HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-12-23, Page 30EXETER FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED THE BEST IN FARM MACHINERY If present plans are carried out speed limits at the two entrances to the village of Lucan on High- way 4 will be different. Lucan council meeting Monday night agreed to stick with an original decision to change the speed restrictions at the north end of the village to slow down traffic as it nears the Lucan public school. A resolution was passed authorizing the change from 50 miles per hour to 40 miles at the village limits and to 30 about 300 feet north of the public school, This is a change from the present 45 to the proposed 40 mile zone, At the south end of the village the speed there will be only two zones with the speed dropping directly from 50 miles to 30 miles per hour without the inter- mediary 45 hour zone presently in force. The Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Corn- RITCHIE WATER FOUNTAINS,; Heated or unheated for your feedlot or barn. (:( Most sizes in stock. STAND BY GENERAT9RS When your hydro goes off. Small engineOriver‘i portables from 3000tp, 5000 watt Large P.T.O. driven modOis fr4rn 15,000 to p5,000 watts. See thm ortdisplay. POWER WAHERS From 500 to(' 12'x? lbs nozzle pr Ailpst models s:tpcix Order y4t.ri. DETZ TRACTOR ow. Cash Rebates coming off Dec. -11, 4 See our new LEYLAND TR RS We offer free financing until 11 d`1 77. START 197,ITH A CHECK FROM SPER NEW HOLLAND YO NTER BUYERS DIVIDEND 242 MAIN ST. NORTH 5.*ETE R, ONTARIO 1519) 235.1380 JUST NORTH OF THE BLINKER LIGHT Buying no ment yo increas You may also deduct 5% m your Gov. tax bill. eed in spring. It protect fro"po ible price s the best way to be su;i2.u'lliOaveie4uip- aNic111ta?-triOWF.f611,?..t oPlt•aggro i• ge a?..1 srwc ailci• s•a?v Tt Something to Remember Over the Holiday Season When winter fringe ery bough With his fantas math, And, puts the sea, silence now Upon the lea s beneath; yrnmer still is nigh, ai4demeath. HENRY DAVID THOREAU Nothing ' ors so peaceful and tranquil over the holidays on 'as a farmstead cloaked in a new-fallen mantles snow. Ektt beneath the blanket of white lies the farmer's laborv. of the harvest season just past and the growing .,t easop soon to come. Momentarily dor- mant, the fruks at his labors will spring forth again to help feed and\c4the a nation and a world, Even while his land dozes, the farmer and his family tend live- stock and prepare for yet another year of rebirth and renewal. The farmer's.obohtinued devotion to the land is one of th, Ofteltif &reach of us receives on this or any Cif0('4 mtg. A Seasonal tribute to our farmers and their families from FE, 242 MAIN ST. NORTH. EXETER, ONTARIO (519)235-1380 MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR from our staff: Connie Dietrich • Wally Becker • Robert Bibby Lyle Kraft • John Van Gerwen • Paul Van Gerwen • Harry & Anne Van Gerwen MethiOs the And iiArk EXETER FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED THE BEST IN FARM MACHINERY pp 4.- on A c, ceg OP EXETER FORD ci qiK Tractors . Equipment § oi ,... Equipment Sales Ltd. * . clt,k ---. EXETER 235-2200 tt.lit) ' * 'II u Ho! Ho! HQ. /tint 2.. Jo* why's 4-10, 1/ ,.here,''.. it's 4?: jolly 4anta qg with sled full oflooth".4 A fli`em is a ig ,,,,Ybundle of Wanks 4 u just for you, from us. qig 14313. munications had orginally proposed the 50 and 30 zones at both ends of the village. Biddulph council which has control at the south end agreed but Lucan council came up with their own proposal. In proposing the resolution Monday night, councillor Norm Steeper said, "We want this protection of a slowdown procedure because of the school and we would recommend that the same system be used at the south end." Changes in the sewer use bylaw as proposed by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment will be passed on to', village engineer Paul McIntyre for his c4rnments. cting on advice from the 0 ario Civil Service sociation, village employees All be taking Christmas and New Year's holidays on December 27 :nd 28 and January 3. Ladies Guild holds meeting The December meeting of Holy Trinity Ladies Guild Lucan was held at the home of the president Mrs. Clarence Haskett, Tuesday December 14 in the form of a Christmas party. Mrs. Haskett opened the meeting with a prayer for Christmas and a prayer for the New Year followed by the scripture reading by Mrs, Lawrence Hodgins. Business included disposing of funds and election of officers for 1977-78 which are as follows: Past President: Mrs. Clarence Haskett, President:Mrs. Norman Hardy, Secretary: Mrs. Merton Culbert, Treasurer: Mrs. Kay Egan. Mrs. Haskett showed her slides of Yugoslavia and explained each one in detail and some of the customs of the country. RI HARD Clprtered Ac OFFICE: 433-3803 7/ V 154 WharncliffekRcio London, Ontaricv' N6J 2K6 N.)s, RESIDE CE 227- ,..120 Alice Lucan comiiany Urs1TiN'TS Avenli \O)ncion 679-9550 Elias, CHA;RTERED A EliaS S H d Main St., (above Westlake 236-4351 e Page 30 Times-Advocate, December 23, 1976 Don't Want Very Much Dear Santa Claus I don't want very mutch but I would like to have a new pare of goal pads for hockey and a Drag Van Set, a Moto Race Set. I , would like a Skate Board and a pare of goal skates and some Walkie-talkies. Thats all I want for Christmas. I hope you can brigh it all. Doug Haskell Luoun puhuo school Business Directory Two different speed limits. Presentations were made to Mrs. Madden from the Friend- ship Unit and the General U.C.W. prior to her leaving our Church, and a Christmas gift to the Madden family was also given. During the business meeting, Mrs. Sheridan Revington chaired by Mrs. Park, a con- reported for the Nominating tribution was voted to the Committee and there are still a General Fund of the Church, plus few vacancies for workers. If you an addition to our Unified Budget are interested in helping with the Contribution, as a "super gift". work of the U.C.W. please contact The 1977 Leadership Course at Mrs. Revington. The new Fanshawe was announced and Executive will be installed at the those interested are asked to January meeting on Tuesday contact Mrs. Park for further January 11. ;100iRIMR.R.M.CfrgWRICRIRPIPARt „Iv Presentation at UCW Once again the Shillelagh Motor Hotel threw open its doors on Wednesday afternoon to all Seniors in the area giving them the opportunity not only to hear the "Molly Maguires"once more, and enjoy their toe-tapping music, but also to chat with each other during the intermissions. The whole area was represented as members were present from Ilderton, Ailsa Craig, Granton, Clandeboye, Centralia, Exeter, West McGillivrayandLucan,as well as the surrounding countryside of each place. All were invited to share in the hand-clapping and singing of the songs which were familiar and several times during the program Tommy Burns invited anyone who wished, to share the platform with them. Frank Dickens of Ailsa Craig, was, however, the only one brave enough to take advantage of the invitation. Mr. Dickens sang two numbers with many friends joining in the choruses. Presidents of the various groups thanked Cec. and Phil Lewis for their kindness in en- tertaining the Seniors once again. Members of The Sunshine and Busy Buddies Groups of the Lucan Senior Citizens Club met on Thursday afternoon, at the Shillelagh Motor Hotel for their annual Christmas Dinner. An excellent turkey dinner, com- plete with plum pudding, was enjoyed by close to 80 members with several dinners being taken information. Changes in the set-, up for the annual "Snowflake" Bazaar were discussed and will be handed on to the 1977 executives. SHILLELAGH ENTERTAINS SENIORS — Two senior citizens parties were held at the Shillelagh in Lucan this week. Wednesday, close to 300 area seniors were entertained by the Shillelagh and Thursday the Lucan seniors held their annual Christmas party. Above, Shillelagh owner Cecil Lewis welcomes Lucan president Merna O'Neil, Alex Young, Ethel Crough and Cec Robb. T-A photo Shillelagh entertains area seniors at Cihrstmas party • out to shut-ins, by Cecil Robb. tiotson, Muriel Cobleigh, Irene President Merna O'Neil Egan and Olga Bond. welcomed everyone and directed The social committee, Jean a Christmas Guggenheim game Miller and Irene Egan, with some while Iva Hodgins prepared the members assisting distributed props for a skit entitled "Do Not the exchange gifts. Gordon Jump to Conclusions," Those Hotson thanked Cec. Lewis and taking part in the skit were the waitresses, on behalf of the Luther Morley, Harold Cobleigh, members and moved a vote of Cecil Robb, Isobel Haskett, Alex thanks to Cecil Robb for making Young, Agnes and Gordon the arrangements for the party. u•otrorotstrmvor,i.oftcgcromtorAttritsromiztreogrerretteercpmvItrors, 4.0144PAKCCIAtit Zikintiriktri.41*.C.(01M.C#M4 The column thdt's read for a purpose . 11 ,Ilkip 'N\ -by Scotty Hamilton letters 1 ; % imdanfwnneipsteaneraewaenrscldepettd stamped will ' c/o this paper. All 1 . nmesersiritctxbepooapraettsehedTsesreettrtat,d,emsvidvwaoadeiawnl reveal (Z.. yelovobsywicsesnoekheiudtntapa. rhoneuriNowidgbnovoevlesittens alhtoottti published. 1 will Mt. as, hepirT dcaeto phettieusnlei bajpr:ccsysdenluaeoosmdbatisutonieurinroi ysdeasusipewh,debtroeevsoosetftrdihboicestaomledeihegtnpmEnspopf aesirflaioaydocnt:watvofbsdoioge:r`tr,'eAoetri infor m 11_ \ " \ .- 4) interpret t7,1 • , II application NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE EXETER EST. R,y iti MONUMENTS LETTERING T. Pryde 293 MAIN - ,EXETER 1919 & Ltd Son ST. S. MARKERS .,.... _..,,„,,,,, Poo 1, PHARMACY LTD. 235-1570 235- 0620 ANYTIMF or 235-1070 373 MAIN ST. . . . . . ., 1114•V • FUNERAL HOME 370 WILLIAM ST. EXETER 235-1220 Alr. OF A THE ON MEMBER TARIO V.,,, a FUNERAL SERVICE ASSOCIATION ly the to have will it? the into be , ' „.. number themselves, various country) ladies„ dollars. magazines mediately) company phone PUBLISHERS. REXDALE, young whatever consequent received spouse. Within the fast two months, of letters directed PAR PUBLISHERS SERVICE It appears that this company magazines, (most of and their method of (pleasant to look at, we're on the main street of a 'small The amount of money collected After the sale has been "veto sign" from their parents law) to cancel before the expiry This is where the trouble start arriving, (cheques, and it would seem trouble in getting the magazines is extremely hard to it's unlisted and our letters Obviously then, until we get SERVICE LTD. we can only warn our ladies taking subscriptions Is it true that even if I sell income is thereafter be attributed back to me Generally, if there is a ans other then, as a p• cy of lower rat--'of tax• play. Tha ' the spouse the one • r •iec '.o tax on th= fr. the property Gore's 7fophies this against whom town that to of suite ' r of 'o w a soliciting made contact, some student for property and oid' column has received a large a Rexdale firm calling LTD. ' are selling subscriptions to are not well known in this is to employ young told) who stop students, usual- and make their pitch. varies from 20 to 40 odd a great many students get and then proceed, (according of 48 hours. begins because, unwanted of (course are cashed im- the students that don't cancel that they've paid for. This because if they have a date remain unanswered. answers concernin • 'AR 1, GREENSBO' • 'IVE, readers t. • ' of ' this c mpany t • y n wife th n produce. ,,.. his prop ty I ill ', ' • pay to on ? pr. ty'•m one spouse to i nco splitting and its the attri • tion rules come tr nsferred e property will o for example, rents — as transferred to the other Radio STEREO Authorized For all your and C.B. EATONS ngraving socy#3, , : . Engra nro On N em ,.e 3 • M IN ST.;FORMERLY Awl( dealer RADIO needs see us! 1 235-2261 Ece d C: OW ad . Gd neT peea&eTe CARL S: - REAL ESTATE LTD. ( 235-2533 489 Main St., Exeter owntiownermor , Bob &Shirrs Hwy. 4 & Huron Pk. Rd. ,..,, •. RESTAURANT Ogg COFFEE BAR Fat* Fast Take Out Shici * * ()obi Groceries 228- Variety GAS for LESS! 6751 I am a married woman but my husband, for no good reason, has left me. What do I have to do to show he has deserted me? Four elements must be satisfied to prove desertion -- (1) the fact that husband and wife are living separate, (2) the "animus" or desire, in this case, on the husband's part to desert the wife, (3) absence of wife's consent as to the husband's separation and (4) absence of conduct by the wife that would justify the living apart by the deserting husband, Basically, if any one of these elements does not exist, then desertion does not exist, NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete sale service. PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone .Collect 235-1964 EXETER PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ont. Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous. CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone Hensall (519)262-5515 C. HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN L. RODER, D.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Panne' Lane, STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 By appointment please. MT. CARMEL INCOME TAX CENTRE INCOME TAX—ACCOUNTING for Farmers and Businessmen MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SERVICE No Job Too Small PHONE 2 37-3469 Vince Ryan B.A. G. R'ANDALL AdmiOistrative S rvices ; LUC L. D. GEE SUITE 2Q8 yvoRriey( ROAD LCOJDON, TARIO f(r N6C 4Y (519) 673-1421 RES: 10 Greens.,:(A— G R A (vetiviD - 238-8070 "Bangkao, 'Kelly, oft awl';Co.`,, 8-8075 DA*ID C. HA N Dve • • ipoctor of Chir rqd(ttc,“ 4f# )07A:tiff); iiiS..tir; Exeter By Appoi mept - E Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experience of complete sale service Provincially licen'sed. Conduct sales of any kind, any place. We guarantee you more. To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 ACTION CENTRE MART — ANTIQUES — Located on Highway No. 4 North of Exeter PRIMITIVES - FURNITURE COLLECTIBLES - NOSTALGIA — BUY, SELL, TRADE — *DO-IT-YOURSELF REFINISHING CENTRE Quality Woad Finishing Products Prepared With You In Mind. —Minwax - Deft - 18 Century - P.V.R. —Accessories (steelwool, sandpaper, glue, etc.) *AUCTIONS WITH ACTION EXPERIENCE WITH SERVICE Complete or Partial Estates in our Auction Room or Your Premises "You NameThe Day — , We Make It Pay' Drop in or Phone 672-3566 Bill and Lavarre Clark Shop Open 10 a,m, -5 p,m. Fri. - Sat. - Sun. W ,Work HARD For YOU 497 MAIN STREET EXETER, ONTARIO NOM 150 (519) 235.0101 NORRIS & Clisirtered Acco GEIOLD L. ME O ortereci Accou BUS: 20'Satuilers, -17.7'EX ch,ortgro Acco 20 Main St., E ARTtpR w. R LOsident Part Bus. 235-0120, Res. g cittchSat. hours 01)