo un read, between Exeter ahd Lu- cite. A number of priests and other ge leaven are expected to be present. As e organ and choir ars to he presid- ed er by Miss McDonald, of Seafoeth, a u aguificent display of . the riches, sac muse may be .expectod, Toe se one on the occarlion will be pretche,i by e Right Asir. Dr. Walsh sold Father Kil y, P. P., London. r. David 'Mills, the talented mem- ber Or ,Both well, en • speech to his con- atit ente.reoently, Stated that the reason the inistry dissolved the House was to get he voice of the people sr to wheth- er t e meu now itt Parliament were thee chosen repreeentatives. For all mit the Government received over one hun red and four they were dependent iipo men who voted with them from fea who would rather support the Gorternment pow in tiewer than L.," back to Omar cons 'testate; these were . not re - 1 Oarded as re resentatives of tne people, • hente diesel tion. le---e___e____...... Ten thnusand bushels of wheat chang- ed hands at Port Perry 013 the 17th mete •.----eomm. esmew-emewwwewe Courier:emit. t HUDSON CITY, New JERSEY. tin. Wan. Lawrence, writing to Mr. Fe ws, says: I cannot tell yon how many have called 341 see me, to inquire if I really had been as ill as reported, utal if it was the Syrup alone witihh so wenderfully restored me (a oonsnmp- tiv to such good health. With glad - nest I 411 them all flat my reoovery is due to Fellows' Compound Syrup of 4 Ilypeph.ophites, with the blessing of Grad upon it. - Fellows' Bypophosphites being price. ot . preptratiou is a substitute for it. lia4in its effect and compositton, no . lahNGUAGIS OF Mr/W.-Mask is the most beautiful language in the world, and the mind that thinks in maiody must be in a blisiful, happy state; but no have the mind constehtly calm and sere le, the body must be free front ail- wi, men and pain, and we hnow of nothing 'so' 11 adapted to prevent sichness, or for' et cure of colds. coughs., rheum'. tis neuralgia, slimmer complaants, Le., the "Canedian Pain Destroyer.' For sale, by all Druginsta and conntry deal re. Price 25 cents per bottle. CADDLISDNIND. Miany persons neglect their horses' health and condition until it is too Iota wheu et • trifiine expense and no trou- ble the horse might have been saved if occaiion to iise ao articie of the kind we at twirled to in time. To all who .m,Daayriluteyir: would confidently »commend Con Olen Powders and Arabian Weave y;" it is without doubt the best pre tion in US*, as thousands who TUE English Afeeent.0 puplishes a olal"til ,",:docndo.iiseets (t°8;ilttheitaaYthttipeR:oksignietagnaaegne.berr;:ohoref descriphon 0. a ma.chin 3, which performs the operaticris of roltino, sowing and 11 cine dealers. harrowing eineiltaneousle. Tito roller is ELEU'Ir_111111CITY-1".• Prn- thro 8 Lyntan, Newcastle, o pri for Canada-. Sold by all modi. of wrought tool, riijited on cut-ircin wheels, forming a cialinder six feet in THC)M A. .S' 1 mediately &twee the roller is a sowing length by three feet in diemeter. Im- E li. elFler Eeleetrie 011. ticri*: As the seed is strewn a harrow of cyfoutirodroarisivonfttoabtaliguthee grooth eyeet ionf aa 1.,remisliti- ,,t,...,:pir:,,,,,e......,,,,:.run,,,:it., 7.1.. Cti.,.:.,:irirre.ti,ori:=eshki.. c.,.._dtrisirster.....4". seal, The harrow is pt in rnotien by an endless chain or he , which passed rowlitien.:., attlitelie 7cit,rrer:e?ote.ditingof apparatus, by which the seed ie rapidly deliverel, a star wheel of four points nal axis turns up the earth over the keeping the conductors in. constant tao- enti:le obf ‘rthgee • 1...er".:,,ind'iltelrinit:,‘:,!.....ratilli,483.1r0(7::aLfesi::""fk.110‘,4--;cn.,;.6.::::::.lii,....:o.','Tb4:41P.17.111.744.41;:e.*:...Y.::v.viti::.11:1114.4.4.3""e:esewr"1.:...tio.,14.1ariale.111:51attberri:81...tash.: harrow. Every tulle the large roller ,..4.):::.,‘,1 .4.1.1 inadirofrin.47 .4.7.,:f..di ...r.wt ...snow. ori.,...4.1:, turns over, the circneer harrawi, term, acerri:oekshlitesi...neuitnat... itti baz...z..1.4111..imageat 1.fuLtit awl- fi ve On es,cansing the teeth to tear .tpisse• lis iss:I.go: Ir. f..44" .:irenumis.u1"1"/.4311S:s.s.r - . forward g doses Thosnae Itotectee oil. I am ,..44.- fy out; nirAingsqualera It te hisrblyescominoe.. ed by those wbo hers used tt " J . awitorn, Thrmetrillo. arltaa-"leicad ait nem • Weber sup- ply of Soiatris Oil, I bun °My caw bottle Met. 5 orawcf thhisinircaern tik.berailissedrooffw thPe°rtgrojuunnodf &nth; seiel:0.6.14*-ti,rei.itt.:4";ty:t:ael:o.....4",:en::: ift:`10211.-"1"14.1....".seert:rnewree.....6:;*....;:wa...14"1118.4. othripsor:lelrernisooylyasew,dir;khedild sthinieudlltilsatrienha•Ous. il; 44,18,11:tgviiik:.:"474r.. 1:::4.4.11:.... ye.it:t.::Qp..nurnlosta-bsz- eht.,....Q.zhi ..,4 orthe frame of the machine._ By tueaas dilwy...1":"..yue.clleurtimailiti..."...0:111.heag.b1:1 ao70:.,....7..........,::..... „T.. by means of the chson•band, _____, whach can cbehaA1:act whilial7d1;toes:fiTniool'ioadi fube:":viLis:arnaltise-,11.:TrhiyhPlobePes dephaareemp:Iry. actliglontart,asotia,c_f1016.0...:11.6.d.rich_sirtlaiebefty. :,:wwitworrzeissinspi... ros,;_ank..,.... 1 i ani nr int: eht rear ui yt 1 e, c obeulmtp flp swphree dor a isthoa st 0 01 I tarolooloo stingy to buy a i D'_*.v,„"71"•••, a c•°aZ 9144,•140 "tewtwow: ai.V110„8, a' 64.- 4-1IWIF &WOW* I candle. up the tee! about twenty tem* at each revieeeein Meantime the seed-condne- tor awl distributer rises and tolls twelve times during each of these revolutioos, and there is oontrivance by which the quantity remind to be sown can be reg- ulated. A lever is else) connected with the supporte of „the harrow, and not* n a fulcrum placti at a suitable pert Wu Ten /Imes ifs W. (At io Goo/ o o• ••••4 • •