Huron Signal, 1874-1-14, Page 2MR" PW F
putting up fence $14.4L;. &or West. srs""51L. The L"t CAVADA. At Dii Mrs. W-bort
lives off Wnenting $15; D. Ferguson, dun, so I in the h year of her
-.ifliss, The Tory argum am, an might be oz- BIr A rs"1902f,
hip of o l 0 tage. IN outlined w mother of Mr.
.44 Thu idrift 78; Buchanan, L-kiwson and SUICIDIL - W-0 10 11`12 that Mah I (.,for) To T,ownship of U
pectiod, terribly LapT boonse a now out askei I ay _Robinson, work at Central School phorno last year Jain rValle, of w.
nnex "owtho- namad jobumcKenzipoommitted sui- lathe Jmusiy thi. gistaire-1 103 birth%, 19 Loarriages and'
sit eso *qD bodies Inigaged in elloppin&the a 015.25; J. $main, codar poets $3; Alex- aide by cutting his thropt, at, St Helena, Itwa-14the"IndAyw bull tink 1.,L 44 deaths.
is sisout to WW *co-, Oany I
split Ilia great too, this Cut a a rid&y4 last. It is stated * Izat his ItW tile election I a tb i S
';kpovlerflivi the Uto govilliftment hifift..bone be* W "Me, clock And 'Clssolix1g, W-40; am F t L' ha2rwnih "th thell brwm" Tito Tories rn#,Io the tunuicipay oleo -
r lod4ftfilvog a thftdlk I intz the foot, t T. 1. Moorbouse, Stationary, $25.14; Of the victors Al they hlkrriaw l ti
Wthisix seats through the influ- - d r46_ I th oru; in Sarni& ly.ilitical. Resolt: Every.
tain - M c 1,,.,i __ - mind was not quite right in COUNK1110111106 around the b(Ilk"'A (,a* its let inst., 4
i Dr Swrets", postage anti talezmmi $2. t - I as, Oil
of a annatroke. Ale was in go%od cir- That albeaL a effete, ParadoxiIiial lewsk"d member of tile Council, from J4.ayor k:SZ t ka
that an cuurls of Sir Hugh Allan's money, and an thongh the. boy is doing well be Mr. Ferguson moored, necon,lad by cumaissoes, orouggatioroO of the unp, liamuel
That two 56
46jsbdj lfh. The v %shirter- -4inve before- he Can use the Mr. Simmons, tilat tile 11Sqaakrwk* th beefing bizaeass. 'wh (h)wn,is now a ReforzAer! Holmes,
tition, *at win notbeav&ilablo to purchase mom Secretary be -0, P. McArthur, ye .4
arm -Ali ro lit liatte els, , . Godpwric , an th
tie for them now they will 1,)" their CoNs1ZV4TfVx Axw-IATIOX.., n- Paid 1! 10 f ar a xtra atervioess- —0arried. met --&k I I sopeoug in Pa, t weot upwanls of twotons At th inst., Nfiar
101"i Ins' 00* -':J' JoLawn' ly bostsis have now y sit oft a S2%lz-,,"n farmer; sold
itiloy ]as
LtITO #401041 on tiIin the Glube office. AOCILDRIFT.—A p%inful accident occur- *Vea Saw batik I stoon tlls of pork, which hsad. been rokisodl on his Ann. wife, I Mr. Wi am
-plasaw in parliament. It is natural they serys albi has, kad A totter was real I 11"tts, Ag
opinion, from whichttapp"0*41'" for this to The foll6-wing the explaining the reason why all I blo'stly
i ould feel put out and that their organs up. , their charge, red to Mrs, M.Led-laill. Ist con. of Ket, and to- wit farm. 20. years. I
".a Trzo R91vaT. a large majority in Wth bddU Min =f1A*T:Our officers electeri,-John Davi t- was hizber illark %sit aFthe Metil. They ' circular squert am this in'. I to I
ot union. In the WW saould give vent to their ragge in the dentl Air. Diinbury, Vioe t; al. 4MV1 to' hare three time the circults- Grey, a wftk- ors,t ag a. She w;Ls throw- And issued assets )Later libatY nosses & teh-g-r-witia fl"111 Fo At Ottawa, 6n the 31th lit.. Alice, third
ing a pitchfork tip intok tbe!l9ft aitil did inalislat pair' - 11f6 rt (sarry bring's
tioloaRVIN STATION q.A of the government for Jno WhitOly Vice Is"04i'lont 4 tLn of the latter ournal. not take the precaution of' ktiepinLI the' ricwt, there result sIrtersardilk, Sees tile new -4 timt, Mr. F. F. C ish la daughter 4f Mr. Wim Wilson, of tile
a ty-fire per cent hAve prob form of abuse f SpOn but moitter, tie., 1-1i, elv tekl first fil,iii-or of %%"'i7nipz by, T -"hip pf Hey, ag 18 ysari
or 6.t) W.., Mitchell, ice St. Mr. lifiller t 6r sonze where
CRT,) &a. follows,- the union and in the Nost %aring to perpetrate such an "ontrag " WW; he now PfiDci?xl was in- rouged and uIX)rkii,)A. The fork fell *1as. k on th Gth inst., M.r.
in. Andrew's Word; 11. L 0, res. traduced to the Boka wortisliken. dgbsA09'1- A g,,, -d majority. At Freidbn h
a. it is the first time we have heard ric, The Chairman thanked the membeis Fr011i the loft and the I-congs catered liar Tla astioLwil. he 1111111 'klor"tands I 'kheallonlFreid, af a I -,n, illness,
ama St. George's We flesh near theknoo. tilde Strafford inarket, f# ,,,
9.45 11 1: where tho oppomition to &r m rd; Dixie WA ' -N mutation Of the degre .4 a.,],I for
............ 1 1%410 P. in.- tion was much strotiger, fifty-aix d, the ifffirilege of electing their own re- lirm. St,, Patrick's Ward; F n. for the friendly manner 'in which they knee joint act in, &lid tile lady is now in who" watoo'boaa bon two haind-cuft, obt is Pit',- The fees an(i mt, I is Ile town of Afit, aged ft y"rS.
100,1011 - C Crubb, Tro had works# together during the year. serious condition.- Post. ant use to me: In Grey,, an Ithe Gth in ., after A slvwt
11411"d for the union and jineteen preseeitatives by the people called an istoo, Secretary, Widolgitt when thw,;,iw I,2';i, nearly double
Traillis sin 1972 it was Off.isycit rurw.z No. 1,;C. ell The bosid then adjourned. 'Knight who art at feteliel tWo yoara ago. illneganM John Si laiki br,,ther 4
A9311,11111t.- This-mincirilty- won a. In many case I - ealler 0). ain't Y
...... 4 t I 1 1:4 holly e follawinv o1b the ih time Tile cheese ahiikpcJ from 'Stratford Mr. ncl r, North asthope, aged
noon Smaller but for t t a free and independe bass sleedt0d t
f nt votes of 1k:is M610 theta go, #
pro" ........... I ...:: 2.00 p. ffa some iaAu current ohn Whital r; I iLition durinj the Peasou, of 18'3 ii ire- 34' yew
gist wbolif MAKill eye c"ald ptm,,
Tilliff3rR.-Immonake quantities of tim. 'i Kuthfoagh a" through te lo"s',allas
5.20 brought to bear by the parent church electors that sent certain members OX; Towu Oounail-
ad ........... ..... I F.T uty I , il-g .: 1. , proseitted by I boxes, welghlug in
............ . ....... 10-00 England. parliament, and the wrowed object of ir;;,uror; a a A I &in, her are being Teamed 4 to the railway who "ok his lklao'r sloar, th e aggregato 1, 166,02"3 pounds.
station, which swaits the opening of the noon. r
0 diasollition is to purif) the house Fred_ Johnston.. f8wecretary; Sim. kmeetiogotthe Town Council was line for transp, rtation to foreign mar- Fair ollks-r was (be' . lathes, Koight, 91. Petri NCO The so rsition "we;, 'Wo There are a very large numbe
PIL I holdon IFriaay even-ing last. Poesont, like r of per- ow but d pourge it of those members who have mous Aisistant 'Sam; W. Ink.) in I Wn bettleg hAA 1 shurcleft took place inj 1797 o0acaousit kksta.-&,ntiiic1 . : unity lt,)tisiiiNN'innir.gatl)retenLoiitof ow-
LLIV In News;%pas to goo Diir;;toz of corensouies; rdy, the Reeve in the chair and Counicill-yra ya won :
inoright-to sit -there. Wofail i u, Robertson, A. Smith, tl cl 080 Of a, ball %,, h W, tile ahmider-f ),: i,loynieiat Ti -..i" fire utalwdocidoilly dull,
pAncipally of, the PraLlItir section where the outrage comes in. ist'Couillplitee Nalit J. to am 14,1111sinks liforn D
1. Staksocri IV 10 waott 211111s #lPeftald notices to -insisting on Jay repreaentat*pa do, It. Aculstroug, 314 do;, Sloan, Campbollsoad 060ford. rvoll nit Biltiat Oil New Year's ilight, a latue OtOO4*"" bida fair to be Af 0 Y TO L EN.
'i lied oft
s14i Mall wish lug 60 coastmaze a general Minutes of last meeting reP4 nil iroJ, *hich rewiltod ins. to the busiest CvL r knowniiiii Manitoba.
1.11101traubvIl. in the conferenx', Thg .1170%1 er has Of Course the axpenise of 4th do, W. slight, 5th do, passed. grow s wect, _ewellai soltin oUffilidAt' I IN LAW OR SMA L SUMS1 FOR
IL It Ur the of theW election. is considerable, but after all THE 011STAL.-WO I)IIY- number sf t o par4cipants therein h&v- Much a "Fbm X-1 The Dominion Tvlegraph Compan;
of PWI, the pubiltsher r been compromised by an Weement The following communications were in!, tog.) lamna with bittedin,; faces avid long wwr 8 percLni.
was% at
may ad t he All Gn hnhe we r di%
oQmpamd with the a4van era have not adopt 1, that in thp, Ceneral Conference and the h'ng when re"Ived.- his hiskill. few house standard of weight ir of thoky half iii-Ebout. for the hall and a Petition of Afro. `C. Allaworth )r re, "a -21n
wixes to be gained by having 1402
ofireftne to take usepart, District meetingi the ciericali grm being in 'is villiam be- ed. Now tliat thiol CA)mpa.
ad for AlkillSiOU Of
It elected by the fair glad unbought votes n, roots, scads at eigh Week. taxes she li,gent lisle fast Denied Knight did soalle anti c-1 I here ii n, a reaoju I u fe.%r it continu-
.%.J. ipaspates from the stakess to which they reptesentation &hall be equals e by the -1 a villian hil, y h4lill ?eWaubio till tilley have Isoced Cotaferences in y To Le
100 circumstance& Granted.
1111"emsdivals atimiam hack, or L4 diffeirent pro- of the people. Had ttle, late Aor" whieh came 'Into effect the let Petition of John Arm3tron- to hive Ilomit. "-This as At Ioma it w.,,Ild be rthersoroagv np;.e ad succusi, a.; wherever tere &to tire&
at Age. W-11; such notice of doom-, remained in power they would by this of January. We have therstollso oon- Th,o 114ritreal
'1111sew SW be entil ift&al. Al nal property il. "f the subject of 4 very able and interest- swmt William
h, I.w ft -ores. W naktattooke in part of his porsta tin- say he inkillosl all. 01W11Il)AQy bit.iiness wgll and 003ffS Pjoihing q 811;NAT, Office,
tik ie have needlessly 8"audtrdd many tinned to give our market 9, in4 lecture by Dr. Carripboll To was A vunh. chwilliv, yet 114hill I f arl Ile Ito whole- isuitabol Apply to
Wiv, esentation herefifillare. These is dod he being assessed in two pi for
4161 to other plas'e. withiskill P')a timesmore money than the election will bush"" Ifio maid property. Not granted. t -not . iry f*wk4, 41 for offices
f Seaforth, in Bioadfoot's school yet jbt he sloilo -ill AA and we Alilt AM S%trr[l.
ft proper carry- p_.A1V j1tacbed the violation ot th- flousa, oil the eyenitiz, 4( Wednesday, Willi U or I .
cost. Their former this Oummunivation from flarrey Brice Z
h. k -istory pro' ottfnsad, otly cockiest, pr car.,: art-, f.4r thiirewv n. to set) tile sue- Goderich' 12th Jan .3
Polity and V in provision, but it is doUbtful whkilther with referessop to a road running throlig h tho 7th inst., t.) a Ilixia )tllti intolligout "imr, old rye I W
the &Mount could be legally Collected he head &lad fr at, kn., cesi Itf the a last of his f4v Bay field L Road. R6
I aiilience. Air. Tl, rApoeupiud the Of Like Tomplairs was
our ethodist friends kave made a MIS- forre, Alivened the eare, of ftwh a4voiltdr.. was U11.4 KT141t Jiobn Young has been re-ap- EST
XudPauft to Oxulb- under contracts madt) CoIltr&rY t the Public WsisCommittee. RAY IFER-
Apart from the
A Co., 40 Park take in unit owl iu,- -out the principle in I, I list rIAMI$ into the an ises,
so 1,Lotter from hoth W 'bar's prem
provisions of the scL s, hoth W nd afte the )Octo
Lfbalkx= Public Works t0ep ! Is. fista 't &A t,,. wlj:, pointel to tile offieb of I r
IIts entiiety, we pre glid to know that Wes have reieived from.the lwis.igm- legild aspoa of the coo the ccivenience I f - Anti he at says the Ottskwx lot a, in N,)Vlerak-
dient, Ottawa,, cOvering chelike or lecture. Atthocon...] wi of the lee
1 ,W, are Wr only hathoubbodAd' 'y, uld. leato its Ft, con. 10, Col t
kkgen ta n Na w Yoolif. the union of two rich Important bodies of the new a . tem all,) titirks, which occupiu-1 11411; and a r, e. do*.-ut A 1, 1 procoss.ding on bar last, I roll 'and whitAu ye:LrIin:z
-lit irter,.a it th The man- HEIFER. a The owile is riM teste
4m become almost a filed fact. It cannot printed cifflculars and other documents we hope Rll' Pokr_ town in protecting Bank and Docks sit two, on "leorizer will
all* tion Department, Torout a number of $306.37, being stmount expendod,by the t litit'nutyr"ta, saw, 0 'tall on
general LIJOptiull, and 0 e of that k4i TALI tendered "fttl.o to
but give them increasel tiesl will Onst'loy it a-' Foon as lo(f)33'6 ;-' GMerich Harbour, whiell alifiount is now I,) the apeak er, after whi J1 tile niecting rill* "let. ill was diisellsid prove property, pasy a senses &aid take
powertocarryou, o4wilichoopies, have been sonttothe W. M. Mlswo.xs.-The )Ile calliml 11yost"killi w #
Islizar,, di. 1.4
*,shall gat times to receive more effectually lititNaission and other hAsAs of all Municipalities in Oqlario. from the affirwal report of the %N , 11mg, x4funkiled to the town. i With Ithe'l-resedJA 0 -lit -I GAt illegAl and dis- her aws V- 7 do -ifill, an -V his restoration wap lioth. REt' TIFF
,pf local no ws, reports of meetines, 0810yan Accounts from Jas. Thomsoti, C. Xorr13 iallove, SIT. Ball 4 0 )--1! 1#4c*
04 Or any incident of interest ichemc3, and we trust the proposed ii. -Y contain lorms of application' far Methodist Mig ktiollaryL &)Ciety' She*$ ii Crabb, Eric McKay, F. Welit and qf,(fL Evan in!,, in(,ro th,tit j,;Stico to ilia , who has Jan.
f Immikra- amount of"Collealions In sillot th' So -you lle;" Bir.111 oir-1
colon among the nv3byterians, which labourers, constitution a Office. Referred to Finance Committee. Tax:ELxvriov.- -Tu thoastonishment Sir Willi well-kilarnt-4 ia th interests of the v)un-
he Stich mattert, Patrick elly has been Wtiliam tr44 alake it plAin, 4o aw fr)- tile tid. the (Allul OTI
in the locality where it occurs o kn h 111nout
oDunty at lairge. is la w under ct,neitleration, will be as tion ADOci.tiea, The Depart. ciety by the -chnrche4 it, the (,it rich Report of Finisdoe Coulmittee recoilik, Sir .
District : Goderich Circuit - needing payment of fol!owing accot, ii Alloctudit-ovoof Morri by a large , me- , you lie,. -
be *sent at the rate of out) cent per 4nanimously approved of. We heartily ment are taking advantage o! the move- Circuit, $212-54 ; Udsib.; -Sir K- I cait it. h. t
Clinton Mitchell Bros. relief $8.50; John jority. We hoartili w0h the good poo- taight, liarnsimill, in your tesaliks. eski6to of the
it Printer's Copy an not Ment X fill de." LI, accolant tin t
pproyp of the Tendency of Ithe present mong the farm labour6ris of Great; Circuit,. 1166.15 ; t1olaskieving Circuit, Mitchell, relief $3.25 -. J. al Bon. pla of Mo"is joy of - tlz ir baraxin, but Thl,latigusairew"it quilAs poutbi you') Alate Dr MoDo Insist be [laid at
To easure publication in any I dership of Mr. i.10.; oodurth Circuit, $16&57 priut- w , M7 we caullot coUgimitulate
lay for union awng religio4s bodies Britain, jpdor the Lea $121 ; ing &hit advertising 895-46 ; 0. H. Par- a are 84 all a"
lar LeAue it should reach the' $109.50; Strait But Sir William waieatqnkebb- onpagryf,int, 1-tiE MARMET" ones.
I Circuits Ord som, nails, &a., $12,81 ; P. Gordon;- thetri on the choice they have Inallss. G lk R:
sot later than Monday evening. which hold IbLr "Me views'aiid doe. Joseph ATch, who recently visited this Mitch4k, I VIA be.
Circuit, $2 . 3.11 ; flartuouly Ciltu'i'la coffin &c., for indigent person k fe.rjo ; (I. That they h%vo in*.I* a injulliclawns so- NOW tile valliant knistial fNIN 4111an Ann staud a Wc- ".,olicitors f thotp-litors.
trines, sk tendency which has resulted country, to encourage immitratitlon on 1 (1, "
Circuit. $12116; Cattle, t007 ; Henry Horto lectioll, we foar they wit. loanil ti
r re fit an triathfat must em&0. he li L fto 4 2'1 GaJericlzii JasL 10.1
In t'saymase'lo
sit Confer a fatvour by Preibytoriao union in the United an extended Scale this season. Fa in* Dan n4on Circuit, $13&34 or- relief ka., $21.313l; John Whitely, work Coot before tho cloj t4 the 04 not lid. 4 tAlf, 10 a I
fStates, Canada md Attatrali" and whsck lsaixsk agricultural or other labourst's dine 'Ciii $=.83; Harri 'C* :uilts Of team $6.15 - Alex. Will %fr. Brandon's I't f ill ition 'we He might ladvestood it 414011 Or twice* tout not th..
am 'rill ........ 4.4. so-
OT"awater $131 oil but from So he bbi in.' f4i Dissolupn
!4ak kirs is about to kid' $141'25 20 clock $1 ; P. *Z.. ). 35 0. -have no piers's # t a bu-I ............. .. a
heir p"mrs. w evelop ofailip6ii-rclassahouldsond. intheir reps i ris ti:foa his helmet and lir is" a 0 41
eliquf4sion., $197 79 ; Trowbi alge & Bro., coffin for indigo' what we Cali lowl. h d units of ............... C. 41 0 063
nW a -et asadons fr the 11411t, Ia fact hed ratlike i
itself further in tlii7t >tn-ien'i- tiftvi-farther applicationst to the Department at once. on, 1*141.90 . Ilowick cirnit, Allacksift, Bros., dour for no 3111101- Ila, I .............. 1 1.2. : i7in 1444toforke oicist
sPresbyterian and Methodist union., Municipalities should also encourage the ,91174.93 Vingbam Circilit, $135; L ick- D. K. Strachan, repairs $18 Calva-171111 it., experipuc*4 w-ofild have as;valit4bly f0 be after caek Sobacr;ber's name IF blsA ........... 0-
&s inlicates Ad time to tehich may that kindly feeling and that, spirit establishment of Aid Societies in terms now $173.72. The re isort 11 Garrow, legal services $37 Clif. -represolsts -I th'a tQ!Wtsiss ill at tile County dearly boo"t. flay per tot; .............. ld 00 4@ 101 (to keeper q I tile tywrk of'G.4prich, woe
We *OU14 allows the Church and its Minions t i be honjii"6 elsir, tile Other with his wv4y weepost he elam"Iml Jlk to-;*, I "IV4 fly in%tA&t c-insont.
t" is pozitL Thus, pzTR of mutual forbearance which has already of tho act passed I"t session. ford, relivf $9.2S ; F. Smenithi lumber I. -r pair .......... 0 25 al 030 thius
ty Council I a flourishing condition. 1 Can,10.atsk, hass ltma,l Ion ezlK-.nonce '," a I,ik!)g,=t ..f. no& -belm to tile fact let'lliests 4 tl lb ...... ........ 0 14 it -* 20' J OhU D1, hue Vill pay ioll thq d lwslto
,srrA 72,' aseawas that r. produced sueh good fruits continue to recommend the Conn 0 take it, "o
A jar the .7 he Clerk mportod that th# Rutut uik r 111111111cipall ofticer,is a' -suit& tot stmand V d.Z 'a 20 a 6 ".9 Jue by - firia'since tile first -of No -
extend. the matter -ipst its next session. o PrIt.-M)IF&L -.%fr. Railey,editor a Im not grow the it lia I
wript" is Fla 11 11 1 1 rhost If is, twi. hall
that he ows frown L date. Free a paper fulslialig I at Hotel By-law lied b& -u dJfen,tW.z . -".I woulti have Towle a fAith- sit Wit Is,, answered .0y withalliss "is a itil, vember las 'all 111' to due to'th
Ily-law Vo. 13 to open -%It iking ndi iial; wad h..,'I. 0 0 A 36 t-13111. Martin. ill"I see it to be to their interrst number of labourers inill be rerplited in Aurora, recently led. li re- -1 a roilt timonsh 11119 b"11,14t or willak. I - tdl. The Prosp3t. -7,molty C, Dcwn Vent BeIlrill IQ 1110 #;1 00 6 to promptly, as our terms are this counij and now 118 the.tinia to secure, forring to the layout and Speaking o the eirty wits thook takien 11 the C culvilmskild yo sbk U. th't .......... .. .......
up prop res Oct a wh a .......... Aoc All 3 66 From 11 parts of th6conntry11tt most them. future prospect& of the paper. in an MWlo Vpc&yel_ rvalivet and rislasomf To k Kelly, is, cer. work 1,1,n Ili Tan Bak .......... 4 00 If 0 00 Go&rW .J;;'%, IWM. b"
ter W. to for,l an-1,request,d t
the followin6 reference in mail. ooi..t for Mr. I
as f;
cheering accounts reaih us of'the 2ro,-. th. t,.r tainly, it strange ft Ill., of It ru""i 'a colapo
Mr. W. T. Cox, formerly propriat r of t th hould he alr wed I') tic his larl w.
-Cabel:t C'shipg. has been appointed poets of the success of the Reform party ver till Mr. Ransford"a rettir I train w It wit As i%,b go sti.Usgplutet w4v ba'J.. fez, .,t. (rill), 13, 11174
Clief Jastico of t . he'Unitelstsum tho Sj,vqkt and well known to its read. : we lere paly, has 115-t been * I ii a' 2
"ka.wted in:pny ratillir us niu;J.'61ity it the W.V. I (.-; w;,. _-) Iva it. 1 -3 1011, .1"
ex E,In4. by at the, approaching election. In mostof Or$----1'RaW,ntIy the editorial Fngland, wtiich request was g tin A-fitul,4folli, cri'd I...;d a Itr
of editta y Lefts lfwl I I ............. 6 Als
the counties tAe cat4idates are fairly ill -The Spanish Ministry have dissoly- cepttag the writing rial i A, motion Of r. Robert4ons. sko2n (p r Us 1) The ado M*
10.1 0 1
Mr- ampbell, the time fi4l for i fu And th,u h,4'h 11 . R R4 -ftot 11 a aP'T 10-0 1
It 4 thefield, and as i ri- t (Lud proper, in od tile Cortes and intend to has devolvaid on the office edi'tor and in 0 rs-, Pei. IGO ItIs .......... a66 IN URANC CO.
aw W.,b Ise r Eteeptioll the edito, &is, ther consideration being 26tk At 1tkQt I
counties represente. by Reformers country. tin Votes of thanks were r I'll + IlArky'. ff r I as Jim .... .... 2.16 (a 40
bore the Ia. to —The Tories made the election of he bailey. has of late limit n re to, %T weak in was one of the NkTAI, 6;E.\ of Mesdirs Gibbons, Detlor, Clfffors , %V G 0 V. At U -W
TORresen tive1s willing whatercrof the other departme sual stir, ther# tswig , no 'less Th2t held exals Witileake Sir aw;ty kajo ZO W 0 rtE ,f'
Rittr 0 in, the members of t hits 0olipally
to qestions and publishing wor Smith and LN)ylq, who cj+sb to 06 1110111 , ITUt, three masat6u, hel-I ono' day, ils.ft
sit it W stand, hoo has, ' been re -nominated. %ayor in Ottawa a party the editris, In I ." , vrffi is; beild at. like strong men hare 'been brought out in" thougitt Mr. Foatherstona, outli, ill %her brs -of this Counted. w1bre 1.,rty .44.1 the olyr E _,,4;,fser 0 39 0 it r a
the I!,. re'. k;,,%r;w6 ......... V ictori I, Riel"Itall S ain fact, fr the LLst three m i! :pist rA-,,rdi nary f,or L 01
of editoisial work 4ist chiefly do toll The Council thou saljournel, (hip quiet Tille4t, Thil, firat -was the To the hold 0 ednellday ba 2St h iday
Most ofthe counties furmorly represent- Landidate, only entered the field on thd Of 1, W i In ell
1874. at I Is.
anti TO the far awal.11'sfril All -weeft lid lolta mat ...... ...... 16 00 amt ar -re-
0 Mr, W. T Coxi the oflice edit,ir' thift Attifielf tsk.lWhen the
ad by suppOtrien of Sir John A - Maz- day at nomination he was triumphantly f Soyhe laidt M&
ICH, Jan., 14, 1874, ecif 'the istinting del munt. Walow4noth. Br.inctl 1, 06tat.. ..... 1,60 tooft of th4 past y,-ar al -ill b esthatitti
f,,r Sir William satillbuldl, be was 1hi lw:., donald antl there is no doubt many of elected. Mr. Cox has now been co ft
nnected with cart. .................... 0 fr the ell -
and the elktion of Virectons
&he papkr about asf..r suitig I - I 1 0. 1
them will iliii redeemed, while the Re -The Ilon. Malcolm Cameron has As retiv. tile 1111iniciplill 01100- lClArk, Vicy 1114 Ibi-wk-h*1 Owes . IsI :44A& i;rsi.J1u.I3,l,74. I al proo-aad iaith.
r4l 11uruls. had twgnty years exprience lin news- 10 U:,Il J.Y. JAISIES,J01INS41
form losses will be few If any. We are been nominated by the Reforin Con- t A2 reached us Vivis we. Proaza,ut; Win. leArtl 'm .% out Pru*Lt
paliker p0 otitiZand pulilishing. 111roklier tions had no mr, Secretary., mawli.. r
glad to learR thit Mr. G:Ilios will proba- ttiaw rs elewins. 111041 arX. r If
Wi.04 Secret anow fairJj into the election vention for South Ontario. j The Itof4uiera 44 Duravatin,?a And th,,a ienstailked I. 1116A 4D ..!I
Bailey. -deservedly I plac*1 the lltz6ost. wani to pre#aIlixt week, we okin A , iiid Ill
bly be alloweli to carry 'North Bruce by Colladen, vicinity li,lal a inec-titog, so:% Fri Jar, 9th lit
0 in his $kin. Judgifient an-I Complete' list V the counci r thu , la slwat %1. joilotsehand the poiticians to as
f this Conn- I r ilia i d'ch- tosin tie,[*- integrity, an -1 hit rbQ he inst., f. 0
present yqAr. It will bo-fouu(I neeitil CAY aCclamation4 Mr. Sproat refusas to op L -Ates to Lilt, Her. will' CO;Ivention whictla if hetbfftaa!
LOCAL NEWS himseif, tyl in common with. those throughout worthy oftes confi,lence, &lid 10w lite &Wr the bn.h .............. 40 0 55
so him. In 'the South Riding Mr.- do
to be a iolit ft meets at Winght4 r4i onday, 12th Skm3e4 1. IWI ... .. .... 0
Blake, will Of course',be elected withaut Illiza, Dommiov, am hard at work can- P0 shown bile )r the reforoizzle
dutit-4 OeTolvirli(AW) ill -A It tims as oroper An skij.,fu hat -I atiornA to
'Dub little tinie'remains for T If 0
0 1 rL. North Perth -Mr. Daly rA ilr1m. Per -3 0
TIL1k-rIC4-44 birlhi, 53 inar- notice h.0 not b6oks, given. Oil the And so 6,
I I Van. Recre- T. Garrow. "ition. J . ",
k, an -1 the contest piminises t,, % IT.%L S 'Ifaraaakti.qw 4 VJ
gestaind 18 deaths wpre registere4 eirs.,,upisq,tho C wasorvativei hold 6
will n,,t bc candidate. Mr. Redfdrd, rial, 0 h1n day falltag th;i y--Arow, Saltir Liv, KIC Il"ve-A.8mith. Cuuticilloki A. Iflikelles1w a Qr Jusitict t)
sharp and decisive. the flice of the Town Clerk .1uring I e V ' Wets tititho Print, (if Orange Hotel, ot Alia'Cortioration
the f,,rmer member, will run on ithe Re- rich L-Alge, N,,, rJ, A F. can,, A - -N D: Watebri. And 11 tlaro'ft; lfir:Willisi lf!t Ilia 4 k,
. Ia WRIk"ll, J .,.r Wes tu,:ty Walk ilk cou r
*a North Riding Mr. Far -.ow has year 1873. ST41 G. urhire dit w, -r-- by tile flon ike 1. f - TP4 C" -Nclv" tile' tile
form ticket and r Moitiiith, *. P, P. their &now fQsh, " ol indnibyr f. . )r -N)r1i, Ilaroll, hitfilsolf. Day-, L .. ... ....... IS 00 -
an &'ell the field, the Dzirmtaxis.,- The demand on our onay last, T4ve!f Oyes loyell, the jitivi, nAl" ............. 2 &o 00 Y
pgh hiA -last will oppose him. ifr. TrqwwTJfb0'ro_ th ni"lit. On hat' toV.ZV11114 And J. 1111111ill.? had )seen frp,-Iy ci dim ........ . . County of Huron
eveniii, thetiieru to_: to
tw-imillia.1 - Reevo-1). I Tojq-tff) NARKItr'4.
that he was ether with hrojiLphout all 1,40a Itf 'tshtop I -,w-= from wied.
W33 contesteA on the adisqualifitial and ng space for election matters compels no to of the I It. '61
Clecteill for the $Jth Riai h lid over our remarka on the North L -,dly number of em- R14 31 the to Justb. fiveerls;Lt haot-111 he C,ourt Rtions, in the,
I bar Imail IQUX Ar). W c in t of Goderich
tondaucli. 41r. -11,11kell,limn of
p tQ Deputy It;oTo_II. still there wasla ro!rn the
the T,)ri,s are tryAg to find some one Ridin2 Registry office for the present. bers Of Nfi:tl,I6I' IA44 an.l. o a, t t J UP311
It trl-)Y pact was fair that he would be willine to oppose him. We hea --Knox Church congregation friends, J. Cox, a. I&Iliott Slid Farrow stattA h-94 king to take thb & A ri
_; a numk)or of, tu its, .Fs, make a an -t clov tile Ite ell b%ve,t 35. 65c W
r,of no F - field as a call'IRM6 11or he snirraves. -Iof I. tk 27th January Instant.' -
ed. , Whether he has got over rdet on Afnitilay everyinal last sad un%ni- Assemble4l ill the L idgr litiont to ill -lilt fight out wow;, Ta
hakinit 44.ic ty- a 05
. to
-oppcwilitiolz to Messrs Scatcherd and Ross Y, )140 ofSortlJq;, r it a4ain: He haw- , (I'.. r -tee to 0-.C.
i difficulty or not we cannot say, but sarizar,laiiapinal liteling,
mously a4bypted thoGotzeral Assembly's a Wx:ihl Am. J. R, 31 ter, (3. Reeve -Win. Lim po ?, Butte I
for North and West Middlosex, and in -2ts of tollicL, does not thelbass'It Williain* Evs'l* 6,23c.. I I. ADAMMY,
t ing tested the awL PETEP
remit in favour of union with -the other Master of thle 6tsig% Occupied tlzci air. A Resive-A. Alall%y. 40mned. struggle, be g Aftilawo Ile has not sufficient ruperty to ble -at Riling Mr, Glass, who took I n Buchanan, If- J Nott and like to give tip without Cotzu y CUrk.
to Quality him it will ba the Ea Presbyterian bodies in the Dominion. The pr.>Cwokli1I.,4 N;i; opelledilly ail Ing oill W t(IL &h M A RK rT8. . li 3, . .
4 the people 4 'torilt I firon ow As bow &,set lwlIsTTrT,
Itch a noble Stand on the Pacifi, C,JHt`LIMF.NTARY._'-1%e friends of ll the hundredth ialm and a short p -er, -David Fisher. 'Airessild illiana was
C Rail- 1trong him on-poning th t they wilt not P y Jan. 1.30 to 81,321. C, ty e4erk's Office'.
a alsoplo matter to 1J112C3t him under the aftssr which rea.lings, ircre given by v -s. -W. Ann. Wbohad m,,qewhail wase, trals. W2t 'I 55 to 69C. Goder January 13th 1811C J 1494
way matters &hZ)uld and -probablrL will Snerl. E , Reeve of Hallett, intenit to that will a-lipp"rt the char, s 72 W 71:.
aiAnlinito, a e,raplimentary din. fly Doputy Iteere-M. 0miniAl elenk,,rtt kabLosed late Siemer Ilk. the ------- the event of his succeeding r 40; C -
be elccwd. Crowell Wilson *ill entert Cumusinsf ail larrow. an add Iors-- P. Claret A. Dreatly and Clie tic to
the riding. A Try counven- f c.
oppose ner at IAsham's Hotel, Londesboto, to- Bro. Jnd!;o Takao, an4%%onqwi by Anhoi-I'sotalt17-ti to
00, - him. lilldridoullifir Cillirling4soneLting T it Ifr& D4io flawkins.
fma, 31r. nra AwlhnI,akrti kzlwIy
Pearls m tp be held at Blnevale yester- orrow evening. Jas. Tlzom o Mi B rn aul lisi 0
Hi- twerrIths, blow of Wtlliitn wafflffl Atlith.. act, f fee a ere lul M llresi-
rWtifv his candidature. A ftt- with strong -opposition = Major ' RETVILNED.-Mr.,Wnt. Kerr of this Trainor. hr I h ill well. Daputy ItLove-Davi,1
NWker, a Conservative, W ho was vice town returned on Satirrday last from "a Councillors- Win. Sproat, Jaq.' It 1011!; U) play. It waa,' sc,,vre4:ti,.n was held at Wingham Bro. D.fergason Area *lied to the at- tot di4 If red ay *ev oil-
tal Pacific trip to Scotland on which he 'has been Hugh All form suil vi the nalsio (if the I -,a 'Aud Jai AICTIOnahl. fit tiiiihst lie lintorwifor a look! At ilfalls _r
ntiay whes Alderman Dickey, -of esident of Sir 111;.6 lik _ aRailway Company. The preui iekr ill Assent for the pa -sit three witiontlix, greatly prescutcd with As past maxler's 'TL'VNItEPity.-Reevo -John 116 faneral 0 We have not anti Ilk time ill a very W . 3 h ull., Airs.
Ilo, was nominated. N ad in health. VnIesis I:., t.14 k,l,t hi within CU. j4O
stand for ]Lanzbia notwithatandinz, tile jewel suitaldy,emirsky it I relso Depiity Itzlove--Mr. ljovoll .,oizucil oil 4119dala edlrp;%on as the lar. -tut
-Mussrs. Rtilainson, Hot
ard whether he ham ascct rsted but story tha whiiCh was roa,l by is)*; )h g and evers(O"'id'Clint"11. liptit weno hills- It sAid h,, A. IIIA,ksta
' 7 -er STPARATR SCHI)OL.- ft is proposod to I IT.., Ion .. a "BAN T ALE
.14 he iiatended to hand it o, Catholic aparate Jiro. ia 'covo- 1% Keliy. I I.,Iht 40
Oas N orth Ouron oannut dqbetter establish A Roman 11 link 1 -Mo, r sixty As, -loll- hmrLf,,
. epuiy &list 4 !itll, Arallittatlibm.cou Brij 0 -JA to Ilia brother. ' Sir John isc-101181A ve-Ills,nld SLott. I Conn . *11 4rod awlwent) All i i%u 47..h. tb.) wife of 3fr
t him. lie is agostl sevand Rer SchostA in St. George's ward in this town. t0ruls. t4anLing a _ C1W 1 041 1 ill rtookesilion from is a ;_Ii
fafr ;RW f, of in Kingston by- Mr. A meeting for the election of trustees their kiTfdkz,,a., This part I Alas Milkers. Johnston, Millorand X kill residoilcia to tu inctery, bcsi-h s But L. never lic,'I st. Vito. tll,. Ali F11111t., the' wife
4 -*a all Pacific Ptail ", bro gbt STLiumil.-Reeve-Thoo L Greafters"V' holitkir tirs'and inaliv 1 -1 I-t1ce
and %ill opp. Carruthens who ran hirn so via" at last will loe held to -day at 16 o'clock. evening's p'srivamind . wait J (,jecphati lv ,arfh,t.f a 41sughtor.
other jobbery. Mr. Singing God Bare D6p*t Re An tha balre h,
FAM, efecti-sn. In all Wher parts of the coun- CL&Awtva S*Lz.-Crofts & Johnston to a Clow by' 1( seve4d. Varsnsks Colifinch- 111114re that ot"Mr. Ia t4e prociss- ' - .l F77.,lh, the 3rd inst., the wife 6f
own bitAftli to be a luerad tool iw. ted Learey. W. F&Jton., &till J. - Flat wt zkp ls d wort At Vil, try the prspect i : a Teryincolurag . iog. onrinunce in nVr Itliklumns a clearing sale Queen. Tho co ny then adj,l 4on at all, 11) 00 C w ws great. The r.,411fts fall., r. ru,ist,of Is son.
Chfilley, 1)
of their Fall 6d 'Winter stock of goods. to Bro. Has v tland llouae, w re Knifidt 4ervico was
of Sir John A. M"onald k rM 0hurch (if But I'll malwe a dire of
L W: t" AJ VI-inglikain, o-_ C. 6ampbell. tic
Drop in and see the bars, at the a adulptuous repast was spread the 11aposic zaips - - 1'.--v. Mr
Huron will, we are sure, not whi C to - irife.of Wlter J. 11 tyward, K. I., aTbh Issue bqfora the GMUT. lie ouniii&rs-W.T.-clehvieffi, A.Mclutyre b 1) do 1110titts wake clsoised zkl 4ht. Iw
Manchester Houses where the big hand ell walk d"He full justice to. I y Al. allrich.. M. , of Clinton
C. Mouney end Thos Ioewrisubo. and I lie 0,14 PW we y P. Pot -
send him back . mot I,. is so ow years;
points to. usual Inittkil wid p34riot it; toasits and 0414111178 An kkscs cs-ut-red wt,a ' e thin his I -lit of
I of Mr. Di4ey Parliament 1kaying been dissials ad a PRE.14EVTATIO.V. jameg IA)Iltit suitable tf) th oecasion vvere Oven ",I WIVQHAX. - ReCY6 -- It, tar WA Itomaother it an solpints , hr.. ' -' At Witighm, tin Now Year's Day, 'the A
amew election orderek), the electors Are t. Coullcitlars-11. Davis, 0. Pdtlt Th Judgment of thlis court Is if Mott X14laY
ortrus- re3rilded IA), inwrsperve,l with I yplece, and, iuoll nsiog. D'Vesalle ill" a Yesi4ent take 4'.utsoace, - wifil'itf,Mr. A. IZ-_-iJ ?)f
was on Saturday last presented with a I a i1r, IV. Dr. Tawltsi and The& Gregory. (Viant,-n for owr !*Ile y years ansl hall ToLlf d6li.. wks,4 cttsU: the Isidliff it, Ali* familr bible, on behalf of the congr I also a recitation by 9. y
bet brought out. called give an expression oil the 4 9tva' till" ful At Nk iil1 '!;"-, th the : nd - %A %.J D as -stion,of the day. The ismi is c1tai Andrew's Church in appre - son. one feattiris of t&, outattainr sent HrUkrit..-Reove-Humplaroy Sno-11. wituessed IL11 tile chat es which lisve r WiQam th, pife of -a datigh-
Sinclair la, qm tion, of 8 1 Dept A -A. onteith. Cobills-il- I The$.ne,sk fassid.larith eak er hklstv i
an worthy td notes los'lely, that it was ed e Skein p1wir in. that,tim and - which am 'claink
nd the dan- SillIPIP. TheTO is 110 list of ciation of his services as leader of the arwick ati Brit-
inging for the last two years. :ondueted4ii tvalperatice pricii)les. thel 1015- esgyt- Stiver, W not a fw,- lie walk w I educatetl sad irci th.t),,,-i meanly feel the .,ill* wqn't let we Reformers di. puted fluestions on which there is touts beim, drop oy'REFORM MEKTINa. kin pure cold III highly respect&I as. a ci u. hipw asMiesk callill theta lAeou - tile Wife Of 1Y, Pvv. NICIAan, -lit a
-A meeting of the HAY.-flosive-Robt.'firown. il)ellu- .. ' fr)._ hill
in win doubtless f,,r d3femice of opinio Reformers of the Towti of Grdench wiliest After siwndin2 a very ev Ing _e -J. 1 11 Geigher. Coliticillors . THit GiNRIXAL Ff. W14 by kine. a. first disughter.
The qiiiil,le isautf is ; Wa it right fkLr till the c4otup"y*dispoised, "llippY to ty ty Reav 1 I's anti yet ex- go Bernard- haill a ii,,oka charVe
motion its no one 0olulik Upon us So skills!
tie held at the'office of Mesor, Cameron -D. bleCt!]k If. Ilavrouk And Robt wa
ndidature in R f-sovernment io sell t.,.o charter of a A'Garrow this evening, at 7.30 o'clock, P1 . I . jbo ttl, is crcatin ,r &a ge eral excitefruent For that Willixin did sorry to p*t, happy to wo,t harill. itk; 1.,,dily 'DY MADE
forthopurpose ofapppinting delegates McAllister. and the work skill bwo art and , %harp. XAWJ**ZS R A
great national work for the 1 STALEV. - Reeve -Thom. And on tbt, street dil make film it,
purposo of Tito& Grrenway. FAul 09 nominee of with grievous
funds with which to corrapt DOW& Zigh 5011,001. Deputy Iteeve--Go,). Castle. the old be" I— to the convention at Sessfortk on Mondiby ct. a ill copservatitea, Iliad' at -the conven- But Sir wil;ixln was by i Lbs I c mock, as atsv
next, and for other purposes. lors - Un NVplkes, Thou Keys and Goo. .0 littlaschill. I At the rexi4ence of -the bride's father
the Conselfwak- the electors and purchase for themselves -in 8yarr.-Thso druvgists in, The entrance exami ti ta' for,the titan io_ Briscelichl, on riday hint, and Who by it. l"knom" haL, Neu Witt Sir eniting; it,
SooTIfi Anderson. i It Said quite R LOW Of -may was inade tin tile 1.11; Of Taonary,' by the [ter'
place and power I We I t ts w0l; field last First a ountinuance of form us that Soothing Syrup has been 0 RIvrich lli,,Il Schosol too pisce on1the CLINT01. - Reeve - It. Caflau,ler. or 4im Ix -fore, this routigm broke Ile to astatil.gisr, In Atyle. ert &IV[ sainitle, Jan. iliark, 'X. E., MrL Pel'ov Cult, 01
a (in w ich Conn ',110' a mativasizilikeeks, rich, to MIS f
G.%-ousiray, -are satisSed the gre t in f the alec- in grreiit demand since the municipal, 'ith 311d 8th ie;Z' Th C1 rig -Wm. Coatesk, J. Fair, 11. itAnd.6 to fiit, re Kkaighta 0L n the towillit4lip of Godle a by their kesubjecth (in w Ili,. TItoolitictiota law ory Stringent Mary llk, ck,o otownship of'Starkle
_i luctsknt -Iors will answer ei elections. We wotild advise them fr) the candisluA were examined were Stevens apd I, Irwin. all the leLvwr th
e _y
P.4 -ti "CY Y, 4T#d it will stand all a . in head L. He 1:1,01 been %ore beset
himself again. otes, that it was [lot. lay in a good stock as a largo quantity ft"ding, Writing, Spollill"- lAictA On- nnInsist: should oont4in 0, the 31 cilt.,at ilia residence of the
ranimar, Arithmetic, GkZlraphy lid And at the 'JE.t Lie tCMIWT w 1- not q
:ill be, reklaired for Vry in a tow cillors-W. "It. Verity, Jan" I%k.ard
are good gifed i -It may be argued that if Sir Uin A. Sifell portions o(jit As i rtain to brib*.y lbrid a, a her, by the' R,3,4 G. A-
eeks. Cumpositton. Tbop&pers-w4'ftlPr0tl*r- J. Maols and J. Trick.. slid other laoilats %-Ilic I ozild invoiagtj. Ile lits,is lie mid, he haid %Ile Br- Mitchell. %. A. Mr. If. At.. Hunt, C LOTHING9
Ubt be much Macdonald did what he is charged'with, TFA Marreno.-The Afethoilist I Fpis. ad by the Central &Ntrd in,nt# on tBenson. the clectiolk mild Confer souslities foir, Vic- wknb will right, the first two. And is st".b.ity being siAlliff. 1111"ir 44 links tiri; of Ifowers & Hunt, publishers o
Wes I.Itioll so that IPL- plti III Ly am 40 thicy alreit fight. Luck no w.) tolt )"lie B
'I He he lid ILI -11 Ilul, cept Couticilifors-F. Stlogmiller, J. It
as been punished by being deprived
itopal congregation of this town intend The very fair, much A. Strang and- Wit). Grissiv. 11, the fjCe tile Pacific it They Wi. the ctmat rimit &am the gx
r -by electing olipowerandth4t therefurethe Pacific having a te*.%;eetinq in Knox Church, 76_%V,. j. Slkan thio daughter of Mr. Was. I o . were, -
better than oi the last similar examizia- MCVILV1-.-Rt* . ,,an. roonway, ls_ sit. gone 10 halve
warvIr undo now Railway scandal has nothing to do with the use of which has been granted for tiou. The total nutuber of rknarks,ob- rDeputy ffA-eve--Xka. -11ays. Council. a ill be uphill work Mr. 0 flasn'sknow the town of Ktibcardine.
0 is in ev3ry re- Lhoo present elections. We contend it theoccwlsion. bn Tlinriaday evening, 224 tairkable was 444 required to 1-8s J21- lors-A. d6rentock.1 Win. BUM& erpecially na he inuat o idi-rse Sir Jobri Ashantook. fLer 'On tlle-slat ult., by the Rer'. J. B. Tay.
January. The public are cordially in-' Twerity.two coln1dates presented thum- Kerr. 44 A no I ho party. "ell an tfw Pacific M11"L,-(A greatco Icrat4 lor, (if St. Andrew's Church. lAucknow,
tilso position than has everything to do with them. Sir
vited. solveis of which twelity-one piwassi it. usttr--_Rueve . Str4lan. beptl- Wherly-n-,kafli es.thateasts IsLe d -'at lilt his Mr. Robert Dickson, (of McKillop, to
-ah. I Councillors- licarries Ashfield. 41
Ni onco is is- servile Alin is the recognizad leader of the PFRSOICAL-Roits Robertson, Eirt Dotson of those Came from r. Cut rl' t Reere-tS. Sloinm Pot 1-UU4 hi,tilLukilla good-azz .1 he" casn't likilt up Isabella, oldest daughter of Mr. Pew OTS
John A. Use- Opposition, airld should the present guy- of Kincardine, son of Mrs. Ross Robert- mingss departakerit in tile Central clicx)l Vvm, Elliott, L Wbatin &Ad J. Hialop. you 'I I fitid Ili* price the ft i,nd for olke
Pacific ornment nbt be sustained he will be son of thi s town, has gone to Florida for And did him great credit liar the ina3liser - R Dn the 31st lilt., at tho, lesiduri
of the L,. cave --J. Leckio. Conn- L,.u(ix Xodifiesday, Mr. I.I.. as (tar ters, ce of the
the winter for the benefit of his health. in which they werki prepared. ho I.a. so *hell Y(M next get in a row tie in Ull 'Iitth bride's father,by the Rev. Sir, Brioley
f the electors wish called back to power and will be pl"41 , - illors-Dr. Graham, P. Thomson:, T. Janice Leaman, of.Tu& ramith. s4lal to
Previous to his deparkire hw was enter- loving are the naines of tho avecess ful 1 1,
poskition to ro t the high crimes of 1611aplyne and Win. vanstone. r. Thomas Steplikens. illiforth, a hol Duitgaimon, Mr. Joseph Kilpatrick tthe administration In a ea tained to a supper by his friends in candidates and I he outubtr of marks 4)1)- wir.K. -, Reeve-J'kines Perkins. of the Suffolk &lid Yorkshire breed, to Elizabetb Jones eldest datighter to
been guilty. Kincardine. AnitieLi4ter, the afkirsi, iftbey which hok-hiss, 41ready Wiled,- D put Reeve, Ist---:)L L Gibson. be- which weisched 42 ) lsomids. IloobWn- #an-; of the To- HichartlTrelexyen Escl.,.&Ilof As
,W) ;
romboAsyllim," in dead. he had I-cen an
41140 malf of office which Eatery ovske,,sialso ske"il4ledq- his Itotlersh its TRLBGRAPH Idnin DASIAlfizzo. - On Win. F. pnty Leave, 2a-ID&vid Weir. Conn- ad for it $5 50 per Itundred founds,#27" estate Of that institution lice 1843. field.
as. cenduking the Piscifie Wednesday evening last - there was a Emma Cox 344 cillor3Gea. Greii and John Evans. 30 in all.-Expissitjr. ! "1.Z g'),verament, if IMU4 be I'll'" I On the 31 Ft ult., by the Rev. J. It. Tay HARDWARE k.
is to condemn the coirrupt tale Ra4iwyyrab;d*s-%The' issue before the storm of rain, which freezing as it fell, Katie Moore 3331 IRAST WAWAXOH E. - Tits COUNCIL. -The tollowi In the County of nt there are lor, r. John.Conner. tohas Jessiw
accumulated on the telezraph wires so as Elleligoott 93P Councillors -41" Po rill is te twenty-four members the county Taylor. vote polled at tile He sarth municitzal Milne, both of Kin.ardine.
Vacific lUilwav charter they ill electors 1,11in. Iet them not lost Council, tbirte n of who nioasure Over
to break them down in many places. Sarah Dickson 320 McCalinni, E. James and A. Rik,1trat,I.r las -the 30th lilt., I
hearty and generous suppoft to The trees were also c Katio V;stson Awt.-iosa.- Reevii-C. Gir- election on M"u. Olt -y the 1, Mr. Tc-
sight of it. 303 Wur, W ; Itawdy"alne, six feet Ili he.4011. I w is that for
303 H. Boileau, 133, D. `1111, , ilwmk , GG. 1Nabb, Mr. John Lockard, to MISS
and when the sun came out the next day Addle Jenkins vin. Depryty Rileve-E. Gaunt. COIql- highl
a area. Mr. Gromway will pot Z=. mr.-Wackenzics AdInss. the effect produced was magnificent. 301 I'S Conocilers-7F.. Sekeigmil r, IGO, ii inb6 Vmokadjut4kr Biallope soor, be Sp- Margaret, Kerr, aU of Kitilucs,
John Acheson oillo -I)L McIlwitie, C. Ditrain and Doettia, 162 tron I'Zi6; William
position to do anything foifthem 290 At Ilruoels,on the let inst., by the Be,. CoytitzcTin-4.-A slight error twocured G-3-orre Gordun W. Kinalian. (jra*Ai6,.il3; m. M. Sy, 412 ; J. 1. pointed to "silt the B iial p4 of Kingstan
is elected. Hi% infivefice &nnot, HaiLMir Mackenzie hai issue his ad- in our report of the Town Council pro- I,oftas Dancir 288 UsitoRMr.-11,2eve-Archiliald Ili It and Ottawa, whose past labouts are John Ferguson, Calvin Rogers of the
16 0$. CArter, 82.L -1K-9 ownship of Ilowick, to Sarah Jano
ceeeings last week. It was stated that Co"cillon-L. Hunter, W. Brock, heir co
grantaforharbours orotherpub- dress to the electors of IAmbti)n nod , aiuuol J. Raid 281 OT,4f- ok Friday ast a too severe for t utions.
valuouts. He will be airuply & from it we gather the following as the the Fire Cnmmittee reported that the Walter F. Hick Elder and Jas. Hocking. As 1101i"T A Farmers' Grange been eptab- McGuire of the Same, place.
Mac- -progtamme vilaich the goernme 2113 lady from Stanley, V ile in. Sookforth,
nsum of $t'.30 was yet required to make Marion Grioiling U3bKjriio beiii-,,di-ided into word its lished in ilreskeott Conn having head. On the Ist of 3-mucry, at tile re'silenoo AT al
machilne. for Sir John A. Tot the fire department efri C41r, t* McKay Deputy 'Retore will be aplass41tall from ,,.aatla purse containin-i hilut $20. The rters at L'Orignal. t the first Of M, Mcl'her*ou, Esq., Kincardine,
cient. The State- I
U -11.1i then, electors of South -The elevation i "L 24 purso was found tll two ilowing day by a uncle of tile bride, by the Itev. Wm.
tend to carry out of ment should have been that the estimate --io wart among the Wkine"I at its first moctisig. oung lad named HAI t, who, so soon Y ingki Organized in t e rturoll Of On.. I V. McKENZI 2 Anderson, M. A., Ricliard,seco,nd son
In behalf of Mr. Cameron and the standarkl of morality in conducting had -1)eon exceeded by the ' amount arcy Me Li tar o, and in Called -d filed Graugo." named. r36 he saw the bills call g attention to ofJohn Smith, Esq.. Uuron,to Helena
IN sent and show by your votes public affAirs ; removal of sectional and in ton S 2.29 The weather in so W* at Brockville
will not tolerate suich diaboDes- local jealousies and genuine consolida- PaRsoxAL.-Mr. AlcDonald late tftcb- A6x. Ross thelities, delivered th moslor to the that on Saturd nary, a pw- n3y daughter of James bict'herson,
227, party appointed 0 receive it for the hy loth Fail. Perth.
has charactorised the adminiatris- tionof theiTnion supprossiancif brib-- or in the Central School and Mr. Frank Mary Allan 2217 owner. The money weii found by the nic party went to Fa he a I IhAd in the
Bissett, son of Mr. Jan. Bissett, I I im, McDourl, 226t A FRACTrUiErk A it* On the 4th inst., boy on 1he street opp4site Vlie cheese St Lawrence, in a ]a yacht, &IIJ At Maille-Lile, Kinloss, at the remi- New Sale Rooms
the late government. cry at elections ; sininitsineous polliu# teacher in the Windsor Public Levi Aunis a littlo girl, a daughter of Atli Abrilliam t de of the, brida's father, on the
liberal adjustment frawhise to, i2fifiald. actor7, and had lie beou dishonestly in. cooked and ate dinn fhe open air.
or the a Dr 31 03 b
ha%e gone to Marrickrille, County a Froku S. S. Bullqrd fell anti broke her am. h Rov. Duncan
row 'Co- Campbell of ',6eafo4,h ' oflAugaide, Mr. Wm. go.
alined he might have kept it, ail A no Ira Morgan, Carleton, has
T22U d the MUct vote by ballot ; abolitiou of real estate Leeds, where they have been engaged t From B.S. Attndecl to the ersion would hare been any ilia alwiser. manounood himself a *data for the
01111S. 0 himical course and re- case and we am ha I to learn that the L Expositor. Common* in Rus"ll on Inde Carrick, W Fausity,only
qualification for members ; construction for the current year as let and 2d teach- Y IT. My ponfl-
ers respect T Wes girl is ran w'doin well. . - I
the mean iyely in the pu O-l-f2I2 to !Am 9 ht*7r David R as@ Esq.
blic school kiliz , Ing a f , . I
%r CHA' at tickqk to the Gov-
IIlvil foregone the of the Pacific IWIway, and in SIATIO. A. Straiton, : , gly a f in Mitcholli' on the lot inst., by the which they might have gained time such steps as will give $team con- of that placks. U.,joa Bead. I% It,) hs occupied the P431tion of Station intnt. Rev. J., W. Mitchell. M. A. Air J ohn
DzIlATE.-The question "Whether half Agent at Seaforth for over a ye r, has A bet of quit4 a novel ter was
On the elections in thO" nbotiou with the.X orth West and Drit- war or intempera4ce caused the great, in; of the Boar of CO'4V914TlOX ,y TRrsrsivi. Tito been removed to Clinton. Mr, Moor, made a fivist dayssifte brtwo IF 1 -known Hustie. to Miss Anti lb,bertsun, both
(Akrostruble to.them first, and i3h Columbia ; encouragement of immi- The mmion inset School Trustees of the Towstaiiip of XoKivap.
ant lam of life ' was debated last Friday School r, a was held on Tuesaim Of Agent at Clinton, goes to Paris, to take gcntlemen of ES&tuu,s Corn he
Sch000l h Stanley will meet in Convention on
Ing, inst. rre"IlL C. Crabb, charge of the station it that place. Dur- bet in that a home a" Ira, 1, of AA Varria, on Jan., 6, by Rey. Mr. Dan.
Mr. Strang d Messrs. Pesmore, Fergu-
the Returning Officers, grosition ; an inswelykincy act ; ciestion of night and decided on the side of war by ev 83turay, Jan. 17, at I o'clock I . INI,,in ing his stay here, hir. Straillon has gireD J inch rope laid long a titz-aight r,11 b , Mr. John Fosters of Stanley,
to have the ROaxinstiOns On a General Court of Appeal ; improve- who occupied the chair. C y
The public debate will take Ill . an Buchanan and Elhott Varna, for the piirpose Of discussing the ilery satisfaction, and has made many The general al ly Miss Isabella 11anter, of Hay.
ot Apaulary and the pofing on unia&- a" next son, sim action winds LIP itmont of our internal water Comm geting road ; ,l Edw-wistion laws of this Province an,11 if friends, and we congratulate the pcople in sit the P of At Mitchell, an Jan. 2, by Rev. J. W.
aturday instead of Friday, The sub. Minutes lug thought advisable, giTing the a t0villcilks the Impropri n
Abo thaj have actosi con- ti ; revision of the militiss systems ject wit; be that which is being (I Legill&- of Clinton on their god fortune in hav2' dual -pre6nt&ti()n. q
All iscussed Passed. the turo an oxpression of their wishes with jog the oake in h in Mitchell, K. A., Mr. John B,)wie, to
Abek profeesiow. Owing and such other meekslim as mar redound all Over the country, via :_,,DoeiwSir The Ipp a "Port Allowing ifleco, of their late agent supplied gentlemen in Quebec have ,t4 bliss Ann Roberton, both of McKil-
John A. Macdonald deserve the eDnfA- Doomber was submit. regard to the -RrpoMo. by isperson socompotenL Thebusiness the Legislature audit, th,CO one. lop.
Of Sonts Porfi-10 04 0* to the trite welfAre of the Canadian Poo at of the library, show- men of Saisforth am glad to welcome They will now
dence and respect of the Canadian # - L(mdos'b=wjr1L , GODERICR.
and this didicalky in haw- This programme, is- such that if POO- t*44100 hare to decide At Brukiatil, on Jlu. 1, bf Rev. John
pie. pie li John Macars, Esq., ill ill occupy sell on hand of over their old. favorite, Mr. Mooiliks, ba k House I% is
out the' ifecument win al togointo. Britib colas Forgusou Mr. CsIvin 114gars, to MISS
to" in tine to twitopirly wried the 6air. send M to the "in, he having been *appointed to ilia another inoe I
90 U-4 k vo,4"d to TzmPaRANCE. -The fallowl t "diial-representation" 8.ra'h JanD MoGnires bc lltvf Howick., 0!
Toronto to procure a old berth as agent at. Seaforth.-Ex. which wi
XG AT SXrrB'm IIILL.-& D-OPOUIWT id be affected like ( le At the Methodist EpinoopAt Pa on
Affelfulim kY law, &U FA- be entitled to the 00111"441100 anti Support TxA-xZ1Tl2 fir- of the officers of North Star L
Dc e, 61 It
bift OR bf tho country at largo.' vel!1 successful tea-moetingwailholittill a bm)ko. G.T.,No. 317, loondeaborout; W. P"Ill'- A public difinerese give Wit Scaforth, on
the Preanyterian Church, 8 a Submitted and PA -0 C. T., Richard Crnvon; W. V. T., Ooi)rCLI.OW-;, IM4.16k T4.,x,-At th-I to the oll.
as in C. F. Framr, fit a1`41wur, E!iAh Bannett R t It, to
Wdiag, of the School CallAnder; W. C.. Arthur W ,Olt. regillar con Sberiff Gib- "IbIlLet CILLUT111- on Tuesday evening of I&A w Imurai of Fidelity i Isawrence U.11
16 1, the same places as III& ; W. T., ames Wouh4m; W. C. 1. 0, of . F. I Soafort h, friends there Brtockii!lfo, ty Eurettas DulmAL:e, both ; (A'tho sown-
The Contra was a large atItatodanoss? III.- Iodgo N t which abmout*3
On Friday last Hon, Dairid Christie the speachts We" James Campbell; IV. M., John Bruns. hold on NN OZ ship of 16cirris.
taxesumt " 4duesdaf eveakinig,January 7, dred askil,
okiyed from James dam; F. S., Richard Jackson; 1. G., L. 1874, tb niffimmrns . I gentlemen Set d,wn. lilel" tow r6cal at Secea f' State I Sot amont wasraislad to 6" A Wo 400 at current year many COnGervAtilliffil. Col. ilkiel, X.
A nest wird ish 100 cords of Melville; 0. U., Sataukal Shaw; A. 8 were ;-lvtslle d. The dielluss t e no
sad 11111111 mad was alworn i -t as President of the from debt. 60, which tender woe, David Tarlor-, R Ilitwuorok Occupied the chair. 'Affac I
collstrtl0tod, strieffmal. the ehtdb Thfo Voad if. Nelson Ifi*.r 3 , a iy I bAy in t4i.3 touts, tile Zu0st of the
donate. Hat. P_ W. Scott 16a succeed ere-'!",' "' Ilk It C
rterisne 01 Conimseiii kit dock; L. it, S., Johil McKenzie- P NV tt-4a ",,ers ing initiated given, to willeb JIT C
on if r. Chnstiaw as wrtytarjr of Stal b very 0 1 1.300t, They inrlis . ud at h
coadit for their ea unts were ordared C T , Newton ('xmpbe!l; T.' 1) 'k THURSDAY NIGHT'
1W an blatLboat-I C or 40 '1' 4 spl"Jul aloon as theig hour. c. Werol -
We A*& it SI&W tlat M!.. SCOIA Will Ptc.d church Owtlfem The Idiun,' lowury'llii i
( filbe"y in C. !larider. This I ' )dg number& ov bliki iwug IA" ul col -i
toe 1"Ok. , -erous ek vfli- pr"imt I, was
- goettiod Speaker vf the new desush* "Weizi wig hilill Cribb, stindr6a mmbess, mW is in a prosy JilivAmeet ag an'hardiy hold great a U40's, and r
am srlsai* W *iZrVOOdS&50; W. Ition. all ..'homimbers., othe la