HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1874-1-21, Page 3ths POU11W tio", not for dw
aintain �1. VV4
469 =- — . - r_� #'. - , __ - I �r
0 LO
thalt Um 1 7
week prapW timw tom"Oltim 4111 eft"an.
At; arraviremout was made last N 0 rffz MOM
'He reinsliked that the" DUNLOP J
for Hon. Eilwaitsit Itlake to he present (Applainse.) ew: Dor�nion Clothiq
crime of Sir John Mac -
and address the eliarton of Huron &A who called this
Clinton yesterday, lbut unfortunately donald's but an indiscretion, and desired 4 P H I L.0 NOELZO
too �ase for us to sawsunes the fact in to wt him again at the heaA of the Gov. Merchant TAilor
n IT bat issue. Intsisnation was however erriment, argued that he would not reake
11.4 MILr* SrA
pretty zerionally maide by posters - arsid a each a mistake again. He granted this;
-1 Has now rweived a beautiful #took*(
weryllarge nill'aber turned ont '&;��rd- he (Sir John) would nev,3r he so indis 11 .: .
ing1j, the Town Hall being filled to its creet again aa to allow a note or a tele- 4, rall Goods,
ntmesteatiacity. Asitisimpossiblefor gram to exist that would lead to his be- GODEr c,unpriBing I weeds, Beavers, &c., 4"A
na til har� a report of the honourable ing found out. Similar. indiscretions cry 1, L MANCH ESTER lie is preps -ed to make up on the
tteutio� it) his
gantleman's speech in time for this issue had occurred fifty times before but they BXGS to dir... lahortost not ce, and guarantee a
OKS, good
'AS11 130
we %phjoin the substance of all address, coulli not he found ont'so as to satisfy fen sjQA,Qf
he ilElivered at Stra These !'it or nacbju te.
-ford the preiriou the people. stbccesset; made them _:1 %,INTEI1 (,00DA,
itock of Min's and Bols
'Moriday, when the saine snhjocts were reckless, they permitted a x0oll deal to FALL AND 'UTF
will in writing. in black an4,
4 ill the MIN I'OoKs,
Ready -
Is su'l at the lowest 7
B -a" for the repor.,— 1 white, and they *Pre found out, and mast 1"oftble so
%J 11:1 vc i-ist received a spl'
treated of. We are indebted to the he taken do' ;Nbiwk las is �.Wed 1 4
sindid It*& of
Aiter revinswin0his pirvIreeilings at Ot- now the people are asked to send them Go.it's Furnishing Goods.
ba6k to do the satue thing over again
taw4whiehresu edinth
!f resignation of .1414t to hano a beautiful assortment of
to be an indiscreet—to do ii :Cwentpq M11AIMORANDPI11
I n e V acd anal,14,anipavin GoveT omen tand I onir not
tormation ofthe, t Reform Ad- and lessis so evidence, of iL., (AP' 01 AH kinds kept Oil
A the
ministration, Mr. Bla "..4id he had seen pla,,8e.)-
All if wi,ich I am dotormined to
A voice—We want I werity yeian m4e Goderich, 9th Dec. 1"411- PASS BO()K,,;,
or iCAS11. in order to wake
it stated that they (tho Government) Of P"parityl UIIYAP f
wervocridezvoring tobring thecountry i roota f4r more. villich will be to hand in
Mr..13take-1 qqite agrre, with the in- 'I'l M R WOKS, CROFT6 JOHNSTON.
to tle rolls on a false issue ; that the a few days.
allaw which a* xecently convulsed thin telligsht Rentlemah. that the also hall
A call solicited before purchaishing I* -
shone, thattire elonds Ikave rained and T-
couittiv to its centro iv now dead %od
hat their farms h<ve been clear d t 1',00K,i,
91,n4, that its corpse is birritA and its t ftenicuther' the st4nd, next to Wme
ghi,mt no Ion lks the earth. but the the grace of Sir John, A
5facd .. 17 y Aches-,on's Illarne*4111 Shop, 11awilt"
that and amuse them (Loud laiigllter� and cheers.) N'r9j" W B DIAIIIIIES IVolt 1874,: - . k
of reviving diaaureeassla memories are He argued that it wall not proper to
tion of this kind to go when Sept. Gth, I . $3. the fame nien who call upon the country allow a qites
re of the House were "rions- AMNIANif2s Foil isto Oistain the fallen statesman, their the memlie
leatter --4the statesman who Iv Offacted by it, without dissolving the 14'rOIR
Couliltry Nbs condemned. A country nison it� aud he ennsideredits As Io N WRY
aild chief House still gettilig the oiee of the M `X TA C
Wa4guilty of this gnat crime which the OUR VIRTAT HALF YRA" j
(Cheers ) il�count for this proc - rices O-DAYI
mote disingenuous argument � wall never sufficient issue to a
before the AT
pregri-itod so an intelligent people ; ana dure of the new Government V, I
of the meeting of Parliament took plac. (Ap- no OAi,re pWn proof could be had
des rate character .,f the fallen cause He said it did w,t use to he T14C IVito Stock Redifeed, Af1 IT
t I given y thc-e who defend tile thought stich a serious matter to ask the
a and our PAMOi I t kno.Nt_from*p-.ut PARTICULAI W. STANrBUOY
c er"ed and tell the electors to hut views of the people regardinq the actions The publi
of thchr representatives as their oppon.
) opp�S,te be:
the car% to words uttere,I pon that lid
o at Barlial, J I legs to iub the jubabli6ats of X^-
ect and banish from their memories jents now repmerat it t.) be. (Ch ra. wheu cheap sale is advertised. bY J. it is*.a boa.fide
Have the electArs of Canada to whom
⁢[ he surTelaudimil
wh t has been recently dcral)pcd and they appeal and to whoni their opon. IM00HOU : S. r that 60 k" ived a large - th try out some new isaus kx_-t%iee;i the � �1 D es9 Goods, Jacke Shawls incey, Shirtim an
t. ents appeal any reason to complain ? Pry w4privs. (Applause.)
I- c, Nvill be sold de-Verately clicaP FaueY ods and-*
Make then alluded In the at. (Cheers.) For six own part lie was not GodtAch 4un. I�t,
tenqAwmade to condone the critne, prow- afraid to appeal to the people. In a bega le to tnf�m the puhlic of - G ad -
brief career of th t was his of for'
ed oquinai the leader of the lee (,j,. erich'and saw 0 "ROFTS & JOHN
CkrisIns aid No
ernoient, raid remarked that Irtany pen, t0ah Olectiont. a.4 afraid to op d tbAt w Toes %ft
0 jklillit that 'Sj memet the people.. 3 r. Blake then re;
sor.4 had begun t r Not ed- fo r Cliell) (46ods.
wed at soma len,,th tho policy of the choice A. )lac,ionald hAd been uilty ofan "in Cat a
etail to the f hi, 41overnment. alln-ling in d
while still many I, I a* of
Some bad measures foreshadowed in Mr. 3111kc.
1-n ir
0 W& 11V,,!A P, IF�O R -C A fri, f Irtfused tugo so far.
their achemd for constructing the Paci6 OROCERIES si� 16
Ile showed that by
t.!( Ill in Am they were free fr, -in blaiii - li kenzie's address. STRACHM'S UNIV
irs, I a ntitner, for both sides( hd co FROVISIO
in- . CUS
d be sayed to
both had P-il-fty` A T*Btsllm wOUI i% S r
Mi. t4er laTne indiscretions
and -w
—The Railway -yould soon be prices he hopes to et a fun Stock ef
fi't cliss.,
toa mo indiearetion#, both shoul be A rnios
t',,- 1 4 4 L NE ttOCtRIES
harino� committed 00 000141`3L By keeping, ]BUTTE ELD'S
e a tri,dAnd R
rep snarsideff" that thtV,Illi
_ght be better built if Sir J,,hn A. acdonald was in patronage. Callod&tisoel
Ur tn be equaled
f,,r the f -it -are, bat argued that power. 11 Y B -AL
stretf,-th it flarour, all prices,
me er 3b6salI I'Lge the coinfidericluf the Mr. Blake—That I sit ppose is the mists "d
in who imagines that Sir John X ',%[Ac- �FUR
pe its 116tWithAliodil) their fA1143:
donald ruak�s the sun to shine, -atel the S 0 104 the times.
rel n In -that iew o the mits lie a3ked the in' see what was coufessett and bliflAing of. the Intercolonild Railway is COUGHS AND - COLD -24
A Ists now Raisins. Currants, Spices, Rice
suit docnusarits trifle compara�tivelv. (Great laowh- -ORSALE AT G- CAT;L'91
the, aJ It broug ter.) r. Blake adv'erted to the.fact t i r Yrupcoffirst quality and ever'
A gre other artic4 in the Grocery line.
to li!Zhi in me U Vot for ON
hat they hall always favur2d sit general
nee is with the Pacitic Scandal, an,l he (Laks ParlIer.& Cattlip's)
eil to recolint the event., which elections simultaneou polling, and sys isave lors Ila nil
A. Adam REST Kul OF, CLOP4'
pointed out that the I.kte Government I 11 led thf chan�:e (if the Paci ic Pail stray sit y of spiced beef bw" lar�,,e supply of DryOieds. Flaw
had repeatedly rebutied to grant them pp
Ch er for Sir 41
He plawi&l.lsov this reform, prerarring to bring on the
acdon- Goderich, I I th 1, ARIET SQURE,= likely
aid ml f-)rced Sir Geo e (;act -h* its ar. ele*U.)"Is wherein they were
with Air Hugh Allan -U. -though the influencing the result in the balance of -Allso,is fall sit to be soccesitful first. for the, purWas of ING Q00P3 p rof 11 in
J' -T ran TS VPH11431
13 latt two were very unfriend,ly—for a
the constituencie. he Rarne law was
aip herr 11ort,,
them its the
'ver tjfrvrW in 0
piarat%4 %tru_,41tithey anticipated in the orill on the stat -via book an.1 nomis of his
the aro Gin, isk Y, -A r. Blake's) friends Ivul sai,I it would
dlecti.,lis rean;tIn
4 It, SI it, the pro-
soby Mr. il,bots f the two Tia- be anly lair ti, accept the adva,;itage the
&&Of '[1610110 IN Ld for pr4drice. Butter,
per the tine rdl %tio-. W th,) railway Sir E*% *0&1,s, ,P saj a Potitow bought
lilt w to) but the G,,*erninent ditermined
the money
nted. 14 spoke of the de- to c; a.
ow for this lice take In r &fl sr�",t ad *old at -
Sir %it ovlt And Put them to the,test.
f t grienotlir of ted in; oppi-saitiovi and issued the wry out in pqwor�wat they had ad 1 ". j i 1 .9 HARDWARE to
It low otres-4 in the coming elec
siro the late (Liveru §TA�`RVRTIS SIORE,
You *.ill nerer hminiattesirthe ntari'vibomakej the pumps, Mail
ts on the same shy, xcenthpanied by, Jlardware, Har C,
tuen W I bellieve the ainn, wri For they're -the very best.
a to the returning -
vu 1,y kiit lln-41i Allan wero suliiscrip.
A n4 there j� Po,l rny 330,
PDX in
officers to bring, otl the elections upon muc 1.
a wlec�lon fuilul. and sail th-tt VIP F 'For Tw
all HIVE Ti), (ME I �� L, ��. �,., I , , L
w n sweW w1wii,issakimc ivibacrip- z Or if vqur 14 tho 2.)th.inst. that-theymight1be simul- Is
ooL Ilenus all over the land. P4.alsenoi an these gn? he or4ef and fu
61kk Wiliest slate money at Yotil- never find the M fol's'
Ply ohiret to expect to get the t, tar
t was Their int�utinn should thb) get 411IN .4110 ;1 N 0111 re- o"I[ tri Parl4nient, t the earliest up- A tid prit them in X
lift-tt. awl expecwd togot
tire idity its inake, toninulsory at fill oANDBEI
if not like a astheo-ripti"ll kilit Pr" -t what the . v haol in this election mor lik4 W,&F, ora1v advance. ,jhIs eleetio*
via* the- accepte-I niOon principle, slid in other t
niliRtarrhog hist -*#an Sir
ier an -I -Sir flugh Allan— waYs.'
to adjust the election law of the
would provide protec-
you adance it shall be re- t I -1716e atil cosrruption, and Do oa more 111ty 000D,
f 'TO,
lie 4aid Advances were usadje H Subcriber Isep to, itsfotrut- file
(i 1114ime till Shay ritFIA-hed means t ailitato -and mak TinhabitaLt3 .)((;"iWPh arill MAP* S U 0 asonschi he ttials of controtert",elec-
Z.� OWN), nd flilu;h Altan haJ th4 'usitry that lijo hall puyhis. NWIDQ.1.4 ti) J. DrA's OOTS & SHOP
rounding C Is
see &4c,
Mt6 recoup him. and r cuntry, even ;ooee perfect than. that 4:f inf,irylij
p-alrons thiit, they! I tre re -
thin oproni4spity nf,wyni' thOr AT
04-, funrielit(tirzibe hip. Accitirdintr' tothe before thejadVs. They would It to provitI4. s,law for ths, whole
return the nioney, he
tboni bj a threatened ex- a liple-I'lid javinisict on the *3 1
now WV -.-h ' existain-Olitario. Thei-p— Bankrupht3'. 6foick inoyl ki'litO flatten 10w
.4 s4tWy him with the.charter 10 ed also to call the. cansiderationlL of
po6Wo t Parliament to-thd abolition of the'read A full stock 'of
-and the presidency of the Pacitic Iaij.
A the pr6perty qualiti4tion of members of Rf) CER 1 X.F�R,"F-T A bit
Parliament. lie. believed. alk- 4 f
the cokaii
W) they we goL
N W o4
re tho servants 4k the man re-juire4i t) entitle a tuan to t T D, i ",li Invite Triompt Attr' t Al T , - -
�4 theyi borroiqwd front, au(tNthey knea at denoe of Parliaallent was that be shoul� U Al L viliero tho ar# no*7 6.A!W I je fall L I r stock of na.
�o able to secure a in y of the votes W Iri 1 W�st $L
-3 Y t;TU
t:l the me ihfy to,oik the nioney it would VRI: III his constituency. "i4lanse.) With
hav to be- 1 IlTle'l by the sale of the
11 Eli T1LI71.;kA's'Avc
-wards accomilliahed eba, ot, 4a believed the
�4-) vast- majorlty of thaj -teople of this
t degr"
v.) He forcibly alluded to
r. 34 JOF! A DIA R.F. fie P 1,
g j ltuiu*% Aj
ev aftt! roferenco tw th I , 3 9 V
Province did not in thO aligIttes CO- L the 4eA 'tb 4 thtPaums ivin Irexe aub- 3M,
require the protection of the ballot, bt _Iku4t, aince trio rallant 1006 w A say -an ?M�rinj yorryrr Iow 1 wriiiji6xis' tpwar,4 the elections, slid
rafj 00�1 ;'Winter "purch.uod froal the 11CA1.0 j�
menoonoil tither aurns given for that EW YE liters ws- a conaide GIs portion ho H. GAR NER -BER 1.
isrp!isis- T�hem were all Inui.h smaller lid require that protere'tLion, and it was s< tu
Pi osttpt 0000
imnif Map those given by Sir flugh their desire -to make the ballot a feature which must he clearsid MBE& 11 LUM
Thw. charge was not nuttle that of the eection law in this country.
gi!rla 11 -1, Our,,61v ER
314cdon lid o�ALifted subscrip�
Ah (Cheers) A measure forthe extension
Ali itumonse. at," 4f
Opp tionso, fromi his p,,Iitic,,Ll frionds indsnp. of the franchissa would alao be ct-risitloin At Cost M& 7,V
JEtELLERY- otall kihdL;
portws f�,r electwn pizrpoa4a, but tha ed. Mr. Blake then strongly impressed o& -rich, Out. Z;rtl, I.-'
40M AN 1111-A tr*od the truAt,
by t P;jlir's represoniatives in Par- lis if; ike Trade, EnglIsh, Frenclij.44pria-i anill A
reposed in bim... opon his hearers the importance (if the 11011EIIII, GLASS WARE,
*is c,immitted to them and said . SpeeiAl Barga
Nlr Daly Was ori the platf ott; as the do -
ng of the great char 8 QUITE Tr, L;, -S I I I kT.4, ANVE I
Iiaut 671
71— _i. � L W. 311. 9 faudbi the ]its Gvvernment� lie sup. r -fib,
ter itif insuiter that prevented him. fill, jkk,. Tons that ayo to" WWLENS, FA XCV',
the truth give Jfa F1,
h11in4 his jaly to thn 4tate. poseJ, he would give him the opp-.,')rtun- Is �a TUAT N S;
SAM-% and7 C eC with
A oicet-Sir Gto. prtier� i fur ii" at lovP a tru Wrlia (.110 to .1 k. W, FANCY is 3 .1 G�
is dead ity of speaking in theile behalf, and re- VE L to t4 at
a presents- fur er F 064 'in sure SK iN -4,
sumed his seat amid tumult ASTRACUAN,
p rates.
Thirj IiiiI At' iofitx all'ited td*is ti;! Ny WLS *U)XKIN('
51, Blalk -Yes. Geo. Cartier is 1. 17, A Vf (,;it mu4W9od $love&, C S.
Goderich, :e ti�ck lZI � . , I oil tile P. -J,
dead i but his works 'lies after him. &
applausa) Mr. Wake - said Sir Somebody t Ti ard; rd I elle for cash, it k1low tred to f'umisli luluber of
(1,011 ruly says that one debt lirl
0 arf now
Cecil fai:4 nalaacknowled-ed i %l'ithout jay., fifth jou can't
ihav he had ns to k
on haW. I ;
jo n Par]:&- begvts another. If a man vKes you a b", p oney-nialk the an to 1;e
d9lir h to "we you,, a Krudge ty next is aounded in R xrt
t,� actept what Sir a; a "to A to Ilw c ta t c6n�es -iuIA to thone who require such. G @so did, and he by his own tole he is Renerally moire ready to SA A PAM stefl._", "I y- Ise it 41.)c nind i a 1) ha; all L. too, T!st;r 4ore he can at I-sw grapis I (h i: &I eitkys. s,
obw od nioney for his own use and Sic- pay inteftst on the latter than on the lwAya in the w4l. CAI' H to all thf
eept My Nitith #1
the ronyou3ibilit ova ull' urn itito 0 1,
y. (Applanso.) throw 1) rj),zlired and ratio.
r, MI), *!Is Dry Gazaas §11 am aua T -4a.. 0 THE tta &tL Wi I I va" the mX osition. to
sed ALL be twid at f I I u DIR TORY. ruilte. lid Stir g.,046 113 first Chiss wo
that use enormous mtms Were not The arge against him, was, furths 5,0 0 the i"41 ifit And Jrali th t are I is
'or I a. PnPues. for honest pqrponses SUs, A Y f C eats quite fc*sh ausil, Ify =1111, t not it, bi d
I i in tonsil,
0, ce, 'Shades and lFatter,113- with the electious, but Pit TOW12ship -of MorrI& SINC LA�:t t
the tisix. does own turn int, doi 7th pirposal of britting the electo' OF HUR0,-J. ice you t+ 17.th J873. '1401
S�7-4R_, Johnilinnallf stated i his ari !o -irch S%rvicos- IN TUE COVXTY I'll foi OtIOXIOC11100M Tha oshou101 a
iaie�nce be- C3 ""4. TU 31A K RkM).0 for 1
a ihere Ball liv
fore fhe cilhimiuion that the Godurich, Jau. IT 1141ti you'll ssio where 1 rwtid,
h47. ANDiIET'S CHURCH aA pursuance of a Power of sale qon- -e THE B0 APER. TRY IT.
(0hurch 6f Scothit*L)
expeiiiso uriar that election waa! the next doovs end always 1p,�
tained in a Slortgale hearin slat, -s,&IwA)�a uscau the P a4a BL
treating of vo They'll sayu3i is ict4lns 0
ets and the hirinji of * next due t32 a Gos't.
Rrv. J. Slays etn1itntal;and 01dSt ok at, less a IFGLII�Y ILLUSTRATED.
the'15thday of Duceluber, IS -,I, maeItia near the Cround, M*"t i3 AIWILYS 14 the &Line.
ilutiozi. �ear-riol'klirl
teanin. Tisis Mr. Wake showe to to ornitig- service I I A. M. Iventing by Thomasitichardson and wife ("4i The'SCIENTI tl.0 AMERICAN now
il I"Kab ob
2A6 rudenturs of MO:tgA!;e will be proditicud 111111E Pairtne"hin heretnfilra exiitirisr in Ifth year oys t e widest circu.
accorng to the law Sir John service 6:34) P. 31. Sunda -,ScbpQ whq� m-lur Initing peace bare faiind. th
iy newnpaper Boteli _r
n keppers in thp town of Godlerich, wass
Public Auction at the Royal rK A new v
CausQathe'e11immitt" of the H6n;; evir' -to kind in the wo' olume con,
Put Upon the statute P. 'Very 0heap let Of eZ-
+f at the Itime of Sale), will be sOld by Vetween the xj;kde3Mi4r"I: as Ilotmi. ThakUw was , dead letter be
L o ok H e r f6i ome-A
tuences Jar.nary 1. 1874.
Its c-rMt braces the latest and
cuts en
11 A. most interesting i iformiation pertain
LaA4 shov" that Sir John JIad tAkeb aorVite 6:30 Rs. ), of Hur,,n, on Wqhn 0 y al� the dohis R
9t-oulflit (if making an eleati,in void an Rzt. IL Tonolitiii
CHURCH 10. "Pireabsyllerian.) the Village of lTin4hani. in the y
';OX' KX
Count t�hli day Aliss�.lvaql b
too hy said firm!,xiacss tht first, of
tsil tbo ind.1111trI.61, It'locnituical, and
to Tints
N 3 1873., -
Of violation of that Iaw. Mr. t
P. . Su-Iday chn.1s:w TIeSdayhh-2711iddyo .-IiS7,1
f In them the ri, 4*mber 13�t. and acc�) "0 t t h
ot Of investicating the P. 31. Pr- imaid Gin a -J tiic La4l;esfar Goe ity Scientific P 0 of Up A, 4V
aver meetin Wednessilley At one of the clock in the afternoon,
ra7 tit )be id to orld Dis-
on this JU11 f In one Let by Mr. L. J. BRACE Anc- .1of 11[% RT N tions. with utifuj Engravings.of
%"W, int ortler that he qFk 'ew-furntionx. few Implements, New
-1 prriniL�cs,
luixtill make a trlbun�tl of jud4vs sel6ct. ticneer the following land all
u. by the Act ition, It 7:�J.
chart urch of Elm P Provelf Industries of
that is to my; -The North half (if Lot
ed bP In innelf umravatu*1 by all those
Ciro" a r ves, -land.) I, C 1 kings k Usefu
ouse met in All Notes, Rascipes, 8412-
golitionn and Adir r
avinor read
y Brothers'
Number Sixteen it' th� Fir
Ito -V ELW06D. *ion of the Towniship of At-,rris in- the
the fell- tale Itttervand EgV. CA. I I a 6414ays be!toeked w1it all the lat,04 noyoltiiisc of the sellson ie, b.v Practical Writ-'
vris;n; service
f rn It A- 141. E;reffing County of Huron, c�,ntaillin tifty acrus ers; for Work men and EVloyers, ia all
0% which , inferenoes, entirely service 7 P. M. undav, *hool 3 P. M. in or less, Ion that take y tho .-armus hrt a.
sissoar,, ab
And the Op"itiva ore i .k A Th. SCIENT11 ICAMERICAN is the
Railway Coinvally.
t it i4a d,itv at the earlics� in,-)- he I STOCK10 ch6apest and boa illostritted weekly
of their views -�n the essi.
npt Ferg All tyle3 and Orica, liapr pablished. Vvery number cou
Acq )I NYE,�LEYAN MIgTHOD18+CHVRCH Th Farm is near thd Villagot (if
poll rocord A,petit4un ex- IEY. JAjL GAAHAX; Bluevsle. tellMoruiriz eerriej 11 A. Ill There at* erisettdon the propwrty a 1`11HE AN U S
ilencei Thit debate wit Eyrnion XUAL CEE4AL14'EET- tains (imm 14 to Zj original engravings
-, - - - I
place service 6:30 P. I utions.
tersuinated withotit a vote. The miniii- Sunday School 2:30 Hewed LOS House all -I I Log Barn. 'JL 'in;of U luestbers of this 1-i' new rnachinery and norel inve
provement0l, Disc veries, and Important
y T01 ONT 16USE
ti rs, otter makin!, every exer'ion be- meeting Wedilmlay and The greater part 'If the propti-ty is un- will be held.ftt tild CornMny' o -ENGRAVING3, illustrating I
i'rid 4 To
P 11. Prayer in, Convinced that the moral tone if y evenin6s 4k 7:30. dercultivatl,.n. Tho%Vvilill �,ton.' Grey St. it V puro, eilwallitly the 28th lay Tli� gr,4 -n
t the coinittry was to &Ilrl thUlight and Bruce Railway rillis through the of 1,ondon, on %V Att ADI M� A Worke, pertainitq to Civil and Mechani.
I SOLD BY a0or to this Nod Statie. W Fuggineering, Killing, Mining and
the 10011" was. as he hA said on the T EP 'itoperty "il he offered slib� ,f Jan Aq 1874, sit I p. I. et, the
METHOD1 lot. Tbg wh re OIAD
ill be- kept onistlantl on ad God,"
4. -ad bill. M") of tile pull- po Ray. liff IM, 18M. Metallurgy Ree rds of the latest pro.
floor of the 11111 -se, X prchase- anj ject too a rvsery rs tat" chase mol�..y can ren'I'liz, on Mortgag� at e%y -rect4irs othe on- in the A� plications of t3tesm
tilo� ORo. tials majoritv if the Member$ and t DVILLNG, TH
.11. Evenillif S per coult voyabl.tt aif vearlir Oil the sningyearpruc �sn Enginecri k-,, Railways Ship:
Telegraphy, T
sit,- to try was now b- name teruis an the under BijiMina, Navi
werss aq unqt thein. ) The in P-rvwe 630 P, H.', 11 t 'With. Q� 0. c) D +we the peg. ts 10, CIO-
allit their verdict v"011111 'ell what they which, the sale i Ing of i -.3M it rs Ityle v e n a 1:1-1. Q �naplt I Electricity, if
-jffrdatrpecja1 rates ism, Light 4111114 it.
thotiot of the sets which led to 'he res- Condi ns of -le willadeknown j U, R E C
-1 anica, Engineeria,
iqn,%ti#n of �he Gv'ernsn4nt. T*Io suds at the time of saie.
Gwo; 21st Nor. h*uiijU
METAi[ODIST EW. For furthq par�ielihirs
tile all Ixtilrers, C
C D in
Ono* Wnew how their Late member w-jula CHURCH complete airery deps"out louvers of $cience Teach
era, Clergymen:
have voted, and they knew haw Mr. thd Ven-lor's A
above Auctiollw- and 11twyers, *Ad Pe pie of all Profeasi
Monteith vaoidd v(4o if they g,.%va . to Adam licttt, E", aill, find the ! �I S I
RXv. F. N. Nullillt. Solicitors and
Ilium X"Vlaitsg service I I A. hi. lK - . , ; . Vhich they aft preflared.tolits:i9a as i
rening ussMIRIC
I h AN use -
j ft4 tit them. It i
berviep 6:30 F. X. on Piano Forte and 0T)WI. Terms V7 ab,,ut the letter steal !Tuuday School 2:30 Dated 22d Dilamber, 1873. %finsit, (;(Kier Cit. M .'ery Irwiailly, L brary, Study, Officea
'Age the 0** T , L i - . . . I .� * TH O'CHUICH, urontn, Januarl,Uh. I r, 4, . I I . I I Rf)oj*, Coll , �qe, )� ademy,
Xr.'Blake replied that he Would give "PRAGE, all usual inadvanco. Rsitletic0s, Stall IeY h"pasnappotet'ho in 4'ecirina.- Ito
in in eve Re
the salkno arm *ei as he. gAva 4n el ROUAN CA 1403 or hool.
ectir in 1402td vordoes Sol az
A,fear's ijum4 ra
JLrsr-dm the oLh4j4vx-,biIjg. "a believed R. -wellud Can pouttlin 832
— ----- StVEXAL H, 1MILED ExGRAVI.W0a,
Mase at 4ML, Catechism
CADEMY Next Doorto ILho Pubt Cifirce. C 0 rm-t A 41otivauds of volumes are preserved f
some One stole letter wr-Ate" by Sir 3 P. ) . -A
John IdAcdi ald to r Popy. he hollad I Vespers 7 T 11 E
the thief would be toyind ou; alh, binCUtW L and -refekence. The prac
r) TIE.ArKax. receipts an stellar rth ton timeathe sub.
nifeed and andittswif fen prke, erm
(GroAl applause.) 'I he rwelved at 11kin mpti
Hall.) 4 0 n4l, wt 1, $3 a year
he would git� to the P61111411 iarjr for it. gT (Tempe" L
9MOKM IF directi,in of this Hisrans or EiT. J'A
- � I ''I I' - �. Alad., Ift4comes to Clubs. Specimens
Mr- Blake proceeded to show that Wodiste-lay, The Tw�nrv. �+_
joexpir win be flil-opened n t
W Z S T 0 ;".-.6' L6FET L..
false popa �on service "?#)ter rourto n fr03. May News
-tr, a naml
Aft rn 6D,, WEDNESDAY an. 7th 1674. ft-gitlatfits; 'A',
there, waa is trile and a P. X. I senbe had (if all
Y,- servi " Toning G N F. L'N 16
ee 630 P. M. ; - � ; - , end inquired what Was there un[hpil r W Alitsuisereta, and Pier., tisr,'Interversili
whh the Ministry or.,, t is on the I.ew In connection
in voting V,j aw�wa)., & C., por j,n &
A. &;jlssro CA AL, betwc.,xi'Mom'd &IN [,,.rt
110 said it was aimplv-boca. 01 Th� jr PATENV t -IBM
irk wjU Iw W its i -luition per qnarbir,. . . . ........ V W wi hthe94
Ray- CHASN4THIMS. an,", -,r,A remilieethely 2, VZ*JCAN, kfessirX. MUNIV othey found it wall uselesis to ....... ..... 7 txj 1 7,,' I- Tlk;
ad -,t-@Len Wrt,t)a
awl tium
supporters into the mire along with School. 9:M A. M. I are Soficit.4*% of Ameriean and Foreign
drag their Morning service 11 A M Sunday Vocal. it. I
Music, Inst i 00 41 DO ILI I
thoulsolves, fie did not doubt that 0o vsit,ii,t from ilie mwri her 16
I't o the, I'llitClItS, anA'haVO the I:Lr%reat ostablink..
orn ItAil way I,, near 11r.? 1, ',Ole I other side siLfely, however they woul .......... ......... 2 00 I -OR SALE., I of Abe Stive"I if I . :!t they hadalrosighopes of reaching the, ;?])out in tke world. Afore than
French,. ........... .. ...... thoritanot applications have been made it 4 00 Plan- and I r not hake hesitated but am they could. I si.1-rit t:1,J f r psteuts through their agency.
Slk;NAL office, 6,4y of J)n. lt� hi, Omi, �, or at tht. r ..I DEPARTMEWNTS 0 the
not suecisod, they I' ji Paymeni fillaitorly ft-ld ill ad kf i. at their friends down z 16 1 . r' o vn OMPLIL Patenta are obtained
wort 1:1 Les f 8 FAMILY I"JiY11111AX, the 11-1, 0 - I) where wl on they could. (Lau�ht, medical work of tho'kind publish 'h"'
Plain an hiamentil needle. -CICIN AL
do terms, Models of new inventions
sketches examined and ad vice f
ed anti a most useful b( )k to have in 1.4 roe. All and TO
-it patients are published in the Scieutifi�
American the wook they issne. Bond -t
M ssr� at tisell it
theerinted f."w. ark -1- in ism, rest 1b _AU0_ acThey *it credit to thOmselve, for atith 1874.
r.) not forai extra Charges Lo pupila
that tW=. cvury lkuuse, e0
OWIla that for that
the party should t
Sir Joy In the Stan d. by 11. tie nat u re or ite ocei, pati is zeam A. Macdonald An a now man, 'IWIC 'Co U.'j C I L �Ir ea,,h fustriber ofthe sione, for Pamphlet, I 10 pages, containing laws
fOrOerly Occupie bd jn44 to COQla to the surface with all his of the Clerjan&L. F.roo., Idarket Scows, Goderich. A copy of Dr. Fowl,rnl celehrated *Yor the las falfilmessi;q( th* Cofftrje,� and full dirsactiorts for obtaiaing Pat.
fthe the work ij the "Scicticco jLife." Willbe factory wortirity will be ivifirmt us f1tal "'aW 811LO bWeld, nd with no hisufth, what- 40A6. " S I �': I �, 111HE millers deposit of plWic & Sh Ready h1adq Clothink.,
T,]L, MN B03t-
rar. Re(Mr. B!Ak ignod hsr*g pilesed out rold cheap. or Ny kildren for the Paper, or oonisernin
rhy Suit . thought by list County of"Rak— his sell melecte4 stock of a securities. or bank swii4 ta an au,*nl off" 9
new stock of, promf On the bulk nni of the ntr,cf. Patents, NI U t CO., 3 7, Park Ro W,
done in the on
they liould idge of vshat he was Ii pset Will meet in th PIPES, Groc'-,rios, inety per cout unir or t4.. P"T �tr I . 1 Y. Brwwh otfice, Ow. F and 7th
kelr Court Ro" i � I Vill be IMIl until the COMIJAI-El .( th, Washiigton, 1).
to CIO is the iitsyre* H a am CIGARS, ESTRA I-IZIFER. To assets Tender it-Ist be littacheAl 0 SN� 4z C. L399
ie, 81cisaturva of two r"j.,a4ib!e issid wiive
ressionni'ber asked them 4 Town Of Goderich upon OLOTIn this crime was Dot am iso- TOBACCO CAME into the'sullseriber's promises, is of the P., laeoew .—ING MADE TOR, QRJDE4 R
C Million, willfir,
PUUCH4 rfti-t"
law Itansaction bat the culmination 271h Jacuary jp.stM . lug 2, con. 11, Colborne, in Nuvem- X"r-41os fnr The ess(r) ingoat if *s~ 11,
TivAity The Cr kery, &a, BALRK WANTED,
-a at
&a., &c. Bmckenrid,,,ti, tNatts thAt hoe may he U E lk 9R. 1,110 0 L 'TED, 103 pords Hemlock Ijawk,. A%;
of twooty years (if the same, kind cj, WUTII PIECES In Vi at r a
0, 1 . oce"Pi-311 by Jame her last, I% red and white yearling we'l si-tJ4-1u-, i�rrar
wner is requested to rhw rsop--t,
work that the rina" bad froluent,y P 7T-- R DA U S0.11, - i wAN
1,tii! esi &
been 110-pered with up., a smaller fthesluokio."Tark I favotirel -with a share of the public pat- prore T. pay expensea and take to arctl't UN lowitst, or 0-dar.
L th;A is was an orilanizd system UX KIWI fowhich th# highest price will be,
6 CountyCl ork. w her aw
office Builder, Toronto- lhdtlme' Organ a. COOKE. Itsrq: WILIKER-SMITH.
22ur.EX TIFFr,,N..
GW,,.h, January 13th 'I ae"'. Pt'04, the using of pnolie psi. County Clerk's mi Agelit for
1494 b tly attended to. Ooderich, Sept. Ist, 184M 138& 14040 0"
promp Va. low Gods" UA Ji s. U74.
0 N G