HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1976-12-23, Page 130
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wo *her, t,,i7A wit) qatt ZW:3 4:14W:5 q14 ViZZ 4W3,
lecfre Joining these carolers in
heartfelt .refrain; Peace on cart
. . .„good will toward men. Se/
to all. To all, Our special t
Bev Morgan Insurance Agency Ltd •
238 Main St. 235-2544
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'Tis the season to trim ,
trees, sing carols,
give gifts . • . and
enjoy all the
holiday cheer.
So what more could we
wish for you, than a
warm old-fashioned
Christmas? Thanks
for your support.
viir314,101.04M4rifilgter00141'44iSi.*..tzWW-4.;ftzr14 . ;0
Times-Advecpre, December 23, 1976 Page 13
=FA ort1010 gile,“0.010?.<1•00Vondigqm-retior4 ,4,(oomwAvrAtomoRmaftovmietkos
rryChrista• an ank you for
;?:; Pi&-)Pi4a w--?::) ‘?',0 Oat
T-A • •to
There is no disappointment we
endure one-half so great as that
we are to ourselves.
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Mr. & Mrs, 13111 Morley at-
tended the retirement party for
Elgin Thompson reeve of
Tuckersmith Township for 18
years on Friday night at
Vanastra Recreational., Centre.
Mr, & Mrs, John men
and Ronnie were nday
guests with Mr. 4/Mrs. ,T . d
Egag:,L an.
Mr. & rs, Ear h rare ,
Sunday s pper with Mi'. &
Mrs, G "tricinson‘,i St,
Sun. • upper Sings wi Mr.
arry Herner4 Mr. &
rt McLellan, Mr. &
Marian, Mr. & Mrs.
Garland, Mrs. Muriel
ellan, Ilderton and Mr, Tom
Galloway, Kleinberg,
Mr, & Mrs. John Scott visited
Sunday with Mr. & Mrs, John
Storey, Bryanston,
The community extends
sympathy to Mrs. Margery
Morley on the loss of her aunt
Mrs. 0, Webb, Montreal, for-
merly of Granton who passed
away on the weekend.
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i„ge., time once more to
turn e from the routine of day-to-day business and greet our
patrons, and neighbors with hearty wishes for a merry, old-
ashioned Yule. May your holiday be filled with the happy sounds
of laughter as you rejoice in the company of family and friends.
Sincere thanks 'for your loyal trust and support.
dk: A
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The Ad Hod Boundary Com-
mittee of the Huron County Board
of Education brought in a
recommendation at the regular
meeting on Monday afternoon
that the Board enter into an
agreement with Conestoga
College to lease a part of their
building in Van a for the
purpose of .lishing an
elementar ool.
In a t accompanying the
reco ndatiol, the committee
that realized the over-
owded• Anditions at Clinton
Publi.'•,-.School caused by the
u er of pupils attending from
anastra and was aware of the
act that Hensall and Zurich
S'elibblkbad some extra space for,
pupils. \
Betaup of this fact, the report
dkplainic'd that a community
knee* had been held in Huron
irtennial School on October 6.
"As a result of that meeting,"
the report explained, "It was
agreed that the committee would
meet with three members of the
community to discuss further the
problems in that area of the
Representatives elected by
those present at the meeting were
Paul Steckle of Stanley Town-
ship, Hank Binnendyk of
Tuckersmith township and Ben
Bridges of Vanastra.
That enlarged committee rrifr-
with officials from Conest4a
College for the purpose of
discussing the possible use of
part of the former elementary
school in Vanastra, now owned
and operated by Conestoga
As a result the Board of
Governors of Conestoga College
has approved a plan whereby the
Huron• County Board of
Education may lease the South
Wing of the building for the
purpose of operating an
elementary school.
A list of general terms were
provided to the Board by Kenneth
Hunter, president of Conestoga
The cost of rental would be
$2,215 per square foot for 9,078
square feet and a total of
$20,107.77 per year, This cost
includes all utilities, janitorial
services and janitorial supplies.
Cost of rental, it was suggested,
would increase, or decrease,
each year according to the in-
flation factor per the consumer
index of Canada. Cost of snow
removal would be paid on a
shared basis.
Mr. Hunter suggested that the
lease would be effective Sep-
tember 1, 1977 and would be for a
period of three years with annual
cancellation option. The Huron
County Board of Education would
have the first right of purchase if
the building were offered for sale,
The part of the building which
would be made available to the
Huron County Board of
Education would be the South
Wing, The Playroom would be
made available on a shared basis
with the college.
The division would be made
where there are existing doors
between the two wings of the
building. The total considered
area of 9;078 square feet includes
one half of each the playroom and
the boiler room.
The committee's report noted
that in order to make this space
available to the Huron County
Board, certain renovations would
be necessary such as the making
available for space for storage
and the removal of counters.
These renovations, it was
suggested, would be completed
by Conestoga personnel and only
the actual cost borne by the
Board of Education. These costs
are estimated at $4,000.
Expenditures for operating the
proposed new school were
estimated in the report as
follows; additional ad-
ministration costs for a principal
$9,000, principal's relief teacher
(half time) $8,000, half time
secretary $4,600 and $20,000 in
rental for a total of $41,000 per
It was also estimated that
savings of $17,360 could be ap-
plied against this cost. $5,360 plus
heating would be saved with the
return of two portable
classrooms presently in use at
Clinton Public School and
another $12,000 would be saved in
transportation when two or three
buses could be taken out of
The Ad Hoc Boundary Com-
mittee was appointed by the
Chairman's Advisory Committee
as a result of a Board motion in
April of this year. Committee
members appointed were, W.
Shortreed (Chairman), J.
Alexander, H. Hayter, Z. Zinn, R,
Peck and R. Smith from ad-
That committee met on 10
occasions including the com-
munity meeting. At a previous
board meeting the board ap-
proved the committee's
recommendation that J.A.D.
McCurdy School remain open, so
that no boundary changes needed
to be made in that area of the
The committee noted in its
report that it has studied school
areas, transportation, school
enrolment and school capacity in
various parts of the county, but
because it was felt that the
crucial problem was in the south
central area of the county, a
large percentage of the com-
mittee's time had been spent in
an attempt to resolve problems
In addition to its realm-
mendations in connection /with
opening school faciliti6,
Vanastra the committee
noted that it realized t
not completed the st
boundaries in the
that further
made. ..i,aft04
It-recommended that the Board
appoint a Boundary Committee
in the 1977-78 term to continue the
review of school boundaries. •
f school
nty and felt
fes should be
ti (
ding a bonan# of hpliday
for r oll our ? f ,mends it), the
murpy, Think you an ? happy holldgy, ts.
gm the Management 8,/Staff ai ti. ti.
a r .
Vi a;
3x plo
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SANTA VISITS COLLEGE — Santo Claus made his annual visit to Centralia College of
Technology Sunday. He is shown above with the children of staff members.
Huron board plan to lease
Vanastra school facilities
a 4,1!
227 Main St., Exeter, No. 4 Hwy. North
Santa Gets
Burried With His
Grade 3
Grand Bend
•On Christmas night went Santa
Claus was flying through the air
his magic power broke. Down
down he went to the ground with
a bump. All the reindeer ran
away with fright. Santa Claus
Was buried in the snow and hit
his nose on a rock. He on burried
himself and got his slea out and
found all his reindeer and got all
his presents and delivered all the
toys and went home.
ria-Nills-ft4;400;74.a W.-Pk:a -Ri•am
C. A. McDowell Ltd.
••' • • ">•••••"--.„
opin this
ay . • . fill wlfots of cheer!
Our tiatitude for your kind support,
ft4-Wia-•V:40-WesPiists ViAt pm* Nilo Nig.NizAitall•
aiper s Service Centre
marl), thanks for your patronage