HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1874-1-21, Page 214 -Airor"'rarm.- yr, gsgutbs. Thaddeus ng MsEmezia. en Wantsdie-Jes. Thompson. Electors *tie leluth Riding o n -M- O. Osamenit. 42:iplillere-weetemar. 2111.57. . • . . . 1.00 a. it. 9.45 " " LI 30 p. ...3.30 Si • Trams endue as follows,. -- red• ••• )0,00 ,, 4, :99". orgies 1.00p. m. a loge 44 44 1411sti 10.0e " flisIletoectine 2trIreynere 9 _ , 1. askowlbalre wbo io cot give express notice to matrarr, are coo/Wand se ortakba$ to coatante sobsertiptloas. It saheertherw.rder the discovitinnanos ot tMir learn or 'newspaper I, the publuiter or pa rilish- lief swathes* to mod thew:mean WI arrears are 1,1 •1171114a1 tabulation ate MOS reeposalMelor 1 eanibere seat. It If suborners neglect er refuse to rake tee me- tteals or weiregapere frost the dice to which they direetea. nosy seabed responsible tin they have Wed their MILL Seediig numbers back, or lea, ' g thane le the o•cei, is sot such notice of doom- ! samba es the law regales.. 4. If seherrIlvere remove to other Mears withoet Merano" tee Piihristier, sad their periodicals ce priesi•Zeirre Doseeuvrionite.to the tomer directioria, thee -7-velrbirctruppregeer77peleewepper- -......100111151111: ?be Ideirtioa of Seas' Teitelese In the dillsenut war& leek place" on Wednes- day last rind passed off yery quietly ex- cept in St. David's Ward, where there was s keen coniest and considerable lutanist manifested. The candidates were Lewis Elliott, the retiring trustee, and C. A. Humber, an old teacher and a Man of intelligence, who would have been quite an acquisition to the Board. By dint of dilligent canyaseing for the last six months, the employment of three or four Learns to bring up voters and the use of political aoguments, for we regret to say that argument w used, Mr. Elliott secured his re-elec- tion, the vote standing Elliott 99 err duo. P. Rowato. & Co 40 Perk Row, and S. If: Parrnerolti. & Co., 37 perk Row, are one rmly authorised Ad- rertising Agents in New York. We shall be gladst all times to receive items of local news, reports of meetings, accidents, or anv incident of interest 'tie her in the locality where it occurs or to the county at large. Such matter _may be sent at the rate of one cent pet oz. if marked Printer's Copy and not sealed. To ensure publication in any tarticular issue it should reach the lice not later than Monday evening. 1 ' . Snhecribers will confer a favour by iitotifyin,e ns ef any irregularity in ihe !delivery of their papers. ____ .... .,...--ez i The dote after each Subintiber'i name irgthe aticirese indicates the tine to trhi;:h. . Aubreription is paid. Thee, "PIST611 ,IlliTH, 1 Marrii 72,f.' WWII that Mr. • Meeint's Seleverietion is p lid up to let Is - Mardi and thot as owes from that date. islascriners wilt see it to be to their interest te renew promptly, as our tenni ars : $1. SO 5TILICTIA IN ADYLNCL otherwise $2 i will k charged. . . *mit GObERICH, Jan. 21, 1874. , Oentre Zorn. 1 - By all appurance a broad farce is about to be enacted in the Centre ' Riding election. The Conservatives met in solemn coaclave at Seaforth on Humber 4 • • ....Ike 64 Ifroalumber oropeeed by R. Ruh - amen, seconded by Smaill, and Mr. Elliott by E. Graham, seconded by J. Million. In St. Patrick's Ward John Pass- more the retiring member was nominat- ed by Wm, Campbell, seconded by E. Graham, and John Acheson by F. R. Mann, seconded by R. Runciman. Mr. Acheson was proposed without hie knowledge or consent and stated ehat he would not serye, therefore, though the polls were kept open all day, only a few votes were recorded and Mr. Pasamore virtually went in unopposed. In St. Andrew's Ward' Wm Kay the retiring trustee refused to bo re -nomi- nated, and A. C. Simmons, who 'sat for St. George's Ward bust Jear, was, pro- posed by F. F. Lawrentm, seconded by M. Nicholson. At the end of an hour there being no ferther nominations, Mr. Sinimona was declared duly elected. In St. Ceorge's Ward M. Nicholson was preposed by A. CI Simmons, se- condetfby J. II. Finlay, and Eric Me - Key kty G. H. Parsons, seconded by W, G. §mith. At the close of the poll the vote stote5,--eNicholson 48, McKay 3. Neither Mr. McKay nor his friends did anything to secure his return so that Mr. Nicholson was virtually unopposed. The Roman- Catholics having deter- mined upon establishing a Separate School elected trustees for the same as follows, -St. David's Ward, B. Sey- mour and P. Nolan; St. Andrew's Ware, p. Tierney and P. Fox; St. George's STaril, J. McIntosh, Junr. end John McAvey; St Patrick s Ward, Thos. Martin ind P. Oliva. Mr. Seymour was apptointed Chairman for the present year. Pe.211141 Owe: The Stratford Beacon thus tersely puts it. We change the names to suit thisnounty :- ; Slipposing the county council, at its Meeting in December Laet bad decided an emoting a new gaol at an expense of, say,$100,01111. The warden and council, we may farther suppose, are very anxi- ous to get re-elected. They know that there are two oentractors very desirous to secure the contract for building the new gaol. One of these contractors is a &tong party man, the other takes no in- terest in politics, but is very rich. The warden and one of the oouncil go to this rich contractor and say, "Give us ten thousand dollars to pay nur election ex- penses and you may have the gaol con- tract." The contractor pays the money. The county oouncil, or a majority of them, buy their way.back to the council, and the rich contreetor gets the gaol contract ! Electors of Huron, would this be right? Messrs Farrow, Green- way and Etrabb say yes. This case ia an exact parallel to the selling of the Pacific Railway. Farrow, Greenway and Crabb say. by their candidature that it is nght to sell contracts for money with which to buy votes. Vote against the defend- ers of the Pacific iniquity. ONTARIO LICOLSL.A.T17113. Comparatively little real work has been done en the Ontario parliament as yet. Last a week the debate on Mr. Boultbee's •amendment to the riders's. censuring die Government for its course in reigard teethe Orange Bills, was con- tinued. It was rejected by a Tote of 38 to 2-t, giving the Government a ma- joriey of 14 in, thin house. Mr. Bethune's amendment, changing the censure into approval, wee then carried by the same division. Another amend- ment offered by Mie.M. C. Cameron', substantially sicaiier to Mr. Boulthee'a was rtiled out of order. I.The letter the; moved & further anivnament, reflecting Saturday ana nominated no less a person more particularly on the conduct of the than,Christopher Crabb as their candid - Premier, which was rejeeted by a a ate ate. Thereare some who think thatMr. of 40 to 22. The peragraph in the ad- dress attacked by these ameedments was then carried on the woe divieioe, and the whole address adopted and ordered to be presented to the Lienteeent-Gov- ewer. In the course of the debate it Wall made clear that the ()illy „Purse open to. the lievernment under the Con- federation Act was to reserve thesebills, Mr. Bethnne haring established. that fact emea clear mil lueel speech. Heel Sir John. A. Maedonald doue his duty they might have been on the statute book to- day. He sent them back without a word; in the hope that thdy would ern - berms the Ontario Geyernment. At a subsequent sitting the correspondence between the two governments on the bele was moved for. The remainder 91 the Seek was occupied with routine busi- ness of no iutereet to the general peblic. On Friday the house adjourned till Tuesday; 3rd February, ais it was found it would be little usel sitting. while the Dominion elections were going on. ' Crab's will not ge to the pells,but we arenot i, 40 those. We feel satisfied his presump- tion and the high estimate he has -of a hia own abilities will lead hen to put .: the Riding to the expense of a contest. As between him anti Mr. Horton there is no cemperieon. Tha Litter has faith- fully represented us for the last seven- teeo months. and though he may net be possessed of the abilities of a Blake or • Mackenzie he has proved himself to be a feithful, honest representatove7 ,Were Yr. Crebb by any accident to go to 1 parliament, the members would,• no I doubt, be treateld to some rich oratorical ‘• displays, but as there are already enough speakers in the house we thisik it would not be %ell to increase their IlliMither by sending Mr. Grubb. 133t,er en leave.hirn at home to diepense law 1- 'and ju-soce. We fancy the real object iof the Tories iii bringing Mr. Crabb out is to test their strungte in the tovrn of s Ooderich. Cur friends had therefore Ibeeter be oo the alertj and see that they artenot caught napping. Just aa safe .cenitituerscies rei Centre Huron have teen lost thiniugh careleeenese aed neglect; and- we wouki therefore urge, Reformers to turn out on the day ef polling and reeved their votes for goed atmeroment. Let us give Mr. Horton a& least 1000 majority. Let iis show Mr. Gmbh, that though he hes gone 1 thrlegh a block he has not got a tight eatiiieh held of the rope to draw lieu thr .4i th the knot-Lble by which he ' Piaui to enter parliament. Let us leave 1 hinges home to attend ao hie iron and , 7 .._-...............a..___ _ VOrth Zurcol. ; at• _ _ • Alderman Dicker of Toronto having declined the nomination of the Reform. =invention for North Huron, John Leckie, Ea*, of Brussels, who waa named iu the event .4 Mr. Dickey de- clining, has accepted the. nomination and is now fairly before the electors as Port of 119‘83141. or itIreate Alm noon' Ton 1873. With the kind assistance of !Mr. Rad- -- cliff of the Customs, we have compiled the foqcowing statement of tbe Exports and Imports of the Port of Goclerich for the year 1873. It canntot but proviieuine-. Wresting. IMPORTS. SPecific 1544tY CI"lard °an% Tall- .. ***** 25,7b419. lb. . 478 $ 27 • - • • 44,607 " • • • .3236 Meats Pitying Specific aryl Paying 2f 'per cent duty Patent Medicines • • • ......... 107 redijahoderipodtutelee 330 gas.... ;7 Ale, Beead Payiug 15 per ant date Cottons 1606 Clothing • • • • 90 019 Fancy Goods ' 059 °titers in can 73 ijikt 2560 137 347 894 106 The Chartar-64,10es. The charter -sellers are those who say Sir John A. Macdonald -did right in bartering the Pecific Railway charter for meney with ehich to corrupt the electoral body of Canada. They do nct include all the Conservative party, for numbers of respectable Conservatives .voted for Cm tpright in Lennox and Moss in Toronto, and many us now supporting Major Walker in London, David Glass in East Middlesex and government candidales in other places. Thomas Farrow, Thomas Green way and Christepher Crabb are charter -sellers. They defend the past conduct of Sir John A. McDonald, and if elected will do all in their power to re -instate him as Primo Minister. Will the electors of Huron give any of them the opportuni- ty to record their yotes in favour of ,placine him again in that poaition Which he has disgraced We trow not. The Lotter Stealers. The; ehertersellers are making the most of the letter stealing cry in the present contest, tbe whole Reform party being denoinivated such. Even were there any groundefur raising this howl the matter is a very small one,bet we be- lieve that wore the whole facts known the charter -sellers would be very glad to let the matter drop. We understand there is to be a strict and thorough et- vestigatien into the circumatonces, when the plot which it is alleged extrema, will, we trust, be brought te light. . -The city of Natick, Massachusetts, was completely destroyed by hr. one day last week. Only three stores were saved, The lose is estimated at half a million dollars. LOCAL 2;211111 cicrT Consca.-The Comity Coun- cil will nowt in the, Court Hones in this town on Tiiisday neat. FRIMENTATION., --The pupils of S. 8. No. 1, ' laoderich Towaship, presiated their teacher, Miss Welsh, with a beauti- loaawora-box, 011 the 7th inst., as a token of Rion:esteem ahd regard. Am:0min - Teeswater has reached the height of Its ambition and now has its local paper, the first number of which i3 to hand. It is celled the IVecUy News and though smell preaents 4 respectable appearance. Mr. Fair- bairn ir the publieher. Manufactured Marble Wood Harness & Saddlery Musical Instruineuts... 120 Machinery 409 Packages ... .. 257 Paper Hangings • A.._ 796 Plaster of Pans & Marine Gement 84 347 2760 2016 241 , 1340 -1964 Stationery Steam Engines Sinai' Wares Varnish . • • e• Woolens ...... Uneniimerated Articles . Paying 10 per unt duty • Fruit, green • • -Vegetables ... ........ 37 Trees, Plante & Shrubs 678 i'aying 5 per cent duty . -- Printed Books, Periodieals & Pam- phlets 2310 230 MISSIONititY Sa11.11014a.-Rev.De Cam- elon of London will preach missionary eirmons in St. Andrew's church, in this town, next Stolidity, morning and even- ino, and at Smith's Hill in the after- noon. Collections will be taken up in aid of the Presbytery's Honie, Mission Fund. Soutrat Enron. • The voters lista in South Huron show that the Tories have been bully 'en- gageasince the last election in manutac- owing be•guis votes. In one case in Gioderich,te w nahip there are eight yam on one hetnelred acres,. of lend. .Cha - grilled at losing the 'election. in' 1872 they Kai. evidently mid. up thein !Chide ttecarry it now, if felse swearing,' .fratid and trickery will do it Do the assessors know that they are committing perjury in making up and swearing te rolls mahipubited iu such a manner ? We are Riad to learn, however, that net - withstanding all this fraud by which the Tories hare matte about 100 -votes for themselves, Mr. Cameron's pruspects are bright, and that there is' a prospect of his having a larger majority than be- fore. The people are heartily aick and tired of the reign of corruption which has prevailed at Ottawased sre deter - Iron Free Geode Paintaings in Oil Bookbinders' Tools urrStones • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • Fishing Nets, Seines k Lines.... Bolting' Cloths Junk &Oakum Machine, Linen Thread & Silk Twist Printers' Implements ...... Ship.' Sfaterials Iron Tubes 4. ........ Coal & Coke 31311 tons. -10,639 Flour & Meal . 93 bbls.... „. 30d tenni. other than wheat or Indiaacorn 53654 built. 15674 Indian Corn 14647 " 19078 49610 " 60621 21410 11,749 0207., AoszcoirotAL SOCIZTT. -The follow - have been elected office bearers of the Grey Branch Agricultural Society fur the present year, -President, John Broadfoot; Vice-president Rote. Martin; Secretary, J. S. Crerar Treasurer, J. Leckie; Directors, Jas. Ferguson, Wm. Grieves, Jas. Johnston, S. Sleramon, Robt. Drown, Jas. drown, Jas. Simpson, Alez. Forsyth, A. Hialop, John Cober; Auditors, Mesers. Stewart and Megaton. 60 37 667 4747 75 36 196 10 519 1705 W. 111. SIBBATII StillOOL ASSfielITION. -A meetiqg onhe above Association for the Goderich District called to meet in Clinton on Wednesday, Jan. 21st, commencing 'at 10 a. m. A Urge and varied programme will • be present ed. Clinton friends will generously ptoyidai entertainment for all who come. .ToWff Cor!WIL. -The new town coun- cit met or Monehey heat, but in the eh- sekce of the !Gayer snit some of the m sphere adjontrned till Friday evening, after appointing a committee to,strike the stanfling committee for the year and ouainating Rey. J. Graham High eetchool Trustee in• place of ltev. Mo. • Blacketock. a candidate fog their suffrages. e mined that the new government shall l'e• glad t° hiarn that a° far la Mr' have at least a fair trial. Reformemt Leckie:e canvass has progressed he has rot with touch encouragement. The ple are already tired of being repro- isaWd by a nonenity like Mr. Farrow, eho was elected by means of the money Reform banner, hut St is only by dint @Out into the riding the day before the hard work that. the battle can be eon. election. We trust the Reformers ex North Huron will pot their shoulders to eneel work like heroes till the day of polling end plaee Mr. Leckie at the 1 head of the poll by a handsome majority. It con be done if our friends only dal h their duty. They have an able and I popular candidate, one who has had large experience in mualcipal affairs, hoe who has amassed coneiderable means by hie enterprise and energy, one who is wall quelified to look after their in- testates, sad above all, one who is op. i,triati to chai ter belling and corruption 'tat every form. We are glad to learn Leckie has the able assistance I'd Kr. E. B. Wood in his canvass. That 4•8entlaman addressed meetings at Glonie and Wingham on Monday and at Dun- gannon Loat night, The notninetion will tele place at Wingham on Monday, 26th January and the polling on Mon- day, 3.1 February. Let there -be a long pall, a stroug pull and • pull altogether and the riding will be redeemed. • F * working well in the South let them net relax their efforts tat tbe last vete is polled. If they de their duty:victory is sure to perch on the The DialoYalty Wheat Hides & Hons. Manilla & SeaGreas Marble. unwrought. ... 2488 Stone .... .... ... 1 7 Tea, Green ..47d ihr;.. 331 Pitch k Tar . . 5 Articles feepublic use of Domioion 350 Settlers' Effects. 2410 Machinery to be used in Canadian manufacturing 108 EXPORTS. • 1 ' 82 Morris AonteeLtcam,q0c1 Lry.-The somas' meeting of the Morris Bruch Agricul- tarsi Society was held at Birth ou rues - day. The affairs 9f ths Society are in a favorable conditign. The following officers and direct:ere were elected for the ensuing year:President, Jolin Cum- mings, Vioe-President, James Logan; Secretary, Hush McQuarry; Tresourer, Ja111011 hIcGowitn; Directors, John Rich- mond, R. Laidlaw, Gprge Hood, Wil- liam hfichie, Edward Lundy, James Mc- Callum, G. McGowan, R. Cuts and S. Sleepers A; It. R. Ties 19982... .1 247 cords ' 1074 4 62 ..41011 .n00 dos_ 166 bble.. 1 5 7 a 17 98 353 Tanbark Hones Better Eggs Fruit, green Vegetables Barley & Rye W beat Salt Settles' Effects 3 408 rdeleg11=071 Sintooe el erriem-A public meeting was held in the School House of School Section No 8, Ashfield, on Wednesday, 14th inst., for the purpose of electing a erustee fur the coming year. Mr Alex. Pentland was elected without much oppositien. AORICULSCRAL &mitre. -The annual meeting of the Ashteeki and Wawanosh Blanch Agricultural Society was held in Dungannou on Friday the 9th day of Jan. 1874. The following Obvert) and directors were appointed for the ensuing year, -David McIlwain, President; Wm. Clark, Vice-prestident; Win. McArthur, Secretary; Wm. Crawford, . Treasurer, Directors, Chas. Duruis.T. Washington. Wm. Mallough, lhos. Anderson, Chas. Girrin, James Rose, James Crawfurd, Andrew Dreary anti Path. Clare. EAT. 21936 bush 21936 81891 " 93715 867,016 " 149274 Beath haroz.n. , • /Wean Convsprung ATIZolucit. trit Id. C. CAMERON NOMINATED , ' GREAT ENTHCSI&SM. A Reform conventioa aunibled Zurich on Friday last for the purpose of nominating a standard bearer for the Reform party at the ensuing election for South Huron. The meeting was more properly en* fur organiution as Mr. Cameron, who no one cloub;ed woulA be the nominee, was already in the field, and the convention would be simply called upon to ratify his candidature. Robert Brown, Esq., President of the Reform Assoeiation °POW the chair and M. Zeller, Esq., acted as Secretary. The following delegates were present, - Sreetme-Geo. Anderson, Jas. Ne an- ises, Alex. Mitchell, Thee Wells. Useoeset-Robt. Montieth, Nor- ney, Montieth, Jr., Jas. Elder, Jas. McTaggart, Alex. Stewart, Win. Haw - den. • Ilee-Julin Dreher!, R. Brown J21 B. Geigher, Robt. Ferguson, Robt 'Mc- Allister, M. Zeller. STlirli -- 1101141111, G, Eber- hardt, Murray Walker, John Repo„ Jacob Haist; Louis. Kroft, Geo. Mii- whinney, John Parson*, 11. Moats, JP. Lewis, Josiah Pedlar. Extrzit - Patrick McPhillips, Dr. Moore, John Gould. On amount of the storm andlhe state the road. the delegates from Godereet township and Clinton were not present. Moved by Mr. Ferguson, seconded ey Mr. Buchanan, thet Mr. M. Zeller be the Secretary of the Reform Aligarh& for the South Riding of the Cant , Huron. Carried unantinoully. Moved by Jas. Klass, eeconded by Thee. Wells, that M. C. Cameron be the nominee of the Reform party to conteat this constituency in the interest of the Liners.' party. Carried. unanimously. Mr. Cainerun who was on les way from Goderich not having yet arrived, J. S. Sinclair addressed the convention urgingueron those preeent to exert them- selves te the utmost to secure .the re- turn of their candidate. Ile urged each 011e tt4 work as if stemmas depended upen his individual efforts. If each one did' his duty there mould be no doubt as to' the reside Mr. Cameron, who arrived while Mr. Sinclair wee 'peeking and whoa* eu- trance was greeted with enthusiasm, spoke briefly, thanking the convention for the honour dune him. They knew be would much rather have retiree from public life, but under the circumstances he Nit he would not be doing his duty were he to decline to serve them on the present occasion. He therefore accept- ed the nemination and trusted they would all work ei eusure succeu, not so much for him as for the principles they upheld. There was a gone attendence at the convention aud much eneliewastp mann• tested, which augers well for the succeu of the Reform limey when the day ul polling comes. ANoHLER PIONIZR OCINS.- In Our obituary columu this week will be found a notice of the death of Mr. Thomas Lamb, one of Huron's oldest end moat respected residents, which teok place in the township of Hay, near Redgerville, on Monday last. Mr. Lamb had long been a resident of the township of Um borne, and eettlea en his ferin in that tewnship among the first. A few years ago, desiring to retire frame active labor, he sold his farm and removed to Rodger - vele, where he purchued a house- and lot, and where he lived until the time of his death. Ile was 67 yeses of age, and in his day we. a prominent and usefel niemeer id the community in which he lived. Hia death. will be regretted and his memory cherished be mauy. The funeral took place on Tuesday, and the large atteneance fully attested the re- spect in which he was he:J.-Expositor. Ba_rlela. B. A. 0. G. T. -A lodge of the, Brit- ish American Order of Good Templar* was organized here a short time ago. The following are the officers for the present term, -D. Cullen, W. C.; Neil McCauley, W. V.; W. C. Pickles", Sec ; W. Foster, Fin.Sec.; J. Wallace, Treas..: C. Wood, AUL Sec.; A. Rutledge. Chaplair Mr. Burgess, I. G.; R. Hall, 0. G.; J. Wileon, Marshall; .1. eiihneton, Dep. M.; retie. Bergen, R. II. 5,; N. McCauley, L. 11. S.; J. J. McKenzie, P. W. C. T.; Rev. T.t. 0. Rice, Prue. Dep.: Tea II/diatom. - Our- people are pleased at the prspect of at last having something done for the harbour. 'Th. Premier in his plaice in the hots° last session deminnced the late tlovernmeell for refusing us a grant while giving one to Port Albert, and now that he is at the helm ef affairs they know they will ',eve jestice done them. They feel it to be their iluiyi to support Mr. Cameron and strength'eti tip bands a those who are preeered tie do them that jestice whichhar lutheitolueu refused. . IA.C1.3101r. E Ligi'T IAN Or St21-4,10L Teuerges.-Tee Annual Meetine of U. ee S. No. 1, Lucknow, we* held CI tItu 'Dien- Ilan, yesterday.. After receiving the Trim. Wes. &nil Amliturs' !menet the foltowine rentlemeu were elected as a board of frustees iu accordance with the law respecting ' incorpated villages: John Treleaven, John SIcHardy, John S. Ten- nant, M. le, Walter Treleseen, Robert Lees, Jaiues Mills" -Senried. CURLINO CL1:' . -At the Annual is Meeting of the licknoii Curling Club, held on Aloud last, the following of- ficers wereele-Cnid for the ensuing year; George Douglass, Esq., President; Jae. S. Tenr.ant, M. D., Sec. Treasurer,. James Somerville, _Esq , George Kerr, - Eaq., and Jno. 8. Tennant, M. D., Skipm The Cluh have just received, dieect from Scothirei, twelve pairs of very handsome curling stones, with sil- ver -mounted handles. We understand that in • few days a match will be plavel for the championship ot the club. -Sentinel ..1 ' / Preetftery et MVOS. 031erich horticultural Society. The annual meetiag of the. above So- ciety waa held on Tuesday, '13th inst. when the following Officers were elected for the current year : President, J. H. Williams ; V ice -President,' Edwin Bing- ham; Secretary-Trusurer, Peter Adam- son ; Directors. A, M. Ross, Thomas Heed, Alex. Watson, C. E. Humber, Win. Harrison, W. D. Allan, Redd. Oib. bons, Wm. Campbell and John Goodall. Auditors,Jamee Thomeou and archibald Dickson. The retiring Directors presented the followihg ' 1111PuItT. The Direetoi in presentini their' fifth annual report, beg to state that the fin- ancial position of the Society is very satisfactory, for which we are indebted to the Townspeople ani Couecel for the generous support they ettemeed to the Suciety last year. The membership was larger then the year previous and the amount received upon the day of Exhibition et the door from non-members was mere than doeble tee sum received the jeer previ- tele. We able hadnn increade of thirty entries over the previous year. We had a splenthil exhibition of apples stel keen c•impetition sainongst the ex- hibitors. They were a very plentiful crep, et excellent euality and geneer ly spiakIng free from worms. Pure wero small crm and very in- ferior in quality, caused we think by the two excessively dry seasons in me cession. Plums were a fair crop, some curculio, but less rot than the previous year. Peaches were a fair crop and of ex- cellent quality. The most of the trees in this locality were destrnyed by the severe winter of 1871 and 1872. Grapes were a bountiful crop and of excellent quality. We find the iellow- lug varieties succeed admirably ie this locality: Rogers No. 3, 4, 15, 18. Sa'em, Elionelan, Hartford( Prolific, Delaware, Concorl and Creweling. Garden flowers were almost a failure this !meson, caused by the dry season. We had however a splendid exhibition of Green House plants end flowers. Garden Yeeetables were a good crop considering the dry season, but there was not se much competition &a in form- er years. The show of Ladies' Work was of ex- cellent quelity, but rether limited in quantity. The Society's Library continues to be extensively read by the members. We hold a ineeting upon the first Tuesday of et err month, *hen the books are ex- changed and occasional discussiont upen Horticulture take place. • Goderich -nutineains its reputation es being one of the best fruits growing sec- tions in the Prevince, as shown by our townsman, Mr, Roes, carrying off at the Provincial Exhibition a first and second prize for collection of plums,' and two first prizes for collections cif grapes grown in the open air, tyre's!. and six venues.. He also took several prizes for separate varieties in both plums and grapes. SOCIAL AND PRO.IfINTTATIoN.7-A social of the Wesleyan llethodisecengregation of this town took place at the residence of Harvey Howell on Monday evening tall, when Miss Anilrews, organist, and Mr. Jas. Thomson, leader of the choir wme each presented with a puree con- taining a large stun of money ap- preciation of their services. ENLARGED. -The Brockville Recorder, one of the eldest papers in Ontario, and a staunch Reform j•iurnel edited by a staunch Reformer, David Wylie, who elaires to be the father of Canadian joernelism, coulee to band considerably enlarged and improved. Friend wylie though getting up in years possesses • large share of vigour and he is evident- ly determined, thee his paper shall keep pace with. the times. T. cr..o. F. ---The following haye been installed officers ofeeluron Ledge of Odd - fellows for the ensuing term ;-John Nairn, N. G. ; Qeo. Stewart, V. G. ; F. W. Johnston, Secretary ; Neil Camp- bell. Treasurer ; I. McNemar, Warden ; A. Kirkbride, Conductor ; W..Knight, I. ; lt. Armstrong, 0.- G. ; W. If &Views, fi• N. G. ; A. Kerby, L. 8. N. G. ; R. hiciKay, R, 8: V. G. C. W. Andrews, L. S. Y. G. ; Thos. Wait - ham, L. S. S. ; Staith, R. S. S. ; J. ' H. Colborne, Chaplain. DSSATIL -The debate last Saturday night on the subject "Does Sir John A. McDonald deserve the confidence and respect of the Canadian people" did credit to those who took part in it.' The affirmation was sustained hy Downey, Cameron and Hamilton and the negative by Messrs Bell, Rynelds, Saunders and Trainer. J. Macara, Esq., occpuied the -chair and after hearing the arguretents expresaed great difficulty in giving a decision, which he finally did for the affirmation. There were a num- ber of ladies and others present, besides &full attendance of members, - TEIAT TI1CSTSZAHIP.-A report has been diligently circulated by interested parties, and we observe it repeated in our local cotem of last week, that Mr. Bell desired to be a cendidate for School Trustee in St Andrew's ward at the late election. The report is utterly Jells. Though frequently solicited to de so Mr. Bell always positively refusea torun,having neitherthe timenor inclina- tion to engage in a personal canvass, which it appeers is necessary if anyone would aspire to Om doubtful honour of having a seat at the School Board. The report eras set.alloat for the purpose of impressing the public with a similar sense,. of the importance and influence of the perty who was elected to that which he has ef himself, but we would beg remind him of the frog ia tee fable, to which in striving to syrell itself out to the proportion of the ox, burst la the attempt. At every election the dieloyalty cry is raised against the Refoczn party. We aye hail occasion to meet the charge before, but we beg again to remind the would be loyal Tories that every treas- onable plot which has existed in Cana- da was hitched in their mks. It was they who got up and signed the annex- ation manifesto of 30 yeare ago; it was they who burnt the Parliament build- ings in Montreal in 1845; it was thov whcA mobbed, ini .and rotten -egged Lord Elgin, the Queen's representative ; it was they who raised the flag of treason at Brookville and othee pieces; it was their leader who disgraced the country by oonducting himself in the most shame- less manner when the Prince of Wales and his brother were in this country; 1t wu that same leader who when Minister of Militia waa such • state at the time of the Fenian raid that he could not getend to the duties of bis office; and it was others of that same party who showed themselves to be cowards at that same time and shrunk from the duty of repelling the enemies of their country. And these are the people who charge Reformers w ith dialoyaltyl • brim Loge. A fire whirl =Masa serious loss upoa 514 whole Dominion of Canada, took *its at Ottawa on Friday last. A building occupied us an office by the ?sato Railway staff waa consumed and with it all the maps, plans, books, &c. in connection with that work. The lose is variously estimated at from three quarters (71' a million to a million aud • had of dollars. The result of three years labour has been near4 all lost. The so far as eau Le se -en -urea wag seeidental. vote of thanks to the Chairman theloone Tention, wkich was a very hummious- one, adjourned. • ItOrth MO". ' THE REFORM CONVENTION. ,a MORT MICOIPsitruL osTumusio. The Reform C-onvention of! North Ileron• met in the Royal Hotel:. Wing - ham, on Monday the 12th inst., 'for tbe purpose of selecting a candidate in fife Reform interest to 'mutest the riding et the coming election iu the Reform intee- eat. The full quota of delegates free die different townships iris present, and- ebeut sixty very prominent Reformers were also in attendance. Peter Fisher, Esq., of Wingham, President of the As - Leet. Esq., Secretary of the Associatioi acted as recorder. The following delegates pr.osented •their credentials and took their testa • Asertm.o.-14. Mallongh, Robert Gleudinning, Alex. Framer, _John Mur- Thdocct,. AAlnedx..110Mnoln. tyre, Jos. Mallough, • Wsst Waw.twosn.-4ohn Weeh.I,e,hte.n- :fames Rose Edwin Gaunt, George ion, Robert Taylor. Joseph Mallough, Ea•McKay, Robt, Currie, Finlay Ander- Weatherhoaci, Charles Girt in. 'CAST WAWA'S( att.-Thos. II. Taylor, 4isoine,u,Rojboti.intiGmeresow:T, J. a jrua:813orno,wns TITaNBIlaRT.-A. Fisher, John dein- Powell, Hugh MozEwent John Fortune. Luc K wow. -Neil Smith. Jelin Ma- rion, Geo. Douglass, James Somer- s. . Thompsoi, John Peekie. ' Moanis.--John Mcerse, 11. Mills, Win. Isbister, Goo. Moffatt, .)olin, P,N‘IeniKemeInic,hliosh, nprB.rossloadfnoo. t, Johti WINORA111.-L. J. Brat*, 11. Lennox, James 'McGuire, Dr. Towler. Howiex.-Thomas Wilson, Richard liming, Joseph Muir. John elcDermott, Itobt. Gibeon, Win. McKerchet, 'John I nelis, Charles Mcl.righlin, R Mort Mc- Laughlin, R. Avert Berns. - After a short discugainn it woes decided that the meeting should be an open lone tuTailiia Chairmen explained Ilia reasons why the conv•ntion had been =Mel to- gether. Ile spoke in glowing terms of the proerasse of the Reform petty, and hoped that the day was net f ar distant when our sun would be In its zenith: He thought it was the ditty iif the as- sembly to meet toeley aml bring ont inar. who would uphold the prieciples of the party. If we were to work with a will, our principle. were such tui would return our condi:late by a sweeping ma- jority. (Cheers.) tie thou celled for ;propositions for candidates. Drj.111Snleelen8,'senle7vviii.illeet1 *b.; 1117*Iii4ISIonstibity- , Mr. tennerville, on rising. weagrestela with great •applanse. He thanked\ the conventien for norniniatir.g -fie stated, however, that he ha.1 yarietas reasons for refusing the nomination. One 'if these was the bee steie el lea health, which would not per,nit hen to make a perssnal canvas, an•I *nether reason was that he felt that he not the full confidence (if the l•-elers of tile party. He again returned t hulas to the eeneention for provising ben as a can- didete, la it iota thatite vie not stand. Mr.John eleCree, differed (rim Mr. Soinerville. He had no doubt hat that Mr. Somerville was certain tof being re- turned, shunt./ he become the mimeo° of -the c•,noantion. Meer, heat.) He suggested that half an hour be showed Mr. Somerville to oinsider finally is liethe er he wiould accept or dateline. efr. Leckie thoueht Semerville was in error it saying tWat he had not the confiamice of the Iteform party. It WW1 net tha auto in his part, of the rid- ing. They afreild all stick to Mr. Somerville, anti he felt contelent that if this was doue he would be returnee:by a large majority. iCheers. Mr. Oleneinning seed thatl tee feel - leg in favor of )Ir. Somery. le was as great in tile east of the Tiara a.-; it wee in the west, that gentleman& torn was (Hear, hear.) Metar1111hn1dri.n. So. pesitively e eted to After considerable disc:mind a shoe; of ands was taken to dietover What ones the conventiou had in Mr. SOmerville anl his fitness siva csedidate, when the entire aseemblv held up their hands in his feyor. Mr. Somerville.again refused to accept 'the noiniustiori. was willing to Work es a private in the ranks as he haa done before, bat would not become a candidate. He persisted in de•clining the h••nor. societion, occupied the chair and J. 11 0Allf•DA,. -A Lodge of the Canattian 014(6110w. is shortly to be opened in Winnipeg, klanitoba. The Renfrew h4ereery was presented. with a receipt of paid up Tont for six months, as au Xmas gift. Mitcholinow ranks amongst the towns of the Province, having attained to that dignity at the belouning cif the year. - A ribbon factory has boon establishid by M. LeMtayer Miuselin, at Ohambly. and within a few weeks it is promised that it will furnish ribbon to the Doinin ion. M. Lell Maieelin is s French emigrant from.Dernay; it is ueclerstood that this is the first establishment of the kind in Canada; $7,000 have been sub- scribed. The machinery wom in great partimpirted from Normadny, nio4 fuming the shareholders an nembered oniony prominent men of the district. Rennes -ribbon, cotton thread. t,owels, nspleins 'and other articles will be manufactur- ed. -Mr. Cercorari Stratford waf lieminated by a Reform contenting, which met st Milverton on Tuesday, .13th test., to contest North Perth In Reform interest for the seat im the tonal house vomited by Mr. elouteith, igho has reeiened in order to run for the COMMON. We. hrzooravillet AOAIS.-It was thought that this duiesse had subsided, but we learn thst a child of Mt. Wm. Vanes. mond, hotel-keePer, died of it a few days ago. TUCkereirtith. A Cat/CAW IND Lecrraz -A concert and lecture will come off at Zion Church, Latta's corners, on the evening of Fri - dal, the 24th inst. The muaic-vocal aita instrumental, will be under the detection of Prof. Crawford of Seaforth, whit will be accompaaied by a'mumber of amateur gingers from Seafotth. The lecture will be delivered by Dr. Camp- bell of Seaforth. Seaforth. Contra Laren. ning. MITES. In Sesforth, on the 16th inst., the wife of Mr. John Duncan, of a daughter. HtFORM CoNVZI9rioN A7 811AroUTH. -.v. K. MoRTON, ESQ_r„ NOMINATED. i • A convention for the purpOse of nomi- nating a candidate to contiibt Centre finnan in the Ref ornil en tereo‘a at the en- \ suing election. mei „eat Seraforth on alovelay last, 19th onsti In the alteence of J. S. Sinclair, Ewe, President eif the Association, W. lt,-itiquier, Esq., was called to the,chair. i ' Thelollowina delealates tee present : UODIRICH ToWlit-ta. Runctinan, R. %V. McKeezie Geo; Swanson, W. 11. Squier,Ift- lilackay J. J. Bell, Thos. Hood. To N. Dance, J. T. Dencan. Tureste&rne-Gen. Walker, J14114011 Dollar, F. Fowler, ifs... Mahatfy, John 1.),,14, David Soviet. Cotatoene -Jame, Symington, John Morris,. Wne Green, R. Yawns, John Brackenridge, WM. Y011ug., ' Ileetarr-Ches. Lowrey. Won. Arm- strong, John Patrie, Thos. Mooto Hugh Wallace, A. Woodmen, Jolla Melnillen, Andrew Sloan. ', efoKiimor -John! Get -enteric. Alex . %lurches. D. Cenipbele. R. Goveitleek, Jas. McDowell, W ni. Cash, Jnn. Elliott. Gesy-eJohn Strisehen, J. McTaggart. Wm.. Bishop, J. Keechtel. Jag. Fergie- ii%,‘,,n, J.71.hiscirtoDnoluglas, Adam Turnbull, T. SItAlcillan -Wtn. ',II:Wad:1400, D. D. Wilson. S. 0. alcCaeghey. The Chairman stated that the principal object of 'the conveation waa to selett a candidate; but se efr. Cameron the late member for South !toren was present he Would call on him te say a few word,. - Mr. Cameron nettle a capital speech, refening to -the eircienstances under whieh be. beckon.) a e 'outlasts for Sinith Heron. Ile also referred to Mr. Sin- clair's claims on tneParty; He (Mr, C..) Was unable to go nein e contest himself as the strain he had gone. thror 03 1872 bad injured his health, and cited refused to run, bet he had been urged to do so and at last gave his cowmen. Ile depended on the exertions of suet friends as eft.. Sinclair to put him in, and ttraSothetring withdewn from the field iti Ithe Centre .Riding to help him inithe gouth .ho thmight a resolution shouts. be pissed thanking Mr. Sinclair for his services to' the Refoem party He hoped to see lin in pailiiment yet. Mr. Cameron then Rudest to the - prin- ciples of the Reforin parte and reviewed the history of the Pecificscitidal. He wee surprised to see ple refime to believe pei the docennektary Weiler showing Sir JOIm'e tout. - 11 was - glad tin know that wa had bettek men at the:head of affairs now. He (erred in hija terms 1 to Mr. blanket 's and Mr. !Blake's honesty !and ab i and paid a', worthy tribute to the tter, who etood head and !Moulders above any other public man in the rountiy. He trusted they would all tun ou toed give him a hearty reception at Clinton to -morrow. lie hoped they woulit all do their duty in the present conteee, record their votes in the Centre Ridling and assist all they could in the Norte and South 'Ridings. The lollewing eiriolution was nieved by Geo. Walker ; seconded- by We m. Young, "That witereas J. ;S. 'Sinelair, Esq., one of the Reform candiaates for Centre Huron, Nes in the interest. of the Liberal party, and that ' he may strengthen andl censolid,ate the interests of the party, and in order that he may more effectually id thoroughly derote his time to ;the e; withdrawn Trom Huron, tine couv the services, here Sinclair to the thoroughly ream services that thi approye of the co rge he has ehus pur- sued and further express their thanks to him for his newly liue.of conduct. This convention eurther considers that Mr. Sinclair has elanes en the Reform' party which must an a future oecaaion be more fullierecignizisd." A delegate stated that a rePert wag in circulation that efr. Horton had given Mr. Sinclair. $3000 to withdraw. He wished before the vote was taken on the resolution to know if such wae the case. Mr. Ilorton gave the statement a flai denial. The resolution! was then put and car- ried unanimously and • copy of it order- ed to be transmitted to Mr. Sinclair. The nomination of a candidate was then proceeded with, whets it was inoved by S. 0. McCanghey, seconded by Jas. Dallas, that Horace Horton be the nominee of this conveution. No other candidate being preposed the motion was put and carried unanim- ously. Mr. Horton thanked the convention for the honour done him. Ile was glad there would be uo diviaion in the Re- form ranks as seemed at one time im- minent. He had nothing speciol to re- fer te in his pase career. Ile reviewed the situation of the elections of the Pacific ' diasolutien. Iite• • The Boma Presbytery of the Canada Presbyterian Church met hi Seaforth on Tuesday. 13th inst., and continued in session dering that and the following day. As the question of union was to cotne up there was a large attendance of ministers and elders. 51r. Young was elected Moderator for the ensuing six months. Rev. Messrs. R >ger, MeDiarmid and Mitchell being present were invited to sit es corresponding members. The Preebytery Roll for the year was tuade up. The tollowillg are the Commissioners appointed to the next General A ssenibly: Ministers -Messrs. Urn, Ross, Brown, Grant, Fletcher, timetley and Ferguson. Elders - Messrs. Matheson, Spence, Gardiner, Agnew, Scott, Wilson and Strachan. Mr. Thomson, student, read trial dis courses which were very satisfactory. Mr. Gracey presented the report et the Committee appoiated _to craisider the financial returns of the past year, setting forth the average contributions per family Ana per memberefor all pur- pose, &c. While the report showed gratifying results in reoard to such con- tributions on the whol'e, it was resolved to take steps to endeavor to induce the people to increrise their contributions, and to deal with those congregations which failed in their lihrerality. The basis of union waav taken up and a long aud animated dismission ensued. The presbytery approved of the buis by • maj•iney of one. The following is the division list: For IInion-elitesters: Rev. Mount. Gold- emith, Cre, Jones, lerown, McCusige Gracey, eIcLean, Pritchard and Leask; Elders -etagere. Stra,chwri, Gar- diner and Agnew. Against Union - Ministers: Rev. Messrs. Grahani, Logi., Ross, Barr and Ferguaon; Elders - Meagre. Carnochars, Walker, Kerr, Ma- theson, Fulton, Scott and Spence. The remit on fureign missions was disapproved of. Ittay. Thos. McPherson, of Stratford. was nominated as the next Moderator of the Assembly. Tas inventor of Pairbeakel Scalia Luightetl. A letter from the United State) Com- missioner at Vertu, announces duet the Emperor of Austria has ce3sted Thad- deus Fairbanks, of St.. Johnsbury, Vto the inventor of the Fairbanks' scales, a. Knight of the Imperial order c,r "Francis Joseph." This is a toga-. monial -to the !slue of Ameriem Lore genius, but when the immerse value of a reliable and standard weigh- ing machine to the commerce of the entire civilized world is countered, it is cee fully inerited.-Tte fferuj, ALMOST' • FULL -That fine house On the market square owned by Mr. Coun- ter, wow observed to be on fire on Thursday evening the 8th inst. The fire proceeded from the hall lamp which ex- ploited. The flames tken made their way ue a partition to the roof where they were disoored, the alarm given and the fire extinguished. Mr. Counter's family were at a party and Mr. 0. bed just retuened from, his shop previously to his going to the party. - West Witeratiosh. Tsar Scictost.-The following fur- ther particulars of the suicide of John McKenzie, which writ reoorded in last week's issue, have rem@ tn hand, -Ds - owed and his brother had been killing hogs, and having agreed te go to tee barn and feed the oows while his brother went on another errand, cut hie own throat with um butcher knife. His brother who is married returning, and not finding him in,went to look for him, end discovering traoes of blood around the barn, tracked him to an adjoining laid where he was found lying isbuyibie He ezpired ea about half an hour. No cause assigned for the rash act, MARRIAtIES. On the 8th inst., by chs Rev. O. Clark, Mr.Willisan Alcock,to Miss Elizabeth Ann Pinnel, both of Kaoline. On the 7th'inst., by Rev. A. Lilliked,at thd house of the bride's fattier.- Mr. Jas. Borden, of Kincardine, to Sarah, eldest daughter of Mr. John, Palmer, of Pine River, Townahip of Huron. At the residence of the bride's father, Brussels on the 8th inst., by.the Rev. R. Davey,Ghas. W.Holland, carriage - builder; Wrezeter. to Charlotte, fonrth daughter of Saml. Pearson. ZEATMS. There was reported to be less ice a Lake Ouperior New Year's day than on any other New I•ar's day for tile hist 14 years. Th interest of the public dole of the Ottawa consumes, annually, one - of the revenue. It is evident is that &change is urgently -need- ed in e government of the °spited of the Diaminion. ister:Moltome-teme -otlE MAF-KETs Rodgervilte, en the 12Ili inst., ; 31fr. Thomas Lamb, in the 67 ye tr; ins At Sesiorth,nn Jsn. 4, Jlohti, 4,1(44 son "of Mr. Themes Coventry, aged 4 years sod 5 months, let fleaforth, 011 , Jan. 12, William Arthur, youngest son of Mr. Tloonias Coventry, aged 1 year and 24 days. . At Seaforth on J an: -10, Lydia Wells, sister in-law of Mr. Thomas Coventry, &zed 37 'years. la Tuckersmith, on ran. 9.sinnet Mc. Donald, wife of al.r. William Mo - Dolga. A child was smJthered in Prescott re- cently by guests at a wedding throwing their outer garments on a bed where it wu lying. It is stated that Mr. Notman, Photo- grapher, Montreal, has taken contracts for &boat $10,000 for photographing the senior classes of Princeton College, N. J.• Dartmouth College, N. FL, and Dar- va'rd University. A nom nausea James White, of tbe township of Carrick, was kioked by a horse in the abdonien the early part of last week, and almest instantaneously killed. Deceased Pia :nephew of Mr. Robe Crooks, 8th con. Grey. - Tke Hamilton Tintes says: We were ehown a day or two ago • letter written - to her parents by a young girl from Teeswater, who has bPn in the Brant- ford Institution for the Blind for about a year._ She Liao bliud sato be unable to distinguish day from night. The letter is really • model for plain neat writing. The lines are perfectly straight, the let- tere are equare and wonderfully regular in shape and size -in fact it puzzles oevi to think how • person who can't see at all can write • more symmetrical hand than thouninds who oan see. There ie not a mistake and not an erasure, and yet the girl says she writes in hurry. The let - &ors is written with pencil. as the blind cannot eucosissfully use ink. test in South Huron, e contest in Centre. iition fully appreciate eore reedered by Mr. Reform party and lie the value .of much ce•nvention cordially - • Mr. Fraser then moveJ. secnnlea by Mr. McEwen, that the confer iimead- journ for t wenty minutea.-Carned. After recess, Mr. Nilsen Moi -ed, secont‘a by Itr. Taylnr, that the chair- men of the „different deleeetious retire as a committee I a ten minutes, to facili- tate busiuess.-Carried.- When the committee had retnrniel, Dr. Sloan suggested the name of It. W. Scott, Ottawa, as a desiraele cencli•latee Mr. Mallough did not believe in hav- ing outsiders, perticularly renew poli- ticians torepreeeut us. Moved by Mr. Brace. secinded by Mr. Jackson. that N. Dickey, orToron• to, be the choice of this coeyentien. Dlr. Glendinning movel, ewe/ailed by Mr. Messer, that John 'Leckie be -the choice of this convention. Mr.- Glendinning preferred a lecal man to represent North Huron in the Dominien Parliament. Mr. John Leckie did nnt wish to be a candidate. and begged Itaye tie retire in favor of Mr. Dickey. , elle-Fraser urg. ad the. importauce of having a local representative in fertile ment and requested lilr. Leceie not to rLeeetirkeie. 1,ellilei4hatInttugrrenaetdcoshn„fieduenchie iint4enIat. Dlr. Leckie thanked elt Fraser for his confidence. lle hail not expected that hte woind receive the tveuinatien of the convention, and woul I require a few dayd for consaleration. If nig Diekie chnienl4siniptepidmt°t, aitaf n1;o111.1.1oD7c):Itiladvfliro!uyled hnioint stand he would give an answer by Friday next whether he himself would run on not. If a stronger man could be found imthat event, be would like to see him truilnl.Frilidaeyretoglenetesiddetrhat lie 10 allowed Mr. Fraser preferred Mr. Leckie to Mr. Dick e'. Mr. Hessler said tluit in the event of nett,- De icacknedyidraefteuaing, Mr.Leekie ehould Mr. Leet thought that we ahould not Mr. McCrae was in raver of Mr, „wen enotpiirdef Douicziodyerw,onildiebedipod inniot, . bebelooievnefinoutted tot? dne lar w all ; the fannipg cominunity. I le was a enanufactiner, and farmers were Stewert of Hamilton as an eligible cliii- frea trathirs. Ile inentieeeed Hr. Alex. delete. I:ethan ou t s eelteh,raa. ti dAl Iti deheraprrtfmkr; in:aywh(et,betirecilsioosr(ir. :lime en jaganktatoi!. stdvihi,o,mitniues1roft..1,u) jr:ba,e:yosartol lhno Hivnietd:rov reen,i.n, isee nt i ten de :iamb yr e mtl ere-. keier gloriously. our caudi- fire be appointed te cooler a ith Mr. ttmhb abfra t. t r hirl,J.I.Ba.beguraceSockiremim,eer°t•Ybe•haielldtetitbehnbeat and report to -morrow by telegram. - Association to confer with Mr. Dickeys Corrried. D'actkre.Y.Maguire „„„:0,1 in amendment Dickie not acoeptigg tee nomination, Mr. et. Youn a committee of mmoanndacaylnl Dickey and Leckie tufesinc, the chair- ham,for the purpom.ef receiving the an- swers of the presenteandidates.-Carried vention n Moved by Mr. Smite, seconded by Mr. Mmorv.eLacd inkjeammeno,d:eanyt g moved,athPriem'secoir.eintneeendtdb,e,oydff lthibhi :ye oomncpvehoortis.:,--Cthaareit ineethuoraticseeimooufslhiyeaus. . the government! as enunciated in bk. reviewed the policy of Cheers were el e:xttetooticseeFoiridvectensauyocinnne dIttoi,dgiaentether,inogn. Mackenzie's Wanes and endorsed it some members ef the hmise bnt he m- ile did not lay cleim to the ability o form Association oe North Huron ad- jf°bout"rned to met): Party, and the candidates, when the Re- ,othaotf thstheakcos eto- . . the chairman, "scosded by Mr. Breed- . fnoretihcoenQreeentnio'nthin. nsit.-Pon, Winebeee, on FooloTaglillel. New abuertisements. ; TO THE ELECTORS 'SOUTH RIVNG 0F TUE r • 1)0 UNT OF IIU RON. GR.vri EH fiN, . ....--- The pogition of member of Parlia- ment for the Seeth Riding (Wile County of Huron to which you elected tne in Alienist 1872, having beciiine -vacant by the recent destitution ef the lionise of Commeing, at the earnest solicitation of many of the elecions. represepting all els/seesaw! all shades of politica.' opiniou, I again place myself atyottr thermal &lid outwit a renewal of that coefidence which •on two former occasions juts geuerouely placed in -me. Olojections hs.ve been made to the emirs° the present i Government have. thought it advisable in the interest • of honest legislation andeniblic morality to pursue in d issoleing r eterliament. ill entlee tun now in opposinon, and who in the lite Parliament , supported the present leadiar of the eapiessitien, ., object, that the Government should haMe met Parlia- ment, should have initisted the required legislation atel at least attempted to carry on the Governnient of the cOnetry with the present .House, and if they 'failed in satisfactonte so doing then eppealed to the electoral body. Tho objection is a pli.usible one on the surface, but a calm retrospect of the past, itOtratment's reflection as to the as- toundtn,g stste of pelitical mrirality developed bee the Pactc Scandel iuves- tigateon, will, I think, oonvince every rearm le and dunking man who has at ,,z1) heart e welfare of his country, that no cours *as open to the Governinent, but an appeal time to the henest electors of Canada. Yon can't expect a pure stream 'from an impuresource-no mere can you expect pure add honest legislation from • a Parliament elected by the grossest sets of corruption and by the most outrateeous violations of law sand the cnustitetion. .The late Preinier aainittee _on path, and. the fact 'was abundantly eitablished by documentpry evidence, thet pn the eve of the late genera' election he, received from a public contrectnr (who subsegnently obtained the Pm:16c Railway charter) a large sum of money for tire ,avowed pur- pose of debeiteliing *IA cornipting the electoral body. It is. further admitted that rlarge number ef the members cone Minding the lite Porliament obtained thelr Beats. be means of the fend thus corruptly Obtained for. corrupt purposes. 'rho moral sense of the conatry hav- ing been thus ontragel and the constiru-• tem of the country haying been than eritlated, it became the duty of the ex- isting government to ;eve the -people an opportunity of pronouncine at the polla upon these flagrant acte.•ef maladminis- tration and purging Prirliement of the element so illegally and corruptly ,act, netted. 1 I am prepared to sustain the Govern - went - in 'the course they le±ets thus advised, and I confidently appeal to yom the free and honest electoral of &mai :IiiIir aimn toprespuasretadintmo es.ustain the Govern. meta as long as they pursue a rigorous and atatesinentike milky with respect to our letblic Works, Harbours, Canals sod aftwtailrinueeliosttgaern.d tl,ie development' of the resources of theegmat .countre for ours, I am prepared to sustaitr them in elevating thestandard of public inu7Imiicsity, ,. . and in conducting the affai4of this oountry on 'honest and 'PriInacimPlesprepared' to sustain theiti in acts of wise legislation, in &chancing the in- terests 4 our common country. in re- m -wing all sectional joalousies, in over- coming all local prejudices andgenerally in omsolidating the union and building up and maintaining British power. -and British =inflection on this continent; I am prepared to sustain them hi es- tablishing a more thorough system of. trial of elections by judges, in adopting' the system of voting by ballot, in ilas- sing the most stringent electem law, in making it a penal offence to give or re- ceive a bribe or of employing any undue or improper means to influence the free eteIrearueporfetphareefdrantcohisenu. stain them in constructing a railroad from Thunder' Bay to Fort Garry and in utilizing our vast inland seas in connection with that railway as a means of couinuinication beteeen Ontario and the great North West, and thus opening up without delay that vast and fertile region for scleentusIetlrgametrmeutec:atnreitoi. Inpyared to sustein them in the oaftid th:r; speedily as the Paciec Railway circumstances and finances of the country wilAlsadlmonigt. as the Gevenament parse. . the course above indicsaed and carry into effect the principles above enunciate edd am prepared to give them a gemmed support. But thf moment they deviate from the line 0( action I hare thus hastily and rfhortee sketched, that mom- ent I shall be prepared to condemn them as freely and cordially as I did the late Gorernntene in their acts of mat- adBmeinliisevtinragti°11a. t I represent the views of the majority of you, the independent electors of South Huron, 1 claim your suffrages and support at the coming election. - iiew et. (ran) 5 111A 91 11 • 1 20 Wbmt.(8rrine) *bash... 1 11 V 1 12 Fleur (per brl ) 5 ea a f, tol Data 5 tomb . 0 45 Of 0 45 t' Pets, 11 bush ( to • o la l flarley ."01 bush. .... ...... !II 10 ..• 1 10 P otatoes., bush ' 0 45 IS 0 SO Any per ton .,....1:1 00 • SO 00 CnicIens per pair C 25 • 0 SO • . Binder.* Iti 0 SO SP 0 21 et i nossaics, Jos. 20.1874 Rep, IP dos (suipaokel).. 6 10 • 0 50 ' r 141 a 4 SO P k 11 SO 111 6 SS P i.. sloe a t SO T Birk 1rd f 06. • 0 00 5 of Is a so Cuirrow, Jut. 40, M74. Wbeat, (IPA11) per 100 Mel. $1 97 • 2 et Wbeet, (Boring) per 100 Ibit _. 1 67 • I BS 1P014:r, (per br1) . por IGO Ms 6. 00 • 6 00 I OS • I M 11 90 11 92 Barrliale°°;, "per° 1.114001belbs.... 2 36 • 2 40 ttertoes, per bask .... 0 46 • 0 50 a. per doz.fa.Opeekial...)11 OP. 0° f ....... ... 4 50 " 5 011 Prk It r 184‘023 11. 148 4003 $es ............. '116' 61 2100 p sides lataroarit, Jut :0,1074. at, (ran ........ ..111 111 " 1 11 t, (*prim) petlitiL ... I 11 1 Is ;6 00 " 0 00 r, (per brl)i.: . 1 le •• 1 is 1°Ype. per ..... 0 55 " SO toes. rer bask • SO " 0 53 0 40 "" SO se, per basil tter, .......... 16 " 0 17 per dos. (laspackol)0 If :27 0 18 idea. `. • ••• 42;1:400 1.1:' 446 430014 rk ood .. 1: ay J 7tb. -FalliTheat .L2Stoffi.28. Sp ng do 181.18 to 1.2). , Barley 51.22 to 23.;Oate 39c to 40c. Pees lelo to 7E0c R2re 65itoluto.70c. Butter, Milo 2Ec mONTILCAL WARIEST& n. 17th.-Whest, $1.30 to SI 32i. 72)o, to 74c ,Osts 36' en 118e. y lac. 'to $1.05. Better, 13 te 27e. se tIc to 13e. Eau Sic in 2170. , 687 -Pots 15 824. Pestle in.ss. • - the government after 72 and the history of . He justified the deavoured to aot houestly and to vote right when the time came. Ha Kele thanked the convention for nominating hira and trusted they would all turn out and vote on the day ef election. W. R. Squier was elected Chairman and M. Y. McLeen re -appointed Secre- tary of the Reform Association. After some general business and a GeneralWolseley Ites written a private letter tO pawn= je Winnipeg, remarks: "rwish I lad tw° dated at the/seat os eer, iti which het Canadian volunteers • 11' • ',7 Yours obediently, M. C. CAMERON. 1491-6w Su MeC & GRANT, hundred honors for Applioants. Pe • 4 • 40- f - 4" New Ilbuttlisement. fr. 18 wi MONEY TO LEND. LARGE OR SatAfeL SUMS FOR. . long ve short terms al 8 per cent . , SINCLAIR &SEIGER. aria, Dee. Ath, 1873. 1402-2m nforraation Wanted F John Thomps•in, native of the CountY Mohahaii, Ireland, is -now ear au this country, when lastleard he wattle the town of Ingeniell. - 2. His: brether • James Thoispiest ` "•\•.: hes to fipd his whereabontao Infetee may be left at this Odic.. . • an 24, li874. !or- - 44, d. r el.e1 A • • • for One Month • . 7 , INTER GOOD$. ii- . i pl c. ,',1 - litr r4 1 g - .k• sa 0 03 gds crt tl q• 0 w 0 P.4- % 63 1:715. 7 t:i aq a 1 o al 5' 5 . a .... -4 Z P4' " ' CA ct . Pp R n ..... /4) - PO P IV CD P G. , [10 4 iM 0 4 ,c..3 t:3 1:1 514 r- tx n - °11 74 4r v‘ 0 FP -t s ;ft, rgiA a 4 • I 1 Meli.ENZIE 'deter ed to-elear ont tbo winter 1 • , 'oods Ka alio 14 maks room for the spiana . - .1. ALL W110 WIS* TO GILT_ 13 A4-1. CI A INT IS , COME TO THE f - • tn.': ow. -t ''JC• It.10 .11 IL 11110. Goderich, Jan. 20th, 1874. - NOTICE - IS hereby application will •A be made Legislature of the Province al Ontario at the nest Session thereoefor an Act to ratify aud coofinn Sy -Law numbered one hundred and ninety-one, parsed by the Municipal Council of the County of Perth, grant- ing aid to the Port Dover and Lake Huron Railwey Compeny, and the ?Stratford and Huron Railway Company. Dated the 16ih December, A. 13.1873. giveu that to the .; 4 r 4