HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-01-08, Page 20FREE BUS SERVICE ta the London BINGO Games Every Monday and Wednesday NEW TIMES BUS DEPARTS AS FOLLOWS Exeter ................6:25 p.m. Huron Pork „., .. 6:35 Centralia 6:40 p.tri. Lucan 6:60 p.m. phone 235-0450 Exeter Saddle Club Dance Sat., Jan. 17 9:00 - 1100 KIRKTON-WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by HEYWOOO fiROTHEkS Admission $2.50 person Well-Come Inn at the SCOUT HALL EUCHRE PARTY Fri., Jan. 9 8:00 p.m. All Welcome Benefit Dance For DONALD & DONNA BRAGG Fri., Jan. 16 9 to 1 KIRKTON-WOODHAM` COMMUNITY HALL Music by SKIPPERS ORCHESTRA Everyone Welcome Ladies Please Bring Lunch Young man pleads guilty to break and enter charges BIRTHS, ,GINGER ICH — Cliff and Delores .are happy to announce the arrival of their son, Cory Anthony. born December 22 at St. Joseph's Hospital. London. A wee brother for Christopher. 2c KADECHUK — Glen. Linda and Jef- frey are delighted to announce the birth of a beautiful baby girl. Tara- Lynn. born Sunday. December 28. 1975 at Victoria Hospital. London. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Larry Snider. Exeter and Mr. nd Mrs John Kadechuk. St. Catharines. Proud great grand- parents are Mr and Mrs. Sandy Elliot, Fort Lauderdale. Florida and Mrs. Sara Windjack. St. Catharines. Ont. Special thanks to Dr. Shearer.2o KERSLAKE — Jim and Wendy are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their daughter. Joanne Wendy. January 5, 1976 a sister for Sherry and Jeffrey. Grandchild for Mr. and Mrs, Howard Kerslake and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neil. Great grandchild for Mr. and Mrs Melvin King and Mrs. James Earle 2c PARSONS -- Allan and Valerie nee March) Huron Park. announce the safe arrival of their son. Scott Allan, December 31, 1975 at South Huron Hospital. weighing albs. 2 oz. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parsons, Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Stan March. Agualhuna. Nfld. 2c ENGAGEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs. Philip Johns and Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Armstrong wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children. Eleanor Mary and Peter Ross. on Friday. February the sixth. 1976 at five o'clock in Elimville United Church, Elimville. Onlario.2p Peace Lutheran Church Andrew and George Streets PASTOR: REV. K, HAHN Sunday, January 11 8:30 a.m.—Morning Service Welcome Calvary United Church of Canada Dashwood Minister: REV. BRUCE GUY, B.A. Organist: Miss Idella Gabel, A.R.C,T. Sunday, January 11 9:45 a.m.—Church Service Sacrament of Holy Communion 10:50 a.m.—Sunday School Everyone Welcome Zion Lutheran Church Dashwood Vacancy Pastor REV. MARVIN BARZ Sunday, January 11 9:00 a.m.—Divine Service 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class All Welcome Christian Reformed Church Sunday, January 11 10:00 a.m.—Morning Service 2:15 p.m.—Afternoon Service Everyone Welcome The Back to God Hour CHLO 4:30 p.m. Dia11570 Exeter United Church James at Andrew Ministers: REV. GLEN 0. WRIGHT, B.A., and REV. HAROLD SNELL, B.A., B.D. Organist and Choirmaster: Mr, Robert Cameron Music Director: Mrs. Roland McCaffrey Sunday, January 11 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a,m.—Morning Worship Sacrament of baptism Nursery Courtesy Car- 236-1681 "Don't ever follow any leader until you know who he is following." McKenzie Zion United Church Crediton Minister REV. BRUCE PIERCE, B,Th. Organist Douglas Lewis Sunday, January 11 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship All are welcome The Anglican Church of Canada Trivitt Memorial Rector REV. A. ANDERSON, D.F.C., Dip. Th. Epiphany I January 11,1970 11:00 ti.m.—Morning Prayer Guest Speaker: Mr, 'Owen Cook EveryOne Weltdrne! ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Arthur N. licidgins, HR2, Lucan are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Laura Jean to Peter Donald McLean. son of Mr. and Mrs. Angus McLean of RR5. Parkhill The wed- ding will take place February 7. 1976 at 7:00 p.m. at Lucan United Church. 2p Mr. and Mrs. Fred 1'. Clarke, Lon- don. are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Susan Elinore to Mr. Jack Dennis Mayer. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mayer. Exeter. Ont. The wedding will take place. Saturday. Jan. 31. 1976 at 3.30 o'clock in the Church of St. Andrew Memorial. Foxhar Rd.. London. Ontario. 2c CARDS OF THANKS -- Roy and Clara MacDonald would like to say special thanks. to his sister, Mabel Gillfillan and family for the lovely dinner at Zurich, gift and flowers and making it a memorable 49th wedding anniver- sary. Also to his sister. Flo and fami- ly for phone call. flowers and cards. It was greatly appreciated. 2c I would like to express my thanks for cards, and visits from friends and relatives while my stay in hospital. — John Becker 2p We wish to thank everyone on our mail route for remembering us at Christmas with gifts and cards. Hap- py New Year to everyone. -- Arnold and Lucille Blake 2p Sincere thanks to friends and relatives for expressions of sym- pathy. cards and flowers received at the time of my sister's passing. — Helen Wells. 2p Come to Church on Sunday Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle Main at Victoria REV. DON FORREST Sunday, January 11 We Invite you to join us for the following services 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.—Evening Service Tues., 8:00 p.m. — Bible Study Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.—Crusaders; 8:00 p.m.—Film "What's Up Josh?" We would welcome your prayer requests. Caven Presbyterian Church Minister REV. WILFRED D. JARVIS, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mr. Robert McIntosh Sunday, January 11 11:15 a.m.—Morning Worship Everyone Welcome No Sunday School until January 11th. Jan. 12, 8:00 p.m. P.C.W. Emmanuel Baptist Church Huron St. West Fundamental — Evangelical PASTOR: RAY MILLER Sunday, January 11, 1976 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School A class for every age 11:00 a,m.—"The Pentecostal Ex- perience" Acts: Chapt. 2 7:30 p.m.—"Overcoming the 2nd Death" Rev. Chapt. 2 Nursery facilities at all Sunday Ser- vices for children four years and under. Wed, 8:00 p.m,—Prayer and Bible Study Mrs. E. A. Keyes, Organist Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish REV. J. MOONEY, PASTOR Phone 237-3593 MASS Saturday-7:30 p.m, St. Peter's Church - Hwy. 4 Sunday-9:00 a.m. Precious Blood Mission (at Anglican Church, Exeter) Main at Gldley Sunday-11:00 a.m. Mt. Carmel Church Courtesy Car: Phone 235-0111 Centralia Faith Tabernacle Sunday, January 11 10:00 a.m.—,SurtdaySChoOl 11:00 a.rn.—Notning Worship 8:00 p.m.--Evangellstio Servite Everyone Weltonie Bethel Reformed Church Huron Street EMI, EXater REV. HENRY VAN ESSEN, 8.A,, 6.0, Minister Sunday, January 11 8:00 a ,01.—"Werdti Of Hope" WCAR cleat:1130 10:00 aril.—Worship 11;10 a.m.Suriday Sawa 7:30 ia.ntaaVorehle CARDS OF THANKS — I wish to express my sincere thanks to neighbours, friends and relatives for many acts of kindness. cards and expressions of sympathy in the sudden loss of my sister, Your kindness will always be remembered. — Irene E Harness2nc I would like to take this opportunity of thanking all those who made visits to the hospital. sent flowers, cards and treats. and the many people who have called and have come to see me since I have returned home. I would also like to say a special "thank you" to Dr. Fletcher, the nurses and staff of South Huron Hospital for the care I received while a patient there. — Gerald R. Godbolt 2c The family of the late Simon (Sim) Pollen wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives and friends for the kindness and thoughtfulness shown during their re- cent bereavement. A special thanks to Rev. Harold Snell and the Hopper- Hockey Funeral Home. 2c Special thanks to our family, relatives, and friends for making our 40th Wedding Anniversary a memorable occasion. Thanks also for the gifts, cards and lovely dinner. It was all greatly appreciated. — Laurence & Mildred Rirtzel 2p We would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank our children and their families for the wonderful surprise party they gave us for our 30th Wed- ding Anniversary. Also thanks to friends and relatives who helped make it such a delightful evening. — Harold. klarjorie Snelgrove 2c Words cannot express my thanks to all family, friends, relatives and neighbours for all the lovely cards, flowers and visits and especially your prayers. Special thanks to Reverend Pierce for his visits and to Donna and Bennie for cleaning our home. To all the folks who sent in food and for your visits since retur- ning home. Many thanks. — Irene Finkbeiner 2c Words are inadequate to express our sincere thanks to our family. neighbours and friends for their many thoughtful expressions of con- gratulations at the time of our 40th Wedding Ahniversary. Your gifts. flowers. cards and good wishes have made this occasion a highlight in our lives that we will long cherish. — Ir- vine and La vina Finkbeiner 2c The family of the late Dorothy Holt wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to the many relatives, friends and neighbours for kind' words and deeds in the sudden loss of our dear wife and mother. Special gratitude for the beautiful floral tributes, donations to the Gideons. Heart Fund, Respiratory Association: to Dr. O'Connor, Hoff- man's Ambulance. T. Harry Hoff- man Funeral Home. Rev. H. Moore and all who gave their prayerful sup- port during our time of sorrow. 2p The family of the late Mary Bisback of Hensall wish to thank friends and neighbours for their thoughts of kindness for all the beautiful flowers, donations and cards of sympathy. Many thanks to Rev, Donald Beck, Hensall and R.S. Box Funeral Home. Seaforth. Thanks to Hensall Legion Ladies Auxiliary for preparing lunch. We would also like to express our thanks to the pallbearers and flower hearers. A special thank you to our close neighbours, who have been so good to our family in the past months. — Grant Bisback & family 2c I would like to thank all my fellow workers of Local 897.U.R.W. of the Dayton Tire for the lovely box of fruit i received while I was in the hospital. Also all my friends and neighbours who sent cards and treats — Ralph Morley 2c The family of the late Louis (Ed) Johnston wish to express their thanks to friends. relatives and neighbours for the memorial donations. cards. flowers. also all the transportation to Victoria Hospital and acts of kindness extended t.o us in the loss of a loving husband and father. Special thanks to Dr. Fletcher, Dr. Wilcox and the staff of fifth floor Centre Middlesex Wing of Victoria for their many acts of kindness. Also to Rev. Wilfrid Jarvis, ladies of Caven Church who served the nice lunch also for the food brought into us and also the pallbearers. Thanks to the Hopper-Hockey Funeral Home. 2c I would like to thank the nurses and staff of South Huron Hospital and all who were so kind to me while a patient there recently. Also thanks foe flowers. cards, visits and treats. Special thanks to Dr. Read, Dr. Gans and Rev. H. Snell — Roy Parsons 2p We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for the kindness shown during our recent bereavement in the loss of a dear mom, Mrs. Minnie May Squire. And to all who sent flowers, gifts, and donations, Ontario Heart Founda- tion, words of kindness and messages of sympathy. Special thanks to Reverend Harold Snell. Queensway Nursing Home, Hensall, Dr. M. Gans. and the R. C. Dinney Funeral Home. relatives, and Kirkton neighbours who were so kind. Thanks also to U.C.W. of Exeter United Church. — Reta Hem Edna Ander- son, Eric Brown 2p Special thanks to our family. relatives, neighbours and friends for making our 50th Wedding Anniver- sary such a memorable occasion. Thanks alto for the many cards, flowers, money and gifts. To our family for dinner at Dashwood Hotel and all who attended our reception at the Community Centre. It was all greatly appreciated. — Newt and Ella Rae Hayt.er. 2c Yes, roti troubled by feedlot runoff. At feeding tline my sots iron toff and leave a lot of, wotk tor me, IN MEMORIAM -- HECKMAN — In loving memory of a dear cousin. Marjorie Heckman. who passed away. one year ago. Silent thoughts of times together Hold memories that will last forever. Sadly missed and ever remembered by Tom. Reta and Helen Campbell. 2p HECKMAN — I loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother. who passed away one year ago. January 4th, 1975 Just a prayer from those who love you Just a memory fond and true In our hearts you live forever For we thought the world of you. Sadly missed and always rememberd by husband Rhiney, Marion, Bruce Dykeman and family. Robert, Lynn Heckman and family. and Linda and Rob Salts. 2c LEWIS — In loving memory of a dear mother, Clara Lewis who passed away December 29, 1958. a dear dad, Arthur Lewis, Jan. 16. 1951. As time unfolds another year Memories keep you ever near Silent thoughts of times together Hold memories that will last forever. Lovingly remembered by sons, Wilbert. Fred and families. 2p YE:ARLEY — In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother. Gertrude Yearley who passed away. January 8, 1973. Sadly missed by her husband, Tom, daughters Audrey and Rena and Son Ed and grandchildren. 2p By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN STAFFA Holiday visitors with Mrs. Sam Norris and Mr. & Mrs. Bob Norris were: Mr. & Mrs. Eric Norris, Sean and Michael, McDonald College, Quebec, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Norris, Judy, Gary and Douglas, Brampton, Mrs. Ethel Lyall, Nancy and David, Toronto, Mr. & Mrs, John Burleigh, Joan and Jackie, Goderich, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Longman, Londesborough, and Ray Balkwell. Mrs. Eaton St., Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Eaton and amily and Mr. & Mrs, Rob Templeman and Mrs, Dave Capling, Mississauga, were Monday evening dinner guests of Mr. & Mrs. John Templeman. Miss Teresa Miller was a patient at Stratford General Hospital for several days in the holidays. Miss Ethel Balkwell is home again, after undergoing surgery in Stratford General Hospital. Bruce Eaton left Wednesday to return to Bangladesh after spending the holiday_season with his family, New Years Day visitors with Mr. & Mrs. John Templeman and family were Mr. & Mrs. Rob Templeman, Mike Parsons, Darlene Templeman and David McMaster; Waterloo, Geraldine Templeman and Caroline McMillian, Stratford. Mr. & Mrs, John Burleigh and CASH BINGO — Seaforth Legion Hall, Friday. January 9. 1976 at 8:15 p.m. sharp. 15 regular games for $10.00 each and a $75.00 Jackpot to go each week. Admission $1.00. Extra cards 25c or 7 for $1.00. (Children un- der 16 not permitted, I Proceeds for Welfare Work, Sponsored by Branch 156. Seaforth Royal Canadian Legion. 2tfnc C.P.&T. EUCHRE — at 1,0.0.F. Lodge Rooms. Exeter. Wednesday. January 14, 1976 at 8:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. Ladies bring lunch. 2c HuLLY GULLY — Jan, 10 - Open Dance with Crippled Creek Project. Buffet, spareribs, sauerkraut. and coleslaw. Jan. 11 O.S.R.F. sanc- tioned snowmobile racing 12 noon. Jan. 17 - Open dance - Country Unlimited. Jan, 24 - Mozart and the Melody Makers. 2c THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes, being held in the Health Unit office, South Huron Hospital, Exeter commencing Tuesday, January 13, 1976 from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Would anyone who is in- terested please pre-register by call- ing 1.800-265-4485 toll free or the Health Unit office at 235-1014. Both husbands and wives are invited to at- tend and participate in the dis- cussions. 1 2e THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, Health Unit office. South Huron Hospital. Exeter on Monday. January 12, 1976 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance: 2. Anaemia Screening; 3. Immuniza- tion: 4. Hearing Screening; 5. Fluoride brushing of children's teeth to prevent cavities for ages 3 to 5 years: 6. Vision testing. 2e WOMEN'S AUXILIARY to South Huron Hospital regular meeting, Tuesday, January 13. 1976, 2:30 p.m. in the Auxiliary Rooms. 2e FETTES TOURS and Travel, 184 Main St, S., Mount Forest, Ontario. FLORIDA TOURS: Pettes Tours offer Several tours to the south this yeat. All ate fully escorted using first class aceommodatiori and wash- room equipped coaches, Pick ups are made eh route. Phone collect for complete details, Free brochures available. 14 DAY FLORIDA BEACH. COMBER: A relaxing tour to Florida departing Feb, 14 and Spelt- ding 6 nights On beautiful St, Petersburg Beach, Disneyworld in• eluded and kitchens available on this tout. CHRISTMAS IS OVER — and the tree is gone out, but it hasn't been picked up. If your tree is still blocking the back steps or behind the gar- age, two special pickup days have been set aside, If you live on the west side of town, it is Thursday, January 8. For the east side of town it is the following Thursday. Citing difficulty in obtaining good water sources in the Exeter area, PUC manager, Hugh Davis reiterated his statement made to town council several weeks ago that the commission should be allowed to ask for an impost charge when providing water service to new subdivisions. Davis' request for the impost was turned down by council. Essentially, an impost charge would be assigned when the commission must provide ad- ditional water facilities to a subdivision. A sum of $500 per developed lot has been suggested, "There is a consensus of opinion throughout the province that new subdivisions must carry their fair share of the cost of providing services. The results of this thinking have seen an ever increasing transfer of respon- sibility for services from other bodies to the subdivider." Davis said in a prepared statement to the commission last Wednesday. He further explained that if family Goderich visited Friday with Mr. & Mrs, Bob Norris. Mr. H. Willard, Cobourg, visited in the holidays with Mr. & Mrs. John Miller. Sunday dinner guests with Mr. & Mrs. Rob Templeman were Mr. & Mrs. Dale Martyn, Wanda and Michelle, Russeldale, Laura Marion, Stratford, Mike Parsons and Mr. & Mrs. John Tem- pleman. 14 DAY CIRCLE FLORIDA AND NASSAU CRUISE: Covers same routing as above and includes Stephen Foster Memorial, Busch Gardens, World's Largest Shell Shop and Disneyworld. Also features a 3 night cruise from Miami to Nassau aboard the luxury, 24,458 ton cruise ship the S.S. Emerald Seas with casino, pool, bars, night club, enter- tainment, lavish meals and all cabins with private facilities, Departs Jan. 31 (limited space). 18 DAY TROPICAL TEXAS AND MEXICO: Departs March 15 and spends 3 nights in New Orleans with guided city tour included. Spends 7 nights in beautiful condominium apartments on Padre Island Texas. Visits Houston, Matamoros, Mexico, Ring Ranch, Memphis and Austin. A very relaxing tour with side trips and admissions included. 9 DAY FLORIDA MID TERM BREAK TOUR — Departs March 19 (evening). Spends 5 nights on the beach at St. Peres. Disneyworld in- cluded. Kitchens available. 21 DAY CALIFORNIA TOUR: De- parts April 19 for beautiful spring scenery, All side trips, tours and ad- missions included. Visits Salt Lake City, Cheyenne, Omaha, Reno, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Petri- fied Forest, Painted Desert, Univer- sal Studios, Disneyland, and much more. • All tours are booking rapidly. Reserve your space now. Phone Fettes Tours at 323.1545 Mount Forest for complete details on all tours. Free broChures available. Provincial court, traffic and criminal divisions sat January 6 to hear the following cases, Judge Glen Hayes presided. Ronald Allan Dawes, age 18, of London was convicted on 10 charges of break, enter and theft, beginning with a break-in on March 9, 1975, at the McDowell Ready Mix plant on Thames Road where $6 and a transistor radio were taken and ending with a break, enter and theft at Exeter Curling Club on December 31, 1975, where $108 in cagarettes and liquor were stolen as well as $118 cash, The other business establishments in Exeter which Dawes was con- victed of breaking into included Tuckey Beverages, Exeter Produce, Quality Produce, Grand Bend Cleaners, Don Taylor Motors and the Exeter Arena. Dawes pleaded guilty to all ten charges. He was remanded in custody for one week for a pre- sentencing report, He had no previous criminal record. Donald Malcom Stewart, age 18, of London, was fined $150 for driving over 80 miles per hour and his driver's license was suspended for three months. David Lee Dunn, age 18, of Brussels, Ontario, was convicted of theft in connection with Quality Produce of Exeter Limited where $150 in currency was stolen on' November 17, 1975. Dunn pleaded guilty and was remanded in custody for one week until sen- tencing. NicholasJoseph Houwert ,16, of Seaforth, was convicted of break, Staffa man wins award Ernest Dow, son of Mr. & Mrs. Norman Dow, a graduate of Mitchell District High School and now attending the University of Guelph, received the top award for Perth County, the Carter Scholarship, which is awarded annually, The scholarships are the gift of the late J. Carter of Sarnia and to be eligible one must have six credits and have obtained a secondary honors graduation diploma. The bieal occupation seems to be the one that does not keep one occupied. Country Singles Dance at ' VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE Sat., Jan. 10 Music by COUNTRY COMPANIONS Free lunch provided Proceeds to Vanastra Recreation, Centre Dance Fri., Jan. 9 9:00 -1:00 ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE CONTINUOUS MUSIC by the LESPERANCE TRIO and YOU & ME Everyone Welcome , enter, and theft in connection with $116 in cash and $108 in cigarettes and liquor which was stolen from the Exeter Curling Club on December 31, 1975. Houwert pleaded guilty and was when rel eased he u inst ls ePheebdrunl ea dr y f 03r, 1s9e7 n6 tencing, The judge asked for a pre-sentence report. Donald Albert Dawes, RR 1 Hay, Ontario, age 18, was con- victed of break, enter and theft in connection with theft from the Exeter Curling Club on December 31, 1975, Dawes, who was on probation at the time, was Sentenced to 90 days in jail, Howard Dayman, RR 3 Kippen, aged 45, was fined $100 or 10 days in jail for causing a disturbance, using obscene language, and fighting at the Les Pines Motel on November 15, Exeter Arena Activities THURSDAY, JAN. 8 10-11 Shinney 3:15-7 F. Skating 7-8 M. Hockey 8-12 Rec. League FRIDAY, JAN. 9 2:30-3:30 Tots & Parents 3:30-5 Skating 8:30 Hawks vs Belmont SATURDAY, JAN. 10 7:30.7:30 M. Hockey 8.10 Public Skating 10:30 Hockey SUNDAY, JAN. 11 9-2 Hockey 2-4 Public Skating 5-10 M. Hockey MONDAY, Jan. 12 3:15.10 F. Skating 10:15 Broom Ball TUESDAY, JAN. 13 10-11 Shinney 3:15.7:30 F. Skating 7:30.8:30 Hawks 8:30 Mohawks vs Centralia College WED., JAN. 14 2:30.3:30 Tots & Parents 3:30.5 Skating 5-10 M. Hockey 10:15 Broom Ball PUC manager wants water impost charge Staffa impost charges are not ac- ceptable that the result would be increased water rates to every customer in town, He described the idea of an impost charge as a "one shot deal" that would not turn off potential residents of who "might take a long hard look at water rates before settling in Exeter." Mayor Bruce Shawcommented that members of council had been reconsidering the request and that it might be introduced at a future council meeting. The original motion of including the commission's impost charge within an impost charge that the town can make for sanitation facilities was turned down because council felt that the two bodies, the commission and the town, had different needs. Mayor Shaw had commented that the town was a non-profit organization attempting to keep taxes down, while the PUC which is a profit-making organization, could make up the difference through increased rates. Reception and Dance for GLORIA ANDERSON and JOE WHITE (Bridal Couple) Fri., Jan. 9 8:30 - T a.m. KIRKTON-WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by COUNTRY UNLIMITED Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome Pineridge Chalet SNACK BAR — Eat In or Take Out --- Saturday — Noon to Midnight Sunday — 10 a,M. to 6:30 p.m. 6 Steak Burgers • 1/4 Fried Chicken 6 Fish & Chips • Breaded Shrimp SATURDAY MONT SPECIAL Party Take-Out Service Spareribs or Pigtoila & Sauerkraut SUNDAY BREAKFAST Served 10 9.M. — Noon You do not have to be a Member, to Snowmobile, walk, or drive, to the 'chalet tc1 alloy Out fine food. Dance Sat, Jan. 10 • KIRKTON-WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by Joe Overholt No blue jeans please IN...••••••••.•••••=0.••=m,