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(ItsTAs LISH ED 1848,1
Ose of the Largest Papers pebihemd is Casale.
pruned 1st published at llod.rleb, Ontario, eve•7
WEDNh:r3UAY titn12NIN46
t the Otaee. Montreal Atreet, et. ntng the Market
!Square, by
t Tsaten-111.Nlter annum, us advance. $2 if credit
'rives. No paper discontinued td• all arrears are
$ paid; except at the option of the publisher.
Eight rents par lino for the first tn.ertioa, and
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aeras m, nom a to 10 l inns e5.
The number of uses to be need ly the space
e•'.eetes a.a.sred by a , o of solid Nonpareil.
Adtertiasm.•ta without speci2o di cions, will
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3 'maths 2
Ei tti„ 1 jep 32 a
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` t 1s to be confined t., the ordinary
Thla,asf commercial neetaa•i of t otmah'i a Auction
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uch it will
mrd er kohl to i¶ ln.e'!hen(Pituita t .Advertlremeatsof
1177 hdual ire " '* ..t 2Lras. dao to let or for
lmdtviisalsosb• _ }•eo
Gale. de.
, glrThe ,bots rites will in all cause, to strict/7
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y . .NAL makes It
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we •awrpaa.d advertising meet m. -
itteeoted with neatnee. and ,nrnteb. Bills printed
while you canis. Orders by 4411 panCCaally attend-
' ed to.
Business ilia
.)T N1(jI OII.AOJrr,
OMce and residence. ;West Street.
Tree doors bolos Bask et Montreal;
Ooderich. . t3tl•tr
John Oammpbett.M.1).. C.M.,
(Graduate o .: tiU Uofverait7, Montreal),
IPiCE end 'we -One door snn,h of Rosa'
hotel, .Hain street, Wed opposite McCallums
hotel. 1307
Seaf.,rth,Apru23tdiIST& . -
*.C. Shannon AI.IL).
EICI A N,9CRG NON ,ha;ae., Dods i0elr ;
O0• 1
pp DIi MetAICA. N. ae. oa..
soda. -I Mor
Lintrem( eeho•1
sad R.•i4a►• :
"The Greatest Possible Good to the GroatestPotsible Number."
WHOLE NO. 1405.
'tow. Caa.0n;l
weeut Cenage
A'1814.1A`l,BTRtIEtZN, Jac-. imillea
Purest. oeeerish. V7I T
G• IL C., A. F. A. A. 311.
1. is bad ua the apt Wednesday of each
month at 7.30 p. . Visiting brethren
cordially invited.
W. rocesoN, See.
eododch,ifh May. 1671. .wTYlr
ars Lorain ` .
pi \RRt R AND ATr41112E AT-Lilikmae.
I/So,..nor-ye C'eneerv. 045re C -21,52,5,7.
o.Oerie.,u*. Wier inCoernWON. -
Comer -in It ti crow. -I
tam, lta•ktl►t i , 0-i . h. 11
M C. C►waao+ w;2 J. T. G .
1 - - _ l
11. I.. Del 1j...1C.
11-Cbesese7.ac., Oudaric*, Out. _ta6T-
JI1OUe) to £cuts.
5,(3e CIO
rip Lou os Fain or Tore properig at T per
j roost. Apply tp
s CAXPAJGNYE, Palettor,ae.,
Oct.seth, Aral ' 41d 4oiortch.
i MiTaLIO r! as 14 ► 'SSOPT
YinentEYy -.tT.1 LAO, ROWC1TORR. 13.
.t Casaeerv• Cenveyao•era, to. Crebbh Block.
Sinclair • ra.,,aer
t)A1i. *.TIBC,dr.,Go4"t'eb
1? S, y- ylllCLa lR CSAth RRA61tR. Jr
Ooderiew Dec. 1.1.1271. - -
R. 13QU tilt,
JJ for in Chancery. rte. O.rdwteh, Det.
0 toe, A.he.oa s Block, West Street, %'erieh.
perty, . et 8 per cent simple interest
per &arumApplyto •-
' Colbourn potel.
Goderich.-8th Oct., 1871. 1338
REEHOLD Permanent Buildin j and
Sayings Socidty of -Toronto.
For particulars appt y to
Agent at Dederick.
Secretary and Treasurer,
Toronto. 1343.
4 5enttmance of the favor and support of the
Commented and l'rsvelli pubtte that. asaccorded
beton I . are, reverently solicited.
THay& CITY of TORONTO - f taMAieclT-
' . 1347twlNG AND SAVING 5S„tt1tTV
Adraretornoaeyat reducedratesforfrom,
2 to -20 years. Loans repayable in in
atalments to suit the borr'ofrer.
Full iuforination given op application.
r:,I. ft( RKP %TJUCK,
1373 - Agent stagdtrrich.
s- ,
At Qreatly redt.ced Rates of Interest
I F ui I rsiitn d Lis any r.:on •.t of ne-ney to
I Lao M'in two t tfte.•n year., o 0. dew rate of
interest and favourable 1510.0 of ret•arwre't, i•ayable
by ,etrly inatal:aenha; rate of expanses will deft
f► /rniss r for the ('atnr.da Per•
tient Building A SaVI*ES.t
lcty. of 'Toronto. •
btea lterssuil Every Wed steadily
and oatnkrday.
gow, Calling at Londonderry to land Malls and
Er fame% re Molted and forwarded to and
from all Railway Statinn,y in Great Britain, Ireland,
Germany, Norway, Seieden or Denmark and
Amenca, as safely, etrrtt`v, enu.fortabiy and
Cbeaply,.0 by any other Route or Line.
Pram tilayn.w. From Nee York
8at..Nept.23.1....iOWA ,11.,n.,Oct. 18th,
sIt•.gept, rah.. .CALEDONIA.,IML, Ort. flat
•t•.!tPt. rte .,..ANGLIA 'gat., Oct. oath
gat., G44 111h:...COLLI BIAQat.. Nov 4th
And eve,y Wednesday and Saturday thereafter
.• ham Pier r0, North River, at *000.
tiara or PA/NAGE r-raat.a IP Cr RRIIrcT,
To Lir meow.,GLAueow os Denny:
PiRay •Ca*, , 1185 ■o.f 576, according to location
Cabin Extorsion Tickets (good for 13 n onths)
seeming beat areomodation. 5130.
• Intannediate, ate. Sterrsge, 524.
Certificate. at LOWEST RATES can ,.a bought
here to them wisjun2 to send for their friend
Drafts based nay able on pre.rrtation.
Apply at 5. Com 1. Oilicee or to
God/rich. Ont.
Oodeti.A Ort. 20 12'x.
TL. 8 her la agent for the lnitowin gewLela.e
Insurance Conapwates 1
PHOE`t*I,f London, EncunL `.;,,
iARTPORD of Hartford., •
18t,Yl!iClAL cf Tomato.
RIW18H AhltatICA, et to,oste.
Pifer' Ai Marine buena. - Mss.' a5 the
:&weal twsblarates •
Market %nate, Valeria
Get. I0M' tart.
t Chancery, Cosa, sneer. Notary Pub,ie, Ir,
Mee. opposite the rope Qses. West Street, Oodr
' evict. Cwt. • 1318 -em
U.CA 4Pa1CiN11: yy
Oir.. at Dam Watsw's, tt•Reier usenet".
..T4f Dederick, time.
1L - - - --=-1-
1 Malcom•on Beatings •
$ Clition, (mt.. wax
H ( HtS ►DiitL"OM,
atlET3 Nr aR AND' em ERA, LAND.
i SAS. Crown Lands OtIce, dodorlell, Oat
Money to ,.end. « 1.14
a RCHtrscr,te- &e.,c0URreocseeeg vane
li t 1ei'wb. run. ant 1pe5/Mslions dn,+a
eorr•et1T• Carpenter.' w1a,terer$ and ]lawns'
work measured and ra1N4.
issphgtaan, Lawiofy di Robinson
A•IIea hand all kinds otSashs, Doors, Blinds.
jl Mo.Mings. aad Dressed Lander, at the Gm/ -
Mich Manias Milt. 1aM.
Gas esrs or Deveato t ereR,Naat Cotd.sea.
neereate street riftsHof.toma Ent of Gothora.
N. B. -Horses examined as to sound-
ness. 1313
d If Canada, the United States and Euro• pe.
DAT& Nr giaarasteed or no charge. Send for print-
[ ad in.truettoas. Ageeey in operation tea years.
Ottawa, Canada,
*rival Engineer, Sot Htor of Patent( sad
Ac Halite Assets. 827.0009000-
East Sulo r MarketSquare.
.1 . 13 k) T 17
01 26 1tars' Practice,
Lo.aea paid in the course of t1Rrt7-dee 7san as-
• chiles h7 C7'YIC C Ri seti
, aro hula
i uidated as fast as aAlueted wrre00r' wua.r,oa,
Security, Pmrnpt Payment, and Llherality 1a ad-
justment or its losses are the prominent hetare. of
this wealthy co.nr.afy.
F1Rt: and LIFE POLICIES issaad with vary
llben: conditions.
Head Office. Canada Bracch. MON-
9MI1 H,ReotdenlSecretary;
- M
A. Ill. IONS., Agent forCoderwh
(From the A ihion.)
If -in the heart of man,
There is a cherished spot;
It is the love of home,
AndI forget it not.
For England is my country,
Borne constantly in mind;
With thoughts of friends and kindred,
That I have left behind.
T14monarchy is ancient.
The glory it is grand;
And men of worth and dignity, •
Hold office in the land.
Our commerce is extended, •
Beyond Ike bouodlens ocean;
Our loyal, is blended,
With freedom and devotion. ,
The people great acid happy,
I love+their honest mirth:
Cod bless my native•country,
The Iand that gate me birth.
CAVIL -27 Stints-
Otir good steeds snuff the eveuieg'air,
Our pulses with their purpose tingle;
Tho foemcu's tires are twutkling theta;
He leaps to hear our sabres jingle !
HALT ! • f_
Each carbine send its whizzing ball:
Now cling ! clang ! forward all,
Into the light ! :
Duh on beneath the smoking dome,
Though level lightnings gallop never!
One look to heaven!' no thoughts of hewn:
The guerdons that we bear are deM er
CitAR.I►. ! 1
Cling' clang ! forward all 1
Heaven help those whose horses tall!
Cut left and right 1 !
They flee before our tierce attack !
' They fall, they spread,tu broken outgo!
Now, comrades, bear our wounded back,
And leave the foeutan I hietdutgej !
41'nr.t:L ! j{
The bugles sound the swift mean
1 Cling : clan • ! backward all ! ' '
' Home, and good -alight! 1
- - 7-.
I S j wt receiving from 'European and
American Markets wfekly tha fo1io1r-
ing articles: - •t
Drugs, Fellows Cum pound
Chemicals, Syrup HypophuS.
.ogee, phitea.
Hair Brushes, ,I'.Adway'sMediciha
Flesh Brushes, .Ayei s do
Large stock of !Worm 31ediciues for
Tooth Brushes, Children, •
Flair Reator.tiv ', Bowel Complaint
Bair Des, •reutedies, the best
Perfua ry, in rtht world, try
Atkinson 's Lubies them, ' -
If ha Bairn, . Pain Killers, too nu -
'a Boom of Merles to mention, '
Youth, ' Sarpaperilta,,
Lily White Tooth .Cod Liver Oil,
Paste and Powder, fair Oils;
Sea Salt for Baths, Cast.tr Jil,
Patent Medicines, Lourie. •
Black Oils, .Lamp Classes,
Yellow Oils,
Dye Stuffs of all.lginds fresh and good,
mated at Mea Iv $ i
Mutual Assurance 'Association
LONDON, 0N'1'e
Bond' TOn c Bitters,
the hest it/ the world for
i VSI SIfi,
Any quantity of Certificates cati be pro-
duced if required of its et)lcacff...
CHAS. T. DOYLE, of Clinton now rep-.
resents this popular Compsny exclusive-
ly, for the Town of Godench and Town-
ship of Colborne, in addition to his late
Agency limits, viz: McKillop, Grey,
Morris, $&wick, T3lrnberry and Wal-
lets. All parts of Agency visited
pelriodically. Parties desiring insurance
in intends will be called' on by at! -
1398-2m liox 39, Clinton.
',;' ,• WESTERN 3&SUKi1jUf
lvorrICE CO $PANT.
It IBs $ ri h for mgt CAPITAL 6TOCIZ.. gi•t00,01N1
A1RSIRBreturning thanks
to her friends in (lode e p
patronage. begs to say that she is now
peepared to give Lessons on the Piano-
forte and Cabinet Organ and in Singing.
Residence opposite Mr. Savage's,
Colborne St. • 131x3
iZI '1'AUiZAN'I'.
Acheson 'a New 131,0k, Wes'. 8treet, where •
1P111 DS 41ad to see a* enatomers and Om
gni bite general I y.
in their seas..
mu Dort is »send nee for tke pist two years and
sg the beet eaPern. due, as may be seen by tee.
will sot eragell la the coldest weather. it hi
saitabie twine lightest asdfastest, as well
ail heaviest isailkiews In am
Prow tit -temp\ Had Xaciaine Worm, sets.
I ceasider Stock's o.1 cheaper at 511.00 Per gallon
than olive iial at 14 Mite Tours reirpsetf4)1y,
F. W. GUIS, ProsidenL
n tale onty by
G. EL PA.R3ONS A CO., Hardware
Semi Anharra,
115 jito 420v dAri.......1;poofts rated
2• .all we& foe as la the. wpm* inestents, or
1751X54: 26522 at 55112*Selma, raruowara
ENSILNGYUNE 30t h 1871. 357,858.26
Lowest Current Ratcs.
Horse and Cattle' Medicines.
Dwellings:: Churches and Schools with contents, in
Cities. Towne anarenatry places. These rates and
terms et pol icy puticui .rly favorabie to the rum.
for the townships outlying. this Town Apply tn
writ, a with refernices to the ti n de ri Ism ed for trans-
eithseson to the OtErn.
Local .kg,ent.
Goderich Harness shop
W. A. MAR 71111
It arm Mai third of Deceraber, ;and
the fourth was tivoil for in
Been Lint rly cold, we had
heavy fall of @bow, then a
bard frost, and now the air.
filled avith large Jeathery,
our if sleek alien I Went 1
issen-ied out both in
body, it nes unarly,dark.
bete an inmate for sense years-
wes an orphan -nag in a remote
Cana. ridgeshire, five tulles from a t
load it rsocy turd). 4 imagined wha an
event a wedding *as in such a•quie vil-•
lute. Every one, including mysei the.
bride elect, had to week hard log,tlays
beforehand, and Dry aunt lied !hide
sympathy for the weak or the idle. • .
anther, now seemed nothing inure to be
4one escorting to entertain them, team
unt upOitairs to rest until seven o'clock,
when my intended husband and 1M
geoonisemn were expected. The olog.
cart was to be sent to meet them; at El-
don statien, about three miles off.
1 found the unusual luxury of a bright
tire burning in my grind. with an - essay
chair cosily drawn up to it. For s 'no -
'anent or two I warmed iny frozen fingers,
and then I sent' to the window, and
leaniiig soy cuter:forehead against the
colder pane, looked out (rpm the dreery
landscape. The moment wu come io
which to realize my position.
For weeks I had Leen in a•drearn- a
passive, hopeless creature, carried &along,
as it seemed, by the will of others to a
certain end -now on the eve ofiny wed-
ding day I felt intserably awake. Could
'there im no respite --nothing to hope
for 1
"Ah, Harry I Harry '," I exclaimed,
Where are you nosed Why this long,
long time without a line, without a wordl
Have I not, in spite of taunter and en-
treaties, waited the seven years proinin
ed, end more 1 Was it nut wily when
the bread of chaiity grew too bitter, and
no !nuns permitted me for (ranting my
own livelihood -when no hope remained
of seeing you azain -that I gave way 1
What could I do when he offered it the
mean to- make him a good wife. I am
grateful to him, for why should he
choose me -a girl without a penny, and
no heart worth having ? They say 1 have
A pretty face ; I suppose that was it
Harry used to like niy blue eyes and
wavy hair years ago.
you Harry, the bonny lad 'Owed so
hed Ion
w da
11. Town and Viionty that his has ptirchasen the
Harness liminess of Kr. I.aso unitid.,,, Ham.
Iton St . After Metz *erred his &omen
*moms W.' It H. Martha, Gude nch. W..8.2 H. has
Workid for the lest thrower. in hest If
ShOps iuChiongo, tad i+ now prepared to mahe up
in firet-elass si3le and with despatch. Orders
promptly attended to.
Trunks, Whips, Carry -C Grob*,
N. Plods constantly oa baud throw:h-
oot the summer,
Goderich, lip.
Trost. and Loan Company of
lacorifroalefl by Royal Charter.
a of
cross Eldon Moor such weather u this ;
it's as much as their lives are worth."
Myuncle kissed m• again. 'lever
mind, Nellie ; they won't hurt in the
station for one night, with a big fire and
we'll have them over the first thing in
the morning ;" and so at last we rented
fur the night.
To bed, but not to sleep. A new hope
had sprung up, which I hardly dared ac -
.knowledge to myself. If thaUtorm would
'&ally continue until after twelve o'clock
the next day, so u to make the wedding
impossible, who could tell what 'height
happen next 1 1 might be taken ill ;
had 1 sot pains in all my limbs, and wag
not'•my head burning already
I rose several times during the night,
and looked mit. Still snowing heavily,
as far as I could see. In the morning
there was no change, and a very gloomy
and depressed party met at the brisk•
fast -table. A few unsuccessful attempts
were -lade to be cheerful during the
-teal, but when it was over all was ail-•
once, except an occasional whisper from
one of the anxious faces at the windows,
trying vainly to poor through the thick
white veil.
That it was useless to dress, all had
agreed, and wrapped in a large shawl, I
lay on the sofa by the fire, within), eyes
fixed on the cloak. Ten o'clock -1 elewen.
At the half-hour my heart almost
stepped' heating. Twelve clock at last
-and .so the reprieve had Dome. But
hardly i had the final stroke sounded
whop a maid -servant bunt into the
'!Come quick, sir ; there is a messen-
My aunt and uncle followed her quick-
ly. I rose also, but staggered and sank
back on tho sofa.
"Sit' still, Nellie," said my brides-
maid, Mary Lee ; "Ill come and tell
yon all about it," and she ran after
them, followed by the other guests.
They seemed a long time away. and
at last I get up, and,hke one in a dram
groped qty way to the kitchen.
It was a large, gloomy place at any
time, and that morning there was no
light from without, the panes wen sed
blocked up with snow, only the fire
lighted up the group before me. The
meeseuger-a tall, strong navvy, lint
eyid gntly moth exhausted -sat by the
hearth; the melting anew fortuity a pool
around - him. bly aunt, seated at the
teble, looked as if alio wtiro fauaung,
while,my'uncle queation.$d tete man in a
sabdhuse snoioe. Every face looking pale
ii ft$hbt7ifihtl,
t is the oiatte 7" l asked, and
my seutiled toonyself u if it were
via off
;ere has been itn ae-ddent with the
dieomet, Nellie," said ?dory 14e; putting
her ariu.natod me.
'A rouse. Mr. Denton is hurt, ',say
wienned to Lave gone from me.
, looked fromontr to the other att no
answer came. laud then my Uncle tried
to lead. inenway.
I ;understood now how it was. ,
"Ile is dea.1-!" I said, and fell Ilieeyily
on the stone tioor.
ta Ion
It about two years since I -wrote
Anything uay diary, fur seetu now
too busy to attend tu it, an1 yet things
hare altered very touch in the lest two
years. My surroundings -are changed,
-and I trust there is a change for the bet-
ter in Inv -ma. Iniring my long illness,
which followed that awful anew.storm,
my aunt heard of the death of ;her soo-
iu-law In&o, my cousin Edith's hus-
band, and it was arranged for the widow
end her nely child to return to the old
home. This rendered my presence bven
less necessary than ever, anti -made it all
the more easy. for my dear old friend
funned for the mutual beoefit of his wife
end myself, as he kirldly put it.
It was fur -•mo to live with them as
court -anion, housekeeper and in fact
ditii.gliter, for they never lied children of
invalid. Writs this now home health re-
turned both to body and niind.
some Years 1 had Houdin a world of my
own, e itis but one object and one end
in 'view, I though% that I triad toed', my
duty -to bear 'patiently the nionotanons
routine of my uncle's house -not to re-
ply teeny aunt's uften harsh words. 1
taUght in the schools, made flannels for
the prior ; and yet I lived really and
truly for myself, with but little sympa-
thy.foe those immodiately around
There was • -different Atmosphere in
Dr. Fazahawe's house. His noble, un-
tiring work amongst the sick and,sii ffer-
ing filled me, with wonder and admira-
tion, and so did the patience and un -
*elfishness ef his gentle, ladylike wife.
who had been oonhned to her couch with
a spinet complaint fur many years.
In few months, however, mune. a
great trial. The strong man fell sick,
and died : I nursed him to the last, and
1 promised sever to leave his poor wife.
It was a sad blow to her at fiest, but
berue with her usual quiet resignation.
adow she is quite cheerful again. I know
Mho thinks her tient here will be hid
short, and the hope of a happy meeting
with him she toyed is her chief solace. 1
tad am resigned and happy. The doc-
tor'e will has remuved one source of
anziety as to the future, and I am now
eight -and twenty, and feel that I can
settler down thankfully in that state of
life in which it has pleased a good God,
to place 11110.
1 -can even weitenalmly of Harry, who'
I know is alive • and getting on well
Of course he is nothing to me now, and
1 dory say hail almost forgotten mo in all
these years. Well ! such things *ill
hapi•en in the chances and changes of
life, but I shall never forget him. He
will choose some other wife), and 1 hope
tley will be happy, but she will nut love
him butter than the Nellie of old.
Here I wos interrupted by a ring at
the bell, and a note. To my great sur-
prise it wee from 11rs. Leedeva (Harry's
mother), asking Old 50 Mill upon her id
the afterumiu. Wthst could she want I
Nine'years ago she aud my aunt broke
off the engaoement between Flury and
Ahl it waa a hard and cruel time! We
acre, as they said, foolish, renniless
young ertatores ; but• then we loved
each other. said he wao willing to work,
and 1 to wait. . But that waa all over
After our early dinner 1 simile the in-
valid conductible for her afternoon nap,
and started for my two-mile witlk.
A bright nutter afternoon, clear pale
sky, hard roads, and glittering hoar-
frost lying on trees and hedges. I soon
reached bine Ludon's cottage. She
looked, I thought, much aged, and there
was au unusual nervousness in her rerun
After *little attempt at oonveraation,
ehe said, "Ellen, 1 hope in w hitt happen•
ed sonic years ago you gave me, at least,
credit for conscientious motives."
"Mrs. Leedon," I replied hastily,
"thst time is long past. and I have tio
wish to recall it."
"But, my dear, you must see now
what an imprudent thing an engagement
would have been."
Leedon I repeat. Right or wrong,
whst was then done can never be un-
to tell rex M of such importauce, that I
must beg you to hear me patiently.."
snide a mistake -that is, your aunt and
considerably after date,
I. Soon Liter your engagement to Mr.
Deuton, I received a letter from my son,
enclosing one
for you. Ile told ms that he proposed
coining home in a few months, &rid as he
enable hiui to ina•-ry, he hoped to per -
heel now an appointment whi.ch would
I have since
suede volt to return with him as his
fur you in mine." ciadosefodrbithe elteriateyr 1
I sprang to my feet. "And why did ;temerity. to embark their capital in thin
prise, one o - whontsvae the late Andrew
at that tim considered fanciful enter,
dent, aud retained that office for fpur
years and was suc.teetled by Sir thigh
Allan who hu tilled that reeponsible
position ever eince.
It may be fairly said, •nd that with-
out the slightest disparager:neat to other
gentletnen connected with the Company,
that its marvellous progress haw•been
dile in a laree measure to Sir Hugh A I.
litn's great energy. business capacity,
and coinprehensive views of what the
wauts of the country were in respoct of
telegraph facilities, and to the enter-.
prising spirit in which he, and the differ-
ent boards of Directors,ov•er which he has
presided, have ever been ready to meet
those wants. As anInstance of the de-
nim of this Company to extend ita facili-
ties to even the meet remote districts
IVO cannot do better than inention the
establiehment of the line'to Gaspe, awl
fin are assured by persons resident in
that district that nothing short of a
railway cid(' be a greater boon than
indeed, 't is difficult to say to what
extent thii. Company, while making
meliorative return& to its shareholders,
ea influenced the material progress of
'e,Donneion at large.
Any retrospective glance at the career
Ot the Montreal Telegraph Company
genld be incomplete that did not refer
tri'Mr. 0. S. N't ood who was its genet al
fluperintendent from the commencemeot
pf the enterprise in 1647 till 1865, when
he resigned. To this; gentleman's skil-
ful, careful, and econordical manage -
Meet, has been attributable to a great
extent its efiiciency and minsequent pe-
cuniary sneer*, and we may add that
Mx, Wood left Ttii service of the Com-
pany baking with the siocere respect and
anthem not only uf the Direztors but of,
life. Sameness, monitor, and, when 1 &gement of the ompany underwent
it should please ilod: o..tiko my 'own Dome chergos. r. Deters, the Seore-
kind friend from me,. great timeliness. tary, while still retaining thatIpositiqn,
Montreal Tolima Clomany.
We take the following sketch of the
Montreal Telegraph Co. from an article
in a late issue of the Canadian Mastro
ted News: -
The Montreal Telegraph Company woo
incorporated in January, 1817, when
the science,of telegraphy was yet in its
"This is thiolast night 1 nil think of
well ! Where are you now I Still be-
yond the wide Atlantic, striving for the
money to enable us to marry 1 or, as
they would wish ine to believe, dead f
B. 3_ WH/TELy bound op as we were in one another,
1 am in sore ' distresa, Harry, Surely,
my spirit can hardly the& be moved with -
Mut in the past and to announce that out stirring some chord in yours, wher-
IREGS TO THANK ...THE VC BL1C ever you may be -whether in far Anted -
he Still carries en Carriage and Sleigh ger and more un-
" for the liberal patio/nage accorded CA or in that Rath atm!
making in all its branches, at the old
stond, oppuite E. Martin's Colborne'
Hotelo Carriages Buggies, Waggons,
_ manner.
j• andge to order of the hest
elite in his line kept on
I not have thet letter
"Be cairn, Ellen. Indeed, my dear,
I am now very sorry. I took my letter
to show to your unole mid aunt, and 'by
their advice destroyed the enclosure.
They thought you were st last settled in
your mind, and happy; and, of course,
wished to arid,' such a terrible upset as a
renewal of the past would have caused."
"It was a shameful breach of trust,
"and cruel, very cruel ! I wee no young
child to be treated so," and 1 buried my
face in my hands. Where now was tny
boasted self-possession I was sobbing
bitterly. At last 1 raised nut head.
"And what did Harry miy when be heard
now no marten for his return to Eng -
"I Inuit go now," I ssid faintly, for I
felt wont out and miserable. ••1.),) not
mend for into or ever speak of it again,
lIer eyes were full of tears as she ac-
companied me to the door.
"Try and forgive use, No1110.; I would
give much fur you to meet Sach'other
again. At all events, he Meows the
truth now. 'Don't think tootoardly of
As 1 crossed dm field gait* laY
tween Mrs. Leedon's ;house bathe high
road, my mind was full of Confusion ;
grief and indignation predominates, and
then a wild hope suddenly sprang op,
but that brought me to myself. "This
ls madness." 1 thought, "I am but lay-
ing the foundation for future disappoint-
ment and sorrow."
.Refore I panted through the gate I
folded my hands upon it, closed my eyea,
and muttered, "thy will be done; then
1 dried Iny eves and walked quivkly
homemanls. As I gazed round on the
wide, flat fielder and straight road, I could
not help likening the lendscsPe 1327
Funds for Investment.
T 00as made on tie Security of apprevod Tarp
LA City or Town Property for periods of 71mi
tither »payable at *Spiry of time or by na-
ming instalments. Filament* is reaartiaa of Loans
win be accepted at sity tune on favorable terms.
111 *gen
rket Blue s. Goderich
watchmaker& Jeweller,
known country frons whence no travel-
ler returns.
"Ood help cried in my an-
guish; "Cod help meal sorely need it I '
Then 1 opened the a indow, and look-
ed out over the flat country so still in its
white shroud ; and 1 wised up into the
grey, etony sky. but tt was obscured by
the flakes of snow, which came down
thicker and thicker, until at huit noth-
ing else was to be seen in earth or
"'Miss Nellie ! bliss Nellie !" said the
warning voice of the old housekeeper ;
"what are you doing, my dear 1 Tryieg
to °itch your death of cold'? Ana to-
morrow your wedding -day I" She drew
mansiay, and closed the window. "I've
got a nice cup of tea for you ; come and
sit dowc, lovey, and drink it. I don't
wondee yof feel anxious like, for it's
awful weather-''
Then the good old soul sat down by
the fire, and told 'me various stories,
which she assured me WM authentic, of
similar ciecumstancet, and how when.
her own Mother was married in Stafford-
shire, the wedding partr bed to -walk to
church over the tops of the hedges on
frozen snow.
Then my aunt came in ; she was na-
turallyn atern, managing woman, and we
had never been very good friends ; but
she spoke kindly to nie then, anti told
rile not to be anxious if the train were
delayed s little. My encl. noon follow -
ad her. and gave me a kiss, saying
"Cheerup, Nellie ! they'll be byre soon-
er or later."
Ah ! what a hypocrite I was non* of
them knew rny dread of the °outing mor-
row ; how I had prayed like a criminal
for a reprieve. And yet, to do myself
jteatice, I did honour Mr. Denton, 1
meant to obey, and hoped in time to love
him. But the honrs passed on, and
even I began to grow serious for his
Tem o'clock came, and the grcom had
not returned from the 'dation. Old Wil-
kie, the gardener, who had managed to
hundred yards' dietonce, gave it as his
Dram's his sincere thanks to the
..b.ae fie we Patrimage extended nim In the
▪ ILDW"1,1•11 that he him reauered t4 041
•141.111. ,neeial attention to Ors
Russza, wenn
Iltot" won. Marlon. Ittglaand Swim
chAdfiat Wirer cases. -
B. "a a ke52 liege mad well imitated stook e
-oral' kinds h Win sell cheap.
And yet it phial nut be enhappyi lent -
user would comean ins deeson to b
en the fields, and note the hoar-froata
was sparkling -in the sun. '' And t I
had the privilege cif Iiiistralght of
ditty' which could not Sri mistaken.
Tho long road seamti to stretch ion to
the horizon, and straiptt before me the
sue, round and el -linens, had just touch-
ae very, lonely, and as I
-could only erre one editor). human being
approaching 1113in the distance, 1 quack -
tined toy steps, fur Mrs; Fanshawe was
apt to be nervous elirm I was 4,qt
As he approaci.ed, I perceived he wits a
toll Wall, wr.ipl.ed to. My ejes
were- too much dazzleJ by th_p_anu for
me to see his face, but I thought he waa
looking eareestiv at ine. He walked A-
N w cepa past Mg; era then returned,
aayinit, yon kindly direet me tot'
I turned noind and looked at him:
then I inroluntarily held out my hands.
They were trimly clasped, tend in 4
moment was nresoid tie his breast.
"Nellie, darling ere yon glad toast'
Under the **administration, if cone
tractors were people who oonlirb• made
at -all available for 'partizan purposes;
their relations with thelleverninent were
too often permittedito be of the latent
for important publi works, alliini, or
as the number of ,v4riations to whic
"ring," would pet in as meg ten
their names could* forised4 And thio
prices weuldimasvariansas the tendn4
The objec4 of all tide was, this Brown,
Junes, ant Smith, Itsfing! say nide ten-
ders in for a particplar irk, would be
able to decline on Indult of the tieverail
firms into whish tbay bad nemitially, if
-not fraudulently, formed themselves, all
below the highest. Mr. 31aelenzie is
aiming a blow especially at this systems,
He has oetermieed that no teuder shall
be, eeusidered, unless there be &Mac
the actual signature, end the nature
oocupation, and place of residence,
every person or member of s firm ten-
dering. There will be required, too, aa
amply set forth in the notice callitig for
estate or by deposit of motley, public ur
inunicip•I securities, or bank stock, to
au amount of five per cent cif the bulk
earn of the contract. Ten per cent of the
progress estitnates will invariable liet in-
terned until completion of the work. To
each tender alio, must be sauteed the
actual a;gnatureof two responsible min
The system of making advances en the
working plant of contractors, whieh, con-
trary to all correct benne.' inanaedinent-
. hes prevailed, Mr. hlackenzie has rend,.
led elite to terminate. To 611,1 an extent
had this niediuui of relationship and.
sympathy between the Government and
oontractors been cultiva•ed, that the
ily, as they perhaps engirt tu ba, would
put the Government m possession of
largest contractors' outtit the world e ify
saw. All irregularities, of this or
other character, Mr. lisckenzie has
ternained shall be *tamped out.' The
of atrict business' prunes is- the y
rule that can consumed itself to pidilic
ctohuauttiritly ion. ay •tre assured thst, whether
they thereby stead or fall, the preterit
Reform Administration, to use s phrase
now beams eomillyn, Sill f,;Itt it out o.n
Detroit Free Prews:-"A fey days Igo
two young men living in Detroit, mil -
with a third party, which resulted it
cured, aad one of the gentleinsn stood
afoteehrotil:iiierm 3;r:court' eodf .t. &howl rintreni,DW pasilli::
Tell. Not satisfied with that, lhe ap-
s°11fohmrotiy5wrfliedieket sdlisirli'tila's'ittiont g:crhovuifoat
charecter, A dozen apples were pro -
board match -box cever and held it close a..;Td
to his head between the themb and
e at $500,000.000, 77;"Eng0001ist:
going 'plumb' through the centre.' , c_1,tiPi.tel. jets. Bonds of other natious, in -
The Temperance Societies cf bewe subdivisions f
undertaking the general. rnalsgement et
the Eseteen Division, oonlprising the
Prot inees of Qnibec and lie* Bruns-
wick; and Mr. Dwight, of lorpnto, aa•
seining that of the Wester!? Division,
'comprising the Provieoes of Outeno,
eud Northern New York,' being assisted
in their latroore of superintendeuce by
of, Toronto, • reepectively, and Mr.
Bourne was app,otted to the duties of
At &beet this same timh Mr' .1Bethune,
of Ottawa, and Mr. Pope, of Qiiebee,
were appninted District Superintend-
ents'. and this personnel of the Company
has continued unchanged. •
Our readers- may find the following
exhibit of the progress of, theOempany
:ueuiinmebbetwerr oeaff :eiffiflieseceeemsglesse.7...3.....:.;..... 33. ,0090
Miles of wire 0
transmitted, between eight aud tee
yelanr,adi:tion to the number of messages.
nished tr! newspaper.' in the course of a
million words of news repurts are fer-
ia 1617, the telegra ih ortended from
titi'Quebec to Toronto, theonly one wire.
Sarnia, .
„ Southampton, - 160
of course numerous, and front these
end" en thes‘ eftrunkArulohuetenis
branch out lines in every direction, until
there is scarcely a village of any oinse-
Commuiliest ion is had direct from Mon -
,hell. Utica', Oswego, Buffalo, Detroit
•• It is worthy of note that while every
pomade telegraph facility ha.s been
afforded to the country s steady reduc-
tion in the rate of cberges has been
In the early days of telegraphion_ in
t'antida the rides ranged from *to to
$1.50, but gradual reductioni have from
time to time beep made by the Moetreal
Telegraph Conipanf uittil now mementos
can be sent to nny. part of ;the 1,800
miles of territory interlaced by its wirdir
for the striell sum of 25e, the only excepo
tion to thts-unif rate being in favour
of .places within twelve miles of each
1 • in such cases being on --
other, the c
It will, we thi , , be obvious that we
in Cenada enjoy, under a private Com-
pany, far cheaper telegraph rates, in
eropertion to &Stances, than prevail in
Great Britain unier Govern•nent man-
agement, awl we think also that any
one who hu heti experience in telegraph-
ing in both countries, will bear us iitit
einftiocuiern.iipsienrvioitei It.liat we also enjoy a more
We have utiderstood that Sir Hugh
Allan was greatly instrumental in
bringing about this uniform rate. Ifs
heel a conviction that the Coupon!
could earn a faii dividend at the low
uniform rate and at the stone time c.on-
fer an intiatimatrie benefit on the coun-
try at large and popideriee telesp•aphing
indefinitely. in spite of warning note)
of pretest and disapproval from every
Telegraph Company on this continent,
his opinion remained unchanged, and
he succeeded in' Ungriessing his convic-
tions on his colleagues, the uniform rate
was adopted, and the consequence is that
were a luxury, hes :become a commie
olo-daveryyoutele. °graphing from being as it
necessary of life within the means of
meeting was held at Alton's Hotel,
Lucknow, on the 31st day of Deoember,
1873. All the members present. The
minutes of last meeting were read and
A letter was reed from P. Adamson.
Esq., Cou ty Clerk, in reference to the
maintenance of the gravel
the respective township muni -
repair a
Mov by P. Clare, seconded by A.
C, Haw iLs,-tbsd the following partiel
be refun ad the Buns set opposite their
respecti -lames names beteg for Mis-
take in meat Mc-
Donald 2.011, John McDonagh St.04,
John McCrea $2.20, J. Cameron 112.20,
John Murray $1,04, Donald McIver
M.ived by P. Clare, sounded by A.
C. Hawkins, that. John Babbled' ra
for clearing timber off the
Moved by M. Dalton, seconded by
Dreanv, that PatricIE O'Neil Le paid the
sum of f12.50 on acepunt cif mistake in
hie amessinent.7-Carriedt
Moyed by A., C. Hawkins, seconded
by A. Dreany,' that the following ac-
counts be paid, -J. J'. Bell, for print
Do Division gegistrar, $7. -Carried.
Moved by A. C. Hawkins, seconded
by A. preen'', that David Cowsn's as-
sessment be reduced $150. -Carried.
Moved by A. Dreany, seconded by A.
C. Hawkins, that James Vient be allow-
ed 85 for damages sustained try him a
tire caused during tho performance of
Statute labour. --Carried.
Moved by A. C. Hawkins, seconded
by A. Dreany, that Robert Farrish be
refunded the .suin of 82 charged to him
for Statute labour as mid Statute labour
has been performed.- Carried.
night. t She took me by the hand anti drew me
opieion that they would not come that
. Mc/LENZ/E. "Lor' bless you, Mr," he said, "Jamul to the stile by her.
"At that time I sated, as 1 still think,
13" knows what he's about, and add arer for the best , but two years ago I fear I •
Cons.: .r. Merrixo.-The Council met
in the Tcwn Hall, pursuant to adjourn •
ment, ort Wednesday, Dec. 31. All the
•nembers present, the Reeve in thechair.
Minutes of previous meeting read and
approved. Moved by Mr. J. 13 Geigher,
seconded by Mr. Carrick, that 825.75 be
paid Mr. Georgerhonison. for 103 loads
of gravel, and $4 65 for surface a amages ;
ilso, that Wm. Bell be paid $2.47 on
account, passed at last meeting of Coun-
cil. Clarried Moved by Mr. J. B.
Geighee, seconded by Mr. Ronnie, that
John Prang be refunded 810.52 on ac-
count of back taxes -Carried. Moved
try Mr. J. B. Geigher, seconded by Mr.
P. S. Geigher, that Samuel Rennie be
reftinded $67.16, on sectunt of work
done on the south boundary, viz : Thos.
Plot. Fenwiclo ; Ronnie, for
Fried 08.81 -Carried. Moved by Mr.
Carrick, suomded by Mr. l' :5" 3eigher,
that $1 be refunded the trustees of the
Lutheran Churoh, charged them for
holding a meeting in the Town Hall, and
that no charge be made in future for
holding ptiblie worship in the Town
Hall -Carried Moved by Mr. Rennie,
seconded by Mr. J. B. Geigher, that D.
Bell be refunded $4 and Nichol Shirray
$2, on account of statute labor, they
both haring dem) the work and also paid
the County Treasurer -Carried. Moved
by Mr. Rennie, seconded by Mr. P. S.
Geigher, that Jacob Waltz be paid $30,
for • piercer of sin acre of land for a
gravel pit, the same to commence within
25 feet of his house, thence running east
aq south from said point, and that Mr.
Waltz furnish an eareement to that effect,
/he above amount to include all damages
to stable. eurface,or otherwise -Carried.
Moved by Mr. Carrick, seeonded by Mr
P. S. Geigher, that the Oillector's bonds
be sccepted and Owed in the hands of
the Treasurer -Carried. Moved by Mr.
Carrick, seconded by lir. J. B. Geigher,
that $1.75 be refunded tho late Collec-
tor, he having eyerpaid-the Treasurer
that amount -Carried. Moved by Mr.
Carrielf,aeconded by Mr. P. &fleigher,
25 Idddaof gravel. $3.75 • Christian Os
weld, 519 loads of gravel, i25.95 ;',Chris-
tian Oswald, cedar, $3.50 ; Wm. Camp-
bell, 200 loads tif gravel, $10 ; John Mc-
Denald, 91 loada of gravel, $1 55 ; Wm.
Carrick, plank, $4.43 ; Wpm Campbell,
for use of road to grates' pit, 84 ; Thos.
.1. Wilson. 17a cords of gravel, per John.
Troyer, 14:37-; Thos. J. Wilson, gravel,
Wilson, plank, $6.52'; Thos. J. Wilson,
gravel and plank, per Wm. Grandy.
18.29; Patrick O'Brian, making culvert,
$3 ; James McDonald, making bridge
and culvert, 814 ; Broderick, mak-
ing culvert, 811 ; George Turnbull,
building bridge, 818.50; Godfrey If
son, gravel, $7.95 ; Henry Pfile, balance
Mrs. Kienhart, extra work in cleaning
Town Hall, 81.25 ; Caeper Webber, re-
seetng job on north boundary, $4; 'ffeinry
_Reichert, balance of contract on Blind
iLineol 87 -Carried. bloved by Mr. J.
B. Geigher, seconded by Mr. Carrick,
that the following sums be paid for
eateries and services to officers And
Councillors, for 1873." -viz : Hugh Lnye,
Sr , salary aaClera, $110 ; Michael Zel-
and statipnery, $1 35 ; Robt. D. Brod-
rick, Iggiector of licenses, $12 ; Mrs.
llienhidt. hall keeper, $8 ; Ralph
Brown,'' Auditor, ; John Brodrick,
Auditor, $8 ; Clerk. postage and station-
ery', $8.2o ; Clerk, for bAng Returning
officer, 1114 ; Clerk, selecting juror', $4 ;
Clerk, registering births, marriages and
deaths,$7.30; Assessor, selecting jurors,
; Reeve, selecting jurors $4 , A.
McLaren, Deputy Returning Officer $4
Michael Zeller, Derity Returning offi-
cer, 1P4 ; It. Brown -Reeve, Council fees,
gig ; 11. Brown, overseeing jobs, $10 ;
It. ,otrown, Reeve, telegraph and post-
age; $1.50 ; Wm. Carrick, Deputy
Reeve, fees, $18 ; Wm Carrick, over -
Council lees, 820 ; 13. Geigber, over-
seeing jobs, $12 ; P.14 (;eigher, Count.
oil fees, $20, and overseeing jobs, $5.2b ;
IS. Rennie, Connell fees, $20, and over-
seeing joba, 818.75 : Henry V. Dtrstien,
Collector's salary, $45 -Carried. Moved
by Mr, J. 13.0eigher, seconded by Mr.
P. S; Geigher, that John Shirray be
paid $60, upon his giving a deed of part
of Lot 17, fflon. forst road allowance
-Carried. The 'Council then adjourn.
It L iepoeitint tat tsefrlle2 i
et+ in groove, alta of tie 1.111 rat", an
with the i>.eewg eJ f111at ye
Act pared lad gglMl On_ , y, a
fellow -mg articles bowel
soli by the Ctaa and p of a Castel,'
vtz en. rye, bar
le , Hbeam,llidian erne aid, t
seed, bpkwleet, Ise seta Wig r
blue grass seed. weler beoas siga.41.001'
so tt,, duel applu,dried peedbee• O„
The Dentalam is hundred llamas
srsight, avo'- --- - Tib it s
the w id i, the lire eA.
the world, Li
frost hhsahels to t&L mq 12e •
troublesome. )ud as the ons treat'
pounds, to siliilliop sod gtMwr »
Ian and cents, but the osinveeuesse of
the new weight will speedily
itself. By special arrsn=
buyers and sellers,tbe Winchester bushel
(i. e. the bushel of capacity)
tious to be used for the period .f uses
years mon, but a short trial 01 Cee r'e`
staall will render this provisiss
For the eenvenieaoe of those who its'
wish to tarn taent&ls into bushels, end
vied verso, we append tied fofowing
of the legal weight of a Winchester
bushel of the articles &fleeted by the
1t'heatf - ...... -Sixty pounds -
Cora Fifty-six pounds.
Fifty-six pounds.
Sixty pounds. -
Barley . Forty-eight retie&
O&M- Thirty-feur pomade
Clover Seed Sixty pounds,
Tun* y SeedForty-eight peon
Buck 6lid Forty-eight pounds -
Flu Fifty pounds.
Blep SeedFourteen pounds -
°ester Forty pounds.
nips, Beet& owl
°aims flirty pounds.
Dried Apples Twenty -tiro pounds.
Dried Peaches Thirty-three Pounds •
Malt ...Thirty-six pounds,
To find the price of a Centel when the
price of a bushel is known,all that is
required is simply to multiply the pries
of a bushel by one hundred and divide
the product by the number of pounds in
the bushel, and to find the price of a
bushel when the prioe of a Centel is
given; the operation is reversed.
quart of water sold pour slowly into it
half a pint of selphurie acid. The mix-
ture will become quite warm frem chew
iced action,and this a thereupon why the
aced should be --poured slowly into tee
water rather then the water usto the wad,
and let it remain on the iron until it
evaporates. Then wash it again. The ob-
ject is to give the acid time to &moles
the rum. Then wash with water and you
win lee where the worst spotsare. Apply
some more acid and rub on thoee spote•
with abriek. The acid and the soourtng
will remove most of the rust. Then wash
the mould-bosrd thoroughly with water
to remove all the acid, and rub it dry.
Brush it over with petroleam or other oil
and let it be till spring.
Cocoa Pirrroutusi an - Fawn, Ms-
onnoin.-No family should be without
a bottle of crude petroleum of about
twenty-eight to thirty gravity, and with
all the benzine evaporated by exposure
the•open air. It is good for burns,
scalds and all bruises, where the skin is
not ;broken. It also cures chapped
hand'. It is a specific remedy for
rheumatism. Taken internally, from
three to ten drops upon a lump of sugar,
it acts as s purstative, and is an excellent
remedy for indigestion. Bottles of this
invaluable remedy will be fdled fres cf
cost at many of the oil producing farms
in the oil region, or it mey be purchas-
ed by druggista upon application to any
of the refiners.
very aptly hits the nail nn the head in
this Wise: -There is occasionally ,an in -
and Iota it run after th-e time paid for,
taking it out of the post office for months
and sometimes A veer or more, than
orders it "stoppeewithout paying up
what is dne the publisher. A man has
just tried this in a neighboring city, and
been suede to pay for the paper and the
cost cif a LAW suit, If you want to stop
a newspaper that has been continued for
a longer time than paid for, juat pdy up
arrearages, s,nd it the newspaper is than
continued, refuse to take M from the
post office.
Rartiana's DIU Intl Wee=
--It is well known that leather articles,
kept in stables, som become brittle in
consequence of ammoniscal exhalations,
which affect both harnear hanging up in
suchdocalities and the shoes of those
who frequent them. The usual applies -
atm* of grease/are not alwayz sufficient
to nseet this diffieulty; bet it is said that
by adding to theme small quantity of
glycerine the leether will he kept con-
stantly in a soft and pliable condition.
Siinie horse dealers have disoevered
that by the use of "Darley's Condition
Powders end Arabian Heave Remedy,"
their horses ere so much improved in
evety respect that they w411sell fer from
$25 to 4030 each more than they would
otherwise, and at • cost of not more than
$1 each. We consider this a secret
worth knowing, and one which all who
own horses ahould not fail to profit by;
it unquestionebly the best home medi-
cine ever sold. Remember the name,
and see that the eiguture of Hurd &
Co. is on each package. Northrop *
Lyman, Newcutle, Ont., proprietors for
Cased*. Sold by all medicine dealers.
The followingsdrartisement appeared
in the Jainairs. Standard of the
29th ult.; -"Hog Goer ing.-Mr. T.
O'Brien, of the ;his Hotel, in this vil-
lage, announces, that on Thursday, De-
cember 4th, 1873, at p. tn., he wild kill
the finest said fattasthog ever slaughter-
ed in Queen's Coenty, which will than be
guessed for. The animal is supposed to
weigh eight hundred pounds. Chances,
fifty centa. Tbe nearest guess wit take
the hog; the next, the over -plus money."
ene:lucessinysultehacotmeffinogrt:iaecrstibeedingTuisio;44 tlt ito 0:aue:riindtaiinostblynitheatnastgioeinIsersiof thaevoEasrsgte
Canada are going to exercise , i. ed in England to an estimated' amonut
fully equal to the total British debt. The sr T
debts of all kinds due to capiteliete of Corrsciriee OPTICS TOR CONSEXPKION.
Cleveland, Ohio.
caortadidsouiut stgo.ffuenrcishigtuen:plii:::::: a pluicipai 0000,040,00o.
Yieof fia'rom six to seven per cent for interest,
it is stated, $500,000,000 per --.:Ds'eAillt "Stal.:-F°W1-1: wwesre' induced to pro-
scribe your Compouyi Syrup of Hypo -
phosphite' by Dr. MeMasten'and its use
aptort toeyeanutcautot:peureleartasnuogcrh&popespu.iliesoudgfuol;:t Tor°:::, bait 10.1, tb. . , , .
moraLii,go:s dboorfoputhog th..ittlibeaut lif. i i re Par
as been attended orith such satisfac-
tory results es to warrsnt our employ-
, ing it largely from this time forward.
• es re whiti"uwinet 110: 5ifil. lelliJo17-' A. Macclonild 1 iiiiyFrperlloo2ecpwhiaiii' Ilbphiiivlotasiihijotopphrtosecapaprhribittieseeo.aissiisooadalUsi
I ed to sustitnto for this.
morals, we shall rear as we 41-1°5-4"41".
elyels your throat sore,,er are you an -
pod by constant cough? If so, use
promptly "Bryan's Pulmonic
They will give you mstant relief. They • 1‘. -
relieve the air paauges of phlegm or mu- o -o
cous, and allay mflamation, and no
seder remedy can be had for ooughs,
colds, or any complaint of the throat or
lungs, aiad if taken in time their efficacy
will soon be proved. Solikby all Drug-
gists and country dealers. yrioe 25 cta.
your ignorance, for the wisest man tti an
martinis ignorant of many things, inn.-
intich that what he knows ni • mere
nothing in oomparisou to what he does
not know. But we apprehend very few
are ignorant of the wonlerful effects i#
the "Cana -dim -1 Pain Destroyer." its a,
roost:sure sold rapid cure for. oolds,
rheumatiam, pleurisy,. cholla, cholera
inorbus, and all summer complaints.
Sold by all medicine dealers.
tt1101111 • r Erteetris 111.
firth Tex TOMS ite Weight in ,Goid I
Fain cannot stay where lt is mod. It Is the
cheapen Medals* ever made. Overtime mummies
mon Bonn TilsoAT. Om bottle has and B1104 -
corns. Fifty cents worth has cured an Oss
110,41.11110 C•008. It pf011ti•OlY cans Catarrh
AlatUnia and Croup. Irtfty cents worth haa
Mired Crick in the Beek. and tbro sum witanint
Name Back Menet years slaadicks. Fas youewpag,
ele &street' from a few of the many letters WIWI
Wive bees received nom elfferest meta ef Camoci•
Wel, we think. Mould be sulkiest to eatery the
'baud mell doa. De. Thomas' licleetric Oil, have -
mid all I bed frosa yea and mutt more sew ; Ws
Sum are truly wonderful." AV&. Nagai». of
Franklin, writes "I have sold all tie swag left, It
acts like • C111111 -4t was slow at Iwo but takes
ipleadiriUy now." R. Calk of lorta, writes. "isms
Reward II doses noses' Zelectrie oil. I an arr.
eat; notbutesqaals it. It la highly recoommase-
by &me who have mei it" J. Bedford.
ly of Iclectrie 011,1 have oat, ass Dottie left. I
never saw anything sell so well sad give such
satirifactioa." J. Therm Woodford.
=rarel--"fleat se was mire c CM, I have
told entirely out. Nothtag takes like it." Miler
fril ie getting • great repatados here, nod is dairy
relied tor. Bend se • ft.rther owl wittiest
FTto take well."
ors. - Foteesiw-lit Meted and
Ilionerville; J. Paritaini. lame.
tutu J. M. beruerla. Ditagial