HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-12-30, Page 11m • TYING KNOTS — One of the current electives at Usborne Central School is the art of tying knots. From the left showing some of their skills are Paul Robinson, Bob'Murray, Karl Heather, Patsy Keller and Julie Ford, T-A photo Local delegate reports Highlights of NFU Convention By LLOYD MLLE RT The seventh annual National Farmers' Union Convention was once again very educational and much information was ex- changed by delegates and guests, . as well as guest speakers, from across Canada. As president Roy Atkinson said, "The Union has taught us, unless we work together, and share together, as farmers in a broad social movement, we cannot and will not achieve the ,power necessary, to effect the fundamental change required to remove the exploitation from our lives," This exploitation is very evident to most of us as we look around. Especially farm union delegates and visitors become aware of it through the educational process that takes place at our convention. Our country is gradually but surely, being taken over by large monopolies, or corporations,. that really couldn't care les: what happens, as long as them are dollars to be made. It is quite evident from in- formation given to this con- vention that the family farm, as we know it, is being seriously threatened. The hard work our forefathers have put into clearing and building this country, is going down the drain, in favour of ways and means of trying to get rich quick. Our educational systems, are all based on making money. What is never told is that you usually make your money at the expense of someone else. That is why the theme for this convention was "Farming", "The Last Frontier", "Co- operation or Corporation". There were many exchanges during the convention on how medieval our beef marketing system is. Both the Federal and Manitoba beef marketing inquiries say the same things. Without a better marketing system in Canada, there can be no just stabilization program. There are so many two way cattle traded on the open selling of today that government officials admitted payments are made more than once in some cases. They aren't even sure that packers aren't collecting in a round about way. Chris Mills from the Canadian Cattlemen's Association, at- tended the convention and he said we have a good system, he thinks cattlemen need the free market, he is afraid of supply management, we need import ' quotas, and time will bring better times for the beef farmer. Bill Jansen, Deputy Minister of Agriculture from Manitoba said our present system is already a supply management system, but it usually works best for the traders, that are in it to make a fast buck, He said if we take the crookedness out of our present system, it would be a lot better already. It was also hinted by other .participants that the beef market in Montreal was mostly con- trolled by the underworld. For several years now, the N.F.U. has been pushing for a National Meat Authority which would control imports and ex- ports, as well as work on keeping the easy money changers from manipulating the market, 2111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i1111111t4 ADAMS Heating & Cooling i: ''. • Heating Systems i 1 1 of All Types 1/3 OFF ALL WINTER MERCHANDISE CLOSED FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL APRIL 1 BOYLES Litialt' MAIN ST, EXETER p. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the sale of the following articles: 1. 1960 Mercury truck chassis. 2. 1951 International truck with tank. The above units may be viewed at the Township shed, Crediton and will not be safety checked, Replies plainly marked as to contents will be received until Monday, January 10 at 12 Noon. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, W. D. Wein, Clerk Treasurer, Box 100, Crediton, Ontario k•••••.............wage*moo••••••••••••Nre meamarr.romenarovoyear.ormrsomeowww•VOI Business irectory C. HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN L. RODER, D.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Pannel Lane, STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 By appointment please. GEORGE EIZENGA LTD. INCOME TAX - ACCOUNTING for FARM & BUSINESS 1396 STONEYBROOK CRESCENT LONDON Telephone 672-5504 MT. CARMEL INCOME TAX CENTRE INCOME TAX—ACCOUNTING for Farmers and Businessmen MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SERVICE No Job Too Small PHONE 237-3469 Vince Ryan B.A. GERALD L. MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS: 20 Sande rs E EXETER 235 0281 RES: 10 Green Acres GRAND BEND 238 8070 ACTION CENTRE MART — ANTIQUES — Located on Highway No. 4 North of Exeter PRIMITIVES - FURNITURE COLLECTIBLES-NOSTALGIA — BUY, SELL, TRADE — 'DO-IT-YOURSELF REFINISHING CENTRE Quality Wood Finishing Products Prepared With You In Mind. —Minwax - Deft - 18 Century - P.V.R. —Accessories ( steelwool, sandpaper, glue, etc.) *AUCTIONS WITH ACTION EXPERIENCE WITH SERVICE Complete or Partial Estates in our Auction Room or Your Premises "You Name The Day — We Make It Pay" Drop in or Phone 672-3566 Bill and Lavarre Clark ShopOpen 10 a.m. - 5 p.m, Fri. - Sat. - Sun. We Work HARD For YOU Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed. Conduct sales of any kind, any place. We guarantee you more. To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete sale service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone •Collect 235-1964 EXETER owoonimmoomisomotimmoommou PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ont. Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous. CALL THE WR,10141* AUCTIONEER 'telephone Kansan (519)262-5515 6440. ARO Athile, G. RANDALL PAUL Administrative Services MAIN ST., LUCAN Phone 227-4584 DAVID C. HANN, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 105 Main Street, Exeter 235.1535 By Appointment Daily Evening and sat. hours *1111111.1110.11111001 . Let .0sier .143,000Reoid00:::00w • You re. n Business . • . Phd:tie. 2354331 itielIMMINIROMS011601110110110. NORRIS & GEE Chartered Accountants J. A NORRIS L D GEE 497 MAIN STREET EXETER. ONTARIO NOM ISO 519, 235 0101 QUITE 208 • 190 WORTLEY ROAD LONDON ONTARIO N6C 4Y7 .519 673 1421 langitart, 'Kelly, "Nig and Co. Chartered Accountants 268 Main St., Exeter ARTHUR W. READ Resident Partner Bus. 235-0120, Res. 238-8075 Elias, warrenCl Company CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS N. Elias, S. Hudani, M. Warren Main St., Zurich (above Westlake Insurance) 236-4351 421 Centre Avenue, London 679-9550 RICHARD WELSH Chartered Accountant OFFICE: 433.3803 154 Wharncliffe Rd. S. London, Ontario N6J 2K6 RESIDENCE: 227-4823 120 Alice St. Lucan Public is invited Times-Advocate, December 3Q, 1976. Page 11. Special week at Ridgetown A The column that's read for a purpose I kikAll) . - by Scatty Hamilton Mail your problems to "Impact" 1.,_ will be answered provided a stamped ) is enclosed. Same of general interest Letters must be signed but we will i•-•, "These Questions and Answers are published to inform and ,-;'• should try to apply or interpret ,aid and advice of a trained . facts, since the facts of each , IN application of the law." NO PHONE . . . NI 1111 • I a c/a this paper. All letters addressed envelope will be published. NOT reveal your identity. based on Ontario Law, not to advise. No one the law without the expert who knows the case may change the CALLS PLEASE EXETER EST. R.mti LETTERING T. Pry /93 EXE MAIN MONUMENTS - 1919 d e R ST. TE MARKERS —4:05 Ati, , 10 • & Son Ltd. S. rim — PHARMACY LTD. 235-1570 235- 0620 ANYTIMF or 235-1070 373 MAIN ST. y/12/. et , .. FUNERAL HOME MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL . 370 WILLIAM ST a SERVICE EXETER • 235-1220 ASSOCIATION Can you tell me please sation as a direct result about collecting same? Also Compensation may be awarded injured or killed as a result the Criminal Code of Canada. wounding, murder, rape and by a motor vehicle is excluded used to commit an assault. You do NOT require the enquiries to the CRIMINAL 481 University.Ave., Toronto, 4755. — A reader writes us to complain Agencies. She claims that vance, and the client has small print, in effect legally responsibility of actually tion for their client. Recently the Ontario Ministry Relations in Toronto have against this type of business, denied the right to advertise; larger newspapers publish a separate heading in their them to be separate from tion listings. itt \- GOOD , . WISHES • 4 I 0 , ...41 who of a to all actual YEAR of violence services INJURIES the been do # guaranteeing however classified ST.;FORMERLY crime, various from M5G sign and advertisments I have Such of agency a freeing that "on STEREO Radio qualifies when the 1W8, about of Consumer conducting to and how to have that is offences others, a lawyer. or get receipt the to legally it was section, the source" ....1111.116.11 Authorized For all and a person Act unless COMPENSATION Apartment of Engraving EATONS receive compen- does one a lawyer? in Ontario an offence against include assault, but injury caused the vehicle Make your phone (416) their fee in which includes agency of find accommoda- and Commercial an investigation they cannot suggested that this nature clearly showing accommoda- • 110 * . .., • a Thaelt dealer your RADIO C.B. needs see $.,.. BOARD, Finding go is. is own 965- ad- any be the under • Ar 1 Gord's Trophies 50% TR"opHiEs Engraving Done On Premises 382 MAIN I 235-2261 us! c4. *ac 489 Etedeoedd mc, Pee cwore ‘...- CARL S. REAL ESTATE LTD. 235-2533 Bob & Shirrs Main St,, Exeter 51 Hwy. 4 & Huron Pk. Rd, RESTAURANT lit* COFFEE BAR Fontai Fast Take Out ghiPP, * * ()obi Grocer 228- Variety' s GAS for LESS! 67 7741%4- 444,r, • N401441; The convention debated a resolution which was to push for a plebiscite among beef producers, which if successful, would give governments the go ahead, to do something about bringing in a better approach to beef marketing, One Alberta beef producer presented Hon. Eugene Whelan with a $100,000 bank note and asked him what he intended to do about it, another had a $400,000 note, both had been threatened with foreclosure. Mr. Whelan said, we can do nothing as long as beef farmers are content to put up with the present system. He also said 21 millionaires run the beef business in Brazil and they can buy cattle from the peasantry for four cents a pound and would just love to bring it in to Canada. Some Dairy farmers I am told, will receive a Christmas present, which will make some of them happy, I only hope the right ones will receive it. Mr. G.N. Voegel, Chief Corn missioner of the Canadian Wheat Board, gave an outline on how the Board markets grains out of the Western Provinces, He also gave his views on marketing this year's crop. This report was not very encouraging, grain prices generally are under pressure, most everywhere in the free world. He also said there is more and more preasure from free market traders to undermine the Canadian Wheat Board, The big green elevators starting to spring up on the prairies, namely Cargill, is the beginning of an end, to the board, if farmers fail to hold tight to the Canadian Wheat Board system which Mr. Voegel said is the envy of the world . We have only to look at the U.S. system to find the cheating and short weighting to export markets that go on over there. I personally feel it is high time our eastern grains come under a national grain marketing scheme. We heard a powerful presen- tation by Mel Hurtig. He is one of the few remaining publishersleft in Canada. He spoke on how we are being bought out by our own money. If even half of his statistics are correct, future farmers haven't got a hope of survival. We will have huge land owners brought about by our so called free system. The very system that has brought about the downfall of many great nations, Some of these countries are in the process of dividing the huge land holdings of a few, back among the peasants. We also had a presentation from Dr. A.K. Davis from the University of Alberta, who spoke on the election of Rene Levesque in Quebec and why he feels Levesque was elected. He said the real issues were political and economical domination. The N,F.U. is the only farmer farm organization that has developed an integrated farm policy that can be used from coast to coast and this is mainly what takes place at our con- vention, namely putting the many resolutions into policy. We have a grain and oilseed policy, as well as dairy, livestock, eggs, fruit and vegetables, tobacco, fine seeds, as well as a land use policy. Stabilization and collective bargaining have always been in the forefront of Farm Union goals. It is interesting to note all provinces, except Ontario, have taken a look at a land use policy, our government still feels the market or the fellow with the most money can take care of it. Roy Atkinson from Saskat- chewan, was acclaimed president for another year. Vice president Walter Miller was defeated by James Maine from P.E.L. Jean Leahey from Peace River district is again Women's president. Marie Bright from Ontario is Women's vice president. Pat Gabriel from Saskatchewan is Junior president and Dan Sheedy from Ontario , Junior vice president. Project farm machinery drop The farm machinery industry is projecting a decrease in total national sales in 1977 according to John Kessler, secretary- manager of the Farm Machinery Board of Ontario. Although a slight decline is predicted nationally, the dollar value of sales in Ontario is ex- pected to increase by 2 1/4 per cent in 1977. "The overall decrease in sales is not expected to be a dramatic one, but rather a matter of 1 or 2 per cent," said Mr. Kessler. "But the results of the decline will mean equipment will be more plentiful and machinery sales will once again become a "buyer's market." This will mean more competitive selling and better services for buyers," he said, Mr. Kessler said onereason for the decline in sales. is the trend away from buying new equip- ment each year. He said many farmers are buying equipment only when it becomes necessary to replace old equipment. The present uncertainty in the economy is also a factor, he said. Prices of machines are ex- pected to remain stable in 1977 but industry spokesmen are predicting a continuation of the trend away from smaller pieces of equipment in favor of larger machines. The industry is forecasting a 7 1/2 per cent decline in sales of tractors under 80 horsepower and 1976 sales reports show a 7 per cent increase in sales of tractors with more than 80 horsepower, Further increase of 1 1/2 per cent are forecast for larger tractors in 1977. Because of the trend to larger tractors, pull-type combines, swathers and windrowers are expected to increase in popularity again in 1977. The annual Southwestern On- tario Farmers' Week will beheld at the Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology (RCAT), January 10-14, 1977. Conference publicity chairman R.W. Johnston said the week- long program will address the current problems of farmers, and will include results of research projects at the college and at Harrow Research Station. Although the programs are producer-oriented, the general public is invited to attend. Last year, about 5,000 people attended the conference. The conference consists of six programs, with a feature speaker for each theme topic. The soybean and winter wheat program will be held on Monday, January 10. Farm management, including preparation of taxes, incorpora- tion and interpretation of futures markets will be the topic for the day-long program on Tuesday, January 11. The Ladies' Day program, also on Tuesday, will feature guest speaker Dianne Murphy of the Department of Consumer and Corporate Af- fairs. There will also be a display of local and Indian arts. The corn and field beans program will be held Wednes- day, .January 12, and the livestock program is scheduled for Thursday, January 13, Processing vegetable crops will be the subject for the hor- ticulture program on Friday, January 14. Although visitors attending Farmers' Week should register at the college, there Is no charge for any of the programs. Lunch is available at $2 per person. The conference is jointly spon- sored by RCAT, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Southwestern Ontario Crop Improvement Association and several commodity groups. Fbr more information, contact W. W. Snow, Principal, Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology, Ridgetown, telephone (519) 674- 5456.; or local offices of the On- tario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. E INSTALLED, MODERNIZED and MAINTAINED Itathe Atwell AND TROPHIES 382 Main'St., Exeter Authorized Dealer (formerly Eatons) 235-2261 As the- old year nears completion, we look forward to the new .. . with thanks in our hearts for our good fortune! • General Sheet Metal Work • Air Conditioning! 1. • Humidifiers • Ventilation 235-2187 ;.1 133 Huron St., East, Exeter 4i tninttittttlit,t7111nitittitlllliITlnintttttlnif WO.