HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-12-23, Page 24rktzNitnt O,r.Ci.tt;.:410'tOlt4r.'1140:0;41gAiltNi4V414-14041411tNNorteiiPtItt?itig Season's fiQmGthere n ilre,r 1 ' ORA ROLLIE1 RENIER Deputy Reeve HAROLD GREEN • BILL BAIRD Councillors ILLAGE STAFF i .t.• • If • • • • • • • 0 it=•• 074 ROBERT SHAREN Reeve BOB il ‘&t.;it'g1)1Puttl P4 1;iittRksz,vii 97.izz wzt 43M01,titthill.411:t?iftARs f;IN taila tft Wthoziti owszt7,41w:§iviy&s:Kit:Ptt-tvid We:WO:110T :CA ix 8 o • " 'Season finds you th laughter and joy coming year 02 7 AND KAREN HUMER AND FAMILY FR We hope cheerful, througho Village Foreman Secretary GARY BRENDA DESJARDINE MAWSON LOUISE CLIPPERTON Clerk t 17 I \ GRAND BEND DECORATING ea.V6 =Mc s*tt•tM(,,i1=N1 t ?a• zt!gr •1::?Aia?Att•• tzi'A !PM 4k., INiet.Niz),Nks • 47 Main St. GRAND BEND Phone 238-2358 ie.T.olgtr,cic -tvAriar.es•ogt•tto a%to:"i•z?oaK(i.eqAt-gfttol:gierroftteroFttrai :41A 5 4 0:11 .011 ) zereat Vre CHILDREN'S FASHIONS E:ADULT CASUALWEAR 1,1. MAIN STREET GRAND BEND PHONE 238-2154 INi•oilt:i.cP :o•tttqt•oftszrerf.,:slq:olv.t•a4.,e:ro-tv1P:ts•oFto‘eq,&:?,ttsqt:t?.reckt DD F ER HOPS Grand Bend Flowers-, Mai • - 238-8638 Hensall Flowers - Ki T. - 262-2533 After Hours Farmer Bill's Gr ee ouses -Dashwood - 237-3228 Eric and Robert Say: *7o DEJONG'S GRAND BEND CLOTHING We wish to thank o tr.YCyistcnIters a patronage during 197671. Th, Beehi Store wishes you all rery happy New Year. We 7977 as we hay eir ,"`d epartment • hristmas and a t fire we can serve you in 'wring the past yearz ncerely, Marie and RalprVIcKinnon ST WEEK'S TURKEY WINNER • rs. Pearl Chamberland, Grand Bend E holiday h oreethis to all 04 friends - May we take app tunity to wish yo t •es of everything \Christ- mastime. THE DEJONG FAMILY AvaiRisrmAs 3 Church groups busy Resort WI mark Christmas alt?'61. hristmas ratings us rejoice; To each nod every one of our good friends and patrons, we extend, with sincere A appreciation, good wishes for the holiday. DALE'S ESSO SERVICE Hwy, 21, Grand Bend — Phon. 238 -2880 4 Your Local Ski Doo dealer Va.'4,2sttVga VialtgaVil ;144 "or all the bountiful blessings of Christmas, let of the 1975-76 County Council Friday with 14 1.1-0 are retiring giving an Aring. The common of tho)fe remarks was an ression &found memories of siyice on/fhe council and a pro*?JordOntinue an interest in the affairs of the county. Reeve of Brussels, and warden during the past term, John L, McCuteheon was among those retiring from council affairs. He has served on Huron County Council for six years. Goderich Reeve Stan Profit is retiring after four years, Tuckersmith Reeve Elgin. Thompson is stepping down after 15 years, John Baker, Reeve of Hensall, after six years, Harry Mulvey, Turnberry Reeve, after four years, Harvey McMichael, deputy Reeve of Howick, after six years, Stanley Township Reeve, Anson McKinley after nine years, Exeter Reeve Clarence Boyle after 12 years, T.D. MacMillan, deputy reeve of Exeter, after two years. Also retiring are Harold Lobb, Reeve of Clinton, Joe Miller, deputy Reeve of Hay Township,' Walter McBride, Reeve ofV/ Usborne, William Elston Morris Township and Robe Gibson of Howiek, Grand Bend Women's Institi to met Thursday afternoon in t town hall for their Chris as meeting. been answ ed the roll call by a Chris as verse. In the absence Vpresident, Mrs. Nola Taylo ho was ill, Mrs. Verna Lo • , presided. The Branch directors, Mrs. Bill Love, Mrs. Vern Ridley and Mrs. Rosie Grigg were in charge of the program. Mrs. Love opened by reading a poem on "Christmas Holly". Several carols were sung with Mrs. Lawrence Curts assisting on the piano. Mrs. Grigg, introduced guest speaker, Mrs. John Campbell, from Church of God. Her topic was "Christmas is Special". She told us some of Jesus sayings and demonstrated with visible ob- jects. Bread of life, with a slice of bread, if any man thirst come unto me and drink, a glass of water, light of life, a lighted Candle, I antthe Rose of Sharon, with a rose, and the lamb of God with toy lamb. Mrs. Ridley read a Bible Christmas story and Mrs. A. Hamilton a poem entitled, "The Birthplace", Mrs. Love, closed the program part by reading, "A December night". In the business it was decided to sent money donations to War Memorial Children's hospital and the Children's Aid at Goderich. Mrs. Lovie read a humorous poem "A trap for Santa Claus", Lunch hostesses were Mrs. Eva Bariteau and Mrs. Verna Lovie. Church happenings The Sunday School concert was held at Church of God, Sunday night, The theme was "Christ- mas is a Miracle", a continuous story which involved a newsboy who had no home, when he was directed to the home of an inner city church minister and the following events. This was based ND an John 3-16. Pianist for the choir numbers of the concert was Doug Steckle, Gifts and candy treats for the children followed. Sunday morning at Church of God, a special Christ birthday, annual offering presentation, was taken which goes to missions. The fourth Advent candle was lit Sunday morning at the United Church by Graham Kobe. Rev. H. Moore's sermon topic was "Day springs from on high". The choir anthem was "Bells of Christmas. A Christmas eve service will be held at the United Church at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is invited. The young teenager group from the United Church went out Sunday evening Christmas carolling. After singing at several homes they all gathered at Shelly Meecham's home for hot chocolate drinks, Rev. Aubrey Bell of the Anglican Church officiated, Sunday evening for the second annual combination carol ser- vice, when members from St, Pauls of Thedford and Grace Church, Greenway, joined the members at St, John by the Lake Anglican Church. Reading parts were taken by John Brown, Larry Cole, Eleanor Russell and Nola Love. Solo parts were taken by Beverley Burtch, Willy Purdy, David Sandilands, Lillian Goulet and Brenda Dumas. Personals Robin and Lawrence MeV of Southampton spent la -ek with their grandpare r, & Mrs. Lawrence Jo ..n. Miss Brend ye of Ottawa spent the week end with Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Love and family. Mr & Mrs. Cohn Love.joined them all for dinner on Saturday evening. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Johnson were hosts for a pre-Christmas dinner Sunday. Guests were their daughters and families, Mr. & Mrs. Duncan McVittie, Robin and Lawrence of Southampton; Mr. & Mrs. Don McArthur and Kevin of Port Elgin; Beulah Holt and Melvin Peariso, The family took turns going to visit the children's great grand- mother, Mrs. Mae Holt, who fs a shut-in at present. Mr. & Mrs. Colin Love and Mr. & Mrs. Bill Love attended an "Open House" gathering Sunday afternoon for Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Topping of Strathroy on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. This was held at the home of the "Top- ping's" daughter, Mr. & Mrs. Archie Pedden of R.R. 6, Strathroy, Recent visitors with Mrs. Mae Holt and Beulah and Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Johnson have been Mr. & Mrs. Jack Holt, of Gananoque, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Riddock, of Corunna, Mrs. Hugh Smith, Melissa and Johnny of Thedfor This correspondent has asked to announce th oiday hours for the P I Office. C= Christmas Day cember 25; Monday, Dece .er 27; Tuesday, December 28;' January 1 and Monday, January 3 the Post Office will be closed. During this time there will be no rural mail delivery, no receipt of mail and no dispatch of mail. United Church ladies packed 24 Christmas boxes, Monday, which were deliVered to friends and shut-ins. Uniac wins council seat William Uniac will be the third member of the 1977-78 Grand Bend council. He was elected as a councillor at Monday's election defeating Grand Bend dentist Dr. Robert Clay. Uniac polled 139 votes to 51 for Dr. Clay. Only 190 of the 1,149 eligible voters turned out at the polls. Uniac now joins incumbe councillors Bill Baird and H Green and reeve Bob S and deputy-reeve Bob S' on. At the original omination in mid-November only Baird and Green presented their names for the three council seats and a second nomination was called. This time two qualified for the one position necessitating Monday's election. Huron loses 14 mem •r The fii91, ses •/1 term of it wound \ membe \ their '4) t AND DISTRICT NEWS at the SWEATER g Still a great selection -0 for both him and her. SHOP BE December 23, 1976 Tilt '11) t CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS—These students of the Grand Bend public school are proudly dis- playing the Christmas decorations they made themselves. They are, left to right, front, Debbie Sawyers, Gi. 2; Cathy Norris, Gr. 3. Second row, Janet Webb, Gr. 4; Kirk Fernald, Gr. 2; Reg Meecham, Gr. 2 and Ivan Chapdelaine, Gr. 3. Third row, Kelly Mehagan, Gr.,6; Ricky Graham, Gr. 5; Linda Allister, Gr. 4 and Nancy Southcott, Gr. 4. Back row, Todd Tiedeman, Gr. 6; Laura Lynn Teevins, Gr. 6; Patty Green, Gr. 5 and Glenda Morenz, Gr. 5. Photo by McKinley v?ttt tvm tati t it t:?Avgi;tcom r17iw.,4 t:?Atm?!.t'Ai SWEATE WRAP-UP' for Christmas ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT TO SAVE 1 en,ightly til 9 Fri. til 5: "Qua/ 4anodian ,Knitwear A t Substariflal Savings" SWEATER SHOP N‘FACYORY OUTLET 61 6 M St. ''"'Grand Bend 238-8007 • OittoWal 4'.)','41.:sh%445V44:0*3 VOA4its iilt5I'gts§..ktV):taNal=05PgavickAwieotyiavat). D DRUGS GIFTS BY • Houbigant • Chanel • Yardley • Le Ca J Nate anoin We have an excellent selection of quality gifts guaranteed to please the special peop19'on your list. 4)(7° 651, CHOCOLATES BY RHEO THOMPSON ,f,t 22-81 Cr., Grand Bend 238-8540 P•te:4 1$1;rtraq!cloggaf'Aciacii;:?tittltitFfaetna ett'Sic:Mtvgtsvitst:Mt:NtraNtwJ AFTER CHRISTMAS STORE-WIDE 1/2 PRICE • ed to ha*the original selli p as we 414closihg the ei 77 wit our spriti16 and summer spo Or best selection. LL SALES FINAL the sun shop LEATHER C SWEAT RS —J Entire rer4ining st ck has been nothing hiltd back vier December! (re-opeiff swimweaii. Shj6iea 1/f EN MON. - - 5 p.m. z V 83 MAIN ST GRAND BEND 238-2511