HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-12-23, Page 38WIN VOLLEYBALL TITLE — East Williams Memorial Public School won the recent Middlesex County volleyball tournament. Back, left, Robert Scale, Mark Thomson, Peter Twynstra, fan McKeen, Stephen Thom- son, Don Brubacher, John De Vlugt and coach G. Welshman. Front, Russel Cox, Brian Watson, John Oosterwal, Frank Brubacher and Kevin Stewart, Photo by Scheifele All grades perform Hold concert at East Williams One hundred and eighteen senior citizens were guests of the Ailsa Craig and district Lions Club last Sunday as the Lions provided their annual Christmas dinner for seniors in the area, One hundred and eleven were on hand at the Town Hall to enjoy the turkey dinner with all' then, l ''cur.' trimmings, while another seven received theirs at home. Wives of the Lions Clubs cooked the turkeys, vegetables, and made the salads and desserts, while members of the Lions Club did the serving and cleaning up. In addition to the main course a wide selection dessert followed, includi choice of pie, ice cream a 'ruit g cake. To begin the even'' the group was entertain• imitations 'e and songs fr group from § Londo Boys capture championship Now's the time to thank you for your continued good will, and wish you and your family a happy holid 47{ENsAL We thank all our many customers for their patronage duritigt the past year oven Wish Them All A ;"I` // /' Happ4/ Joyful and 'Pro ewyeir TED St QtkRAGE g • fr S ONTARIO if By JOY SCHEIFELE Once again the Auditorium at the East Williams Memorial Public School was packed to capacity as the children presented their annual Christmas concert. Late corners were hard pressed to find a place to sit. w.itrvor ta. At ChristMas, .pecial prayer: May mankin e blessed with "Peac Earth." A a special wish: May your per anal Christmas.be a most happy one. li RR 3, Zurich Phone 2364934 A t;?,,,i c:mt cq,ti tz7t ri:*34tia4...Vii:z.;:giet*)lizs Wits ;tiko Wai;!;:ia ;*0•;;;Tgas5;iistti;;W:;:iaAl tiAgi . G. FARM SUPPLY irn church has concert Soft eandlelight and Christmas tree boughs set a joyous mood for the congregation at the Nairn Church as they met Friday night for the annual Sunday School concert. Little children from the Nur- sery, Kindergarten and Primary classes set the stage as they enacted the Nativity story with purity and feeling. Led by teachers, Beatrice Bender, Edna Nordemann and Ruth Martin the children sang a couple of children's carols during the presentation. Two other classes, the lower junior and junior class I grouped together. Working in pairs the children presented the message: Jesus Came for All People. Each pair drew a picture on a large sheet of bristol board depicting a modern situation requiring God's love. Christmases of past times were recalled by the Junior High Class with Simon Bender, who told of Christmas as he had experienced it as a boy. "We thought we were very lucky to receive one gift at Christmas," he recalled. The Junior II class presented a choral reading on the shepherds. The evening was then brought to a climax with a White Gift of- fering, The gifts of food and clothing will be distributed through London Mission Ser- vices. Refreshments of cheese and crackers and apple juice were then enjoyed by all downstairsin the basement area. Sunday morning the worship service focused on "Experien- cing Christmas" with special music offered by the senior and junior choirs, individual solos and readings, The program this year was presented by the senior grades in the school, and the auditorium decorations also made by the students. The grade five class delighted the audience with an "Old Fashioned Christmas Concert" which brought back memories and a Brat deal of laughter from the audience as days of yester year were recalled with fun and fancy. The senior che' , which in- eluded Principa en Stott, and .0 senior teache rs, Nicholls, opened the ogram with a fi'' dumber o ristmas selections. he ade seven class a short play entitled: mas Eve News", which ded all that no other event tory has had the impact and e such "good news" as the b th of Christ. 'Vet people around the world frequently celebrate this great event in different ways. This was well presented by the Grade Six class who briefly demonstrated some of the Christmas customs of other lands. Following a number of selections by the Triple Trio Choir, the Grade eight class put on a skit entitled: "The Night Before Christmas Revised" in which the well-known character Scrooge is taken once again to the scenes of his misdeeds by his friend, Marley. Only Scrooge this time finds he has been involved in very modern, but still, shady dealings. The boys and girls enacted their parts well, delighting the audience and providing a very pleasant evening for all. Competing in a round robin tournament at Medway High School at Arva, East Williams Memorial Public School boys volleyball team succeeded in taking the Middlesex County championship. Eleven schools took part in the tournament held this year on December 11. It proved a tough and unpredictable competition Huron County Board of Education heard a delegation on Monday seeking admittance to kindergarten of four year old Steve Martene. His mother, Mrs. June Martene and nursery school teacher Karen McEwing both told the meeting that they felt the board's reluctance to admit the youngster due to his age was unjustified. In a letter read into the minutes of the meeting, Mrs. Marlene said she was appealing to the board to "consider Steve's readiness for admission to kin- dergarten on par with the child attending kindergarten at Clinton Public School now," "I am under the impression that his admission was con- sidered because he had attended a junior kindergarten in Wood- ,SUPPORT RESOLUTION The Huron County Board of Education has voted to support a resolution presented by the Prince Edward County Board of Education calling on the Minister of Education to have required courses in Canadian Studies include one credit in Canadian History and one credit in Canadian Geography, rather than the Minister's present direction which calls for a History and Geography credit or two History credits. All board members excepting Molly Kunder supported the resolution. The Huron Board also sup- ported a resolution from the Lanark County Board of Education requesting the Commission on Property Tax Reform to delay for a period of one year the implementation of the proposals contained in, the Budget Paper in order that they might be adequately evaluated by all concerned.' with some of the smaller schools coming out on top. In the semi-finals, East Williams played against Metcalfe and McGillivray. Their final scores against McGillivray were 11-15 and 9-15. Earlier in the month the girls volleyball team placed third in their competition which was held at Strathroy Collegiate. stock last year and he will not be five until March of 1977," she said. Steve will not turn five until February of 1977, "As Steve's mother I see him indicating great interest in what his sister in Grade One is lear- ning," she told the meeting, "and he has absorbed considerably what she has taught him."' ' Karen McEwing of the Tuckersmith Day Nursery told the board that it was her feeling that Steve was ready to start kindergarten last September, even though he will not be five until February, "He has been enrolled at our Day'Care Centre since October of 1975," she explained. "During that time, he has shown that he is very mature physically, men- tally, socially, emotionally and creatively." She said Steve knows the alphabet, how to write and spell his name, the basic shapes, colors, counting and number concepts. "His attention span is quite long compared to others of this age," she said. . Trustee Dorothy Wallace asked Mrs. Martene if she had considered the age at which Steve would be trying to enter University if he were accepted into kindergarten now. iDirector of Education D.J. Cochrane pointed out that while there was no minimum age limit set for admission to University or OKAY INCREASE Huron County Board Education approved an inc in fees payable to ers conducting driver ucation courses when it et at its December session on Monday. The board will pay, retroactive to September of this year, $59.40 per student graduate for in car instruction and $10.80 per student graduate for classroom in- struction. The increase represents eight per cent across the board and is effective for the 1976-77 school year, Lions fete • area seniors College Steve's ability to get along there socially because he would be younger than his peers might prove a problem. Referring to the ease of the child of five enrolled at Clinton, Mr, Cochrane explained that he had been a student in junior- kindergarten at Woodstock and once enrolled was subject to the compulsory attendance rules of the Ministry of Education. Others had been admitted at an early age he noted, but those had been cases considered on medical grounds pr recommendations from the Roberts. School in London, On a motion by Molly Kunder the matter was finally referred back to the Education Committee for study at its January meeting. The motion stipulated that consideration would be given to changing the age for kin- dergarten admissions, Says son ready for school Page 38 Times-Advocate, December 23, 1976 Decision on age termed unjustified g LIONS WELCOME GOVERNOR — District A Governor Jim Stott made a visit to the Ailsa Craig and district Lions club recently. From the left are Carman Pickering, Neil Lloyd, Bob Hooper, Lloyd Mothers, president Derek Turner, Governor Jim Stott, Ken Jones and Phil Cant, Photo by Scheifele Lions host to area governor M1 ,S. SERVICP Bill Fuss 262-2946 London 672-1200 iAiZtilkila?.iiiitsitlifiWc7?.?4,alietlqtktWt•W:kiZ?4,it«1:il:MIIgM'clKi'litittl!.t:NeMittoMitM*7 rili:?.4i3::?tkivgkionntift AtstailtivNit '..jondontffiSt. Thomas • CalAien Sound Pi 'Gerald & Dorothy Prout /35-1866 Larry Snider AND THE ENTIRE STAFF WISH EVERY ()NE A VERY you a oltlyfashibned 41Aris wlfrrn .iiiianks for hat been a t,. s. And to you, ur confidence and trust! easure to serve you. rry zi 1 The Ailsa Craig and District Lions Club played host to their District A Governor, Lion Jim Stott, last Tuesday evening. The Governor spoke to the group and commended them on their many accomplishments over the past year, and urged them to continue on in the spin' of Lionism to assist wher there is a need. He also challenged t ub to remember the Lead: og fund. The forty clubs i " District have been aske aise a total of $20,000 towa xpenses for a Leader Do- train one Leader Dog, why sists a blind person, costs . 0. Many such dogs are `Wee roughout the nation and t ,S. tinging greetings from other ionfi Clubs, Governor Stott also brow ht along a pet duck which he left, in the care of the Ailsa Craig club. The Ailsa Craig Lions have) the responsibility to care for 1.114 duck and within five days see that she is taken to another ,I4.46ns Club. After introducing her to the .0)-Ovtiiitartin4i'ea.Wr•*i Santa Claus is: By RASMA ZEMITIS Grade 8 Stephen Central School S uper A cceptable Numer One Terrific Amiable Clever Lovable A none LI nbelievable S onsational new club, the Lions then charge within the five days, thus her new hosts to care for her and promoting fellowship among the send her on to yet another club various clubs. riz4i.e3.14 No4i,h5.1e)or.ei0..pi.sts,e)4s.oc:,;o.e.;e:vsexzeze:iz.5 ;carl . . ° 0 s dx f t . o . . • o . ,, 0 00 : °' 0 0 o .0 0 0 0• „Ay w.) :, fi , ...., . w rikr.h. . ,• . ., r 4Y ' ,,,accm... & 'II ili4itlx. VA. g o,..: . 111, , ,._.,,, g v. 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