HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1874-1-21, Page 3ths POU11W tio", not for dw M F R I N G. BLANK BOOKS aintain �1. VV4 469 =- — . - r_� #'. - , __ - I �r 0 LO thalt Um 1 7 IT week prapW timw tom"Oltim 4111 eft"an. At; arraviremout was made last N 0 rffz MOM 'He reinsliked that the" DUNLOP J for Hon. Eilwaitsit Itlake to he present (Applainse.) ew: Dor�nion Clothiq crime of Sir John Mac - and address the eliarton of Huron &A who called this Clinton yesterday, lbut unfortunately donald's but an indiscretion, and desired 4 P H I L.0 NOELZO too �ase for us to sawsunes the fact in to wt him again at the heaA of the Gov. Merchant TAilor 1 DAY 11(�DKS' 39XRCHANT TAIL0X, n IT bat issue. Intsisnation was however erriment, argued that he would not reake I?EET, GODNXICH# 11.4 MILr* SrA pretty zerionally maide by posters - arsid a each a mistake again. He granted this; -1 Has now rweived a beautiful #took*( weryllarge nill'aber turned ont '&;��rd- he (Sir John) would nev,3r he so indis 11 .: . ing1j, the Town Hall being filled to its creet again aa to allow a note or a tele- 4, rall Goods, ntmesteatiacity. Asitisimpossiblefor gram to exist that would lead to his be- GODEr c,unpriBing I weeds, Beavers, &c., 4"A -EDGEI'S. na til har� a report of the honourable ing found out. Similar. indiscretions cry 1, L MANCH ESTER lie is preps -ed to make up on the tteutio� it) his gantleman's speech in time for this issue had occurred fifty times before but they BXGS to dir... lahortost not ce, and guarantee a OKS, good 'AS11 130 we %phjoin the substance of all address, coulli not he found ont'so as to satisfy fen sjQA,Qf he ilElivered at Stra These !'it or nacbju te. -ford the preiriou the people. stbccesset; made them _:1 %,INTEI1 (,00DA, itock of Min's and Bols 'Moriday, when the saine snhjocts were reckless, they permitted a x0oll deal to FALL AND 'UTF will in writing. in black an4, 4 ill the MIN I'OoKs, Ready - Is su'l at the lowest 7 B -a" for the repor.,— 1 white, and they *Pre found out, and mast 1"oftble so %J 11:1 vc i-ist received a spl' treated of. We are indebted to the he taken do' ;Nbiwk las is �.Wed 1 4 sindid It*& of rates. Aiter revinswin0his pirvIreeilings at Ot- now the people are asked to send them Go.it's Furnishing Goods. ba6k to do the satue thing over again taw4whiehresu edinth !f resignation of .1414t to hano a beautiful assortment of to be an indiscreet—to do ii :Cwentpq M11AIMORANDPI11 I n e V acd anal,14,anipavin GoveT omen tand I onir not tormation ofthe, t Reform Ad- and lessis so evidence, of iL., (AP' 01 AH kinds kept Oil A the ministration, Mr. Bla "..4id he had seen pla,,8e.)- All if wi,ich I am dotormined to A voice—We want I werity yeian m4e Goderich, 9th Dec. 1"411- PASS BO()K,,;, or iCAS11. in order to wake it stated that they (tho Government) Of P"parityl UIIYAP f wervocridezvoring tobring thecountry i roota f4r more. villich will be to hand in Mr..13take-1 qqite agrre, with the in- 'I'l M R WOKS, CROFT6 JOHNSTON. to tle rolls on a false issue ; that the a few days. allaw which a* xecently convulsed thin telligsht Rentlemah. that the also hall A call solicited before purchaishing I* - shone, thattire elonds Ikave rained and T- couittiv to its centro iv now dead %od hat their farms h<ve been clear d t 1',00K,i, 91,n4, that its corpse is birritA and its t ftenicuther' the st4nd, next to Wme ghi,mt no Ion lks the earth. but the the grace of Sir John, A 5facd .. 17 y Aches-,on's Illarne*4111 Shop, 11awilt" that and amuse them (Loud laiigllter� and cheers.) N'r9j" W B DIAIIIIIES IVolt 1874,: - . k street. of reviving diaaureeassla memories are He argued that it wall not proper to tion of this kind to go when Sept. Gth, I . $3. the fame nien who call upon the country allow a qites re of the House were "rions- AMNIANif2s Foil isto Oistain the fallen statesman, their the memlie leatter --4the statesman who Iv Offacted by it, without dissolving the 14'rOIR JANT&I Couliltry Nbs condemned. A country nison it� aud he ennsideredits As Io N WRY aild chief House still gettilig the oiee of the M `X TA C lest P Y CLEARIN9 SILE COMMENCES Wa4guilty of this gnat crime which the OUR VIRTAT HALF YRA" j (Cheers ) il�count for this proc - rices O-DAYI mote disingenuous argument � wall never sufficient issue to a before the AT IGTOR A pregri-itod so an intelligent people ; ana dure of the new Government V, I of the meeting of Parliament took plac. (Ap- no OAi,re pWn proof could be had des rate character .,f the fallen cause He said it did w,t use to he T14C IVito Stock Redifeed, Af1 IT .4AND-VILLE I t I given y thc-e who defend tile thought stich a serious matter to ask the a and our PAMOi I t kno.Nt_from*p-.ut PARTICULAI W. STANrBUOY c er"ed and tell the electors to hut views of the people regardinq the actions The publi of thchr representatives as their oppon. ) opp�S,te be: the car% to words uttere,I pon that lid o at Barlial, J I legs to iub the jubabli6ats of X^- ect and banish from their memories jents now repmerat it t.) be. (Ch ra. wheu cheap sale is advertised. bY J. it is*.a boa.fide Have the electArs of Canada to whom &it;[ he surTelaudimil wh t has been recently dcral)pcd and they appeal and to whoni their opon. IM00HOU : S. r that 60 k" ived a large - th try out some new isaus kx_-t%iee;i the � �1 D es9 Goods, Jacke Shawls incey, Shirtim an t. ents appeal any reason to complain ? Pry w4privs. (Applause.) I- c, Nvill be sold de-Verately clicaP FaueY ods and-* Make then alluded In the at. (Cheers.) For six own part lie was not GodtAch 4un. I�t, tenqAwmade to condone the critne, prow- afraid to appeal to the people. In a bega le to tnf�m the puhlic of - G ad - brief career of th t was his of for' ed oquinai the leader of the lee (,j,. erich'and saw 0 "ROFTS & JOHN V CkrisIns aid No ernoient, raid remarked that Irtany pen, t0ah Olectiont. a.4 afraid to op d tbAt w Toes %ft 0 jklillit that 'Sj memet the people.. 3 r. Blake then re; sor.4 had begun t r Not ed- fo r Cliell) (46ods. vle wed at soma len,,th tho policy of the choice A. )lac,ionald hAd been uilty ofan "in Cat a etail to the f hi, 41overnment. alln-ling in d while still many I, I a* of Some bad measures foreshadowed in Mr. 3111kc. 1-n ir 0 W& 11V,,!A P, IF�O R -C A fri, f Irtfused tugo so far. NS. their achemd for constructing the Paci6 OROCERIES si� 16 Ile showed that by t.!( Ill in Am they were free fr, -in blaiii - li kenzie's address. STRACHM'S UNIV irs, I a ntitner, for both sides( hd co FROVISIO in- . CUS d be sayed to both had P-il-fty` A T*Btsllm wOUI i% S r Mi. t4er laTne indiscretions and -w —The Railway -yould soon be prices he hopes to et a fun Stock ef fi't cliss., toa mo indiearetion#, both shoul be A rnios t',,- 1 4 4 L NE ttOCtRIES harino� committed 00 000141`3L By keeping, ]BUTTE ELD'S e a tri,dAnd R rep snarsideff" that thtV,Illi _ght be better built if Sir J,,hn A. acdonald was in patronage. Callod&tisoel f Ur tn be equaled f,,r the f -it -are, bat argued that power. 11 Y B -AL C�HER- SAX stretf,-th it flarour, all prices, me er 3b6salI I'Lge the coinfidericluf the Mr. Blake—That I sit ppose is the mists "d in who imagines that Sir John X ',%[Ac- �FUR pe its 116tWithAliodil) their fA1143: donald ruak�s the sun to shine, -atel the S 0 104 the times. rel n In -that iew o the mits lie a3ked the in' see what was coufessett and bliflAing of. the Intercolonild Railway is COUGHS AND - COLD -24 A Ists now Raisins. Currants, Spices, Rice suit docnusarits trifle compara�tivelv. (Great laowh- -ORSALE AT G- CAT;L'91 the, aJ It broug ter.) r. Blake adv'erted to the.fact t i r Yrupcoffirst quality and ever' A gre other artic4 in the Grocery line. to li!Zhi in me U Vot for ON hat they hall always favur2d sit general nee is with the Pacitic Scandal, an,l he (Laks ParlIer.& Cattlip's) eil to recolint the event., which elections simultaneou polling, and sys isave lors Ila nil A. Adam REST Kul OF, CLOP4' pointed out that the I.kte Government I 11 led thf chan�:e (if the Paci ic Pail stray sit y of spiced beef bw" lar�,,e supply of DryOieds. Flaw had repeatedly rebutied to grant them pp Ch er for Sir 41 He plawi&l.lsov this reform, prerarring to bring on the acdon- Goderich, I I th 1, ARIET SQURE,= likely aid ml f-)rced Sir Geo e (;act -h* its ar. ele*U.)"Is wherein they were A 4 with Air Hugh Allan -U. -though the influencing the result in the balance of -Allso,is fall sit to be soccesitful first. for the, purWas of ING Q00P3 p rof 11 in J' -T ran TS VPH11431 13 latt two were very unfriend,ly—for a the constituencie. he Rarne law was aip herr 11ort,, them its the 'ver tjfrvrW in 0 piarat%4 %tru_,41tithey anticipated in the orill on the stat -via book an.1 nomis of his L L the aro Gin, isk Y, -A r. Blake's) friends Ivul sai,I it would dlecti.,lis rean;tIn 4 It, SI it, the pro- soby Mr. il,bots f the two Tia- be anly lair ti, accept the adva,;itage the &&Of '[1610110 IN Ld for pr4drice. Butter, per the tine rdl %tio-. W th,) railway Sir E*% *0&1,s, ,P saj a Potitow bought lilt w to) but the G,,*erninent ditermined the money nted. 14 spoke of the de- to c; a. ow for this lice take In r &fl sr�",t ad *old at - Sir %it ovlt And Put them to the,test. f t grienotlir of ted in; oppi-saitiovi and issued the wry out in pqwor�wat they had ad 1 ". j i 1 .9 HARDWARE to It low otres-4 in the coming elec siro the late (Liveru §TA�`RVRTIS SIORE, You *.ill nerer hminiattesirthe ntari'vibomakej the pumps, Mail dwarb ts on the same shy, xcenthpanied by, Jlardware, Har C, tuen W I bellieve the ainn, wri For they're -the very best. a to the returning - vu 1,y kiit lln-41i Allan wero suliiscrip. A n4 there j� Po,l rny 330, PDX in officers to bring, otl the elections upon muc 1. a wlec�lon fuilul. and sail th-tt VIP F 'For Tw all HIVE Ti), (ME I �� L, ��. �,., I , , L nv+ w n sweW w1wii,issakimc ivibacrip- z Or if vqur 14 tho 2.)th.inst. that-theymight1be simul- Is ooL Ilenus all over the land. P4.alsenoi an these gn? he or4ef and fu letter.., 61kk Wiliest slate money at Yotil- never find the M fol's' Ply ohiret to expect to get the t, tar A t was Their int�utinn should thb) get 411IN .4110 ;1 N 0111 re- o"I[ tri Parl4nient, t the earliest up- A tid prit them in X lift-tt. awl expecwd togot tire idity its inake, toninulsory at fill oANDBEI if not like a astheo-ripti"ll kilit Pr" -t what the . v haol in this election mor lik4 W,&F, ora1v advance. ,jhIs eleetio* THI. via* the- accepte-I niOon principle, slid in other t niliRtarrhog hist -*#an Sir ier an -I -Sir flugh Allan— waYs.' to adjust the election law of the They would provide protec- Goo� you adance it shall be re- t I -1716e atil cosrruption, and Do oa more 111ty 000D, f 'TO, lie 4aid Advances were usadje H Subcriber Isep to, itsfotrut- file (i 1114ime till Shay ritFIA-hed means t ailitato -and mak TinhabitaLt3 .)((;"iWPh arill MAP* S U 0 asonschi he ttials of controtert",elec- Z.� OWN), nd flilu;h Altan haJ th4 'usitry that lijo hall puyhis. NWIDQ.1.4 ti) J. DrA's OOTS & SHOP rounding C Is see &4c, Mt6 recoup him. and r cuntry, even ;ooee perfect than. that 4:f inf,irylij p-alrons thiit, they! I tre re - thin oproni4spity nf,wyni' thOr AT 04-, funrielit(tirzibe hip. Accitirdintr' tothe before thejadVs. They would It to provitI4. s,law for ths, whole return the nioney, he tboni bj a threatened ex- a liple-I'lid javinisict on the *3 1 now WV -.-h ' existain-Olitario. Thei-p— Bankrupht3'. 6foick inoyl ki'litO flatten 10w .4 s4tWy him with the.charter 10 ed also to call the. cansiderationlL of po6Wo t Parliament to-thd abolition of the'read A full stock 'of -and the presidency of the Pacitic Iaij. A the pr6perty qualiti4tion of members of Rf) CER 1 X.F�R,"F-T A bit Parliament. lie. believed. alk- 4 f the cokaii W) they we goL N W o4 re tho servants 4k the man re-juire4i t) entitle a tuan to t T D, i ",li Invite Triompt Attr' t Al T , - - �4 theyi borroiqwd front, au(tNthey knea at denoe of Parliaallent was that be shoul� U Al L viliero tho ar# no*7 6.A!W I je fall L I r stock of na. �o able to secure a in y of the votes W Iri 1 W�st $L -3 Y t;TU t:l the me ihfy to,oik the nioney it would VRI: III his constituency. "i4lanse.) With hav to be- 1 IlTle'l by the sale of the 11 Eli T1LI71.;kA's'Avc -wards accomilliahed eba, ot, 4a believed the �4-) vast- majorlty of thaj -teople of this 'Ap,i t degr" v.) He forcibly alluded to -A r. 34 JOF! A DIA R.F. fie P 1, g j ltuiu*% Aj ev aftt! roferenco tw th I , 3 9 V "RELY A3 E Province did not in thO aligIttes CO- L the 4eA 'tb 4 thtPaums ivin Irexe aub- 3M, require the protection of the ballot, bt _Iku4t, aince trio rallant 1006 w A say -an ?M�rinj yorryrr Iow 1 wriiiji6xis' tpwar,4 the elections, slid rafj 00�1 ;'Winter "purch.uod froal the 11CA1.0 j� menoonoil tither aurns given for that EW YE liters ws- a conaide GIs portion ho H. GAR NER -BER 1. isrp!isis- T�hem were all Inui.h smaller lid require that protere'tLion, and it was s< tu tot M07"I I SA & FISH C-0 Pi osttpt 0000 imnif Map those given by Sir flugh their desire -to make the ballot a feature which must he clearsid MBE& 11 LUM a' Thw. charge was not nuttle that of the eection law in this country. gi!rla 11 -1, Our,,61v ER 314cdon lid o�ALifted subscrip� Ah (Cheers) A measure forthe extension Ali itumonse. at," 4f Opp tionso, fromi his p,,Iitic,,Ll frionds indsnp. of the franchissa would alao be ct-risitloin At Cost M& 7,V n(jor. JEtELLERY- otall kihdL; the �QIJARHA, 11 iEAKPA I I A portws f�,r electwn pizrpoa4a, but tha ed. Mr. Blake then strongly impressed o& -rich, Out. Z;rtl, I.-' ST CLOUDS, 40M AN 1111-A tr*od the truAt, by t P;jlir's represoniatives in Par- lis if; ike Trade, EnglIsh, Frenclij.44pria-i anill A reposed in bim... opon his hearers the importance (if the 11011EIIII, GLASS WARE, *is c,immitted to them and said . SpeeiAl Barga Nlr Daly Was ori the platf ott; as the do - ng of the great char 8 QUITE Tr, L;, -S I I I kT.4, ANVE I Iiaut 671 -!fit 71— _i. � L W. 311. 9 faudbi the ]its Gvvernment� lie sup. r -fib, ter itif insuiter that prevented him. fill, jkk,. Tons that ayo to" WWLENS, FA XCV', izl� the truth give Jfa F1, h11in4 his jaly to thn 4tate. poseJ, he would give him the opp-.,')rtun- Is �a TUAT N S; SAM-% and7 C eC with A oicet-Sir Gto. prtier� i fur ii" at lovP a tru Wrlia (.110 to .1 k. W, FANCY is 3 .1 G� is dead ity of speaking in theile behalf, and re- VE L to t4 at a presents- fur er F 064 'in sure SK iN -4, sumed his seat amid tumult ASTRACUAN, p rates. Thirj IiiiI At' iofitx all'ited td*is ti;! Ny WLS *U)XKIN(' 51, Blalk -Yes. Geo. Cartier is 1. 17, A Vf (,;it mu4W9od $love&, C S. Goderich, :e ti�ck lZI � . , I oil tile P. -J, dead i but his works 'lies after him. & applausa) Mr. Wake - said Sir Somebody t Ti ard; rd I elle for cash, it k1low tred to f'umisli luluber of (1,011 ruly says that one debt lirl 0 arf now Cecil fai:4 nalaacknowled-ed i %l'ithout jay., fifth jou can't bA LU ihav he had ns to k on haW. I ; jo n Par]:&- begvts another. If a man vKes you a b", p oney-nialk the an to 1;e d9lir h to "we you,, a Krudge ty next is aounded in R xrt t,� actept what Sir a; a "to A to Ilw c ta t c6n�es -iuIA to thone who require such. G @so did, and he by his own tole he is Renerally moire ready to SA A PAM stefl._", "I y- Ise it 41.)c nind i a 1) ha; all L. too, T!st;r 4ore he can at I-sw grapis I (h i: &I eitkys. s, obw od nioney for his own use and Sic- pay inteftst on the latter than on the lwAya in the w4l. CAI' H to all thf eept My Nitith #1 OF MVECI: the ronyou3ibilit ova ull' urn itito 0 1, y. (Applanso.) throw 1) rj),zlired and ratio. r, MI), *!Is Dry Gazaas §11 am aua T -4a.. 0 THE tta &tL Wi I I va" the mX osition. to sed ALL be twid at f I I u DIR TORY. ruilte. lid Stir g.,046 113 first Chiss wo that use enormous mtms Were not The arge against him, was, furths 5,0 0 the i"41 ifit And Jrali th t are I is 3L3 'or I a. PnPues. for honest pqrponses SUs, A Y f C eats quite fc*sh ausil, Ify =1111, t not it, bi d I i in tonsil, 0, ce, 'Shades and lFatter,113- with the electious, but Pit TOW12ship -of MorrI& SINC LA�:t t the tisix. does own turn int, doi 7th pirposal of britting the electo' OF HUR0,-J. ice you t+ 17.th J873. '1401 S�7-4R_, Johnilinnallf stated i his ari !o -irch S%rvicos- IN TUE COVXTY I'll foi OtIOXIOC11100M Tha oshou101 a Ch, iaie�nce be- C3 ""4. TU 31A K RkM).0 for 1 a ihere Ball liv fore fhe cilhimiuion that the Godurich, Jau. IT 1141ti you'll ssio where 1 rwtid, h47. ANDiIET'S CHURCH aA pursuance of a Power of sale qon- -e THE B0 APER. TRY IT. (0hurch 6f Scothit*L) expeiiiso uriar that election waa! the next doovs end always 1p,� 'AU tained in a Slortgale hearin slat, -s,&IwA)�a uscau the P a4a BL treating of vo They'll sayu3i is ict4lns 0 ets and the hirinji of * next due t32 a Gos't. Rrv. J. Slays etn1itntal;and 01dSt ok at, less a IFGLII�Y ILLUSTRATED. the'15thday of Duceluber, IS -,I, maeItia near the Cround, M*"t i3 AIWILYS 14 the &Line. ilutiozi. �ear-riol'klirl teanin. Tisis Mr. Wake showe to to ornitig- service I I A. M. Iventing by Thomasitichardson and wife ("4i The'SCIENTI tl.0 AMERICAN now il I"Kab ob 2A6 rudenturs of MO:tgA!;e will be proditicud 111111E Pairtne"hin heretnfilra exiitirisr in Ifth year oys t e widest circu. accorng to the law Sir John service 6:34) P. 31. Sunda -,ScbpQ whq� m-lur Initing peace bare faiind. th iy newnpaper Boteli _r n keppers in thp town of Godlerich, wass Public Auction at the Royal rK A new v CausQathe'e11immitt" of the H6n;; evir' -to kind in the wo' olume con, Put Upon the statute P. 'Very 0heap let Of eZ- +f at the Itime of Sale), will be sOld by Vetween the xj;kde3Mi4r"I: as Ilotmi. ThakUw was , dead letter be L o ok H e r f6i ome-A tuences Jar.nary 1. 1874. Its c-rMt braces the latest and cuts en 11 A. most interesting i iformiation pertain LaA4 shov" that Sir John JIad tAkeb aorVite 6:30 Rs. ), of Hur,,n, on Wqhn 0 y al� the dohis R 9t-oulflit (if making an eleati,in void an Rzt. IL Tonolitiii CHURCH 10. "Pireabsyllerian.) the Village of lTin4hani. in the y ';OX' KX Count t�hli day Aliss�.lvaql b too hy said firm!,xiacss tht first, of tsil tbo ind.1111trI.61, It'locnituical, and to Tints N 3 1873., - Of violation of that Iaw. Mr. t P. . Su-Iday chn.1s:w TIeSdayhh-2711iddyo .-IiS7,1 f In them the ri, 4*mber 13�t. and acc�) "0 t t h ot Of investicating the P. 31. Pr- imaid Gin a -J tiic La4l;esfar Goe­ ity Scientific P 0 of Up A, 4V aver meetin Wednessilley At one of the clock in the afternoon, ra7 tit )be id to orld Dis- on this JU11 f In one Let by Mr. L. J. BRACE Anc- .1of 11[% RT N tions. with utifuj Engravings.of &trip %"W, int ortler that he qFk 'ew-furntionx. few Implements, New -1 prriniL�cs, luixtill make a trlbun�tl of jud4vs sel6ct. ticneer the following land all u. by the Act ition, It 7:�J. chart urch of Elm P Provelf Industries of ST. GEORGES CHURC[l, that is to my; -The North half (if Lot ed bP In innelf umravatu*1 by all those Ciro" a r ves, -land.) I, C 1 kings k Usefu ouse met in All Notes, Rascipes, 8412- golitionn and Adir r avinor read y Brothers' Number Sixteen it' th� Fir Ito -V ELW06D. *ion of the Towniship of At-,rris in- the the fell- tale Itttervand EgV. CA. I I a 6414ays be!toeked w1it all the lat,04 noyoltiiisc of the sellson ie, b.v Practical Writ-' vris;n; service f rn It A- 141. E;reffing County of Huron, c�,ntaillin tifty acrus ers; for Work men and EVloyers, ia all 0% which , inferenoes, entirely service 7 P. M. undav, *hool 3 P. M. in or less, Ion that take y tho .-armus hrt a. sissoar,, ab And the Op"itiva ore i .k A Th. SCIENT11 ICAMERICAN is the Railway Coinvally. t it i4a d,itv at the earlics� in,-)- he I STOCK10 ch6apest and boa illostritted weekly of their views -�n the essi. npt Ferg All tyle3 and Orica, liapr pablished. Vvery number cou Acq )I NYE,�LEYAN MIgTHOD18+CHVRCH Th Farm is near thd Villagot (if poll rocord A,petit4un ex- IEY. JAjL GAAHAX; Bluevsle. tellMoruiriz eerriej 11 A. Ill There at* erisettdon the propwrty a 1`11HE AN U S ilencei Thit debate wit Eyrnion XUAL CEE4AL14'EET- tains (imm 14 to Zj original engravings ih -, - - - I place service 6:30 P. I utions. tersuinated withotit a vote. The miniii- Sunday School 2:30 Hewed LOS House all -I I Log Barn. 'JL 'in;of U luestbers of this 1-i' new rnachinery and norel inve provement0l, Disc veries, and Important y T01 ONT 1­6USE ti rs, otter makin!, every exer'ion be- meeting Wedilmlay and The greater part 'If the propti-ty is un- will be held.ftt tild CornMny' o -ENGRAVING3, illustrating I i'rid 4 To P 11. Prayer in, Convinced that the moral tone if y evenin6s 4k 7:30. dercultivatl,.n. Tho%Vvilill �,ton.' Grey St. it V puro, eilwallitly the 28th lay Tli� gr,4 -n t the coinittry was to &Ilrl thUlight and Bruce Railway rillis through the of 1,ondon, on %V Att ADI M� A Worke, pertainitq to Civil and Mechani. I SOLD BY a0or to this Nod Statie. W Fuggineering, Killing, Mining and the 10011" was. as he hA said on the T EP 'itoperty "il he offered slib� ,f Jan Aq 1874, sit I p. I. et, the METHOD1 lot. Tbg wh re OIAD ill be- kept onistlantl on ad God," 170,PALq0URC1 4. -ad bill. M") of tile pull- po Ray. liff IM, 18M. Metallurgy Ree rds of the latest pro. A floor of the 11111 -se, X prchase- anj ject too a rvsery rs tat" chase mol�..y can ren'I'liz, on Mortgag� at e%y -rect4irs othe on- in the A� plications of t3tesm tilo� ORo. tials majoritv if the Member$ and t DVILLNG, TH .11. Evenillif S per coult voyabl.tt aif vearlir Oil the sningyearpruc �sn Enginecri k-,, Railways Ship: Telegraphy, T agnet- sit,- to try was now b- name teruis an the under BijiMina, Navi werss aq unqt thein. ) The in P-rvwe 630 P, H.', 11 t 'With. Q� 0. c) D +we the peg. ts 10, CIO- allit their verdict v"011111 'ell what they which, the sale i Ing of i -.3M it rs Ityle v e n a 1:1-1. Q �naplt I Electricity, if -jffrdatrpecja1 rates ism, Light 4111114 it. thotiot of the sets which led to 'he res- Condi ns of -le willadeknown j U, R E C tio -1 anica, Engineeria, iqn,%ti#n of �he Gv'ernsn4nt. T*Io suds at the time of saie. Gwo; 21st Nor. h*uiijU METAi[ODIST EW. For furthq par�ielihirs tile all Ixtilrers, C C D in Ono* Wnew how their Late member w-jula CHURCH complete airery deps"out louvers of $cience Teach era, Clergymen: have voted, and they knew haw Mr. thd Ven-lor's A above Auctiollw- and 11twyers, *Ad Pe pie of all Profeasi Monteith vaoidd v(4o if they g,.%va . to Adam licttt, E", aill, find the ! �I S I RXv. F. N. Nullillt. Solicitors and Ilium X"Vlaitsg service I I A. hi. lK - . , ; . Vhich they aft preflared.tolits:i9a as i rening ussMIRIC I h AN use - j ft4 tit them. It i berviep 6:30 F. X. on Piano Forte and 0T)WI. Terms V7 ab,,ut the letter steal !Tuuday School 2:30 Dated 22d Dilamber, 1873. %finsit, (;(Kier Cit. M .'ery Irwiailly, L brary, Study, Officea 'Age the 0** T , L i - . . . I .� * TH O'CHUICH, urontn, Januarl,Uh. I r, 4, . I I . I I Rf)oj*, Coll , �qe, )� ademy, Xr.'Blake replied that he Would give "PRAGE, all usual inadvanco. Rsitletic0s, Stall IeY h"pasnappotet'ho in 4'ecirina.- Ito HOSK12( A S S in in eve Re the salkno arm *ei as he. gAva 4n el ROUAN CA 1403 or hool. ectir in 1402td vordoes Sol az ici A,fear's ijum4 ra JLrsr-dm the oLh4j4vx-,biIjg. "a believed R. -wellud Can pouttlin 832 — ----- StVEXAL H, 1MILED ExGRAVI.W0a, Mase at 4ML, Catechism Mt TO CADEMY Next Doorto ILho Pubt Cifirce. C 0 rm-t A 41otivauds of volumes are preserved f some One stole letter wr-Ate" by Sir 3 P. ) . -A John IdAcdi ald to r Popy. he hollad I Vespers 7 T 11 E tica the thief would be toyind ou; alh, binCUtW L and -refekence. The prac �Z Olt�OUNO LADIESUNDR11. r r) TIE.ArKax. receipts an stellar rth ton timeathe sub. nifeed and andittswif fen prke, erm (GroAl applause.) 'I he rwelved at 11kin mpti Hall.) 4 0 n4l, wt 1, $3 a year GIELIC PRESBYTERIAN, Pupo by he would git� to the P61111411 iarjr for it. gT (Tempe" L 9MOKM IF directi,in of this Hisrans or EiT. J'A - � I ''I I' - �. Alad., Ift4comes to Clubs. Specimens Mr- Blake proceeded to show that Wodiste-lay, The Tw�nrv. �+_ joexpir win be flil-opened n t W Z S T 0 ;".-.6' L6FET L.. false popa �on service "?#)ter rourto n fr03. May News -tr, a naml Aft rn 6D,, WEDNESDAY an. 7th 1674. ft-gitlatfits; 'A', there, waa is trile and a P. X. I senbe had (if all Y,- servi " Toning G N F. L'N 16 ee 630 P. M. ; - � ; - , end inquired what Was there un[hpil r W Alitsuisereta, and Pier., tisr,'Interversili whh the Ministry or.,, t is on the I.ew In connection in voting V,j aw�wa)., & C., por j,n & A. &;jlssro CA AL, betwc.,xi'Mom'd &IN [,,.rt 110 said it was aimplv-boca. 01 Th� jr PATENV t -IBM ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH -GODE M 1. irk wjU Iw W its i -luition per qnarbir,. . . . ........ V W wi hthe94 Ray- CHASN4THIMS. an,", -,r,A remilieethely 2, VZ*JCAN, kfessirX. MUNIV othey found it wall uselesis to ....... ..... 7 txj 1 7,,' I- Tlk; ad -,t-@Len Wrt,t)a awl tium supporters into the mire along with School. 9:M A. M. I are Soficit.4*% of Ameriean and Foreign drag their Morning service 11 A M Sunday Vocal. it. I Music, Inst i 00 41 DO ILI I thoulsolves, fie did not doubt that 0o vsit,ii,t from ilie mwri her 16 I't o the, I'llitClItS, anA'haVO the I:Lr%reat ostablink.. orn ItAil way I,, near 11r.? 1, ',Ole I other side siLfely, however they woul .......... ......... 2 00 I -OR SALE., I of Abe Stive"I if I . :!t they hadalrosighopes of reaching the, ;?])out in tke world. Afore than French,. ........... .. ...... thoritanot applications have been made it 4 00 Plan- and I r not hake hesitated but am they could. I si.1-rit t:1,J f r psteuts through their agency. Slk;NAL office, 6,4y of J)n. lt� hi, Omi, �, or at tht. r ..I DEPARTMEWNTS 0 the not suecisod, they I' ji Paymeni fillaitorly ft-ld ill ad kf i. at their friends down z 16 1 . r' o vn OMPLIL Patenta are obtained wort 1:1 Les f 8 FAMILY I"JiY11111AX, the 11-1, 0 - I) where wl on they could. (Lau�ht, medical work of tho'kind publish 'h"' Plain an hiamentil needle. -CICIN AL do terms, Models of new inventions sketches examined and ad vice f ed anti a most useful b( )k to have in 1.4 roe. All and TO -it patients are published in the Scieutifi� American the wook they issne. Bond -t M ssr� at tisell it theerinted f."w. ark -1- in ism, rest 1b _AU0_ acThey *it credit to thOmselve, for atith 1874. r.) not forai extra Charges Lo pupila that tW=. cvury lkuuse, e0 CIGAR AND 44 OWIla that for that the party should t Sir Joy In the Stan d. by 11. tie nat u re or ite ocei, pati is zeam A. Macdonald An a now man, 'IWIC 'Co U.'j C I L �Ir ea,,h fustriber ofthe sione, for Pamphlet, I 10 pages, containing laws Godsp fOrOerly Occupie bd jn44 to COQla to the surface with all his of the Clerjan&L. F.roo., Idarket Scows, Goderich. A copy of Dr. Fowl,rnl celehrated *Yor the las falfilmessi;q( th* Cofftrje,� and full dirsactiorts for obtaiaing Pat. fthe the work ij the "Scicticco jLife." Willbe factory wortirity will be ivifirmt us f1tal "'aW 811LO bWeld, nd with no hisufth, what- 40A6. " S I �': I �, 111HE millers deposit of plWic & Sh Ready h1adq Clothink., T,]L, MN B03t- rar. Re(Mr. B!Ak ignod hsr*g pilesed out rold cheap. or Ny kildren for the Paper, or oonisernin rhy Suit . thought by list County of"Rak— his sell melecte4 stock of a securities. or bank swii4 ta an au,*nl off" 9 new stock of, promf On the bulk nni of the ­ntr,cf. Patents, NI U t CO., 3 7, Park Ro W, done in the on they liould idge of vshat he was Ii pset Will meet in th PIPES, Groc'-,rios, inety per cout unir or t4.. P"T­ �tr I . 1 Y. Brwwh otfice, Ow. F and 7th kelr Court Ro" i �­ I Vill be IMIl until the COMIJAI-El .( th, Washiigton, 1). to CIO is the iitsyre* H a am CIGARS, ESTRA I-IZIFER. To assets Tender it-Ist be littacheAl 0 SN� 4z C. L399 ie, 81cisaturva of two r"j.,a4ib!e issid wiive ressionni'ber asked them 4 Town Of Goderich upon OLOTIn this crime was Dot am iso- TOBACCO CAME into the'sullseriber's promises, is of the P., laeoew .—ING MADE TOR, QRJDE4 R C Million, willfir, PUUCH4 rfti-t" law Itansaction bat the culmination 271h Jacuary jp.stM . lug 2, con. 11, Colborne, in Nuvem- X"r-41os fnr The ess(r) ingoat if *s~ 11, TivAity The Cr kery, &a, BALRK WANTED, -a at &a., &c. Bmckenrid,,,ti, tNatts thAt hoe may he U E lk 9R. 1,110 0 L 'TED, 103 pords Hemlock Ijawk,. A%; of twooty years (if the same, kind cj, WUTII PIECES In Vi at r a 0, 1 . oce"Pi-311 by Jame her last, I% red and white yearling we'l si-tJ4-1u-, i�rrar wner is requested to rhw rsop--t, work that the rina" bad froluent,y P 7T-- R DA U S0.11, - i wAN 1,tii! esi & been 110-pered with up., a smaller fthesluokio."Tark I favotirel -with a share of the public pat- prore T. pay expensea and take to arctl't UN lowitst, or 0-dar. L th;A is was an orilanizd system UX KIWI fowhich th# highest price will be, 6 CountyCl ork. w her aw office Builder, Toronto- lhdtlme' Organ a. COOKE. Itsrq: WILIKER-SMITH. 22ur.EX TIFFr,,N.. GW,,.h, January 13th 'I ae"'. Pt'04, the using of pnolie psi. County Clerk's mi Agelit for 1494 b tly attended to. Ooderich, Sept. Ist, 184M 138& 14040 0" promp Va. low Gods" UA Ji s. U74. 0 N G All r